#my christmas playlist is 20+ variations of this song
ghost-proofbaby · 9 months
“a face on a lover with a fire in his heart, a man undercover but you tore me apart.”
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ummm errr heres my NiGHTS playlist
tbf its just meant to be songs that feel magical and NiGHTS was the best character i thought i could assign to a playlist of that theme but whatever. explanations under cut
1. Gate of Your Dream SEGA SOUND TEAM
hurrrr hurrr NiGHTS into dreams song fits NiGHTS' character
2. Peaceful Moment SEGA SOUND TEAM
yeah this is pretty magic and from NiGHTS hurrrr
3. Fragmented Nights SEGA SOUND TEAM
guess the explanation
4. Introduced Dream SEGA SOUND TEAM
5. Paternal Horn SEGA SOUND TEAM
6. After The Dream SEGA SOUND TEAM
see 1 - 5
7. Star Light Zone Masato Nakamura
8. Special Stage (Sonic 1) Masato Nakamura
mysterious and surreal... some may say dreamlike... and also sonic team
9. Duel in Dream SEGA SOUND TEAM
like the first one but instead of NiGHTS into dreams its journey of dreams
10. Peaceful Moment SEGA SOUND TEAM
if i include the NiD version i may as well include the JoD version. i didnt do this with gate of your dream because the JoD version sounds so bad
11. Merry Memory Go Round SEGA SOUND TEAM
this is getting exhausting
12. Eloquent Echo: River Rescue SEGA SOUND TEAM
do you hear the flibberty jibberty jibber jabber with an 'oh my god ive gotta get out of here or ill have another word to sell another story to tell another time piece ringing the bell' do you hear the clocks stop when you reach the end no you know it must be neverending comprehend if you can but when you try to pretend to understand you resemble a fool although youre only a man so give it up and smile
13. Dreams Dreams - Located Link Mix (Instrumental) SEGA SOUND TEAM
see 9 - 12
14. Collision Chaos - "G" Mix SEGA SOUND TEAM
yeah this feels like NiGHTS
15. Tidal Tempest - "G" Mix SEGA SOUND TEAM
these are also obviously sonic team, yeah, you get it
16. Zone Clear SEGA SOUND TEAM
17. Sky Chase Zone Masato Nakamura
i think you get the point
18. Special Stage (Sonic 2) - Demo Masato Nakamura
i recently got into the sonic 1&2 demos. some of them are bangers, such as this one
19. Special Stage (Sonic 1) - Demo Masato Nakamura
see above, with the additional bonus of me adding the mega drive version before
20. Vanilla Jack Stauber
and i just realised its instrumental. great. if it helps, its sort of like a lullaby.
21. dancing around in circles until my little feet fall off spellcasting
22. Dream Sweet in Sea Major Miracle Musical
i think less about the lyrics and more about the fact this sounds vaguely magic and a little christmassy (because, yk, christmas NiD)???
23. A Lady Tally Hall
idk its kinda calm ig. if you ignore the 'lady' bit (although NiGHTS probably wouldnt mind being called that) i suppose you could say theyre good and evil? idk
24. 13 Tally Hall
i probably should have added ruler of everything afterwards but idk why i feel i shouldnt
25. Spring Yard Zone Masato Nakamura
this is my favourite stage in sonic 1!!! so much so that i made up loads of lore about it having homes just so that i could make an oc be from there!!! anyway yeah the usual. its sonic team. sounds vaguely magical.
26. Temptation Stairway (Waltz Variation) Metaroom
when i got into ena temptation stairway was the latest episode, or really anything to do with ena. maybe the first teaser for dream bbq was out??? before we knew it was a game??? idk. point is, ena is absolutely bafflingly surreal, and i could sort of imagine this in a NiGHTS game. sonic team please contact metaroom for any future NiGHTS projects please please please 🙏🙏🙏
27. Fancam RYL0, Aron Enoch
the lyrics dont fit even slightly ❤️ but it sounds cute
this is such a silly happy song from a game that references NiGHTS! also ive literally gone bankrupt from buying stuff in the chao garden black market in sadx lol
29. Isle Unto Thyself Miracle Musical
to me, this DEFINITELY fits the magical theme, as well as the sensation of flying. i have absolutely no idea what any of the lyrics mean.
30. Black Rainbows Miracle Musical
it also feels kinda magical and follows isle unto thyself
31. White Ball Miracle Musical
see above only less because it feels magical and more because it follows black rainbows. i didnt add murders because that's definitely a stretch to say it fits NiGHTS
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suga-kookiemonster · 4 years
20 questions tag
Tagged by: @underthejoon and @kpopfanfictrash, i luh u frens 🥺💕
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this bc i’m tired and about to go to bed LOL
1. what do you prefer to be called name-wise? ashley! friends and family call me variations of that, but in general, ashley works just fine 😊
2. when is your birthday? september 14
3. where do you live? why? you gonna send me some merch? 👀
4. three things you are doing right now? answering these questions, trying to brainstorm a christmas fic, trying to will myself to finish rewriting the 3k of ego that i lost when my computer crashed 😭
5. four fandoms that have peaked your interest. aside from bts obviously, bleach (pissed off about this one till this day, rip 😔🙌🏾), naruto, atla, vld
6. how has the pandemic been treating you? ehhhhh. for the most part, i can’t complain! i’m healthy and my family is healthy and i’m still employed, for however long that will be. this pandemic is starting to hit me more in the financial and anxiety depts, but i’ve been trying to focus more on things that bring me joy, as well as exercising more and trying to get sun whenever i can. it’s crazyyyy how the brain works, y’all! i don’t even like exercising like that, but a little walk outside really does wonders. i’m actually really nervous about what this winter is going to be like once we’re all truly trapped inside--winters where i live are always brutal, but at least in the past we were able to properly socialize! but i’m trying to stay positive.
7. a song you can’t stop listening to right now? sit down! by nct 127. i’ve got a whole nct playlist that has been great to work out to, and this is the first song on it 🤣
8. recommend a movie. i don’t watch a lot of movies!
9. how old are you? just turned the big 3-0 😬
10. school, university, occupation, other? nunya 😏
11. do you prefer heat or cold? i would prefer a nice 60-70 degrees, but since that wasn’t an option, i’ll say cold! i’ve always said, you can always add layers, but once you’re naked, there’s nothing else to do but suffer LOL
12. name one fact others may not know about you. hmmmm...i’ve gone skydiving before! @jjk what’s good 💅🏾
13. are you shy? not particularly! but, believe it or not, i’m pretty introverted, especially around people i don’t know. i’ve always pondered how to describe myself because i won’t strike up conversations with strangers, but i won’t necessarily shy away from crowds and i enjoy going out and having fun with my friends. i discovered a couple weeks ago that the term that i’ve been looking for is social introvert. 
14. preferred pronouns? she/her
15. biggest pet peeves? white men and how they think they own the earth and how society allows them to think that, narcissists (and more specifically, people who don’t bother to consider how they may affect anyone else before they do/say things), when people with a lot of money choose to wear party city wigs, cultural appropriation and gentrification and how it can start out as small as normalizing calling elotes “street corn” and rapidly snowball
16. what is your favorite “dere” type? min yoongi (aka TSUN)
17. rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be. i’ll say pre-corona it was building back up to a solid 8, now it may be a 6ish
18. what’s your main blog? @makasouls
19. list your side blogs and what they’re used for. @suga-kookiemonster is my bts writing blog, now turned general kpop blog where i thirst over everyone but still just write for bts lol. @kimchi-recs is my fic rec blog. i also have a to-read blog and a blog that’s one of my old urls that i just use to help me keep up with ongoing fics. i’d prefer not to share those!
20. is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends? i’m a pretty direct person, and am completely aware that i can come off as judgmental if i’m not careful. i do not give advice/freely share what i think about a situation unless i am asked and/or positive that the other person would welcome it (which happens more often with close friends). but once i’m asked? i’m never intentionally malicious in any way, but i won’t sugarcoat what i think someone needs to hear either. i think this is one of my best qualities, but i also think it’s a double-edged sword because not everybody’s tryna hear that lol
also, i'm not always the best at reaching out to people first, and sometimes i forget to answer messages. that doesn’t mean i’m mad at you/don’t like you, but it does mean i’m a dumbass lol
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angel-deux-writes · 4 years
50 questions
I was tagged by @agirlnamedkeith :)
What is the colour of your hairbrush? Orange
Name a food you never eat: Mushrooms. I just hate ‘em. Also don’t like seafood!
Are you typically too warm or too cold? Probably too cold, but that’s because being too warm bothers me more. So I’d rather keep my heat set at like 62 than risk being too warm. It’s much better for my eczema.
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? I think probably putting another load of laundry in? I’m trying to tidy up because my sister might be coming to work from home here later, and I have been living in a mild mess for weeks lmao.
What’s your favourite candy bar?  Reese’s. Does that count as a bar? Let’s say yes. The eggs in particular!
Have you ever been to a professional sports game? I used to go see the Red Sox sometimes as a kid, once in Tampa Bay while we were on vacation. I went to see FC Barcelona play while visiting a friend (real talk: I probably would not have gotten on that plane if not for the fact that I really, really loved FC Barcelona at the time lmao. it was great to see my friend again, but I was terrified of going on vacation alone in a country I’d never been to! I didn’t even speak spanish at all before that trip! When I hyperfixate I will do ANYTHING lmao). I’ve also been to DC to see Barcelona play (terrifying. tiny planes. would not recommend. It ruled, though, and I got to take my brothers, which was nice). And several times to see Brazil’s national team play at Gilette, which was much easier, because it was like 20 minutes away from my house.
What was the last thing you said out loud? some variation of “oh for fuck’s sake” because I thought the dudes doing my neighbor’s basement renovation had stopped drilling, and then they picked back up.
What is your favourite ice cream? cookie dough of some kind? though I’m also a big fan of anything black raspberry.
What was the last thing you had to drink? coffee!
Do you like your wallet? I do! It was a gift from my mother, like, five birthdays ago? So I probably need a new one, but it’s cute. 
What was the last thing you ate? .......i had a fruit roll-up. I’m turning 31 in a few days, and the last thing I ate was a fruit roll-up. 
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? I can’t remember if it was this weekend or last weekend but I DID order a shirt from Redbubble that says “anders was right” lmao
What’s the last sporting event you watched? it was probably a Red Sox game? I used to watch them with my dad back when I could, you know, hang out with him without fear of passing a deadly disease to him and my mom!
What is your favourite flavour of popcorn? butter, tho that caramel corn I always get at Christmas is nice too.
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? My sister to tell her that the dudes next door are STILL DRILLING and that she might want to rethink coming over.
Ever go camping? Nope! Hate even just the idea of it. My dad goes camping with his childhood friends every year, and every time they describe it, it makes me want to die. 
Do you take vitamins? Nope! I used to, but then i ran out, and I haven’t bought any since then. I used to take fish oil pills because my dermatologist thought it might help with my eczema, but it didn’t. 
Do you go to church every Sunday? Church? what’s that?
Do you have a tan? Never in my life. I am very pale, and turn red very easily. I’m slightly red right now because I spent maybe an hour hanging out on my parent’s deck over the weekend lmao. Also I’ve been going on a lot of walks lately, so I’ve got a lot more freckles on my face than I used to! 
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? Chinese food. Shouldn’t eat it, because I am allergic to soy, but I accept the stomach aches that come with it.
Do you drink your soda through a straw? Not anymore. I did when I had invisalign, though. I wasn’t supposed to drink ANY sort of soda or coffee with the invisalign in, so I was like “well, what if I use a straw”, and I never got yelled at by the orthodontist, so it must have worked. 
What colour socks do you usually wear? I almost exclusively wear socks from Sock it To Me, so they’re all sorts of patterns. I also have a lot of Star Wars socks, because one of my Christmas gifts for the past few years has been a sock advent calendar! 
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? I’m from Massachusetts, so...... yes.
What terrifies you? Everything? I’m gonna go with lava. I really hate lava.
Look to your left. What do you see? My phone.
What chore do you hate most? Washing dishes. It’s gross, first of all, and the eczema constantly on my fingers means that the extra hand-washing is literally painful.
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? lately? @slipsthrufingers lmao
What’s your favourite soda? Probably cherry coke?
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? Drive-thru whenever possible.
What’s your favourite number? 15
Who’s the last person you talked to? My sister and her boyfriend as I was leaving their house, probably?
Favourite cut of beef? idk man, I just eat whatever is put in front of me.
Last song you listened to? Something from my Outrun playlist.
Last book you read? GENUINELY cannot remember. Reading has not been fundamental these past few months. I started Michelle Visage’s book, let’s go with that.
Favourite day of the week? Friday, probably
Can you say the alphabet backwards? Probably if I think enough about it!
How do you like your coffee? with creamer in it! 
Favourite pair of shoes? A pair of converse with rainbow bottoms, I think. I also have a pair of gray boots from American Eagle that I love.
Time you normally get up? I used to get up at 4:40, but lately it’s been 7, because I don’t have to commute anymore lmao.
Sunrises or sunsets?  Sunsets!
How many blankets are on your bed? Currently none, because i’m washing my sheets. Usually 3-4
Describe your kitchen plates. Some of them have apples on them, some of them are plain with a green border, and some of them are easter plates with rabbits!
Describe your kitchen at the moment. Teal, small, and messy!
Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? I love a mojito. Also just...whiskey? of any kind?
Do you play cards? I prefer not to!
What colour is your car? Teal-ish blue!
Do you know how to change a tire? I certainly do not
Your favourite state? probably Massachusetts? I haven’t ever lived anywhere else lmao
Favourite job you’ve had? One summer I worked for my dad’s friend putting stickers on envelops and folding them and counting them and putting them in bigger envelopes, and I fucking loved it. Just mindness nonsense. I guess this job is good too, because I actually get paid and have benefits, but editing tech reports is VERY boring.
How did you get your biggest scar? I had one on my knee for a while that finally went away a few years ago, but it was from falling off a jungle gym at school! There was a gap that was slightly too big for my elementary school body, and I fell probably like 6 feet and landed hard on the pebbles that were scattered beneath it! A few of them were embedded pretty deeply in my skin, and there was this gross flap that was hanging open. They ended up replacing the rocks with sand because of me lmao. But now I guess it’s probably just my biopsy scar from back when they were trying to figure out if my weird rash was eczema or something worse! It’s never really healed right!
I’m not sure who else has been tagged so i’m gonna hit @slipsthrufingers since I already tagged her in this for the accent question lmao
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whatimpunsexual · 4 years
Animated character that was your gay awakening? - I’d have to say both Danny Phantom, and also Sam Manson. 
Grilled cheese or PB&J? - PB&J but only with strawberry jelly
What show/YouTube video(s) do you put on in the background when you when you don’t have anything to watch but you want something on? - I usually let one of my various “Music Mix” playlists 
Your go-to bar order, if you drink? - I am 20, I cannot legally drink or go into bars, but a rum and coke or a fireball is nice occasionally
What’s your favorite pair of shoes that you own? - The 5 inch heels i use to intimidate @paxonia
Top three cuisines? - Japanese, Mexican, Italian
What was your first word as a child (that wasn’t a variation of “Mom” or “Dad”)? - No idea, but i know that my first sentence was me quoting Shrek. Unfortunately, my dad doesn’t remember the sentence, but I’ve always felt a connection to “That is a nice boulder.”
What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had? - I worked as a Manager at Mcdonalds for 3 and a half years, but that’s also like the only job I’ve had besides my current one
Look up. What’s directly across from you? - My fish tank with my Betta fish (Karma) in it
Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general? - I have the Limited Edition Journal 3 signed and numbered by Alex Hirsch
Preferred way to spend a rainy day? - In bed, preferably watching movies
What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted? - Butter on an everything bagel. If I had access to everything, I think I’d still go simple lmao
Brunch or midnight snacks? - Midnight snacks
Favorite mug you own - One that I got for Christmas a couple years back. It’s just a nice maroon color and it tapers out to be a bit wider at the top, and I Just Think It’s Neat
What coffee drink would you describe yourself as? - One of those Starbucks caramel iced coffees that you can get at gas stations
Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!) -  “ the world might do me in / It's all right cause I'm with friends / Cause I'm giving up again / It doesn't matter” - Ghost / Mystery Skulls
Fruity or herbal teas? - Herbal
What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless? - Big Mouth 
That book you were forced to read for class but actually ended up enjoying? - Oedipus was actually really good, and like all of the Shakespeare things we read in AP Lit
Do you match your socks? - Almost never
Have you ever been horseback riding? - Not by myself, but at September Fest one year, they had a person guiding kids around on horseback and that was fun
What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc) - Mythology..
Have you ever been to jail? - Nope
What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)? - They’re convenient
Puzzles? - Yes
You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it? - Orange juice
What section do you immediately head for when you walk into a bookstore? - Manga/Graphic Novels
What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now? - Drawing hands and proper anatomy lmao
Who’s your go-to musical artist when you’re feeling upbeat? - Recently, Mariana’s Trench
Where could someone find you in a museum? - Greek and Roman Mythology, or the classical art 
What’s that one outfit in your closet you never get the chance to wear but want to? - I keep wanting to wear my overall shorts but it’s too cold
Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds? - The clouds are always so fun to look at
If you could own any non-traditional pet (dogs, cats, fish, rodents, etc), what would it be? - A little baby red fox
Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs? - Art/posters
You have to get one meme tattooed on your body, what meme is it and where does it go? - the Lenny Face, and on my ankle
Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with - Dick Grayson
Lakes, rivers, or oceans? - Rivers
Favorite mid-2000s song - Dear Maria, Count Me In
How do you dress when you’re home alone? - Pajama pants and a sports bra
Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)? - The right side of our couch, curled up in a comfy lean 
Knives or swords? - Swords
A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving - Bang! by AJR, Idk why, I just didn’t expect it to hit as hard as it did lmao
Pick an old-school Disney Channel Original Movie - High School Musical 2
Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online? - It depends on the picture
What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store? - Pizza Rolls
How do you top your ice cream? - Whipped cream 
Do you like Jello? - Yes, but only certain flavors
What’s something that you don’t have a picture of that you wish you did? - When Pax and I got pretend married at our first Sadie Hawkins Dance
How are you at climbing trees? - Depends on the tree. Outside of my gma’s old house there was a Japanese Magnolia tree that was perfect for climbing, but I can’t climb straight up 
You happy, @soliduslion ?
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i505cas · 5 years
So I'm in this restaurant having lunch right, and here are the following events that happened while inside
As soon as we enter, jingle bells. No big deal, they'll change eventually
They don't give us the menu and the waiter has to recite the whole menu like 5 times until we all know what we want
I ask for a salmon thingy, and after a few minutes, the waiter comes and say that the salmon will be tar-tar instead if the original plate, because the cook has already chopped up the salmon
But they have no other dish on the menu which includes salmon, so why did the cook chop the salmon up?
We notice that they have looked back to jingle bells. It's been 20 minutes since we heard the first jingle bells. They have a bit over 5 songs in their playlist, and they're all variations of jingle bells and that song about a one horse open sleigh
My sister puts her headphones not to listen to her own music, but to drown the sound of Christmas hell
The waiter spends and indefinite amount of minutes behind the counter on his phone, and we have ran out of water 10 minutes ago
When he comes back to ask if we want desserts he adds right after, and I quote "can you not ask for desserts so I don't have to do the work"
Gonna give them 4 stars on Google Maps
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ardatli · 7 years
30 Questions
tagged by @khirsahle
1)  Nicknames - Not really. My name is pretty nigh un-nicknameable, and the one short-hand which exists quickly becomes obscene in the hands of high school boys, so no. We get a lot of ‘honey’ and ‘love’ around the house, but they’re sort of generic nicknames for family-member-currently-in-my-line-of-sight. 
(truth time - I’ve always associated sweet nicknames with being loved, and my kids have about ten different nicknames apiece. My parents, on the other hand, are not the nicknaming sort.)
2.) Gender - Cis Female
3.) Star sign - Capricorn. I really don’t believe in astrology, but in pretty much every system and zodiac, I end up as an earth sign. There’s probably something being said there. 
4.) Height - 5′2″. My newest sister in law is the only adult in the family shorter than I am, and I’m so glad not to be the (only) elbow rest anymore. 
5.) Time – 9:24 PM
6.) Birthday - The day before the night before Christmas.
7.) Favourite band – My playlist rotations vary a lot, but based on both music and being Incredibly Amazing People, the Heather Dale Band.
8.) Favourite solo artist – There are lots and my tastes really tend to vary. I’ve had ‘Slow Hands’ on repeat a lot right now, but I definitely wouldn’t say that Niall Horan’s a favourite. Leona Lewis? Heather Dale? I like women’s voices. 
9.) Song stuck in my head – See above re: Slow Hands, but it alternates these days with the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme. I have a six year old.
10.) Last movie you watched – Ocean’s 11. The 2001 remake, and how the hell is this movie already old enough to drive?  That’s just not right. But we’d been on a Leverage binge and I was in the mood for a caper film, and it was on Netflix. I still haven’t seen Ocean’s 13, but 12 was crap. 
11.) Last show you watched – We just finished watching Stranger Things (so much fun), and before that we were catching up on more Netflix queue with Defenders.
12.) When did I create my blog – 2012? I think? I started writing fic again for the first time in over 15 years while hopped up on the good drugs following my tubal ligation surgery that spring. XD 
13.) What do I post – Fic, reblogging art, a lot of things related to religion and politics and religious politics (Judaism specifically).
14) Last thing I googled – Checking the attribution on an image of a greek statue. 
15.) Do you have other blogs – A pro writing blog that’s sitting idle right now while I sort out what to do with books that have reverted back to me. Which has itself currently taken a back seat to PhD work.  
17.) Why did you choose your url – It’s my online ID pretty much everywhere, and is a reference to an old and obscure RPG NPC.
18.) Following – 168
19.) Followers – 1,220
20.) Favourite colours – Greens and blues, though my wardrobe is predominantly black, grey, red and purple.
21.) Average hours of sleep – 5 or 6. I need eight to prevent semi-regular migraines, but I’ve had a lifelong battle with depression-linked insomnia that kicks my ass on a regular basis.
22.) Lucky number – none. 7, I suppose, since it’s one of those significant numbers, and I may as well add 18 for chai. 
23.) Instruments I played – Voice, trombone, guitar. Very brief flirtation with violin that did not end well for anyone. 
24.) What am I wearing – Work clothes - grey dress pants, a red camisole and a scoop-neck grey sweater with elbow-length sleeves. One solid red sock and one striped red sock, both fuzzy. Wedding rings, 15 earrings - mostly garnet, opal and zircon studs - and my grandmother’s opal pendant on a long gold chain. 
25.) How many blankets I sleep with – Two or three depending on the weather, usually including a quilt that I’ve made and an afghan of some sort.  The room must be cold, the pillows and blankets plentiful. I have a minor pillow obsession, and there are usually about seven or eight in varying sizes on our bed at any given time. I want to sink into a soft fuzzy bedding pool and never re-emerge.
26.) Dream job – I’m en route, I hope. Ideally I’d be doing exactly what I am doing, but finished the PhD and tenured. (HAH.)
27.) Dream trip – My better half and I have often talked about doing a old-school medieval-style pilgrimage - seeing which of the medieval shrines still exist, walking the road to Santiago, doing all of the major churches. The Hagia Sophia is on my bucket list. 
This is a lot funnier when you realize we’re Jewish (me) and Presbyterian. But the architecture and the archaeology and the history of it all would just be so thrilling. Also an excuse to hang out in Spain and Italy and eat all the things. 
28.) Favourite food –  Pasta. There was (is?) a restaurant in Montreal that we used to go to all the time that did hand-made pastas and the most sumptuous sauces, cream and cheese in everything. Ugh, I die. I could live forever on any and every variation of noodle things. 
29.) Nationality – Canadian. Culturally Ashkenazi, and I’m told my Yid comes out in my cadence when I get annoyed. 
30.) Favourite song – Don’t really have one, per se. There are a lot that I like based on specific moods or memories. ‘No Air’ (the Nath Campos cover) is definitely up there, as is Alannah Myles’ ‘Black Velvet.’ 
tagging @otherpens, @bathshebaeverdenes, @tinyparlancer, @hulklinging, @tinyhipsterboy - no pressure, only if you care to! 
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