#my child .....
lunarlivs · 6 months
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here is harry as fun kids i found on pinterest :)
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petite-ursus · 5 months
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(July 2nd 2024)
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constantlyfalling · 6 months
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My creature having the time of his life.
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catladychronicles · 1 month
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He is ready
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mydairpercabeth · 5 months
savior of olympus btw
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luyo-mi · 7 months
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Silver dood
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percymawce-arts · 23 days
help help me why is she so kdisiwveididl
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also including moist engaging with an autistic special interest because that made me happy
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and a moist sketch I did at one of those pizzeria’s where they give you crayons
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craniumknight · 8 months
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white t poison
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zurka-durka · 2 months
If you're still taking requests, could I ask for middle school Saitama?
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aetherdoesthings · 2 months
would you like a new home? (pt. 3.3)
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forethoughts: y'all i'm on such an arlecchino down-badness syndrome i'm writing so much and releasing so much. i think after this i'm going to write more short stories w/ father and reader, so it's gonna be like a cumulative story of reader as their adventures as father's child. (spoilers oops)
notes: gn!child!reader, NOT AN X READER READER IS A CHILD!!!
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You were still awake when the door creaked open, and Father’s heels clicked against the ground. Father tried to place the tray of food gently on the table, but you could still hear the porcelain hit the wood.
“Are you going to continue to pretend to sleep, or come and eat?” Father had a playful tone to her voice.
Of course Father knew you weren’t asleep.
Father made her way towards you, placing a hand on your head as she ran her fingers through the knots in your hair. “How are you, my dear?”
You sat up, rubbing your eyes. Your head was still pounding from the orphan’s foot, making it uncomfortable to sleep on that side. “I’m okay.”
“Good. Good.” Father looked at your sleepy expression, a soft smile on her face as she petted your head. “Do you know that I would do anything for you, my dear? I treasure you dearly and hold you near my heart.” 
“Y-Yes, Father. I-I do too…”
“Do you?” Father chuckled. “I am very happy to hear that. Especially from you.”
Father kissed the top of your head, before standing up, heading towards the door. “Eat up, my dear. When you finish your plate of food, please come find me in my office. I will be waiting for you.”
Father closed the door behind her, leaving the lights on. Letting out a sigh, you crawled out of bed, hobbling over to the table as you climbed onto the chair, examining the tray of food. Next to the plate of Jueyun Chili Parcels was an envelope with Father’s seal on it. You took the small letter opener Father had gifted you, and carefully opened the envelope. Inside was a piece of paper, filled with a sea of ink. You would rather read the cookbook than this. 
“Adoption… guardian… Arlecchino… Y/N… child…” You picked out words you knew, filling in the blanks with your best guess. The word adoption rang in your head. Adoption? No one ever got adopted ever from the House of Hearth. Father said that this was the place orphans from all over would grow up in and graduate from. Arlecchino… that was Father’s name. You recall overhearing some of the caretakers calling Father Arlecchino. 
Father… plans on adopting me? The thought struck your head, causing the paper to fall out of your hands. You immediately picked it up, eyes scanning the ink. That was literally what the paper saids. On the bottom were two straight lines adjacent to each other. One had Father’s signature on it, while the others was empty. Father… Father truly planned on adopting you. This was actually happening. You searched the envelope, looking for anything else. A note. A small folded piece of paper.
My dear Y/N,
Perhaps this will be the happy ending for the both of us. So would you like a new home, my dear?
Father genuinely planned to adopt you.
Father wanted you to become her actual child.
Was that why Father was always kinder to you?
Was this why Father was always much more lenient and biased to you? 
It was because Father wanted you to be her child?
Her actual child?
You took a deep breath, picking up the first piece of paper instead. Pure adrenaline rushed through your body, thoughts racing through your head as your heart desperately tried to claw out of your ribs. This was happening. Serotonin and joy was the only emotion you could feel; not an ounce of worry or fear in your heart. Why weren’t you scared? Why weren’t you worried? 
Because Father.
Father was the one asking you.
Father was asking you to be her child.
Father was giving you the one thing you craved ever since you gained the ability to comprehend.
A family.
A relationship.
Someone who truly loved you.
A parent.
So how could you ever say no?
A new home.
A new life.
No more loneliness.
No more fear or worry.
No more doubt or anxiety.
A new home. 
With Father.
Arlecchino reclined back in her chair, playing with the pen in her hand. Out of anything she had ever experienced or done in her life, this was the one moment she felt genuine worry about. She could not plan this out. She could not make failsafes or backup plans. This was a reckless action. But the action she desperately wanted to take.
Arlecchino had saw a part of herself in you; that was what drawed you in to her. She saw that kid who never got along with anyone else, that was always lost in their little world. She wanted to give you the support she never had growing up. So she gave you the little perks she never had. She gave you all she wanted when she was your age. 
It was unfortunate she could not find a companion for you.
But everything always works out in the end.
Life always finds a way to piece everything together.
Arlecchino was brought back to reality when she saw one of the doorknobs twist open, your adorable figure entering the room as you hobbled towards her. The letter she had purposefully placed on the tray was in your hands, cut open and the adoption paper on top of the envelope. You climbed onto the chair on the other side of her desk, placing the adoption paper on her desk. 
Arlecchino watched you with a stoic expression, unable to resist a grin as she saw your cute child face look down and fiddle with the hem of your sleeve in nervousness.
“Well?” Arlecchino cleared her throat. “What do you think about my offer?”
“...Yes.” You smiled brightly, nodding your head. “I w-want to be your actual child.”
The corners of Arlecchino’s lips shot up to her eyes. “Come here.”
Arlecchino didn’t even mind you stepping on her desk to leap into your arms, as she wrapped her arms around your back and head tightly, hugging you close to her chest. The warmth in her heart only grew when you reciprocated the hug back, your tiny arms clutched onto the sides of her ribs.
Arlecchino let out a content sigh, a smile on her face. Now she could say the one phrase that held meaning to it. No more teasing. No more playfulness. 
“My child.”
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mintt-tea-2 · 6 months
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a twinkling star in the night sky
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tiana4evahh · 26 days
*that one moment in Nightfall* Biana: Tam you should ditch the shirt for this *smirky smirk* Tam: What?? No way! I'll get cold! >:0
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microbihon · 11 months
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The Mew I got is a Fire Tera Type! The lil' guy is just like me ^^ Proof BTW:
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catladychronicles · 4 months
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lambment · 4 months
You have a cat? Show us your cat !!!!!!
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I actually have two other kitty cats and a farty puppy dog, but this is my Peach
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