#my cat is coughing up hairballs as I write this
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sleepy-bi666 · 1 year ago
I had too much fun
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mindsafe · 1 year ago
special grade sorcerer this, special grade curse that, where are the special grade therapists 🤔
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tomurawr44 · 8 months ago
Tomura d1ck headcanons, honest edition plz (I love him in illness and in health but I do think he would smell a little bit musty down there)
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A/N: i have a smell I can't describe because it's actually like wild and showing how much of a whore i am both online and irl..
WARNINGS: dick descriptions..and an image of..the colors i think it would be..
I DONT THINK HE SMELLS..BAD BAD.. but i do think he does have a little stink to him, like have you SEEN his wretched room? anyway, he smells like..y'know clothes that you've worn but didn't sweat in? like old fabric kind of smell. with a little bit of a sour stink. this man does not smell good. I'm just being real with you guys.
I'm so 50/50 on his cock, it's either that's where the meat and muscle went or there was never any to begin with. so..i say i just write both parts.
he's 3.6 inches soft, and 5.3 inches hard if you want to think realistically for someone like him, it's a chubbier cock and mostly the length went to girth and it still feels good. it's a little crooked but it hits all the right spots.
he's 4.3 inches soft and 6.8 inches hard if you want to get..creative. it's skinnier and tilts to the right.
his pubes grow with a black tip to them, he doesn't know why (yet) but he excuses it as genetics from his last family or something.
he is NOT well shaved down there, you will be coughing up hairballs like a cat throughout the day if you give him head.
he has a nice faint happy trail.
his cock has one prominent vein that runs to his tip accompanied by some really faint ones also. if you look closely while his dick twitches, you can see his veins pulse.
his cum is thin and somewhat watery, but if he decided he's ditching any sort of hydration for the day, it's thick and creamy, speaking of, he tastes really bad, you have to plan ahead and feed him something sweet so you can atleast enjoy swallowing for him.
when he cums his dick jumps a little and you can feel it sometimes if it's inside.
he's a grower not a shower!
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this is so incriminating sos my digital footprint is ruined..
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—Ake (shame) 2024
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irkimatsu · 11 months ago
AHHHHHH I love Husk and your content is by far my FAVORITE 😍 the sweet, the smut, the little bit of both...I love it all.
So I have a cute idea for this one. Neko!reader x husk. The reader isn't fully cat, but has the ears and tail, a cat-like face and of course the mannerisms. Husk is crushing hard and thinks that she (or they, whichever pronouns :) ) is cute and nonchalantly points out that it's adorable when her ears twitch. And then she's like, "And you wonder why we're always messing with you, eyy Kitten?" which makes him all flustered and he can't even say anything.
I can just picture them doing the equivalent of holding hands only their tails wrapped around each other 😚😚
Thank you so much for enjoying my writing!
I envisioned Reader as an anthro like Husk; I'm hoping that's what you meant with your description! Reader gets drunk and rants to Husk about cat instincts, Husk offers some advice, light flirting and flustered Husk ensues. I hope this is close enough to what you wanted! 1.2k words, SFW, female reader!
You’ve had way too much to drink.
It’s not like you’re inexperienced at drinking; you knew the hard stuff you were knocking back would be enough to get you wasted. That was the point.  Maybe if you got drunk enough, you could shut off the stupid cat instincts that hadn’t left you alone since the moment you died. The exercises you’ve been doing at this hotel for the past few months may have taught you things like not stealing and believing in the power of friendship, but there hadn’t yet been any lessons on how to stop swiping at your own tail every time it entered the corner of your field of vision.
You’re not sure if the alcohol has turned off the instincts, but it sure has turned on your mouth. Without thinking about what you’re saying, you’ve been ranting to the bartender for the past thirty minutes, barely pausing to take a breath. Surely he doesn’t mind, right? Not only are bartenders supposed to listen when their customers want to bitch, but he’s in the exact same position as you are as far as species goes!
“...and the fuckin’ hairballs!” is the latest thought in your stream of word vomit. “I thought mucus was bad! Hairballs! They get stuck in my throat, and they itch like hell until I can cough ‘em up!”
“They sell stuff down here to take care of that,” the bartender says, pouring you another drink without you asking. “It tastes like shit, but it works. I don’t get ‘em anymore unless I forget to drink it.”
“And what about shedding?!” you continue on as if he didn’t say anything. “It’s impossible to keep my room clean! It’s like the more I clean up, the more fur there is!”
“Niffty’s been helpin’ me with that since I met her. She gets pissed about the fur I leave everywhere otherwise. She ain’t gentle with that brush, though.”
You take another gulp of your drink and slam it down onto the bar. “Fuck, think I just swallowed some fur…”
“You haven’t even been dead for a year yet, right?” Husk asks. “ That’s barely anything. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to get used to being a cat. Some of the bullshit never goes away, but it becomes part of you.”
“Do you like being a cat?” you ask.
He laughs at your question. “Hell no! But what choice do I have? There’s no going back to bein’ human for any of us. May as well learn how to deal with it.” He takes a gulp of his own drink, not even bothering to pour it into a glass. “If ya want, I can take you to a good supply place sometime. They’ve got good products if you can put up with the fact that it looks like a fuckin’ pet store.”
“Hmm…” you neither accept nor deny his offer. You only take another drink, swallowing more damn fur in the process. That’s definitely gonna lead to some late-night hairballs. “It’s so annoying…” you whine as you plop your chin on the bar. “Why couldn’t I have been something cool? You know I saw a giant lizard the other day? Lucky bastard…”
“Bet they have a hell of a time findin’ clothes,” he says. “Or even gettin’ into places to begin with.”
“And even you got wings…” you continue on.
“Yeah. Wings. I get to clean up after fur and feathers, and if I don’t find the perfect position while sleeping the fuckin’ things go numb.” He takes your glass away, but you’re too lost in your own self-pity to protest. “We’ve all gotta get used to our new bodies when we get down here, and I doubt it’d be any different if we somehow got into heaven. Just gotta make the best of it.” He turns around to put away some bottles. “Besides, it’s not all bad. At least you’re cute.”
“...what was that?” you say, not expecting that word out of Husk’s mouth.
“I said you’re cute. Everyone thinks cats are cute, don’t they? Even I liked ‘em when I was alive. I don’t want to be one, but you can’t resist their mannerisms, can ya? The big eyes, the soft fur…”
He turns around just in time to see your right ear flicking in annoyance from the condescension. “The twitchy ears…”
You smirk, knowing the weight of what you’re about to say next but too drunk to stop yourself. “So now you get why Angel and I are always commenting on your mannerisms, eh, kitty?”
“Whoa! Hey!” His fur bristles, and you know you shouldn’t find his own agitation cute, but you can’t help yourself. It helps you understand the way he was just talking to you, at least. “That’s different! You’re a young lady! You died at, what, 25? You’re supposed to be cute! I’m an old man who drank myself to death. Nothin’ cute about that.”
“You’ve still got the big eyes and the soft fur…” you continue on.
He groans in response. “If you were a stranger saying that shit to me, I’d kill you.”
“So what makes me so special?” Your tail waves playfully behind you, and he’s obviously following it with his eyes and blushing.
“I…” he starts, but never manages to come up with the rest of the sentence. “Jesus Christ,” is all he has to offer before grabbing a couple of glasses from the shelf. He fills them both with water, then carries them around to the other side of the bar.
“Here,” he says as he sets one of the glasses in front of you. “Drink this. You’re gonna feel like shit in the morning. May as well not be dehydrated on top of everything else.”
You stare at the cup as he takes a seat on the stool next to you. “How do you resist the urge to knock cups over?” you ask.
“Lots of self-control,” he says with a smirk before guzzling his glass in one go.
You place your paw on the side of the glass, originally intending to pick it up, but an overwhelming spark takes over your brain, and you start easing the cup toward the edge of the bar. Husk grabs it and places it back where it started before it can crash to the floor.
“You’ll get used to it,” he assures you. He’s finished his water, but for a reason you can’t determine, he’s still sitting next to you.
“How long have you been down here?” you ask. “A couple years?”
“Mmm… fifty?” he guesses. “Almost as long as I was alive, at this point.”
“Fifty years?!” you exclaim. “And you still have to deal with cat instincts?!”
He shrugs. “Like I said, it never goes away. Just gotta get used to it, take the good with the bad.”
“The good…” you repeat. “Like being cute?”
“Oh, shut up,” he says. “...but in your case… yeah. Like being cute.”
You finally manage to pick up your water without giving into the desire for destruction. As you take a sip, something feathery starts to tickle against your tail. You look over at Husk from the corner of your eye. He’s trying to be nonchalant, not even looking at you, but there’s only one thing that could be brushing against you right now.
Without looking, you shift your tail, allowing it to curl around Husk’s. Husk curls his around yours in turn, your tail tips forming a spiral that just barely reaches the floor.
It’s the closest he’ll get to flirting for now. You’ll take what you can get.
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cuprohastes · 2 years ago
OK under the cut so I don't warp anyone's innocent minds.
OK so sometimes you're reading something and the action gets hot. And you're like the big floating space head in that one Mick and Rorty episode bellowing "OK then! SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT".
And these two characters who have been flirting like a pair of kumquats who have never seen action Do the Dirty:
And they boink like Kronk does Exposition.
Uhhh the cock, the cock that's uuh going into the lady parts. The ladyparts that have the cock in. The girly lady parts... for the cock. Yeah it's all coming together now.
I told my friend this and he coughed up a hairball. Now his cats won't talk to him.
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imagine-loki · 3 years ago
Yes Mistress
TITLE: Yes Mistress CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 33 AUTHOR: angryowlet ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine after a heated argument with Thor, Loki turns himself into a woman out of spite. RATING: Mature/Explicit NOTES/WARNINGS: NSFW, This is a F/F BDSM relationship. If that’s not your cup of tea, don’t drink it. The events in this fic take place before the first Thor movie.
Also on AO3
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As they always do, the dream came to an end and Loki pulled them both back to the waking world. Early morning light was slowly painting the world with color as Sanna sighed and snuggled closer to her Mistress. Loki shifted to wrap an arm around her Pet and rubbed her back.
"Do we have to get up, Mistress?" Sanna asked, with the slightest hint of pouting in her voice.
"Not yet. It's still early." Loki sat up slightly and smoothed a bit of Sanna's hair back from her face before kissing the top of her head. "Did you sleep well?"
Sanna giggled, "You know how I slept, Mistress."
"So you enjoyed the garden then?" Loki raised an eyebrow as she looked down at Sanna nestled in the crook of her arm. "We can go back whenever you like. I've always found it very peaceful there."
"It was wonderful. It's a pity it doesn't exist like that in the waking world anymore," Sanna sighed.
"The plants are all still there, but I'm afraid they --and I-- have grown too big for the hollow, even in this form. I suppose I could turn myself into something smaller, if I chose to," Loki mused.
"That reminds me," Sanna said, "I meant to ask you about it before. Something the Steward said. A story about you turning into a cat and getting stuck that way?" Sanna bit her lip to hide her smile as her Mistress groaned loudly and covered her eyes at the memory.
Loki blew out an aggrieved sigh. 
"I wasn't stuck. I lacked a key ingredient in the reversal potion --" Loki pointed an indignant finger in the air "--without knowing it! The potion I was using was originally written down in the Dökkálfar language along with their writing system. The translation in the grimoire I'd gotten my hands on was incorrect --which was not my fault-- and well," she dropped her hand to rest on the bedcovers. "I wasn't supposed to be attempting that level of seidr yet. Mother was furious. Since it wasn't permanent, she insisted the spell be allowed to run its course and wear off instead of giving me the corrected antidote. Let's just say that while I was coughing up hairballs and chasing mice in the kitchen, Thor and his friends had a hilarious fortnight at my expense."
Sanna looked puzzled. "How does a cat drink a potion, Mistress?" She giggled, "Now I'm picturing a black ball of fluff trying to open the cork of a bottle with its teeth." She burst out laughing.
Loki snorted at the image and joined her laughter. After a moment, Loki broke off with a slight jerk of her head.
"What is it, Mistress?" Alarmed, Sanna sat up and pulled the blanket up to cover herself.
"We're about to have company." Loki closed her eyes and concentrated. She opened them again and smiled at Sanna. "I do believe it's another delivery from our dear Bryn for you." 
Sanna let out a squeak of excitement and clapped her hands over her mouth and blushed.
Loki smiled at her and reached for her robe. "You stay here Pet. I'll go get it." She got up and slipped on her robe as she left the room, shutting the door firmly behind her. 
When she didn't reappear after more than a minute, Sanna's curiosity got the better of her. She crept out of bed and put her ear to the door. She heard muffled voices talking, the outer door closed, then footsteps approaching the bedchamber door. She ran back across the room and dove back into the bed, pulling the covers up just as her Mistress opened the door.
Loki had a parcel in her hands and set it gently on Sanna's lap.
"Open it, Pet. I want to see your face when you accept my gifts."
Sanna blushed at the thought of some of her Mistress's 'gifts'. 
She was still blushing as she unwrapped the outer layer of the parcel. Her breath caught as she saw what lay beneath. It was a new dress Loki had ordered for her. She held it up and watched as the fabric shimmered in the sunlight, seeming first blue then green as it moved. It reminded her of the peacocks that strutted in the gardens. She'd seen one with his harem of peahens from a distance while she had been walking with Garth.
"Oh Mistress! It's so beautiful!" Sanna clutched the fabric to her chest.
Quickly, Sanna climbed out of the bed and drew the shimmering garment over her head. It was so soft, it was like wearing a cloud. Sleeveless and loose fitting, it was light and airy, perfect for summer. She pulled her hair out to drape down her back, and gave her Mistress a small twirl, making the hem flare out and brush over her ankles. It would look lovely with her gold sandals and the purple wrap her Mistress had already given her. The color of the dress alone told her it was for her to wear away from her duties. It was meant for the days she went shopping with Marit or had tea with the Queen. 
"I thought you’d look best in jewel tones. Do you like it?" Loki asked.
"I love it! Thank you Mistress!" Impulsively, Sanna bounced back to the bed and threw her arms around Loki and kissed her. When she realized what she'd done, Sanna tried to pull away but Loki wouldn't let her, pinning the girl to her with both arms around her waist.
"I'm sorry if I was inappropriate just now Mistress, I--"
"Nonsense Pet. It's just the two of us here. And you know how much I enjoy your enthusiasm." 
Loki pulled her in close for a slow, deep kiss. Her hand slid up the side of Sanna's chest to cup and squeeze her breast. When they finally parted Loki said, "Now, as tempted as I am to take that beautiful new dress off you," she paused, "you still need to open the rest."
"The rest?" Sanna looked confused, "There's more?"
"Oh yes. Brynhilde isn't the only talented artisan I've commissioned for you." Loki played with a lock of Sanna's hair. "A royal handmaiden has to look the part. From head to toe." Loki stood and offered her hand to Sanna. "Let's go see what's come. I want to see you in everything." 
Loki's smile was hungry and Sanna's blush was bright red as they went into the sitting room to inspect Sanna's new trousseau.
There were over fifty packages of differing sizes stacked on the sitting room table, the divan, and piled on the floor next to it. It was as if her Mistress were trying to make up for all the Yule and name day presents Sanna had missed out on over the years all at once. Loki settled into her chair, smiling and accepting her Pet's gratitude with every object she received and watching her trying things on to be sure they fit. 
Boots for walking in the garden, for riding, two pairs that were fur lined and water tight for winter, and one pair that was water tight but without fur for rainy summer days. Various pairs of shoes in coordinating colors, slippers-- some specifically for dancing-- and others lined in fur for her to wear in the winter months. Two more pairs of sandals, one in black and the other in green. There was also one pair of curiously constructed shoes; black with ankle straps, red soles, and long skinny heels that Loki told her were from Midgard.
Sanna eyed the heels on those as she held them up. "I don't think I'll be able to walk in these, Mistress."
Loki's answering look made Sanna shiver. Her voice was low and suggestive when she said, "Don't worry, I'll teach you. When the time comes for you to wear those, you won't be on your feet for very long."
Biting her lip, Sanna turned her attention back to the pile.
Scarves, belts, purses, hair ribbons, combs, gloves, and a dozen or so other little accessories were quickly revealed. Some were clearly meant to be worn while Sanna was serving her Mistress in her official position, others were for her own private use, like a small crystal bottle of a familiar floral scent.
"Mistress? Is this..." Sanna inhaled again. "Is this lilac?"
Loki nodded and smiled. "A happy accident. I'd already asked Mother to prepare some of the extract before I thought of taking you into my dreams. It's useful in healing burns, and it should give you pleasant dreams on the nights we can't share them."
Sanna felt a little tug at her heart as she replaced the stopper of the bottle and set it carefully on the table. 
Shifts and stockings in various colors, weights, and materials-- wool for winter, and transparent silks and linens for summer-- plus a number of what she thought must be underthings, again from Midgard. Her Mistress promised to show her how to properly wear it all before they went to that realm.
"Don't worry about any of that fitting, Pet. Most of it can be adjusted without a seamstress." Loki's eyes were heated and her smile promised wicked things, "Besides, you won't be in them for very long."
Sanna shivered and the memory of the Midgardian couple on the recording came to her mind. She quickly moved on to the next package, slowly making her way through the pile.
Loki had sent a message with one of the couriers to the kitchens for their morning meal to be delivered. It arrived towards the end of unwrapping the hoard. By then Sanna was wearing new stockings, slippers, and a new shift she'd just finished twirling for her Mistress in. The divan was nearly buried in her possessions and the floor was littered with wrapping paper and strings. Sanna cleared a space for the tray on the table. Loki transferred the small pile of unopened parcels that remained to the floor and sat down next to her on the divan. Sanna leaned forward to make up their plates and was stopped by her Mistress.
"Allow me, Pet." Loki lifted the dome off the tray to reveal a stack of thin pancakes and little jars filled with different kinds of fruit preserves, along with plates of toasted brown bread and cuts of salted boar meat. 
Loki made a face.
"Boar again?" She sighed, "I suppose that's to be expected without Thor here to insist on a hunt every third day--" Loki froze as a thought struck her. "I should call for a hunt. Nothing large, we'll simply take the falcons out for some exercise. I'm sure Sif and the others would enjoy a morning in the woods, and it would give us an excuse to meet up and exchange what everyone has found out about Thor's behavior of late."
Loki spread fruit from one of the small jars on a pancake and rolled it up. She held it up for Sanna to take a bite. "Try this Pet. The berries are from Vanaheim. Mother was quite homesick for them after her marriage, and Father insisted she bring some of the bushes back with her when they visited the realm."
Sanna was doubtful. The fruit was black as pitch and didn't have a scent she recognized. Obediently, she took a bite and felt her eyes go wide at the taste. It was sweet, tart, and wonderfully juicy all at the same time. She made a noise of appreciation as she chewed and immediately moved in for another bite.
Loki giggled slightly at her Pet's response and fed her the rest of the pancake. She prepared her own as she spoke, "Mother swears the berries were the only things she could stomach while she was carrying Thor. She practically lived on them, so much so that she won't even look at them now."
Loki prepared Sanna's plate of meat and toast, and another fruit filled pancake. She handed the plate to her Pet before she made up her own. 
"Marit is coming this afternoon." Sanna said between bites. "I can't wait to hear what she's managed to get out of Ingrid."
"Neither can I. However, if she's still working on the girl, or if Ingrid doesn't have anything useful to tell us, you have my unofficial permission to make your own inquiries. I'll be at the Archive again for most of the day. If you discover anything of importance, come and find me immediately."
"I will Mistress. I promise." Sanna said as she finished her toast.
"Good girl." Loki smiled at her. "Once we've finished eating and opening your gifts, I'm going to perform a little seidr. Thanks to my dear brother, I need to craft a bloodstone to replace the one I used up. Would you like to assist me?"
Sanna's face lit up. "Truly? What would I have to do?"
Loki casually waved a hand. "Merely hand me the correct components as I ask for them. Timing can be crucial when infusing an object with seidr, but this is a fairly safe task for you to assist me with."
"I'd like that very much, Mistress."
"Wonderful. Another pancake? It's still early, we have plenty of time." 
When most of the food had been consumed, Loki reached for the last pancake and spread it with the only jam they hadn't opened yet. This time the fruit was a bright yellow.
"Try this one. These berries came from Alfheim. Mother got them in one of her trade negotiations." Loki offered it to her.
Sanna took a bite and nearly moaned. It was much sweeter than the others. As sweet as the honey she loved. She couldn’t help making sounds of pleasure as she ate, drawing Loki's attention. Some of the sticky, sweet jam oozed out of the end of the roll and dribbled on her fingers. Before Sanna could react, her Mistress caught up her hand and popped one of those fingers into her mouth, tongue swirling around it. She held her eyes on Sanna's face as she slowly licked all of her fingers clean.
Sanna could feel her heart start to pound as she tried not to squirm in her seat. She recognized the look on her Mistress's face. 
"Mmm... Delicious," Loki purred. "Have you finished your meal, Pet?"
Sanna was breathless, the last of her pancake lay forgotten on her plate. She swallowed before answering, "Y--Yes Mistress."
Loki’s smile was wolfish. 
Loki slid gracefully to the floor and knelt in front of her, lifting the skirt of her Pet’s new dress and spreading her legs wide in one fluid movement. She smirked up at the girl, “Mine has just begun.”
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thepointoftheneedle · 4 years ago
Hostile Takeover
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Ok so I don’t really write canon, like...at all.  But it’s like this.  Sometimes my cat gets a hairball and she retches and coughs and then...yuk.  And it’s her mess, so she ought to clean that up, but she can’t.  No opposable thumbs. So unless I want to look at that nastiness I have to get on my hands and knees and clean it myself. That was a metaphor.  Anyway, in that spirit...this.
He was just resting his scratchy, tired eyes for a moment when he heard someone slide smoothly into the booth opposite him. He dragged his eyelids up  with a monumental effort,  afraid of who..or what... he’d see. Dark hair, business suit, gloss and polish. He closed his eyes again. “What do you want, Veronica?”
“Do you know what a hostile takeover is, Jones?” she asked, as if he were in her economics class.
“Yeah, I guess,” he moaned, not interested in becoming one of her acolytes, too wiped out and beaten down to conceive an exit strategy from this conversation.
“So you know that if an investor thinks that a firm has significant value, some unique asset or natural resource, but that the company is undervalued, because the management is incompetent or too stupid to guard the asset, this investor can swoop in and take over the company’s management.  They buy the stock or secure ownership of the line of credit.  That way they can  place it on a firmer footing in terms of governance and maximise its yield. Right?”
“Whatever. I’m sleeping,” he intoned, not loving how much it made him sound like a recalcitrant high schooler.
“Well sleeping on the job isn’t something I’d tolerate but let’s not dwell on that,” she said pertly. “Jones, you are the subject of a hostile takeover. I bought you.”
Now he opened his eyes and looked at her, not sure what she was trying to pull. “What the hell?”
“I was able to get hold of this from your far too indulgent employer,” she said pushing a business card across the table. The card the debt collectors had given Tabitha. “I’ve paid them off.”
“Veronica, you don’t need to do that. I’m on top of it,” he protested.  “I just need to...”
“Oh I didn’t do it to be kind.” She talked over him. “Hostile takeover remember. I also paid your advance back to your publisher. What you write next is mine. And write you will, because I will require pages every day.” She tapped a long fingernail on the table to emphasise her point. “Your talent is mine but you are relieved of all management responsibilities with regard to it.”  
He looked down now, not seeing how he could avoid making the shaming admission.  "I...I can’t... write.”
“Well you’d better because I’m not a pushover like your other employers. Jones, you’re a writer.  So write.  I’m no expert.  As long as the pages are full I won’t be able to tell drivel from gold.  Just fill the pages. Now, as to the damage you are currently inflicting on my property.” He stared at her bewildered.  “Your brain, Jones. It belongs to me and you are destroying it. Booze, whatever the hell else you’re putting in it.  Do you need to enter a facility or will you go to daily meetings? Those are the options. This is not a unicorn and rainbows takeover.  I know people who are much more scary than these dumbos.”  She tapped the business card.
“Meetings,” he mumbled.
“Good. Smithers will collect you and wait outside. At least once a day, until you deliver my book to me. Now, I think that’s everything. Get writing and get clean Jones. You know what happens to people who cross me.” Veronica slid out of the booth, her heels clacking across the floor in a way that seemed to drive nails into his brain.  He watched her go through narrowed eyes, the light searing and painful.  He wasn’t sure what had just happened but it did seem to have focused his sense of purpose somewhat.  He’d better get clean and get writing or Veronica would have goons smash his kneecaps.
Outside, Veronica lowered herself into the car with typical elegance.  “Thanks V,” Betty said with a smile.
“Anything for you, B.  We're going to get him back for you.” The brunette smiled, reaching out to brush away the tear from her friend’s cheek.
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selenityshiroiml · 4 years ago
So...I’ve seen somewhere that, at some point, Chat Noir will not be a part of the show for a bit. And I started to think of a scenario where it would work, but I’m not a massive fic writer and all my ideas are building up into a huge plot but with no major desire to write it. So...massive post-Gabriel/Hawkmoth story idea under the cut
So, I had the idea that the miraculous crew (all reunited for the big event) would find out Gabriel was Hawkmoth and quickly work to take him out. And, yeah, Chat Noir was a bit off during the take down but at least they all stopped Gabriel and got him and Nathalie arrested and they got back the Peacock Miraculous (but the Butterfly got knocked off and is still missing because Butterfly User Lila).
And the crew are all ‘oh shit...what about poor Adrien (who none of us know personally of course) he wasn’t here at the mansion when we ruined his life so we should all split up and go look for him’
(Nino finds him crying on his doorstep)
But then the next day Adrien kind of closes off and goes off radar for a bit because comatose Emilie was found and he’s now splitting time between the hospital and trying to make sure Agreste Fashion doesn’t tank and take all it’s innocent employees with it and a hotel because he is not going back to that mansion. And all his friends are giving him space because they love him and know he’s gone through a lot with his dad and psudo-stepmom being magical terrorists. And maybe they also don’t want to push because they also feel a little guilty for slapping the cuffs on.
In the meantime Chat Noir and Ladybug are still looking for the missing Butterfly but Chat is still off and he asks Ladybug if he can take some time for personal reasons. And Ladybug is all ‘what??? is something wrong?’ and he tells her that a family member is has been ill for a long time and they might need to be transferred for specialist medical treatment. But he’s being sufficiently vague enough that Ladybug assumes he’s been taking care of a family member with cancer or something and ‘OMG how long has he been struggling, was this happening before Hawkmoth??? Did he put off telling her or asking to take time off because he was worried about leaving her alone to deal with the akumas and everything???’
So she’s all ‘of course you can take some time you are my friend and partner and I care about you and I know you’ll be back as soon as you can and I hope everything goes well in your real life’
But what’s really happening is that the Guardian Temple has been in contact with Adrien and are all ‘we can help heal your mother...come to Tibet’ and Adrien is all ‘well...I can’t take the Black Cat Miraculous to Tibet with me because Ladybug might need it to protect her’ so he sends Plagg off with the ring and tells him to take it back to the Guardian (he isn’t truly renouncing it, he’s just being a selfless moron).
Of course, Marinette gets home from school and finds Plagg hissing and spitting at all the Kwami in her room and she realises Plagg is there with the ring and they are both so angry and upset at Chat Noir because ‘how fucking dare he’ and she refuses to put the ring away and no way in HELL is anyone else wearing it. She puts it on a cord around her neck and keeps it under her shirt at all times.
And then a few days later Adrien (who has slowly started messaging his friends back and thanking them for their support) shows up at school to say goodbye for a bit because he’s taking his mother to a specialist in China and everyone is all sad face but hopes everything goes well. (and obviously no one thinks twice about the fact that Adrien is leaving Paris not long after Chat Noir stopped appearing) And Tikki is shoving cheese scones into Plagg’s mouth whilst they hide in Marinette’s bag because she’s afraid he’s gonna shout out for his kitten before he drives off.
But then he’s gone and Marinette misses Chat Noir like anything and she misses Adrien and Alya is all ‘sooooo...can we borrow the ring?’ and Marinette and Plagg are both ‘OVER MY DEAD BODY’.
And then at some point a weird Miraculous user turns up with another strange user acting as a Mandarin-French interpreter and they ask Ladybug for the Peacock to heal Emilie Agreste. And she is all ‘wt actual fuck???’ and is all ‘let me think about it’ because Plagg is hidden in her hair whispering ‘you can trust them...especially the young one’ and she says to come back the next night and she’ll give her answer.
So she does the only thing she can think of to get answers as to why the Peacock might help Emilie. She sneaks into jail and asks Gabriel. And Gabriel, who has had time to think about his defeat and add 2 and 2 together to make 4 has realised that she is Marinette (he’s also worked out that Chat Noir is his son but he’s keeping quiet) and is open with her about how Emilie fell into a coma because of the Peacock and that, yes, it might be used to help her recover but he has no idea how. He also asks pointed questions about Sentimonsters and how she treated the Ladybug Sentimonster as a living being because maybe there might be a repercussion you aren’t willing to be responsible for.
Ladybug agrees to give the Peacock Miraculous to the Guardian Temple representatives on the promise that it is returned to her via Adrien and Emilie Agreste when they return, safe and well, to Paris.
In the meantime the Adrien-less plot ticks away with new Akuma victims showing up (showing that some asshole really DOES have the butterfly) but the motives seem to be less ‘bring me their miraculous’ and more ‘fuck everyone in Paris because i’m angry and upset because no one believes in me or gives me the attention i want’ because fucking Lila.
And at one point Nino, Alya and Marinette go and check out apartments on behalf of Adrien who has shortlisted places from China but wants his friends to check them out physically for him because he trusts them (and they are all ‘oh shit...this is an apartment but it’s like three times the size of all our places combined why is our friend so rich...) because I think that would be cute.
Until one day the news breaks out that Nathalie has disappeared in jail and all that is left is a feather, mostly white but with tints of blue at the edges. Marinette is all ‘shit...that’s an amok thing’ and manages to convince the police to give Ladybug the feather. She purifies the feather and on the otherside of the planet Emilie Agreste wakes up.
(Because Nathalie was a sentimonster that critically ill Emilie made and was filled with her desire to look after her husband and son and the reason why Gabriel didn’t try to destroy Nathalie to help Emilie is because by the time he realised what Nathalie was she was already a real person in his eyes, like the Ladybug Sentimonster, and also she was a part of Emilie and he didn’t want to risk destroying her if it wouldn’t help because she was all he had of his wife and he’s actually sad that Nathalie might be gone, even if it means Emilie wakes)
And then Adrien comes home and Emilie is still weak but hey at least she is there and she pays attention to her son which is more than Gabriel ever did (and it’s kind of weird that she seems to know things that only Nathalie knew...it’s like she saw her son grow up as if watching a movie).
And then Adrien sneaks up on Ladybug whilst she’s out and about (because he knows all her normal patrol spots) in order to return the Peacock. And Ladybug has spent the last while swearing to Plagg that when Chat comes back she is going to say fuck it to the hidden identities because she is going to shove the ring back on his damned finger herself and never let him take it off again. So Plagg has no qualms about zooming out of Ladybug’s hair and smooshing straight into Adrien’s face screaming ‘IF YOU EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN I WILL COUGH UP A CAMEMBERT FLAVOURED HAIRBALL DIRECTLY INTO YOUR MOUTH YOU RAT BASTARD’
And that isn’t how Marinette or Adrien expected the reveal to go but whatever.
(alternatively they could hold out on the reveal and just have a cute Ladrien scene of Adrien thanking Ladybug for helping his mother heal whilst she is all awkwardly all ‘sorry I got your father arrested’ and then when Marinette gets home Plagg is all ‘wow...will you look at the time, I think Chat Noir might be mysteriously ready for me to take my ring back to him’ and then he flies off and two days later Ladybug finds Chat Noir on top of the Montparnasse Tower and she tackle hugs him off the side of the building and they have to quickly stop each other from falling to their deaths via yoyo and staff and they end up tangled together whilst ugly crying because they missed each other SOOOOOO MUCH)
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mlqcconfessions · 5 years ago
hi!!! i noticed you also do headcanons and I was wondering if you could do mc's cat cockblocking the boys?? i really love your writing, and tysm!!!
I’ve never owned a cat, but I’ve watched enough videos on YouTube
MLQC Headcanon - Please do something about that cat
He’s not much of an animal person
And you know that
But that doesn’t mean you’ll throw away your cat after moving in with him (the one you’ve raised for nearly 12 years)
So you’re determined to make him accept little Whiskers
One of the biggest peeves he has is the fur
He doesn’t like having the hairs stick to his clothes (AND in the food)
He just doesn’t find cats that adorable like you do?
He doesn’t complain when you take him to buy stuff (he actually enjoys watching your face light up while picking things out)
But he regrets it because you were taking too long looking at everything in the store
So he now makes you shop online (so he doesn’t have to actually be there)
“Victor...! We HAVE to get this banana bed!!”
He doesn’t see the necessity but buys them for you anyways
There’s a lot of things he wants to say about that cat, but he stops himself
But he DOES want to say something about your cat continuously cockblocking him?
Every time he goes to kiss you, Whiskers is always there
She keeps meowing to get your attention (to which she always succeeds)
Damn cat.
He doesn’t like how you give her more affection than to him
She’s such an angel when you’re around
But is the devil’s incarnate when you’re not
He swears your cat gives him a look sometimes
“Victor, you’re being ridiculous” (if only you knew)
Damn cat.
You’re usually the one to take her to the vet
But you were busy with wrapping up a shoot one day (so HE had to take her)
Boy, did he hate every minute of it
Meowing like no tomorrow (he thought his ears would start coughing hairballs)
The appointment wasn’t all that splendid either
He thought about accidentally leaving the cat at the vet’s 
But he was able to refrain from doing so
When he gets back, you’re waiting for him
He suddenly picks you up bridal style (doesn’t forget to glance at Whiskers)
He thinks he wins this round (but she’s the one in your arms when he wakes up the next morning)
Damn cat.
He loves animals
He REALLY loves animals
But sometimes they don’t love him back (poor sunshine boy)
And your cat was one of them
He literally tries everything to make Whiskers like him
But it doesn’t work
“My evol......” (absolute charm doesn’t work on animals, apparently)
He becomes so sulky afterwards
Savin has to stop by the house to drag him to his next schedule
He gets up to leave, but then sees Whiskers come up to Savin’s leg
She starts purring so loud? (like she wants Kiro to hear?)
“Wha— No! That’s not fair!”
He sits back down, exclaiming that he won’t budge until he MAKES Whiskers like him
Savin is crying, once again
Kiro uses his knowledge as Key to create the most complex system you’ve ever seen in your life
“Ki..Kiro? What’s all this?” (you’re almost afraid to ask)
“It’s an automated treats dispenser. Whenever she passes by any of my things, this bad boy (he taps on a device) will drop her favorite treat. You can think of it as training her to associate me with food!”
“And....this is supposed to make her like you?”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment (he’s desperate, isn’t he?)
“Just watch, MC! Don’t come crying when she no longer follows you everywhere”
You sigh (I’ll have to apologize to Savin again)
So the treat dispenser idea worked in the beginning
Or at least, it seemed like it did
Whiskers figured out the trick pretty quickly (she was old, but not stupid)
She could care less about becoming familiar with Kiro’s scent, and was only interested in the snacks
He’s devastated now (he’s curled in the corner of the sofa)
Seriously, what made you marry this man?
Just then, Whiskers comes up to Kiro and sits on his lap (he’s squealing)
“MC! Look! I told you this would work!”
He doesn’t particularly hate animals
But can’t imagine raising one himself
He was supportive when you said you wanted to adopt a stray cat (the one that’s been wandering around the orphanage)
He helps you buy the supplies to prepare the house
He even offers to take her for her shots (while you were working)
He was looking forward to expecting the cat to fall in love with him
As did the hundreds of animals in the past
He never thought this stray cat would become so attached to you
And attached as in ATTACHED
She literally gave him no room to come between the two of you
He pretends it doesn’t make him faze one bit
But he’s actually plotting using that sexy brain of his
He’s laughing at his own childishness
But when it involves your love, it’s a little different (he’s willing to play this game)
She’s a formidable opponent
As a pet, she has the upper hand in a lot of situations
For example...
She’s allowed to sit on your lap and stay there for who knows how long
She’s able to follow you into the bathroom (something Lucien wishes)
Theoretically speaking, she’s much more huggable than he was
Whiskers was smol and fluffy, but Lucien?
Alpha male was just BIG (his hair is fluffy, though)
He doesn’t like how he’s losing on so many levels
But he DOES have advantages as a husbando human 
He can cook you breakfast
He can pick you up in his arms and swing you around
Even though he can’t sit on your lap (he’ll crush you if he does), he sure can rest his head on it
He can actually communicate with you? (this is the BIG ONE)
He understands your body language, your speech, and any changes in between
And he KNOWS that he is the only one in your life who will be able to get this intimate with you
Inside and outside
He’s more of a dog person, himself
You already knew about Flyer (*see Rehearsal Date)
And you knew Gavin wasn’t actively looking for a pet
But he is more than willing to take in a stray cat you brought home
You ask him to name the cat, to which he appropriately names Whiskers
It’s not original, but I suppose it’s still cute
What did you expect 
This is a man who names his motorcycle Sparky
Slowly but surely, he begins to love this cat as if she was his own
And Whiskers seems to love him the same, as well
You often find the two of them napping together, curled up in the sofa
When he comes back after a long mission, she’s always there by the door (she knows when he’s coming before you do?)
Despite all this
He loses it whenever she gets in the way of his affectionate moments with you
Other than that, the two have a great relationship
He has small scratches on his legs and arms 
He gets new ones whenever he tries to kiss you
You end up cutting her nails more frequently than before (but she always finds a way to make them sharp again)
Minor makes fun of him when he tries to explain his dilemma
“Bro! You’re fighting with a CAT” (Gavin had to punch lightly nudge Minor’s stomach)
He knows it’s dumb, but he can’t help himself
He has his reasons for being so jealous over Whiskers
It’s because you’ve become so much more lovey-dovey after taking in the cat
Well, he’s not complaining (you were more adorable now)
But it would be nice if all that love was directed towards him
Right now, it was 7:3 (Whiskers : Gavin)
In order to fight back, HE becomes the affectionate one now
Kisses become a lot more........extravagant
It’s not like he’s not embarrassed about it
If anything, he wants to hide in a hole every time he slips his tongue in your mouth
“Gavin, if it’s gonna make you blush that hard then you don’t have to do it, you know?”
I’ve always wanted a cat, and this just solidifies my point
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not-delicious-milk · 4 years ago
pairing | fushiguro megumi x itadori yuuji, kugisaki nobara x zenin maki
content | um i think this counts as slow burn maybe, idk instrospection? sort of fluffy and sort of angsty? just two emotionally constipated bois and one (1) really bad wingman. or maybe a great wingman. depends on how you look at it. i think this is funny.
word count | 3.2k
form | oneshot
originally posted | 30 December 2020
author's note | i really wanted to make a joke about sukuna having 2 dicks but unfortunately there was no opportunity to. also i did all that research about heian period courtship and what did it amount to? like 3 sentences
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He met Fushiguro's eyes, and balked slightly at their intensity. They always seemed to bore right through him, as if his skin was glass and Fushiguro interested himself more in what lay underneath. Not that there's anything he cares about in there.
"You're not hurt, are you? I did push you kind of hard."
Yuuji shook his head quickly. "No, I'm fine." He tried to set his mouth in a neutral line, like Fushiguro so often did.
Fushiguro nodded curtly, and turned to leave, back to where Ijichi was waiting with the car. Yuuji's fingers twitched.
yuuji doesn't know how to talk to fushiguro. sukuna "helps."
Fushiguro sure looks nice today. 
Yuuji sighed and looked away. He really needed to focus on the mission. There was a grade 2 curse somewhere on the premises of this abandoned building, and if he kept staring at Fushiguro, he'd probably get— 
"Look out!" Yuuji was only briefly aware of the curse's presence before he was aware of concrete, a dull throbbing in his side as he realized Fushiguro just saved him — again — and was busy siccing his Divine Dog on the curse that appeared while he was distracted. 
This is embarrassing, he grumbled to himself. 
You've got that right.
Yuuji did his best to tune out Sukuna's voice as he got up and into battle position. Fushiguro seemed to have the situation under control, so he focused on cleaning up the lower-grade curses swarming around them. 
Something flickered at the edge of his perception. This time, he wouldn't be caught off guard — Yuuji launched himself at the curse on the other end of the room, intercepting it before it had the chance to so much as look at Fushiguro.
"I didn't need your help for that one," scoffed Fushiguro as his Divine Dog slunk back into his shadow. "Honestly, I could have done this alone. Don't know why you insisted on coming."
Yuuji bit back a retort. "I need the experience, right?"
He met Fushiguro's eyes, and balked slightly at their intensity. They always seemed to bore right through him, as if his skin was glass and Fushiguro interested himself more in what lay underneath. Not that there's anything he cares about in there. 
"You're not hurt, are you? I did push you kind of hard." 
Yuuji shook his head quickly. "No, I'm fine." He tried to set his mouth in a neutral line, like Fushiguro so often did. 
Fushiguro nodded curtly, and turned to leave, back to where Ijichi was waiting with the car. Yuuji's fingers twitched. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Movie night was usually somewhat less stressful than fighting a curse. Usually. 
The film was something Yuuji was pretty sure Gojo-sensei had found at the very back of the clearance shelf. The DVD store probably paid him to take it off their hands. It wasn't even so bad it was good, it was just bad. 
Kugisaki had fallen asleep somewhere in the middle of the opening credits. At first, he'd been a little confused and concerned for her health — it was only 6 pm, after all — but sneaking a peek at her phone screen when it lit up intermittently afforded him all the clues he needed. Kugisaki had been texting Maki-senpai, probably for a while, and probably all night. 
Her phone screen lit up again — they were a few hours into the movie, and surely Maki realized she wasn't going to respond, right? Yuuji strained his eyes and recognized the thumbnail of what could only be described as a cursed image. Is that a floating banana? What the— 
Something stirred in his chest. Jealousy? Why? Because Maki and Kugisaki had only been texting for a couple of weeks, and they already shared inside jokes that made Kugisaki laugh like a hyena in the middle of the night? Because they never needed to ask, to confirm, before sharing something — a word, a bag of chips, a seat, a jacket? Because when Kugisaki looked at Maki, with that vulnerability in her eyes that she always disguised with harsh words and thinly veiled threats of violence, Maki looked back?
Yuuji couldn't stop himself from looking at the other person on the couch with him. Fushiguro looked like he was going to cry of boredom. Or punch someone. Or both. 
Should I switch the movie? I don't think he likes it. 
Well, Gojo-sensei picked it. He would probably be offended.
Yuuji looked around. His teacher was conspicuously absent. No way! He's the one who forced us all to watch this shit, and he just leaves before it's over?
"Hey, um…" The question was past his lips before he could stop himself. "Fushiguro, is there something you'd rather…" Yuuji already knew what his answer was going to be. There were plenty of things Fushiguro would rather be doing, let alone watching. Reading a book, for one. Alone. 
He received only a vague shrug in return. "Do whatever you want."
Yuuji found himself staring blankly at the floor. An oppressive silence blanketed the room, even with the vague sound effects and poorly dubbed dialogue coming from the TV. 
This is torture. Say something already.
I would if I could, okay? Unless you have any better ideas.
That managed to shut Sukuna up, at least for a moment. Good. All that was left was to sit through the last scenes of the movie and go back to his room and scream into his pillow. 
Yuuji could feel his forehead flushing and his eyes starting to burn. Oh, no no no no no. Why is this so awkward? At least Fushiguro can't see anything since all the lights are off. Or maybe he can see in the dark, like a vampire? Come to think of it, he is pretty pale… He's probably not saying anything to be polite. I bet he can see everything. I bet he's reading my mind right now with that stupid look of his. 
"I need to go to the bathroom," Yuuji said, a little louder and a little higher than he intended. Fushiguro only raised an eyebrow at him and went back to watching the screen.
As soon as he was out of the dorm common room, Yuuji sucked in a breath of air. 
This time, the cold voice he was so used to hearing came from the back of his hand. Yuuji didn't have anything to say in response. If he did, it would only be in agreement. How pathetic of him. 
"You're damn right that it's pathetic. It's a miracle you can even stand up straight, given your lack of a spine."
Yuuji was almost at the door to his bedroom. 
"I'll help you, just this once."
He froze. Since when did Sukuna help with anything?
"I don't believe you," he muttered.
An eye opened on his hand just to roll itself at him. "I'm the one who has to listen to your self-deprecating monologues, and I'm getting sick of it. Just tell him how you feel, brat." Sukuna's disembodied lips curled into a smirk. "If you don't, I will."
"No way!" Yuuji whisper-shouted. He practically sprinted into his room and, in the absence of a lock, pushed a chair behind his door to grant the illusion of privacy. But Sukuna wasn't done yet, and the next time he closed his eyes, Yuuji found himself ankle-deep in what he really hoped wasn't blood, and looked up a pile of ox skulls at the last person he wanted to hear romantic advice from. 
Sukuna absentmindedly picked at long, black nails. "Why don't you switch with me? I'll be sure not to embarrass myself, so don't worry about that."
"That's kind of creepy. Aren't you like, a thousand years old?" Yuuji wrinkled his nose. "Do you just want him all to yourself?"
Sukuna made a face. "Oh, that's disgusting." He made a retching sound, like a cat coughing up a hairball. "Imply that again and I'll kill you in your sleep."
Yuuji was, at the very least, thankful that the murderous curse sharing his body had standards.
"Now the image is burned into my brain. Look at what you've done, brat." Yuuji only recognized the sensation of being cut into pieces and immediately restored because of how many times his conversations with Sukuna had ended that way. Still, he stumbled a little at the sudden disorientation. 
"Hmm." Sukuna tapped his nails on a skull. "Brat, what have you been educated in?"
"Huh? Aren't you the one who complains about having to sit through my algebra classes? You already know what I'm educated in. Um," Yuuji furrowed his brow. "I took piano lessons when I was 8? Not that I was any good at it."
Sukuna sighed. "I don't care about your algebra or your piano lessons. I mean your courtly skills."
Yuuji heard the creaking of bone, and he was met with two pairs of blood-red eyes suddenly before him. 
"Calligraphy? Poetry?"
Sukuna leaned in closer. "So, nothing then? You know nothing?"
Yuuji pushed him away. "Um, you've seen my handwriting."
"Kids these days." Sukuna clicked his tongue. "How standards have fallen."
"You know, a lot of things have changed between now and when you were alive. For one, there's this new thing called personal space."
The curse ignored him. Yuuji blinked and saw the ceiling of his dorm room, back at home in his body. 
Do you at least have a brush, then?
No, weirdo. I have a pen, if that's good enough for you.
Seriously, how are you this far behind? I thought you were starting to get this modern era stuff. 
I am trying to salvage the situation you've put me in, brat. How will you write a letter to him without putting care into your calligraphy?
Nobody said anything about a letter! 
This is how it was done in my time. You certainly don't have any better options.
"Fine, I'll Google it then," Yuuji mumbled. He opened his laptop, his fingers hovering over the keys. Slowly, he typed out "how to tell someone you like them."
The advice was all very vague. It was awkward enough to admit to himself that he liked Fushiguro in a way that went past friendship. It was worse that Sukuna's eye was wide open on his cheek and reading everything he did, reminding Yuuji somewhat of a teacher hovering behind him in the computer lab and reading over his shoulder. 
"It says you should give him a gift. I have an idea." Yuuji didn't want to hear Sukuna's idea. "You should give him the carcass of a beast you slew yourself." Yuuji didn't want to hear any more of Sukuna's ideas. 
"Sukuna, have you ever actually done this before? Because I don't think that would work, even if it was a thousand years ago."
"Why would I need to do such a thing?"
That was a little surprising. "Well, you sounded so confident, I thought you had experience or something."
"Love is a fruitless endeavor. The only thing that matters in this world is the spilling of blood upon the earth, and everything that comes between. But you're so annoying that I decided to stoop down to your level so I could help you. You should be grateful."
"Stoop down to my level? What, is this wounding your pride?"
"My pride isn't something so easily scarred. Hearing your constant chattering, all revolving around that Fushiguro boy, is much more painful than condescending to help you." 
"What's with the flowery language all of a sudden?"
"You really are uncultured."
The sound of someone knocking at his door startled Yuuji out of his carefully constructed comeback, laced with a few choice words he'd learned from Kugisaki the last time she stubbed her toe. 
"Itadori? The movie's over." Oh fuck. "You left your phone on the couch." The doorknob rattled. 
"Uh, just a second!" Yuuji slammed his laptop shut and dragged the chair out of the way before opening the door.
Fushiguro blinked. "Itadori, were you watching po—"
"Nope! No, I wasn't," Yuuji said, fully aware that every word he spoke only cemented that conclusion in Fushiguro's mind. "I'm just going to take my phone now. See you tomorrow!" 
Yuuji grabbed his phone and made a move to close the door, but Fushiguro caught his wrist. His grip was firm and cool to the touch. 
"You've been acting strange lately. Did something happen?"
"I'm fine," Yuuji said automatically. His lips had probably memorized the shape of those words by now. 
"No, you aren't." Fushiguro's grip tightened a little, as if worried that Yuuji would try to snake out of it. I could try. I'm stronger than him.
"Itadori, look at me."
Shakily, Yuuji turned. Blue eyes met hazel. He felt naked somehow under the spotlight of Fushiguro's penetrating gaze. Oh god, that sounds so wrong. I don't want to think about that, not now.
"Is it something I said? Or did something else happen to you? I want to know." 
(It had nothing to do with anything Fushiguro said, and everything to do with what he didn't.)
Itadori. I need you.
"I said I'm fine."
"And I said you're not." Fushiguro sighed a little and closed his eyes. The flutter of his eyelashes was distracting. "I'm worried about you."
Fushiguro? Worried about him? 
"Why?" Yuuji knew it was a stupid question, but he was feeling pretty stupid at the moment. "Why would you do that?"
"Why—" Fushiguro's grip on Yuuji's wrist loosened in surprise. Yuuji twisted himself away, ready to cache himself in his room, but Fushiguro caught the sleeve of his hoodie instead. Worse, he stepped inside and uncomfortably close to Yuuji.
He could already feel his face turning red, and this time he couldn't rely on the cover of darkness. 
"You're seriously asking me why I worry about you?" Fushiguro's voice didn't sound quite as even as it usually did. Yuuji didn't let himself hope it was concern. "You died in front of me, Yuuji. I��� I had nightmares about it for months. Of course I'm worried."
He didn't know if it was Fushiguro's sudden use of his first name, or the quiver that accompanied it, but Yuuji's blood froze. He couldn't move even if he wanted to. 
Fushiguro positioned himself in front of Yuuji, and placed a steadying hand on his shoulder. His sapphire-blue eyes, normally so cold and distant, glittered with repressed tears. Yuuji stared at his lips instead. They looked so soft. Fushiguro had been biting them again; they were slightly flushed and raw in some places. 
"Please." Fushiguro was barely whispering now, his words only meant for the two of them. "I don't…"
I don't want to lose you again.  
Yuuji opened his mouth to speak, but didn't know where to start. How could he claim insecurity now that Fushiguro had been so vulnerable with him? His anxieties suddenly seemed very small and pitiful in the face of the burden he'd saddled on his friends. It was his fault that Fushiguro was close to tears now, when he could face curses on his own without a flicker of fear. Dark, thick shame sat heavily in his throat, and all he could do was gasp for air. 
You should take off your shirt.
Indignation replaced guilt in one swift motion. I am not taking off my shirt. 
"Sorry, Fushiguro." The apology was too quick, too shallow. "I'm sorry. For… everything." The back of his throat stung. "I'm sorry for bothering you. Please, just…" Just go. Just leave me alone. 
Just leave me to die. 
"You don't have to worry about me."
It's only going to hurt you in the end.
"I'll be f—"
Fushiguro grabbed him by the back of the head, subtracting from the distance between their faces. "How many times are you going to say you're fine? Is it so hard to believe that I care about you?" 
Don't say it. 
"Is it so hard to consider that I—" Fushiguro's voice broke. A gentle flush crept across his neck as he seemed to realize how close their faces were. 
Yuuji's vision blurred around the edges. Time crawled to a standstill, and there was nothing but the slope of Fushiguro's lips, trembling with words unsaid. Yuuji could hear his heart beating in his ears. He wondered if Fushiguro could hear it too, and if he felt some small comfort in knowing that the heart he had seen torn from its body and discarded like offal had been restored, and that it could beat and bleed and break again. 
"Would you just kiss him already?" 
Yuuji would have liked to think Sukuna had kept that comment for his ears only, but the way Fushiguro reeled back and turned beet red confirmed otherwise. 
"Your purple prose is getting on my nerves. I think I preferred it when you couldn't string sentences together." The lips on his cheek curled. "Honestly, if you had just taken your shirt off like I said, this would have been over already. I should have done it for you."
"What do you have against shirts? Haven't you ruined enough of my hoodies?"
Fushiguro cleared his throat. "Um."
Yuuji's face burned. "Oh. Uh. Sorry about that."
"What is it with you and apologies? You don't have to be sorry for everything." But Fushiguro was laughing. His mask had cracked, or perhaps he removed it himself. 
Yuuji couldn't help but smile. "I'll stop being sorry when you stop acting like you don't need anyone."
Fushiguro's face darkened slightly, as if wrapped in a shadow. "Is that what it was? I—"
Yuuji punched him lightly in the arm before he could apologize. "You're so emotionally constipated." 
The tiniest of grins played on Fushiguro's lips. "So…" He leaned in closer. "What was that about kissing me?"
And this time Yuuji leaned into it, letting Fushiguro take everything he had. His eyelashes, still wet from almost crying, brushed against Yuuji's face as they breathed each other in. Yuuji found himself clinging to him like a lifeline, as if any moment he might slip away.
I'm not going to leave you behind.
He was laughing and crying at the same time. "I never thought you liked me back," Yuuji gasped when he broke away for air.
Fushiguro traced his thumb under Yuuji's eye. "You really are dense, you know that?" "So I've been told."
Is this what I was looking for?
Yuuji melted into him, kissing him like a drowning man gasps for air. How could he have deluded himself into thinking he was alone? How, when Fushiguro's body fit him like a puzzle piece, and they were embracing each other like they had never been separate? 
You're welcome. Brat.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
"You know, I thought you'd at least notice all the times I was staring at you," Fushiguro mumbled sleepily. Their rhythm had slowed and now Yuuji was small and limp in his arms, playing with a strand of his hair. 
"Nope. Not even once." A sea of drowsiness threatened to engulf Yuuji, but he stubbornly resisted, if only to stay with Fushiguro for a moment more. He suppressed a yawn. 
"Gojo caught me watching you train once. He tortured me about it for a week." Fushiguro chuckled softly. "Um, he takes a lot of pictures of you. If you ever find a really blurry photo of you sparring in my room, that's why."
"Mm-hmm." Who knew Fushiguro was so warm? 
Yuuji's gaze flickered up to Fushiguro's eyes. Oh, he thought. They're so open. I can see right through him. 
"I'm here. Okay?"
I'm not going anywhere.
Neither am I.
And there was nothing but Fushiguro's breathing, and the heaviness of sleep, and the weight of words unspoken between them. 
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winterirondiscord · 5 years ago
WI Discord Staycation Crew 3 Word Prompt Game!
As part of last week’s Pride celebration, the Staycation Crew played a game!  And here are the fascinating results...
Rules: create a fic summary using the three prompted words
Perfection, book worm, a Wish - @psychiccatpanda 
Finally, Bucky's got an evening to himself - no team dinners, no therapy appointments, no Steve wanting to work out - just quiet. Perfect. He picked up his book again - a Hercule Poirot mystery. So sue him - Agatha Christie was fantastic - and he was just getting to the good part. Please, let me finish this in peace. Then came the knock on his door.
 Missed connections, World Map, Impulsive - @journeythroughtherain
When Tony took his first vacation in three years, he decided, to his PA's great despair, to scrap all of his pre-scheduled travelling plans and throw a dart on a world map to figure out his destination.
When he gets there, he does it again, and then again. He enjoys his freedom and the exhilaration of never knowing where he'll be going next, until a chance meeting on the Trans-Siberian Railway makes him wonder if he's finally found somewhere - someone - he wants to go home to at the end of his journey.
Now he's only got to figure out who the fascinating man that captivated his heart and mind was, and where to find him again. Unfortunately, he's only got his first name to go on - James.
 Bunny, Perfect recipe, naughty - @rise-up-ting-ting-like-glitter
Bucky Barnes was happy to have his past as an assassin behind him. Things were different now. He was part of team, had a cat, a boyfriend, a steady job, and was dangerously close to overdose on domestic bliss. He wasn’t bored. He just wanted more. He’d cleared it with Tony, a little magic in the kitchen to spice up their sex life would be fun. Bucky discovers that the package's slogan—you’ll fuck like rabbits!—was literal when he’s left with a bunny where his boyfriend used to be.
 Heroic gesture, trust, crosshairs - @jamesbuckystark
An evil villain has attacked and has a chemical that can decimate 75% of Earth’s population if released into the air. The machine is ready to be put into operation… he just needs to enter a code. The Avengers retaliate, but the villain has caught Tony and is using him as a human shield. Bucky has a shot, but he has Tony in the crosshairs. He knows Tony trusts him to make the best decisions, but does he trust Bucky enough to let him shoot?
 Shadows, Mirror mirror, shaking - @fightingforcreativity
Tony wasn't overly fond of the twilight hours. Shadows were drawn long and taunting, noises resonating throughout the old manor. He hated this manor with a passion, wasn't even sure why he was here.
'Stupid Honeybear and his stupid ideas about responsibility'
Rhodey had told him more often than not that Tony ought to look into the old family manor in the black forest. " 'Tony, he said, you need to know what you own and what not' yadayada."
Tony grumbled while also trying to contain the shivering. It was abnormal cold in this manor and even the heating system made unholy noises.
A little later, just as the twilight turned to darkness, Tony reached his room for the night. His fingers were shaking- why the hell were they shaking?- when he opened the door. He took a couple steps in and passed mirrors. Why a room needed more than one was beyond Tony. As soon as Tony reached the bed, he shrugged out of his clothes and- there another noise. He shrugged the uneasiness off and laid down. Just as he turned away from the mirror, he caught a glance of his reflection.
Problem was... Tony knew his reflection. And those grey eyes were not his.
 Dead plants,  resurface, fairy tales - @rebelmeg
"You had one job."
That's all the warning Prince Tony Stark gets before his best friend and Captain of the Guard, Bucky Barnes was flinging a flowerpot at his head. He ducked just in time, and the dead plant thudded to the floor with a shower of dirt and the broken remains of the flowerpot.
"Oh yeah... I was supposed to water that...."
"I WAS ONLY GONE FOR THREE DAYS, HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO KILL IT ALREADY?" Bucky threw his helmet next, and it ricocheted off the wall, narrowly missing Tony as he dodged out of the way.
"I'm sorry! But really, I think you're overreacting! It's just a plant!"
"NO IT'S NOT! That plant was symbolic of a peace treaty between us and the dryads that control the eastern woods!"
"The, uh.... scary woods outside that window there?"
"Oh. Well.... oops?"
Tony didn't plan on having to go on a quest to save his idiot friend from the wrath of the tree spirits, but, well... he's done worse things.
 Dirty laundry, unrequited love, curtain - @camichats
Rhodey walked in, paused, and considered walking right back out. Tony was standing on the arms of a chair, lifted up on his tiptoes, doing… something to the curtains. “What the hell are you doing?”
“I spilled coffee on them.”
“So? You’ve got a cleaning service.” Rhodey took a tentative step further in the apartment.
“These are Bucky’s curtains.” He emphasized Bucky’s name like Rhodey didn’t already know who he was from hearing Tony pine over him ever since they became roommates-- or, in one horrific instance, hear Tony basically write an entire erotica based on what he wanted Bucky to do to him after his morning run.
“And they were his mother’s and he loves these things more than life itself, so I can’t let him know that I got them dirty because he will hate me, and I can’t wait until the cleaning service comes by because they come here on Wednesday’s and it’s Friday.” He whooped triumphantly when he got them down. “So, all I have to do is stick them in the laundry and put them back up and he’ll never know, and he can go on to hate me for more reasonable things like waking him up in the middle of the night with my music and never doing my half of the dishes.”
 Drop dead, hair, just say no - @jamesbuckystark
“Ugh. Your cat just coughed up a hairball on my lap.” Tony shudders.
Bucky laughs. “Sorry. Just chuck it in the trash can. I’m sure Alpine won’t mind that you don’t keep his gift.”
“Excuse me?” Tony looks at him, horrified. “It’s hair. From your cat's
mouth. You take
care of it.”
“C'mon Tones, you won’t drop dead from touching it.”
“Get. It. Off. Me. Now.”
Bucky is now concerned, seeing the rigidity of Tony’s back. “Ok I’ll get it. Do you not like Alpine? If you don’t want me to keep him, you can just say no. I’m sure I can get Becca to keep him for me.”
In which Bucky gets a cat, and Tony’s a little unsure.
 Refreshed, cozy night, Earpiece - @rebelmeg
All Tony wanted was a quiet night in. That was it. A nice hot shower, maybe a bath if he was feeling fancy, and his favorite pizza on the couch while he watched the original version of Star War, as nature intended. Unfortunately, he walks out of the bathroom, swathed in a towel and feeling all kinds of refreshed and ready for his cozy night in, to see an earpiece sitting on the bed with a post-it note by it.
"SOS. Need your help. -Bucky"
"Oh, you have got to be kidding me..."
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outforawalkbitkah · 4 years ago
Hauntober Day 19, Prompt: Familiars
*These prompts will mostly be Jamanda-centric, some will be based on RP, some will be based on my stories, some will be whatever pops in my head.*
“Mom…” Anthony sighed as he walked into the kitchen.
“Yes, Sweetie?”
“Do you think Mr. Jimmy will let me borrow one of Misty’s kittens?”
“What?” Amanda chuckled, clearly caught off guard, “why would you need to borrow a little kitty?”
“Because I need to write a story about a familiar for school.”
“Okay...and…” Amanda waited for some kind of connection between the two, “how is Misty’s kitten going to help?”
“I don’t write stories!” Anthony looked at his mom like she just grew a third eye. “I’m not a nerd!” 
Amanda held back a smile. Sometimes she forgot how much he had in common with a certain someone--as much as they would both deny it.
“I’m just going to take her into class and pretend she’s my familiar.”
“Well...I’m sorry, honey, but I just don’t think a show and tell is going to cut it this time.”
“But, Mooom-mah!” Even though Anthony's smashed face muffled his whine against the kitchen table, it still amplified it into one loud klaxon horn.
“Come on, it’s just like pretend...if there was anyone you were going to pretend was a witch, who would it be?”
“Sam.” Anthony answered without missing a beat.
“Hey!” Samantha stopped dead in her tracks, holding the fridge door open. “What did I ever do to you?”
“This year, or just this week?” Anthony grinned.
“Alright, alright...back to school work. What do familiars do?”
“Whatever their witches tell them to do.”
“Okay, now in your story...what would Sam have Misty’s kitten do? Was there something weird or silly that she did while she stayed with us last month?”
“Well…” Anthony thought about it for a moment, then his head lowered and his voice was barely above a whisper, “Misty left a hairball on my pillow when I woke up once.”
“Oh, I forgot about that!” Sam giggled, “that was funny, you practically screamed like a girl.”
“Calm down, calm down. Anthony, your sister’s not really a witch, it’s just for a story. Pretend, remember?”
He looked at the noise coming from the doorway behind Amanda, “Mom, guys can be witches, too, right?”
“I think they call them something different, but yes, I think--wait, why?”
“Then it was definitely him!” Anthony pointed at Johnny as he walked in.
“What?” Johnny looked around the kitchen, at nobody in particular, “okay, what did I do this time, huh?”
“You're an evil warlock that magically had that cute little fur ball, cough up a hairball on Anthony’s pillow. Though don’t get too riled up, not a minute ago, he said it was my fault. ‘Cause apparently, I’m a witch.”
“Yeah, well,”  Johnny smiled, “the jury’s still out on that one.”
“Ha-ha, very funny!”
“Well, I don’t know what to say, except that it wasn’t me.”
“Oh yeah, prove it!” 
“If I had done it, it would have been the biggest, soggiest hairball AND it would have just magically reappeared somewhere else every time you cleaned it up.” Johnny bent down to be closer to Anthony’s eye level, an evil smirk right in place, “You would never know where or when it would pop up next.”
Anthony scrunched his face and rolled his eyes, “whatever! I still say you used your evil magic on Mom, why else would she like you?”
“Oh, Anthony…” Amanda’s face fell.
“Yeah, well…” Johnny stood up straight, dropped the teasing and got serious for a moment, “you are right about one thing. I used to use my magic for bad, evil things, but now I only use my powers for good. The thing you got wrong though...it was your mom that worked her magic on me,” Johnny smiled and leaned down to finally kiss Amanda hello. “Hey.”
“Hey,” she smiled back.
He noticed that she was still busy working on her computer. “It’s been a long day, how’s pizza for dinner sound?”
Amanda looked down at all the stuff she still had to do, and just sighed, “Sounds great!” 
He took out his phone, “if I’m lucky, maybe they’ll put hair balls on Anthony’s pizza.”
“Whatever, I’ll be in my room,” he glared daggers, he was a boy on a mission, “I don’t need help anymore, Mom, I think I can handle it now.”
“He’s just teasing, Anthony...” Amanda tried, as her son left the room. But it was just the two of them left in the kitchen now. “Really, Johnny?” She sighed, “that was using your powers for good?”
“What?” He didn’t even look up from his phone, he just kept tapping away. “The kid can’t go around making wild accusations like that. Besides, we all know that cat didn’t need any nudging to leave him a nice, little wake up call. Cats are evil all on their own.”
“Sure, Babe, whatever you say.” Amanda smirked, certainly knowing better. “Just remember that Sam has picture proof, of just how big of a softy we both know you can be.”
Johnny stopped everything and pursed his lips, laying her with a solid ‘oh, you’re gonna pay for that later’ look, “no comment,” and tried his phone again. “Hey, Evil Witch!” he hollered.
“Yeah?” Samantha yelled from the T.V. room and  walked back into the kitchen moments later, “What’s up, Evil Warlock?”
“Show me how to use that pizza-app-thing again...just don’t wiggle your nose, we don’t know what could happen.”
“Whaaat?” Samantha scrunched her face.
Amanda stifled a laugh from behind her computer and kept quietly working. Something that didn't go amiss by Johnny as he smiled.
“Oh-kay, but I’m gonna order extra everything…”
“Yeah, I figured.” Johnny sighed as he followed Sam into the other room.
“Now, for the fifth time…”
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nev3rfound · 5 years ago
day time disaster : b.b
brief summary: following on from the events in night time comfort, the reader and bucky are sent on a mission in which she loses control of her powers, leaving bucky to try and help her somehow. 
(part one - night time comfort)
word count: 1.3k requested: yes, by a series of you but my good friend @tearsforhan suggested this plot which I love! warnings: none that i’m aware of 
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it isn’t me. all rights reserved. - thank you to everyone who helped regarding the wattpad situation, you’re all amazing)
* masterlistin’
* commissions
** permanent taglist **
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Sitting upright you cough violently and smack your own back, watching a hairball land on your legs as you groan at the sight. “No matter how often I do it, still disgusting.” You mutter under your breath as you rise from your bed, straightening the sheets out as fur falls to the ground.
“Agent Y/l/n, you are required in the briefing room at 1200 hours.” You glance over at your clock and sigh under your breath.
Running your fingers through your hair, you nod to yourself. “Thanks, FRIDAY.” You reply as you walk into your bathroom, knowing it’s always best to clean up before you’re required in the briefing room. 
Walking into the room, your eyes wander to see Steve sat beside Bucky and Tony sat on his own. “Ah, good of you to finally join us,” Tony speaks up with an irritated smile as you take the nearest seat, shuffling in. 
“Sorry, I didn’t realise I was late.” You quietly apologise, and you tuck your hair behind your left ear, causing Bucky to notice the dark bags beneath your eyes. 
Tony rises to his feet. “So, now that we’re all present,” His eyes shoot over to you, and Bucky glares toward Tony realising you’re uncomfortable by being called out. “Fury provided me with the newest mission details, and insisted on you three going.” 
“Us?” Steve speaks up as he looks between you and Bucky, unsure why he would put the three of you together. 
“Yup, got a problem, Cap?” Tony raises an eyebrow, looking over at you as you remain straight-faced, focusing on the documents being placed in front of you. 
Steve leans back in his chair, shaking his head. “An unlikely trio, that’s all.” He states, ignoring Bucky kicking his leg underneath the table. 
“Anyway,” Tony clears his throat as he begins to run through the details of the mission. “there’s a base over in Propad, Slovakia. Hidden beneath the National Park.” 
The three of you watch closely at the visuals, taking in all the necessary information. 
“You need to get inside, wipe all of the information and leave before detected,” Tony explains and you nod to yourself.
“Just another day at the office then.” Bucky mutters, causing you to chuckle under your breath, something that he doesn’t miss as he glances over to you, seeing a smile rise on your face.
“You leave in three hours. Go prepare.” Tony says before walking out of the room, leaving the three of you sat still. 
“See you guys out there.” You walk out of the room, leaving the pair sat alone. 
Bucky swallows heavily, trying to ignore Steve staring at him. “Whatever you’re going to say, Steve,” Bucky starts, turning his head to see Steve sporting a large smile. “don’t.” Bucky tries to be stern, but it is evidently failing. 
“I’m not saying anything, Buck.” Steve replies as he rises to his feet. “Just, it’s nice to hear you jokin’ around.” He comments before leaving the room and Bucky alone with his thoughts and the image of you laughing to yourself, even if it was for a split second. 
The three of you remain quiet on the Quinjet as you sharpen your knives before sliding them back into the various holsters you have. But as you work, you can feel blue eyes lingering on the agility you have as you hold the sharp blades. 
You tuck them all away, feeling self-conscious as you avoid his gaze and try to ignore your heart rate increasing. “We’re almost there,” Tony announces to the three of you as you feel the Quinjet descending into a bumpy landing, throwing you out of your seat and landing harshly on your back.
“You alright?” Bucky rises to his feet, offering you a hand which you gladly accept, silently thanking him. 
Departing the Quinjet, the three of you scope out the forest. Your feet crush against the thick layer of snow and you avoid shivering, but your breath floats away into the air before you, leaving little signs of warmth. 
“Okay, Y/n, Bucky,” Steve states and you all stop, looking over at him. “you both go that way. Don’t lose one another.” He tells you and you nod, refusing to question his intentions. 
You learnt a while ago when it comes to missions, there is no second-guessing or questioning. Whatever orders are advised, you follow with no hesitation.
Bucky follows behind you as you get closer to the cabin that Tony mentioned in the briefing. “That’s it.” You tell Bucky, glancing over and not realising how close he actually was. If you weren’t already freezing, you knew the feeling of his breath close to your ear would give you chills.  
“Okay, doll, I’ll go first and you follow behind,” Bucky states, not even realising he used a pet name for you. 
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nod as your voice isn’t something you can trust. As you step forward, you can feel something pressing against the back of your head, causing you to fall to the ground.
“Y/n?!” Bucky yells as he watches you on the ground, clutching your head. His eyes dart around, seeing no one else in sight. “Steve, Y/n’s been hit by something. She’s down. I repeat, Y/n down.” He yells into the comms, watching in fear as tears fill your eyes.
“Bucky,” You manage to breathe out, watching his blue eyes lock with yours. “go.” 
He shakes his head. “I’m not leaving you.” He states, but you grab his hand. 
“You need to go, please.” You plead, feeling something happening inside of you. “Just go.” You yell as you feel yourself losing control.
Bucky rises to his feet as he watches you cough before morphing into something else before his very eyes. “H,how?” He stutters as he steps back, panic evident in his eyes as you stand on all fours as a large brown wolf. 
“Y/n,” Bucky speaks up nervously, looking into the wolves eyes and seeing pure fear. 
The wolf howls before changing into a small cat, one Bucky recognises instantly. Within a matter of seconds, the cat becomes Daisy the dog and Bucky is speechless. 
Your tail drops between your legs as you quietly whine, lowering your head to avoid Bucky looking at you. “Y/n, it’s, it was you all this time?” Bucky asks in pure confusion as you sit down on all fours. 
He kneels in front of you, still stuck as Daisy the collie as he reaches out and strokes your fur cautiously. 
“Bucky, is Y/n alright?” Steve asks with a heavy breath through the comms. 
Bucky stands back up, turning away from you. “I, I think so.” He stutters, keeping his back turned. 
Whilst he’s looking away, you focus on your form and change back into yourself. You remain seated, cross-legged as Bucky is talking to Steve. You wipe your eyes, trying to ignore the tears pricking them as Bucky removes his finger from the comms. 
As he faces you, the shock is evident in his expression. “So it was you all along?” He asks gently, kneeling in front of you this time and offering a hand. 
With a heavy sigh, you lift your face up to meet his. “What happens if I say yes?” You question, raising an eyebrow to him. 
“You’ll have me thank you for helping me when I needed it most.” He tells you with a small smile. 
You accept his hand as you stand up and brush your trousers. “I guess I’ll have to let you know once this is over.” You say with a small smile before kicking the door down to the base, walking inside as Bucky follows behind you. 
“God, I hope this is over quickly.” Bucky mutters under his breath as he keeps his eyes fixated on you, not letting you out of his sight.
permanent taglist :
@psychicforest 🌙 @lourightm 🌙 @mywinterwolf  🌙 @perellith-chronicles🌙  @supermoonchildbroski​🌙  @xrosegoldwolfx🌙 @courtneychicken
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thelastspeecher · 5 years ago
I got in a Spy AU mood randomly the other day and we actually talked a bit about it on the Discord and came up with some new things (that I think I will try to write a ficlet to introduce at some point).  And as I went through my Spy AU word doc, I realized that I had a decently fluffy scene written that I never posted.  It’s basically a follow-up to this.  Enjoy.
              With some difficulty, Angie shuffled the bags of groceries around until she could open the door.  She stepped inside the house.  Immediately, she heard footsteps run towards her.
              “Mama!” Daisy shrieked, colliding with Angie’s legs in her excitement.  Danny followed her twin at a slightly more sedate pace.  “Mama! Uncle Fidds brought us a kitty!”
              “I heard,” Angie said calmly.  “I brought some things fer the kitty while he stays with us.”
              “Do we get to keep him?” Danny asked.
              “No, we’re just takin’ care of him until his home is ready,” Angie answered. Danny and Daisy pouted.  “He’s not ours, sweetlings, he’s someone else’s. We can’t keep him.”  Stan poked his head out of the nearby kitchen.
              “Hey, Ang.”
              “Hey, yourself.  If you want to put away the groceries, I’ll get food ready fer the kitten.”
              “On it.”  Stan walked over and took the groceries from Angie.  “By the way, he’s hiding somewhere.  I think he got sick of getting his whiskers pulled.”
              “He’ll show up,” Angie said confidently.  “Girls, go ahead and get back to colorin’ or whatever it was you were doin’.  Yer dad and I will call ya when dinner’s ready.”
              “Okay,” Danny said dutifully.  She and Daisy wandered off.
              “I think Ford already regrets deciding to stay here,” Stan said in a low tone.  “We can’t leave him alone in a room with the girls.  They’re too excited to realize he doesn’t like getting tugged on.”
              “I figured as such,” Angie replied.  She followed Stan into the kitchen.  “But other than bein’ subjected to our daughters’ enthusiasm, how’s he doin’?”
              “He hacked up a hairball on the living room rug, got tangled up in a ball of yarn, and fell asleep in my lap for fifteen minutes.  So I think he’s adjusting to being a cat pretty well,” Stan said.  Angie chuckled.  She dug out the canned wet food from one of the grocery bags, along with a small food dish.
              “Makes ya wonder if he was meant to be a cat all along.”
              “Well, Fiddlesticks said that whatever Ford got splashed with is supposed to reveal your inner self.  Or somethin’ like that.”
              “Ah.”  Angie opened the cat food.  Much like when she walked through the door, the response was immediate.  Claws sounded on the hardwood floor.  “Someone must smell their dinner.”  Angie felt something tug at her pants leg.  She looked down, expecting to see one of her daughters.  Instead, it was a kitten resembling a lion cub, with feathery wings on its back.  It clung to Angie’s clothes, staring up at her with wide eyes.  “Howdy.”  The kitten meowed.  “How are you, Stanford?”
              “If you must ask, I suppose that I’m fine,” Ford said, “but I need to ask, is that food mine?”  Ford looked at the can of food.
              “Yes, it is yours,” Angie said.  Ford meowed again and began to climb further up her leg.  “Wh- hey!  Don’t do that!”  Ford ignored her, continuing to climb.  “Stan? Some help?”
              “On it.”  Stan grabbed Ford.  “Ford, what the hel- heck?”
              “I’m hungry, of course!  I could eat a horse!” Ford moaned.
              “Using Angie as your own personal jungle gym won’t make your food get ready faster,” Stan said.  Ford hissed quietly.
              “Here, eat up,” Angie said, setting the food dish on the floor.  Stan carefully put Ford down.  Ford rushed over and began to eat voraciously.  “Slow down.  The food’s not goin’ anywhere.”
              “Feathers is eating!” a voice squealed.  Stan and Angie looked over.  Danny and Daisy were standing in the entryway to the kitchen, watching Ford with wide eyes.
              “Uh, what did you just call him?” Stan asked.
              “Feathers,” Daisy chirped.  “‘Cause he’s got feathers!”
              “Oh.”  Stan looked at Angie.  “I guess it makes sense for them to come up with something other than ‘the kitty’.”
              “I wanna play with Feathers,” Daisy announced, marching over to Ford. Ford stopped eating and watched her approach, his back arched, fur standing on end.
              “No, leave him alone,” Angie said.  She picked Daisy up.  “Would you like it if a giant kept pokin’ ya while ya tried to eat yer dinner?”
              “…No,” Daisy mumbled.
              “Exactly.  Let Feathers have a few moments of peace while yer father and I make dinner, okay?”
              “Okay.”  Angie set Daisy down.  She exited the kitchen with her twin, glancing back at Ford on her way out.
              “Sorry ‘bout that,” Angie said to Ford.  Ford didn’t respond.  He had resumed eating with gusto.  “Geez, if ya keep eatin’ so fast, you’ll-”  Angie blinked.  Before she could finish her sentence, Ford had successfully emptied his bowl.  “You were hungry, huh.”  Ford sat back on his haunches and nodded, his tail swishing idly.
              “Are you still hungry?” Stan asked.  Ford nodded again.  Stan looked at Angie.  “Should we give him more food?”
              “We have to be careful with cats.  They’ll eat themselves into obesity if ya don’t regulate their intake.” Angie frowned.  “But then again, Ford had a massive change today, which would definitely be drainin’, and kittens need enough food to grow.”  She chewed her lip, thinking.  After a minute, Stan prompted her.
              “Dry food,” Angie said decisively.  Ford’s tail drooped.  “We’ll give him dry food.”
              “Just because I’m a cat, you’ll feed me that?” Ford said.
              “Uh, yeah.  It’s what cats eat,” Stan said.  Ford glared at him.  Angie picked up the food dish.  While she poured dry food into it, Ford began to wash his face.
              “Okay, that’s adorable,” Angie said.  Ford huffed quietly, but continued to clean himself.  He paused, a strange expression on his face.
              “Shit,” Stan muttered.  “He made that face earlier.”  Ford wheezed loudly.  “Did you really lick yourself enough that you have to do this again?”  Ford wheezed twice more.  “Come on, Ford, don’t-”  With a loud hack, Ford coughed a hairball onto the flecked linoleum.  “Dammit, Ford.”  Ford mewed quietly.  Stan grunted in displeasure.  “Now I gotta clean it up.”
              “Use a paper towel, dear,” Angie said.  Stan nodded.  He grabbed a few sheets of paper towel from the roll on the counter.  When he knelt next to Ford to clean up the hairball, Ford let out another soft meow.  Stan looked at him.
              “You all right?” Stan asked.  Ford looked down.  “I’m not angry at you.  Cats can’t help coughing up hairballs.”  Ford meowed again.  Stan frowned. “You know you can speak English still, right?”
              “Today, it’s the most embarrassing thing I’ve done,” Ford muttered. “Coughing up two hairballs, not merely one.”
              “Oh.”  Stan paused. “You gotta do it, you gotta do it, right?  Same reason Angie got you a scratching post and a litterbox.  You’re a cat.  Cats do this stuff.”  Ford’s eyes widened.  “…You didn’t know Angie got you a litterbox.”  Ford shook his head.  “If you tried to use the pot, you’d fall in.”  Ford looked away.  “We’re gonna put the litterbox in the guest room, okay?  The girls don’t go in there ‘cause they think it’s haunted.  You’ll get some privacy.”  Ford looked pointedly at the hairball.  “Yeah, I can’t do anything about you hacking up hairballs in front of people.  You’ll have to figure it out on your own.”  Stan shrugged.  “Just hide when you feel like you’re gonna do it.”
              “I suppose I can try to run off next time.”
              “Here,” Angie said, setting down Ford’s food dish again.  It had a mixture of dry and wet food.
              “I thought it was just gonna be dry food,” Stan said.
              “It was, but then Ford was cute and sad,” Angie said.  Stan scratched the top of Ford’s head.  Ford started to purr.  
              “See?  Things are already looking up for the world’s nerdiest kitten.”
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buckybarnesbingo · 5 years ago
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BBB Week 6 Roundup!
Don’t forget that our late card requests are still open until the 22nd!
Title: take you down Collaborator: ABitNotGoodieBag Link: AO3 Square Filled: Kiss Me Ship: BuckySam Rating: Explicit Major Tags: BDSM, explicit sexual content Summary: Bucky is a distracting menace and Sam’s gonna let him know what’s what. Word Count: 4222
Title: Petals - Chapter 7 Collaborator: DocOlive Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Intimacy without sex Ship: Stucky, IronStrange Rating: Teen Major Tags: Hanahaki disease, emotional constipation, sickfic Summary: “So what you both have, it seems, is a terminal case of idiocy.” Strange swept into the open living area, like he was continuing a conversation Bucky forget they were having. Which, okay, was reasonable, given the massive levels of shit he was feeling at the moment. He glanced over to where Steve was perched at the far end of the couch, pale and sweaty, looking even more delicate than usual. Bucky imagined he looked about as miserable, himself, what with the recent tendency to work up hairballs made of goddamn flowers.  --  Bucky and Steve admit their feelings and feel better. Stephen Strange is an ass. Word Count: 7203
Title: Save Another Life (It Will Be Worth It) - Chapter 2: Helpless Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: U4 – restrained Ship: Bucky & Tony & Bruce Rating: Teen Major Tags: child abuse, Dad Bucky & Kid Tony & Kid Bruce, heavy angst and lots of fluff Summary: James' suspicions about Bruce's home life are confirmed in the worst way. Word Count: 6505
Title: Escape Plan: 12 Percent of a Plan - Chapter 1: 12% of a Plan Collaborator: tisfan Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K4 - Meet Ugly Ship: WinterIronQuill Rating: Teen Major Tags: Prison fic, lack of planning, assholes, but not 100% dicks   Summary: They say the first day in prison, you have to win a fight, or become someone’s bitch. Tony’s got no idea which thing just happened. Word Count: 1480
Title: Siren -  Chapter 2: Concentrating my moves, I'm on a mission Collaborator: writing-mermaid Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C3 - Free square Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Mature Major Tags: Fight, mention of injuries and blood Summary: Y/N is a mutant, a Siren, the last of her kind, with deadly dangerous powers and a hidden past. If most of the Avengers likes and get along with her, Steve doesn’t, and it’s getting worse when Y/N and Bucky become close. After all what can bring two broken souls together if it’s not a dark past. Word Count: 1643
Title: Artificial Indignities Collaborator: EachPeachPearPlum Link: AO3 Square Filled: C2 - Walking Disaster Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Mature Major Tags: humour, flatulence, attempted cock-blocking Summary: In which Clint makes the mistake of comparing JARVIS and Alexa, and suffers the consequences. Word Count: 1672
Title: Broken Angels - Chapter 23: For Want of a Cat Collaborator: pherryt Link: AO3 Square Filled: - Cat Ship: Bucky/Clint/Steve/Natasha Rating: Explicit Major Tags: For this chapter, none, for the overall fic: Dark elements, brainwashing, low self worth, violence, canon divergent AU Summary: Winter bonds with Peter and Tony freaks out. Just a little. Word Count: 55,443
Title: Save Another Life (It Will Be Worth It) - Chapter 3: From Bad To Worse Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: C5 – the clock is ticking Ship: Bucky & Tony & Bruce Rating: Teen Major Tags: child abuse, Dad Bucky & Kid Tony & Kid Bruce, heavy angst, character death Summary: The bruises on Bruce's face heal. His home life doesn't. James is driven to make a drastic and necessary decision. Word Count: 9421
Title: where we existed, we invested all our time (just to witness the bitter side of life) Collaborator: asphxdels Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Regrets Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Hurt No Comfort, Angst, Break Up Summary: “It was selfish and it won’t ever happen again.”  “I know it won’t.” Word Count: 1223
Title: The Nearness of You [Part One] Collaborator: arrowsandmixtapes Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B5 - Soul Bond Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Teen Major Tags: Canon divergence and other creative liberties Summary: While stationed overseas, Bucky Barnes meets a woman his very soul recognizes. Word Count: 3664
Title: See You Collaborator: sarahbenial Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y1 - Through a Scope Ship: BuckyNat Rating: Mature Major Tags: Non-graphic violence, brief non-graphic sex, smoking   Summary: Bucky’s about to pull the trigger on a target when he’s interrupted by a familiar figure. Word Count: 1975
Title: Only a Phone Call Away (part 2) Collaborator: riotwritesthings Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C4 - I Regret Nothing Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: teasing, phone sex, marathon sex, orgasm denial Summary: Tony is across the country for work, and then Bucky is across the world for a mission, but they always find a way to keep in touch. Even when Bucky would rather be without the distraction. (Now with chapter 2, featuring Bucky getting his Revenge) Word Count: 4799
Title: Save Another Life (It Will Be Worth It) - Chapter 4: Turning Point Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: C4 – anger issues Ship: Bucky & Tony & Bruce Rating: Teen Major Tags: child abuse, recovery (physical and emotional), dad Bucky and kids Tony and Bruce, nightmares Summary: On the run again, James takes care of his boys while Bruce begins his recovery, constantly supported by Tony. Word Count: 12,831
Title: N/A Collaborator: Trashcanakin [Zain] Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B1 - Baking Ship: Bucky & Kate Bishop Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: [Fanart] Bucky and Kate baking a cake!
Title: Pressure Rising Collaborator: darter_blue Link: AO3 Square Filled: C3 - free space Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, light D/s, under-negotiated kink Summary: Waking up in a farmhouse, on an apple orchard, in the arms of a man who could bench press a minivan, with eyelashes like a disney princess and shoulders like a greek god is Bucky's fantasy turned reality. Except this is sort of a kidnapping. And his life might be falling apart in the real world. And Bucky might not give a shit, because Steve Rogers is like a drug, and Bucky just can't get enough. Also, it turns out, maybe Bucky is a drug for Steve too... Word Count: 7297
Title: Save Another Life (It Will Be Worth It) - Chapter 5: Hugs Help Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y3 – abandonment issues Ship: Bucky & Tony & Bruce Rating: Teen Major Tags: past child abuse, recovery, hurt/comfort, all the hugs Summary: James eases some of Bruce's fears, the boys all catch a cold, and hugs help. Word Count: 15,462
Title: B.B. Bear - Bucky’s Happiness Collaborator: shakespeareanqueer  Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y5 - Happy Ship: Steve/Becca Barnes Rating: Teen, Mature later Major Tags: Mentions of Bucky’s past/brainwashing Summary: Steve visits Bucky in Wakanda and he is extremely happy. Why? Because someone very special is also there. Word Count: 3103
Title: How do you poison a weapon? Collaborator: flintrage Link: AO3 Square Filled: B2 - Poison Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: None other than the standard fare you'd expect from the Asset and the STRIKE team; being spoken to as if he isn't a person, etc. Pretty low-key though, this isn't an angsty fic really. Summary: Something is seriously wrong with the Asset. The STRIKE team low-key panics while they try to figure out what they should do about it. Word Count: 704
Title: Into the Unknown (2/5) Collaborator: diner_drama Link: AO3 Square Filled: B4 - Royalty AU Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Frozen AU Summary: Bucky's ceremonial waistcoat was itchy, and the crown was making the top of his head uncomfortably sweaty. The assembled dignitaries and ministers were watching him expectantly from around the conference table, waiting for him to open the meeting. He cleared his throat. "Good morning everyone," he started, as he had every week for his interminable tenure as ruler, trying to smile warmly and only somewhat succeeding. "Let's begin this week's business. How are my subjects?" Allowing himself to drift a little, he gazed out of the huge ornamental window, out across the great expanse of the sea, the azure waters lapping against the shore, the dark cerulean of the depths out towards the horizon. At the very edge of his hearing, a nearly imperceptible voice was audible, jolting him into awareness. Abruptly, he dropped his scepter. Word Count: 1310
Title: Save Another Life (It Will Be Worth It) - Chapter 7: Wouldn't Change A Thing Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 – gray hair Ship: Bucky & Tony & Bruce Rating: Teen Major Tags: fluff and good feels, sass and silliness Summary: The boys grow up, go to school, and turn into the men they were meant to be, with James right there with them. Word Count: 20,336
Title: No Use Crying Over Spilt Milkshakes Collaborator: pherryt Link: AO3 Square Filled: U3- Soulmates Ship: Bucky/Clint/Steve Rating: Gen Major Tags: angst, soulmates, depression Summary: Clint's feeling abandoned and rudderless with the fall of SHIELD, the lack of Avenger calls, and the disappearances of both Steve and Nat, though he gets why they're both off doing their own things. His best friend could never sit idle and Steve, well, he's got bigger problems than Clint to deal with right now (*cough*Winter Soldier*cough*). It's okay. He'll deal. Somehow. Maybe. Word Count: 5553
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saijspellhart · 6 years ago
Bleached White
This is a gift to @shadowlordscorpio, who won my 1k follower art/writing giveaway, and asked for more Chat Blanc related things. They gave me a prompt to work from, and this is what I came up with.
This oneshot is related to my Floofy-eared Chat Blanc AU, (Which also includes Velvet Soft and Take My Hand) and should be considered the first installment in the series of oneshots.
Lightning split the sky, the brief flicker of light spilling across an unconscious woman.
It was the rolling crackle of thunder off in the distance that roused Marinette into consciousness.
The musty stench of age and neglect stung her nose before her eyes could even begin adjusting to the dim light. But she knew right away that she wasn't someplace familiar.
Marinette recognized the plush texture of expensive blankets and a soft bed, but the space around her felt empty, her bleary eyes failing to pick out any shapes in the darkness. No furniture, just empty floor and walls.
Lightning spilled light into the room again cutting a terrifying silhouette against the windows. At first she thought it was Chat Noir hunched over, but there was something different. The edges of his figure looked pale... bleached like bone.
Then everything fell into darkness again but she could still make out his shape now that she knew he was there.
"Chat...?" Marinette tried to sit up and felt her head surge with dizzying pain. "Where am I?" She tried to recall memories, anything to help make sense of her current surroundings.
At the sound of her voice the Chat-like figure turned to look at her. But his eyes were all wrong. Blazing magenta cut through the darkness instead of the pleasant toxic green she was accustomed to.
Marinette saw him pull something away from his mouth and hiss, white fangs glinting dangerously, and suddenly the fetid stench of rotting cheese overpowered the general aroma of dust and neglect.
Rotting cheese. Camembert.
Pain like a pounding hammer rippled through the back of her head, followed by memories. Memories of Chat's disappearance, a worried Ladybug searching for him in the dead of night for weeks, sightings and rumors of a bleached white Chat seen all across Paris. Marinette cleaning out her cheese reserves when Chat failed to visit her for two months straight. Angrily taking the spoiled cheese to the garbage can behind her parent's bakery... the smell had been so overpowering.
Those magenta eyes suddenly brought her back. Back to that alley, back to the creature who ambushed her in the darkness. So scared she stumbled and lost her footing... everything after was blackness.
Marinette reached up and touched the spot on the back of her head and hissed when pain lanced from a tender lump there.
"Chat..." she began again, in her silence he seemed to have returned to scarfing the foul smelling thing in his hands. "Where have you been?"
Magenta eyes fixed on her again, their demonic glow studying her from across the room.
A warm buzzing crawled from the inside of Marinette's jacket to the back of her collar.
"Something isn't right Marinette," Tikki whispered from the back of her neck. "That is Chat. I know because I still feel Plagg. But... he's different. His aura is tainted."
The Chat figure finished licking the rotten smelling substance from his fingers and pitched a bag off to the side. The dim light of the window illuminated just enough for Marinette to recognize it. It was the bag the spoiled cheese had been in when she went to toss it.
"You ate all that spoiled cheese? But you hate cheese." She'd purchased it for his Kwami to eat and recharge whenever he came by to visit her. Chat Noir himself refused to even smell the stuff.
Chat moved from his spot by the window, slinking on all fours towards her, those demonic eyes never blinking.
A sudden wave of fear crawled up her spine making her limbs feel heavy like lead and her blood run cold.
He moved closer, reaching the edge of the bed and continuing to close in on her.
Her breath hitched when Chat crawled over the blankets until he was practically on top of her. His breathing was audible as if he were drawing sharp breaths through his nose, and it took him burying his nose in her hair to realize he was smelling her.
The temptation to slug him was almost unbearable.
This waaay overstepped their boundaries as mere friends, and it was even pushing it a little when he did it to Ladybug. Which she was not right now.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Marinette~," he suddenly purred. But this wasn't the cheerful greeting she was accustomed to; his tone sounded sick and low, almost sinister. "My little friend from the bakery. You stink of... bread."
Well he wasn't wrong. She still lived with her parents even though she was twenty. To make ends meet she worked mornings in the bakery—which would definitely contribute to her smelling like baked goods. Her afternoons were spent running her online custom clothing store.
He pulled away from her and, despite the implication that she smelled bad, licked his lips like he was starving. There was a change in his expression, a sense of lucidity in his eyes that hadn't been there before.
"What happened to you?" She pressed again more firmly.
"Why?" He sneered, finally moving away from her to settle back on his heels, crouched on the edge of the bed. "Are you afraid of me? Everyone else is." He bared his teeth for emphasis and she took a sharp inhale when light reflected off rows of sharp fangs.
"Why are you all white?"
Chat suddenly let out a mocking laugh, "What's the matter? Do you only take your Chats the way you take your coffee?"
"Quit evading all my questions!"
Chat sniffed and stood up from the bed, "If I tell you, you might sic Ladybug after me. I know you're friends with that Ladyblogger after all."
"Hawkmoth akumatized you." She'd had the inkling suspicion the moment she woke up and found him in bleached white leather, but had hoped it wasn't true. His aversion to Ladybug only confirmed her suspicion.
"Au contraire, I akumatized myself."
"And what difference does that make?"
He glared down his nose, a superior expression etched along his features. "It means I am not that pathetic man's pawn."
As if Hawkmoth had been listening in (and perhaps he was) the glowing outline of a moth burned to life in front of Chat's eyes, and he suddenly screamed.
Marinette watched in horror as Chat hit the ground, and began writhing along the floor. She felt her heart clench at his cries of agony, and even when she clapped her hands over her ears they seemed to penetrate right through her.
Chat's claws gouged deep lacerations into the wooden floors, ripping up bits of splinters, while his boots kicked up dirt and dust. He writhed and struggled on the ground as if someone were torturing him, back arching, tail lashing, teeth gnashing, his pupils blown wide, but focused on absolutely nothing. The moth pattern in front of his face burned even brighter with a cruel intensity.
"No!" Chat snarled into the floor, dragging his canines over the boards. "Nononono—!" His frantic denial dissolved into an unintelligible scream of pain, and he rolled along the ground akin to a contortionist, limbs wildly swinging and slashing anything within reach of his claws. (Which given the barren state of the room, fortunately happened to be more floor.)
Marinette clamped her eyes shut, trying to shut out the horrible image before her. She couldn't watch this. She couldn't watch her partner suffer like this, akumatized or not.
"Tikki what do I do? He needs help!"
The Kwami pressed hot paws to the back of her neck, but it was far from comforting. "I don't know Marinette. Hawkmoth appears to be hurting him, trying to make him submit. But Chat's fighting it."
"And we cant stop this?" Marinette implored.
"He either has to give in, or fight passed it until Hawkmoth gives up."
The torture scene before them felt as though it played out for hours, despite only going on for a few minutes. The sound of Chat's agony echoed through the building and Marinette's head, until she was sure she'd be hearing his screams in her sleep. His claws were digging against the wood so savagely it was a wonder he didn't rip a whole in the floor and fall through.
"Look Marinette!" Tikki cried, slapping her paw against her chosen's neck to get her attention.
Marinette opened her eyes to find the glowing butterfly pattern flickering in strength. It blinked like an old neon light before flickering out completely, leaving Chat to pant against the floor in exhaustion.
"Perhaps it's just as taxing on Hawkmoth to inflict pain on his victims like that," Tikki pondered next to her ear.
With the absence of the glowing butterfly, the pain appeared to recede, and Chat's body went limp. His breaths were labored, rattling in and out of his lungs with effort, and saliva bubbled from the corner of his mouth.
He looked like a wounded animal.
Marinette hesitated for only a moment before surging forward and dropping to his side.
"Chat! Are you alright?" She placed a hand on his shoulder, but he didn't respond. "Oh god, please be alright." Her fingers traced over his ribs, before touching his side.
A shudder wracked his body.
Chat began wheezing like something was lodged in his throat. At first Marinette thought he was choking, until realizing it was akin to a cat coughing up a hairball. Seconds later he coughed an akuma onto the floor amid a puddle of saliva and iridescent purple butterfly scales.
The akuma attempted to take flight, clearly disoriented and flailing in the puddle of drool.
"Tikki, I'm not transformed!"
The Kwami leapt into action, diving at the butterfly before it could escape.
"You owe me for this, Marinette," she grumbled, lifting the slimy akuma to her mouth before adding, "Big time."
Marinette watched as her Kwami ate the akuma. Her mouth curled into a look of horror and disgust.
"I'm purifying it," Tikki explained in a matter-of-fact tone. "I can do that."
A moment later she burped out a completely white butterfly. They both watched it flutter towards the nearest exit.
Kwami and Chosen returned their attention to Chat to find he had passed out on the floor. His suit still shown as white as the moon.
"I don't understand," started Marinette, "Shouldn't that have fixed him?"
Tikki moved to hover next to his face, and placed a paw against his cheek. "Not if he's eaten more than just the one. Don't you think it's odd that we've hardly seen any akumas at all these past two months?"
"You son-of-a-bi—atch of cookies," Marinette swore at the unconscious man.
"Look on the bright side, Marinette. At least we've finally found him. And look how cute he is!" Tikki made a circle and grabbed the tip of Chat's ear between her paws. "He's got big fluffy ears." She giggled and let go before zooming down near his backside and lifting something long and furry off the floor. "And a big soft kitty tail!"
Marinette scooted closer, and pulled Chat's head into her lap for closer inspection.
Sure enough, right where his human ears should have been were two large and floofy cat-like ears. Complete with a couple of piercings on the left one.
"Just because he's cute now doesn't mean I'm going to forgive the hell he's put me through." She pushed the long blonde bangs away from his forehead, noting how his hair was damp with sweat. "I've been worried sick about you," she scolded his unconscious face.
"But look at that face." Tikki returned to tap him gently on the nose. "He looks so helpless."
Marinette cocked her head to the side, Maybe a little. In his unconscious state his features had smoothed out and she could see the gentleness of Chat Noir again. "So how do we make him cough up the rest of the akumas?"
Tikki moved down his chest, illuminating parts of him with the pink glow from her own body, She stopped to touch one of his over-sized lapels and giggled. "I suppose we'll just have to try trial-and-error."
I'll be posting more oneshots and stories for this AU. Let me know if you enjoyed this and would like to see more.
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