#my brain latched onto them so fast
bunni-art · 1 year
isn't it rich? are we a pair?
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me here at last on the ground...you in mid-air
help i'm still crying
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flowering-thought · 14 days
The hell that is brainrot legit this shit won't let me go it's latched onto my brain and it's STUCK
Someone put me in a straight jacket and sign me into the psych ward with the boys..
Anyways part 4 here we are, no real estimates on how long this lil series of mine will be I'm just going along with all my lil ideas-
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes, obsessive behavior, hints at stalking
Cod Psych Ward Unit × Reader
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It has been a very long week for you. It seemed every day the boys were being extra handsy and needy. But they kept declining the snacks you offered and instead spent most of their time doing stretches and exercises.
It was another Thursday in the common area, each of the boys doing things to occupy their body. You hadn't slept well the night before, actually feeling quite ill, so you struggled to keep your eyes open that day, sitting in your chair and resisting the urge to pull your knees to your chest and curl up to sleep.
The boys noticed and would do small things to try and keep you awake, finding it adorable when they'd catch you dozing off. They didn't know that before your shift you took a mix of ibuprofen and acetaminophen, generic pain meds to try and cool down the fever that formed last night.
You were the type that hated being sick, so you tried to push on and ignore it. You'd be fine even if you do end up dozing off in the chair you claimed as yours for the day. You couldn't help it when your eyes closed, "Just closing my eyes I'll stay awake just fine." You thought to yourself, ignoring the urge to yawn.
Graves smirked as he approached you, watching as you blinked your eyes awake to look up at him, "Yes?" You asked. "You see darlin' these exercises and stretches aren't very stimulatin'. I'm wonderin' if you wouldn't mind sitting on my back while I do push-ups, can't stand how easy it is without a lil extra weight." He said, looking at you with a wide grin.
That sure woke you up, quickly shaking your head before you could even get the words out of your mouth, "No. Hell no." You stated, your tone sharp as you crossed your arms over your chest.
"That's right bastard they should sit on my back instead." Ghost claimed, you could see his smirk under his mask and shook your head. "No way. That's not happening. First off, I could seriously hurt you, and second, there's just no way.".
They all frowned, Soap booing and Nikolai groaned out a "Damn.." before Konig stood, his back straight as he approached Ghost and whispered something in his ear.
Whatever Konig said made Ghost chuckle under his breath, nodding before the rest went back to what they were doing.
Ghost watched and waited for you to get drowsy again, watching your eyes droop a bit before your head nodded off. He noticed you trying to fight it a bit, but you ended up dozing lightly in the end.
He took the opportunity, Konig getting himself into a plank position before Ghost grabbed you by the armpits, much like you would with a cat, and watched as you panicked before you were set down on Konigs back.
It went so fast for your sleepy mind that you barely comprehended that you had changed places so fast. Before you could even squeak out something to scold both of them, Konig started doing push-ups, his arms flexing as he came up and down, not even breaking a sweat.
You were too afraid to try and get off Konig despite your legs hanging off his hips and your feet easily touching the ground, with him moving so fast and suddenly you didn't have time to think how to get up.
"Konig stop this! I'm serious you're gonna get hurt!!" You exclaimed. You just heard a rumble of laughter come from him as he continued, "You're lighter than a maus, don't worry." He dismissed.
After what you counted as 20 push-ups he let you get off, feeling your hands on his back push off, your cheeks darkening as heat rose to them.
After that you gave them a big scolding, your head feeling a bit light and your limbs heavy. Price felt something was off when he realized how pale you looked.
Soap was about to comment until you felt a little too sick and booked it to the trashbin across the room, throwing your hair back as you clutched your stomach.
They immediately panicked, curses being spoken as Price and Nikolai tried to approach you. Unfortunately, a couple nurses quickly appeared, one checking your forehead carefully and the other holding your hair as you steadied yourself.
They could tell there were tears in your eyes and watched as you carefully took a step back. The head nurse soon came into view, coming close to you with a cup of water, "Here. I think you should take the day off you don't look well (L/n).".
You took the water in hand, feeling a bit awkward with how nicely she was treating you. You just nodded before you bid everyone goodbye and went to the breakroom to get your things.
You emptied the water in the breakroom sink before you grabbed your things to leave. The boys looked at you with conflicted emotions.
Tomorrow they were supposed to leave. And looking at your state there's no way they would get you to come with them as you for sure weren't showing up for work tomorrow.
The common area quieted down, and they noticed a nurse got a text from you that you made it back home okay. It was a relief but as they sat there contemplating things Horangi looked up at them and raised a question to the group, "Do we know their name?".
That single question made them freeze, a silent understanding went through the group as they realized besides shows and hobbies you like, they don't know anything deeply personal about you.
They know what shows you like, your hobbies, what kind of clothing you like to buy, and what you enjoy eating. They know that you want to have a house one day and that if you could, you'd want a sunroom or greenhouse that you could put another bed in to sleep under the sun. They knew everything you enjoyed but didn't know the important things.
They didn't know why you became a nurse. They didn't know your name or the significance of people in your life. They didn't know about your relationship with your family and they don't know about your friends or any stories from your past.
Not to mention how were they going to find you? If they escape tomorrow they can't waste time looking in town for your apartment, they can only make a couple stops to get a car and hopefully make it to the meeting point that Laswell planned.
Nikolai cussed in Russian before getting everyone's attention. "There's a way to find out where to go." He said, his eyes checking around the room to make sure no nurses were near. "Across the break room is the head nurse office. The files would be in there but I don't know where or if they are under lock and key." He stated.
They were all silent before they planned it out, knowing that so long as everything went as planned they would have time to stop by the head nurses' office.
The day passed by so slowly without you. They never realized just how silent it got when you weren't there.
Ghost sat still most of the day, his mind plagued with the thought of you shivering up in your bed with a fever.
The next day you called out. You didn't have a choice as you could barely comprehend you were awake.
You woke up somewhere around five in the morning with a dry throat and blocked-up nose, you felt sweaty but so cold that you couldn't take off the blankets even though they were soaked in your own sweat. You tried to down some spare cold syrup you kept in the pantry but the moment it hit your throat you had to empty it all out into the trash bin.
You felt like garbage and you imagined you looked like garbage too.
You could barely keep your eyes open as you shuffled back into bed, a spare blanket from the linen closet brought around your form only to get underneath the other blankets strewn around your bed.
Unbeknownst to you, the hospital you worked for is having a complete blackout, the electricity completely off and multiple men breaking out of their rooms.
They were used to the dark and quickly made their way to the head nurses office, Ghost and Konig forced the door open and everyone quickly went through the files needed.
Horangi noticed a lighter while Ghost noticed a keyhole on the filing cabinet and cussed. Before Soap could help him come up with another solution Ghost grabbed the metal pen off the desk and gripped it tight, slamming the pen straight through the lock.
It left a massive dent, and there was no way it's gonna be usable, but they got it open so he didn't care. Ghost grabbed a stack of files, looking through the last names before he found yours, yanking it up and opening it quick.
"(Y/n), (L/n)"
He smirked before he handed Price the file, putting the rest back in the metal file cabinet.
Horangi scooted in, taking the lighter and flicking it till it produced a flame. He took out a file, put it on top of the flame, and lit it ablaze, waiting till there was enough fire and placing it with the rest of the files. Once he knew everything was catching fire the rest immediately booked it.
Finding the way down the building wasn't hard nor was getting out, but in the Alaskan wilderness they'd freeze if they weren't careful and the entire hospital was surrounded by trees.
They couldn't follow the road or else they'd get caught easily if they were on foot. They looked through the parking lot and broke into one of the cars, the blast of the car alarm annoying. Konig kept watch as the rest filled up the car and Gaz hotwired it, letting out a sigh of relief when he managed to get it started.
Stuffing eight big men into a car made for five at most was pushing it but they didn't have a choice, they couldn't afford to travel in two cars until they got to the city and dropped this one.
They decided quickly Ghost would drive and Konig would sit in the front as they were the two biggest men. Price, Nikolai, and Soap barely squeezed into the seats and before they could figure out how to fit two people in their laps Horangi told them to pop the trunk.
Making their way to the city in a hot car filled with big men and Gaz laying across three laps was the most insane situation they had been through in a while. If they weren't in a rush to get out of there, they would probably be laughing their ass off.
Price managed to steer them a couple streets away from where your residence was and when they ditched the car they took back alleys to avoid any public streets. It was around dinner so the sun was starting to set.
When they showed up at the small apartment building they decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator to the third floor. After finding the right door they contemplated on whether knocking would be better or just breaking in.
While Gaz argued with Graves, Konig took the opportunity to knock, "Let's not waste time." he warned.
They were worried for a second, hearing a couple of things banging behind the door. You were struggling to make your way through the hall, nearly knocking over the small shoe closet you had in the entry hall. When you made it to the door you could hardly think.
You weren't expecting anyone but with how delirious you were from your fever and the dizziness mixing together? You weren't very coherent when you opened the door, your form swaying a bit as you looked up to the crowd of men at your door.
"Shit is this a fever dream?" You asked. You couldn't tell if that was actually really Price standing in front of your door followed by all the men you grew close to for the past three months.
From their perspective, you didn't look too good. You were clearly still feverish and they noticed how clammy your skin looked. Your eyes could barely stay open and even with the blanket you likely dragged with you from your bed they could see you lightly shiver at the fresh air coming through the front door.
Before you could ask another question Soap wrapped his arms around you, quickly bundling the blanket around your shoulders tighter. "Come on Bonnie, you need to take better care of yourself." He scolded, taking the opportunity to keep you close and walk you back through the hall.
Price ushered the boys to follow, Graves keeping close to the front door and locking it quickly. They probably had a couple hours before the news got wind that mental patients escaped a hospital near here.
Walking into your home felt more calming than it should have. It was a studio with a kitchen. You didn't really entertain much and you liked when your home felt cozy. It meant they could see everything except the kitchen when they made it through the hall. They noticed the nest of blankets and pillows strewn about your bed and a trash bin kept close by. In the kitchen, you left cold syrup on the counter long forgotten.
You had quite a few stuffed animals around but most were knocked off your bed and left on the floor. The coffee table you kept by your bed had your phone and laptop and multiple empty electrolyte bottles.
Soap sat you on the bed, moving the couple strands of hair behind your ear as you struggled to keep your eyes open. Despite how you slept the day away you were feeling worse.
The boys have started discussing what to do, turning your TV on to the news channel to look out for anything. They had thrown the old phone away after contacting Laswell so Price kneeled down in front of you with your phone, caressing your cheek lightly to wake you up.
"Hey there sweetheart, mind if you open up your phone for me? I gotta call a friend to pick us up." He asked, watching as you nodded, a small noise that he assumed meant yes followed and he watched as you placed your thumb to a small button on the phone, immediately unlocking it.
He smiled softly before kissing your forehead, "Thanks sweetheart. Don't worry your pretty little head we'll take care of you hm?." He assured, watching you nod again.
Konig sat on your bed and pulled you close as Price went to the hall where Ghost, Graves, and Horangi stood, examining the closet in the hall that held your clothes. They were looking for a suitcase or duffle bag to put your clothes in when Price called a secure number.
Reaching Laswell was quick, informing her of the situation as quick as he could, keeping his eye on you through the doorframe. While he talked with Laswell, Konig had you in his lap, his hands making sure that the blanket kept you warm and bundled up. Gaz looked around and found a hair tie, coming back over and gently tying your hair out of your face in a loose style. He didn't want to pull too tight and hurt you when you were already struggling with the situation.
You were mostly silent. You tried to form a sentence here and there but even you weren't sure what you were going to say. Everything was happening too fast for you to keep up with and figuring out what's real and not real in your state was hard.
When you felt Nikolais' hand on you, you couldn't help but lean into his hand, finding it warm and comforting. If you weren't so sick Nikolai would have found it cute.
When Price came back he called everyone close, "Here's the plan." He started looking around at the men in front of him.
"Nik you're gonna go with Ghost and get a car, get the biggest car you can so we all fit. We can't afford to travel in two cars so try your best. Once you get it we're headed close to the Canadian border. We'll meet up with Laswell there." He stated, then looking to Graves and Soap, "You two are gonna pack whatever (Y/n) might need. Clothing, necessities, stuff like that.".
He looked to Gaz next and pointed in the direction of the kitchen "You look for anything in the kitchen to bring with us, pain medication and food are at the top of the list. We can't afford to make many stops." He explained.
He then looked at Konig and Horangi, watching your now sleeping form in Konigs' lap. "You two keep an eye on her and watch the news to see if they release anything about us. I'm going to look around the apartment complex for escape routes.".
Once the plan was made everyone went off on their respective duties. Gaz took a couple of your tote bags to fill with stuff from your pantry.
Nik and Ghost were quick when making their way through the parking lot outside the complex to look for cars. They found a minivan with two rows of seats behind the front and enough room in the back to store things. Once they got the car ready Gaz quickly came down with supplies.
Eventually, Soap and Graves followed with a duffle bag filled with clothes and other things.
Once they got everything ready the only concern they had was you. It was decided that Price would drive and Nikolai would sit in the front and watch out.
In the row behind them were Horangi, Gaz, and Ghost.
Soap, Konig, and Graves were in the back with you, having your legs across their laps while Konig kept you close and hugged you to him. He wrapped you up in an extra blanket before they had to leave.
Graves sat next to Konig in the middle. Soap was on the end much to his displeasure. Graves alternated between thinking how cute and helpless you looked to concern when your face twitched as though you were in pain.
Once Price figured out the route he estimated it would take them about six hours or more to reach the cabin Laswell had told them to reach. They'd have to take off roads and when he looked in the mirror to see you in Konigs arms his heart clenched tight.
They all just hoped you wouldn't be getting any worse on the ride.
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miss-yn-ln · 5 months
Gentle - Kyojuro Rengoku x Fem! Reader
In which you and Kyojuro have your first night together.
"That's my good girl, you're doing so well taking me like that."
Warnings: cunnilingus, soft sex, kyo has a big dick. Word count: 1.4k NOT PROOF READ
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"Kyo." You whispered, your hot breath fanning over his lips, "i want you."
Kyojuro's heart slammed against his rib cage, hearing you say those words to him will forever be imprinted in his brain, as well as the image below him. Your locks spread out effortlessly on the pillow, pouty lips parted, releasing soft pants of want and your cheeks a shade of dusty pink.
He pulled back to sit on his knees, looking at your mostly bare body and smiling at the wet spot on your panties; he placed a kiss on your clothed cunt making you gasp at how sensitive you were already. He couldn't help but feel giddy knowing his little touches alone had brought you to this state.
His fingers hooked into the waistband of your panties, slowly tugging them down your legs before setting them aside. Your shaky limbs were enough of a sign to alert him you were anxious; your eyes were tightly shut to stop the feeling of embarrassment at seeing him so close to your most private part. He leaned closer to your plush thighs, a trail of feathery kisses were left from the right thigh to the left, happily teasing you and relishing in your soft pants.
Your sharp gasp rumbled through the room when you felt his fingers slide through your folds, gathering your slick at the bottom of your entrance and spreading it to the top of your bundle of nerves. Broken moans left your lips; he was gliding his fingers effortlessly in circles on your throbbing clit, your sounds sending blood down to his hardening member. His finger travelled down to your entrance, sinking knuckle deep and watching with a smile when you arched your back into his touch, whining his name.
"You're already so wet." He mused, his cock twitching in excitement when you bit your lip shyly, softly smiling down at him.
Hooking his muscular arms around your thighs, he lowered his mouth to your cunt and lapped his tongue hungrily at your clit. He didn't ease into it - choosing rather to immediately devour you as if you were his favorite meal. He decided then and there that you are. It had you wondering if he was seeing how fast he could make you cum, but then his tongue licked a spot just right and you found yourself unable to think at all. His mouth then latched onto the sensitive nerves, sucking just enough to let them go with a pop and repeating his motions whilst continuing to pump a finger, your wetness allowing him to easily slip another.
He could feel your legs closing in on his head, shaking miraculously as you came harder than you ever have before with cries of his name. He pulled back, cleaning his fingers with his mouth as he watched your chest heave in pleasure, soft breasts begging to be fondled. He rubbed your legs gently as you came down from your high, an amused chuckle escaping his lips at your heavy hooded eyes looking down at him.
You were in awe as he moved to hover over you, the candle light in the room making his physique all the more admirable. When you dared to look further down, capturing sight of his painfully hard length, thick and long, pressing into your thigh, you let out a panicked gasp. As impressive as he was in all his glory, there's no way he was going to fit. He sensed your panic; Kyojuro raised a calloused hand to your pretty face, stroking his thumb across your cheek. "What's wrong, my darling girl?"
A heat spread across your face before you spluttered out "I- how... is it going to fit?"
"Don't worry, I'll be gentle but tell me to stop and I will." He promised in a soft voice that was quite the contrast to his usual boisterous tone.
You nodded and held his gaze as he slowly pushed into your sopping cunt. You both let out a gasp when his tip slipped in, your eyes fluttering shut and hands softly resting on his arms that your head was caged between.
You took him in inch by inch, but the small breaks did little to help you adjust to how thick he was. Your entrance ached: it was a searing, fiery pain and you couldn't help the crack in your voice when you whimpered, "K-kyo, it hurts." His hips stilled as he looked at your teary eyes - you pulled him closer to you, burying your face in his neck whilst wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.
It was when he heard the soft sniffles muffled into his shoulder, felt the drip of tears and the faint sting of your nails digging into his skin that he got very worried. His hand cupped your head, keeping you tucked into his shoulder, before he started to softly coo too you.
"Shhh. Open up for me, little one." His calloused hand came between your bodies, brushing a thumb over your sensitive nipple. He  lent down to leave soft intimate kisses on your neck, relishing as your cries and sobs turned into tiny moans, "there you go." He praised you when he felt your body naturally opening up on instinct and sucking him in further, slowly pushing the rest of himself into you. He brought the hand down from your breast to your stomach, placing it right above your cunt: "feel me there? That's my good girl, you're doing so well taking me like that."
"Oh... oh Kyo," you whined, your glassy eyes looking up at him big and wide as he slowly began to pull out from your dripping cunt before easing himself back in. The way his hard cock dragged across your walls made it impossible for you to control your breathing, you were acutely aware of his hooded gaze staring at your furrowed brows and agape mouth. Your cute reactions had Kyojuro himself groaning into your ear, a cacophony of yours and his pleasured moans filled his room at the flame estate - you inwardly prayed Senjuro and Shinjuro could not hear you both.
When he leaned down to moan filthily right in your ear you were sure your orgasm was approaching twice as fast, unintentionally squeezing him which in result, caused Kyojuro to squeeze his eyes shut and murmur praises. "Taking me so well... so good for me." He dragged his lips across  the delicate skin of your neck before resting back on his hands to admire your body; legs spread for him, pillow-like breasts bouncing with each thrust, smooth thighs wrapped around him and a cute waist, he couldn't help himself "you're so beautiful, you know that?"
Your reaction to his words was instantaneous: "god Kyo!" You all but screamed, back arching up into him, hands scrambling to his muscular shoulders to scratch at them. There was a hot, burning coil in your stomach and he felt relieved to know it was gonna snap at any second, with his release straight behind it.
He lifted himself from you, onto his knees and grabbed onto your thighs to push them as far back as they could go - you secretly thanked Mitsuri for the flexibility training in your head - groaning at how tight you felt around him. He sped up with his gentle thrusts, keeping them precise to hit that spot he finally found in you."K-kyo I'm g- I'm gonna," you tried to warn pathetically, you were on the absolute edge.
"Shh it's alright, I've got you." His voice was gentle yet strained as he coaxed you to your orgasm. His golden eyes were tightly squeezed shut as he focused on the whimpers leaving your lips and the way you squeezed around him  so hard as you got closer and closer, he could feel himself nearing too. He wrapped one of your legs around his waist and moved the other higher up than before and that's when you lost it - your walls spasmed around his cock as you came shouting his name, gripping the sheets, toes curled.
It must've been the way you were so unabashed by your pleasure that set Kyojuro off, because after a quick three thrusts he was pulling out and spilling his cum on your gorgeous, satiny thighs, groaning loudly all the while, before collapsing next to you in his bed.
There was a moment of silence.
You both looked at each other, panting for breath.
And then you both smiled.
"I love you. You know that right?"
You felt your blood rush to your cheeks, "I love you, Kyo."
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koenigami · 4 months
SUNDRESS SZN. <3 synopsis : it's that time of the year again ft. : nanami, gojo, shiu, choso tags : +18, smut, fem!reader, cunnillingus, nipple play, unprotected sex, dry humping, mentions of cumming in pants, sundresses?? wc : 1,5k
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ NANAMI KENTO This gentleman right here is a sucker for gorgeous legs, so please pardon him if he loses some of his composure when he sees the soft skin of your thigh peak out of the little slit of your dress. 
“So? What do you think? I think it looks pretty okay.” You smile brightly at Nanami who’s been sitting on the edge of the bed and patiently waiting for you for at least an hour to get ready for your lunch date. Though as you twirl around in front of the mirror, posing and appreciating your newest piece, you notice your boyfriend’s reluctant stare in the reflection. Disapprovement. That is what you interpret his gaze as, and instantly feel yourself shrinking. 
“I-I haven’t worn one like these in a while so I thought maybe-” The smile on your coloured lips falls as you sigh, and all of a sudden you feel naked. Exposed. You avert your eyes from him when a sudden heat creeps up your cheeks, and the familiar feeling of embarrassment makes your eyes sting. “Nevermind, I should probably change. Otherwise, we’ll be late.”
Before you can even think about a plan B outfit, you’re pulled between Nanami’s thighs, your hands flying out and settling on his shoulders to steady yourself. Your body shivers the slightest when one of his hands slides through the slit of your dress, gripping your leg and perching it on the bed beside him. 
“Darling, I-” When has your heart started beating so fast? You watch as his fingers dig into the fat of your thigh, and a whimper nearly leaves your mouth at the way they keep moving higher, the thin fabric of your dress being bunched up and riding further and further up. Your breath stutters at his sudden breathy laugh, goosebumps rising along your exposed skin. “Don’t take this off, please. You look beautiful in it. So, so beautiful.” And before you can even interject, you’re silenced by the open mouthed kisses he’s leaving along the fabric covering your stomach. “Shit. I’m sorry, my love, but I don’t think we’ll be able to make it to that restaurant today.” The teasing warmth of his palm vanishes when his body slides down unto the carpeted floor, his mouth mere inches away from the place that you all of a sudden seem to need him the most right now. So when his finger hooks around your panties and pulls them to the side, and his lips latch onto your little pulsing clit- You realise that all this time Nanami’s been staring at you with nothing but sheer hunger in his eyes. 
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ GOJO SATORU We all know that he needs a little more sugar than the average person for his brain to function properly. Yet when he sees you all dolled up in your cute little sundress looking like a little candy… his brain does anything but function properly. 
“Sato-!” A gasp leaves your raw kissed lips when your back slams against the door of the classroom, knocking some air out of you. But there is nothing you can do when Gojo’s large body towers above you, assaulting your lips and neck as his slender hands wander along your body. 
You're still clueless about what has gotten into him so suddenly. He seemed so calm and composed earlier when you dropped by the training ground where he had been watching Megumi and Maki training. Sure he was a little handsier than usual, not able to keep his hands to himself as he kept pressing sweet kisses on your cheeks every once in a while, and whispering a few compliments into your ear about how you looked especially cute today.
His fingers play with the ribbon on your right shoulder, and you shriek when cold air suddenly hits your bosom, the top of your dress partially dropping down. “What are you- ah!” You clamp a hand over your mouth when his wet kisses turn into harsher bites, his teeth teasing the flesh that’s spilling out of your bra. “Satoru.” You hiss through gritted teeth. “We can’t do this here! What if someone sees us?” You curse and bury your hands into his hair when he leans down and pulls any fabric away that's in his way. His body seems to envelope you whole. All you can smell is him, all you hear are his breathy groans, and all you can feel is his thigh settling between your legs as his tongue starts twirling around your sensitive nipples. “Don’t care. ‘M too hard now to go out there like this.” His breath hitches when he feels your wetness spread along the fabric of his pants as you desperately grind down on him. “Oh fuck… and it’s all your fault, pretty girl.” 
Sudden voices appear somewhere behind the closed door. Was it Yuji? Nobara? You’re not sure, and to be frank, neither of you cares at this point. You’ll need more than some little lousy students to stop the strongest from enjoying his little sweetness.
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ KONG SHIU He’s a simple man. Does not care what you wear, where you wear it, but- God, he feels a little disgusting when he sees you in that pretty dress, looking all innocent while all he wants to do is just keep breed you and breed you, over and over again. 
A whistle disrupts the silence in the kitchen as you put the prepared casserole into the oven, steps echoing behind you as they keep getting closer. Hands settle on either side of you, caging you between Shiu’s body and the counter when he starts pressing fleeting kisses behind your ear and further down your neck. “To what do I owe the pleasure.” His own lips stretch into a smile when he hears you giggle, the sound of it almost as pleasing as the sight in front of him. You turn and wrap your arms around his neck, your lips mere inches away from his as you bat your eyelashes at him. “You like it?”
He hums and rubs the soft material between his thumb and pointer, indulging himself a little longer as his eyes keep trailing up and down your body as if he can’t get enough of you. He exhales a long breath as he discards his jacket, hanging it over one of the barstools beside the marbled kitchen island before his hand settles on your lower back. “Come on, sweetheart. Bend over for me.” 
You oblige and inhale sharply when Shiu lifts the hem of your dress up, cold air hitting your rear while the clinking sound of his belt reverberates through the room as he unbuckles it. His tip slowly prods at your entrance, and your toes curl when he slips further inside you. “Always looking so gorgeous for me, don’t ya?” He groans when feels your walls squeeze painfully tight around him. "Shit-" He spits and a glob of his saliva drips onto his fingers before he starts rubbing lazy circles over your clit. "Shh, relax, baby. Going to fuck this pretty pussy real’ good.” 
You may or may not have had to order take out because you ignored the stench of burned food while Shiu filled you up twice.
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ KAMO CHOSO Weak. Please, have a little mercy on him because he’s just so weak for you, no matter what you do, say or even wear. He doesn’t understand this feeling, this … lust over something as simple as a piece of garment?
“Cho’?” You tilt your head the slightest when you feel him squirm beneath you, yet can’t seem to get a look at his face as he buries it into your shoulder. “Baby, are you okay?”
Okay? If your definition of “okay” is that he’s not been completely hard ever since he got a look at you when you entered the bar with Yuki and some other friends, and that it did not get even worse when you perched yourself on his lap sideways, with your bare legs dangling off his thigh- And don’t even get him started on that goddamn dress. So, no. No, he is not okay.
It is only when you adjust yourself the slightest bit to have a better look at him, that you notice something poking you through the thin material of your clothes. “I’m sorry, you just look so pretty today. I really don’t know why I- please, just ignore that.” He rasps hopelessly when he feels you still all of a sudden, feeling a sense of shame when he concludes that you must have realised what is going on with him. “It’ll probably go away in a while, but you should st-stop-” Stop squirming! he wants to add but he can’t when you all of a sudden start rocking your hips the slightest bit back and forth. Not strong enough for anyone else to notice but enough for Choso to get the slightest friction that he needs. That he craves. You smile and bite your lip as you mindlessly nod at something Yuji tells you from across the table, the boy’s eyes gleaming with excitement and completely oblivious to the situation you’ve put his big brother in just now. That night, everyone has come to believe that your boyfriend can’t hold his liquor, judging by the rosy colour dusting his cheeks, and the wet patch on his trousers from a spilled drink. Though, only you and him truly know where that stain on his crotch comes from. 
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yummyyumberries · 2 months
WELL I'LL BE. your writing is SO scrumptious ma'ma!?
Lemme get 2 the point 🤦
can you maybe do a write abt a fem reader having a thing for being marked, but like too shy to say?
Idk where I'm going w this y'all 🧍
(like a gentle dom jongseob x fem reader who wants/likes being marked)?
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Neck Kisses 💋
gentledom!jongseob x afab!reader
warnings : smut, hickeys obviously, making out, fingering, lmk if i missed anything
a/n: sorry for no uploads for a minute ur girls brain was DRY 😢😢 TYSM RAE FOR SAVING ME!!!! i had a seobie fic in the works but when i saw this request i shoved it to the side SO FAST LMAOO ilysm rae and i hope u enjoy reading 🤍 (also wanting to dedicate this to literally the best seobie writers ever @kisseobie @348kg love these guys and make sure to check out their work bc LORD.)
you and your boyfriend, jongseob, have been dating for a while now. you had noticed very quickly that he LOVES neck kisses. while everyone else’s boyfriend were kissing their cheeks, hands and lips. he would always give you a soft kiss on your neck, and it always turned you on. you loved every time he did it, internally hoping that one day he would bite down marking you.
while you were at his house you decided to ask him about it. “Seobie?” you say while you were laying on his lap. “yes angel?” he says putting his phone down, giving you his full attention. you sit up from his lap and ask “why are you always kissing my neck?”. his gaze softens and he slightly tilts his head. “do you want me to stop?”. your eyes widened and you quickly reassure him and sit closer.
you place a soft kiss onto his lips and you feel his familiar hand go up your shirt. jongseob deepens the kiss and starts to pull up your shirt. you break the kiss and help him take off your shirt, leaving you in a bra and shorts. jongseob being jongseob he starts to kiss your jaw slowly going down to your neck. you feel him smile against your neck and you immediately get nervous. whenever he did that it always meant he had an idea.
you were scared until you felt him bite down on your neck. “ah..” you let out a small whine and he immediately stops to look at you. he cups your face with his hand “are you okay? did i hurt you?” “i’m fine.. don’t stop” you were looking down avoiding eye contact but you could tell he was smiling.
“you’re so adorable” he says softly laughing. you open your mouth to respond but he latches onto you neck before you could. his hand was fidgeting with the button of your jean shorts. you would take them off but the feeling of him biting your neck and all across your chest is insanely distracting.
he manages to get your shorts off without your help and you didn’t even notice before he shoved his fingers into you without a warning. you let out a cry of pleasure and you look down at jongseob to see a display of hickeys all across your chest.
“seobie..” your voice is cracking and you could barely get any words out. he ignores you and laughs against your chest. he detached from you chest and stares at his artwork. you could feel your mind going fuzzy as he quickens the pace of his fingers.
you were trying to be quiet beforehand due to the thin walls (you learned your lesson from last time..) but you couldn’t anymore.
he added a third finger, stretching you, scissoring you open as he worked your clit with his thumb. "You're so fucking wet for me" his fingers pumped in and out, curling to hit that sweet spot inside you that had you crying out and squirming.
" 'm gonna cum," you cried, your body tensing. "cum for me, angel," he urged, speeding up his fingers. "let me feel you come around my fingers."
your orgasm crashed over you, wave after wave of pleasure rippling through your body. you cried out, shamelessly, your hands grasping at jongseobs shoulders as he rode out your climax with you, his fingers never stopping their magical motions. Gradually, the intensity of you orgasm subsided, leaving you spent and breathing heavily.
he pulled out his fingers and put them in his mouth licking them clean. you were panting still trying to catch your breath. his hand grazed over your chest and neck. he lets out a small chuckle “i think i got a little carried away.” “you think?” you reply jokingly. “i’ve been wanting to tell you about this for a while actually..” you say as your hand pushes the hair out his face.
“really? you should’ve told me sooner” he smiled. “i was too shy..” you smile back and look down. “what a shame, i had just bought a new tube top” you say looking down at your chest. “who says you can’t wear it?” he tilts his head “are you trying to get me in trouble?” you spat. he shakes his head “you can show off that you have a beautiful, amazing boyfriend”
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yestrday · 10 months
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COLLEGE CLASSMATE! YUTA who has his eye on you ever since you two entered college. a young, bright-eyed thing who moved from the boonies to the big city at a chance to find out more of the world beyond your farmlands and vast expanses of grass. who noted with wry amusement the pep in your step and the twinkle in your eye as you sit in the front row like a good student with an eagerness to learn.
COLLEGE CLASSMATE! YUTA who you approach with a stunning and naive smile. you're asking him for notes, the professor being too fast for your hands to properly take notes. he asks for your sns and sends you the pics of his note, and you eagerly thank him while unaware of the glint in his eye at this opportunity.
COLLEGE CLASSMATE! YUTA who scrolls through your social media and collects information about the kind of person you are. you know little about the world, but you're eager to learn more. your comments sections are full of relatives and friends congratulating you on you enrollment in the big city, and your cheery replies of thanks and acknowledgment. yuta chuckles as he sets aside his phone, eyes still trained on your back. how cute.
COLLEGE CLASSMATE! YUTA who continues keeping an eye on you. you keep asking him for notes because your cute lil brain just can't keep up, and he notes the waver in your smile when he shows off a little bit of his intellect. from how casual he is about his studies yet still getting high marks, the distance between you two is obvious. but there's still a spark of determination in your eyes—
— until prefinal grades come around and he sees you staring blankly at your phone. yuta angles his phone on purpose to let you get a glimpse of his, and he marvels at how bleaker your expression becomes. all your hard work... all your enthusiasm and eagerness... for nothing? have you always been this stupid? you were... you were always the brightest in your local school...
COLLEGE CLASSMATE! YUTA who watches you throw yourself into your studies more than ever. you don't have that pep in your stel anymore, your eyes have become dull and beavy, and no one can strike a conversation with you because you're always asleep. yuta is your only companion, angling your head on his shoulder so that you can rest more comfortably, leveling onlookers with a stern stare as he shushes them with a finger.
COLLEGE CLASSMATE! YUTA who watches your eyes lose the last of their light when midterm grades come. your fingers are trembling as you clutch your phone, and you bite your lip to avoid the tears spilling out. yuta puts a comforting hand over yours, and you slowly clutch his shirt. "i did my best, didn't i?" you ask. yuta hums, hand on your neck. "... i did, didn't i?"
COLLEGE CLASSMATE! YUTA who is your only point of contact for the rest of the finals. you don't even try. instead, you cling to yuta like he's your last chance at validation. you preen at his compliments, blush when he says he likes your outfit. the only time the light comes back to your eyes is when his attention is on you, and you feel a sugary rush in your veins whenever he smiles at you.
you, who does nothing for their schoolwork but instead focus on making yuta happy. you latch onto him like a clingy girlfriend, and he's more than happy for you to do so. while he studies for the upcoming exams, you're cuddled up on his lap, keeping him warm for the winter months. he pats your head and rubs your temple as you doze off to sleep.
sometimes when you voice the need to study, yuta shushes such needless concerns away. "you don't need to think so much," he whispers, scratching your scalp and he watches you preen. "aren't you happy right now? with me?"
you nuzzle into his touch, eyes fluttering shut under his touch. "... yeah."
"good," he hums, kissing you on the forehead. "then don't think of anything else but me."
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hitomisuzuya · 1 year
Scaramouche brainrot, surprise surprise. Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Cunilligus. Degradation. Praise. Tongue piercing. Dacryphilia.
Sorry I have been quiet lately, I have been very very stressed. I hope this doesn't read as a complete and total mess.
Scaramouche sighed impatiently, playing with the ball of his tongue piercing on the roof of his mouth. He was horny. And your attention wasn't on him, but on a horror movie the two of you had started watching together.
"Oh, I think I've got it," You suddenly said. There was an interesting look on your face. On the one hand, you sounded so sure as you explained to him that you may have figured out the movie, but there was a look of self doubt in your eyes, like you were afraid to be wrong and second guessing yourself in a hesitant way.
Were you afraid of being wrong in front of him?
Scaramouche reached over and grabbed his phone of the bed next to him, and proceeded to spoil the movie for himself to see if you were right. Damn it, the pride that he felt when he looked up from his screen at you.
God you are so smart, so fucking smart. You were right. And you'd figured it out just from hearing one single sentence about 35 minutes into the movie.
Did you have any idea how smart you are?
"I'm horny," Scaramouche said, pressing the stop button on the remote.
"Scara, really?! Can it wait?" You asked in protest.
"No," He really couldn't. Just smelling you and being close enough to touch you turned him on. Your brilliant brain only added to his arousal.
Time to kill two birds with one stone. You could find out that you were right, and he could himself to licking and sucking on your cunt until you cried for him. The thoughts were making him unbelievably hard.
Grasping your ankle, he slid you onto your back, covering your mouth with his hand to keep you from protesting further. "You were right, I looked it up on my phone," He purred, his hand sliding up your skirt, pressing his fingers against your clit outside of your panties, "Good job, kitten. Good, smart girls deserve a reward, do they not?"
Suddenly, any focus on the movie melted away. Scaramouche always made your brain fuzzy. "I..I was?" Your words came out with a shaky sigh of pleasure behind his hand.
"Mhmm~," He pushed your skirt up, and hooked his fingers through your panties. "So wet, already," He marvelled as he took your panties off. He always enjoys seeing how fast he could turn you on.
Taking his hand off your mouth, Scaramouche batted your legs apart as he slotted himself between them. His tongue snaked out to lick a line up your cunt, groaning as he swirled his tongue around your clit.
The friction of his tongue piercing on your clit made it throb. It wouldn't be long before your shaky sighs bled into soft moans. His hands found your hips, holding your cunt against his mouth when you rocked your hips up.
"It doesn't take much to make you desperate, does it, slut?" Scaramouche latched his lips onto your clit, and sucked. Crying out, your hands found the back of his head.
His cock throbbed when you pushed his face into your cunt. Your legs trembled from the sudden, strong burst of stimulation. Gasping, your fingers tightened in his hair feeling his tongue piercing scrap and flick against your clit.
Taking his lips off of your clit, he flattened his tongue over it before sweeping it inside of you. His piercing scrapped slow over your sensitive walls, making you twitch and moan loudly in pleasure as you began to writhe on the bed.
Scaramouche vibrated a moan on your cunt, sending jolts of pleasure straight to your swelling clit. "Desperation tastes so good on you," His eyes rolled closed in bliss, getting carried away, drunk on the taste of you.
You bucked your hips up into his mouth. Scaramouche was determined to fuck you dumb on his tongue for being so smart. You deserve it. And he got to taste you.
Win win if you ask him.
"Am I being a good girl? Am I?" You pleaded, whimpering when he started to suck on your clit again. You heard him laugh, feeling it on your clit as he sucked.
Releasing your clit with a soft, wet pop, he kitten licked his tongue on the throbbing nub. "Yes, you are being such a good slut," He praised, teasing his tongue piercing are your entrance. His thumbs skimmed on the inside of your thighs, making goosebumps dot on your skin.
Scaramouche swirled his tongue between your walls, rubbing and pinching your clit. He grinded his aching cock down against the mattress when your walls clamped around his tongue. He knew you were close, your fingernails digging into his scalp.
"That's it, my good whore. Cum all over my tongue," Scaramouche quivered in anticipation, rubbing your clit as he worked his tongue piercing on your cunt. He smirked seeing tears well in your eyes, your orgasm building up tighter and tighter. "You sound like such a shameless whore."
"Scara, I'm..I'm!-" You couldn't finish your sentence. Scaramouche pinched and rolled your clit a few more times between the pads of his fingers before you squirted on his tongue.
He happily lapped up your release, nursing his tongue on piercing on your clit to help you chase your high.
You could barely even think by the time Scaramouche took his mouth off your cunt. He moved up your body to kiss you just as sloppily as he had eaten you out. You were breathless when he pulled away. "I'm more entertaining than some silly movie, yes?" He asked, smirking down at your already fucked out expression.
He would watch the entire movie with you later. After he fucked you dumber on his cock that is.
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xlpoww · 2 months
So Highschool
cheeks pink in the twinkling lights
@acupnoodle asked: Hii! If requests are open could I get a zoro and reader fic where she gets really drunk and is all clingy over zoro?? Maybe geeking over his earrings ,swords and his arms? Maybe she ends up falling asleep on his lap/shoulder and hes really flustered and everyones teasing him?
opla! Zoro x F! Reader
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i know it's a little lateee, but i hope it's enjoyed nonetheless <3 season 2 hype!! only dipping my toes back into writng, so it's not as long as i'd hoped! now that it's summer i hope to be able to post again, i missed it, and thank you to everyone who still liked and commented on everything even in my absence, to have my works be so loved, to still be getting requests to this day. it's a wonderful feeling.
You’ve had too much to drink, that much is evident to anyone with a functioning brain. All wobbly and full of giggles, you’re far too intoxicated to have the sense to shut your mouth. The concept of personal space was lost on your foggy consciousness, leaning your full weight on the green haired man on your right. His mouth was tilted into a smirk, the beer he was nursing far less interesting than the girl at his side.
“Mmm, Zor, Your arms are so strong.” The end of your sentence is punctuated by a giggle, and your hands wrapping around his bicep. Zoro’s eyes widened in surprise and a heat began to fall over his cheeks, suddenly this situation was less amusing and more flustering(not like he would ever admit that). Another giggle has him angling his eyes towards you, unprepared as you reach your hand up to run a finger over his earlobe. “And I reallyyyyy like your earrings.” “Thank you (y/n).” 
The mug of beer in his hand was placed beside him, his other hand reaching to guide your own away from his ear. When he tries to pull away you latch on, a whine leaving your lips. His cheeks set alight at the sound, wide eyes staring into your own sparkling ones.
“I think you’re really cool, didya know that Zor?” You’re tugging him closer, glowing in the night, electrifying the air with every word. 
“No, I don’t think I did.”
cuz i
“Well, you are. Obviously.”
feel so highschool
“And what makes you say that exactly?”
“You can use three swords! That’s soooooo cooooool.…”
i look at you
With every sentence you inched forward, and Zoro had no idea what he was supposed to do. You were very obviously intoxicated, did you even have a full grasp on anything you were saying? 
He didn't even understand the racing of his own heart. He wasn’t in any sort of danger, but the adrenaline pumping through him was so intense, he couldn’t think of a time his heart had ever beat so fast.
“(Y/n), wait-” before he could even finish his sentence, your eyes had slipped shut and you’d slumped over onto him. Soft snores left your mouth, had you really just fallen asleep like that? (not like Zoro was in any position to comment on someone’s sleeping habits).
Somehow he was at even more of a loss, there was a drunken girl passed out in his lap. How do you even deal with this. A cackling from across the deck draws his attention, ussop has his hands over hsi stomach belly laughing as the rest of the crew snickers alongside him.
“Nice job Mosshead, way to put the lady to sleep.” Sanji speaks up, which makes usopp laugh even harder.
“Both of them are hopeless.” Nami sighs, crossing her arms in disapproval of your own actions. The crew would never let you live it down, no doubt in her mind you’d wake up incredibly embarrassed. 
Zoro glares at them, placing a hand over your ear in an attempt to keep you from waking. (Unbeknownst to him, nothing could have woken you from the deep sleep you had fallen into).
With a sigh he reaches back for the mug he’d originally been holding, taking a swig before glancing down at you. There was a softness to your face, and somehow even in your sleep you still smiled so beautifully. His heart softens at the thought, the hand over your ear reaching to tenderly stroke your cheek. He quickly returns it to its original position after a whistle from Luffy, turning away to glare over the side of the ship in embarrassment.
but look at you.
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angelicaether · 25 days
Redacted Appreciation
I’ve seen a few posts like this going around but it’s always in the context of “popularity” which just feels like a way to divide the community instead of uplifting each other. So instead of sharing who I think is “popular” in the community I figured I’d share some people who inspire me to create ^^
These are in no particular order and if you want a more comprehensive list of fic authors/artists to check out I recommend looking at @autisticempathydaemon 's recommendation lists.
@litlkim - One of my favorite Redacted people, a dear friend, and one of the OG lore keepers!
@ryoko-san - Eve is one of the first RA artists I ever came across and getting to see their OC development and AUs is so fun!
@zozo-01 - A wonderful fic author and all around lovely person, highly recommend
@spookybeandoodle - She has one of my favorite Alexis designs and is a joy to work with for comms!
@pinksparkl - Genuinely one of the nicest people I've ever met with some of the best fics to boot.
@deviarisa - Super sweet and super creative! Always love hearing her ideas!
@lovelylonerliterature - One of my favorite fic writers in the community, and always a pleasure to talk to!
@androgynouspenguinexpert - My dear beloved friend and a wonderful artist! I love seeing traditional work with her designs!
@gingerbreadmonsters - Another wonderful author, super unique ideas, always beautifully executed!
@frenchiefitzhere - Ms. Marie herself, one of the sweetest people I think I've ever met in my life! Her songs are always a delight!
@thefablefoxart - Another wonderful artist! Fable's David was the first design of him that I ever really latched onto!
@ejunkiet - A great fic writer, her Imperium fics are so so good!
@teafairywithabook - Another wonderful author, super creative, and a great person to talk with!
@mars-mell - Mars' Goobers live rent free in my brain all the time, I love seeing these little guys on my dash.
@belovedbow - Bow's style is so romantic and I love their work so so much. It's lovely!
@stardreamers25 - Super cute art! They have this adorable Sam/Darlin' piece that lives rent free in my mind!
@sylentnights - Another great artist, I adore their Ash design its so friggin cute!
@agentplutonium - If you want a good Milo fic, Pluto is your go to and it's tasty every time
@sainthowlzon - A wonderful artist, their listener icons are so fun and their scribble dolls are so cute!
@nortyourself - My dearest friend, a wonderful artist who's drawn such a fun array of characters, but their Hush design is top tier for me!
@replaycamera2 - The other OG lore keeper! Chloe is truly a foundational member of the community and she helps keep us canon compliant whenever we need help
@dominimoonbeam - One of my favorite fic authors, I adore their fics and I'm excited to dive in to their original works soon!
@mr-laveau - Super talented artist! Their stylized work is so fun and recognizable and I love their designs!
@penncilkid - Another dear friend, their rarepairs are so good and always have so much thought behind them + they're always ready to encourage other people's creativity!
@autisticempathydaemon - Lexi Sun is so creative, her match ups and busybee pairings are so fun and she's put together great rec lists for the community, also a delight to talk to!
@cashandprizes - Lexi Moon is one of the nicest, most creative people I've ever spoken to and she is so ready to help unleash my nonsense at any time
@your-local-mom-whore - She's about to make her fic debut and y'all don't want to miss it! Lucy is one of my most beloved friends and mutuals and always encourages me creatively!
@sincerelywhistler - Another super recognizable artist, Whistler's art is so fun and unique and they have a ton of really cool OCs!
@pycth - And last but not least, the illustrious Pycth who I have convinced to draw David more times than they would care to admit but it's so fun every time! Plus they jumped on my silly AU nonsense so fast and I love it.
This is by no means an entirely comprehensive list but these are the people that I've had the pleasure of talking to or interacting with and they're so lovely, I really recommend taking a look at their work! Like I said, most of the posts I've seen along these lines have been about popularity and I just don't think that's a great mindset to have. Instead we should be uplifting each other and sharing each other's work! Fandom isn't about popularity, it's about community!
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januaryembrs · 3 months
Hey, I'm the anon who requested the drabble of bugsy realizing her feelings for spencer. Can you write a drabble based on what happened after spencer saw bugsy and the guy in her apartment?? I found the ending to have been quite abrupt and am genuinely curious as to how things were between them after that (I'm a sucker for angst). Hopefully you aren't also planning a BONUS chapter on this 😭😭 if so, then I'll just shut up bcs I'm actually just spoiling shit atp.
THEN STRANGERS AGAIN | Spencer Reid x Prentiss!Reader [drabble]
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description: Spencer thinks he and Bugsy may have invented Murphy's Law. Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong and has gone wrong.
length: 1.1k
warnings: some small hints at mature content, but no actual stuff. angst? curses.
part of the trouble almost all my life universe
authors notes: finally finished my requests off thankyou for being patient with me, now who's ready to for the next TAAML update??
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“Who is it, babe?” A deep voice spoke, and Spencer felt his face go green when he saw the adonis of a man who stood behind her, his chest littered with smudged lip gloss and bruises resembling her own neck trailing down to his crotch. 
Her face was on fire when Spencer looked back at her, something betrayed in the hazel of his eyes which he knew was entirely illicit to feel in the circumstances, but it was true. 
“Fuck off, Renly,” She shoved him back behind the door, looking at Spencer like the friendship between them they were scrambling to salvage hung in the balance with whatever she said next. “You remember Renly, my lab partner at Johns,” 
Spencer nodded, the image of her lips on his pubic bone wouldn’t leave his mind, and he wondered what came after that, “I remember him,” 
She nodded back, and they went silent. 
They’d found themselves back at that stalemate.
“I’m just gonna…” Spencer trailed off, something sharp and painful in his chest as he looked at her. This was ridiculous, he had Maeve to worry about. Maeve, who was crazy about him, who he had a date with not even half an hour ago, who soothed the wound Bugsy had left when she’d moved to an entire other continent before he had a chance to tell her how he felt.
Except he did have a chance. He’d had plenty of chances, he’d just been too chicken to take them. And maybe that was what had made him so angry seeing a man twice his stature flirting and touching and grabbing her, knowing what they’d been doing before he’d interrupted. Maybe it was the fact he was irrefutably good looking, or that he was the kind of guy confident enough to call her babe and touch her so easily, or maybe it was the image of what she must have looked like underneath him to be as flustered as she was now. What had they been doing? Was he pleasuring her? Had she been teasing him? Had they been in the middle of full blown fucking?
Spencer didn’t know. The kid who had tackled string theory when he was fourteen years old didn’t know. And he didn’t think he ever wanted to. A whole Schrödinger's cat kind of fucked up where he knew exactly what they’d been doing, and yet his felt something hurt well in his chest at the fact he didn’t know at all. 
He felt like his head might explode, or like he wanted to rip his big brain out and kick it to the curb with how fast it raced with thoughts and images and sounds that all resembled her. 
“I’m just gonna go,” He spluttered, already turning to head down the millions stairs back to where he’d thrown his car into park, his footsteps clicking against the hard linoleum as he took them almost two at a time.
She didn’t care that she had little more than underwear and a shirt on, didn’t care that Virginia evenings had reached almost freezing at this point in the year. Bugsy didn’t care, because Spencer seemed hurt, and that was her least favourite look on him. 
“Spence!” She called, cursing when he didn’t turn back, and she’d barely had time to flick her door onto the latch before she was taking off after him, “Spencer, wait!
But he didn’t listen, he couldn’t. Not when he felt something close to tears welling in his eyes. Why was he getting upset? He was a grown man for fuck sake. He had three doctorates, a genius level IQ, and a job he adored. What did he have to be crying about?
He felt like he and Bugsy could only be described as Murphy’s Law, that everything about his day that could possibly have gone wrong between them did. That of course she was with some sort of adonis at this time of the evening, of course she was with someone else, because why wouldn’t she be? She was attractive, and quick witted, and sharp as steel. And most importantly she wasn’t his. 
“Spencer, what’s wrong?” She called, but his damn long legs were too fast for her, and he’d made it out the front door to her building before she could yell at him some more. 
By the time she got to the lobby, he was already half way down the street, his head straight down at the floor, his bottom lip quivering. 
The chill hit her like a stop sign as she ripped the door open, and she was quickly reminded how bare her legs were as she did so, her teeth gritting together. “Spencer!” 
But he didn’t look back, and she half considered risking the public indecency charges, only to quickly be reminded of her lack of socks and shoes as she took an experimental step onto the pavement, cringing in pain when it felt painfully harsh to her skin. 
Her stomach dropped. What had he wanted, coming to her at this hour when things had felt so odd and icky and wrong between them. Where was Maeve? Even the thought of the mystery girl made her face heat with annoyance, but Bugsy supposed that if Spencer was happy then she shouldn’t feel so damn bitter all the time. It had been the whole reason she’d brought Renly home, though bumping into him in the liquor store had been completely unintentional, because she’d wanted to forget all about the guy who used to be her best friend who she couldn’t have, who had a shiny new genius to hold his affections, to take the place she’d thought was hers. 
She should have known better. Bugsy should have known Spencer deserved so much better. She’d tried to dodge the fact of it in all the years they’d known one another, but it was like the reality had hit her square in the face, and the wind whipping against her bare shins was a wake up call. If things hadn’t been fucked up between them before, then they most certainly were now, all because she’d been so stupid to think she could drown her affections and squeeze out her love for Spencer into another person.  
An arm wrapped around her shoulder and a jacket was shrugged over her, and she looked up at Renly with a quivering bottom lip. She felt like she’d been punched in the gut seeing Spencer so distraught, lost for words, lost in general. And despite her better judgement, for the sake of the fact she’d never felt so alone, she let herself lean into Renly’s warm stomach, his muscles rippling beneath her hands as she shoved her head into his pectoral, burying her face away in embarrassment, possibly to even forced the tears back into her sockets against their will. 
“Is it complicated?” Renly asked, because he’d always been the gentle sort of giant, surprisingly kind for a guy who looked like he pounded roids non stop. Bugsy could have told him it’s because he was raised with a single mother and four sisters, but she wouldn’t bother. Sometimes people were just the way they were, no profiling needed. He patted her back soothingly as if he’d heard what she was thinking. 
She nodded, because nothing summed up Spencer better than complicated. 
“Yeah, it’s complicated,” She murmured, allowing him to kiss the crown of her head, because she was tired of licking her wounds alone, tired of being the one to beg for affection from people too good for her. 
Spencer blinked back the tears the entire way home, cursing himself for the way his stupid, envious brain produced every image possible of the goliath man in her doorway who could squash his head like a coconut, wondering what they were doing now that they weren’t interrupted. They were probably naked by now, probably-
Bugsy let Renly make her a green tea, and in turn he let her sulk and mope and didn’t take it too personally when she made it clear that sharing a bed was as far as they were going tonight. There would be no more nudity than they already were, no more lustful kisses fuelled by cheap red wine and misguided intentions, no more pretending she was someone else entirely. There would nothing.
Because perhaps Spencer didn’t know her as well as he used to, and perhaps that was entirely the problem.
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hina-hina · 2 years
Last request! (I apologise if i request too much)  I have a funny idea inside of my head, Could you do a dad headcanons of Ghost, Soap, Alejandro + König found out his and F! s/o's child has a innocent crush or how they act towards on their crush. How the 141 boys would react?
I can imagine if their child is a boy, I think they might tease their child about the "crush" thingy. If their child is a girl, ohh boy I think they're a type of a dad who said "no boys until you're 18 young lady" or being protective dad.
bonus: I think some of them might cry on their child for being " grown up so fast"
Hello again!! Don't worry about requesting too much, I love every request I get!! But this idea is so stinkin cute (〃` 3′〃)Thank you for requsting and I hope you enjoy!!
We have a healthy mix of boy!child and girl!child, I really just used whatever I felt fit the best within the character. The child in this is like middle school age or younger here.
→ COD Masterlist
|| How Ghost, Soap, Alejandro + König Would React When Their Child Has a Crush ||
Warnings: Some angst (not really)
Female!Reader // Romantic + Platonic
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|| Ghost
The child is a girl because Girl Dad Ghost brain rot is real
I have mentioned this 100 times but he is observant, right?
So he is back from base for a leave and decides he is gonna go and pick up your child from school
And while he is awkwardly standing among the other parents, he notices you talking with a young boy
He is horrified because you are blushing profusely
Doesn't say anything to his kid but as soon as he comes home and the kid runs off to her room, he just latches onto you and is like "We need to talk."
And your immediately worried because you think something is seriously wrong
Then he just tells you about her blushing at the boy and you let out a little relieved laugh
But then you tell him there is nothing wrong with someone her age having a harmless crush but he can't help it
He is incredibly protective and knows just how cruel young boys can be
He just doesn't want her to get hurt
Expect the next time that he goes to pick her up, he is just glaring this boy down
If they do start dating, the boy better be prepared for the most terrifying shovel talk ever
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|| Soap
We will do a boy child for him
So, I imagine the kid is like smiling at his phone or something at family dinner
And Soap jokingly asks if he is talking to a girl and when the kid blushes and tells him to stop he knows he unintentionally was correct
He is very quiet all throughout dinner until the two of you go to bed
You ask him what's wrong and he just starts silently crying because his son is growing up and he misses so much of it because of work
You just hold him and let him cry it out until morning
You reassure him that you and your son know that his work is important and that you both will also be there for him when he gets back
He has a mildly awkward heart-to-heart with his kid after that about how, despite him having to leave so often, that he would also be there for him
He would then go on to give the kid really bad dating advice
At that point, your quick to swoop in and dispute what Soap says for no other reason to see him get flustered when you explain how he embarrassed himself when the two of you met
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|| Alejandro
We will do a female child for him because, once again, girl dad vibes
Very, very, protective girl dad vibes
When you jokingly mention that your daughter is fostering a crush on someone from school? He needs to know everything
What is this boys name, who are his parents, when did you find out
You will need to take a moment to calm him down before telling him anything else
He would want to talk to the boy immediately, despite you telling him that it's nothing more than a innocent crush
When the two of them meet one time, say your daughter introduces him to the two of you at pick-up one day, he is all intimidating glares
The boy is clearly very nervous so you have to shove him to get him to lighten up
When he sees how happy your daughter is when hanging out with him, he softens
"As long as you're happy, hija."
God help this boy if he ever hurts her though-
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|| König
To keep it even, we will do a boy child for this one
I see him absolutely loving spending one-on-one time with his kid from time to time
So during one of these outings, he admits that there is a girl he likes at his school
He is in shock because of course the kid is at that age but he is still completely caught off guard
If the kid tries to ask for advice he would just have to be like, "Your mother kinda just threw me over her shoulder and I accepted it."
He is not that big of a flirt but he does know a thing or two
Encourages the kid to be observant (not in a creepy way) to pick up on the things she likes
He overall just encourages his kid to be nice and to pay attention to what she likes
He also encourages him to be more outgoing because he regrets not being as open when pursuing you
When König tells you about this later, your all over him with kisses and "awe"s
And who could blame you truly?
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joelswritingmistress · 8 months
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 32
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible. 
Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader 
WARNING: Extra Smut in this chapter (I'm snowed and this is what came to mind lol)
There was a place between dreaming and awake that I gave in to Dr. Miller’s sleepy sexual advances. His palm cupped my inner thigh and teeth latched onto my earlobe. 
At first I thought I was dreaming and I hummed a little moan as I semi-consciously pushed his hand between my legs.
“I want you,” he growled from behind me. I could feel his erection against my back as his fingers moved up and down my center. Within seconds I could tell his fingers were coated with my wetness. He felt it too.
That was when I rolled onto my back, submitting to him fully as he wasted no time climbing on top of me, kissing me roughly in the process. It took my brain a second or two to catch up, but I kissed him back just as hard; just as needy.
He parted my legs with his knee and reached for my hands, pinning them both down on the pillow. “Wrap your legs around my waist,” Dr. Miller demanded in a whisper.
I did as he asked and bit down on my bottom lip when he pushed inside of me. I whispered his name back to him and moaned out loud when he thrusted into me, still pinning me down.
I wanted to wrap my arms around him, but instead I just squeezed his hands, digging my nails into him as my thighs tightened around his hips. He released one of my hands to place his thumb in my mouth and I watched his eyes stalking my tongue’s every move as I swirled around the tip
When I tried to hug his body to mine, he quickly pinned my hand back down and my eyes closed from the immediate lack of control. Fuck, why did this sort of thing turn me on so badly.
His lips touched mine as he spoke. “Hands and knees, baby.”
When his cock left my body my eyes snapped open. “Don't stop,” I begged. When his hands released mine, I tried to pull him back to me; but he grabbed me first and positioned me on the bed in front of him on all fours.
Fuck, this man will be the death of me.
Dr. Miller reached to turn on the small lamp by the bed and then repositioned himself behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist and joining himself back to me with one swift movement. He motioned with his free arm straight head toward a mirror a few feet from the bed. Our eyes met in the reflection.
“Look at Daddy,” he whispered in my ear.
Oh. My. God.
Dr Miller thrusted into me and I moaned and closed my eyes, gripping the comforter with both of my fists.
His free hand gripped a fistful of my hair and he pulled me back gently. “I said look at me.”
I swallowed hard, completely and willingly at his mercy. “Yes, professor,” I choked out, hoping my dirty talk back was what he was looking for. I was a novice at this, he was a professional.
“Good girl.” Dr. Miller loosened his grip on my hair but still held it firmly. The other arm remained wrapped around my waist as he moved in and out of my aching pussy from behind.
His lips traveled down my neck and his gaze never left mine in the mirror as he worked his tongue and teeth against my sensitive skin. Each time I went to close my eyes from the pleasure, Dr. Miller gave a tug on my hair.
My whole body trembled with pleasure each time he spoke to me in a way that perfectly narrated what he was doing to me.
Good girl. Take it for Daddy.. Say, yes Dr. Miller. Keep looking at me like that. That’s it. Look at you, baby. Who’s my beautiful girl?
My mind was spinning and my thighs were shaking and tightening as I felt ready to explode. This was new. This was something I never knew I needed.
“Fuck, I’m gunna come.” I’d never said those words quite like that, but I shouted them as he urged me on from behind.
Dr. Miller laid his chest on my back, continuing to thrust as one hand cupped my breast. The other held the bottom half of my face and we locked eyes in the mirror again. “Come for me, baby girl.”
I moaned, feeling the start of my orgasm.
“Come on.”
My eyes pressed shut. I couldn’t help it. My hand clawed at his over my breast and I arched my neck back as much as I could from the way his hand grasped my face.
I had never felt anything like it. Even from him. This was, without a doubt, the most erotic sex I had ever had. I was seeing stars, and he never stopped talking in my ear. Never stopped encouraging me to indulge in every subsequent explosion that seemed to be infinite and left me crying out.
What was happening? This was different - in the best of ways.
He let his hand fall to my inner thigh, cursing as he brought his saturated hand up into our line of vision.
“Mmm.. fuck.. baby..,” Dr. Miller’s hands abruptly fell to my hips and he held me hard, thrusting two or three more times erratically before finishing with the intensity of ten men.
I still wasn’t over it. My own pleasure lingered with each pump of his hips, sending me into a final chorus of moans.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuuck.
I wouldn’t be able to stand when the morning came. My entire body was shot; spent. When Dr. Miller slowed his pace, he never pulled out of me. He just breathed in my ear and gently kissed my face and neck.
I let a hand drop below my waist, soothing myself as I finally began to come down off the intense high of the moment. But, I wasn’t there yet. My head was still spinning. I closed my eyes and placed both hands over his, hugging my body and his arms that were around me.
“Fuck, what happened?” I asked, breathing heavily. I moaned from just the slightest, most innocent movement of him inside of me.
“Are you okay?” He breathed the words into my ear.
“Mmm-hmm.” I swallowed hard and melted back into him as he continued to pamper me with kisses.
“Was that too much?”
“No,” I answered right away. “No.. that was..” I let out a deep sigh. I didn’t have the words to put into a full sentence.
“What I was saying wasn’t too much?”
“That was the best sex we’ve ever had.” I might as well just say it. It was. And I wanted more of it.
Dr. Miller let out one of his quiet, wicked laughs and then nipped at my earlobe again. “Has that ever happened to you before?”
“What happened?” I turned partway to look at him and he finally pulled out of me. It made me sigh and close my eyes.
He took my hand and placed it down on the damp sheets. There was practically a puddle there.  I realized that was all from me. I felt a quick wave of embarrassment, but he quickly put that fire out.
“Oh my God. What.. why.. I-”
Dr. Miller chuckled and tucked his fingers beneath my chin. “It happens sometimes.” He pressed against mine. “When two people connect just right.” His tongue penetrated my lips and my hand found his cheek in our brief, lazy makeout session.
I had never squirted before. I didn’t even know how to do that. I thought I knew why it happened, but I wasn’t even sure about that.
That explains that extra intensity, I thought.
I took a deep breath and looked down again as our lips parted.
“Hey.” Dr. Miller held my face gently again, a complete contrast to the way he manhandled me a minute or two before. He smirked, “It’s okay.”
I smiled back at him and let my body and mind relax. “You should talk to me like that every time.”
“Mmm,” he kissed me again and pulled me down to lay on his chest.
After a few minutes of silence I finally spoke again, basking in the afterglow of our love making. “That was so good. Another level good.”
Dr. Miller chuckled and sighed. He kissed my forehead.
“I feel like there’s a lot I don’t know,” I said to him, smiling wide as our eyes met from a few inches away. I added, “Yet.”
“Well.. I’d be happy to teach you.
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M/c hears Ominis grunting and moaning slightly by lifting something for someone and it makes them slightly turned on. Ominis notices you breathing a little heavy and asks you what's wrong.
OMG I love this, anything where Ominis is vocal is my *chef's kiss* favorite. I hope you don't mind that I wrote it as a female MC, you didn't specify and that's just my go to. This doesn't get too spicy but I hope you enjoy!
Sexual Themes - Minors do not interact
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"Thank you Ominis, just one more." You could hear Amit say in the library that afternoon.
You looked up from your parchment and saw Amit struggling on one of the ladders to the higher bookshelves, Ominis down below, passing him books. Your eyes lingered on Ominis, the ever tall and perfectly groomed Slytherin boy, who had been the secret object of your desires lately. Even though you were close friends with both him and Sebastian, you kept it at that, but you supposed your little crush started in History of Magic class. It was the only class you had alone with Ominis. Professor Binns was droning on about his ever so popular goblin rebellion topic and you could feel your eyelids getting heavier by the minute, that's when you felt something warm bump into your side which startled you and the person it belonged to back to reality, it was Ominis, who usually fell asleep in this class. He was jolted awake so fast that he latched onto your thigh accidentally to steady himself. It sent a shiver up your body at how his large hand gripped you roughly and your mind immediately flooded with lewd images.
Back in reality, you hear Amit again, "Be careful with that last one Gaunt, 'Theory of Space and Gravity', it's uhh very heavy."
"And I suppose we can't just use 'Levioso'?" Ominis quipped. His usual snark, ever present.
"Madame Scribner's rules; doesn't want books being flown around again, she says it messed up her whole organization process."
"Very well, just a moment." he reached down, feeling for the old leatherbound book and...heaved. Your eyes shot open as Ominis grunted as he struggled. Suddenly something akin to a lightning bolt was traveling from your brain straight down to the area between your legs, igniting something in you.
"D-do you need assistance?" Amit nervously asked.
"N-No ugghhh," he moaned out and you believe your panties just flooded. "Nearly got it."
You could feel your face heat up as Ominis wiped his brow that dripped with sweat after finally handing the book up to Amit, who nearly fell off the ladder. Then he made his way over to your table and you internally screamed.
"Ah, hello Y/N. Getting some homework done?"
You were thankful he couldn't see your face as you were sure it was beet red at that point. You managed to choke out an "Mmhmm", but your breathing was definitely ragged.
"Is something the matter?" Taking a step closer and you were sure your heart might explode. "Your breathing, it's heavy. Are you feeling well?" He brought a hand up to feel your forehead and you nearly shot out of your seat.
"Y-yes! I'm fine, sorry, I uhh have to uhh head back to the common room!" You tried to book it but he grabbed your arm to stop you before you could.
"Well, you feel warm. Please, allow me to walk you back." He offered. Of course, always a gentleman. "We wouldn't want your fever to get worse."
"Well, if it isn't my trusted companions!" A beaming, freckled face came into view, it was Sebastian Sallow.
"Ah, Sebastian, we were just heading back to the common room, Y/N here, isn't feeling very well." Ominis explained. "A fever, I believe."
Sebastian looked her over and could see her blushing face and the way her thighs were practically clamped together and chuckled. "A fever eh? Ominis...I'll let it slide because you can't see her but -" you were furiously shaking your head at him, 'No!'
"Ok, ok...relax" Sebastian put his hands up, still grinning. Ominis looked confused, you internally sighed and started making your way towards the library exit. What you didn't catch was Sebastian whispering in Ominis' ear and you only whipped back around when you heard him gasp.
"Y/N are you...aroused?!?" a blush creeping across his face, and at that you took off and you didn't think your fully upgraded broom from Spintwitches could fly faster.
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bucketsofmonsters · 6 months
The Shapeshifting Detective - Part 8
cw: parental death, grief, referenced murder, police brutality, slow burn, more tags will be added as the story continues
male shapeshifter x fem character
word count: 3k
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 (Final Part)
Kate had no idea how long she’d been in here or if the others had been taken into custody. She’d been waiting for hours, locked away in a room with no windows, no clock, no way of telling the time at all. 
Her wrists were sore. Her brain kept circling back to it over and over again. They were unbearably sore, both of them shackled to the table to prevent her from running off. They were irritating at first but after a while, she came to appreciate them, their unyielding weight helping to keep her present. 
She didn’t know what was happening or how long it had been or what would come of her but she knew her wrists were sore. 
Eventually, even they were not enough. She’d been able to stomach a lot in the last days, but sitting still and alone was not one of them. 
She had nothing to throw herself at, no justice to find. She was just here. Alone, in a room, waiting for the dust to settle. Waiting to see how she would come out of this. If she would come out of this. 
The creak of the door pulled her back to herself and her head jerked up to find whoever had come to break the infernal silence. 
When he entered the room she felt like she could breathe again. Her detective walked up to the table she was chained to and suddenly everything was going to be alright. 
“Harvey,” she said, a swell of relief filling her chest. 
When their eyes met she realized her mistake. “A bit familiar, don’t you think miss? Wonder where you picked up that habit?”
It wasn’t her detective at all. 
His dishevelment told a different story than the one she was used to. Gone was the man who just didn’t quite fit his clothes despite having shaped himself to belong in them, always sitting slightly askew with his wild hair and off-center tie. 
No, this man looked like he’d walked through hell, eyes bloodshot and his stubble growing unruly. 
She had no idea how much he knew about the situation, how much he’d been told about his mysterious doppelganger. The vitriol present on his face said he probably knew more than was good for her. 
He leaned over the table, looming over her, and Kate did her best to pull away with her hands chained, tethering her down. 
“I don’t know you,” she spat out, incapable of feigning demure answers despite knowing it was undeniably in her best interest. 
“Really? That’s odd, some people at the station say we’ve gotten quite close. Congratulated me on latching onto the killer so fast. Wasn’t that clever of me? How did I find you out so quickly, I wonder?”
“I didn’t kill anyone.”
“Then why did you confess to it.”
Of course he believed her mother. She certainly hadn’t done much to earn any trust with him. It stung anyway. “I didn’t. She’s lying.”
“Now now. Your mother is an upstanding woman, I don’t think she would lie to me. And you…” He grabbed her chin and tilted her head to the side, as if to inspect her. She reeled back, pulling herself from his grip, a movement he seemed to find amusing. “Well, I suppose what I think about you depends on how well we know each other. What do you say, Katherine, do we know each other or not?”
He spat her name at her like it was poison. It might as well have been. 
“You’ve questioned me a few times, that’s all.”
“Oh, just a few. I only remember us speaking once but perhaps I’m misremembering. Maybe I wrote it down somewhere. I did find some very interesting notes about you in my office. They were very complimentary, seemed like we’d spoken quite a lot. Can you remind me if that’s true?”
“It was a couple times. That’s all.”
“Consistent. Smart, you shouldn’t be changing your story.”
“You can’t do this,” she insisted. She knew he could, though. That was the problem, wasn’t it? He could do whatever he liked. Who would stop him?
“I promise you I can. You know what I find odd? The way you looked at me when I walked in here. You didn’t look at me like the prime suspect in a murder case who’d only spoken to me a few times. Who were those big, hopeful eyes for? Because I know one thing for damn sure, they weren’t meant for me.”
“You’re insane,” she hissed at him.
His hand snapped up faster than she could track and then her head was being slammed forward into the table in front of her, the world spinning as she pulled back. 
“I’m going to get the truth out of you one way or another,” he snarled. 
“I didn’t do anything,” she sobbed out.
“Maybe you didn’t. At this point, I don’t really give a shit. What was that thing? Are you one of them?”
“I don’t know anything,” she said through gritted teeth. There was no getting out of this, she could see that now. 
“Yes, you do. You’re on its side, the only thing I don’t know is if you’re a piece of shit turncoat human or one of those monsters.”
The door opened and a man you didn’t recognize walked in. Harvey snapped to look at him, snarling out an impatient, “What do you want?”
The newcomer was some other police officer, his hat not quite facing forwards properly and his jacket buttoned up just one button off. 
“Someone wants to see you,” the newcomer said.
“I’m a little fucking busy, actually.”
“I’m sure you are,” he said, and faster than either of them could react, he slammed Harvey forward, throwing everything he had into banging his head into the table. 
It knocked him out cold, his body sliding unceremoniously to the floor as Vincent rushed over to her side, a frantic look in his eyes. 
“Evelyn is in the other room,” he said, speaking as fast as he could get the words out. “They started poking around and we couldn’t make them leave. They were gonna find them either way.” He gestured down at the unconscious man below him. “I just untied them and told them no one would believe them, seemed like the best option at the time.”
She tried to move forward, into his space, the shackles stopping her unbecoming display of desperate affection before it could even really begin. 
He seemed unaffected by Kate coming to her senses about the action, wrapping an arm around her and holding her tight to his side. “Let’s get you out of here,” he muttered, and she could feel his chest moving as he spoke. “I don’t want to- Oh my god, are you bleeding?”
He reached for her instantly, his hand cradling her cheek as the other rose to wipe at a drop of blood she hadn’t even noticed, the viscous liquid spreading across her skin. 
He immediately reached for his pockets, muttering angrily under his breath. 
Upon finding nothing he began rooting around in Harvey’s pockets, pulling out both a handkerchief and a key ring victoriously. 
“I’m going to get you out of here,” he promised, pressing the handkerchief gently to her wound, cleaning it as best he could before beginning to try the first of many keys. “Just hold on a minute.”
“What are we going to tell them?” she asked as he tried key after key, looking warily out towards the rest of the station. 
“You’ll see. I just have to wait for…”
Before he could finish his sentence, all hell broke loose, the sounds of yelling and rushing about filtering through the door. 
“What is that?”
“Our cue.” He said, trying keys as quickly as he could, a slight shake to his hands as he did. Finally, one clicked into place and the cuffs snapped open. 
Kate stood, rubbing her wrists and Vincent gave her a nervous look. “You may want to turn around.”
The words echoed in her ears and before she could really register them, he was changing. The horrible snapping of his bones accompanied itself with the creation of new angles where they shouldn’t be. 
The cracking and shifting noises were drowned out by the noises of chaos that were slowly filling the building, but it did nothing to stop them from reaching her ears. 
She wondered why he had to shift like this. Surely there were more efficient ways to travel from one body to another. Human bodies weren’t that different, seemingly creating a new set of bones and tissues for every one seemed horribly inefficient. 
She thought, perhaps belatedly, that she should be scared. Or at the very least, horrified. And yet she couldn’t quite bring herself to be. 
It hadn’t even really occurred to her, to be honest. Perhaps some of it was due to her current, exhausted, sluggish state. She just hadn’t thought of it, hadn’t considered being afraid. 
Why would she be, asked a little voice in the back of her head. It was just Vincent. 
Instead, bubbling up, slower than they should have, were other feelings. Relief, gratitude, but nothing resembling the revulsion she was sure should be present. 
As he transformed, she was lost in thought completely, busier mulling over the situation than actually watching the seemingly possible transformation. 
He winced at her as soon as he had enough of a face to wince with. “Sorry, you shouldn’t have had to see that.”
Vincent looked more scared than she did, staring at her as if at any moment she might scream and run, never to be seen again. 
She gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. It didn’t feel like one, like anything close to being either reassuring or a smile, but he seemed to understand the meaning, giving her a quiet, sweet smile back. 
And then he held out his hand, as if to escort her out of the room. She took it and he led her into the chaos. 
Evelyn seemed to be at the epicenter of it all, shouting and throwing things around the station. No one really seemed to know what to do with themselves, trying to calm her while simultaneously acting like if they got too close they might spontaneously combust. 
As she watched the chaos unfold, the comfortable weight at her side disappeared and suddenly she felt very exposed. 
She glanced around nervously and saw Daniel sitting in the corner, a distant look in his eyes. He seemed like he’d be less of a problem than Harvey had been. 
Evelyn drifted over to her and pulled Kate towards her. She went with little protest, leaning into the woman as she was guided to her side. She was the only other person left who didn’t want her locked up, now that Vincent had made himself scarce. There were worse people’s arms to be clinging to. 
As Evelyn argued and Kate stood, unlistening, at her side, she saw Vincent dart back into the interrogation room and she did her best to avoid looking at the door again, keeping as much attention away from there as much as possible. 
She heard the door creak once more but kept her eyes adamantly forward, tensing up even more at the noise. She imagined no one could tell, it was hard to look more tense than she’d already been. 
She heard Evelyn slam her hand down on the table beside her, hard, and guessed someone’s attention had drifted a little too far. 
Kate should be paying more attention, should be helping more with this plan she wasn’t privy to. She just couldn’t draw herself back into the present. It had been too much, she was too tired. 
And then, storming through the doors of the police station with a bang, was her mother. 
Now she was aware of everything, pulling away from her and further back toward Evelyn. 
An arm snaked around her waist and she was grateful for it, grateful for the reminder that at least someone here was on her side, even if it was more for Vincent’s sake than for hers. 
“Why is she free?” her mother asked, looking around frantically, looking more confused than angry, despite the way she’d entered. 
The policemen around her seemed just as confused as to why Kate was standing amongst them, looking around for someone with an explanation and finding no one. You hoped Vincent would be back soon. You had a feeling you’d be thrown right back into the interrogation room if he wasn’t. 
“She killed him,” Kate insisted quietly, sounding unconvincing even to herself. 
Her mother took a step forward and she couldn’t help but flinch. At that, her mother paused, shifting back once more and keeping her distance. 
“You can’t fool them. They know the truth, they believe me.” Her voice sounded strained and distant and Kate couldn’t help but wonder how much of that was just her mind going. Nothing seemed to quite make sense anymore. 
“They do,” she said, slumping further into Evelyn’s side. The woman took her weight without protest, giving her side a little squeeze that she couldn't make sense of. 
“Of course they do! I am a well-respected woman. And who are you? Unmarried, unsociable, why would they believe you?” The words were careful, intentional, but not how they normally were. There was no tact behind them, not really. 
As she yelled at Kate, restrained and unnoticing of the people watching, it occurred to her that this was not, in fact, her mother. Her mother would never make a scene like this and if she did, if she really snapped like she was supposedly doing right now, she would not keep her distance and try her best to avoid frightening Kate. 
Because that’s what she was doing, stepping away, keeping from shouting too loud, keeping the blame from Kate's shoulders as best she could. It was a show, one calculated to harm her as little as possible while revealing the truth to some closed-minded police officers. 
But Vincent was struggling, struggling to make it natural and believable, so she threw him a bone. 
“You can’t fool me,” Kate said loudly, having no problem making it believable. Maybe she should give Vincent some lessons when this was all over. “They’ll see it soon too. I know you killed him.”
“And I would’ve killed you too if I knew how much trouble you’d cause me,” she said with a scoff. 
And then her eyes widened, looking around at where she was, her breath catching in her chest before she turned tail and ran. 
Everyone was too shocked to stop her, quick orders to chase her down being shouted amidst the chaos. 
Most of the officers left, starting the search efforts. Those who remained didn’t seem to know what else to do with Kate, milling around her awkwardly. 
“What are you doing?” Evelyn snapped. “You heard the woman, she’s innocent, don’t you have better things to be doing than terrorizing this poor girl any further.”
They didn’t seem fully convinced but they seemed more frightened of Evelyn than they were wary of Kate. 
She wondered what it would take for them to fully be done with her, be entirely convinced of her innocence. She imagined there was very little at this point. She’d already messed up too badly, broken too many rules. That crime she was guilty of and so they were convinced that something must be wrong. 
She couldn’t bring herself to care any longer. There was no anger left in her. 
Evelyn began to pull her towards the door and she followed like a well-drilled pup. 
Harvey passed them as they attempted to flee and she knew instantly that it was her detective. She was so much better at seeing it now, at recognizing it, even as distant as she felt. 
He smiled at her and then turned towards the rest of the precinct. 
“And that concludes this case. My apologies for keeping this from you, but I felt the ruse was necessary to find the truth. The lovely Miss Katherine here was willing to help, once she heard my plan. Her intention, of course, was to clear her mother of any suspicion. When we cornered her, she told a different tale. I just needed time to settle the case. Fortunately, she seemed set on doing it for me,” he finished with a put-on laugh.
She heard Evelyn sigh beside her and mutter under her breath, just barely loud enough for Kate to hear, “He really is too much.”
Confused murmurs filled the precinct but Vincent did not seem like he wanted to stick around to clear anything up. 
That felt like it was best. She had no idea where the real Harvey had ended up in the chaos or how long they had until he returned. 
She let Vincent lead her off, Evelyn shifting Kate over to him, shouldering most of her weight as they walked. 
She stayed tucked carefully into his side. It felt safe there, secure in a way she hadn’t felt in a long time. 
“Why didn’t you do that before freeing me?” she asked, much later than she should have, but at least she still had the sense to ask at all. 
He looked away, a sheepish air taking over him. “I didn’t want to keep you locked in there any longer than I had to. The plan was just to incapacitate Harvey but… it wasn’t right.”
“You’re an idiot.”
He shrugged. “Maybe. I got the job done though.”
“Hmm.” And then, perfectly patient, holding out just long enough to not inconvenience them too badly, she collapsed. 
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the-music-maniac · 5 months
How fucked up would it be if Sefikura got Hanahaki? Either one of them. That ship is already toxic AF (affectionate) but imagine the HAVOC.
I'm gonna ramble a bit so I can get the brain worms out but feel free to correct me on any plot points, or character interpretations: I've absorbed all this shit from watching walkthroughs (cause I'm broke and video games are expensy) and I haven't finished watching yet. I'm also playing it fast and loose with when this occurs in canon - I have no idea tbh. My interpretations are probably influenced by fandom already cause I've been reading posts and fanfics, and I am aware that this is SO self indulgent, so again. Biased viewpoint here.
Also since I'm aware that sefikura is a controversial ship even with the ship's popularity and age, if you don't like it, that's fine, just block me or scroll on.
I can see the story being more interesting if Seph is the one to get the disease. Mostly because, while I understand his obsession with Cloud is quite complex and not really there bc of romantic reasons (Cloud has S-cells, Seph kinda just views Cloud as his to control I assume, plus Cloud is useful to him, and the fact that Sephiroth has a god complex a mile wide and Cloud was somehow able to beat him as a mere trooper, etc. etc.) I do think for an individual like Sephiroth, that level of obsession is likely the closest he's going to get to love, or at least a blurring of the lines between love and hate. I don't think he really feels that emotion much anymore, especially not after the first time he died, but whatever he DOES feel for Cloud could be strong enough and close enough in shape for something like Hanahaki to latch onto.
Sephiroth's course of action in response would be interesting to see. Hanahaki weakens the individual, which is something Seph is probably not gonna stand for, even if he has enough hubris that he doesn't think he'll die from it. Maybe similar to the degeneration Genesis was experiencing? There's a thought. I honestly think Sephiroth would find it more intolerable if he reaches a stalemate with the disease, not enough to kill him, but enough to weaken him to the point where it hurts his pride and gets in the way of his plans. That seems like it would grate on him more than the threat of death, which doesn't stick anyways.
Sephiroth's go-to in that situation (upon exhausting other avenues - the first and easiest being, y'know. Murder) would probably be to try the puppet route - force Cloud into feeling that reciprocating emotion. Which like. It doesn't work like that Sephy. And here's where it could get really dark if you were so inclined to write it that way, but I'm not in the mood for that right now so I'm gonna say this - that course of action would bring up a lot of PTSD for Cloud obviously, but a perplexing point would be if Sephiroth just y'know. Succeeded in controlling and forcing that emotion for a bit and then upon realizing Hanahaki doesn't work like that - immediately releases his control. Cloud is left there, sound of mind again and fucked up in the mental health but ultimately unharmed and very confused.
Second course of action, good old fashioned manipulation. Here is where it would probably get convoluted though, while I don't think Sephiroth would go down the full on cracky shit of trying to woo Cloud or anything like that (keep in mind up until now, I don't think the nature of Sephiroth's emotions for Cloud are necessarily romantic, so that's not where the Hanahaki is stemming from, or at least not at the beginning - since we are talking about Sefikura and I do like the romance even if I acknowledge it's a little out there in terms of canon. I'm aware he says some provocative shit, but I think that's to get a reaction - it's taunting more than flirting. So, I don't think it would necessarily occur to Sephiroth to do anything romantic here), I do think Sephiroth would be forced to do shit that's actually helpful. His world domination plans are at a standstill cause he's too weak to enact them, and he's trying to get some sort of reciprocation that's enough for the disease to be satisfied, so even if he doesn't give a shit and thinks it's stupid and a waste of time, he studies Cloud and his friends and their movements and acts accordingly to help. Probably in the most violent way possible, granted. Sending Cloud into more confusion.
What I do find interesting is if Cloud finds out what's happening. Fear in response to learning about possibly romantic feelings on Sephiroth's end is probably unavoidable with how fucked up their in game relations are (Sephiroth's attentions are not exactly kind), but once Cloud realizes the nature of those emotions are not romantic (and therefore not r*pey - while I do have a vested interest in avoiding that, I also don't think it's in character for Seph. He always struck me as someone who either didn't have interest in intercourse for its own sake or just never felt safe enough to try when he was still sane) ironically? I can see Cloud eventually feeling guilty. Because his first reaction would obviously be relief or even happiness at the fact that this is weakening Sephiroth and may potentially lead to his death, and I do believe that would be genuine relief. At the beginning there is no guilt. Just fury at the audacity and a vindictive type of happiness. And then the guilt stems from the insidiousness of a disease like this, as Sephiroth keeps being helpful, and seeing the reality of an individual who no longer acts untouchable like a God, suffering. Not beating the enemy by any honest means but by the simple fact that Cloud despises Sephiroth, and something is responding to that and doing the dirty work for him. And then, feeling guilty about feeling guilty bc he should be happy about keeping Seph contained and unable to hurt others by any means necessary, but he's not. He seems like the type of hero to spiral like that.
And then of course, as time progresses on, the hatred lessening the longer Sephiroth isn't doing any heinous shit, the worry of no longer being able to hold onto enough of that hatred to keep Sephiroth contained, because Cloud isn't stupid, he KNOWS Sephiroth isn't doing this out of anything genuine, but it's still working because humans are humans who have sympathy for those who look like they're suffering and memories that fade and get overwritten with time and new information. And so Cloud knows the second he lets go of that hatred, Sephiroth will go back to killing, but in the same breath he can't help feeling sympathetic. Knowing the manipulation and still falling for it despite yourself is probably uniquely infuriating and seems like the mindfuckery Sephiroth would enjoy.
Here's the kicker though, Cloud's response to that "not-hatred anymore, but not nearly indifferent enough to be neutral" emotion would probably be paired with him treating Sephiroth better than he was treated by any of the Shinra personnel, barring of course Angeal, Genesis and Zack, without even realizing it. Like Sephiroth was dehumanized for so long, both as a weapon to be used and feared and as a public figure to be idolized and adored - none of that was his own to control - so Cloud extending basic courtesies and concern is going to feel different. Maybe it reminds him of Angeal and Genesis, I dunno. It wouldn't be out of the left field, the disease probably already reminds him of the degeneration. So now he's reminded that he was capable of loving people, once. We don't got time to unpack Sephiroth's mile long list of issues in this post but let's say it actually makes Seph come to a couple epiphanies. If Sephiroth's feelings eventually shift to romantic love while Cloud's feelings are shifting to that not-hatred, not-quite-romantic-yet, but not-indifferent, Sephiroth is y'know. Still gonna be stuck with the disease cause it's not technically reciprocation. That would be hilarious wouldn't it. So let's say that happens and Sephy is confused and Cloudy is also confused at the fact that he's beginning to feel charitable towards Sephiroth but he's still not getting better.
On the contrary, I think he would get worse. Because NOW what the Hanahaki is latching onto is real and genuine love. Yeah, that previous weakening wasn't even the disease at full strength, have fun with that.
I can see Sephiroth getting frustrated at this point cause he doesn't seem well adjusted enough to notice his own feelings shifting and put two and two together, so upon realizing that Cloud feels some level of reciprocation and the disease is getting worse, he probably would just. Leave. And at this point in the story I think what would disturb Cloud the most is if he sees Sephiroth give up entirely. Because consistently, the man has never done that before. Sephiroth has never in all the crazy shit that he's done - given up.
Keep in mind, it's only really possible at this point cause Sephiroth has been feeling like absolute dogshit the entire time. Chronic pain wears on you, and for someone who has been inhumanly healthy and then the equivalent of a God, that constant exhaustion and weakness, the choking on your breaths and pain in your chest, and then being so sure of a solution and having hope, only for it to not work and to even get worse - also Seph doesn't have good coping mechanisms clearly - he gives up. And I think this is the push Cloud might need for his own feelings to shift.
And how fucked up would it be if the hanahaki flowers were sent by Aerith though. I don't think she would do that maliciously, but as a way to test if there's any hope for Sephiroth. She maybe didn't necessarily know it would manifest for Cloud, but just some type of reaction. A way to keep her loved ones safe from him? Weakening but not killing him because Sephiroth pollutes the lifestream if he enters it, and he also won't stay dead and everyone keeps suffering because of it and - basically they're at a stalemate. If there is no hope for Seph, then the flowers would do nothing. If there is, then the flowers may be a chance to change things. Imagine that. Whether or not it's in character for Aerith is up for debate but it would be quite interesting.
So Cloud talking to Aerith and learning that? Learning that things aren't as hopeless for Sephiroth as he had assumed? Another point that may cause Cloud's viewpoint to change. It's hard to deny the authenticity of someone's humanity when it's literally killing them.
And since my entire reason for liking Sefikura is partially because Sephiroth's backstory upsets me (most of it's because it's just an interesting dynamic, but the fact that Seph was made to be a weapon, abused throughout his entire life with little to no bodily autonomy nor freedom, thought he had been betrayed by two of the only people he loved, and then manipulated until he went insane, and is now never going to be free of Jenova or his anger and hatred because he gave into his worst demons - that makes me sad. So, admittedly I got into sefikura because of time travel fix-its where Cloud goes back and tries to fix things - which often includes people gradually realizing just how much abuse Sephiroth had suffered, and all the factors that were pushing Seph until he snapped. I mean granted, that doesn't excuse the awful shit he did by any means, but the odds were by every definition, against him from the beginning. The romance was just a large bonus of those fix-its) I'm going to give them a happy ending. Cloud stays there and tries to get Sephiroth back to how he was, and in the process with the amount of time they spend together, and the worry he's been feeling at how Sephiroth is deteriorating, helps push the feelings that are there into fruition. The Hanahaki clears, and Cloud expects to need to fight Sephiroth, expects that he would have to kill him. Sephiroth doesn't - not because he now values humanity or anything because I don't think any amount of redemption is enough for Sephiroth to reach that point, at least not that quickly, that shit would be a lifelong battle - but because he knows Cloud, and he knows he would kill him if he went back to how he was. If it really came down to it, to save the world, Cloud wouldn't hesitate. And once he crosses that line after they've had this dynamic, that's the last betrayal and there would be no going back, no returning. That would be the end, permanently. And he actually wants to stay by Cloud's side. There could be a moment where Sephiroth contemplates it, but in the end his better demons win out, if you wanna add more drama.
I have also thought about what it would be like if Cloud had Hanahaki and it would also be interesting, although the disease type wouldn't quite be the same as for Sephiroth, because Cloud does genuinely hate Seph. So, it would probably be more fucked up - if Sephiroth succeeded in keeping Cloud as a puppet, and that results in a manifestation of Hanahaki because of that forced devotion, since Sephiroth is only using Cloud as a tool. And it ironically weakens Cloud enough that he's no longer useful as a puppet and Sephiroth has to let go. Rinse repeat. Or if Sephiroth is somehow able to use his cells to induce a similar disease in Cloud. That'd be pretty damn fucked up, huh. Compels me though.
Anyways, I dunno if I'll ever use any of these ideas for anything, but it was still interesting to think about. Thank you for reading!
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darkeraurora · 11 months
Nice Manners
Ghost handing out some discipline. Word count: 1579
CW: hard dom, very NSFW, MDNI
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Taking a small break from my other writing to get this oneshot done. It's been rotting my brain for weeks - now you guys can have it.
"You’re gonna make me cum too soon, Love.” Ghost’s gravelly voice warns.
Not only does she not heed his warning, she opens her throat and slides his cock further down until his short curly hairs tickle her lips. Her tongue flattened along the underside, pressing and caressing to give him more pleasure.
With a deep growl Ghost empties himself down her throat. After the final jerk of his cock between her soft lips he glares down at her with a scowl.
She rocks back on her heels to stand but Ghost pulls her forward, laying her across his legs. “Someone has trouble following orders,” he tsks at her. (smack) his large hand comes down hard onto her bare skin.
“Bad girls need to be disciplined.”  (smack)   Two of his fingers slide along her slit, gathering her juices.
“My goodness, so wet already Love.” (smack)  “Such a mess you’re making.”
Removing his fingers from her, Ghost brings them forward to her panting mouth. smack “Clean up your mess, like a good girl.” (smack)
Ghost’s clean fingers grip around the front of her throat with a light squeeze. With his other hand, he begins to rub fast circles over her clit. “Are you going to be a good girl who listens now?”
(smack) “HOW do you address an officer?” Ghost demands, forcing his fingers into her pussy.
“Y-yes sir.”
(smack)   “I don’t believe you.”
“I-I’ll be good s-sir.”
“Do you want to cum?” Ghost asks, seeing that she’s about to squirm out of his lap.
“Yes please.”
Ghost ignores her. Tears begin to fall down her cheeks and she tries to hold her orgasm back.
“Please may I cum?”
She’s almost sobbing at this point.
“Please sir may I cum?”
Ghost withdraws his dripping fingers from her and begins to rapidly slap her slit. “I heard you the first time Love.” She begins to yelp, more tears falling.
After several more minutes of slapping her clit Ghost pulls her by her throat, bringing her head closer to him. “Spread your legs for me. Be my good girl and…. Maybe… I’ll let you cum.”
She obeys immediately, spreading her legs widely as he ordered, begging him incessantly to let her cum.
Ghost leans down to her, latching his mouth onto the sensitive skin near her ear. Licking, biting, and sucking. His hand caressing the smooth, reddened skin of her backside.
At her continued whining and begging, Ghost grips her throat tightly as he plunges four of fingers into her. “Beg harder, Love,” he growls menacingly into her ear.
Finally having judged that she's begged him enough, “Do you deserve to cum?”
“Y-y-es s-sir, I’ve b-been good-d, please l-let me cum!”
“Not convinced.”
She groans deeply as he drops his grip on her throat, her head falling back down. She can now only utter unintelligible noises.
(smack)   “Use your words, Love.”
“Please, please sir! I’m-I’m your good girl! Please let me come for you sir!”
Fucking hell.
Ripping her head back up to him, his lips find her pulse in her neck, gripping throat harder as he curls his fingers her inside while pressing on down hard onto her clit with his thumb. “Cum then,” he commands.
With a scream and a gush of fluid she at last shatters in his hands. As he removes her from his lap she collapses onto the floor in a trembling heap. Legs useless.
Ghost is, of course, not without compassion and lifts her up onto the bed. “Very good girl.” Laying her on her back and jerking her thighs apart, spreading her widely for him. “Good girls need a reward.”
She’s still a panting, boneless mess. Ghost opens his fly and frees his thick uncut cock. After a single hard slap to her swollen folds, he plunges himself into her. Burying his cock to the hilt, nudging her cervix. He fucks her at a fierce, brutal pace until his balls empty into her.
Pulling out of her, Ghost sees his semen begin to leak from her and dribble down her cheek. With his finger he scrapes it off her skin and pushes it back inside of her hole. When it refuses to stay in he lifts her from the bed, slinging her about as he turn to sit down, placing her back on her stomach over his lap. Her head and arms dangling near his feet, legs on either side of his hips, her pink cum-filled hole right in front of him.
With thorough care, Ghost continues to collect the seed that escaped and force it back into her. “Now now, Love,” he gently chastises, “Keep being a good girl and keep it inside of you.”
He caresses the stinging red skin of her cheeks, gripping and squeezing the muscle, watching her tender skin quiver under his touch. A large finger slides into her, making her pink hole brim with his white seed. Down by his feet she begins to whimper.
Her pulsating walls threaten to push his cum out of her.
(smack) “What did I say?” he snaps at her.
“To keep your seed inside me,” she responds meekly.
(smack) (smack)
“S-sir!” she corrects herself.
His fingertips trace along the pink lips in front of him, occasionally flicking and pinching her swollen clit. “Such beautiful holes you have, Love.” A finger pushes into her smaller, tighter hole. She yelps at the unexpected sensation.
(smack)   “Don’t you want to be my good girl?”
“Yes sir!”
“Good, then take what I give you and relax Love.” His fingers slide in and out of her holes as she trembles and shakes at the feeling. “Who do you belong to?”
“Y-you… sir.”
(smack)   “Do better.”
“You sir! I belong to you! I’m your good girl!”
“Yet you were a bad girl earlier?”
“Yes sir. I was.”
“How were you bad?”
“I didn’t listen to you sir.”
“You did not,” smack “obey me,” he corrects.
“N-no sir, I disobeyed you sir.”
“But you’re sorry and ready to obey now?”
“Yes sir. I’m sorry for disobeying. I won’t do it again.”
(smack) “Say thank you.”
“Thank you s-sir. Thank you for disciplining me sir.”
Ghost only hummed in response, fingers thrusting in and out of her holes. Her cheeks jiggling due to his pace.
“Yes?” he replies curiously.
“May I cum please sir?”
“My girl needs to come already?” Ghost croons in mock surprise.
“Yes sir, may I please cum sir.”
“So polite, of course you can.”
He increases the pace and depth of his fingers, ruthlessly pulling another orgasm from her. Pulling his fingers from her, Ghost spreads her pussy open with his thumbs. Watching the convulsing walls of her core filled with his seed in fascination.
(smack) (smack) “Did you forget your manners already?” Ghost snarls down at her. (smack) “what!” (smack) “Do!” (smack) “You!” (smack) “SAY!”
“Tha-thank you s-sir…” she cries for him
(smack) (smack) (smack) (smack) “For what?!”
“Hah! Ha, ha… Thank you sir… thank you for fucking me.” she sobs.
(smack) (smack) (smack) (smack) “Do,” (smack) “BETTER.”
“Thank you sir for fucking your seed into me! Your-your cock felt… so good! Please sir… fuck me again?”
His fingers slide back into her holes. “Fuck you again?”
“Yes please sir… please put your cock inside me again sir.”
“Yes sir, I-I’m desperate for your cock sir.”
A rumble reverberates low in his chest as Ghost narrows his eyes at her finger-filled pussy. “You just don’t know what to do without my cock, do you?”
“N-no sir. I-I love when you fuck me with your big cock and fill me with your seed sir.”
(smack) “Tell me,” (smack) “what are you good for?”
“S-sir, I-I’m… I’m for you to fuck… anytime you please.”
Ghost returns his fingers to her tightest hole, pinching her clit with his other hand.  “Hmm, go on.”
“I’m here to obey you sir. To be your good girl and… and spread my legs for you. I’m holes for you to fuck anytime you please sir.”
(smack) “What else?”
“I’m… I’m here to please you sir. I-I’m here for you… you to use… for your pleasure.”
Ghost leans forward and bites onto the raw skin of her cheeks. “What a very good girl you are.”
“Th-thank you sir. I’m… only your good girl.”
His fingers press hard onto her sweet spots. “Yes you are, aren’t you? Mine to fuck as I please.”
“Yes sir, my holes are… only for you, I’m yours to use… to be filled with your seed… to suck your big cock… Anything you want. Please sir… please fuck me again.”
Ghost grabs her upper arms and hoists her body upright. “Interlock your arms my pet.”  Holding her up with one hand and swinging her around to let her knees rest on the mattress, Ghost pulls out his engorged cock with his free hand and lines himself up with her smaller hole before impaling her onto him. “Such a good girl.”
“I believe you’ve earned a reward.” Ghost commends her once he has filled her body and dropped her onto the floor.
“Th-thank you s-sir,” she mewls.
Ghost opens the door to his room and calls out into the hallway. “Johnny – care to have a taste of my little one? She’s well broken but forgets her manners sometimes I’m afraid.” Soap saunters into the room, looking down at her figure laying on the floor. “Enjoy mate.” Ghost fist bumps Soap on his shoulder, listening to Johnny smirk and unbuckle his belt as he walks out of the room.
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