#my brain is something amazing
cursedimagedump · 4 months
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bugtoast · 3 months
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sleepy-light · 7 months
Protecting the gf
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maybe-drawing · 1 year
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After all… This is a death match for a reason.
-- Click for better quality! Sketch and sword version under the cut! --
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(if you see this did you notice the left tumb is on the wrong side?!?? bc i only did after like 500 notes help i am screaming)
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linkedin-offficial · 7 months
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an assortment of au stuff
i enjoyed thinking about it more :]
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hou-ting-dynasty · 1 month
thinking about how Mako is a hardcore workaholic to the point where his mental health and hygiene are sacrificed in favour for his career, probably as a result of his past where he was never allowed to stop or relax.
but then Wu becomes his job, and suddenly Mako is forced to sleep every night in a presidential suite and not take any police cases, to go shopping and hang around spas. he’s still a workaholic, but when your ‘work’ is one person… things get mixed up.
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bbutterflies · 6 months
guys I know I already did adrino fake dating but my original idea for that was actually “adrien (celebrity who never went to public school) begs nino (just some random guy) to please pretend to be his boyfriend while at some random bar and nino (is not into fashion and barely on social media) is like who tf are you? but okay lol and then they move on with their lives as you do when you kiss a stranger in a bar and he buys you a drink to thank you. except someone gets a photo and adrien in a desperate attempt to cover begs nino to please keep pretending just for a little while and nino’s like fuck it I wouldn’t mind a couple free dinners and then, as the trope implies, they fall in love but both of them think it’s all fake and they’re desperate to make the most of it while it lasts and the boundaries start to blur”
would that be something? what if I did that. I kinda want to. I read my original doc for it and I’d wanted to include some angsty stuff too - a lot of adrien dealing with homophobia (internal and external, from his father and the media/public) and maybe some gender stuff bc I can’t look at these two and not think about messing with gender. but it feels weird to do the same trope AGAIN for the same ship? even though it’d be a very different story… idk I might write it one day when I have time because my 2024 resolution was to write what I want to and boy do I want to write that story
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I went to see challengers however long ago going in almost completely blind to what it was.
Someone please tell me why I haven’t stopped thinking about it since seeing it?!?
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gabedut · 8 months
Brain thought about a thing related to the funny Circus thingy Amazing Digital Circus but the people who abstracted are the main cast and vice-versa. Kaufmo actually arrives the day Pomni is about to go to the cellar.
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Since I have no ref of the abstracted people I had to make up their bodies. lol
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cherry-blossomtea · 2 years
“I’m all yours, but you’re all mine” makes me lose my fucking mind because usually the phrase “I’m yours” is said with tenderness and affection but in this case, it’s said out of bitterness. I’m bound to you, you own every part of me, we are tied together but that means you’re bound to me too—I’m not trapped with you, you see, you’re the one who’s trapped with me.
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ihearnocomplaints · 8 months
me if uhhhh me if you uh if you reblog my art and give me love and attention
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circuitcircus · 22 days
Unfortunately I really think early kabumisu fanartists really did mithrun the biggest disservice by defaulting to drawing kabru doing things like brushing his hair/teeth for him and dressing him and stuff instead of focusing on their dynamic and doing something with that instead (this sounds judgmental but I don't actually have a problem with that stuff..,I think it's cute)
Kabru never even does that in canon but now so many people misunderstand them to the point where they think mithrun needs someone to lift his hands up for him and insist him just being around kabru would be "a burden on him"…. wow…..yikes. I've already talked about the ableism in this ideology but ya
Someone who doesn't like the pairing claimed "the main appeal of them is the caretaker aspect" but that's not really it for me? I can see how it's just easy to come up with for fanart especially if the idea comes from someone else's stuff though
While I do think the moments in the comic where kabru makes food and helps mithrun are cute as fuck, kabru doesn't do all that and too many fans forget that mithrun does so much on his own and is a fighter and strategist, and is also really funny? He kills it with the deadpan humor like that dullahan comic??? Gut busting
It doesn't even have to be a ship for their dynamic to be interesting honestly like there are so many things to play around with from their canon dynamic and interactions like the raceswaps (changelings), the tragic difference in the way their races age, how they influenced each other while they were together, how mithrun is the one who gives kabru information about the dungeon that he'd ALWAYS been wanting, etc. and, yeah, helping each other out :\ Also the detail of how similar they were to each other before mithrun met the demon, and how being with mithrun made kabru more honest because mithrun is so candid and nonjudgemental that kabru doesn't feel the need to mask around him…I could keep going!
There's nothing wrong with needing a caretaker, but that's not even the best thing about their relationship and it's way over exaggerated, too. Mithrun did just as much for kabru as kabru did for him in those 6 days and no one remembers that whyy 😱😭
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fanart-for-thesoul · 7 months
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Slight spoilers for In Stars and Time Act 3.
I love this game so much that I genuinely have no words for it. Little excerpt of a bigger project I am currently working on.
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pansyfemme · 19 days
im. 💖
#having. a good night#i’m gonna. crash but. having. good converstions#feeling warm and fuzzy and comfortable#im.#i feel silly but im like. im falling in love i thinkkjjjjjjjjjj its great its wonderful#i have not felt this good and this pretty in a long time like im just. life is swell#im . tired and i know im doing the classic puppy love just. head over heels stuff thats known for in new and passionate relationships but it#feels so good and i like him so much and i just feel. real#i feel seen and understood and . loved its. huh its. yeah#but brain real fuzzy and warm. im just. i found someone so. just. so perfect for me its like. im :)#he treats me. really well and he’s so amazing and so fucking insanely talented at art and animation and im likeeee all dizzy and feeling#just . safe and comfortable like. i just feel. safe and its. not something i feel a lot#and like. its funny bc like theres a few irls who follow here who know both him and me and its like. haha you guys get the inside scoop on#just how infatuated we are with eachother like. surprise . but yknow.#its like. hhh. its just. im just. its nice#echo#like. we all know im well aware that im pretty as it is but he just makes me feel. so pretty like just. gorgeous#and i mean he’s like . woah. like i know you guys dont know what he looks like besides my paintings but the paintings do not do him justice!#he’s got this like. great smile and he’s always laughing and giggling and this really pretty long hair i love and its like… 💖💖💖#like. he’s. very my type. i have a weakness for pretty guys and he’s just. so prettyyyyy and im :)#im sorry to my irls who see me just. gushing about him like. idk. im not sure if anyone saw it coming but i think it. makes sense. it makes#a lot of sense. and we’re. cute together. got that. opposing aesthetics stuff. but it’s. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#im just. oh i think im talking until the tags run out now i think so uh huh#yeah it’s . embarassing honestly to be. this into someone but it just. feels. good and natural and it makes sense like i said#i just. hm . im both so nervous around him and not nervous at all its. nice#and like. i just want to. be with him all of the time ever and it’s. probably whats gonna happen next semester#im just totally infatuated and he is. with me as well and it’s. really cool to be just. mutually losing it#like half of our calls involve us hiding our heads in our hands because its real nervous boy4nervous boy shit like. very much so#i often have to put my phone down and just. close my eyes and lie in the dark and go. oh my god oh my god oh my god#its just surreal to like someone so hard for so long and then a month after classes end and it’s real. its normal its happening
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toad-in-a-trenchcoat · 9 months
the Sci-fi Political Drama and the Surreal Black Comedy over here making me associate divine/heavenly/greater power beyond human understanding elements with the circus
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thejesterstears · 1 month
Hey do you guys think Ragatha makes a point of always trying to make the newest circus members feel welcome since she's one of the ones who has been there the longest of the current cast and would have that experience to be able to help them or do you think she just became quickly attached to Pomni specifically because I feel like either is very likely
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