#my body dysmorphia says FUCK NO lmao
limbel · 5 months
nice! a customer said something so awful to me today that i spent 10 minutes crying in the bathroom
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Stuffed Animal dashboard simulator
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🐻feltedfur Follow
pray for me human put me in the wash on fucking hot water im never gonna be the same colors
23 notes
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🐇velveteen-everything Follow
got left outside in the backyard but this is kinda nice actually im okay with this (:
🐇velveteen-everything Follow
the hawks
14.1k notes
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🐉shinyscales Follow
this is bullshit ive been bragging to everyone in the toy chest because my tag says i was made with love but i got torn today and guess what. its just stuffing inside
🥽pooltoy82 Follow
lol imagine having stuff inside you lmao
🐉shinyscales Follow
i literally see you outside the window looking smug. log off
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🦭 sealofapproval Follow
🐭 m4m4_p0ssum Follow
990 notes
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🐭 plushiepolls Follow
🐉shinyscales Follow
lets not spread body dysmorphia on plushblr guys
🧑 thatoneweirdhumanplushie Follow
op casually ignoring stuffed animals with different colored fabric for eyes
▶️ stuffedyoutooz Follow
some of us dont even have eyes!
13k notes
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🐶 newdogtoy22 Follow
i know animals are allowed to see normal plushies moving and talking but whats the rule for dog toys.
▶️ stuffedyoutooz Follow
what breed of dog op
🐶 newdogtoy22 Follow
poodle? does it matter?
▶️ stuffedyoutooz Follow
no i just wanted to remind you your lifespan can be measured in days
🐶 newdogtoy22 Follow
man come on
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whyse7vn · 11 months
[ot7 x reader]
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8 participants - 8 online
jimin: do you think i can give yeontan body dysmorphia if i show him pictures of those racer dogs??
cuz their like tall and skinny
and he’s like short and round
y/n: this one sided beef is insane
hobi: jimin wtf is wrong with you
he literally bit you once and all you fucking do is talk shit about him
jimin: fucking ugly nepo baby
ur lucky i don’t cook him and feed him to crabs
yoongi: get a grip
jk: guys how does birth control control birth
tae: it kills growing babies in the womb with lazers i think
hobi: what
jk: ok that makes sense
hobi: ?? no it doesn’t
jk: i wish i could control birth
jimin: abortion
yoongi: jungkook should of been
yoongi: sorry :3
jk: you think i could perform a abortion
jin: preform a shower
jimin: perform a diet
jin: perform a love life
jimin: perform youth
jin: perform a family that actually loves you
tae: woah
namjoon: ok
calculated all our living expenses and we need to cut down a lot
like we spend so much every month it’s not funny
what can we live without?
yoongi: jungkook probably
jin: OUR living expenses?
we do not live together!!!
tae: tf is a living expense?
y/n: is that from our silly little shared black card?
yoongi: you guys still use that??
jk: i use it to rent fish
hobi: you can rent fish?
jk: yeah
i like to set them free
jimin: that feels illegal
jk: i ate one once tho
it was really sad :/
but i was really hungry
hobi: wtf
jimin: i only use that card for netflix and alcohol btw!!!!!
can’t have my accountant thinking i’m an alcoholic
namjoon: whose been using the card to pay for flights?
hybe pays for all our flights i don’t see why we’ve spent over 4 billion won on flights in the last two months when we’ve all been in korea
y/n: yeah are you stupid?
jk: is that money not for our lion we sponsored in africa?
tae: our what?
jk: lion
tae: what
jk: roar meow
that thing
jin: ofc you sponsored a lion in africa
yoongi: meow
THATS INSANE??2£:&;&;&(
jk: we did ^_^!!!
our lion is called reggie and i get sent photos of him sometimes
i love him
jimin: i’ll shoot him
jimin: i won’t
namjoon: jimin take that back rn
jimin: no
namjoon: i tried!
tae: you’ve been using my flight money for a lion??????????
jk: yeah!
didn’t know it was flight money tho
thought it was lion money lol
you know hybe pays for our flights right??
tae: stop speaking to me rn
jk: did i say something wrong????
namjoon: anyways
jungkook you need to stop buying fish
jk: who will set them free if i don’t 😰
namjoon: jimin chill out on the alcohol
jimin: you only live once namjoon
namjoon: it’s actually concerning how much you’ve bought THIS week
it’s for your own good
jimin: sighs
namjoon: and who tf is taking ubers everywhere we do have drivers yk??
not to mention that’s really fucking dangerous
yoongi: lmao what an idiot
y/n: lol 😅😅😅
yoongi: ????are you silly do you know how dangerous that is
y/n: but they are so convenient!!!
and our drivers take soooooooo long
think about it if i didn’t take a uber yesterday i would of been late for our thing yesterday
that’s not cool is it???
yoongi: idc
i would rather you be late than dead in a ditch cuz ur uber driver was a deranged fan
y/n: booo
yoongi: next time you call one of our drivers or i’ll come and get you
y/n: ok
tae: i could come a get you lol
jk: ME TOO
hobi: are you not in the same house?
tae: btw namjoon can’t get you lol
cuz yk he can’t drive
so he couldn’t come and get you
i’m just saying
i’m just putting it out there
someone you fuck doesn’t know how to drive
you should drop him
cuz what if you was dying and needed him asap no newjeans
he couldn’t come
cuz he can’t drive
just saying btw
namjoon: i think she gets it
shut the fuck up
jimin: LMAOOOO
namjoon: moving on whoever ordered a box of steak for 10k needs to give me the fucking card back
hobi: ok wtf
i needed that steak
jimin: who tf orders meat
y/n: that sounds gross as hell i hope it was same day delivery
hobi: i’m a chef in the making
namjoon: ur wasting money on stupid shit
hobi: ur just mad you don’t have a 10k golden stake like..
jin: namjoon ur being stingy ass hell
money is money
and we have a lot of it???
who cares what we spend it on?
jk: all unsponsored lions in africa
they care
namjoon: could you guys just be a little more responsible with our money please
just with this card at least
idc what you buy with ur own money but please for the love of god at least give me false hope in believing you are all responsible adults that can make sensible financial decisions
yoongi: thought he was an atheist
jin: that’s what im saying “for the love of god” do u even know him 😭
hobi: does he even want ur love namjoon?
jk: u wrote a lot of words there joon so i’m not gonna read it
but i hope i can still buy my fish
i’ll even get small ones if that makes you happy
y/n: would getting tae a bbl be a responsible financial decision?
tae: can i actually get the card pls
wait what????????????
y/n: or jimin do you want the bbl
namjoon: ….
you guys are really fucking annoying yk that?
jk: at least it wasn’t fat!
jin: should of been 😒
tae: send pics so i can tell you
tae: ok wtf i was only trying to help you :/
namjoon can i have the card pls pls pls pls
namjoon: no
y/n: hey ur not flat!!!!!
y/n: i asked if you wanted one
i didn’t say that you needed one
jimin: do you think i’m flat
y/n: no!!!!!
jimin: ohmygod i’m gonna kms she thinks i’m flat
yoongi: can you read
jk: y/n can you come home i’m really sad namjoon just cancelled my fish rental for next tuesday
y/n: namjoon give him back his fish rental
namjoon: no
jk: y/n come HOME
y/n: can’t!
jaehyun says hi btw
hobi: so this relationship is for real???
namjoon: can we not
jimin: look at him getting defensive 💀
namjoon: how was that defensive??
i just don’t want us to all argue again
jimin: you can just say ur jealous joon
namjoon: shut up
tae: i’m jealous
hobi: we don’t care
jin: so like can jaehyun drive?
y/n: he can do a lot of things >\\\<
yoongi: don’t care
wow this is really the best thing to happen to us
y/n: us???
he’s MY boyfriend
tae: my chest just caved in
jimin: sorry yeah he’s your BOYFRIEND
yoongi: we fucking get it omg
moving on
yoongi: tf you giggling for
hobi: today is cheat day
i have to giggle
jk: can i giggle?
hobi: y/n has a boyfriend
namjoon: ok can we solve this card issue
tae: can i have the card pls i need to buy something to stop my heartbeat for a while
namjoon: shut up
hobi: y/n does this mean ur friends with nct now
can i like join them??
pls ask
y/n: ok
jin: omg should we have have a party??
nct x bts
yoongi: no
y/n: can you guys stop trying to cause arguments rn
jin: idk what she’s taking about
hobi: right like??
jimin: think it has something to do with her BOYFRIEND but idk
y/n: …..
jin: so what are you and your BOYFRIEND doing today???
yoongi: so it’s funny now?
y/n: are you fr?
yoongi: i’m just saying lmao
namjoon: ok lets not do this again guys!!
jk: i wish i could do life again
namjoon: ok!
so whose been paying for these flights?
hobi: could be y/n and her BOYFRIEND
y/n: hoseok
hobi: ok sorry last one i’m sorry i’m sorry
jk: do you think reggie has had to deal with heart break like this???
jimin: here he goes 🙄
hobi: bet you all my money he will be drunk in the next hour
jin: hour???
i say the next 5 minutes
namjoon: guys the card??
jimin: namjoon we don’t care??
namjoon: i will punch you in the fucking face
jimin: WOAH??????????
y/n: joon omg
yoongi: real
jin: i’ll record !!!
tae: my gf said that to me once…
hobi: ??
tae: SIGHS
y/n: i’ll record?
tae: no wtf
the punch you in the face part
y/n: hey i said that
tae: yeah 😞…. yeah you did 😞
7:& nfkcjemc
jin: always knew he was dirty
hobi: free frog legs
y/n: don’t die
tae: namjoon can i have the black card
yoongi: give up
namjoon: help urself
jk: aw man :/
i feel so sorry for them
birth control ❤️
namjoon: what are you talking about
jk: namjoon i booked a fight to belgium
namjoon: im sorry?
jk: i forgive you
don’t be sorry
chin up king
hobi: tf he yapping about
jk: my fish are going to belgium
yoongi: what
jin: the rented ones?
tae: let’s kill jaehyun
y/n: the 4 billion in 2 months was jungkook?
jk: my fish are ₩20,000 per bucket
not 4 billion the heck
yoongi: wow i’m losing my mind being in this gc
hobi: we can replace you with woozi lol
yoongi: say something like that again and i will break ur neck
hobi: ok WOAH
guys do you see how aggressive he is like???
that’s not right at all
namjoon: jungkook have you been using the card to pay for flights
jk: hybe pays for our fights
namjoon: ok but why did you say you booked a flight to Belgium then???
hobi: its like talking to a 7yr old
jk: no
namjoon: no?
jin: wow he’s making me want to kms
hobi: the soju has taken over!
jk: birth control!
yoongi: shut the fuck up
jk: aw man
who wants fish????
yoongi left “GOLDEN”
namjoon left “GOLDEN”
jin left “GOLDEN”
tae: i’m sorry man
send me those card details later tho!
tae left “GOLDEN”
hobi left “GOLDEN”
y/n left “GOLDEN”
jk: good talk team
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @indigobsessed @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @yojaschill @k4ngelz @jmnscutie
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And That's Okay
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University AU TW: Language, University Struggles, Sexual Orientation Struggles, Strained Parental Relationships, Slight Implications of Body Dysmorphia, Angst (No Comfort), Reader implied to have anxiety, Codependent relationship, Implications of a toxic relationship, Smoking, Hookup culture Smut Warnings: F/F Sex, Oral (giving and receiving), fingering, first-time receiving anything and everything, loss of virginity, mentions of penetrative sex, mentions of dildo and various other usage of sex toys, F/M Sex, blowjobs, drunk sex, protected sex, penetrative sex, sloppy makeouts Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, Smut Pairing: Jeon Somi x Reader ft. Na Jaemin Y/N Pronouns: Female (She/Her) Word Count: 27.3K Summary: University is when you find out things about yourself. You will find out things you'd already known and you will find out things that you didn't want to know, and oftentimes that is through the help of others who you grow close to and learn to love. But nothing lasts forever, and that's okay.
[Other Groups Masterlist] Notes: HAHA I GOT IT DONE IN TIME FOR HER COMEBACK! So, yeah, full disclosure this is heavily based off of my own experiences coming to terms with myself but obviously it's also super fucking exaggerated because it is fanfic lmao I gotta make it entertaining somehow. But, without further ado, enjoy! Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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“Yeah, we’re together.”
“Oh, I’m happy for you,” you smiled. Your friend had been seeing this guy for a while now, and you were the fortunate one who had listened to her the entire time. Sweet as it may be, you were glad that she’d finally mustered the courage to say yes to his constant probings. You were happy for her, truly, you were in love with the way she smiled now and the way she spoke about him, you could see it in everything that she did, she really was in love with him. The way her hair bounced when she nodded her head, the way her lips would turn up so slightly, and the way that smile still reached her eyes. You were happy for her, really, you were.
“Thank you, (Y/N)! I only have you to thank, really, you’ve been helping me out with this since day one and… ahh,” she rubs the back of her neck bashfully. Her hair parted slightly under her hands, revealing the soft skin beneath it while she did so and the light tinge of her cheeks sent your heart racing. “(Y/N)? Everything alright? I mean, I know, it must be annoying to hear me gush about him all the time,” she asks with a small laugh.
“Yeah, fine, no, that’s okay. You like him, right?”
“I do! But, I mean, we haven’t really labeled our relationship yet because, I mean, I’m still getting to know him,” she continued on. Her voice, though melodious to you always, drowned out in the sea of your thoughts. “Oh, shoot, (Y/N), I lost track of time, I have to head out,” she glances at her phone, the lone notification on it telling you everything you needed to know. “Same time next week?” She asks.
“Yeah, I’m always free,” you nodded. 
“Do you want me to walk you to your car? I know you don’t like to be alone,” she says it with a painful jab. But it was the truth. You hated walking alone as much as you hated being alone but, still, you shook your head.
“I think I’ll stay here for a bit longer.”
“Sounds good, get home safe, (Y/N)!” She packs her things.
“You too. Bye,” you waved and watched her go, leaving you sitting in the café. Goodbye.
That’s how you said goodbye to your first love.
The time was 2:30 pm in the afternoon. In a quiet café, seated at the counter near the very back, and with no more patrons than fingers on one of your hands. You could hear coffee brewing behind you, and the playlist of the day was soft jazz. The cup just a finger away had long gotten cold, forgotten as you listened to your friend’s love story, and your tablet just minutes from dying. You looked down at your notes and read through a few lines, but you didn’t know what to do, you didn’t know what to think. You were heartbroken, sure, you had to be. Your first love, the person you had fallen in love with years before and the person who you continued to love, had found someone else. Someone else who made her smile wider than before, someone else who she found herself thinking of at random points of the day, and someone else who made her feel happier than before. And that someone wasn’t you. It was your fault, really. How could she ever come to love you if you’ve never in mustered the courage to even come out to her? You couldn’t breeze through love with another woman the same way you could with another man.
You were so happy for her, she deserved this so much. But, god, when will it be your turn?
You turned your tablet off and started to pack your things. Might as well go home, then. You only agreed to go out today because she was the one who asked.
“Thank you,” you nodded your head toward the barista before heading out. It was only six in the evening, but still the sun had long set. People moved around you, couples, families, and friends alike. You pulled your hood over your backpack and started to move toward your car. Once you got there, you sat at the driver’s seat and locked your doors. Your keys remained in your hand, however, and instead of starting the car, you relaxed against your seat and sighed.
That was truly the end, wasn’t it? You checked your phone and saw the message from her. She arrived home safely. You smiled, but quickly caught yourself as you liked her message and tossed your phone on the passenger’s seat.
You said goodbye to your first love, and now you can focus on her friendship instead. Good for you, and good for her.
“I thought you said that dating apps weren’t your thing, (Y/N),” your classmate chimes.
“Eh, figured I’d give it a shot,” you continued to mindlessly swipe. It was true, you were more into meeting people “organically” but, well with today’s day and age, this seemed to be the more sufficient way to do things. Your classmate peered over your shoulder and you turned the screen away from him, but not before he could see who you’d hesitated over.
“Whoa, (Y/N), I didn’t know you swung for that team,” he says, disappointment in his voice.
“I mean… yeah, I like girls and guys, so what?” You shrugged, turning your phone off instead. The confession felt weird. Had you ever said it before? No, not really, you were just annoyed that the first person you technically came out to was a boy you’d just met a few minutes earlier.
“Then, why don’t we go out on a date then?” He teases.
“I’m not really into dating right now,” you said.
“Then why are you on Tinder?” He asks.
“Just cuz,” you shrugged. You just didn’t want to date him. Before he could respond, the sounds of rustling backpacks signaled the end of class. “See you next week,” you chucked your things into your bag before rushing off. You didn’t want to delve into a conversation you didn’t have time for, much less with someone who gave you massive icks with everything he said. While you made your way to your next lecture, you opened your phone again, looking at the profile you’d just hovered over.
Somi Douma, 21. She had a few pictures you could tap through. She’s really pretty, you had to admit that much. Pisces, in college, looking for something short but open to long, love language is touch, not into smoking, not into drugs. Her profile was so much like the others you’d swiped left on before, but something really stood out to you on it. You swiped right on it.
It's a match! You felt your heart stop. You? She swiped right on you before? No way. Not with the random, half a year old selfies you chose to populate your profile with. You didn’t even look all that good in them what with no makeup or fancy hairdos. You put your phone away and rushed to lecture. You couldn’t understand the cold feet you suddenly got, shouldn’t you feel some sort of validation? Some kind of joy from getting a match? You swallowed harshly. Had you ever gone on a date with another woman before? Had you ever gone on a date before? You squeezed your hands together and entered your next lecture, taking the first seat you found open.
“Hey, (Y/N),” your study group finds you easily and your first friend, Keeho, was the one to call out to you. Then three others took their seats around you. “Everything alright?” He asks you.
“Uh, yeah,” you answered vaguely. You chewed on the inside of your cheek. “Just worried about how I’m going to study for this class,” you mumbled. Keeho eyed you wearily, but decided to leave the subject. Maybe it was you being full of yourself, but you could swear you saw the admiration in his eyes. It was the same way you’d look at your first love but you knew for a fact that you didn’t even want to try anything with him. It was hard enough to make friends in college, you could only imagine how hard it would be to lose them. Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you stole a quick glance. Big mistake on your part, the ‘Tinder’ tag line and the simple ‘New Message from Somi’ nearly sent you into cardiac arrest. You put your phone away and covered the lower half of your face with your hand, but this didn’t go unnoticed to your other friend.
“(Y/N)?” Yeji places a hand on your shoulder. “All good?” She asks.
“Just fine,” you told her with a heated face and a racing heart. You didn’t expect either of you to make the first move, granted, and you definitely didn’t expect to see a message just minutes after you matched together, it was too sudden. Making that account was supposed to be a joke, a spur of the moment thing you did with your friend, the same one you’d crushed on before and the one you’re one sidedly getting over too. You never expected to use this app seriously, and you definitely didn’t expect to find someone at all.
“Earth to (Y/N),” Jaemin leaned down and waved his hand, pulling you back into reality. “Your shit’s in the way,” he eyes your backpack.
“Oh, shit, sorry, Jaem,” you pulled your bag into your lap and, ahh there it went, your phone landed on the floor and the screen lit up, the Tinder notification taunting you, but you were fast to pick it up while everyone was preoccupied talking to Jaemin about the content in today’s lecture.
Close call, you shook your head and joined in with them.
But why did you even feel shame about it in the first place?
You looked at the lone notification on your phone sent now six hours ago. You didn’t know what to do with it. You didn’t think that anyone would swipe on your profile, much less someone as attractive as her. But you steeled yourself, laying down in your bedroom, you tapped on the notif and Tinder opened right up.
‘Hi, I’m Somi! I see we matched :) Why don’t we get to know each other better? 20 questions?’
You typed out a response.
‘Hi! I’m (Y/N). I’d love to get to know you better, I’m down. Should I ask the first question?’
‘Yeah, shoot!’ Her response was immediate and you thought for a second.
‘Are you bisexual too?’  It was missing from her profile, her sexuality you mean. But, to be fair, so was yours.
‘Lesbian, actually. How about you?’
‘That counts as a question! I’m bi… I think.’
‘You think? You just asked if I was.’
‘I’m not sure yet.’ There was a pause before her response.
‘Do you want to find out?’
‘I mean… yeah.’
‘Haha, you’re cute! Okay, I think I see why you joined this app now lol. After this game, wanna meet up?’
You looked around your bedroom. You were a commuter student, and one who, of course, couldn’t fucking drive. 
“(Y/N)!” Your mom’s voice was sudden. “Dinner’s downstairs!”
“I’ll be there, mom!” You answered back. You looked at your phone.
‘Sure, maybe not today, though, I’m already at home.’
‘? Do you commute?’
‘Yeah, I’m like twenty ish miles away from my campus.’
‘Ohhh, where do you go to school?’
‘BLU! You?’
‘No wayyyyy same!’
You paused. She was closer than you thought.
‘What major?’
‘Mathematics. You?’
‘Whoaaaa I’ve matched with a genius, huh?’
‘Math’s cool, though, I could never, I lose my mind over trig alone!’
‘Same, lol! But still, it’s crazy to think that we’re so close.’
‘I know! What year? If you don’t mind me asking.’
‘It’s one of your 20, so why not lol? I’m a third year. You?’
‘Aha… first year…’
‘Whoaaaaaa so you’re fresh into the college scheme, huh?’
‘A little, yeah.’
‘Aww, I remember when I first started out too! Hey, if you’re comfortable with it then we should meet up!’
Again, you stopped typing. Was this how dating was supposed to go about? Then again, she was looking for something casual, so you had to take that into account, and you wanted to know if your loveless life was due to you pursuing the wrong gender this whole time. All of grade school you’d gone without once being liked romantically, and to those flitting crushes you did garner the courage for they all laughed at your confessions, was this really your only chance at feeling wanted? You placed your phone on your chest and sighed, but then you felt it vibrate once more.
‘If it’s too soon don’t worry about it! We’re basically strangers, is all, and I’d like to get to know you better. Your profile says that you’re looking for something short and casual, right?’
‘Uh… yeah. To be honest I wasn’t 100% sure what it meant.’
‘Aww! A freshman indeed! Do you want the full graphic answer?’
You felt your face start to burn up. She sent you another message before you could type anything more.
‘I mean, it doesn’t have to be sexual. We can do cuddle buddies instead.’ You didn’t even think it had anything to do with sex. Short and casual? You had no idea what that would have entailed at all. Even with some thought into it you couldn’t piece it together.
‘Cuddle buddies?’
‘Yeah. It’s like FWB except without the sex lol.’ Never mind, you knew exactly what ‘short and casual’ meant now.
‘You’re an adult, right? Your profile says so but I just want to be sure.’
‘I am!’
‘Okay! Just checking! But it’s up to you. Then again, you can just delete this convo and pretend that nothing happened.’
‘I don’t want to do that…’
‘Okay then! Just let me know, don’t leave me hanging, (Y/N)! Plus, you seem so chill compared to others on this app so I’d like to at least be friends!’
‘Yeah, ofc! I’ll have to text you later tho, to finish the game, I mean!’
‘Yeah, no prob! I’ll text you later <;3’
And the conversation ended. You placed your phone on the nightstand next to you and rolled over in your blankets. Something casual? Friendship? Something… sexual? You shuddered. You didn’t even think about it that way. You were still a virgin, no experience, no thoughts, you’d never really paid too much mind to doing anything like that. Well, you’d done some masturbation here and there, who hasn’t by this age? But nothing with another person. Your face was burning up now, something you tried to cool down by turning your pillow over and laying face down on it.
“(Y/N)?” Your mom calls you down again. “Dinner!”
“I’ll be there!” You answered.
There’s the other problem. You’re not out to anyone, well, except for that stranger who wouldn’t leave you alone earlier. What would your parents think of you? They worked so hard to help you get to where you are today, they are working so hard to help you achieve your dreams, what would they think of you if you told them this? As much as you loved your parents, and truly you did, you knew their thoughts and opinions on homosexuality and how its representation is being handled in today’s age. The words of your mother rang clear.
‘Honey, it’s okay if you are, but I’d prefer you not to be.’ And you stood by those words all your life. Such a small statement that she said to you when your best friend came out, and one that you hardly talk to anymore. She said that to you when you were in middle school and now here you were, in college, and probably, most likely, very gay. Who the hell says that to a thirteen year old anyway?
Well, actually, your mom apparently. You couldn’t blame her, though, considering the state of politics at that time. She was a mother who was afraid of what would happen to her daughter for being who she was, and you couldn’t fault her for that intention, you could only fault her for the execution.
Then, rapid knocks at your door lead you to shove your phone under your pillow just in time for it to swing open.
“Hey! Mom’s calling us! Let’s go before she comes up here,” your younger sibling urges you to follow.
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” you scrambled off your bed and ran downstairs, leaving your phone behind.
“Okay, just something casual, cuddle buddies, yup, just something casual, cuddle buddies, mmhmm,” you recited to yourself.
The time was 12:00 pm in the afternoon. The sun was high in the sky and the air was heavy with a dry heat. And here you were, standing in front of an apartment unit. You started having second thoughts, was it really a good idea to play into dating app culture? Was it a good idea to agree to meet up with Somi in person? What if you’d just been catphished? What if she’s a crazy axe murderer looking for her next victim? What if you just didn’t vibe with her in person versus through text? Was it too late to turn around and say that you couldn’t find her apartment? Well, yes, you did ring the doorbell already so there was no way you could turn back now.
Then, as soon as the door in front of you opened, you felt your mind blank.
“Hi! Uh…” The woman who opened the door looked you up and down before snapping her fingers, “(Y/N), right?”
“Yup, that’s me,” you answered in a higher tone.
‘Kill me now,’ your internal thoughts shouted at you.
“Wow, I knew you were cuter in person,” Somi laughs. “Come in, come in, but leave your shoes by the door in here too,” she points to the shoe rack absently while walking in. You followed her close behind, pausing only to slip your converse off, and continuing on. “I know, it’s a small place, but at least I have it to myself,” she speaks up. “How was the drive here?”
“Oh, uh, I walked actually.”
“You walked?!” She turned to you briefly with a shocked look on her face. “It’s, like, a hundred degrees outside!”
“Yeah, but, uh, I was on campus so it was just easier,” you shrugged.
“Hold on, hon, let me get you some water! You can sit wherever,” she gestured broadly and walked into the kitchen. You took the liberty of sitting down on the couch while you watched her move about from the other side of the counter, from pulling a glass from the upper cabinet to pouring a bottle of water from next to the fridge. You heard the cubes of ice clink against the glass as she walked back to you and placed it on the coffee table in front of you, just inches away from some fashion magazine she had. “So… tell me about yourself,” she says with a light tone.
“Oh, um…” This felt a little strange. Normally, weren’t first dates in cafes or bookstores? Come to think of it, you vaguely remembered a PSA saying something about not going to stranger’s houses for first dates. Was this a good idea? Did you make a good choice? What were you doing here again? Why? Huh? You felt like you’d enclosed yourself and built up another wall. You were afraid of opening up to this woman, this person you’d just met. Why did you think it was a good idea to come into her home? Dense. It’s like you forgot all the Crime Watch Dailys and 20/20 episodes your mom made you watch with her.
“Oh, um,” you repeated yourself and shook your head. “Sorry,” you shook your head.
“No, no, it’s okay!” She waved her hand in front of her. “You’re new to this kind of thing, huh?” She asks.
“Yeah… very,” you admitted. “I’m sorry, I know you were probably expecting something else but…”
“No, it’s fine!” She reassures you. “To be honest, I’m not too experienced either. I actually recently moved here! I transferred to BLU this year,” she says.
“Oh? From where?”
“I was raised in Korea, actually,” she nods.
“Korea? Wow!” You commented. “So why did you transfer here then? That States are so far away,” you shook your head slightly.
“Aw, you know, the usual! I wanted to get out and be independent from my parents for a bit, go on an adventure, and, hell why not, get my degree while doing it,” she says. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love them a lot! And they were really supportive of me coming out here so I have to be grateful, but, you know how it goes.”
“I do, I do, I wish I tried harder to convince my parents to let me move out for at least a year,” you shook your head.
“Oh! You’re commuting?”
“Yup, and, of course, I don’t have my license so that’s probably why they encouraged me to stay home too,” you sighed with a slight eye roll.
“Awh, but that’s so sweet that your parents care like that,” she says.
“Yeah, I guess,” you nodded slightly and you rubbed your arms up and down. “So, uh, why math?” You changed the subject.
“Oh, I’m terrible at it, like, really really bad at math,” she laughs, “but I love a challenge! And math is such a challenge, my god, I have fun with it so I decided to major in it,” she says. “And you? Biochemistry is a toughie.”
“God, you don’t even know,” you held your head with one hand before letting it fall to your lap again. Somehow, you found yourself relaxing into this conversation, any awkwardness you felt earlier started to fall away. “I’m on the premed route, actually, and biochem was just that fastest way to complete my pre-reqs,” you explained.
“Oo, premed? That’s cool!” She whistles. “You always wanted to be a doctor?”
“I mean, I guess, I had a phase where I wanted to be an astronaut, actually.”
“Didn’t we all?” She laughs. “Well, I wanted to be a stewardess for a while, but then I realized I hate flying,” she shakes her head.
“I found out I had motion sickness so I tossed that idea out really quickly,” you laughed along with her while holding your glass of water. The ice had long melted already and all that was left was the cool condensation surrounding the glass.
“You know what, (Y/N), you’re really cool,” she says softly. “I’m glad we matched.”
“Me too, it’s been kind of rough meeting new people since I started here a couple weeks ago,” you nodded.
“Yeah, that’s right, I haven’t really found my crowd either. I have groups here and there, but no one I’d definitely call a ‘good’ friend,” she says. Did you even have one? Well, the closest would be that study group you had now, the bonds from orientation apparently are very strong. “But, I dunno, you seem sweet so I’m sure people will gravitate toward you,” she smiles.
“Oh, yeah!” She says with a wide smile. “Say, why don’t we finish up that game? We still have a couple questions left.”
“Sounds good, you can go first,” you invited her.
“Nice,” she thinks for a moment, “when was your first kiss?” She asks. You drank some of your water.
“You can’t laugh.”
“I won’t!”
“Two months ago,” you said after taking a deep breath.
“Two?!” She gasps. You nodded curtly. “Whoa…”
“And you?”
“Middle school, on accident, I slipped on the wet floor and fell on top of this guy,” she laughed.
“Holy shit, that sounds like it’d hurt! For me it was in orientation. My roommate was a lesbian and she asked if me or out third liked girls too and I told her I wasn’t sure so she asked if I wanted to find out and I said yeah and… well, here I am,” you explained.
“Wow… and you’ll never know if she was a good kisser.”
“I didn’t hate it!”
“But you have no one to go on,” Somi reasons. She wasn’t wrong. You weren’t 100% sure how you were supposed to go about a kiss anyway, you just let your roommate at the time take control and you went with it. “Okay, okay, let’s settle it down a little. Coffee or tea?”
“Coffee, definitely.”
“Right, biochem.”
“I’ve really been into tea lately!”
“Right, math,” you laughed.
“Hey! It’s good for you,” she fires back. “Okay, hm, what do you think of me so far?”
“I think you’re very nice,” you answered. “But, I’ll be honest, I was a little worried when you asked me to meet you at your apartment,” you admitted. “Respectfully, I barely know you.”
“No, you’re right! As soon as I sent that text I was like ‘God! What was I thinking?’ and here you are!” She gestures toward you. “I’m glad you agreed, though, I hope I’m not too awkward.”
“You? Awkward?” You were in disbelief. She’d only been sweet and, if anything, she’s carrying the conversation. “I’m sorry for being awkward,” you corrected.
“Oh, please, I just thought you were being polite,” she says. “Say, I don’t want to ruin the mood or anything, but were you serious about cuddle buddies?”
Whoops, you forgot about that.
“I mean… I’m down to try it,” and suddenly you felt your walls building again. “But could you run by me what we’d be doing again?” You asked, diverting your eyes only slightly before looking at her again.
“Sure, we’d just be cuddling,” she explains. “No strings attached, we’d just call or text one another when we need some affection and then voila, we cuddle,” she continues.
“That’s it?”
“Yup. I mean, unless you want something more out of it, but I’m perfectly fine with just keeping it as friendly cuddling.”
Friendly? Were you even looking for something romantic? Was she? Were you? Did you even know how to notice those cues?
“Did you want something romantic?” You asked. She thought for a moment.
“To be honest… not right now,” she shook her head. “I’m still getting into the swing of things in this new university, but at the same time, I, uh…” she trails off while she squeezes her arms. “I don’t know. Haven’t you had times where you just wanted to be held?”
Of course.
“Yeah, I get it, we can do that then, cuddle buddies,” you answered.
“Okay then! The deal is set,” she nods.
“I might be awkward at first, though, I have to admit I’ve never really cuddled anyone before.”
“Really? Oh, (Y/N), you’re missing out!” She says. “I mean, we don’t have to try it today, but I’m just saying, it’s a really nice experience.”
“I’ll hold you to that, then,” you glanced at your watch, something she easily caught onto.
“I didn’t mean to keep you if you had anything,” she mumbled.
“Oh, no, it’s nothing. I just um… can’t drive, so my parents pick me up,” you explained. “So I should probably start heading back to campus,” you cleared your throat.
“Yeah, I get it! Have a safe walk back and thanks again for agreeing to meet with me! I’ll walk you to the door,” she says before following you up. “We’ll text later?”
“Of course,” you nodded and she opened the door for you.
“Bye, now!”
“See you.” She waved at you one last time before closing the door. Afterwards, you pivoted on your heel and walked off toward the apartment’s staircase, a strange warm feeling enveloping in your chest and a small smile on your face.
Okay, so maybe that wasn’t the train wreck you were afraid it’d be, actually, you’d say it went really well. Then, as you reached the bottom of the stairs and stepped out of the complex, your phone buzzed in your pocket. You shot a quick glance at it.
‘Heyyy! Look up behind you!’ You did so and Somi waved at you from her balcony. You waved back with a smile and she pointed to her phone again before shooting you another message. This time it was a picture of her schedule, something which you responded with a picture of your own as you walked off, chancing another look back to see her waiting for you to go. Again, you waved, and she waved back. Then, with you back turned to her, you continued down the sidewalk back to campus.
In no time at all, you were at the pickup area, spotting your dad’s car waiting for you. As soon as he saw you approaching, he moved out of the driver’s seat and into the passenger side and you felt your shoulders slump. It’s not that you dreaded these mini driving lessons, it’s more like it was too hot for you to even think about them.
Then again, if you got your license sooner, maybe you’d be able to meet up with Somi more? That’d be nice, you really enjoyed your time with her earlier.
“How was you day?” Your dad asked as soon as you slid into the car. Amazing.
“Good and… hot,” you answered while putting your seatbelt on. “Why’d you ask?”
“You just look like something good happened,” he answered. You pulled the car out of park and into drive. “Check your mirrors.”
“Oh, right,” you adjusted them.
“Always put the car on ‘park’ before you do that. Your car might roll forward.”
“Right, right.”
“And always step on the brake pedal too.”
“Got it, dad.”
“Look over your shoulder before you go.”
“I know.”
The extent of all your conversations with him have just been this. Driving. You were grateful he was teaching you but sometimes it felt so hard to talk to him about anything else.
~ You both continued to text back and forth after that. But you hadn’t met up, no, the extent of your friendship had been exchanged via Tinder. More and more questions back and forth, the occasional TikTok, and every now and then the late night texts asking each other seemingly pointless questions, and it was like that for almost two weeks. Your schedules actually lined up really well, given the two year difference, and a lot of gaps between your classes lined up with hers. So it wasn’t like you couldn’t meet up, more like neither of you had the opportunity or maybe either of you were too shy to make the first move after that initial meeting.
“Holy shit that lecture was so boring,” Yeji yawned next to you.
“Don’t even get me started,” Keeho rubbed his tired face.
“God, it’s only week four,” you muttered into your hands. “Is Jaemin still with us?” You looked over at the fourth member of the study group, but he walked along silently with his eyes glued forward.
“Nope,” Keeho laughs. “Let’s go get some coffee. (Y/N) you’re down to study with us after English, right?” He asks.
“Uh… let me ask,” you pulled your phone out, sending a quick text to your mom asking to stay longer to study with them. Her response was near immediate, green lighting it for you. “Yeah, I’m good to go. Where are we studying at?”
“Probably the Sciences Library,” Yeji answers.
“Sounds like a plan,” you nodded. “You guys grabbing lunch?”
“I’m down,” Keeho shrugs.
“I’m hungry,” Jaemin adds.
“Darn, I have econ, I’ll meet you guys after if you’re still together!” Yeji says.
“Yeah, okay,” you waved at her while she bounded off toward her next lecture hall.
“Let’s eat, I have meal swipes if you guys want to go to the dorms,” Keeho pulls his ID out.
“Sure, I’ll follow you there,” Jaemin nods. “(Y/N)?”
“Um…” You’d seen enough Crime Watch Daily to know this was probably a bad idea. Not that you didn’t trust them, but they were two guys significantly more built than you taking you to a dorm room.
“We could always just eat on campus if the walk’s too far,” Keeho, seemingly sensing your unease, came up with the alternative.
“Yeah, let’s do that,” you agreed.
“Nice, I’ve been wanting to try that pizza place anyway,” he leads the way and the two of you follow behind. “We have five hours until English, god,” he slumps his shoulders. “Talk about a waste of time.”
“I usually spend these gaps napping in my dorm, but I always end up sleeping in,” Jaemin yawns. “I bet you have it harder though, (Y/N), you commute.”
“Yeah, I can’t even go home because by the time I get there I’ll have to go back to campus. I usually just spend these gaps in the library,” you walked faster to keep pace with them.
“Shoot, I should be doing that too,” Keeho whines.
“What have you been doing, Keeho?”
“Spacing out,” he cries. “How are you two studying?”
“Good faith,” Jaemin answers.
“Notes revisions,” you sighed.
“Oh, good, I thought I was too far behind,” Keeho holds the door open for the both of you now as you enter the food hub. He checks his phone as he closes the door, skimming over the flurry of texts that filled his screen. “Damn, there’s a meeting for dance club soon, I completely forgot,” he shakes his head.
“How soon? Are you still studying with us later?” You ask.
“Uh… yeah, I should be able to study with you all for like… an hour,” his eyes move up in thought.
“Hell, we need you, Keeho! You’re the only one who knows what’s going on!” You exclaimed.
“Not even, I’m as average as everyone else,” he retaliates. Jaemin says something next, but whatever it was you weren’t paying attention. No, you were more preoccupied with the girl who was waiting next to the Chinese food station. Somi’s eyes were glued to her phone, and every so now and then when she scrolled the charm attached to it would hit her bracelet. She looked up at her phone briefly and made eye contact with you and you smiled, and she waved, and you waved back. “Earth to (Y/N), we need to come up with a study plan,” Keeho pulls you out of your thoughts and follows your gaze, seeing nothing, he refocuses back on the trio.
“Study plan, right,” you glanced at Somi, who was one again focused on her phone. “Why don’t we go old school and start with unit one?”
“I will kill myself if I have to read one more passage about the cell’s organelles,” Jaemin deadpans.
“How about we stick to the study questions then?” Keeho offers. The conversation continues, but instead you look to your side again, watching Somi pick up her food, wave at you once, then leave before you could wave back.
God, was that it? Was that the only in-person experience you’d had with her over these past weeks? That’s kind of pathetic. You started drawing scribbles with your finger against the table while resting your chin on your other hand. You’d spent all day today, yesterday, and probably will again tomorrow just thinking about her. Through your exchanged texts you started associating her with everything. Even reading the word ‘Hazelnut’ under the Lattes section of the campus café made you think about her. What was she doing now? On her schedule it said she was in some advanced mathematics lab in an hour, so there’s that.
You barely even noticed the day pass by until English lecture had ended, leaving the four of you in the library to study for your bio quiz tomorrow together.
“Oh, shoot,” Yeji silences her phone as soon as it blared.
“What’s up?” You asked.
“I gotta run to the apartment, my hell roommate is stirring the pot again,” she rolls her eyes. “Sorry, guys, I have to run and make sure she doesn’t break shit again,” Yeji grabs her scooter leaning against the bookshelf. “I’ll definitely study with you all tomorrow, though!” Yeji waves goodbye before she rushes off.
“Shit… I would hate to have a roommate like that,” Keeho shudders.
“The fact that she had to take off like that must mean that it’s serious,” Jaemin shakes his head.
“It’s okay, she’s got a good grasp on the content, I guess,” you skimmed through the textbook again. You, on the other hand, do not have a good grasp on the content.
“Actually, I gotta run too,” Keeho starts packing his things. “Dance club.”
“Ah, right! Good luck, Keeho!” You said.
“Thanks, I’ll catch you guys later!” Then he was off too. Jaemin sighed and readjusted his glasses before looking down at his iPad.
‘And then there were two,’ you wanted to joke, but to be honest you didn’t really know Jaemin all that well. You, Yeji, and Keeho went back to orientation, but Jaemin had joined the group rather recently at Keeho’s recommendation. Sure, he was the newest addition, and you had to admit that you didn’t hate spending time with him, he knew his stuff and you didn’t. He was quiet when you first met him, but now he had this teasing edge to him that you didn’t think you’d see. Still, though, that’s all you knew about him. You didn’t want to say it was awkward but…
“Is there something wrong?” He asks.
“Oh, no, nothing,” you shook your head. You didn’t even know you were staring.
Aw, hell, this is awkward.
“(Y/N)?” His voice was low to not disturb the other patrons.
“Real quick, what did you get on the respiration question? I just want to double check my math.”
“Oh, uh… 132,” you answered.
“Okay, I got the same,” you heard him scribble something on his iPad. Your phone buzzed on the table next to your textbook and you flipped it over, spotting the text from Somi.
‘Hey, are you busy rn?’ You answered right away.
‘Just studying, why?’
‘R u on campus?’
‘Think you can come over? If not, though, that’s okay!’ You read the text over again. She wants you to come over? Well, you did tell your parents that you were studying today but you didn’t want to leave Jaemin on his own, that felt a little rude. Then again, he does live on campus so he could easily go home after this.
‘Everything alright?’ You glanced over at Jaemin, who was engrossed in whatever he was doing.
‘Yeah’ was all she sent, but she was quick to send another. ‘No’ You looked at the time again, you had until 9 when your parents came to pick you up.
“Jaemin?” You both spoke at the same time, both of your expressions surprised. His glasses slid down the bridge of his nose and he pushed them back up while clearing his throat.
“You first,” he insists.
“Sure, um, I just got a text from my parents, turns out I have to leave earlier than I thought,” you lied. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to leave you alone and all, but you know how it goes.”
“Yeah, I get it, we’ll probably figure something out in the group chat,” he shrugs. “See you tomorrow.”
“Wait, what were you going to say?”
“Nothing important,” he shakes his head. “Get home safe.”
“You too,” you grabbed your things and walked off in the direction toward Somi’s apartment. This marked the second time you’d been there, and although it was straight shot from campus you still had to double check Maps to be sure you were going the right way. Your feet moved quickly, whether that was because you wanted to see her again or because you were worried, and maybe it was both, you moved with purpose. Wait, never mind, it was the anxiety. You looked every which way while you walked and you occasionally looked over your shoulder, something which would send you into momentary embarrassment when you made eye contact with some random passerby that you knew for a fact wasn’t stalking you. And before you knew it you were scrolling through contacts on your phone, but then a new anxiety hit.
You didn’t know who to call. Or, rather, you had no one to call. Yeji was a no, the worst case scenario is that you call her while her and her roommate were caught up in some intense screaming match, which has happened to you before. Keeho was a no too, he was at dance club and you didn’t want to bother him. All of your high school friends were off limits too, you knew that none of them would answer, you’re not a priority anymore after somehow becoming the low maintenance friend. It probably wasn’t a good idea to call Somi right now, plus, you’d see her in a few minutes anyway. So that left one person.
But were you even close enough to do that? Close enough to call him and ask him something as simple as just staying on the line? You’d laugh if you were him. So, instead, you toughed it out. You tried to control your breathing, you tried to stay focused in front of you, and you tried to keep yourself calm. But at all times your hands clutched onto your pepper spray, your knuckles whitening from the pressure and your palms aching from it too.
Her apartment couldn’t have been any closer. You knew the walk was only ten minutes at the most but it felt like hours for you and, as soon as you’d knocked on her door, she opened it after your first knock and you felt your heart drop. There were tears in her eyes and down her face, her hair had been pulled at and tugged every which way, and her hands shook when they clasped against each other. She looked at you for only a moment longer before she shook her head and brought her hands up to either side of her head, them shaking more than before, and she shook her head again. You locked the door behind you and stepped forward, doing what you thought was right, and wrapped your arms around her shoulders to bring her head against your neck. Quietly, she sobbed. Her body shook against yours and you held her tighter while you rubbed her back gently. She held you even tighter, just like you were the only person grounding her.
But you really didn’t know what to say. You didn’t know if you should be doing anything else other than holding her like this, or if you should even be holding her a certain way. But one thing you did know, however, was that she definitely needed someone right now. And the way she started to wobble in her stance you knew it’d be better for her to sit down. So, you led her to the couch and told her that you’d be back, then you traced her steps when you first came to her apartment. You pulled out a glass from the top cabinet, some ice from the freezer, and you poured water from the water bottle next to the fridge before placing it in front of her and sitting by her side. Slowly, her head falls on your shoulder, and you readjust yourself on the couch so that you could pull her close to you while she cried.
Was this the time for you to ask her what was wrong? Should you even pry?
“I’m sorry,” she says between muted sobs.
“Don’t apologize,” you told her. “Did you want to talk about it?” She shook her head and you nodded.
“Just… stay like this for a while,” she says. You nodded again and you felt her shift so that she was more comfortable under you. “You can put something on too, if you want,” she says.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I like the white noise,” she responds while she hands you the remote. You flipped through Netflix looking for really anything to watch, then you noticed the series of half watched nature documentaries on her Recently Watched. Without more thought to it, you selected Our Planet and started it from the beginning.
The time was 5:00 pm in the evening. You had four hours to be with her and to make sure she was alright, and you had no idea how fast time would go while you were sitting on this couch with her watching some generic nature documentary. But, slowly, as the documentary continued she began to comment more on the animals and their narrator, and just as slowly you relaxed into your position and your arms felt more natural around her almost like they’d always meant to be there.
It was like a domino effect after that. She called you over more often now, sometimes just to talk and sometimes to not talk at all, then there was the routine of watching whatever nature documentary either of you could find for the remainder of your time together. Your parents applauded you and very near bragged about you to their family members about how “studious” you were staying behind at school to work with your study group and, hey, as long as you kept your grades up you could keep this charade going. Besides, it’s not like your parents knew who you really were anyway, and it’s not like you’d ever tell them either.
Leading to now, while you laid your head down on Somi’s chest, usually it’s the other way around but you figured you’d try it this way once and, good god she was right. One of her hands was on your arm and the other held the remote. Today was the first day you initiated, you asked her first if you could come over to her apartment and she said yes, thank god. You didn’t want to impose but today you felt like you just had to see her. Today you felt like you wanted to be the one held rather than being the one who did the holding.
“Oh, what do you think of this one, (Y/N)?” She asks. The cursor was hovered over a documentary about the oceans.
“Sure, honestly, I’m a little tired anyway…” you mumbled.
“Ah, so good white noise then, huh?” She nuzzles her head against yours and presses play before tossing the remote to the side. “How was your day?” You relaxed into her chest.
“Good… good…”
“Doesn’t sound good,” she comments.
“I mean…” you thought back to your argument with your mom. Then you thought about how you lied to her, and how you’d been lying to her. She just told you that you were staying out too late, that you’d been “studying” enough, and you lied to her and said that you needed to study more, but the truth was that you’d been coming here. You’d been coming here during your gaps between lectures, you’d been coming here when you weren’t studying with your friends, and you’d even been coming here in your dreams. Always here, and always with her. Your heart raced whenever you saw her name on your phone and your heart pounded whenever you saw something that reminded you of her. But you wanted to keep a good thing good. Besides, it’s not like you were expecting anything from her. She never told you about her troubles so why would you tell her about yours? “I don’t really want to talk about it right now,” you squeezed her gently and you heard her sigh.
“Okay, if that’s what you want,” she conceded. The narrator of the documentary drowned out to you while you took your time to just be in the moment. The sun had long set and you’d been here for a while now, having come straight here right after your study session. Your dad told you much earlier to text him when you wanted him to come pick you up but you didn’t want to go home.
And that’s what you texted him a few hours ago.
‘Dad, I’m staying over at a friend’s apartment to study. You remember her, right? We studied together all the time in high school.’ You felt bad for using your longtime crush for this.
‘You should come home.’
‘I have an important exam tomorrow.’
‘Ask your mom.’
You ended up not doing that. Besides, she has your location anyway, yet another reason why you had that argument with her.
You took a deep breath to calm yourself and just above you Somi started to hum a small tune. Your breath stilled for a brief moment, feeling like the tune was more delicate than a thin pane of glass and that your thoughts were a large speaker waiting to be turned on. Quietly, you listened to the rest of the song as if it was the only thing you could hear and you felt yourself relax. You always loved being here, it was like a world away from the one you come from. A place where you know you are heard and listened to, a place where you could be yourself without fear of judging eyes and whispering lips.
“What song is that?” You asked her.
“Just a tune I used to hear a lot when I was younger,” Somi says. “I used to have this music box back at home, it was a small one made of wood and when you opened it there was the white flower that would spin around in front of a mirror that was on the lid. Technically, it was my mom’s, but I would always wind it up when I saw it. I just thought it was so pretty,” she says. “Then she would tell me this story about how my dad got it for her and what it all meant and all that romantic crap,” she added with a laugh.
“Don’t leave me hanging now,” you made a move to slip away from her but there was that slight tug back from her and you stayed in your position, “what’s the story?”
“It’s a classic. Back when they were just dating, my mom and dad had met in one of those love at first sight meet-cutes. But my mom had to come back to Korea while my dad stayed behind in Canada so he bought her that music box and a matching one for himself. They made a promise to play it at the same time every day. For my dad, it was the first thing he did in the morning. For my mom, it was the last thing she did before she slept.”
“That is so romantic,” you sighed. Imagine a kind of love like that, one that transcended distance and grew stronger because of it, and even the commitment to incorporate something as simple as winding up a music box into one’s daily routine was already a movie-worthy act of love in your book.
“I mean… yeah, my parents were the hopeless romantic types,” she says.
“Hey, um… you’re sure I can stay over, right?” You asked her.
“Yeah, of course,” she nods. “You can take the bed, I’ll sleep here.”
“Wait, but are you sure? I can sleep on this couch, not like I haven’t before,” you insisted.
“Well, yeah, but those were just because of your fucked sleep schedule, (Y/N), but since you’re actually staying over I want to treat you like a proper guest,” she says. “Actually, let me get you a change of clothes real quick,” she separates from you and disappears into her room. You, meanwhile, turned to the TV, but you couldn’t stay focused on whatever was playing, being too preoccupied with the realization of wow. You’re staying the night at Somi’s apartment and she was totally cool with it. Part of you wondered if she’d say yes if you’d ask her to sleep in bed with you and part of you wondered what it would be like to be in her arms for a whole night, but was that too much to ask? Was that a boundary that you shouldn’t cross? You felt yourself start to press down on your fingernails, a habit you’d developed instead once you realized how destructive biting your nails was.
You wondered if she was as anxious as you right now.
Was it just you or was she taking a while to come out?
You looked around the apartment and you just realized it now. There were traces of you all over. Small keepsakes of things in your favorite color, small things that you owned, and small things that you’ve gifted her. You were surprised to see them all adorning various spaces and you wondered why she chose to display them. Even the blanket that was between you and the couch was something you’d picked out for her when she sent you a picture of five different colors and asked which would’ve suited her style better.
And it was true for you as well. You’d been picking up and buying things that reminded you of her constantly. Things in her favorite color, things that she owned, and things she’s gifted you. If you just took a step back and looked at the both of you from an outside perspective you’d probably think that you were in love… and maybe you were.
“Sorry for the hold up, (Y/N),” Somi returned, changed into pajamas, and with an oversized tee and a pair of shorts and handed them to you. “You know where the bathroom is.”
“Yup, I’ll be back,” you walked off and closed the door behind you, catching yourself in the mirror. You rubbed the smudged makeup under your eye and shook your head. “God… but how could she be in love with a wreck like me?” You mumbled. You pulled your shirt over your head and paused for a moment longer, taking in your reflection once more. After a moment passed, you turned your back to the mirror and continued changing, and once you’d finished you folded your clothes neatly and walked back out to shove them into your backpack.
“Ooh, you look cozy,” she opens her arms and, once more, you found yourself nestled between them.
“And you feel cozy,” you responded.
“Oh, I definitely do now,” she grins. “Now, where were we in this show? God, I love manatees, they’re just so sweet.”
“I know! So friendshaped.”
“Absolutely friendshaped!” Somi gushed.
“I used to have this three-foot manatee plush that I’d sleep with when I was younger and when I tell you I brought that thing everywhere I mean it,” you recounted.
“Now that I can see you doing,” she shifts to be more comfortable. “You seem like a huge stuffed animal gal.”
“I need to show you my collection some time.”
“A collection?”
“Yes. I’ve never thrown out a stuffed toy since I was born.”
“Oh my god, you’re a hoarder.”
“Hey, not true! I just took Toy Story a little too seriously,” you defended.
“Okay, okay, that’s fair, I love Toy Story,” she concedes. “Actually… did you want to watch it?”
“Actually? Yeah, I’m down.”
“Nice, okay,” she stands up. “I have it on DVD, but the player is in my room, you cool with moving over there?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you nodded and followed her into her bedroom.
This was the first time you’d been in here. Unsurprisingly, her bedroom really screamed ‘Somi.’ The bedroom itself was similar to the rest of the apartment with it’s neutral tones and wooden furniture, off in the corner of the room was a full sized bed with a few select stuffed animals on it and off to another was a relatively simple PC set up with the TV mounted on the wall above it such that it faced the bed. There was a dresser and a clothes rack off in the other corner of the room and in the center was a round rug to fill in the space.
“Hey, you can come join me here now,” Somi pats the bed next to her and you sit down carefully. “What, I change up the scenery and you get all shy again?” She teases and you felt your face heat up.
“I mean… well,” you swallowed nervously. “No…” you finally pushed out and you moved closer to her. She turns the TV on and skips through the trailers before starting the movie. Were you getting shy again? True, you felt this lingering sense of awkwardness around you, but that was normal. Maybe being in her bedroom did change the mood a little, but you didn’t want to say anything and risk it all. The only thing you really cared about, though, was that this was so much more comfortable than the couch, and you were living for it. Every now and then you’d hear a small chuckle from her or a muted coo and it just sent your heart into a flurry. Secretly you hoped that she felt the same, but you knew better than to be selfish.
You didn’t even realize you’d fallen asleep until the sunlight danced over you the next morning. The space next to you was empty but there were signs of someone sleeping there earlier, and you could smell the faint aroma of pancakes.
Pancakes? Oh, she’s really spoiling you here.
You pushed yourself off of the bed and wandered back out of the room and spotted Somi at the stove, a stack of pancakes slowly growing on the counter next to her, and you quietly sat yourself at the counter while you watched her ministrations. You didn’t realize it until now, but she was very clean when it came to these things. Spilled pancake batter was wiped up immediately, her hands were kept washed the entire time, and the pancake stack was near pristine. The coffee machine next to you beeped and signaled that it was done.
“(Y/N), be a dear and pour some coffee for us,” she says without turning around.
“Yeah, sure,” you took the two mugs in front of it and prepared both of them. “Two sugars and cream, right?”
“That’s right,” she slides another pancake onto the stack while you added creamer into her mug. “I wasn’t sure which kind you liked, so I made blueberry pancakes and cinnamon ones too,” she says.
“Whoa, talk about boujee pancakes,” you teased.
“I just like to add a little bit of flair,” she takes the plate and turns around to place it between you both. “So, give it a taste,” she hands you a fork.
“They smell amazing,” you cut a piece and tried your first bite, “and they taste amazing too,” you were quick to go in for another.
“Thank you, thank you,” she holds down the pancake with her fork while you pull a piece off with yours. “Did you sleep well?”
“One of the best one’s I had in a while,” you covered your mouth with your hand as you spoke, mainly out of habit than anything. “How about you?”
“Ditto,” she nods. “I ended up falling asleep partway through the movie.”
“Same, I don’t even remember what the last scene I saw was.”
“Oh, hon, you fell asleep as soon as they got to Sid’s house.”
“Really? So you fell asleep after me then!”
“Pretty sure, yeah, you are so quiet when you’re asleep that I didn’t even realize I was the only one watching the movie.”
“Oh, dammit, we’re going to have to watch it again some time for sure then!”
“Next time you sleepover then,” she says.
“Definitely,” you answered without another thought.
The time was 9 in the morning. You knew that both of you had classes in two hours, but at that time it didn’t seem like either of you cared. Instead you were both more preoccupied with the person in front of them and how their eyes seemed to have a different shine in them than before, and there was also that new and slight upturn of one another’s lips that signaled a soft and sweet enjoyment that can only be found in the mornings when you are just barely awake, the first of what you hoped would be many.
And many it was. At this rate it was like you were living together with how often you stayed over. What was once only a few of your items became many. In the medicine cabinet next to the bathroom sink there were now two toothbrushes, the shelves were overflowing with various skincare products, the number of towels doubled, and suddenly the shampoo and conditioner bottles ran out faster. More food stocked the fridge and pantries, and the dishes piled faster than before. There was a slight and subtle change to the aesthetics of the apartment what with your own creative additions on top of Somi’s. Yours and her clothing mixed together, your styles adapting to one another, and soon you both realized that you were wearing the same outfits.
From an outsider’s perspective, anyone would have put a label on what the two of you had. But you’d never know, because this world existed only in the confines of this apartment. Even if the two of you ran into each other on campus, a very rare occurrence, your interactions were limited to small smiles and short waves. Your group of friends and her group of friends remained separate and oblivious to your growing situationship, and you were both careful in how you worded your experiences with each other to them.
In truth, you had to admit it, you’d fallen hopelessly in love with this woman, and you prayed that she felt the same. Never had either of you two dare utter a single word that could have alluded to something more than your casual relationship, for you it was because you didn’t want to lose her, and for her, you think, it’s because she didn’t see you that way at all. Oh, how you want to ask, how you want to pick apart her thoughts and find out just what she really thinks of you and whether or not you have a chance. You think you love her, if love is the word that describes the way your heart beats when you see her face, if love is the word that describes the way you daydream and fantasize of a life together, and if love is the word that describes the way you yearn for her touch every day, then yes, you love her.
“Wait, repeat that?” You asked her. You had agreed to help her get ready for a night out between your classes, anything just to be around her.
“It's easy, (Y/N),” she says while holding the rollers in her hands. “Start at the bottom, roll up.”
“Okay…" you took the roller.
“You've never used a roller?”
“I only use curling irons.”
“Oh, honey, those are so bad for your hair!” Your heart fluttered.
“I know, I know!” You took a small bunch of her hair, flattened it out, and rolled it around the roller. “Too tight?”
“Just right,” she hands you a clip and you secured it in place before picking up the next roller.
“So, what's the occasion tonight?” You asked her while getting started on the other roller.
“Blind date,” she shrugs. You swallowed harshly. It was instances like this, at 2:54 in the afternoon, that held you back from asking for the truth. If you had brought up to her that you’d fallen in love, would she cut this off forever? Short and casual, that was what she had written on her profile. She told you from the get go that she wasn’t expecting romance, just comfort, and you had willingly agreed, not knowing or thinking how it would come back to bite you.
“Oh yeah?” You finally answered.
“Yeah, my friends set me up with him,” she mutters. That didn’t sound right.
“Him?” You asked. Her expression falters for a moment and she hesitates before answering.
“Yeah, him,” she confirms.
Looks like you both had the same secret, then. You wanted to probe more, though, but you knew better than to pry, and who were you to talk anyway? You’d only ever come out to that creep in your class to get him to leave you alone. Your family doesn’t know, your friends don’t know, and you barely found out recently. Then, it all made sense, the fact that you both had your own world within these walls and you didn’t dare let it slip out into the world beyond. It was that certain fear that held you both back and, hell, maybe it was that same fear that held you back from confessing your true feelings to her too. You didn't even realize you paused your actions until her eyes slid up to look at yours through your reflections. 
“Okay,” you continued rolling her hair. “Have fun.” You didn’t mean for the responses to sound so curt.
“Thanks, (Y/N),” she smiles. Maybe you were imagining it, but there seemed to be some disappointment in it. Should you have said something? Should you have told her not to go? Held her back in some way? You were never good at reading people.
“All done,” you secured the last roller and leaned back.
“Whoa, you’re a natural, (Y/N),” she turns her head to either side to make sure all her hair had been tightly wrapped around the rollers. “Thanks, hon, sorry to eat up your gap time like this,” she turns to you.
“It’s fine! If I had something important I would’ve told you,” you reassured her. Truth be told, you probably should have stayed on campus. Your study group was cramming for your bio test as you spoke right now.
“I think I got it from here though, I won’t keep you if you have to study,” she says and you felt yourself pressing down on your fingernails again. Were you overthinking it? Did she want you to leave? Why would she bring that up if she wanted you to stay? You swallowed harshly yet again.
“I do have a midterm in a couple of hours…”
“Oh, shoot! Why didn’t you say so sooner?” Somi gasps. “I’m so sorry, (Y/N)!”
“No, no! Don’t apologize! It’s fine,” you waved your hand in front of you. “But, I think I’ll catch my study group, then, they should still be in the science library,” you checked the time.
“Yeah, yeah! No worries!”
“Let me know how your date goes,” you teased her.
“God, I can already feel that it’s going to be a whole train wreck,” Somi groans while she shakes her head. “I’ll see you soon, (Y/N),” she says.
“See you soon,” you grabbed your things and waved goodbye to her before leaving her apartment. You shot a quick text to your group chat, telling the rest of the study group that you were on your way.
‘Thank god, (Y/N)! You’re the only one who knows anything for this class’ You could almost hear Yeji’s voice.
‘Jaem keeps saying he knows but then we double check and he’s WRONG’ Keeho’s was as easy to hear as ever.
‘at least i’m trying’ Jaemin types the way he talks. Luckily for you, campus was only a ten minute walk away, not bad but not good either, and it took another five to get to the science library from where you were now, which left you a good three hours before your midterm.
And, in no time at all, you were seated with your study group in a room that Keeho had miraculously reserved for the whole semester. Good on him for thinking ahead, because this room had been witness to your development as a friend group. From the actual study sessions at the beginning, to the now prolonged breaks filled with trauma dumps from everyone, the third floor room 346 is a study room that will remain in your memories.
“So I told him ‘no and fuck off’ before storming out of that party,” Yeji rolls her eyes.
“(Y/N),” Jaemin said your name quietly so as not to disturb Yeji’s and Keeho’s pep talk with each other. You lean closer to him and he circles one of the practice questions with his stylus. You nod your head and look back at your worksheet.
“Oh, okay, so what you want to do first is determine the common trait those two have, then you can determine the common ancestor from that,” you explained to him.
“Got it, okay,” he returns to his world of studying while you did the same. Though seated next to each other, you each had your own bubble you stayed within, he was just so ‘in the zone’ when he studied and you were so ‘what the fuck am I doing?’ when you study that just thinking of intruding on each other would be catastrophic. But, before you could realize it, you were drawing scribbles on your notes and wondering how Somi’s date was going. You glanced at your phone, wondering if she’d send you an SOS text or start live texting the date to you, but your lock screen remained silent, with the only notifs coming in being from your classes. You focused on another question and immediately drew a blank.
“Hey, Jaem?” You glanced at the other two, who were now having a conversation about what the next best anime would be this season, before turning to Jaemin, who’s head had turned toward you while waiting for you to continue. “For number 34, does this have to do with mitochondrial genetics?”
“Uh…” he glances at his notes and flips through a few pages. “Yes?” He didn’t sound too sure. “Let me double check that, I thought it was just X-Linked genetics.”
“Wait, no, I can see that,” you looked at your notes again. “Sorry, can we compare notes really quick? I know it’s on this slide but I think I might have fallen asleep during this part of the lecture,” you slid your tablet toward him and he did the same with his and you both looked between your notes slides.
“Oh, here’s what you’re missing,” Jaemin highlighted the section that you didn’t write down.
“Thanks,” you both turned to each other and your breath caught in your throat.
Now, when did you two get so close to each other? Just inches apart and one wrong move could lead to some kind of physical contact. Jaemin’s glasses slide down the roof of his nose and, without thinking about it, you gently grabbed the junction of the arm and the frame to push it back up for him.
“Thank you too,” Jaemin was the first to pull back and, with one glance toward the other two, it became clear that they didn’t witness any of what had just happened. You turned to your notes, your body somewhat twisting away from his direction while you busied yourself with… cell anatomy. Dammit, (Y/N), if you were going to choose one slide to pretend to study at least make it something confusing like Hardy Weinberg.
But what was this feeling that creeped up on you? The way your heart skipped a beat when you turned toward him and saw just how close he was, it left your face heated and your breath unsteady. The last time you felt this way was with Somi, when you woke up from an impromptu nap and caught a small glimpse of her face while she read what had to be an engaging book of some sort. This was probably nothing, you think. It’s completely different than what you felt with Somi. You think so, at least. You shook your head, holding your hand to it to feign a headache.
“Oh, fuck, T minus one hour until that midterm,” Keeho panics.
“God, what kind of class has three midterms?! It’s called midterm for a reason!” Yeji finally opens her textbook.
“Numbers don’t define us,” Keeho mutters.
“For fucking real,” Yeji downs her coffee and focuses on the page in front of her.
Needless to say, that midterm was fucking horrible. Every single thing you had decided to ghost over because it was ‘common sense’ was worth a hefty twenty points in an exam you didn’t think would be free response. You swear you could hear the gears in your head moving on overdrive when you would have to reread another unfortunate question.
“I’m dropping out,” Yeji said as soon as you left the lecture hall.
“Numbers don’t define us,” Keeho repeated under his breath. You pulled your phone out and unsilenced it, and near instantly your phone flurried with notifications from whatever, but only two stood out to you.
‘Are you coming home today?’ Your sister.
‘Can you come over?’ Somi.
“Christ… I’m just gonna go home,” Yeji yawns. “I can’t, guys, like, I know we planned for ‘Hot Girl’ dinner but I am not feeling too hot after that,” she shakes her head.
“Wait, seriously? No way,” Keeho’s shoulders slump.
“Let’s just do it tomorrow, Keeho, I want to pass out,” Yeji argues.
“Yeah, I might go home too, that all nighter we pulled was intense,” Jaemin says.
“Damn… okay, fine, Yeji, I’ll walk with you back, my dorm’s on the way too.”
“Yeah, sure, I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Yeji waved and walked off with Keeho running close behind her.
“How about you, then?” Jaemin looks to you. You chanced a glance up at him.
“Uh…” you hesitated. “Don’t know yet,” you shrugged.
“I’ll walk you over to the pickup area,” Jaemin offers, “only if you want though,” he quickly added.
“Uh… yeah, yeah, I’d appreciate that,” you nodded your head and you both were on your way, neither text on your phone answered just yet. Jaemin’s hands were in his pocket, a miracle considering his messenger bag was somehow balanced on one shoulder. You didn’t know what it exactly was, but something about the way the sunset hit him framed him perfectly. His eyes slant over toward you.
“What are you looking at?”
“Nothing, just wondering what your skin care routine is,” you covered.
“Cleanser then moisturizer,” he shrugged.
“It’s always the boys who don’t care who have the best genes,” you sighed. You both came to a stop at the drop off, him waiting for you and you waiting to make a decision. 
“(Y/N), actually, could I—” he is cut off by a loud brring startling both you and him. Somi’s name appeared on your phone and you scrambled to answer it.
“Sorry, Jaem, give me a second,” you apologized quickly and held it to your ear.
“(Y/N)?” Somi’s voice was different. “Sorry, I’m sorry if you’re busy, but could you come over? Please?”
“I, uh,” you looked over to Jaemin, who wasn’t listening to you intentionally. He rose an eyebrow toward you as if to ask if something was wrong. “Yeah, I’ll be right there,” you said.
“Thank you, thank you, just… take your time, it’s okay.” Name a more obvious way to tell you to get there as soon as possible.
“Sorry, Jaemin, that was a…” you trailed off, trying to find the right word to use, “friend of mine.” It didn’t feel right to call her that. “She really needs some help right now, I think I’ll head over to her apartment,” you pointed in its general direction. “What were you trying to tell me again?” You looked at him and he shook his head.
“Nothing important,” he says. “I was just going to ask when you were going to get your license,” he smiles at the end and you pushed him lightly.
“I’m just asking,” he raises his hands up.
“Soon, okay? I’m working on it!” You rolled your eyes. “But, still, thanks… I appreciate you waiting with me.”
“Any time, did you want me to walk you over to your friend too?”
“No, no, it’s okay,” you waved your hand. “But, uh… if I call you, just pick up, you don’t have to say anything,” you added. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, see you tomorrow,” he waited for you to leave first, and that you did. Your phone was in your hand, having typed out an apology to your sister and a confirmation to Somi. You chanced a look back at your friend, ready to wave goodbye, but, instead, he was sitting down on the bench, his elbows on his knees and his hands covering his face. You looked down at your phone again, a recent text from Somi telling you to take your time, but you knew better, you knew her better. But Jaemin was also your friend too. But Somi… You turned away from him and continued on your way.
When was the last time she called you when she was like this? A while ago, actually. You really didn’t have time to think about it, as soon as you got to her apartment and you saw that it was unlocked, you knew that there was something very wrong. You locked the door on your way in and looked around. The apartment was silent, clean, and untouched.
“Somi?” You called out to her. No answer. You walked further into the apartment, checking her usual spots. The couch was empty, the kitchen unused, and the bathroom was wide open too, and that left one place. The walk to her bedroom seemed much longer than usual, but when you finally got to it, your hand hovered in front of the door, ready to knock but not knowing what exactly to say. Carefully, gently, you knocked on it.
“It’s open,” Somi’s voice was quiet. You opened the door as slowly as you’d knocked on it and you saw her wrapped up in her comforter in bed. You approached her and she turned away so that her back was facing you. Your heart ached for her, there was this inexplicable draw that dragged you toward her and you wanted nothing more than to comfort her and to find out just what happened for her to near seclude herself like this.
“Hey, it’s cool if I sit on your bed in jeans, right?” You tried to joke with her. No response. You sat down with your back to her now. You twisted so that you could see the outline of herself hidden under that huge blanket. “What happened?” You chanced a dangerous question. You never asked what’s wrong, she never asked what’s wrong, you just called or texted one another and you showed up here. This was a barrier, one of many that you both agreed to put up, if she answered you now then what would that mean for the both of you? She didn’t answer, and you thought that that was it, you turned away and shook your head, you didn’t know why you even asked.
“It was bad… really bad,” she answered. You turned to her and she was looking at you.
“Oh, Somi,” you leaned down and brushed the hair out of her face and tucked the loose strands behind her ear. Her lips slipped into a frown for a moment before it flattened again. “Did you want to talk about it?”
“I…” she hesitated and averted her eyes for a moment. “I’m not out to my friends.”
“Neither am I,” you shook your head.
“They keep setting up these dates with these guys they think I’d like, and I keep going to them thinking maybe something will be different,” she shakes her head. “But… no, they always end up the same. I hate it, I hate those men they’re all the same in the end they’re all…” she trails off and shakes her head again. “He was a real asshole, (Y/N), I wish you were there to see it.”
“The money I’d pay to see you talk some sense into him,” you agreed.
“Homophobic asshole…” she grimaced. “I, uh… I told him at the end of the date that I had fun, but I didn’t want to give him false hope. So… I told him I didn’t think we should have a second date,” Somi’s voice started to wobble.
“And?” This was it, the meat of the story.
“He called me a dyke.”
“Oh that asshole,” you gasped.
“I know! I know, and you know me, usually I’d fight back but…” she stops. “I couldn’t. I couldn’t say anything because if I did then I’d be coming out to some ugly, no life jerk who throws a hissy fit when he doesn’t get what he wants,” she sits up, but keeps the blanket tightly wrapped around her. “That’s the thing with this country… people don’t get what they want so instead they find other ways to degrade others even if they don’t know the meaning of their words,” she says quietly. “Nearly every man I’ve tried to go on a date with has been so… so horrible, I…” she struggled to get her words out.
“It’s okay, Somi, it’s okay,” your hands tangled in her hair and you did your best to comfort her. “But… he didn’t do anything to you, right?”
“No, I got out before he had the chance,” she says. “It’s just that… I don’t know, he was so aggressive and I was just so scared,” she shuts her eyes as if to shut the memory out. “But it got me thinking, of course every date I’ve had with men was horrible, I’m not attracted to them. Yet on the other side every woman I’ve dated hasn’t ended well either. I think I have something good and then they’re gone. Faster than I could ask what happened,” she covers her face in her hands and drags it down her face. Then, silently, she reaches into the drawer next to her and pulls out a small box and a lighter. “I…” she stops talking, holding the cigarette between her lips. She looks at the lighter in her hands and, after some hesitation, she hands it to you. “Keep this away from me.” You nodded and placed it on a further shelf. She rolls the cigarette from one side of her mouth to another.
“You smoke?”
“Used to.”
“Used to?”
“Sophomore year was hard.”
“Is that a warning?”
“I can barely make it through my freshman courses,” you chuckled. She pulled the cigarette out of her mouth and chucked both back into the drawer. “If you used to smoke, then why do you keep those?”
“I don’t really know,” she shrugs, “you saw me just now, if I didn’t stop to think about it, I probably would have rebounded,” she places a hand on her forehead and brushes her hair back. “God, (Y/N), I’m a wreck, aren’t I?” She looks at you sadly and you freeze. What should you say?
“Yeah, you are,” you nodded your head. You probably could have worded that better. “But that makes you you, right? You wouldn’t be Somi if you didn’t fuck up here and there.”
“Even if those fuck ups are, like, really bad?”
“Even if they’re really bad, yeah,” you nodded again.
“(Y/N), I’ve done so many things that I’ve regretted,” she says.
“I’m sure we both have.”
“Oh, (Y/N), you don’t even know,” she hit her head against the wall. “With all the shit I’ve done to my previous partners… it’s no wonder I’ll never be loved like that again,” she closes her eyes gently now.
“Hey, don’t say that,” you answered too quickly. She opened her eyes and they landed on you. It was offensive, almost, for her to say that. You loved her, you think you do. Even now, just being here, your heart beat towards her and your thoughts were filled of her at almost every waking hour. You loved her, and she didn’t see that, or she didn’t want to. “There’s plenty to love about you,” you added quietly.
“Like what?”
“Like how you look out for everyone, even if you don’t like them,” you thought about more, “like how you modify your recipes when you know someone doesn’t like a certain ingredient, or like how you wake up early whenever people stay over to make them breakfast…” you catch yourself, pausing for a moment, and never once did she look away from you. She knew it as much as you did and she probably caught onto it before you did too. “Somi, I…” you looked at her and, without saying anything more, she leaned toward you, her hand resting on your cheek and then she stopped, just centimeters away from your lips. Your eyes widened and both of your breaths stilled.
Another barrier.
Skinship only, no kissing. No feelings, no strings, and no expectations for something more. That was the deal.
But you didn’t like that deal anyway.
You closed the gap. Your lips pressed against her’s softly, and it felt wonderful. This surge of ecstasy shot through you and left you wanting more, and when she pressed forward against you it was like pure bliss. It was her who pushed away first, and before you could say anything, she beat you to the punch.
“Better than orientation?”
“Way better,” you nodded slightly. A small smile rose on her lips and she looked away for a moment before looking to you again.
“Can I kiss you again?”
“Yes,” you both leaned into each other and held onto the other, with every kiss growing in intensity and every touch being softer and still more passionate than before and as this barrier fell and crumbled, another threatened to fall. Her hand rested on your bare hip and yours wandered around her body, was this alright? Was this safe? Was this something you should do? You felt this desire in you that you’d never felt before, but you were afraid that it was going to fast, you were afraid that you’d mess up in your motions and that you’d never see her again, but you couldn’t stop, you didn’t want to stop.
There’s no going back.
You gripped onto the hem of your shirt and her hand wraps around your wrist.
“Are you sure?” She asks you. She’s never had a more serious look before.
“Yes, I’m sure,” you nodded and she let your hand go. You pulled your shirt over your head and she did the same with hers, then she wrapped her hands around you and snapped your bra open before pulling it off, and again the two of you connected. Your hands, unsure, moved to her breasts, and you fondled them the same way you did your own those sparing times you’d found the chance to explore yourself, and as you did so her lips trailed along your face. You moved until you were straddling her now and her hands hooked under your waistband.
“I hate jeans in bed,” she says against your skin.
“I know, I’m sorry,” you answered.
“God, they’re just so damn hard to pull off,” she says with an airy laugh. You laughed too, pressing your forehead against her shoulder, you helped her pull your jeans off and soon you were left in nothing but your panties. And all the while you avoided your own gaze in the mirror. Of all the times to think of this, your first time would be marked by your own fear. Somi moved to the other side of you, crawling off the bed and turning you with her and away from the mirror, she kneels on her carpeted floor nestled between your legs. She tugs at the elastic now and you nod your head, watching her slowly pull your panties off until they dropped to the floor.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” She looks up at you, both of her hands were resting on your thighs. She massaged slow circles into them. 
“I’ve never done this before,” you told her. “But, I trust you,” you added.
“We can stop, it’s okay if you’re not comfortable.”
“No, no, it’s okay, we can keep going,” despite your words, you couldn’t look at her, your face was too hot with embarrassment. She presses small kisses to your thighs now, and the air against your now exposed pussy was cold. You let out small whimpers as she moved up the inside of your thighs and stopped just before your pussy. “It’s okay, I trust you,” you told her. She blew onto your clit softly.
“I’ll go slow,” she says before lightly licking up your pussy. Your whole body shuddered around her, and you did your best to keep your legs opened. She pushes forward and you felt her tongue start to move around inside of you, pulling out strained sounds you didn’t even know you could make. “Just relax, (Y/N), I’ll take care of you,” she says against you, only eliciting another moan.
“Mm, Somi, I…” you swallowed your words down when she gently sucked at your clit. “It feels, ah, it feels good…” your voice trailed off and you felt yourself start to relax, though your hands squeezed at the bedding under you. Her tongue starts to move deeper into you and you sighed. Then you felt her push a finger into your pussy and your whole body tensed again. She paused for a moment. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” you pushed her forward and she continued. You could feel your wetness start to pool under you and the embarrassment grew. But you couldn’t think about it for long, no, not when she added another finger and started to make slight scissoring motions with them. Your hands slid against the comforter as you moaned more.
“You’re doing well, (Y/N),” Somi praises you.
“I…” your words are swallowed up by your pleasure again. “I feel tight,” you muttered.
“That’s okay, baby, just let it out,” she guides you.
“Mm,” you grasped at the couch cushions and you felt your hips buck forward, your pussy clamped down on her fingers and you let out a loud groan before relaxing again.
“Oh, honey, don’t tell me that’s the first time you cummed,” she props her head up on one elbow. First time someone’s made you cum, that’s for sure, but not the first time you’ve cummed at all. “So quickly too…” she clicks her tongue.
“I…” your face was hot with… something. You’d never felt this way before, but, again, you’d never experienced this before, you’d never experienced this level of passion. Then, with both hands on either side of your thighs, she rose up and pressed her lips to yours in a searing yet soft kiss. You could taste the bitterness of yourself on her, it mixed with that lingering taste of strawberry ice cream you’d both shared earlier, and, in whatever hot fervor you had, you opened your lips slightly and pushed against her, allowing for her to deepen the already sensual kiss. “I want to do that again,” you told her when you finally pulled away.
“Are you sure?” She asked this question, yet her hand rested on the inside of your thigh, ready to move at a moment’s notice. Her thumb ran circles over the sensitive skin in a teasingly slow motion that still somehow had you reeling. You could only nod your head shakily, wanting— no— needing more. You’d never felt this way before and you wanted so much more. She began to press kisses down your jawline, now, as she lowered you to your back and slid her hand up your legs and over your pussy. She presses two fingers in now and you let out a quick gasp before pressing your head against the mattress. She lowered her face to your clit once more, being precise in her movements, and her tongue swirled around your clit, flicking it up every so now and then and leaving you a moaning mess against her. She pressed sloppy kisses against your pussy now, making obscene noises all along the way while swallowing your wetness whenever she found the opportunity to do so. Your hand pressed down on the top of her head, this newfound pleasure becoming more and more addicting, and in your search to find something— anything to touch, you ended up lightly squeezing your own breast, playing with the nipple that had grown much more sensitive.
Then you felt that tightness growing in your abdomen again, the tell tale sign of pleasure, but right before you felt it reach its climax you stopped, nudging her head for her to look at you.
“Yes?” There was a small smile on her lips.
“Could I…” you swallowed harshly, still panting from your moans before. “Could I try it?” You asked her. She rests her head against your thigh.
“You’ll have to be more specific than that, baby,” she cooed. You turned away for a moment, your face hot with pleasure and embarrassment.
“Oral, let me try it,” you were able to push out. Again, she grins, a Cheshire like smile like she’d heard what she wanted, and she stood up slowly, sensually, and pulled her shorts down before sitting next to you with a small bouncing motion.
“Okay,” she says. “Give it a shot, I’m already worked up anyway,” she says. You chanced a quick look over of her, the wet patch on her underwear out in plain sight. “Or… did you need some help with that?” She brought one leg up while leaving the other hanging off the bed.
“No, I can do it,” you leaned down, pulling her panties off with some confidence before immediately losing it.
“Just take it slowly,” she says. You nodded slightly, trying to do as she did with you albeit sloppier with your inexperience. Then, steeling yourself with whatever, you licked your tongue up one of her lips that dripped with wetness. “Whoa, baby, relax,” despite the levelness of her words, you felt her legs tighten slightly around your head, “slower, take your time,” she says while gently running her thumb along your collarbone.
Slowly, okay, you can do that. You tried to replicate what she did earlier, though it was obviously affected by your inexperience, when you heard her quieted sighs you felt this entirely different rush than before, just as if something had sparked within you.
“Mm, okay, let’s, ah, let’s take it up now,” Somi rubs the top of your head slightly, then she moves her hand to her pussy, spreading it open for you. “Know what I mean?” She was barely out of breath while she traced them with her index finger, hinting to you what she wanted you to do. Again, your nod was unsure, but you leaned forward and pressed an experimental finger into her, eliciting a sharp gasp from her.
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” you apologized quickly.
“No, no, don’t apologize, it feels good,” she nodded against the pillows. “Deeper, (Y/N),” she nods firmer. You obliged and, as you did so, she pulled you up to her so that you straddled her waist and she pushed your head down against hers, locking your lips into yet another open kiss. Your tongues moved against each other, probing and swirling all around while you boldly added another finger to prompt Somi to kiss you harder with both arms wrapped around your neck. She separated from you only once, just enough to lean against your ear to whisper praises while you finger fucked her for the first time. “Good, girl, just like— haa,” her head hit the cushion hard while her body tensed under you. “Are you sure you’ve never done this before?” She asks.
“Not on anyone, no, just on myself,” you answered. You felt the walls of her pussy clamp around your fingers and you leaned forward so that your head was next to hers. Your heads turn to each other and, before you could say anything more, she presses her lips against yours. 
“Did you know that you’re dripping all over my bed?” She grins before moving you so that you were beneath her, “tell me if you want me to stop,” she says before bending down to your pussy and attaching her lips to it, eating you out with a new fervor you’d thought you’d only ever see in porn. Every now and then she’d look up at you with wide eyes that’d relax into more sultry ones as each lick was followed with a line of slick from your vag. 
It was all so… erotic. The way she held your legs open, the way she swirled her tongue inside of you, and— god— the way she looked at you. You felt like cumming from that alone.
It was a long night. You didn’t have a chance to check the time, you didn’t really care much for it right now. All you could think about was her, Somi, and the way she drove you into bliss. You’re pretty sure you loved her, you trusted her at least, you trusted her with your first time, and you were enjoying every second of it.
Again it was like a domino effect. That first time with her was certainly not the last. Every now and then she would bring up some strange thing she found in her “research” and she’d ask if you’d want to try it, and near every time you’d said yes. You were open to exploring your sexuality and so was she. You’d tried a lot now together, actually, role play, ice play, sensory deprivation, and even some shibari, which the two of you would likely never do again. You should’ve been more wary when she came back with a Home Depot bag in hand and a devilish glint in her eyes.
So this is what it felt like, friends with benefits. Just sex, sex, and more sex, and if you were lucky there was the cuddle session somewhere in between too, but you didn’t hate it. You rather enjoyed it, spending time with her and trying new things, and always after it ended the same way regardless of whether or not you or her were tired. Before you knew it, you and Somi had been together in this strange relationship for near four months now, a track that you were sure that only you were keeping track of, celebrating milestones in silence and maybe overthinking the days she seemed a little more affectionate that overlapped with those milestones. Some days you wondered if this was how things usually went, was this the normal pacing of a relationship? You wished you had someone to ask, someone to talk to about this, but, amazingly, these four months stayed within these walls, unknown to the outside world.
“They always make those cakes look so good,” Somi says with a slight twinge of disbelief. Her arms were wrapped around your nude body and you nodded against her chest.
“I always crave cake, too,” you sighed. This was the usual aftercare.
The Great British Baking Show. Or better known as the show that turned you and Somi into backseat bakers.
“Ugh, the green and blue did not mix well together,” you commented.
“Honestly! She should’ve gone for the blue and purple, or at least a different shade of green,” she adds on.
“We should try baking sometime,” you wondered aloud.
“Oh we definitely should,” she nods while her hands wander further down.
“Somi,” your voice had a warning tone. It’s not that you didn’t want to have sex, it’s more that you wanted to finish this episode.
“Come on, I’ll pause the show.”
“No, it’s not the same,” you shook your head.
“Fine, fine,” her hands nestle on your hips once more, but her lips still moved about, biting softly on the shell of your ear. “You look like you want to ask me something,” she said quietly.
“Uh… yeah, do you think I can stay over tonight?” You asked. Tonight was one of those rare nights both of your parents would be out of the house and your younger sibling was staying over at a friend’s. The house was empty, and having Somi over was a bad idea considering the Ring cameras all outside your house, and so the next best thing was to stay over. Plus, you finally did the right thing and got your parents’ blessing to stay the night at a “friend’s” house.
“Not tonight, I’m sorry, (Y/N). I have plans later tonight,” she says.
“No, no, all good, I’ll ask another friend of mine,” you nodded.
“Are you sure?” Before you could answer her, her doorbell rang, and while you made a move to get more comfortable in her covers, she stood up straight. “Shit.”
“What? What’s wrong?” You sat up now, the comforter that previously covered you fell onto your lap. She looks at you before looking at her bedroom door.
“Oh, fuck, I completely forgot,” she rubs her hair harshly and tumbles out of bed, falling harshly on the floor.
“Somi! Oh my god, be careful!” You followed her and helped her up, and as soon as she was on her two legs, she shoved a set of clothes in her hands.
“Get dressed, (Y/N), my parents are here.”
“Your parents are what?!” You scrambled to put your bra on.
“Here! They’re here! I forgot, my mom flew in recently and of course she’d want to visit me, I… fuck!” She fell back on her bed in a rushed attempt to pull on a pair of shorts.
“Parents, oh hell…” your hand covered your mouth. Parents, you’re about to meet her parents. Now this isn’t something you’d predicted at all, but then again you and Somi had been doing this, whatever this was, for almost two months now. But parents? Her parents? Oh hell, you’re so fucked. You don’t even know what to say to them, how would you introduce yourself to them? How would you even explain why you were in Somi’s apartment wearing her clothes? Your mind was tossed into a spiral that you hadn’t felt in a very long time, and you felt this strange sense of dread forming in your abdomen.
“Okay, okay, this is fine, just act natural, (Y/N),” you both rush out into the main room and you took a seat on the couch while Somi opened the door.
“Mom, dad!” Somi grinned ear to ear and you swear you saw a halo of light form around her head. “Come in, come in! How was the flight?” She’s almost too good at hiding.
“It was good, enjoyable even,” her mother says. She then notices you. “Oh! Did you have a friend over?” You waved shyly.
“I did, yes, mom, dad, this is my best friend (Y/N),” she gestures toward you. But you stopped listening after she called you her best friend. What the hell was that? You literally had your entire tongue all up in her pussy less than an hour ago and now you’re just best friends? You held it in, took a deep breath, and smiled.
“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Douma,” you greeted them.
“Oh! Hi there,” her mother grins. “I didn’t know Ennik had such pretty friends.”
“Ennik?” You glanced over at her.
“Right, right, you like to go by Somi,” her father laughs.
“I don’t want to intrude, so I think I’ll head out now,” you made a move to head toward the front door, but her mom stops you.
“No, no! You should stay, (Y/N). Come on, I’ll make food for all of us,” she insists. And who were you to say no? You thought that at one point they would be your in-laws, but now you were starting to feel like that was a delusion.
And now that you were all seated at a table together, you felt like you’d learned so much about Somi, Ennik, all together. But, of all the cute things that her parents shared, there was one glaring truth that pierced your heart. Somi hadn’t come out to them. To her parents, she was still straight.
“How was that boy I set you up with, Ennik?” Her mother asks. A boy? You didn’t hear about her meeting anyone, not since that incident weeks ago.
“He was fine,” Somi responded as if she’d been practicing.
“I heard you went on more than three dates this time,” she chuckles. “Usually you give up after the first one, I guess this one was special, right? See, hon? I told you! No one knows our Ennik better than I do,” she nudges her husband.
“That’s right, mom!” Somi matched her energy. But all you could do was play with your food. Occasionally you’d eat a bite here and there so that they didn’t suspect, but there was just this heavy pit in your heart that threatened to swallow you whole, and for some reason it made you nauseous. Was it just you or was it hard to breathe in here? “Well, (Y/N)?” Somi’s mother turned to you.
“Sorry?” You shook your head.
“Oh, I was just wondering if you had a nice boy in your life too! You’re very pretty, I’m sure the boys are lining up to meet you,” she chuckles. The first person you thought of was Jaemin. Would he even be open to being in a relationship with you? He struck you as the kind of guy who was focusing on his education more than looking for something to commit to. But you wouldn’t say that you couldn’t see a future with him. Though you had to admit, while you saw yourself having something short with Jaemin, you could see your whole life with the woman to your right side.
“Yeah, there’s someone I’m interested in,” you finally answered, whether you were thinking of Somi or Jaemin you didn’t have time to figure out.
“See! Maybe since Ennik is with someone like you she’d find someone to settle down with,” her mother grins. “You should introduce Ennik to some of your friends.”
“Mom!” Ennik’s face reddens with embarrassment.
“I’m just saying, honey, your father and I want to take care of our grandchildren soon! You’re not getting any younger,” she says.
“Honey, maybe we shouldn’t talk about this with a stranger at the table,” Somi’s dad cuts in.
“Oh, it’s fine, they’re friends, right?” Somi’s mother looks to Somi, and you looked to her as well.
“Yeah, mom, (Y/N) and I are just friends!” She didn’t have an ounce of remorse on her features. You of all people should understand, you weren’t out to your parents either, but to lie to her parents with no consideration toward you? It didn’t even look like she regretted it one bit, and you knew Somi to wear her emotions on her sleeve. You turned away and drank some of your water. How ridiculous this all was, maybe it was always one sided from the start and everything these past few weeks was some delusion you fed yourself. How stupid of you to trust that you could give her your heart, how stupid of you. It was both of your agreed boundaries from the start to never expect anything deeper. There was a whole other conversation going on in front of you, one you weren’t a part of, and suddenly you felt this cold isolation building around you. Your skin was chilled but your heart was racing, and not in the good way. You felt all of your nerves tense up and you could feel the cold sweat at the back of your neck.
You had to get out of here.
You turned your phone over under the table and, keeping the screen hidden from Somi, you set a timer to go off after two minutes. Two minutes, that’s all you needed to pretend like everything was fine, and you’d pretend that someone was on the phone.
Someone beat you to the punch. You canceled the timer and answered it without looking at the caller ID, you didn’t have the thought to. You just needed an excuse to leave.
“I’m sorry, I need to take this,” you apologized to her parents, who were staring right at you. “Hello?” You spoke while you stood up. You pushed your chair in and walked off into the bathroom.
“Hey, (Y/N).” It was Jaemin. You looked at yourself in the mirror, but then you quickly averted your eyes and leaned against the bathroom sink.
“Hey, Jaem, what’s up?” You asked him. He’s not the kind to call you.
“Are you busy?” You looked at the locked door.
“Not really, why?” You answered after some hesitation.
“Are you still on campus? If you’re free, I was wondering if we could study together at Starbucks.”
“Oh, right, for the precalc quiz, right?”
“Yeah.” Strange, Jaemin’s best subject was precalc right now. If you strained enough, you could hear the conversation behind you. Something about you.
“Sure, I’ll be there, I’ll head over right now.”
“Right now? Yeah, sure, I’m already here.”
“Okay, sounds like a plan, I’ll see you in a bit,” you caught your reflection on the medicine cabinet’s mirror and you wiped away the tears from your eyes.
“See you.” You hung up first, turning around fully and fixing your face before you walked back out.
“I’m sorry about that,” you apologized quickly.
“Who was that?” Somi asks, her voice noticeably different from before, but you couldn’t quite distinguish why.
“Uh… Jaemin,” you couldn’t, shouldn’t, come up with a lie.
“Who’s that?” Somi asks. No, you knew what that was. Your jaw tensed up and you took a second to calm down.
“Just someone I’m interested in,” you answered. Somi’s expression remained flat, though, but you could see some hint of shock in her eyes.
“And that’s how you do it, Ennik, if there’s someone you’re interested in, you pursue after them. This is why you keep complaining about being alone here!” Her mother shouts. You looked between them.
“Christ, mom! You’re doing this now?!” Somi finally lost her patience.
“Stop it, both of you!” Her father shouts. “You should go, (Y/N), I’m sorry about them.” You nodded your head slowly.
“I’m sorry for intruding, Somi didn’t tell me she was expecting people over, if I knew I wouldn’t have come,” you apologized to her father. You grabbed your things from the couch. “Bye, Somi. Thank you for lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Douma,” you nodded your head toward them and saw yourself out.
Then you were alone again. But you didn’t have time to worry, you didn’t have time to be afraid. Instead, your mind filled with a toxin you didn’t see coming, how could you?
“(Y/N)!” And she made it so much worse. “Let me walk you back!”
“No, it’s fine,” you said.
“You hate walking alone, let me walk you,” she says.
“Leave me alone,” you picked up the pace.
“Hold on, please!” She catches up with you easily, stopping in front of you. “What’s wrong?” She says between breaths. You scoffed and walked around her. The nerve. She knows what she did.
“Don’t worry about it, just talk with your parents,” you said back at her, but she didn’t stop there, she kept her pace with you.
“No, come on, I know you. I know my parents are a lot but I had to say what I said back there,” Somi defended while she stopped you in your tracks again.
“I know, and I understand that,” you said to her. “But that doesn’t mean that it still doesn’t hurt,” you shook your head.
“(Y/N)…” she reached out to you but you took a step back.
“Tonight… your plans are with that guy, huh?” You asked her. Somi stilled.
“I have to, my parents set us up.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you waved your hand and walked away from her again.
“(Y/N)! Come on, don’t be like that!”
“Don’t be like what, Somi?!” You whipped your head back. “Huh?!”
“Don’t—” She paused and took a deep breath. “You should understand where I’m coming from. It’s not like you’re out to your parents either!”
“Yeah, I know that, Somi, that’s why I said that I did understand. But it still fucking sucks and you can’t be upset at me for feeling bad for lying to your parents! They’re your parents for fucks sake!”
“Lying about what?” She asks you. She shakes her head. Your shoulders slumped.
“Ha,” you scoffed again. You were right. This was all one sided from the start. “Whatever.” You tried to ignore her.
“I don’t understand why this is such a big deal! You don’t even know what your sexuality is!” She shouts. Now you’re pissed. You marched back to her.
“Don’t you fucking dare assume you know me,” your voice was firm. “Don’t you dare say that when we’ve been seeing each other sexually for the past two months, Christ, Somi, we were just having sex a few hours ago and you think you can tell me I’m not sure of my sexuality? I’ve never been more sure. If anyone here has to check then it’s you. You say you’re a lesbian but all I hear from you are failed dates with men, what do you expect, Somi? What do you want me to say?” She’s silent, and you don’t know why. Does she really have nothing more to say for herself? She takes a deep breath. “Just go back home, Somi.”
“I’ll cancel tonight.”
“No, no, don’t do that,” you shook your head. “I already found another place to stay.” You were lying.
“No, (Y/N), come on,” she says.
“No, Somi. You said it yourself, you have to do this for your parents, and I get that. I’d do the same if my parents did that too,” you tried to calm yourself down. That’s how the both of you were, you had your arguments with your parents, but you still loved them, you couldn’t just break their hearts and Somi was the same. Countless times you’d heard her praise her parents, you’d heard the way she spoke of them so highly with so much tenderness in her voice, so you really truly understood where she was coming from. “I have to go now.”
“Are you really going to see someone else?” She asks.
“Yeah, I am,” you didn’t know why she was so pressed about that. She’s been seeing others too.
“Are you actually interested in him or did you say that because of my mom?”
“Why do you care so much?” She couldn’t answer. But you wanted her to, you wanted her to tell you not to see him so fucking bad. But she didn’t. There was a tense silence between you both, disturbed only by the cars driving past you. “You said it yourself, Somi, you didn’t lie about anything,” you said quietly, “I’m leaving now,” you cut the conversation. 
“If you leave, then it’s over between us,” Somi says suddenly.
“And what was between us, Somi?” You asked. She didn’t answer. So you left. And, this time, she didn’t try to stop you.
You were on autopilot after that, walking all the way to the Starbucks on campus without paying attention to much else, you were too angry to even worry about anything else. And you really thought your walk calmed you down, but it was just a small question that made you feel like sobbing.
“Hey, (Y/N)—” Jaemin stopped before he said anything more. “What happened?” He asked it so sweetly and, instead of answering him, you buried your face in your hands.
And that’s how your second heartbreak happened. You felt like shutting the world out, and so you did. The voices of people around you fell muted, the sound of passing cars too, and finally the sound of Jaemin packing his things in front of you. You heard him knock on the table in front of you and you slid your hands down your face just enough to see him.
“Wanna head out?” He asks. You nodded and followed him. The walk was silent, but you didn’t hate it. You followed him to his dorm, something you thought you’d never do, but here you were. You’re just not making any good decisions today, aren’t you? Your phone kept going off with texts from Somi, all of which you didn’t pay attention to, and you were left asking the same question you asked her to yourself. Why did you care so much?
“Sorry, Jaemin, I know you wanted to study,” you sighed. He unlocked the door and let you inside first.
“Don’t worry about it, (Y/N),” he closed it behind you both. “We all have our days.”
“Yeah, but you weren’t supposed to see mine,” you looked around. It came as no surprise that it was neat, it was more surprising that both sides of the dorm were clean, but it was so easy to guess which side was Jaemin’s, what with the various cameras and pictures taped to the wall. Huh, funny, when did you find out that Jaemin was into that? Probably around the same time you started posing for the pictures he thought he was taking when you all didn’t notice.
“You can sit anywhere, my roommate went home for the week,” he starts picking up loose items before stacking them on his roommate’s desk while you took a seat at his. Jaemin reaches over you and hands you a photo album.
“You’re… you’re not going to ask?” You felt like you were starting to cry now.
“I don’t know about you, but I always hated it when people make me talk about why I’m sad when it’s obvious, it always made me more frustrated,” he leans against his roommate’s desk while turned toward you. “Did you want to talk about it?”
“That’s what I figured,” he pulls his phone out and gestures for you to open the photo album. So you did. And it was probably one of the nicest things you’d ever seen. On the first page was the year with the caption ‘Freshman Year’ under it, and in the pages following were various pictures taken at various events. The first couple you could tell was orientation since they depicted a lot of the games and events you remembered from yours too. The next few were events you recognized, since you were there too, they were pictures of the study group back when it was just a study group, what with the pictures of you standing in front of a whiteboard with senseless equations on it and with other pictures of Keeho struggling flipping through his textbooks. Then there were pictures of when that study group became a friend group, pictures of the outings you went to, the impromptu food runs, and the late night roadtrips. And, slowly, you started to notice a trend where you became the subtle subject of the photos, moving from the sidelines to the forefront, and you didn’t hate it. You, who could barely look in the mirror, loved seeing these pictures of you, what are the odds?
“Hey, you’re really good,” you complimented him. “I don’t even remember you taking half of these.”
“That’s probably because I was trying to be subtle about it, I was going for candid photos but, I gotta ask, when did you start noticing?”
“Around that time we went to get ramen, you accidentally turned your flash on so I started paying more attention,” you said it with a teasing voice.
“Dammit, I really thought I played that one off too,” he laughs.
“Right, right, you said you accidentally turned your flashlight on, like I’d fall for that one,” you rolled your eyes, but maintained a small smile. No wonder you started becoming the subject, you thought. You’re the one who noticed he was taking these small pictures in the first place.
“I was going to show you all once the year ended, actually,” he notices you flipping through the empty pages. “Or probably when we all graduate, I think that would’ve been more nostalgic.”
“So why show me now?”
“Why not?”
“Good question,” you turned back to the last couple. You had a hunch, but you felt like it would be ridiculous to say it out loud. “But I asked you first,” you couldn’t deny that you were curious.
“Well… nothing lasts forever, right?” He asks. You look at him. “I know it’s bad to think like this, but sometimes I wonder if our group will stick together for our whole four years. Then Yeji does something outrageous that makes me realize ‘oh fuck I’m stuck with these people for four years’ and that anxiety leaves, but, then it comes back,” he’s never really talked this much with you before. Maybe it was because you were in a space he was comfortable in, or maybe it was because he was with you, you didn’t know. “I guess I showed it to you because…” he trails off and adjusts his position on the desk. You couldn’t ignore the twinge of pink on his face and at the tips of his ears. But you stayed silent, because you didn’t know what to say to what you thought he was going to say. He takes a deep breath. “I want us to…” he trails off again, as if picking the right words in his head right now. “I want to spend my four years with you, at the very least.” Why did you feel some relief when he said that? It wasn’t a confession, it was a wish.
“I think we will,” you said.
“I don’t know, I don’t plan on leaving you or the group, at least,” you crossed your legs on the chair. “Do you?”
“Nope, I enjoy spending time with you all, even if we don’t get any work done,” he chuckles.
“What counts is that we do get work done when we have to,” you place the photo album back where it came from and rubbed your eyes. “I still can’t believe we spent a whole semester together, and that we’re still hanging out now that a new one started,” you mumbled.
“I know, our schedules are a little different now.”
“Like they weren’t before,” you remembered the struggles of planning anything with all of you. “It feels like I’ve known you all for ages.”
“Right? You all already know too much about me,” he shakes his head.
“God, this is why drinking together is dangerous,” you laughed, remembering the time you all drank together in Keeho’s dorm, and how you all knocked out on his floor too. Jaemin looks at the clock off to the side.
“Hey, want me to walk you back to the drop off? You usually get picked up around this time, right?” He asks.
“Uh… no, it’s fine,” you shook your head. Right, you needed a place to stay tonight, and going home wasn’t an option since you didn’t have a ride. 
“You sure? I noticed you don’t like being alone,” he says. Would it be too much for you to ask if you could stay over? Were you close enough to ask that? You could chance Yeji, but you know that her nightmare roommate hates it when the other girls have people over and you didn’t want to make Yeji deal with that. There wasn’t anything wrong with staying with Keeho either, other than his creepy roommate which now that you thought about it was a very valid reason not to ask him. 
“Yeah, I’m sure. I, uh, I don’t have a ride home today,” you finally told him.
“Oh yeah? Who are you staying with tonight?”
“I’m figuring that out right now, the person I had in mind,” you hesitated, “the person I had in mind had other people over today.”
“I get it. You could stay over here if you can’t find anywhere else, like I said, my roommate left for the week,” Jaemin says.
“Are you sure? You won’t get in trouble?”
“Yeah, my RA really doesn’t care,” he says.
“Really? Can’t he get in trouble for that?” Jaemin leans over and opens the mini fridge next to him, the small thing filled to the brim with alcohol.
“Probably, but he’s the one who gave us these so,” Jaemin shrugs.
“Are those Trulys?” You spotted the seltzers just as he closed it.
“What’s your favorite flavor?”
“Strawberry.” He reaches into the fridge again and pulls out two cans and hands one to you. “Thanks.”
“Yeah,” you both open your cans at the same time and you swallow a good majority of it down. “Ah, this is nice after ending midterms,” you felt yourself relaxing already. Jaemin nodded silently. “Wait, we are done, right?”
“Yup, our finals are in a week though, so there’s no rest for the wicked,” he says.
“Aw, hell,” you cried. You chugged the rest of the drink down and placed it next to you. “Can I have another one of those?” Jaemin hands you his, which still had a considerable amount, before grabbing another one from the fridge. “And… if you’re okay with it, could I ask a few questions?”
“Shoot.” You chugged more of the can in your hands before starting.
“I have this friend,” you started. You still weren’t sure if you should even ask him, you would be telling a secret that you’d kept from everyone since the year started, and for some reason you didn’t want to end the fantasy, but at the same time you knew that you shouldn’t keep it to yourself too. “She’s seeing someone right now, someone she really likes and that she thought liked her back, but then she said something really hurtful, after doing so many things that couples usually do, the girl she liked told her parents that they were just friends and nothing more. So, now she’s really upset about that. But she knows she shouldn’t be, she understands her, but she’s still really really upset,” you could feel your eyes tearing up again. This whole time, Jaemin listened very carefully. “So now my friend feels cheated, in a way. She knows she shouldn’t because from the get go she agreed to not expect anything more out of the relationship, but then it became something more and the girl she likes outright denied it in front of her, and then she expected for everything to be okay after when it obviously can’t. Is my friend wrong for feeling that way?” You felt bad for word vomiting him, but you just couldn’t stop talking. Your thoughts were a mile a minute and your mouth was struggling to catch up.
“No, I don’t think your friend is in the wrong,” he says. “I’d be upset too. If I was hanging out with someone a lot doing things that couples usually do, and then she told me that we were just friends, I think I’d be pretty mad, actually,” he says. “It never feels good to be led on.”
“Thank you, I thought I was going crazy.”
“I thought we were talking about your friend,” he said this in a light tone. You knew he wouldn’t have bought the friend excuse from the start.
“Yeah, well, I’m starting to feel tipsy so it’s not like I can keep up a lie anyway,” you finished your drink and put it to the side.
“You’re feeling tipsy on Trulys?”
“I also haven’t slept in the last 24 hours, so there’s that,” you admitted.
“That’ll do it,” he chuckles.
“Can I have another one?”
“Is that a good idea?”
“Probably not.”
“Okay then,” he hands you another can and you opened it quickly.
“So… who is she?”
“You wouldn’t know her,” you shook your head. “I barely know her.” You thought back to your conversation with her parents earlier, they were saying so many things about her that you didn’t expect to hear or expect her to be like at all, and suddenly you felt like you didn’t know her at all.
“I mean, yeah, but it still sucks to be in your position,” he says before drinking.
“Yeah, it really does…” you muttered.
“Drink slower, (Y/N).”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” you kept your pace.
“Do you like her a lot?”
“Yeah. But I don’t think she likes me that way,” you shook your head. “I thought she did, but today kinda proved to me that she didn’t. How could she say such hurtful things and look like it didn’t bother her at all?” You looked at your phone and silenced her incoming call.
“Looks like she wants to talk about it.”
“I don’t,” you flipped your phone over. “God, Jaem, if I told you the things we were up to you wouldn’t believe it.”
“Knowing you, I probably would,” he tips his can to you and you tapped yours against it in a lonely toast, and you both drank more. “Try me.”
“We fucked, like, a lot.”
“I believe it.”
“(Y/N), you seriously don’t think we wonder why you run off right after class? Yeji joked that you were seeing someone but Keeho and I didn’t buy it. I figured you just needed some time off after spending too much time with us, but the more Yeji joked about it the more I realized it could be true,” he says.
“And true it was.”
“So all of that led you to think she liked you too?”
“Well, we started out as cuddle buddies.”
“That’ll do it,” he repeats and drinks more.
“Then we became friends with benefits, I kinda sorta confessed to her and I thought she accepted it.”
“You can’t kinda sorta confess to someone, (Y/N), you have to be clear about your intentions,” he says.
“I was clear!”
“Were you?” You thought back.
“Maybe I wasn’t super clear… I just started saying things that we did together and then we fucked so I just assumed…”
“Christ…” he shakes his head.
“I wouldn’t know how to confess anyway, I thought I was being obvious,” your face was starting to heat up from both the embarrassment and the alcohol.
“How did you confess anyway?”
“She said that she thought no one could ever love her. So, I wanted to prove her wrong, and I just started saying things we did together and how it was impossible for anyone not to fall in love with that because I fell in love with that, and, like…”
“You fucked?”
“We fucked!” You shouted and Jaemin laughed. “It was my first time too, and I told her that. I told her I trusted her because I thought she liked me back and… oh god, Jaemin you have to promise not to tell anyone about this. What I confess to you here stays in here.”
“Yeah, my lips are sealed,” he says.
“Clear, clear, it’s hard to be clear about that stuff,” you say. “How am I supposed to say it? ‘I love you’?”
“Just like that, yeah.”
“I couldn’t do it like that.”
“Sure you could, you just did.”
“Yeah, well, she’s not here, is she? Do you know how hard it is to confess face to face someone you want to date?”
“No,” he shakes his head. “I could try though,” he shrugs.
“Unfortunate woman,” you laughed. He chugs the rest of his drink down, put it aside, and walked toward you, resting his hands on either side of you now. Your breath caught in your throat.
“Huh, you’re right, it is pretty hard,” he was very close to you now. His face was reddening more now, his eyes half lidded in a mix of tiredness and drunkness, and you wondered how you looked to him right now.
“Unfortunate man.”
“I know,” he pushes off of the desk, but you hold onto his wrist.
“Jaem…” you hesitated. It was so selfish of you to ask him this. “Do you want to hook up?” He raises an eyebrow now.
“I think we’re both too drunk to make a good decision.”
“Shouldn’t that cancel things out?”
“I told you I don’t like being led on.”
“What if I’m not leading you on though?”
“Aren’t you?” You were silent at this.
“You just told me five minutes ago about a woman you really like.”
“And she doesn’t like me back.”
“So you go to me instead.”
“… Yeah.”
“Sure, let’s do it.”
“You sure?”
“Either I’m being led on and you just want to confirm something, or I have a real chance here,” he says. “Which is it?”
“Would it be weird if I said both?”
“Yeah, actually.”
“Well…” you thought for a moment, and a horrible thought struck you. If you had a boyfriend, then you’d never have to come out to your parents, you’d never have to experience that heart break and you’d never have to put them through that heart break. “I’d say you have a real chance.” 
“(Y/N), I really like you,” he confesses. “I’m serious, I do, I want to be something with you,” he continues. “So, please, don’t lead me on.”
“I won’t,” you said this, but there was still that lingering doubt at the back of your head. “I won’t lead you on.” And without another word he pressed forward, lips locking with yours, and you reciprocated. You could taste the hints of watermelon on him and even more so when you deepened it. Your hands squeezed his wrists now, and his hands interlocked with yours. You know you shouldn’t compare, but this feeling was just different from whenever you and Somi made out. You’d never pictured a future with him, but the more you thought about it the clearer it became, but that future was so different than the one you wanted with Somi. This one… this one was more realistic, you think.
But it felt like you were going through the motions. Taking your clothes off, taking his off, and somehow making it to his bed, even rolling the condom on was something you were surprisingly good with considering you’d only had sex with Somi before this. Sex with Jaemin wasn’t what you’d expected at all, and part of you felt bad that you were just using him to prove a point to yourself. And maybe it was a bad idea to do this when you were both drunk, then again you always preached that drunk actions were sober thoughts. Speaking of, you wondered if he could read them now. It felt like he was staring into your very mind while your mouth sank down on his cock. It was such a different feel than with Somi, despite the obvious, and now you wondered which you really preferred. Did you like the sweet and tender touches that Somi dragged out or did you prefer the way Jaemin went down on you with firm and sharp grasps? Did you prefer the soft kisses from her or the rough ones from him? Maybe you liked the stimulation from how your pussy slid over hers versus how Jaemin pounded into yours.
Or maybe you just didn’t give a fuck.
Jaemin pressed his lips against yours again, holding your jaw in such a way that your lips parted enough for him to deepen the kiss and you let him do so, you even encouraged it as you pressed against him and let a subdued moan out while he worked his cock into you, stretching your walls in a way you’d never experienced before. Your head tilted back, feeling an intense pleasure that was so different from the one you’d known from before. You felt his bed rocking beneath you, and you really hoped that no one could hear it.
“Oh fuck, oh god,” your moans were breathy and you could hear his silenced whimpers and loud groans.
“Fuck, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this,” he said quietly. You swallowed harshly. What did he mean by that? You didn’t want to know, and instead you pulled him down onto your lips again, something he reciprocated quickly while quickening his pace. You felt yourself building to your orgasm, and your fingers naturally settled over your clit while you chased after it.
“Keep going like that,” you said into his ear. “Ah, oh hell, I’m almost there,” you grinded against his waist and he kept his pace, pounding into you as if to prove a point and, though it scared you to admit it, you didn’t hate it.
Truly bisexual, you didn’t know if you should be proud or afraid of that fact. Your fingernails dug into Jaemin’s back, no doubt leaving some kind of mark behind when you released him shortly during your moments of bliss. Then, right as you reached your orgasm, you felt him start to speed up, no doubt looking for his own release and, finally, he stilled in your pussy, the condom filling up with cum before he pulled out of you. He leans over you now, both hands on either side of your head and face inches away from yours.
Now this isn’t fair, how could he still look handsome after all that? You’re half sure you look like an exhausted rat under him. And when he pushed the hair out of his face you swear you felt your heart jump out but then realization hit.
You felt a pang of guilt, having asked to hook up with Jaemin. You knew that Somi didn’t take your relationship seriously, she was still seeing people on the side other than you, hell, the two of you weren’t even properly dating, so what was so wrong about this? What’s so wrong about getting dicked down by one of your friends in his dorm after having a fight with her?
Many things, actually. You didn’t really think of any repercussions, you were just angry, and very drunk. You felt played, almost, like Somi had taken your heart out and tossed it around before giving it back. And your intentions weren’t exactly clear either. Sure, you’d had some attraction toward him, jokingly calling him the ‘Cute Boy in all our classes’ to Yeji and her teasing you relentlessly when he joined the study group, but your vision was clouded with the rose colored sunglasses that Somi had put on you. And now that you took those off, you didn’t know anymore.
Again, he kissed you, and again you kissed back. You didn’t know what your intentions were, but you did know one thing.
In your life, it was easier to love him than it was to love her.
It was a long time before you saw her again, Somi. After that night with Jaemin, after waking up in his arms and feeling like something was right with him, you started to be together more. There wasn’t exactly a title on this relationship though, both of you had agreed to get to know each other better romantically first before pursuing it altogether, but this time there was a clear end goal, you both liked each other and you both hoped for something more and, this time, that sentiment existed outside of the confined space of his dorm. You even told your parents about him, they’ve even met him and they thought he was a nice young man, and right after that you screwed in his car.
Everything you had hoped to do with Somi, you did with him, and somehow they felt so much better. You thought you were fully moving on from her, that you had something good going on with Jaemin.
But tonight, with his arms wrapped around you while you watched some A24 film on his laptop, you got a text from her, something she hadn’t done in two months now.
‘Come over, please.’ You stared at the text, and so did Jaemin. You turned your phone over and his head falls on your shoulder.
“You should go over there,” he says. You twist to look at him, surprised at his comment. After that first night with him neither of you brought her up.
“I think you deserve that closure, and so does she,” he says.
“I don’t know, if I should, Jaem, what if I…” you didn’t finish your sentence. It would break his heart.
“What if you fall for her again?” He took the words right out of your mouth.
“I don’t think that will happen,” you shook your head.
“I’m pretty sure she fell for you, I think she fell hard. But I don’t think she realized it until after you left,” he says. “A lot of people don’t think about that. They don’t realize what they lost until it’s gone, you know?”
“Right, yeah,” you nodded. You didn’t really mourn what you’d lost with her, now that you thought about it. And the way it ended so abruptly, maybe that’s why.
Plus, you were afraid of the way your heart ached when you saw that text. A part of you must have still loved her, and Jaemin must have seen that.
“Are you sure?” You asked him.
“Why are you asking for my permission? She’s your first love.”
“I know but…” you shook your head.
“Go ahead, and call me if you need me to come get you,” he lets you go and you slid off his bed. “Go, (Y/N), go talk to her.”
“Do you think I’m ready?”
“Are we ever?” He closes his laptop.
“You’re not going to ask to walk with me?”
“I figured you’d want to do this alone.” It was cruel that he knew you so well and you barely knew him at all. He had always paid attention to you, and you were too busy looking at her to realize that.
“Thanks, Jaemin.”
“Yeah, of course, go ahead,” he watches you go.
You remembered the way so clearly, how to get to her apartment and which routes were the fastest. But standing at her door, you didn’t know what to expect. You always had this vague idea but now you weren’t so sure. It’d been a good amount of time, a lot can happen in two months, and here you were. You knocked on her door, and she opened it.
“Hi, you’re just in time,” she pulls you in and seats you on the couch. “I gotcha something,” she disappears into her room and comes back out with a present.
“Oh, uh… thanks, Somi,” you took it in her hands. “What’s the occasion?”
“Six months, right?” She tucks her hair behind her ears and you paused. So she was keeping count.
“Of what?” You asked her.
“Our relationship, right?” She says with a tightlipped smile. You pushed the present back into her hands.
“Don’t do this, Somi.”
“Don’t do what?”
“You know what,” you said.
“What? We took a break.”
“From what?” You asked her. You just wanted her to do one thing. You wanted her to tell you that you had something together, you wanted her to acknowledge that you loved her and she lead you on. How hard was it for her to say that you were in a relationship? No, no, you take it back. You don’t want her to just do that, you want her to apologize for what she said two months ago. That shit was horrible, all of it. But why did you feel yourself caving into her again? Why did you feel your heart beating toward her again? You were nothing more than a friend to her, she made that very clear, but here you were with that small hope of salvaging what was lost.
Really, would it kill her to just say those two words? I’m sorry. That’s all you ever wanted to hear from her, at least once. All those texts you got from her all asking you to come over and all of them you ignored, but you never had the heart to block her. You wanted to hear her acknowledge that what she did was wrong, you wanted her to know that what she did was so horrible to you, and you wanted her to know that what she did was fucked up. But, at the same time, you would be beside yourself to see her so upset, you hated to see the way she got too in her head about it and you couldn’t do anything to help her besides sitting next to her and lending a comforting ear.
But this?
You needed an apology for this.
No, you needed so much more than just an apology for this.
You sat in front of her dumbfounded. No words were exchanged between you and her, just intense silence. What she had just told you… it broke you. How could she even think that what she said back then was remotely alright?
“I don’t know why you’re so angry.”
“Are you serious? You don’t know why I’m mad?” You asked her. Somi nodded her head.
“I don’t…” her voice was so quiet.
“Somi I’m going to ask you this one more time… what are we?” You kept your gaze steady. “What am I to you, Somi?” She broke her already weakened eye contact with you and stared at her hands, before finally burying her face in them. “Somi, I need to hear it from you. What are we?” You repeated your question and her hands reached out to hold your face ever so softly, the same way she always did when she wanted you to listen to her.
“I love you, (Y/N), I love you,” she said instead, but you shook your head.
“No, I don’t think you do,” you reached up to pull her hands away from you, but she instead wraps her arms around you.
“I do, I do, I love you,” she held onto you like if she’d let go you’d leave forever. And after everything, maybe you would.
“Somi, let go,” you couldn’t hold her back. You couldn’t find it in you to.
“I can’t, I won’t,” she says.
“Let your best friend go,” you said with a more stern voice, and that stopped her movements. She released you slowly, keeping at least some contact with you. “I don’t get you, Somi. You said that there was nothing between us but here you are! The first time you tell me you loved me was right now after you ended things. God, I feel like I was never really important to you until after I left. I don’t think you ever took what we had seriously, and when you told me you did I don’t think you meant it. I love you, Somi. But I don’t think our definitions of love are the same,” you shook your head.
“I do love you,” she repeats.
“And you couldn’t have told me that two months ago?”
“No, I didn’t know then!”
“But you knew I loved you. You knew I did and still you said those things.”
“I take them back, all of them!”
“You can’t just do that, Somi!” You raised your voice. “You can’t just pretend that everything’s okay, it’s not! Answer my question, what were we?” You pressed her more and she shook her head.
“I don’t know what we were.”
“You don’t know?”
“I don’t! When I met you I just wanted something casual, but when I got to know you I wanted something more and I was afraid of that! I was afraid of loving you,” she says. “You know how my family is, what my culture is, it wouldn’t have been easy.”
“So you took the easy way out.”
“I… yeah. I did.”
“I can’t even blame you, I did the same thing,” you said quietly. “But… we could’ve worked something out. I really thought we could’ve. I was so ready to come out to my parents for you, but you weren’t. Somi, our whatever never left these walls. Whenever I saw you on campus you pretended that you didn’t see me, whenever I asked to go out with you you’d say you were busy, our whatever wasn’t good for either of us,” you shook your head. “I don’t blame you for taking the easy way, Somi, I just blame you for fucking with my feelings.”
“(Y/N)…” she reaches for you again, but you move away from her. You couldn’t look at her, either, because Jaemin was right, you were so sure that you’d fall for her again. She slides the present to you again and you clenched your jaw. “(Y/N), I’m sorry.” Fucking finally. Tears started to fall down your face, they landed on the wrapping paper beneath you and smudged the ink on the tag.
“You couldn’t have said that before?”
“I didn’t know how to.”
“And you expect us to be okay?”
“I do.”
“Then lower your expectations,” you said to her.
“No, (Y/N), let’s work this out.”
“Have you come out to your parents?”
“Have you?”
“I take that as a no,” you wiped the tears off your face quickly.
“It’s not that easy, (Y/N)! At least you’re still attracted to men! You coming out wouldn’t be as bad as me!” She shouts and you swallowed your gasp.
“Excuse me?!” You stood up, the present dropping onto the couch.
“No, no, I… I didn’t mean it like that!” She stands up too, grabbing your hands and holding them between you and her. You shook your head and took a deep breath.
“What did you want from me today?” You asked quietly.
“I… I wanted to be with you,” she said in a similar tone. “I wanted to tell you that I wanted to be with you, I want to take it a step further.”
“No, I can’t do that with you,” you shook your head.
“Why not?”
“God, Somi, have you not been listening to our conversation?” You exasperated. “Somi… we can’t be together, not right now, not ever,” you told her. “Somi what we had… it’s not healthy. We only saw each other in here, we only saw each other when we needed to see each other, and we never saw each other just because we wanted to. Somi that’s not a relationship, that’s toxic!”
“We can make it healthy!”
“No, we can’t! Listen to yourself! You’re just invalidating everything I’m telling you,” you pulled your hands from her grasp.
“(Y/N), please, I want to make this right!” She says.
“You already did, you apologized for it already, there’s nothing more that we need to do.”
“(Y/N), please,” she insists. “I’m moving back home, I’m going back to South Korea.”
“And? You want me to be in a relationship with you for however much time before you leave? That’s so fucked up,” you shook your head. “I shouldn’t have come today.”
“No, no, I’m so happy you came, (Y/N)!” She says. “Please don’t go.”
“I should leave, Somi, I really should,” you told her.
“I know, I know, I fucked up! I just wanted to spend one more night with you, (Y/N),” she says.
“No, that’s not a good idea, Somi.”
“Don’t you see that this is hard for me too? Somi I loved you so much that I sacrificed nearly as much just to see you! I lied to so many people because I wanted to be with you, but then you told me that that was nothing? And now you want something, I… I can’t,” you wiped your tears again. Somi takes a step back.
“You moved on quickly.”
“You said it yourself, there was nothing to move on from.”
“But there was.”
“And you didn’t know it until I left.”
“Yeah, I didn’t,” she says. She picks up the gift again and hands it to you. “At least take this.”
“Call it a goodbye gift.”
“Fine then.”
“(Y/N), you are my first love.”
“And so are you.” She was the first one you were actually serious about, the first one you wanted to work out, and the first one you thought you really loved.
“I want this to work out, but…” she takes a deep breath, “but you’re right. It’s bad for both of us.”
“Yeah,” you played with the ribbon on the gift. “When do you fly out?”
“Next week.”
“Have a safe flight,” you told her.
“Thank you,” she says. You stood up again, and this time she just followed you.
“I’ll head out now,” you looked at her with your hand on the doorknob.
“Wait…” she says. “You didn’t get me anything…” you sighed.
“What do you want, then?”
“Can… can I kiss you one more time?” She asks. You hesitated.
“Okay,” you turned to her fully and she wrapped her hands around your face before pressing her lips softly to yours. You had almost forgotten what they felt like, how soft they were and how they moved against yours, and if you didn’t come tonight maybe you would have entirely. You let her take her time, this was more for her than it was for you. And when she finally pulled away from you that’s when you felt your sadness catch up with you.
You did want something more with her. But you knew it wouldn’t work out. There would be thousands of miles between you both in a week and there was no feasible way for you both to be together, not with all that baggage from before.
“Goodbye, Somi,” you opened the door.
“Goodbye, (Y/N).”
And that’s how you said goodbye to your first love, the real one. Not some silly crush, not someone you knew you didn’t have a chance with, but someone who really impacted you, someone who changed you for the better. You finally mourned what you lost with her. And when you returned to Jaemin’s dorm, you moved back into his arms, and you held him close to you and he to him.
“She got you a gift?”
“She’s moving to Korea.”
“A goodbye gift, then.”
“Yeah,” you reached for it now, holding the gift in your hand. The tag just said her name and yours and nothing more. “Should I open it?”
“Gifts were meant to be open.” You pulled on the ribbon and tore the wrapping paper carefully, and inside was a small wooden box with Korean lettering across the top.
“What does it say?” You held it so that he could read it.
“Hamoni Moggong,” he recites. “I’m pretty sure it’s the company name, Harmony Carpentry,” he says.
“Huh,” you slid the top off and you pulled out the music box concealed within. When you opened it, a familiar tune played with a flower slowly spinning in the middle atop a small mirror. Inside of it was a slip of paper. You held it up, the whole thing was written in hangul, and you handed it to Jaemin. He read through it carefully before turning it around in his hands.
“Love from afar, these music boxes come in pairs, one for me and one for you,” he translates. And again you found yourself crying, and Jaemin couldn’t do anything more but to hold you close to him.
Then the years went by. And before you knew it, you had graduated with the same four people you’d started with. You and Jaemin were still together, now entering your third year of officially dating, while Yeji and Keeho constantly teased you both about it. But every now and then you caught yourself thinking of Somi, the first person to have made you feel loved and the first person you thought you’d be with forever, and it made you sadder.
A week after you saw her, you’d noticed she’d removed you on Tinder. You couldn’t see her instagram anymore, and you were blocked on her snapchat. And you didn’t know why, there was no way you could’ve reached out to her either, it was like she’d cut all contact, and that hurt you. She was the one who wanted to make things right but then she did that? And, to make matters worse, the summer of your senior year you got into yet another huge argument with your parents, one that near left you disowned, and when you’d run away from home, you knew that as soon as you’d come back, you were finished. You knew your parents too well, you knew what their discipline was like and, so, when you’d finally returned home, you deleted all traces of Somi from your photos, all your texts and all your memories, they were gone. And true to your predictions, your parents took all your devices away and reduced you to the child they saw you as.
And when you got your things back, when you’d all apologized to each other, you cried. Everything you had of Somi, of the girl you owed so much to, was gone, because you’d rather be completely disowned for deleting things from your phone than disowned for loving another woman. Even that beautiful music box she gave you, to your parents and everyone else, it was a gift from Jaemin. But to you and Jaemin it was proof of what you had before.
You never did come out to your parents. Being with Jaemin, loving him and him loving you, provided enough cover and a large enough shield for you to avoid it. And so your story with Somi ended that way. With a small music box collecting dust in your closet.
“Oh we gotta go on Space Mountain,” Keeho points at the map and Yeji checks her phone.
“The wait is three hours!” She shouts.
“Okay and? Genie pass,” he says.
“Oh, right… it’s redeemable for nine at night,” she says.
“What?!” Keeho looks at his phone too. The four of you had agreed to have a graduation trip to Disneyland of all the places, after Yeji had told you all that she’d never gone, it was a must.
“Ooh, we should do Small World too, we gotta hit the main attractions for Yeji,” you said.
“Got it, got it,” Keeho writes it down on his phone.
“You are surprisingly very good at planning things,” Jaemin teases.
“Hey! I’m an older brother, I have to be good at these things,” he says.
“(Y/N)?!” You swear you could hear your voice being called somewhere, and you stopped in your tracks, your friends looking confusingly behind you.
“Did you say my name, Jaem?” He was the only person behind you.
“No,” he shakes his head. “What’s up?” Jaemin asks.
“Did any of you guys call me?” You looked around.
“No, we’re just trying to get to the ferris wheel,” Keeho points at the large attraction.
“Well, no shit, but… hmm…” you looked back one last time and you felt your heart stop. The passerbys around you seemed to slow into blurs as you made eye contact with her and, again, you saw your name form on her lips, then you realized you were walking towards her with the voices of your friends drowning into the muted chatter of the crowd, then you realized she was walking towards you too, and now you’re both running.
“Somi?!” You called her name out just in case and you saw her nod, you saw her press her lips in a tight line and you saw her smile despite the sadness in her eyes and, just as you noticed the ringing in your ears, you both melted into each other’s embrace, and you felt that beautiful and wonderful feeling of being loved yet again. But at this moment, though you still held her tight, you realized something. If there was one thing you’d learned from university despite the obvious, it was that, for the better, nothing lasts forever.
And that’s okay.
“Hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep in,” you rushed into the kitchen with your things practically spilling from your arms and your glasses refusing to stay on your face, you looked like a complete mess, you knew that, but when you looked up to greet her she instead cupped your face and pulled you into a gentle kiss. Your shoulders relaxed, backpack and all else clattering on the floor forgotten and hands instead brushing the hair from her face. The kiss was sweet and full of a yearning you couldn’t quite describe, it was as if it were something you had missed for a whole lifetime or something that you had only expected to experience in dreams. She’s perfect in every meaning of the word and at the same time she is imperfect in everything else.
But you love her. You love her so much.
When you separate you are filled with this strange desire that left you chasing after her. It was like your hearts were magnets, opposite charges that pull each other together, and that it did. Your arms were locked around her torso, your bodies fitted so perfectly against each other that it would have been criminal to separate you two. And, just like that, you felt like you were where you belonged.
“(Y/N),” her voice was so soft. It grew and blossomed in your chest and you could feel your smile widen. “(Y/N),” she repeats your name again and you looked up at her. There, her eyes, you could look at them forever and you could see your entire life with her.
A life where you would be with the one you loved and the one who loved you back. You could see the sleepy mornings that followed the passionate nights, you could see the way she would hold you so tenderly, the way she would frame your face in her hands and the way you’d do the same. You could feel her love radiating from her smile alone.
“Ennik…" her name was like a sacred thing to you. Her name was meant to represent strength, you learned that recently, yet to you it was the most gentlest word in your dictionary. A name so strong belonged to a woman so tender that it held a knew meaning. Then, as a sweet smile rose on her face, her nose brushed yours so slightly before she rose enough to kiss the tip. “I love you,” your words were lighter than the sun that surrounded you.
Somi beamed slightly, the closed-lip smile perfectly setting on her features.
Then, as if shaken into reality, a booming voice behind you.
“Somi!” The voice was so cold. You both turned and, like that, the fantasy had ended.
Somi pushed away from you and took a step back. The look in her eyes was one of solitary melancholy. She gave you one last hug and you held her tightly, as if you knew this was as much closure as you’d ever receive.
“I love you,” her voice broke you.
“I forgive you.” And yours broke her.
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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habibi-bambi · 4 months
Adam Headcanons
Adam loves animals, nature, gardening, Eve and his children.
Adam is TOTALLY a disney princess. He sings, animals love him, and is in a dress (lmao i know its not a dress but i love adam wearing loose, baggy or robes that cover every inch of his body because SHAME SHAME SHAME)
underneath that robe though, and very rarely, he can be seen wearing a tight black sleeve top hugging every muscle, curve and flesh and pants/skirt (i love the adam fanarts of showing his outfit underneath the robe, he looks so hot like, i would want to make him my husband AND MY WIFE, and yeah about the shirt, idk there's something about Adam feeling comfy in his skin for once and not wearing baggy clothes that hide his every flesh, and wear something fit, thin, and just long skirt that started at his hips and down to his feet, just showing the silhouette of his legs and etc... showing off toes, and then the scandalous ankle <3333 im in loveeeee)
body type in eden is the tall, slim and fit beautiful First Man. body type in current is he's like, 8ft tall. but he's big and chubby and muscly. He has big shoulders and big arms, a pudgy belly, and strong muscly but big thighs, legs, and ass worthy to rival nightwing/dick's (lololol) and big hands and feet.
adam has body dysmorphia, and totally thinks he's ugly.
That ability 'perk' of being able to see through the lives of your descentdants, every single bit of it, when you look at them is totally a curse to Adam and Eve, which is why Adam wears a mask.
His exorcists girls are his besties and daughters and his mean girl bitch group.
Birds are created in the image of angels. Beautiful singing creations that fly in the sky, that like to flock together, like to build nests, and preen each other etc. Adam? Adam likes to build this one big fucking nest, and poor baby feels so lonely and cold without his girls. he misses his girls.
(he misses Eve and his children very much)
He was in fact, in love with Lucifer in Eden.
He also loves Lilith.
What went down in Eden stays in Eden, so says Adam. Lucifer changed his mindset from that.
Lilith ????? Adam (no no no this is not r word. no noncon or sa happened between them in this)
Eve is where? No one knows.
Adams children? No one knows... except Sera?
God is... not Fucking Here, big fucking surprising :/
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fandomfluffandfuck · 4 months
S that latest poll answer makes me sad for you. Did that inspire that fic you wrote about Sebastians body image and thr beetle?
related to my tags on this poll & this fic of mine "The Kids Aren't Alright"
This gets personal and kind of intense, so it goes below the cut!
Trigger warning for discussion of general poor mental health, depression, suicidal ideation/self harm, eating disorders, body image issues, etc.
The short answer is an overwhelming yes.
"The Kids Aren't Alright" was very much something that I wrote because it struck a chord in me--Sebastian talking about his experience with body dysmorphia always hits home for me as a guy with body dysmorphic disorder, and the first time I heard Mackie admittedly very affectionately teasing him, saying he got stuck in the VW Beetle, I was a little horrified, I mean, secondhand embarrassement, imagining embarrasment so vividly it was horrible, really. So, naturally, I had to make it into a fic.
Also, I hope you don't mind, sweets, before going on, I'm adding onto your ask with another that I got even more recently:
youre very generous with what you share, so ignore this if im over the line, but its mens mental health month and that suicidal ideation post made me think of your mental health, whats been your experience with it?? i dont have a lot of men in my life who are willing to share with me, so i thought i would ask you 🥰🥰 please delete this if youre uncomfy tho
which is related to this
Both of you are such sweethearts!
Thanks, though, I don't exactly try to share a shit ton 🤷🏻‍♂️ I guess, eh, being somewhat anonymous in this corner of the internet yet being honest in the form of the spectrum of emotion from raw feral angst to private domestic fluff to shameless shut coaxes me into being so forthcoming? Not that I'm, like, super reserved otherwise, lmao.
I'll start with a short answer again before I go into deeper detail, which is just to say: my experience with it has been rough. I, a queer man, grew up in a small, red town with a very traditional family, so... yeah. It was not fun.
Okay, longer answer now because when given the opportunity, I. will. yap.
I think I will start with masculinity here because I feel as though a lot of my experiences with mental health and issues with my body tie directly into my masculinity. I don't have problems with being a man, I love being a man, it's who I am, I just don't love some of the expectations of being a man on a grand societal and interpersonal level, y'know?
Masculinity, to me, was always presented as the thing you have to be or else. Or else my parents were disappointed; or else the other boys wouldn't like me; or else I felt bad about myself: or else there must be something wrong with me; or else I must be gay; or else.
I have older siblings, and my older brother was in Boy Scouts when we were kids. Both of my parents fucking love the outdoors. So, of course, they loved that. My dad, specifically, spent all his time doing Scouts shit with my brother or organizing similar activities just for them when not at work. (I had a traditional western family unit, my dad worked, my mom was a stay-at-home mom.) And while I do enjoy the outdoors and camping and hiking and all that, just in smaller doses, I never wanted to join Scouts. I nearly immediately attached myself to art, so I just didn't have the interest. I can't do art if I'm outside digging in dirt, fighting with sticks, practicing knots, doing target practice, and backpacking (or whatever else the boys in the troop were doing), can I? That meant, if I wanted to draw or do crafts or something creative, I was inside, and my mom was looking after me and my sister while my dad and brother were out.
That did not sit well with my dad. He wanted me outside, joining Boy Scouts and fixing cars, playing mechanics with my brother. I did not want to. He tried very hard to get me to be as interested in more stereotypically manly activities with him and my brother, and it didn't work.
I'm just more artistic. That was always a clear disappointment.
To add on, as I grew up, I was not physically traditionally masculine, either. I've cracked jokes here and there that I'm not too dissimilar to pre-serum Steve before. It's not far off. I'm about 5'6", a little taller, and skinny.
I grew up waiting desperately for puberty, waiting for my muscles and growth spurt and... it didn't happen. My voice dropped way deep (which meant it cracked wildly and super noticeably, and, of course, I got shit for it), and I enjoyed that. I never had a pressing issue with my dick, I mean, I would hazard a guess that anyone with a dick worries about size at some point just because that's something etched deep in social sexuality, but I had more pressing things to obsess over. Like, at first, when body hair started to kick in, I was psyched to see it, and then it kept coming and suddenly guys in the locker room were pointing it out and making fun of me for being a "little guy" with so much body hair. Puberty also did fuck my face up with acne which destroyed a lot of my self-esteem, too. I had to go on Accutane not once, not twice, but three times. I still have a robust routine to keep my skin clear (but it is clear these days and I'm still reeling thinking about it, it took someone telling me I had really nice skin for me to snap out of it and realize I wasn't still covered with acne, actually. And that was recent!).
I didn't have my pre- to post-serum sudden increase in height and muscle moment, so I continued to feel scrawny and weak. Having pectus excavatum, a birth defect where my sterum curves in instead of going down in a straight line, never helped, either--I got made fun of for that, of course. I remember a comment about how one guy in a locker room wasn't going to dare to hit me/slap me on the back because he would clearly just break me... yeah, that didn't help feeling like the odd one out, unmasculine, fragile, and unattractive.
My self-esteem is much better these days, I will gladly say, but I genuinely used to get sick to my stomach just thinking about what I looked like, never mind actually looking in the mirror. I felt horrible that I had to go out in public and subject people to looking at my face. I'm an avid journal-er, and I have old entries where I just go on and on and on and on about how I felt like a monster. Disgusting and hideous.
It doesn't matter that I know, objectively, that I have a fairly masculine and even an attractive face. My jaw is square, I can grow a beard, I have a deep voice, my eyes are green, I've been very lucky to have straight, white teeth without braces and all that. Plus, people seem to like my cheekbones and curly hair. My voice, too, people seem to enjoy my voice and my mouth. So, evidently, others seem to appreciate my face. So many people spread over so many years have no real reason to lie. I'm complimented. I've not had problems when it comes to dating and relationships or whatever. Yet still, it's just not what I see. I say I know objectively what I look like because I know facts about myself, but I...
I don't really know what I look like, if that makes sense? My reflection shifts a lot, over the years I have had a problem with every part of my face, every part of my body, and I know I can't trust what I see in the mirror. I fixate on things, and it consumes my viewing experience.
Part of the consequences of all... that... all those issues above have been my experience with eating disorders. I've had some fun [sarcastic] mix of orthorexia, binge eating disorder, and anorexia over most of my conscious life. From the moment I was aware of myself and my own body, I've had problems fueling my body. It's a cycle over years and years that's been going on since late elementary school (around 10, 11), where I'm fucking sick and tired of feeling weak and useless and not masculine, so I push myself too hard in the gym and kitchen--working out until I'm physcially ill, blacking out, blistering from running and lifting, I've torn a few things that way, while obsessing with healthy foods at the same time to the point that it's unhealthy. That happens for however long I can take it. Then, eventually, I break. And I get into a cycle of binging that destroys my ability to go to the gym, so it's just binging. Cycles of it, uncontrollable. That morphs into feeling too big and disgusted with myself in the opposite way that I started with, so my brain fixates on restricting. What goes up must come down, though, so with enough of that... then I feel too small again and, yeah. It starts over. 🙃
I have worked very hard to break it with the help of friends and a short lived experience with therapy (he was a terrible therapist, then my insurance stopped covering it, so I couldn't afford to go or find a new one), but I've--dare, I say--gotten into some kind of balance more recently.
To end on perhaps a hilariously on-theme note and something happier, what I have found is that sex helps. Therapy and supportive friends and good environment are obviously irreplaceable. But, sex is good, too. When I was in the thick of all that, younger with my mental health challenges way more out of control, I'm sure I was just getting away from the numbness and hurt--endorphins, oxytocin, y'know, all that.
Then, I'm sure it was added to by the fact that suddenly, with sex, women (I am queer but when I started fucking around, I only felt safe enough to be with women, I didn't think I could be out where I was, and now... that's just the way it's worked out. It happens to have been women) were enjoying me. Enjoying what I could give them. Complimenting me explicitly or implicitly. Saying I'm hot or, clearly, if we're having sex, I'm not so disgusting that you don't want to fuck me.
But, sex helps beyond those rudimentary things, too. Finding kinky people and sex-positive people has inadvertently led me to find body positive people and find examples of real bodies--people really actually enjoying themselves. Spending more time naked is beneficial, too, haha. Slowly, I'm learning to appreciate myself more. This is my body. It's the only one I have to live in, I may as well make peace with it. And I will take the pleasure that my body can give others. I appreciate that I can do that. I like making people feel good, I like having their faith put in me to make them feel good and treat them and their bodies well, like they're desired, or not 😏, depending on what they're into. I want to pull that pleasure out of them. I want to make them feel good, bad, whatever. I want them to feel in their body.
Did that answer the question, lmao? I just rambled 💀💀
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intro post time!
edit: I DO NOT GET NOTIFS FOR ASKS OR MENTIONS!! if you send or answer an ask to/from this blog, please LIKE one of the posts so I get a notif and am prompted to check this blog because I have too many.
hii this is my second rp blog lmao I have problems ( I made the first one yesterday morning )
im the mod im @2-kakimiko-1 i run @junior-high-rui-official @riho-hasegawa-official and @jail-x-break-official the mod info is also there but I'll put it here nonetheless; I'm an autistic minor and I use he/it/+neos listed here, I need tone tags sometimes
he's transmasc 🎉 just figured that one out
ill say what I said on the rui blog and say that I did say no ship interaction here but I dont actually remember why and I think I'm fine with it now so long as it's another junior high character
for all intents and purposes this blog will be set anywhere from a little bit before Ena left the art class to a little bit after that. Regardless, it's all before he met n25 or amia.
hc time! ena is omniroflux ace, autistic and has npd!
this blog is probably definitely going to cover topics related to abuse and body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria some point!! Everything will be tagged as necessary but be warned. if I forget to tag something or you need something tagged pls tell me!!
rp style;
double slash indicated ooc → // like this
unformatted text indicates speech → like this
italics indicate actions → like this
italicized text in brackets indicate internal thoughts → [like this]
#ooc post - ooc post
#wind rustles through flowers - everything in character
#tw ____ - tw tags
dni ummm basic dni. racist ableist homophobic transphobic etc etc. saying narc abuse exists counts as ableism pls fuck off!
mod and character are minors dont be weird
end of post. explodes²
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michinekot · 3 months
no bc the thing u mentioned in the tags of the dunmeshi post is so real bc like i personally hc kabru as trans bc i hit a lot of my fav boys w the tboy beam but the way fandom was like "oh i thought kabru was a woman so he MUST be a trans man" is so. so weird. like what did they mean by that. similarly i think izutsumis body dysmorphia can be read as tgirl dysphoria sometimes (ive read a lot of trans women who like izutsumi headcanon her that way with how she feels abt her body) but i also saw people he like "i thought izutsumi was a twink but i guess shes a (trans) woman" and its like !?!??!?! it feels so unnecessary to say. dunmeshi is a series w a lot of gnc characters and youd think fans would be able to be normal with trans headcanons but then suddenly theyre saying reductive shit because they perceived the characters gender wrong. sorry if this is incoherent i need fandoms to be normal w their trans hc and trans characters
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Putting anon here because Vivi got this better than I could. it's not incoherent so dw!!! ty for the ask :) However! I do want to add my two cents:
The butch Kabru to tboy Kabru headcanons also piss me off because it just gives me "He's not a butch but if I make him trans I can still give him a pussy and let him get topped by Laios" vibes. Which I know isn't true in a lot of cases, go off and ship and have hcs that you love, but this is blatant transphobia. I want people to at least acknowledge that their first thoughts about him ARE/were transphobic. There's a fuckton of folks who feminize transmen, and as the post said too, those who feminize asian men- and Kabru unfortunately falls into both. ALSO I GETCHU WITH IZUTSUMI TOO!!! I hate it SO much when I see people disappointed to find out a gnc character is a girl and not a cute twink. It's even worse when they turn to trans hcs. Like fuck off, you might as well just say you'll never see them as the gender they Are.
And let me get to a very personal part, so excuse me for being stupidly angry about this: I rly dislike tboy bottom Kabru, which... is unfortunately loved by most of the english speaking fandom. First off, I don't think it fits his personality !!! He WILL top anyone, or at the very least switch cuz I feel like he's the type to want to please someone more than himself. And watch their reactions. I just wish people who hc him as trans would let him top... but no, cuz transboys can't top apparently, lmfao. Not to mention- it's a fantasy world, so hell, he could most-likely get bottom and/or top surgery. If people can turn into beasts then I'm sure they could get a dick through magic too lmao
I don't need anyone to agree on the last part tbh, but the rest sticks imo. Like Vivi said, it's infuriating that when we Do get gnc characters, people just can't be normal about them at all.
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appalesbian · 8 months
Get to know you game! Answer the questions and tag people you want to know better!
Thank you @korrasamibottles and @ozais-lobotomist for the tag💕
Last song listened to:
On My Mama by Victoria Monét
(yes this has been on repeat nonstop for the past two months but fucking. try to not feel like a baddie when you listen to this, it’s literally impossible. mental illness? body dysmorphia? I don’t know her!)
Currently reading:
I just finished Birth in Eight Cultures because fun fact, I’m working towards becoming a certified birth doula! (and I gotta get through that reading list lmao)
Currently watching:
I’m on season three of Reservation Dogs but have been putting off finishing it because I’m scared it’s going to fuck me up saying goodbye to the kids aaaaa
Currently obsessed with:
The show Ghosts UK! It’s very sweet and deeply stupid and hilarious and I love it. Kitty is my queen and Pat is extremely me-coded
Tagging my dude @jaztice if you have any desire to participate😙
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Sigh… you assholes will never learn that wishing death on people you hate is absolutely stupid. No matter how much you say that you wish her misery and angst, JKR will always be known to all the world as an amazing woman who stood up for the rights of both genders, all races, all sexualities, and the validity of biological sex 🥰 You’ll never shut up about your shit opinion of her and you’ll harass her amazing supporters and HP fans. Bye bye you’re invalid 😘
Jesus Christ the terfs are after me now lmao
No one said that ‘biological sex’ was invalid, it very much is a real thing and is also much more flexible than you likely think, it’s driven by a wide range of biological factors (not JUST chromosomes as many will have you believe, but rather a myriad of different biological factors, such as hormones. See intersex ppl lmao).
Biological sex is of course a real thing, however when it comes to one’s own identity gender dysphoria is a phenomenon that occurs in many ppl and can only really be treated through transition, be it social, physical, etc. As someone who experiences a lot of gender dysphoria as well as clinical depression, I can tell you that before receiving any form of gender-affirming care my daily life was significantly harder to get through and my suicidal ideation considerably more frequent. (I would also like to note that many cisgender individuals also experience gender dysphoria related to not feeling like they comply to how ‘the idea man/woman’ looks or is, my god its common among gymbros, and very much tied to body dysmorphia that many of them face, a lot of the time.)
The concept of sex cannot be ‘erased’, as sex is real ofc?? Who told u it wasn’t?? (Though it does have much more nuance than many are lead to believe). But gender identity is a separate thing that is honestly more beneficial for you and everyone around you to respect.
JKR is also well-known for her inclusion of many antisemitic stereotypes in her books, movies, and carried through video game. This can be seen quite clearly through a basic examination of the characteristics of the ‘goblins’, with nasty caricatures of Jewish people echoing through. (My god just read about the ‘Goblin Rebellion’ in the game where you’re meant to suppress the uprising of the goblins from literal slave labour).
In terms of racism/classism in the HP series, I’d recommend giving this a read:
(She also very much falls into profiting off of gay rep without actually having any gay rep and very much using identity for profit - see the Dumbledore situation)
With her strange and continuous transphobic rants, and everything listed above, I know may be SUPER HARD to understand why I, queer, trans person (or really anyone with a shred of insight and empathy) may have a BIT of a problem with JKR.
Also, I do not wish death upon her, as I could never really find it in myself to wish harm upon anybody, however, I do wish that she would shut the fuck up.
Hope this helped =^}
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awordbroken · 2 years
I haven't heard much about your skies captain oc, anything you wanna share?
Woe is the Captain from my Chiropterous Hoarder fics, so all of that is part of their canon. that said, a few things about them that hasn't come up in some 11k words across that series:
in the Neath, they were an urchin chosen by Storm. they were an urchin for a very, very long time, but when they look back at that time the years blur together, so they couldn't say exactly how long they've lived.
at some point before London went through the Avid Horizon, a Foreign Office recruiter picked up all their friends for the Vake choir while Woe was down with a bad cold. having essentially lost all their friends at once (not dead! they just have jobs now. tragic.), they were disillusioned with eternal childhood and began to age again. can i say with confidence that that's how urchin immortality works in canon? no. do i care? no.
(the rest cut for length because apparently i had a lot to say...!)
they used to love to sing, and are still pretty good at it; Relief From Death originally had a bit where they sang to the bat babies, but i cut it because i couldn't get it to where it didn't make me cringe a bit lmao (i was going to crib lyrics from Okkervil River's A King and A Queen: be a little sheep learning who'll shear and who'll feed / the hands come and they leave. be hands holding a knife / be a being on two feet, with his heart trembling / butchering for a king he believes in though he's never seen)
they're not really Stormy-eyed anymore, and Storm's influence wouldn't reach them in the High Wilderness even if they were, but when they sing one may still catch a faint scent of rain in the air.
when they grew out of the urchin gangs they drifted between odd jobs for a few years, until the Avid Horizon was opened and the traitor-empress declared that London would be moving to the stars. they signed up to help build the new London in Albion, which further fucked with their sense of age and time - this is based on the canonical sskies facet A Promise of Days, which i interpret as the workers who built up Albion experienced thirty years compressed time (similar to the Brabazon workworld) while rebuilding London, but for everyone else it was much shorter + they were paid in hours to extend their lives/not age too much in that compressed time. i may be making Victoria too generous there, but i reason that she wanted Albion made habitable asap + a generous payment would prey on the most desperate to overcome any hesitation about being among the first to get shoved through an unknown door into space. y'know.
Woe used the aforementioned generous payment to buy their first engine.
they suffer from pretty severe body dysmorphia, which i intentionally don't delve too deeply into in their fics; there's a scene in i think Shelter where they discuss what Woe's ideal body would be that was cut down a lot because i wasn't comfortable getting that into it. (they also have food issues that i similarly don't get into; fee free to imagine Apples frequently brings them food when they neglect eating or don't feel comfortable eating in public and makes them special meals when they're having highly specific texture issues etc.)
their train is named the Misery. :)
and thank you for asking, R <3
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circusclownfever · 9 months
thanks to tiktok im more anxious abt my fucking skin tone than i am about my body type .
yes this is a mixed race thing .
it is winter and i never go outside ... YES IM GOING TO BE FUCKING PALE
this is the time of year where i stop taking pictures of myself , but here on the tumble website - nobody cares . which is like .. a huge relief
"but you dont look black so you cant be black"
same mfs that say i look mexican when my nativeness comes from the other side of the americas lmao .
anyways ty tumblr for accepting mixed people no matter how they look , its cured my dysmorphia 🤙🏽
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elliebear666 · 1 year
So much to unpack from these idiotic transphobes.
1. Leviticus specifically says "man," I do believe.... which is funny that they use the word "male" here lmao. But hell, trans male/trans female. It's only a "sin," in your sick and perverted religion full of rape and incest and murder and baby killing and a narcissistic monster of a "God."
2. Body dysmorphia is... not the same thing as gender dysphoria, you absolute fucking idiot. Jesus christ. People with gender dysphoria, by and large, have felt some degree of incongruity with their assigned sex since they were children. Body dysmorphia is VERY MUCH usually a disorder that is CAUSED by shit. It doesn't come out of nowhere. It isn't about thinking, "I'm a woman. I should be a woman. I should be a man, I want to be a man, I am a man" etc. It literally is someone like... being unable to see their body in a healthy and realistic way, a skewed view of their body, thinking it's ugly, disgusting, hyperfocusing and obsessing on perceived flaws.
While dysphoria can seem similar, where trans people will obsess about body parts they feel gender dysphoria about, it isn't generally a skewed and incredibly unrealistic mentally ill view of what their body looks like. It's, I'm a woman an my body should look more like a woman's! It doesn't, therefore I experience BODY ***DYSPHORIA***. DYSPHORIA ABOUT MY BODY.
They aren't mutually exclusive. Someone can be transgender and also have body dysmorphia, but one doesn't preclude the other. And, for the vast, vast majority... gender dysphoria isn't CAUSED - in people that identify as transgender - by anything other than being trans.
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snail-is-wired · 2 years
So I've been seeing a few posts around about this, and I felt I had to make my own post:
Whether or not being fat is a side effect of medication, genetics, or diet, it doesn't matter. I don't care! If someone came up to you and commented on how skinny or plain or ugly your body was, would you genuinely accept their advice? Would you say "thank you random stranger, I think I will go eat a burger, you're right I am just skin and bones!" No, you'd tell them to fuck off lmao.
Fat people don't need that shit either.
Fat people deserve respect, kindness, and dignity. Whatever you think of their appearance or health, fuck, even if they're completely unhealthy! A person who is bedridden *and* fat *and* unhealthy *and* does nothing all day! Still deserves to be treated as a human being.
It takes so little effort to shut your mouth and be kind, they know they're fat, they know if they're unhealthy, you aren't helping by shaming people just trying to get by.
No it doesn't matter if you have dyphoria or body dysmorphia, it costs $0 to not comment on your insecurities in front of a person you clearly view as your worst nightmare!
OK post over.
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Yandere BNHA Boys pt 2
Okay, this is a continuation of the first yandere ones I did because I wrote that in basically a night and was too tired to do more, I'm probably gonna post some after for the pro heroes and villains if I have time, I might finish those on the weekend then post it.
This is just a bunch of headcanons I have about the boys in BNHA and what they’d be like as yanderes. Only the really fluffy or good things about them listed here. Neither of these works are a good depictions of a real yandere and make sure to be careful to identify yandere traits in real people around you. It’s a very dangerous world and stay safe!
sorry if you were waiting for me to come out with these and I literally took forever lol, link to the first one is here. It's basically just me comforting myself with the sweet things that I think they would do as yanderes.
Warnings: Brainwashing, blood, gore, death, trans headcanons, body dysmorphia, nonbinary they/he Sero, they/them pronouns + nonbinary headcanons for Tokoyami, he/they nonbinary headcanons with Shinsou, a little NSFW because if I don't specify then they are aged up (around 20-25 is where I imagine the timeline that they actually captured you and have a hero carrier going for them already), manipulation, regular yandere things, kinda just turns into dumbass horknee headcanons at some point after Shinsou (sorry lmfao), objectification
Sero Hanata
so basically the first time they saw you they immediately wanted to come up to you
they love to give you back hugs because once you stop trying to fight them he's gonna be so honored you finally trust him
Big time slut [non-derogetory] for you
Likes to have an apartment that's high up, probably a secured penthouse with lots of windows
If you're afraid of heights they will get a ground bed for you two, they would also vibe with a low hanging hammock if you allow it
they really really like just putting you on a custom made leash, not inherently in a sexual way just in general likes to have it look like that with their tape on you at all times
they really really like it when you come to them for hugs and comfort
If you're a trans reader, if you want a binder he will get you one as soon as you ask, cried when you told him about it.
they cried way more than you though...
Was very accepting as an nb person as well
they custom made you a tape binder of his
Kinda as a joke but high key felt like they were gonna combust at the thought of you wearing that for them
Takes you to pride but you cannot speak
only takes you to pride after they are 1000% sure that you're not gonna speak to anyone but them
Takes you to it as a part of their float because they'd been invited onto the Hero Float
You are in a costume that's exactly like his, helmet and everything, you aren't allowed to be looked at
After that though, it's gonna be your choice to go or not to go
they trust you a little more after you run away from some assholes though and after that sometimes lets you take your helmet off during pride, you have to give them a lot of kisses though
When/if you ever consider any type of surgery he is 110% on board
they demand that you have to have it performed by someone who has done this a million times before, trusts no one else
If there's a way for you to go through it without the surgery they're excited but he's more excited if there is surgery because they love the idea of you being so cuddly and clinging to them for their comfort
Tokoyami Fumikage
haha they're in love with you
like, intensely in love with you the moment they first meet you
Dark shadow thinks you're adorable but says nothing more about their obsession with you
when you met them before UA they absolutely cannot handle being around you in a 10-foot radius
Eventually, though they do try and become a friend of yours
After that, it's a hop on the manipulation train, my dude
they basically make you see them as your savior from a mean uncaring world
they love talking to you about things that make you happy and loving you in little ways
hugs, hand holding, a lot of time it's just a little peck (haha) on the cheek
they love living with you though, like really love it
they like baking and making dinner for you
but especially baking
like really, baking
the manipulation they use makes it seem like everything is okay when you only talk to them so that's what you do and to you, it seems so much better than anything you could do
they haven't come out to you by the time you come out to them so your trans journey really helps them figure things like that out as well
The first time you explain that gender is a made-up construct they're like "yeah......isn't that how everyone feels? Like, not a gender????" we love this for them
you both kind of heal each other through this process
they like seeing you when you're most comfortable so they get you as many binders as you need
also gets you a custom binder like Sero but with feather designs, not like stupid printable patterns but something that is soft and the softness isn't feathers it's regular fluffy cloth
idk I'm not a designer that's why I gave up and became a writer lmao
they also get you a compression corset because they're emo
if there is surgery it takes a lot of time to convince them
they don't ever want you to regret anything they helped you with so it takes a lot of long-winded conversations about it
there was a lot of nervousness on their part because (this is just my headcanon) they were almost convinced to get surgery to construct their face to look human-like
they had a lot of their family tell them that, because of the way they looked, they had less of a chance to become a hero, they were immensely traumatized by this and thus wants to make absolutely sure you were okay with this
but when they finally find themself comforted by you about it it happens quickly and in the safest way you could possibly imagine
Shinso Hitoshi
Shinsou didn't want to approach you at all, he was so scared you'd run away or tell him he's a villain
they always thought that they weren't good enough for you
he loved you but you needed to say hi first
and you did
so he whisked you away
they like to just brainwash you into tasting certain types of food when you're craving them instead of just getting you food
he likes to talk to you in a voice like he would talk to a kitten, not like husky or anything sexy, but something cute and adorable
especially when you're brainwashed and can't say anything to him
He likes to give you lots of soft stuff like I'm talking pillows upon pillows and squishmallows
once he gets his own house they get it in a place that's more comforting in the dark than in the light
they really like the dark and outdoorsy vibe anyway so if they choose a place somewhere in the forest to keep you what's the added bonus if no one can hear you scream?
a little bit of spice; he has this whole a/b/o fantasy (idk it's his vibes that he'd read that fanfic and stuff lmao) and kinda treats you like you were an omega
sometimes if you guys do have sex they'll brainwash you to act like an omega or once he's more experienced with bodily manipulation involving their quirk they'll make you do all of the......omega things
when you come out to them, if you're trans, they're definitely gonna not care
like if you need comfort and stuff about it they will not make a big deal about it
he legit is like "okay .....can I still fuck you or?????"
definitely brainwashes you into not feeling dysphoric anymore though
like loves it when you come up all sad to him and uncomfy just to ask them to brainwash you
he melts over you cuddling them after those times though
if you want surgery they're gonna make sure that it's between him and the doctors that y'all are there
like no one knows you're there, completely off radius, in and out like nothing (he's basically a cryptid in the woods by the time you guys have the surgery, so they wanna make sure no one questions it)
Monoma Neito
bold of you to assume that man can express literally anything when he wants to just sit you on his lap and look at your pretty face
love at first sight taken literally but not in a shallow way
he loves just having you around him
kinda treats you as an accessory at times, talks like you're a purse or something and people don't really comment but it's really freaking them out sometimes when you don't speak up on it
likes to say he's the only one to understand you cause he's afraid you'd leave him
a hardcore fan of collars though
definitely has lots of jewelry that represents him even though you don't go out he still loves the idea of it
big time cook
loves providing for you, never lets you do a damn thing other than watching pre-approved cartoons and hobbies
absolute fucking disaster about hugging you
always has to be touching you
he thinks you're so fucking gorgeous and body worships you even out of the bedroom
if you're trans he will definitely be weird about it at first
he's just diet transphobic
he's not denying it but sometimes he's like "Are you sure???" and stuff
he clears this up with the help of you being pissed enough to not eat or talk to him until he apologizes
he then educates himself on it and comes to the conclusion that he was in fact being an asshole
talks to you about binders and stuff like that
doesn't really believe in surgery, he would never allow you to do that just because it would be too painful for him to see you go through
he instead literally searches the whole fucking globe for a person with a body-altering quirk to make sure you don't get hurt
he seeks out homophobes, transphobes, and other dumbasses on the regular just to kill them like literally it just started out for your approval but now it's just for fun
Anyway, the villain one (if I do it) will probably become just horknee brain rot cause I am a slut. Request some stuff and I'll try to put up some works if y'all want ig.
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creaturebehavior · 2 years
not sure if i have just always had friends who once they get to know me they start to make faces at me like they are disgusted with me whenever i act too much like myself, or if this is something my brain has completely fabricated like how i have body dysmorphia and my brain sees something completely different that’s not even real whenever i look in the mirror? and because i have psychosis and bpd and experience delusions and i also experience hallucinations, could it be possible that this entire time i’ve just been misreading my friends faces whenever i am doing or saying something that makes me feel vulnerable?
well fuck, now THAT sounds delusional as hell lol. what the. I think it’s actually more realistic that I just disgust people with my sandpaper personality once they get to know me LMFAO sorry i thought that other thing Lmao I’m laughing. People will tell themselves anything to make themselves feel better about themselves LMAO
yeah i’m delusional lmao, either way lmfao
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