northofantastic · 7 hours
why are british people always so mad when people make jokes about their accents. sorry you say yewchube. it’s funny though innit
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northofantastic · 7 hours
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My neighbour totoro, 1988
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northofantastic · 8 hours
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northofantastic · 9 hours
I still think the single funniest thing about the cybertruck is that it has all those security cameras built in that are set to activate if anyone gets too close to the vehicle...and those cameras need electricity to run, and the cybertruck is a piece of shit that has way less battery life than you'd think, so you can legit just fuck over the owner by just standing near it and doing nothing else.
Like goddamn Elongated Muskrat found a way to let us siphon gas out of a car without even touching it. Fucking incredible.
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northofantastic · 10 hours
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The SS Warrimoo, a passenger steamship traveling from Vancouver to Australia, was silently knifing its way across the mid-Pacific waters. The navigator had just finished calculating a star fix and handed the results to Captain John DS. Phillips.
The Warrimoo's coordinates were LAT 0º 31' N, LONG 179 30' W. The date was December 31, 1899. "Know what this means?" First Mate Payton announced, "We're only a few miles from the intersection of the Equator and the International Date Line."
Captain Phillips was prankish enough to seize the opportunity to do the nautical feat of a lifetime. He summoned his navigators to the bridge to double-check the ship's position. He altered his course slightly to focus directly on his target. He then altered the engine's speed.
The calm weather and clear night worked to his advantage. At midnight, the SS Warrimoo rested on the Equator, exactly where it had crossed the International Date Line. The ramifications of this odd arrangement were numerous.
The ship's bow was in the Southern Hemisphere, in the middle of summer. The stern was in the Northern Hemisphere, in the midst of winter. The date on the aft portion of the ship was December 31, 1899. The date on the forward half of the ship was January 1, 1900. The ship experienced multiple days, months, years, seasons, and centuries simultaneously.
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northofantastic · 10 hours
the real reason howl kept his castle moving was tax evasion
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northofantastic · 11 hours
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northofantastic · 11 hours
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Soup season has officially started
Art by Jamie Lauby
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northofantastic · 12 hours
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northofantastic · 14 hours
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northofantastic · 15 hours
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northofantastic · 16 hours
man i do just love spike's character trajectory across btvs season 5. i love how he breaks the rules of the buffyverse with regards to morality and souls and whatnot. the whole thing with angel being capable of good because he has a soul now never quite worked for me. gaining his soul back was something that was done to him, not something he had to work to do. and yes he feels terribly guilty for his past misdeeds but the viewer is encouraged to exonerate him for that because he didn't have a soul back then so it wasn't reallllly his fault.
but spike muddles everything beautifully because no, he doesn't have a soul, and yet his love for buffy gradually metamorphoses him into someone who is capable of great acts of selflessness and compassion. it begins as selfishness, wanting to protect buffy because she is the object of his desire, and then evolves into genuine respect and care for buffy and a desire to do right by her. and buffy notices this and starts treating him differently. she treats him as someone who is capable of doing good. and her belief in his ability to do good makes it possible for him to become, if not a good person, then at least a person who does good things.
and this transformation occurs without spike acquiring a soul! because maybe good and evil are more complicated than this intangible metaphysical thing that you either have or don't have. maybe everybody has a choice in how they behave and maybe if you treat someone like they're incapable of doing good then they'll always prove you right but if you treat them like they have the capacity to make better choices than they have in the past then they might start to do just that.
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northofantastic · 16 hours
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northofantastic · 23 hours
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northofantastic · 23 hours
reasons i haven’t replied back:
- i’m socially exhausted - i don’t have the time right now - i don’t know how to reply - i have a bad memory and got distracted - i’m having a depressive episode and don’t have the energy to socialise
not reasons i haven’t replied back:
- i’m ignoring you just because - i hate you - i’m fed up with you - i don’t want to be your friend anymore
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northofantastic · 24 hours
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Dame Maggie Smith
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northofantastic · 1 day
what is your daylist title on spotify today?
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