#my biggest regret is that it closed before i was born
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romanian-rock-lover · 1 year ago
Rockoteca Buzău, ca. 1993-1994.
0 notes
misguidedasgardian · 3 months ago
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Summary: You see your father’s latest acquisition in a closer way, a wild man from the North who had become one of his gladiators.  
Pairing: Slave!Gladiator!Cregan x Domina!Reader
Warnings: Ancient Rome AU, Cursing, slavery (and everything that comes with it, technically rape, forced labour, punishments), blood, guts, gladiator battles, lude language, nudity, sex and everything related is no biggie here, we’re a ‘sex positive’ Republic, mentions of sex, same sex couples, orgies, and more.
Wordcount: 6,7 k
Notes: This reader is young perhaps… like 18? 20? but so is Cregan!
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“Dad, he is old!”, you whined. You heard your older brother snicker by your side, as their silly wives snickered like the silly girls they were. You sighed as you popped a grape into your mouth followed closely by a piece of cheese and bread and a sip of wine. 
“He’s got money… and he is in the senate!”, he said then, signaling one of the slaves to start lighting up the oil lamps along the Triclinium, the night had fallen over King’s Landing and it was getting dark.
“I bet you could find someone who’s in the senate who’s got a wife he is willing to divorce, and he won’t die of old age before the wedding”, mocked your eldest brother, but soon got quiet as your father looked at him with severity
“Nobody should divorce their wives on my account”, you said, the notion made your stomach turn. Even though divorce was a common thing, if a man desired another, or another union would ensure more privileges, or if his woman was unfaithful or not able to give in heirs to the family, they could divorce. A woman could divorce her husband too if she had her own reasons.
You knew the dowry of your middle brother’s bride was quickly being spent on the training of the gladiators in the Ludus underneath the house, so he needed to come into some money quickly, even though he would have to pay for your dowry.
One of the greatest events of the year was coming quickly, and his Gladiators needed to be in top shape. 
“Tomorrow I want you all there, at the games of Senator Tywin”
“Have we’ve been invited to the pulvinus father?”, asked your eldest brother
“Close enough, right by it”, he said, he seemed pleased, but you had learned to read him better, there was something lurking in his eyes that betrayed a darker desire… for more power perhaps.
“I've heard that Larys Strong and therefore Alys Rivers got an invitation this year to the pulvinus, and her gladiators in the primus at sundown”, whispered Martyn
You had two oldest brothers, Alton and Martyn. 
“That Ludus stands as such because of that whore Alys Rivers”, mumbled your father
“A woman Lanista?”, you asked, “how could that be?”
“She is not, but she whispers in her half-brother's ear while he aspires to be in higher positions”, explains your father. “While his brother, first born son and heir goes around playing gladiator”
“He is a slave?”, you asked
“He volunteer himself into that life”, murmured Alton, “you had seen him fight sister, Harwin”
“Oh wow!”, you said, not really knowing what to say, but rather, sipping your wine, you did remember seeing the biggest person you had seen upon the arenas of King’s Landing’s Coliseum. 
“Anyways, Alys stands as such because she was advised many years by Daemon himself the demon of the arenas”, mumbled Martyn
“Yes, fine Daemon/Demon”, your father would repeatedly, while on his cups, tell the tale of his biggest regret, and that was not purchasing a young Daemon while he was still in training, he grew to be the greatest gladiator at the arena, so much so he won his own freedom at the games of the Vulcanalia some years ago. Daemon, as many other gladiators, came from the shadowlands of Essos, as he sported beautiful white/silver hair and violet eyes. 
You would never say this outloud, but the gladiator battles were never a thing of your interest, not really. You did not liked the bloodshed, the gutting, you had no taste for violence, and yet, there was something to admire as you saw those men fighting 
They looked like they were carved from the finest artist, they stood like they were gods above the sands. They stood as fierce representations of the god of war himself.
“Well, her reign of depravity will not last long, I heard the Northman shows great promise”, mumbled Martyn’s wife Adella 
“What about the Northman?”, Martyn asked then, you raised your head in question. Oh the Northman.
The man had your father in a lockdown, taking most of his time, money and patience. He was ‘caught wild’ in one of the last incursions of the armies of the emperor to the wild tribes of the North, hence his nickname. Purchased by your father at the slave market, and trained for the last months. With the purchase, your father was hoping to impress Tywin Lannister himself, a senator and a very wealthy man, it did not work, so far, as the man planned to visit your father’s villa upon invitation to see the Northman’s training and hopeful subjugation. So far, no luck. 
He was caught fighting, he wasn’t a stranger to it, but there was a long way from being a soldier to being a gladiator. From being… whatever he was up there, to obey command from a man that subdued you into slavery. 
But again, your father’s temper has closely returned to normal, so, you could only assume the training was becoming fruitful, even so slowly. 
“He will never be tamed”, he said curtly, “but… if we keep managing him properly, we can turn that hate of his into the arena, he shows great promise”
“Forgive me father”, you said, raising from your place in the triclinium, “I take my leave to bed”, you said with a soft smile, nodding at everyone present
“Good, I won’t have you all tired tomorrow”, he said approvingly, and you nodded, thinking for which old bat he would have you presentable tomorrow.
He was determined to get you wed before the autumn plantings at the end of the year, and he didn’t seem to care to whom as long as it brought privileges upon his house. 
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It was hot, so hot, you could barely stand, you were eternally grateful to your personal slave, Anya, who stood by your side, fanning you with a soft paper fan. She leaned into you as you allowed her, to also enjoy the soft waves.
Although, they brought some stench from all the people around you.
King’s Landing, although the capital of the great republic, stood famous for its stench, having grown rapidly and unprepared for it. 
The sun cooking the viewers of the spectacle didn’t help either.
The people cheered, bringing a new wave of hodor that made you dizzy and poor Anya almost faint
“Did you see that?”, asked your elder brother to the youngest, as two gladiators fought to the death, one cutting the other’s arm. HIs screams could be heard all the way up where you stood, near the pulvinus.
You rather stare into the sun, which you did. Soon, after midday, it was going to hide behind the wooden beams supporting the canvas on top of the Arena, there you truly were going to enjoy it. being able to relish in the shadow. 
“Tywin demanded only the best this city has to offer present themselves in his games”, the comment alone made you turned your gaze upon the Arena, as people cheered again, some even pushed you in their ecstasy, to see the gladiator in shining white armor decapitate the one missing his arm
“And Cole does it again”, said Martyn. The one who had an armor so polished it was blinding was known as Cole, he stood from the Rhoynar in the south, from Dorne itself, plucked from the desert to fight in another kind of arena. 
“See her gloat”, demanded Alton, you all looked towards the Lanista herself, Alys Rivers in the pulvinus, with a smug look upon her face, she of course was the one holding the wip that trained the man in the arena.
She was of extraordinary beauty, long lustrous black hair, long to her hips, wearing a deep green stola, beautifully decorated atop a black tunic, you wondered how she did not bake wearing such dark colors. 
She was stuck to the side of her rumored half-brother, he was a.. interesting man, thin and a bit twisted, unruly hair but fine clothing adorned his weak frame. 
“People of King’s Landing…!”, presented Otto HIghtower from the pulvinus, a small but central box, where the most prominent people attending the games would sit at. He was a Senator, friend to Tywin Lannister and apparently presenter to today’s games. Maybe he was the patron of the entire occasion, your father had been paid by a HIghtower man.
But this… was far from over.
It was odd to see such a gladiator so early in the day, the sundown was reserved for the very best part of the games, the primus, between the two best and more known gladiators. 
You found yourself thinking about like four names at the time.
Harwin, Cole, Aemond, and… the Northman.
Although Harwin was disapparating from latest presentations… he still held name, but he had lost his prowess as the last time he found himself in the Arena he asked for mercy as he found himself losing, he raised his hand in the air with both index and middle finger pointing to the skies begging for mercy, and it was granted.
Against Cole himself. He got terribly injured almost a year ago, thereafter only presenting himself in fights long before midday sun.
Yes, everything you knew about gladiators and fights was learnt unwillingly. 
But the primus did not belong to your father, so the Northman was fighting early, thankfully. You might have a chance to survive this heat, by retiring back to your father’s villa early.
Although, these occasions were like the market for older unmarried men. And your father would have you giving everything to sell…  
“... I give to you, from one of the greatest Ludus of the Republic, a man, from the wild tribes North of the neck…”, your father smiled proudly as the name of the family was spoken loudly for everyone to hear. “trained to wet the sands with the blood of his enemies… I give you… CREGAN!”, people booed at his entrance, as the wild tribes of the North had been villainized by the Republic, as relentless, violent and above all, uncultured and barbaric, but you had learned to read between the lines, they were described as such because they refused to bend the knee.
The gates of the Arena opened on the west side, revealing the men ready for battle. He stood tall and broad despite his young age, his dark brown hair tied back, although hidden by a thick helmet in the shape of a wolf’s head. 
He wore nothing protecting his torso, yet a thick metal belt putting together the lower part of a tunic. He wore forearm and shin protectors, and thick leather sandals 
He had a huge sword in hand, and a shield on his other.
The sight alone took your breath away.
You had seen him only practicing, briefly, as your father did not approve of you gazing from your balcony down to the men. As they would, “get distracted”, and you didn't enjoy their eyes filled with lust either. So you refrained from doing so, but…
The mere glimpses you had gotten of the men were nothing when putting in comparison to the men upon the sand today.
In all glory, in strength, as a gladiator was the mightiest representation of a man, or that is what your father always said.
This was a rare sighting though, as he had barely been making a name for himself, this time might be the first he presents himself alone. Your father was right, taiming him was proving to be incredibly difficult, but nobody could deny that even if he presented himself a gladiator today under your father’s ludus, he was still as unruly as the first time you laid eyes upon him, as the first time you gaze down upon him, entering through the gates, kicking and screaming, hair longer than you had seen in a men, even longer than he had now. 
He fought your father’s guards and even the ones who he would call his brothers this present day.
Tywin himself called for the start of the fight, his opponent was someone of the Ludus of Larys himself, one with lesser note, his name left your ears as soon as you heard it.
But you couldn't care less, as when he started to move upon the sands, the rest of the world could crumble around you and it would not matter in the slightest.
“He stands superior in all aspects”, mumbled one of your brothers and you couldn't tell which as you were so hypnotized.
Cregan attacked first, and that was very frowned upon in the Lanistas, as the first to strike tended to have disadvantage, his opponent met him half way and the clash of gladious responded all over the coliseum. 
There were some gladiators that favored other weapons, like the spear and short shield, or the Retiarius, that were gladiators trained with a net and a trident, in a fisherman fashion. 
It sounded laughable in paper, but they were quite impressive in the arena, not this time though, both gladiators stood with a gladious, meaning a sword, and a long squared concave shield.
The fight wasn’t lengthy, the superiority of the Northman was clear since the very first movement.
Although it wasn’t less breathtaking, as each of their movements, attacks, the way they moved, and deflected, its like they were dancing, dancing in a mortal rhythm 
The crowd cheered for them, and even though they were not on the Northman’s side, suddenly, they shifted as it became clear that he was the better fighter. 
Although you did not enjoy the games, there was this moment, this exact moment in which you felt like your heart was in your throat and you could tear your eyes apart from the fight. The moment where you really cared about who won, about who survived. The Northman, even thought it was the 
But it was brief, first Cregan drew blood on the arm of his opponent, and then, after a quick movement, the man was dead, dropped in a growing pool of blood on the floor. 
The magic was gone, and the crowd erupted in cheers, applauding, screaming his name, although there were those disappointed because of the outcome.
“He will be the champion of our house!”, said Alton, “mark my words!”, he said, as your two brothers hugged each other in happiness. you turned to Anya, who had a soft smile on her face, but kept fanning the both of you 
The rest of the fights happened quickly after that, the sun hiding behind the podium of the magistrates and people of importance in the city, which gave you relief as the day turned quickly, the sun moved above the sky until it hid behind the outer walls of the coliseum. 
The last fight ended quickly as well, Aemond killing his opponent in an impressive showing of strength and blood. 
Your father was called upon another man near the pulvinus, as you tried to stand your ground as people around you were quickly to leave the arena, but you managed to stand your ground, as your siblings found friends of their own to talk to. 
Your father came back to you, rubbing his hands amongst each other with a pleased look on his face
“I must attend a meeting in the magistrate’s house”, he said happily, “He spotted me in the crowd and invited me”, you smiled at him
“I’m pleased, father”, you said with a soft smile
“See yourself to the villa, with our guards and slaves, don’t wait up”, he commanded the lot of you. 
“We have been invited to the Lannisters”, mumbled Martyn, your father’s eyes again shone with interest. So he nodded towards your brother.
“I trust you’ll be well taken care of”, he said then, turning to you, he then signaled to one of his most trusted guards and even to the Doctore himself, the trainer of the gladiators.
“Yes father”, you nodded at Anya and the both of you exited the arena, followed closely by a guard. 
You turned quickly as you heard your name being called by a familiar voice, as you were int he shade of the hallways, as you turned you found yourself with your old friend from your childhood, Alysanne Blackwood
“How long haven’t we gaze upon one another?”, she said, grabbing your forearms as you did hers, she leaned in a made attempt to kiss both your cheeks as it was accustomed
“Too long”, you said with a long sigh
“We shall remedy that immediately!”, she said then, “you didn’t mind telling me your father’s Ludus was the one who owns the Northman himself?”, she tried
“Oh well, much has happened in the last couple of years”, you said shyly, smiling softly at her.
This was hardly the time, all the people were leaving the coliseum, and pushed you who were trying to stand on the sidelines. She looked at you with those deep green eyes of hers, she was so beautiful, lean and tall, with thick black hair fixed beautifully and big green eyes, her smile was contagious. 
“Well it's been too long”, she said then, as you failed to meet what she desired, “and I will wait no longer, to get reacquainted with dear friend”, she said, grabbing your hands
“My villa, its mine for the night, as my father meets with important men”, you offered, her smile was as beautiful as the rest of her
“Perfect, Jeyne Frey is also here”, she said, “we’ll go together”.
To say you were nervous was an understatement 
The night found you and your friends in the safety of the triclinium in your family’s villa, where the soft wine flowed freely and also the dining. 
“And his cock was huge!”, she said, making you gasp
“Alyssane!”, you chided, “don’t say that!”, you said, feeling your cheeks heated
“What? Cock?”, she teased, “Cock! Cock! Cock! COCK!”
“Stop it!”, you slapped her arm playfully
“I see them all the time!”, Jeyne said then, looking sheepishly, hiding her smirk in her cup of wine. 
“Only because you like to peek as your brothers have sex with slaves!”, mocked Alyssane 
“No I don’t!”, she said, but you knew she was lying. 
“I bet that Northman’s cock is huge too”, teased Alyssane, finally revealing her true intentions behind her and Jeyne’s visit to your father’s villa. You got quiet, so did Jeyne, but the expression on her face said it all, she was as intrigued as Alyssane
“I wouldn’t know, even if I saw it”, you said
“You had never seen a man naked?”, asked Alyssane, raising one of her perfect eyebrows
“No”, you said then, well… you sort of had, men, male slaves on sale on the streets, but you had refused to look long enough to draw a complete image in your mind. What you saw in a couple of seconds did not please you at all, rather… you disliked.. something so… small and wobbly. You shaked at the very memory of it.
“You had never seen any of your gladiators in such fashion?”, asked Jeyne, ready to tease and follow Alyssane’s lead.
“No I have not!”, you said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Aren’t you at least a bit curious?”, asked Jeyne
“Well, of course I am”, you defended
“You are to be married before the darkest of the winter months, you should at least know what you are up against”, Alyssane said simply, “and I would not deny the sight… of such a man”
“You are here just to gaze upon naked men?”, you said playfully, although, a bitter taste in your mouth, as you were feeling clearly used, and pressured.
“No, I am here to gaze upon naked gladiators”, Jeyne said then.
But another flavor joined the others, the need deep within you impress your friends, your friends from rich houses of the capital 
“Bring me the Northman”, you said to the guard that stood in the corner watching the whole reunion, he seemed terribly nervous, but nodded and left you. You shaked with the resolution in your command, and felt a pit in your stomach in anticipation.
You knew he was going to take a while, so you turned back at your friends and smiled nervously, and they seemed terribly motivated. 
“I must say”, began Jeyne, as she saw your face filled with trepidation, “that my tongue will not be kept from wagging about your hospitality to my father”, she wanted to make sure you knew there was going to be recompense for this, and good recompense. His father, as old as time, sat in the senate, she stood the daughter of a senator.
“Thank you Jeyne”, you said with a soft smile, you took a long gulp of your cup, to try and soothe your nerves. Alyssane did the same, but with a smirk on her lips, she said nothing as she studied your form. 
Finally, they both took sit position in their triclinium as you heard movement behind you. You looked back to see their trainer Roose Bolton, following closely behind the man himself. The wildling from the tribes of the North, whose name was Cregan Stark, although everyone called him… ‘The Northman’
He stood with thick shackles around both wrists. in front of him. He was wearing nothing but a clean subligaria, and his body was like one of a god, well defined and gleamed under the light of the torches, he had recently been cleaned. The sight made your mouth dry, so you took another long sip of the mulsum in your cup. He had thick brown hair that he used tied in the back of his head, and he had sharp eyes, cold as ice and the same colour. The features of his face were soft, declaring his young age, your own, perhaps. 
“Leave us”, you demanded, but the trainer Roose Bolton looked conflicted
“Domina, I don’t think…”
“I said leave us”, you said, about to lose your courage, your friends behind you giggled, weirdly giving you confidence to commit to your own command. With a grunt, the doctore nodded and left you, with only your friends, a couple of guards standing silently in the corners of the room behind veils, and him.
The Northman
He was deadly still, looking forwards, beyond you and your friends, beyond this room, his jaw was tense, you could tell that being here, summoned by you like this… for him was humiliating, but there he stood, tense like a bow. He said nothing, he didn’t move an inch.
“Is this what all northmen look like?”, Jeyne teased, “he is more beast than man”, you didn’t know if that was a real question, but your eyes never left his form, even if it wasn’t he didn’t answer.
“You can answer”, you encouraged 
“All northmen do not look like me”, he said finally, the dark tone in his voice made the three of you gasp. “some make me look like an Andal”, Jeyne and Alyssane giggled at the prospect of finding even gruffer men than him. 
“Oh he speaks the common tongue”, Alyssane was on fire, making you more uncomfortable. His eyes finally found yours, and you couldn’t take your own out of his. 
“Yes he does”, you whispered, he indeed had a beautiful set of eyes. You then looked down at his chest, there was a red line, his injury from the battle in the Arena, it was still fresh, but you could tell it was healing properly
“I think he is handsome”, mumbled Alyssane, taking foot to walk towards him, you feared his reaction, as the guard standing in the corner of the room clenched his hand around the pommel of his sword. 
But the gladiator still didn't move as Alysanne walked around him, teasing him with a single finger, touching his skin as she walked. His eyes were still on you. 
“He stands as Mars, ready for war”, she whispered
“Alyssane seems taken by the man”, teased Jeyne in your ear
It was a curious thing, this what you were feeling, like somebody wanted to take something that belonged to you, but again, he wasn’t a thing, and you didn’t own him. Not technically at least, your father did.
“Their day starts early tomorrow”, you mumbled, making Alysane stop and look back at you with a teasing smile on her face. “his training I mean”, you said then
“Of course”, she said, you signaled the poor shaking guard and he grabbed Cregan, and took him from your side. You could swear you saw lingering eyes from him to you, but you must have imagined it.
“You should… enjoy him while you can”, said Jeyne finally, once you found yourselves alone again
“What do you mean?”, you asked her, her and Alyssane shared complicit looks
“Well, obviously, before you take an old bat as a husband, you should enjoy one of his gladiators, like that Northman for example”
“No…”, you said quickly, “I couldn’t possibly do something like that”
“Why not?”, asked Alyssane
“He is a man trained as a gladiator!”, you said, “he is a bit dirty…”, you tried, not quite convinced 
“You have him bathed and oiled before you”, said Alyssane like it was no issue 
“What if he doesn't want to?”, you tried then
“He is a slave, under your command…”, said Jeyne, “...and a man”
“What if he decided to kill me instead?”, you said then, “wrap his hands around my neck”
“I will not shame you is that is to your pleasure”, giggled Alyssane
“Aly!”, you whined, “the point is I really couldn’t, I mean, he is big and thick… and wild looking”
“Delicious then”, she offered
“Dangerous…”, you continued, although you felt your cheeks heated. 
“Well if you don't have him, maybe I could!”, she teased
“What are you talking about?!”, you asked, scandalized, “when have you heard that proper Andal women lay with their gladiators?”
“Oh I’ve heard a ludus where such things happen quite frequently”, she teased
“Where?”, you asked
“In Alys Rivers’ ludus!”, your eyes opened wide in shock
“Really?”, you asked, “the bastard sister of the Lanista Larys Strong?”, you asked 
“They say she offers her gladiators in… other manners”, she said, winking at you, “perhaps we should find ourselves at her door?”, she asked Jeyne
“Perhaps we shall”, she said back. 
“Don’t be mean!”, you teased back, she laughed, as she was clearly jesting, you hoped.
“The hour is late”, said Jeyne with a soft smile, “I should start my journey back to my villa before my father starts a search party”, she said, raising from her chair
“Yes! me as well!”, said Alyssane, “I hope I can meet you tomorrow at the market?”, she asked you, you smiled and nodded profusely, as you accompanied them to the atrium, and therefore the door
As you watched them leave, nervousness started to take a hold on you, as did the warmth of the wine consumed to hide your embarrassment 
It was not common to find yourself alone in your villa, your father had allowed it because you were in company of friends -who had influential fathers-, but now there you stood, no brothers, or sisters in law, father or friends to loom over you.
Your lower belly burned with necessity, with something you have never felt before, a longing, your body burned with anticipation and excitement. You didn’t know if it was the mulsum you had drank, or the power you just discovered, all the whole thing combined.
“Bring the Northman up here”, you said to the first guard you saw, he nodded and went to comply with your command. Your body was tingly because of the alcohol and you were excited to say the least, you didn’t even care that you had already sent the poor man down mere minutes ago, tonight, you had the power.
You shakily served yourself some more wine, back in the safety of the triclinium, the room where you ate, met with friends and family, where you were most comfortable. The man was standing right in front of you in minutes, the guards nodded at you and then left you as they had done before.
The gladiator stood there, now he seemed more surprised than before, as he found you alone, and he also seemed to be showing more of his emotions on his face.
“Northman”, you called, he turned to you quickly, anger in his eyes
“That’s not my name!”, it took you by surprise, you couldn’t deny it, the anger in his eyes, the sharpness in his tone. 
“What is your name?”, it was of no consequence to you, his domina, and you should express so, that it did not matter anymore what his real name was, but, there you were, asking him nonetheless
“My parents named me Cregan”, he said, “of House Stark”, he said sharply, “as many leaders of my house before me”
There was so much more you wanted to ask, as his words truly shocked you, but as you gazed down the street you came to your senses, realizing that you should not allow such things. As your father tended to say, “who were you before this Ludus does not matter, the only thing in your mind should be sand, and the blood of your enemies”
“That is not what you are here for”, you finally find your voice, minimizing his anger at hand, turning his attention somewhere else.
“Remove your subligaria”, you whispered the command as if you did not wish it, and his sharp eyes were trained on you
“Look at you, a little domina in the making”, he teased, his tone much changed since he let you know of his true name. The very words made your cheeks heated, and you found yourself averting his gaze, his did not stray from your face as he released himself from the only item of clothing he was wearing. Your eyes followed the trail of his perfect skin, down his toned chest to his belly and…
The sight alone made you gasp. 
This looked nothing like the ones of the male slaves in the market, if anything, those were… flacid and small, that sight brought you disgust and uneasiness, this one however, made your mouth dry and your skin tingle with desire. Desire that was pooling in your lower belly.
“You can touch me”, he said, he was being amused at your expense, only making you even more nervous, “I will not bite… much”, your hand was placed on his belly, muscles showing in beautiful shapes, you couldn't believe something could be hard but soft at the same time.
As your hand lowered, you found thick dark hairs there, making you shudder 
“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen”, he whispered, so close to your face your hand stopped right before getting to his base and you looked up at him.
“I’m the daughter of your dominus”, you said, as you believed he was forced to praise you.
“Do you think that’s got something to do with what I just said?”, he asked. Your hand stopped right as the base of his cock, you shuddered, his manhood was terribly hot. 
You had never spoken to this man before today, you had barely glanced at him, and now, here he stood, under your command, looking at you with his sharp eyes, not missing a thing. 
“I’m sorry, this was a bad idea…”, you whined retrieving your hands like his skin burned you. Cregan grunted when your soft hands left his cock, and that only made you burn more heatedly
“And you are going to leave me hanging like this?”, he asked, amused, mocking you, but inside he was suffering, he was enjoying it too much, it has been so long without a woman’s touch, “you can’t do that!”
“My apologies”, you said quickly, leaving him there standing 
His doctore came to collect him, he retrieved his cloth from the ground, putting it in place
“A little tease that one”, he mumbled to the serious man
“Do not speak of domina in that way”, he growled as he pushed him 
“There is not much domina in her”, he chuckled
“That’s it, five lashes in the courtyard”, he said
“I’d think better of it doctore”, he said defiantly, taking advantage of the fact that only the two of them were present in the narrow passage that separated the villa from the training grounds of the Slaves, “the Vulcanalia is merely a fortnight away from now, and they have high hopes for me”
“Keep walking boy”, Roose Bolton threatened.
He led him downstairs and then through the big gate that separated the villa from the ludus, where the gladiators lived and trained. A guard locked it tight after they passed through it
“I advise you to keep what happened to yourself”, he said gloomly, Cregan looked back at his doctore, but nodded.
He was directed straight to a long open room, where the gladiators ate lunch and dinner. He directed himself to the cook, who gave him a clay pot with a white mush in it, just like the day before, and the night before that. 
“Here comes the whore!”, someone shouted at him, as his “brothers” started mocking him and winking at him.
It didn’t take much to guess what happened in the villa, there was only one reason you get called upon at such hours, and wearing so little
“Shut the hell up Ben”, he mumbled to his only friend he had in the Ludus, he haden’t say anything, but he was grinning at him like an idiot.
“Was it her?”, he asked him, “the daughter? the domina?”
“Yes”, he said, his friend pushed him playfully
“Did you fuck her?”, Cregan just looked at him angrily
“Was she not pleased with you then?”. he asked, frowning
“She is young, she doesn’t know what she wants”, he said simply, really not wanting to share what had happened upstairs.
It was humiliating, to say the least, to be treated like that. To be called upon to be gazed at by women who looked at him like a piece of meat, and then again to be touched.
Oh but he meant every word
You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, since the first time he saw you, standing on that balcony, looking down at him. He did not blame you for your father, for the blood that ran through your veins, for the republic that created you. You had nothing to do with any of it.
Just by looking at you he could tell the kind soul that moved your body and warmed your heart
But you were the daughter of the man who purchased him, he wasn’t the one who enslaved him, but it was the man that had condemned him to the life of a gladiator. 
“Well, maybe you can change her mind”, he teased
The only reason he was playing along with the Andals was to see how to escape them, so far, it had been easy to stay alive, he had been trained since he could pick up a sword on how to hunt, how to fight, how to survive, the North was not a place for the weak
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“Father?”, you called out loud, the servants all dropped their eyes as you passed them by looking for him, but you couldn’t find him in his study, so you were on your way to his room at the other side of the villa
“What’s this ruckus?”, he asked, looking at you with sharp eyes as he went to encounter you in the atrium
“My good friend Alyssane has summoned me to go to the market at noon”, you knew he wouldn’t refuse you, not if Alyssane was involved, so he just sighed and motioned for you to follow him. You went back to his study, passing all the statues decorating the atrium. A normal Andal family would display in honor effigies of their most prominent family members, but yours displayed the most prominent gladiators and fighters that had come from this ludus.
“Here”, he passed you a small punch filled with gold coins
“Thank you father”, you said, offering a complacent smile
“Take one of my men with you”, he said then, “one of the gladiators”
“I hardly think that’s necessary, a servant and a guard would do just fine”, you said quickly, always as you were in the market you wanted to pass by as inconspicuous as you could. 
“I insist, after the games, and before the Vulcanalia, I want the people to see them, to get excited, take the Northman”, you hid your face before your father could see the embarrassment in it. 
One of the guards of the villa went to fulfill his request, and you sighed in exasperation. 
You came back to your rooms to get ready to go out, and once you were, you returned to the entrance of the house, where Cregan himself was waiting for you with a severe look on his face, this was not to his liking, he was standing right by a guard, and by Roose Bolton. 
The sight alone made you tremble
Had he told anybody what happened the day before? that you had touched him and presumed to have him?
Once his eyes found yours, he smirked. 
“If something befalls the daughter of your dominus, fate worse than death awaits you boy”, he said in his ear
“Rest assured, that I will look after her with my life”, he said with a silly little smile.
You took a long sigh, and nodded to the guards and started walking out of the villa.
The villa stood on top of a hill, you had a pretty nice view upon the city of King’s Landing, but the rest of it wasn't quite impressive, the road was made of dirt and the houses around it were less impressive than the one your father had inherited from his father. It had been in your family since the very creation of the city.
You led a small comitive, all on foot, as you bluntly refused to be carried in a cot. You, your faithful slave Anya, Cregan himself, being flanked by two guards.
The center of the city started right at the foot of the hill, so it was a short minute walk.
You reach a street made of cobblestone, one adjacent to the one that led to the main street, as it was time before you had to meet Alyssane, you started to look the small stores
“Did your father hear of the way you handled me last night?”, Cregan whispered as Anya was tending elsewhere, you look back sharply at the Northman.
“No, and he shall not!”, you said sharply
“Oh well, I guess if he had, he’d have me castrated”, he whispered for your ears only, “and I guess you don’t want that as it seems you like what you saw”, he teased
“Stop it”, you said back. Your father was a practical man, and if he had heard of what occurred last night, you would be the one at fault, as everyone involved was just following your command. “My father will never know of this”, you sentenced 
“You wanted to lay with me? A gladiator? a slave?”, he asked then
“I was mistaken”, you said, trying to gaze upon what a man was cooking on his store towards the street, it smelled delicious 
“You are mistaken”, you heard him claim, his thick accent made your thighs, “for seeking bedding before connecting, to seek sex, instead of love, to want lust before you even began to feel the fondness”, he said sincerely.
“Thinking love is something within the grasp of someone in my position is foolish, and I learned not to be blinded and distracted by foolish things”, you whispered sadly. You nodded at the man and exchanged a couple of aerus for a plate of lamb soup. “I’ll be married before the year is over”, you whispered. 
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prettyyoungandbored · 2 years ago
I know your requests are closed but for when you have them open up can you please write a part two to this? I loved it and only just found it!
Here’s to you, to everyone who gave the one shot some love, and to the movie’s 15th anniversary.
Pregnant [Bale!Bruce Wayne]: Part 2
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x Reader
Warnings: Takes place after the events of “The Dark Knight” so major spoilers.
Sequel to this story
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Y/N opened her eyes, welcomed by the soft touch of moonlight peering through the bedroom window.
She glanced over her shoulder to find Bruce’s side of the bed empty and still untouched, indicating he had yet to come to bed.
She wasn’t surprised nor concerned, having spent years dealing with his Batman patrol. Even after Bruce gave up being the masked crusader and the two settled into Wayne Manor, there were some nights he spent wide awake.
Realizing she wouldn’t get some sleep for a bite, she threw off the covers and padded quietly down the hall into her baby’s nursery.
Damian Wayne was born in August and quickly became the apple of his parent’s eyes. He was the perfect blend of Bruce and Y/N and the happiest baby in the world.
The glow of the nightlight from inside the nursery peered into the hallway, indicating the door was open and that Bruce was more than likely in there. Sure enough, that’s where she found him. He sat in the rocking chair, cradling their sleeping baby boy in his arms.
“Look at my favorite guys,” Y/N cooed quietly. “Was he crying earlier?”
Bruce nodded, giving her a small smile. “I was up anyway. Figured I’d let you rest.”
She took a seat on the foot stool facing the chair, admiring the view in front of her. “I love seeing you with him. It’s my favorite thing in the world.”
“I could say the same about you,” Bruce remarked. “I love watching you walk around the manor holding him.”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat as her eyes met his. Even after all this time, his gaze made her melt into a puddle.
“Remember when I told you I was pregnant?” she brought up. “How terrified I was?”
Bruce’s chuckled. “It was the greatest thing you’d ever said to me. Besides, of course, ‘I do.’”
The memory played out in her head. “I spent the whole night fighting the urge to put my hand on my stomach. I didn’t want anyone to know.” She paused. “By the time I was about to tell Rachel, you threw me into a closet.”
He let out a small laugh. “I threw you into a closet to save your life.”
“Yes you did. Saved both of our lives.”
Bruce’s smile faded softly as he shifted their focus to their son.
Y/N avoided bringing up his Batman days, knowing that the end of it nearly killed him. It took him a long time to come back from it, and even then he still wasn’t fully back.
“You…” her voice trailed off
His eyes met hers. “What?”
“You’re still my hero. Despite everything, you are and always will be. Bruce Wayne was my hero before I knew about Batman.” She paused. “And as far as Damian is concerned, you’ll always be his.”
The soft gaze on his face nearly broke her. It was as if he’d waited a lifetime for someone to say that to him. His attention shifted to Damian.
“When you told me you were pregnant, I knew right then and there it all had to end,” he said. “My father spent more time fighting for the city and while he was present for me and my mother, it still was his biggest concern. I wasn’t gonna let that happen. Not with what happened to them.”
His eyes met hers. “I will always regret the way it ended. Always. It will haunt me for as long as I live. But walking away will never be something I regret. If it keeps my family safe, that’s all that matters.”
Y/N pulled back her lips, fighting the tears that pooled in her eyes. She knew he didn’t want to end it the way he did. Not when it cost two lives.
“Has it really been a year?” Y/N spoke up, a slight tremble in her voice.
Rachel’s death plagued the couple enough that by the time the one year anniversary had come, they were all cried out. Still, it hung over them throughout the day. The couple made a silent agreement to avoid acknowledging it.
That was until now.
“It has,” Bruce answered. “Still feels like yesterday.”
Y/N exhaled. “I think about her every single day.”
He reached his hand over, giving hers a squeeze as if to say he did too. He still couldn’t bring himself to say it, but he found other ways to express it that Y/N understood.
“Thank you,” he said. “Without you, I don’t think I would’ve survived.”
She squeezed his hand. “I wouldn’t have survived without you either.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too.”
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skele-bunny · 7 months ago
ngl I could've sworn ud mentioned phantom having kits at some point(idk WHEN or WHERE but I could've sworn there was SOMETHING) so I was. Looking to ask for more and found the phantom/aether instead and Had To Know :3
now im just thinking of what adjustments would be made for phantom,,,, sure tour wouldn't last the whole pregnancy but he's little, they'd have to tailor stuff probably. and then DEW??? I'm assuming ?? In the fics where dew had calida, bc zephyr was present, it was during popestar tour, so there was NOTHIN to hide that baby, unless she was just rlly far back and close to the spine for him.
Ooo you might be thinking of Phantom/Dew/Swiss' baby Starlight!! (Also, note, not the same timeline for Calida and Comet! Two whole seperate timelines /info)
Ohh yeah it'd be much different then Dew's whole thing 😭 guy had NO way of hiding, tight ass uniform until he got upgraded to one of Zeph's uniforms, his bass was his only thing but even that didn't help all the time LMAO. Terzo tried his best okay 🫡 give my man his props wjekdk /silly Dewdrop was a runt, so while she was pretty far back and hidden and he didn't have much of a bump, it was still obvious the further he got until 8 months
Dew essentially took the entire back of the bus, even after Calida was born. They still had a tour to do. And there was orders that they couldn't just cancel, so now they're in a panic of what exactly to do. Dew doesn't feel safe at ALL leaving Calida with someone. So, a quick call, and Special is there. For "interviews", of course. He's hanging out in the green room the entire time, and during intermission Dew is right there. It's only a week like that before he's able to just curl in the nest with her and finally, FINALLY heal up. He's been bleeding nonstop from the constant strain, and finally started letting the others help him out.
Dew had a pretty rough and traumatic pregnancy & birth, but he doesn't regret how anything went one bit. His little sunshine is worth every single second of it.
Now, Phantom would've been taken care of more properly. They know more, there's more studies being carried out, more accessibility services for the ministry. It's a different era! Plus, he has a bigger pack with more diversity and similar instincts. Rain, Aurora, and Cumulus would be their biggest comforts. When they needs a good cry? Those 3. When he needs reassurance he'll be a good parent? Those 3. Just wants to be dotted and loved on? Those 3.
Mountain and Dew are his safe guards and their voice when he can't find it. One of the stagehands got irritated at Phantom bc he "wasn't doing anything and just standing around holding cords", and Mountain just glared so hard and quite literally told them to shut the fuck up. Picked Phantom up, sat him on his drum throne, and kept working.
Just like Dew would've been, he's not allowed to carry heavy items any more so they're stuck on cord duty, stick bag, and the softer percussion items. Not allowed to be alone, either. Slipped one time and that was already too many. Usually has someone accompany him to the bathroom, out and about in town, he just... Can't be alone. Honestly? It helps Phantom, too. Not only for safety but they feel better that someone is always there.
He's given permission for naps during set up once he's finished, and a lot of sitting breaks! Also like Dew, Phantom's anatomy is tiny. Aether wants them on bed rest as much as possible as he's a high risk essentially. So during shows you'll see him sitting on the steps or on Swiss' platform! He totally keeps up their silly antics the best he can that doesn't pose a risk!
Definitely tailoring, and has to have cooling pads placed in his uniform before performances as he gets super sick from the heat.
Silly thought I had midway writing this: Magick surges are still there and progressively gets worse the more he's along.
Phantom sneezes, and his guitar strings just break instantly.
Maybe they're crying really hard and sets off more light flickering before just shutting off their equipment completely.
Maybe a little rage fit because he's mad at themself, or just something that set them off, and Cirrus' phone short circuits and the screen cracks.
Pray for Aether. /Silly /aff
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bangchansgirlsblog · 1 year ago
My Biggest Regret
Part seven
Dinner went on smoothly and the boys each complimented the girls on how much they enjoyed it. Making sure not to leave anything behind.
"Do you need help with the dishes?" Y/n turned to look over at who was talking (she still wasn't sure about the different voices and who they belonged to too)
"No it's fine Han, you can go to sleep, it's late anyways," she let out a small chuckle and continued to run the hot water.
"I'm not tired and I want to help, let me help?" He had already walked over to the sink so Y/n really didn't have the chance to say no.
"Okay fine, since you're already here," she giggled, "I'll wash and you rinse alright?"
"You got it dude," he smiled over at her slowly getting lost in her eyes but soon snapping out of it.
"Okay so, Y/n…” he turned on the called water to start rinsing, he wanted to start a conversation it was eating him up, “Where are you from?"
"My mum and dad are mixed with different things but I'd just say Australia," she said softly, "wait here lemme help you with that," she quickly said after seeing he was struggling a bit.
She reached over into his side of the sink and slowly guided his hand trying to avoid the blender from cutting his fingers. She was so gentle with it that even Han swore that if Chan and her weren't dating he would have fallen in love.
"Okay there we go-"
"Thank you,"
"No worries, anyway I was saying, yeah I'm from Australia. Born and raised." She scrubbed at the one plate, her plate.
"Why are you scrubbing it so hard?" He asked intrigued by her actions.
"I have to wash everything in hot water and my plate to avoid any type of germs. I can't catch any infections or germs, it'll kill me literally," she laughed and handed him the plate to rinse off.
"Oh.." he trailed off trying to get the courage to ask her, "what are you sick of? I mean you don't have to tell me but if-"
"Oh I have cancer and no need to be scared to ask me anything Han, we're friends now," the smile on her face was so contagious that Han couldn't help but giggle. Yes giggle.
"What are you guys up too?" Chan's voice runs through the room causing the two to turn and look over at him.
He had his headphones around his neck and his beanie sat on his head. He was also wearing all black. No Surprise there.
"Han was just helping me wash up but we're done, do you guys need anything? A drink? Some snacks?"
"Y/n, baby, you've been working since morning love, let's go get some rest hm?" He had walked over to the smaller girls and wrapped his hand around her. She smiled at his action feeling content in his arms.
"Okay, fine but Han tell the boys if they need anything at all, I'm upstairs in Hannah's room,"
"You means Chan's room," Chan raised his eyebrow.
"Real smooth dude," Han dapped him up while laughing. Their Seoul personalities coming out a little making Y/n uncomfortable.
"Oh! Um, yeah just tell them that," she grabbed her phone off the counter exiting the kitchen and bumping into a taller body.
"Hey Hyunjin!" She beamed at him. His heart was touched by the way she was so excited to see him.
"Hey Y/n, where are you off too?"
"I'm going to sleep, I'm quite tired,"
"Sleep already?" He asked.
"Yes, have a Goodnight Jinnie!" She gave him a quick hug before making her way up to Chan's room. She was later joined by him after he had finished whatever it was he was doing in the kitchen with Han.
"I'm ready to sleep!" He whined and laid his head on her lap. She was reading a book and the lights in the room were all dimmed down.
"Then go ahead and sleep, you have a busy day tomorrow don't you?" She giggled and put her book down.
Her hands automatically start running through his hair. She was playing with it because it was so fluffy and she missed doing this. She missed being this close to him.
"That feels nice," Chan hummed. His eyes were halfway closed and he was about to sleep.
"Mm, I missed you," he softly said opening his eyes once against to admire her pretty face. Her cheeks were red from all the blushing.
"Missed you too," she softly said yawning. He then got into the blankets and wrapped his arms around her, spooning her small body.
"Goodnight princess,"
"Goodnight Channie." She was already halfway into her sleep.
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whinlatter · 1 year ago
3, 4, 14, and 37 for dean and seamus
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my darling boys! 🥹 dean and seamus, off we gooooo. thank you @valfromcall!
3. Obscure headcanon
obscure headcanon 1 - dean thomas was born may 10th 1980, the day west ham won the FA cup. that west ham have never won the cup since remains a source of great regret for east london's golden boy. unfortunately may 10th also happened to be the day in 1997 when gryffindor won the house cup and harry potter scooped his ex from right from under his nose - a bad birthday for the ages. seamus tried to cheer him up by reminding him that may 10th is also the birthday of a proud son of ireland (bono from U2), which dean said was 'not helping'
obscure headcanon 2 - this is dean and seamus' son:
also this isn't obscure but their first kiss was 100% in the finnigan tent at the quidditch world cup after ireland's stonking victory over bulgaria
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4. Favorite line
for seamus, it's probably when they're all in the dormitory in GoF and dobby rocks up and seamus nonchalantly goes 'someone attacking you, Harry?' aka mr finnigan giving precisely zero shits about whatever main character moment harry is having and thereby failing his audition for inclusion in the golden trio. bonus special mention to the world's worst pep talk in PS/SS:
“Harry, you need your strength,” said Seamus Finnigan. “Seekers are always the ones who get clobbered by the other team.” “Thanks, Seamus,” said Harry, watching Seamus pile ketchup on his sausages.
can't a man enjoy a condiment anymore smh
for dean, it's either "send him off, ref! red card!' from PS/SS or this from OotP:
"Well, [Moody] turned out to be a maniac, didn’t he?" said Dean Thomas hotly. "Mind you, we still learned loads."
14. Most heroic moment
seamus 'harry's a liar' finnigan getting beaten to a pulp and unrecognisably disfigured by the carrows. king shit
dean is being the biggest bravest boy in the world all on his own on the run leaving his mum and sisters behind and not being able to have a cuddle when he's lost and alone and scared and hungry all through DH :(
37. What they really think about themselves
i think, as teenagers, seamus was the one with a lot of insecurities and self-loathing: struggling with the knowledge that he was gay and a bit in love with his best mate and not really knowing what to do with it, in conflict with his mum and wrestling with who he was going to be in this big war that seemed to be looming, not the cleverest or the sportiest or the anything-est and generally a bit aggy and restless. dean was the much more relaxed one of the two. he had a strong sense of right and wrong, was sure the goodies would prevail before anything got too out of hand, was content with his kind of chill blokey vibe and got a fit girlfriend that meant he could park any of the slightly confusing feelings he was feeling for shay.
after the war, though, they swap roles. seamus has quite a settled sense of self after his school years - like, he got his fuck up out of the way (not believing voldemort was back, having his big sulk), but then redeemed himself, was on some real hero shit and really became close with the other DA lot, getting a lot out of the prestige of being an auror for a bit, no longer felt like he had much to prove, and felt loved and confident enough to come out. dean, however, really struggled with the impact of the war, feeling an intense sense of isolation and distance from the other's wartime experiences, and both envying seamus' confidence to come out but struggling to accept that he might also not be straight, like it was just another thing that would mark him out as Other. i basically think seamus and dean were hooking up a lot immediately after school and in their early twenties, but always in secret, while dean kept dating muggle girls and playing out this big tension he feels in his own identity, between the muggle and wizarding worlds, as well as over his own sexuality and internalised homophobia. i reckon seamus was the one to (eventually) recognise this was self-destructive and breaking his heart, and ended it. cue the wilderness years!
they obviously get back together eventually, though, hence west ham son (yes i'm obsessed with this child), although seamus threatened to break up with him when dean argued he should be allowed to put the imperius curse on declan rice to stop him moving to arsenal and betraying his beloved hammers in summer 2023
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bl4z33467 · 5 months ago
As i said, id do that question list for my ocs. So first, Sir Blaze
Are they a human, ghoul, synth, or something else?
Are they a canon main character? (Lone Wander, Courier Six, etc.)
Sole Survivor
What is their SPECIAL?
What perks or tagged skills do they have?
Robotics Expert, Science!, Armourer, Strong back, Lead Belly, Animal Friend
What is their highest skill? Lowest?
Animal Friend is highest
Were they born pre-war or post-war?
Do they wish they lived before the war / could go back to life before the war?
He is conflicted. But probably if he could, take all his friends and family back before
Did they live in a vault? If not, have they been inside of one?
Straight outta 111
Where did they grow up? Where do they currently reside?
Grew up in concorde, now live in Sanctuary
What languages do they speak?
English, a bit of Hindi (does robco termalink count??)
What type of education have they received?
Highschool, studied robotics on his own time
Can they read, write, and/or do math?
Very good at math, can read, can write but handwriting is TERRIBLE
What is the most frightening experience they have endured?
Having to leave his best friend Jake to die in a fire
What is their fondest memory?
Getting married (but it seems its was better in the moment)
What is their proudest moment/accomplishment?
He doesnt know ;-;
What is their biggest regret
Leaving Jake Behind, close second is marrying Nora
Do they have a job? How do they make a living?
Once a computer engineer, us solider, and an sales keeper of sorts, now general of the minutemen
Do they have any disabilities, mutations, or implants / enhancements? Do they have any chronic illnesses?
PTSD, undiagnosed autism and chronically ugly /j
Who (or what) are they emotionally closest to?
His best friend Pickle
Who do they consider to be their family?
Piper (his gf) and Nat (like a daughter to him) and eventually synth shaun
Do they travel alone or with a companion?
Usually with Piper or Codsworth
Do they have any pets?
Dogmeat and a Gary (sort of, he shares with Pickle)
How do they feel about physical touch / affection?
Hes a bit of a hugger :3
Do they have a romantic partner or partners?
Are they quick to trust others?
Wayyyyy to quick. But can see a person is bad
How would others describe them / their disposition?
Too cheery for the wasteland. A bit weird, friendly, sometimes mischievous and
What faction(s) are they a member of / allied with?
Minutemen, chill with the railroad
What faction(s) do they despise?
Institute and Technically the legion for pickle's sake
What is their moral alignment / karma?
What decisions have they made or actions have they done that affect their canon wasteland? (Did they blow up Megaton, have they killed/spared any major characters, etc.)
Eventually blows up the institute
What is their goal in life? What impact would they like to leave when they're gone?
Be a good person :3
What is their go-to weapon or weapon class?
Institute laser (hes hates the institute but uuuu the laser)
What is their fight-or-flight response?
What armor / clothing do they typically wear?
Vault 111 jumpsuit to show off the cake
Do they have power armor training?
Yeeees his go to is the t-50 with some flames but has a huge collection
Have they ever saved someone's life? Have they ever killed someone?
He usually tries to save people but will kill (none specifically i can think of, minus pickle whom he saves from their own fauly)
What is the worst injury they have?
That massive gash on his face probably from the cram can (softy smh)
What is their favorite radio station?
Diamond city radio but he hates the broadcaster and the city. Just likes the tunes
What is their favorite song?
In game, probably civilization, out of game, he likes classic rock and scenecore
What is their favorite type of weather?
What is their favorite time of the day?
What is their favorite wasteland creature?
What is their favorite meal and drink?
Blamco mac and cheese and nuka cherry
What is their favorite smell?
Clean air
Do they have any specific hobbies or talents?
FURRY LMAO (costume/armour making and drawing) Video games, interior design, tinkering with computer programs
Do they play any sports? How about board games or card games?
His fatass isnt playing a sport. He would probably get bored playing long or complex games but you bet your ass he's counting cards while playing go fish with nat and pickle
Do they enjoy reading?
Not really
Do they collect anything?
Animal bits
What items do they always have on their person?
Extra food and explosives
Do they travel by foot or by other means?
Foot usually. Likes his power armour
Do they own a Pip-boy? If so, how did they get it?
Stole it from a dead guy while leaving 111
Can they swim?
He can float
What do they think of the ocean?
Doesnt pay too much mind to it. He likes orcas though
Do they prefer showers or baths?
Nice warm shower
Are they past, present, or future oriented?
How do they feel about robots? (Eyebots, Mister Handys, Sentry Bots, etc.)
They took his first job!! But they are cool
What is a sensation / texture they cannot stand?
Cold tiles
Do they believe in luck? Do they have a good luck charm?
No. Look at his luck stat
What is a sensation / texture they cannot stand?
Do they believe in luck? Do they have a good luck charm?
Do they idolize anything / anyone?
Not really
Are they religious? Spiritual?
He is curious about it. His parents hated religion but he hated them
What are their thoughts on chems and alcohol?
He is hypocritical on chems, as he struggles with pyscho addiction but is critical to others who use it. He doesn't care abour alcohol as long as your an adult
Do they have any weaknesses or struggle with any vices?
Pyscho addiction, and when not on pyscho its eating
Do they need / wear glasses?
How / where do they generally sleep?
On a mattress with a bed frame in his house, sometimes with piper when she comes to visit
Describe their living space. (How do they decorate it? Does it have running water and/or electricity? Etc.)
It has pictures he drew, photos of him and his friends, family, and pets, animal bits he's collected like skulls, scales, skin, generally neat and orderly.
Describe their eyes.
Orange. Im not one for detailed eyes.
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strscrossed · 1 year ago
Since request are opened, I would like to second the NannyKasa fic! I think it was super cute how you wrote it. I want to see her and Eren date and eventually have kids of their own and mix together their families. I can totally see mikasa and Eren having girls and max and Leo being confused as to how to play with them haha cause they’re just babies
this is a continuation of yesterday's fic! tbh this world has potential! let me know if there's anything specifically you'd like to see! putting a keep reading because there's vague descriptions of childbirth!
21 hours, 43 minutes. 
That’s how long it took to deliver her baby girl into the world. Through the very painful contractions, her thoughts would float back to her boys. Had they eaten? Did they get to school on time? Were they safe? 
“Mom’s watching them. Come on, Mika, just focus on your breathing, okay?” Eren soothed her. 
At 3:48 AM on the eighteenth of September, Emi Carla Jaeger entered the world with very little fuss. Everything else left her mind as her little baby was placed on her chest. Everything else melted away. 
“Eren,” she sobbed. “Look. Look…” 
“She looks just like you,” he muttered into her hair. “She’s perfect, Mikasa. I’m so proud of you.”
In between feeding and bonding time, Eren allowed Mikasa to sleep. When she woke up, she saw Eren holding Emi close, whispering how much he loved her and thanked her for existing. He refused to let her go. 
Carla brought the boys over that afternoon. It was Friday and the boys had school but Eren told her that they were so excited to meet their little sister. 
“Now, now boys. Remember, it’s a hospital, you have to stay real quiet, okay?” she heard Eren say outside. The boys were good about following directions. 
“Hey guys,” Mikasa waved. “Do you want to say hi to your little sister?” 
They nodded and she motioned to the little bassinet in the corner. Emi slept soundly but she’d have to wake up soon to be fed. 
Mikasa didn’t know what to expect, but she didn’t expect the boys to tear up. 
“She’s so small,” Leo commented, sniffling. “She’s so small, mama. She looks like a doll!” 
“Yeah,” Max agreed, quietly. “She looks like you.” 
It was times like this where Mikasa regretted not having her phone. She wanted to capture this moment. She wanted to stay in this moment forever. The boys were absolutely mesmerized by their little sister and Max was doing his best to wipe his tears. 
“Hi little one, hi. I’m your big brother,” Leo said. “Leo. And that’s Max, do you remember our voices?” 
The little boy was bouncing as excitedly as he was allowed. Emi was asleep right now. 
“Why is she sleeping, mama?” Leo asked. 
“Babies need a lot of sleep,” Mikasa answered. “It’ll help them grow.” 
Max was oddly silent but then Mikasa remembered this wasn’t his first time. He’d been too young to really understand when Leo was born but at 9 years old, he’d remember this exact moment for the rest of his life. He was a quiet, thoughtful boy. But Mikasa knew. She knew that he would love his sister dearly and protect her fiercely. 
“Alright,” Carla said. “Let me meet my first granddaughter!” 
Mikasa smiled as her mother-in-law looked into the bassinet as well. 
“Oh, Eren, Mikasa. She’s absolutely perfect!” she said. “Is it alright to hold her?” 
The tenderness of the moment faded. Now everyone wanted to hold her and, of course, Carla Jaeger won that battle. 
“But I want to hold her!” Leo whined when Max finally got a chance. 
“I’m her biggest brother,” Max huffed. “I get to hold her first!” 
Mikasa smiled as she watched the scene unfold before her. Her little family was all together, fawning and doting over their newest member. Little Emi was going to be the most beloved little girl in the whole world. 
Mikasa closed her eyes, allowing sleep to overtake her once more. Her happiness knew no bounds…
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octochick · 1 year ago
Biggest regret
Cw suicidal thoughts and attempt, blood, ooc
It was raining. Maybe it was surprising, or maybe not. It doesn't really matter.
Bagi's shoes squelched in the mud, dripping with water and blood. She walks, dodging the fallen bodies, white stained with a vivid red and the ashen mud.
She knows what she is looking for. It is right there, laying down in the mud. Dumb ass, that tank top is white, he'll never be able to get the stains out. At least use something darker, stupid head.
She squats next to him. Now, more than ever, she can feel every single raindrop falling on her. It rolls down her face, mixing with her tears, and fall warmly on the cold ground.
"Hey, can you walk?" She asks, shaking him lightly. He clenches his fists, but otherwise doesn't react.
Still, she gets him up. She puts one of his arms around her neck, and hugs his body onto hers. She starts dragging him, at first slowly as she carries the weight of two, but soon after faster, when he gets tired of being dragged.
"What are you doing?"
"You'll get a cold if you stay in the rain. I'm just taking you to somewhere with cover."
A second, just enough for him to comprehend her words, and then she was thrown to the mud, back connecting with a sharp rock with a sharp crack, one of her hands perforated by a knife and the wrist of the opposite hand broken, a silent scream trying to get out. He is over her, eyes maniac, giggles escaping from his lips.
"...I don't want you to get a cold." She answers, like it makes all the sense in the world.
He laughs, cruel and cold, and twists the knife in her hand. A whimper escapes her.
"When I needed you, you went to the other side, but now you come to me like nothing happened? What are you planning? Do you think I'm stupid?"
A small silence is settled over them. She looks at his eyes. Desperation.
"Yeah, a little bit." His knee meets with her shin, but she doesn't feel anything.
"Aren't you afraid of dying? Why did you suddenly decide to play with the monster?"
If possible, her eyes gets even more teary, fat tears rolling down her face and falling into her ears, making everything feel blurry and muffled, the pain dulling into the background from the pain her heart released upon her.
"You are my biggest regret." This somehow manages to surprise him, the emotion passing by in a second before being hidden by a scowl, but before he could talk, Bagi continued. "I love you so much," her voices breaks, and her breath comes out in small bursts. It feels like hyperventilation. "the only thing I want is for you to have a happy and healthy life, but you are my biggest regret."
"Since you disappeared, you are my biggest regret. You don't understand how much I love you, all I want is to see you happy and healthy, but you also don't understand how deep my regret is."
"Since the first day without you, I wanted to forget you, I wished you were never born. I wished I were never born."
"But I love you so much, that I kept searching. No matter how much my regret said that I should give up, I still kept going."
"You don't know how many times I wished to have been a single child. You have no idea how many times I wished I was dead. You have no idea how many times I thought of going to the Federation and asking them to forget everything about myself, to be reborn just like you once were."
"But I couldn't, I couldn't, I couldn't!"
"Because I love you. I hate it, but I love you."
It was silent. Bagi felt faint, like she would pass out at any moment. She couldn't see what face her brother was making.
"I'm weak. I suffered so much less than you, and I'm so weak. I'm so weak, that I can only beg to my biggest regret."
"Please, kill me. Kill me permanently, kill my regrets and my love, please, kill me and free me from my suffering. I'm weak and can't take it anymore."
Bagi was long hyperventilating, violent sobs wrecking her as she finishes ranting, but just now she closed her eyes.
A moment of suspense, and she felt knife's edge at her throat. She sobs, and her blood drowns her. She feels it in her lungs as they desperately try to work, she feels the rain, she feels her broken spine, she feels her stabbed hand, she feels her broken wrist, and she doesn't feel her brother hovering over her dying body.
The moment her body gives up is the moment she respawns.
And she doesn't feel nothing.
It didn't work. She's still alive. Her love is still alive. Her regret is still alive.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years ago
For all my hate for OBD Riddler I do think it brings an interesting concept for an AU: what if Edward's mother had kept him? I don't know why I kept thinking about it and not sleeping even though I have a test tomorrow morning and I ended up writing some random things about it:
" She should never have kept him. She knows that, has always known that.
Edward looks at her with big inocent brown eyes and questions too complex for a boy his age and she knows she should have gave him away. Is not that she doesn't love him.
She didn't at the start. When he would take her sleep and her employers with loud cries and empty bellies. But while she knows that she can't truly remember how it is not loving him.
No, she thinks again, looking at his too big second rate clothes and messy red hair, is because she loves him that she should have let him go. Because a boy like him is wasted here. What matters if her son can read at two when they are barely scraping above the poverty line? She should have let his father take him away."
"Edward Tierney never grows to be a troubled young man in a boarding school terrifield of his father fury and tamed down by riddles.
Instead Edward Nasthon grows to be a troubled young man in a poor part of the city terrifield the violence of Gotham will take his mother away. For him riddles and puzzle books aren't a sign of failure, they are his one strengh.
The Riddler is born either way.
But Edward Nygma is a very different man depending on the story we tell here."
"She still remember that day.
The biggest decision of her life. Her biggest failure, the one she does never truly regret.
The baby in her arms turns and tussles as if knowing that this is the moment that will change his life forever. And in another life she would have done the right thing, Edward would be raised in fancy clothes and warm meals and have access to all the knowledge his heart so desperadly desires. But on this life she didn't.
She couldn't.
Not when the man, the fateful client, the father, looked at their son like that. She knew that look, the contempt and disgust, she had accepted that judmental rich white man would always look at her like this, as if she was lesser. But to see him look at their son that way. To know on her gut he would love the boy less just because it was hers.
Hot anger fueled to her veins. All she remembers after is the man leaving and saying that she better not expect child support because he won't pay for his own blood to be raised by a whore. She never sees him again and life goes on."
"She sees him again. She knows it's him the moment her eyes met his and she almost feels ashamed somehow, almost hides, but she refuses to lose. This city already broke her too much as it is. "
"Edward is four years old when he sees his first body. Mom took him for a fun day in the park close to the appartment and even bought a cheap ice cream cone for them to share.
He is running around trying to discover the secrets of the park. Maybe catalog it's bugs, he read a book about bugs recently in one of his visits to the library. He would like to study them closer. Instead he finds the remains of a woman.
He is four and he read a book on the human body once but even if not he knows it should not be open like that. He knows it's weird and wrong. He pokes it with a stick and tries to see if the insides match the book.
His mother finds him ten minutes later. She looks horrifield at the scene before grabbing him and hugging him way to tight. They don't go to the park again."
"She can't say no to the schoolarship.
It would be unfair.
Her boy is smart too smart for his own good but more importantly too smart for what she can give him. And this is a chance to give him a future. It's a good sign. First the boarding school and then a good college all paid.
And if she could take more clients knowing Edward would be far away all the best. So you see, irrecusable ofter. Even when he is also there.
"And remember-"
"Behave, try to make friends instead of just studying all the time and do not engage with the principal unless absolutly necessary." He says with the habitual pre teen annoyance. Although not even it is enoght to hide his excitement. She is doing the right thing. "There's a thing I don't unserstand." Edward continues curious as always. "Why is not talking to the principal so important? I do understand you don't want me to cause trouble but why ask this in a separate order from behave?"
She brushes some strands of orange hair from his face. He is big now. Soon he will be bigger than her.
"Eddie" she pleads "For once in your life, don't ask question."
He pouted. And she had to supress the smile. They might grow fast but he will ways be her little boy.
"No buts, let this one go, son. I'll ground you if need for."
He pouted harder but noded.
"Okay, mom. I won't ask about it."
He lied.
She pretends to believe him."
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mari-m-rose · 2 years ago
I was tagged by alemanriq (a lot of time ago...I'm revising my drafts. Thanks tho, Ale! ♥)
Tag the person who tagged you and let them know when you’ve finished. (I'm not doing this, tagging people gives me anxiety)
Answer the questions/tasks and then tag 20 people and let them know they’ve been tagged
1. How tall are you? 1.58 m
2. What color and style is your hair? Dark brown and straight
3. Which color are your eyes? Dark brown, almost black
4. Do you wear glasses or contacts? I used to wear glasses but I never got used to them so I dropped them, didn't need them that much.
5. Do you wear braces? I should but I'm not.
6. What’s your fashion style? I like formal attire or close to formal: coats, boots, shirts and jeans, maybe a sweater but a thin one. Dresses in summer.
7. What is your name? Mariana, but I prefer to be called Mari
8. When were you born? 21st December 1990
9. How old are you? 32
10. Where are you from/live now? Perú
11. Do you have any siblings and what are their names? Older brother
12. What school/college do you go to? Graduated at the supposedly best uni in Perú but not actually.
13. What kind of student are you? In uni I was a bad a student, like a bit bellow average. In high school I was a very good student most of my life.
14. Do you even like school? I loathed high school. I liked most of my uni years, more because of friends, less because of learning.
15. What are your favorite subjects? Literature, art, music, language, english, french, biology, art history.
16. What are your favourite tv shows? Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are amazing shows. As for anime, my fave are Yu Yu Hakusho, HunterxHunter 2011, Akatsuki no Yona, Re:Zero, Digimon tamers/02 and those are all I can remember right now.
17. What are your favourite movies? I adore Pride and Prejudice (basic I know), but in general I tend to adore horror movies more like Midsommar, Hereditary and zombie movies in general.
18. What are your favorite books? Dracula, uh... polemyc I know but I will always say HP series and ...I can't remember any other one rn tbh.
19. What is your favourite pass time? Playing videogames but also organizing stuff and fixing stuff around the house
20. Do you have any regrets? Majoring in graphic design.
21. What’s your dream job? character designer...and if I learn how to draw/shade/color better: illustrator.
22. Would you like to get married one day and where? I did get married, I think the places were nice. It was a beautiful church with a gothic design and the reception was in a house on the country side. The house had a vintage colonial style and it was pretty elegant, the garden with the pool looked nice and the decor me and husband chose was top notch.
23. Would you like to have kids one day and how many? I don't earn enough money to have kids but if I got money I would have 2 kids.
24. Are you a girly girl, a regular girl, or more of a tomboy? I was a regular one most of my life? Kinda like comfy type and no make-up. Now I'm girly, I want all the pink and all the make up!
25. Do you like shopping? Just the right amount of time but yeah.
27. What is the most scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? Some guys entered my family home and killed everyone. I even remember feeling the bullet in my stomach and the blood coming out of me before I woke up.
28. Do you have enemies? I have no enemies.
29. Who are your best friends? I'm not so sure, I'm insecure in this field. I used to think I had 3, but idk anymore.
30. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and what is their name? Husband and he doesn't like his info to be disclosed so I won't name him.
31. What is the biggest lie you have ever told anyone? I'm not a good liar.
32. Do you believe in miracles? Yes
Put your music on shuffle and write down 30 songs that come up without skipping. (How about just 5) 1. Almost Home - mxmtoon 2. That's What I like - Bruno Mars 3. Golden Time Lover - Sukima Switch 4. Helena - My Chemical Romance 5. This is Love - Utada Hikaru
This is the part where you tag 20 people! As for me, if you read this you are tagged! You can tag me if u fill this btw, my anxiety only goes one way.
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gaycey-sketchit · 1 year ago
29 & 30 for the AO3 writer questions 💚
Thank you!!
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Oh my goodness I didn't realize how much I wrote this year until I was looking through my works to remind myself what I wrote. Anyway I had the time of my life writing my hanahaki disease fic Choking On Love and it shows. I'm really pleased with this passage:
Gary looked at his grandpa miserably. “Have you ever had it?” “No, but I’ve known a few people who have.” He rested a hand on Gary’s. “That’s why I’ve always told you it’s not healthy to bottle up your feelings. When you do, sometimes they manifest in ways that hurt more than talking about it would.” “I didn’t know you meant it literally,” Gary groaned. “All the same, listen, Gary.” He gave Gary an affectionate look. “I’ve known since long before you were born that romance isn’t for me, but love in all its forms is a beautiful thing. A beautiful thing that’s hurting you to keep to yourself. Whoever the flowers are for, maybe you should tell them.” “I can’t,” Gary said, voice cracking. “I can’t do that to him. It’d put too much pressure on him, and I might lose him for good if he doesn’t feel the same.” He coughed, and his grandpa patted his back. “And what if he does? Wouldn’t you rather know? How would it make him feel to know you’re hurting yourself like this because you don’t want to risk pushing him?” Gary couldn’t bring himself to answer the first two questions, but unfortunately, he knew the answer to the third. “He wouldn’t like it.” That was an understatement. Tracey was so gentle, it’d break his heart to hear one of his friends was in pain because of him. And even as difficult as he was to offend, he might be angry that Gary had decided to suffer in silence instead of giving him the choice to answer. But still, Gary couldn’t bring himself to do it. Tracey stood to lose so much, and Gary stood to lose Tracey. He blinked back tears. “Isn’t there another option?” “There’s a surgery, but it’s risky. You have a whole root system in your chest, tangled into your lungs and heart, and getting that out is dangerous.” He pulled Gary close, protectively. “You’re old enough to make your own decisions, but please think carefully before you go through that.” “I will. It’s just…” Gary buried his face in his grandpa’s shoulder, feeling like a scared little kid. “It hurts. I’m scared, Grandpa.” “I know,” he soothed. “Don’t think about it for now. I’m here for you no matter what, sapling.”
Biggest surprise while writing this year?
After I stressed myself out a lot with perfectionism last year, I decided to ease up on it, and I surprised myself with just how much I managed to write for Sicktember when I wasn't getting lost in the weeds of like, editing the same paragraph over and over. And with how much I still liked my writing when I wasn't trying so hard to make everything perfectly polished! No regrets with that decision.
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heartofgoldenlight · 2 years ago
Your Brightness - Modern Ruhn Danaan x Reader Smut
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The night was busy. There were drunk people all over the place. They were flying balls and broken glass. But that don’t effect me. As long as everyone isn’t murdered or isn’t complaining thing are good. But not that good. There was one person ruining my peace. Ruhn Danaan. The son of the biggest business man in the area. With his long shiny,black hair tied up in a bun. Loose grey t-shirt and black pants he was more than attractive. He looked like a greed god but in human clothes. And this greek god tried to talk to me several times this evening. Maybe I shouldn’t be that bitchy with him. He raised his hand to make order but before I could even react someone screamed. I looked around and saw some random big guy hitting woman. She was on the floor crying from his slap. I jumped over the bar and went to them.
-Hey what do you think your doing in my bar big men- I said with a sarcastic tone while trying to get the woman up. Her makeup was running down her now little purple cheek.
-I am giving this whore a lesson that she has to obey me!
-NO I DON’T HAVE TO!-she was with surprisingly loud voice.
-Ah you little….
-For gods sake. I know that you are some big,muscular guy that probably thinks that everything is revolving around him, but guess what. I MY BAR EVERYONE IS FREE AND NO ONE HAS TO OBEY NO ONE!!!
-Ohhh so you are going to give my attitude too. You stupid woman..-he raised his hand in ready to hit me. In this woman something broke. I looked around and saw that Ruhn throwed his glass at the big gus head and that made a little scratch. In matter of seconds Ruhn whet to him and some amazing moves the guy was on the floor. Blood was running down his lips and nose. Ruhn bet down to him and said something that made him open his eyes in fear. He immediately stand up and left the bar without a word.
-Now if someone here tries to touch any woman like this believe you will regret the fact that you were born. -he said with little smirk on his face while watching the group of friends of that guy. They all noded nervously. He turned to us.
-Are you okay miss?
-Yes,yes I am okay. Thank you both. Now I can go home don’t worry about me. My friend is coming to pick me up.
-Are you sure I can drive after I finish here.
-No,no thank you both. Thank you very much.-with the woman runes out of the bar.
-Sorry but can we talk in the back for a sec?-I said looking in his beautiful eyes that were cold electric blue but had something very warm in them.
-Yes of course!
We went to the small room behind the bar which was something like a little hotel room with bed television and table.
-Why did you stand up for us?-I said while closing the door behind us.
-No man can ever treat woman like this. I just could help but make him fell miserable. And plus that I couldn’t see him treating you like this.
-What do you mean?
- I mean maybe you don’t know me but I am one year ahead in college with I was liked you. Your brightness. People had believe in you. Trusted you. That’s why I started coming here more often and didn’t lose hope even when you didn’t show interest in talking with me.
-You really… really think this ?
-Of course I do.
In this moment he looked even more handsome than before. In this moment I just went with the flow. I got to him and kissed him. Straight,hard without warning. He kissed me back and his hands lates on my body perfectly. They started exploring my back,then my hips,than my ass. My hands went to his soft hair and strong shoulders. We went back and hit the edge of the table. Ruhn quickly change the position and I was the one pressed to the edge.
-You sure you want this little bunny?
-I am sure…
-And your sure you want me to fuck you on the table?
I don’t him to talk I want him doing other thing with that mouth. I managed to take his shirt off…
-You sure you…….
-For gos sake Ruhn you can do much more good things with this mounts. Just shut up and fuck me.
With this he went ballistic. In matter of second my crop and bra went on the floor. He made me bend backwards on the table and he got rid of my bottom too. He looked at my naked body and at my red bikini. He crouched down and got rid of them too. He looked at my now exposed pussy and licked lips. Without doubting he kissed my clitor. I skaked. He started sucking and licking. He was going in and out of me non stop. His hands were on both my things pinching probably making bruises. I saw worlds in front of me. And this world was soon going to crash.
-Ruhn….ruhn….. i am going to….to……come.
-Only if you come with my name on your lips honey.-and then he stopped. I could take it. I started screaming
With a little smile he started licking and sucking even harder. In matter of moments I came crushing down. My legs were shaking. My hands were scratching Ruhn’s shoulders. He licked every last drop of me. I started breathing heavily. I just came but I was needing him.
-Yes bunny-he said standing up.
-Please what?
-Please fuck me.
He smiled. That smile made me wet again. He got rid of his pants and boxers. I stood in shock. It was big,massive and erected. My mouth watered like my pussy. He smiled even more when he saw my look. He bent over me and started kissing me. I replied with kissing him even harder. His mounts went to my neck then to my breast. Making sure there wasn’t a spot he didn’t kiss.
-So you want me to fuck you?-he said with my breast in his mount.
-Mhmhmm….-I said he bites a little. I let put a moan.
-Use your words bunny!- he squeezed his mount even more. My hands were scratching his back. My legs shaking unstoppably.
-Yes ,yes… I want you to fuck me…hard…on this table….Ahhh…Ruhn….please fuck me…
-That’s it my bunny.
With that he left my breast and stand up. He opens my legs even more and got comfortable. With a slow motion he put his member in me. He slowly went in with every inch. It fetter perfectly.
-Please Ruhn just fuck me already.
I set a beast. He started pounding. Not gentle. Hard. Like he wanted this for too long. His hair got out of his bun. His tattoos were shining on the light. He was filling me and crashing my world. I was close.
-Ruhn….I am……
-Come for me bunny.
I came. My legs started shaking even harder. My hands whitened from the was I was holding the table. I came again screaming his name. Not long after that he came too. His member was twitching inside me. He gently pooled out and carried me to the bed. We both layed down. And looked in each other eyes.
-Ruhn sorry but I have…I have to get up.. my clients.
- Shttt… Calm down little bunny. They probably all went to their homes after what they saw and maybe heard.
He said and winked at me. I laughed. Maybe this night wasn’t going to be only one. Maybe. I smiled again and hugged him. I felt asleep fast.
Hello everyone! I hoped you like this I am sorry if there are any wrongs I am sorry just English isn’t my first language. Again I hoped you liked it and have a beautiful day!:)
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thedawnbeauty · 2 years ago
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The first part of the trip.
Matteo watched as Aurora spent most of her evenings alone. Neither the handmaidens or Ella joined her for dinner during the first leg of the trip. Each morning she met everyone with the same charming smile, and spoke gracefully. She was beautiful, and everything he had heard about. He could easily see why, Caspian was keeping her under a lock and key. She would easily improve the appearance of any man, if she was selected to be on his arm.
He boldly decided to make an effort, grabbing two bottles of wine,he made his way down towards the quarters and stumbled into her bedroom door“ Princess Aurora.” His hand patted against the door “ Will you let me inside..” the cheap liquor was splashed against his cheeks, as he watched the door fling open. He immediately dropped both bottles, as he was met with the tip of blade, aimed at his naval. Her hands tightly gripped on the Pommel of the sword, so she could easily use it as a hammer or club. Her eyebrows raised, when she realized it was him. “ Prince Matteo.” She eyed the shatter pieces of glass on the floor. “ It’s improper for a young man of your station to beg at a woman’s door, may I help you with something.”
He nervously laughed “ I thought you could use Company, and I wanted to offer you a drink. But alas the drink is on the floor now, I could get you another one, if you like, If you lower the blade. You really don’t trust people do you?”
Her eyes surveyed him, seeing the stained wine against the collar of his shirt. “ I believe you have had enough, I don’t drink with strangers.” Twirling the hilt of the blade in her hand, she lowered it to rest at her side. “ I particularly do not drink with princes either.” As she stepped outside of her room “ But, we should clean this up before someone get hurts.” She stepped outside of the room, in search of a broom.
“ Who, taught you how to hold that?” He followed her down the hall, curiously. “ did your father?”
She lightly smiled; “ No, it was my godfather. When I was living in Eithad, I was given a world class education, with my best friend. I was really little when I moved there, and I was sheltered and happy. It is the biggest regret of my life, leaving there. I am sure you have some regrets, your own father sentence you into service to teach you a lessons or two.” Ah, she found the broom, and dustpan, tucking it underneath her arm as she walked back towards her room, still dragging the sword in her right hand.
Matteo crossed his arms as he listened “ You were born in Paraiso, but you lived in Eithad. And you regret leaving, my I feel you are a book of questions. I do have my regrets, but I learned to live with them. Please let me hold that for you..” he offered to take the sword, while she swept. As Aurora held in her laughter, offering him the broom and dustpan, to clean up his own mess.
“ I suppose that’s what we all do, we make terrible mistakes, and then learn to live with them. But you didn’t come here to ask me about my regrets, what is you really want to know Matteo.” She watched as he began to sweep up the glass.
“ Are you in love with King Caspian, is the question I am most curious about. I think a beautiful woman like yourself has a lot offer, I think your wild, and interesting and would make a beautiful bride to a lucky man. But I think your way of living with your regrets is remain shy, and quiet and keep to yourself. I think you have no desire to marry, I think you have no plan.. you are simply living off your name, oh, correct me your parents name.”
She titled her head back, smiling as she approached him. Her fingers nails sliding underneath his chin “ I think, if you ever knock on this door again, you’ll be praying for mercy. And I think.. a prince like you, is exactly like any other prince. Handsome, but useless. “ her lips moved into a small peck, blowing him a kiss. “ and, you don’t have a chance with me, and neither does Caspian. Goodnight Prince Matteo.”
She closed the door behind her, smirking at his arrogance. As he stood there grinning, she was a worthy challenge and he was determined to change her mind.
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sonicsips · 2 days ago
to my love. 𓂃 ࣪ ♡
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— all of the small things that you do are what remind me why i fell for you.
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as i sit here writing this, weeks before today at four in the morning, i ask myself, where should i begin? how can i convey into words the thoughts that are circling my brain when you enter my mind? it is yet another year of you getting older, wiser and gaining new experiences as the days go by. being the one by your side and watching you blossom is the greatest reward life could've given me. even if you don't notice your progress, i am here to serve as a reminder that you are transforming every single day, sometimes feeling like you're carrying the burden of the world on your shoulders, yet still managing to come out on top of it all. it is a happy day today, the day you were born those twenty-seven years ago. time flies, doesn't it? every day it feels like yesterday when we met. you know very well how often i look back at all of our memories—the good and the bad, reminiscing about one of the happiest moments in my life. it was an instant click, you and i. same sense of humor, same values, same likes and dislikes, even the same form of simple speech; meeting you felt like a dream, the proverbial lightbulb above my head signalizing that i've met my person.
it hasn't been a bed of roses for us, only we know the truth to that, but i would've done this life a million times over, if it meant i could have you in the end. i don't regret a single decision, because they all led me straight to you. all the friendly banter turned teasing turned oblivious flirting has been a rollercoaster from the start, but you know how much of an adrenaline junkie i am. i don't tell you enough how much i hold you in respect, how beautiful i think you are, and how incredibly proud i am of you. i always knew you were special, and your personality drowned me in an instant. you were always someone i held close, trusted more than anyone, and knew i could find solace in. first and foremost as my friend, but now also as someone who has his own place in the chambers of my heart.
there's something remarkable about the way we flow together. our schedules might not align all the time, and fatigue—be it physical or mental—takes over, but something i really appreciate is how you always make time for me. knowing we wake up every day and choose us over everything else is more than enough of a reminder that this is real, that we've built something solid from the ground up, and it serves us well in times of need. even when doubt starts to creep in, we manage to fight all the insecurities, all the hesitations, and the don'ts.
we're still learning, both of us, both in the process of letting go and moving forward, both teaching each other patience and dedication. i wouldn't have done this with anyone but you; i hope you know and feel this much on my end. thank you for being you. for being by my side no matter the circumstances, for always cheering me on and being my biggest supporter, even in my delusions. for being my safe haven, calming my storms. for the privilege of being the one who can share and enjoy time with you. i will always be here for you, eager to give you the same.
hydes, my love, a wish for you on your birthday: whatever you ask may you receive; whatever you seek, may you find; whatever you wish, may it be fulfilled on your birthday and forevermore. i wish you abundant happiness, always. may you be gifted with life's biggest joys and never-ending bliss. i wish you more peace in your mind and heart, satisfaction, and lust for life. i always tell you that all i want for you is to love life and relish the little things; that statement still stands today. it fills me with delight and adoration when you enjoy things that make you happy.
i always want to see you in your element and love every second of it, as much as i love watching you in it.
happy birthday, baby. here's to you, forever my gitchee gitchee goo (the silly nickname that started it all), my confidant, my moonshine keeper, a godsent dream, my everything.
with love, your suki.
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thebookwormsnook · 11 months ago
A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle L. Jensen
I'm so excited everyone!!! This is my first review on this blog and I received a few warm welcomes. Thank you very much! I'm finally getting around to writing this review because I've been so busy with work and school. It's very exhausting. But with that being said, here's my review on A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle L. Jensen.
4 out of 5 stars!
A Fate Inked in Blood was a great book and it was an amazing book to start off my hobby again! It has action. It has a strong female protagonist. It has romantic tensions. A few steamy scenes closer to the end (if that's something you like). It has magic. It has Norse mythology. It had every component that captured and held onto my attention. The story was very well written and for most of the time, I couldn't wait to go home from work and pick it up again. I'll try to keep the spoilers to a minimum in case y'all also want to read the book. So...why not 5 stars? I felt like the pacing for ~400 pages was well done but I feel like there were sections that were either really slow or really fast. I love the fact that the book is in first person. It really helps with the immersion but I feel like we weren't really able to learn about Freya's love interest, Bjorn, more than the superficial level. There is no other depth beside the tension that they shared together. BUT before you discredit this book, the writing for Bjorn's character was intentional as we come to find out who he really is at the end of the story. If you find yourself interested in details above, then you might want to read this book.
Book (Physical copy):
4 out of 5 stars!
The physical 1st edition copy of this book is absolutely beautiful. The cover art on the jacket is so beautiful and it's one of the things that first intrigued me into reading the synopsis. The jacket is 3D in certain sections and patterns on the front.
The pages are foiled in a blue color and it definitely adds so much personality to the book. The book cover itself is a white color with an emblem (Freya's hand tattoo?) embossed into it. Again, it's a beautiful book for your library.
I think my only dislike for this book is the color choice for the book cover. There are a lot of times where I've wanted to take the jacket off of the book because it kept slipping but I really couldn't or I was just scared to. White is pretty...pretty tough to maintain. Especially, when you want to take the book out in public to read. Nonetheless, I don't regret my purchase.
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4 out of 5 stars!
"You are mine, Born-in-Fire. Even if only the two of us know it."
I just want to say: if you love romantic tension, this is your book! Anytime Freya and Bjorn were in close proximity, I felt giddy. I was always on the edge of my seat with all the tension stuffed in ~400 pages. Freya is the "wife" (wife is a very loose term as their marriage is of convenience and legality?) of Jarl Snorri, Bjorn's biological father. Their love is taboo since she is a legally married woman and his father's wife. Their love isn't one that's rushed or even forced. There was always an attraction between each other since they first met. I think there are moments in the beginning of the story where Freya was a little too jealous over someone she barely knows. They have a few moments where they finally touch and kiss each other which builds to the tension.
For the spice lovers, you might be a tad bit disappointed. Once Freya and Bjorn...get together. It feels like the ~300 pages of tension were for nothing because it almost seems like the author did not want to write them being together. The writing was rushed during this scenes and this is where I feel like the book should've been ~500 pages because what was the point of all that tension just to lose it in a few pages.
Romantic tension: 5/5
Spice: 3/5
4.5 stars out of 5!
I think the plot is amazing. The romance isn't the biggest part about the book, it's Freya's journey from being a fish wife to a warrior. Freya not only experiences the glory of becoming what she's always wanted to become but she also experiences and pays the price of being a warrior. This is where I love the 1st person perspective. We followed Freya's story in Freya's perspective and we experienced what Freya did "in real time" so when the end of the book comes around, we (the reader) are just as shocked and confused as Freya is in the moment. The book ends in a cliffhanger and I am waiting in anticipation for any news about the next book (even though this book came out in February).
In conclusion, I think it was a great read and great first book back into reading for fun. If you read it, let me know your thoughts.
ANYWAYS, I'm so happy I got my first review out on my blog. It took some time but I finished. I'm currently reading Dune and I have a few books in my "To Read" list.
Currently reading: Dune by Frank Herbert
Next in Queue: Heartless Hunter by Kristen Ciccarelli
Favorite song at the moment: Deceptacon by Le Tigre
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