#my best friends <333
benzatthanin · 8 months
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kensatou · 3 months
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you think YOU had a bad day at work?
bonus: sid shrieking "no!!!! NO!!!!!" loud enough to be heard in the stands and on camera
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positivelyadhd · 8 months
reminder that making time for your friends, even when you're tried and socialising feels overwhelming is important to do every so often. it's especially important to do this actually.
time alone can be good, for a time, but humans are social creatures and we need to talk to people, there's nothing wrong with that!!
sometimes the more time you spend alone the more your brain will tell you to stay alone. that's not true, you're allowed to (and should!!) see people that are important to you. sometimes that alone can be surprisingly healing.
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musubiki · 3 months
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danmarch 🐉💎
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autism-swagger · 11 months
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Amanda in Saw X who cheered
reblogs > likes
Bonus speedpaint (^_^) peace and love on planet earth
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seo-changbinnies · 7 months
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countdown to @exocean​‘s bday: d-0: glasses!
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rooscandraw · 6 months
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lightning thief lineup!!!
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i love lane she is my baby so. instead in my mind lane escapes stars hollow to live in nyc on her own at nineteen and the city is huge and intimidating and she has to share an apartment with like three guys but its okay because she has her own room and there's this shelf right in the middle of her wall and she's got all of her CDs and records spilling out right there in the open and she's got posters of nico and bjorke and bowie and fiona apple scattered around her walls and she works in like a music shop during the day and bartends at night and rory comes to stay with her sometimes and they spend hours sitting in parks and talking even when its really cold and rory doesn't say anything when lane tenses up sometimes and lane doesn't say anything when rory looks out beyond her like she's waiting for someone. and then she becomes the drummer in a punk band and they get to play in CBGB and then they're invited to go on tour and they're playing in venues all across the country and lane's laughing again and she's talking to people and she's kissing girls. and then one night she's playing out in California and out in the crowd she spots someone familiar and he's smiling at her and she's smiling back and after he asks her if she'd like a drink and she says yes. and maybe it'll go somewhere maybe it won't but there's hope in the air and it's all going to be okay because she's got purple in her hair and she can talk as loudly as she wants.
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murdleandmarot · 3 months
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She’s my best friend in the whole wide world
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nyaturalbornkiller · 11 days
I love my friends
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sonknuxadow · 5 months
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he has his fathers eyes <3
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alderaans · 2 years
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If I had met you first, I would not have hesitated about getting married.
Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow (2022)
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laylakeating · 2 years
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boag · 1 month
I’m so glad we moved where we did omg…. We lived in this neighborhood before when we first moved to Philly but like on the other side which is technically a ~better~ area but we got in touch with these landlords through one of my mom’s best friends Shawn who lives across the street and knows the owners and was like “yo they are cool as hell and are planning on moving out you guys should rent from them” . And we’ve been going over Shawn’s house and hanging out with him and his friends for over a year now bc they’re all just great, genuine, fun ass people so we’ve gotten to know a lot of them. And now we live on their block and it’s the best vibes ever and we always know we’re surrounded by a whole group of SUPER cool/trustworthy people and we’re so often just outside at night hanging out on each other’s front stoops having some drinks and smoking some and having the best conversations and I just love it sm . I’m so done with the messy toxic drugged up bullshit of my past so it’s really awesome to have people around who are just kind and honest and have their shit together but can still have fun like it’s just an amazing group of people to be a part of
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thefourchimes · 22 days
A short story about my intense hyperfixation and my best friend's immense understanding of it:
me and my friend: *discussing random topics*
me: *notices that this random topic can connect to the cool sisters and immediately mentions it*
my friend, literally not even a minute later:
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me: did you just have that on hand
my friend: :)
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am i this predictable? /lh
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dollsuguru · 4 months
i love senshi so much he’s my bestie he’s a goober he’s an ICON. i’m almost done w the anime and these pictures alone are the reason of why i’m gonna read the manga <3
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