#my berserk button
fixaidea · 12 days
So I hear that there was a plan to introduce a romance between Jaeyi and Joowon and boy I'm glad it was discarded. 'Young female character isn't allowed to exist in a story without obligatory romance' has been a long-standing pet peeve of mine across a wide variety of stories.
Jaeyi already has a perfectly solid reason to get involved with the investigation without having the hots for anyone - her missing mum. Also she's close friends with pretty much everyone at the Munju substation.
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99thpercentile · 5 months
Alice is not creepily obsessed with Sam’s love life or crossing boundaries. she keeps leaving the room when she can no longer handle the conversation! all the things she’s saying are attempts to signal “everything’s fine I’m cool,” she’s just failing spectacularly at being convincing.
being brokenhearted isn’t a crime. she’s not having feelings AT anyone jesus christ
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pepperpixel · 2 years
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“Pepper, have you ever even read the comic that the powerpunk girls are from?”
No, I have not. But I did obsessively watch this one powerpunk girls amv on YouTube as a child. And they’ve been permanently in the back of my mind since then. So.., you know, I don’t think I rlly need to read the comic! GhGH- I think my heart and soul knows the powerpunk girls well enough.. at this point!
But anyway, yeah. Have some berserk art ghghg (also w 1 blossom)
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silvermoon424 · 9 months
I watch a lot of Hope For Paws (an animal rescue channel) videos and it always fucking infuriates me how so many people just abandon their pets on the streets. They don’t try to find another home for them, they don’t drop them off at a shelter, they just… leave them outside.
I think a lot of these people assume “it’s an animal, they’ll use their instincts to survive” when like 2 seconds of critical thinking disproves that. Even non-domesticated wild animals that were raised by humans will usually be helpless surviving on their own because they just weren’t raised to have same skills and instincts as their wild counterparts do. That’s why sanctuaries and rescue operations for exotic pets exist; these animals will die in the wild so people want to provide them a safe space.
If it’s that bad for a captive-raised tiger, why the FUCK do idiots think a domestic dog who has never had to take care of itself will be okay being let loose? Maybe we should drop their animal neglecting asses into a jungle and see how well they do. After all, humans still have survival instincts so I’m sure they’ll be able to tough it out.
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dieinct · 2 years
"give me culturally christian vampires." wow imagine a culturally christian vampire. maybe they'd be repelled by christian holy symbols, like they wouldn't want to touch a crucifix and maybe they couldn't stand on holy ground or holy water might bother them! what a funny way of bringing christian superstition into the timeless and completely universal vampire myth that has NEVER been culturally specific before :)
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thatfrenchacademic · 5 months
Social scientists really out there with absolutely ZERO consideration for the policies that their research might end up supporting.
"But it's science"
Did you think down for a hot second to consider how this can interpreted? OR DID YOU WANT THAT SWEET ACCEPTANCE IN APSR SO BAD ????
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VH - Lost Soul
(tw: it’s backstory time for Vampire Hero, and it isn’t very nice. Lots and lots of torture mentions.)
Vampire Hero was in hell, although not for the reasons Villain thought.
According to his watch, he’d been trapped in this maze for hours. Amid the many gifts his vampire nature had given him, a sense of direction wasn’t among them. He’d tried to punch the walls, but that would have taken too long to burst through them. They were even thicker than the skull that had thought of such a stupid thing to build. What he could do was leaving a dent to make sure that yes, he’d been there before. He had his phone on him, but there was no wifi, so no way to use his GPS. He had very little battery left anyhow– he had emptied most of it to send his wife pictures of bats on his way, which was as far as he was concerned a very good and judicious use of it. All of that was already a bore, but to make the game even funnier, the labyrinth was full of traps.
Full of pathetic traps. The ground collapsed under his feet, rocks were falling on him, all of that accomplishing nothing – but it was annoying enough that it disrupted his concentration, preventing him to find a way out. That was not the main problem, though. There were screens everywhere, too high to reach, and Villain. Never. Stopped. Talking.
“What is good and evil ? Do you know for sure what the limit is ? Good is supposed to follow the law, but is the law always good ? Isn’t it pride to do what feels right ? You think you want to stop me, but aren’t you being selfish by doing what you want ?”
She’d kept going like that for hours now. Nails on a blackboard would have sounded nicer. Not only the words were as hollow as a dead snail, but the inflection of that pompous voice was unbearable. Vampire Hero was seriously tempted to hit his head against the wall to stop hearing anything, but that didn’t seem like it’d work in the long term.
At his limit, he stepped up, his lips pinched, and finally yelled back:
“Four words. Grow the fuck up.”
“That’s all you have to say ? You’re not much for philosophy.”
“You call that philosophy ? I hate to break it to you, but knowing that good and bad are social constructs is not some kind of genius insight. All I see is a kid yelling at me that she’s very smart. You don’t give a crap about all of this. You just want to prove to yourself how very superior you are.”
“Do you think you’re better than me ?”
“The bar is low.”
“Oh, because you’re good now ?”
Vampire Hero stopped dead in his tracks:
“Even before, I was better than you."
He raised his arms and bared his teeth, his voice loud:
"You think that you’re bad ? You’ve got nothing on me ! I lured people and made them dance with me over broken glass. I had them rot blindfolded in animal cages for days until they had to lick their own blood. I had cozy nights with them having a friendly little chat in the living room while I was drinking from a corpse, and they knew that if they broke they were next. I made them starve and eat their loved ones. And I loved it ! I loved all of it ! I loved the light dying in their eyes. I thought I was clever ! I am half the reasons you’re shaking at night !”
“Zdiiiiiiiingbonnng,” made the rock on Hero’s head. He sighed in exasperation and stopped talking, wiping gravel from his hair.
“I know about you.” said Villain. “The hero agency’s lackey. Aren’t you ashamed ? You were a great prince, once.”
“Actually, I never was really tall.”
“Go ahead, hide yourself behind this kind of childish retorts. But admit it: you’ve sunk low. You arrest people who weren’t caught like you and you bring them to the authority, like a good dog. Has it ever occurred to you how much of a failure you’ve become ?”
“Then why did you stop ?”
“If I tell you the story, will you finally shut up ?”
“Worth it.”
Vampire Hero jumped over a couple of spikes, groaned when he realized that his jeans had a new hole, and said:
“Once upon a time, asshole, I was living happily in my castle all alone. I was rich, I was immortal, I had everything I wanted, and what I wanted was a lot of toys.”
He glanced around him, noticed nothing that indicated he was on the right path, and sighed.
“By toys I mean humans, of course. I chose among the prettiest, kindest, bravest, and I tortured them to death. I hurt them until they didn't have anything to break. I was good at it. I experimented things that would give you and all of you so-called Supervillains nightmares for years. But, you know. Decade after decade, still doing the same thing – I was getting bored. I felt empt- aw man, a dead end again ?”
He turned on his heels, swearing. That was obviously the wrong way to solve his problem. The walls were smooth and impossible to climb, so it had to be arranged. He caught a rock and throw it against the hard surface with a little more strength than necessary.
“Well, anyway. I heard there was a great conqueror who wanted the world. I made my first travel since decades, by curiosity. I wanted to see by myself who could challenge me.”
“And you fought him and you lost ?”
“I told you to shut up. I met her, and not long after I was her lucky, lucky husband. I never had her ambition, but of course I supported her. She encouraged my own little hobby in return, so I became her special torturer. My life was even more perfect, and there was this void inside me, and I hated it, and I didn't understand it. And what happened happened. I tortured the wrong person.”
“Define wrong ?”
“It was the daughter of a vampire hunter.”
“A poor choice.”
“Yeah, tell me about it. The guy was really good at his job. He was already pissed off because of the world-conquering plan, but after I did that, well, he cursed my wife and I – oh, enough with this.”
Punctured by rock impacts, the wall in front of him wasn’t so smooth anymore. Vampire Hero took a run-up, jumped and landed on the top of it. He had a nice view on the labyrinth now. For the first time, he took the right direction.
“ That’s cheating,” complained Villain.
“I don’t care.”
“What then ?”
“What then ? I had a bad century. The hunter couldn't kill me, so he drank my blood to prolong his own life and tortured me. He got good at it, too. I felt what I’d made the others feel, but only at first – after ninety years it was back to nothing. I was 300 years old and reality was fading. I was a leech. I hadn’t made a thing for myself.”
“You mean you went soft because of a little torturing?”
“No. I got old. When you have a couple of centuries, this torture-people-to-death shit doesn’t have the same kind of kick anymore. You try to get creative, but it doesn’t help. You feel nothing. So there’s nothing else you can do but stop. And speaking of stopping, it’s your turn.”
Vampire Hero was now at the center of the labyrinth. He jumped to a silver door, decided he was too done with the whole thing to use the knob, and broke it open.
Villain turned towards him, a small smile on her face, and opened her arms in a welcome gesture:
“Behold, vampire ! This room have been made of silver walls and floor. You won’t be able to enter without squirming in agony and -
Vampire Hero stepped in. Villain braced herself for his cries of pain, but there was none. He still looked bored out of his mind. There was a long silence.
“That’s – that’s not possible.”
Hero laughed. A slow, sinister laugh that made Villain’s eyes open wide.
“What are you ?” she whispered. “You can’t be a vampire. You should be crawling on the ground.”
“Don’t you listen ? I told you I’ve been tortured for decades. You know what an immortal body does when it regenerates back for the hundredth time ?"
He pointed to himself. There was a subtle change in his appearance. He still looked like his unimpressed self, but his usual lightness was replaced by something much darker. It was his eyes. Staring into them was like gazing into some horrible, nameless abyss. There was nothing human about them. They could only belong to some ghastly creature who'd lived centuries, not particularly nice ones.
Vampire Hero chuckled, and Villain shuddered.
"It gets tougher," he only said. "I’ve lost touch and taste. I feel nothing. Nor warmth or cold, and certainly not pain. My body is cut from the outside world. There's not much that feels real to me. You know what it is?”
He walked towards Villain, who took a step back and said:
“I hope you realize you’re monologuing yourself.”
“Habits die hard. I want to go back tonight and kiss my wife on the top of her head, just in the middle. It’s our habit. That’s all that matters. If I have to be on this side to support her, so be it. I don’t care about evil or good, and it won’t prevent me to eat your vocal chords if you’re off again. So, are you going to keep talking or finally shut the hell up ?”
“You know what, I think I’m good.”
Vampire Hero is a recurring character. His job is to troll current villains. Check the Vampire Hero Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with him.
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 7 months
"nobody deserves physical harm" "i'd never resort to that" "violence isn't the answer" these pearls of wisdom brought to you by the man who hit his kid nary a few eps ago for being lippy
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tlaquetzqui · 4 months
Before you open your stupid Danish mouth to bother us with opinions about public transportation in America, please recall that your NATO parasite client-state country has fewer people than Phoenix. And that Phoenix has average temperatures that have Northern European countries declaring emergencies, 30° Celsius and up, from April to September, fully half the year. (And October is 28°.)
Arizona has one of the highest rates of vitamin D deficiency in the developed world, because, at least below the Mogollon Rim, it isn’t tolerable to be outside in daylight for half the year. Shut the fuck up about public transportation.
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hinac0 · 5 days
vaguing w the most hatred in my heart possible since this bitch I'm vaguing feigned bubblegum candy pop "I love my friends" shit I feel like if you cannot trust your friends of 10 years to A) not be transphobic based on a thing they said you misconstructed B) not fetishize irl gay people when all their shit has always been said about pixels C) get mad about an age gap of 3 years between teens you have bigger problems than your friends being "proshippers". either go to therapy or drop dead christ almighty
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gorespawn · 4 months
that piece of work that u thought the eyes were a predator are in fact lion eyes! which is kind of a spoiler for the story, bc that's fanart for dungeon meshi. :) u were spot on about the themes and representation in that piece, so the manga might be up your alley? im afraid it's not very explicitly gory but it deals a lot with death and the cycles of life,
ah, dungeon meshi... the anime with the first new tumblr sexyman in decades... Mr. chipton, the dadboy
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~ Talia and Luna to the rescue! ~ Putting image description under read more, as it is inspired by late game events for My Time at Sandrock :D
So, when Amahle is reported to have fallen over a ledge and there's talks about Logan being involved, this is when Talia and Luna completely jumps into action. Maybe they shadow someone to the bandit hide out? Maybe it's just the fact they are connected on a paranormal level with their sibling? But they do head out to kick Logan's ass. Not pictured is them chasing this big bad bandit around the room while their brother attempts to explain that they've misunderstood the entire situation XD
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the thing is that ofmd and the online discussion(s) around it were tailor-made in a lab to drive many black sails fans insane and not in a fun way.
partially because of how black sails is a pirate show but ofmd is not. ofmd is a romantic comedy that happens to be dressed up with a little pirate aesthetic for its setting despite how people talk about it or despite how it’s heralded for being things it is not. which uhhhh can be maddening.
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cosmic-llin · 2 years
Not gonna get into a fight on someone else's post but for the record Deanna Troi earned her promotion to Commander by having several years of experience and passing multiple tests in diplomatic law, first contact procedures, bridge operations and engineering.
Also Starfleet doesn't give out ranks based on whether you're as smart as an android, because that would be a fucked up way to run an organisation, but if it did, well, Deanna can beat him at chess.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Some villain mocking Miruko by calling her "cute and tiny" would be her berserk button, but she doesn't get like loud angry. She's just quiet for a while and goes "you think it's funny, but I'm literally at the perfect height to take your kneecaps, headbutt you in the stomach and because I'm small, I'm also harder for you to catch me. So, yeah keep laughing and taunting me and maybe I'll take your ankles, too".
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machinedramon · 9 months
I've stayed silent long enough but now I need to speak my truth
I fucking hate "yippee" and all variations thereof
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