#my beloved little fucked up guy đŸ©”
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sugarpasteltmnt · 18 days ago
He would do this
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Also, thank you for the hot soup I am destroyed internally
AJKSHDKSAJDHASD LOL HE WOULD!!!! teehee i'm so glad you liked Hot Soup!!! (i had a lot of fun writing it đŸ©”)
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djarins-cyare · 26 days ago
Here from your WIP post - please tell me about Refugees From TV Land?!
Yay, I’m so glad someone asked about this one! đŸ©” It’s one of my favourites and the first fic idea I wrote down after finishing Be-All And Endor.
As those of you who’ve read my WIP folder titles may have guessed, I’m pretty obsessed with the whole ‘Earthling in the SWU’ concept. One of my most beloved Mandalorian fics ever (Short Debts Make Long Friends by @wrathkitty) features a Reader from Earth, and I’ve already described one of my Earthling!Reader fic ideas here.
Another of my favourite Mandalorian fics is Not My Stars by @keldabe-kriff, which is kind of the opposite – it features Din becoming stuck on Earth. It’s such an intriguing inversion of the ‘Earthling in the SWU’ concept that I found myself dreaming up my own spin on how such a situation could come about and what the dynamics would be like. I love the idea of Din being totally flummoxed by things we find normal and the reader having to help him adapt!
Refugees From TV Land is a placeholder title until I can think of something better, but I’ve got the whole thing plotted out and have written a few scenes here and there. I think the best way to illustrate the setup is simply to give you the entire scene where Din arrives, although I don’t really want to give away much more than that for now. So here you go – I hope you enjoy it! đŸ©”
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Refugees From TV Land
You bolt upright as a deafening bang wrenches you from your couch-based slumber, shattering the enjoyable Mandalorian-themed dream you were having. The projector still hums quietly behind you, its vintage lens casting an achromatic glow over the room, though the show has long since ended.
Through the foggy confusion of your abrupt awakening, you scan the room, convinced that something has either fallen or exploded, and a mounting panic hits as you realise Yoda is nowhere to be seen.
“Yoda! Where are you, buddy?” That dog is a menace.
After a few seconds, the patter of claws on the hardwood floor signals your little hound has heard your summons. All you see at first are his huge ears approaching the couch before he leaps up to join you.
“What have you destroyed this time, huh?” you ask, already dreading the mess you’ll have to face.
Yoda huffs at your accusation before bounding forward to lick your face – either in apology or simple affection – and you collapse back onto the sofa, laughing as you fend him off with a few ear scratches. A quick once-over confirms he isn’t wet, smeared in food, or singed. It’s unlikely he’s caused too much damage, then.
“Alright, little guy, whatever it is, we’ll tackle it tomorrow. Bedtime now.” But as you try to kick off the blanket and sit back up, you swear you hear something else – a man’s shout, distant yet discernible.
Is someone outside? You’re about to get up and check when Yoda growls, and a cold shiver of alarm races through you at the possibility of an intruder. This place is so isolated that you’re not sure how to handle such a prospect. You freeze for several anxious moments, watching your dog for any clues about the threat’s origin.
Then, you notice something odd: Yoda isn’t growling at the door or the windows. He’s fixated on the blank wall opposite you, upon which the projector still casts a large square of light.
And that’s when you see it.
Shifting patterns ripple within the light’s confines – undulating shimmers that make the solid wall appear almost liquid, the shapes slowly gaining colour and definition.
Suddenly, Yoda howls, and your focus snaps back to him, only to see him doing his best wolf impression at the ceiling. “What the fuck
?” you murmur.
But before you can reach out to soothe him, a shrill, high-pitched tone slices through the air, forcing you to clamp your hands over your ears. Yoda abandons his howling in favour of barking instead, his gaze fixed once again on the wall. You look up and see
 images! They’re faint but unmistakable – as if the projector’s lens is out of focus.
Wondering what on earth it’s projecting (since the DVD has undoubtedly ended), you reach up behind the sofa and fiddle with the lens assembly, twisting the focusing gear to adjust the aperture. The piercing tone has vanished, so you drop your other hand from your ear, noting that Yoda has now fully burrowed himself beneath your blanket.
So much for your guard dog, the little wimp.
As the image sharpens, you hear a man shouting again – but this time, you can make out the words: “There he is! Stop him!” Desperately, you twist the focus gear once more, trying to tune in whatever your projector is inexplicably displaying.
Suddenly, the image becomes vividly clear – a perfectly projected grey hallway with angular walls and glowing strip lighting. Your drowsy mind struggles to make sense of the familiar architecture and fathom why it’s being projected onto your living room wall when, all at once, there’s another boom. You jolt in shock, and Yoda whines from beneath the blanket.
Then chaos erupts in the corridor: flashes of red ricochet off the walls, and your eyes widen as a figure dashes around the corner. A figure you recognise immediately.
It’s none other than the Mandalorian – his silver beskar deflecting the red plasma as if it were mere rain in a summer storm.
What the fuck are you seeing? Is this an easter egg at the end of the DVD or something?!
You watch as Din tucks himself against the wall near the corner he just raced around. He peeks back out and fires a couple of blaster shots back the way he came while Grogu’s little pod zips around the corner, its top closed tight to protect him.
Suddenly, a door slides open closer to you along the corridor, and a stormtrooper steps into the foreground, taking aim at Din’s back.
“Oh, shit!” you gasp, fully immersed in the stakes of this bizarre bonus scene. But Din pivots just in time, firing his blaster straight at his would-be attacker. The trooper falls instantly, their own shot going wide and bouncing off the metal wall until it hurtles directly toward the camera

and into your fucking living room!
You scream as it impacts the wall above you, desperately wondering if you’re still asleep on your couch and merely dreaming this madness
 until Din rushes toward you, shouting, “Is it safe there?”
This is a dream. It can’t be real.
Nonetheless, you nod.
And then he’s running toward you again, stormtroopers rounding the corner behind him, blaster bolts shrieking in your direction.
You cringe as elements from the show you love transform your cosy living room into a battlefield. Red plasma shatters an antique vase on your shelf
 it singes your new oak coffee table and custom-made couch cushions
 and the Mandalorian you’ve adored for the past four years dives through the wall, rolling to a surprisingly graceful stop on your rug.
Holy shit. This is a dream. This is just a totally realistic, scarily vivid dream.
But the shots keep coming, and the stormtroopers clamour ever closer
“Close the doorway!” Din yells, rolling to his knees and returning fire through your wall.
Reacting mindlessly to his command, you twist on the couch, stretching up behind you to slam the on/off switch as fast as you can. But as the projector’s light flickers and fades, a few more blaster shots make it through the rapidly vanishing ‘doorway’ – and one catches your outstretched forearm.
The pain is more excruciating than any injury you’ve ever endured. You can’t even tell if you scream; you think you do, but nothing else exists beyond the searing agony of white-hot plasma eating into your skin.
It’s fucking glowing.
With the projector now off, the room is shrouded in darkness save for the moonlight streaming through the windows
 and your fucking glowing wound.
You slide back down on the couch, clutching your injured arm and trying your goddamn best not to hyperventilate.
 let me see,” you hear, and suddenly, your fictional crush is gently cradling your forearm in his soft leather gloves. Din fucking Djarin is kneeling beside you, holding your arm as you hysterically gulp down oxygen and repress the urge to scream. Then, a gurgling sound comes from behind him, and you glance up

and wide brown eyes stare at you from between enormous batwing ears that illustrate exactly why you named your dog Yoda. Except
 he looks real. A real-life Grogu with fluid movements – so unlike that jerky puppet in the show.
It’s too much. It’s too fucking much. Even your desperate, gasping attempts to take in oxygen aren’t enough to stave off your shocked mind’s overwhelming desire: to just switch the fuck off for a while.
And as darkness encroaches from the edges of your vision, you remain conscious just long enough to feel something tingly being sprayed on your arm. The last thing you hear before you pass out is a modulated voice that sounds remarkably like Pedro Pascal assuring you, “You’re gonna be fine.”
Sure. You will be when you wake up. Because this was all a dream.
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sarahjtv · 9 months ago
My Hero Academia Chapter 426 Spoiler Talk: The Hellish Todoroki Family Conclusion
Whew, what a chapter goddamn. The Todoroki Family, especially Shoto (my favorite character đŸ©”), is one of my favorite and one of the best arcs in My Hero Academia. We all knew that their conclusion was coming this chapter and now that we're here, let's talk about it:
First off, in case you didn't hear, Weekly Shonen Jump and MHA mangaka, Kohei Horikoshi himself, confirmed that this is the first of the last 5 chapters of My Hero Academia. The series will end in early August with 430 chapters total if all goes well. I made a post about this when it was announced 2 days ago, but I want to briefly say that I am going to miss this series so much. It has had such an amazing impact on my life and surely saved me during many rough times. I will be so sad to see it end, but happy to see Horikoshi finish his beloved story on his own terms after 10 long years of publication. I will make sure to see it through myself.
We start off the chapter with a Todoroki Family reunion. We see the whole family about a month after the war ended. Everyone has burn scars of some kind now with Rei's having the largest that even covers the left side of her face like Shoto's and Endeavor's do ironically enough (I see what you did, Horikoshi). We don't see if Endeavor got any burn scars on his face because it's covered with bandages, but given he has the highest fire resistance next to Shoto, I doubt it.
Also, pretty much everyone got a haircut from their bodies getting torched trying to stop Touya (I'm going to call him that from here on). Fuyumi and Endeavor got a few inches off, Natsuo cut quite a bit off to the point where he's looking like his father again (oh, the irony), and Rei got a significant portion cut off to the point where it's back to the length it was when she and Enji first met. I think Shoto got a slight trim, but it's hard to tell. His hair is definitely scruffier than it was before, though. Honestly looks-wise, they all still look really good. Those Todoroki/Himura genes are doing good work.
But, despite those good looks, everyone is here to see Touya in his own operating tube (?). The doctor says that Touya's slowly dying and Endeavor tells everyone that he's retiring. Both things are what everyone saw coming. There was no way Endeavor was going back to hero work after everything that happened to him during the final war. It was just never possible. Even with prosthetics, I think his own mental state and where he is in life with his family would have prevented that from happening. I'm surprised that Touya is alive at all, but I'm glad to see that he's alive to see his family for a little longer before he eventually dies which I assume may happen in the final chapter of the series.
Also, Touya can still talk! Bro still can't move for shit, but he's conscious enough to talk to his family. He still hates his father and I get it. I don't think there was any way Touya was going to forgive his father after everything that happened. It's good to see that Endeavor still is trying to atone and wants to talk with Touya as much as he possibly can to his eldest son, but that won't change anything right now. The least Endeavor can do is listen to what Touya might want to say.
Fuyumi and Rei try to talk to Touya too, but the doctor is telling them that talking more would be a burden on Touya's heart. And then Shoto asks his oldest brother "What's your favorite food?" and Touya responds "Soba..." just like Shoto. I can't do this tonight, guys! I'm screaming, crying, throwing up! WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN! THEY COULD HAVE EATEN SOBA TOGETHER IN ANOTHER LIFE!!! HOW DARE YOU, HORIKOSHI! I'M IN YOUR WALLS 😭
And right as his family leaves his room, Touya slowly cries tears and says "Shoto... I'm sorry..." I don't need to explain this one. This fucking hurts. Touya has regrets, but it's too late. Touya may be Dabi the murderous villain who ruined a lot of lives, but he's also still a young man who deserved a better life than what was handed to him and does still care for his family even if only a little. All around a tragic character. If this is the last we see of Touya, I think it's a good albeit sad send-off.
As the Todorokis start to part ways, we get an idea of where their lives are going now:
1. Natsuo wants to start a family with his girlfriend (isn’t he only 20 btw and he started dating her like, what, a year ago? I get it, Natsuo, but this is too early don’t you think? 😭) but has no intention of having a ceremony for it specifically because he doesn't want her or himself to ever see Enji again. I don't blame him for this. Even though he helped stop Touya from literally exploding which did save his father, Natsuo made it clear from the start that he was never going to forgive Enji no matter how much he atoned. The reason why he was even born was because Enji wanted a perfect Ice/Fire child, but he didn't get that until Shoto was born afterwards. Natsuo saw Enji hurt and abuse his family for pretty much his entire life and Enji suddenly wanting to fix what he broke wasn't going to change Natsuo's mind on what he thought of his father. Cutting ties with his father is for the best. It's a miracle the rest of his family still want to see Enji at all, especially Shoto.
2. Fuyumi has also quit her teaching job, but a mother of one of her students found another one. This is also understandable. The public slander of her family on her is what probably pushed this and I'm sure her good reputation got inadvertently damaged from it. I hope she is treated better at her new job.
3. Enji is going got continue to pay for his crimes for the rest of his life whatever that takes. He even understands if the rest of his kids never want to see him again either. He will still do everything he can to make sure his kids are unharmed by the whole Dabi thing. He even accepts that he's going to dance with Touya in Hell one day. Honestly, regardless of what you think of Endeavor, I honestly think his atonement/development arc is one of the best in the series. He has definitely become a better man than what he started out as when we first met him during the Sports Festival Arc, but what I love about this is that Horikoshi never let him off the hook. He made Enji face his sins head-on and suffer through every consequence that came from his abusive actions. If Enji Todoroki is going to atone, he's going to atone the very, very hard way. Enji may be a better man and father, but that doesn't mean he's going to see the pearly gates when all is said and done. The best he can do is pay for his sins for the rest of his life and pray that Rei, Fuyumi, and Shoto don't leave him completely too.
4. And finally, there's my favorite, Shoto đŸ©”! He's going back to school and reassures his parents that he will be fine with his friends as they help him become who he wants to be. This essentially concludes Shoto's arc as well. When we first met him, he was a cold, anti-social teen who didn't want to make any friends. All he wanted to do was to become a hero with his ice alone to spite his father. Since then, he's opened up to his classmates, made amazing friends especially in Izuku, Iida, and Bakugo, rekindled his relationship with his mother and siblings, come to terms with his father and Touya, and finally accepted his Ice/Fire powers as his own. He says he's on the path to becoming the hero he wants to be, but I'd argue that he's already there. Again, it's an incredible development for Shoto and I think this is a great conclusion to his own character arc.
After Shoto leaves, we transition to Hawks! He's still there for Endeavor if he needs him which is nice. He's also the president of the Public Safety Commission! Dude may be Quirkless, but that doesn't mean he can't do anything! I'm happy to see him thrive in this new role of his and I hope he can reform the PSC into something good as opposed to how they treated him in the past.
We also catch up on Lady Nagant WHO IS NOT DEAD 🎊, but chooses to stay in prison for a bit longer. And Gentle and LaBrava are ok and free too! Good endings here!
The final panel shows Spinner and someone is opening his hospital door đŸ€”
Phenomenal chapter! 10/10 would read and cry over again. Thank you and fuck you for everything, Kohei Horikoshi. 4 Chapters left. Fuck, my hands hurt 😭
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quailxcrossing · 4 months ago
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hello again!! if only tumblr let you answer asks twice
✹ - What makes your OCs heart race? Is it fear or love or something deeper?  you picked two guys who their hearts are constantly racing, constantly on the brink of getting sick from stress or so happy they could cry, REALLY good selection for these two.
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RUSEEE MY BELOVED i think...i will go with something happy for her. i need to see her awkward little smile she's got plenty of things that set off her alarms but she deserves some joy too what gets her heart racing the most in a way she enjoys is dancing :3 she wuvvs music she loves concerts she loves music so loud it makes her head hurt and ears ring and she can feel the bass through every inch of her body. its a full sensory experience for her she cannot get enough of, it thrills her and panics her juuuust enough where she feels so vulnerable yet completely safe in a concert or venue environment. she never really had the chance to experience this before, she never did things that were just fun for the sake of being fun!
she was pretty terrified before going. the first time Cradle and Twilight convinced her to come to a show with them, perhaps they seemed a bit too concerned the loud noises would frighten her. they just wanted her to get out of the house and experience something new, and they figured if she was uncomfortable they'd get her out of there asap- and they were sO lucky it worked. now concerts and dancing is like her favorite thing. she loves dressing up all nice...she loves the fun fruity drinks they serve, she loves how its kinda scary but doesn't feel Dangerous. that is important to her
and she just stands there like 😐 while her brain and heart are going â­â€ŒïžđŸššâ˜€ïžđŸ©”đŸŒˆđŸ’ƒđŸŽ¶đŸȘ©
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her eye sparkle is so big
Maiceo (hii maiceo) i think ill do something negative but also positive but most negative okay so you know that post thats like
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this is maiceo but not just growing up, this is maiceo forever
and like unfortunately being Found Out of just like being a person with quirks and inconsistencies and homosexual tendencies could be really bad for them ! i really think the job of a Hierophant in Tuesday is fucked up, every Hierophant I write is bizarrely fucked up and isolated. one of them is so isolated to his work that he forgot his given name and just goes by Hierophant. Maiceo at least youre not at that point yet.
so yes. maiceo's poor little heart. it goes crazy whenever Maiceo gets a moment to see their best friend Georgiana, who at first they tried to veil their relationship as perfectly normal business acquaintances as Georgiana worked for the King and Maiceo also technically works for the King so hey if we see each other sometimes, that's okay, right?? but Maiceo's heart is beating too loudly. it's beating so loudly they know everyone around them can hear it and they know Georgiana is different than being a best friend. maiceo hates themself for even indulging any fantasy for even a second and putting themselves in danger of losing their position (you do noT just leave your card-given position) ohhh quite a tricky little situation you're in maiceo because you cannot make yourself stop caring despite how badly you want to. youre always afraid of being found out, just your whole self, i guess
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oh-soo-diabolik · 2 years ago
Hello again! So I wanted to ask beforehand because I wanted to request a certain pathetic... Attention starved depresso of a vampire Ritcher. This is a nonromantic ask btw.
Imagine if, while in the early stages of being obsessed with Cordelia and still had a way out (hard to believe, I know but IMAGINE) he was attacked ked by a small group of vampire hunters from a church. Goes to the church, wrecks havoc and while doing so finds a little boy primary school age nonverbal in the basement. When he checks it out, all the other church members were killed and the child is dirty, wearing what amounts to a potato sack.
He quickly reduces the child was abused and neglected and this stunted the child's growth with 🌟religious trauma🌟
Ultimately he takes the bab in and raises him, practically spoiling the child in what ways he wasn't and his brother was. When the child sees that Cordelia's a bitch, Ritcher eventually drops her because she's toxic and caught her abusing his adopted child the way she does Ayato.
Basically I'm asking for soft head canons or short little blurb of Ritcher being a good dad and learning that "omg love can be precious."
Father Figure!Richter
A/N: I rushed this because I didn’t want to keep you waiting 😭 but i will definitely write more content for him đŸ©”
Remember guys my inbox is open! đŸ„čđŸ©”
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His eyes watch as she dances with her beloved husband.
Richter hated his brother, the good for nothing man he called his brother, KarlHeinz.
“My dear husband, you’re the one who completes me.” she mutters to KarlHeinz. Richter sucks his teeth in response, consumed by the feeling of jealousy.
He stalks towards the entrance of the manor and exists.
The cold bitter air greets him, he needed space, he couldn’t bear facing the bewitched woman named Cordelia, and her wish-washy ways. She didn’t care for him, per se, she just wanted fun.
There he begins his journey into the forest, he continues to walk before approaching a large church, there it stands with pride and beauty, taunting him with their ill faith in a man who doesn’t exist. But what did humans know anyway?
The sound of a child whimpers catches his attention. He teleports to the source of the cause, appearing in front of a boy no older than the age of seven or eight years old.
He was skinny, and frail, his hair was unkept, and he stinks. As if he was left for dead, the older vampire peers down to the boys level.
“What happened?” Richter questions, he waits for the boy’s response but to no avail. “Speak child.” he says more firmly.
“They told me to be a good boy, t-they said it’s what God wants.” he finally replies, Richter’s ruby colored eyes stares down at the boy.
As if he almost felt guilty?
“Get up, come with me, child.” He orders, he watches as the boy struggles to stand, but nothing surprised him more than what he did next. The sudden feeling of the boy holding his shirt for support, catches him at bay. His cold being felt something he hasn’t felt before, he felt responsible. Responsibility of caring for this child.
“Shall I carry you?” He questions, the sounds of men shouting and yelling causes him to turn to face them.
“Step away from the child, Vampire.” An old man snares, gripping the stake at hand.
Truth be told, Richter was tired, tired of dealing with selfish people, first the damned woman Cordelia and then his brother and now these lowlife vampire hunters.
“Your stakes have no effect on me, I will take my leave and I will be taking the child with me.” he replies, as he picks up the child and vanishes.
“Dammit! That fucking bastard took him.” another man says.
“After him, you fucking idiots.” another man shouts, the men grunt in response as they start on their journey into the world of the unknown.
The boy grips Richter’s shirt, “Worry less, you shall be safe with me.” He mutters the boy could only nod in response.
Richter knew, from this day, he would risk his life to ensure that child was safe. Even if it meant killing His own blood and the townspeople, along with that damned woman.
He finally felt a purpose, protect the unprotected. Even if it meant losing his life.
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