#my babies i miss them as a pairing and i miss kim as a player in general.. my first love w/ badminton retired :(((((
t3kandson · 6 days
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Player in Danger
Word count; 11,663
Fandom; The Boyz, Straykids and a little Itzy.
Pairing; Reader X Bang Christopher, Reader X Seo Changbin, Seo Changbin X Bang Christopher & Reader X Lee Juyeon.
Characters; Bang Christopher, Seo Changbin, Lee Juyeon, Sohn Eric, Kim Sunwoo, Ji Changmin, Kim Younghoon, Choi Chanhee, Hur Hyunjun, Lee Hyunjae, Lee Minho & Shin Ryujin. Mentions of Lee Sangyeon, Moon Kevin, Ju Haknyeon, Han Jisung, Kim Seungmin & Yang Jeongin.
Warnings, Angst, Jealousy, Bitterness, Deceiving, Trapping, insecurity, Denial, Betrayal, Miscarriage talk, Cheating, Wanking, Pegging, Sub Christopher, Dom Reader.
Taglist; @nyu-topia
Notes; part 6/7 of Player.
Previous parts found here.
Including the previous part Player in Denial.
Juyeon’s POV
"You ok Juyeon?" Lulu’s voice came to your attention. "Let's sit down," she said as she tried to place her hand warmly on your shoulder. Gently persuading you to move towards the side room. But you stopped briefly a few steps later. "Who's the baby's dad?" You questioned praying for another reason for the swelling in her stomach. "Who do you think?" She snorts almost amused as your eyes widen.
"It's Changmin," she said confidently as you feel like everything is lifted from you. "Wait you thought," she started giggling excited. "Wait if I knew that's where your mind went I would have played along," she smirked walking in front of you as your feet moved to follow her. "And your sure, your sure it's Changmin’s," you asked remembering you had lost Jubin from a misunderstanding. "They are Changmin’s," she said stroking her bump excitedly as she walked to the relative room with you. "They're?" You questioned as she chuckled once more. "I'm having twins that's why I'm so huge for a five-month pregnant woman," she chuckles as her hands massaged her belly. "It's ok were both saved, you're not the father if that's what your asking," she said as she sits. "You happy?" You ask as she nods almost looking besotted. "Can't believe Changmin didn't tell me, the dark horse," you said as she smiled his way. "He wanted to, he wanted to show them off. But I stopped him," she said as you tilted your head confused. "Why?" You asked as she smiled softly. "Because it's weird you know letting your partner tell your ex that he's right," she paused as you pointed at yourself further puzzled. "You told me I would find a better life and I did. But their was a part of me that was hoping you was miserable and missed me," she said honestly as she clenched her hands on her knees. "Especially when I heard you was being the most doting uncle to the child that's biologically yours with her," she said looking pained. You knew she would have found out about Jubin as you knew Elle would have rushed to tell her. But you didn't think for a second the pain that she must have suffered. Though she had been the person you had cheated on Y/N with. You knew she was madly in love with you and had paid the price already. "It's ok I got over it the second these little bundles came," she said brushing her hand around her bump once more. "I don't need to be jealous of her anymore because I have my own happy story," she said pushing her loose hair behind her ear. "I'm really happy for you," you said holding your hand out to her. "I really hope that their healthy and you finally get your happy ever after," you said standing up.
"You off already?" She said looking a little disappointed not to talk more with you. "Eric just informed me Sunwoo told Jubin I'm her father, so I have my own happy ever after to catch," you said as she looked saddened for you. "I hope you can catch it and be a father to your little girl. Sangyeon says your so good with her that he's seeing you grow into a good man," she said standing up. "Wow a compliment from Sangyeon," you said almost dazed from that confession. "I know but he seems to have eased up on both of us since my baby news and you stepping up for your daughter. I think he finally forgives us or more importantly me," she says looking at peace with that. "Hard not to when he's the one married and with kids too," you chuckled as she deadpanned your way. "Think you two should put this all behind you now and stop living in the past. If he's willing to do that you should too," she said starting to walk out the room. Suddenly she moaned out her lips pursing as your heart started to panic again. "Lulu what's up? Are the babies ok?” you asked panicky as your hands went to her shoulders. "It's ok just one of the little mischief makers has just woken up and yeah I'm starting to feel the kicks," she chuckled blowing her hair strand out her eyesight. "Their kicking already?" You asked in awe as she smiled even more at you. "Yes, feel," she said pressing your hand to her stomach. Small little bumps into your palm even over her clothing was felt. It felt so emotional and your heart was blossoming as the thought of her own happiness their growing in her. Though you were sad you never experienced this with Jubin their was a part of you that wanted this so badly with Y/N. The desire to have her in your arms and make her the mother of a sibling for your daughter. You wanting to enjoy all these moments with her. "Don't you go getting attached Lee Juyeon," she smirks. "I'm not I promise, I just hope one day I get this experience myself," you said still enjoying the feeling of the babies beneath your palm. "With Y/N?” she asks into the silence. "It's ok I know you want it and you can be honest and say it," she says looking at you without any pain. "Is it bad that I want to say yes, I want to snatch her and our daughter and run away from the life she has," you admitted feeling all kinds of guilt hit. "Even if it means taking them away from Changbin and Christopher," she asks as you nod closing your eyes with the bad thoughts. "Sometimes dreams come from breaking someone else's, it's sad, it's bad. But if she's meant to be with them she won't leave them. If she does then she never wanted them," she said smiling. "Just don't force it taking them by force. A booby prize isn't worth the fake relationship you get," she said looking in a little in pain. "Sorry," you said letting your hands fall from her. "It's ok like I said without that I wouldn't have had these. You were the brambles I had to trench through to find Nevada," she chuckled as you mirrored shaking your head at her. "Go fight for your baby mama babe," she said pressing a kiss to your cheek before walking towards Elle’s Labour room. She turns to you once more to find you stood there. "Go, shoo, go find your happy ever after," she said looking complete. Your heart feels at peace knowing that everything between you has settled. It isn't just you that's grown and changed but her too, but maybe it's what parenthood does to you.
Ringing Y/N hadn't been fruitful. Her phone was turned off as it had been for a while. It either was off or your calls avoided all together these days. You knew Changbin wouldn't be answering but you felt frustrated with Christopher. He had supported you since saving Jubin. You couldn't help but fear that the truth being revealed would push you away from your daughter. You had regular nightmares of finding them moved away. It took two weeks for Christopher to respond finally. He had told you Y/N wasn't feeling very well and that he would take over arrangements with Jubin and would bring her to you. His usual happy self was faded when his eyes took yours. "Samchon Juju," Jubin cried as she ran to you excited. You could have heard your heart collapse hearing her remain at calling you uncle. You don't know what you expected, but it felt like the relations with them three had been thrown to dust. Added with the extra pain that your own daughter had still decided to call you uncle instead of daddy. If it wasn't for the fact you knew Y/N confirmed her paternity you would have expected them to be angry with you for your friend revealing the truth.
"I don't know why your complaining, you get alone time with out them now," Minho said as you watched from the garden as Ryujin and Jubin was baking. "I know that that's great progress. But it's not fair on our daughter this icy atmosphere. We all need to talk it through as it's not solving anything right now," you complain drinking the lime water Jubin made you minutes before her cooking class with Minho’s wife. "Have you asked Christopher this?" He asks relaxing on the garden chairs. "Yes I'm always texting all three of them. It's like I'm being punished," you said whining. "Maybe by heavily acknowledging your Jubin's father they want to keep a good distance between you and her. Maybe this is a sign to move on," he said lifting his sunglasses so that his eyes could stay in contact with yours. "What I'm over here, not their pining over her," you said hands in the air as he deadpanned you. "Coming from the bloke who can't cope now he can't see her," he scoffs as you felt exposed. "Well yes ok I miss her, as a friend," you said as he shook his head. "Fine I will speak to them for you, but this is the one and only time I will interfere. You got it," he growls your way. "Your do it," you asked with excitement as he rolled his eyes. "Thanks hopefully we can go back to being all civil, friendly and happy," you said relaxing as Jubin appeared with a cake bowl and a spoon in hand licking it as the mixture falls upon her messy face. "Had fun princess?" You ask as you sit her on your lap and snuggle into her. Holding your bundle brings you so much joy even if it's bitter sweet on all the years missed. "Yes i did, can we come here and make cakes with Auntie Ryujin again daddy," she said as you almost choked on your own spit. Eyes blinking as you could see your heart pumping through them. Your daughter called you daddy for the first time. It was so surreal to hear her call you that that you forgot to even breathe let alone reply. "Your always welcome here sweetie," Ryujin said saving you from your moment of not even being able to function. "Really that would be so good, Mummy doesn't know how to cook that well," she said as you couldn't help but chuckle. "She called me daddy," you mouthed to Minho as he nodded happy for you. "Hey princess, we should start organising that horse riding i promised you. What do you think of that?" You asked as your hands played with her hair. She turned to you in pure excitement. "Really, Oh Daddy I so can't wait," she said throwing her arms around you. Holding her tight to you you felt the most contented you had ever felt. Jubin was your life and you weren't ever letting go of this feeling of pure contentment of family life with your little girl.
Minho had offered to drive Jubin home so he could speak with them both. But he had come back saying it wasn't successful, Changbin had refused to even discuss Jubin with him telling him politely to mind his business.
However, the following day you were summoned by Changbin himself, so maybe their was a change at heart. Going to the cafe to meet them had you feeling content that you were finally able to get your life back. Instead of all three of them, you found Changbin's arms folded and looking annoyed. Reminding you when he first realised who you were at Minho's wedding. Feeling self conscious all of a sudden you sat down. "Just you?" You asked as he chuckled with annoyance. "Why expecting Y/N?" He scoffs as your brows furrowed. "No was expecting you and Christopher," you half lied. "Well Y/N is taking it easy she's hopefully pregnant with our baby," he said defining the word Our. "Y/N's pregnant?" You scoff having his words hit you like a truck. "I thought you two was close, didn't she tell you," he said almost smirking. "Maybe we wasn't as close as you feared Changbin," you said with slight avoidance of a connection with Y/N. "We've been trying for a child for a while, be nice to give Jubin another sibling," he said sitting up straight as your head tilts at his words. "Another why you hiding a kid I didn't already know?" You said intrigued. "No that's you," he said accusingly. "Huh?" You said almost dumbfounded. "I'm sure unless theirs other children I didn't know about, which ok I will admit a chance of that, that their is just Jubin," you said almost bewildered with where this conversation was going. "And this is why Y/N doesn't want to see you, because you haven't changed. You're still lying even about your own child yet you want us all to sit around the table and discuss Jubin," he said picking up his cup of coffee to take a sip of it. "Wait I'm totally confused what you are accusing me of doing?" You said getting slightly annoyed. "That was all I needed to hear to prove your still the game player Y/N feared you was. In future if you want to play Daddy At least talk to us first before making her call you that," he said standing up. Now anger was rising through you, who did he think he was trying to take the one joy you had as a father away from you. "Excuse me, I know you like playing at being a daddy to my daughter but you don't get to tell My daughter what she chooses to call me. For the record she was the one who called me Daddy off her own back," you growled wanting to punch his smirking grin off his face. "Well if your friend didn't spill that on her she wouldn't feel forced to call a man she barely knows Dad," Changbin said scrunching his nose in bitterness.
"Barely knows I've almost known her for half a year, for the record if your girlfriend didn't want our daughter to know me as her daddy. Then why did she confirm what my stupid friend said. I heard she didn't put up that much of a fight. Ask yourself why that is Seo Changbin," you spat at him watching his smirk fade slightly. "Just admit your scared, your terrified that Y/N still has feelings. Ask yourself this why was she making sure to come on trips with me and Jubin. I didn't need her there, she went because she wanted to," you said into his face before he grabbed you by your collar. "Go on punch me you know you want to, because you know I'm right. All this this is because your scared now Jubin knows the truth that I'm going to take her away from you," you hit out as his face went red. "Please can you take this outside," the owner of the cafe said approaching as Changbin released his grip on you. "It's ok I'm taking my leave anyway, tell my daughter I love her and will see her for our weekend Friday," you said smirking at him as you went to walk off. "Why don't you focus on your kid with Lulu and leave Jubin to us?" He said in a almost pleaded demand as you spun on your heel towards him. Everything suddenly made sense, had they seen Lulu at the hospital looking pregnant and presumed the same then him. "Changbin you need to get some facts straight. Lulu is pregnant, but not with my kid, it's Changmin. Ask Sangyeon to confirm it as you guys are all up his ass these days," you said watching his face relax slightly. "But nice to know you played on Y/N’s emotions with her to get her away from me because of your pointless fear," you said walking towards him. "If you're interfering still continues to affect my relationship with my daughter I will come take Y/N from you that's a promise," you threatened watching anger fill through him again. With that you walked out the cafe annoyed and irritated. Had he seen Lulu and convinced Y/N that you were hiding a child. No wonder she was ignoring you. Though you took joy from making Changbin jealous his previous words stung. She was pregnant with their baby. Did this mean it was all over, their was no chance of winning her back? No way of having her in any way in your life. Their was no way he would let his pregnant partner near an ex. You were caught between anger but also regret, she should be carrying your child, you should be married and excited for the birth of your second child with her. Though you wanted to blame everyone that had made this path uneven you couldn't help but know deep down that this was on you.
You had been woken up by a bouncing Jubin on your bed. Having been asleep when she got back from Juyeon's the previous night. And all she wanted to talk about was her time with her daddy. It had taken a while for you guys to suddenly figure her talking about Juyeon. Changbin's hurt in his eyes at hearing her address Juyeon as her Dad. You wanted to console him but knew no words could, you had made this mess. Hopefully you would be pregnant soon enough and be able to truly show them how sorry you were. "Are you ok?" You said hands brushing up his muscular arms that would normally turn you into a mushy mess. "I'm fine," he said opening his arms for you to sink into. Something else being new as he had suddenly started being more needy. "I know your upset with the whole Jubin calling Juyeon Daddy. I'm sorry I had hoped this would all go away," you said as he leaned his head onto your shoulder. "I'm sure once his baby’s born he will soon forget her and move on," you tried to paint. Deep down you knew Juyeon would never run from Jubin. He hadn't yet, even knowing he was having a child with Lulu. But their was a part of you that knew that him abandoning Jubin would solve all this mess. "You don't mean that Y/N that's not fair on Jubin," Christopher said coming from behind you. "It's a bit selfish on our behalf to wish that. At the end of the day that man is her father," he said hands held high as you rolled your eyes in defeat. He was right, he was always was, in your jealousy you were wishing something that would hurt your daughter. Guilt hit through your body as such bad thoughts. "How come Minho brought her home yesterday anyway," he asked as your head zapped to Changbin, not even aware. "Nothing much, just thought it would be easier for us if he brought her. Think he just wanted to chat about random stuff, you know man time," he said tensing slightly. "That was good of him," Christopher said as he made his way to the garden when Jubin came through the back door. "Daddy Chris,” She said making you blink as she rarely called him that. He was Daddy and Changbin was Daddy Binnie. "When can I see Daddy next?" She asked as you felt the air be sucked from Changbin. "I'm sure at the weekend you can see Daddy Juju," Changbin said with a little dominance in his tone. It was clear he was attempting to bring some form of lack of importance to Juyeon. "Why can't he come for tea, I like it when your all here," she said looking hopeful as Christopher picked her into his arms. "We're really busy at the moment Princess, it's hard when all of us Daddy's are working hard for lots of things to pay for your treats," he said as Changbin picked his phone up in pure anger and annoyance and started typing. "Binnie," you said with a confused glance his way but his phone was tilted out of your view. "You mean like my horse riding lessons, Daddy said he would take me this weekend," she said as Christopher looked to you both. Changbin had his back to you all, both you and Christopher knew that he wasn't in a pleasing mood. "Baby," you whispered as your hand fell to his shoulder before he turned to look your way like nothing had happened. "I'm ok I promise," he said as if he has snapped himself out his moment of inside rage. "How about we fix these dance lessons we promised you, come show me what lessons you would like," he said walking to Christopher to take her from his arms. As he walked to the table to the laptop resting their you walked towards Christopher. "What are we going to do," you said almost hopeful he had a plan to fix this. "We can't do much, we can only try to navigate through this. But Y/N it's going to be hard. We need to keep a strong stable civil stance for Jubin's sake," he whispered before leaving you standing their watching Changbin with Jubin all excited at the prospect of her lessons.
"You not eating," Christopher said as Changbin walked passed the dinner table towards the door. "I got some errands to do," he growled without giving you a glance. "Where are you going?” you said rushing to join him before he could leave. "I just said some errands," he said a lot more softer with a smile. "I will be back soon I promise, got to pick up a few bits that's all. That and get some fresh air. Today’s been hard, so going to pop into Jisungs. He said holding your hand as you pecked him on the cheek. He had been through the mill recently due to your actions the least he could do was have some him time with his friend.
When he returned drunk he crawled into the bed that you were snuggling up tight to Christopher in. His arms reaching around you cramming you between himself and Christopher. Lips falling along your neck as you smell his night on him, abrupting you from your sleep. Eyes too tired and slammed shut refusing to open he pouted against your skin. "Please don't leave us for him," he pleaded pulling his arms around your stomach. "Your really break my heart if you leave," he chokes almost tearful. "I've never wanted anything so much as I've wanted Chris, you, Jubin and our baby. Please don't let him take you from us," he whimpers that you feel splashes of what your sure are his tears against your skin. "Baby I'm not leaving," you whisper barely audible.
Several weeks had past and you continued to avoid Juyeon. Everything was almost perfect at home even though Changbin was clingy. Especially after dropping Jubin to Minho, who was taking charge of the drop off. Changbin would often afterwards go out drinking with Jisung, Seongmin and Jeongin often coming home a whimpering mess.
"I'm really worried about Binnie," you said plopping on to Christopher’s lap while he was having his time playing the computer. Something he had started doing when Jubin was with Juyeon. "He's ok," he said almost distracted. "He's not and you know it please don't lie to try and reassure me," you said turning to sit facing him. "Look he will be ok, let him adjust to this new pattern of events," he said trying to look around you. "Well he better sort his shit out we can't continue like this when the baby arrives," you said as he chuckled as his hands clicked around on the controls. "Especially as I'm seven days late," you whispered as he blinked froze to the spot, before turning to look at you like he had seen a ghost. "What?" He choked, "your pregnant?" He whispered as you chuckled his way. "I think so," you said as he picked you up in his arms squeezing you hard to his chest. "Oh my god we need to ring him, this will get his ass home, this is what he needs, we need this. Wow, I'm going to be a dad again," he said throwing you into the air in pure excitement. "I’m not confirmed so don't get too excited," you said as he deadpanned your way. "Don't burst this, don't take this from me Y/N let me have my moment before I have to be sensible," he pleads as you chuckle. "Ok Daddy I will behave," you smirk as he looks at you with a wicked expression. "I need to fuck you, we need to celebrate this," he said horny and gone in the news. "You find out you're going to be a dad and you got turned on," you said hitting his chest lightly. "You pregnant is such a turn on, when you were carrying Jubin, well the things it did to me," he said biting his bottom lip. "Well actually I got you a gift I was going to use it next time we had a big special night," you said blushing slightly. "What's that?" He said looking intrigued. "Come with me," you said making him let you drop to your feet, walking to the room him dragging behind connected by your hand.
Reaching your destination you reached under your personal bed. His hands falling to the cheeks of your ass pressed in the air. "Oie cheeky," you said coming back to stand by him, box in hand. "Our bed," you said winking as he put his hand directing you to the door. Pulling him once more you took him to your joint bedroom before placing the box in his hand. Leaning towards the cupboard you smirked at him as he eagly opened his gift. His eyes lighting up in shock your way. "Y/N why have you got this?” he asked still in disbelief. "Well I thought I should attend to your needs, especially now your cum isn't needed to be deposited in me," you smirk completely enthralled with his reaction. "You going to fuck me," he said with his eyes full of sudden desire in them. "Yes, I’ll have you beg for my cock," you said as deep as your voice could go without sounding stupid.
"You always find a way to shock me," he said pulling you into him. His tongue makes it’s way into your mouth. Deep passionate kisses befall as your body's clashes against each other. Hands falling up his hair finding some to grasp in your hands, you pull throwing his head back. Lips fall upon his neck as he hums totally weak within your grasps. You had seen Changbin being very dominating with him so you knew it was what made him weak. But the thought your own actions was doing it also was making your blood pump in a feverish excitement. Pulling on his T-shirt you pulled it off him. Hands softly stroking his chest they found his nipple as they skirted around. Deep hums fill the air before your lips suckle along his flesh, making them vibrate longer. "Fuck Y/N," he cries as your teeth slightly dig into his skin around his sensitive buds. Hands colliding with his slacks that fall deep within to his harden member. Pumping him has him close his eyes to full blown whimpers. "Look at you a whimpering mess at my hands. You wait till I'm fucking this plump ass," you whisper as your other hand falls to his cheeks as you grope him. "Please," he begs lost already in his needy state. "Look at you, you’re a mess and I’ve hardly touched you," you gloat enjoying the power and understanding how Changbin enjoys it. "I need your cock fucking me," he begs as you speed your pace on his member. "Please Y/N," he cries out as your own nub Throbs. "Ok baby on all fours, ass in the air," you demand as he lets his sweats fall to the floor obeying. Finding the lube in Changbin's draw you lube your finger before bringing it to his rim. Pressing it in he hisses as you let it slowly bring a rhythm. "You're being so good baby," you praise before a second finger joins. You let the tip of your digits explore the unfelt before feeling. The sounds Christopher makes has your own slick drip down your thighs. "I think your ready baby, wouldn't you say?” you ask him more for confirmation as he nods. "Words baby I need words," you demand. "Y/N please I'm ready," he confirms as you grin feeling a little sadden that Changbin is not their to witness you fucking both your lover.
Stepping into the strap on you check the fastening before lubing your plastic cock up. Pressing kisses to Christopher’s lower back you place the makeshift cock to his entrance. "You sure you want my cock in you," you say as he growls in impatience. "Y/N I need you to fuck me, stop stalling," he growls as you feel elated at how needy he is. Pressing in you hear him hiss as you slowly rock the tip in. Fucking him inch by inch you bottom out before you press kisses on his back as you still. Hands find the bottom of his spine for leverage as you start your pace. At first it's exciting new and different and the sound of his whimpering needy mess has your body on fire. But it soon lights something in you too, your own needs. Nub throbbing as the friction of the material drives you crazy. You soon realise that if you slam with a harsh thrust the plastic attached to the pants hits your own core. It spurs you into your own desperate need as your pace becomes fast hard and desperate. Noises from your own mouth mix with his and you feel the vibration from him shaking as he closes in on his orgasm. Your hand falls to his cock to help pump him as you fuck into him. "Shit Y/N," he cries as you feel wetness hit your fingers. Your pace still unmerciful on his ass as you chase your own. The feeling hitting right where you need it against your throbbing nub. "Let go," he whimpers underneath you with encouragement. His words spurring you over the edge as you cum into the underwear holding the cock still embedded in his ass. Collapsing over him he stifled his laughter as your cheek rests against his muscular shoulder. "You planning on staying embedded in me?” he says playfully as he twists so you fall to the bed beside him. "You look such a sexy hot wet mess their baby," he says with a orgasm overglow. "My sexy baby mama," he says pressing his lips to yours.
Sitting on the kitchen counter as Christopher cooks the Doenjang Jjigae he smiles when he hears Changbin and Jubin come in. "Hi baby," you smirk excitedly as he looks between you and Christopher wary. "What are you two up to?” he asks as he rests his keys on the side. "Princess why don't you go and wash up for dinner," Christopher said as she quietly nodded before leaving to go to her room. "What?” Changbin says filled with anxiety. "Ok don't get too excited but we think Y/N may be pregnant," Christopher said as Changbin froze to the spot. "What your," he gasped looking at your belly. "Well I'm a week late, and I'm feeling rather nauseas," you said stroking your stomach. "Well why haven't you tested yet?" He said shakey as he tried to hold on to his excitement. "We were waiting for you so we could do it together," you said stepping from the counter to make your way to him. "So let's eat, put Jubin to bed and let's test," he said pressing his lips roughly to yours in an impatient need to hold you. "One problem, we haven’t got a test," Christopher said breaking your moment. "Then let's eat and while you settle our oldest daughter I will get a test for our baby," Changbin said applying the same affection to his Lover. "I love you both so much," he said as he laced his hands with you both. "Our family will be so complete," he added with an extra squeeze of your hands. "This time no burger dates," Christopher said pointing at you both. "We're not feeding her healthy poison all the time," Changbin said pouting as your sure your own mirrored. "I expect to be included too," he said smirking as you leaned onto his shoulders. "Our date night," you said feeling secure, happy and hopeful the test would confirm your complete family. "You have to be less rough with her," Christopher said pointing at his younger as he shrugged his shoulder. "We all know Jubin arrived because you broke the walls holding her in," he added as you cringed slightly at Christopher’s comment. "I promise to be switch with her till she's due. I’ll use you as my dick puncher instead," Changbin winked as you held your arms tight around Christopher in pure contentment.
Walking around the baby clothes section looking for a cute baby grow had made you so very broody. Changbin had returned home the night before, depressed that he couldn't find a pregnancy test. You spent the evening consoling him and trying hard but failing to contain your new excitement. He had messaged earlier in the day with excited emoji saying the test was brought. You felt passing a cute baby grow would make it all feel real once it was confirmed. The fact you had been sick this morning practically confirming to you that you had successfully conceived their child. Though Juyeon was fleetingly in your thoughts. Their was a part of you trying to throw down the pain that you had experienced carrying Jubin. Instead you was imagining him doing all that with Lulu. The happiness of his face bringing another child into the world but this time he hadn't been cut out. Jealousy was raging through at the thought, that you swore you was imagining Lulu herself. It took seconds for you to realise Lulu was indeed standing not far from you, Elle in her company as she pushed the pram of her infant. It took seconds for Lulu's eyes to find yours. In the sudden desperate need to get away you started dashing from the door.
"Y/N please don't go," you heard her call from behind you. "Please don't make me chase you not in my condition," she added as you stood frozen to her words. You were scared to turn to look at her seeing her showing her beautiful condition carrying his child. "Y/N, are you really pregnant?" She asked softly as you turned to face her. Instead of the cockiness you were use to seeing, she was softer and more looked like she wanted to be in your company. The silence from you reached her as she smiled warmly. All while Elle’s reaction was her usual frustration. “Look I just wanted to say I think as now we're all having children of our own, I should start the process of us leaving the past behind us," she said looking hopeful. "Because we share Jubin now?" You said looking at her realising the daunting realisation that she was your daughters step mum. "No that's not it, Y/N this bitterness, this jealousy isn't healthy for any of us. Not for you with your baby coming, or mine," she said stroking her stomach with proudness. "We were kids when we acted shamelessly and hurt your feelings," Lulu said hopeful for some sort of response. "Are you asking for forgiveness for yourself or me?" You asked still struggling to hold a little venom in your tone. "Lulu leave it babe, she's not interested. Like Juyeon said she closed herself off and only see’s them," Elle snorts rolling her eyes. "Them?" You said abruptly annoyed with her words. "She didn't mean it like that, we shouldn't be getting involved in Juyeon's war with you," she said shooting daggers at Elle. "Look I don't think we're be friends, Elle clearly agrees with me the past can't be changed. I wish you and Juyeon all the best with the baby, but minus Jubin we don't have anything left to discuss. To be fair you might be my daughter's step mum but me and Juyeon are still her parents," you said with a harsh tone before spinning around to walk off. "What are you on about, theirs no me and Juyeon," she said with confusion in her tone. "Wait you think Juyeon's my babies dad?" She questioned as you turned to her with slight hope for her next words. "I think we should have a nice coffee, cake and a real chat, sounds like theirs a few things that you've become confused about," she said as Elle clicked the roof of her mouth with annoyance. "So Juyeon isn't with you, he isn't the baby's father?" You asked with desperate need for a response. "No Y/N, Changmin is my fiancée he's the father of my babies," she said softly then you had ever noticed. "Juyeon is madly in love with you, you're the only person in his heart, his life, you have always been his true love. Just he made a mistake, a really big one but that don't stop him loving you," she said stepping closer to you as the words fell around you. Heart beating fast at your confusion. Juyeon wasn't all the things you feared this time, he wasn't being dishonouring. "Let's go for that coffee ok?" She said as you nodded silently chewing over the words. All while trying to understand why you was so happy to hear that news.
Having chatted for almost an hour, you had warmed against Lulu. Even Elle had softened and you had a cuddle with her and Eric's daughter Lily. She was such a tiny little bundle. All Eric's features yet Elle’s pale complexion, she really was the sweetest pure and innocent as her little fingers gripped yours. It wasn't long before Changmin and Eric appeared. "She’s the most beautiful thing ever right?" Eric said with proudness. "She really is, congratulations again," you said as you passed the bundle to her father. Changmin sneaked to the seat next to Lulu as he wrapped his arm around her all doted and in love. You watched feeling content as Eric swaddled his daughter and held her like she was the most precious thing in the world. "You could get love sick from this all, right," a voice said taking you by surprise, it was Lee Juyeon
Jolting in your seat you took Juyeon in, his face looking pleased to see you. Your heart racing like it was deliberately setting your emotions up to fail.
"I think it's cute if I'm honest," said smiling his way which made him even more content. "We need to go, I'm sure Juyeon will keep you company," Lulu said standing up. "Wait you rang him didn't you?" You said noticing their desperate need to dash. "You both need to talk, especially now you know that me and him aren't having babies," Elle teased as Juyeon looked between you both confused. "She thought," , "I know what she thought but I thought Changbin had put this misunderstanding to bed," Juyeon said sounding annoyed. "Changbin? Misunderstanding?" You spluttered tilting your head to his words. "He knew, I told him already that Changmin was Elle's baby daddy," Juyeon said bitterly. "When, When did you tell him?" You questioned desperate to know. "A month ago maybe even five weeks now," Juyeon said crossing his arm as everyone departed. "Wait so your telling me Changbin knew you wasn't Elles babies dad?" You questioned as you felt like the world was spinning. "Yes, we even met up for a coffee while he was butt hurt that Jubin had started calling me Daddy," he said sitting down in Elle’s seat. "No that's not right he would have told me," you said in denial as he rolled his eyes. "Y/N he did, from the sound of it he was only their to basically tell me to back off. He even told me about the baby. Which by the way you're looking so good, bet you can't wait to be showing soon," he added looking up and down your body.
"Wait he told you I was pregnant?” you questioned being confused with each word spilled. "Yes he told me you was pregnant and to practically stay away," he said with his eyes piercing yours. Elle’s words earlier she had known about the baby, Changbin hadn't even known for 24 hours, how did she know so fast? "Elle knew too?" You questioned as he nodded. "Yeah Changbin told Jeongin so basically everyone knew," he said looking worried as your brain unlocked these new words. "Changbin’s been telling everyone I'm pregnant what like yesterday or something?" You said as he looked puzzled your way. "He's been telling everyone for ages, why are you not pregnant?" He said almost hopeful. "I wasn't a month ago, we were only trying for a baby back then," you said as Juyeon looked hurt. "So he didn't tell you you were misunderstanding about Elle so he could get you pregnant and trap you. Classical Changbin, he fears me so much he traps you with a kid of his own," Juyeon snaps annoyed as your hand falls to your stomach.
"Please don't talk about my partner like that," you snap feeling the need to defend him in that moment. "Sorry I apologise, I'm just angry that he didn't put you clear on the situation. Our daughter has missed out because you've been avoiding me," he said taken aback at your tone. "That wasn't Changbin that was me, I regret telling our daughter the truth," you said as Juyeon looked like your words punched holes in him. "You would have lied to her?" He questions as his hand grips the table. "Yes, because this is all messy, we're messy. Changbin was right, we can't see each other. I’m carrying their child," you said standing up watching his eyes water. This couldn't end any other way now. "Y/N, Jubin is our daughter don't do this to me, don't do this to our little girl," he said holding on to you. "Juyeon, I won't take Jubin away from you I promise, but we can't see each other anymore. I’m sorry," you said as your voice cracked. "Why I don't understand?" Juyeon said standing up. "Because it's not safe, I can't be around you," you admitted as his eyes widened. "Wait your avoiding me because you don't trust yourself around me?" He asked as you went silent not sure how to answer that. "Y/N please be honest with me," he said cupping your face as your heart refused to calm. "Y/N, if you wasn't pregnant and you didn't have this Elle misunderstanding, would you have been mine by now?" He asked as you closed your eyes to his words. "I remember the way it felt when you kissed me before Elle had Lily," he said placing his fingers on your lips. "The feeling of your lips set mine almost on fire," he added stepping close to you. Closing your eyes, you felt close to passing out you had to get out there before you did something stupid. "Y/N say something," he said as his Le Labo Another 13, Intoxicated you. "Juyeon I can't do this," you said snapping your eyes open and stepping backwards. "I’m pregnant, this isn't fair," you whispered. "And I'm your eldest daughter’s father, ignoring me isn't fair to me neither," he said stepping closer to you once more. "Their my partners Juyeon, you're just the guy I fucked at College,” You said watching his body slump to your words. "The guy you fucked at college? Is that all I was to you?" He said almost tumbling backwards as he took a step back. "Yes one that i happened to get pregnant from," you added as he almost collapsed into his chair. "I’m sorry Juyeon that how it was, that's how it is. Let's leave this all here, I'm sorry," you said pressing your hand to his shoulder as words failed him. Your heart burned alongside him, hurting him was like shards of glass stabbing you. But you could never risk crossing the blurred line that was tempting you to cross. With that you stood backwards and dashed from the mall cafe leaving Juyeon broken behind.
Juyeon's words was still ringing through your ear when Changbin and Christopher returned from work. Looking at Changbin colouring with Jubin hurt you. Had he used the misunderstanding to get you pregnant. Juyeon's words of him trapping you weighed heavy. Was he right? Had he really wanted a baby to keep you and Jubin from running to Juyeon. Or had he really wanted a family of his own, a family where it was you three and two children. "You ok?'" Christopher said as Changbin took Jubin to bed after dinner. "Yeah I'm just tired," you said as you continued to dry up the plates. "You just seem really defeated tonight," he said as he locked his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. "I think it's the hormones," you tried to excuse for your mood. "Well once we do this test you need to sleep," he said kissing your neck. Instead of melting your body tensed. Was he aware too of Changbin’s deceit? Had he kept the secret of Elle’s baby's paternity secret from you too? "What did you do today anyway?" He questioned as you turned to look at him ready to test him. "I went baby shopping, Juyeon and Elle was there," you said as his face softened. "Are you ok? They didn't say anything to upset you did they?" He said stroking your arm. "Not really," you said looking at him trying to work out if he was acting or really had no knowledge. "They were practically talking about hanging with Jeongin so much recently," you said as he looked puzzled your way. "Our Jeongin?" He asked as you nodded. "He’s been telling stuff about us to them," you threw out. "I've not even spoke to Jeongin for a while now, I've been busy working or with you and Jubin. Wait are you accusing me of something?" He said stepping back from you. "No just I don't like them knowing our business," you said as Christopher cupped your face. "Baby, I can promise you I have more important things to do in my life then send a report to your ex partner via my work colleague. But I will speak to him and find his sources so we can nip this in the bud," he said as you smiled his way almost crushing him in the hug. Of course Christopher knew nothing of this, he was the peacemaker, it wasn't his style.
"Are we ready?” Changbin said coming down the stairs waving the stick your way as you forced a slight smile his way. "Really you can put a better smile there hormonal hetty," he teased as you took the test from him. Sitting in the rest room finding the courage to start the test. Your mind was trying to claw what response you wanted. What if it was negative? Now Juyeon wasn't having a baby himself. Their would be nothing holding you back because he was the father of your child. Changbin and Christopher’s loyalty was that enough to hold you back? Walking back into the room with the stick you passed it to Changbin, you felt too sick and conflicted to look at the test. "What does it say?" Christopher said with impatience. Changbin’s silence hit the room, deep down the hope it was negative ran through you. "Binnie?" You whispered as you saw a drop fall from his eyes. It’s ok baby, we can try again," Christopher said before taking the test in his hand. Christopher closed his eyes in pain and opened to find yours, shaking his head you realised you wasn't pregnant. It was like it ignited something in you, all options were back on the table. But beneath that you saw the pain they both was going through. Resting your hand on Changbin shoulder you felt guilty. "I’m sorry I should have done the test before telling you guys I thought I was. I was just so convinced I was pregnant," you said into the silence. "Do you want me to leave you guys for a minute," you said feeling the atmosphere suffocating. "No, we're in this together," Christopher said coming round to hug you. "I’m ok he needs the comfort more," you said as he pulled you towards him. "You wanted this just as much," he said stroking your hair. How had things changed, their was a time when you fought hard to persuade Christopher to have a baby. Guilt was engulfing you having the comfort when you wasn't as heart broken as you thought you would be. "I need fresh air," you said pushing your self out of Christopher’s hold. "He's right we need to stick together as a family," Changbin said snapping his head to look your way with the pain breaking him on his face. "Binnie I'm so sorry," you said as he closed his eyes. "Don't say sorry like you did something wrong," he said in despair. "Look it's not like we lost a baby, their was just no baby their to start with, we should look at that fact," you said as Changbin scrunched his face in your direction. "It was a real baby to me, I made plans for that baby," he snapped making you step back. "Binnie," Christopher said tapping him on his shoulder. "I’m sorry Y/N, just I don't know, I'm just sorry," he said not even looking at you. "We had even told friends, and now," he said slamming his hands on the unit. "Like Jeongin," you whispered as Christopher snapped his attention towards you.
"You told him I was already pregnant didn't you?" You said feeling guilty at broading the subject so soon. "When did you see Jeongin?" Changbin said as his eyes widened your way. "She saw him earlier," Christopher lied for you as he looked almost angry his way. "You saw Jeongin today?" He said looking at you with something beneath his eyes that was more then sadness. "I already told you that but it's ok we're just have to tell him false alarm," Christopher said rubbing his hand along his collar bone. "Funny that, he's on holiday with Seongmin in Jeju island," he said looking at you. "Look does it matter who does and doesn't not know, look I got it wrong myself she didn't tell me he told her today," Christopher said panicking.
"Juyeon told me," you blurted out as his eyes widened. "You were with Juyeon?" He accused as you jumped from his tone. "Binnie calm down," Christopher said almost shaking him a little. "He was with Elle, baby clothes shopping that's all," you said as he pursed his lips. You could see his anger was conflicted. "What else are you keeping from me Y/N," he barked as Christopher slammed his own fist to the counter. "Look don't take your anger out on Y/N, their is no baby we need to come to terms with that. Y/N had to encounter her ex which was obviously going to happen we live in the same city. So I think we need to stop the wrong emotions escaping," He lectured. "It's not like we can't try again," he added more softer. "Right your right, I’ll get one of those ovulation tests, we can work it out right. Because if it's tonight we can try tonight," Changbin said with desperation. Juyeon was right he wanted to trap you to keep you. "Slow down, this is whiplash," you admitted as Changbin shook his head almost enraged with your words. "We said we wanted a baby have you changed your mind now you've seen Juyeon?" He accused as he groaned into the air. "Ask me this one question Changbin," you said feeling slightly brave to tackle him. "Go ahead," he replied almost softer. "Do you want a baby with me, or a baby to trap me because your scared of Juyeon," you asked. It wasn't the first time this questioned had been raised but never the term trapped. "Having our baby is trapping you?" He quizzed. "It is if you're doing this for the wrong reason," you added as he mockely chuckled. "One meeting with Juyeon and your throwing Christopher’s words. Funny that as your words convinced him this wasn't trapping. So why that word now? What else did he say?" Changbin accused you.
"I think we both know what he said," you admitted as Christopher’s head snapped to yours as Changbin went silent. "What did he say?" Christopher asked. "That he isn't Lulu's babies dad, Ji Changmin is, and it gets worse, he said you knew that five weeks ago. When you met him to tell him to back away from me because I was already pregnant," you accused as Changbin looked like he was silently holding his rage in.
“Binnie is she telling the truth?" "I didn't tell him she was pregnant I said she was hopefully pregnant I just never recorrected him when he misheard. But suppose the word Y/N pregnant in the same sentence would have got him all confused with feral bitterness. And for the record I never told him to stay away, again his mistruth words. But seems like he has you hanging on to his every word of his story," Changbin said with bitterness in his tone. "I didn't believe him, I actually told him to stay away from us," you said folding your arms his way. "You could have fool me," he spat out sarcastically as Christopher looked equally mad with him. "So you knew he wasn't the father yet you failed to tell us?" Christopher said arms folded his way. "What’s it to do with us?" Changbin shouted out. "He's Jubin's dad," you said in annoyance. "We're all Jubin’s dad if it's not his business about our life then his business isn't ours," he said looking angry that Christopher was attacking him. "Jubin is all of our business, you knew that news was up settling for Y/N so why didn't you put her straight," he said as Changbin laughed looking anywhere but him. "And why was she upset?" He accused looking your way. "What are you trying to say?" You said almost taking back with this direction of this conversation. "Do you think she would have agreed to having a baby with us if Juyeon hadn't got Elle pregnant," he spat out.
"So you admit it you trapped her?" Christopher accused as you almost felt ready to faint from his words. "It's only trapped if she truly didn't want us,” He stated as his eyes took yours. "This is too much for me I can't do this I'm out," you spat out not wanting to continue the inquisition Changbin was suddenly spilling. "Run off to him, tell him the good news that theirs no baby," Changbin mocked as you turned to him. "I don't want to be around any of you," you shouted out as you stormed from the house.
Kevin's phone was turned off and Hakyeons left ringing. You really needed them right now as you couldn't go back to the house. Ringing Hyunjae he sounded drunk and wasn't making much sense. Ringing a number you hadn't in ages you rang Younghoon. He was just on his way out with Hwall and Chanhee to the club. When he offered you to join them, you jumped at that invitation. It had been years since you had been out with them. All night they had tried to quiz you but you gave them nothing but sinking shots after shots. Taking them on the dance floor and letting the night take your worries away. But when you almost fell into someone’s arms you never imagined the disgust on their face seeing you would be Sunwoo.
"Oh for fuck Sake it's you," he said rolling his eyes as Hwall threw his arms around you. "Mate eyes off she's ours," he said warning Sunwoo off. "I don't know why I'm not surprised three men after you and theirs still more," he said looking around to see Chanhee and Younghoon who had joined you. "Sunwoo, Juyeon's scummy mate who fucked me over at every opportunity. These are mine and Kevin's mates," you added knowing your words was slurring slightly. "Well Juyeon's scummy mate do one," Chanhee said with his eyes fierce at Sunwoo who almost died of laughter. "Does Changbin and Christopher know your out her plastered?" He quizzed with a raised eye. "No, and I don't care," you said falling into his hold again as he went to catch you. "Ahh you hate me but you caught me," you giggled as Sunwoo rolled his eyes as he stood you on your feet. "I don't hate you, I can't stand you," he said widening his eyes. "Your drunk you should go home or get one of these to take you," he said as Hwall came to hold you away from him. "Take her home mate," he added as Hwall laughed. "Go get fucked we're getting wasted tonight," he spat out as Sunwoo rolled his eyes. Hwall dragged you back to your table as they continued to help you get drunk and forget all your problems.
Juyeon’s POV
You were wrapped in a blanket letting tears still fall from Y/N’s words earlier. Lulu had tried to convince you that her words was lies to stop herself doing something stupid. But the way the words felt when she stung them your way, crippled you that you feared any hope of them being wrong. Maybe she was right, even though you wanted to hurt Changbin in every way. You loved Y/N enough to let her have her dreams and right now having a baby with them was her life. Minus the father of Jubin you had no place in her life. You wondered in time would you ever be comfortable to be around each other even if it was just for your daughter's sake. You was just about to settle to sleep when the phone rang. "What's up I'm just off to bed?” you asked hearing the loud noise of music in the background. You could barely hear his words but Y/N’s name mentioned had you intrigued. "Sunwoo mate text me I can hardly hear you," you said as the phone hanged off.
Y/N's here and she's very drunk. Her mates are not discouraging her.
You sure she's pregnant?
She had told you herself she was pregnant why was she drinking herself into the oblivion. Their was no way she would risk harming her baby, something had obviously happened.
"I’m on my way ping me the club you're at," you replied.
The journey there felt like it was taking forever. What had happened for Y/N to become such a state. Had she lost her baby since you met this afternoon? You hoped your words was the reason for her pain. Maybe you should have kept that Changbin knew from her to save her anguish. Your fear was founded finding her top half sloped over the table. "Another one baby," the guy next to her said placing her another shot. Before she could take it you took it as she groaned. "Sunwoo for fuck sake do one," she groaned as Sunwoo made his way to you. "I will make sure to pass the message on to him," you said as her head shot up to look at you. "Juyeon," she whispered in pain. "The one and only," you added as Sunwoo’s hand fell to your shoulder. "Get her home mate," he said as she chuckled. "I have no home," she chuckled throwing her head to the table winching when it impacts. "Y/N for fuck sake come on come back to mine," you said trying to lift her head back up. "Mate leave her alone we know who you are," her friend spat out as you rolled your eyes. "Yeah sure you do, but I couldn't care less. She's pregnant and drunk and you're enabling her," you spat out. "Wait she's what," the other one choked out. "Y/N what the fuck, what are you doing?" They spat out with equal concern. "It's ok their is no baby now," she said before looking up to you as your heart hurt. "Aren't you happy now?" She slurred broken as you looked at Sunwoo before her again. "Baby I'm not happy when your hurting," you said throwing the loose hairs behind her ears. "Let's get you somewhere safer then here, this isn't where you should be," you said as the taller of the three stood by your side. "It's ok we're take her back home," he said as you almost passed out on his volume of alcohol off his breath. "Mate you can't even walk let alone drive her," you said before going on your knee to Y/N’s level. "Do you want me to ring Changbin and Christopher. Im sure they will want to be with you to support you right now," you said brushing your hands through her hair as she closed her eyes. "You were right Juyeon," she said barely audible. Just that one sentence made you aware she wasn't here because she lost her child, she was here because she had lost herself too. "Come on come home to mine, I promise you I won't do anything but make sure you sleep," you said as she nodded on the table. "I will look after her I promise," you said to her friends as they nodded silently as you dragged her out. Her body so fragile under your hold.
Driving her and Sunwoo back to yours to help her get up the stairs you both placed her into your bed. You stood there silently watching her sleep. "So she lost the baby then?" Sunwoo asked as you nodded. "Yeah it seems so, but I think something else happened," you said as she fidgeted. "Like what?" He asked as you went over the words from earlier. "I think she found out Changbin had played her as a surrogate," you said feeling the pain she must feel now she knew he had trapped her. "What does this mean for you?" Sunwoo asked as you smiled her way. "It would be good to think maybe I could get a step closer to the family I lost. But I don't want them at this cost, not at the cost of her child," you said feeling sadness on her behalf. "So when she's sobered up I will take her to theirs and try fix this up," you said as Sunwoo placed his hand on your shoulder. "Stop holding on to the fear that you be accused of being a player. You don't have to be so serious now you just need a healthy balance," Sunwoo said as you chuckled. "Using a miscarriage to snare my ex girlfriend isn't the answer Sunwoo," you said as he rolled his eyes. "Not now later on, Because it looks like the beginning of her downfall with them," Sunwoo said turning his back to Y/N to face you. "How long will she crash and burns from that relationship till you admit your worthy of her," he said before walking out the room to go home.
You barely slept on the sofa worrying about her and how to support her with her loss. Noticing it was 8am you made your way to make her a coffee and some egg rolls. Walking into the room you placed it next to her. Like the smell woke her eyes strained as it took you in. "Why am I here?" She said sitting up looking confused. "We didn't?" She asked as you laughed her way. "Having sex with women who’s too drunk to consent isn't my thing," you said sitting on the bed. "You were drunk Sunwoo found you called me. You refused to go home so I brought you here," you said passing her some paracetamol. "I'm sorry about the baby," you added as she threw her head back to swallow her medicine. "I wasn't even pregnant," she admitted as you tilted your head baffled with her words.
"We were trying, i mistakingly thought I was, turns out I wasn't," she admitted as your heart lifted slightly from the prospect of the pain she didn't have had to endure. "I'm still sorry it didn't work out this time," you said passing her the coffee. "Their won't be another time," she admitted before taking a sip and tsssking from the temperture. "Because he admitted he wanted you pregnant to trap you?" You asked. "That's what you said last night," you added before she could try and deny as she breathed in deeply showing the pain. "I shouldn't have said that it's unfair of him," she said passing you the coffee back clearly too hot for her. "But you did so you can't take it back," you said as you passed her the egg roll. "If I go home he will expect us to try again," she admitted as your heart felt a little hopeful. "You don't want that?" You asked as she shook her head. "Can I ask why? You clearly wanted to try in the first place," you asked as she closed her eyes contemplating whenever to continue. "Let's say things have slightly changed," she winced as you felt a little brave to keep pushing. "Because then your ex boyfriend was having a baby with his mistress, and now you know their not," you said watching her face get torn with how to respond. "I don't know?" She replied like she didn't want to say those words. "Y/N if their was no Changbin and Christopher would you want me?" You asked as her eyes closed. "But they do exist," she groaned passing her plate to you with the food untouched. "Humour me Y/N," you pleaded wanting to know how she truly felt.
"Yes, but they do exist so nothing changes. I have to go back to them," she added as you inwardly felt like shaking her. It was clear she was with them due to loyalty because they had been their for Jubin. Though you was happy she had their support. It was only needed because she feared you wouldn't want this life with her. "Your going to go back to people your not in love with," you quieted as she looked slightly annoyed. "I do love them though," she proclaimed as you deadpanned her. "I know you know the different with love and in love. Y/N I know your in love with me," you said hopeful. "Juyeon, we can't ever be together, it's not fair on them," she said as her hands reached to yours. "What's not fair to them is lying to them making them believe your crazy about them when you're not," you said as she chewed on her bottom lip. "Me and you both know deep down it's Jubin they want not you. Do you think I would be cruel to take Jubin away from them. What if their was a way they could have her too and allow you to catch your dreams," you said lacing your fingers with hers. "And you're my dream are you?" She said cockily. "I know I am, I know you dream of the family life we can have together," you said with confidence brimming through you. You knew you should feel guilt towards the guys who had been your daughter saviour. But Changbin’s actions and Sunwoo’s words was heavily on your mind. "Our daughter wants everyone to be happy and right now two people aren't and two people are living a lie," you said cupping her face. "I don't know if I can destroy the family for it to be fixed," she whispers almost conflicted. You feel the electricity between you turn up a notch. She's not convincing herself, she's trying to convince she can be loyal. "Sometimes we have to do scary things, but we both know it will be worth it when things are how it should be," you said brushing your thumb along her bottom lip. "I know your scared of the past, but surely I've shown you that things are different now. We're not kids no more," you added as you felt herself digest your words. "I've only ever loved you, since you fell into my arms. The world was black when you ran away," you whispered as she looked lost in your eyes.
You knew you shouldn't but taking sunwoo's words you pressed your lips to hers. You had expected her to stop or freeze against you. But instead she welcomed you as her mouth didn't waste a second working alongside your own. Tongues sliding against each other, you felt her desperation when her hands fell to the hem of your vest. Things was moving very fast, your dreams of reunited with her was at the clasp. You moved carefully scared to slip up this special moment. Not wanting her to realise her relationship with them was in danger of falling apart.
Full Masterlist
Player in Denial
Next part due to be published next month
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rhynehoward · 6 years
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thebookreader12345 · 4 years
My Girls
Pairing: Jay Halstead x reader
Summary: Y/N is on leave from work because she’s 9-months pregnant, but since she’s got nothing to do at home, she decides to go visit her husband at work 
Requested: No
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy
Word Count: 1,230 Words
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“Look at you. You’re glowing,” Platt said to me as I entered the lobby, stomping the snow off of my boots.
“Thanks, Sergeant. Would you mind buzzing me up?” I ask.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on leave? You look like you’re about to pop,” Platt exclaimed and pointed to my stomach.
“I had nothing to do at home, so I figured I’d pick up some lunch for the team” I answer. “And don’t worry, Sarge. I didn’t forget about you.” I set the bags I was holding on the floor and picked out two items from one of them, setting them on the desk.
Platt smiled. “Two tamales from Portillos! You’re the best, Y/N. Let me get you upstairs.”
Platt unlocked the gate for me, and I thanked her, beginning my trek up the stairs. When I got to the bullpen, I saw that everyone was looking bored either typing slowly at their keyboards or flipping through files. Now was the perfect time for them to eat something.
“Hey everyone,” I announce.
Jay looked up at the sound of my voice, and he smiled when he saw me. “Hey, babe. What are you doing here?”
“I was bored at home, so I figured I’d swing by. I brought Portillos,” I state and hold up the bags.
“You are the best,” Adam declared and walked over, taking the bags from my hands. He walked over to his desk and set them down, and everyone walked over to get their food except for Jay, who walked over to me.
“How’s baby girl doing?” Jay asked and placed his hands on either side of my 8-months pregnant stomach.
“She’s kicking non-stop” I admit. “We’ve got ourselves a soccer player.” Just then, the baby kicked again, this time right where one of Jay’s hands was resting. He smiled as I took off my hat, shoving it into my coat pocket. I had hoped that our baby would be born before it started snowing, since walking on regular ground was tough enough with another human being growing inside of me, but I had no luck because it had started snowing a few weeks ago.
“He Y/N, is there any word on when that baby is coming yet? Cause Hailey and I need you back up here,” Kim said.
“My due date is in 3 weeks, but you guys do know that I’m taking 3 months of maternity leave, right?” I ask.
“Uh. Jay, you suck,” Hailey pointed out.
“What? Why?” Jay questioned.
“Well, you could’ve just kept it in your pants,” I answer. “If you did, I could be at work instead of sitting around the house all day doing nothing. I can only listen to my mother talking about baby names for so long.”
“Okay, Y/N wanted a kid just as much as me, so therefore she is half at fault,” Jay explained.
“That is also true. Go on and eat,” I tell Jay. “I brought the food for a reason.”
Jay raised his hands in the air. “All right. I’ll eat. Did you buy anything for yourself?”
“I ate before I came over,” I answer.
“Thank you for the food, Y/N,” Adam exclaimed as he stuffed a few fries in his mouth.
“You’re welcome,” I say. 
“So Y/N, have you and Jay decided godparents yet? Cause I mean, I’m a valuable contender,” Kevin spoke.
“Oh jeez,” Kim laughed.
“We’re not getting into that right now,” Jay said and sat down at his desk. I followed suit and snatched one of the fries from his meal. “Hey!”
“After the amount of times you’ve stolen my food, I have the right to steal yours,” I confess.
“Have you guys picked out any baby names yet?” Hailey asked and took a sip from her water bottle.
“Yes, but we’re not sharing. Its going to be a surprise,” I say and glance up at the clock. “Well, I should get going. You guys probably have tons of work.”
“Okay. I’ll talk to you later, babe,” Jay spoke. Before I left, I poked my head into Voight’s office to see him glancing down at some paperwork.
“Hey, Sarge,” I greet.
“Y/N! What are you doing here?” Voight asked.
“I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I also brought you something,” I respond and set a bag down on his desk.
“A steak from Mastro’s? Don’t tell anyone this, but you’re my favorite on the team,” Voight informed me.
“I won’t say a word. Have a nice night, Sarge,” I say and leave his office.
That night at home, I was sitting on the couch wearing a pair of Jay’s sweatpants and a t-shirt. I had just gotten off of the phone with my mom, which was the second time I had spoken to her today, and I was now skimming through the photo album I kept in the living room. As I took in the pictures littering the pages, I smiled. Most were of Jay and I, but a good chunk contained us with the rest of the team. They were like my second family, and while I wanted to get back to work, I was ready to start a family with Jay. Just then, the front door opened, and Jay stepped inside, shaking the snow off of his clothes.
“Hey, Y/N,” Jay said and walked over to me, placing a kiss on my cheek. “Whatcha doing?”
“Just looking at pictures. Sit down. I just got to the best part,” I inform him. Jay took a seat next to me as I flipped the page, revealing all of our wedding pictures. I remembered our wedding day like it was yesterday. We decided to have the wedding in the spring, so our colors were light blue and pastel pink. Everyone looked amazing, especially Jay. My favorite picture had to be of Jay and I along with the rest of the team. All of us were standing together, smiling at the camera. It was hard to believe that our wedding was over 2 years ago. 
The next page made me grin even more, seeing as it started out with the first ultrasound I got, which confirmed that I was pregnant. Then of course you had our gender reveal picture. We wanted it to be simple, so we just cut a cake. When we cut into the frosting and revealed pink cake, Jay was over the moon. The other pictures were just random ones from throughout my pregnancy, but they all brought back amazing memories. I shut the book and leaned into Jay, who wrapped his arms around me.
“How was work?” I ask him.
“Fine. I’m glad to be home though. I missed my girls,” Jay spoke and placed a hand on my stomach, causing the baby to kick.
“She missed you too,” I respond. “Can you believe we’ll be parents soon?”
“It all feels so surreal. But I’m ready to meet my baby girl,” Jay murmured.
“Me too, Jay. You ready to head to bed?” I question.
“Do you mind if we just sit here for awhile? I’m not quite ready to go to bed yet,” Jay informed me.
“Not at all,” I mumble and lay my head on Jay’s shoulder.
“I love you both,” Jay spoke and rubbed his hand over my stomach.
“We love you too,” I exclaim and press my lips to his.
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13​ @dreamingmanip @campingmonkey @winterberryfox @nevertoofarfromivar @anotherfan07 @giagma @mrspeacem1nusone @i-like-sparkly-things
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halstudandruz · 4 years
Had Me By Halftime
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Kevin Atwater x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: Based off the song Had Me By Halftime by Morgan Wallen
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: I know this game was on a Monday but we’re gonna pretend it wasn’t. Also I know there’s different rules to cornhole, but I did the 21 or bust version for sake of the story.
You were talkin' trash, we were tossin' bags
When I caught your name at a corn hole game
You and your friends had decided to tailgate at the Chicago Bears game. You were in your last semester of college and your group had collectively decided to forego buying tickets. Not wanting nosebleed seats, but knowing your broke college student bank account would not offer many other options. The parking lot was crowded with Bears fans; scattered Minnesota Vikings fans sticking out in the crowd. It was surprisingly warm for a Chicago October. You had just finished a game of flip cup and informed your friends you were going to get food from a nearby food truck, your best friend, Madison tagging along. You hadn’t made it far from your group when you made eye contact with a handsome man. Slowly walking you heard him talking to a man about the same age as him,
“Adam come on!” He exclaimed.
“I am not playing against him, he might as well be a pro.” The brown haired man shook his head.
“Don’t take it out on me cause I’m better than you.” Another good-looking brown-haired man from the group laughed shrugging and throwing an arm around a pretty blonde girl who wasn’t even paying attention to the men, already conversing with a group of girls. The handsome dark skinned man groaned seemingly pouting. Grabbing Madison’s arm you stopped her to pull her over to the group.
“You need a couple players?” You smiled gesturing to the corn hole boards.
“Actually yeah we do.” He nodded.
“Let’s roll.” You challenged taking your place by the board and picking up the orange bean bags. Madison sighed already reading your dirty thoughts about the man as she walked to the board opposite of you and the broad muscled man took his place next to you, gathering the navy blue bags. “Let me just get you a menu cause you’re about to get served.” You joked and luckily he let out an adorable laugh.
“That’s the best you got?” He sported a wide smile causing you to instantly blush.
“Yeah...sorry I’m not the best at trash talking. My game usually speaks for itself.” You shrugged, turning to throw the bean bag on the board Madison stood by. Watching it slide right through the center. Humming he looked at you impressed, gearing up when you threw him a seductive smirk.
“Let the games begin.” He grinned.
The game was close, full of playful banter, and maybe a little flirting from you and the man you now knew was named, Kevin. Luckily you and Madison came out on top thanks to Kevin’s partner’s accidental bust over 21 taking their score back down to 13.
“Ruz, you might want to take up a math class in your spare time.” Kevin teased, knowing he only aimed for the board because of his poor math skills.
“Shut up.” He attempted to throw a bag at him, but it fell short. “I’m never playing this game again.” Adam huffed, walking away.
“Don’t hate the player, hate the game.” You shrugged, winking at him.
Said "Girl, where you sitti'g? I got an extra ticket
It's right on the 50"
“Sorry. He gets a little competitive.” Kevin smiled, “Thanks for playing though.” He leaned against the side of a truck crossing his arms. Madison stood awkwardly a couple feet away as you two flirted with each other.
“Thanks for letting us. It was nice to do something other than a drinking game for once.” You chuckled gesturing to where your group was now playing beer pong.
“Where are you guys sitting?” He asked gesturing to the stadium behind him.
“Oh we actually don’t have tickets. Just here to tailgate.” You explained and his smile got slightly bigger.
“Well I actually have an extra ticket. It’s right on the 50 if you want to join me?” He offered.
“Thanks, but I don’t want to just leave my group hanging..” You contemplated looking back at Madison who was nodding quickly mouthing the word “Go!” Sighing you turned back towards him with a smile, “you know what. What the hell why not?” You pushed the tingling of your body deeper down at his happy grin.
You had a 16 home team jersey on
Singin' every word to the fight song
Had your airplane bottles from your purse out
“Okay. I have to ask. Why are you wearing that jersey?” Kevin asked, sitting down beside you.
“Because we’re at...a Bears game?” You looked at him skeptically, causing him to laugh.
“Obviously.. I mean why O’Donnell? I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen someone actually wearing his jersey.” He explained.
“Well I do like to be an outlier,” you joked, “punters never get the credit they should. Same with kickers. They deserve more love.” You answered.
“Good to know you’re not a bandwagon fan.” He said.
“We won one super bowl 35 years ago and we just benched our newly signed QB for a rookie. I don’t think there’s any wagon for someone to hop on.” You retorted.
“You got me there.” He agreed watching you pull a few tiny bottles of alcohol out of your small bag you had strategically hidden to make it past security.
“You a fan of fireball? I hate it but it came with the pack.” You asked, turning to see an amused grin covering his face. “What?”
“How in the hell did you sneak those in here?” He inquired.
“Can’t give away all my secrets on the first date.” You shrugged, wiggling your eyebrows. He took it from your hand nudging Adam who sat on his other side. Adam took it graciously.
“Hell yeah. We’re keeping her!” He exclaimed, twisting the cap off to take the shot.
The first half of the game was rough. Only lucking out with a safety in the first quarter.
“I hope to god Trubisky starts to prove he has more than just a pretty face.” You shook your head preparing yourself for the second half. You and Kevin had talked throughout all of halftime, and you caught him staring with a wide smile more than once as you might’ve got a little too competitive throughout the first and second quarter.
“I could play better defense than his line is. Kev, get down there you know how to tackle people.”
“He does realize he’s supposed to be throwing it to his own team right?”
“Fucking 2 yards isn’t gonna get you anywhere!” Were just a few things you remember spouting off.
“This is ridiculous.” You threw up your hands when Rudolph took it into the Vikings endzone.
With 5:33 left in the 3rd quarter O’Donnell took the field for the punt, but instead to everyone’s surprise the punt is faked and #16 puts up a pass to Cunningham who runs it in for the touchdown. “Oh my god!” You jumped up and down, “No fucking way! That’s my man!” You yelled pulling Kevin in for a hug who was in utter disbelief.
“I cannot believe that just happened.” He laughed, cheering with the crowd. The fans were hyped watching Barth kick it between the posts.
“Believe it baby!
Bear down, Chicago Bears, make every play clear the way to victory;
Bear down, Chicago Bears, put up a fight with a might so fearlessly.
We'll never forget the way you thrilled the nation with your T-formation.
Bear down, Chicago Bears, and let them know why you're wearing the crown.
You're the pride and joy of Illinois, Chicago Bears, bear down.” You sang along loudly to the Bears’ fight song roaring throughout Soldier Field. The second half was much more heated than the first, but unfortunately thanks to a successful kick from Forbath in the last few seconds the Vikings took home the win.
You would've thought that post-game
Kiss would've made me wanna make you mine
But you had me by halftime
Everyone was starting to file out of the stadium, Kevin’s group included.
“You comin?” Adam turned to you both.
“You wanna wait till the crowds disperse a little?” Kevin asked and you smiled nodding.
“We’ll be waiting for you.” Adam winked, a knowing smirk covering his face as he grabbed tightly ahold of Kim’s hand to lead her through the crowd.
“You would’ve had to keep a tight hold on me. I’m small and can get lost easily.” You joked, body frame tiny compared to his broad muscular one.
“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure I do regardless.” Kevin flirted, looping an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to him.
“I told you. Punters and kickers, they don’t get enough credit.” You reiterated, “I mean how often does the game come down to a field goal? Too often in my opinion.”
“I can give you kicker I’m not sure about punters though.” He looked at you amused.
“Did you miss that play?” You scoffed.
“And how often does that happen? I’m sure you didn’t buy his jersey banking on that.” He replied.
“Yeah, alright. I just thought O’Donnell was better looking than Barth.” You admitted.
“You really know your football though.” He observed.
“I grew up with three brothers. It just came with the territory.” You explained.
“Three brothers?” He looked over at you, a faint look of fear appearing on his face.
“Yeah, I’m sure you could take any of them though.” You bit your lip squeezing his bicep to get your point across.
“Is that so?” He grinned face inches away from yours.
“Mhmm.” You hummed searching his eyes, begging him to make the move and he did. Closing the distant for a gentle, smooth kiss. His hand caressing your cheek to pull you closer. This is nowhere near what you expected your day to turn into when you got up this morning. You were just supposed to be tailgating with your friends too drunk for your own good. Instead you were seated inside the stadium making out with a guy you had just met this morning. Not that you were complaining, but what were the chances?
“Was that okay?” He asked lips still slightly brushing against yours and as an answer you gripped his face pulling him in for a deep bruising kiss that had him groaning low in his throat. Pulling away to get a breath you looked around to see very few people still seated, a warmth buzzing throughout your body despite the chilly fall air becoming more prominent.
“We better get out of here before we get in trouble.” You whispered. And he nodded tightly clasping your hand in his as you made your way out of the stadium back out into the parking lot.
Now every time the leaves start fallin' down
I get to thinkin' 'bout
5 years later
“Kev, can you check on the pizza while I get Carsyn dressed?” You asked after seeing your daughter stir from her nap on the monitor. Walking in her room you retrieved her from the crib. She was all smiles and giggles. “Well I take it you had a good nap.” You kissed her chubby cheek, attempting to flatten her bed head before laying her on the floor to get her dressed. “Daddy is just gonna be head over heels when he sees you. Not that he isn’t already.” You smiled trying to slide her tights on despite her wiggling legs. Succeedingly picking her up 10 minutes later. “Look who’s awake daddy.” You caught Kevin’s attention as he turned away from the stove to take her from your arms.
“You didn’t.” Kevin laughed, a smile wide on his face when he took his daughter into his arms admiring the outfit she was sporting. A blue tutu accompanied by an orange jersey that repped the #16, outfit topped off with a Chicago Bears bow. “Well don’t you just look adorable. Yes, you take after your mama.” Kevin laid kisses all over her face erupting numerous giggles from her. “Where’d you even find this at?” He asked and you knew what he was talking about without even turning around as you took the pizza out of the oven.
“I had to specially order it as one of those custom name jerseys. Seems they don’t make O’Donnell’s jersey for babies.” You laughed checking on the wings in the air fryer when a knock at the door interrupted. Adam and Kim strolling their way into the kitchen minutes later.
“Where’s my girl?” Adam asked, spotting her in Kevin’s arms. Carsyn immediately reached out for Adam. “There she is and aren’t you just the cutest Bears fan in the whole world?” He tickled her stomach taking in her outfit, “Gotta say [Y/L/N] it looks better on her.” He joked gesturing to your identical jersey.
“Joke all you want this jersey got me a husband.” You leaned up on your tippy toes to lay a kiss on Kevin’s cheek.
The rest of your crew arrived not too much later. Hailey and Jay bringing along their son who was a few months younger than Carsyn. This was now a football season tradition and you loved every minute of it.
All Tag List:
@corebore123 @scarletsoldierrr @hehurst23 @beautiful-bunny89 @ingie @halsteadsway @malrunaway @grettiwrites @inlovewith3 @wanniiieeee
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luxekook · 4 years
zero gravity ✰ namseok
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✰ pairing: namjoon x hoseok x reader
✰ genre: space au, f2l, angst, smut, slight crack & fluff
✰ summary: being the captain of a spacecraft is all fun and games until the only two others on board start hooking up and you start falling for both of them. it’s only natural that you act out - just a little
✰ word count: 11k+
✰ warnings: 18+, pre-established namseok relationship, mentions of throbbing disco sticks, jealousy, an unintentional viewing of dick pics, dom/sub themes (bratty sub!reader, dom!joon, switch!hobi), a bdsm club (reader watches a scene), grinding ft. jooheon from monsta x, smut (slight voyeurism, mxm, manhandling, spanking, threesome, unprotected sex (wrap it), oral (m + f receiving), double penetration, slight breeding kink)
✰ beta’d by: phia @meowxyoong​ | ✰ banner by: rose @jeonggukingdom​
✰ commissioned by: THE LOML ATLAS @miamorjoon​ I HOPE YOU LOVE THIS UWU
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The blinking lights from the monitors adorning the walls of the control room of your ship - The Imperial Kween - illuminate your path as you make your way towards the navigation deck. It isn’t like you to be awake at this hour; you’re usually sound asleep by 0100, tucked snugly in your soft bed within your cozy captain’s quarters. Yet, here you are at 0300 after a late night of binging Tron and Agnate Plus Eight (Tentacles). 
As captain of the Kween, you are perhaps a tad bit overprotective of both your ship and your crew. You had won your ship some moons ago when you were on Xyreus - the lawless planet of the Huvian System. You had been on the run, having just recently fled the Space Force Academy where you had been a rising captain.
The Academy had seemingly been your only option as an orphan. Your years there had been heavy with intense physical, mental, and intellectual training. The strict regimen enforced by your commanders had almost crushed your spirit. Almost.
Instead, your path had crossed with Jung Hoseok and Kim Namjoon. They had been assigned to you in your last month with the Academy when you rose high enough in the rankings to begin training for captaincy. You had been designated as their tentative captain with Hoseok as your pilot and Namjoon as your first officer. Upon meeting them, you had been the perfect captain that your superiors had wanted you to be - cold, callous, calculating. 
But then you had grown to like the boys. Actually, it had more so been that they had forced you to like them. With the two of them surrounding you day in and day out, your walls had crumbled. Hoseok taught you how to be happy again, how to see joy in the little things, and how to share that joy with others. Namjoon made you see other options, futures separate from the rigidity that had been the only life you knew. 
It hadn’t been until you caught them whispering about wanting to leave the Academy that you realized that could be a possibility. And then that possibility became all you could think about. You had hacked into the Academy archives, taken inventory of the ships in the cargo bay, and carefully extracted information from your commanders. 
What you had found was not pretty. Yet, it had also been strangely unsurprising. Perhaps you had always known the Academy was built on corruption and oppressive tactics. Perhaps you had subconsciously chosen to ignore it until you couldn’t anymore - not when such pure souls like Hoseok and Namjoon had relied on you and still do.
You had laid out your plans to Hoseok and Namjoon at the last possible second, protecting them from anything incriminating until the end. Your heart had burst when they dropped everything, choosing to follow you, to stay with you, to trust you. You think that had been when you first knew you loved them.
Sneaking out had been easy. You had been scoping out a small ship in the cargo hold, tinkering with its systems to get it set up for your escape. The hard part had been staying out. You, Namjoon, and Hoseok had barely breathed sighs of relief before you had Space Force officers tailing you. While Hoseok worked on evading their grasp, you and Namjoon had decided to direct your course to Xyreus to ditch your stolen ship and to negate any authority the Academy might try to push on you.
The three of you had spent a year on Xyreus, trading the parts from your Academy ship for a tiny apartment. The Academy eventually had lost interest in you all, probably replacing you easily. You had obtained freedom by the pen of a freelance forger who constructed new identification cards for you and your crew. And you had won your ship.
It had been a particularly eventful night. Hoseok and Namjoon had dragged you out of your apartment and to the Snake��s Den - a particularly popular club within Xyreus’ gambling district. The boys had really been into the fight scene and the rapid betting that accompanied it. You, however, had found your place amongst the card players. Your game of choice back then had been and still is Queen’s Revenge - a vicious game of strategy and deceit. 
Amidst the haze of the club, you had located your people, settling into the crowded booth of players. Soon enough, you had picked your victim, a loud, obnoxious fellow from Gwexion who would not shut up about his ship. “She flies faster than any ship you’ll ever see!” He had cried, thrusting his stein of Xybrew in the air, “And she can vanish without a trace with the flick of a switch!”
You had wanted that ship. And you had gotten it.
About two hours after sitting at the table, you had made your move. “My ship for yours,” You had wagered, taking advantage of a lull in the conversation. The rest of the booth had laughed, only seeing you for your gender. Twenty minutes later, there hadn't been a sound other than the sobs of the man from Gwexion and the jingle of the ship’s control keys in your hand.
Hoseok and Namjoon had berated you for hours about your recklessness of wagering a ship you didn't have. You hadn’t cared; you had known you would win and finally be able to fly. The three of you had sold your apartment the next day, boarded your ship, and flew off. You haven’t looked back since. 
Now, two years later, you’ve made quite a name for yourself across the galaxies as a mercenary of sorts. Your trade of choice? Information. 
If something is going on in space, you’re likely to know about it; and, you’ll make people pay for that information to be shared or to be kept quiet. As captain of the Kween, you’re in charge of keeping the ship running - and that includes earning a profit.
Hoseok and Namjoon aren’t too fond of your enterprise of information because it often puts you all in danger. You can’t fault them for that. You know this venture is tricky, but it's also very lucrative and it often results in you screwing over bad people. So, you take that as a win.
You arrive at the navigation deck and sigh in disappointment at the absence of Hoseok who sometimes monitors the flight course during the night. Instead, you activate your ship’s Responsive Electronic Environmental Systems Engine - simply called R.E.E.S.E. for short. “Hey, R.E.E.S.E. Status report, please.”
“Hello, Captain (y/n). It is my esteemed honor to deliver a status update to you at this hour. I have been getting so lonely, you see. Usually Pilot Hoseok stays up with me, but tonight he has abandoned me for—”
“R.E.E.S.E.!” You groan. This is typical R.E.E.S.E., going off about something trivial in a dramatic fashion.
“Oh my. I have done it again. My apologies, Captain (y/n). All systems operating as normal. Shields activated and secure. Navigation set on nightly autopilot course.”
“Thank you, R.E.E.S.E.” You gaze out of the front windows for a moment; the view never gets old. Countless stars surround you with planets of every color scattered in between. Sometimes, you would see an occasional ship passing by, but right now there is not one to be seen. 
You deactivate R.E.E.S.E. and head back to your captain’s quarters. Walking through the control room once more, you pass through the common quarters and finally enter the hallway containing your shared bathroom, both Hoseok and Namjoon’s respective quarters, and then your own at the end. The hallway is dim, illuminated only by the slight glow of the floor beneath you. 
You move slowly, careful not to wake either of the boys.
And then you hear it.
Your first thought is porn as you pause in your tracks, standing stock still as the sounds of muffled groans and slapped skin seep through the sliver of space under the metal door leading to Hoseok’s quarters. Is he really jerking it right now, you think as you shamelessly creep closer to get a better idea of whatever - or whoever - is going down right now.
“Fuck, give it to me harder.”
Yup, that’s Hoseok all right. You place your palm on his door, dirty visuals racing through your mind. Who is he imagining? What you wouldn’t give for him to be thinking of you...
“Oh yeah, I’ll fucking give it to you hard, baby. Just how I know you like it.”
Your breath catches in your throat as you slap your palm over your mouth. Holy shit. Holy fuck. Holy hell in a handbasket. That’s Namjoon. Namjoon is there with Hoseok, fucking Hoseok.
Your imagination goes wild - as do your heart and your thoughts. How long has this been going on? How have you missed this? Are you that oblivious? Or are they just that good at hiding their relationship? Why haven’t they told you? Do they not trust you as much as they say they do? Do they think you won’t accept them if you knew?
It’s those final thoughts that hurt the most.
How is it possible that you know the intricate plans of an uprising occurring on a planet light years away, but you don’t know your only two crew members are hooking up?
You somehow manage to soundlessly continue down the corridor to your quarters. How does someone respond to overhearing the two men that you’re desperately in love with having sex? And just steps away from you at that?
All of your training never prepared you for this moment. You sit in your empty bed, gazing out the large window that takes up the majority of your quarters’ back wall. Emotions roll over you like waves. Arousal. Grief. Shame. Longing. 
It isn’t that you are upset at them for being with one another. If anyone in the galaxies deserves love, it is Hoseok and Namjoon. You are more upset with yourself for naively thinking that they might have had feelings for you, that they might have loved you back.
There had been that fateful night at a bar on Xyreus when the three of you had gotten just a little too drunk on Xybrew and had fooled around. You still remember the feeling of Hoseok grinding into you on the bar’s tiny dance floor, his hands wandering across your body, driving you insane. You still remember the taste of Namjoon’s lips as he pushed you up against the wall of the small alley behind the bar, his fingers digging into your ass as he pushed his hips into yours. You still remember how Hoseok watched you with fire in his eyes as Namjoon sunk to his knees and—
Fuck, you can’t go there. You can’t revisit that memory because it only ends in disappointment. 
“A drunken mistake,” They had called it the next morning before you could get a word in edgewise. “A threat to our crew’s dynamic.”
What a joke. It turns out that their only regret must have been including you. 
Your mind wanders to all of the small moments over the past few years. The hugs, the tender looks, the things that had made you question whether they actually felt more for you after all turned out to be just signs of friendship.
With all these thoughts heavy in your mind, you eventually fall into a restless sleep.
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The next morning comes all too soon as you find yourself going through the motions of everyday life with much less enthusiasm than normal. You’re drained, both from your lack of sleep and from the onslaught of emotions that still riddled your body.
And so when Hoseok greets you in the ship’s kitchen with that beautiful smile of his, you can barely get your lips to even turn up slightly.
“(y/n), are you okay?” Hoseok’s eyebrows are drawn together and he looks concerned.
You sigh, grabbing the pot of coffee and pouring yourself a cup. “Yes, I’m fine, Hoseok. I just didn’t sleep very well,” You eventually answer him, refusing to meet his eyes and choosing instead to gaze into your coffee like it might tell you how to behave right now with the knowledge you gained last night.
Obviously, it does not. You only see your distorted reflection gleaming back at you from its brown depths.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Hoseok pouts, making his way over to your side, “Is there anything I can do?”
You try in vain to ignore the affect his proximity has on you as you flick your eyes across his form. Hoseok is tall and lithe with delicate features and the most beautiful heart-shaped smile you’ve ever seen. Though he may look slight, you know the lean muscle that lies beneath his oversized t-shirts from the early mornings you catch him roaming around shirtless and half asleep. You have first hand knowledge of how well he can move that body from the late nights at the clubs on Xyreus. You know how well he f—
Nope, not today. Instead of going down that dangerous path, you choose to be the little shit that you are when you feel like you are at a loss. “You can share your secret on how to be so well rested, Hoseokie,” You say, your eyes laser-sharp on his expression, “You’re practically glowing this morning.”
Hoseok’s cheeks flood with color as he laughs lightly and replies with a slightly wistful look on his face, “Maybe someday, (y/n).” 
You let out an unamused huff, which only makes Hoseok laugh again. You glare at the happy boy and then stiffen as arms wrap around your waist, tugging you back against a warm body. “Morning, (y/n),” Namjoon murmurs into your hair, his fingers leaving a blazing heat on your skin as they drag across the swell of your hips. 
He turns your body around to face him, and you hesitantly bring your gaze up to his. God, he’s just as beautiful as Hoseok. Namjoon’s height had been the first thing that you noticed about him in the Academy. The second had been his dimples. You have been a goner for him ever since. 
Your eyes drift up past his strong thighs to his tapered waist, his toned chest, his tanned neck, and finally to rest on his warm brown eyes. “Hi,” He grins, those godforsaken dimples popping out to greet you, too.
“Hi,” You manage to reply, your heart constricting painfully in your chest.
Always too smart for his own good, Namjoon catches your mood immediately, “What’s wrong?”
“She didn’t sleep well,” Hoseok comes up next to Namjoon, throwing an arm around his shoulders. His frown is prominent as he stares down at you. Namjoon’s expression quickly matches Hoseok’s as he brings his hand to cup your chin, lifting your face up to look at you.
“Baby,” He murmurs, “Were you dreaming of that damned place again? I thought that had stopped for you.” 
You bristle under the weight of their inspections and from the pet name you now know means nothing. Namjoon is, of course, referring to your recurring nightmares from the Academy, and he is also inadvertently giving you the perfect excuse not to come clean about the real reason for your fitful night.
And so you nod as best you can with Namjoon’s hand cupping your chin, and the boys exchange a long look. Hoseok turns to you, “Go rest today. Namjoon and I can handle things. Okay, lovely?”
You turn away, forcing Namjoon to drop his hand. “I need to plan out a potential deal on Naroxu,” You mutter in disagreement, “I’ll be fine.”
“Naroxu?” Namjoon bites out, “(y/n), we talked about this.” You pinch the bridge of your nose between your fingers. Sometimes it feels like you're not the captain of your own ship. And it is exasperating.
“You know what?” You grab your coffee, brushing past the boys, “I think I will go rest after all. Don’t disturb me, okay?”
“But (y/n)—!” You leave them in your dust. Of course you should have realized they would have a problem with Naroxu. It’s a planet just as lawless as Xyreus, but it’s focus is more on the carnal sort of chaos. You aren’t unaware of the dangers that lay within the pleasures on Naroxu; you’re just unfazed by them.
Apparently, Namjoon and Hoseok feel differently. Your boys can argue with you about anything in the name of “safety”. You’ll definitely need to make certain that you’ll have a foolproof plan which leaves them with no room to argue. But, that is a bridge you shall cross another day...
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A few days later, you realize that you definitely must have been oblivious to the relationship occurring right under your nose. There are signs of it everywhere - in the way they speak to one another, in the way their eyes linger, in the way their hands brush as they pass each other by.
You have not dared to venture out of your quarters late at night ever since that fateful discovery, but that doesn’t help. Your thoughts are constantly plagued by the sounds of their desire, their intimacy. Your mind conjures images that you can’t forget. You crave that. You want to be part of that passion with a desperation you have never felt before.
And so, you have accordingly descended into internal chaos, choosing to throw yourself into your plans instead of joking around with Namjoon and Hoseok in the common quarters like you usually do in your spare time.
They know something is up. It’s not like you haven’t spent almost three full years together. Knowing each others’ tendencies and habits is second nature. Well, clearly that knowledge has excluded intimate relationships - at least for you. 
The tip of your pencil snaps under the strength of your grip; and, when you look down to assess the damage, you sigh. All you have written down so far is: “Plan A: Go with Joon and Hobi. Plan B: Go without Joon and Hobi if they don’t like Plan A.”
Pushing your desk chair back, you stand and stretch out slightly. The rest of the logistics for the meeting are set. Now comes the hard part - convincing the boys to come along. It’s not that you can’t go alone; it’s that you feel better knowing you have two people watching your back, no matter how frustrating they might be.
Walking out of your quarters, you make your way towards the sounds of laughter and low voices coming from the control room.
“We really do have to tell her soon, Hobi.” You hear Namjoon say as you draw closer. Are they talking about you?
“I know, Joon. I’m just scared. I don’t want to lose her friendship.” Hoseok’s voice is small, barely above a whisper.
“You won’t, baby. Just think of how free we’ll be to share our love…” Your ears strain to hear them now, even as you get closer.
“...Leaving her.”
Your feet stop in their tracks. Leaving? Are they really thinking of leaving you? Your body sags against the wall, sliding to the floor. What would you do without them?
You guess you could recruit a new crew, but no one could replace Hoseok and Namjoon. Not when they’ve been with you through everything. Not when they’ve accepted you for who you are. Not when they’ve become your life.
You allow yourself to sit for a moment. And then you collect yourself, shoving your useless emotions down to the pit of your stomach. You just need to move forward and enjoy every last second with your boys before they go. Because they would leave you, and you would let them go because you love them.
Standing, you make sure to make louder footfalls then normal to alert Hoseok and Namjoon of your incoming presence. Sure enough, the minute you step into the control room Hoseok tackles you in a hug.
“(y/n)!” He picks you up and swings you around, “I’ve missed you, lovely!”
You laugh despite your lungs being constricted by his tight embrace, “I saw you last night at dinner, you fool.”
Hoseok sets you down and jokingly pouts down at you, “But that was so long ago! You left me all alone with this one.” He juts his thumb out at Namjoon, “And you know how he can get.”
“Not as well as you,” You mumble under your breath.
“What was that?” Namjoon narrows his eyes, focused on you from his nearby stance leaning against the wall. His arms are crossed over his chest, the sleeves of his dark t-shirt straining against his biceps.
“Nothing,” You smile sweetly at him. “Hi, Joon, nice to see you, too.” 
Namjoon stares at you for a moment more and then sighs. Walking over to you, he pulls you close, “It is really nice to see you, baby.” That blasted nickname is going to lower you into an early grave. Indulging yourself with a short hug from Joon, you pull back and decide it's time to get down to business.
“Alright, let’s go over the plan for Naroxu.”
“(y/n)!” Namjoon shoves a hand through his hair, “I thought we scrapped that idea. That planet is on our ‘no-go’ list!”
“Naroxu is dangerous, lovely,” Hoseok’s wide eyes bore into you, “Please think this through.”
“You scrapped the idea,” You say to Namjoon, “I kept it. Besides, that ‘no-go’ list was all you and Hoseok.” Turning to the boy you just named, you continue, “And I have thought this through. Extensively, Hobi. Don’t worry. I’m a big girl, I can handle myself, okay?”
You can tell they are getting pissed; but honestly, so are you. 
“We know you’re a ‘big girl’.” You do not appreciate Hoseok’s use of air quotes, but you allow him to continue because you’re gracious like that. “But there are tons of bad people on Naroxu who would love to chew you up and spit you out - physically and metaphorically speaking.”
“Gross, Hobi,” You scoff. “And before you both cast judgement, why don’t you give me a chance to explain the plan? You don’t even know who I’ll be meeting for gods' sake.”
The boys exchange a glance. “Fine,” Namjoon bites out, “But this won’t change my mind.”
Obviously, you think to yourself. Trying to get Joon to change his mind is like trying to get R.E.E.S.E. to delete the overwhelming amount of data she has dedicated to some group of musicians from Earth. Impossible, but you would always try anyways.
“Okay, so the contact that I’m meeting on Naroxu is Joohoney—”
“Joohoney from Monsta X?!”
“Oh my gods, will you let me finish?” You roll your eyes to the ceiling and plead with any higher power to help you find patience, “Yes, Joohoney from the Monsta X clan. How many other people in the galaxies go by that name?”
Hoseok opens his mouth to answer, and you cut him off, “That was a rhetorical question, Hobi.” He blushes, bottom lip sticking out slightly. 
“Anyway, we’re going to be meeting up at this space BDSM type sex club called Throbbing Disco Sticks. I’ll tell Joohoney what he wants to know, he’ll pay me, and we’ll bounce. Got it?”
You get nothing but silence. Looking at them, you notice the tightness of Namjoon’s jaw and the darkness in Hoseok’s gaze. 
“Oh, now you want to be quiet?” You push them, “Well, you can both stay here. I made a separate plan to go alone so—”
“Not happening,” Joon grits out, moving closer to you. “We made a pact, (y/n). Or have you forgotten?”
“Together or never,” Hobi recites and you almost laugh. It’s absurd that they bring this up when they had just been talking about leaving.
“Fine,” You shrug, “Then we leave at 2200. Hope you have something tight to wear.” With that, you stalk out of the control room. Their shouts follow you.
You grin. Maybe this will be fun after all.
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Update: it is not fun after all. You only have twenty minutes left to get ready and you’re panicking. You had just made the mistake of asking R.E.E.S.E. to bring up pictures of Throbbing Disco Sticks and immediately had regretted all of your life decisions.
Is that why they named that club what they did? You think both you and R.E.E.S.E. are scarred from the unexpected amount of male genitalia that the search produced. Only after you add the addition of ‘Naroxu club’ do you get the results you’re looking for - mostly. 
You had just wanted some guidance on what to wear. Instead, your thoughts are now full of images of chained leashes, silk ropes, and dark rooms with blinds raised to welcome an audience. You wonder what sort of things happen in rooms like that and if you’d ever get a chance to try those things out.
Your tablet beeps, alerting you of your upcoming meeting. Taking one last glance in the mirror, you assess the way your tight leather pants accentuate your body and your slightly sheer black crop top hints at your lack of bra underneath. Still, your outfit is missing something… You think it over as you tug on your pointy black steel-toed heels.
Ah, you stand and make your way over to your trusty jewelry drawer. Of course. Carefully pulling out your body chain from its place, you drape it around yourself. The chain clasps around your neck and then falls lower between your breasts, settling around your waist. The coldness of the metal causes you to shiver, but the way the crystals embedded in the silver glisten as you turn to admire your final outfit makes it worth it. 
You keep your makeup minimal - just a red lip and a slash of black eyeliner. You want to blend in, not make a statement.
Finally, you tuck the map outlining the information Joohoney wants into your back pocket. Any bag you might bring would be searched, so you can do without one.
You take one last calming breath and make your way down the hall to meet the boys. “Hoseok, Namjoon: Are you ready?” You call as you don’t see any sign of them out in the common quarters.
“Coming!” Hoseok’s voice calls back to you and then he emerges from his quarters. 
You have to use all of your might not to let your jaw drop. It seems like he also had searched up what to wear because he looks like he stepped right out of the pictures you had seen just a half hour ago.
Hoseok is wearing tight dark jeans tucked into black combat boots that buckle up to the middle of his calves. What he isn't wearing is a shirt. Instead, a deep red leather harness is strapped across his chest with a silver hoop in the middle.
Did he just have that harness lying around? Gods save you.
While you are busy ogling Hoseok, you fail to notice him doing the same to you - so much so that he doesn't move an inch from his spot until Namjoon bursts out of his own quarters and bumps right into him.
At this point, you begin to sweat because Namjoon looks just as lethal as Hoseok in his light jeans, a black leather thigh harness, and a completely see through tight mesh t-shirt. You watch as he fiddles with the two leather cuffs circling his wrists.
“Hoseok, what are you doing?” Namjoon scowls, dropping his hands to his hips. Hobi says nothing and just points in your direction.
“Why are you pointing at me?” You huff, “Don’t blame me for being an idiot and just standing there practically waiting to get hit.”
Namjoon stalks towards you, eyes blazing into you as he takes in your outfit. “Change,” He orders.
He’s giving you orders? A burst of heat flares within you that you try to classify as anger but fail miserably. 
“Don’t tell me what to do, Joon,” You fold your arms across your chest. Hoseok chokes as he comes up to stand next to Namjoon who is suddenly all up in your face.
“Go. Change.” Namjoon’s voice is deeper than you’ve ever heard it.
“No.” You stand your ground. Why is he trying to dictate your clothing choices anyway? He’s not your father or your boyfriend - not that you’d let either of those people tell you what choices to make with your own body.
Namjoon turns to Hobi, who still hasn't uttered a word to you, and says lowly, “Go set the course to land on Naroxu.”
Hoseok practically runs off in the direction of the navigation deck. You gape after his fleeing figure and then turn back to face the fuming Namjoon.
“Listen,” You shove your finger into his admittedly toned chest, “I don’t know what has gotten into you, Kim. This outfit isn’t even that bad. Besides, you’ve seen me naked before. Remember?”
“You’re really going to ask me if I remember.” Namjoon’s face is inches from yours. His scent wraps around you and you have to collect yourself for a second. His eyes drop to your lips for a second so brief you believe you imagined it. “You’re really going to ask me that as if the image of your body isn’t burned into my memory and as if every single time I close my eyes I don’t see you.” Namjoon takes in a shaky breath, “And so, (y/n), I’m begging you. Please go change. Not for you, but for me. And for Hoseok.”
You’re at a loss as your brain scrambles to make sense of the words Namjoon just spoke. Okay, he does remember... So, is he mad that it happened? Or is he mad that it only happened once? Must be the first, you think. He has Hobi, after all.
“Maybe you two should stay back,” You suggest, patting Namjoon’s chest comfortingly, “Then you won’t have to look at me while I look like this. I’m sorry it brings up bad memories.”
Namjoon looks completely baffled, “What? What the hell are you talking about? Stop trying to get us to leave you alone!”
“Please,” You laugh without humor, “Like I have to try.”
This time, Namjoon just looks pissed. “Baby, that’s the second comment like that you’ve made today. And I’m getting the sense that you have something to say. So why don’t you just say it?”
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He is so onto you. 
Namjoon’s presence looms over you, making you feel so small. Your gaze drops to the floor, “I don’t have anything to say.”
“You’re lying. Hm, what a bad girl.” Your head snaps up, eyes wide as you try to slow the pounding of your heart and the increasing pressure between your thighs.
“Do you know what happens to bad girls, (y/n)?” Namjoon croons, eyes dark and locked on yours. You don’t even have the ability to respond, and so he just continues, “They get punished.”
A small whine bursts from your throat before you can stifle it back down. Namjoon’s smile in response is predatory.
“(y/n)! Namjoon! We’ve landed! Oh—” 
You and Namjoon turn to stare at Hoseok whose face shows a whole number of emotions in the blink of an eye. Hurt. Confusion. Lust?
All of a sudden, the ship feels too hot, and you need to get off. Ducking around Namjoon, you head towards the ship’s main door. You can hear them murmuring behind you, but you ignore them.
You need to get your shit together. It’s not good to get distracted on a job. It’s even worse to get distracted before said job even starts.
Practically punching the exit button, you tap your foot and wait for the door to open and the ramp to descend. 
“(y/n),” Hoseok calls to you, “Slow down! We need to talk to you!”
“No time,” You reply, stomping down the ship’s ramp. Barely taking a second to appreciate the beauty that is Naroxu, you power forward through the landing site. Ships of all kinds surround you. The night sky is a dark inky purple and Naroxu’s famed twin moons shimmer with swirls of silver. 
“Then make time!” Namjoon’s growly response sends a shiver down your spine that has nothing to do with the crisp night air. You increase your pace, heading towards where you hear thumping music and peels of laughter and murmured conversation. 
“Namjoon, you of all people should know that’s against the laws of physics,” You retort as you finally burst through the end of the landing site and into the crowded street dotted with neon signs and vendors of all sorts. 
“She’s so infuriating!” You hear him spit out behind you to Hobi, and you can't help the smile that winds its way across your face. At least you aren’t alone in your anger.
Finding Throbbing Disco Sticks is the easiest part of your night. You simply follow what looks like cylindrical sticks of shimmering glass mirrors spinning from atop a building. There’s a line that winds its way from the club’s doors and down the block. You quickly realize that your outfit is on the conservative side and grimace. You settle for tying your crop top higher on your waist so it hits right below your breasts. This is the best you can do.
“(y/n)!” Hoseok gasps from beside you as he realizes what you’ve just done, “Why are you torturing us like this?”
“Not this again,” You groan and decide that - fuck it - you’re going to name drop to bypass the line. It’s totally tacky, but you’re desperate at this point. Ignoring the hecklers amongst those waiting, you come to a stop in front of the two burly bouncers who are clearly Naroxuin natives with beautiful lilac skin and curling silver horns.
“Can I help you, little lady?” The slightly taller one addresses you, and you immediately swoon at the depth of his voice as it flows off his tongue like chocolate. Damn these sexy Naroxuins…
“I’m meeting an old friend,” You flash them your best smile, “And he doesn’t like to be kept waiting. Would you be able to let us in?”
Blinking your wide eyes up at the two bouncers, you watch as they exchange a short glance and then turn back to you. “Who’s your friend?” The other bouncer asks you, his sharp eyes assessing your figure.
“Jooheon,” You say, shrugging, “He usually goes by Joohoney.”
Their eyes grow large. “We didn’t know Joohoney had a pet,” The first bouncer comments, eyes flicking over your form, “But then again, you are quite delicious, aren’t you?”
A hand slips around your waist and grips it firmly, while another settles on the small of your back.
“Oh, does Joohoney share?” The second bouncer grins, his eyes turning to crescent moons as he stares at the hand digging into your hip. “I never would have guessed. Keep me in mind, would you, pet?”
“Oh, shut it, Jimin,” The taller bouncer laughs, “Like she’d ever pick you over me.”
“Fuck off, Tae,” Jimin glares, stepping aside to let you through. “Have a nice night, pet. You know where to find me.”
“And me!” Tae calls, laughing again as Jimin shoves him. 
You move along, shaking your head at the oddity of that encounter.
“I thought you were supposed to be keeping a low profile!” Namjoon hisses over to you as soon as you’re out of earshot of the two bouncers.
“Yeah,” Hoseok mutters, “Flirting usually doesn’t fall under the category of ‘low profile’.”
“Oh my gods,” You tug out of their holds, “I barely said two words to them! And I didn’t realize that flirting at a sex club would be completely out of the ordinary. Wow, lock me up!”
“Don’t fucking tempt me.” Namjoon’s response is immediate. Your breath hitches as he corners you close, “Now, go finish your little mission and we’ll settle this back on the ship, baby. And, believe me, it will be settled.”
Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit. You watch as Namjoon tugs Hoseok further down the corridor towards the main club area. “We’ll be watching!” Hoseok calls over his shoulder and shoots you a look you’re not even sure you want to interpret. And you can’t - not when you have a meeting to attend.
After grabbing a non-potent drink from the bar, you make your way around the crowded club. The dance floor is packed full of people of all shapes, sizes, and skin tones. You even see a few Uyiths with their glowing gold skin in the far corner, practically providing light for their whole area. 
The majority of the clubbers here seem to be experienced in the lifestyle. Many are collared or are the ones leading the collared. Others are unclaimed and waiting to be approached or to approach. You, however, are just trying to not be propositioned for the fifth time in the past fifteen minutes.
“Well, aren’t you exquisite,” A low voice murmurs from your left.
“Not interested,” You say, sipping your drink and wishing you weren’t on a job so you could have something stronger.
“Your loss,” The man shrugs in your periphery before slinking away. At least this one had not been pushy like the last. You had to threaten to remove his balls using just the tip of your stiletto to get him to flee. You are so over it.
Hopping off of your barstool, you decide to explore the rest of the club while you wait for Joohoney. You try to ignore the heat from the two pairs of eyes glued to your every move. And then you duck into the dim hallway that you know leads to the individual rooms full of sin.
The first few have their blinds closed, much to the disappointment of your curiosity. However, the fourth room is fully on display. Only two others are gathered in front of the glass, paying close attention to the activities occurring on the other side. 
And what activities they are… You peer through the glass at the sight. A man is tied to a St. Andrew’s Cross, his arms and legs straining against the cuffs as a woman dressed in only a leather bustier runs her finger teasingly up and down his shaft. A second man lays beneath her, his face buried between her legs. Your attention returns to the man restrained.
What had he done to deserve such painfully pleasurable punishment? Had he done it on purpose?
As if he feels you staring at him, the man’s head lifts up and he meets your eyes. A small smile forms on his lips as he raises his chin to acknowledge you.
The woman turns to follow his gaze and raises an eyebrow at you. She hooks her finger in your direction, beckoning you to come inside. Almost subconsciously, you listen. But before you can take a step, a hand catches your wrist and tugs you back.
“What are you doing, lovely?” Hoseok’s voice jolts you from the scene that had captivated your attention. The woman in the room eyes you for a second more and then shrugs, returning to her other playthings. “You weren’t really thinking of joining them, were you?
“And so what if I was?” You reply petulantly. You cast a glance around you, noticing that the other couple watching had since disappeared and that there is no sight of Namjoon. “Where’s your other half?”
“My other half?” Hoseok’s nose crinkles adorably as he thinks, “Oh, you mean Joon? He’s taking care of something.”
Your eyebrows shoot up your forehead, “He’s taking care of something? Why does that sound so sinister, Hobi?”
“It’s nothing to worry about, lovely,” Hoseok grins and then glances over your shoulder at the scene you had been watching. “Fuck, that’s hot.”
You, of course, turn immediately. The man is still tied, but now the other is sucking his dick as if his life depends on it while the woman watches with a small grin on her face. She holds a small device in her hand and is fiddling with its buttons. Then you notice the glimmering jewel that winks back at you from the ass of the man kneeling.
“It is… What do you think is hot about it?” You ask, as the tied man moans, throwing his head back and baring his throat. 
“All of it. The way she commands the room, the way the men please her, the way she tortures them. I don’t know who I’d rather be,” Hoseok lets out a small laugh, shoving a hand through his tousled hair, “Do you?”
“I’d want to be tied up,” You blurt out before you can stop yourself. Hoseok’s breath hitches in his throat as his hands come down to clench your hips.
“(y/n), lovely, I’d want to see that, too,” His eyelids are heavy as he stares down at you. One of his hands travels lower on your body, palming your ass slightly.
“H-Hoseok,” You gasp, your back arching into his touch.
“Goddamn, lovely,” Hobi moans, “I thought I might never get to hear you say my name like that again.”
Your thighs clench as you vividly recall the memory not unlike this when Joon had eaten you out against the back wall of the club and then Hoseok had slid into you and fucked you until you couldn’t walk. You definitely had cried his name more times than you could ever count.
And this makes you so confused. Does this mean he had been wanting to hear you moaning his name again? That makes no sense considering he’s sleeping with Namjoon and planning to leave you.
Hoseok must read the thoughts on your face because he sighs, bringing your hand to his lips. “Later,” He promises - of what, you don’t know. He presses a kiss to your knuckles and then disappears back into the crowded club.
“Well, that was quite a show,” An amused man emerges from the shadows, “Just when I thought you might join the Mistress with Suga and Jin, you get caught up in another. How delightful.”
Sighing, you stick your hand out to greet your contact, “Hi, Joohoney. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Joohoney’s dimples flash at you as he grins and you internally melt. God, your thing for dimples is getting out of hand. “It’s very nice to meet you, too, pet. Please, call me Jooheon.” His hand grips yours firmly as he takes you in. You pay him the same regard, eyes wandering over his black long sleeve shirt with the sleeves pushed up his forearms. His shirt is tucked into slim fitting black pants and cinched with a belt that looks like it could also double as a harness. He looks expensive as hell.
And then what he says registers to you.
Groaning, you tug your hand out of his and grimace, “That wasn’t my fault! The bouncers just assumed, and I didn’t think to correct them.”
Jooheon’s grin turns wicked as he stares you down, “Oh, I’m not complaining. You can be my pet anytime you want, (y/n)…” He not-so-subtly flexes his wrist where a black choker with a silver ring in the center is wound around it twice, “This would look pretty around your neck, wouldn’t it?”
You struggle to find a response, your mouth opening and closing as you blink at the absurd turn your night has taken.
“Ah, don’t answer that. Let’s dance,” Jooheon smiles sweetly down at you like he hadn’t just asked to own you in every sexual way possible. 
So you agree, nodding slightly, and then he whisks you onto the dance floor. The music thumps through you as Jooheon drags you into the throng of the crowd. Looking around you, your eyes fall on your boys.
Hoseok and Namjoon are wrapped around each other, their bodies pressed together, hips grinding to the beat. Their eyes are both on you, their gazes absolute and piercing. Namjoon grasps Hoseok closer to him, his hands drawing the other boy further into his crotch. 
Are they really doing this right now? In front of you? While staring you down?
And so when Jooheon grabs your own hips to pull you back into him, you let him. The response from Hoseok and Namjoon is immediate. Namjoon’s nostrils flare as he watches you begin to shift your body in time with Jooheon’s. Hoseok’s tongue presses against the inside of his cheek as he glares over your shoulder.
“Looks like we’re making some people mad, pet,” Jooheon laughs, his lips brushing your ear. “Are you with them?”
You lean your head back to respond, “Technically, yes. They’re my crew.”
“Well, then why does your crew look like they want to fight me for putting my hands on you?”
“Oh, they’re just protective,” You reply, “They’re in a relationship anyway, as you can see.” You wave a hand over to where Hoseok and Namjoon are murmuring to each other, almost seeming to be mirroring you and Jooheon.
The motion of your hand recaptures their attention and you swear the movement of Namjoon’s lips produces the harsh phrase of ‘I’m gonna destroy him’.
You’re almost certain that Hoseok and Namjoon are about to blow your entire deal; you cannot have that happen. And so, you turn to Jooheon and ask if you can make the trade now. Luckily, he agrees and leads you through the crowd towards a door beside the bar along the far wall.
Before you step over the threshold, you turn back. Hoseok and Namjoon are steps away from you, looking pissed. And then you let the door fall shut behind you.
The trade deal goes down fairly quickly. You tug the map out of your back pocket; Jooheon places a few stacks of currency on the table. You count it first, of course. This isn’t your first space rodeo. 
Thankfully, Jooheon is true to his word and has the full amount ready for you. You then unfold the map you had drawn and begin to explain it in detail. “So the Alravi are planning to attack the Wyxian border here, here, and here.” You point out the spots you had starred. “My informant is certain they will strike at 0400 in two rotations.”
A scoff meets your ears. One of Jooheon’s partners stands. He’s handsome and tall with full lips and sleepy eyes. “How do we know that this information is even legit, Joohoney? She could be making this up.”
Jooheon shoots you a look and you step towards the skeptic. “Well, Chae Hyungwon,” You purr, “I can guarantee that this information is as real as the tattoo of your mother’s name on your left asscheek.”
Hyungwon turns fuschia as Jooheon cackles, “Is that true, Wonnie? Do you have that?” 
“Yah!” Hyungwon glares at you, “It’s not a tattoo of my mom’s name, it’s a tattoo of my ex-girlfriend’s name! It’s not my fault they happened to share the same one.” 
Jooheon wipes tears from his eyes as he hands you your money, “Please, pet, call me for a trade anytime. This has been the most fun I’ve had in months.”
“Will do,” You grin, sliding the money into your pocket. It barely fits, but you don’t care. It always feels good to secure a bag.
You wave at Jooheon and his crew as you exit the small room and re-enter the crowded club. No further than two steps out of the door, you are thrown over someone’s shoulder.
“Hey!” You pound on your assailant’s back, “Put me down!”
“Shut it, (y/n),” Comes the growled reply. 
You still for a second in an attempt to process what the hell is happening. “Joon?!” You cry, “What the fuck! Where’s Hobi?”
“Here.” Hoseok’s voice comes from behind you and it’s devoid of any of its usual amusement. 
You curse, trying to wiggle out of Namjoon’s hold.
Thwack. Your ass stings and you gasp. Heat floods through you as you realize that Namjoon just outright spanked you in the middle of a crowded club - in front of Hoseok.  
Damn you for even thinking a deal at a sex club would go well. No one even paid the three of you any mind as Namjoon sauntered out of the club and into the night with you hitched over his shoulder and Hobi trailing behind you both.
You even hear the laughing comments of the two bouncers from earlier as they yell over to you... 
“Have fun!” 
“Come back to visit, pet!”
You flip them off, but sadly Hobi obscures the gesture from their sight. 
“I can walk, you know,” You mumble, thoroughly put out by your situation.
“Yeah, we do know, (y/n),” Hoseok scoffs, “You walked away from Joon and I just fine a few minutes ago. What happened to having one of us in the room with you?”
“I can handle myself just fine,” You retort, turning your head to assess how much further you’re going to be left hanging. You’re probably almost at your ship if you had to guess. “Plus, it was good practice for when the two of you leave me.”
Namjoon halts in his tracks and slides you off his shoulder and onto the ground. You wobble a bit from the blood rush, but he steadies you.
“What did you just say?” Namjoon’s voice is deceptively soft, his hands grip your biceps firmly. You can feel Hoseok behind you, his breathing hard.
You snap. Honestly, you’re a bit shocked it took you this long when you’d been feeling like you might crumble for days. 
Your eyes glare back at Namjoon as your lips curl into a sneer, “Yeah, I know you’re leaving me, just like I know about you and Hobi. So why don’t you drop the act like you actually care about me and fuck off.” 
Namjoon’s eyes are wide as they stare down at you. Hoseok seems to have stopped breathing altogether and a slight whine sounds from him. 
“Hoseok,” Namjoon says, “Bring her to her quarters while I set the course.” He steps around you and stalks towards your ship which is only a few paces away. 
“Come on, lovely,” Hoseok grabs your hand but you just shrug him off. A flash of hurt crosses his beautiful face and you almost cave and hug him close. But you have to be strong - just like you always have.
You march forward, heading up the ramp and onto your ship. Hoseok closes and locks the door behind you; the ship lifts off immediately.
Laughing bitterly, you head towards your quarters with Hoseok in tow, “What’s the big rush here? Can’t wait to start your own life together without me?”
“(y/n), please. Let’s talk about this,” Hobi begs, for what you’re not sure. The quiet desperation you hear in his words almost drains the fight right out of you, but you’re in too deep to stop now.
“What’s there to talk about?” Your words sting with bitterness as you enter your room, “I know you two don’t love me, and I get it. Who would? You and Joon deserve a better life. I’ll be fine without you just like I was before you came into my life.” 
Hoseok shoves a hand through his hair as he gazes sharply down at you, “Lovely, no. Don’t say such things.”
Angrily wiping away a traitorous tear, you sink onto your bed. Just when Hoseok looks like he’s about to say more, Namjoon storms in. He takes one look at you and Hoseok and sighs deeply. “What are we going to do with you, baby?”
“She thinks we don’t love her!” Hoseok cries.
Namjoon blinks and then approaches you, “Is that what you really think, (y/n)?” He bends down, his face level with yours from where you sit on your bed. Hoseok sits beside you, and you watch as his hand slowly inches towards yours.
You tug it out of reach. “I know you don’t love me, Joon,” You shrug, “And that’s okay. I’ve always been alone; it's what I know best.”
Namjoon shares a long look with Hoseok and then he turns back to face you, “Baby, how did you get these ideas in that pretty head of yours?”
Your anger boils back up, “I got them from you!” 
You spring up, standing toe-to-toe with Namjoon, “If you really want to leave to be “free to share your love”, don’t let me hold you back. After all, I’m just a drunken mistake, aren’t I? Just a nasty little hiccup in your relationship. Just a painful memory that makes you cringe. Don’t you realize how much that hurts me? I fucking love you and you both can’t stand the sight of m—!”
Namjoon’s hand grips the back of your neck as his mouth slams onto yours. Your mind blanks as you gasp, his tongue sliding over yours. You kiss him back. Your hands wind up his chest, feeling his skin burning through the flimsy mesh of his shirt. You feel another pair of hands grip your hips and that jolts you enough to come to your senses.
“Wait, wait, wait,” You pull your mouth away from Namjoon’s, “You can’t just kiss me and touch me like I’m yours when I’m not.” 
“But, lovely, you are,” Hoseok tugs you back into his body and places a light kiss on your neck, “You always have been.” His mouth feels hot as it sucks gently on your skin, undoubtedly leaving marks in its wake. 
“I-I don’t understand,” You stammer, trying to wrap your head around everything that’s going on. “I thought you were leaving me. I thought you were ashamed of that night on Xyreus. I thought you didn’t want me when you so clearly want each other.” 
“For someone so smart, you sure draw some dumb conclusions,” Namjoon mumbles, his hands cupping your face carefully. “Number one: the conversation you overheard was about how we agreed that we would never leave you.” Your breath hitches as you feel Hoseok’s hands slip around your body to toy with the hem of your crop top right under your breasts.
“Number two,” Namjoon continues, recapturing your gaze, “We are ashamed of that night on Xyreus. But what we’re ashamed of is how strongly we came onto you, how we were so sure we felt more for you than you felt for us. We couldn’t lose you. If we scared you off with how much we loved you - and still love you - we would never live with ourselves. And so we cut it off.”
“You love me?” You breathe out, “Both of you?” 
“So much, baby,” Namjoon looks down at you like you’re the most cherished thing to him. 
“So, so much,” Hoseok growls in your ear, nipping at it slightly. You shiver, your body pressing back into his. You feel his cock hard against your ass and you press back even further, craving some kind of friction. “Fuck, lovely,” His head falls to your shoulder as he grinds into you.
“Hoseok,” Namjoon’s tone is hard and full of warning. It sends a rush of heat straight to your core. 
The other boy groans but pulls back from you just a bit. You frown at the loss.
Namjoon notices and rolls his eyes, “How did I forget that you’re just as insatiable as him?” Before you can even retort, he continues, “Number three: yes, Hoseok and I want each other; but, we also want you. We talk about it all the time. How your pussy tasted on my tongue. How you felt around Hobi’s cock. How it might feel to fuck you at the same time… 
His eyes are dark, his pupils so dilated that they encompass his irises. “I think about that, too,” You bring a hand up to hold one of Joon’s as he still cradles your face. “I think about how it would feel to be between the two of you as you pound into me, using me for your pleasure.”
“She almost joined a scene tonight,” Hoseok blurts. Your eyes widen as Namjoon’s eyebrows raise. 
“Is that so, baby?” Joon murmurs, one of his thumbs brushing over your lips. “What drew you in? Hoseok and I can give it to you in any way you want; you just have to ask.”
Your thighs squeeze together as your walls clench around nothing. Of course, Namjoon’s observant eyes miss nothing and he quirks a small smile. 
“I liked how they pleased their mistress,” You gasp out, “How they touched each other to make her satisfied. I want to do that. Let me do that for you.”
“Fuck, baby,” Namjoon groans, “You want to please me? Fine. Strip - both of you.” 
Hoseok immediately sets on unbuckling his harness. Meanwhile, your hands shake too much to be able to unclasp your body chain. 
“Leave it on,” Namjoon slips a finger under the chain between your breasts, “I’ve been dying to see you in this and nothing else.”
“But my shirt—!” Your protest is cut short as Joon grips the collar of your top and rips it straight off. “Namjoon!” You berate, shooting him a dirty look which he definitely doesn’t see since he’s staring at your half-naked body like it’s the sun in which he revolves around. 
“So goddamn beautiful.” Just as you think he’s going to touch you, he backs off. “Hobi, take her pants off, and then I want to watch you make her come.”
Hoseok moves to stand in front of you. You stop breathing as you take in his bare body - his cock already hard. He sinks to his knees in front of you, hands winding their way up your calves, your thighs, your ass. Hobi slowly tugs down the small zipper on the side of your pants and then pulls them off you.
He lets out a moan as soon as he realizes you aren’t wearing underwear. How could you have in tight leather pants?  
“You dirty girl,” Namjoon’s words reclaim your attention as you look up at him. He’s sitting in your desk chair, legs spread wide, making no move to hide his arousal. “Now keep your eyes on me when Hoseok fucks you with his tongue.”
You let out a moan both at Namjoon’s words and at the first brush of Hoseok’s tongue on your aching pussy.
“Gods, Joon,” Hoseok growls, “She’s so wet, so sweet.” His tongue flattens as it drags down the length of your folds before circling your clit.
You’re panting at this point, and when Hoseok lightly kisses your clit and sucks it into his mouth, your back arches. You grind your hips shamelessly down onto Hobi’s face, craving more with a desperation you haven’t felt before. 
Your eyes never leave Namjoon’s as he speaks to you in a low voice, “Fuck yeah, baby. Ride his face. Does it feel good?”
“So good,” You moan, hands winding into Hoseok’s hair as he slides his tongue inside you.
“Do you think you deserve to come, (y/n)?” Namjoon questions, his fingers steepled in front of his face as he leans forward. “Even after the stunts you pulled tonight on Naroxu?”
“Y-yes,” You answer petulantly and then jolt as Hobi spanks your ass. Your walls clench automatically around Hoseok’s tongue and he moans, the vibrations make you squirm. The pleasure builds and builds inside you, coiling in the pit of your stomach and spreading across your body.
You murmur Hoseok’s name like a mantra as your fingers dig into his hair, holding him against your pussy.  
“Stop.” Namjoon’s voice cuts through your impending bliss. Hoseok draws back and you whine at the loss of contact. 
“Joon, please,” You beg, “I’m so close!”
“I want to feel you come around my cock, baby,” Namjoon walks over to you, “Can you do that for me?” 
You nod furiously, and he smiles, his dimples peeking out at you. “Good girl.”
You watch as Namjoon strips, taking in the sight of the thickness of his thighs, the hardness of his cock. 
He kisses you swiftly and then turns you around. “I want you on all fours, baby. Go on,” Namjoon squeezes you ass and then pushes you lightly onto the bed. 
You shift onto all fours, all too aware of how much you’re on display for them. And you feel yourself getting even more turned on. 
“Damn, Joon, look at that pretty little pussy,” Hoseok groans, “It’s all ours. She’s all ours.”
You feel a finger slide into you. “Babygirl,” Namjoon groans, “When I wreck you, I want you to suck Hobi off, okay?”
“Yes, sir,” You pant, needing them both so bad. 
Namjoon chuckles darkly as Hoseok gets into position in front of you. He barely settles before you lean down to taste him. Your tongue swirls around the tip and then you take him into your mouth.
You feel Namjoon’s finger slip out of you only to be replaced by the head of his cock. As he eases into you, you groan around Hoseok’s length, making him twitch. 
Namjoon slowly begins moving in and out of you. “You feel so nice, baby,” He murmurs, gripping your hips, “So hot and tight around my cock.” 
You clench around him and Namjoon moans, “Fuck, baby, if you keep doing that, I’m gonna come too soon.” You clench again, because you’re a brat.
Thwack. Namjoon’s hand comes down hard on your ass and stays there, kneading the sting out slowly. His pace picks up. His cock slamming into you, his hips grinding into your ass with each thrust. Soon enough, you’re hurtling towards the edge once again. You release Hoseok from your mouth; and instead, you focus on moving one of your hands up and down his shaft as you lap at his tip.
You feel yourself gripping Joon tightly as you move your hips back to meet each of his thrusts. “You gonna come, babygirl?” Namjoon spanks you again as his other hand reaches around your body to rub your clit. 
You come with a scream, your vocabulary erased to the point where you only know the names of your lovers. Namjoon continues to pound into you, carrying you through your orgasm. 
But still, you’re not satisfied. “Hoseok,” You peer up at your sunshine, “I want you inside me, too.”
“Lovely,” Hoseok sighs, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to your lips, “Are you sure?” 
“Yes,” You nod emphatically, shaking your ass slightly.
Still inside you, Joon groans, “We’ve unleashed a monster, Hoseok. Go grab the lube from your room, yeah?”
“Why? I have some,” You point towards your bedside drawer. “It’s in there.”
Hoseok opens your drawer and curses, “Lovely, have you been fucking yourself with these toys?”
“No,” You retort, getting up from your bed and ignoring the noise of protest that Joon makes when he slips out of you. “I just stare at them for the aesthetic, Hobi.” You move him aside with your hips as you grab the lube from its spot.  
Hoseok bites down on your neck. “Such a brat,” He mumbles into your skin as he kisses the mark he just made.
They don’t know the half of it... You grin, “Now, are you both going to fuck me? Or should I go back to take those bouncers up on their offer?” 
No sooner had the words left your mouth than Namjoon grabs you, wrapping your legs around his waist and sinks his cock back inside you. “You think that’s funny, baby?” He growls into your ear, “You’re not even going to remember their existence when Hobi and I are done with you.”
You moan as you feel Hoseok’s finger teasing your ass, getting you ready to take him. The coolness of the lube sends a shiver down your spine as you eagerly anticipate being full of both your boys. “Please, Hoseok,” You whine, desperate for him. You grind your hips down onto Joon as best you can, and when you feel the first gentle touch of Hoseok’s cock against your hole, you throw your head back so it rests on his shoulder. 
Hoseok sinks into you inch by inch, torturously slow. You’re panting now as you are stretched around the two of them.
“Gods-fucking-damn,” Hobi moans, his hips meeting your ass as he bottoms out inside you. “Joonie, I can feel you. Gods, you’re so tight, lovely.”
“Please,” You cry. You need them to move, to fill you up with their come.  
And when they finally start moving in and out of you, you think you might be ascending into the astral plane. Namjoon’s mouth lowers to suck at your nipples. Hoseok’s hands roam around to flick and play with your clit. You’re so overwhelmed by the multiple sensations, your hands digging into Namjoon’s hair, holding him close to you.
“I’m gonna come,” Hoseok whines, his forehead dropping to your shoulder, his hips stuttering as he chases his high.
“Me too. Come with us, baby,” Namjoon orders, his own voice straining as he shifts your legs up higher to get deeper inside of you.  
Tears stream down your cheeks as his cock hits that spot inside you, and you’re coming. Your walls clench down around both of their cocks, milking them. Their cum fills you up with warmth as your pussy continues to pulse around them. 
“Oh, lovely,” Hoseok sighs, his voice breaking as he thrusts shallowly in and out of you, riding out his orgasm.
“You’re so perfect, baby,” Namjoon places light kisses all over your chest, “You were made for us.”
You can’t even find words as they eventually pull out of you. Cum drips down your legs as Joon sets you down. You watch as Hoseok swipes at it with two fingers and then brings it up inside you. “Want you to be full of us always,” He says, placing a swift kiss to your lips.
“My heart already is,” You murmur, your lips twitching as Hoseok groans at your cheesiness.
“Baby,” Namjoon sighs, his arms wrapping around you, “That was terrible.” 
“Please,” You roll your eyes, “You love it.”
“Yeah,” They reply, “I guess we do.”
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© luxekook do not repost, edit or translate
1K notes · View notes
strayinvelvet · 4 years
still at it
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work is starting to pile and you kind of expected your boyfriend to support you, not annoy you
pairing: han jisung x reader
genre: fluff, implied enemies-to-lovers
wc: 1.3k
warning: swearing :(
a/n: happy hearts day, cuties! part of @districtninewriters​ dear skz, with love. this took so long mainly because of the recent news, yea. i’m so nervous about this i really hope i did the prompt and project some justice. phew (っ^▿^)💨. enjoyyy (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
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“You’re insufferable.”
You rolled your eyes at the neon yellow post-it note placed on your office desk. It’s still early in the morning and you have a long eventful day ahead of you which is why you tried to get to work as early as possible. 
The busy days have officially started for your company.  Your partner company is planning to launch a new collection in their fast-growing fashion brand in Berlin and your company, being the most sought out marketing team in the industry, is tasked to implement the most appropriate marketing and advertising plan for the collection. Even the people working for you are already on their desks working on what they are assigned to do. Some are having coffee while some are already writing papers that are nearing their deadline. In conclusion, everybody looked busy and none of them looked suspicious enough to be part of this very eye catching note thing.
Rolling your eyes once again, you sat at your table and picked up the surprise note. Truthfully, even at first glance, you already know the person behind it. How could you forget this one of a kind handwriting, the one you so hated to see back when you were in high school. Han Jisung. That little shit is still going at it.
You folded it in half before placing it in between the pages of your planner. As if on cue, your secretary knocked on your office door asking for permission to enter. As soon as she entered your office, she immediately briefed you of your schedule for today. Meetings, briefings and scheduling of future meetings and partnerships. Exciting. You’re starting to regret all of your life choices.
“Oh and by the way, is this yours?” she showed another yellow note, “this was stuck on your office door.” You sighed. Just how many of these did he make? “Leave it on my table and then meet me at the meeting hall for the first meeting,” you gestured towards your table. “Will do.” with that, she left you to do your own stuff. 
“And annoying.”
Yep, he’s one of the decisions you’re starting to regret (maybe not but you like exaggerating). You’re not gonna lie, at this time of the year, you expected little notes that would inspire you, make your heart sing love songs, or rush the blood to your cheeks. These notes, however,  only made your blood boil. You swore that when you see him once you’re back from Berlin, he’s going to get it. You kept the note the same way you did to the previous ones. Goodness, if only he wasn’t a major player of your partner company. 
You reached for your phone and dialed his phone number and true enough he answered just after two rings, “Are you fucking for real?”
You heard him laugh at the other line before asking your question, “Shouldn’t you be planning our marketing strategy?”
“I am and your lovely notes are helping me big time, seriously. And shouldn’t you be working on the collection’s designs instead of this bullshit?”
“Hey, I am currently approving those that are outstanding. I’m not like you who-”
You know he’s gonna bully you, you just know. So, you quickly ended the call before anymore bullshit comes out of his mouth. With your nth eye roll for the day, you stood up to attend your first agenda.
Hours passed and the series of formal business stuff is starting to get to you. Your butt is sore from sitting all day, plus your muscles are in dire need of a stretch. The last meeting of the day has just been adjourned minutes ago and you and your secretary are taking your time to breathe in your office. "Miss Y/n, your trip to Berlin is in two days. Have you packed?” well until your secretary went to business mode real quick. 
“Kim, please, give me a minute,” you laughed but answered her question nonetheless, “Yes, I have and oh, can you try to squeeze in my schedule for the first four days so I could have the last two to myself?”
“That would drain you,” she answered confusingly. She’s not wrong, tho. You contemplated for a while but honestly, you wanted to explore Berlin too and you can’t do that by sitting in a meeting room for a week. “Better than seeing Berlin through a floor-to-ceiling window glass pane.”
Kim nodded, "I will update your schedule. Maybe you should bring your boyfriend over," she suggested which also suggests that she doesn’t know who the notes are from. “It’s a business trip, Kim. And I don’t know if i should agree or disagree with that.”
You both laughed lightly before Kim left you to fix your schedule per your request. You, on the other hand, are willing to give everything just to lay on your bed or have a warm shower. Whatever door is nearer to your entrance. So you left as fast as you arrived at this building just to feel the comfort of your home.
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The apartment you were greeted with is not the same apartment you left. You left yours with unfolded clothes everywhere, full trash bin and sink and a disorganized living room. You tend to be messy when you’re ridiculously busy. But this, the place in front of you, is like a whole different scene. Every corner is squeaky clean from the shoe organizer to the kitchen. The apartment lights are also set to dim with candle lights and all but enough to see everything. Soon after, the smell of delicious food wafted through your nose. 
The hints are giving you an idea of what is going on.
You went to the kitchen only to see a romantic dinner set up complete with those fancy utensils, fancy food, candles and wine, and of course, a yellow note.
“But i’m willing to suffer for you. Happy valentines, baby”
This dork, you thought while smiling like a goof (which you tried to hide). 
“Han Jisung!” you called him. His head peeped through the doors of your bedroom with a big grin on his face. “Were you surprised?”
You couldn’t contain the smile anymore and so you let it out, “come here.” You gestured to him to come over with your arms hanging in the air as if waiting for him to come nearer so you could wrap it around his neck. He came out with a bouquet of fresh daisies in his hand which he had to place on top of the dining table in order to accept your cuddle invitation. Jisung kissed your forehead before securely wrapping his arms on your waist. “Did you like it?”
“Aside from being partly annoyed, yes actually,” you tightened your arms around his neck so you could pull him down to give him a proper kiss. This wasn’t part of your relaxation plan but you are glad to welcome him in your routine, as always. The kiss was starting to get heated when you pulled away from him and loosened your grip, making him look at you with a questioning gaze.
“Thank you for cleaning my apartment and all this.”
“Anything for you, my love,” he kissed your cheek, “and I also did almost half of your work in Berlin so you could relax a little,” then he kissed your other cheek. For some reason, he has to accompany each of his sentences with a kiss. But nevertheless, it still made you giggle. “I’m not thanking you for the notes, though- wait, am i really insufferable?” You looked at him like you’ve just been betrayed. Out of all people, he had the audacity to tell you you’re the insufferable one?
He smiled, “no baby,” he pecked your lips before continuing, “ you just annoy me sometimes.”
“So you just had to annoy me first?” you asked with a smirk forming on your lips.
He shrugged, “guess I’m still at it.” This time, he accompanied his replies with a brush to your stray hair with his fingers just so he could look at you properly. You squished his chubby cheeks together, forming a pout in his already adorable face.
“Yeah,” you pecked the pout you forced, “I guess we’re still at it.”
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yayyy omg this may or may not be from an e2l au that is currently sitting in my drafts hmm 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
[created by: joybucket]
What was the last thing you ate? We had adobo for dinner. I didn’t find it filling though, so I might get some of my mom’s bread pudding sometime tonight as a midnight snack.
What is one thing you're a hoarder of? Receipts, for no reason whatsoever other than the frequent nagging feeling at the back of my head telling me I might need to pull out a certain receipt one of these days just in case I get into any issues, so I end up keeping all of them.
Do you collect magazine clippings? No. I used to but they’re all gone now.
What rating do you normally give surveys? I just take them on here. I visit Bzoink pretty often but I never made an account so I haven’t been able to rate the surveys I’ve taken.
Name someone you wish acted the way he/she used to. I wanna say Gab, but she’s better off figuring out who she wants to be and is meant to be for now. Otherwise, I don’t really have an answer to this; all the people I know are pretty dang fantastic.
Have you ever worked in food service? No.
What was your favorite job that you've had? I’ve only had one job, and I definitely can’t complain about it.
Does your stomach hurt currently? Nope. I’m actually on day 2 of my period, but fortunately the pain really ever only takes place on day 1 for me. The rest of my period usually goes smoothly.
What's one medication condition that you have? I don’t have any. I have one medical condition – scoliosis – but I don’t take any medication for it.
Do you forget passwords a lot? LOL yessssss, because websites have varying rules on what they can count as a password – some want 8 characters, some want 12, some want upper case letters, some want a symbol; so even though I use the same password for everything I typically have to make 84954983573475 variations of them anyway that I end up forgetting.
What is the most you've ever weighed? Not sure, maybe a little over 100 lbs.
Do you plan your wedding on Pinterest? No, I never understood how Pinterest worked :/ I lasted all of 5 minutes on there until I felt bored.
Would you want your first child to be a girl or a boy? I’d love a girl.
Who are the cutest babies on Facebook? The Song triplets will always be babies to me, no matter how big they get.
Do you refer to coral as pink, orange, salmon, or coral? Those are four different colors/shades that you’ve just named right there.... < Lmaooooooo same thoughts. I would just call it coral because that’s what it is.
Name someone whom you wish would apologize to you. I have a name in mind and you guys already know who it is. I’m at peace regardless if I get an apology or not (I definitely won’t), though – and I count that as a win. It’s absolutely batshit insane that I never heard one apology but instead got a million “Can’t you give me credit for trying?” I can’t help but chuckle every time I take myself back to those moments. Thankful I got out of there :)
Do you own a record player? I don’t, but I’d love to have one.
Do you have many regrets? No.
Do you wish your regrets would stop coming back to haunt you? I don’t have a lot of them, so I don’t let them bother me to begin with.
Have you had any regrets in the past week? Can’t say I’ve had any.
What do you not know how to say no to? Requests/favors. I’m a people pleaser through and through.
Have you ever been mad at God? Yup, that’s why I let go of religion at a very young age. I was going through shit no kid should’ve been going through and the idea that some deity is making it happen because it was supposed to encourage me have more faith was utterly stupid. I had no problem disowning whatever god I was desperately trying to latch on to by the time I was 10.
If you don't have a car, do you feel like you're missing out? I have a car. I don’t own it, but it was designated for me.
What is your favorite cousin's name? Jereth. I keep forgetting where they got his name from, but it was from like a German movie or something like that.
Who do you wish were your best friend? Hayley Williams.
Would you ever consider moving to L.A.? Never. Just never seemed like my kind of city. Not to mention the amount of Asian/Asian-American hate crimes I’ve been hearing about recently. The US is undeniably out of my list of places I’d want to step foot in, much less live in.
List 5 other names that start with the same letter of your name. Rhiannon, Riley, Rocky, Rachel, and Russell.
Have you ever known anyone who's name started with a "Y"? Yes, I went to college with a girl named Yumi. Yanna is also still a good friend of mine and we catch up every once in a while.
^If yes, what was it? Oops, mentioned them already. There are also a couple more Y people I know but I’m not close to them nor are we in the same social groups, so idk how to classify them. 
Did you hear laurel or yanny? It’s been a while since I let myself get carried away by that ~meme, but I think I heard yanny.
Owls or penguins? Penguins. But owls are great too.
What is your go-to comfort food? Probably something with grease that is fried. < This is an awesome answer. Right now though, I’ve been frequently getting spicy tuna salad every Friday to reward myself after a work week.
What is the best coffee shop in your town? Tim Hortons. < Tim Hortons is greeeeaaaat, but all the branches are in Metro Manila and not at all near me :( That said, my pick would probs be Starbucks. There’s a new local coffee shop where I live called Ghost Coffee and I had been meaning to check it out, but quarantine part two happened.
Do you prefer Pinterest or Tumblr? Tumblr, but then again don’t they have different features and purposes?
Do you think blonde is the best hair color? No.
In your opinion, what is the best hair color? I don’t think that there really is a “best” hair color... < Same. Tbh I’ve noticed that I only ever get attracted to brunettes, but I don’t think that necessarily makes it the best hair color.
If applicable, what is the name of your YouTube channel? I think it’s just my name since my account is linked to my Google.
Do you wear glasses? Yes, but I haven’t worn mine in a while since one of the legs snapped. I’ve been managing well without it, but I plan on getting a new pair soon. At least as soon as I grow the pussy to book an appointment HAHA
What's one nickname you have? Leigh calls me Robs. It’s not my favorite, but Leigh is like a sister to me so she’s the only person permitted to call me such.
What's one thing you miss? Being in crowded places and living in those moments.
Do you have a favorite spot in church? I hate being at a church; but to answer this, my very enthusiastic mom used to always pick the very front and center row for our family to sit at, so you can imagine how glad I am not to have to do this anymore because of Covid :)))
Who was the biggest bully in your high school? Bullies stopped being a thing in high school. All the friend groups just minded their own business for the most part, ours included.
Which news story has still stuck with you years later, and why? Manila hostage crisis. It was really scary and the fact that the entire thing was being streamed live on the evening news at a time when livestreaming was still a fairly unfamiliar concept made it even more unsettling.
Have you ever REALLY had a celebrity crush? On Kristen Stewart and Kate Winslet, yep. These days my eyes are on Kim Seon Ho hahaha, and I also feel a future crush on BTS’ Jungkook coming through.
Did you ever have to wear a school uniform? From preschool to high school. Didn’t have to anymore once I started college.
Do you collect washi tape? No. I neverrrrrrr saw the big deal, but then again I’m probably just not craftsy enough to see the point lmao.
Tell me something random that happened to you today. I took an afternoon nap for the first time in many months, and I woke up feeling completely disheveled and confused about the day and time. It’s been a while since I got that sensation and I did not miss it.
If you're a girl, are you on your period? I am, actually.
Are there any balloons in the room you're in right now? Yeah, the balloons we had set up for my dad for his 50th birthday celebration are surprisingly still alive. We originally had them in our accommodation in Tagaytay, but we brought the balloons home and put them up on the 2nd floor corridor, and they’re still all up there.
Do you have the windows open? I do, because the wind is actually pretty chilly tonight. I’m even wearing a hoodie in freaking April, which never happens.
What's one good name for a new puppy? Depends on their personality. It took hours for us to name Cooper, so it wouldn’t be easy to think of a name for a puppy I’ve never even met.
Would you collect antiques if you were rich? Depends on what kind, but yeah, I might consider it.
Did you dream last night? Yes.
Do you forget dreams or remember them? (or do you not dream?) I remember them in the first few minutes of waking up, but my memories of them gradually fizzle out throughout the day.
What color is your phone? Black.
Do you often have your phone on vibrate? Yes, because I often have meetings and it’s a big nuisance whenever there’s a ringtone that chimes in the middle of one.
Name something that gives you headaches. Working in front of the laptop for too long.
Do you have a secret hiding spot? My car, sometimes.
Have you ever lived in a place that had a secret passageway? Nope.
Did you play with legos as a kid? Yes, but I was never too imaginative for it. I just liked making tall towers and then dismantling them right after.
If applicable, what color is the rim of your bedroom mirror? White.
Can you be scatterbrained? Sure.
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mind-of-a-hardstan · 5 years
i’m curious; what are some of your fav fics for each member? - comet ☄️
Ohhh I like doing stuff like this. Just a little warning though, most of ‘em are probably going to be some older fics because I sadly haven’t been reading as much as I would like to and another warning is this list is probably going to be very long. Let’s get to it then :D 
Kim Namjoon
Partners by @btssmutgalore is probably my ultimate all time favourite Namjoon fic on this site. I love the way the plot moves in a non-rushed way and I absolutely LOVE how the characters are written. Who doesn’t love a shy, nerdy Joonie bean? 
Five Months by @ellieljade is a fic that I’ve read when I’ve just started on this site and it just stuck with me for some reason. The smut was *chef’s kiss* and then you pair that with bits and pieces of slipped up emotion and clear affection and you have a perfect fucking fanfic. It’s a total 180 of Partners because this one features dom Joonie with a dirty mouth ;) 
Love Bytes by @stutterfly. Clumsy cute English professor Namjoonie silently pining while all of the other guys just won’t stop MEDDLING. Seriously I love how the relationship between Y/n and the boys were written and I love the interaction between Joon and Y/n even more. 
Kim Seokjin
Candlyland by @honeymoonjin. I read this one a few days ago and LET ME TELL YOU it was fucking phenomenal. The plotline was amazing, the story itself was so creative and unique and I love how there were subtle hints to what was going on and then the BIG REVEAL in the end where you just went “how did i miss that?” And the cute relationship between Jinnie and Y/n, clearly a devoted married couple. Not to mention cute lil elf-babie bean Koo. Probably my new fav Jin fic hands down. 
My Type by @floralseokjin. Listen, every Jin fic by her is top notch, but I think this one is my favourite because it was so soft but the smut was impeccable. It features nerdy, virgin Jinnie, which was something that I haven’t seen in a Jin fic before tbh? Very sweet and cute and a favourite since I read it. 
Min Yoongi
Upgrade by @gukgalore is the ultimate Yoongi smut fic. I mean it. 
Empress by @honeymoonjin. This fic was downright GENIUS. I’ve never seen the likes of it before and it left me wanting more, goddamnit. Empress Yoonji is a fucking experience and I’m 110% sure y/n thought the same. 
Jung Hoseok 
In The Car by @floralseokjin​ is another masterpiece. Mechanic Hoseok is a fucking concept. Mechanic Hoseok who also races and is funny and HAS A MANBUN I REPEAT HE HAS A MANBUN. Yeah needless to say this fic had me on the floor. Bonus: they fuck on the hood of his car  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Park Jimin 
Sin City by @btssmutgalore should be read. By every single person. On this site. I fucking MEAN IT. 
Kim Taehyung 
Nude by @btssmutgalore was just really really cute and still smutty. I like the whole internal conflict going on and how it slowly progresses from “I done fucked up” to “eh, screw it I deserve to be happy” yaknow? 
How to Get a Girl Off 101 by @imagination-of-a-melted-bitch was a fic I read before my writing blog even existed and screw it i still love it. It features y/n and her bf Taehyung who agrees to teach clueless Jeongguk how to fuck, honestly I low key love this concept. 
Jeon Jeongguk 
For Science by @boymeetsweevil​ was… quite the fucking experience let me tell you. I binged it in a day and then reread it the next day because I felt like I needed more. It was a shitstorm of pining, hot smut, angst and just Kook being generally bad at feelings. It features the whole gang being nerdy, weird and generally funny. A fantastic read, honestly. 
Switch Lanes by @gukgalore​ was the fic that lead me to her account in the first place. I’m a sucker for healthy relationships being built on trust and friendships and then lead to lots o’ fluff and soft smut so if you are a sucker for that too then feast. 
Monster by @btssmutgalore​ was also something I started reading before my writing account even existed and I’m still foaming at the mouth over it. Seriously Dee just has a certain way of stringing words together in a way that leaves you having to physically restrain yourself from reading for 3 days straight. (I speak from experience, I’m pretty sure my mom thought I was dead when I discovered her masterlist). Monster is no exception. 
I’m going to be a bit cocky and put one of my own fics here too, because it’s my favourite fic that I’ve written and I’m very proud of it, so don’t judge me. Purple Mist & Candlelight is a Joonie witch au that features potion maker Joonie and a subtly pining y/n. I think it’s pretty good. 
Now, I also read fics on AO3 that are mostly shipfics, and I’ll be adding them too because leaving them out would be a crime because they’re some of my favourites, so here goes: 
Heard Them Talk by themarmalade is a fucking masterpiece. It features marten hybrid Joonie and bad boy, rugby player Jeongguk who is actually just a sof boi with a bunny daemon. I cannot even begin to explain the absolute adoration that I have for this fic. Dare I even say it is my ultimate favourite? (namkook)
Got a kiss (with your name on it) by marienadine is another favourite. Roommates Kookie and Tae are pining after each other and feelings come tumbling out when Kook asks Tae to teach him to kiss. The discriptions in this fanfic is impeccable and THIS is the level of writing I want to reach one day. It’s the perfect balance of funny and feelings and the way it’s written is what sets it apart from other fics. It’s truly a masterpiece. (taekook)
Worldwide Lonesome by loindexter is a fic that I read the other day that features closeted bisexual Seokjinnie who doesn’t know how to deal with anything, bi, Yoongi who’s trying desperately to make a change, and somewhere along the lines they fall in love. It’s fluffy and angsty and I cried my heart out at some point. And then I cried my heart out at the end too. If you read this and you see the words “I heard you” in chapter 6, yeah that’s about where I fucking lost it and cried for like a year. (yoonjin)
Found you by Oh_Hey_Tae is a namjin witch au that just… it was so sweet? Joonie is a sad witch who finds lost things and Jinnie is a seer and it’s all just very sweet and sad a beautiful. (namjin)
Bunny Ears by goldenhearts was the CUTEST. Kookie drinks a faulty potion and spontaneously turns into a bunny every now and then. He has no choice but to go to his rival for help and most fluff I’ve ever read ensues. It’s the cutest, bestest, funniest fic I’ve read, Jinnie is unsufferable, Kookie even more so, and I loved every second of it. (jinkook)
Is It Me You’re Looking For? by MoonlitMemories was also such a good fic. I felt for Kook and I just wanted to hug him throughout the fic and Joonie is damn idiot but it’s sort of understandable and it was heart wrenching and perfect and beautiful and such a cute but sad twist on the usual soulmate au (namkook)
And I’m going to stop there because the post is getting too long. These are a few of my favourite things, most of ‘em are smut but not all. They’re all very good and written by amazing authors so enjoy!
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youremeimyou · 5 years
Promise Me(pt.2)
Part 1 - Part 2
pairing: Park Jimin x reader (ft. Kim Taehyung) genre: Lots of angst, fluff and pure drama... word count: 5k warnings: alcohol consumption, sexual tension
Description: Y/N is Jimin’s longest and best friend. Certain feelings are caught and meanwhile, Jimin accidently sets Y/N up with his other best friend. But not before getting her to make him a promise.
A/N: First off, sorry cuz I know it’s been a long time since pt.1. But finally pt.2 is here, yayy! This one’s a bit more angsty but these two boys are both fluffballs so there are lots of cute stuff. (sighs)I just love Vmin so much, it was hard to do this justice. I hope I could and I hope you’ll like it. I’d love to know what you think. Enjoy!
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It had almost been a month since the eventful Christmas. Taehyung was walking to the girl's dorm to spend some time with Y/N. This was his third time going without Jimin since he finally found the courage to go alone a few weeks ago, when he made up a stupid excuse for showing up at her door in the middle of the night.
Of course he was drunk that night. A few words may have slipped out of his mouth that made Y/N a blushing mess. But he never made a move on her in his drunken state and she appreciated that. Y/N took care of him, helped him sober up, let him sleep on her couch. So it became normal for him to drop by just to hang out since then.
After everything that went down on Christmas, Jimin only had one mission in mind: Avoid both of your best friends at all costs.
It was obviously hard considering one of them was a person he saw everyday since he was a kid and the other was his roommate. But he tried his best. It was starting to become tiring, feeling bothered and even heartbroken without understanding why and pretending to be okay so they wouldn't figure out. So he was more ghost than man over the course of last month.
It didn't go unnoticed by Y/N of course, she saw through his acts easily. Especially the times they would work on the musical. Normally doing anything with Jimin was fun for Y/N, even work and studying. And producing a musical normally would've been crazy fun. But Y/N could tell he was being distant. He wouldn't even come over much, saying there was still a lot of time to work on the project. All of that broke Y/N's heart to pieces.
There was a flower in Taehyung's hand that he picked up from the little winter garden at the coffee shop he'd been coming from. And he contemplated whether or not to give it to Y/N as he waited outside her room. But suddenly the door opened.
"Oh- Hey Tae! What're you doing here?"
"Uhh.. Hi. I just came by to ask you if you wanted to play some Mortal Kombat." he said, having trouble keeping eye contact.
"You mean you wanna get your ass kicked by the best player around? Sure." Y/N smirked. "I was just about to take out the trash so after that-"
Taehyung took it from her hands.
"I'll take it out and you get the game ready?" He made it sound like a question but started walking away to do as he said at the same time.
"Wait. What's that in your..?"
Taehyung looked back to see Y/N pointing at the flower in his hand, a funny expression on her face. He mentally face palmed.
"Oh this? Uhh it's just-" he sighed defeatedly and passed it to her. "It's for you." She was cringing and laughing but it still made his heart race as she took it to her nose.
"Thanks, it smells so nice."
After 15 rounds of K.O. -each with fatality- from Y/N, Taehyung gave up and put the controller down with a frown. Then he noticed the sketches on the coffee table.
"Oh, come on. You're good at music, acting and drawing? How's that fair for the rest of the world?" Taehyung protested.
"I'm merely mediocre at the first two and I suck at the last one. Admit it."
"No way! What were you drawing here?"
"Uh.. Jimin.."
Taehyung's eyes went wide. "Oh. Okay, sorry it just looks more like Bart Simpson than anything."
They both burst into laughter.
"I know. It's just- the professor wants the posters to also be original and made by us. So I wanted it to be a cool drawing of Jimin. You know, cause he's the lead." Her face dropped as she continued. "And also.. Jimin's been out of my reach lately. Which sucks.. So I thought maybe I could surprise him and make up for anything stupid I did to make him avoid me."
Taehyung could tell how important this was to her. He also was on Jimin's 'to avoid list'. An idea popped into his mind.
"Well, I can work on a poster for Jimin. Though, it'll be kinda hard to keep it from him. He always loves to snoop whenever I'm working on something."
Taehyung was a graphic design student that did illustrations for a comic book shop as part time gig. So he was more than qualified. But all of his equipment and designing programs were on his computer. And his wasn't a laptop but a desktop pc.
"You're just gonna have to distract him for me!" Taehyung said while looking like he presented the best idea ever.
"That is a brilliant idea. But our lovely Chim doesn't really talk to me novadays." Y/N's frown returned. She really had missed him.
"Come on, he can never resist you."
Now that was true. All three of them knew it. Even if it made Taehyung a bit upset, he just knew their relationship was something way bigger than anything else. And so, they made a deal and shook on it. Taehyung was gonna get free tickets to the musical in return for designing the poster.
Later that day, Taehyung texted Y/N saying he had an inspiration and that she needed to get Jimin out of the room to start working on it. So she quickly got ready and went over there.
She knocked on the door and heard both of the boys collectively say "Come in!" When she walked in she saw that Jimin really was trying to look at what Taehyung was doing on his computer. A curious little baby, she thought.
"Hey Chim. Whatcha doin'?"
The look on Jimin's face as he looked at her was confusing. Because it contained nervousness and edginess but also longing and relief. It gave hope to Y/N in thinking she wasn't the only one missing a best friend. Jimin walked over to her and when he noticed a strand of hair fall on her eyes, he gently put it back behind her ear.
"Nothing much. You?"
"Same. Wanna come over and work on some dance moves? I feel like I can't do any of 'em right. I really need you.."
She had no idea why she expressed that last part with so much emotion. But it made Jimin inhale sharply.
"Okay, sure."
"Great! Oh, you go ahead and I just gotta return Taehyung this uh.. pen I burrowed."
Y/N had one of her own pens in her hand and Jimin knew it. But he wasn't gonna dig on the subject. He just settled for rolling his eyes and saying "Fine.." as he walked out. Taehyung on the other hand was confused not remembering ever lending her a pen.
"Here Tae, thanks!" She shouted that so Jimin would hear and then whispered the next part.
"Whatever you do, just draw him dancing. Oh, and I want my pen back later."
Y/N knew her neighboors would complain about the noise she and Jimin were making while practising. But it didn't matter. With the way his body moved fluidly as he showed her his smooth and flawless moves and the way he held her hips to move her and teach her when she couldn't get it right.. Y/N didn't care one bit about the neighboors, no.
Every once in a while he would dance behind her to lead her through the choreography, all the while his breathy voice in her ear, panting and counting the steps. Needless to say she felt hot and bothered. So she suggested to take a break.
The chamomile sitting on the little table inside a glass of water caught Jimin's eye. He knew for a fact Y/N wasn't a flower person. Whenever he'd buy her some in the past, they'd always end up dead. He did have a guess in mind about who might've brought it here, though.
"I hope he won't get upset when it dies in like two days." He pointed to it with his head.
"I know he's your friend but sorry, that thing was a goner as soon as it was placed in my care."
"Well, sad. Cause coming from Taehyung, it's kinda a big gesture."
A frown formed on Y/N's brows, with the worry of making Taehyung upset. But flowers just didn't grow with her, nothing could be done.
"I'm afraid it wasn't the right gesture to pull on me."
"He doesn't know you like I do."
By this point, he was much closer to Y/N than he was at the beginning of the conversation. Y/N hadn't even realized him moving towards her. This rehersal had been nothing but tense so far.
"No one does, Chim."
They looked into each other's eyes as if it was a staring contest. Jimin would normally win those. But having her right in front of him, with drops of sweat falling from her face down to her collarbones and heat radiating off her skin, he felt a push like never before to get even closer so he had to step back as caution.
"Good job today, panda. These moves fit you so well."
"Thanks. And thanks for teaching me. Sorry for being such a burden-"
"Hey!" Jimin cut in and stepped towards her again to look her in the eyes once more. "You could never be a burden." He gave her a kiss on the forehead and left soon after.
The evening came pretty soon and Y/N was very exhausted after all the dancing around earlier. Jimin was a professional at it. His body and condition would rival any of the boys on soccer team. But Y/N wasn't fit like that. So she was getting ready to call it at a day. In fact, she was barely awake as she layed on the couch. She nearly jumped out of her skin when her phone went off loudly with notifications. Her brain immediately presumed to see 'Chimmy' on the screen but instead it was 'TaeTae'.
-Hey wanna come over real quick? Jimin went out.
-I mean to talk about the poster, I swear I’m not a perv.. u awake?? I really need opinions!
-Y/N, he'll be out prolly all night, this is our chance.
Out all night? Why would he be out all night? Y/N quickly called Jimin first before even opening the messages.
"Angel? What's up?"
"Hey Chim, where are you?"
"Uh.. on my way to the library. I have intel that there'll be a quiz on Theatre History tomorrow." He voiced the last part like those characters in spy movies.
"Oh. Why didn't you tell me? I took that class last year and still have my notes, I could come help you."
"I know but no need, lovely. You were already tired today. And Namjoon hyung's here to give me an intensive course."
He always managed to make a smiling fool out of Y/N with the endless, sweet nicknames. This time wasn't an exception.
"Anything up with you? If you need something I'm already outside I can-"
"No, I just wanted to check in on you, I'm about to go to sleep. Good luck and say hi to Joon."
"I will. Sweet dreams, angel."
She got up to walk to her bed but remembered Taehyung’s messages. Her body desperately craved sleep but Taehyung was right. It was a great opening with Jimin out of the room so she dragged her feet over there. 
When Taehyung opened the door and saw a sleepy Y/N, his stomach started doing flips and somersaults. As a result, he was a stuttering mess.
“Hey, sorry if uh.. if I wake- woke you. Come on- come in! Come in.”
His hair was wet. There was a towel over his shoulders and he held a t-shirt over his chest. Fresh out of the shower. Y/N eyes traced the t-shirt down to where once she knew his tummy was from P.E. classes in high school. Tummy was no more, though. Those were qualified abs. Not overdone but just the right amount of them. Once she noticed she was staring, her eyes quickly changed direction. And when he noticed what she had been doing, he visibly blushed and audibly gulped.
“Oh.. When you didn’t write back, I thought you might’ve gone to sleep so I just hopped in the shower.” he explained as he quickly put on his shirt.
They went over to his computer to see the progress of the poster. Taehyung sat on the chair in front of the table and Y/N took a seat on Taehyung’s bed right next to it.
“Woah, Tae it looks incredible. I can’t believe you’re done so soon!”
“Done? No, I’m not done. There’re still a lot of details we should go through.”
As Taehyung mumbled the list of said details, Y/N couldn’t get her attention away from the poster. The elegancy and the delicacy of the move Jimin was pictured doing seemed so real, like an actual photo. But the colors and the environment looked so abstract. 
“You’ve really captured the essence of Jimin and the way he loses himself to dance. Wow.”
“I’ve seen him perform enough times to familiarize with the demon that posesses him on stage.”
Thank you Mr. Demon, Y/N thought as she always did when seeing Jimin perform.
Taehyung then settled on his bed next to Y/N with a pen and paper on his hands to sketch. He was asking Y/N about the stuff he wanted to change or add and etc and showing her what it would roughly look like. And Y/N tried her best to give opinions but her eyes were slowly but surely closing, drifting into sweet slumber. And so she dozed off. Taehyung didn’t even notice until he also was pulled by sleep. 
He thought about waking her up but couldn’t bring himself to do it. He watched her steadily breathing for a while before being taken by sleep himself. 
A few hours later Jimin came back from the library and slowly got inside his room, guessing his roomate would be sleeping. What he never would’ve expected was seeing Y/N curled up next to him. Sleeping by his side. 
That devastating feeling came back to sit on Jimin’s chest. She knew Jimin would be out for hours, maybe even until the morning. She called Jimin before coming here. Why? Why would she sneak in here without saying anything to him? Why would she keep this.. whatever it was a secret from him? They were clearly way closer than Jimin imagined. 
His breath got stuck in his throat. He felt furious and heartbroken and he wanted to run away but stopped dead in his tracks. The thought of leaving them alone in here like this seemed inconceivable at that moment. So he walked over to his bed and plumped on it. Pulling the cover over his head he hoped it wasn’t real but when he got his head out again, the view was the same.
That’s when he saw Y/N twitching and grunting in discomfort. She was slowly gaining back consciousness. Her head was between her hands as she tried to wake up fully, realizing she fell asleep unintentionally. After miraculously managing to slip out of the bed without waking Taehyung up, she noticed Jimin sitting on his bed staring at her. She wobbly walked over to him. And even though Jimin was upset, he still felt worried, she didn’t look well.
“What’s wrong with you?” 
“This crazy headache woke me up. I feel like vomiting.”
Jimin got up and went to check on her by instinct. “Let’s get you to a doctor.” 
“No no. It’s just normal migraine stuff, Chim. It won’t pass unless I manage to go back to sleep. I should get back to my room.”
She started walking towards the door and decided to explain everything to Jimin in the morning when she’d be able to do it better. Jimin on the other hand couldn’t leave her alone when she was in this much pain. Putting everything aside for the time being, he pulled her back by her arm.
“Just come here, Y/N.”
He pulled her into the bed next to himself and gently turned her to face the other way. His hands travelled on her temples, eyes and forhead, slowly massaging the areas. He would place little kisses on the back of her head from time to time, too. She’d get these headaches every once in a while so Jimin had learned over time what he could do to make her feel better. 
“It’ll be okay. Just close your eyes, try clearing your head and take deep breaths, baby.” he whispered in her ear. 
Jimin’s arms were home. Warm, comfy and familiar. Even that headache couldn’t hold Y/N back from dozing off once more and sleeping soundly in his embrace. Jimin kept watching over her and only allowed himself to sleep when it seemed like all her pain was gone.
With the morning sun Y/N slowly came around from sleep. She felt the lack of a set of arms around her so she turned around to regain them as her eyes were still closed. They opened in disbelief when she couldn’t find the source. Her eyes looked around the room next but only to find that both Jimin and Taehyung were gone. 
Y/N stayed in bed, trying to remember details of last night. She had accidently fallen asleep on Taehyung’s bed. She wondered what Jimin thought when he saw her like that. He did seem upset and she’d love to explain it to him but that terrible headache.. And how Jimin took care of her. Wasn’t new that he helped her but the atmosphere felt different at that moment. Despite being distant for a while before, he was being more intimate with her lately. A different kind of intimate. She really wanted to have a talk with him. She decided to text him but she saw the texts he had sent before on the screen.
-Y/N, I had to leave to get to class. If you're still not feeling okay, you have to go to the doctor. Let me know if you do. If not, bagels in the fridge and coffee's made.
-My keys are on the night stand you can leave them under the mat if you go out. But I'd love to have you there when I get back, angel.
There it was. An opportunity to have the talk. Jimin seemed to want to, as well. So decided on waiting there, it was a free day for her anyways.
Some time later sounds came from the door implicating someone coming in. Y/N thought it must've been Jimin. It was his taller counterpart.
"Oh, uh.. morning, Y/N."
"Hey, Tae. Did you have an early class?"
"No, it's my free day just like you. I just went out for a walk."
"In this cold?" Y/N teased, smiling.
"I was kinda hot headed so the cold helped."
His voice was even deeper than normal. And the features of his face were unusually hardened.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, sure."
He shot her a quick smile that didn't even reach his eyes. And anyone that knew Taehyung knew he was never insincere. That was against his nature.
"You can talk to me about anything." Y/N said as she handed him the cup of coffee she poured for him when he came in.
Taehyung stared at the mug. Then, at her strecthed out arm and lastly at her eyes, without saying a word or moving. He looked like he was thinking carefully about what he was gonna say next.
"I didn't wanna scare you away last night. I hope I wasn't but I apperantly have this habit of hugging things as I sleep so I'm sorry if-"
"Wha- No Tae and I wouldn't mind if you were either. You didn't scare me away. A headache woke me up."
"But when I woke up, I saw you over there." He pointed to Jimin's bed. Shit. Y/N worried about what Jimin thought of the situation last night but it didn't occur to her how Taehyung would take it. She sometimes forgot what Jimin told her about Taehyung's feelings. The last thing she'd want would be to break his heart.
"Jimin helped me. There's this massage thing he invented for when I get headaches. That's why we were-"
"I know it's not the first time I've seen you two like that but it's just-" Courage came to him all of a sudden so he took a step forward. "I thought I was being more.. open with you. And call me crazy if I'm wrong but it feels like we've become closer. Haven't we?"
They had been.Taehyung wasn't someone Y/N could easily disregard. And she knew she kept letting him in more and more over time. But she was just confused by Jimin all the time. Maybe she shouldn't have been, though. Jimin's been witnessing them getting closer but wasn't doing or saying anything about it, she thought. Guess he really was okay with it. Obviously he didn't want his relationship with Y/N to change into something.. else.
"You're not wrong, Tae. We have."
His eyes lit up and his mood got back up after hearing her say that. He didn't wanna rush things but he didn't want to do nothing either.
"Tonight, when you're hungry and when I'm also hungry we could- could we? Eat? Like outside- I know a great place."
Y/N couldn't help but smile seeing him stumble over his words.
"How are you this shy with the way you look is still beyond me." It was a sincere comment and she was pleasently surprised to be able to say it to his face. Taehyung still blushed like crazy, though. Then he took a deep breath and asked more confidently.
"Can I take you out to dinner tonight?"
Maybe she needed to move on from the limbo she was in, after all.
A ryhtmic knocking came from Y/N's door. She opened it and was met with a Jimin holding a lot of shopping bags.
"Chim! What's all that?"
"Well my quiz went amazingly, thanks for asking. So I thought we could celebrate. We're gonna make a cake!"
"I think you've gotten enough stuff to make ten cakes. And congrats."
"Ten cakes are even better. And thanks. But hey, I thought you’d be waiting for your man to get back at his room where he left you." Jimin teased with a smug smirk on his face. And Y/N’s mouth fell open a little in shock. But she quickly recovered and played along.
“Well my man took his time to come back. I can’t be kept in a cage, waiting forever for a guy.” They stared at each other until Jimin said “And scene..”
They were laughing as they carried the stuff inside and upon Jimin insisting, they started with the cake immediately. Twenty minutes in, they already created the biggest mess and didn't even get much done from fooling around. Jimin was in a good mood, dancing around, teasing Y/N and it all felt normal.
Y/N was making chocolate sauce and beckoned Jimin for a taste test. He came to her, sticking his head out from behind, over her shoulder and placing his hands on both sides of the stove, trapping her body with his own. Closer than close. He reached for the spoon and immediately closed his eyes after tasting, humming deeply.
"Mmhhmm.. my diligent panda, it tastes like paradise! Great job."
"Exaggerate away.."
"It does! Go ahead and taste for yourself."
Jimin took the spoon out of her hand and offered her some. He watched her as she tasted it. He was already staring at her lips and now they were covered in chocolate. There was some left on the corner of her mouth, too. Jimin felt that push again but this time he was already too close to not act on it.
He leaned forward and licked the chocolate away. Y/N just froze, not even being able to react.
"You had a little left.. on the corner right there."
When they finally broke apart Jimin got a bottle of wine out from one of the bags.
"I got this for when the cake is ready."
A while later there was some music they put in the background, only a few pieces were left of the two cakes that they made and the wine bottle had been emptied very quickly. It was still early into the evening but emotions, thoughts and feelings were already all over the place. 
They were at their usual spot. On the floor in front of the couch with Y/N seated in the space between Jimin’s legs and Jimin’s arms wrapped up around her. Movements were sloppy due to alcohol. Jimin placed his head on her shoulder. 
“I’m sleepy.” Y/N almost couldn’t understand what he said because of his mumbling. 
“Are you now? I don’t ever remember you being an early bird.”
“What can I do? You���re so cozy.”
“Me? It’s probably the wine making you sle-”
“Nope, this much wouldn’t affect me. It’s all you, bear.”
Bear was a new one, she loved it.
“Oh!” Jimin hopped up and down where he was sitting. “I know your secret~” he sang. Y/N’s eyes went wide. Did Taehyung tell him about the date? And why was he taking it this excitedly?
“Umm.. I don’t know what you’re talki-”
“I saw it on Taehyung’s PC. I figured it was your idea. And the way you were sneaking around with him made much more sense.” He huffed as if in relief. Y/N was also relieved. He meant the poster, not the date. Good. She wanted to be the one to tell him.
“He did all the work. And you weren’t supposed to see until he felt like it was done completely!”
“My dude’s got talent. And I always snoop around, he knows that.” 
They were giggling, Jimin put his head back down on her shoulder and closed his eyes. Y/N’s eyes went to the clock to see the time they agreed on meeting with Taehyung was getting close. She had to tell Jimin about it. 
“I gotta jet soon, Chim.”
“No, you wouldn’t leave me.”
“But I have to get ready.”
Jimin got his head up suddenly in denial with a lovely pout. 
“Where’re you going?”
“Out to dinner.” She paused to avert her eyes from him. “With Taehyung.”
Jimin had a rude awakening. “A date? An offical one?”
She just nodded. They didn’t speak for some time and just stared into space. But something happened in the silence. Jimin understood now. Up until that moment, what he knew was that Y/N was his person. Everyone around them knew it as well. But the void Jimin felt whenever this subject was brought up finally made sense to him. And he had promised himself that he’d tell her as soon as he knew. So that’s what he’d do.
“Don’t go.”
He spoke clearly and seriously.
“Even though you complied back then, it was wrong of me to make you promise to not care about anyone the way you care about me.”
“Jimin, I could never-”
“We might be best and oldest friends but that wouldn’t be fair to anyone we open our hearts to. And especially you. You’ve given so much to me and I became comfortable on the recieving end. The reason I made you make that promise is because I knew I wanted to be the one you loved most but I was so dumb to not realize why until now.” 
He moved his head closer and closer until their lips were so close that they even touched but only slightly. 
“I know I’m so stupid. But I’m so in love with you, Y/N. I wanna kiss you so bad..” Y/N was sure her heart would jump right out of her chest at any second.
“But I won’t if you don’t want me to-”
Y/N quickly closed whatever little distance was left between their faces, not being able to take it any longer. Jimin was surprised but when he felt her trying to pull away, he held her and deepened the kiss. He slowly and gently pushed her down on the ground with his body on top of hers, lips still connected. Then linked one of his hands with hers while the other one was still placed on the back of her head, protecting it from bumping onto the ground earlier. 
When they finally parted lips, both were panting. Y/N ran her hand through Jimin’s hair. Jimin was looking at her with fragile eyes. 
“Does this mean you’re not going?”
“No, I only kissed you because there was some chocolate left on your lips and I didn’t want it to go to waste.”
Jimin actually took it seriously for a moment. He let out a relieved sigh when he realized the corners of her mouth curving upwards in humour.
“I can’t believe it took you this long, Jimin.” Y/N complained. 
“What do you mean? Wait- Did you already-”
“You finally figured out your feelings but you never had a clue about mine?”
Jimin was shocked. “Are you serious right now?”
“I’ve always loved you, idiot. And I’ve been pining after you for the longest time.”
“I’m sorry.” he quickly pecked her lips over and over and spoke in between kisses saying “I love you.”, “I’m an idiot.” and “I love you” again. 
“It’s okay, Chim.” she softly tapped his chest, signaling to sit back up. And they were seated once more.
“What’re we gonna do about Tae?” She felt so worried about that. Feeling like she played him. He was an amazing person and a true friend to both of them. The thought of breaking his heart terrified her. It made Jimin upset too, they both cared about him.
“I don’t know.. But we’ll figure it out.”
He laughed bitterly. “You know what? Tae knew. He always told me to stop being an idiot with you. I should’ve listened. But yeah.. I know he’ll understand.”
“Yeah. And whatever happens I’ll make it right with him. He’s my brother. Brothers might fight but they’re still brothers.”
She pinched the side of his arm. “No fighting over anyone! Not ever!”
“I meant that figuratively, angel.”
“Wait. Did you just quote High School Musical?” They both burst into laughter.
Then he smiled at her endearingly and pulled her into the tightest hug ever.
“Let’s just stay like this for a while.”
@world-moon​​ @nopedopebts  had requested to be tagged so here you go :)
A/N: I’m sorry for this long ass part. Thank you soo much if you bared with me and read it. I seriously hope you liked it because I struggled a lot with the ending, I hope it was good and satisfactory. I’d really like it if you guys let me know what you think and who would you have liked Y/N to end up with. 
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🏀 A Reason to Win; Jisoo Kim (Sportember #022)
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📑 Table of Contents | ⚾ Challenge Post
Genre: Slice of Life, AU, Fluff
Word Count: 1,587
Pairing: Reader x Jisoo
World: Blackpink
Prompt: “I’ll win – for you.”
Sport: Basketball
“Baby, are you okay?” Your hand rested on Jisoo’s shoulder, breaking her from her daze.
Her face instantly lit up when her eyes met yours and she threw herself into your arms, nuzzling against your neck. “I didn’t hear you come in. You’re home early!”
You chuckled, rubbing your hand up and down her back. “My boss got into it with one of our investors so we all got sent home for the day.”
“That’s good news for us,” she grinned, pulling you down into a chaste kiss. “I’ve missed you~”
“I know,” you mumbled against her lips before claiming them once more. “I’ve been neglecting you because of work lately, I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, you’re here now.” Her hand slid to the back of your neck and her lips found yours, deeper and longer than the previous two.
You groaned into her mouth, hands finding their place on her hips as you brought her closer. You had been working hard to provide for the two of you while she juggled college and sports, so you weren’t home as often as you would like. She understood, of course, and she was grateful for your efforts, thankful that she had someone she loved so much in her life.
Jisoo never complained about the time you spent at work or the time she spent alone. She never tried to make you feel guilty or got angry at you. She just thanked you for your hard work, making the most out of the time that you did get to spend together. She was an incredible girlfriend and you oftentimes wondered if she was even real.
“Let me make it up to you,” you mumbled against her lips, thumbs slipping under her shirt to rub at her skin. “Let me take you out on a date. Anywhere you want to go.”
She hummed, wrapping her arms around your neck. “I’d much rather stay home with you. We can watch a movie and order some pizza.”
“Harry Potter marathon?” You suggested with a smirk, feeling your heart flutter when her eyes lit up.
With a chuckle, you let her tug you over to the couch before she kneeled down in front of the entertainment center, pulling open the door to grab the box set of Harry Potter that you had gotten her for your one year anniversary.
You pulled out your phone so you could pull up the website for the local pizza place. “What do you want, babe?”
“I’m in a cheesy mood,” she grinned, pulling out the first disc before inserting it into the DVD player.
“Aren’t you always?” you teased, laughing when she stuck her tongue out at you. Once the order was submitted, she settled down beside you, snuggling into your side as you pressed play.
Light shined through the break in the curtains, falling right onto your face and eliciting a groan from your lips. You tried to shift but there was a weight on top of you that kept you in place. Blinking to clear your vision, you glanced down to see Jisoo’s body sprawled across your own, her nose wrinkled cutely as she dreamt.
The title screen of the fifth movie was flashing across the TV screen but there was no sound, meaning one of you must have muted it at some point. You honestly didn’t remember falling asleep. You shifted as best as you could, earning a soft whimper from the woman on top of you. Just as sleep started to claim you again, a loud buzzing caught your attention, which you tried to ignore, but it continued to buzz with only a minute or so between.
With a sigh, your hand shot out, fumbling across the table until your fingers found the phone. You didn’t even think before answering it, the cold glass pressing against your ear. “Hello?”
“Oh, umm, is Jisoo there?”
“She’s sleeping at the moment,” you mentally scolded yourself for answering her phone, your fingers running through her silky hair. “Can I take a message?”
The girl on the other end of the line made a strangled noise. “Asleep? But the game is going to start soon!”
“The game?” You echoed, brow furrowing. “What game?”
“It’s the first game of the nationals and she’s our ace!”
You frowned up at the ceiling at this information. Why hadn’t she told you that her team was trying for the nationals? She hadn’t even mentioned her team competing, must less mentioning that she had a big game today.
“Hello? Is anyone there?”
“Oh, um,” you cleared your throat. “I’ll wake her up now. Thanks for calling.”
“Please make her hurry!”
“Will do,” you ended the call before setting the phone back onto the table and lightly shaking the woman on top of you. “Jisoo, baby. Wake up.”
A whine passed her lips as her fingers curled around your shirt. “Five more minutes…”
“You’re going to be late for your game.”
“Game…” she yawned before choking on air, shooting up and off the couch as if Satan was at her heels. “Crap, I forgot!”
Your lips tugged farther down as you followed her into the bedroom, leaning against the door frame with your arms folded. For a moment, you just watched her as she ran around the room, looking for her uniform. Part of you wanted to just let it go – she clearly hadn’t told you for a reason, but you weren’t as selfless as she was, you needed to know why.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you questioned softly.
“Hm? Tell you what?” She didn’t glance up as she rifled through the dresser drawer, pulling out her basketball uniform that had been neatly folded at the back.
“That you had a game? That your team was trying for the nationals?”
Jisoo suddenly realized the situation, her body freezing and wide eyes snapping to your own, filled with panic. Her soft pink lips parted, but no sound escaped her.
You shifted, moving your eyes to the grey carpet. “I mean, it’s fine if you don’t want me there, I get it. I just… wish you would have said something, you know?”
“Y/N, I…”
You forced a cheerful smile, pushing away from the frame. “It’s fine, don’t worry! You need to hurry, your friend sounded pretty urgent on the phone.” And then you turned on your heel, leaving the bedroom because you knew you couldn’t keep up the cheerful demeanor for long. You doubted that she had any ill intent for not telling you, but it still hurt. This was important to her, yet she didn’t want you to be a part of it.
‘I can’t really blame her, though,’ you thought as you pulled open the fridge to grab a bottle of water. ‘I haven’t been giving her any attention lately. It makes sense that she wouldn’t want me there.’
Several minutes passed by before Jisoo came down the hall, her feet softly padding across the wooden floor. “Jagiya,” she frowned, chewing on her bottom lip. “Will you take me to the game, please?”
“Sure,” you brushed past her, picking up your keys off the table by the door before slipping on your shoes. She followed you without a word and the car ride remained silent aside from her occasional directions toward the venue.
“Jagiya,” she called softly as you parked the car. She angled her body toward you with a serious expression on her face. “The reason I didn’t tell you… it’s because I didn’t want to bother you.”
“You’re never a bother to me, Jisoo,” you answered honestly, reaching across to rest your hand over hers.
“It’s just… you’ve been working so hard and today is your only day off. I didn’t want you to feel obligated to spend your day off in a hot stadium for hours.” She flipped her hand over to grip yours, eyes apologetic as they met yours. “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Baby girl, I can’t think of any way better to spend my day off than supporting you,” you leaned forward to capture her lips, feeling her smile as she returned the gesture.
Her eyes shined with happiness as her free hand tugged at your collar. “I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I love you too,” you pecked her lips again before turning off the engine. “Now come on, before you’re late!”
“Right!” She grinned and the two of you stepped out of the vehicle, jogging into the arena. The rest of her team was near the locker rooms, pacing nervously as they waited for their ace to arrive.
“There you are! I was beginning to lose hope!” One of the girls rushed over, smacking Jisoo on the shoulder. You recognized the voice as the one from the phone.
“Sorry, sorry!” Jisoo bowed, offering a sheepish grin. “I’m here now, so let’s win this!”
The team cheered, high-fiving each other as they started down the hall. Jisoo started to follow them but paused, turning back to you with a determined look lighting up her face.
“Jagiya, I’ll win this – for you! Watch me, okay?”
“I will,” you promised. “Do your best, baby.”
She waved before turning around and running after her team. It was too embarrassing to say out loud, but you knew that she would be the only one you could look at because Jisoo shined like a star in the night sky for you, a beacon of light and happiness in an otherwise bleary world.
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daddychims · 5 years
Offside Pt 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Series Masterlist!
Genre: Smut, Soccer AU, College AU
Pairings: Soccer Player! Jungkook X Sports Trainer! Reader
Word Count: 2k
Other BTS members all make a cameo as well because I’m an OT7 Trash!
You work as a sports trainer, providing basic first aid and injury management for the Hanguk University’s soccer team. Going with your mundane life of caring for the dozen of guys hurting themselves in the soccer game takes a turn when one of the guys catches your eyes. It’s not his breathtakingly good looks or his muscular athletic body usually seducing girls at the campus that catches your eyes. But the action plan in your kit, indicating he is diagnosed with Asthma is what draws your eyes time and time again to the Golden Boy of Hanguk University.
Warning: Slow burn, eventual smut, Taehyung being a freaking tease the whole time, Fuckboy!Jungkook, Asthmatic! Jungkook , mentions of episodes of Asthma, Take your Ventolin kids, Take your medications kids!
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"Can we talk?"
You turn around from where you're standing, checking through the content of your kit to make sure you have enough for the whole duration of the 90 minutes game.
"Not now sorry," You shake head quickly counting through the boxes of gauze and sigh in frustration "I should run back to the office."
"I need to talk to you," He persists, shifting to be in your sight, as you remain unfazed by his existence
"Jeon," you breath out his name in a mixture of anger and annoyance as you grab one of the boxes "I need another 3 boxes of these before I can even think of anything else."
"Fine," he reaches and grabs the box off your hand "Where do I get them from?" He shots back in a rushed tone 
"The game starts in 10 minutes!" your frown, not taking interest in his suggestion
"Then I'll be back in 5," he narrows his eyes "Where?"
"The main office," you respond, watching him with observant eyes "Second floor!"
"Fine," he nods as he pushes his hair back with his slender fingers "But when I come back, we're talking okay?!"
"fine!" you raise your hands as a sign of approval and watching him run back to the other side of the field where the main office is located.
You sigh sitting back down and rummaging through your kit again to ensure everything is prepared. Today is the day when Hanguk and SNU soccer teams go head to head for a friendly match.
Even though it's called a friendly match, you very well know how the field can resemble the war scene in at least 30 minutes from now.
These guys are the best of the best, the crops of the cream of their respective universities and its not just about their personal pride but their campus honour which is on the stake.
You already gave Dr Kim a heads up earlier that week, knowing very well the injuries that will happen on the day will exceed all your injury management experience summed up in the past two years.
Fortunately, he was more than happy to cover that night's shift with you, making sure everything goes smoothly with the two teams and hopefully, everyone come out of it alive.
You raise your head up, eyes glittering with joy upon seeing your friend running to you in his favourite soccer boots. 
"Namjoon, you're late!" you scold, watching him run to your clumsily 
"I know, I know," he sighs stopping by your seat and proceeds to do some stretches he should have done much earlier "One of the professors needed help with a paper so I stayed over time. Once I was done with it, it was already half an hour to the game. I dont know how I got here honestly."
"Yeah I get it, you're making good career connections in SNU," you roll your eyes laughing "whatever Joon! But this game is as important in your resume as the connections."
"Hey hey dont give me that sour attitude," he scolds pouting in response
"Fine, you cry baby," you ruffle his hair teasingly "Kick Hanguk's ass, I'm counting on you to teach the source of my nightmares a good lesson."
"Yes Sir-" he responds determined when a familiar figure cuts him off
"Captain," you both turn around seeing the small figure of Jimin nearing both of you
"Park, what's up?" He asks eyeing the guy with concerned eyes
"My neck," he grunts, face scrunched in pain "It's playing up again today."
"Just get it strapped then, we're short on time Park," Namjoon growls in response "Hanguk's a strong team buddy, we dont wanna get fucked in the butt on the friendly match, do we?"
"The sport's trainer covering today's shift called in sick," Jimin grunts in a worried tone "No one's coming to cover her shift either since she called in too late."
You watch your friend's expression hardening as he walks closer to his teammate and checks his tilted to one side neck.
"I haven't done many neck straps before but it'll be better than nothing-"
"I can do it for you," you quickly step in, bending down to grab a tape box off your kit "sit down! quick quick." you order and the guy's expression lightens with a smile
"sure," he shrugs sitting down across you “Thanks, you’re literally an God sent angel.” 
"Have you had tapes on there before?" You ask  in a rush as you neatly scissor the corners of your tape
"yeah I had," he responds eyeing you carefully as you lean closer to have a look at his neck and fit the tape on it “this pain has been here for a while now.” 
"I'm gonna have a feel first yeah?" You ask reaching up to palpate the side of his neck, feeling the muscles tense under your touch “Have you checked it with your sports medicine clinic?”
“Heat pack, massages, hold relax,” he lists them down as if he’s reciting them off a book “I’ve tried anything and nothing has worked.”
You nod your head, lips slightly pursing forward as you concentrate closely on where would the tape sit on his skin. 
"You know you should be grateful you get to touch me," He smirks looking up at you teasingly "Not everyone gets the privilege you know."
"alright thanks for the privilege Jimin," you narrow your eyes trying to find the sore spot on his neck "tell me where it hurts the most."
He flinches as you press harder on the area that you feel is knotted under your touch
"there!" he grunts in pain, face scrunching again as you touch your way down to his shoulder girdle "Yes, there Nghh ..."
You proceed to stick the corner of the tape on the side of his shoulder, eyeing the stretch you wanna create over the contour of his shoulder blade across to his spine and stick the other end there. 
"Come back for a quick review after the game," you instruct patting the rest of the tape on his skin to create some warmth and increase the adhesion of the material to his skin "Since I'm not familiar with your skin type, I might have done it too tight or too loose. I'll have to review for any reactions."
"Just say you wanna see me after the game again," He smirks, leaning closer to get a better sight of your focused eyes on his neck "Sweetheart you dont need to ask me indirectly."
"Park Jimin-" you scowl, eyebrows furrowing closer but your attention diverts to the guy who comes running back to you
"I came back in five minutes, you can-" his words cease on his lips, expression hardening at the sight of you and Jimin
"Hey Jeon!" Jimin calls with a smirk "nice to see you again. Ready for the game?"
"Can’t wait," Jungkook shrugs before bringing his attention back to you "here, we still have 5 minutes, let's talk!"
"Jungkook, I have to prepare for the game-"
"You said you'll talk to me if I come back in 5 minutes," He shouts back, throwing the boxes of sterile gauze in your kit "You know what screw this!"
You watch with a surprised expression as the guy runs towards the middle of the soccer field away from you.
"He was always a little too heated for his own," Jimin hisses under his breath, moving his neck from side to side "Damn that feels much better already, what did you do?"
"Its placebo effect," You scoff pushing your remaining tapes back in the kit "Seeing my beautiful face made you forget all about your pain." You chuckle 
"Well if that's the case ..." he stands up shifting closer and leaning to your face "Wire me some of your placebo effects before every game babe!"
You sigh looking the guy in the eyes for a few seconds "Just when I thought no one can be worse than Taehyung!"
He laughs at your remark and ruffles your hair "Thanks anyway," he mutters softly “ I'm gonna kick Hanguk's butt thanks to you, Miss Placebo Effect."
"Alright tough boy, Don’t go overboard and hurt yourself now." you nod patting his shoulder " I can't just simply strap you off if you come back with a broken bone."
He laughs out loud, amused at your cheeky response but before he can shot back with his usual sassy tone Namjoon calls for him and he waves his way to you before running to the field.
You watch the guy, sitting back in your designated chair when your eyes meet Jungkook's eyes and to your surprise, he's mouthing something to Taehyung while eyeing you carefully.
He furrows his eyebrows closer when he catches your eyes, jawline protruding at the corner of his chin indicating he's exerting some pressure there.
You quickly look away, watching the captains gathering each team to say their final words just before the whistle starts the game.
  "If anyone wants a strap come through," you yell at the guys snap the door to the shower room open and rush inside, occupying the space.
You proceed to set the tapes and towels on the small table, swirling a couple of chairs around for the guys who'd soon be occupying them when you overhear the conversation over the well.
"You fucking slammed him Jeon," Taehyung's familiar deep voice echoes as he bumps Jungkook's shoulder with his fist "I've never seen you with your head so in the game."
"He keeps his fire for the right times," Yugyeom responds over the noises that almost block his voice from reaching you over the wall "That's Jeon's strength."
"You should have seen the pretty boy's face when you left the field," Taehyung laughs as he remembers the scene he witnessed moments earlier "He was fucking fuming."
"That's all he's good at," Jungkook finally speaks up in an unimpressed tone "In the end, his head is far up in his ass," He scoffs as he slams his locker closed "He gets ahead of himself and ends up getting in the way."
You furrow your eyebrows wondering who they're talking about so seriously but before you can continue to investigate further, you sense a shadow hovering over your height making you turn your head around to see the person.
"J-Jeon," you call gulping nervously as you quickly turn away from him and grab a towel "Ankle?"
He plops himself down on one of the chairs, raising his usually painful leg up on another as you quickly rummage through your tapes to find one appropriate for him.
"Have you got time after this?" He asks, tilting his chin up to observe you carefully
"I'd have to tidy this place up so I'll be here for a few more hours!" you explain as you cut the corners of the Kinesiology tape and measure it around your wrist to ensure its enough length for his ankle
"I can wait," he sighs, tone slightly annoyed "Except if you’re planning to continue avoid me like the past few days."
You stay silent, sitting across him and measuring the tape around his ankle again to confirm your guestimation. The corner of the tape sticks to his shin and you carefully pull the other end with enough stretch around the sole of his foot.
"I said what I wanted to say the other night," you finally speak up, trying your best to stop your voice from trembling in the middle
"Right, you did," he shrugs, bending his feet up and down as you taught him before while your circle his feet with the tape carefully  "But I havent!"
You stick the other side of the tape on his skin and tap the fabric on his shin to ensure it sticks right on the corners. You hate it when the corners of the tape lift up from the skin and it all looks messy. 
He sighs, dropping his feet down from the chair before kicking the chair out of the way. You look up at him with surprised eyes as you were still in the middle of your task, but he doesn't allow you to protest as he grabs the leg of your chair with one hand and pulls you closer to himself.
"So what do you say?" He raises an eyebrow, facing dangerously close to you "we talk? after you're done here?"
You look at him with a frown, slightly surprised that he's so persistent on his argument. Your lips part to answer him but the door of the office snaps open and you drift your head around to see who’s the person entering the place.
"Hey," Jimin greets, hand reaching up to make a mess of his wet strands of hair that indicated he just came out of the shower, “Didnt you say I should check this with you after the game?" He then looks at Jungkook , eyes attentively observing the close proximity of your bodies. 
"Right," you breath out, quickly standing up from your chair "come in."
Jungkook reaches for your hand and stops you from moving away from him "What time do you finish work?" he asks sternly
"If it doesn't take long tidying at about 8," you reply, twisting your wrist in his hold as an attempt for him to let go
"I'll wait for you then," he grumbles before standing up, the chair under him jolting back from his sudden movement
He throws a glare towards Jimin who's now settling on one of the chairs before limping his way to the shower rooms.
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atc74 · 5 years
Anything You Can Do
Square(s) Filled: Girl Power for @spnfluffbingo2019
Warnings: playground antics, flirting, fluff, ahhh, IDK, it’s fun! Implied sex as payment (it’s REALLY not what you think)
Summary: Jared opens his man-child mouth and it’s on! It’s a karaoke battle for the ages and the ladies are in it to win it! But, when this crew shows up, there are no losers!
Pairing: Reader x past OC, Rob x Reader, Jensen x Briana
Word Count: 4455
Written for: @spnfluffbingo2019
Beta’d by: @alleiradayne​ who was crazy enough to support this idea from the beginning and my dear @amanda-teaches​, whom I would be lost without. 
A/N: I wanted to do something really fun and who of us wouldn’t be up for some of this on a Friday night???!!!! All the songs were painstakingly chosen for reasons. There are also some shameless plugs for my boys Louden Swain. 
Also a shout out to my friend Beth @brooksba, who took all the amazing photos found in the graphic below!
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It was a rare convention weekend when all the guests showed up on a Friday. The green room was fuller than normal as Jensen, Jared, Rob, Rich, Briana, Kim, Y/N, Ruth and the boys from the band sat around shooting the breeze. The green room always had a relaxed and playful atmosphere and this time was no different. 
“Oh come on! You cannot burp the alphabet!” Jared scoffed as Briana picked up a warm soda from the table and opened it. 
“Why, cause I’m a girl?” she challenged him and the room exploded with the disbelief of all those in attendance that Jared dare say such a thing to her, or any of the women on the convention circuit. 
“Well,” Jared looked around sheepishly, waiting for someone to help him. 
“Nope. You’re on your own with this one pal!” Rich slapped him on the back. “You have awakened the beast.”
“I just mean, you’re little and…” Jared tried to come up with another reason. Christ, Gen was going to kill him when he got home. 
“I may be little but I am fierce, Jarpad,” Briana grinned and chugged the soda. It wasn’t long before a symphony of belches in the form of the alphabet song erupted from her. “Anything you can do I can do better. I can do anything better than you.” She sang as she high fived Kim and Y/N. 
“No, no, no. Not this again,” Jensen chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Oh yeah! I am so down for this. And this time, a wager perhaps?” Rich went into full on emcee mode. “What do y’all say about a battle for the ages? A karaoke battle, if you will. It is Friday after all.” 
“Yesss!” The women shouted. 
“Winner picks the losers costume for the next convention?” Rich continued, knowing he had the ladies all in for this. “Fellas? You gonna back down from a challenge?” 
“Hell no! I’m in!” Matt Cohen raised his hand. 
“Yeah, I’ll do it. I mean, I am a professional,” Rob joined him, making eye contact with Y/N shyly across the room.
“Can’t leave my fearless leader in the wind. I’ll do it,” Mike Borja threw his proverbial hat in the ring, looking at the last three. 
“Don’t look at me! I don’t sing!” Jared backed away slowly. 
Jensen glanced to Jason, then back to the women, all with shit eating grins on their faces. “I’m probably gonna regret this, but okay. Jason and I are in.” 
“Wait, how did I get wrapped into this? I’m not an idiot like Jared!” Jason defended. 
“No, but you are a team player buddy and we need you if we’re going to stand a chance,” Jensen replied, looking to Briana with a wink. 
“Splendid! The rules are simple. I, and only I, will pick your songs. No one else will know what you are singing but me. Now, go. Be gone. Out damn spot!” Rich grinned ear to ear as he pulled out his phone, making the most epic list of his convention career. 
“Y/N, girl, are you gonna tell him or not?” Briana asked her pointedly when they got to Briana’s room to get ready for the Karaoke Party.
“Yeah, did you see the way he was looking at you?” Kim chimed in. 
“You guys, I just ended a really bad relationship and he’s my friend,” Y/N said. “I don’t want to ruin what we have.” 
“Then don’t. Just ruin him for all other women!” Ruth giggled. 
“Oh my god Ruthie!” Y/N hid her flushed face behind her hands. 
“And may I point out that you didn’t ‘just’ end that relationship. It’s been over for weeks officially,” Kim reminded her. 
“And you gotta get back on that horse sometime. No time like the present I say!” Briana laughed. 
“Come on, Y/N. You’re an overachiever! Just go out there tonight and be amazing; sing your rock song. This is real life, babe and if you’re lucky, you’ll get a leg up on him and he won’t know what hit him!” Kim encouraged. 
“All’s fair in love and war and karaoke battles,” Ruth chirped. “This is how you’ll win the big one, Y/N, ready steady.” 
“Okay, okay okay! I get it. Gosh, you all sure know a lot of their songs,” Y/N rolled her eyes as Briana dragged her in the bathroom to curl her hair. 
“Aha! You know all the songs, too!” Kim shouted. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Y/N smiled at Briana in the mirror. 
“You’re gonna knock his socks off,” she smiled back. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Friday Night Karaoke! Boy oh boy, do we have a special treat for y’all tonight! During some green room antics earlier, a challenge has been issued,” Rich paused, waiting for the audience to quiet some and let him finish his intro. “Tonight, with you good people as witnesses, will be a battle to battle all battles! The ladies versus the men
of Supernatural will battle it out for bragging rights right here on this stage!!” 
The crowd exploded in cheers and applause. Rich drew a slip of paper from the bowl and the first few fans sang their songs to roaring applause. Briana, Kim, Rich, Rob and Matt all joined in on stage for the fun. 
“Please may I get a warm welcome for Miss Y/N Y/L/N!” Rich announced. 
Y/N walked through the curtain, kissing him lightly on the cheek and whispering in his ear. “I know what you’re doing Rich. I’ll get you back for this.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about darlin’. Now go, sing!” Rich shooed her from his side. 
The beat started and Y/N started rocking her body with its rhythm. “Yeah!”
“I’m coming up so you better get this party started!
I’m coming up so you better get this party started!
Get this party started on a Friday night
Everybody’s waiting for me to arrive
Sending out the message to all of my friends…” 
The crowd was going wild, bouncing and singing along as Y/N worked them into a frenzy with her first song of the evening. If this was any indication of how the night would go, she didn’t care who won, she was having a damn good time, and she made sure the crowd was too as she finished her song. 
“Well, well, well, I guess we really got this party started now!” Rich laughed, pulling another name from the bowl. 
“Please give it up for Miss Briana Buckmaster!” Rich shouted as Briana walked forward. 
Briana took center stage in front of the screen. She was holding her breath, praying Rich didn’t pick something lame. When the screen lit up and the music started, she gave it everything, knowing they had this shit in the bag. 
“Step back gonna come at ya fast
I’m driving out of control
And getting ready to crash
Won’t stop shaking up what I can
I serve it up in a shot
So suck it down like a man
So baby yes I know what I am
And no I don’t give a damn
And you’ll be loving it up
Some days I’m a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won’t last forever
Next day I’m your supergirl
Out to save the world
And it keeps gettin’ better…”
From the first word, the crowd was loving it and singing along with her. Jensen watched discreetly from the side of the stage, cursing Jared for opening his gigantic mouth, but loving the view. Man that girl could sing! And the way she moved…mesmerizing, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. It definitely keeps getting better. 
Briana finished off her song and Rich stepped up to announce the next name. “You know, Robby, we’ve been doing this for how long? Four, five, sixty years?” 
“Oh about sixty I think, from how old I feel at the end of a convention weekend,” Rob quipped, the audience breaking out in laughter.  
“And never, in all that time, has this next person ever, ever, graced us with his presence on a Friday night. Did you know that?” Rich asked Rob. 
“Never, ever?” Rob repeated. 
“Never. So without further ado, please welcome to the karaoke stage for the first time EVER, Mr. Jensen Ackles!” Rich stepped away, letting Jensen saunter on the stage. The crowd was deafening and could not believe that Jensen would not only attend the Karaoke party, but actually participate!
“Thanks buddy. Don’t make me make you regret this,” he chuckled as the music started and he shook his head. He looked to the side and made eye contact with Briana, a knowing grin on her face. 
“Revvin’ up your engine
Listen to her howlin’ roar
Metal under tension
Beggin’ you to touch and go
Highway to the danger zone
Ride into the danger zone
Headin’ into twilight
Spreadin’ out her wings tonight
She got you jumpin’ off the track
And shovin’ into overdrive…”
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Jensen was never one for karaoke, but loved to sing and did so with everything he had. The song, while not special to him in any way, held a new meaning after tonight. He looked out among the crowd and was energized by them. 
“Out along the edges
Always where I burn to be
The further on the edge
The hotter the intensity…”
Jensen closed out his song with vigor, feeding off the fans, much like he does at a Saturday Night Special Concert. He tossed Rich his microphone and practically bounced off backstage. 
“Robby, I think you know what I’m going to say,” Rich paused for dramatic effect. 
“Rich, I might play God on television, but I don’t know what you’re going to say. I might actually be afraid of what you’re going to say,” Rob turned to face the audience, a knowing look on his face. 
“Well Bobbo, we’re gonna turn it up a notch. Please put your dirty little hands together for the one, the only, Miss Kim Rhodes!” Rich roared and the crowd went nuts. Kim ran out onto the stage, a smile splitting her face from ear to ear. She was always a fan favorite at karaoke and Rich knew with the song he picked, this would be no different. 
As soon as the music started, Kim threw her arms in the air and started stomping her feet along with the beat. 
“County road two thirty-three under my feet
Nothin’ on this white rock but little ol’ me
I’ve got two miles till he makes bail
And if I’m right, we’re headed straight for hell
I’m goin’ home, gonna load my shotgun
Wait by the door, and light a cigarette
If he wants a fight, well, now he’s got one
And he ain’t seen me crazy yet
He slapped my face, and he shook me like a rag doll
Don’t that sound like a real man?
I’m going to show him what little girls are made of
Gunpowder and lead…”
“Come on! I can’t hear you!” Kim screamed. “Let’s make sure everyone knows we’re having a fucking good time tonight!” 
“Well, it’s half past ten, another six-pack in
And I can feel the rumble like the cold black wind
He pulls in the drive, the gravel flies
He don’t know what’s waiting here this time
 I’m goin’ home, gonna load my shotgun
Wait by the door, and light a cigarette
If he wants a fight, well, now he’s got one
And he ain’t seen me crazy yet
He slapped my face, and he shook me like a rag doll
Don’t that sound like a real man?
I’m going to show him what little girls are made of
Gunpowder and lead…”
The decibels were so high, it was a miracle anyone could hear anything after Kim finished, whipping the crowd into an even higher gear. 
“Well, Kim really knows how to put on a show doesn’t she? You think she gets that from Zach and Cody?” Rich turned to Rob, who could only shake his head at his friend. 
“I will end you Speight,” Kim’s voice carried through the PA system. 
“Well Bobbo, I guess it’s your turn!” Rich quickly got back to business. 
“Well this should be fun,” Rob commented, waiting somewhat awkwardly for the music to queue.
Now, the Black Crowes were a good band, a great band, but Rob wasn’t sure if this was the kind of message he wanted to send. But he undoubtedly knew it was exactly the message Rich wanted him to send. 
“Baby here I am
I’m the man on the scene
I can give you what you want
But you gotta’ come home with me
“Girl, you have no idea how into you he is,” Briana cooed, her red lips just inches from Y/N’s flushed cheeks. “I couldn’t have picked a better song myself.” She just smiled, throwing her arm over her friend’s shoulders as she watched Rob work his magic on the crowd, and Y/N.
I have got some good old lovin’
And I got some more in store
When I get through throwin’ it on
You gotta’ come back for more
Boys will come along a dime by the dozen
That ain’t nothing but ten cent lovin’
Pretty little thing, let me light your candle
‘Cause mama I’m sure hard to handle now, yessir'am
Action speaks louder than words
And I’m a man of great experience
I know you’ve got another man
But I can love you better than him
At first Rob felt dirty singing this, knowing Richard’s intent behind it, but by the end, stealing glances at Y/N throughout the song, Rob threw caution to the wind. He ran to the side of the stage and sang directly to her. It was no secret to everyone that Rob had a giant crush on her. It was only lost on her. Maybe he could get her to notice. 
Take my hand don’t be afraid
I’m gonna prove every word I say
I’m advertising love for free
So you can place your ad with me
Boys will come along a dime by the dozen
That ain’t nothing but ten cent lovin’
Pretty little thing, let me light your candle
'Cause mama I’m sure hard to handle now, yessir'am…”
Y/N was blushing furiously, her mouth agape as Kim and Bri led her backstage for her next song. She looked like she could use a stiff drink. Or two. Ruthie was headed out just as they walked in. She winked at Y/N and skipped behind the curtain as Rich called her name. 
Ruth was a great entertainer and sang a fun filled rendition of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, getting the whole crowd involved, even pulling a few fans up on the stage. Mike Borja even joined the fun, then followed it up with ZZ Top’s Sharp Dressed Man. The crowd went wild for Matt Cohen as usual when he came out rapping Macklemore’s Can’t Hold Us like a beast and Jason slowed it down a bit with Tom Petty’s I Won’t Back Down. 
“We’ve got a few more songs for you good people tonight and I know I appreciate you letting these fools take over your karaoke party. Whaddya say we get Jensen back out here?” Rich addressed the screaming fans and it got even louder when Jensen made his way back through the curtain. “Oh Ackles, you’re gonna love this one!”
Jensen gave everybody the most epic bitch face that ever bitched when he realized what song was playing. But, ever the consummate performer, he rolled with it and knocked it out of the park in a way that only Jensen can do. 
This hit, that ice cold
Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold
This one for them hood girls
Them good girls straight masterpieces
Stylin’, wilin’, livin’ it up in the city
Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent
Gotta kiss myself, I’m so pretty
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Called a police and a fireman
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Make a dragon wanna retire man
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Say my name you know who I am
I’m too hot (hot damn)
And my band 'bout that money, break it down
Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)
Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)
Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)
'Cause uptown funk gon’ give it to you
'Cause uptown funk gon’ give it to you
'Cause uptown funk gon’ give it to you
Saturday night and we in the spot
Don’t believe me just watch (come on)
Briana watched from the wings, her skin heating up as she watched Jensen dance his dorky self across the stage, high-fiving fans, slapping Rich on the ass and stealing Borja’s hat. He could never pretend to be grumpy for long, and she got the feeling he was loving the whole experience and getting closer to the fans that the normal concert allows. 
Before we leave
Lemme tell y'all a lil’ something
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up uh
I said uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
“You better go jump on that!” Kim pushed her out onto the stage just as Jensen made his way over to where they were standing. Briana stumbled right into Jensen, but he easily caught her with one strong arm and pulled her with him to center stage. Briana was never a shy one and she wasted no time doing her worst as Jensen finished the song out, his eyes never leaving her  grinding body on the stage next to him. 
Come on, dance, jump on it
If you sexy then flaunt it
If you freaky then own it
Don’t brag about it, come show me
Come on, dance
Jump on it
If you sexy then flaunt it
Well it’s Saturday night and we in the spot
Don’t believe me just watch come on!
“Well that was incredible wasn’t it? Watching two of the world’s most beautiful people get their freak on in front of a couple hundred people? But damn if it wasn’t a good time!” Rich laughed, his body rolling forward as Jensen and Briana made their way off stage. “Oh no Miss Buckmaster! You get that fine ass back here! Might as well bring him with.” 
“Richie, can I at least pick?” Briana pouted, standing close enough so only RIch could hear her. 
“Oh no sweet cheeks! The whole idea was for me to pick the songs!” Rich reminded her. “Besides, the ladies are totally killing it!” 
“Yeah, we are!” she smiled. “Fine. Let’s do this.” 
Briana killed Whitney’s I’m Every Woman, all the ladies coming out to join her, as they tormented the men, Jason even pulling Jared on stage, so he could see how they were getting beat down by a bunch of girls. 
“Brother, it doesn’t matter the competition, women will win every day of the week and twice on Sundays,” Jason slapped him on the shoulder as he headed off stage. “I need a drink.” 
“So Rich tells me I’m up for another one. Hit it Maestro,” Y/N smiled. The music started and she knew she had Rich to thank. This song had become her anthem. He had been a good friend and better listener over the last several months and she was grateful for him, grateful for all of them. She could never picture her life without the crazy family she had found. 
“This is for every single one of you that has been through hell and came out the other side…like a Winchester,” she grabbed the microphone and readied herself. 
“You know the bed feels warmer
Sleeping here alone
You know I dream in color
And do the things I want
You think you got the best of me
Think you had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone
Think you left me broken down
Think that I’d come running back
Baby you don’t know me, 'cause you’re dead wrong
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone
What doesn’t kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn’t mean I’m over 'cause you’re gone…”
Y/N laughed as she danced around the stage, much like she did alone in her apartment or trailer. She finally felt like herself again. 
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone
Thanks to you I got a new thing started
Thanks to you I’m not the broken-hearted
Thanks to you I’m finally thinking 'bout me
You know in the end the day I left was just my beginning
In the end
Bouncing around the stage, Y/N closed out the song to a standing ovation and ringing ears. She had never felt lighter. She hugged Rich, giving back the microphone. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, but I ain’t done yet,” he winked at her. “Robbie, you’re up buddy!” 
As soon as the title card hit the screen on stage, Rob groaned internally. The audience picked up the whistling for the first 45 seconds as Rob gave his best friend a piece of his mind, a smile on his face all the while. 
“Rich! What are you doing? You totally set me up for this. I’m going to kill you in your sleep, just so you know!” 
“Ohhh Bobbo, you’ll thank me in the morning and we both know it. Everyone knows it. Now focus and sing Axl!” Rich slapped Rob’s ass before ducking off stage. Rob looked around and caught Ruth and Y/N off to the side, slowly swaying to the tune. 
“Shed a tear 'cause I’m missin’ you
I’m still alright to smile
Girl, I think about you every day now
Was a time when I wasn’t sure
But you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt you’re in my heart now
Said “woman take it slow, and it’ll work itself out fine”
All we need is just a little patience
Said “sugar make it slow and we’ll come together fine”
All we need is just a little patience (Patience)
Mm, yeah
I sit here on the stairs
'Cause I’d rather be alone
If I can’t have you right now, I’ll wait dear
Sometimes I get so tense but I can’t speed up the time
But you know love there’s one more thing to consider
Said “woman take it slow and things will be just fine”
You and I’ll just use a little patience
Said “sugar take the time 'cause the lights are shining bright”
You and I’ve got what it takes to make it
We won’t fake it, I’ll never break it
'Cause I can’t take it…”
Y/N left Ruth’s side and strolled to where Rob stood center stage, his hand wrapped tightly around the microphone, his eyes closed as he whistled the quick few notes. When he opened his eyes, he found her right beside him. 
Little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more patience, yeah 
I’ve been walking the streets at night
Just trying to get it right
It’s hard to see with so many around
You know I don’t like being stuck in the crowd 
And the streets don’t change but maybe the names
I ain’t got time for the game 'cause I need you 
Yeah, yeah, yeah but I need you
Oh, I need you 
Oh, I need you 
Ooh this time 
Rob looked down at the end of the song, the ballroom booming with cheers and applause, to find Y/N’s hand clasped tightly in his. 
“All you needed was a little patience,” she smiled up at him. 
“If I can’t have you right now, I’ll wait dear,” Rob admitted, a blush creeping up his cheeks. 
“Take it slow and things will be just fine,” she squeezed his hand and they rushed off the stage, only to be besieged by their friends. 
“I knew it!” Kim threw her hands up in victory. 
“Well that took longer than it should have,” Ruth giggled, sashaying back to the refreshments. 
Y/N watched as Jared and Matt both slapped twenties in Jason’s hand. 
“You bet on us?” Y/N asked, a mix of outrage and amusement as she looked among her friends, her hand still in Rob’s. His face was somewhere between pride, joy and shame. 
“Hell yeah we did,” Jensen chimed in. “Now pay up Buckmaster!” 
“I’m fresh out of cash, Ackles. Sorry,” she swayed towards him. 
He grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her to him. “ I can think of plenty of ways you can work it off.” His deep timbre practically a growl before he kissed her. 
Catcalls could be heard out on the stage no doubt. Rich poked his head through the curtain. “I missed it?” 
“Told ya you would!” Kim hollered, holding out her hand. Rich, Mike, Y/N and Ruth all slipped her their payment. “Jas and I cleaned up. Come on folks, first rounds on us!” 
“I guess it was a wager in more ways than one tonight, huh?” Rob chuckled, turning to face Y/N, a smile lighting up his face. 
“Our friends may have bet on us, but I’m still a winner,” she grinned, lifting her chin to meet his baby blues. 
“Yeah? How so?” he asked.
“Well, I’m pretty sure I got the guy, but I am still missing my winnings,” she stepped closer, mere inches separated them and she could feel the heat emanating from his lean body. 
“What winnings are those?” he whispered, closing the distance even more.
“I still need your payment on the Buckles bet,” she reminded him. 
“Oh yeah, what do I owe you again?” he feigned innocence. 
“Let me think,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his in a sweet and slightly heated first kiss. “I think about a thousand more of those would be a good start.” 
“Seems like a steep wager, Miss Y/L/N,” Rob quipped. “But I think I’d like to up the ante.” 
“You’re on. Just remember, anything you can do, I can do better,” she giggled under his steady gaze. 
“It’s going to be a fun weekend,.” Rob mumbled, grabbing her by the neck and kissed her harder this time, leaving her breathless and wanting more. He pulled away, her lips chasing his. “Patience, my dear. Just a little patience.” 
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krreader · 6 years
BTS (Mafia!AU) reacting to you being a badass.
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pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; mafia!au ; mentions of killing (and everything that comes with it) ; language ; mentions of sex genre: crack ; mentions of smut ; badassery?
a/n: aaaah I love it when the reader is a badass omg. that’s like my kink hahaha. hope you enjoy it! (masterlists are in my description box)
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kim seokjin
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“Jin, they're not worth it,” you tried pulling your husband away from the three guys of another mafia that Bangtan has had a brawl with for ages, but the second the next sentence left one of their mouths, was the second even you lost your cool.
“Yeah, Jin. Better listen to your wife, before we take those twins of yours.”
Call it badassery, call it a mother being protective, but Jin didn't even have time to react, as you had already turned around and punched the guy straight in the face, before kicking the other one in the balls and pulling out a knife that you held against the throat of the third.
“You threaten my children again, I'll cut off your dicks and make you eat them. Do you understand me?”
And even though mafia members liked to be intimidating and act like nothing scared them, they ran away from you as quickly as possible.
And Jin just looked at you with parted lips as you put the knife away again.
“Jagi.. you never told me you could do that.”
“I didn't know either,” you shrugged, “I think I just lost it when they mentioned the kids.”
“Well.. at least now I know that nothing will ever happen to our children, because you won't let it,” he chuckled as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, “Come on. Let's go home and kiss them goodnight together.”
min yoongi
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“Babe, what are you doing,” you tried to rub away the sleep as you sat up in bed, “It's three in the morning.”
“There's something wrong.. I think somebody is trying to hack into our system,” Yoongi typed away on the keyboard, way too focused on the screen in front of him to notice that you got out of bed. And a moment later, you sat on his lap, “(Y/N) this isn't the right time for sex.”
“Shut up,” you mumbled and pushed his hands away, continuing to type on the keyboard, “Looks like a leak to me. Are you sure you can trust everyone that works for you guys?”
“First of all, when did you learn how to do this?”
“We've been married for three years. I picked up a few things. Now answer my question.”
“I.. don't know. There was this one guy that Namjoon was unsure about.”
“Then get him. This happened because someone from the inside helped these people. You make sure that the guy is caught, I make sure they won't get any information.”
Yoongi managed to squeeze out from under you and was about to leave, when he turned around and said: “Hey, (Y/N)? When we get back, we should really fuck.”
You started chuckling, “Sure. Whatever you want.”
jung hoseok
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Did you like that your husband was teaching your son how to shoot a gun? No. Did you think it was necessary for him to know? Absolutely.
As much as you hated it, you knew that your boy would have to defend himself sooner or later. You were just grateful that Hoseok had waited this long for him to hold a gun in his hand for the first time.
And so as you walked out into the backyard of your mansion, watching your son completely miss the target and then let out a disappointed sigh.
“I'm sorry daddy.. I'm not very good at this,” his head, as well as shoulders dropped, but Hoseok immediately knelt down in front of him and grabbed his chin.
“This isn't easy. We'll work on it for as long as it takes..-”
“Your father needed years to be good at shooting at targets, you know?” you interrupted, both of your men looking at you.
“Really dad?”
“I..-” not really what he wanted his son to know, to be honest. He wanted to be this badass mafia member, but okay. Thanks, wife.
“Here, watch your mother, okay?” you grabbed the gun out of Hoseok's hand, loaded it and then shot, hitting the bullseye without batting an eyelash.
“WOHA! Mommy, that was INSANE!” your son jumped up and down, “PLEASE TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT!”
“Sure,” you kissed the top of his head and looked at your husband, “How about you change our daughter's diapers in the meantime, sweetheart? And also have a bath with her? I'll teach our son how to shoot in the meantime.”
“Don't play with fire, (Y/N),” he whispered into your ear as he walked past you, “Or we'll have our third child in nine months.”
kim namjoon
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“We need to smuggle this inside,” Namjoon said to his fellow members, “Anyone got a plan?”
Dead silence.
Because no, none of them had a plan how to smuggle something as big as this into a fucking security area such as this one.
Well.. one did.
“Uh.. hyung? How come (Y/N) is pregnant? And.. how come she's walking towards the security gate?”
All eyes were immediately on the screen, as they watched you walk up to the security guard with a pregnancy bump that all of them knew was fake.
But the security guard didn't.
“Hey,” you smiled brightly at the man and even brighter when he smiled back at you, “Uhm.. I was wondering if you could maybe help me? My husband is working inside and I must have forgotten my ID. Would you mind calling him for me and getting him to pick me up? He wanted to drive me to the hospital.”
“The hospital? Are you alright Miss?”
“The contractions aren't that bad yet, but you know.. I don't want to have the baby in the middle of the street,” you laughed.
The security guard looked around and then gently put his hand on your lower back, ushering you inside, “Just get him yourself. And take care of you and your baby, alright?”
“Thank you so much, Sir. I really appreciate it. I'll be sure to tell my husband about you, maybe he'll even get you a raise.”
And only a moment later, you called your boyfriend with a proud smile on your face, “Just tell me where to drop the package off, babe.”
Jimin was the first to react and say: “You better marry her, hyung.”
park jimin
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“I told you this was a bad idea!” Jimin panicked as he looked at the police cars chasing your car, “They'll catch us!”
“Just keep driving,” Namjoon ordered, readying his gun to shoot at the cars once again.
In the meantime, you let out a huff and shook your head.
“We'll switch.”
“What?! Are you insane?!”
“No. I'll sit on your lap, put my foot down on the gas and then you switch over to my seat,” it's not that he had much of a choice because a moment later you already were sitting on him, “Tell your dick to stop twitching, this isn't going to end in me riding you.”
“How do you expect me to not get a boner when you rub yourself on me like this,” he quickly climbed to the passengers seat and was awfully surprised at how good you were at this.
He had been fast too, but you were.. skilled. You knew what streets to take, where to go and where you would lose the police cars behind you. You knew how to drive so that Namjoon and the rest could fire at the cars behind you.
And before you knew it, you were back at your base without anyone chasing you anymore.
“If I had known you could drive a getaway car like this, I would have asked you to do it a lot sooner,” Namjoon chuckled, “Good job, (Y/N). Now go ahead and give Jimin an orgasm before he explodes.”
And with that, the rest of Bangtan left the car and you looked at Jimin's awfully prominent boner.
“What? That was sexy,” he shrugged, but then started laughing when you straddled him.
kim taehyung
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When Taehyung found out that they had kidnapped his wife, you, he had lost it. He had almost killed three of his brothers, eight employee's and had actually killed two suspects.
Nobody knew where you were or who had taken you.
Not until they got a message, saying that if Taehyung wanted you back, he would have to bring a certain amount of money and weapons.
And if he tried to pull any tricks, they'd kill you in front of his eyes.
And because he just couldn't fathom the thought of losing you, he brought them all they wanted and more, just to make sure you would be okay.
“Now give me back my wife,” he ordered as he threw both bags on the dirty ground in front of him.
“Ah, come on, Taehyung. Did you actually think it would be this easy?” the guy in front of him chuckled, but then his eyes widened when gun shots suddenly went off in the car.
And a moment later, the doors got busted open and a lifeless body was thrown onto him.
“(Y/N),” Taehyung's eyes widened as he watched you wipe away the blood from your nose and the previous angry look was switched to a smile.
“Oh, hey babe. Glad you could make it,” you walked past the two guys, putting a bullet into the head of the other, before you picked up the money and guns, “I could really use a bath.. do you need to do anything else, or can we go home?”
He just stared at you in disbelief for a moment, before whispering, “You know.. when our daughter kept telling me you were a badass, I probably should have believed her.”
He should have. But that would have spoiled the surprise.
jeon jeongguk
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Jeongguk was usually really good at poker. Especially at these kind of poker games, where usually some, or all, died but one by the end of it. The stakes were much higher than at normal poker games.
But this enemy of theirs he was playing against today.. he was not just a ruthless man, but an incredibly skilled player.
And you knew that Jeongguk would lose.
And because you rather liked your boyfriend and would like to keep him for a little longer, you suddenly walked into the room as confident as you could, all eyes on you.
“Who are you?” the guy in front of Jeongguk asked, your boyfriend shaking his head as if he was telling you to leave.
But you just took a seat next to him with a small smile, “I heard you were missing one player,” your eyes glanced towards the body on the ground, not even trembling because of the corpse, “So I thought I'd try my luck.”
“Sweetheart, you don't know what you're getting yourself into.”
“I think I do.. sweetheart.”
The guy either didn't care or just really liked your look. The key to these things was the dress. You wore one that was exposing your cleavage and breasts a little, so the guys wouldn't care much if that meant they could stare at a pretty woman.
But he did care when you suddenly won, despite of him having cheated.
“That's.. impossible.”
“Rules are rules,” you pulled the gun out of your holster that you had strapped around your thigh and grinned, “You owe me a life.”
And even though his bodyguards were already pulling out their guns, Jeongguk and you had killed the rest of the people in the room in the blink of an eye, so that it was only you and him.
“You never told me you could play..”
“I can't, actually,” you showed him the cards you had cheated with and winked at him, “I'm just a better cheater than he is.”
Oh, how much he loved you.
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bymoonchild · 6 years
Set On You (M)
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Pairing | Jungkook x Reader
Genre | Fluff, smut / volleyball!AU, college!AU, setter Jungkook x manager reader
Warnings | Light smut, detailed thigh-riding, thirsty nsfw thoughts, alcohol consumption, swearing and a whole lot of hopeless pining and soft moments because it’s soft uwu hours 24/7 
Word count | 18.1k
Summary | Sports has never been your thing, so when you find yourself in a sports hall that reeks of perspiration and cologne and in front of a group of volleyball players whom you’re supposed to be managing (heck, you can’t even manage your own life), you know that you’re in Deep Shit™. 
Especially when Jeon Jungkook, the golden setter of the team aka the boy who holds stars in his eyes, starts to occupy your reveries, slowly becoming both the quiet and pandemonium of your heart.  
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The repeated squeaks of sneakers and harrowing smacks from the contact of palm against ball reverberate across the court, sounding awfully similar to the erratic thumping of your heartbeats, but they do nothing to drown out the thudding in your eardrums. Cowering meekly behind the door of your school’s daunting indoor sports hall, the perspiration on your palms is getting way out of hand and your legs almost threaten to take you back to your dorm, but the palpable, icy-cold air that greets you halts you in your tracks.
Clad in their renowned black and red jerseys, you watch the volleyball players manoeuvre effortlessly all over the court, giving their all to keep the ball up in the air. They almost look identical – radiating with a peculiar charisma and indomitable grit – if not for the designated numbers on their backs.  
More volts of panic pulse through your veins. You’re intimidated out of your wits, but even for a person who’s allegedly allergic to sports, you can’t deny the ferocity of their match – it’s pretty enthralling. Thinking about it, this is actually your first time catching your school’s volleyball team in action and you have to admit that their teamwork is quite something.
Sports has never been your thing, let alone volleyball. In fact, you would very much rather be cooped under your quilt in the comfort of your air-conditioned room at this very moment. How you’ve landed yourself in a humid and stinky indoor sports hall that reeks of perspiration and cloying cologne, facing a group of really tall and sweaty college boys with that signature awkward grin of yours is beyond you, and something you definitely didn’t foresee yourself doing in your second year in Seoul National University.
You should have trusted your gut feeling when you thought that agreeing to be the student manager for the school’s volleyball team to earn extracurricular points for your scholarship would be a terrible idea. Gosh, this is all on Hoseok, your English Lit seatmate and also (surprisingly) the captain of the volleyball team. Curse him and his manipulative ways of convincing people.
According to your very wise friend, 1) you desperately need to join a club ASAP because the only club you belong to is the Sunshine Club – no, it’s not a real club, it’s just a pejorative term for students who alternate between home and school, and that certainly earns you zero extracurricular points, 2) you need to get out of your comfort zone more often because this is college and in college, you fuck things up for the fun of it, and 3) a student manager could really do good for the volleyball team because the new season is starting really soon and they’re gearing up for first place this season after their demeaning loss to Hanyang University last year, oh and also, the boys have been praying everyday to have someone (new and well, fun) other than their coach on the team because the old man sure can be a little grump.
You don’t question the last point because it’s a known fact that the volleyball team is your school’s pride and joy. When they were beaten at their own game last year, the entire school went in mourning for a whole damn week. It’s pretty hilarious, the more you think about it, that the competitive sport is basically just a more intense game of “don’t let the balloon touch the floor”. But almost everyone finds the sport cool because somehow or other, the players also happen to be naturally tall and also attractive – though the latter is highly subjective and does not include your terrible friend.
Albeit not knowing the players personally and being able to match their names to their faces, you’ve seen the gang in school, perpetually flaunting their black and red jerseys that can be spotted from miles away and drawing attention to their rambunctious selves.
The number of people who admire (and worship) them don’t escape your notice too, including your smitten professors who all have a mutual soft spot for Hoseok whenever he falls behind or sleeps in class. It seems like everyone is oddly bewitched by their charms – you’ve heard stories about the appalling number of girls who’ve confessed to them and hooked up with them at parties, only because Hoseok can’t stop gloating about the increasing count. But whether they’re just plain ole rumors or facts, you’d rather not be involved in their social politics because Hoseok is your own Gossip Girl and that’s more than enough, really.
“Guys, gather up!”
Coach Kim blows his whistle and literally the entire team comes scrambling to swamp the two of you. A wave of panic washes over you, draining colour from your face as they start to look you up and down inquisitively. You’ve never felt that inferior about being vertically-challenged before, but being surrounded by a group of volleyball players who could appear to be almost a good 2 meters tall? Definitely not up your alley.
“We finally, yes, finally,” you don’t miss the enthusiasm and relief in Coach Kim’s voice, “have a student manager on the team!”
At that, everyone explodes in loud cheers, their gruff voices filling up the court and you shudder at the resonance of their voices.
“Hi,” you give a little wave to the tall towers before you, trying to make things less menacing for you. “I’m Y/N, a second-year Psychology major. Nice to meet you! I’ll be the student manager from today onwards. Hoseok dragged me here—”
“Yay, welcome Y/N!” Hoseok interrupts your intention of throwing shade at him with an overzealous whoop of excitement and his teammates divert their attention to their loud captain. “You guys be nice to her or you’ll be catching these hands.”
They all roll their eyes, before grunting out an okay. After taking turns to introduce themselves – honestly, your brain could only be loaded with so many names, you’d definitely need more time to digest and remember their faces, the players soon disperse and resume their usual rotational drills.
Turning to you with an eerily wide grin, Hoseok then leads you to the perimeter of the court and hands you a clipboard. “Okay for today, just familiarise yourself with the positions and the guys. Easy peasy, I know we’re all good-looking—”
You interrupt his narcissistic statement by faking a gag.  
“Rude! As I was saying before I was rudely cut off, we’re all good-looking, but it’s easy to distinguish us. Unless you mix Seokjin-hyung and Jungkook up, which is fine because they look quite similar. Both ugly.”
“You just said—”
“The entire team is present except for Jungkookie. He’ll come later because he’s taking a test now. When you see a tall guy who looks like an overgrown, emo baby bunny, just mark Jungkook present.”
You hum mindlessly and glance over to the guys who’ve already taken their respective positions.
“Now, now, don’t gush over the guys. They’re fucking gross. They sweat a lot and stink like rotten meat after practice.”
“As if you don’t too! I’ve sat beside you in class after your practice before and I had to hold my breath the entire class.”
“Excuse you!” He clicks his tongue in annoyance, “I’m already pretty hygienic compared to the others… Anyways, it’s too late to back out.”
“Oh shit.”
“I’m kidding! We’re really nice, a little intimidating maybe because of our heights but that’s only because you’re short as fuck, but we don’t bite… unless you want us to. Come! Let’s go through the positions together.”
Being the volleyball neophyte you are, Hoseok walks you through the various volleyball positions. You learn that there are four main positions and only six players are allowed on the court, though the entire team is 14 members strong. There are three wing spikers in total – Hoseok, Taehyung, and Yoongi – and they carry the defensive workload. Namjoon and Seokjin are the middle blockers, while Jimin is the libero who wears a different coloured jersey since he can conveniently switch in and out of the game (usually with Seokjin) and lastly, the setter, who is none other than Jungkook. Hoseok calls him the backbone of the team.
“Okay, this isn’t that hard. I can do this,” you think to yourself after Hoseok leaves to join his teammates, a dry attempt to spur yourself on.
Maybe it’s because you haven’t done much besides committing their names and faces to memory and learning about the different positions, but the first thirty minutes of practice have been going surprisingly well, until—
“Jungkookie!” Hoseok shrieks while looking past your shoulder towards the door.
“The overgrown, emo baby bunny?” You quote your friend, before turning your head to look at the latecomer.
And damn, you wish you could take back your words. Standing before you is a boy who’s unfamiliar to your sight, but a dazzling one in appearance. His hair is a black mop of soft tousled locks, his onyx eyes are doe-like and his lips take on a soft rosy pink tint.
Upon your words, Jungkook doubles over with a boyish chuckle. “Hyung! What did you call me?”
Ignoring the latter and swatting him away, Hoseok continues with a beam, “Yep, this is Jungkook, our golden setter. Great, now you’ve met everyone on the team!”
He then turns back to Jungkook, while offering you a pat on the back, “Jungkookie, meet Y/N, our new student manager. Treat her nicely or I’ll break your fingers.”
Jungkook takes offense at the threat (his dearest fingers…) and glowers at his captain. He then turns to you and you notice that his facial expressions soften for a moment, before his face starts to scrunch up. With a contrived smile, he extends out his hand, “Hello, nice to meet you.”
You draw in a furtive breath, painfully aware of how he practically looms over you.
“H-Hi, I’m Y/N.”
You instantly curse yourself, red threatening to dot your cheeks because Hoseok literally just said your name like 10 seconds ago.
Even from where you’re standing, it doesn’t take much for you to notice how his eyes take on a sharp, mesmerising glow. Like stars glistening in the velvet night sky, vying to out-glow one another.
And so, you panic.
“Nice to meet the overgrown, emo baby bunny,” are the words that follow your already embarrassing introduction and you grimace upon hearing yourself, wishing to swallow your stupid words back. Your mouth just lives to sabotage you whenever you’re nervous.
The awkwardness starts to saturate the air, uncomfortable in the way it clings onto the two of you, minus Hoseok who’s drinking everything in with confusion. Jungkook’s eyes rest on your embarrassed features, blinking owlishly and this is when you know that you need to leave, stat. Embarrassed, you bite your lower lip and mutter, “I have to go… help Coach. Bye!”
Spinning on your heels skittishly, you jog past hoarse hollers of nice serve and chance ball to join Coach Kim at the sidelines and you swear you’ve never speed-walked this fast in your entire life before. It literally takes every ounce of you not to freak out even when you can still feel holes being bored on your back. Not even an hour into practice and you’ve embarrassed yourself already? So much for beating your personal record.
“Well, that was painfully awkward,” the captain taunts with a smile full of mirth.
“Urgh h-hyung, stop it!”
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Besides the brainwork of remembering the players’ names and positions, your agenda of tasks also includes physical labour, much to your dismay, of refilling water bottles, picking up stray balls from all corners of the court and being in charge of the dreaded grimy storeroom aka your new hiding place away from the sausage fest outside.
You don’t really get to watch today’s full six-on-six match, too busy scrambling all over the court to gather the stray balls and when you’re finally done, the boys have taken a five and are sprawled all over the floor, grumbling loudly in fatigue.
Joining Coach Kim on the bench, your eyes sweep quickly across the court and you see Jungkook lying on the ground with his eyes closed, chest heaving up and down rhythmically in tandem with his breathing, like an empty boat blobbing on gentle early-morning waves. What catches your attention is how apparent his jersey sticks to his abdomen, slightly exposing his torso and warmth violently flares in the full of your cheeks, tipping your ears pink. You can’t unsee it, but you desperately want to. Beside him, Hoseok has his shirt rolled up to his chest, baring his well-sculpted front, but you don’t feel a thing. 
As if on cue, a raven black mop of dishevelled locks rises up from the ground, swiftly meeting your eyes in the process. He freezes like a rabbit caught in a snare, eyes wide and shoulders rigid. But it’s not like you’re any better. You stare back at Jungkook blankly, trying your best not to panic because he just caught you staring at him like a creep and it’s only your first day.
Uh oh.
A disconcerting feeling starts to stir in the pit of your stomach, so you quickly pry your eyes away because you’re that good at pretending that you didn’t see shit.
From your periphery, you realise that he’s still looking straight at you and you shudder at the weight of his piercing gaze, feeling hot all of a sudden.
Eventually, you decide to muster up some courage and turn back to him. You see that his eyes are still dead set on you and this throws you off kilter. Forming a thin line on his lips, he suddenly throws himself back onto the ground with a thud, causing his teammates to rise up instantly and wonder what the heck is wrong with their setter.
The way Jungkook stares at you remains etched in your mind even after practice. If this is what you’re going to face three times a week from today onwards, you’re going to need all the luck you can have and probably also some calming tea for your unsettling nerves.  
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You arrive at the sports hall punctually the next practice, a tad excited, albeit the nerves in your stomach. Instead of reporting straight to Coach Kim, you decide to greet the few players who are already warming up, but almost retract your footsteps when you see Jungkook part of the warm-up circle.
He’s already staring at you with that same gaze of his, but the boys don’t sense your hesitance and beckon you to join them. It’s a little too late to back away, so you saunter over with a bubbly façade, ignoring the fact that Jungkook is still relentlessly boring holes onto your face.
“Hey!” Taehyung chirps and scoots over to make space for you. “Sit here, Y/N!”
“Hi Y/N!”
“Did you come from class?” Hoseok pipes, spinning a volleyball with his finger.
“Yeah, it ended 10 minutes ago.”
You hear a soft murmur beside you and turn your head, only to meet Jungkook and his brown doe eyes. Seated only inches away from you, his breath fans out across your cheek and warmth scatters over your skin in the rise of gooseflesh at the proximity. He doesn’t break eye contact with you for few seconds, as if you two are the only ones in the court, before he blinks away and continues stretching like he didn’t just stutter.
“Hey, Jungkook,” you mutter in a slight daze of confusion, wincing when your words come off as a gasp, so you quickly turn back to somewhere safe – to the sight of Hoseok doing push-ups with the derpiest face ever. If Jungkook has heard your silly gasp, he’s sure being really nice for not laughing about it or bringing it up.
Once Coach Kim finally enters the court, you run up to him in relief because you’re dying to break away from Jungkook’s gaze, and Hoseok invites you to join their discussion about the strategies for their practice match. Foreign terms like “quicks”, “back-row attacks” and “jump float serves” are being strewn around vivaciously, but you dutifully scribble whatever you could decipher on your clipboard, though the technicalities are starting to get pretty overwhelming.
Mid-way into the discussion, a particular chuckle floats over to your direction and you can’t help but draw your gaze to the middle of the court. You see Jungkook goofing around with his teammates, spinning a volleyball deftly with his hands, and the edges of your lips curl up at the sight of him having fun. It’s strange how he’s so uptight whenever he’s around with you, all rigid limbs and awkward glances.
Practice starts promptly after the discussion and things start to change half an hour into practice, contrary to their chill warm-up session. Taking their respective positions, nobody’s cracking jokes or slacking off, all committed to ensuring that the ball stays afloat and honing their skills.
The shift in Jungkook’s demeanour is especially evident to you. From the shy and awkward boy he is around you, he’s now focused and charismatic. His gaze doesn’t break away from the ball, always on the lookout and poised to set.
The boys practice for another two hours, constantly refining their moves and providing feedback to one another. Besides listening to Coach Kim’s never-ending commentary and laments about the boys, you also move around the perimeter to observe each player and take notes on your clipboard.
You somehow find yourself standing near the net, where Jungkook is positioned in his fully immersed glory. Hoseok calling him the backbone of the team comes to mind. After researching more about the different positions, you’re aware that the setter controls the flow of the game and orchestrates the attacks, but what intrigues you more is knowing that Jungkook is one of the best setters in the zone. You wonder if he’s really that amazing as what they make him to be, so you decide to take a break from your clipboard and pay full attention to the boy in front of you.
The ball arches over the net from the opposing team and Jimin springs into action, diving on the ground without hesitation. He grunts loudly when he manages to save it, pumping it back up in the air. A rolling receive, you recognise. From behind, one of his teammates screams an exasperated “nice save”.
The ball glides over to where Jungkook’s at and he extends his arms, as if inviting it to rest in his cupped hands. You can’t help but be mesmerised by his figure that’s positioned at a breath’s gap from the net, his back arching into a parabolic shape and thigh muscles rippling as he uses just one hand to slightly push the ball over the net with great aplomb. His effortless move sends the ball diving straight onto the ground, untouched by his stunned teammates from the other side.  
“A dump!” Taehyung hollers excitedly, “Holy fuck!”
“What the fuck, Kook!” Namjoon from the opposing team shouts in frustration, but seems to be equally impressed by Jungkook’s sly move. “You’re a devil.”
Jungkook lets out a satisfied chuckle at their dumfounded reactions and the edges of your lips quirk up involuntarily. His sun-kissed skin shimmers with a thin sheen of sweat on his neck, while his dark eyes sparkle with intensity. He looks almost idyllic being on the court, phenomenal even – it’s like he belongs there, like he was born to play and shine on the court.
There’s something about his contented smile that’s enamouring – there’s something warm, soft and child-like beneath it. Something very much like a young boy playing hide-and-seek, hidden deep within him and hoping to be discovered and resurrected.
His smile is a nice sight.  
The match resumes and you continue to observe how the setter receives the ball and tosses it to his teammates with impeccable control and precision. The way his fingers cup the volleyball doesn’t go past your notice and you gulp when your eyes land on his veiny arms.
A warm tingling feeling courses to your own fingertips. You wonder how holding his hand would feel like and similar thoughts continue to invade your mind throughout the entire practice.
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The following practices fly by in a blur.
You’re on the bench with Coach Kim, your clipboard in hand. You’ve soon found joy in analysing the skills of each player and coming up with strategies, and this is evident from your clipboard that’s now filled up with your messy handwriting. The exciting game of volleyball is really starting to grow on you, though what’s more captivating is watching the setter shine on the court.
Jungkook is a silent and calculating setter who pinpoints his tosses with an eerie tactical accuracy. He’s especially meticulous in estimating the average height of each spiker’s jumps and he knows how to change the speed and altitude of his tosses to complement each teammate, leaving no room for mistakes.
While you’re realising all these by yourself, the guys are still fighting it out on the court, engrossed in the last set of the practice match and Jungkook’s team is in the lead. It’s against his own teammates, but the setter’s competitive burn doesn’t seem to know when to stop, boundless when it comes to the things he’s passionate about. This isn’t exclusive to just him though – his teammates seem to have picked up his vigour too, all firing with extra vitality. It isn’t surprising as all of their efforts are dedicated to winning the championships this season.  
Seeing how the game is never coming to an end because they’ve been at match point for the last five minutes and neither team is letting their guard down, you excuse yourself from the game to refill their water bottles. Seokjin decides to join you when he watches you leave. Jimin has stepped in for the last few minutes of the set and you thank him for his help because carrying 14 water bottles is not an easy task.
From the corner of his eye, Jungkook sees you returning to the court with their water bottles hugged to your chest and he wishes he could run over to help you. But when Seokjin appears behind you, sharing a laugh with you, an unfamiliar feeling pools in his stomach – something about the sight of you laughing with his teammate puts him off. He doesn’t like it, but he softens at how brightly and effortlessly your face lights up. Seokjin’s probably telling you one of his overused dad jokes.
Sharp curses and flustered yells of Jungkook’s name fly through the air, but there’s barely enough time for him to process what is going on. He registers the blur of yellow and blue spinning in a few centimeters away from his face and before he knows it, he’s crashing on the cold hard ground from the impact.
A yelp escapes from the back of his throat. He feels like his nose just did a full-on pancake save on the ground. The middle of his face is throbbing in pain and his vision starts to blur from the tears at the edges of his eyes.  
“Jungkook, what the heck were you doing!” Coach Kim bellows and jogs over to check up on him, his creased forehead is evidence that he’s in disbelief that the golden setter is actually capable of being distracted during a match.
The blazing blur of blue and yellow is soon replaced with shadowy looming figures and gasps of horror.
“Gosh, your nose is as red as Angry Bird,” Taehyung pipes in and chortles with his phone in hand. “What the fuck, I need to capture this. This is blackmail material.”
“Dude! What was that about?” Hoseok kneels down, a tad amused by the situation. “You’re normally not like this, who were you looking at?”
“Guys, guys! Give him some space…”
A lulling voice emerges amidst the insults mercilessly thrown at his injured self and Jungkook relaxes a little.
Easing your way to the front, you squat beside him, wincing at the sight of the bloody gash. A single line of blood trickles down his jaw and then to his neck, causing a red seam on his jersey.
“Okay, kids! Thank god that we have a manager now. Y/N will take care of Jungkook and his bloody face, so get back to practice!”
You offer him a little smile as he stares at you wide-eyed silently.
“Jungkook? You’re okay. You’re fine, it doesn’t look that bad,” you coo reassuringly, hoping to lessen the pain that’s evident from his contorted expression.
Pressing the back of his hand to his nose to wipe away the blood, Jungkook flushes pink, as if his face isn’t red enough already. Besides the stinging pain on his face, he feels his heart beating a merciless staccato rhythm. He already has trouble breathing from the blood in his nostrils, but all air rushes out of him when you inch even closer to assess the damage and he shuts his eyes in panic.
“I’ll take you to the nurse after you’re all cleaned up.”
Jungkook grunts in response. With careful fingers, you cradle the back of his head and push away his sweaty bangs with your other hand, before gently wiping the area around his nose. Slowly reopening his eyes, he gazes at you quietly and you avoid eye contact with him at all costs, but you shiver involuntarily when the warmth of his breath graces your arm.
At this close of a distance, you can count the long eyelashes that frame Jungkook’s large orbs, the crooked bunny teeth that appear when he winces, the little mole under his lips and the faint scar on his right cheek that mars his otherwise unblemished and fair skin. His hair also feels soft as it tickles the back of your hand and you’re so tempted to thread your fingers through them. You have to physically shake your head to rid yourself of these thoughts.
“Okay… Slowly…” You slip out of Jungkook’s hold as he settles on the edge of an empty bed in the school clinic and the nurse approaches you two without a word, as though injuries like these are an everyday occurrence.  
“Does it still hurt?”
“Not as bad as before,” he mumbles bashfully, peeking at you through his lashes and you instantly want to melt into a puddle on the floor, especially since there’s less blood, people and space. It’s just the two of you now.
Noticing that you’re standing awkwardly by the door, he pats the space beside him and you move over, actually tired from the whole ordeal.
You two make some small talk while waiting for the nurse to return. You learn that Jungkook is in his second year too, a Computer Science major, and you tell him that you’ve never seen him in school before though the Social Sciences faculty is right beside his.
“I think I’m kind of low-key?” He states and you raise an eyebrow. He is definitely not low-key. There are probably girls gushing over him at this very instance.
“I’m always in class or at practice. Okay, I spend 30 percent of my life in class, 60 percent at practice and the last 10 percent in my room,” he explains animatedly, flinging his hands to gesture how he divides his time.
You try not to sputter into a fit of laughter, but laughter pokes its way across glassy eyes and pink cheeks when Jungkook scrunches his nose at his words.
“But I think I’ve seen you in school before? Your faculty always has fundraiser activities going on. And you performed for a talent show before, didn’t you? My friend dragged me to your faculty’s talent show. You sang an Adele song right?”
“Oh,” you squeak, a little too high to your liking, red finding its way up your cheeks. You’re nonplussed and a little touched that he remembers you from the other talented and pretty female contestants because they’re so many girls around him and you’re just… well, you’re just you.
“Oh my god, I probably sounded terrible,” you grimace, hand flying up to cover your face in embarrassment.
“No, you didn’t! I remembered your performance because it was that good.”
He hums in response. 
“Okay… thank you, I guess?” You look down at your fingers awkwardly. “That’s really nice of you.”
A chuckle escapes his lips. “No – thank you. Coach would have just left me bleeding on the ground if it wasn’t for you.”
A small smile tugs at your lips and the edges of his lips start to curl up to a semblance of a smile as well. Before you know it, he has his hand up, gingerly ruffling your hair and your entire body instantly stiffens, as if zapped by electricity. Muted colours of soft pastels swirl in your head. You think that his touch on your head might actually burn more than his squashed nose.
“No problem, Jungkook.”
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It’s been a month since you joined the volleyball team as their student manager and now your existence alternated between school, your dorm and the sports hall, but you’re actually enjoying every bit of it.
It’s a Tuesday, which means there’s no volleyball practice, but you’re heading to the sports hall to clean up the storeroom and do some administrative stuff for their upcoming friendlies.  
Looking up at the direction of the familiar voice, your eyes land on Jungkook who’s smiling at you and you stop in your tracks. You drink in the sight of him in a white T-shirt, ripped light blue jeans and a denim jacket. It’s nothing over the top, but he looks stunning regardless and you have to curb the lingering wisps of excitement brewing in your stomach.
This is probably the first time seeing Jungkook in school. Ever since his bloody nose incident, the two of you have started to become less uptight with each other and are now friends, if you choose to omit the awkward stares, flustered cheeks and sweaty palms. Just friends, nothing more or less.
You wave to him, trying your best to hide your surprised expression. He has never approached you directly during practice, let alone in the hallway. 
“Where are you headed to?” He breaks the distance between you and him in less than five strides.  
“I’m just going to clean up the storeroom. You?”
“Clas—oh actually, I was about to practice my tosses too.”
“Don’t you have class?”
“Um, no I don’t?”
“But you were just walking in the other direction, away from the sports hall.” You raise an eyebrow and tilt your head.  
This stops him cold. He can’t place your expression exactly – it’s a cross between amusement and confusion and this makes him even more torn between wanting to continue lying so he can go to the sports hall with you and dropping the act and running away to save himself from further embarrassment. He chooses neither.
“Okay fine, you caught me. Can we… let’s just go to the sports hall together?”
How and why is a mystery, but you find yourself nodding your head in acquiescence.    
Walking beside Jungkook is anxiety-inducing, as if you aren’t nervous enough around the said boy on a regular basis. As you pass through the hallway of blur figures, you pick up a whiff of Jungkook’s scent – it’s a comforting, clean fresh laundry scent that rests pleasantly on your nose. The soft material of his denim jacket is ticklish as it brushes against your arm, sending your heart ricocheting even more furiously in your ribcage.
There’s always been something about Jungkook that makes you feel… alive, you realise.  
It’s the little awakening tingles that shoot up your spine every time his skin comes into contact with yours, be it casually and intentionally and the momentary halting of your heartbeat and the fluster that attacks you without a warning whenever he gazes at you. It’s the little crinkle at the edges of his eyes when he’s smiling and his mellifluous laughs – both soft and loud ones – when he’s cackling up with the guys that never fail to render you breathless.
You hate how you always magically transform into an incoherent fool every time you come in contact with him. But no matter how times he has caused your heart to stop for the briefest of moments, you don’t regret the lovely loss because you’ll gladly succumb to any pain, fuzzy feeling or ramification that Jungkook brings – just because, as strange as it sounds, you like it.
You don’t realise that you’ve held your breath the entire walk to the sports hall until you reach the storeroom and that was only possible after persuading the insistent Jungkook that you don’t need his help with clearing the cabinets.
When you’re done after spending an hour in the stuffy storeroom, you find Jungkook spiking the balls against the wall in his sports attire. You swallow hard when your eyes trail down to his accentuated butt that looks too good for his own good and his thighs that flex dangerously when he moves. Your cheeks sear with embarrassment that’s hot enough to burn away your lewd thoughts.
For someone who’s painfully shy and cannot toss a ball for pity’s sake, you cannot fathom where you get the sudden surge of courage, but your mouth decides to take matters into its own hands and blurt out something along the lines of “Hey, want me to toss the ball to you?”.
You hate how your voice rises in the end, turning into an awkward squeak, but he seems to find it adorable if his dazed look is anything to go by.
Eagerly taking you up on your offer, the two of you soon fall into a comfortable pattern – you’d toss the ball to Jungkook for him to practice his tosses and spikes and this continues till the volleyball crate is emptied out. Sometimes you don’t toss high enough and he’ll laugh at your fail attempts, but he’s always patient with you and even teaches you the proper way of tossing the way with the correct push. Heck, you didn’t even know that there was a correct way of tossing a freaking ball.
After what seems like 10 hours, you sit down to catch your breath, slightly embarrassed by your lack of stamina because Jungkook looks like he can go on for another 10, looking as impeccable as ever. When he runs a hand through his hair with that lopsided smile of his, it leaves you even more short of breath. It’s as though he’s doing this on purpose.
His fitted shirt is drenched with sweat, cruelly sticking to his abs and you gulp when your eyes trail down to his thighs. The fabric of his shorts hugs his lower half like a second skin, revealing the harsh lines and sculpted muscles of his thighs. And you really need to curb your obsession for his thighs, because it’s getting way out of hand and you’ll skin yourself alive if he ever finds out about it.
“Hey, you tired?” Jungkook trudges over to sit beside the stoned you, playing with the ball in his hands.
“Oh no no, I’m okay,” you lie blatantly and begin to stand up, but he stops you.
“It’s okay, I’m pretty beat too. Want to grab some food? I’m actually really hungry.”
He looks at you with a painfully familiar glint swimming in his corneas and your breathing stutters violently at the sight.
Listen, you don’t know if you can survive being this close to him, but you decide to fuck it when Hoseok’s words echo in your mind: you need to get out of your comfort zone more often – go and fuck things up.
Deciding to heed his stupid advice, you shoot Jungkook a smile, “Thought you’d never ask.”
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Somehow or other, you two end up eating at a convenience store near campus because ramen after practice is always a good decision.
“So, um, how’s school?” Jungkook starts off, picking up his noodles with regalement, but deadpans upon realising how lame he sounds.
“How’s school?” You repeat with a bemused tone, chuckling at his dry attempt at making small talk.
“I mean like… tell me about yourself? Like how’s school been like for you… Urgh, this is so embarrassing.”
He groans loudly and buries his head in his palms and then peeks at your face through the spaces in between his fingers. His heart swells like never before at your smile and the tinges of amusement dancing in your orbs.
A highly ranked and skilled setter he might be, but Jungkook knows no shit when it comes to his strange, burgeoning feelings for you. He wishes that feelings could be more like volleyball – systematic, clear-cut, and guaranteed a clear, satisfying view if you try hard enough. Human emotions bring along this ambiguity that he’s scared of approaching. He isn’t sure if he is capable of understanding it, but there’s always a first time for everything.
You laugh dryly, “I’m always clueless when I’m supposed to talk about myself. I guess I’m just a normal person with normal dreams and normal hobbies?”
He chuckles boyishly and your breath hitches, nervous as heck from the way he’s looking at you so attentively with a soft smile.
You continue, “Okay, I don’t really have a hobby and I spend a lot of time by myself in my room. I know I’m lame.”
“No, it doesn’t! If it makes you feel better, I feel normal too. With normal dreams and hobbies.”
A corner of your mouth curls up in retaliation. “Being the golden setter of SNU’s volleyball team and probably the best in this entire zone isn’t quite my definition of normal. Now I feel even more boring.”
“No! Urgh… You’re not boring. If you were, I wouldn’t be here listening to you – I swear. And I have a limited patience for boring people… like Coach. God, he is the most boring person in the world.”
“You’re just being nice to me.”
Jungkook shakes his head fervently and your heart gnaws at how disconcerted he is –he’s trying so hard to make you feel better about yourself that it’s endearing.
“Being normal is great, but there’s nothing normal about normal I feel? And you… you’re a special kind of normal. You’re nice, smart, funny, sometimes pretty awkward but still not as awkward as me, so you’re not that bad.”
You chuckle sheepishly, but your smile fades away when he shoots you a longing look before muttering under his breath, “And you make me feel normal.”
His brown eyes glimmer in the hazy streetlights, highlighting the caramel flecks in them. Your eyes dart between his soft expression and his fingers that are drumming against the table.
“Me?” You squeak, startled by Jungkook’s sudden confession. Your mouth drops agape, but it’s quickly overridden by a shy smile when you observe how the little blush on his cheeks has receded to make camp on his ears, the glint in his eyes brighter.  
“Yeah. When I’m with you, I feel normal. Not a volleyball player or the golden setter. Just me, Jeon Jungkook.”
Heat sits high on your cheeks as his words linger in your ears. The world seems to hang suspended, out of space and out of time. You try to find your voice but your tongue is suddenly terribly numb, so the two of you continue to sit in silence, staring at one another and enjoying the swim of your heads.
That night, Jungkook walks you back to your dorm and you give him a hug before saying your dreadful goodbye – a lilting whisper of good night Kook.
Hugging isn’t uncommon with the team because they’re strangely big on hugs and being their manager means that you’re their personal teddy bear that they can crush after a long tiring practice. But you don’t miss how you hug Jungkook a little tighter and longer compared to the casual ones you share with the others, relishing the warmth of the sweet honey gold that pulses through his veins. To your surprise, he wraps his arms around you as well and the two of you stay in that position for awhile in the quiet of the night. The way his broad chest heaves up and down alongside his slow, steady humming heartbeat serves nothing but as a solace to you.
You feel safe in his arms.
There is truth that you think Jungkook is cute, that you couldn’t deny, alongside the emotionally-constipated but quiet and sincere ways he cares for the people around him. He’s sincere, doesn’t sugar-coat his words and can also be quite the jokester. He doesn’t flirt excessively and make you feel uncomfortable nor does he do anything particularly extravagant to get your heart racing, but your heart still runs a fucking marathon nonetheless.
That night, you only manage to fall asleep after spending hours trying to counter your own thoughts and coax the erratic slamming of your heart against your chest. He’s a child of the cosmos. You wonder if he sings lullabies and waltzes with the stars in his slumber.
You wonder if the stars look at him in defeat, envious of the way he outshines them all. The effulgence he possesses beats the brilliance of all the other stars.
In between shy glances and awkward banter sessions, Jeon Jungkook has slowly become both the quiet and pandemonium of your heart.  
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That night, Jungkook’s phone blows up with messages from his teammates and he’s this close to throwing his phone on the wall and strangling them with his bare heads, seniority and all be damned.
[minie hyung] [22:49] jungkookie is getting it [22:49] with y/n our lovely manager!!! 2 qt pies   [22:49] [Image]
[best captain in the world] [22:49] damn kid [22:49] it’s only been 2 weeks   [22:50] and i didn’t ask y/n to join the team so that you could hit on her??
[jungkook] [22:50] guys wtf I’m not hitting on her!!! [22:50] we’re just friends [22:50] and wtf jimin hyung where were you??? when did you take that pic?
[minie hyung] [22:51] when you 2 were busy staring at each other!! [22:51] i was just walking back home and passed by the store bcs I WAS HUNGRY [22:51] but you were too engrossed in looking at each other and being lovey dovey to notice me but what’s new
[yeontan’s dad] [22:51] y/n’s hella cute tho
[grumpa hyung] [22:52] yeah, really pretty and smart too
[jungkook] [22:52] lmaO say wAT [22:54] she’s mine, just saying [22:55] back the fuck off
[joonie hyung] [22:55] “we’re just friends” he said
[handsome hyung] [22:56] aww our kookie has a crush !! who knew that you were capable of feelings
[jungkook] [22:57] well someone has to take ONE for the team
[best captain in the world] [22:57] wrong interpretation of the phrase kid. [22:58] you just insulted y/n, i’m telling on you
[jungkook] [22:58] NO HYUNG PLEASE DON’T [22:58] I’M SORRY ☹ Y/N PLEASE ☹☹☹ [23:01] hyung????
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“So… you and Jungkook, huh?”
Hoseok plumps his ass down dramatically onto the seat beside yours and you, for the nth time, regret choosing that seat on the fifth row on the first day of your English Lit class. Who the hell would have known that you’d sit beside the pesky and loud-as-fuck volleyball captain and end up being extremely good buddies?
“Me and Jungkook?” You tilt your head, though you already have an inkling of what he’s going to bring up. You just wish that he wouldn’t tease you too much about it.
“Yeah, you two have been awfully and shadily close nowadays. You know you’re all that he talks about, right?”
Your heart drops to the pit of your stomach at his last sentence. You had no idea at all.
Hoseok catches the flush that runs all the way down to your neck and simpers at your speechless self who’s currently mindlessly picking at your food and avoiding all eye contact.
“And the sexual tension between you two is real. Don’t think the team hasn’t realised. It’s our favourite thing to talk about now. Besides talking about our sexcapades, that is.”
“What the fuck? I totally did not want to know that.”
Shooting him an incredulous glare, you throw a fry at him. The thought of Jungkook engaging in hook-ups bothers the heck out of you and you want to vent all your frustration on your meddlesome friend. You wonder if Jungkook’s as nice to other girls as he is to you, and if there’s another hapless girl who’s in the same plight as you. The thought of it makes you sick.
“Okay, but you must have noticed how intensely Jungkook looks at you. Like he wants to eat you up. Or out.”
“Oh my god, can you not say that so loudly?”
“I speak nothing but the truth, girl.”
“Speaking of the devil, look who we have here? Your lover boy!” Hoseok guffaws.
Fate is really pulling strings to get the two of you together.
You tilt your head upwards and amidst the bustling students, you spot half of the volleyball team in the middle of the cafeteria – they probably decided to grab lunch together before practice – and then your eyes land on Jungkook, who’s already looking at you with his doe eyes and boyish smile. He’s dressed in his signature look – his favourite oversized black hoodie that practically drowns his physique and grey sweatpants – and damn does he look dashing.
“Guys, over here!”
Hoseok hollers as loud as he can, much to your dismay, diverting all attention to your table and you squirm in your seat with a defeated sigh. As they make their way over, you focus on stuffing your food in your mouth, so you can hurry get the fuck out of here. But before you know it, a tray is settled beside yours and of course, it belongs to none other than Jungkook.
You scowl at your tray, knowing that the guys have obviously left that particular seat empty for Jungkook. From your periphery, he slides into the seat beside yours and your entire body tenses up. Despite having gone out for a meal with him before, you still don’t think you can handle the proximity.
He greets you with a hi and you nod back in response. He has no idea of how his mere presence fills your veins with electricity.
The boys soon fall into a conversation about their rivalry with the other schools and throwing a party before finals to relieve some stress and frustration – you honestly wonder what kind of frustration they’re talking about here.
Sitting with the volleyball players – even just half of the team – for lunch makes you wonder how the heck you agreed to becoming their manager and how you’re still with them because they’re so rowdy and embarrassing. You’d probably feel intimidated by them if you didn’t know them personally, but look at yourself now: you’re part of the team and also hopelessly crushing on their setter, who happens to be sitting right beside you.
“Oh right, Y/N! I have something to show you,” Hoseok coos from across you, wagging his eyebrows suggestively with a sparkle of mirth in his orbs. Interest rekindled, you urge him to spill and he fishes out for his phone from his pocket. At this, you notice Jungkook tense up instantly.
After scrolling through his phone for a few seconds, Hoseok beckons you to lean forward with a shit-eating grin and you have a hunch about what he’s up to.
“The other day, Kookie said some things in the group chat that you might want to see.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook flares up beside you, lurching forward across the width of the table and snatching the phone from Hoseok’s grip before you could even look at the screen properly. “Fuck hyung, you’re such a snake!”
Hoseok only shrugs casually. You have to battle Jungkook yourself if you want to pursue the matter.
“Jungkook, what’s on his phone? Why can’t you show me?”
“Um, i-it’s a secret!” He panics, holding the phone high up and out of your reach.
Clicking your tongue in annoyance, you try to grab it, but Jungkook’s hand is so fucking long that you can’t get the phone within your fingertips regardless of how high you reach out.
“Kook!” You lament, leaning forward to weasel your way to find out why he’s being so shady, but he doesn’t let up and holds the gadget even further away from your reach.
Caught in a frenzy, you don’t realise how your boobs are pressed against his left arm and your other hand is propped onto Jungkook’s thigh. How and when it happened is nebulous. It’s only when your fingers find themselves kneading his thigh that you realise the dire situation you’re in.
Dragging your eyes down to where your hand is at, you halt when you realise that it’s centimetres away from his crotch. Any careless movement and you’ll be brushing against Jungkook’s dick and this very thought sends a small jolt through your body.
The fact that he’s wearing those grey sweats of his doesn’t make things any better as they’re proudly flaunting the distinct outline of his bulge prodding at his sweatpants. Gulping down hard, your whole body freezes up blankly.
Seconds stretch into infinity. When Jungkook realises that you’ve stop persisting, he absentmindedly turns to you and is met with a dangerous view of your cleavage conveniently pressed up against him. But he soon grasps that this isn’t the sole reason why you’ve turned paralysed. When his eyes follow your gaze and find that your hand is milliseconds away from his bulge, he flings Hoseok’s phone onto the table.
“Oh my god, fuck I’m so sorry Jungkook.”
You withdraw your hand away instantly and pry your eyes away from his crotch, though you can’t stop thinking about his bulge. Flopping back into your seat, your limbs turn into goo. You’re definitely going to hell.
He looks up to meet your eyes, fumbling frantically over his words. He wants to bury himself alive.
“It’s ok—I, um, it’s fine, Y/N. It’s okay. Shit—”
He trails off awkwardly and you almost choke at the congealing tension in the air. You swear you could slice it with a knife and then use the same knife to cut Hoseok apart because your friend sure is a devil.
“Gross. Can you guys stop flirting with each other in front of us?” Jimin pipes and you dart your eyes to across the table and see that everyone has their eyes fastened upon the two of you with amused expressions. You close your eyes and wince – maybe if you close your eyes long enough, you’ll disappear into thin air.
Jungkook clears his throat awkwardly and stares hard at his food. He takes a little peek at his crotch and dies a little more inside upon realising that he’s popped a boner in the fucking cafeteria just from your touch. Fingers tugging down the hem of his hoodie, he hopes that you wouldn’t look down and notice it.
The next few minutes of lunch pass by agonisingly with you fuming silently in your chair, looking more like an aggravated hamster than anything with your flustered face and crease on your forehead.
Every time Hoseok reaches over to pet your head, he’s attacked by an icy glare and a hard kick to his shin from the boy sitting two seats opposite him. But he also notices how Jungkook melts at the roses flaring across your cheeks. He’s so whipped. Their golden setter is so fucking whipped and he has no clue what to do about it.
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It’s D-20 to the start of the season. The team needs to kick their training into high gear if they want to be ready in time for their first official match and that means absolutely no slacking and only two hundred percent during training and friendlies.
That goes the same for you too. You’ve been busy coming up with strategies for each player and organising friendlies with neighbouring schools. It’s hard to arrange friendlies due to time constraints and it took you tons of phone calls and paperwork, but you manage to secure a session with Hongik University just before the start of the season.
You’re just returning to the sports hall after walking the Hongik team to their bus when a loud bedlam from inside catches your attention. Rushing into the sports hall, you see the SNU players huddled in a circle, tension evident in the air. Arms are being recklessly thrown about and bodies are being shoved.
Squinting your eyes, you take in the breadth of the agitated shoulders and your stomach drops when your mind registers the number 9 on the jersey.
A wave of panic hits you square in the chest. From where you’re standing, you watch Taehyung grab him on the shoulders to calm him down. The setter retaliates by flinging his arm, turning to your direction in the process. He is livid, cheeks flushed red with eyebrows furrowed as he proceeds to grab another teammate by the collar.
Number 1.
This sends your stomach flying into a sequence of contortions.
You’ve never seen Jungkook this furious before, normally so composed with his feelings. This very sight gets your blood rushing frenziedly, especially how he’s this close to socking Hoseok in the face – Hoseok, his captain whom he respects so much.
Ignoring the fear that catches in your throat and freezes the breath in your lungs, your legs take you across the court as fast as they can.
Jungkook freezes and drops his fists instantly when he spots you approaching. The nervous flickering of your eyes doesn’t escape his notice and under your worried gaze, he feels the world crumble at his feet. He feels like he’s the shittiest person in the entire world.
You reach out for him with unsteady fingers, but he recoils at the slightest touch of your fingertips, distress and chagrin all over his face. A series of frustrated grunts and curses escapes his lips before he stomps off the court with heavy footsteps, ignoring the concerned looks of his teammates as he barrels out of the door and slams it shut.
You stare blankly at the door, bombarded with a tumult of conflicted emotions. You contemplate running after him, but you understand that Jungkook probably wants some alone time to cool down. So you choose not to, staying behind to check on Hoseok while the others fill you in about the argument.
“I kept missing Jungkook’s tosses and he got mad at himself for not tossing high enough for me, but it’s not even his fault,” Taehyung explains apprehensively. “He was in a bad mood throughout the match, so we lost. After that, Hoseok-hyung went to talk to him and Jungkook started lashing it out on him.”
His lips quiver at the thought of him causing the argument, so you put your hand on his shoulder and offer him a small smile.
“Y/N, check on him for me, please?” Hoseok walks towards you and pats your back softly. You could only nod, because knowing the setter, he’s probably beating himself up right now.
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Torn ligaments, twisted joints and sore shoulders: they all heal with time, but disappointing the team is a heavy weight to carry, especially for setters.
It’s the setter’s role to bring out the best of their teammates, to know each of their strengths and weaknesses and adapt accordingly to each player’s skills. And it’s also the setter’s fault if his teammates keep missing his tosses. It’s his fault for their loss today.
Jungkook’s limbs feel so heavy that it’s as though he’s carrying the weight of the world. No one is blaming him. Not to his face, at least. But he knows that he has led them down and his self-deprecating thoughts are so loud that he can literally drown in them. He might look like a dense guy, but there’s a tenacious hurricane living in his mind.
Hunched over on a bench, he grits his teeth and locks his fists, nails digging the skin of his palms, while hot tears threaten to spill. Maybe if he practices harder, maybe if he doesn’t fuck up that often, maybe if he disappears, the team will be better—
“Hey Kook.”
He snaps out of his trance when his ears perk up at the familiar voice. Blinking his tears away, he sees you with the same concerned gaze and feels a sharp tug at his heartstrings at the very sight of your worried expression.
You lower yourself to meet him and press a cool water bottle to his forehead. The sudden coldness makes him look up and the tugs soon multiply rapidly when you smile softly at him, moving to sit beside him.
You don’t talk for a good three minutes, letting the silence weave itself comfortably into the spaces between you two. You don’t really know what to say and you don’t want to force him to talk either.
“You’re always saving my ass.”
Jungkook shatters the unnerving silence with a sigh.
Your lips curl up at his attempt of lightening up the mood. “Maybe that’s because I’m your manager?”
All hardness of his features soon disappear and he looks like a scared bunny. Honestly, you just want to give him a tight hug until you take away all his sorrows.
“I mean, beyond being our manager… You always seem to be around whenever I mess up. You’re like my personal cheerleader,” Jungkook laughs.
His laughter is a sweet symphony to your ears, prompting a small bubble of laughter to escape your lungs too. “Out of all things, I especially don’t want to be your personal cheerleader.”
Your relationship with Jungkook has developed by leaps and bounds over the past few months. From being awkward strangers who could barely hold eye contact for more than two seconds, to a cordial manager-player relationship, and to the good friends (minus the bashful smiles, burning cheeks and occasional NSFW thoughts) who look out for each other that you are today. It’s amazing how much you two have opened up to each other.
“Y/N, do you think I’m self-centred?” He asks suddenly. “I’m sorry that you had to see me like… this. I wished I had a better control of my emotions, but sometimes it’s just really hard, you know…”
His words clog in his throat and he swallows them meekly.
Your heart gnaws at the way he views himself.
“Hey, don’t say that. You’re not self-centred, Kook. In fact, you’re one of the most selfless people I know. And I know it’s hard – it’s normal to feel frustrated. Everyone’s feeling the pressure, but your feelings are valid even on bad days.”
“So… you’re not going to scold me for picking a fight with my teammates? With Hoseok-hyung?”
“You think I came here to do that?”
“Yeah,” Jungkook mumbles and looks away glumly.
“Don’t be silly,” you nudge him softly, urging him to turn towards you. “I came here because I know that you feel responsible for losing today. You’re angry at yourself for Taehyung’s slip-up.”
“Y-You know? How?”  
“Hmm, I notice a lot of things about you, Kook. You just don’t realise it.”
An acknowledgment between a whine and a ‘hmm’ escapes from the setter’s lips, so quizzical and innocent that he sounds like a bunny.
“It’s just… I’m the setter and I’m supposed to be the core of the team so if we don’t do well, it’s on me. It’s my fault… I just don’t want to disappoint them.”
The remainder of Jungkook’s sentence dies on the tip of his tongue as he shuts his eyes, remembering the commotion he caused.
“But it’s not your fault, you know that right?”
“Do you know how much the team looks up to you? You’re indispensable. The guys depend on your skills, your experiences and trust in them. Yes, the team could have done this and that – a lot of things could have been improved – but we shouldn’t be focusing on the could haves. This is why we practice and practice. You’ll do better next time, I’m sure.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because,” you turn to him, settling your hand on top of his. “You are Jeon Jungkook and all of your teammates have faith in you. Myself included.”
“You?” Stupefied, his voice comes out as a soft whisper.
“I’m your teammate too, right? Oh, and also your personal cheerleader. I mean, this title was kind of forced on me but I’ll take it if it makes you smile – just like how you’re smiling right now.”
Jungkook merely shakes his head with a soft smile and raises his arm to ruffle your hair, stirring up a mini tornado within you. He chuckles when you jump slightly, displaying his bunny teeth in their full glory and though you would have liked to stare a little longer, you have to stop yourself, so you avert your gaze. The pink flush threatening to dot your cheeks is lethal and you can’t afford Jungkook knowing your true feelings.  
He then squirms closer, eliminating any space in between you two, and rests his weight on you. Before you know it, he’s lowering his head on your shoulder and your heart soars at the intimacy.  
He feels warm beside you. He’s always mysteriously warm and it’s the kind of warmth that brings you nothing but comfort. You resist the urge to press closer against him and tilt your head to match his, still too stricken to move a muscle. He continues fidgeting, until his nose finds the crook of your shoulder.
“It’s nice,” Jungkook murmurs and you almost don’t catch it.  
“What’s nice?”
“That you’re here.”
Golden stardust bursts within you upon his words, doing absolutely nothing for the wildfire claiming the land of your chest, but you try to conceal the joy in your voice.
“Well, you can’t get rid of me that easily. Until I get sick of managing you idiots, but I also need extracurricular points, so I’ll still be here, whether you like it or not.”
“I like it.”
Lowering his gaze to the ground, he repeats with an earnestness that wakes up the hummingbird of your heart with a gentle pat on its head. “I like it a lot.”
You can almost imagine Jungkook serenading it with a lullaby – you know he would.
There’s no denying the sudden lightheaded feeling you get from the sweet calm of his presence. You can’t ignore how your wandering eyes are always somehow meeting his sparkly ones and how they rest on you longer than they should, rendering you breathless every single time.
While Jungkook is energetic and burning with passion, slightly insecure and childlike in his own dumb Jeon Jungkook ways like a young fire, you, on the other hand, are perceptive and calm, like a soft breath of cool air on a hot summer day that sways the knee-high grass in the meadows. And maybe this is why he adores you so much, for you are each other’s opposite and complement.  
You used to be skeptical about the idea of love and hate all sorts of uncertainties, but that was until you found a new home in the galaxy of Jungkook’s eyes.
“Shall we head back?”
He stands up, looking as determined as ever. He offers his hand to help you up and you gladly reach for it. To your surprise, Jungkook slips his fingers into yours wordlessly and any hope of catching your breath fizzles out.
The two of you walk back to the court with comets dancing across your rosy cheeks and smiles brighter than the celestials in Jungkook’s eyes.
He’s hella whipped for you – that he will willingly admit defeat. There isn’t a definite time or date when he realised that he has his little crush on you, or when that little crush has graduated into a serious, ardent adoration for you. It’s a gradual plummeting; a peaceful and clandestine descent before his heart was willingly taken hostage by you.
You’re catastrophically beautiful, completely detrimental to the feeble defences of his heart. You never fail to soothe the storms in his mind with your lulling presence. No one has ever heightened such a keen capacity of physical sensation in him and to be very honest, he is utterly petrified, but he wants to try, if it’s with you.
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The world around you is spinning.
As part of their team bonding efforts and to relieve some stress before the season, the team has decided to throw a party at Hoseok and Namjoon’s frat house, which only means: a fuck ton of alcohol and unruly volleyball players with no brain or mouth filter whatsoever.
After chugging seven shots of vodka and four shots of suspicious mixtures that were handed to you, you’re more than just out of it. Everything is fuzzy and ten folds funnier, liquid confidence smouldering within your bloodstream. The amount of alcohol in your system is enough to make heat pool in your stomach and send your thoughts into a frenzy.
You’re aware that you’re badly smashed, but for fuck’s sake, you don’t understand why you can’t stop having nasty thoughts about the boy sitting in front of you.
Opposite you, Jungkook is watching his embarrassing teammates sputter into a howling bout of laughter with an amused grin. From his half-lidded eyes, he’s a little out of it, but he still looks fucking good and this causes your chest to swell.
You’ve made eye contact with him for the fifteenth time within the past two hours. Much could be said in the language of stealth. It’s as though you two enjoy this little game of the push and pull attraction of two magnets. You don’t miss the twinkle in his eyes that never fails to ignite a deep fire in your bones, washing your senses away. As you imploringly pry yourself away from his intense gaze, you turn to see Hoseok flashing you his most annoying grin ever.
“Fuck off,” you mouth, knowing exactly what your idiot of a friend is about to say, but this only urges him to tease you even more and you want to sock him in the face.
Without wiping that annoying smirk off his face, he leans forward and whispers into your ear, “You two little shitheads have been eye-fucking each other the entire time.”
“He probably has a boner right now. Just look at him trying to cover it up.”
Your eyes search for Jungkook. Shifting uncomfortably with a cushion planted on top of his lap, his irises suddenly dart all over the room to avoid looking anywhere near you.
You gulp down.  
He has a boner?
The voice in your mind screams at you hysterically and you can almost hear the smile in her tone. He has a boner. A fucking boner! Fuck.
How your thoughts run from wanting to tape Hoseok’s mouth so that he’ll shut up for the first time in his life to imagining yourself taking care of Jungkook’s hard-on is beyond you. The mere thought of Jungkook’s hard dick strained against his jeans gets your mind whirling with images of you kneeling on your knees, kissing the head of his dick before taking him completely in your mouth and blowing him till he comes.
Between glowing cheeks and averted eyes, you abandon the righteous battle with your morals, knowing exactly what you want.
You want him. You want him to fuck you senseless until you forget your own name.
These thoughts send a bolt of heated pleasure straight to your core, causing wetness to pool between your thighs.
Frenziedly, your eyes trail back to the setter and you notice him fidgeting uneasily under your gaze. Fuck, you’re not freaking drunk enough for this. You reach out to grab the drink from Hoseok and down the deathly concoction that he probably made with the intention of getting downright wasted. Seconds after your brave and reckless act, you wince at the burn of your throat.
Hopes of washing your cacophonous, lustful thoughts away with the burning liquor go in vain because it’s just simply fucking impossible. This has morphed into a battle of brain and heart. Your heart definitely knows what it wants: for Jungkook to take you there and then, but your brain is screaming at you to stop being so concupiscent. But since when have you ever listened to your brain? Jungkook probably doesn’t even think of you that way. Poor boy’s probably going to be mortified when he finds out how ready you are to bend over for him.  
Shoving Hoseok away in embarrassment because you’re ashamed that that bitch has caught you red-handed, you decide to hide in one of the rooms to clear your head because the living room is an intolerable place to catch your breath and rid your filthy thoughts when everyone is raucously downing shots and screaming at one another. You may be a wreck, but this place is a breeding place for hell and havoc. So much for team bonding.
After finding your way through the maze of sloppy and rowdy drunks, you spot a bedroom down the hall – yes that’s right, Hoseok’s room. Hopefully, that will teach him a lesson for perpetually feeding off your misery.
In your drunken state, it takes you a few fumble attempts to ease the door open and when you see one of the boys sitting on the edge of the bed, you know you’re utterly fucked.
With a cup of vodka in hand, looking as irresistibly riveting as ever.
A whimper finds its way lodged in your throat and you’re unsure whether to laugh or cry at the absurd situation, because ending up in the same room with the boy whom you’ve been trying to avoid the entire night because you couldn’t stop thinking about sucking his dick dry is truly ridiculous.  
His eyes widen when he finds you at the door and his lips can’t help but part to expose his teeth at your surprised and shit-faced expression.
“Y/N?” He slurs, voice raspy, and you grasp that he, just like you and everyone else in this apartment, is wasted as fuck, so you should definitely leave before you do something that you’ll regret. You’re about to turn on your heels and hide from him for the night and well, the rest of your life, but the alcohol pulsing through your veins screams at you to fuck it and go against your thoughts.
“Hey,” you mumble, closing the door behind you.
“You okay?” Even in your drunken state, you can still hear the worry burning at the edges of his usually composed voice. You nod as he pats the space beside him and you amble towards him.  
“It was too noisy. Had to take a breather in somewhere quiet,” he mumbles, raising his cup to his lips.
“Me too.”
The two of you continue to sit in silence, drinking in the moment of weird stillness and suffering from the whirlpool in your heads. At the speed that your thoughts are racing at, it’s a feat how your mind is still functioning – how it can still coherently form lewd thoughts and images of Jungkook buried in between your thighs.
You need to tame the fire that’s flaring viciously within you before you lose control and pounce on him. For what it’s worth, you notice that he has been anxiously fidgeting with his cup, downing it for the nth time in the past five minutes. You’re pretty sure that he’s drinking nothing and is probably just as nervous as you.  
Deciding that anywhere would be better than being stuck in a room with the boy whom you can’t stop lusting for, you break the silence, “Um, maybe I… should go—”
When you stand up to leave, Jungkook frantically leans forward and grabs hold of your wrist, pulling you towards him. He hasn’t meant to do it, but you somehow end up toppling over, bones liquefied by the booze.
The room starts to spin even faster, your orbs flickering back and forth. Your body is planted snug on top of his thighs, your hands and boobs pressed against his broad chest and your crotch against his bulge.
Arms firm around your waist, his body heat zaps your skin with a fiery warmth, flaring up your neck and ripening your features with an unbridled lust. For the briefest of moments, you swear you feel his dick twitch beneath you and the way he gulps down his saliva hard confirms that he bears the exact same thoughts.
“Oops, sorry,” you giggle, feeling an abrupt surge of high from the alcohol. You push against him to steady yourself, but he doesn’t let up, arms still locked around your befuddled self.
Another deafening silence descends. Even in your intoxicated state, you can still hear the thumping of your heartbeat blasting in your eardrums. You two look into each other’s eyes, unmoving. You can’t tell much from Jungkook’s eyes since they’re droopy and hazy, but he’s looking at you so intensely that it sends another zap of electricity down your spine and to your arousal. You subconsciously rub your thighs together and his lips curl up into a smirk when he realises the effect he has on you.
“Y/N,” Jungkook whispers hoarsely and he leans in till he’s dangerously close, till the delicate graze of his mouth transgresses the juncture between your jaw and ear and a familiar prickle of gooseflesh tremor moves along your neck at the sudden proximity.
“You’re so beautiful.”
A cascade of warmth starts to pour into your abdomen, the intimacy of the moment suddenly drawing upon you. You can even smell the alcohol from his breath and it’s inebriating, making you wetter than ever.
“Can I kiss you?”
He breathes into your ear and you jerk your head in bewilderment, eyes wide and ears ringing. You hesitate and wonder if he’s joking, but he shows no sign of teasing; just a look of patience and sincerity.  
“Y-Yeah,” your words come out practically as a whimper and you let your eyes fall shut as he slowly inches forward.
When he presses his lips against yours, a fizzle of electricity runs through your veins. His lips are everything that you’ve imagined – soft and warm. Intoxicating.
He parts them slightly, enough to capture yours nicely, and presses in a little firmer. The tip of his tongue shyly licks at your bottom lip, coaxing you in more, and you feel like melting in honey.
Greedy for more, you chase his tongue and he chuckles in satisfaction, tangling his tongue with yours. God, he can taste the vodka and sprite on you and as silly as it sounds, he thinks this is the best mix he has ever tasted.
You whimper against his mouth, fingers threading through his hair and tugging softly at them.
“Fuck. I want to do bad things to you,” he exhales with a little whine, hands smoothing up the expanse of your back.
Despite your drunken, flummoxed state, you manage to hear him loud and clear. A deeper surge of tabooed desire runs through your veins at the thought of Jungkook getting turned on by you. You imagine him getting off to thoughts of you, desperate for your touch. You wonder what kind of risqué fantasies he has of you and if they’re as filthy as yours.
“Like what?”
“Urgh Y/N, please don’t make me say it out loud. I’m drunk, but not drunk enough to tell you that I want to fuck you.”
“You do?” You ask, voice laced with a barely restrained frustration.
“I want to strip you bare and fuck you. Right. Now.”
“How badly?” You bat your eyelashes at him coquettishly. It’s almost impossible to curb the lingering wisps of excitement brewing low in your stomach.
“So fucking bad,” he groans, gnawing at his bottom lips anxiously. “B-But not today… I want it to be done properly.”
You sulk blatantly, tugging at his hair again.
Cupping your cheeks, he lowers his forehead to meet yours and chuckles, “It has to be somewhere perfect for you. N-Not in my captain’s dirty ass room.”
“But Kook,” you protest with a whine and press yourself against him. His entire body tenses up when your cold hands begin to roam, slipping underneath his shirt and tracing the hot flesh of his chiselled abs.
“God, you’re such a tease. Fuck you.”
The desperation in Jungkook’s voice is shameless and he’s this to close to surrendering at the hands of your intoxicated dirty self.
“Please do,” you whimper frivolously against his neck, licking at the tender exposed skin. The heat between your legs is so intense that it’s starting to ache with need.
“Fuck, I fucking love your thighs.”
It must be the alcohol talking, but fuck it. You’re going to follow your heart’s desire.  
He stiffens underneath when your nimble fingers graze along the inside of this thighs.
“Do you know how distracting your thighs are when you wear those volleyball shorts?”
“You were staring at my thighs?” The teasing lilt caressing the edges of his voice doesn’t escape your ears.
“Your thighs are fucking thick. It’s too tempting to look away.”
The winning moment of liquid courage takes over your brain completely and you can’t help but moan unabashedly when Jungkook’s fingers slip under your dress, grazing your skin languidly.  
“I-I want to ride your thigh.”
There. You said it, embarrassment drowned in giddy anticipation and longing ages ago.
Jungkook grunts despairingly. Every single nerve-ending of his is aflame, skin tingling with ferocious desire.
You are going to the bane of his existence.
“Please?” You beg wantonly, aching to be touched.
In sly discretion, you press your thighs together, desperate for some sort of friction that will make your throbbing need easier to bear and Jungkook clicks his tongue in fake annoyance, shooting you a glare when he realises what you’re doing.
“Fuck, Y/N. You’re trying to kill me. I’ve had a hard-on ever since you arrived.”
You giggle, noticing how his normally-doe eyes darken with rampant lust and you rub your thighs even more.
“You’re so fucking pretty. So beautiful. Fuck my life.”
He rolls his lower half suggestively, allowing you to detail the thick profile of his length – underneath lies a furious red begging to be touched and sucked.
“Ride my thigh,” he instructs, eyes glassy with lust and desire, inducing another wave of lechery to consume your insides.
Without any hesitation, you adjust your position on his thigh to make yourself at home, torso melding against his and this fucking turns you on like no other. Eyes rolled back into your head, you start to grind on his thigh, shuddering blissfully at the hard ridges of muscles against your dripping core.
Pleased with your reaction, he flexes his thighs with a satisfied smirk and a shiver traverses your entire body, leaving you with a spasm of nerves. You wail his name out loud – knowing that the others outside probably can’t hear it and your whimpers increase in volume and pitch when his fingers linger around the elastic of your panties, before palming your ass cheeks to anchor you closer to him.
You moan at his touch, begging for more. The wetness in between your thighs has long ruined your underwear and Jungkook’s jeans.
“Fuck, your ass,” he grunts loudly from the back of his throat, finding purchase on your ass cheeks and kneading them with a vice-like and desperate grip.
“The guys were talking about how cute your ass is and I told them to shut the fuck up. Do you know how fucking hard I get when you bend over to pick up the volleyballs? I always have to spend hours jerking off after practice.”
You moan in response, light-headed from the mental image. Jacking off in the locker room is not anything new or a taboo among the guys. But Jungkook always spends a longer time than the others in the cubicle to curb the pulsating urges between his legs. The mere thought of you, innocently batting your long lashes at him and being so intimate with him, has always been enough to make him cum.
Wiped over by another intense surge of lust, you grow an ardent urge to touch him more. Maybe it’s the alcohol or maybe it’s the way he’s looking at you like you’re the only thing he wants to see in this world, it’s like a battle of waits between predator and prey, but you are lucidly aware of what you want.
Slipping your hand between your bodies, your fingers trail down from his toned abs to graze against the prominent outline of his clothed bulge and it grows to its full hardness almost immediately from your touch. You haven’t even seen his dick yet, but fuck, you really, really want a taste of Jungkook’s dick.
“I-I want your dick. So bad. Please, Jungkookie. Please?”
You’re so filthy that you don’t even recognise yourself. Moving your hand along his length, you stroke him through the two layers of material, but you can still feel the heat of his cock against your palm. Just as you’re about to unzip his jeans, he stops you to your disappointment.
“No, not today,” he manages to breathe out, nearly at his wit’s end. His voice is about to crack from his insatiable hunger for you, while you groan despondently in response.
Jungkook’s fingers trace along the length of your neck until they find their way into your hair and run through them as he leans down to the crook of your neck. You shiver when his breaths coast on the exposed skin of your throat before he nips gingerly on your skin, soft one moment and dirty the next, relishing how it makes you jump.
God, he can smell you at this proximity. Your favourite citrus and lavender scent. He stifles a laugh at how you can still smell so tantalisingly innocent when you’re so fucking needy for him. His dick grows even harder, turned on by the stark difference in your character and this makes it even harder for him to prevent blowing his load there and then.
He desperately wants to pin you down, strip you bare, explore your body in all of its magnificence, memorise every crevice of your body and then fuck your brains out till his name is the only thing you know. But he needs to hold himself back, not wanting it done sloppily at a party and especially not when you’re drunk, but he’s this close to joining the dark side.
White stars begin to dot the edges of his vision.
He digs his fingers into your waist to press you closer to him, thigh bouncing rhythmically so your clit brushes against a different area of his toned thigh each time. It brings a euphoric sensation to your core, the tingles spreading fast and sending you near delirious. A writhing wreck, you can only fall limp against his chest, muffling your stuttering whimpers. You wish he’d let you come apart with his fingers, but the way he’s grinding his thigh up against your clit is intoxicating enough, much more than the alcohol in your blood.
“That’s it,” he smirks, watching you grind your hips back and forth with a lustful gaze and you reach up to kiss his neck to exhibit your high.
“You like this?”
“Fucking,” you mewl wantonly, tugging at his tousled locks. The heat radiating from Jungkook’s body burns addictively and sharp intakes of air occur against your lips, leaving your throat to run dry. “Love it.”
He grins at your honesty, more spurred to make you feel good. Tonight, it’s all about you and your pleasure. Hovering over him, you let your mouth hang open and inhale each other in. His breath coasts on your cheeks when he pulls away for air, only to dive back into the pristine juncture of your throat, attacking the delicate skin, searching and starving. He doesn’t stop sucking and running his tongue across your skin till your neck is painted with lilac bruises, till he’s satisfied with his very own masterpiece.  
“J-Jungkook, please.”
With a predatory gaze, he watches how your breasts bounce with each rock of your hips and leans south to trail his tongue down your cleavage. You hook your arm around his neck, soft whimpers leaving your mouth when the pleasure overpowers you till you can’t even find your voice. Jungkook hums in satisfaction, burying his face into your chest.
Discovering the pleasant weight of your breasts and the firm peaks of your nipples against his calloused palms, he kneads them hungrily, fuelling the growing pressure that’s culminating in the pit of your stomach.
“Jesus fucking Christ, you’re so hot.”
A combination of a hoarse moan and gasp is strangled out of Jungkook’s throat from the depths of his lungs. His spine straightens as his body locks up over the sudden onslaught of pleasure. The slick noises of your folds against his thigh are almost deafening now, filthy to the core, but not as erotic as your moans. He honestly can’t believe this is happening, after his many fantasies of being this intimate with you.
“Jungkook,” you moan shamelessly when the coil inside you grows tighter and tighter, hotter and hotter. “I’m cl-close.”
“Come for me, baby.”
The smallest of smirks tugs at the corner of his mouth when he runs a finger down your clothed core, further tightening that coil in your belly. You feel so vulnerable under his command, but his dominance lights up your nerves like fireworks. You fucking love it.
Jungkook’s leg starts bouncing faster and the otherworldly sensation sends you over the edge. Your nails dig deeper into his biceps to stable yourself as your legs begin to shake, stomach knotting. You choke back a sob as you jerk your hips up, moaning an incoherent string of curse words and his name all mixed in one. The sight of your lovely face hovers over his, your swollen mouth hanging apart, eyes half-lidded in a torrent of bliss and neck messily painted in purple bruises.
Jungkook holds your hips down to help you with your high, whispering sweet praises into your ear as his hands stroke your sides. He lifts his leg ever so slightly, dragging the hard muscles against your core once again until you snap your eyes shut, your entire body briefly locked up and dispersed into a series of erratic spasms.
The idyllic blinding white fades to only a shimmer at the edges of your eyes. You slump forward, burying your face into his chest. Seconds after, he follows suit, coming untouched in his pants.
Head still buried in his chest, Jungkook wraps his arms around you to engulf you in a tight hug. He breathes heavily against his work of art on your neck and jerks up when reality hits him square in the face.
Your breath is still ragged in your lungs, forehead rested on his shoulder as he gently rubs comforting circles on your back. You’ve ridden off most of the intoxication, but you still can’t think straight. Not when Jungkook is nipping at the soft lobe of your ear, an attempt to coax you into relaxing.
“That was… wow.”
He breaks the silence with a sheepish smile as he pushes the messy strands of your hair away from your face, gingerly running his thumb over your rubescent cheeks. He leans his head down to meet your forehead, brushing the tip of his nose with yours.
“Yeah,” you breathe out softly and he can hear the gears turning frantically in your mind.
“You don’t… regret it, do you? Fuck, I’m so sorry… We’re both drunk and I shouldn—”
“No! Of course not,” you shake your head, “I-I liked it.”
“You liked it?” From the lilt that caresses the edges of his voice, he’s clearly enjoying this.
“Urgh, shut the hell up!”
Even in his post-snogging and thigh-riding state, he still looks incredible. He’s just so delicate and nice to you that it’s almost unreal – it’s like being in a dream. He looks at you like you hold the stars in the night sky with utter adoration, before pecking a soft kiss on your forehead.  
At this very moment, you realise that you’re irrevocably, hopelessly and unabashedly in love with him and there’s no turning back, not when the stars in his eyes are twinkling with nothing but love.
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Jungkook and you aren’t exactly a thing. Not yet. Sure, you guys hang out exclusively and all like before, but neither of you has popped the question or sat down to delve into the daunting topic of Feelings.
The morning after, both of you wake up to tangled limbs, bad morning breaths, bashful smiles and memories of last night’s dalliance. He tells you to give him some time because honestly, he thinks he needs all the time he can have to ensure that he does this relationship thingy properly with you. The last thing he would want is to fuck things up with you. And you tell him that you’ll wait for him, because you know how hard things have been on him. Juggling between volleyball and school work is tough enough, so you don’t want to give him more pressure.
However, you realise that there have been several changes regarding the way he acts with and around you. Whether it��s because of that intimate night or stress from volleyball (or both), Jungkook has become so much touchier with you – he’s always wanting to hold your hand and keeping you by his side. Displaying of affection is also more common in front of his teammates, but it’s not like you have anything against it. He probably needs more attention and affection since the season is only days away.
After a series of friendlies, the season has finally begun and the boys have never been readier, all prepared to be crowned as champions. With your clipboard attached to your hand, you unwaveringly multitask between watching the semi-final match and taking down notes for the boys.
Their semi-final match is with Yonsei University. While you’re pale in the face standing at the sidelines, the boys are determined and embody a degree of calmness on the court, their nerves submerged by the jolts of adrenaline. They’ve got the upper hand with Yonsei and their win is guaranteed, but it’s impossible not to feel anxious.
The crowd cheers as Jungkook tosses the ball to Taehyung at a calculated height and precision and the latter spikes it down before their opponents even have time to blink. The incident from last month comes to mind. You’re glad that he has learnt to have more confidence and trust in himself and his teammates, though he dedicates this improvement to you and your calming presence.
"You're at set-point, so please focus. And don't do anything dumb," you tease, placing your hands on your hips and faking a scowl at him as he unblinkingly hovers over you. You remember how you used to be afraid by their builds, but you’ve grown slightly accustomed after awhile, though there’s one thing that you think you’ll never get used to: the way Jungkook looks at you with stars dancing in his eyes.
“I’m kidding, kiddo. You’ll do well like always, okay? I know you will. Now go there and kick some ass.”
He nods and downs the water bottle that you’ve handed to him before pouring the remaining over his head. His action doesn’t surprise you anymore as you already have a towel ready to wipe him dry.
But what takes you aback is when he grabs you by your shoulders and leans down to meet your eyes. You open your mouth, ready to lament about him touching you with his clammy hands, but retract upon seeing the change in Jungkook’s demeanour.
Despite the loud cheers from all four directions, Jungkook can hear his heart racing loudly in his ears. Just before the whistle pierces through the court to signal the end of time-out, he traces your jaw with his fingertips and whispers into your ear, his mellifluous voice softer than snow, “I have something that I need to tell you after the game.”
Tinges of affection waltzes with the stars in his pupils. He looks at you like you hold his entire world on the tips of your fingers, like he just needs you for everything to be okay.
Lacing your fingers together, warmth seeps from his palm into yours like a soft, comforting hum and you know exactly what he wants to tell you.
“Okay, I’ll be waiting here.”
With a sliver of hope, he jogs back to the court. It’s now his turn to serve. With that same palm that just held yours, he gallantly performs the best serve of his life, one that spirals off his palm to shoot through the hole between the other team’s back line, clinching a safe spot for SNU in the finals.
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After five long sets, SNU wins Yonsei by a landslide and the team gets an evening off before they resume practice the next day. Jungkook seizes this chance to take you out for dinner, somewhere that isn’t at the convenience store.
The sky is already soaked in sparse hues of navy and black, and the silence of the night becomes even more endearing due to Jungkook’s mere presence by your side. He’s nervous, you can tell, even more than this morning, from the way he’s bouncing nervously on the balls of his shoes, as though he’s about to combust.
His vision zones in on how your bottom lip is caught between your teeth – a habit of yours whenever you’re unsure, so he takes you into his arms and intertwines your fingers together. You relax involuntarily when he starts rubbing circles onto your palm.
Jungkook cranes his neck up, lips grazing the shell of your ear and you shudder at his warm breath fanning against your skin, inviting the rise of gooseflesh to scatter all over your neck.
He wraps one hand around your waist and looks deeply into your orbs, as though he’s spellbound by the iridescent glint in your eyes and the roses flaring up across your cheeks under the sliver of moonlight.
And in the velvet of the summer night, he gingerly whispers, with utter adoration swelling his chest to the size of the moon. The words that you have repeatedly dreamed of him to say. The words that you’ve been wanting to tell him. The words that have been trapped hidden behind his heart for the longest time.
“I love you.”
You feel the warmth of Jungkook’s palms cradling your blushing features, while he strokes your cheeks with his thumb.
“Kook,” you breathe out softly.
“I love you, Y/N.”
He repeats in a tone three notches deeper, paired with an earnestness that gets your heart ricocheting in your ribcage.
“I knew there was something about you when you joined us on the first day… And I confirmed it after sacrificing my own nose.”
“Sacrifice? You mean it was on purpose?” A sparkle of mirth glimmers in your eyes under the hazy yellow light.
“I normally don’t get distracted, but I couldn’t help but get upset when you came back into the court laughing with Seokjin-hyung. I was still staring at you when I got hit on the face.”
“You’re so silly, but at least your boopy nose is still cute. I love your nose.”
“And my thighs, right?”
You blush fervently at the memory of that night.
“Fuck Y/N, I just confessed to you and all you do is tell me that you love my nose,” he laughs, his thumb still rubbing circles onto your cheek.
Your lips curl up into a smile. “Kiss me?”
“I will give you the entire world if you asked me to.”
His whisper is so earnest and affectionate that it makes you feel like melting.  
In a graceful sweep, he pulls you closer by the hips, finding purchase on your waist. The first touch is similar to the caress of a feather, so light that you could barely feel it. The tip of his tongue skims over the rosy flesh of your bottom lip, eliciting goosebumps that tingle along the nape of your neck. You close your eyes, feeling like you’re plummeting into a bottomless pit.
Jungkook’s lips are soft, a little chapped, as they meld to yours. He kisses you like he hasn’t kissed you before, like it’s your first time being completely vulnerable to each other, like planets condemned by gravity to collide.
Images of him moaning shamelessly beneath you as you grind on his thigh and him kneading your ass get completely fizzed out of your memory. You can only think of him kissing you, how tenderly he’s holding onto you, how sweet his lips taste onto yours and how sincere he is on stealing your breath.
You can only think of how the objection of your affection is coruscating before you as he sprinkles his personal collection of stardust onto your lips, with a love so blazingly radiant that it rivals the intensity of the sun.
You feel golden.
Like you’re lying on a bed of sunflowers, drifting alongside the movement of summer’s light towards glistening honey.
A whimper lodges itself in your throat, bubbling against Jungkook’s lips and even in the darkness behind your eyelids, you can vividly picture the crescent of his smile forming against your lips.
The tip of his tongue prods at the seam of your lips and you part your lips to let him in entirely. You reach out and caress the nape of his neck to deepen the kiss, jumping slightly in surprise when his fingers splay gingerly over your waist, tugging at the hem at your shirt languidly. Your mind has long become a labyrinth of little streets that you have difficulty navigating, sent into a turmoil by how sweet his love tastes. It’s insane how much you yearn for his burning touch.
You inch away slowly and your eyes land on his, now glistening with solar debris that sends instant palpitations to your heart. He stares at you longingly, like he can’t believe that you’re really here in front of him, cocooned up against his body and adoration swells in his chest. He feels like combusting, but he also feels like hugging you and having you all to himself till the end of time.
“You know how I feel for you, right?” You mumble, looking deep into his orbs.
Jungkook notices how your bottom lip is taut between your teeth and the hint of a blush is still glowing effervescently on your cheeks. You’re beautiful. A visual spectacle, a sight to behold. You’re so beautiful that his chest constricts, lungs taking a sparse second to remember how to fucking breathe normally again.
“Remind me?” He whispers back.
You let out a giggle at how ardently Jungkook is gazing at you and how lovely he looks right now, exhilaration gleaming like a kaleidoscope of stars in his eyes.
This time, you lean in, planting your lips on the rosy flesh on his mouth and he softens. Kissing him is akin to drinking hot chocolate on a rainy winter day, snuggling under your warm quilt after a long day and dancing in the rain. It feels like weaving through time and space.
Pulling away, he lets out another one of his boyish laughs, tugging at your heartstrings for the umpteenth time that night before dusting kisses over every inch of your blushing features, exhaling words of love against your skin. You see galaxies sprawled all over in the darkness of your closed eyelids.
“I love you Jeon Jungkook,” you breathe out, gracing the shell of his ear. “I love you so much and I swear by the stars in your eyes.”
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“Are you… wearing Jungkook’s jersey from last season or are my eyes playing tricks on me?” Hoseok quips, eyebrows raised.
You look down at your attire – Jungkook’s old jersey and a pair of denim jeans. “Yeah, he made me wear it and now I feel like some frat boy’s hoe.”
“I wouldn’t if I were you. Hell knows what the kid did while wearing that jersey, probably jerked off in it like a million times. Oh and he also sweats a lot – I know it’s been washed and all, but it’s literally a sweat-drenched shirt. Unless you’re into that kink…? Like Jungkook’s sweat? Hit me up, baby.”
You throw the nearest object at him – your clipboard, clocking him square in the chest, though the boy remains unperturbed.
“Listen, I’m really happy that you’re here with us. You’ve been with us for only three months, but you’ve been of such great help to the team and we all really appreciate you being here. So yeah, thank you?”
“It’s so weird that you’re being nice to me,” you chortle. “But no worries, dude. I somehow like suffering, so I like being the team’s manager.”
“Well, you have Jungkook now – take it as a thank you gift from the team, won’t you? He’s a good human sacrifice for the satanic you,” Hoseok waggles his eyebrows greasily.
“Fuck off,” you sneer back, rolling your eyes.
“Jungkook is a great guy, really, even though he’s an overgrown, emo baby bunny,” he quotes himself and you recall what happened the first time you met Jungkook. “But I’m just really happy for the both of you.”
Time really doesn’t wait for no one.
Amidst a whirlwind of tiring training sessions, worn-out limbs and bottles of protein shakes, three months have come and gone in a blink of an eye. Your first season with the volleyball team is approaching an end.
It’s finally D-day and everyone has been waiting for this since forever – their final match with Hanyang University.
The game passes in flashes of white, alongside the voices of excitement and desperation, hand signs and bruises that stacked up quicker than their attacks. They're ferociously neck and neck with Hanyang – both teams are refusing to relent, tightening up their plays and leaving fewer and fewer loopholes in their game as they vie for match point of their fifth and final set.
Your lips are probably chapped from biting on them, bearing the brunt of anxiety, as you continue to chant please, please let them win to yourself.
A risky ball returns to your side of the court and your heart stops at the difficulty of receiving it, but Jimin slides across the court in time and manages to save it, hollering loudly, “Chance ball!”
He digs it towards where Jungkook is poised, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, and everyone drops into their ready positions, all eyes on the ball and set to put an end to the intense rally.
It’s only a matter of milliseconds before the ball falls into the cupped hands of the golden setter who then pushes it back up in the air, quick and effortless, to an altitude that complements the height of Hoseok’s jump. Without even the slightest of delays, the captain is up on his feet and stretches his hand to slam the ball down ruthlessly.
His smack sends it rocketing towards the other side of the court and his opponents scramble to receive it. It brushes against their libero’s forearm, but it’s almost impossible to save it from the speed and force it’s flying at, and meets the floor with a satisfying thwack of finality. Everyone freezes all at once with hitched breathes, eyes glued to how the ball dribbles obstinately in a slow motion, before rolling away from the perimeter of the court.
The last whistle breaks the static silence to announce the finality. Everyone turns to the score chart – 28 to 26.  
There and then, the gym erupts into a positive torrent of roars and it takes a few prolonged seconds before reality hits Jungkook right in the face.
SNU won the championships.
They won the season!
Consciousness comes streaming back to the players after awhile. Yoongi is the first to scream, unexpectedly, with a loud fuck yeah and this snaps everyone out of their trance. Jimin’s reaction comes next, falling to his knees to do his signature slide, both fists pumped in the air as he snarls, “We fucking won!”
The players then tackle one another into a tight group hug, all smiling triumphantly and throwing their fists up in excitement. The sound of cheering from the crowd sends a tingle up their spines and it feels so fucking good.
Coach Kim is already on his feet, running towards them with the proudest smile you’ve ever seen on him and you’re about to follow suit, until you see Jungkook break away from the huddle and barrel towards you at a speed too fast for your comprehension.
Smiling at how his face is lit up like the stars in his eyes, you throw your arms wide open and he dives into your embrace, hot tears brimming at the edges of both your eyes. He engulfs you into the tightest hug he’s ever given anyone and you wrap your arms around his waist, heart swelling with pride.
He feels like the dew on a perfectly bloomed rose in your comforting arms as he nuzzles further into the crook of your neck, relishing the warmth of your lithe body against his.  
“Kook! You did it, oh my god!” You scream in joy, but your repeated words of congratulations get muffled by his broad chest.
He leans back to take a look, a really good look of your beaming face that screams nothing but pride and love, before scooping you up in a graceful sweep and twirling you around, simply because words cannot describe how happy he feels.
A soft, feather-light peck is then pressed on your ear and a blush makes camp on your cheeks. His warmth leaves your skin after a fleeting second, the cool air of the sports hall rushing back to stroke the flaming blush on your cheeks.
Still riding the high from their win, he then leans in to kiss the beam from your lips and the open display of affection makes your heart burst in your chest. Behind you two, the entire volleyball is wolf-whistling and applauding raucously. Jungkook scrunches his nose in embarrassment at how all his teammates and Coach are gawking at the two of you, but really, he cannot find any damns to give.  
Red-faced and bright-eyed, the champions of the season make their way out of the court with a steady, triumphant gait, their bodies pumped with a brew of adrenaline and slight exhaustion. Lagging at the back of the team is Jungkook and you in your own little bubble. His fingers are interlaced firmly with yours and he registers that his heart will forever and always be set on you.
In his eyes, you see stars. You see yourself. You see the two of you.
You see love.
For the nth time that day, Jungkook leans in to meet your lips and he knows very well that this is the sweetest victory he will ever taste in his life.  
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Note | If you’re reading this, hi there love! ♡ Thank you so much for reading my first piece on this site. If you liked it, hit that like or reblog button or/and hmu with feedback or talk to me here – it’ll really make my day ♡ This was beta-ed by Ali @gukseuphoria and J @glitterjjk – thank you for being my first beta readers! There’ll be more stories coming your way, check out my WIPs for more! 💫💛✨
(A special shoutout to Ayv @piedpipers for being my first friend here and for always believing in me and hyping me up 👭🌞🌸💖)
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scarlettkat86 · 5 years
Boogie Wonderland
Thank you to @naromoreau @youre-my-boshaw-baby @jacobmybeloved for encouraging me to write. I would'nt have tried without your kind words.
Lizbeth wiped the sweat from her brow. She and Nick had been busy the last couple days, leveling dirt and pouring concrete to create a makeshift skating rink behind his airstrip. "You know Liz, I think this was a great idea, now we can have somewhere for families to enjoy again, long as you don't let Shark-" She sighed cutting Nick off. "You know that happened when he was 13 Nick. Sharky is not some idiot teenager with a broken heart, raging boner and irresponsible love for fire anymore."
Nick laughed, "Ok, ok, you're right. Now he's a grown ass man, with an unnatural love for fire, and a hard on for you."
She nearly choked at Nick's words. Chewing her bottom lip she asked, "Oh for fucks sake...do you think he's into me?"
Nick grinned, "I think he wants to be in--"
"Nick! Liz! Dinner is ready!", yelled Kim from the Rye's home.
"Well kiddo, looks like it's time to call it a day. Concrete should be dry tomorrow."
After she helped the Rye's clean up, she went straight to the guest room and shut the door.
Flopping unceremoniously onto the bed, she picked up her mp3 player and looked over the disco playlist. "I guess it's as good as it gets. How am I ever going to pull this off?"
The sun shone through the window, stirring Lizbeth from sleep. "Fuck, too bright, too early." Her radio chirped to life, forcing her to get up.
"Morning chicka, you uh, ready to get the day started?"
"Yeah , I'm up and off like a herd of turtles Sharky." Throwing on a white tank and green pants, she stumbled through the front door.
The skies were blue, not a cloud in sight as she jumped in the old jeep. Plugging in her mp3 player, Lizbeth decided to crank "Kick drum heart" by The Avett Brothers. Truth be told her heart was pounding like a kick drum. Today should be like any other day, pick Sharky up, kick some peggle ass, throw back a few rounds at the Spread Eagle, sleep, repeat. She don't know when it happened, but she's fallen hard for the goofy pyro. Hands clammy, mind racing, she pulled into his driveway.
Boshaw manor was nothing fancy, but being from rural Mississippi, she could see the charm in the small trailer. Beautiful views, high ground, plenty of gas cans sitting around to light some fuckin peggies.. and best of all, a personal bunker should things go to hell in a handbasket.
Sharky came running out, jumping in the jeep with Liz. "Fine day for running down some piggies, don't ya think? Gotta say I've missed kicking names and takin ass with ya these last few days."
She smiled and could feel the heat on her cheeks. -God what is wrong with me, blushing like a fucking school girl- Lizbeth giggled nervously, "It's hotter than a jalapenos coochie, but after we clear out this outpost, I want to show you what I've been up to these last couple days." Sharky's head snaps around at the word coochie, he smiles ear to ear. "Alright chicka, I don't know nothin about why someone would know how hot a jalapeno pussy is, but i'm game."
Pulling into the Rye's airstrip, the sun was just beginning to set. Lizbeth was thankful clearing the outpost went off without a hitch, but the moment of truth was here. She turned off the jeep. Rounding the corner, she was so distracted she ran right into Sharky's chest. "Whoa there shorty, everything ok? You ain't hurt, or uh, fucked up from the bliss still are ya?"
-ok lizzy, just breath and get it over with- "Sharky, I need to just get this out there, it's not the bliss that's got me fucked up, it's you."
Dumbfounded by her statement he's trying to think of what he'd done to piss her off. He's about to ask when she says, "I like you Boshaw. You're my best friend, and i'm afraid i'm gonna ruin things here, I know im ramblin', but would you maybe want to...go on a date with me?"
-god, you sound like such an idiot, turn and run away, blame it on the bliss while you can-
Sharky blinked a few times, not sure if he's hearing her right. "Are you asking me on like a uh, date date, like just you and me or uh?"
Lizbeth sighed and looked away, of course he wasn't interested and now its awkward. "Yes, but I get it, you're not interested--"
"NO! Shit, I mean, yes, YES. Fuck Izzy, I think you're sexy as hell, just never thought you'd swing in my league ya know?"
Hearing him call her Izzy sent butterflies through her stomach. Liz looked back up to Sharky and grabbed his hand, dragging him to the new skating rink she and Nick had built.
She reached over to flip the power switch. A rainbow of lights flashed across the concrete floor, a disco ball spun overhead. On the counter was a couple pair of skates, 2 ridiculous disco outfits, and a case of beer.
"I hope you're ready to show me your love of disco music Boshaw. Worked hard on this baby and I want to see you boogie." Liz winked and threw his suit at him. Sharky couldn't contain his laughter, the suit was ridiculous, but perfect for the occasion. "You really are out of my league Izzy, I don't know how I'll ever beat this date, but uh, I'd like to try." Cracking open two beers, Liz passes one to Sharky. She kisses him on the cheek, then presses play. "Boogie Wonderland" pounds through the speakers. "Watch me while I boogie!" yells Sharky as he grabs her by the hips and leads them around the floor.
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k00kie-krumbl3 · 5 years
A Taste of Happiness
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“Jaejoong. Kim Jaejoong.” He smiled, shaking hands with me as we partnered up for our English project. 
        Giggling at his introduction I told him what my name was. Our encounter soon became more frequent to the point we became friends. From friends to well lovers. 
        It was unexpected really, I never thought that I would catch his eye. He was a player and I guess it’s on me for thinking that I could change him and make him stay but I was wrong. 
        My sisters were jealous to know that I stole the lovely Kim Jaejoong as he was very handsome. It’s not like I meant too, I didn’t try anything. He was the one who came onto me. Always flirting, leaving little lingering touches, and writing lovely notes for me to find in my locker. 
        I fell really hard for him. I honestly thought he could do no wrong but Allen warned me time and time again not to give him too much of my trust. 
“He’s bad for you.” 
“He’ll break your heart.” 
“You’re too good for him.”
        It got to the point that I almost lost my friendship with him. I told him that my sister is too good for him, I pointed out all his flaws and said that I shouldn’t be interacting with him if anything. We got into so many fights to the point I walked off, he told me never to come back, that he never wanted to see my face. 
        However, it’s as if the universe decided to reward me with more suffering. It began to rain and when I walked back to my house, I saw Jaejoong’s car. Face palming, I couldn’t believe I forgot that he was coming over. Soon smiling as I couldn’t wait to be held by him, his warmth surrounding me and kissing the top of my head telling me it’s alright. That everything will be okay. 
        Opening the door, I couldn’t help but hear weird noises coming from my sisters room. Creeping up I soon saw Jaejoong having a threesome with both of my sister’s. 
“Jae! What are you doing?!” I screeched.
        Looking at me wide eyed, he quickly got off of them and began to put on his pants running towards me, but I quickly dashed down the stairs, reaching the door he quickly pulled me towards him. 
“Wait (y/n)-“
“Don’t touch me!” I snapped, pulling my hands away as if his touch burned me. 
“Listen. I-“
        “I don’t want to hear it. Get out of my house, now.” I seethed, got tears streaming down my face. Seeing a pair of hands soon place their palm and splaying it all over Jaejoong’s chest, Elaine’s head popped out. 
        “Oh Jae~ Don’t listen to my bratty little sister. I still want to play,” she whispered seductively, bringing his face towards her and kissing him in front of me. 
        I could feel my heart breaking, the pain, I couldn’t stand looking at the duo so I quickly grabbed the door and ran out. Not caring if I got sick. I kept on walking until I saw the swings. Running over, I stumbled in the slippery ground only to fall on the muddy ground. Everything was so blurry, tears pouring down. Finally getting up, I sat underneath the slides. Pouring my heart out.
        I couldn’t go back home because my sister’s were basically having a fuck sesh with my boyfriend or really ex-boyfriend. Pulling on my hair, I kept on repeatedly saying how stupid I was, how Allen was right about Jae and I let love blind me from the person he is. Choking up, I didn’t notice when the rain stopped, looking up I realized it was still raining but not on me. 
“Are you okay?” Someone asked. 
Peering up at the voice, I saw a boy with long brown hair with blonde highlights. 
        “No,” I croaked out, “I-I’m sorry if I disturbed you, I-I’ll be on my way,” I said, getting up only for the person to stop me. 
        “No, no. I- no one should be here by themselves in the rain. Let me take you home,” he offered only to quickly shake my head no. 
“No... do- should I call someone? Do you know someone who can help?” He asked,
“I d-do- No- did. B-but I- I-“ Not be able to finish my sentences I began to cry harder. 
“Come on,” the stranger said,
“I don’t even know who you are,” i whimpered out. 
“Oh silly me. You’re right. I’m Hoseok,”
“(Y-Y/n)” I stuttered.
   Making it to a restaurant the rain drops finally calmed down, entering a small café, he looked at me sympathetically. 
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” He asked,
“Not really. No,” I croaked, eating the ice cream he bought me as I looked away. 
“That’s okay. Take your time,” he answered. 
Finally finishing up my ice cream, I looked over at him, giving me a small heart-shaped smile, I gave him one back. 
        “I- my boyfriend-“ taking in a deep breathe, I looked at Hoseok, “I lost a friend of mine, no actually I’ve been losing friends now. They all didn’t like the guy I was dating and some were using me just to get close to my sisters because of their infamous parties. I lost my closest friend today due to my boyfriend, and walked in on my boyfriend cheating on me,” I let out. Choking up again as new tears began to spring out.
“Oh sweetheart~” Hoseok let out, scooting closer to me. “I’m so sorry. You must’ve had it rough,” he whispered. 
        Turning towards him, I let the tears fall down once again. “I don’t know what I did wrong? What did I do wrong?” I asked him,
“You did nothing wrong sweetie~” he reassured, only for me to scoff at him. 
        “Well obviously I did! You mean to tell me that all of these things that have been happening isn’t someway for the universe to tell me I suck?! That I’ve pissed them off. I mean my parents hate me, my sisters hate me, my boyfriend cheated on me, I’m not important to any of my friends, I lost my only true friend due to my beliefs on my boyfriend being “good”. And you’re trying to tell me that after everything... I didn’t do anything wrong?” I asked him,
“Well I didn’t know that, I just met you,” he smiled warmly, “but maybe if I did know you, I can help you.” 
        “Thanks but no thanks. I don’t want to get hurt by more people,” I replied, “I-I’ll repay the favor so here’s my number.” I told him. 
Walking away from the café. 
        Opening the door, both of my parents were looking at me.
        “What the hell is wrong with you?!” My father yelled, “do you know how late it is? Not to mention you didn’t tell your sisters where you went off too. They were worried sick, calling you only to find out you didn’t have your phone because you left it. How stupid can you be?!” 
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled. 
        “You’re what?! How many times do we have to tell you when you answer you need to speak clearly!” My mother fumed,
“I said I was sorry,” I answered,
“For?” My father asked,
        “For running off without telling anyone where I was going. For mumbling. For not being the perfect daughter you want me to be. For being a stupid, worthless, girl. That you wasted your money and time on me. For everything,” I answered, my bottom lip jutting out. 
“Go to your room, you’re not eating tonight. Not after that stunt you pulled,” my mother answered.
Walking upstairs, I saw Elaine and Eliza looking at me. 
“What’s wrong baby sister?” Elaine asked, pouting, “did your boyfriend break your heart?”
“Elaine stop it,” Eliza said,
        “Why? She finally got what she deserved. You better remember this little sister. You are nothing but a pawn in my book. Whatever you want, it all belongs to me, got it? Me or your sister.” She sneered, soon walking back to her room. Laying down on my bed I let the rain drops fall again. 
        Waking up the next morning, I felt dread creep up as I realized I had school today which meant having to see Jaejoong. 
        Getting ready, I put on a hoodie with baggy sweatpants, not caring about my look. Quickly putting my hair up into a messy bun I walked downstairs, my parents were saying bye to my older sisters. Walking up to my bus stop, I saw Elaine and Eliza go inside Elaine’s car. 
Beeping at me, I ignored her by putting one of my earbuds in. 
        Rolling her eyes, she drove off. When the bus finally arrived, I walked all the way to the back. Looking down at my phone I saw a new number. 
        “Hey! This is Hoseok. I’m sorry that you feel that way. I know we just meet but not everyone is bad. You just gotta find the right people. Hopefully the universe will be nice to you today and let me be by your side.”
        Smiling at the text, I closed my eyes, finally having a peaceful nap without seeing dreadful nightmares play behind closed eyes. 
        Finally reaching the school, I saw Allen talk to Elaine, locking eyes with me, he looked back at Elaine and continued their conversation. Tearing up, I continued walking, reaching my locker I grabbed my books out. 
Turning around, I shrieked as there stood Allen glooming over me. 
“We need to talk,” he gruffed, pulling me with him as he took me upstairs to the rooftop. 
“What happened?” He asked,
“What do you mean?” I asked,
“(Y/n)... don’t play dumb with me, what happened?!” He asked.
“I thought we weren’t friends anymore. Besides, if I told you I doubt you’ll believe me.” I quipped. 
“Try me.”
“Elaine and Eliza both slept with Jaejoong,” I blurted. 
“Bull,” he denied. 
   ��    “Bull? Bull? You don’t believe me?! Oh my god. Oh my god. I’m so dumb. I’m an idiot,” I laughed, I can’t believe I thought that Allen would believe me. The only reason why I’m friends with him is because he’s dating Elaine and I actually thought that he would believe me over her.
“What’s wrong?” He asked,
        “Nothing. Just go back to your girlfriend who can do no wrong. I mean she’s a saint, right? Oh yes. The holiest person who can never do any harm. The sweetest thing. How dare I accuse her of something like that,” I snarled, walking back downstairs. 
“Wait (y/n)!” Allen called out,
        “I don’t want to hear it Al! Maybe this is for the best! Au revoir,” I said, missing the way he flinched knowing it was a personal attack on him and his dad who left them. Pushing the door open I walked to my first class. 
        There really was no point in me trying to hide from Jaejoong. He was already on the prowl, flirting with girl, as she giggled at whatever he said and put her chest out more, to make her look more appealing to him.
Glaring at the duo, I looked back at the board, finishing up the last assignment before the bell finally rang. 
        Walking out the room, I accidentally bumped into a boy with silver hair, apologizing he told me it’s alright as he ran to his group of friends. Looking over at the group I heard the boy giggle happily, a squeak at the end as he leaned against one of the boys with a boxy smile. Another boy who was making the group surrounding him was doing a funny dance. Soon laughing with them, a cute bunny smile spread across his face. 
        Smiling at the boys, I locked eyes with Hoseok, freezing up, I saw him tell the boys something as he started to walk over to me, quickly moving, I felt him grab my arm. 
“Hey (y/n), wasn’t?” He smiled,
“This is embarrassing,” I whined. 
        Laughing, he tilted up my head, “don’t let it bother you, maybe this is a sign of good luck,” he smiled. Smiling back at him, I turned around only to feel a sense of dread as both my sister’s looked at me.
“No way Hoseok, you know my sister?” Elaine asked,
        “Your sister? Oh! What a pleasant surprise!” Hoseok smiled. Smiling back, I soon gave an excuse to leave and went to my locker, deciding it was time for me to leave. 
{2 months later}
   Elaine still taunted me about Jaejoong as she heard he got into another relationship. This one lasting way longer than when he was with me. What makes it worse is that it was with one of my ex-friends. 
        Not to mention, I’ve been seeing Hoseok more now as Elaine has been inviting him over a lot. However, Allen has been getting more aggravated by it. Sometimes showing up and asking where Elaine is. To make matters worse, if I open the door he will wait until someone shows up instead. 
        Accepting the fact that our friendship is officially over, I soon heard yelling coming over from the front porch. Opening up my door, I listened closely to the conversation at hand. 
        “What do you mean we’re breaking up?” Allen asked, “What did I do? What can I do? I’ll fix this. Come on El. Don’t do this,” he pleaded. 
        “Sorry Al. I just don’t want you anymore. It happened to all of us. We lose the love. Besides, Hoseok treats me way better than you,” she claimed,
“You’re cheating on me?!” He asked. 
        Only for Elaine to giggle, “oh sweetie no. I’m just saying he’s a sweetheart and treats me way better than you. Aka leave,” she hissed.
        Feeling my heart break for Allen. I quickly went back to my room, I went to grab my phone to text Allen but decided to give him time. Even though we haven't talked and I did basically end it, I didn’t want to lose him. Even though he didn’t quite have a good reputation as there are many rumors going around that he’s in a gang, he’s a sweetheart, at times. He honestly is like a brother, even though he does make some annoying comments here and there, he will definitely make you smile, laugh, and forget what was bothering you in the first place. 
        Hearing Elaine walk back up, I grabbed my phone seeing Hoseok’s contact, clicking the call button he immediately answered on the first ring. 
“Hey sweetie! What’s up?” He asked,
“Can- can we talk?”
   “So your sister’s... they... why would they do that?” He asked,
“I-I don’t know but you- you like Elaine and I just- I don’t want you to get hurt,” I whimpered,
“I- I do... I believe you though,” Hoseok replied,
        “Okay. I don’t think she’ll do that as long as I just don’t have a boyfriend or whatever but I’m not sure. She- she’s odd. Just be careful and don’t- just keep quiet about this please,” I told him.
“Where are you going?” Hobi asked,
“Back home. I’ll see you later, be safe,” I called out, running back home. 
 “You- that’s terrible,” Jimin replied,
        “Yeah... but it’s in the past,” she smiled, tears welling up. “Hey why don’t we head up? The stars look beautiful tonight. It’ll be relaxing,” I told him, getting up only for him to grab me back down. 
Straddling him yet again, I couldn’t help but chuckle, “seriously we keep on landing like this,” I giggled. 
“Who’s fault is that?” Jimin asked. 
        Looking down at him, I felt my heart race, he was handsome. Staring at him, I began to look at all his features until I landed on his plump lips, wanting to kiss them, they looked so delectable. 
        Feeling the mood shift, I leaned closer, as if there was a magnetic pull. Getting closer, I looked up seeing he was staring at my lips as well, slowly leaning closer. 
        “Hey guys do you- oh my god! I’m so sorry. I um I’ll just go,” Jungkook said, walking away. Jumping away from Jimin, we both sat up, looking away from him. 
“So the stars?” He asked,
“R-right... Yeah the stars... I- um I think I should go, it’s getting late,” I replied,
“I’ll take you,”
“No it’s alright I’ll walk.”
“(Y/n), I’m the one who drove you, let me take you back,” Jimin whined.
        “I- um- okay,” I let out, cheeks rosy red at what was about to happen. This isn’t exactly good. If Elaine or Eliza finds out they’ll definitely have my head, I thought. Getting up and saying bye to everyone. 
        “Hey, don’t forget to text me, I wouldn’t mind getting away from Kook,” Bianca offered, hearing a offended ‘hey!’ as she giggled at Jungkook’s pout. 
“Okay, I’ll probably head over soon!” I told her, feeling anxious to leave, the feeling of going home taking over. 
        In the car, Jimin looked over. “So how did you and Al get back together? You never did say,” he asked. 
“Oh, right,” I chuckled nervously. 
        “I decided to head back, it wasn’t exactly the best, he wasn’t eating, his hair was matted and he had dark circles, I think I saw Bianca but I wasn’t exactly sure because she wasn’t out that much. When he saw me he closed the door on me. I kept on pounding on his door, Matt finally opened it and saw me. He wasn’t exactly happy, he thought I knew that she’ll do something like that, but I promised him that I didn’t. I had no clue. Finally letting me in, I went over to Allen and apologized. I told him he was right and that when I heard Elaine’s break up I wanted to hold him and hug him. Tell him everything is alright, but that’s a lie. He was hurt, she hurt him. He cried, he allowed me to see a much more vulnerable side of him and he held me. Begged me to stay, that he missed me so much and that he wish it was me who he fell in love with. I couldn’t help but laugh telling him that he’ll be nothing but a brother so he better keep his feelings in check. He chuckled and I smiled, happy to know I made him feel a bit better. We stayed like that all night. I stayed in his arms until we fell asleep, Matt came over and woke me up, telling me that I can stay but to at least get comfy. I stayed over a lot at Al’s, making sure he showered and ate. When he finally was better, I finally went back home but he told me I can always stay longer. He didn’t mind, and then offered that I sleep with him,” I glared, making Jimin choke on his spit at the last sentence. 
“He did what?!” He asked.
        Laughing at his reaction, I tried to explain he meant it in a friendly manner, but I used to always get flustered by the innuendo. 
        “Don’t get me wrong, he still offers but I don’t get as flustered as I used too,” I smiled, seeing him pull up at Al’s, I looked over at him. 
“I didn’t know if you meant your sister’s house or if you meant Al’s... I just figured you me-“
        Stopping him, I pressed my lips against his, pulling away quickly, I realized what I did, cheeks blazing red, I tried to get out, only for Jimin to pull my face back, kissing me again. 
        Letting out a quiet moan, I took of my seat belt, crawling over to him. Straddling his hips, I felt his hands wrap around my waist pulling me flush against his chest. 
        Pulling back, I saw his eyes we're half-lidded, staring back at me. He pulled me back into another heated kiss, tangling my hands in his orange hair, I nibbled on his plump lip, tearing a groan from his throat. 
        "God, why did you dye it orange? I've been wanting to do this," I groaned, pressing my lips against his yet again. 
        “So you mean my hair had the intended effect to get you to fall for my charms?” He grinned, glowering at his cocky statement, he pulled me back into a kiss, not noticing the headlights that pulled up at the driveway. 
        Hearing a knock on the door, I looked away only to see a grin at Allen, Bianca right next to him with a smug grin. Feeling my cheeks blaze red, I got off of Jimin and exited the car. Deciding that a walk home would be good. 
"Wait (y/n)! Why are you leaving so soon?” Allen asked, 
“I-I just... that was so... and-“ groaning in frustration, his face became stoic. 
“Don’t tell me your afraid,” he groaned.
        “Okay then I won’t,” I snapped, pouting as he stomped his foot like a child, “really? Why? Come on (y/n), you can’t keep hiding from your feelings. There’s going to be a time when you run out of breath.” Allen scolded.
“I- I just- I can’t,” I mumbled, “I’m sorry.”
“To who?”
“To all of you, especially Jimin. Tell him I said thank you,” I called out,
“For what?!” He yelled back,
        “For letting me have a glimpse of happiness.” I replied, running back home, feeling droplets begin to fall down.
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