#my astrology bitch side is vibrating
breegadey · 7 months
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birthdays! we have birthdays!!
(click alt text for dates + astrology signs)
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harmoonix · 1 month
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~ Astrology Observations ~
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Having Venus in air sign or house 3H/7H/11H is the best indicator to show that you need lots of communication in your relationships, is a good placement if you like to be more extrovert
Cancer in your big 3 *Sun, Moon, Rising* are empathetic placements, cancer is usually connected so much with the mother nature and feels a deep empathy for everything surrounding
Sagittarius Placements especially in big 3 or big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Mercury, Venus) is that BITCH. Wild, carefree, savage, all that plate. They're iconic
Can I please say how happy I am when I check (black, poc natives) charts and I see LEO PLACEMENTS???? EMBODY THAT FELINE INSIDE YOU. I love seeing Leo Placements in their chart 100/10.
Leo Venus is top, Leo Mars is fire, Leo Rising is a nuclear bomb. I LOVE THEM. The sun being your ruler makes everything to be perfect
Mars aspecting the Midheaven can bring you faster to the things you want to manifest in your career/job
I love how much Capricorn in big 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising) embodies the dark traits of the sign. Like Capricorn was always seen as a dark sign, I love the lore behind this sign and how much it can influence your life
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When the rhythm make it vibrate
Tell me how much can you take
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Venus aspecting Neptune or Neptune aspecting Moon can often have "love dreams" like dreaming about love, dreaming about a partner, or a relationship
Taurus Moon/Rising/Mercury/3H can have a very sensual voice.. like is so blessed by Venus vocally, I love their soft tone
Jupiter in Scorpio/8H/ at 8° 20° is a deep placement in a sense that it makes to discover your life the fullest, also gives you sexual power
Juno in Aries/1h may love a spouse who can take the lead in their relationship, not in a dominant way but more as a role
Jupiter aspecting Neptune can make you more of a dreamer if you have these aspects in your chart, like you can be a part of a fairytale movie
Mars aspecting the ascendant natives have an inner fire inside them that makes them so ambitious. They wanna achieve big things in life
The dark romance between Moon - Pluto aspects is not described enough on this app. There is something so intense about the natives who have the moon in aspects with a destoryer planet
Something I saw within the sun and moon in the 9H natives is that they love their culture/traditions so much. They may also love to share their culture with others
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Moon aspecting the ascendant natives is a sensitive placement in a good way. They can feel the energies around them and are able to protect from the bad ones
Venus in Sagittarius/9H may have a very funny love language. They're more playful in their love relationships. They can appreciate partners who have a good humor
Venus in Capricorn/10H may wanna be seduced first and to hit the rock, they wanna act dominant and all but they still a sensible side
Mercury in Gemini is a placement I rarely see. I'm not gonna lie. Even if Mercury is at home here, still is not seen that much, I love how social they can get, I ended up with one once, and we wouldn't stop talking at all
Even if Virgos are highly critical, we have to appreciate their self - care cus' is always on point.
Mercury aspecting the Sun natives can bring others in a good mood with their energy, somehow they always bring some peace in your life
Scorpio Mars should be classified as a sex king, like always horny, always in a mood for racing in bed, and always prepared ( I said king because Mars is a masculine planet)
Men with a Venus in the 6h/10h are husbands material placement. You won in life if your husband has these
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Cancer in the 10H/Moon in the 10H, the career or job you choose can play a big role in your emotional being and development
North Node in the 11H/ at 11° 23° or in Aquarius can get popular in online/wealthy on social media, some kind of influencer
Jupiter in Libra/Jupiter in 7H/Jupiter at 7° 19° have a deep need/focus for partnerships. This energy makes the native to be liked/loved by people
Jupiter aspecting Uranus natives have a knowledge of 'future', somehow they have an idea of how the future will influence the world
Lilith in the 1h/5h/8h/12h makes the native to have a sensual aura. Sensuality may play a big role in their lives
People have said that Lilith in the 6H can be one of the most difficult positions for this placement, and I don't blame them at all. Being the house of mental power and health with Lilith here, everything can go into chaos, but you have the power to manage the chaos 🤍
Air Mercuries/Mercury in the air signs 3H/7H/11h can be influenced more easily by music, feelings + music is what this Mercury has to give
North Node in the 7H/Libra can indicate that you tend to depend on others much more in this life, due to focusing only on yourself in a past life with Aries south node/south node in the 1H
Pluto in 2H may indicate intense experiences with your self - worth and your material resources. Sometimes, you may able to control both
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Melody fire, sweet pasi sewu
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Saturn/Capricorn over the 6H/12H might have a fight with their subconscious sometimes, feeling tired, sleepy, even if you sleep enough your body still loves to sleep/relax
Some astrologers have said that after your saturn return happens, you'll be a new person, you will change, and saturn returns happen to change you
Virgo over the 8H/12H can have lots of phobias. These houses can represent fear to some extent, so it can happen, like snake phobias, spiders, deep sea, insects, and many more
Juno aspecting the Moon can indicate you tend to fall in love with people who can understand your emotional needs
Juno in Gemini natives can end up calling their spouse with nicknames (it can be any nickname)
Juno in Taurus/2H may love when their spouse takes them to a fancy place/restaurant. They can also fall in love with ppl who have the same passion for food like them
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~ Not a heart on earth can beat my love ~
💚💚💚💚 On Friday we honor the love, THE day of Venus
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astrorising · 4 years
1. Congrats on moving out! I know you haven’t just yet but basically you have lmao— if that makes any sense! You guys definitely deserve a stable environment that’s filled with positive energy not negativity and toxicity. FUCK your old roomate🤷🏽‍♀️ I said what I said lmao
2. hope your doing okay these days! I hope your job interviews went great and you got something you love!
3. Can we get a Jackson after dark still? 👀 I seen the anon ask and was ready😂 maybe even a future spouse reading for Jackson🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s late so it’s after dark hours lmao
Also love you bunches! Thanks for being the best💕
jackson after dark, you say?
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ok tarot 🙊 give me some yummy jackson wang tea!
🔮 cards: 4 of pentacles reversed, 6 of pentacles reversed, ace of swords reversed.
alexa, play “neighbors know my name” by trey songz bc that’s wtf gonna happen. daddy jackson’s here to TAKE. HIS. TIME. ace of swords reversed? bitch this isn’t a quickie. jackson’s possessive (four of pentacles reversed). he’s greedy with the person he’s into. jackson isn’t a one night stand type guy, he doesn’t have time for games... clearly 😳
i thought tarot would agree with astrology, and show a softer side of jackson we don’t know.... but it always surprises me 🥰 6 of pentacles reversed has a theme of power and domination, along with stinginess; mix that with the beautiful 4 of pentacles reversed and we have a very controlling daddy jackson.
according to tarot, jackson is very stern and dominating concerning his bedroom tactics. based off of my own research and imagination, i could see this participant very into a pair of vibrating panties. 🙊😶
jackson wants to make sure his partner knows he’s the only one that can make them feel that way. jackson definitely is a role play king, making sure his partner finishes everytime. definitely a fan of role play for both sides. touch is a very important aspect for him, expect him to be very touchy caressing and praising his partner a lot.
jackson by definition based on this spread is a whole ass tease. but, did that really surprise us? the build up type tease. jackson is definitely the type of guy to tease and leave you hanging until you can’t any longer.
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The Moon Transit the Signs
My thoughts on the Moon in Astrology through the 12 Zodiac signs. I've mentioned things to be mindful of during the transit, as well as how to work best with the energy.
Moon transiting Aries
When the Moon transits Aries, collectively we feel more confident in ourselves and are more inclined to put ourselves out there in life in the hopes of propelling us forward. The world is viewed with childlike wonder and inner faith is our guiding star. We feel more passionate and encouraged to go after our goals. During this transit, we are more apt to be assertive and say what we feel; sometimes with a directness that lacks tact. You are the creator of your life, and during Aries Moon transits, use the cardinal energy to get things going.
What to be mindful of:
- Impatience
Aries energy is very dynamic, full of energy with a preference to be on the go. Aries wants what it wants, and it wanted it yesterday. During this transit, you will have incredible force behind your actions but might find yourself getting frustrated if things don’t come to fruition as fast as you like. This impatience could veer off into a domineering attitude to those around you. Breathe. Inhale, exhale, repeat. Let things run their natural course.
- Acting selfish
Aries is the baby of the zodiac and concerned with the self. Nothing bad about a lil self-awareness but make sure the actions and decisions you carry out don’t have negative repercussions for those around you. Try to be aware of other people around you. Think things through. Its no good furthering your place in life if you’re stepping on other’s people toes unnecessarily to do so. When faced with decisions, try and look for one that can be made which benefits everyone.
How to work with this energy:
- Be your own hype man
The Fire element in Astrology is connected with our life force. The very fibre of our being. One thing you can’t deny about Aries energy is the unwavering confidence. During an Aries Moon Transit, find a mantra or create a mantra, and repeat it to yourself throughout the day. Cultivate an inner faith in yourself. Big yourself up.
- Say yes more
Aries energy is pretty much up for anything. Let’s use this daring energy to apply it to situations in our life that we feel uncertain about it. Tune in to the gut. During this transit can you take a risk in your life somehow? It can be big or small. What area of your life can you be brave in? I bet you’re still be breathing after you do it.
Moon transiting Taurus
As the Moon passes through Taurus, our feelings become more grounded and stable. We’re more conscious of what makes us feel emotionally secure. Collectively, we’re more inclined to see beauty or the lack of it, around us; taking stock of the material things in our life. Taurus energy is all connecting deeply with the self and its comforts. Emotions take on a practical and more steady approach. That being said, there is also danger of uncomfortable emotions being pushed down or past hurts being ruminated over incessantly. Let whatever comes up flow freely through you. During a Taurus Moon transit, make sure to smell the roses and appreciate the simple but essential things you have in your life.
What to be mindful of:
- Indulging too much in the wrong things
Taurus rules pleasure - especially connecting to the body - so during this transit, your relationship to food, sex, money and your possession may be highlighted. Be mindful of your consumption of these things and whether or not they are used as a tool to fill a hole in your life. Take a moment to tune in the body and its needs. Are the habits you have have with these things hindering or helping you to affirm yourself and your self worth?
- Stubbornness 
Taurus energy can be very stubborn and clinging tightly to their views. During this Moon transit, be mindful of ways in which you tightly cling to a narrative or a belief system. It doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong. Do you take into account other people’s viewpoints? Or do you shut people down before giving them a change? The great thing about life is that we have the freedom of expression. Be open to change in your life. 
How to work with this energy:
- Come back home to self
The Moon is exalted in fixed earth sign Taurus, meaning that the highest vibration of nurturing and care can be expressed here. Show your body some TLC. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Go on Pinterest for DIY beauty treatments; some of the ingredients needed may be in your kitchen cupboard. Connect with your body. If issues surrounding your body come up, try and dig deeper into where they stem from. Think about your body’s ability to get you where are today.
- See abundance
Gratitude is a powerful tool in improving one’s life and during this transit, it is a good time to take stock of what you have to be grateful for you in your life.  Write down 3 things you can be grateful, big or small, detailed or not, and remind yourself of these things when you feel a sense of lack. Taurus is a very fertile energy and by noticing the good in your life, you are sure to attract more of it.
Moon Transiting Gemini
When the Moon transits Gemini, collectively we may feel more light-hearted about life as feelings become more curious and playful. We feel mischievous and delight in pushing people’s buttons. Socially inclined, we gain emotional stability by connecting with people or exploring our immediate environment.  There is a possibility that we find ourselves doing multiple things at once so be mindful to try and finish things as you go. Gemini energy can be quite restless so there is a danger of spreading yourself too thin. During this mutable airy transit, try and approach things from an inquisitive manner and not taking this too seriously.
What to be mindful of:
- How you spend your energy
Be careful of just engaging in pointless things. Gemini energy needs constant stimulation and movement which may lead you to giving out your energy carelessly, in hope of finding a release. You may find yourself in conversations that really add no value to your life but in order to feel accepted by your peers, you keep yourself plugged in. There could be a possibility that the mind can go off on a reoccuring ramble so it’s important to catch yourself if you fall into that pattern.
- How you’re using your voice
Gemini energy is connected to the throat chakra so it’s rightly so, during this transit we feel more talkative and want to connect with people. Gemini energy is all about connecting with people. However, Gemini is not adverse stir the pot to spice things up. Be mindful of the words coming out from your mouth. Are you bitching about people? Maybe you’re complaining a lot. When the Moon transits this mutable air sign, it is a good time to take stock of your communication style. How you use your words and how you think dictates how you life looks around you.
How to work with this energy:
- Communicate
Got an idea racing around the walls of your mind? Spit it out! When the Moon transits Gemini we may feel mentally overstimulated so it’s best to find a method of transferring all that energy outside our mental dome. Write it down, paint it, express it one way or another. Gemini energy is highly creative as the mental plane runs a million miles a second. Allow yourself to discuss what’s on your mind!
- Connect with people
Gemini energy is all about sharing information and ideas with people around them. When the Moon visits the social air sign, connecting with like-minded individuals will make you feel good.. It can be through conversation, text, email, letters, video call, the list is endless. Practice active listening so you can really engage with the people you care about. If you’re feeling daring, use this Moon Transit to flow in a flirty comment here and there. 
Moon in Cancer
When the Moon transits cardinal water sign Cancer, you can bet your bottom dollar we’ll all be in our feels. On the bright side, this placement is where the Moon is in its rulership, so this transit offers us an advantage to really connect with our feelings if we’re willing to see the opportunity for what it is. Emotions can be highly nostalgic at this time and we may find ourselves reminiscing over the past or over our family. Collectively we may want to stay close to ‘home’, feeling tentative about putting ourselves out there. We may be more sensitive to criticism.. We need to be mindful over not letting our emotions dictate our actions and thoughts so strongly. When the Moon transits Cancer, our true feelings can be articulated more clearly as we feel them intensely at a core level.
What to be mindful of:
- Your feelings
Feelings are felt quite strongly during this transit and so we have the opportunity to tune in to them deeply. However, with this transit, we may feel more protective over our emotions. There could be a tendency to act out in an emotional manner that we hope the people around us, can identify our reasons for doing so. Not everyone is a mind-reader. Be mindful of any triggers that present themselves and the way in which you deal with them. Just because you’re feeling sorry for yourself, it doesn’t mean everybody wants to be invited to your pity party. 
- Emotional manipulation
During this transit, be mindful of the people/places/things that you may be holding on to with a vicious grip, too scared to let go. Don’t turn to using emotional manipulation to get people to stick around. If that’s the method you take, you’ve already lost them. Change can be a scary thing but its inevitable in life. If all else fails, you will have always have yourself to count on. 
How to work with this energy:
- Revisit your childhood
Give your inner child some love and attention. What did you do as a child that made you feel good? Was it making necklaces out of Pasta shapes? Or maybe it was watching that one film you had on video. Look back into bringing that into your present life. Home is where the heart is and you can always recreate that feeling of safety in your life.
- Connect with your family
It doesn’t have to be your biological family. It could be your soul family. Maybe a friendship group that feels like it’s your inherited family. Maybe online you’re part of a community that feels like home. Whoever it is, make an effort to reach and solidify your bonds. Cancer energy is all about connecting to your tribe. 
Moon transiting Leo
When the moon transits this dramatic and eye-catching fixed fire sign, our emotions desire to be released creatively and in a dramatic fashion. Collectively, we aspire to be centre of attention and revel in praise from those around us. Romance is a driving force for us emotionally and we gain pleasure from flirting and connecting with love interests. We can be a little pouty when things don’t go our way. I die a little everyday when I realise the world doesn’t revolved around me. When the Moon transits Leo, take up space proudly knowing how amazing it is to be the unique individual that is yourself.
What to be mindful of:
- Your ego
Take some time to be mindful of being too self-centred and focused solely on yourself. Everything in life works on give and take. Are there areas of your life when you’ve been hogging up all the attention? Or thinking about only how things can benefit yourself? Praise someone else’s achievements. It’s great to be successful but isn’t even better when you have people around you to share that with?
- Dramatics
Be mindful not to act up in a way to to stir up attention from people around you. During this transit, we may be inclined to extravagance in our behaviour which can have the effect of repelling people away from you. We may feel slighted or take a hit to our self-worth when we don’t receive the adoration we think we deserve. What we crave from others, we can give to ourselves.
How to work with this energy:
Get creative
What talent of yours deserves to see the light? Leo energy is all about creative expression coming from the heart. Take this time to get stuck in to something you enjoy - being a fixed sign it will give you staying power -  and just allow yourself to have pleasure. Try not to get swept into comparing your art with other people’s. Just accept it for what is. A beautiful creative piece of work, coming from you.
Work on your confidence
What have you accomplished in your life that looking back on you weren’t so sure you would make it? Fire energy is all about the self, and Leo is its own biggest fan. Use this Moon transit to tap into your inner confidence. What qualities about yourself do you need to give recognition? What makes you shine?
Moon transiting Virgo
Collectively, our feelings become more concerned with the details of our every day life, as our emotions are filtered through this analytical mutable earth sign. We have more discernment over what is working and what is not. We are more willing to make changes to improve the quality of our life. Virgo energy is all about refinement, so when the Moon transits this sign, we are more emotionally inclined to make changes in our lifestyle. We should be conscious of being too critical of ourselves and other people. When the Moon transits Virgo, remember that what you see in others, you see in yourself; the good, the bad and the ugly.
What to be mindful of:
- Being too hard on yourself
Virgo is notorious for being too damn hard on themselves. Perfection is the enemy of good. Not everything can be perfect. Sometimes, just showing up is more than enough. Under this transit, if you find yourself feeling hyper-sensitive to faults in your life, in your body, whatever the case may be, try and commend yourself for getting this far. Life is full of problems, so try and change your mindset into a solution focused mindset as opposed to a problem focused mindset. 
- Worrying
Worries may be heightened under this transit, as does a feeling of rigidness and a desire to control the outcome. Worrying about something you cannot control is pointless and does no good for the mind, body or soul. Lean into not knowing everything or being able to account for everything. It’s okay to just flow with life and not know what’s around the corner. Sometimes you just have to let go and let God, Universe, whoever/whatever you believe in, take the wheel.
How to work with this energy
- Get back on your habits
Do you have some some goals in your life that you want to achieve? This Moon transit is a perfect time to outline necessary steps that will get you there. Anything you want in life is possible, you just need to prepare for its accordingly. Feel free to mix it up with spreadsheets, vision boards, or just write our the steps you need to take. Virgo energy favours diligence and organising your life, to be the best version of yourself possible.
- Declutter
This Moon transit will have you looking at your current lifestyle with a magnifying glass with things that are not working, standing out loud and clear. Virgo is all about efficiency so this transit is a good time to ‘Marie-Kondo’ your life. Holding on to excess mental, physical and emotional baggage can slow you down in life. Use this energy to get back on track.
Moon transiting Libra
When the Moon transits Libra, collectively we aspire to implement more harmony in our life, through our ability to relate to others. We are more apt to compromise for the sake of others. We gain great emotional satisfaction in our one-to-one relationships. Sometimes things just feel better when you have someone to share it with. There is a danger though, of conceding too much for the other party in hope of keeping the balance. Libran energy is very good at social etiquette but there’s no point in acting like everything is okay in front of people, only to feel the stark opposite when alone. When the Moon moves through the sign of Libra, balance must be sought out within, not just in external situations.
What to be mindful of:
- passive aggressiveness
Libran energy is very much tied up in their relationships with other people and sometimes this becomes a safety blanket. When the Moon is in Libra, we are very driven to maintain harmony in our life and so may not bring up issues that we feel like are unfair. This creates resentment in ourselves which isn’t healthy for us or in maintaining healthy relationships. Do yourself a favour and speak up about any imbalances in a relationship you may feel. There is a tendency to avoid confrontations of fear of losing approval in someone’s else eyes.
- Idealising people/situations
Libran energy is very attuned to seeing beauty in things. Be mindful of only allowing yourself to see what you deem is beautiful and acceptable. See the good but also see the ugly, in all its entirety. Use this insightful energy to weigh up situations for what they truly are. Not just for what you imagine or hope them to be. Give yourself the reality check. 
How to work with this energy:
- Bring balance into your life
Where can you take back your power? Where you can honour your own needs and say no? There is a danger of being a pushover during this transit.Use the cardinal energy of air sign Libra to assert yourself.  As a result, you will gain respect and attract the right people around you. Libran energy is good at playing the mediator so under this transit, you will be more inclined to see relationships from a detached point of view.
- Extend the olive branch
During this transit, the energy is diplomatic and favours seeing situations from someone else shoes. I’m not saying that you have to be beg for someone else’s forgiveness during this transit, but rather, use this Libran moon to your advantage and reach out to another. You don’t lose anything when you admit you were in the wrong. Try and mend any relationships in your life that you hold dear to your heart.
Moon transiting Scorpio
When the Moon in in Scorpio, it is said to be in fall. Vulnerability and emotional expression do not come as easily in this sign. Collectively we may feel more deep, intense, intuitive but also paranoid and suspicious. Unconscious childhood behaviour pattens may come up to resurface. We’re more inclined to want to appease our sexual desires or desires for power. Feelings of jealously or possessiveness may run strong and we may be more stubborn. When the Moon transits Scorpio, it’s a good time to get real with yourself and the nitty gritty of a situation.
What to be mindful of: 
- Your shadow:
During a Scorpio moon transit, things that you have buried down within you are apt to say hello. Try not to ignore them. They’re coming up for a reason. Use this transit to be a A1 detective on yourself. Why do you behave the way that you do in situations like this? Why does that one thing trigger you so much? Opportunity is being presented for you to to heal yourself on a soul level. It may feel very uncomfortable but the rewards on the other side are priceless.
- Your bite
This fixed water sign can be quite ruthless when scorned so be mindful that you don’t act out on people around you in a way that you might regret lately. Try not feed into negative thought patterns. You can run yourself wild seeing everyone as a suspect or an enemy. Just because you’re feeling a type of way, doesn’t mean other people deserve to be treated in a horrible way.
How to work with this energy:
- Purge your feelings
Be honest with yourself. Be honest with someone else. Scorpio energy is all about the raw truth. Use this Moon transit to do just that and release any emotional turmoil within. This is a good time for releasing your frustrations out in a journal entry. Scorpio energy is linked to a phoenix rising from the ashes to be reborn. What’s weighing you down?
- Research
This Moon transit gives you the drive to dig a lil deeper. Find a topic that interests the hell out of your and go to town. Whatever it is, during this transit you have the motivation and drive to really get to the bottom of whatever you set your mind to. You more likely to understand and see the intentions behind other people’s motives too.
Moon transiting Sagittarius
When the Moon transits the fiery mutable sign of Sagittarius, collectively we feel optimistic and inspired about our place in life. Feelings are expansive and desires are juuuuust over the horizon. We feel restless, wanting to explore all that life has to offer. But be careful, you may over do yourself. There is a tendency to overdo things. This energy is all about grandeur and doing things bigger and better than what’s been done before, so be mindful that your actions aren’t unnecessarily aren’t over the top. When the Moon transits Sagittarius, you’re more likely to see the bigger picture in life, with an innate knowing that everything is interconnected. Everything happens for a reason.
What to be mindful of:
- Your risks
Sagittarius is in general a very lucky sign but sometimes their risks don’t pan out they way they had envisioned. Be careful not to put your foot in your mouth by overestimating a situation on your abilities. For what it’s worth, you had good intentions right? Be humble. Passion is essential in life, but sometimes you need to temper that fire with some realism. 
- Running away
Sagittarius energy can be known for just running away to escape situations they would rather not deal with. Not dealign with something is not dealing with something. When the Moon sign transits Sagittarius, be mindful of just tapping out to daydream in order to avoid the harsh realities of life. Life has its various ups and downs. It’s all in your perspective. Feel confident in your ability to handle whatever life throws at you.
How to work with this energy:
- Immerse yourself in something different
Sagittarian energy is far reaching, with a connection to foreign places, spirituality and higher learning. When the Moon is in Sagittarius, try to connect with something different that what you already know. Perhaps you try your hand at learning a new language. Maybe it’s a new recipe. Perhaps you watch a film in a different language. Open your eyes to the beauty that exists outside your own culture and in this thing called life.
- Get inspired
This Moon transit is a good time to spend some time watching or listen to someone motivating. Dare to dream big. Look at the bright side of things. A lot of the luck linked with Sagittarius is really down to their ability to take risks and go for opportunities that other may pass up. What can you do to create space for abundance in your life? 
Moon transiting Capricorn
When the Moon transits Capricorn, our feelings turn to our achievements and long-term goals in life. Our emotions are linked to our productivity. Collectively, we’re more inclined to want to get things in order and create structure in our life. Be mindful not to be so pessimistic about your current position in life or in our society. Moreover, pay attention to any tendencies to be dismissive of your own feelings and that of others around you. You may feel as if time is of the essence, and don’t want to be bogged down by people, places or things you don’t place significance on. The Moon is in detriment when it is in the sign of  Capricorn, so extra care needs to put into actually feeling our feelings and not busying ourselves with work. You are enough.
What to be mindful of:
- Being too hard on yourself.
You may find yourself comparing to other people and feeling frustrated at where you are compared to them. Use this energy to motivate you instead of making you feel sad. Get clear on your long term goals that are crucial for your success in life and work towards them. What you want in life you can achieve, dedication and work is all that required to go the distance.
- Focusing too much on work
Ambition is heightened during this transit. Be mindful of focusing too much on work that you neglect the key relationships around you. Try and cultivate balance in priorities in your life. When the Moon transits Capricorn, there is a higher likelihood of feeling lonely so its crucial to have solid relationships to fall back on. 
How to work with this energy:
- Network
Who can you email or reach out to to help get you where you want to be in life? Reach out to someone you admire. This transit can deliver some reality checks on your long-term vision. Revisit and revise your plans. A this cardinal earth sign will give you the steady confidence and practical vision to cement your way in the world. Capricorn energy is good at seeing the potential in things, so look for opportunity around you to strengthen your position in life.
- Respect your duties
Take some time to look over other areas of your life which require responsibility such as your bills, your savings, food shopping and any other obligations that may be present. Capricorn is often linked to being the breadwinner in a family and that is because this sign often has their ducks in order. Find a sense of peace in dealign with the little things that set up to be great. 
Moon transiting Aquarius
When the Moon transits Aquarius, collectively we may feel emotionally detached as our focus turns towards society and our involvement in the wider world. We may be thinking of ways to improve the planet and the lives of those around us. in addition, during this fixed air sign transit, we may feel more connected to organisations or groups that share our common goals. The internet may be a ground upon which we connect with like-minded individuals. There is a danger though of feeling alienated or taking a stance of my way is right for all, though. When the Moon transits Aquarius, emotionally we feel secure in thinking of ways to advance humanity somehow.
What to be mindful of:
- Feeling close-minded
During this transit, you may be struck with sudden ideas on how to improve society but find that other people are not as open minded to it as you had hoped. Or perhaps, you yourself are resistant to others ideas. Be mindful not to be too attached to your ideals. There is no one size fits all. Not all opinions are gospel. Be open to other people’s points of views.
- Losing yourself in the group
It's great to be apart of something bigger but make sure that you are not losing your sense of individuality in the process. Take a moment to look at your motivations for aligning with a particular group. Make sure it truly reflects your values and there isn’t fear or shame behind your involvement. Be conscious of your ability to firmly identify with yourself in and out of a group.
How to work with this energy:
- Shake things up!
This Moon transit is the perfect time to deviate from your normal routine and try something new. Be rebellious and test boundaries (where applicable). Aquarius energy is all about the unexpected so who knows how great the results could be if you dare to be different. It could be something simple as switching the hand that you brush your teeth with, in your fashion choices or perhaps something quirky in your appearance. Whatever it is, try something bold!
- Think of your mark in the world
When the Moon transits Aquarius we may be subject to sudden insight about contribution to society. How are you fitting into the wider world? What can you do today that guarantees a better tomorrow? Perhaps you think about investing in more eco-friendly brands or donating to a cause that resonates with you. Aquarius energy is altruistic in nature, forgoing one’s individual needs for the betterment of society
Moon transiting Pisces
When the Moon transits mutable water sign Pisces, collectively we feel more liable to go with the flow, prone to daydreaming and engaging in our fantasies. We cringe away from the harsh realities of life by secluding into the comforts of our minds. Emotionally however, we may not be all that present. Emotions can feel confusing and subject to disillusionment. Profound insights about our life can be gained if we’re open to the subtle guidances. When the Moon transits Pisces, it is a time to be mindful of the level of your vibrations as you are more impressionable during this time.
What to be mindful of:
- Your secret vices
Everything in moderation, yes? When the moon is in Pisces, any addictive behaviours we have may rear their head. Addictive behaviours in all forms, be it through food, sex and people. Addictions are usually created to mask a feeling that we don’t want to feel. Use this transit to really dig deep into your feelings. There is a danger to wallow in self-pity during this transit but that approach won’t help solve your problems. Be real with yourself.
- Accountability
Pisces energy can be very much in the clouds, not wanting to deal with reality. Be mindful of telling little white lies or stretching the truth so that it fits in the with the version of reality in your head. Take ownership over your mistakes and where you have played a part in the demise of situations. Transparency is key in life. Not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings is not valid reason to not tell the truth.
How to work with this energy:
- Meditate
When the Moon transits Pisces, our intuition is heightened. However, we may find it difficult to separate fact from fiction. Pisces energy is great for getting silent and letting your higher guidance speak to you. You can start off small with just 5 minute guided mediations or practice being mindful in simple things such as having a cup of tea. Open up space for your intuitive wisdom to speak with you.
- Protect your energy
When the Moon transits Pisces, collectively we all are a little more in tune with each other. Boundaries could get blurred and what’s mine vs what’s yours could get a little confusing. Take some time to remove yourself from people, places or things that just don’t sit right with you. You’re more impressionable at this time so why spend it around low-vibrational people/places/things? Energy levels are subject to being low during this transit so its crucial that you surround yourself with what makes you feel good and nourishes your soul.
/pt 1 - cancer placements sun - saturn
/pt 2 - thoughts on the moon in astrology
/pt 3 - twelve questions for cancer placements
/pt 4 - thoughts on cancer decans
/pt 6 - more thoughts on cancer placements
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Hi!I know this is weird but i don’t know who i can talk to about this and you write the badass characters so i wanted to ask you.I kinda hate myself.I used to be able to fake it like i loved myself and like i was confident but in the last 2 years everything has fallen apart-including my family- and i do not have anyone to talk about this(i dont trust anyone).Anyways i hate myself in every aspect so do you have any tips on how to gain my confidence and start loving myself inside and out?
Before I start this, I just want to let you know that you are beautiful inside and out already and whoever tries to tell you differently, whether that is social media, family, friends or school- they do not know you. They do not see all the things that make you so darn beautiful and unique. There is literally nothing to hate about yourself when all you’re trying to do is be best of yourself. And everything you see on yourself, everything you  say you hate- that wasn’t given to you for you to hate it. Love made you, life, God if you believe made you this and you are stunning being who you are. Whatever you hate on yourself was not meant to be hated but accepted, so remember that. 
Loving yourself is actually such a long and hard process. Everybody starts their journey differently but I guess for me, I chose to change my mentality. 
I remember I was crying in the end of January last year because I was so awful to myself. I hated everything, just like you and I cried to the point I couldn’t see anything but the only thing I did see was 01.01. on my phone. I’ve been always drawn to number eleven since I started high school and it always bugged me of what it meant but I never looked it up but that night I was so annoyed that I actually went to look it up and it said that I should stop thinking so negatively about my life because all my thoughts are manifesting into my reality and that it is time to start thinking more positively. I can’t describe to you but the feeling I got was really odd. I felt calm and at peace for like a milisecond of that day.
So I started with thinking positively. And it’s so hard to actually think positively. Because days go by when you’re still crying on the floor or screaming at your pillow and you should think positively? But I did keep on with it. I tried to look on the positive side of things, no matter how negaitve it was. Sometimes it was extremely bad but I forced myself to just think positively and I kept saying that to myself when thoughts went dark. So whenever I thought “They probably think you’re annoying them.” - I just said to myself. “So even if they are, so what? I am annoying but I’m also kind and nice and beautiful. I can draw better then them and their situation isn’t as close to mine- so why would I care what they think?”
And you don’t even see it changing. You will think that it’s just for nothing, that it’s not working but it is and it shows months later. For me it started to show in July. I started at the end of January but I started to see it in end of July. Seven months. Seven months of doubts and crying and forcing myself to think positively when everything went to shit but it get’s easier. 
The first change, I notice now not like when it was happening- the first change was that night 01.01. The second change was around March, when I started to put effort in my hair and how I look and taking care of my face and brushing my teeth and all sorts of hygene hacks. I learned how to braid hair- like french braids and all sorts of braids. 
Then around June I started to workout. I wanted to get my body in shape and in the beginning it was hard but sooner or later I started. And I did it not because it was a trend and not because I wanted to do that weightloss progress or prove everybody wrong. I didn’t want people to know what I was doing. I just did it because of myself. I wanted to look good and feel good. I did change my diet but I still eat pizza and white bread and burgers and I don’t have a whole meal planned, I eat when I’m hungry and I don’t eat when I’m not hungry. But I DO punch that bag because it’s a great stress reliever and because my anger can punch something. I did go for a run to clear my head (now not so much because IT’S FREEZING outside). I did want to die on that matt doing mountain climber and shit but man when I tell you that results are BETTER than people make them be. Like you get up easier, you wake up earlier, you go to sleep with a feeling of accomplishment, you start to look what you put in your body- it’s like so much changes. 
The best thing I also did, was go back to doing the things I loved to do as a child. Like drawing and painting and astrology and reading. There is a quote that says something that some people go on in their life doing what they loved as a child and some people just grow up? Or something. I just totally recommend watching and listening to best quotes from greatest thinkers on youtube. Those really make you contemplate on your life. 
Surround yourself with people you want to be with. You know there is also a saying that says something in a way that your energy attracts similar energy. I remember when I started to change my vibration, my energy. When I decided to think more positively, when I was trying to built something out of myself, care for my grades, school, my body, saying how gorgeous I look and some people would just go “HAHAHAH! Sure honey, your hair looks like shit but sure.” and that pissed me off so much because yo, HONEY, that’s my NATURAL hair and IF I REMEMBER I LOOK FUCKING GOOD IN MY NATURAL HAIR MEANWHILE YOU LOOK LIKE A HORSE HAS LICKED YOUR HEAD ... straightening your hair like that. Like sometimes you just need to let your hair be your wild hair. Let acne be acne, pimples be pimples, cellulite be cellulite, stretch marks be stretch marks. It’s all so natural. You don’t need ton of creams and shit to try and change your skin and hair texture. Sometimes, you just need to leave it alone for 3 months. 
I spent so many times in front of a mirror naked. Not to like flex and shit like that but to see myself, naked and to actually find all the good things on me. You know when you’re clothed, you don’t see it but when you take everything off and it’s just you and your body and it looks more symetrical. It looks so natural and so beautiful. At first you might cry and feel sad that you look like this but you’re beautiful. And you lift your head up and you say “I’m gorgeous. I’m fucking stunning. I’m a bad bitch that has a nice fucking ass.” or something like that. I used to be insecure about my breasts (bc my sister was disgusted by how big they were and she didn’t mind to remind me of that) but now I look at the mirror and my boobs are THE BOMB! The bomb man.... the bomb. I love my boobs, no matter how big and saggy they might appear. They are boobs. Also pose. Man, posing can be so fun. I remember I posed like a greek statue and I actually liked how my body looked like in that weird ass position. Just have fun with your body. Accept it for what it is. Accept everyhting on yourself for what it is and stop trying to change it. Sooner or later you will stop giving a care in the world of what others think of it. Listen to yourself. Trust your own judgement and stop listening to other people who have no clue who you are. They have no clue who you are inside, only what you let them see. 
I would genuienly write so much more but if you ever EVER need somebody to talk to, to HYPE YOU UP TO THE BAD BITCH THAT YOU ARE! It’s me. I will never judge you for anything.. especially not because I know what I had done and thought. So trust the process and don’t give up. Think positively and accept yourself. Surround yourself with loving, caring people. Don’t be afraid to speak up or be yourself. Do what you love, be yourself. 
All the love <3
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Nakamoto Yuta  Astrology Ask: How he loves
“That“Hello!  Can you please do an astology post about hpw yuta from nct 127 loves ? With all the fluffy and nsfw details included ? I loved the ones yo did already and I was wondering if you’re interested in look into his chart? Thank you 😊😊🌸” - @marinemousemarie
A/N Of course I am happy to! Thanks again for your patience !!  ALSO THIS HAIR IS KILLING ME ON HIM OML   thank you for your request!!!
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what is he so perfect for????
Alright !!!!
Yuta’s chart is HEAVILY water influenced
which right off the bat means he is very in touch with his emotions
someone help me I am c o m p r o m i s e d
that is so daddy 
so even though he HAS these very deep emotions, he will still come off as mysterious and likely has a wall up
Scorpios exude sex appeal honestly I knew his sun was Scorpio but he makes so much sense with his moon there too 
His rising is Capricorn (by estimation)
so he is likely really thoughtful and analytical too, especially when you first meet him and a very, VERY hard worker
he even REALLY fits the physical description of a Scorpio honestly
his north node is Libra so even though he has a lot of Scorpio (typically a less social sign because they tend to be a bit... suspicious)
he probably desperately needs a tight knit group around him he trusts,and leans on them only when he feels he can’t handle it alone
 also his trine is at 90 degrees between sun and lilith so he is COMFORTABLE with the darker sides of his personality
he probably revels a little bit in the parts of his nature that stir him
..... i’m going to let you deduce what I feel about that until we get under the cut cause uh
a bitch is shook
so SUN in Scorpio means he is quieter at first, tends to ask more questions instead of revealing his own feelings (which are there and are strong)
puts off a really entrancing seductive mystery that draws people to stare and commands attention on it’s own
MOON in Scorpio means INTENSE 
Lunar Scorpios can cut right through anyone’s bullshit
there’s no point in faking emotion around him he is going to know immediately 
and have you ever seen such intense side eye from another sign???
They are incredibly all or nothing. if you are in their good graces they respect you and will show it 
if you lose that respect it is GONE forever
they are also courageous and tend to be on the cutting edge of fashion and social issues he has a golden heart and a steely gaze oh lort 
his mercury is in Libra which is the best place for that sign tbh
the negotiation skills this man would have is uncanny
tbh this makes me feel like he has the silverest of tongues
between Scorpio’s natural affinity for privacy and mystery and Libra’s skill with mediation, he will be effortless at wrapping someone around his finger
has a very solid sense of justice though, so it will only be used for good 
desires someone to sharpen his mind on
wants to be able to verbally spar and debate- always done in a friendly way though!
Mars and Jupiter in Sagittarius  so he is the kind of person who wants to travel, is governed by a strict moral code all his own
and really just wants to enjoy the experiences of life 
these things can impact his desire to settle down however so his focus has to be on a relationship part of his life before he lets that happen.
his VENUS being in Scorpio well.
that’s ah. the exact opposite of his mars and Jupiter tbh
so they balance out a bit, but basically his venus says “when you are ready to settle down you settle down, and you don’t mess around.” 
they are loyal and sensual and they need emotional connection that goes both ways
they LOVE commitment and they expect FULL devotion
they wanna pick you apart and know every little thing about you because they want to fill all your cracks with little pieces of themselves so that you are hooked and sticking around
but they aren’t fully forthcoming with their own emotions
with his Mercury being Libra if you can GET him to talk, it’s fine because he will express it well
but you will have to be fantastic at deciphering different emotions in his eyes
there’s actually a lot of Capricorn in his chart, so even though he has a lot of Scorpio ( a very self sufficient sign)
he also probably has a few places where he can be a bit harder on himself and a little self defeating
he probably won’t need MUCH encouragement though, considering the really active fire sign in his Mars 
in relationships this boils down to 
you meet and he seems very withdrawn
polite but there’s a mystery behind his eyes you can’t quite pin down
no matter how much he likes you, he will not tell you 
no he will hint by initiating really subtle flirting
you’ll find him guiding you by two fingers on your low back, a gesture of helpfulness that will linger a few seconds too long
prolonged eye contact from across the room that drives you insane because you can’t figure out what it MEANS
the raise of one brow if you say something that he considers a little flirty back
he wants the push and pull to see if you are really interested  
after some playful non verbal flirting he will probably make sure you know he thinks you’re attractive more explicitly
his mars is Sagittarius so he will frame it casually but he would really need you to know
so say you dressed really nicely
he is going to make sure you get a compliment from him
“That fits really nice.”
and you will thank him only to realize he’s smirking and you know it is more than a basic compliment he is low key dirty okay
He’d be the type to have someone else invite you to a group gathering and then monopolize your time 
he would ask you a million questions about yourself until he knew you better than you do
and then he would flirt more
as he drank more his compliments would get softer and more kind and less borderline sugestive
and that’s how you know he genuinely likes you 
like he’s tipsy and it’s “You’re so sweet and I like being around you.”
“why won’t you ever rub my head like you rub Mark’s?”
“Why do you laugh at all of Johnny’s jokes and not mine?”
“I really just wish you’d love me too.”
and you’re like   👀👀👀👀👀👀
he will deny it like... one time and then he will cave hard
might lay on you and play with your hands while he talks about what he likes about you
and you’re in shock because he rarely speaks about how HE feels and usually only asks you things
and you realize his feelings are real and you finally just say “If I’m so great why won’t you date me?”
and he will 0.0 
because why didn’t sober him think of that ???
he did but also he doesn’t want you to know how MUCH he did you feel me
so he will just be like “okay, then it is what we’re doing now.”
and you expect him to forget but the next day he is at your house with flowers and he wants to do cute shit
domestic shit like changes your name in his phone to a shit ton of cute emojis
spam you 
with love via text while he is away
just one after another of CHEESY ass heart and flower pictures
and the most adorable good mornings and goodnights and every meal time he texts to be sure you’re eating
is genuinely so sweet and open with you once you are together
loves to lay in your lap and stare up at you 
run your hands through his hair while you do what a dream though
back hugs!!
front hugs!!
he wants
how precious I 
18 + below the cut let’s get spicy
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you don’t understand I am incoherent
remember  THIS “  his trine is at 90 degrees between sun and lilith so he is COMFORTABLE with the darker sides of his personality “
i usually don’t agree when people insist someone IS a specific roll in the bedroom but
Yuta is a whole dom
Comfortable with his darker sides... comfortable with his kinks
willing to explore and not in the SLIGHTEST concerned about what society thinks
if he likes it he tells you and you guys will decide if it’s something you wanna do
ALL THAT SCORPIO. Sun, Moon, Venus,and pluto all being in scorpio I mean this dude I FUCKIN CAN’T
 Scorpio is known for being passionate, sensual and incredibly unrelenting 
a bit egotistical about their abilities
not in a bad way, in a “I got this and I will show you that I do”  kind of way
Yuta stop that’s hot
This is not romantic sex
this is not lovey dovey handholding sex
He wants you incoherent and lost in pleasure
he wants to dominate you and watch you beg
listen he really loves the power rush that comes with it
maybe choking look don’t kill me he strikes me as a choking type
Libra mercury so his dirty talk is ALWAYS ON POINT AND EXACTLY WHAT YOU LIKE
seems like the type to be a LITTLE into degradation
I’m sorry look I don’t mean anything too serious
just “You’re a slut for me aren’t you? Such a good girl all day but you can’t wait to spread your legs for me?”
that kinda stuff
Orgasm control/Denial
holds a vibrator to your clit while you beg him to stop
finger fucks you while he does
Maybe a sir/daddy kink 
the type to buy you a “collar” made of diamonds and smirk every time someone who doesn’t know compliments it
“Don’t cum and don’t let anyone know and I will reward you at home.”
while he fingers you under the table
thinks it’s funny if you have minor slip ups
fast, accurate strokes that leave you seeing stars
sometimes deep, soul shakingly slow strokes that roll your eyes back into your head
scratch his shoulders he likes that shit
spanking and biting are definitely a yes
aftercare is SO SWEET
cuddles you and shhhhh’s you
strokes up and down your arms with his fingertips
lays your head in his lap and smiles softly at you
asks you what you need to calm down
wraps you in the softest robe or blanket
makes you feel safe and loved
tells you how well you did 
a good boyfriend wow
here you go !
thank you for your patience !!
I hope you enjoyed it !!
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Self reminder (jus feel like ranting)
To never EVER go on vacation with someone who has little Earth in their chart. 😭I have never been so baffled at the lack of planning and inability to make a decision based on common sense, holy fuck. All of my female Scorpio friends are boy crazy as fuck and are willing to ditch their friends at the first sign of possibly hanging out with a guy but my Scorpio friends both have earth moons so they still get all of their ducks in a row before making a move but this bitch (who I met through my Taurus best friend who went too) is a Libra rising and Aquarius moon... let me tell you why that's the most annoying shit tho. The Libra rising makes her beautiful and charming and good at being fake as hell which is the PERFECT mask for a demon Scorpio lmao. She swore up and down during the planning of the trip that she's been wanting to hang out with us forever and misses us and couldn't wait to have a girls day- even going as far as to rent a car! What a friend right? Wrong the fucking Scorpio had been planning this all along because she has some Taurus boy toy down in that direction and she just didn't want to go alone. And then here's the kicker.. she took the car and left me, my 9 month old daughter, and the other female stranded at the beach for hours while she was like a 30 minute drive away at the guy's house, and didn't give one fuck because she's an Aquarius moon with her own agenda. 😒Then we finally met the loser and he looks EXACTLY like the husband of hers that she's currently divorcing... moral of the story is, sun and moon in the 8th people need to start listening to themselves because WE KNOW WHAT THE HELL WE FEEL WHEN WE MEET PEOPLE! I'm just also a Pisces moon so I try to blind myself so I won't see the bad in people. The first time we hung out I was scared as hell but didn't know why and then ever since that day she's brought so much drama to my life without so much as a twitch of sympathy for anyone smhhh. I find it so interesting though also because the Taurus female that went with us is also an Libra rising, Aquarius moon. Sun sign astrology is real bro because they have the same emotional responses internally and greet the world in the same way but they're differences in sun sign flavors it. The Taurus girl uses her Libra rising to nurture everybody honestly, it makes her less reserved as a Taurus and I guess the double Venus makes her hella selfless but almost everything she does is done for the good of the whole group. She pays attention to the needs of everybody around her and she always uses her Aquarius moon to come up with great ideas that benefit everyone, yeah her sun is in the 8th house so she lives on the edge so people judge her but I like that she still cares about the safety of others before her desires. The Scorpio on the other hand 😒😒😒 (lmao I know I sound like I'm hating on Scorpios but it's actually one of my favorite signs 😂) she uses her Libra rising to make people think she's nice and then acts like such trash secretly. Everybody has a fake side but hers is malicious and selfish and that's shit I just can't deal with. I wonder what house her sun is in? Whatever, it just kinda makes me mad because the Taurus girl gets judged for her openness with her fast life and sexuality but is an AMAZING person to friends and strangers but the Scorpio dresses modest, wears glasses, and has adorable little curls so nobody realizes that she's been orchestrating their Dmn demise the entire time! The same kinda thing literally happened last month when we went to hang out with some guy friends and ended up waiting in the car forever so she could fuck one of the guys, which would have been no big deal if we had planned this and it wasn't almost 4 in the morning. I guess I just hate when people have no problem inconveniencing others for their own desires. Also, another thing my female Scorpio friends have in common is that they have ZERO respect for Gemini males lmao (funny because my baby's father is a Gemini and he got his heart broken by a Scorpio earlier this year lmao). They literally hate them yet a lot of Gemini guys have big dicks (in our experience 😂) so they literally just use them for sex and talk behind their backs smh so it's even more annoying that the guy she left us in the car to fuck was a Gemini and she started talking shit as soon as she came back. 🙄😒saying how she'll never take a Gemini seriously and shit.. then why you was so hype about spending time with him??? Bruhhhhh see this rant about to be even longer cause I just have too many thoughts on this now. 😭😂 like also, back to the boy craziness! This bitch acts like she's sooo mature and above everybody but you should see her dumb ass when she's about to see a boy. 🙄🙄🙄 she literally starts vibrating and gets giddy as hell and starts talking soooo fucking much which is the worst icing on the cake to me. Don't keep rubbing your bullshit in my face after pissing me off. Ironically, she was talking about Taureans yesterday because her sister is one and was like "I don't get why you guys never say how you're feeling! Like I can't read your mind so why y'all never express when y'all mad?" And then her behavior yesterday literally answered her question. Taureans like fun but we don't like fucking drama but it seems like Scorpios BREATH drama so while we're trying to keep the trip stable, this bitch is flying around life not making and iota of sense! And what do taureans do when shit stops making sense? We sit our asses back, shut our mouths, and endure until the ground is stable again. That's why when she got back we were quiet the rest of the trip because like.. anymore surprises? We HATE surprises. I guess that's why Taureans get quiet during emotional upheavals? Me and the other Taurus were BOILING but we shut our fucking mouths when she came back around because opening our mouths to talk while in extreme emotion makes oUR VOICES COME OUT UNINTENTIONALLY LOUD AND FULL OF HATE BECAUSE YOU KEEP THROWING SHIT OUR WAY AND WE CAN NO LONGER BREATH THE EXTREME NEGATIVITY THROUGH OUR NOSES! WE DONT TALK WHEN YOU'RE UPSETTING US BECAUSE WE DONT WANNA BELIEVE THAT YOU'RE REALLY THIS TRASH SO WE SHUT UP AND GIVE YOU CHANCE AFTER CHANGE TO CORRECT YOURSELF THEN BLOW THE HELL UP WHEN YOU KEEP RUBBING IT IN! I know it sounds childish to not say what you're feeling but we just expect everyone to have common sense and KNOW as a fucking adult what's rude/stupid/nonsensical, so we sit our asses back and reevaluate our relationship with you. It's something air dominants don't really understand though because my sister is a Gemini sun, Aquarius moon (ugh I'm surrounded by Aquarius moons 🙄) and she didn't believe that I was actually having contractions and took forever to take me to the hospital when I had my daughter because I wasn't showing any emotion when I'd tell her I was in pain and wasn't saying much. My baby's father is a Gemini sun and Mercury and he literally rambled through our daughter's birth and has to talk while she's getting shots because he gets through high levels of any feeling through distracting his mind with random words. Ugh I actually love it because you know when you've made him nervous when his rambling Gemini twin starts coming out even though he's a Scorpio rising who likes to portray himself as all dark and mysterious 😂. Anyways! Taureans just prefer to lay low and endure.. until it gets real, then the rest of your chart comes out. Like when I was having contractions, I quietly endured them the whole time like a Taurus... until it was time for her to come and they got worse so the Pisces moon came out! I like the description of the moon sign being who you are when you need your mother." I literally started reaching for my mom, everyone else in the room faded away, and I kept whining to her and asking "is there any drug that can knock me out so I won't have to live through this pain?? I don't want to live though this. I don't want to experience this." While shaking my head, attempting to wake up from that nightmare 😂 I'm literally an escapist in the highest form! I find it interesting that my moon house also played a big part because I remember during the contractions that I was being a Pisces moon and trying to imagine myself in the place I'd rather be and I closed my eyes and imagine myself in a casket, and then I felt like that wasn't enough and I imagined myself burning I hell and was slightly satisfied lmao the 8th house moon is such a trip. *Sigggh* but leave it to an Aries MC person to be this annoying and off subject during a rant but whatever, I've accepted that I'm nothing but a Taurus sun version of Kanye West. 😂 But I only have "fun" friends I don't have "emotional outlet" friends so I have nobody to talk about my suppressed rage to. 🙃
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So the week has started out just great!!! My Bestie and I are walking around teary eyed lol. Usually our breakdowns switch, when I’m down she helps me through it, and when she’s down I’m tagging and sending all types of spiritual posts and tying to remind her what an amazing woman she is. Not this week though. If we still lived in the same city I can imagine we would be in our onies, passing each other 2 liter buckets of ice cream and stuffing our faces with pizza.
So what’s really going on? I have no fucking idea, I’m confused. Not sure yet, but everything just looks a mess from all angles. As for my bestie, I don't know and I don't think she knows either so yea.
Before I get into what I really think might be the cause of all this, Id like to give an intro to my blog. I’m Samantha, 29, Calgary based and an entrepreneur. I am not a writer, but I have some things to say that I don't usually talk about. I do think this will be a good outlet to just speak my mind and try to make sense of my life in general. I will be talking about LOVE, SPIRITUALITY, BEING SELF EMPLOYED, and most likely WEIRD SHIT that i wouldn't necessarily talk about openly. It would be great if whatever I do talk about helps someone else, or even just make you laugh when you are thinking to yourself that this girl is nuts.
As for the mood swings, its a full moon tomorrow night. Plus mercury has been retrograde for the past 3 weeks or so. Oh yea, should I mention the eclipse season :( I think at this point you are starting to wonder about me and my beliefs.....lol shrug
Lets talk NUMEROLOGY for now:
What is numerology? It is the branch of knowledge that deals with the occult significance of numbers. Each letter has a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration. The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie. Experts in numerology use the numbers to determine the best time for major moves and activities in life. Numerology is used to decide when to invest, when to marry, when to travel, when to change jobs, or relocate. (http://www.astrology-numerology.com)
That sounds creepy doesn't it? lol, let me explain.
My family is christian. For as long as I can remember, church wasn't an option. So every Sunday, the entire family would go to church. I was baptized in the Roman Catholic church, even though my family on my mom’s side is Methodist. I loved going to church as a kid, the music was good. Music in general helps me express my feelings, so for me, that was how i connected with God more than through the word of the bible. Fast forward to when I was a little bit older, to be honest I didn't like it. It didn't really do anything for me spiritually and I especially hate the whole fellowship thing of getting to know other church members. And it’s not like I’m that much of a BITCH, I’m pretty sure I have social anxiety to an extent. The only reason why I survive going to events or the club is because there’s alcohol involved. I don't think if I didn't drink Id be out as much as I usually am. The day after any major outing where there is a lot of people, I end up depressed for the next 24 hours to a week. So i am trying to cut down on socializing, for emotional and mental reasons but that’s another topic.
Now back to Numerology. Since I was a kid i always found astrology to be interesting and through astrology I learned about Numerology. Most horoscope websites you go on usually have a section on Numerology. Let me make this very clear, I would not advise you to hang onto every single thing that you hear about Astrology or Numerology. The reason why I like reading them is because I tend to overthink a lot all the time. And I know It sounds like I should be speaking to A psychologist but its really not that serious. I find it helps me sometimes when I have doubts or maybe worried about life in general. These two topics could also make it even worse depending on what’s going on, so i would advise that you assess what you are reading and if its making you feel even more negative, stop right there and go to your doctor and get a reference for an experienced counselor. You need it, just saying!!!
While it’s hard for some people to resonate with Numerology, I do find it to be accurate and especially when it describes your personality and interests. As an individual, there are different numbers for every aspect of your being but the LIFEPATH number is the most important. It’s a general outlook of who you are, but it does get deeper with soul urges and karmic numbers etc.
So far, my favorite website is www.numerologist.com.
 After you fill out your name and birth date it will calculate your numbers and tell you a bit about you for free. Now you might be thinking, why the hell would i ask a computer to tell me about myself. Just do it, you will probably like it and its quite thought provoking: http://numerologist.com/portal/
You can also go to www.tokenrock.com and they will tell you your number.
CALCULATOR: https://www.tokenrock.com/numerology/life_path/
I hope these links work for you. You can believe it if you want or you can have fun with it. Decide what works for you. I am not affiliated with these people so it’s just an honest reference. If you do end up actually tying this out, I’d love to hear your opinion on it, so come back on this article and lets discuss. It’s one of the reasons why I started this blog so we can talk about things that are not usually a topic of interest.
My Numerology number is #22. It’s explained on the bottom if you would like to read it.
Down below are some characteristics and description of each number (The descriptions for the numbers below are from (www.gaia.com) You can calculate manually if you like but just use the calculator and save yourself the headache.
Ones: The Father
The number one is a spiritual and primal force. It is the root that all numbers stem from. This is perhaps why Ones tend to be doers. If you are a One then you are aggressive and energetic. You look to produce results and you will not be limited by anyone or anything. Your innate urge to be a protector and your dedication and passion to achieving your goals make you a natural born leader and show why this number is related to a fatherly role. Even the shape of the number 1 is a strong reflection of its meaning. The 1 is a spearhead, always at the lead and often forceful. It stands upright, unwavering in its pride and purpose. You are courageous and willing to try anything new if you see promise, even at great danger.
However, Ones are also very individualistic, which can lead to loneliness. Your primal urge to be a leader often makes you resent those with more power and your inflated view of self makes you less likely to heed advice. Ones also generally have issues with trust. You believe if you want something done right, then you must do it yourself.
Ones feel entitled to respect and can become demanding and domineering when it’s not given. When this happens, Ones turn into warriors and will attempt to force their values and opinions and will not listen to anyone else. You are a pragmatist and can often have a hard time relating to other’s emotions. You see through charm easily and you will not stand for hypocrisy. However, if Ones can harness their natural instinct to protect into compassion and understanding, they will earn unlimited loyalty from followers.
Twos: The Mother
The number two is thought to be a feminine number, with its power and strength consistently underestimated. Twos tend to be artists of sorts, always gentle, understanding, and diplomatic. If you are a two, you are a natural born peacekeeper, whose innate urge is to diffuse situations rather than fight. However, as we said, Twos are often underestimated.
Twos are the ultimate survivors. You are extremely resilient and often the backbone of a family. The shape of the 2 is thought to resemble a person with their head bowed and on bended knees, a natural sign of servitude. However, this position also represents strength. While Ones represent power and pride, unwilling to bend at any price, they will break and shatter when enough pressure is applied. In contrast, Twos are able to bend in order to carry crushing weights. This flexibility allows Twos to bounce back easily when the weight is removed. Twos are often the real power behind the throne, controlling the outcome of events through gentle force or persuasion without notice.
You are incredibly devoted, and you expect that same devotion in return. Beware when Twos are betrayed or mistreated. While your tactful manipulation is able to avert most disasters, you are still possessive and easily made jealous. If Twos feel under attack or crossed, they will unleash a side that is vengeful, cruel and unrelenting. You will do whatever necessary to destroy your opponent and you will not feel regret or remorse when the battle is over.
Threes: The Talented Child
Threes are natural born salesmen, with a natural gift for gab and overflow of charisma. If you’re a three, you’re the star of the party and liven up any room without even trying. You have a natural gift for creativity and you are well aware of your talent. However, Threes are also a bit like spoiled teenagers. They are disorganized, in need of constant guidance, and blissfully unaware or ungrateful for the efforts others go through to protect them.
Your powerful need to express yourself coupled with your extroverted personality will most likely lead you to a career in the arts or sales (a verbal art, if you will). Your charm, wit and sense of humor will get you everywhere and it often helps others to forgive or overlook your less desirable traits. You are a natural optimist and people are drawn to your positive energy.
However, for Threes, your greatest asset is also your greatest weakness. Because your charisma and natural talent come easily, you find it difficult to understand and relate to the struggles others. While you are always well liked and have a large group of friends, you may find it hard to form deeper relationships, especially with a romantic partner. Your need for expression and your natural creativity cause you to often lack focus and procrastinate. You find yourself involved in multiple projects at a time, abandoning the old for the new with no regard for others involved. By placing their attention on the sunny exterior and failing to form spiritual depth, Threes easily succumb to difficulties or challenges.
To become well rounded and happy, Threes must learn discipline and put constant effort into maintaining deeper relationships.
Fours: The Organizer
Fours are orderly and methodical and base their lives in logic. If you’re a Four, you are the epitome of stability. You use hard work and reason to establish a solid foundation and believe any problem can be overcome with a proper plan. Often thought to be a more masculine number, the 4’s shape says it all - hard linear edges with no room for flow or flexibility.
Fours are trustworthy and patient people. While always dependable, their constant obedience and commitment to discipline can also make them seem boring. However, Fours often possess an entertainingly witty and dry sense of humor. You find happiness in your proven accomplishments, favoring results over any sort of reward or recognition. You are humble and can be overlooked easily, even when you are the foundation to others successes. But you don’t mind. Fours dislike public attention and are quite happy to keep doing what they’re doing. However, your rigidity and stubbornness also make you a fierce soldier when defending your territory.
Due to an under-developed sense of imagination, Fours often have narrow-minded or conventional views. You have an aversion to the unexpected and see no reason to stray from something that already works. Because of your dislike for change, you hold rules as sacred. You feel safe and secure when things are predictable, and even small changes have the ability to throw your life into chaos. While Fours may not end up being the CEO of a company, their hard work, loyalty and dependability will certainly carry them far in their career.
Fives: The Free Spirit
Fives are a whirlwind of energy, constantly in need of change and stimulation. If you are a Five, your family and friends probably view you as independent and unpredictable. You’re always up for an adventure and aren’t averse to taking risks. While you are surprisingly loyal, you can also be selfish, thoughtless and irresponsible, leaving a wake of damage for others to clean up.
For Fives, change is a necessity. You have an uncompromising need for freedom and you will not be told what to do. This often makes careers a struggle. You may flit from job to job before finding your path, and even then there is no guarantee. You do best in environments that suit your need for change and independence such as consulting or owning your own business. However, once you put your mind to something, friends and family are impressed by your dedication and focus.
You are adaptable, smart and progressive and your respect for independence is reflected in your tolerant nature. However, this tolerance also makes you more likely to trust the wrong people. Fives are a poor judge of character and are often drawn to eccentric, unstable people. Your desire for instant gratification is usually your downfall, but with discipline and a stable family-like structure this can be avoided.
Sixes: The Caregiver
Nicknamed the motherhood number, the Six is a fixer. You are naturally caring and protective and you dedicate your life to fixing the problems of those around you. Sixes are the glue that holds families and communities together and they will protect their loved ones at any cost.
Sixes have a strong sense of moral justice and the role of counselor or advisor comes naturally. You have a down-to-earth wisdom that makes you genuinely well liked and respected. Considered the most harmonious of the numbers, Sixes are non-discriminative and open to forming relationships with all. You are well balanced and therefore well equipped to ground others in times of trial. However, this can also make you a bad judge of character, leading you to sacrifice yourself to the wrong people, even as those around you tell you to do otherwise. Sixes have a strong impulse to create an environment of peace and they dislike anyone who disrupts it.
This is where your dark side shows. While Sixes are the most stable of all the numbers, when plunged into discord they become the most volatile and destructive. Your loving openness makes you easy to take advantage of and your sacrificing nature will allow this to happen – however, you have your limits. Beware a wronged or angry Six, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Your practiced warmth makes it easy to keep a friendly smile as you destroy your enemy.
For Sixes, you must be careful in how you choose your partners. Do not let sentimentality cloud your judgment. You must learn to discriminate between those you can help and those who are made weaker by your love. There is a fine line between supporting and enabling.
Sevens: The Philosopher
Sevens are naturally curious and as a result find themselves devoted to investigating the unknown. However, you possess all of the skills to handle this challenge. You have a refined and analytical mind that is capable of great insight. Where others see only broken pieces, Sevens see a puzzle waiting to be solved. You are a strong mix of intellectual creativity and practical logic.
When your life is stable, you are the life of the party. You are charming, witty and able to present a unique spin on conversational topics. Your holistic perspective makes you an incredibly interesting dinner guest. Sevens have a natural ability to learn, analyze, and seek answers to life’s important questions, which will carry them far in life.
However, this same analytical and inquisitive mind can also lead to a life of solitude and loneliness. You need uninterrupted time to contemplate your ideas without other people’s thoughts clouding your judgment. Sevens prefer to work alone, valuing their space and privacy. However, when given too much space, Sevens can develop an egocentric, selfish and conceited streak.
Sevens have the potential for enormous growth and to go far in life. Invest time and effort into companionship and deeper relationships. Social interactions enhance your perspective on yourself and on life and should not be undervalued.
Eights: The Professional
Eights place emphasis on career, business, finances and authority. You are spiritual, but maintain a practicality and realism to your spirituality. You know the difference between make-believe and genuine realizations. However, you are also perfectly balanced and are a force that creates as easily as it destroys.
Eights focus on money, however, this is not as simple as it seems. You see money as a measure, not an end-result. You find happiness in luxury and believe your career success will lead to a more comfortable life. You are ambitious, efficient, organized and disciplined and willing to take on any task. You enjoy counseling others and sharing your wisdom and often find yourself in a “coach” type role.
However, Eights can only flourish when supported. While your ambition may make you a great leader and mentor, you are lost if you have no followers. Eights who become too independent or are not given the necessary support at a young age rebel against everything that they are. Often choosing a path that is limited and has no room for growth. This leads to frustration, anger, dissatisfaction, and hate.
You are a pack animal and you do best when part of a team. You are naturally balanced and must surround yourself with people who maintain this. You have great potential for success, however, with too much independence or ego, you have an equal potential for failure.
Nines: The Humanitarian
From a numerological perspective, Nines are by far the most interesting. When you multiply any number by 9, then add the resulting digits and reduce them to a single digit (as you did with calculating your Life Path Number), it result will always be a 9. For example,
9 x 5 = 45 = 4+5 = 9
In multiplication, this happens with every number, no matter how large. However, when looking at addition, the exact opposite happens. When you add 9 to any number, and reduce the result to a single digit, the outcome will always be the original number, as if nothing was added at all. For example,
5+9 = 14 = 1+4 = 5
The math behind the number Nine touches at the core of its symbolism. Nines have an unending flow of love to give and they offer it to the world at large. They understand the connection between all mankind and have global consciousness. Nines are humanitarians and when it comes to helping they see no difference between a close friend and person they’ve never met. However, you have a difficult time understanding why others do not share your views and will often preach your opinions. Nines are always tolerant and are the least judgmental and most conscious of the life path numbers. You never ask for credit and will stop at nothing to rectify an injustice.
In this we see the symbolism of the math behind the number 9. In multiplication, the 9 will convert other numbers into a 9. In life, Nines have a strong sense of morality and feel a need to convert others to their ways for their own good. In addition, it’s as if the 9 was never added at all. In life, Nines have a strong urge to help others, adding back what others have lost. However, they never ask for credit or recognition – as if they had done nothing at all.
As with any number, Nines also have a dark side. You are often disappointed with the realities of life and especially with those around you. You have difficulty in deep or romantic relationships, as you have trouble showing your true heart. A Nines focus and dedication to their goals often make those closest to them feel neglected and unappreciated. You see their complaints as selfish and unwarranted and you do not understand why their needs should come before something that you hold dear. This can make you withdraw and turn cold and apathetic quickly. When this dark side emerges, Nines can become condescending, egotistical, and cruel, feeling no emotion as they maliciously cut out or tear into loved ones.
You lack the perspective that would otherwise allow you to enjoy life more fully. You have trouble accepting humanities natural limitations and therefore keep pushing, often sacrificing your own happiness to do so. You have a gift for examining the world objectively. Apply this to your own life and be honest with yourself. While it’s easy to withdraw, you must openly face your own shortcomings to better understand and appreciate love.
Elevens: The Energetic Visionary
Elevens are the most intuitive of all Life Path Numbers and can sense a great deal about what’s going on behind the scenes. They have an innate understanding of others and are easily able to pick up on deeper cues. As a master number, Elevens have similar qualities to Twos, only amplified. You are dedicated and loyal and are likely to marry young. This amplified intuition is fueled by an unyielding energy, which makes it hard for others to sometimes keep up.
Because of your natural intuition and constant energy, you are likely to live a life of extremes. You form deep relationships easily, often at the bewilderment of others. However, this life of extremes is also driven by an inner restlessness. You are a visionary with energy to spare and when you become bored you plunge yourself into the next great idea. This gives you both power and emotional turmoil.
However, you possess more potential than you know. You have a natural ability to develop deep and accurate insights without ever going through a rational thought process. This is often misunderstood at a young age, leading many Elevens to be self-conscious and self-criticizing.
Your sensitivity and high-energy make you prone to anxiety and stress. While you are always tactful and diplomatic, your anxiety can make you quick to feel slighted or attacked. You often envision ways to fight back, however, your intuition will usually keep you from making any sudden movements. Take care to give yourself ample time to decompress when faced with stressful situations. You must find balance between the extremes to find your calm.
Twenty Twos: The Master Builder
If your Life Path Number is Twenty Two, you have the potential for extreme success and power. You are well disciplined, ambitious, confident and pragmatic, all of which make you naturally able to turn dreams into realities. As a master number, Twenty Twos share a lot of the same characteristics as Fours. You are hard working and rooted in logic, breaking down complex situations into step-by-step solutions. However, unlike Fours, Twenty Twos have a natural gift for intuition and independence, which allows them to overcome social anxieties (I’m getting there)
As a Twenty Two, you are able to see the beauty of an idea as well as the logistics to make it a reality. However, your sound common sense also makes it easy for you to see the limitations of an idea. Your hard work and dedication to analysis help you understand complex scenarios, such as the intricacies of a large organization or global network. While others may not always see your vision, your intuition and realism make it easy for you to build trust. You are a dreamer and a pragmatist all in one.
Unfortunately, Twenty Twos are often the most unfulfilled in life. You are aware of your potential, however you are also your own harshest critic. You often set impractical and unrealistic standards for yourself, placing a constant self-imposed pressure to succeed. You have great difficulty accepting failure of any sort and usually blame yourself, even when it’s not deserved. When unchecked, your ego can also lead to distrust of others. You see yourself as superior and therefore lack faith in the ability of others.
Twenty Twos are dedicated and disciplined visionaries. However, you must learn to accept that ideas may change and transform as they come to fruition. Variations from your original vision are opportunities, not failures.
Alright, so the post ended up being much longer than I anticipated. What Life path did you get, does it sound like an accurate description of you? Your thoughts before and after? I hope it was interesting atleast, or you learned something and maybe one day when you are bored, you read up more about it. Feedback feedback.....I love questions!!!
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Jacob/ Zhang Peng Astrology: How he loves
A/N Oh hey it me bringing you another request. I have a few left in the queue so sorry if it takes me a couple days, thank you all for your requests!! Thanks so much for understanding!!
“Because your break downs are amazing, could you do a lover breakdown of Jacob from VAV? I know his chart has some great things in there! Thanks boo 😘" - @dotheddaengthing 
I got you !!  As always, 18+ below the cut!
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I’m triggered and I haven’t even started the damn chart 
first I’d like to note his chart has a really pretty balance to it
there is a poetic, 3,2,3,2 to his element split also that I find really interesting. 
fire and air, considered “active” or positive Yang  elements. he has 2 of each
and the earth and fire, considered “passive” Negative Yin elements he has 3 of each
he has SO MANY cardinal placements so there are a few conclusions we can draw from this
cardinal signs are known for being the embodiment of that element. He has Aries, Libra, Capricorn AND Cancer... meaning all 3 of the Cardinal signs make an appearance in his chart
that is really interesting to me.because the heavier emphasis on passive elements suggests an easy going reasonable personality and the active elements being not far behind but still lesser indicates he isn’t lazy or a doormat
and with that many cardinal placements, more than one of each, he is likely a really level headed person who is excellent at inciting action within himself
let’s talk details
his rising is Scorpio  we have talked about this rising Scorpios get your shit together
he is going to seem mysterious and interesting to people
you are going to have to PRY info out of him if you want more than a few tidbits and jokes
Scorpios don’t like to seem ‘weak’ and emotional  those words are not synonymous and water represents emotion im sorry scorpios accept you are a soft bitch deep down
he will likely rely on sarcasm in the beginning and being a Virgo won’t tamp down that impulse, he may come off as cold and unfeeling 
so if you’re trying to boo him up and he’s standing off more with you than others it’s probably because those walls are up in defense
Virgo sun
meticulous and clean, cautious and deep thinking
analyze analyze analyze
also Virgos get so hung up on details they’ll forget really simple concepts 
someone help him he is confused
this would be 1000% worse if his moon weren't the CARDINAL of  emotional feelings, Cancer
so he will second guess himself
it’ll be hard to get him to not be hard on himself
Virgos  are picky and savage but also incredibly mistrusting and self defeating
so outside is “I’m cool and have it together” and inside it’s 
“Can they tell I really like them omg stop it be like Elsa conceal don’t feel”
let it go, bro 
Cancer moon is going to win out in the end
if he likes you he will constantly be doing things for you
combining Virgo's detail oriented traits and Cancer’s incredible empathy means he knows you better than you know you
expect a confession of his to be right out of  your personal dreams
he is confident in what you need and he is willing to give it to you 
yaaaas girl get you that emotional support what a fricken dream
where can i get one
on the flip side you have to be very gentle with him they bruise easily
the tiniest thoughtless word will bounce around in his head for weeks he is fragile pls
in relationships he will probably be afraid to go past general flirtation
with confusion and teasing and you will have whiplash cause he will go from being nice and taking care of you to kind of stand offish and cold 
So you’ll get some kind of long friendship where he likes  you so much but he can't Express it so he just kinda gets irritable or shy every time you're around
And if you confront him he'll blurt out the reason "I'm mad because I really like you!!! And you don't understand that I do and I'm scared! "
 And you'll be like 👀👀👀👀 You do???
And he's like *shy baby mode activate*
He might just like walk away embarrassed  if you don't put him at ease
Pls help this bb he is so shy
But once you do he will calm downAnd his instincts  will kick in
And it’s all "where's your jacket? Tch. Just take mine or whatever" (Its cause he wants to stake his claim do not believe him)
Mercury in Libra
literally one of the best signs for communicators
I am not just saying that as a Libra
for real, it’s in the scales
everything from a libra is like
“Well if you look at it from this perspective....”
it’s really hard to have a real fight with a Libra because fairness is the game
he will however be self sacrificing if it’s to avoid conflict and you might have to call to make drs appointments  and stuff cause they really don’t like to bother people
Venus in Cancer.... oh boy
so we know about cancer venus by now
emotional. thoughtful,supportive relationships
they don’t date casually in general because anything that doesn’t hit them on a soul deep level isn’t worth their time
so think affection wise this is putting the tips of his fingers in  your furthest pocket while he’s got you tucked into his side
talking quietly to you about the universe and his dreams
its cute
probably loves to snuggle and watch movies together
and probably will cry but if you say something he will say he didn’t
mars in Cancer 
sorry this means moody AF i don’t make the rules
cancers have a way of shifting moods 
so their drive to situations will fluctuate
you may have to be really supportive when he is being negative and when he is positive  again he will definitely make it up to you
relationships are give and take!!
18+ below get yo freak on if you legal
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someone collect him seriously .
let’s get nasty
you know we start with that DAMN VENUS 
Cancer Venus's are a danger to genitalia everywhere 
I am actually ready to fight the next Cancer venus I see 
Controlling, jealous, and affectionate
combine this with virgo and cancer moon and you get a very, very strict, but very, very affectionate and soft daddy.
what the hell
so this means he will probably be the type to stare deeply into your eyes, body looming over you, long powerful drags in and out that force the air from your lungs
toy play?
yeah, toy play
Vibrators when you are bad 
probably aggressive, but in like,  a romantic way
when he beats your cervix to a pulp  makes love to you, he will mutter how much he loves you into your neck
soft wet whispers kissed into your skin
i imagine he’s like a biter but in the gentle way
more like nips all the way down your body in a playful way with his hands stretching over your waist
sensual emotional and possessive all at once
but sometimes 
if you make that cancer jealous
look out because the FULL possessive side will jump right out
marking and asking you who you belong to
goes emotionally soft for a moment if you beg
maybe nicknames in the sheets ?
remember possessive so there’s some indication he would want to leave you with something that only he could give you 
I am also thinking that he is the type to get you to cum multiple times
like if he is going to cum once you are getting at least 2
wants to make it so his touch is burned into your skin 
a poem of your heartbeat tattooed against your ribs 
your soft noises ringing in his ears
it’s his favorite soundtrack
aftercare is gonna be based on that Libra north node I think
so like. 
you are glued to him and not going anywhere. probably keeps a shirt under the bed to clean up the mess but he wants you skin to skin
if you must get up and walk around he wants you in one of his shirts with undies and nothing else
loves the sight of you wrapped in him
please I am on soft hours now how 
be good to this man cause he is a rough outside and soft inside 
he needs support and love and cuddles
A/N    okay! !
 I feel like i should make the disclaimer that this is my own analysis  based on the amount of info we have. could some of the chart be off (rising and moon can be affected by time of day) yeah. 
but this is for entertainment purposes and I am just messing around for fun, I know I state everything like fact but ... It’s for shits and giggles and I don’t want to write “maybe” and “probably” and put a disclaimer on every single thing. It’s all subjective and unsure. I hope no one is too upset by all that I am doing my best.
anyway I hope you enjoyed
I have a couple of requests left I am working on both thank you for your patience and I hope you stick around! I don’t mind having them in the queue if anyone wants to send anymore !!
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