#my assessments are using me as their punching bag and i am not allowed to retaliate
where did the idea come from for 'calm her cynical claws?'
oh, my magnum opus? (JOKES)
this has a backstory, actually. so, back when ace was still ongoing, my friend and i made headcannons about what professions the characters would take when they're older. we hc'd that miko would be a michelin star chef (u go girl) and would sometimes use alcohol in her food to make it taste more errr vibrant and expensive, for the lack of better words. and then it sparked an idea in my head which was to hc the characters' alcohol tolerance levels if they ever drank when they grew up 😭😭 hence miko being a michelin star chef in the fic and the characters being ooc + drunk + extra chaotic (you're welcome)
as for the actual writing process... i was actually still in my little writers' block and was searching through my phone for inspo which made me miraculously stumble upon my friend and i's old messages lol. and if u couple it with the fact that i was like..... half delirious from sleepiness, it'll probably explain why the fic was so uncharacteristically chaotic and messy HAHDAHHA (it was really fun to write though! it lifted a weight off my chest, plus i got a big enthusiastic thumbs up from the same friend when i sent the fic to her so that's a win)
also, cuz i can't help myself, i'm gng to post the hcs of the characters' future professions + their alcohol tolerance level separately cuz i thnk the world should know what goes on in my hc-infested head huheuehhauehe
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aerinsfables · 3 years
Never Have I Ever
The Fablehaven gang plays Never Have I Ever. Not really shippy, but will tag for relevant ships.
“Never have I ever become an albino courtesy of a revenant,” Seth announced. His face expressed glee as Warren and Tanu each lowered one finger in response. He was down to three fingers left, himself, and Kendra thought he seemed determined to remain in the game.
“Well, never have I ever held Vasilis,” Tanu retorted. The smile dropped off of Seth’s face as he lowered one of his remaining fingers with a quiet ‘nooo’, and Kendra laughed a little as she also lowered one of hers.
“Never have I ever broken my leg by jumping off a roof,” Dale said, which prompted Warren to roll his eyes and lower another finger. 
“It’s hard to play this game with people you actually know,” Warren protested. “I was nine at the time, yes it was a stupid choice, thank you for reminding me, now let me think for a minute.” He tapped his chin with the side of his hand and seemed to think for a moment. “Never have I ever… had a body double,” he said as he winked at Kendra, who stuck her tongue out at him and lowered one of her fingers. She had the most points left in the group thus far, so she’d been expecting some targeted statements, but still.
“That’s a cheap shot,” she said as she clicked her tongue in disapproval.
He shrugged. “Hey. There’ve been three of you. It’s not my fault that you’re the only one here who’s experienced that.”
“It’s not as fun as you’d think it is,” she replied.
“My turn,” Vanessa said. “Never have I ever spoken with the Fairy Queen.”
Seth let out a loud, “HA!” and gave Vanessa a high five. Warren applauded. Kendra sighed as she placed another finger down. Bracken followed suit as well. “Clever,” he said, sarcasm laced in his tone.
“Always,” Vanessa responded. “It’s your turn, Kendra.”
Well. Two can play at this game, Kendra thought. And, really, she’d meant for her next statement to be a jibe at Warren and Vanessa anyway.
“Never have I ever been engaged to marry anyone,” she said with confidence.
She’d expected the narrowed eyes from Warren and Vanessa as they each lowered a finger. She’d expected Seth’s guffaws and Tanu and Dale’s smiling eyes.
She had not expected for Bracken to lower one of his fingers, too.
Kendra turned her attention to the young man to her immediate left, who cleared his throat in an obvious - and vain - attempt to move the conversation forward, his face a lovely shade of pink. “Excuse me?” she asked, probably sounding about as shocked as she actually was. She wasn’t the only surprised one, though. Seth shouted, “What?!” at the same time that Warren announced it was story time while positively everyone’s eyes turned to Bracken, whose face flushed a darker shade of pink.
Bracken opened and closed his mouth a few times, unsuccessful at producing any words. “I… it was a long time ago, and an accident,” he said. “I didn’t mean for it to happen.”
“How do you accidentally get engaged to someone?” Dale asked. One eyebrow was pointed upward, and he appeared to be rethinking his entire opinion of the young man in question.
Kendra, for her part, was speechless. She didn’t know what to think. It was most definitely story time indeed.
“I… there was… it was…” Bracken cleared his throat again and scratched the back of his head, his gaze firmly fixed upon the table in front of him. “I was younger then. Still getting used to human socialization, still wandering between the wilderness and civilization. I’d decided to spend some time closer to towns, was low on human currency, and desired to reside inside an inn for a time. There were people in the street who advertised a sword-fighting competition, which offered a cash reward, so I decided I’d participate.”
Still unsure of what to think, Kendra furrowed her eyebrows. Where was this going? 
“I’ve… I’m good with swords. The competition wasn’t particularly difficult to win, although the last human I faced that specific day was quite skilled. I digress. I won the contest, was given a large sum of money in a very nice bag, and was also told at that moment that I’d won the hand of the local princess.” 
His face burned red. Kendra didn’t know whether to laugh or smack him upside the head. Maybe both? She refrained from reacting for the moment.
Seth, however, was not so well-controlled. He laughed heartily.
“‘The local princess’? When was this?” Warren asked.
“Shhh, he’s still telling the story,” Tanu said. “I want to hear this. Wish we had some popcorn.”
Bracken looked like he was marching toward his death. “A long, long time ago,” he said, “Somewhere in Ireland. Her name was Aoife MacMurrough.”
“So… did you marry her?” Dale asked.
His eyes grew large. “No!” he nearly shouted. He made eye contact with Kendra, who found it awkward to look at him right at that moment, so she diverted her attention to her hands, which still displayed the five points she’d managed to maintain.
“I tried to tell them that I thought this was a competition solely for money, and that I wasn’t interested in marriage, but the king and his vassals wouldn’t take no for an answer. The rules were apparently clear, although they’d somehow flown over my head. I snuck out of town that night and stayed far away from humans for quite a long time after that. I never found out what happened. Of course, I’d also fled to Greece and other countries and did not return to Ireland for a couple hundred years, but that’s a different story.” He reached toward Kendra and lightly touched her shoulder. “I don’t even know what Princess Aoife looked like.”
“How did you not know that you would wind up promised in marriage to a princess?” Vanessa asked, disbelief and disapproval very much evident in her statement. “Did you not listen to the rules? Did the people announcing the competition not make that clear? How is it possible to enter into a contest like that and not know what you’re fighting for?” 
Kendra didn’t entirely appreciate the tone of voice Vanessa used, but she was incredibly grateful that her friend had been able to voice even just some of the questions she had on her own mind.
Bracken narrowed his eyes. “I was new to Gaelic, and it was mostly still a spoken language at that point in time,” he replied. “I still don’t know how I missed that bit of information. I blame my empty stomach and longing for a soft bed to sleep in for the night.”
“He was - he was hangry,” Seth said, then rolled off into laughter again. Warren and Tanu joined in a bit as well, the earlier looking up something on his phone.
“It was a poor decision. I know. Go ahead and laugh,” Bracken stated. He once again reached for Kendra. “I’m sorry,” he said in a quiet voice.
Sorry for what? Why should he be sorry? Should she be upset? Did she have a right to be upset? Was she upset? All of those questions and more buzzed about in Kendra’s brain, but she refrained from voicing any of them. 
“Wait. Aoife MacMurrough?” Warren asked, his eyes practically bulging out of his head.
“Yes…?” Bracken responded.
Warren chuckled as he read from his phone. “Red Aoife. Married off by Saint Patrick himself. Warrior princess. That Aoife?”
“I don’t know!” Bracken insisted at the same time that Tanu said, “Saint Patrick, huh?” 
“Bracken almost married a leprechaun?!” Seth cried out before yet more raucous laughter escaped from his body.
Dale spoke next, after a brief pause to allow for excess joviality from the company who sat around the table.
“Well. That is an odd circumstance,” he said. “I’ve bailed Warren out of quite a few odd circumstances over the years, but never anything like that. Right, Warren?”
Warren laughed. “Nope.”
“Alright then. I think my next move is to say, never have I ever been accidentally engaged to marry someone,” Dale continued. He innocently blinked at Bracken a few times, who looked dumbfounded and then lowered another finger.
“I’m never going to live this down, am I?” he asked.
Everyone shook their heads while Kendra finally reacted in laughter. The rest of the table followed after her example.
“Are you upset with me?” he asked her.
Kendra let laughter take over her body for a minute, then wiped a tear from one of her eyes. “Upset?” she asked as more giggles escaped from her lips. “Bracken. You are the only person I know who could have done that.” Giggles. Somehow, this didn’t seem out of character for him. The poor, oblivious unicorn. 
“What other secrets are you hiding?!” Seth demanded.
Bracken folded his arms across his chest and refused to entertain that particular train of thought. “Nope. One story is enough for tonight,” he said. “Come on. Surely all of you have made poor decisions in your young lives as well.”
“Sure, but I never wound up promising myself to someone else by accident,” Vanessa shot back.
Bracken only rolled his eyes at that comment. “I believe it was my turn, next, before Dale stole it from me,” he said as he leveled Vanessa with a cool glare. “Never have I ever controlled someone in their sleep.”
Vanessa ran out of fingers at that one. “Very funny.”
“Always,” he retorted, copying her tone of voice from earlier on in the evening.
Kendra opened her mouth to interrupt them before they could launch into one of their infamous arguments, but Tanu beat her to the punch.
“Never have I ever been near Zzyzx,” he said.
Everyone else at the table groaned and lowered a finger, except Dale, who simply smiled. Warren ran out of points, Seth only had one left, Bracken had two, Tanu and Dale were each down to three, and Kendra still held onto four.
“Your turn again, Seth,” Tanu said once the damage had been assessed.
“Never have I ever… um…” he looked at his sister. “Never have I ever written letters to a dragon prince.”
Kendra could feel her face grow warm as she lowered a finger. “Warren and Vanessa are out, so it’s my turn,” she announced.
“A dragon prince?” Bracken asked. This time, his eyebrows were raised in surprise.
“I knew him as Gavin in his human form,” she said with a sigh. “He was actually Navarog.”
If Bracken’s eyes could have grown larger, Kendra was sure that they would have at that statement. “Excuse me?” he asked, in much the same tone as she’d asked him earlier. “I feel that another story time is in order.”
“Nah, we all know that story already,” Warren announced. “You two talk about that one between yourselves later. It’s Kendra’s turn now.”
“Never have I ever drank an enlargement potion,” Kendra interrupted.
Bracken narrowed his gaze at her, but dropped the subject. For the moment.
Tanu lowered one finger. “Ouch, Kendra. I feel like I’ve been singled out.”
“Sorry, Tanu,” she replied with a smile.
Bracken huffed. “Never have I ever been duped by a demon dragon,” he stated.
He was astonished to find that everyone except Dale put their fingers down. Seth ran out of points, Tanu had one left, Kendra was down to three, and Dale and Bracken were still at two.
“All of you?!” he asked.
Dale shrugged his shoulders. “I never met the guy,” he said. “They all went adventuring with him.”
“Except me,” Vanessa elaborated. “I probably would’ve caught on if I had been there, though.”
“Let’s not start this up,” Warren said at the same time that Dale announced, “Never have I ever been in prison.”
Just like that, Tanu was out of points, Kendra had two, and Bracken had only one left.
“Never have I ever been trapped in a barn,” Kendra said. Dale laughed and lowered a finger. One left.
“Never have I ever had coffee,” Bracken said. 
“Really?” Dale asked as he ran out of points. “Never?”
“Not once,” Bracken replied. 
“You were in prison when coffee as a drink was invented, weren’t you?” Kendra laughed.
Bracken’s ears turned pink. “Maybe,” he admitted.
“You’re getting a cup in the morning,” Dale vowed. “I’ll make it for you.”
“Thanks…?” Bracken asked, sounding unsure whether or not he even cared. He turned toward Kendra, who still had two points left. “No coffee for you?”
She shook her head. “I don’t like the smell.”
“Who doesn’t like the smell of coffee?” Dale asked, sounding utterly flabbergasted.
“Kendra,” Seth, Warren, Tanu and Vanessa all replied in unison.
Dale stared straight at Kendra, who laughed when he whispered with so much melodrama that he could only be Warren’s brother, “But. You were my favorite.”
“Hey!” Warren protested. “I’m your favorite!”
“Well, you might be now,” Dale said. His gaze turned back toward Kendra. “How can you not like coffee? Coffee is life.”
“I… I didn’t realize you liked it so much,” Kendra replied.
“The way into Dale’s heart is a healthy serving of coffee every morning,” Vanessa said.
“She makes the best coffee ever,” Dale confirmed. “No other woman will ever take her place.”
Kendra wasn’t sure what was happening. This game was getting ridiculous. Whose turn was it, anyway? She recounted the latest movies and realized that this game was down to just her and Bracken, he only had one point, and it was her turn. 
She smirked. “Bracken,” she began.
“Yes?” he asked.
“Never have I ever won a sword-fighting competition,” she announced.
Bracken lowered his pinky, while Kendra waved her two remaining fingers in his face. “I win!” she taunted.
“That’s not fair,” he playfully complained.
“Totally fair,” Warren insisted.
“I lost three points from one story!” he exclaimed.
Seth shrugged. “It be like that sometimes.”
“Kendra survives the night,” Tanu stated. “Now we all know who to target in the next round.”
Vanessa raised her eyebrows in a somewhat threatening manner which made Kendra wonder what other embarrassing material was going to be paraded about that evening. She looked around to find similar expressions on most everyone else’s faces, too, and laughed when she realized that she would be running out of points very quickly. “No repeats from this round,” she said.
“That’s fine with me,” Tanu said. Everyone else nodded and voiced their agreement.
“Great! I’ll go first!” Seth announced. “Never have I ever run away from a fiancée!”
Bracken planted his face into the palm of his hand while everyone at the table enjoyed a solid laugh.
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bethchapelsbonnet · 3 years
I Dont remember if it Was on you're Ways to Tell ILY Prompt list but might I suggest a "I Choose you" Hournite One shot?
I didn't see you interact with the original submission I answered, so I included it here
I Choose You
All of the fuss that Beth went through to try to compile each and every piece of evidence that someone may need in order to get Rick the heck out of that place was simply... Well - it was actually exhausting, but she never realized until she was at the end of her days.
The database was always excellent and as the official Dr. Mid-Nite, she had access to even more information.
Not what she truly needed - to be able to actually speak to Rick. To assess how he was doing. To at least hold his hand, which.. she was conflicted about that one in particular. She didn't understand why that idea kept coming to her when she and Rick never actually really touched each other that way.
Casually - pats on the back or holding each other back in a fight, but nothing so intimate as hand holding. Maybe it was her renewed self confidence. She had chosen herself. And now, she was choosing Rick. 
They didn't allow any of them to see him. He was currently being held at a juvenile center, assigned a caseworker and a child advocate attorney, with an ongoing investigation about his uncle and his home life. But, Beth found out the names of everyone involved in his case and she was sending them documents, school reports, and everything that she could scrape up to prove that Rick was in a dangerous household and had been abused and mistreated. 
It was her hope that they would all see it was self defense and go easy on him. Courtney and Pat had tried to explain to her that Eclipso was controlling him. It wasn't self defense. It was just a terrible mind game.
Not too long ago, they were pressing her to accept murdering a bad guy… but suddenly, when it's THIS bad guy… who didn't even DIE, they were willing to accept Rick turning himself in and being put away? "It's what Rick wanted, to be held accountable.."
"He didn't DO it! It was Eclipso!" Beth had snapped at Courtney. Courtney's eyes went wide and she got quiet. Of course she knew that and she didn't deserve Beth being rude with her, either, but Beth was too frustrated to tell herself that at the moment and Rick wasn't around…
She called him anyway, as she stormed out. 
"Rick!" She took a deep breath, "You don't deserve to be held responsible for something that you didn't do wrong!" She noticed Courtney in the corner of her eye and whispered, "There's nothing you need to be held accountable for and I'm working on helping you get out. Just… I hope you aren't too hard on yourself." She hung up and looked at Courtney.
"I watched him run around, hallucinating, breaking down as he was attacked by something that we couldn't see… it was like with Yolanda, only someone did get hurt. I didn't want to have to see that again and it wasn't easy to let Rick confess, but what else could we do? What would you have done differently?"
Beth wanted to say that she wouldn't have let him out of her sight, that she would have talked to him until he was back down to Earth..  but as a firm believer in herself, some part of her knew that Courtney didn't have that type of power. Beth was the one who could stop Rick in his tracks and make him think for a moment. 
"What about when you see a dead 10 year old girl? Would you have been able to use your head in that moment and stop him from reacting?"
Beth sniffled and wiped her face, "If I was here, I know that I could have fixed this. I know that I could have talked him down. He listens to me. It's different with us. And with Eclipso… it's personal now."
Rick heard about an "adorable but incredibly annoying" girl who spoonfed a lot of information to his case worker and his advocate. They didn't have to describe her. He did initially automatically think Courtney, since that was who saw him last on the outside and that's who annoyed him more than any girl he knew…
But when they spoke about legal documents, school incidents and cases and studies of similar cases..  He knew that they meant Beth. A lot of her findings needed to be double checked by the proper authorities and his advocate would need to speak with a judge, but it was looking like Rick may be entitled to psychological treatment from years of abuse that resulted in him finally lashing back.
He wanted to argue with that, but in a way.. that felt like some type of hope and he couldn't say there wasn't truth in it. Whatever Beth had done, he finally felt some peace of mind, since coming here…
The court order to grant him a placement took shorter than he thought, even though it still felt super long. The Chapels weren't foster parents, but thanks to some… creative documentation on Beth's part, they were able to be listed as family friends to whom custody could be signed over.
He would be trying for emancipation, but in the meantime, he had a place to sleep and eat and stuff… and Beth was there.
"How did you manage to pull this off?" Rick wondered, more confused than grateful, but she didn't take it to heart. She smiled and tapped her goggles. "Of course…" he stared at his bags on the floor. "Did you get the full story?"
"I got Courtney and Pat's side of it. You don't have to tell me, but in your own time, if you want to, you can." She handed him some mail, "I filled out your paperwork and sent it in. You've gotten at least one response."
"My paperwork?"
She winced, "I totally trespassed into your car and home, scanning everything and looking for something to help me. I traced punched in walls, I took an inventory of the alcohol in there, you name it. I also found the forms that you had for college and financial aid. I took them with me, but also wondered what they were doing there. So I checked on cell phone records and saw that Miss Woods-" she rolled her eyes when she said her name. (She wasn't fond of how cruelly that woman had treated Rick, and she didn't mind saying so), "Had been there. I figured she was the one who gave those to you, went to pay her a visit and questioned her until she told me about what happened earlier. She had seen your uncle and he was belligerent and drinking. I told her that I would speak to your advocate in order to see if that was usable information. It was. She made for a very dependable character reference."
Rick looked stunned. He didn't know what to say, but eventually landed on, "Why am I at your house and not at Pat's? I don't even know your parents and they probably aren't pleased about what happened." 
"Well, I believe that I've managed to do quite the PR campaign for you when I was making my rounds to see if anybody had recollection of witnessing your uncle be unkind to you. A lot of people have been quiet about things that they should have spoken up about… myself included.." she lowered her head, "I noticed bruises on you sometimes at lunch when we weren't friends and I guessed that they weren't from some school fight, otherwise, the school would know." She looked up at him and her eyes were brimming with tears, "All of us made choices to mind our business and just leave you to fend for yourself. Everybody's been feeling pretty guilty that it came to… that.."
She cleared her throat, "There's enough going on at Courtney's house, and Yolanda's isn't an option. I couldn't let you wind up at the group home. Artemis is there. The last time you two saw each other, you almost killed one another. I thought my home was the best choice. It's safe, there's just me here. My parents believed me when I vouched for you, so they would be acting like wardens or anything, and I just… I feel better knowing that if something happens, I'll be there."
He sat down on the guest bed and twiddled his thumbs, "That's just it. If something happens, I… I no longer have the hourglass. I won't be able to protect you fully."
"I can protect myself," she said, sitting next to him. "Just wait until you hear my Eclipso story."
"Your what?"
"He attacked me the same time that he attacked you…" Rick looked terrified as he checked her over for damages. "It's a long story, but I'm fine. It went very differently for me than it did for you." She looked sad for a moment. I think he must've known."
He was confused. Beth looked him in the eyes through her goggles, "That we protect each other. That you fight for me and I fight for you. I felt so victorious when I was able to take my goggles back from me and solidify my place on the team… the. I found out he had gotten to my Rick…" 
His heart jumped in his chest and he stared at her. He reached for her goggles but she shook her head and he withdrew his hands. "It wasn't anything to do with you."
"No, but had I been there…"
"Then you could have gotten hurt or had to see me become the very kind of monster that I hate!" 
She furrowed her eyebrows and she grabbed his hand, harder than she meant to, but that demanded his attention and he stared at her face, "If I had been there, you would've had the extra strength you needed to see through him. I wouldn't have let you fight. Please believe me when I say that I'm sure I could have talked some sense into you. I could have saved you from thinking that you're a monster. Because you aren't a monster, Rick. You're a kid who was in a situation that most of us can't fathom, and when you needed me, I wasn't there." He started crying and shook his head. "I'll understand if you want to stay with Mr. Dugan instead…"
"No. No.."He had told Grundy that day that he just needed someone to care about him, to be kind to him, and he could be alright. Rick was so caught up in the stress of his uncle, he hadn't thought about how he did have someone like that. He had his friends, the Dugans, and he had Beth. She had done all of this, because she felt like she'd failed him. Like she was supposed to protect him. She wasn't obligated to do that, but the fact that she wanted to, that she tried to. 
Hell, she was even correct about being able to talk him down. He didn't know if she could have that night, but as much as she meant to him… he couldn't rule out that what if. He collected her hand to his heart and said extremely softly, "I choose you." 
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stusbunker · 4 years
Brother Knows Best
A Supernatural Fan-fiction
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Featuring: Sam Winchester/ Plus-sized!Reader
Written for: @lukn4inspo​ for my 800 follower Celebration
Word Count: 1679
Warnings: Floof, Dean playing wingman, self esteem issues
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    It had been months since he had seen her in person, and the sight of her crawling out of her truck just to beam up at him with her gorgeous smile hit Sam straight in the chest. 
    “How was the trip?” he asked once he shook the cobwebs out of his thoughts.
    “Not bad, yours?” She shrugged just before she snuck her arms under his for a quick hug. Sam held on a little longer than she seemed to, enjoying the way her plush body pressed to his.
    “The usual, straight through with a lot of Zeppelin,” Sam replied.
    “At least you got to sleep?” She offered, optimistic as she rounded the rear of her vehicle to grab her bags. Sam caught up quickly and took what could only be her weapons from her, it was so heavy.
    “Uh, just listened to a podcast actually,” Sam said, almost as an afterthought.
    “Nice! I just caught up on mine on the way. What are you into these days?” She tossed her bag over her shoulder and listened intently as he rattled off the ones he had checked out. When he got to the ones he listened to regularly she beat him to the punch, listing three out of the four right along with him.
    “You like true crime, how did I not know that?” Sam chuckled.
    “Am I into True Crime?! Boy, I practically only do cases where I can get a peek at some serial killer paraphernalia, if not the actual crime scenes,” she balked.
    “Ever been to the Lizzie Borden house?” Sam kept going.
    Dean watched them from the doorway of the motel room, shaking his head. 
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     Dean glared at Sam across the booth, his brother’s eyes had gone glassy as he watched her hips as she rushed out of the diner and back to surveillance detail. This was going to be a long one, Dean thought to himself as he slurped his coffee loud enough to draw Sam out of his little revelry.
    “Really?” Sam’s face pinched in annoyance.
    “You should go with her, see if you find anything,” Dean suggested over the rim of his mug.
    “What? Come on, man, she’ll be fine,” Sam looked at Dean like he was crazy.
    “Oh I’m sure she is, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go, eh?” Dean waggled his eyebrows.
    “Stop. It’s not like that,” Sam rolled his eyes and went back to his egg white omelette.
    Dean chuckled and started counting off reasons with his fingers. “She’s cute. She’s single. She listens to the same creepy ass podcasts you listen to. And she called you about the case.”
    “Just, stop, okay? Sure, she’s great, but it’s just a case,” Sam shrugged. “It doesn’t mean she’s interested in me like that.”
    “Aren’t you? Interested in her?” Dean pressed, head cocked knowingly.
    Sam bit his lip and set down his cup for a refill from the waitress. The table fell quiet as they said their thanks and returned to their meals. 
    Was he? Sam didn’t usually allow himself the novelty of romance. He’d been through too much. He’d lost too many people to think it was in the cards for him. Hunters don’t get happily-ever-afters. Sure, she was smart and resourceful. And Sam did get warm in the cheeks whenever she smiled. Sam introspected until Dean dropped his silverware and blinked at Sam with slow disbelief. 
    “Once this is over, you’re asking her out or I’m doing it for you,” Dean spat out under narrowed eyes.
    Sam rolled his eyes again. “Fine. I’ll talk to her. Okay? Geez.”
    Dean grinned and patted Sam on the shoulder. “That’s more like it, Sammy.”
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    Sam stood awkwardly at the edge of the booth, Dean refused to slide in another inch.
    “Hey, Y/N, would you mind scooting in for Sam? I want to keep this leg elevated,” Dean asked, playing the injury card. They had wrapped up the vengeful spirit and had gone for drinks to celebrate an early night off the job. 
    “Sure? Actually, why don’t I,---” she stood and eased out off the bench seat, brushing against Sam as he moved to take her place. “If that’s cool? I just wanted to grab the first round, since you guys drove in for the assist.”
    Sam swallowed as she looked up at him, eyes playful and full of gratitude. 
“That’d be great, thanks.” Sam awkwardly patted her shoulder before he dropped onto the old vinyl seat. 
    Dean waited until she was out of earshot. “Have you ever spoken to a woman before? Did I just invent every person you’ve ever slept with? Because what the hell was that?!”
    Sam flinched and eyed Dean in annoyance. “Shut up. She was--- it was--- I was just really close to her,” Sam trailed off. “Anyway, you can shut up about your knee, you’re fine. You drove here fast enough.”
    Dean shrugged. “Well, I’m not as young as I used to be, Sammy. And neither are you, so pace yourself, alright?” Dean nodded, tapping his temple and gesturing to Sam’s junk.
“You are disgusting.” Sam pointlessly looked to the heavens for help.
    She quickly returned with a round of shots in her hands and three beers clutched to one breast. Sam tried not to oggle as she leaned down to disburse the drinks, but her tank top was askew from her efforts. Dean chuckled and drummed on the table.
    “That’s what I’m talking about! Bottoms up!” Dean toasted her and polished off his shot.
    Sam stilled as she rested her hand behind his back and leaned in. “You gonna let me in or do I have to pay a toll?”
    “Oh, sorry, here,” Sam slid to the farthest reaches of the bench, retreating from the welcoming give of her body as it brushed against his shoulder. He didn’t catch her look of confusion.
    “Let’s go, you two, gotta keep up!” Dean pushed their shots closer.
    They drank and talked, laughter and stories flowed freely long into the night. Sam kept to beer, mainly because Dean had blatantly stolen his shots. She trailed off after the third round, bringing them water and beer instead.
    “So, where to next, champ?” Dean asked her, fingering through the bottom of a bowl of popcorn.
    “Who knows, not gonna start looking until check out time tomorrow,” she answered, playing with the straw in her glass, and followed up asking pointedly of Sam. “You guys heading back to your fortress of duo-tude first thing?”
    He chuckled at her jab and nodded, sighing. “Yeah, as long as nothing pops up between here and there.”
    Sam glanced at Dean and Dean’s eyes dropped to the table, assessing the graveyard before them. “You know what, why don’t I just clear these out of the way. Don’t need to give the staff more to---,” Dean’s voice dropped to a mutter as he rather obviously left Sam alone with the girl.
    “Glad to see his leg is better,” she murmured, a smile dancing around the tip of her straw.
    “Yeah, it was just hollow, needed his hunter fuel to fill it back up,” Sam agreed, dimples on full display. Sam poked the side of his cheek with his tongue, considering if he should keep talking. “You know, I told him I would talk to you after the case. He threatened to ask you out for me if I didn’t.”
    “Damn, big brother goes that hard to get you some, huh?” She laughed, but the nervousness was palpable.
    “I guess,” Sam huffed, feeling the conversation was balancing on the edge of a knife.
    “Well, it’s a good thing you talked to me then, cleared the air. Don’t have to worry about Dean butting in anymore,” she nodded, swallowing. She wouldn’t look at Sam, his stomach dropped.
    “Hey.” Sam spun to face her completely, his knee bent at an awkward angle in the narrow booth. “Want to get out of here?”
    “You’re serious?” She balked. “I thought that was your way of letting me down gently.”
    Sam’s face twisted in concern and he shook his head. Before he realized it he was leaning towards her, her face still a mask of skepticism. The telltale rumble of the impala’s engine revved in the parking lot, which Dean hardly ever did. Sam closed his eyes and shook his head.
    “And apparently my brother is as tactless as ever.” Sam sighed. “Mind taking me back to the motel? I mean, unless you wanted to---?”
    She looked defeated. “Sam, are you sure this isn’t Dean tricking you into being stuck with me? Like a joke he’ll use against you in the future?” Her doubt tore through him; she’d been hurt before, more than he’d realized.
    Sam dropped a hand to her thigh. “What? No, Dean even said you were cute. He’s just a little too---enthusiastic, sometimes.”
    He waited for her to believe him, nervous for an entirely different reason than he had been all night. She put her hand on his, squeezing as she looked into his eyes. Sam saw a deep pool of emotion and he couldn’t help but lurch forward and give her the only true reassurance he could. His lips met hers in an earnest kiss. Sam forgot to be scared and worked to be honest. To prove to her that she was who he wanted. 
That this was real.
    She quickly caught up, mouth opening to accept his graces. When she pulled away gasping, Sam couldn’t help but grin. She rested her temple against his cheek as their fingers intertwined on her lap. 
   “Okay, okay, twist my arm why don’t ya?” she teased.
    “I mean, you are basically rescuing me from walking back,” Sam reasoned. “My hero.”
    “Wow, you really are gonna lay it on thick now, aren’t you?” She blushed and shook her head, giving him a playful kiss.
    “Pretty thick, yeah.” Sam bit his lips, but couldn’t stop himself from continuing. “But mostly long.”
     She gave him an impressed cocked eyebrow.
    “Hey, Sam?” She leaned in and whispered in his ear, “wanna get out of here?”
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Prompt #8 of 8
Sam and plus size reader where he’s smitten?
@flamencodiva​​ @dolphincliffs​​ @dontshootmespence​​ @thoughtslikeaminefield​​  @fangirlxwritesx67 @dawnie1988 @mrswhozeewhatsis​​ @cosicas-cuquis​​ @foxyjwls007 @tumbler-tidbits @defenderrosetyler​​ @ericaprice2008 @princessofthefandomrealm @awesomesusiebstuff​
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greyfongschemmenti · 4 years
Hesitate 2|15
Chapter 2
Your first day at the force, but before you're allowed to go out onto the field you have to give an assessment and you have to perform with the Chief.
Hey guys, so here is the next chapter. If you guys have any ideas on how I can better improve. Feel free to let me know! I am glad by the comments and hope to keep it up! Like I've said before I am no means a writer. I even failed a creative writing course (T.T). anyways, hope you enjoy this second chapter!
You looked at yourself in the mirror wearing the official Republic City Metal bending uniform and couldn’t believe it. The feeling of the cool metal against your skin and how tight and secure it feels. You couldn’t help but slightly take in a bit of the pants to make it tighter and not as baggy looking, give it a slight skinny jean look without making it drastic. The uniform isn’t all that bad, the only thing you would change would be the little skirt thing that comes from the bottom of the uniform, but other than that it seemed pretty nice. You grabbed your helmet and backpack and head out of your apartment and mount on your motorcycle and drive to the station. You find a parking spot for your cycle and take your helmet off walking into the station and quickly put your helmet, gloves, and backpack into your issued locker. You jog up the stairs fixing your hair running a hand thru it as you get to the upper floor and knock on the Chief’s door. “Yes?”
You walk in and give your best morning face and smile warmly “Morning Chief, reporting for assessment.”
Chief looks up at you with her glasses and gives a low scoff “well seems like someone had their coffee this morning.”
“oh sorry chief, did you want a coffee?” you look back at the desks of officers before looking back at the Chief.
“I believe I hired you as officer not as a secretary or assistant, rookie” Chief took her glasses off and stood up walking around her desk motioning with her index finger to follow her “Let’s go” she commanded as she made way out her office. You were quick to not say anything and followed her down the stairs as you two made way to one of the training grounds. You couldn’t help but glance at the Chief while she walked, tall and straight and with purpose. Not giving anyone a chance to look at her other than high regard. Not like anyone would dare to unless they were ready to get their ass handed by the Chief Lin Beifong. Both of you walk in into the training room and you stand in the middle of the training ground and take in the room before Lin stands in front of you. “So it’s safe to assume that your time in Zaofu has you experienced in hand to hand combat and working in a metal suit before, yes?” she said with her arms behind her back in an attention position.
“That would be right, Chief” you responded back
“well good, no need to see how you handle yourself in the suit, let’s assess your close range fight” Lin turned on her heels and walked to the other side of the field and metal bended her armor off revealing her white tank top and slightly whips her hair side to side to fix it back in its perfect place before looking at you. “well, take your armor off (y/n), we don’t have time to waste” she muttered, and you quickly walk to the sideline and metal bended your armor off and reveal your black tank and a large burn scar across your left bicep. You notice how the Chief’s eyes glance over to your scar before she looks away and coughs to start the lesson. You both walk on either side of the field and start your initial fighting stance, putting your arms up close to your hands and look at the Chief’s eyes.
“Give me all you got, kid” she said as she stood relaxed
Is she not going to get into stance? I begin to think, maybe this is her way to analyze how I fight? Well no need to stand around. You bend three pieces of earth up from the ground and do a flying kick at the outer two rocks before punching the center towards the chief and going into a full on sprint at her and jump up right before the rocks hit her to give her a surprise attack from above and ended up punching the ground. You look up at notice that she has figured your movements and dodged the attack. You quickly get up and start throwing punching at her while she throws back every punch back with just as much force. She sends you a surprise attack by sending a large piece of rock from your blind spot, and you’re sent to the side of the grounds hitting the wall then fall down to the ground rolling onto your side then lay face down. You push yourself up and take a couple of deep breaths and can’t help but give Lin a smirk. It’s not every day you get to spar with a Beifong especially, the esteemed Chief of Police. You bend a mixture of earth and metal discs and start sending them at every possible direction towards the Chief. Right when she seems to divert each disc you sneak her with some earth that knocks her down. You walk over and stood over her offering your hand as you’re both breathing deeply. She looks up at you and does a round kick from the ground and kicks you off your feet while she spins and pushes herself off and stands. You hit the ground falling on your back and looks surprisingly up at her.
“never underestimate your opponent. I may be old but I’m not frail” She breathed out and offered her hand at you and you take her hand as she pulls you up.
“believe me, I never underestimate you chief, and you’re definitely not old.” You breathed out as you both walked to a water station and take a drink.
The chief can’t help but roll her eyes at your comment, but you can’t mistake the slight smile creeping on her lips before she corrects herself and started her feedback “you move as if you were in a pro-bending match. Your fighting style has adapted to a suited fast-paced. The way you have learned to keep mobile and only keep yourself root long enough to actually launch and direct the earth discs.” She remarked as she analyzed the whole assessment. You feel sort of satisfied with your performance but knew you could have done better.
“…but….you fight on the offense. Earthbending maintains a distinct balance between offensive and defensive capabilities. Earthbending uses a balance of strength and defense to overwhelm your opponents.” Lin remained cool and collected while you took the assessment in.
“I’ll improve Chief. I hope I can impress you during my time in the force. I’ll train non-stop” you look at her and can’t help but take in the image of you and Lin in close proximities and her in a white tank top admiring her physique.
“Don’t improve for me. Better yourself, kid” she took a swig of water and started walking grabbing her armor.
You followed her pace and grabbed your piece of armor as you turn to face her.
“uhh…you did good kid. Hit the showers” she muttered
You clicked your heels and gave her a salute before you turn and walk out heading to the showers. You hit yourself in the forehead ‘wtf was that, a click of the heels and a dumb salute, what are you an idiot?!’ you screamed in your head as you walked down the hall
You grab your bag from the locker and put the armor inside and head to a stall. You start to strip off your clothes and have them folded over on the bench. You step in the shower wall and turn on the water and feel the cool water hit your skin and slowly feel the water warm against your skin. You can’t help but let a sigh escape your lips as you plant your hands on the wall and relax under the warm water. You start to wash your hair and body when you hear another stall’s shower head turns on. Your ears perk up at the sudden movement and wonder who else is with you. You quickly rinse your hair off and peak thru the curtain to find the chief herself across the shower hall. You figured she would have her own shower being chief and all but didn’t want to question it anymore. From the space in the curtain you can’t help but see the curves on Lin’s body, seeing the water fall on her skin. Yet, again the body that this woman has is incredible no way this woman is 50! You can’t help but bite your lower lip, you slightly slip on some soap but try not to get caught that you try to keep quiet and finish showering, you dry yourself and wrap a towel around your body and head to the bench to put on your undergarments and wrap up your breasts. You pull up your pants and get a clean black tank from your bag when you hear the shower head turn off from Lin’s direction and you try your best not to look at her direction. You forget the fact that your back is exposed, and the other burn mark is showing, and you quickly pull your tank on, you stand up and tuck it into your pants turning over and look up at see Lin. The white towel hugging onto her bare body, seeing her hip to waist ratio and your eyes just glance down at that natural curve. Look away before you start looking like a creep, idiot. You tell yourself as you look away and sit backdown and metal bend your shoes back on.
“Chief” you spoke cutting the silence
‘y/n” she spoke back as she dressed from her side of the room.
You turn around and give her the privacy to change while you absentmindedly put your arms behind your back in an attention stance. “Sorry, Chief. I was just wondering what my assignment would be.” You spoke out
“You’ll be shadowing officer Song, get a feel out in the field. You’re only shadowing you hear me. If I hear that you’re performing arrests or acting out of line. Consider your career over before it starts.”
You gulp and give her a short nod “understood, Chief”
“well get on to it”
You grab your stuff and quickly head back to the lockers and put up your stuff and metal bend your amor back on before reporting yourself to officer Song as they pack up a squad car. Getting in the back of the car looking at him in the passenger seat as you start driving through Republic City.
“So you’re the new cadet. Well let’s get going we got a report of some girl and large polar bear dog wreaking havoc in the city”
Always something new in Republic City.
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spell-cleaver · 5 years
“Stay away Form him. I don’t know what kind of show you intend to put up here, but I still remember very well how you used to treat Luke. I’m here to protect him from anyone meaning him harm and that includes you.” Sabé stabbed her finger right at the dark Lord. “And you will give Luke his comlink back!”
This is a continuation of Part 10.
Part 0.5, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
Masterpost here!
Vader drawled, “Have you any other requests, my lady?”
Sabé always looked remarkably like Padmé, but especially when she was furious, and something twisted in his chest at the storm of anger, dislike, dismay that seized her expressions, rearranging them almost faster than the eye could pick up on. Her shields were tight in the Force—she had not had those when he’d seen her in another life, though he’d taught her the basics; he wondered who, exactly, this democracy-loving political force had been spending time with in this Imperial era. He couldn’t sense anything from her.
She circled her desk and sat down, a cold, cutting tilt of her head indicating that he should sit opposite her. He did not follow her request; he preferred to stand.
She refused to let it faze her. “Those are all my requests for the moment, yes,” she said. “I want you to leave, Lord Vader. I do not trust you around Luke, and I feel I have highly understandable grounds for that stance.”
Yes, Vader thought, ripe with self-loathing, you do.
“If you are as intent on serving him as you claim, then I am sure you understand that your proximity is doing him more harm than good, and I would have you serve him from afar, not close enough to do any more damage than you already have.”
Her dark eyes assessed him coolly. “Preferably on the other side of the galaxy.”
“My lady,” he replied. His vocoder did not possess the ability to be soft, or soothing; it boomed, with all the authority of everything else he said. “You are correct. I have rarely put His Majesty at ease, and never showed him kindness in his childhood.”
She stiffened, eyebrows flying upwards. Her mouth opened slightly—
“But I will not leave him alone and unprotected.”
It closed again with a snap.
“I have sworn to protect him, and ensure that no harm comes to him. What you request would leave him vulnerable to the assassinations and kidnapping attempts which have already begun to occur.”
“Kidnapping?” she asked. “There have only been—”
“The sharpshooter was a highly skilled mercenary, yet they missed Luke by a wide margin when they killed the medic. They, I sense, were sent in to eliminate his companions before stunning him and taking him captive.”
“I do not know. But that is why I should stay.”
She shook her head fiercely. “You think I’m incapable of protecting him?”
“You are not a Sith Lord.”
“Yes. So I’m far less likely to subject a teenage boy to wanton abuse, manipulation and invasions of his privacy while he takes on the already-behemoth task of ascending to Emperor.”
He himself stiffened, now.
“You go too far, Lady Sabé.”
“I go exactly far enough.”
“Accusing the previous Emperor of such a thing—”
“I know full well you feel no loyalty to Palpatine. You probably killed him.”
He looked down into her face and sighed.
“You are far too much like Padmé Naberrie.”
He knew it was a mistake in moments. Her face split into a snarl.
“How dare you use her familial name,” she hissed, “when you stand there, the antithesis to everything she fought for or believed. If I could, I’d have taken Luke away from you—all of you, Palpatine too—years ago, and let him grow up a happy, healthy child on Naboo or Alderaan, instead of allowed him to be the punching bag of two pathetic Sith Lords. If I hadn’t been a coward, I would have.”
“If you hadn’t been a Rebel spy,” Vader countered viciously, “you would have.”
A weighted silence.
It was a suspicion. Only Jedi would have taught her that sort of shielding—Jedi preparing her for a job under a Sith Lord’s nose. But suspicions were not proof.
Her face gave nothing away, but he liked to think he saw a minute flinch.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she had the gall to shoot back. “I came to look after my lady’s son, protect him from what I knew would be an awful situation for him. I failed before, but I will not fail again.”
She lifted her chin. “I know Luke ordered you to Eriadu, Lord Vader, and I know you disobeyed him. Go now, take your Noghri guards with you, and kindly do not come back.”
Vader stared at her.
And stared.
And a plan came to mind.
Before he could assess it in too much detail, he strove to follow it.
“I will go to Eriadu,” he conceded. “And I will call off the Noghri while I am away. We will see how well you function without me—and after I return, I will only answer to Luke’s decision on how to proceed.”
She bit out, “We will function perfectly well.”
Vader had nothing left to say to her. He wondered, briefly, if she might believe his intentions if he told her the truth. If he confessed why he cared so much, so deeply, and so fiercely.
But if she knew how far he had fallen from her esteem, she would loathe him even more.
And he could not bear to see that on a face so much like his wife’s.
So he just turned to leave the office, letting her run back to her charge to coddle and mother him the way Padmé should have done, and made preparations to go to eliminate the one threat to his son he could control.
Send me the first sentence of a scene from this AU and I’ll continue it!
Beginning | Previous | Next
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benjimirthursby · 4 years
Prompt #9: Lush - “Barstool Acolytes.” - The Book of Thursby: Scions of Numenor
“The logic of avoiding “up well” leverage proved valid enough.  The doctrine of Three Degrees was Benjimir’s most basic tenant.  You never, ever present in battle or prior to it a means which you do not already have the means to detect, defend against and defeat.  Here, it was also to avoid tipping our hand to foes we had not identified or assessed as yet.  That did not mean however we weren’t observed for other reasons which would cost us dearly later on.”  
~Bondermir Exidines, “Seven Stars to the Horizon.”
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(Revised 9/20 for clarity, spelling and low fat content.)
“So she pushes that antique cart all about the city serving drinks?” Benjimir asked Bondermir as they road the elevator down from the Dapper Mariner.
“Nightly, twice on Saturday’s and festival weeks.  She may or may not own the bar, I honestly don’t know.  But it is sure as Chocopoo her cart.” Bondermir said as they stepped off the elevator.  As they did, a disheveled Miqo’te stumbled past nearly running into them.  “Business must be good for that.” Benjimir said as the Miqo’te took a long swig from a bottle in a paper bag.  “What a lush.” Bondermir remarked. As they passed the Quicksand bar, Benjimir paused for a moment.  Looking at the large doors, Benjimir turned to his brother.  “You heading to quarters?” he asked.
“Yes, an hour talking contract terms with the Twinkinrykers takes a lot out of you.  You thinking of getting a night cap? Bondermir asked curiously.  “An actual drink?”  He probed.  “Of, you know, liquor?” He ribbed.
Benjimir adjusted his glasses with his middle finger.  “People watching, maybe something to wash that down.  I’ll see you in the morning.” Benjimir told his brother.  Bondermir smirked, clapped his brother on the shoulder and said “Good luck in there.”  
As he approached the doors to the Quicksand they popped open. A Hyur exited with a auburn haired…..or furred, he was still unsure which term to use, Miqo'te woman draped on his side strolled out.  Both were oblivious to everything but themselves.  Benjimir side stepped them passed through the doors as they began to swing closed.  Pausing inside he surveyed the bar.
The Quicksand was like theater in the round.  The room was bordered by an elevated concourse along the outside edge of which was hosted the hotel and services desks, bar, and innumerable people perched along a marble railing.  The concourse sloped down to the level of a seating area in the middle.   
What Benjimir noticed first however was the smell.  Pungent.  Deeply perfumed from the assembled inebriating masses.  The masses were made up of a self mocking mix of extremes vying for one another's attention.  There was a rich variety in modes of dress.  Scantily clad females of several races, individuals and in groups. Entirely unsubtle males unconvincingly confidant clad in their leather or other machismo garb.  Benjimir instantly recognized the patterns of people watching and being watched, the mating rituals, and the scattering of those present for none of it.
He made  his way to the entry to the seating area, amused at the sights.  The Lalafell woman with her drink cart, painted and inscribed like a childs toy chest with “Super Momo’s Cart!” passed him as she returned for her evenings drink run.  Benjimir turned his mind to finding a place to sit.
Benjimir observed most of the other tables hosted more than one party.  A couple of people appeared to be alone or apart from the group they sat near.  He singled out a female of the Xaela race alone at a large round table, stirring a drink absent mindedly as she gazed around the room Benjimir approached and made a classic if dated gesture of touching his fingers to his chest, lips and forehead.
“May I trouble you to take one of these seat?” Benjimir asked.  The Xaela looked up at him impassively but finally offered a polite smile and made a sweeping gesture with the drink mixer.  
“They are free to be taken.”
Benjimir sat and looked around a moment.  “Is there table service here?” He asked.
“New here?” the Xaela said, ‘Usually you are better served going up to the bar, but wave at Momodi long enough, she’ll get you setup.”  she finished.
“The one with the cart, I see.” Benjimir replied turning around and looking for the Lalafell who was returned to her stool at the bar.  He began to wave but his attention was drawn back to the Xaela.  “So are ya?” the woman said.
“Oh, yes, I am.  Never been here before.” Benjimir said.  The Xaela allowed for a shallow smile, taking stock of her tablemate seriously now.
“Not a drinker either, are ya?” she asked rhetorically.  Benjimir considered for a moment the possibility that this truth might actually be written on his forehead.  “No actually.”  He offered.
“Yeah, drinkers here know to get a drink before sitting, otherwise you seat goes away.  You got a name mister sobriety?”  the woman said smirking a bit as she resumed stirring her drink with the mixing stick.  
Benjimir was unsure if he was entertainment to his tablemate or being preemptively setup to be shot down. The thought restored his focus as he realized the woman was a Xaela, few here in Ul’Dah and he knew very little of their race.  
“I apologize, I’m Benjimir Thursby.” He said.
“Orbei.” Benjimir’s tablemate replied mater of factly and continued on without pause.  “So where you from Benjimir originally, beyond ‘not here.  What brings ya here?” Orbei asked.
At the table next to Benjimir and Orbei sat an auburn hued Miqo’te woman.  Either from Orbei’s voice carrying or the momentary lull in chatter about the room she took notice of the conversation.
“Good to know you Orbei.  I’m new to these shores, not really from anywhere really, I was….” he paused a fraction of a second, “born at sea.”  Momodi passed and came to the table.  She took a drink order from Benjimir for what essentially was a mineral water with fruit punch mixed in, Orbei ordered “her usual.” 
“I am the chief of a trade and mercantile company.  Business brings me to Eorzea.  Curiosity to the Quicksand.  I feared I’d miss something if I didn’t come here at least once.” He said.
Orbei nodded.  “I see.  So tell me Benjimir,” she leaned forward, “do ya fear death?”  She said.  Benjimir paused but responded.  “Death is but a new lifes dawn.”  Orbei smiled and nodded approvingly.  
“Touche, very nice.  Usually that scares people, but they normally have a few drinks in them.  Not gonna pull that off with you I think.”  Orbei said, amused and pleased she was not in the company of another dreg seeking what she was not offering.  Benjimir, feeling the banter being on an even basis now took a discreet look over Orbei.  Black horns, dark blue skin.  She was a follower of the Dusk Mother, which was maybe as much as he knew with certainty.  They could be found only sparingly, along with the kindred race, the Raen.  The passenger manifests had shown him few were traveling by way of air or sail ship either with Maelstrom or the company fleet.
Orbei was quick to pounce on the minor pause and Benjimir’s look, more inquisitive than salacious she noted.  “I’ma Thaumaturge, we do stuff and things, worship Thal. They have Thaumaturges at sea?” she asked.
“Maybe by another name.  Do all of you people worship Thal?” Benjimir asked.  The red Miqo’te at the adjacent table perked her ears as he spoke.  Now she edged her chair about some to see the man she was eavesdropping on.  
“Oh, pity.  I study at the Arrzaneth Ossuary.  Everybody there honors Thal.  So you were born at sea, that make you a Hy-sea or something?”
“I don’t know really, just a man, of the race of men.  Your one of those Xaela, are all your people hued as you are?  I’ve not met one before.”  Benjimir said.
The Miqo’te’s ears twitched.
“Not a lot of us here so far.  I knew a few when I first came.  Some of us are this color, others not.  Lots of different people at the Ossuary though.”  Orbei answered and continued.  “Thal is the god of death and darkness. Ya didn’t really answer my question though, do ya fear it?”
“I don’t see reason to fear it.  Regret it maybe.  Every people have their myths and faiths about life, death, gods.  People are entitled to what they choose to believe.”  Benjimir said.  The Miqo’te rose from her seat and as she walked toward the table.  Orbei chuckled at her approach.  The female whipped the chair between Benjimir and Orbei around and saddle rode it she put her drink on the table.  With a stern glare she spoke to Benjimir.
“You people, those people, all you people.  What makes you ‘ayfaluten’ Hyur-at-sea-or-whatever types blow into Ul’Dah and start riding down anybody with a tale or whose under the table tall?”  the Miqo’te laid into Benjimir. Orbei suppressed a snicker.  
Benjimir smiled politely if with a slight of sarcasm and with slightly portion of it asked the Miqo’te, “I’m anything but rich, thank you, I have never met any of Orbei here’s race, or your own, whom I’m honoring by acknowledging as a people.  And whom in whatever your own people call hell are you by name to presume it is your affair?”  The nearby tables and people lounging on the concourse rails above discreetly took notice and gave ear to exchange.  
The Miqo’te was taken aback for a moment.  Orbei took the opportunity to introduce her friend.  “This is Smathlyn.  She’s a Miqo’te…...no horns.” she said and pointed to her own black horns.  
Benjimir nodded in acknowledgement.  Smanthlyn continued, if with a hair more restraint.  “We get enough Hyurs coming into Ul’Dah, all rich from cashing in on the calamity, taking over farms, selling stuffs and things for a months pay.  They come about here, treating Lalas, Miqo’te, all of us that aren’t all cute skinned and super-boobed like bad waiters.  Poke’n fun at our gods.”  She finished and took a sip of her drink.  Orbei leaned forward and spoke.
“Smathlyn’s sorta our mother hen here.  She doesn’t suffer fools in nice cloths.”  she said.  Orbei looked at Smathlyn “He wasn’t offending just asking.  And his cloths aren’t that nice.”  Smathlyn listened but continued to cast a skeptical eye on Benjimir.
Benjimir looked down at his clothes.  “Thanks.  And I’ve spent my life at sea and far from this place.  I wouldn’t know a Miqo’te from a Xaela until it was pointed out to me.  As for your god, I honor it.  Never get between a person and their faith, nothing good can come of it.  And I’ve my own spirituality. Orbei and I were just talking and she was being nice enough to teach me a thing or two.  Learning about other ways adds to my appreciation of my own”  Smathlyn looked over to Orbei who nodded and stared back at her friend.
“Well alright then.  If Orbei says so.  If you are wanting to learn something then you should visit the Ossuary, it is a place of peace and meditation.” Smathlyn said.  “You going tonight Orbei?” she asked her friend.
“Figuring’n too.  You want to come Benjimir the non-aflu’nt?” Orbei said and asked, turning to Benjimir.
“Ladies.  It would be my honor, pleasure and education.” Benjimir said.
Authors note.  This was a fictionalized but inspired entry based on my very first night RP’ing in FFXIV, when Benjimir went to Quicksand, struck up a conversation and a bystander actually misstook what I said and launched into me.  For a month people there remembered the discussion.  It actually proved an amazing night of RP.  Names have been changed because, well, I can’t remember who it was.  But hey, good times.
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yeet-man · 4 years
One's Rebirth (Chapter 1)
A/N: So, this is the first chapter of my fanfiction. This boy named J'me gets trapped in My Hero Academia with some of his friends that are revealed later on. Anyway, J'me and his friends gotta figure out how to go home and let's just say they cause some problems to the timeline. Hope y'all enjoy!
At first, J'me always thought being in an anime would be awesome. That was until it happened to him, now you are probably wondering how he even ended up in an anime world. He isn't even sure about the details on how he got here, to begin with, but the last thing he remembers is going to bed. When he awoke he was a completely different world or so it seemed. 
He sat up in his bed and looked at the room he was in. It was much cleaner and extremely organized unlike his 'other room'.
He took the covers off and began to search the room to see what he could find. It was his room but yet in a different world? This didn't make any sense to him, how could this be his room but yet be in a different world? Many questions ran through his head trying to figure this out.
He turned to the window that was near his bedside, he walked up to it and closed his eyes. He was extremely nervous to open it, what would he see when he opened it? Would this change everything for him?
He pushed it open and opened his eyes. For all, he knew this would change his world for the better or for the worse for him.
He saw the beautiful area known as Tokyo, Japan. J'me took a step back as he was in disbelief, one minute he was in Texas but now he was in Japan? He was excited but yet confused at the same time. "Japan...the place that most anime I've seen take place but which anime am I in...?" He muttered to himself.
He took another step back to the window to see the art style of the anime world he was in. 
It looked very familiar to him, he thought about it and realized he was in the world of My Hero Academia. He jumped up and down out of excitement. "Yes! Yes! Yes! This shit is the fucking best!" He calmed down after a few minutes and began to think about it.
He put his hands on the back of his neck and looked up at the ceiling. "Where exactly am I in the My Hero Academia timeline? I hope I'm at the beginning of it...wait! What the hell is my quirk anyway?"
He put on his house shoes and ran out the room in his pajamas. "Mom! Mom! I need to ask you something." He had ran into the kitchen where his mother was.
"Isn't someone energetic today" she giggled lightly. "What is it, sweetheart?"
"Um...could you tell me what my quirk is because I forgot hehe..."
She frowned at her child knowing he was a forgetful kid. "It's called Ultimate Fanboy sweetie."
He was confused at his quirk 'Ultimate Fanboy' what the fuck was that? He didn't want to question his mother any further he wanted to figure it out on his own. "Thanks mom" he gave his mom a hug and walked back to his room.
Upon getting to his room, J'me thought about what the quirk could be. If it had 'fanboy' in the name then it had to be from another anime right? "Watch it be that my quirk is from fucking Naruto" he chuckled to himself. He then held up a single hand sign from Naruto. It was known as 'Shadow Clone Jutsu' or 'Kage Bushin no Jutsu'. It was designed to make a clone or multiple clones.
A couple of seconds had passed when a huge puff of smoke suddenly entered the room. After that cleared out a clone could J'me could be seen next to him. J'me slowly turned his head to the right and saw the clone.
His eyes widen as if he was being killed and his mouth dropped open. He almost fell back on his ass but caught himself. He just looked at the clone in shock, he had guessed his quirk right. He was able to use jutsus from the Naruto series.
Minutes passed before he was able to recover from his shock. He stood up and walked over to the clone. 
He began to walk around the clone to check if it was actually real. He couldn't believe that he was truly able to use Naruto jutsus in My Hero Academia. Then again it was an anime world so technically anything was possible it in, so if his quirk allowed him to utilize Naruto things then whatever. 
He threw a punch at the clone to make it disappear. A second later it went 'poof' and vanished into a small cloud of smoke that cleared the room rather quickly. 
He laid down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling. "If I am able to use everything from Naruto. . .could I use the reanimation jutsu?" The reanimation jutsu also known as the Edo Tensei allows one to revive anyone if they have either their body of DNA of the people they are trying to revive.
As he was thinking about this question, his mom walked into his room. "Sweetie if you don't hurry up and get dressed you'll be late to your first day of U.A." There was a bit of happiness in her voice as she spoke.
"I'll be out in a couple minutes mom." He stood up off the bed and smiled. He was at the beginning of the My Hero Academia timeline or so he hoped.
His mother gave him a small smile, walked out of his room and closed the door on her way out.
He went into his closet and changed from his pajamas into his U.A. uniform. He looked into the mirror and gave it a cocky smile. "Today is the beginning of a new life that I'm fixing to smash out this damn park." 
He grabbed his bag and ran out of his room. As he ran past by the kitchen he shouted to his mother "bye mom I love you!" He got to the door opened it, ran out it and closed it behind him. He then proceeded to start making his way to U.A.
"If this is the real first day of class 1-A then that means the quirk assessment test is today..." Remembering what Bakugo had gotten which was 705.2 meters on the throwing part of it, J'me wanted to get a much higher score than him.
J'me was motivated, he truly was looking up to something for the first time in is life. He put his hands in his pockets and looked up at the beautiful cloudy sky. He listened to the tempo of everyone's pace so he knew when to step out of the way of people. He swiftly made his way through the large crowd that always filled Tokyo and got to U.A. Academy.
He looked at the enormous building and took av deep breath. "Here we go..." He slowly made this way inside the academy and to his class 1-A for his new adventure to begin.
Walking into the classroom J'me was nervous but excited at the same time. He didn't know what this new life had to offer which made him nervous. He looked around the classroom and spotted someone that he had never seen before.
She was sitting in a desk next to the window and at first glance, you would think she was the protagonist of the show. He looked at her for a few seconds trying to think of who she was, he thought that maybe the timeline had been altered a little bit since his arrival to the new world.
She was beautiful in his eyes but he didn't want to talk to her because of his own reasons. After enough staring J'me looked away before she noticed him and looked around the class. He took a seat in the back left corner of about three seats behind this mysterious woman and thought to himself. "If I'm being honest she has a big ass set of watermelons if people catch my drift."
He chuckled to himself and looked out the window. This was a new life and adventure for J'me and it was finally time to really start it.
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yikestripes · 5 years
Four Eyes
Here you go, love! Sorry it’s sorta short, i’m getting back in the game. I hope you enjoy it !!!! <333
Request: Can you maybe ship me with an IT character? My name is Lane. I’m 5’10 and on the thicker side. I have waist length blonde hair and big blue eyes. I normally wear ripped jeans and band T-shirt’s with dirty converse (I’m not very girly). I have a very loud and humorous personality. I am a really sweet loving person and strongly enjoy movies, rock/ alternative music, and anything horror related. I’m also currently in college studying to get my bsn in nursing. Thank you. So much love. ❤️
I ship you with Mr. Richie Tozier!
“Babe?” Richie called as he ran up the stairs and bounded loudly towards your room.
“Yeah Rich?” You yelled back as you tie your shoes. “I’m in here- Oh!” You started to say as he entered.
“Hey Doll,” Richie said with a grin, kissing your cheek before plopping himself on your bed. You smiled back and pulled your long hair back, preparing for another day at the Quarry with the Losers.
“What time are we meeting the others?” You asked, checking your appearance in the mirror, running your hands over your curves as Richie smiled behind you in the mirror.
“Around 1:30, I believe.” He responded absentmindedly; you turned your attention to him to realize he was staring at your ass.
“Eyes up, Tozier.” You crossed your arms and Richie’s face lit up pink.
“Sorry, couldn't help myself; especially when the view is as amazing as you,” He bore a shit-eating grin, to which you laughed a little.
“It amazes me how you got me to fall for you with such corny shit as that.” Richie didn’t say anything, just bore the grin a little longer before getting up, starting to get antsy.
“Alright alright, we can go.” You grabbed your bag off the bag of your desk chari and followed him outside, and climbed on the back of his bike, holding his waist tight.
Richie was sorta grateful you couldn’t see the look on his face, it was the same look he wore every time he thought you weren’t looking. He knew you’d make fun of it, and almost wouldn’t fully trust him when he told you how much he loved you. But he loved you more than his boy brain could allow him to articulate, and he just hoped you knew that. You did, you absolutely did.
You rocked up to the quarry shortly after, taking a small detour past the barrens, where you proceeded to make out for 10 minutes before you realized the other Losers would be waiting.
“Hey guys!” You hopped off the back of Richie’s bike, and pulled Bev into a quick hug before moving on to greet the others.
Beverly was part of the reason you were even with Richie, you’d been pining after him for about 4 months before you even realized how much you stared. Not that Richie minded, he knew the entire time. Even after your obvious staring had ceased, he knew you were practically in love with him, and he knew he felt the same. He was just curious to see if you would ever say anything, considering your sweet and outgoing persona, he always wondered if that had any impact on your confidence.
You’d been patching him up after yet another Bowers run-in (more like Bowers chasing Richie on his bike in his car to the kissing bridge, and beating him there). It wasn’t even Richie’s fault, he had been minding his own business in the arcade, when Bowers started taunting him and provoking him. Richie had tried to keep his temper in check the way you’d taught him to, to keep him from getting in fights such as this, but it was no use when Bowers wouldn’t shut up about you. Richie had had enough.
“Have you seen her eyes, Rich? They’re bigger than yours behind those stupid fucking glasses, Four Eyes!” Henry snarked. Richie began walking out of the arcade. “I almost got her last week, she totally wanted me. She couldn’t have made it more obvious, well, more than she does with Richie “Four Eyes” Tozier.” He continued. Richie’s blood was boiling, but Bowers was not worth it. “She can come begging on her knees for me any day.”
Something in Richie snapped like a stressed rubberband. He whipped around, and punched Bowers square in the nose, blood gushing. He staggered backwards, his goons instantly going towards Richie as he recovered.
“Fuck,” He winced and shook out his hand, sprinting out of the doors of The Capital and mounting his bike faster than he had when he was outrunning the fuckin clown.
He heard a car engine revving behind him and knew that Bowers was hot on his tail, and cut over towards the Barrens. He cut through every shortcut he knew, en route to The Kissing Bridge, suspecting Bowers wasn’t smart enough to track him.
Boy, had he been wrong.
“COME HERE FOUR EYES!” Bowers screeched out of the window, throwing the car into park and barreling out with Belch and Criss in tow. Bowers caught Richie by the back of his shirt and yanked him back onto his ass.
“See what happens when you mess with the Bowers gang, Trashmouth?” Bowers sneered, flicking his knife between his fingers, eyes alight with pure insanity.
“Don’t talk about her like that,” Richie said between his teeth.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Bowers let the blade out.
“I said, Don’t. Talk. About Lane. LIKE THAT!” Richie leaned back and drove his elbow into Bowers’ groin, causing him to collapse and his knife to disappear into the stream below.
Criss and Belch quickly jumped into action, pummeling Richie until he started to see stars. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see red and blue lights flashing, and distant voices yelling. Belch and Criss coaxed Henry up in enough time to run away. As for Richie, he was left to try and stand up, and hopefully find the best nurse he knew before he passed out from the pain he felt all over. He was hobbling down Main Street, passed the arcade and the ice cream shop, where he encountered you leaving Mr Keene’s pharmacy downtown.
“Richie?!” You called out, seeing him hobbling. “Oh my God!” You guided him to the alley next to the store and gently helped him sit down; despite this, he was grinning at you through a black eye and split lip.
“Heya, gorgeous.” Your heart swooned a little bit, but you ignored him. “What’s crackin?”
“Your head, apparently.” You said, quickly assessing his injuries before getting to work. “You’re so lucky,” You were saying, wrapping bandages around his arm. “If I wasn’t here, or if I had gone shopping with Beverly, you would be screwed.”
Richie laughed, then winced.
“My point exactly.” You said pointedly.
“Oh come on, doll. I know for a fact I can always count on you.” He said, for the first time in your 4 years of friendship, genuinely.
You didn’t say anything, just blotting away the excess blood from a cut on his face.
“I know I can. I always can. You’re always fucking taking care of me and patching me up and shit. I wouldn’t be fucking anything without you.” He swallowed a little. “It’s one of the things I love most about you. Besides your amazing personality, sick fashion sense, or all the great memories I have with you, you’re reliable. And beautiful.” You felt heat rise to your cheeks, touched by his words.
“T-thanks R-Rich.”
“Jesus, you’re starting to sound like Big Bill.” You gave him a look and he just grinned back. “I just thought I’d let you in on it, how great you are.” You smiled.
“Thank you Richie, you’re pretty great yourself. The comedy king,”
Richie just smiled again, took the tissue and bandages from your hands, and took them in his own. He sat more upright, his dark eyes sparkling in the fading light.
“I have to do something,” He said quietly, scanning your eyes.
“What is it?” You asked, blinking again.
He put his hands on the sides of your face and kissed you, smiling into the kiss. You pulled away, breathless and wide eyed, Richie wearing a shit-eating grin.
“Yeah, I usually have that effect on people.” He leaned back and rested his hands behind his head, watching as you spluttered.
“Wh- H- oh my GOd!” You sat there for a minute trying to collect yourself, all the while Richie looked proud of himself for having that sort of effect on you.
You glared a little, and caught him off guard with another kiss, effectively making his cheeks turn pink. This time, you grinned.
“So, how are things in the land of love?” Bev asked, nodding her head in Richie’s direction, who was currently arguing with Eddie.
“Amazing, honestly. I owe it to you, for teaching me how to be so confident.” Bev just smiled.
“It’s what I do,” She sent a shy smile to Bill, who grinned. You started taking off your clothes alongside Bev, earning catcalls from Richie who quickly quieted under your glare, and got a running start to be the first into the water.
“Come on you sissies!” Beverly cried, slicking her hair back.
“We’re getting shown up by a couple of fuckin girls!” You heard Richie yell.
“Yeah, o-our girlfriends d-dumbass!” Bill responded, looking over the side. After he finally asked Bev out, Bill’s stutter had gradually improved, partially thanks to her, and partially thanks to his constant reciting of tongue twisters.
Richie leaped off and almost landed on you, giving you half a heart attack in the process.
“Jesus, Rich, you almost killed me!” You said, clutching your quickly beating heart.
“Well shit, then i’ll be without my woman! I’m so sorry my love!” He grabbed you and pulled you into a tight hug, laughing.
“I swear Richie Tozier,” You rolled your eyes as he pushed you away a little bit.
“What do you swear, Lane?” Your breath hitched, it did every time he said your name.
You blanked, causing him to grin. “That’s what I thought.” You shoved his head underwater, swimming in Stanley’s direction to get away from Richie.
“IT’S ON!” He launched himself toward you, and tackled you, peppering your face with wet kisses.
“EEWW RICHIE STOOOOP!” You cried in between laughs.
“You’re so disgusting!”
“Yeah, but i’m alllll yours.”
“Don’t remind me.”
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wordshelp919 · 4 years
Words Help.
It’s hard to admit to being the victim of abuse. Oftentimes it is the condition of the abusee to believe that they are not worthy of qualifying their experiences as ‘abuse’. Most likely due to repeated conditioning on the part of the abuser. That is the case for me.
I have spent my whole life trying to figure out how to be. Not who. How. My identity did not have the freedom to develop for my own sake, but always for others. As all people are different, it meant that I had to learn varying ways to accommodate all types of people. As a child, I was rarely angry. Even when other people were angry with me, I never lost my cool, at least without attempting to understand the situation. If I could just figure out why they were angry and then fix it, then there wouldn’t be a need for anyone to be upset. It is not always to the benefit of any individual to be so accommodating. 
I was isolated in a house with only four people to love. I wanted a happy family, peace, and love and I worked for it as best as I could. In my undying attempt to love the first the members of the family, I neglected to love the fourth. Through my own constant self-adjustment, I somehow became the answer to all of their life’s grievances; their punching bag. My mom’s helplessness from being forced by her mom to beg for rice, being beat up by her dad, brother, uncles, aunts, tormented by her cousins, and every single black person in the all-black neighborhood that she grew up in was subconsciously redirected an iron fisted need for control for me and my sister. My sister is not as accommodating, and eventually her subconscious redirected most of her control therapy to just me. 
I was a good kid. Easy-going, kind, and obedient. Unfortunately for me and Ella, the virtue of  obedience grays when given to the wrong people.
I cried much too often, and still do. I am very sensitive by nature, but even for someone like that, young Donna cried way too much. I would earn an intense punished no less than once a week. By intense, I mean that it would last for over an hour with screaming and yelling and crying and snot. By third grade I mastered the art of hiding my puffy eyes by deepening my eyelid crease with a bobby pin. I didn’t think it was abnormal to be so puffy eyed from crying so often. I just didn’t want to look weird for school. It’s true, even good children need to be disciplined, but I don’t consider what happened discipline. I know that now because it never was to the benefit of my own virtue. All I learned from those countless hours of being yelled at was that my mom was a severely broken person. After the punishment ended and I was allowed to wash my face and go to bed, I would be left thinking about the knife-tongued words that would echo in my mind well into my early twenties. In an exhausted daze, I would wonder to myself.. why was I so bad at listening to her the first time? Why was I so disobedient? I never thought that I took her for granted or even felt a lack of gratitude towards either of my parents, but I mustn’t do this again because according to her, that is what this all equates to. I don’t want to be those things. But apparently I am. Was. Am. Won’t be starting now.
My dad has a lot of blanks in his life. It is his pride, I believe that is what keeps him from sharing any part of his life that is a story and not just numbers that equate to his grand self-earned worth. Also, probably the fear of someone hearing his story and thinking that it is not that bad. I have that same fear, but I learned about pride from a young age, and I try to do the opposite of whatever my pride tells me to. Pride, my dad, my sister; to disobey one is to disobey all. So fighting pride is not so difficult sometimes. I may be missing the stories of his life that fuel his type of abuse, I can look to my sister’s for the answers.
She learned about his pride from an even younger age than I and it’s through her responses to it that I can understand my dad. We learned about pride from the same live-in teacher, but the only difference between me and her is that she loved power more than people and instead of fighting pride, she became its prodigious student. If only her ease of learning was limited to art, music, and math. She was tainted by evil and became a jaded, angry adult at only 8 years old. The beautiful and innocent nature of children died when she discovered her love for pride and power over others. I asked her one night, bringing to surface the odd, powerful, mysterious quality in her, “what is your secret? How can I be like you?”. She told me she would tell me, but I had to swear that I wouldn’t tell our parents. I promised. “The secret to being like me is that I don’t love Mommy and Daddy all the time”. I was spooked. I broke my promise within the minute.
I am so proud of young Donna for that night. It’s odd, the memories that we choose to keep, but that night I clearly remember feeling terrible for the instinctual decision I made. I was scared and naturally gravitated towards my parents but I betrayed my sister. To think that that night young Donna went with her gut would be a proud moment for young adult Donna. Yet I can’t help feeling as though I failed her(y.d.) She could call out those wrong things with much more clarity than I can even now, all the while loving those wrong people much more than I do. 
Anyways my sister’s secret to her twistedness was to withhold love. The opposite of love. Hate. 
When you find out that Hester’s power came from Satan worship, you run.
I always thought she loved me differently than how she did our parents. It was clear how much more she loved me, although both her hatred and love was combined with elements of obsession and ownership. Unfortunately, she valued power more. She was fueled by hatred and was enormously jealous of me for the love I received which was so different from that which she did. She never thought once that the difference between us may have been because of the love that I gave. Her pride wouldn’t allow for that kind of thinking. It had to be my fault. 
Instead of facing the obvious truth of why my parents loved me more sweetly than they did her, she decided to level the playing field on her own terms. I could not smile in certain ways because she thought I was trying to be cute and by extension, curry favor of people, and by extension, take it away from her. I wasn’t allowed to be sad, in case it would cause someone to comfort me. I was an attention grabber, a brat, selfish, and spoiled. According to her, that is. And most damaging of all, I was a crybaby. Her constant criticism worked for the most part. I don’t smile like that anymore. I not only aggressively hate myself for portraying her other definitions for me but I hate others for those very things as well. 
One thing I could not ‘fix’ was the frequency of my tears. I tried holding them off for the first time in my life. I remember that first day clearly. I had given up. I decided not to fight her anymore, but just completely let her have her way and do nothing. I sighed a lot, and with every breath, I felt my energy leaving me. The attempt at complacency didn’t last.
Since that moment, I have cried an average of once a day. It has been 8 years. I guess crying is something that I never grew out of. 
So that was a long segway to introduce my father’s story. It is the same, only the subjects are different, the reason for adopting pride is different, and the self-delusion is different. My dad was jealous. Is jealous. Of both me and my sister. It is only a theory, but if not jealousy there is comparison and transactional thinking taking place in his head. No words, just numbers. If there were any words in his brain, a conscious to speak the truth, he would have to hate himself as well. Luckily for him, no such thing has taken place and he can continue to believe that he is a perfect man. He is far from perfect. All too calculative, all too focused on the hurt in his life and not on the well-being of his children. And if my theory serves to be true, then it would be my sister who would have suffered the most from his jealousy. She was the one who was actually good at everything. My dad claims to have been the same. The only difference is that he endorsed for his children what his own father refused to. Not that they didn’t have the financial means to, but his own father chose his eldest son and no one else. 
The abuse that comes from my dad is the most twisted and intricate and frightening of all three. I still don’t understand why he is so frightening other than the fact that he worships pride and loves hatred without realizing it. Those things are only momentary band-aids for deep wounds. He has 30 years of bandaids stacked in layers on his heart 10 miles high. What he needs is for those band-aids to be removed, the wound assessed, and then surgery performed to cut deep into the flesh to reveal the cancer that has sprouted and matured into every vague nook and crevice of his body.
My sister and I are treated the same when it comes to his manner of abuse, but my mom bears the brunt of it. 
His ego is fueled by putting everyone down. Apparently he requires a lot of fuel because his ego has a half life of one hour.
No one is allowed to ask him a question he doesn’t know the answer to. How dare you make him feel inadequate. Poor kids and your inevitable need to question everything in the world. Poor kids and your tendency to ask for help. You should have known better before asking him a question from your third grade Wordly Wise workbook. Of course he wouldn’t know and of course you would get punished for making him feel stupid. I still remember telling my friends from school that he hit me on the head with a golf club. They were shocked and then I had to tell them it was plastic. As long as it’s plastic it’s okay. I didn’t mention that he screamed in my face and dragged me back by my feet into the study when I tried to run away, scraping my knees on the polished hardwood floor. I didn’t tell them that the golf club bruised my head. And I didn’t tell them that when I told my mom later that night, she didn’t care. 
For us, it was a typical Friday night. 
Poor kid, you should have just agreed that european is spelled europian. But by then you were already a student of pride.
Poor wife, there are no “should haves” for you. Your poor treatment is inevitable no matter how you change yourself for him. Your existence is for the purpose of being his cannon fodder. When the cannonball is released on enemy territory, it is far away from him, unable to do him any harm. Allegedly. Oddly, you are also enemy territory. It’s confusing, both the metaphor and the real life scenario that it illustrates.
He needs you to anger him so that his own anger and resentment towards his own family can escape him. It allows him to express pent up emotions in the form of hatred against you. The fact that you take his hatred to be constructive criticism is the result of your own abuse. That is not accomodation. Take it from me.
Not everyone has the privilege of learning what it feels like to be treated well.
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sheilarice1 · 4 years
(Silver Death - part 7)
You Know?:
When I woke at six the next morning I had been awoken by a nightmare. Without opening my eyes, changing positions, or changing my breathing pattern I take in my surroundings.
I had turned around during the night and latched myself to Winters arm-the one thing that I had always clutched when scared- and could hear him speaking to someone.
"Steve, seriously she'll be fine. She's a tough girl."
Of course I am.
"Really Buck? Look at her! She's trembling and in a cold sweat!!"
"She's fine. She was always like this in HYDRA. Her nightmares were- well are worse then mine. But she always put on a brave smirk and beat the crap outta her opponent during training."
"Well what's happened since she got out?! She could have gotten worse! We should let Sam look at her!"
"If you tell her this I will not hesitate to put you in a hospital. She's always been a determined and positive girl. She has never once let HYDRA see her cry, hell I haven't seen her cry and I spent almost her whole life with her. But that aside I know that people can only go so long without breaking. I have had Sam do a silent assessment on her. He says that she is very good and hiding her feelings but Widow put up a camera in the shed so you can see the entrance shaft. When she came up from talking to us yesterday she was in tears. And when she walked through the door into the house she had a small smile on her face and her tears were dried. She won't show anyone weakness. I taught her that and I wish a didn't."
"It's not you fault Winter. HYDRA made you like that and you were just passing it on."
When I spoke I could feel Winter spin his head to look at me then turn to glare at Captain.
"So Silver," Winter tensed as Captain spoke. "how long have you been awake?"
"Thank you Winter for telling Steve that I'm a tough girl. Now, why the hell would you get Falcon to do an assessment on me? I don't need one. I'm perfectly fine."
While I'm speaking I slowly sit up feeling stiff because I slept in a weird position compared to what I'm used to.
"No your not Silver. I know you try to be because that's what I taught you but we are here for you. You don't need to hide anymore."
Getting up and climbing over Winter so my feet are on the ground and walking to the door frame only to pause and look over my shoulder to Winter who had sat up to watch me and Captain who had been silent since his question,
"I'm a tough girl. Tough girls don't cry and we sure as anything don't have feelings."
Sliding on my boots I walk outside in my pyjamas which were shorts and a button up flannel I once again end up in my nest.
Starring at the body thats occupying my safe spot I wonder how long Hawkeye had been up here.
Covering him with a blanket because it was cold in the rafters and shoving a pillow under his head I climb back down the ladder so I don't make a loud noise.
Not wanting to build, hack, or organize my armoury I go to one room that the others didn't know about. My training room.
Taking off my boots and grabbing a sports bra from my storage closet that was in the far corner I wrap my hands and stand in front of the punching bag.
I don't touch it for the first ten minutes in there. I'm just looking at it. Then like always I start to think back to what Winter had taught me. Shutting my eyes and reopening them I no longer see a punching bag but instead a HYDRA agent.
Kicking and punching the agent until I grab a knife from a wall that's near by with my foot I stab him only to have sand poor out of the wound.
Falling to my knees I blink and the agent is once again a bag hanging from the ceiling, that now has sand pouring out of it.
For the second time since I left HYDRA I cry.
(Winters P.O.V.)
When I was talking with Steve this morning I hadn't realized that Silver had woken up. I regretted saying some of the things I did but am glad that I said others.
Steve had tried to follow Silver when she left the house but I stopped him.
"I don't care if you have a crush on her Steve. I don't care if you are my best friend. I have known her for almost her whole life and know when she needs space and know when she needs someone to be near her. Let her be alone for an hour then you can go looking for her."
Letting go of Steve's arm I go to the kitchen and get a cup of water.
Only Steve, Sam, Silver and I are awake. Natasha and Wanda are still in their room and Thor is in his room and Sam took my place on the downstairs couch, while Tony and Bruce are in theirs.
Clint isn't on the couch when I go into the living room to make sure he's fine. He got the couch upstairs while Steve and I are supposed to share the couch downstairs. Silver has a good set up here. The couch downstairs has 2 slide out chair things built in.
Wanting to know where Silver disappeared to was killing me. But knowing her she probably went to her lair/lab/garage to find a strategic space to sit so she could be hidden but be watching all doors and entryways. That or she was in her computer room hacking NASA or something she shouldn't do. I knew that she was good with computers while we were at HYDRA but when she had casually said that she had hacked Stark I was amazed. Even with Jarvis activated she managed to basically side step him and punch a hole in his wall.
Of course she had tried explaining how she hacked when we were in HYDRA by using words that were like fighting but I still couldn't get it. She had given up trying to explain when I asked if she had to punch her computer.
Looking at the clock I find Steve
"Now we look for her. But if you find her don't approach her until she's seen you. And if you make a move on her you better be glad that you heal quick punk."
"Thanks Buck definitely feeling he love right now."
"Well you shouldn't be."
Laughing Steve walked out of the house and Natasha comes up and starts pouring herself a glass of chocolate milk.
"I'm sure she can handle herself. But if he hurts her I get I a few good hits in too."
"Bucky," Natasha has a blank look on her face while speaking, "if Steve hurts Silver your not the only one that's going to be mad. He's going to have to deal with me too."
"Oh. Thanks. I think?"
"And even though I'm sure you have it covered, I care about her too. I may not trust her. But I know how damaging facilities can be to girls like her. Like us. She puts up a cold front but she tried to make Wanda more comfortable when we were coming back from town."
"Well you know how she wouldn't allow Wanda into her head?"
"Yah. But that's just cause she doesn't like people knowing her."
"She gave us a different reason why she didn't want Wanda getting into her head."
"And what would that be?"
"She doesn't want Wanda to be scared of her. She wouldn't let her in because she doesn't have many memories that aren't painful or gory. Is that true?"
"Yah. It is. I gotta go find her."
"She found a memory for Wanda. It was of you and her on a roof at some base. You were talking about how you both wanted to leave."
I know what she is taking about. We only were on a roof once at a base. It was just before Silver was put into Cryo for the first time.
As I turn around and start walking towards the door Steve runs up the steps and flings the door open.
"She's not there. She isn't in the shed."
"Steve she's in the shed. I saw her go down on my camera and she hasn't come back up yet."
"Well she's not anywhere that I can see her Natasha!"
"Steve seriously don't yell at Nat. Silver likes to be in a hidden spot where she can see everything below her. It's a lot like Clint and his nest."
"Are you sure Buck?"
"Yah. I'll come help you look. You wanna come Nat?"
Walking to the shed Natasha is typing away on her phone.
"What you doing Nat?"
"Looking for her in my other cameras"
"How many do you have?"
"Only like 10. Just so I can see the yard and who is in the shed and who is in the yard."
Steve and I say nothing waiting for her to find Silver.
"There's a hidden room. I can get us in easy."
"How does she have a hidden room? Like is she really just that smart?"
"You've known her the longest Bucky. Is she hiding something in there? Or is she just precautionary?"
"Scared. Scared and caring."
Making it down the ladder Steve and I follow Nat to the far wall, there is a panel that is slightly smaller and has scuff marks by its bottom left corner.
Nat kicks the scuffed space and the panel opens to a small hallway.
"Secretive too I guess?"
Unsure of what will be down the hall I go first.
Seeing Silver laying on the ground with a punching bag above her I laugh.
"A training room Silver? Why would you keep this room a secret and not your computer room?"
"Because this room is sound proof. I can yell while in here and no one could hear me."
"You yell a lot?"
"No Widow. I don't yell very often unless I get pissed off."
"Makes sense."
"Hey um, Silver," Steve starts to panic now hat he has her attention "what happened to the bag?"
"What does it look like? I stabbed it."
"Silv why would you stab a perfectly good bag?"
"Because Winter, do you remember telling me to imagine that the bag was my enemy?"
"Yah. Oh who died?"
"That agent from HYDRA."
"Cool. Are you going to stand up or continue laying on the sand?"
"Clint is asleep in my nest so this is my new nap spot. And yes I know it's only like 7 in the morning. But I don't care."
"Wait Clint is down here?"
"Yes Captain he is. Do you want to know where the nest is?"
"Yes please."
As Silver gets up I notice the dampness of the floor where her head was. Looking at her face I notice that there was sand stuck to her cheeks where she had wiped her face to dispose of tears.
Natasha walked over a wipes the sand away with her thumbs.
"You have sand stuck to your face. It's kinda funny."
"Thank you Widow"
When I notice Steve had turned red I look back at Silver.
"Oh yah. Sorry."
"Don't you sorry me young lady."
She looks pissed.
"Хорошо. что с тобой. вы никогда бы не позаботились, если бы я тренировался так." Okay. What's up, you have never cared if I trained like this.
With her knowing me for basically all her life I know that there's no point in lying.
Before I can open my mouth Natasha speaks up and cuts right to the chase.
"Стив влюблен в тебя." Steve has a crush on you.
"Это действительно так? Потому что мне все равно. я знаю, что у него дрожь, и это не так уж и важно." Is that really it? Because I don't care. I know he has a crush and its not that big of a deal.
"Откуда ты знаешь?" How did you know?
"Не бойся, но я потревожил твою руку" Don't be mad but I bugged your arm.
"You bugged my arm?"
"That's what I just said isn't it?"
"Yah. But when?"
"When I hugged you yesterday."
Feeling a little hurt because I thought she had been hugging me just because she wanted to I ask "Was that the hole point of hugging me?"
"No. The bug was just an extra. I'll show you where Clint is now."
Grabbing her pyjama top and sliding it on she starts walking out, not bothering to see if we were following or not.
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nerdypisces160 · 5 years
Pietro Maximoff - Soulmate AU
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Avengers!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing
Word Count: 4,561 words (I finally made a long one!)
Summary: Y/N has been with the Avengers for six short months. She is a mutant with the power of telekinesis. She mastered her powers long ago, but occasionally she over does it. This can lead to her body practically shutting down on herself. How far will she go to save her soulmate?
When people talked about soulmates they all said that the world just made sense. It seemed as if everything finally had a plan or purpose to it. There was no physical mark that showed if a person found their soumate; it was just a mental connection that joined the two. Nowadays soulmates aren't as common as they once were, but that didn't stop some from finding theirs. Even without having a soulmate people learned to live happily, but when someone did find them it seemed that everyone could feel their powerful emotions and connection. The ones that do find their soulmate recount that they were going about on a normal day. Nothing ever stands out, so when Y/N was out on a mission with the team she didn't expect to find her soulmate.
Storming the newest Hydra base, Y/N was flying past Natasha and Clint swiping away the enemies. They all continued to fight taking out anyone they could. Y/N chuckled to herself seeing Cap drag a body behind him. "What are you laughing about kid?" Tony asked. "Nothing much, just watching Cap drag around some garbage," Y/N replied. Flying past with the rest of the Avengers Y/N made a small force field around her body in order to tackle down the approaching Hydra agents. "Shit!" Tony exclaimed. "Language," Cap countered. Y/N stifled her laughter hearing Cap's response. After her brief pause Y/N continued to fight along side with Thor. "Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise," Clint said. Y/N rolled here eyes and growled, "Really Clint what told you that? Was it the fucking guns?" Of course hearing her language Tony then mentioned that Cap said 'language.'
Tired of hearing the bickering between her team mates she ignored them all. All at once Hydra agents surrounded her believing they could take her down; this made her smirk. Once they surrounded her, she began to concentrate on their weapons. She absorbed the energy from them that way they were useless. The agents all looked around confused on why their weapons weren't firing. Absorbing all that energy gave Y/N a tingling sensation in her fingers and up her arms. Using all the newly absorbed energy Y/N punched the ground creating an explosion that killed the surrounding Hydra scum. With her fist still connected to the ground, Y/N felt an unfamiliar presence. She tried to tune into the presence from the distance, but it was moving too fast. Noticing that it was heading towards Clint's location Y/N took off in his direction.
Just before Clint fired an arrow at the bunker Y/N hid behind a nearby tree. "What do you need kid?" Clint asked. "Figured you could use the help old man," she smirked. He began to grumble, "Old man my ass." Before Clint could fire his second arrow a force took both him and Y/N out. The force of the fall had knocked the wind out of her, so she wasn't able to get up for a few seconds. Though she did hear a foreign accented voice say, "You didn't see that coming." Finally getting up Y/N felt a strong wind push her back down. Growling, Y/N got back up only to have Clint fall on her. "What is your problem?" she growled. "Kinda got hit Y/N," he grunted. Natasha quickly ran over to the two. While Nat was assessing Clint, Y/N put a shield around them. Quickly the Hulk took down the attacking bunker.
Soon after the bunker was destroyed and Stark got the shield down Y/N flew over into the Hydra facility. As Tony went to download the files Y/N went throughout the building taking out anyone and everyone that crossed her path. Out of no where Y/N was grabbed and pushed against the wall. "What do you think you are doing?" a mysterious voice asked. Looking up Y/N saw clear, crystal blue eyes. Both parties' eyes widened realizing what they were to each other. All the rumors were true when people say things start to fit together. They were stuck in their own world, sadly it ended quicker then either would care to admit. All at once a young woman with brown hair put her hand on Y/N's soulmate's shoulder. Before Y/N could blink they were gone.
Back on the quinjet Y/N didn't know what to think about the situation. She wasn't ready to admit that her soulmate was with Hydra, in the end she decided that she wasn't going to tell anyone. Lots of people don't have soulmates, so what is the worse that could happen with ignoring hers. Once back at Headquarters, Y/N walked with Steve and Maria listening to them talk about the twins. Just hearing his name, Pietro, practically made her knees weak. Steve seemed to notice this because he stopped. "Are you okay Y/N?" Steve asked. "Yeah just a little tired. I guess I overworked myself," she said. He slowly nodded his head knowing occasionally Y/N overworked herself in the field. "I'm actually going to go rest," Y/N said. Before she could walk away Steve yelled out to her, "Don't forget about the party." "Do I have to go?" Y/N moaned. This caused Steve to smile to himself, "Yes if I have to go, you have to." "Fine," she grumbled. Y/N went to her room to shower and rest.
Only one person in the world could love partying so much and that was playboy philanthropist Tony Stark. Only he would want to have a party a few days after a mission. Since that particular mission all Y/N could think about was Pietro. He wouldn't escape her mind, she thought about how things could be different for the two of them. Most of the time she imagined that he wasn't Hydra and that she wasn't an Avenger. All Y/N wanted was to have met her soulmate in the most boring way possible. Since that last mission Y/N had started behaving differently as well. She began to withdraw from her friends and started spending more time in the gym. None of her team mates really knew what was wrong with her, but one had a sneaking suspicion.
Once Y/N made it down to the party she went straight to the bar; her hope was that she could finally get her mind off Pietro. "What can I get for you ma'am?" the bartender asked. "Let me get a single malt neat," Y/N ordered. Whilst sitting at the bar, Y/N watched her team mates. Rhodey was standing by a group of women telling them one of his many War Machine stories. Natasha was making her way behind the bar. Steve and Thor were talking to an older gentleman. By the looks of it Thor was going to give the man some of his Asgardian mead. Giggling to herself, Y/N was excited to see the man's reaction to such a strong alcohol. All at once Bruce walked up to the bar where Natasha was now pouring drinks. "How did a nice girl like you wind up working in a dump like this?" Bruce asked. While making a drink for him, Natasha responded, "Fella done me wrong." "You got a lousy taste in men kid," he commented. Leaning forward she started to speak again, "He's not so bad. Well, he has a temper. Deep down he's all fluff. Fact is, he's not like anybody I've ever known. All my friends are fighters. And here comes this guy, spends his life avoiding the fights because he knows he'll win." Bruce, flabbergasted by what Nat said only replies with, "Sounds amazing." Taking a sip of her drink Nat admits, "He's also a huge dork. Chicks dig that." Bruce looked down sheepishly and embarrassed. She then suddenly asked him a question, "So what do you think should I fight this, or run with it?" Confused on how to respond, Bruce stutters his answer," Run with it, right? Or, did he... was he...? What did he do that was so wrong to you?" Leaning even closer Nat begins to whisper to Bruce, "Not a damn thing. But never say never." With that final statement Nat walked away.
"Is it easy to ignore your soulmate like that?" Y/N asked Bruce suddenly. Stuck in his head, Bruce was startled by the question. "I'm not good for her, the universe messed up our connection," Bruce responded. Unhappy with his answer Y/N stood up and began to yell at him, "That's bullshit and you know it! You two were put together for a reason! You shouldn't fight fate!" Realizing what she had said Y/N swiftly apologized to Bruce and ran off to her room. Once alone Y/N began to freak out. She now realized how important soulmates are.
All at once Y/N stood up and began packing her bags. She decided she needed to find her soulmate, but she couldn't do it as an Avenger. After all her essentials were packed she could hear a knock at her door, it was Clint. Not wanting anyone to know she was leaving Y/N used her powers to make everything look normal. It was very advanced, but she knew the risk was worth it. Once Y/N knew everything looked normal she invited Clint in. "What can I do for you Clint?" she asked. "What no 'old man'?" he joked. It was at this time Y/N wished her friends didn't know her so well. "Sorry old man I am too  far in my head right now," she responded. He seemed skeptical about her response, but didn't mention it. "Well we have a meeting in the morning. Looks like we have another threat ready to make us go 'extinct'," Clint said. Nodding her head, Y/N showed Clint the door and told him goodbye. Right when he was gone Y/N stopped using her powers. She felt horrible for leaving her team, but she needed to find her soulmate, her Pietro.
Getting away unnoticed was quite simple for Y/N. She was able to get to the records without raising any red flags. Once in the records, Y/N was able to look up all the information on the twins that she could. This led Y/N to return to her room where she found a wormhole that would allow her to travel to Sokovia. Being there gave Y/N a funny feeling. It was her body reacting to being in her soulmate's birthplace. All she had to do now was wait until fate brought the two together again.
Y/N was late for the team meeting the next day, and no one could find her. It was uncommon for Y/N to be late. Due to her being relatively new she didn't like making a bad impression. Clint being the only one that was suspicious of her recent behavior went to her room to search. For hours he searched her room looking for clues on why she left. No one else on the team searched for Y/N; they were all too worried about Ultron. After having no success he decided to go to the one place he could truly be alone --- the vents. Once he was situated up there  he looked down in Y/N's room. "God damn it, that smart ass kid," he cursed. Clint was right in thinking that Y/N would leave a clue. She left it only where he would notice it. She left a letter addressed to him in the top corner of her bedroom, she painted it the same color of her walls so it would blend. Y/N remembered when Clint told her that he could see better from a distance. Finally retrieving the letter, Clint went back to the vents to read it.
Dear Clint,
I knew if anyone would understand and come looking for me it would be you. Last night I knew you didn't believe me, and I love that you didn't ask. I didn't want to leave you guys, you all are my family. I needed to leave though because I found my soulmate. The problem is I'm not sure I can handle who he is, and if I can't accept him then who am I? I'm a horrible person who is going to throw away the strongest connection a person can find in their life. Please don't tell anyone and don't bother looking for me. I need to find these answers on my own. If I can find the right answers then I'll be back, but if not then this is goodbye. I hope this isn't the end of our family. I appreciate and love you all.
Love, Y/N
Shortly after arriving in Sokovia, Y/N could tell that Pietro wasn't there, but something in her told her not to worry. She knew that it wouldn't be long before they reconnected. While waiting Y/N got to discover Sokovia. She realized that the people there were very close knit. It was a small and peaceful community. When Y/N read the file on Pietro she read of how his and his sister's parents died. She could almost understand why he chose to join Hydra.
It seemed that today was finally the day Y/N had been looking forward to; it was the day her and Pietro would reunite. Waking up that morning Y/N felt a tight feeling in her chest. The thing was she wasn't sure whether it was a good feeling or bad. Leaving her small single bedroom apartment she went into the capital, Novi Grad. Not long after getting into the capital she noticed shadows fly above her. When she looked up she seen many robots preparing to land. Seconds later the ground under her feet began to rumble almost like an earthquake. Once the rumbling stopped she noticed that the area she was on was rising higher than the surrounding areas. It wasn't long before Y/N began to hear the citizen's cries for help. Naturally her body went into protective mode. She knew that she needed to kill the weird robots that were flying around not even five minutes ago.
At first Y/N made a portal that way she could evacuate citizens to safety. When the people around her were safe she started to chase down the robots. Killing them was easy, she was able to just rip them apart with her powers. Going further into the capital Y/N made sure to help anyone she passed. It wasn't until she was on the edge that she noticed she wasn't alone, a helicarrier flew pass her. While helping out Y/N completely forgot the Avengers would come out. Following the helicarrier, Y/N found Steve and Natasha having a conversation at the edge of the now floating capital.
"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it," Steve ordered. "I didn't say we should leave. There's worse ways to go. Where else am I gonna get a view like this?" Natasha professed. "You know I would never let you all go, even if that meant going back in time and killing myself over it," Y/N confessed to the two. Both, not expecting Y/N, turn around to face her. Neither knew what to say, it was only a few short days ago that she had abandoned them. Breaking out of her trance first, Natasha stormed towards Y/N. Expecting to be slapped or punched Y/N closed her eyes and braced herself. Instead of a slap or punch Natasha threw her arms around Y/N and squeezed her tightly. "Where the hell did you go?" Nat whispered in Y/N's ear. Squeezing her back just as hard Y/N explained, "I needed to find my happiness, just like you and Bruce." Letting each other go Natasha just nodded to Y/N. Looking behind Y/N, Nat noticed the new recruit focused on Y/N. "Looks like you might get that chance. Go and be quick," Nat advised. While Nat and Y/N were in their bubble Nick Fury was talking about bringing the helicarriers out of retirement. Once Nat walked back to Steve, Y/N walked over to Pietro.
"I never though we would actually be together especially since you are with SHIELD," confessed Pietro. "At least it wasn't Hydra!" Y/N joked. Her comment made him chuckle. Hearing his deep, sexy chuckle made Y/N realize how connected they were. Even though this was only their second conversation she could see their whole future together. Noticing that Y/N was stuck in her head daydreaming Pietro stepped closer and put his hands on her hips. "Are you alright sweetheart?" he asked. Coming out of her daze Y/N responded, "I'm fine, just ready for this to be over." "I'll protect you don't worry," Pietro promised. Feeling the heat of the moment the two began to lean in closer, slowly their lips were inching closer and closer together. "Hey you two lets save the world first then you two can go off and make little mutant babies!" Natasha interrupted. Embarrassed, the two look away and nod, each took off in opposite directions.
Now that Fury and Rhodes were there, they were able to get more of the citizens out of Sokovia. All the Avengers both new and old converged onto the Vibranium core. Then Thor yelled out to Ultron, "Is that the best you can do?" In response Ultron summoned an army full of robots. "For fucks sake Thor you had to ask," Y/N gritted out. Then all of the robots started to attack. Everyone fought valiantly against the robots. Suddenly the robots started to retreat. Too distracted thinking of a way to save Sokovia Y/N didn't hear the new plan. It wasn't until she felt a warm tingle on her shoulder that she refocused. "Sweetheart, you need to get on the boats,"Pietro advised. "I'm not leaving Pietro, I am here to help all the people I possibly can," she asserted. Before Pietro could respond Wanda, his twin sister, spoke up, "Go make sure everyone is on the boats, I am protecting the core for now. Both of you go. Just come back when everyone is safe." Without a word to either of them Y/N took off to look for any stranded citizens. "You have a brave soulmate," Wanda commented. "Yeah she is," Pietro agreed.
Luckily not a lot of people were left on Sokovia. The Avengers were able to get everyone on the boats, or so they thought. Y/N was walking behind Clint and Natasha when they all made it to the lifeboats. Once there, they heard a woman calling out to her brother. "Ma'am what's wrong?" Y/N asked. "Costel? We were in the market. Costel?!" the woman replied worriedly. When Y/N turned around she noticed that Clint was already gone. "God damn that old man," she whispered to herself. Taking off Y/N went to find Clint. Eventually she found him, but the sight in front of her was one she would never forget.
Y/N watched as Pietro stood like a statue for a few brief seconds before dropping down on the ground. Not having time to grieve, Y/N ran down to Pietro's body. Checking for a pulse she was lucky to find a small but weak pulse. Quickly she flipped Pietro onto his back and put her hands over some of the many bullet wounds he had. She began to focus on his wounds. She imagined them all closing and his blood being restored. She pictured him completely healthy with all his abilities intact. As she continued to slowly heal Pietro, Clint crawled over to the two. "Y/N you need to stop. This is too much for you," Clint said. "Would you give up on Laura?" she questioned through gritted teeth. "No," he admitted. "Then let me do this for him," she begged. Now understanding Y/N, Clint stood up and picked up Costel. Going back to concentrating Y/N didn't even hear Cap come up behind her. It wasn't until he shook her shoulder that she broke concentration. "Y/N we need to go now," Cap ordered. Looking down, Y/N took notice that many of Pietro's wounds were closed and that his breathing was stronger. "Understood Cap, just grab Pietro for me," she said. He nodded and leaned down to pick up Pietro. Once was Pietro was picked up, Y/N looked up at the two. It wasn't until that very moment that Y/N realized how much she had drained herself.
While healing Pietro's wounds Y/N was giving him her own life source. Y/N had never healed wounds that severe, and it was staring to show. She could feel her life slipping through her fingers. There was a subtle pounding in her ears where her blood pumped. Her vision began to go hazy and she felt her heart beat fewer and further times apart. The last thing she seen was a dark clothed blob, she could only assume was Clint, run to her and pick her up. By the time he secured her in his arms she had already closed her eyes and began to welcome the light.
The room that Y/N was in was quiet all that could be heard was the heart monitor, and even that was slow and low. After Clint had picked up Y/N both Steve and him ran off to the life boats. As far as the other team members were aware Pietro was dead and Y/N was alive and healthy. Once the four were on the lifeboats the remaining members of the team surrounded them. No one knew what to say. Clint explained to them that Pietro was Y/N's soulmate, and that she knew that she would most likely die to save him. After the city was blown up Vision flew down to save Wanda. By the time he brought her to the lifeboat she was awake and conscious. Once she was on the boat she went straight to her brother's body. She held him close to her and cried into his neck. Suddenly everyone heard and watched as Pietro began to cough heavily. "Why are you crying sister?" he asked hoarsely. At first Wanda was completely shocked because she watched Pietro die. "H-how are you alive?" she stuttered. "I can answer that for both of you," Clint interrupted. The twins watched Clint as he stepped to the side and revealed Y/N's pale and lifeless like body. "She wanted to make sure that you survived this. It was a lot on her body, and we aren't sure she will make it out of this one," Clint said solemnly. To say Pietro was devastated was an understatement. He had barely gotten to know Y/N, and now she might not come back to him at all.
It has been a few days since that dreadful mission and Y/N was still not awake yet. While she has been in a coma she had had many visitors, most of the time it was the twins. Pietro would sit next to her bed for hours. He would move her hair from her face and gently caress her face. When he was alone with her he would cry and beg her to wake up, but nothing ever happened. When Wanda visited Y/N she often was conflicted about her feelings. On one hand Wanda was grateful that Y/N saved her twin brother's life, but on the other hand Wanda was upset because she could see and feel her brother's pain. Another person that was greatly affected by Y/N's coma was Clint. He felt guilty for Pietro having to come save him. He appreciated that Pietro kept Clint alive, but he wished that Pietro would have never been injured in the first place. Clint was ready for Y/N to finally wake up because he had a surprise for her.
It was the first time that Clint has been able to visit Y/N. He came to visit everyone at the tower but mostly the twins and Y/N. Once he got there he requested that he could visit her alone. For awhile he just sat there and watched as Y/N took steady breaths. After a while he stood up and made his way next to Y/N. He sat down next to her and held her hand. "Kid you need to wake up. If you can't do it for me then do it for Pietro. He is a mess without you," Clint confessed. "It's funny how whipped he is already," Clint joked in hope for some reaction from Y/N. He looked down at the hand he was holding. "Besides you need to meet your godson," he added. As he expected he didn't get a response back. Giving up on waiting, Clint stood and made his way to the door. Guess he'll have to try again another day.
"Do I get to know my godson's name at least?" Y/N asked sarcastically. Clint couldn't believe his ears, he turned so fast he almost gave himself whiplash. "Nathaniel Pietro Barton," Clint whispered. "Good name and even better choice of godmother," Y/N admitted. Clint didn't know what to do. He figured he should inform the team that Y/N was now awake. "Are you going to just stand there or are you going to get Bruce?" Y/N asked sarcastically. "Uhm actually Bruce is gone, he left during the whole Sokovia incident," Clint confessed. Y/N looked down almost ashamed, "Oh how is Nat doing?" Clint just shrugged, "You know how she gets with her feelings." "Yeah you're right. Do you mind getting a doctor for me?" Y/N asked. Clint simply nodded his head and made his way out the door with a large smile on his face.
"Well Miss. L/N everything looks good, but you need to rest for the next few weeks that way your powers can regenerate," the doctor explained. Nodding her head Y/N agreed, "Understood Doc, I'll rest for the next few weeks." Once the examination was over the doctor bid Y/N a goodbye and left the room. Before the door could completely close Y/N heard a strong whoosh, next to her stood Pietro. "Took you long enough Speedy," Y/N teased. "I was stuck waiting for Sleeping Beauty to wake up," he joked. His joke brought both of them into a giggle fit. When both calmed down they realized how close they had gotten. Pietro brought his hand up to Y/N's face. Slowly he traced her bottom lip with his thumb. "Can I kiss you?" he asked softly. "Please," she whispered. Finally their lips met in a slow yet passionate kiss, both conveying the worry they had for each other. When the kiss finally ended they both caught their breath and slowly opened their eyes. "Please don't scare me like that again Sleeping Beauty,"Pietro pleaded. "Never again my Prince, never again," Y/N confirmed.
Hello my lovelies, I know it has been a LONG time since I have written anything. Recently I have had more inspiration. Hopefully I will update more often. I look forward to putting out more stories.  
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wordywarriorwrites · 5 years
Chapter 5: Game
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Masterlist: The Boss of Brooklyn A03 Link Author: @wordywarriorwrites Summary: When it comes to being The Boss, James Buchanan “JB” Barnes rules with an iron fist. For him, there’s no room for sentiment, and certainly no time for distraction, even if it is in the form of an old flame. Steve Rogers had bowed out of the life a long time ago, but a twist of fate brings him right back into the fold, and face-to-face with a man he once loved. When a game of cat and mouse turns into a matter of life and death, both will be forced to decide whether they’ll be loyal to the business, or faithful to each other. A/N: Bucky Barnes Mob Boss AU. Stucky. For: Star’s Multi-Fandom Follower Celebration & Sherry’s Fall Into You Challenge. Warnings: Language, violence, drug use, alcohol, smoking, explicit sexual content, illegal activities.
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“You look like shit.”
Bucky grunted, unbuttoned his suit jacket, and settled into the cushioned seat. The three-piece Tom Ford hid most of the injuries, but it definitely couldn’t distract from the half-healed bruises that still marred his face, and Thor’s blunt assessment, though wholly unnecessary, was rather apt.
“What can I get for you gentlemen?” their host asked politely.
While neither of them had time for dinner, the restaurant had closed temporarily for their meeting, and politeness dictated they at least have a drink. Within minutes, they were served, and the staff disappeared into the kitchen to give them privacy.
“Tell me what went down,” Thor prompted. “Then, tell me what you want me to do.”
Bucky did the same song and dance with him as he’d done with the others. He gave limited information; said not to make any moves without his permission; made it clear focus was to be on business and nothing else. Though the scotch he nursed during their conversation was undoubtedly top shelf, Bucky couldn’t really enjoy it. He’d been backed into a fucking corner, and though it had been two weeks since the confrontation, he still couldn’t shake the rage.
After Steve reintroduced himself with his fist, Bucky had been hauled to his feet, and dragged out of the penthouse. He was wrangled into the elevator and confronted by two masked men who thoroughly searched him from head to toe. Once Bucky had been relieved of both the knife strapped to his ankle and the gun at the small of his back, they’d bound his wrists in front of him, and put a black hood over his head. The only way he knew they’d taken him to the parking garage was because the elevator announced it, and as soon as they’d stepped out, he’d been forced into the back of a vehicle.
Bucky had heard the tires squeal as they went down and around and felt the slight bounce that indicated they’d hit the street. Then, there’d been a series of turns before a long stretch that suggested they’d gotten on the highway. He knew he should’ve kept his mouth shut, but he’d been too pissed off for rationality, and what had happened as a result still made him flinch…    
As soon as the vehicle was parked, he was taken out of the backseat, and the hood was removed. Military-grade body armor; Magpul FMG-9; grenade and rocket launchers; computers; blueprints; at least a dozen henchmen – it was an impressive display and he knew Steve wanted him to see it.
His two babysitters muscled him over to a wooden chair, forced him to sit, and held him in place with a hand on each of his shoulders. It was some time before Steve rejoined them and that’s when Bucky made the mistake of opening his mouth.
“Can I get a fuckin’ rag or something?” he asked tartly as he tried to stem the blood that continued to leak from his nose. “Or do you want to throw your dick around some more?”
The person to his right punched him. The individual to his left joined in not long after. From there, they took turns. They moved from his face to his ribs and kidneys, which he was able to take like a champ, but a closed fist to the solar plexus stole his breath, and made him fall sideways out of the chair.
He was kicked and stomped repeatedly while he was down, and when Steve told them to stop, they didn’t obey. Seconds later, two shots fired in rapid succession, and instinct made Bucky cover his head and stomach to protect himself. When he finally peeked out from between his arms, he saw the bodies of his tormentors slumped in awkward, macabre positions.
Blood and bits of brain matter were splattered across the concrete, but nobody said anything; the corpses were simply taken away and he was put back in the chair. Moments later, another chair was brought over, and Steve sat down across from him.
“I have a job to do,” he stated. “And you keep getting in my way.”
There wasn’t a single hint of malice in Steve’s voice, but there was an uncompromising finality to it, and the point was driven home via a gun’s safety being released. A muzzle was then promptly nestled at the base of his skull, and that’s when Bucky knew the time for posturing was over.
The man he once called his best friend had always been calculating, but never quite so viciously brutal, and there was an unyielding, steely resolve about him that hadn’t been there before. Black clothing from head-to-toe; protective vest; knives strapped to each thigh; guns on either side of his waist. Broader through the chest; longer hair; a full beard. The combination of his physicality and his dress made him appear menacing, and his sheer ruthlessness meant Natasha had been right in her assessment.
Steve Rogers had changed and he was dangerous.
Bucky carefully lifted his head and met his eyes, “Why am I here?”
“Because you’re the boss, JB, and it’s your job to keep the rest of the Families in line,” Steve stated in a matter-of-fact tone. “Or can you no longer manage that?”
The insinuation made Bucky sit up a little straighter, but he didn’t rise to the bait. Instead, he asked what precisely Steve wanted from him. When he remarked he didn’t want anything, and that Bucky had already done enough damage, his curiosity was piqued. Bucky didn’t have to ask if the senator’s death had put a dent in whatever plans he had, because Steve was quick to clarify on his own.
“We’re keeping the wife for insurance and will take care of her with the job is done. In the meantime, tell Bruce to stop meddling, and keep everyone else at bay. Understood?”
The gun was pressed harder into his flesh, which made him agree to the terms, but Steve had long ago stopped taking him at his word. It wasn’t until someone brought over a tablet and Bucky was shown live footage of Natasha in her hospital bed and Bruce giving a lecture that he submitted.  
Steve nodded curtly and got to his feet, “We’re done. Now, get him the fuck out of my face.”
“Can I bring you anything else?”
Pulled out of his musings, Bucky cleared his throat, and politely declined. Thor shook his head and the server took their empty glasses.
“Remind me what we’re to donate for the fund raiser next week?” he asked as he retrieved his wallet and laid cash out on the table. “I need to write the check beforehand so Wanda doesn’t slit my throat.”
“It’s a silent auction this year.”
Thor cursed lowly, “Means I have to be there for the whole damn thing…”
Bucky stood, buttoned his jacket, and clapped him on the shoulder, “Yes, you do. So, show up on time, bid on something decent, and write a check before you get wasted, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered with a wry grin. “I hear ya’.”
After they both extended their gratitude to the restaurant’s owner, they shook hands, and went their separate ways. Bucky ran a few more errands downtown before he headed home. One glance at his inbox showed there were a million different things that required his attention, but for the moment, anything that didn’t pertain directly to business was put on the back burner.  
They hadn’t been able to keep a lid on it, and now, everyone knew Steve was back in town. They were aware of the botched take down, of what he’d done to Natasha, and how he’d ambushed The Boss. The whispers and rumors had already started and Bucky was fed up with being the punching bag.
He’d done as Steve dictated – he told the Families to mind their own and instructed Natasha and Bruce to stand down. With everyone else out of the line of fire, Bucky was finally able to focus, and the clarity brought forth all sorts of realizations.
He’d been distracted, lenient, far too indulgent, and those who worked for him and the Families had been allowed to run amuck for quite long enough. Mouths needed to be shut. Examples needed to be made. Dissention needed to be culled and it was easier to ensure cooperation when the consequences were dire. Deference was all well and good, but as Steve had demonstrated, fear was also a very powerful motivator, and could work just as well.  
In fact, sometimes, it worked even better.
Everyone could make an honest, unintentional mistake now and then – they were human, after all, and nobody was perfect. Such minor offenses would be met with an increase in dues and a hefty fine. Serious infractions would result in an immediate loss of territory, authority, and rank. The offender would be required to give restitution in whatever form Bucky saw fit, but they would never earn their way back into his or the Family’s good graces.  
Outright disrespect and disobedience – there were no second chances for that -- and anyone who wished to test him or provoke his wrath?
They’d be given a bullet and a shallow fucking grave.
Bucky had just finished putting together the missive when his cellphone rang. He recognized the number and when he answered, all he heard was a clipped, “let me in,” and then, the line went dead. This time, he didn’t allow himself to be taken by surprise, and once he confirmed it was Natasha, he disengaged the alarm, and opened the door.
“We have work to do.”
She smirked and stepped over the threshold, “Ready whenever you are, Boss.” 
Chapter 6: Set
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Everything: @jennmurawski13​​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​​ 
Steve Rogers: @patzammit @hearttoearth​​ The Boss of Brooklyn: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​​ @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​ @captain-rogers-beard​​ @lilliannaansalla
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Kadara Marketplace Shenanigans
Vetra Nyx/Fem Ryder (Darrin Ryder). Safe for work. Word count: 1,485. Catch it on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20998385
Darrin Ryder is still waiting to see any progress on Kadara with Reyes Vidal and the Collective in charge. While people watching, she sees an asari getting ganged up on by some hustlers and waits to see what happens... and is shortly joined by Vetra.
Darrin carefully watches a few hustlers surround a normie-looking asari (dressed in casual wear, even) while she looks on from the top of a nearby building, looking down over the marketplace.
Yeah, Kadara still hasn't changed much. She's still waiting to see more effects from putting Reyes in charge. Still waiting to see if she'll regret that decision. Always waiting for the results.
"Darrin, based on your usual moral decisions, it's odd to see you not helping the asari," SAM comments in her head, scattering her thoughts. She squishes her plum-painted lips together in response.
"Because I want to see if any guards come to help or anyone else," she replies mentally. "I have a very thin biotic barrier around them already; if the guys shoot or attack, they'll bounce off long enough for me to get down there."
"I see."
"Do you?" She can't help but poke at the logic, but then again, she'd never given much thought on how SAM looks out onto the world. And, to be honest, she wasn't in the mood to ask just now.
Mental note to ask later.
"Kadara still seems the same," Vetra says quietly from behind her, her movements quiet over the brick-like roof. Darrin turns to look at her from the corner of her eye, a warm smile pulling over her lips.
"Yeah, seems so. I'll give it more time before going after Reyes over it, though. But just a little." Vetra snorts as she crouches down beside the human Pathfinder, looking like an awkwardly haunched over bird, and the weird hissing-sneezy sound of her snort really doesn't help the image. It takes all of Darrin's will to not even giggle at the image.
"I hope it turns out, but I have my doubts. He lied to get the position of 'all-mighty overlord', and it's not really impossible that he lied about what he plans to do with it," the turian muses grimly, voicing Darrin's own worries aloud.
"I know," she nearly whispers back. Her attention is drawn back to the group from before by an outraged yell. She can see the asari's hands preparing to issue biotics, the hustlers' reaching for their guns- "Feel like getting frisky with the locals?" Darrin yells as she jumps from the rooftop, spiraling very quickly towards the group. She grins at Vetra's incredulous "what?!" and that grin only widens as SAM alerts her to Vetra jumping off, too. As she nears the ground, Darrin uses a mix of her jump jets and biotics to land neatly beside the asari, her pistol drawn and pointed in the face of one hustler that she now sees is a human under his hood.
Vetra lands a little less elegantly on the asari's other side, and it sounds like her own weapon is drawn based on the click of her loading her own weapon. "Did you have to come in so dramatically?" she asks with mock irritation, before answering herself, "oohh, wait, of course you did."
"Aww, c'mon, Vetra," she teases back, smirking as the two hustlers she can see's faces quickly begin to realize they've really bitten off more than they can chew, "a Pathfinder has to be ballsy if she expects the rest of her crew to be."
"P-Pathfinder?" the guy in front of her stutters out, his brown eyes widening further.
"Oh, yeah, boys. Pathfinder Ryder at your service." She rolls one shoulder before continuing, "so am I going to have to throw you all in a couple of jail cells, body bags, or maybe to the wilds, or do y'think you can use your brains long enough to fuck off somewhere's else?"
"Preferably before we have to waste our precious ammo on your sorry asses," Vetra chimes in, a laugh evident in her voice.
"N-no, we'll just, uh…" the guys in front and to the side of Darrin share a look before scrambling away, their large hoodies flapping unflatteringly around them. Darrin turns to see the third guy doing the same, and with a slight knee-jerk reaction, she uses her biotics to pull his pants to his knees, causing him to go tumbling forward into a heap. The marketplace erupts into roars of laughter, as does she and the asari behind her.
Vetra, however, lets out a pained noise between a laugh and a disparing sigh. "Was that necessary?"
"Hey, embarrassing him that much should keep him from doing it again," Darrin says gleefully as she reverts her pistol into its safety mode, then tucks it away against her hip. Vetra gives her a droll look before doing the same, then crosses her arms as her yellow-green eyes slide over to the asari. Darrin follows the gaze. "So, tell me, who exactly are you and why did they want you so bad?"
"Oh! I'm Tiarie B'Varsa. I… well, I wanted to see Kadara myself after all the stories I heard on the Nexus-" no surprise there- "and when I got here, I visited the bar and somehow got drawn into a big card game and ended up winning… well, enough to buy an upgraded apartment and all missing furnishings," she finishes in a lower voice with a nervous laugh. Vetra's brow plates rise as she gives a low whistle, and Darrin mirrors her.
"Yeah, you're lucky they didn't gut you before you even left the bar," Vetra assesses, then clicks her tongue thoughtfully. "Let's get you back on your shuttle and check out the driver… just in case."
"Oh, yes, please! Thank you!" The asari then leads the two towards the landing dock, where a slightly dented up Initiative shuttle waits, Cora hovering a little ways away. When she spots the group, she quickly comes forward bu careful to not draw too much attention.
"You made it safely back then, I take it, Dr. B'Varsa?" She asks anxiously. Darrin's eyebrows nearly hit her hairline as Tiarie cheerfully answers, "Oh, yes, it does seem so. Mostly thanks to these two."
"Doctor B'Varsa?" Vetra repeats. Cora nods.
"Yes, she's one of the botanists on the Nexus, here to… well, see Kadara. Did anything happen?"
"Nah, nothing too interesting," Darrin answers immediately as Vetra seems to swell as more information pours forth about the asari. When she shoots Darrin a disbelieving look, she continues, "Just a little scuffle in the marketplace. Where Vetra and I are needed, incidently," she gives Cora an overly complacent smile while grabbing Vetra's arm and dragging her towards the place once more. Vetra stumbles after her while Cora watches them out of sight.
When they reach a more secluded corner, Vetra drags Darrin over to it. "Why didn't you tell Cora what happened?"
"Because it was nothing to worry about, and if Cora knew she'd likely tell Tann or the director of hydroponics and Tairie wouldn't be allowed back off of the Nexus," she answers matter-of-factly. Vetra's nostril slits flare as much as their bony protection allows.
"Which would be safe for her! We have to keep the scientists and doctors safe, Darrin!"
"But we can't also lock them away and make it a prison for them," Darrin refutes, frowning firmly. "You can't stay locked up all the time. You'll go mad, or worse."
"Ugh, you're impossible," she huffs, leaning back on a concrete post, shaking her head.
"Oh, the most impossible," Darrin agrees with a grin. Vetra narrows her eyes.
"And the most hard-headed-"
"Oh, definitely that-"
"-and infuriating-"
"-for most people who know me, alright-"
"-and sometimes I'd like to punch you for the decisions you make."
"Hey, same," Darrin shrugs, her grin now absolutely dumb and toothy. Their banter dissolves a lot of Vetra's frustration, leaving her to try to hide her amusement, but she forgets that Darrin knows her tells too well now. She saunters towards the turian, weaving a bit, before wrapping her arms entirely around her waist and chest. "And you love every bit of my being a difficult ass."
"Yeah, I do, and you're lucky I do," she says with a long-suffering sigh, dragging a hand through her partner's long, strawberry blonde hair. "Anyone else you plan to go and save or harrass today?"
"Eeeh, only… you," Darrin says with false thoughtfulness, biting her lower lip after her last word, then laughing as Vetra snorts again.
"Forever our saving grace and my tormenter."
"Hey, you seem to like my tormenting, 'cause you keep coming back for more."
"Mmm, I guess so." She shakes her head as Darrin settles her chin on the edge of her outward curving chest armor, mind already swarming to think what Darrin is thinking up with her new, mischievous look.
"We cooould go practice our shots on some poor, unexpecting left over kett," she suggests.
"If we can find some, absolutely," Vetra agrees, stretching her claws. "I got some new weapon mods I found that I need to test out, anyway."
"Then let's get going.~"
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mlovesstories · 5 years
You Know You’re What You’re Doing Part 9
Words 2300
SPNDeanBingo square: none
Warnings: physical fight/attack, cussing, emotions, death threats, feelings of worthlessness.  
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“What?” YN covered her mouth.  
“I found it on the porch when I came to check on you,” Jared told her.  
“YN!” Jensen and Danneel ran into their house through the open door.  “You okay?”  Danneel wrapped her arms around the girl.  
“Yeah,” she sighed.
“Thanks, man,” Jensen whispered to Jared.
“No problem, dude.  Always.”
As the evening went on, YN and Jared explained what happened to various officers and the foster parents.  
“I’m calling Cliff to get some guys here,” Jensen pulled out his phone.  
“Jay!” Danneel whispered to him. He looked up, and she nodded toward YN sitting alone on the couch. YN looked blankly at the wall in front of her, not noticing the commotion of people walking all around her who were assessing the scene. “Fine, but we need to talk to her.”
“Right. Be right back.”
After Jensen was done asking Cliff for added security, the investigators received pictures of the community security cameras and the Ackles’ personal ones as well. YN could not identify him since she had not seen him in so long.
“It’s okay, no one is mad at you. You haven’t seen him in eleven years, kid,” Jensen sat down next to her.
“Okay,” she looked right through Jensen, not truly hearing him.
“Hey,” he whispered.
“Huh?” YN met his eyes. “I can’t,” she reached the top step and quickly got to her room.  YN locked the door behind her and ripped her journal from her highest shelf.  
I can’t deal with this.  Why does he want me?
What does it say?  I don’t want to know.
I just can’t. 
“YN.” She heard a knock on her door.  The knob rattled, but the door didn’t open.  “Hey, come on,” Jensen calmly wanted her to open it.
She slowly stood and unlocked the door.
“Hi,” he said nonchalantly.  
“I’m fourteen.  Why do I have to deal with this?” YN looked at him seriously.  
“I am not sure, but we’re right here.”
“Please tell me what I am supposed to feel.  What am I supposed to do?”  
“You’re allowed to feel confused.  I don’t think there is a specific way to feel about this right now.   I’m a little confused myself, but no matter what, we’ll support you.”
“Sarah?” YN looked behind Jensen.
“Hi, Mr. Ackles.  Hey, YN.  You okay?”  The coordinator walked into the girl’s room.
“Fine,” she replied, huffing out a breath of frustration.  
“We need to move her.  I have a family that can take her,” Sarah said quickly.
“WHAT?” YN gasped.  
“He knows your location, YN,” Sarah reasoned.
“You can’t just take her away from us.  She’s doing so well here!” Jensen growled.  
“I’m not going, Sarah” YN stood and gritted her teeth.
“Let us move her to a hotel or something, please,” Jensen tried to appease the caseworker.  
“We have to put her in the custody of someone else.”
“No, you don’t.  You know I can hire security and keep her safer than one of your other houses,” Jensen said lowly.
“Sarah, please.”  YN chimed in.  
“Stay up here, I need to talk to the investigative team.  We can talk about the details in a minute,” Sarah exited.  
“I don’t want to go! Why can’t you be my dad?” YN fell to the floor in tears.  Jensen froze at her statement, but he snapped back to reality and bent down to her eye level.
“I don’t think they will take you.  I can keep you safe.  Cliff has some guys coming over.”
“Okay,” YN sighed.
“Okay, the investigative team and I are fine if you stay here,” Sarah entered YN’s room again where Danneel, Jensen and YN were waiting.  
“Really?”  YN looked up at her with a grin.
“AS LONG AS she has security of some sort.  Someone with her at all times.”
“Sarah, I’m not in jail! Come on!”
“Shh, baby,” Danneel soothed her.  “So that means no leaving the house then?”
“Any of you.  Only a few people in and out for now,” Sarah replied.
“I may as well be locked up!  Why is this-”
“YN!” Danneel yelled.  The girl turned to face her foster mom. “Stop!  We don’t know anything yet.”
“Yes, we do.  Give me the damn note.” YN stomped down the stairs.  “Give it to me.” YN put her hand out for the police officer to hand over the piece of paper.  Jensen came down the stairs and nodded to the investigator.  The woman in a black uniform slowly picked the note off the table.
“Here you go, young lady.”
She took a copy of the note and read it while Jensen watched.
   I see you found a good family.  Too bad I want you back.  See you around.
“Your security dudes better keep me safe, Actor Boy,” YN yelled.  She threw the note to the ground and marched back to the base of the steps.  
“YN!” Jensen chased after her. “You wanted to stay here,” he caught up to her.  
“Before I knew he wanted to kill me!” She slugged him in the chest.
“Stop.”  He put her hands to her sides. “You could be at any house right now, and I am probably one of the few people that can provide safety for you, and you know it.  Don’t take this out on me.  I’m here for you. I know you’re scared, but we can handle it. Go sit down and cool off a minute.”
“Sir,” an officer stepped forward.
“Go.  Couch.  Now.”  Jensen dismissed YN so that he could address the investigator.  His foster daughter walked over to a couch in the living room.  “Yes?” He turned to the cop in front of him.  
“We have the note, our team is going to process it.  We have done all that we can do for now.  An officer will be here at your door until your hired security arrives.  She needs 24/7 security.  Mandatory,” she spoke deeply.
“Yes, ma’am.  Have a good night.”
“You too, sir.”
As the last police officer exited the house and took his post outside, Danneel and Sarah walked to the first level of the home.  YN sat, eyes glazed over, processing what had happened.  Before she knew it, Sarah left, and the three of them were alone, with the officer outside.  
“Sweetie,” Danneel crouched in front of YN.  “Come on, go get dressed for bed.  It’s late.”
“I ruined your evening,” she responded with no emotion.
“You don’t get to blame yourself.  None of that here.  I’m so proud of you.  No negative thoughts.  Stand up.”  Danneel pulled YN up from her seat.  
“The babies?”
“The babies are spending the night with Grandma and Grandpa.” Danneel pulled her foster daughter up the stairs.  “Get dressed for bed, sweetie,” she said soothingly.  
“I can’t sleep.”
“It’s okay, but you’ll be more comfy in PJs.”
‘Okay,”  YN relented.
When YN came back out of her room, Danneel and Jensen brought her downstairs to watch TV.  She leaned against Danneel with a blanket over her.  YN could not relax.  She constantly shifted in her spot on the couch.  
“YN, you okay?”  Jensen asked.
“I’m wide awake,” she whispered, Danneel asleep next to her.
“Let’s try something else,” Jensen told her to get her shoes.  He took her to their in-house gym.  “You want to run, do weights, punch a bag?”
“Umm, weights?”
“Okay. Let’s do strength training.  It will help you focus your energy. Let’s do a bench press.  Grab weights that you think are almost too heavy for you.”
YN took some dumbbells off the rack and lied on her back.  Jensen guided her through how to do it correctly.  
“I can’t do any more,” she grunted.
“Yes, you can.  Breathe and get your frustrations out.” He spotted her to keep her safe.
“I can’t.”
“You say you can’t and yet you keep going,”’ he smiled.  “Three more.”
When her repetitions were done, she sighed.
“You did it,” Jensen offered a high five.
He continued guiding her through various exercises until she slouched over on the bench.  
“All done. Go shower.”
“Too tired,” she whispered.
“Okay, upstairs you go then.” He held her up by her elbow, guiding her to her room.  
“Goodnight, Jensen.”
Thirty minutes later, he checked on her sleeping form.
“Good night, wonderful,” he whispered. Jensen shut her door and went to lie in bed with his wife who he had brought upstairs a few minutes prior.  
“The security team will be here in a few hours. Damn, it’s 3AM. Cliff said they would be here at seven.”
“Then we need our sleep. Climb in bed, Jay.”
“Babe, the security team is here,” Danneel whispered.  
“Ugh,” Jensen rolled over. “Okay.”
The parents met the group of big, burly men at the base of the stairs.
“Good morning,” Jensen yawned. “Sorry, long night.”
“The officer left his post as we arrived. I will be taking the front door, one of us will be in the back, and one will be in the same room as YN at all times.”
“No.” YN appeared next to Jensen.
“Yes.” Jensen growled.”You wanna be safe?” He turned to face her.
“Fine, but he doesn’t get to be in my room. Gross.”
“Door stays open. He’ll be stationed in the hallway. Change your clothes in the restroom,” the first man stated factually.
“Ugh,” she groaned. “Okay, Thing One,” YN rolled her eyes. Danneel sighed, letting the girl’s attitude slide.
“Hey,” Jensen said lowly. “This doesn’t just affect you.”
“Not now, Jensen,” Danneel warned. “Let’s all settle in.”
“Thing Two, you want some lunch?” YN asked her new bodyguard friend.
“No, miss. Thank you,” he answered her.
“You’re pretty nice,” she offered.
“I try not to cause too much trouble, Miss LN.” He grinned.
“Me either, but apparently that didn’t work out.”
“Miss, if I may, this isn’t your fault,” he said as he sat across the kitchen from her.
“Yeah,” she rolled her eyes.
“It’s not. Get that through your head, YN.” Jensen walked into the room and reached for an apple on the counter.
“Your father did this. Not you.”
“You wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for me!” YN’s voice rose. She tried to skirt past him.
“Get off your damn high horse! This is not your fault. It WILL end. Just not right now.”
“I need a minute,” YN walked into a first floor bathroom and locked the door.
Jensen sighed and hurried frustratedly passed the restroom and into the living room. He crash-landed on the couch next to Danneel and the kids.
“What was-“
“Don’t, Dee,” Jensen leaned against the supportive backing of his seat.
“She’s having a tough time,” Danneel whispered.
“SO ARE WE!” He shouted. “I can’t go to work, because we are locked in our own home!  And SHE thinks SHE has it hard?”
YN was about to come around the corner to the living room when she gasped.
“AT LEAST SOMEONE ISN’T TRYING TO KILL YOU!” YN shouted in return.  “Get off my high horse? You get off yours first, Hollywood. You’re no better than me!” She snapped her mouth shut and ran up the stairs. Thing Two followed behind her. “You know what, screw you and all these rules!” YN slammed the door. Thing Two followed behind her and pounded on the door.
“You gotta leave it open, Miss-“
They all heard a crashing sound and a scream from her room. Thing Two kicked the door open with minimal effort as Jensen ascended the steps. The men ran into her room. An angry man was yanking her around the glass-covered floor. The bodyguard pulled him off the girl, and Jensen carried YN out of the room.
“Come here,” he put her in the next bedroom. They heard continuous wrestling while Thing One and Thing Two now fought the man into the ground, everyone becoming scraped from the glass. “Are you okay?”  
“Uh,” her mouth and eyes wide open. “I think so,” she replied, scanning herself. Jensen stood back to see a few cuts from the glass on her arms. A bruise was forming over her eye.
“Breathe.  You’re okay.”
The two saw the man being dragged down the hallway and pushed down the stairs as he fought back.
“I need her!” He yelled. “Baby girl!” His voice became echoed as he was taken out of the house.
YN grasped onto Jensen’s shirt as she sat on the bed and he stood in front of her.
“I’m scared.”
He saw her inhaling and exhaling erratically.
“Keep breathing,” he rubbed her back with a rhythm for YN to follow. “Good job. Hey, look at me,” he stepped back to see her face. She was dazed, but she did as asked. “You’re safe, sweetie. He can’t get you anymore. You’re okay…”
His assurances continued as the sound of his voice faded into the background.
She repeated what he had just told her over and over in her head. When he caught her attention again, she wrapped her arms around his waist while still sitting on the bed. Before she knew it, her body shook, and she started crying. Danneel ran up the stairs with the kids safely in their playroom.
“What happened? Is she okay?”
The couple talked as YN continued wailing, she didn’t hear what they said. YN held onto the smell of Jensen’s cologne and flannel mixed together. Stability and kindness all wrapped up into a fragrance of a man she didn’t like a year ago.
She kept her eyes closed trying to breathe evenly. When she opened her eyes, YN saw tears in their eyes, increasing her own tears.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she continuously apologized for her perceived faults in the situation.
“Not your fault, baby. You didn’t do this.” 
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Tinkering with Cannabis: The First 90 Minutes Episode 55
Strain: Night Terror OG
Company: Sira Naturals
Locations: Somerville, Ma
Cannabis Connoisseur: Molly
Website: www.siranaturals.org
​Hello again to all my cannabis loving and canna-curious friends, and welcome back to another episode of The First 90 Minutes. Today we will to toking and talking about an amazing sleepy-time strain I picked up from my friend Molly at Sira Naturals in Somerville, Ma, Night Terror OG. When you look at these buds, they are pretty tiny, but don’t let that fool you, they pack a strong punch. With THC levels measuring up to 19%, Night Terror OG has been said to leave patients feeling relaxed, happy, sleepy, euphoric, and uplifted. The top three terpenes in this product are myrcene, pinene, and limonene. Myrcene has been found beneficial in aiding in pain relief, boosting of the immune system, and working as a sedative. It can be found in mangos, lemongrass, hops, and chamomile to name a few sources. Pinene is utilized as a memory enhancer, an anti-inflammatory, it has anti-tumor effects, is an anti-bacterial, and it has also been found beneficial as a bronchodilator. This terpene also helps aid in focus and awareness as its bronchodilator effects increase airflow, therefore increasing oxygen to the brain and improving cognitive function and enhancing memory. Pinene can be found in rosemary, eucalyptus, sage, and citrus fruits. The last primary terpene, limonene, is used to combat anxiety, depression, and stress. It has a citrus aroma, and is found in lemon and orange rinds and juniper. With these as the top three terpenes, it is no surprise that patients have found success in treating stress, pain, insomnia, depression, and anxiety with this strain. As we move forward into the testing portion of this segment, I want to note that the potential negatives we are looking for are dry mouth, dry eyes, dizziness, anxiety, and paranoia. Now, without further ado, let’s light up, sit back, and relax as we toke and talk about the first 90 minutes.
​Today I will be medicating to combat severe depression, stress, anxiety, body pain, and nausea. Opening up the bag, the first scent I get is berry with notes of pine. This is then followed up by light diesel notes. Taking the first of the three hits from a glass bowl at 8:19 p.m., the flavor is primarily berry with notes of pine. There is a slight, muted lemony diesel aftertaste, but I feel like this can be easily missed by the strength of the primary flavors. After only three minutes I can feel the effects starting to come on. There is a slight shift in my ability to focus, and mentally I feel more relaxed. By 8:29 p.m., my body feels extremely relaxed and I feel myself entering a couchlocked state. This is having a positive effect on the minor body aches I am experiencing. It has also helped to decrease the nausea. My mood is lifting, and I sense a bit of euphoria beginning to set in. On the downside, there is a strong sensation of dizziness and shakiness that has come on, along with an onset of sound sensitivity. The sound sensitivity is making everything seem louder, which is a little anxiety provoking and is making it difficult to fully assess where I am in this testing segment, which is why I have decided to retire to the quiet of my room to avoid too much stimulation.
​By 8:49 p.m., I am noticing an additional negative has come on, which is a minor case of dry mouth. The dizziness is still present, but lying down in bed and watching a movie has made this negative a non-issue. My mood has entered a happy state and is still holding, and the euphoria is accompanied by an overwhelming sense of mental and bodily relaxation. As expected, this is not a strain that I would use to try to accomplish tasks, regardless of how big or small. This is due to the lack of focus experienced, which is so intense that I currently would not be confident in saying I am fully capable of getting my things ready for the next day. I am discovering that the best option thus far for this strain seems to be allowing my body to melt into the bed and my mind to get lost in a movie or show that does not require much concentration. At this point, my nausea, anxiety, stress, depression, and body pain have all subsided, so this has proven to be an extremely beneficial product thus far. Rolling into 9:29 p.m., it appears that my earlier assessment of allowing myself to melt away on a physical and mental basis was the best option. All of my issues remain at bay, and the intense physical and mental tranquility has me feeling as though nothing could phase me. Not only has this strain brought me relief, but it has also stimulated my appetite, which has been a problem all day. The dizziness does seem to have tapered off, however the dry mouth has persisted and a bit of dry eye has come on as the fatigue has started to set in. This is the first time all day that I have not been nauseous and that I have had an appetite.
​Rounding the corner to our 90-minute mark at 9:59 p.m., I am ready to sleep. The physical and mental relaxation has taken hold, lulling me into a dreamy state where I am ready to fall asleep. I feel as though I am sinking into my bed, and although I am still experiencing a peak in my appetite, the sleepiness far outweighs the hunger. I am not experiencing any changes in the effects at this point versus the last check-in, with the exception of the continuing increase in fatigue. Given that I am feeling calm enough to sleep, and my stress, anxiety, depression, nausea, and body pain continue to remain at bay, I am going to take this opportunity to get some sleep. Before ending this test, I will also note that the dry mouth and dry eye has subsided, but there seems to still be some dizziness remaining, which is definitely tied to the sleepiness associated with this strain.
​Diving into my final thoughts, I really enjoyed this strain. The flavor was great, and the effects were spot on for what I was looking for. I actually got one of the best night’s sleeps that I have had in a long time. This strain not only hit the nail on the head as far as flavor and its ability to lull me to sleep, but it also was extremely efficient in settling my anxiety and stress, increasing my depressed mood, and in resolving my nausea and body pain. Furthermore, the effects came on quickly and I began to notice improvements in my overall being within the first ten minutes. To reiterate from earlier, this is definitely not a strain I would use when attempting to complete tasks of any importance. Between the fatigue, dizziness, and lack of focus, I would not be able to confidently say that I could properly carry out anything beyond opening a bag of chips and a soda and turning on the TV. I would recommend to anyone planning on trying this strain that they should set themselves up ahead of time. Be sure to setup a nice and comfy spot in your favorite, quiet area of your house, stock up on your favorite snacks and beverages, and setup your Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, or any other service or device you watch your favorite movies and shows on, and prepare for a lazy and very relaxing experience! Regardless of the main negatives, which were dizziness, dry eye, and dry mouth, I still have to give this strain a high rating. The dizziness is something I experience with anything that makes me sleepy and some dry mouth and dry eye is a small price to pay for such relief, and for such a great night’s sleep! I highly recommend this for anyone with stress, anxiety, bodily pain, lack of appetite, nausea, and especially those who are struggling with insomnia. All things taken into account, this strain rates a 4.9 in my book! Great job Sira, keep up the amazing work!
​If you are a patient, or adult above the age of 21 in Massachusetts, check out the following link for where you can purchase this product:
Well my friends, we have reached the end of this review. Thank you for joining me and stay tuned for more product reviews!
*****Please remember, this blog is an account of my personal experience with this product. Not everyone has the same experience with every product and that is okay. I always recommend starting out with one or two hits to see if that is enough , and you can always increase your dose from there.*****
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