#my anxious blue ball i love her so
mulhollandi · 1 year
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ooh, baby girl, you know we’re gonna be legends
i’m the king and you’re the queen and we will stumble through heaven
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kayesfanfics · 5 months
Hi can I request a femreader/ nightcrawler story where the reader is shy and anxious, while Kurt misunderstands this as her thinking he’s a monster?
But in truth she’s been trying to confess her feelings to him but she always backs out last minute in fear?
Thank you!
A/N: The way I’ve probably imagined this scenario at 12 years old laying in bed at night. I also made the reader friends with Rogue, Jean and Ororo since she’s closer to their ages
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“Sugah, yer lookin’ more nervous than a long-tailed pussy cat in a room full o’ rockin’ chairs!” Rogue tapped your shoulder as she walked into the lounging area, where you were having morning coffee with Jean and Ororo. “What’s gotcha all riled up, huh?”
“Kurt’s playing basketball with the others outside...in shorts.” Jean quipped before taking a sip of coffee, a playful grin on her face. Ororo chuckled at the embarrassed face you made, as if someone just walked in on you changing.
“Jean!” You whined, face turning redder when Rogue started laughing.
“Oh, Y/N! We’re just teasing!” Jean giggled as you pouted at all of them finding your embarrassment amusing.
“I just don’t see why you haven’t told him about her feelings yet!”
They all knew you’ve had the biggest crush on the fuzzy blue X-Man, Nightcrawler, ever since he joined the team a few months ago. He was always so nice to everyone, including you, and he seemed to always say the right thing at the right time. He even made your morning coffee sometimes when you got up late, knowing everyone’s coffee order by heart by now.
The boys were outside playing basketball with Jubilee and Roberto, showing the younger ones how it was done. You watched out the window at the court, seeing Gambit and Wolverine battling for the ball before Kurt teleported between them and snatched the ball from them, tossing it into the basket and laughing when they both started yelling about the “no powers” rule. You smiled before realizing you were staring, clearing your throat and turning to Rogue.
“You know I get too nervous around your brother, I can’t even ask him to pass the salt at dinner!”
“Yer always nervous, that’s fine! But y’know, he totally likes you too. I can tell.”
“No he doesn’t.” You shook your head in denial.
“Yes he does.” All three women said at the same time, side eyeing you or rolling their eyes.
“My dear, Kurt is a very charismatic man, but he goes out of his way to make you smile every chance he gets.” Ororo set her hand atop of yours. “I even see a flash of disappointment when you flee from his advances.”
“Really?” You asked, feeling a bit guilty about making him feel bad. You were a generally nervous person, but your anxiety sky rocketed around him, your heart always felt like it would explode out of your chest when he got close to you or touched you. It was difficult to hold eye contact with him, your nerves getting the best of you and looking down at the floor while you spoke to him. You’d give him a scared smile when he handed you things, your blood running cold when his hand brushed up against yours during those exchanges. You often found your eyes wandering to him when he wasn’t focused on you, it was easier to look at him when you knew he wasn’t aware of you checking him out. You loved the way his tail squashed playfully as he joked around with Morph, how his ear would twitch like a cats when he heard someone new enter the room, how his fangs gleamed when he smiled or how his bright yellow eyes sparked with mischief during a fight.
“Okay…you know what? Todays the day, today I need to confess to him! If I don’t today, I never will cause I’m a baby and will back out.” You stood up confidently.
“Yeah! Go get em, tiger!” Rogue cheered as you walked away, then lowered her voice. “She ain’t gonna.”
“I think Y/N can do things she sets her mind to.” Storm defended you.
“Wanna put ten bucks on it?” Rogue raised an eyebrow and cheekily grinned.
“…you’re on.” Storm nodded, shaking her hand as Jean spoke up, saying she’d bet alongside Storm that you could do it.
“You know I can still hear you all?” You crossed your arms from the window, getting a closer look and watching Kurt dodge Roberto’s lunge. Your friends all laughed as you shook your head, trying to get ahold of your nerves.
How were you supposed to tell the most handsome, heroic, sweetest, most amazing person ever you were in love with them? Kurt was genuinely the kindest person you’d ever met, giving you butterflies when you watched him comfort a mutant child during a fight, or how he helped his teammates so gently when they were injured. You couldn’t fathom how people were afraid or disgusted by him, he was the most gorgeous man in the world. How you could see a tinge of indigo under his blue fur when he blushed or bruised, how sculpted and chiseled he was yet also was so soft to look at. When he wore sweatpants and a tank top after training one day, you swore you would have a heart attack right then and there seeing how attractive he looked in the outfit. You adored sneaking peeks of him working out alone, his muscles bulging when he did push ups or pull ups on a bar, how flexible and agile he was and how effortless he made it look. You’d stand outside the door until you felt you would get caught staring, not wanting to seem like a creep.
You were suddenly pulled out of your thoughts when the door opened, Wolverine carrying Jubilee, pretending to be limp and passed out in his arms.
“What happened?” Jean asked as the girls all stood up from their little coffee and gossip session.
“She tripped and scraped her knee trying to get the ball from Logan!” Morph snickered as they all filed inside.
“I’ve been attacked! He pushed me and now I’m severely wounded!” Jubilee whined dramatically as Logan set her down on the counter. You waited for Kurt while you listened to Jubilee and Wolverine bicker about the seriousness of her cut knee, feeling your heart skip a beat when he finally walked in, chatting with Hank.
“Um…hey, Kurt?” You spoke quietly, but Kurt’s ear twitched and picked up your shy voice.
“Yes, Miss Y/N?” He asked, stopping and letting Hank go ahead of him.
“I…um…could you find a first aid kit, please?”
You blushed when you heard your friends laugh behind you and Storm and Jean handed Rogue money, knowing Kurt was looking past you at them, wondering what they were doing. You felt like a dork backing out of confessing and asking him to do something you could easily do, but you changed your mind at the last second that you weren’t ready yet.
“Sure.” He smiled, before bamfing off. You turned and glared at your friends, before walking walked over to Jubilee, seeing blood dripping down her shin and gravel from the court embedded inside of it.
“Ouch, let me clean that for you.” You said and wet a paper towel, ignoring Logan saying how she was fine and it was part of growing up and being a kid. You kneeled down and patted down Jubilee’s injury, soaking up the blood and wiping out any gravel from the wound.
“Here you are, Y/N.” You heard a familiar sweet, velvety voice beside you. You looked over and saw Nightcrawler holding out a first aid kit from the nearest bathroom, a charming grin on his face.
“Oh, um, thank you Kurt.” You smiled at him shyly, before quickly turning your attention to Jubilee. You didn’t see the look of rejection in his yellow eyes as the irritated twitch of his tail at that, before he sighed and bamfed off again.
*a couple hours later*
“Mein Gott!” The mutant shouted in surprise, also not paying attention to where he was going before tumbling backwards at the collision. You were on your way to training, focusing on wrapping up your hands to look where you were going. Now, you knocked down the last person you wanted to. You felt bad seeing the gorgeous man on the floor because of you.
“Kurt! I’m so sorry! Here, let me help!” You held a hand out to him, but he got up himself.
“It is fine.” He said simply before walking past you, then suddenly pausing and turning to you. “May I ask you something?”
“Sure.” You fidgeted with your hands nervously, anxious for the question.
“Do you…have I offended you in some way?” He asked, his eyes flashing with a bit of sadness.
“What? No? Why would you think that?” You asked, worried your timid behavior had finally kicked you in the ass.
“You tend to just brush me off, I’ve noticed. Lately you don’t really look at me, you respond with few words to me. I just thought…maybe I did something to scare you? Disgust you? Perhaps I…you think I’m a monster?”
You stared at him in the hallway, shock freezing your thoughts for a moment. How could he ever think your awkwardness around him could be because you thought he was disgusting? That he thought you found him frightening? You hadn’t realized how not making eye contact or responding curtly would come across to him, a man who’s been persecuted and attacked his whole life for how he looked. He was the most admirable, amazing person you’d ever met and you made him feel like a monster.
“Kurt, no! Not at all! I just…I do like you, I do! You just…make me very nervous. More so than I usually am…”
“How? Do I intimidate you?” He tilted his head in confusion. “I do not mean to-“
“It’s not that, really. I uh…I just really admire you, I guess. You make me more nervous than the others because…because I really like you…a lot.” You looked down at the floor, shyly looking up into his eyes. His face relaxed when he finally understood what you meant.
“Oh…I apologize for thinking so little of your actions. You are understanding and non judge mental, I should never have assumed what I did about you. How about I take you out to apologize for my ignorance?” He flashed his fangs at you in a charming smile, slowly approaching you before he was close enough to hold out a hand to you.
“I-I…okay.” You took his hand and sheepishly smiled up at him, allowing him to guide you down the hall. “I’m really sorry I made you feel like I-“
“No apology necessary, Y/N, really. I’m just glad we’ve come to…an understanding.” He grinned, bringing your hand up to his lips to place a soft kiss on your knuckles. You blushed and giggled at the action
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dragon-kazansky · 5 months
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season one
Chapter Fourteen - Scandals in abundance
When you sat down for breakfast, you expected a peaceful morning between you and your mother. However, the knock at the door was urgent, and quickly did the butler come rushing in with the latest Whistledown column. He handed it to your mother instantly.
You sat there and watched many expressions cross her face, wondering what on earth had been written to have her react in such a frenzy.
Only when she was done reading, and only then were you given the paper to read. You took it from your butler and looked st the first column.
The gasp you let out was louder than you anticipated. Your eyes rose to meet your mother's.
"I must go."
She simply nods and calls for the carriage to be prepared for you. You head upstairs to get yourself ready immediately.
The Bridgertons must be beside themselves.
Marina Thompson is pregnant and has been since she arrived in Mayfair. Poor Colin had no idea. He couldn't possibly have. You were certain of it.
You had no idea that just the night before, he had devised a plan to run away with Marina to marry her in Scotland. Not that he could now, surely.
The carriage ride to the Bridgerton house felt like a long journey, though you were certain that had to be because you were anxious to get there. When the carriage finally did stop, you didn't even wait for the footman. You opened the door, startled the poor man, and hurried out. He watched you rush up to the front door and knock rather urgently.
The butler answered the door and called your name into the house. You entered and found your way into the drawing room. Violet was fanning herself on one of the sofas, Colin was nowhere to be seen. You made your way over to Lady Bridgerton and held up the glass of water that was sitting on the table to her. She took it and sipped it.
Benedict and Eloise were also present in the room, neither of them said a word.
"Did he know?" You had to ask.
Benedict and Eloise both shook their heads at you.
"Where is he?"
"In his room," Eloise answers rather solemnly.
Violet waved her fan a little more quickly. It would appear that one could not be a Bridgerton without coming close to a scandal. Lady Whistledown sees and hears all.
You feel for poor Colin. Apparently, he believed himself in love with the woman. Though Anthony took the blame for that. Colin was still young.
"Eloise, dear, we must get ready for the modiste." Violet closes her fan and stands from beside you.
Eloise groans.
"Now, dear."
You watch in silence as Eloise stands and goes with her mother. Before Violet exits the room, she turns to you. "It was nice of you to come by, my dear."
You smile at her and watch her go. Once she's out of the room, you turn to Benedict. "Tell me everything."
Benedict leans forward and tells you all he knows. From Marina's arrival to the pregnancy, she had kept secret. The man she was under love with and his absence. It had all been in Whistledown. You didn't learn anything particularly new other than that Marina had intended to keep her condition quiet and then tell Colin she was pregnant after they were married.
Portia Featherington knew, of course. It's why she was so keen to marry Marina off.
"Yes, I know."
"How is Colin?" You ask. "Truly."
"Not great, I admit. He hasn't spoken a word to us since the paper arrived this morning. He has kept much to himself."
"Do you think he will speak to me?"
"I do not know." Benedict says softly. "Do you wish to try?"
You shrug lightly. "No harm in attempting."
Benedict leads the way to Colin's door, and you knock gently on the hard wood. You hear no response, but with one nod from Benedict, you talk.
"Colin? I'm sorry to hear of what happened. I hope you are well."
You sigh. "Know that you may call on me for anything."
You turn and face Benedict. You have no idea what else to say. What does one say in such a situation?
Benedict leads you back to the drawing room.
"I believe there is to be a family meeting. Daphne is coming down too."
"Daphne? Goodness. Word reached her door, too?" You sigh.
"She is family."
"I know. I envy that."
"Envy?" He looks at you curiously. "Envy what?"
"That bond you have with your family." You sit down again, not sure what else to do with yourself.
"You do not have that bond with your mother?" He asks, sitting opposite you.
"Having a bond with your mother is one thing, but you Bridgertons are a family. You have siblings. Anthony, who looks out for all of you, though admittedly, not always in the best of ways. Daphne, who adores you all so dearly she will make such a trip just to be here for her brother. I have no sibling. No father. Just mother. When something happens in my family, we only have each other."
Benedict fights the urge to reach out for your hand.
"I shouldn't complain. I am lucky to have what I do, and I am grateful. I just wish I had siblings to look after and rely on. I hope I have several children one day who can experience that."
Benedict listens to you talk about your hyperthetical future again. Every time you talk about it he feels a strange twinge begin to turn in his chest.
"I'm sure that will be a reality one day."
You smile wistfully.
"I shall be good to see Daphne again. I have missed her. Have you not?" You ask.
"Of course. She is my most sensible sister." He grins.
You laugh. "I have to say the most sensible of the lot."
Benedict laughs, too.
It feels good to laugh.
Daphne doesn't arrive until the evening. You have long since left the Bridgerton house by then. Benedict had seen you out, and you spent the rest of the day at home.
A family meeting was just that, for family.
You don't see the Bridgerton family for a couple of days. As you understand it, Colin and Marina meet, chaperoned by Daphne, to talk. It wasn't the most cheerful conversations, you hear.
The queen's luncheon was the first time you saw the Bridgerton lot after a few days of absence. Daphne had been the one to reach out to you after securing an invite. You accepted, of course.
You stood in the gardens and awaited their arrival. All eyes were certainly on them upon their entering the garden.
Benedict caught your gaze and offered a small flicker of a smile. You smiled back. He looked relieved to see you. Perhaps all this drama surrounding his family was a bit much over the last few days.
You wanted to approach them, but your mother kept a firm hold on your arm. You sip your drink quietly, eyes drifting away from the family you so wished to greet.
As people approach the Bridgertons and the Bassetts to greet them, Benedict finds himself greeted by Granville.
"I have missed you in the studio of late. You must join me for another drawing lesson," Henry says to Benedict. "As I said, improvement is all a matter of practice."
Benedict glances over in the direction you're standing in. His mind briefly recalls the day he let you see into his sketchbook. Your words rang clear in his head.
"At least, that is the excuse he gives for coming home with paint in all kinds of peculiar places," Mrs Granville says with a chuckle.
Benedict giggles awkwardly and then spots someone just beyond the garden talking to Cressida Cowper of all people.
"Ah! Were you able to meet my friend Wetherby at my party? Come, I shall introduce you."
"No, thank you." Benedict says quickly. "I- I see my mother requires my presence. Good day!" Benedict leaves quickly.
Truth be told, he hadn't visited the studio since you asked him where he went off to on his evenings. He couldn't bring himself to go back.
That, and you complimented his art so wonderfully. He often heard your kind words in his mind as he sketched these days.
He was rather starting to like his work.
The Featheringtons arriving had all eyes on them. No one whispered a word about Colin. However, that did not mean they wouldn't talk about the family that had hosted the girl mentioned in the gossip column. If anything, people defend Colin.
Eloise rescues Penelope from the stares her family are retrieving.
Portia tried to talk to Violet. It was rather awkward to watch. You turned your eyes from them and tried to speak to your mother, but even she was watching with keen eyes.
The Featheringtons are asked to leave once Violet walks away without saying a word.
You watch Penelope follow her family out.
The next to walk off is Daphne, and you know not why. You hadn't even had the chance to talk to her.
Something seemed to be upsetting her too.
Your heart ached to see the people around you suffering. It seems it doesn't simply rain. It pours.
Managing to free yourself from your mother, you stroll along the outer hedges of the party. Benedict manages to intercept you there, smiling softly at you.
"Hello." You repeat softly.
"It's been a bus few days."
"Yes. I imagine."
Benedict stands there and stares at you for a moment. He's not sure what it is he wants to say. That is, if there is anything at all he wants to say. All he knew was that he wanted to see you.
"You look sad," he says.
"Sad? I'm not sad."
Silence falls between you both. He scans your face quietly. You're avosiign his gaze, and he can see the way you lightly pluck at your gloves. Rather pretty gloves, he might add. Did you always wear such pretty gloves, or did you pick these out, especially for this occasion.
Benedict frowns. Why did he care so much about your gloves?
"What is the matter?" He asks softly.
"I can't help seeing the sadness in others around me. Colin. Daphne. Penelope. Your mother."
Benedict remains silent.
"Everyone seems to be hurting in one way or another, and I either do not know why, or do and cannot do a thing. Can I confide in you about something? Without judgement and disdain against me?"
Benedict gives you the slightest nod.
"I hate society."
You see the way his brows raise. Yet you see no judgement in his eyes.
"I hate the way it judges, discriminates, gossips, and picks and chooses. I hate the way it functions." You speak so passionately, from the heart. "Society turns its back on someone the moment they step out of line or even slightly bend the rules. One wrong move or word and its all over."
Benedict is intrigued by your views. So many thoughts must be occupying your mind, and he's only heard a fraction. It's in this moment he realises he doesn't know you. The real you, that is. He just knows a fraction of who you are.
There's a goofy crooked smile on his face.
"What?" You ask, looking at him.
"You think I'm silly, don't you?"
"I never said that," he defends himself.
"Then why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?" He chuckles.
"That!" You say, trying not to raise your voice too much. You weren't fond of the idea of drawing attention to you both.
Benedict merely laughs, and you groan softly. Now you're getting agitated, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't somewhat enjoying that.
"I think you're fascinating."
You state at him blankly. "Huh?"
Benedict chuckles again, and you quickly jab him in the arm without anyone noticing.
"Shut up," you hiss at him.
"What? What did I say?"
"Nothing! Forget it. You're infuriating me." You sigh.
Benedict tries to hold back his giggles.
At least someone can smile despite the rain clouds over everyone else's heads.
You crack a smile and then giggle. Benedict laughs, too. You both must look so silly giggling in the hedges.
"Oh, Benedict, you do make every miserable thing seem more positive." You smile at him.
"How so?"
"Just by being you."
Benedict swears he could fly from the amount of joy you have just bestowed in him. Never has anyone said anything more heartwarming to him than that.
As you travel home in the carriage with your mother after the luncheon, you cannot stop yourself from smiling. You have been cheerful from the moment you left.
"Whatever has you grinning, dearest?" Your mother asks you as you gaze out the window.
You keep your eyes trained on the passing scenery, your lips ever grinning.
"Nothing, mother. Nothing at all."
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
@sillynilly27 - @autumn-slaves - @ben-has-arrived - @ajdelilah - @aadu2173
@booknerdlife - @tamlinrose - @sarahskywalker-amidala - @cheryyluv - @louschan - @lou-la-lou - @cultish-corner
@hopshusushi - @katherinejess - @nannabug - @afunkyfreshblog - @f0x33 - @dd122004dd -
@jupitervenusearthmars - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @captainlunaxmen - @winchestersimpalababy - @acupnoodle
@ms-fandomgirl - @fablesrose - @anyaisinyourcloset - @meowzerzstuff - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @crazymar15
@cosmixstar - @bree3parchen - @berrnuu - @charmainemaclendon - @pinkpantheris - @krismdavis
@biancamde - @ifgslsofbsodbf - @kniselle
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gingerhaole · 5 months
Yellow days
After four years, my therapist said, in her beautiful Serbian accent, "Congratulations, my dear. You've graduated therapy." As much as I love her and will miss her gentle wisdom, I feel proud to say she's done all she can for me.
In the beginning, she told me I would need to learn to allow my "negative" feelings to come in, to hold them, but then most importantly to let them go. It felt ridiculous, impossible, because at the time I was like a tar ball and all emotions stuck to me like dirt. I felt helpless to fight them. Anger, disgust, impatience, jealousy, fear would disrupt all my circuits and fester.
Now, I don't know whether because of my age or genuine maturity (about damn time) or the influence of my wisest loved ones, those "negative" feelings land briefly like butterflies and leave on a breeze. I don't remember making the change; it just happened.
She didn't consider my anger to be a failing or unjustified. My best friend said the same thing. Hearing that from the wisest people I know took the teeth out of the monster I thought I was.
I used to keep track of my moods in a little dot-grid journal. Blue for depressed days, aqua for anxious, red for angry. Green for normal, yellow for happy. For years, so few green days, almost no yellow.
I can't remember the last day I had that wasn't good. They're all yellow days.
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carpetbug · 10 months
welcome to the beginning of my ML Feline Blue AU!
in which Marinette is forced to become guardian before ever wielding a miraculous. Chaos ensues when she uses the black cat ring to become feline blue and through a silly little turn of events, Adrien gets his hands on the ladybug earrings and becomes beetle rouge
BIIIIIG thank you to my lovelies @isabugs and @thimbleb3rries for being so kind and encouraging, for their WONDERFUL ART OH MY GOD, and for beta-ing this!
The beginning: Becoming Guardian
1 • 2 • 3
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“You’re not going to beat me like that, old man” The looming figure taunted.
Hunched in a ball before him, a much smaller elderly man struggled for breath. Blood trailed from his mouth, combining with his saliva to messily drip from his lips as he fought for air. Just by the effort he had to put into continuing breathing, he could tell this was not a fight he could win. Still, his fists clenched in defiance as he pushed himself from the floor and steadied himself upright on his feet. His spine screamed in protest and searing pain at the task, but he managed to remain standing.
“I know I can not beat you, old man” He coughed, hands trembling slightly. “But I must continue to fight”
The taller man scoffed before taking a step forward “I’ll make sure it's the last thing you ever do, you pathetic excuse of a guardian” He spat, tightening his grip on his cane as his rage boiled beneath his skin.
“I’d expect nothing less from a villain like you, Hawkmoth”
“No need to act like you’re so much better than me. After all, we've all made mistakes, haven’t we Master fu” Hawkmoth sneered.
“Leave my past out of this. I’ve worked to fix what I have broken, you only aim to destroy” Master fu panted, feeling his shoulders to check if his bag was still on his back, and letting out a small sigh of relief when he felt the thick material. Next his hands slowly traveled to support and feel the bottom and sides of the bag, searching for an object. He took another relieved breath when he felt the item's weight, and then he prepared himself for the worst. Bunching his muscles, he sprang into action and bolted away from Hawkmoth.
He focused only on moving forward, getting as far from this wretched evil as he could before time ran out. When he finally collapsed, legs giving out from under him in pure exhaustion, he found himself at the Pont de Arts, above the seine. Hawkmoth was nowhere to be seen, but master fu knew that was only a false sense of security. The villain would find him soon enough. He needed to find someone. Anyone.
“-ir? Are you okay?”
A voice. Master fu looked up, vision shaking just slightly. In Front of him stood a teenage girl, dark hair pulled back into pigtails and eyebrows pushed together with worry.
“Sir? Can you hear me?” She asked with a panicked look in her eyes. “How can I help?” She stepped closer and offered him a hand.
Master fu gathered his strength to pull his bag from his back and carefully draw open the zipper before reaching in to pull out the contents. The girl watched intensely, eyes following his pained movements. He pulled a large dark wooden box from the bag and held it close to his chest, then brought his eyes upwards to meet her face. “I’m sorry, young hero” He said sadly, then joined his hand to hers before she could respond.
An intense feeling washed over him, and he closed his eyes to take a deep breath. This girl was strong. He hoped she will forgive him for the burden he will make her bear.
She flashed an anxious smile “That’s okay, and I promise I’m no hero. Just a normal g-” He cut her off with a sharp tug, then slammed the box into her chest. She gasped as he knocked the air from her lungs, clearly not expecting such a feat of strength from the battered man. As she fought to breathe, Master fu gathered the last few remnants of his strength and lifted the girl from the ground. “I, Wang Fu, hereby relinquish the Miracle Box-”
“Stop! What are you doing!?”
“-and name Marinette Dupain-Cheng the guardian” His body lit up, skin glowing as the box between them lifted upward and burned like a star in the air.
“How do you know my na-?!” Before she could finish what she said, the box dropped back into her hold and the elderly man -still glowing like some sort of deity- held her over the railing and dropped her into the rushing water below. She hit the surface with a loud splash, getting thrown under but quickly resurfacing a few feet away, miracle box still in her arms.
The last thing she saw before being pulled away by the fast moving current was the man falling backwards to the ground in exhaustion as the light emitting from his skin dimmed.
Master fu slowly blinked his eyes open, carefully taking in his surroundings with an expression of pure shock and confusion on his face. He seemed so frail, all of a sudden. Like he had lost all his fight.
“What did you do?!” a booming voice hissed behind him. He started to turn his head to look, but something beat him to it. All of a sudden, a hand tightened around his throat and picked him off the ground, nails digging into the thin skin of his neck.
“What- what’s happening?” Master fus strangled voice hardly escaped his lips. He tried to thrash his legs, do anything to get free, but a fatigue he couldn’t explain had overcome his muscles. Weakly prying at his attackers hands, panic began to set in. There wouldn’t be any escape. “Who are you?” he managed out in a pained mumble.
“I am the next guardian of the miraculous” the seething voice responded as nails began to break through his skin. “I am the consequences of your greatest mistake” the words rang through his head as his vision went black, and sickeningly warm blood poured from his throat.
Marinette struggled to hold her head above the surface and keep the container in her grasp as the river pulled her this way and that. Her mind raced and her lungs screamed, everything inside her begging to let go of that weird old man’s weird old box and save herself instead. Still, her grip remained glued to the sodden wood, as if she would rather drown than set the box free to face the waters’ wrath. Nothing was making any sense. And despite the deafening chorus of the racing water that surrounded her, the only thing ringing in her ears was the man’s words.
He had called her a hero. He had entrusted her with something clearly important to him. He had thrown her into the seine. He had been badly wounded. He had been a complete and utter stranger. What did everything mean? Suddenly, her feet felt solid ground beneath her, and she hurriedly moved to follow it. She pushed forward, focusing on reaching the bank that lay on the other side. Eventually Marinette was able to pull herself and the box from the water onto an empty platform beneath a bridge.
As soon as she was safely out of the water, Marinette threw herself backwards in exhaustion. She laid against the cool pavement underneath her and passed through all the events that had just occurred. What the fuck was this ‘miracle’ box? And why was she the ‘guardian’? Ignoring the new aches in her body, she sat upward and brought the box closer to her.
There she sat for a few moments, toying with the lid and gently tracing the intricate pattern displayed. Taking a deep breath, she slowly opened it.
“HELLO YOUNG MASTER” A loud chorus of voices rang out as a beam of light emitted from the open container and what looked like small differently colored masses of stars flew all around her. Marinette fell back onto her elbows, overwhelmed at the sudden sensory overload. Her vision was a blur of nauseating colors accompanied by what she could only imagine to be auditory hallucinations.
Before she had a chance to speak, to catch her breath or try and scream for help, the almost magical colorful masses slowed until they were still, then began to morph into a solid form. Marinette watched, intrigued and terrified, as these small creatures took shape in front of her. They each seemed to be a different animal, though they all shared an alien-like anatomy. Some had tails, others long whiskers and a few antennas. Two of them caught her eye, a sleek black cat and what she thought to be a ladybug (though it looked much more like some sort of bug-mouse combo).
As if the creatures could read her mind -which they could, for all she knew-, they began to speak in sync. “WE ARE THE KWAMI, MAGICAL BEINGS THAT CAN BESTOW POWERS UPON OUR WIELDERS.” They said, in an almost sing-songy voice.
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The Ghost Next Door - Chapter 8
Prompt: After suffering an almost lethal injury in combat, Simon "Ghost" Riley expected a dull, and uneventful leave back at his shitty apartment. His new next-door neighbor ruins his plans. Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader (named Riley Thomas for plot purposes)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
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Disclaimer: slow burn; neighbor!Simon; explicit sexual content; unprotected sex;
Chapter Summary: In which Simon and his neighbour exchange confessions (and bodily fluids).
Word Count: 3.9K
Come Monday evening, Simon Riley found himself facing his hardwood floors, strong, firm biceps holding him steady in a strong plank. 
The heavy rain splattered loudly against his windows, the howling winter wind unrelenting against the building’s edges. He had turned the small heater on hours ago, but he knew if he wasn’t settling his daily score of push-ups he would be freezing regardless.
Johnny had left the previous evening, taking the overly excited pup out of his neighbor’s hands, and Simon had busied himself with deep cleaning the flat, finishing the day with some much needed exercise to take the edge off. He both loathed and yearned for the anxious nerves bubbling in his stomach everytime he thought about his last encounter with the young woman next door.
He had found no relief in the familiar touch of his own hand, nothing nearly satisfying enough to keep his mind from wandering back to her kitchen, and the wetness coating his fingers inside her warmth. 
He felt his cock twitch in his sweatpants once again, permanently hard with the worst case of blue balls he had ever experienced, since he first felt her eager grip around his base, and the languid strokes that had almost brought him over the edge. Johnny hadn’t shut up about having caught them in the middle of something, despite Simon’s unyielding denial and threats to dump his corpse over the canal, and he knew he would never let it go.
He pulled himself off the floor, joints popping semi-painfully as he checked his watch.Simon couldn’t deny the unsettling concern twisting in his stomach as he checked the time again: Riley should have been home at least an hour ago. He admonished himself for having studied her routine so well, knowing she would most likely find it creepy, but as soon as he pulled his hoodie over his head, he heard her keys jiggle in the hallway.
As per their usual routine, he waited for her to be ready to spend some time with him, putting on his face mask and walking over to the stove, beginning to heat up dinner as he heard her move about. 
Was that…sniffling? 
He knew something was off the moment she meekly knocked on the door, and he wasn’t surprised to find tears rolling down her freckled cheeks, hair messy from the wind, still in her oversized scrubs reeking of cat piss.
“Bloody hell…” He recoiled from the stench. “Wha’ happened to you?”
“I had the worst day ever!” She cried weakly, shoulders slouched in defeat as Simon softly pulled her inside.
“I can see that, love.” He cocked his head to the right “Wanna talk about it?”
“I had to put down a puppy.” She sobbed into her hands and his heart broke at the pain in her voice, the way she trembled. “Then we got two feral cats to spay and one of them pissed all over me, I stepped on dog shit on the way home, got soaked from the rain because I forgot my umbrella and my hot water isn't working.”
She sighed, exhausted, and Simon waited patiently for her breaths to slow down, stepping closer carefully.
Then he wrapped his arms around her smaller frame, engulfing her in a loving embrace that had her head buried in his chest. At first she had resisted, palms pressed against the muscled span of his broad shoulders.
“Simon…I stink.” 
“So do I, love.” He muttered into her hair, holding her tighter until eventually she relaxed, sighing deeply at the comforting touch, her hands holding onto his hoodie as if she was afraid he would let go too soon. He wouldn’t.
“I ain’t very good with words.” He admitted, arms still secured around her back as she inhaled his scent, his chin propped up on her head. “But how about you take a shower here while I fix yours, and then we eat some dinner, yeah?”
“You can’t always be the one cooking, you know.” She frowned, lifting her head up to look at him.
“Nonsense. M’ home all day anyway.” His thumb wiped away stray tears, a gesture he had so quickly become accustomed to. “Besides, we both know I do it much better.”
“Asshole.” Riley giggled, wiping her nose, and Simon smiled under his mask in genuine happiness.
Riley Thomas crossed her arm over her chest, fully naked in her neighbor’s bathroom as she reached for the fluffy towel he had arranged for her. Her scrubs and underwear were discarded on a messy pile on the impressively clean tiles, and she grimaced at the view.
She shivered, freezing, despite the heater Simon had bothered to move to warm up the small space while she washed, quickly realizing she had forgotten to ask him to retrieve some of her own clothes.
“Simon?” She called out nervously from behind the door, but got no response. She sighed deeply before walking out into the hallway, towel wrapped tight around her body as she walked around the flat, trying to find him.
The decorations were overall scarce, most of the rooms in desperate need of a woman’s touch, but she couldn’t help being surprised at how immaculate he had left his home, so in contrast with the constant layer of dust and pet fur in her apartment.
She slowly walked into the last room at the end of the corridor, feeling vulnerable as she found his bedroom, just as tidy as the rest of the house. Simon was nowhere to be seen, but she felt oddly watched as she noticed a picture on top of a dresser, the dim light coming from the window barely enough to make out the silhouettes. She stepped closer, curiously.
Two very young boys smiling brightly, sitting on a young woman’s lap. A scrawny, odd looking man behind the three of them. The father, she figured. 
Riley marveled at the chubby blonde boy’s face, frozen in permanent happiness, big brown eyes so innocent and endearing. She lifted a finger absentmindedly, eager to touch the family portrait.
As her skin neared the cool glass, cased between the frame, a deep, gravely voice spoke, like a ghost in the shadows:
“I was 8. Tommy was still a little lad.” 
She startled, eyes snapping back to him, gripping the towel closer to her frame.
“I was looking for you.” She muttered, as a form of apology, but he didn’t seem even remotely upset.
“Just fixed your shower.” He lifted her apartment keys, turning on a small lamp and stepping closer, setting them down on top of the dresser.
“Did you check on Milo?”
“‘Course. Big geezer. Sleeping on your pillow.” Simon kept a respectful distance, but frowned at her bare feet on the cold floors.
“I forgot to ask you for my clothes.”
“Thought about’it. Didn't wanna touch your stuff without your permission, though.” He shrugged apologetically before pointing at his dresser. “Make yourself at home, take whatever you need.”
Riley turned away from his gaze shyly, looking over her shoulder at his room.
“Your bed is huge.”
“I’m a big man.”
“That you are.” Her eyebrow rose in delight as she quickly looked him up and down, and Simon didn’t miss the mischievous glint in her eyes at the double meaning of her words.
He blushed, trying his best to keep his eyes on her face, taking the initiative to pick warm, comfortable clothes for her to wear.
“Your mother is beautiful.” She spoke softly, careful of what her words might trigger.
Simon froze, silent for a whole minute, before he replied:
“That she was.” His heart ached at the thought, but Riley’s presence seemed to somewhat soothe the deep, unforgiving pain of grief. 
She went quiet, afraid she had overstepped some unspoken boundary, but Simon was quick to dismiss it as he passed her a pair of thick woolen socks.
“Put those on, before you catch yourself a cold.” 
“You know…I didn’t expect you to own face wash.” She tried to change the subject as she sat on his bed, dismissing his command.
Simon turned, offended.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, you know…big, broody, mysterious guy…just didn’t seem like the type to worry about skin care.” She shrugged, teasing him.
“I’ll let you know I have wonderful skin.”
“Who taught you about skin care?” Riley leaned back on her arms, less worried about holding the towel as she relaxed further into his bed.
“Why? You jealous?” 
She pressed her lips into a thin line.
“Hm.” Simon stepped closer, slowly kneeling in front of her bare legs. Her heart skipped a beat as his calloused fingers casually wrapped around her cold ankles, grabbing the socks and pulling them gently over each of her feet. 
“I’m not the one going on dates.” He fired back, and she felt her cheeks heat at the accusation, removing a foot from his grasp.
“Never thought it’d bother you.” 
“Never said it did.” He countered, heavy gaze challenging hers.
“Well, did it?”
“Did it what?”
“Bother you?”
He cocked his head to the right, considering his next words carefully. He was about to stand up, but she pressed her foot into his shoulder, holding him down. Simon’s breath quickened at the bold gesture, fingers digging deeper into her calf, teetering on the edge of self control.
“You’re a single woman.” He grumbled, noncommittally. “You’re free to do whatever you please.”
“That right?”
“Of course.”
“What if I want to do you?”
The tension between the two only deepened as she leaned forward, chest heaving under that damn towel he couldn’t wait to get rid of.
“Choices have consequences.” He muttered, gaze unfaltering as he gently grabbed her ankle and slowly lowered it from his shoulder. Instead, he yanked it forward, pulling the young woman closer to the edge of his mattress. If he so much as looked down he would have the perfect view of her naked sex, kneeling there so menacingly between her parted knees. His eyes, however, wouldn’t leave hers as he awaited for her next move.
Riley’s breath caught in her throat as she quickly held the towel against her breasts, legs trembling slightly. Goosebumps littered her skin as she bit her lip, considering his words.
“I want you.” She whispered, as if afraid the words would force him to retreat and hide behind his cold and detached demeanor. “I don’t care about anything else.”
“You should.” He leaned closer, fingers trailing up her calves and the back of her knees. “There’s lots of things you don’t know about me.”
She cradled his face carefully, looking down into his eyes so adoringly Simon felt his heart skip a beat. And then her fingers were hooked on the sides of his mask, pulling it down ever so carefully. He saw her hold her breath in anticipation.
A strong nose, probably broken one too many times, Riley noticed as she traced the small bump with her pointer finger. A massive scar that went all the way from his left ear to the underside of his chin, splitting the side of his chapped lips in a pinkish and white trail of skin. She felt her hand tremble as she softly grazed it with her nail, feeling his fingers gripping her legs tighter. Her thumbs caressed the sides of his stubbled, strong jaw as she admired his features in a trance.
“Then tell me.” She begged, face so close to his they were sharing avid breaths.
“For starters” His dark brown eyes finally moved down to her lips, incapable of facing her potential judgment “I’m 35 and I ain’t never been in a serious relationship. Not that there haven’t been any deserving women. I just thought they deserved better than me.”
Riley opened her mouth to speak, but he shushed her with a gentle finger to the lips, silently willing her to listen.
“Don’t have much of an education either. After I was done with school I was a butcher’s apprentice, and then I joined the army. All I was ever good for was a night of quick fun. No strings attached.” Simon admitted, large hands now back on her legs, rubbing soothing circles on the cooling skin.
“I don’t care.” She whispered, joining her forehead to his, fingers delving into his blonde locks.
“You’re not listening.”
“I am! I just-”
“I’ve killed people, Riley.”
Simon could physically feel the change in demeanor. He expected it. He noticed how her shoulders slouched, how dozens of questions flashed through her mind and her fiery persistence was considerably doused when faced with reality. People always preferred to ignore what being a soldier actually meant.
“I’m damn good at what I do.” Her fingers tightened in his scalp. “And my performance solely relies on the premise that I have nothing to lose. If I allow myself to indulge in this, as much as I’d love to - and trust me, I fuckin’ want to - I won’t be able to keep doin’ my job. And the job is all I know, all I’ve ever had.”
A long minute of silence ensued, their foreheads still joined together.
Simon’s stomach twisted with anxiety, and he could feel cold sweat starting to bead on his back. He was trying to mentally prepare for her rejection, but he realized he couldn’t. He had never cared this much about anyone before.
What he wasn’t expecting was the feel of her soft, tentative lips pressed against his own, cold on warm skin as her fingers locked him into place in a determined kiss. Simon groaned into her mouth, blood immediately rushing down as her tongue slowly explored his parted lips, fingers pulling on his scalp.
He couldn’t think. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t fight it any longer as Riley pulled him impossibly close, hands descending into the hem of his hoodie and tentatively roaming under the fabric. She sighed contently into his lips, feeling the firm muscle and the soft trail of hair she was so eager to explore.
She gasped, tilting her head back as his warm lips moved to her neck, calloused hands secured around her thighs, kneading the flesh slowly. With eyes shut, thoughts lost in the bliss of finally feeling his tender touch, Riley pulled down the towel, baring her round breasts and letting it pool on her navel.
Simon’s lustful gaze darkened, descending his trail of wet kisses all the way down to her collarbone, lovebites marked upon her cooling skin as his hand reached up to knead her tit.
“You sure about this?” he murmured against her skin.
“Are you gonna make me beg?” She sighed deeply in pleasure as his thumb and pointer finger rolled her peaked nipple carefully. He licked a long stripe between the valley of her breasts, humming softly with eyes shut as if he was savoring her taste, before his lips left sloppy kisses along her other mound.
“Maybe.” He teased, tongue darting out to circle her left nipple, wetting it for a few seconds before retreating as soon as he felt her fisting the comforter, a strangled moan barely having left her pretty lips. “I think I’d enjoy the sound of that.”
“Simon, please…”She whispered as he licked the other one, this time for longer, before suckling on it, a deep groan rumbling in his chest.
“I was right, I do enjoy it.” He taunted before sucking her tits patiently, and agonizingly slow.
Riley trembled under his touch, trying not to seem too desperate as warm slick pooled between her naked thighs, fingers tangling in his scalp and pulling roughly as he reached a particularly sensitive spot that made her walls clench.
“Fuck” She moaned as his mouth parted from her chest, thumbs rubbing circles on her nipples, coated in his saliva. “Please…”
“Please what, love?” She sighed in desperate frustration, grinding her hips into the air when he pinched her sensitive skin.
“I need more.” She pawed at his hoodie, trying to pull it over his head.
“Greedy little thing.” Simon rumbled as he helped her strip his torso, a mass of muscle, scars and tattoos that left her breathless as her hands eagerly reached for his abdomen. But Simon wasn’t done yet, palm pressing against her chest, softly coaxing her to lay back down on the mattress.
“Hm.” He grunted, lips already pressed into her inner thigh as he lifted her knees, placing her calves on each of his shoulders. He felt her legs tremble uncontrollably as he removed the towel from her lower body at once, exposing her glistening cunt, and making his half-hard cock twitch in his briefs.
“You don’t have to” She muttered as he sucked a hickey into her supple flesh, nearing the apex of her thighs, stubble tickling her sensitive skin. Riley’s fingers dug into the comforter, eyes shut in anticipation and nervousness as she felt his open mouthed kisses almost reach her folds.
“Don’ worry, love. This will be the best meal you’ll ever serve me.” She smiled shyly, cheeks heating at his gravely words.
Simon stuck out his tongue, but instead of placing it where she needed him most, he gave a series of slow, calculated licks to the delicate skin right next to her folds, as if he mimicked what he would do to her bundle of nerves in a few seconds. Riley whimpered at the tease, trying to wiggle her hips to reposition them under his mouth, but his hands held her down firmly.
“Where were we?”
“Huh?” She groaned in frustration, and he chuckled against her skin.
“With the begging.”
“Simon!” She whined as he licked around her folds once again, humming contently as he avoided the center of her sex. “Please!”
“Please what?”
“Please, eat me out!” She sighed deeply, cheeks bright red at the filthy words, but the embarrassment was quickly forgotten as he placed a delicate kiss on her clit, slowly building it up with languid movements of his tongue, side to side, as if he was making out with her cunt.
Riley let out a strangled moan, slack jawed and back arching from the bed as he carefully kissed, licked, and sucked on her soaked folds, tongue circling the small bud expertly, before moving down and teasing her entrance. Her hand reached down blindly, and he was quick to hold it with his own, fingers interlacing as he lapped at her sex hungrily.
The young woman was burning up under his touch, breath quickening too soon, too easily, and she felt embarrassed at how fast she’d crumble if he kept up his ministrations.
“Simon..”A warning.
“Hm.” He grunted into her, lost in her pleasure before he aimed his tongue lower and licked her from hole to hole, and then hole to hole to clit.
“Oh fuck.” She moaned loudly, and he hummed in approval, repeating the action again and again until he felt her tightening her grip on his hand, the other hand firmly gripping his locks.
“Please.” She begged, and he couldn’t refuse, using his thumb to collect the wetness at her entrance and sinking it into her tight hole slowly.
“I’m gonna cum.” Her voice broke, chest heaving.
“I know.” He latched his mouth onto her swollen clit, tongue gliding on it from side to side in quick movements as his calloused thumb slowly massaged her inside.
The pleasure blinded her as she reached her peak. The way her whole body trembled at once, toes curling and breath caught in her throat, back arched as she fisted his hair painfully tight. Simon didn’t care, he didn’t stop for one second, even when his tongue began cramping.
At last, Riley grabbed his shoulders, still panting as she reached for him, and he made an effort to get off his knees.
“Fuckin’ hell.” He groaned as his joints popped painfully.
She was already grinning and giggling as he held her gaze.
“Not a word, kid.” He warned and she laughed even harder, reaching her arms up for him to join her.
Simon pulled down his sweatpants and briefs, rock hard cock springing free before he carefully placed his body on top of hers, forearms bracing his weight.
“Hello, love.” He kissed her nose tenderly, before kissing her cheeks, her chin and her forehead, as she had once done to him on that drunken night. She smiled happily, before pulling him in for a passionate kiss that tasted like her pleasure, legs spread to accommodate him.
“Hello, Lieutenant.” She teased and he nibbled on the side of her neck playfully, making her giggle. “Getting a little too old to stay on your knees for so long?”
“I didn’ hear ya complainin’ two minutes ago.” He taunted, hands rubbing the sides of her thighs as her nails grazed his muscled back. 
“Fair enough.” She reached down between their bodies, pumping his thick cock with a lustful gaze.
“Still up for it, love?” Simon tried to not act as eager as he felt, so close to his peak that he’d be lucky if he gave her three good pumps.
“Get inside of me.” She commanded firmly, spreading further.
“Yes m’am.” 
Simon Riley obeyed, always good at following orders. 
He rubbed his leaking tip on her sensitive clit, eliciting a low moan from her pretty lips, before trying to sink it in slowly.
“Bloody hell…you’re so tight.” He groaned into her ear, stopping slightly as he heard her hiss in pain at the stretch of his thick shaft.
 “You okay, love?”
“It hurts…” She whispered, legs trembling at the intrusion once he penetrated a few inches deeper deeper. “It’s okay, I’ll get used to it.”
“If you need to stop, we stop, yeah? No questions asked.” He reassured, kissing her sweaty brow.
“Please don’t stop.” She begged, readjusting her hips for a smoother entrance.
Simon kissed her neck tenderly, letting his cock sink into her wet heat a little deeper, feeling her breath quicken with his own.
“Relax, love. It’ll make it easier.” He coaxed into her ear, feeling her nod against his skin as her body slowly loosened up under him.
He began a series of shallow thrusts, working his way inside her tight hole inch by inch, feeling his meaty length get progressively wetter, movements becoming sloppier as he finally bottomed out, the sound of skin slapping on skin almost drowning out their moans.
“Oh. My. God.” She whimpered in between thrusts, Simon’s pace quicking as he felt her moving past the pain and into that fucked out expression he had dreamt of seeing so many nights.
“If you keep moaning like that, this is gonna be over sooner than expected, sweetheart.” He panted, body now slamming forcefully into hers, her tits bouncing with each rut of his hips.
“I hope your pullout game is good” She blurted out, eyes rolling back as he hit a lovely spot inside her walls, wrapping her legs around his hips.
“Yeah, princess, me too.” 
Simon couldn’t take it anymore. Her breathy moans, the headboard slamming, his heavy sack sticking to her sweaty skin each time he moved, the tight grip of her walls around his fat cock and the vulgarity of her spread legs were sending him spiraling.
But it was the adoring way in which she looked at him, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him intensely, before looking at him with hazy eyes and uttering the four most terrifying words he had ever heard, that made him shoot a load inside of her.
“I love you, Simon.”
He came apart.
A/N: You guys already know the drill...so sorry for taking forever to post! As always I love your feedback, messages and asks, so please keep them coming <3
TAG LIST (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone)
@xaestheticalien @bossva @missmae3004 @yyiikes @lillysfrogsandbogs @missmae3004 @spicyspicyliving @shuttlelauncher81 @generaldestinychild @semendreaminsblog @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @iloveghost900 @anaromanov9 @flaminghotcheetosinhaler @cigsm3rcy @lucycastlesworld @idkimjusthere100 @impossiblyshycollector @bigfatpumpum @coldmuffinbanditshoe
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raven-dor · 2 months
Could you do a cute fluffy Edmund Pensive, where like he’s been busy with his duties and reader gets lonely and he makes it up with like a cute dinner under the stars and maybe ends in nsfw if you write that
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In which king edmund the just cannot seem to find a moment alone with his lover
PAIRING: edmund pevensie x reader, lucy pevensie x PLATONIC!reader, peter pevensie x PLATONIC!reader, susan pevensie x PLATONIC!reader
WARNINGS: fluff, young love, horrible timing
AN: This is set during the Golden Age, meaning Edmund is 21, Lucy is 18, Susan is 23, and Peter is 24!! I don't write NSFW, sorry!!
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The nymphs played among the trees, floating wherever the wind took them. She sighed. Last time she’d been in the woods Edmund had brought her to the most exquisite waterfall, and they’d- She blushed. 
Aslan, she missed him. 
“Y/N! Are you listening?” Susan sighed, tapping her lady-in-waiting’s shoulder. “Y/N?” 
The girl shook her head, curtsying quickly. “My lady, I apologize.” What was she supposed the say; that she’d been daydreaming about her brother, wishing that she was in his arms rather than this boring conversation. Not that Susan was boring, quite the opposite, but talking about what shade of blue she wanted for a dress was not the highlight of her day. 
The gentle queen smiled, laughing at her friend. “It is alright; I was only talking about what dress I’d like to wear.” 
“May I assume you will wear the gold again?” She raised an eyebrow, teasing the queen. “It is your favorite.” 
“You’d be correct.” Y/N walked over to the wardrobe, pulling out the dress for later that evening. “Perhaps you could do that hairstyle with the flowers…” 
“Whatever you wish, my lady.” 
Susan sat down at her desk, glancing over the stack of papers. “Will you be in attendance?” 
“I would not miss it for the world. Queen Lucy’s birthday has always been the most anticipated event of the season. She has the most exquisite taste.” 
Susan nodded, humming. “And what will you be wearing?” 
Y/N smiled. “I suppose this will do.” 
The dark-haired girl looked up, shaking her head. “Go in the wardrobe, find a dress you like.” 
“Are you quite serious?” 
“Of course.” She looked back down, waving her away. “Now go on.” 
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Susan kindly gave her the rest of the day off, stating that she would be too wrapped up in responding to all the letters to make use of her time. Y/N knew Susan could tell she was anxious for some time to herself and wished she could thank her for reading her so well. 
She supposed that was what happened when you were around someone for 8 years. 
Often, when Susan let her go and do as she pleased, she found herself in the library. It was large, larger than any library she’d ever seen before. There were ladders for each shelf, every one leading to the second floor. On the second floor, there was a corner that had the perfect view overlooking the town. 
That is where Y/N relaxed every day she could manage. Filled with too much excitement at the prospect of seeing Edmund, she could not find it in her to read, and so she simply stared at the people below, smiling at how peaceful Cair Paravel looked. 
A cough broke the silence. “My lady.” 
Y/N grinned, jumping to her feet. “Your Grace.” 
The young king smiled back. “You look-” 
She ran to him, pressing her lips to his. “Aslan, I missed you.” 
He sighed, pulling her close. “I missed you much more.” 
“Not possible.” 
He sighed, leaning his forehead against hers. “How has your day been, my love?” 
“Your sister let me pick a dress for Lucy’s birthday ball.” She smirked. “I believe you will like it.” 
His cheeks grew red. “Will I?” 
“Most certainly.” She walked out of his hold, sitting down on the couch once more. “Care to join me?” 
He winced. “I would love to, it’s just-” 
She forced herself not to glare at him. “I understand.” She shooed him away. “You have duties. I will see you later this evening.” 
He nodded but looked unsure. “I can stay-” 
“Edmund, I will be fine.” She smiled. “Really.” 
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Guests piled into the ballroom, extravagant gowns making it hard to walk through the crowd. Y/N greeted each guest personally, thanking them for coming to the occasion. Lucy’s lady-in-waiting had spearheaded the occasion but was insistent on putting the finishing touches on the young Queen’s hair, so the task fell to Y/N. 
“My lady.” King Peter stood in front of her, a bright grin adorning his face. “Do tell Maria she did excellent work.” 
She nodded. “Of course, Your Majesty.” 
Peter’s wife laughed, teasing him. “Or you could just tell her yourself, my dear.” 
He nodded. “What would I do without you?” 
“Most likely go mad.” She smirked. “Amongst other things.” 
Y/N smiled. She’d remembered their wedding well. It had been a grand occasion, with lords and ladies from all over Narnia visiting. Aslan himself had made an appearance, but what really stood out to her that night was that Edmund had asked her to dance. 
Where was Edmund? 
She scanned the room, locking eyes with him. She blushed, waving, but he did not wave back. Instead, he went back to his conversation with some Telmarine lord. She tried to brush it off, but Peter noticed instantly. He always noticed everything; it was rather annoying at times. “I’m sure he’ll be done soon enough. It’s his sister’s birthday, after all. He can’t work forever.” 
Y/N smiled. “I believe he would work forever if the option was available.” 
“Yes, well…” He sighed. “Perhaps I have been too hard on him. Maybe if-” The horns blared, signaling that Lucy was approaching. The crowd turned towards the two great doors, murmurs echoing. Lucy appeared at the top of the stairs, the picture of beauty in her pink gown. Her hair was long, flowing past her waist, with gems thrown in every so often. Her crown sat perfectly atop her head, and her smile radiated warmth. 
“Queen Lucy the Valiant.” 
Thunderous applause rang throughout the hall. Peter might have been the loudest of all, besides his wife, who had always had a soft spot for the younger girl. She smiled, clapping politely when something tapped her shoulder. She turned, rolling her eyes at Edmund. “So now you have time for me?” 
He tilted his head. “Sorry?” 
She hissed. “I waved at you. Did you not see me?” 
He stepped closer, smiling as he whispered so the nosy noblemen didn’t think something was amiss. “I’m sorry, I was making an arrangement with Lord Sopespian.” 
“I wasn’t aware there was any tension between us and Telmar recently.” 
“There aren’t.” 
She looked at his curiously. “Then what were you-”
“Edmund!” Y/N gasped, sinking into a deep curtsy. “Your Grace. Happy Birthday.” 
Lucy smiled. “Please stand Y/N. You know I hate it when you do that.” 
“Yes, Your Grace.”  
The young girl looked in between the two. “Did I interrupt something?” 
Y/N shook her head. “Not at all Your Grace. I was just leaving.” She turned to Edmund, barely curtsying. “My King.” 
He sighed. “Y/N, please-” 
She walked away, leaving the siblings in silence. Lucy smirked. “What have you done now?” 
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The halls of Cair Paravel were bustling, servants, nobles, and the likes walking through. Y/N was on the way to the kitchens to fetch Susan some afternoon tea when she spied Edmund’s black hair in the crowd. She dropped her head, trying to avoid the uncomfortable conversation that was sure to follow. 
She’d almost gotten past him too, but he’d stopped, tilting his head at the sight. “My lady.” 
She kept walking. Edmund tried not to groan. “Y/N.” 
To that she responded, whipping around, her eyes wide. “Your Grace, it is highly inappropriate to-”
He raised an eyebrow. “Follow me, please.” 
“I am meant to be getting your sister tea, Your Grace.” She glared. “If-” 
“It will only take a moment.” He crossed his arms. “Come.” 
“If you insist.” She murmured, following after.
Edmund chose to ignore that, rounding the corner and opening the door to his office. “After you.” 
“People will-” 
“Nothing you haven’t done before.” He waited, and she groaned, walking in.
“What is it that you need Your Grace?” 
“You were right.” 
Y/N tilted her head. “And this is regarding?” 
“Your dress. It was exquisite. You looked like a queen.” 
She fought the blush forming on her cheeks. “Is that all, Your Grace?”
“Stop calling me Your Grace. I understand that my duties have been…” He tried to find the right word. Y/N murmured, staring at the ground. “Interferring.” “Yes, interferring with our plans, but you must understand.” He walked over, grabbing her hands. “It is not of my choosing. I am not purposefully ignoring you.” 
“I never said-” 
“No you did not.” He smiled. “But I feel after two years, I know what you look like when you are upset. My love…” He kissed the back of her hands. “I am sorry. Truly, I am.”
“It’s alright Edmund. I’m sorry for losing my temper, I just-” She sighed. “I enjoy your company. I can’t help but miss spending time with you.” 
He nodded. “Would a midnight dinner under the stars interest you?” 
She grinned. “Edmund, I don’t want you to fuss over me.” 
“You say that, but you’re smiling. Besides, that is my favorite activity.” He smirked. “Would you really deny your king the pleasure of your company?” He leaned in, their lips inches apart. “Please say yes.” 
“Yes.” She whispered, heart beating. “Kiss me.” 
“As you wish.” 
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“Edmund?” Y/N called out, waiting where he’d asked her to. “Darling?” 
“Over here.” She followed his voice, gasping. “Oh my-” Her eyes watered. “Edmund, this is too much.” 
“Is it?” He looked at his work, shaking his head. “I think it’s perfect, you deserve all this and more.” 
The blanket was laid out with candles surrounding, rose petals throw haphazardly. The stars shined brightly above them, and he had two baskets of food. She grinned. “Is that-” 
“Honey cake?” He nodded. “Made them myself.” 
She laughed. “I can tell.” She pointed to his cheek. “May I?”
“Please.” She stood on her tiptoes, brushing off the flour he’d forgotten. 
“This is so kind of you.” 
He laughed. “Nonsense. Shall we?” He handed her a honey cake, grinning when she rolled her eyes. “Good?” 
“Peter pulled me aside today.” 
Y/N tilted her head. “Really?” 
“Something about prioritizing myself over work. Said he noticed I was neglecting my personal aspirations, whatever that means.” He raised an eyebrow. “That wouldn’t be your doing, would it?” 
She shook her head. “No, but he’s not wrong.” She put her hand over his. “You work too hard my love.” 
“Is it so bad that I want to ensure Narnia is safe?” 
“No, but to what end? You need to sleep. Don’t act like you do, I know you’ve been staying up lately. It does Narnia no good if you work yourself to death. What will we do then? Do you expect your brother or sisters to take up your role?” 
“Spoken like a true queen.” 
She sighed. “Edmund…” 
“I suppose you’re right.” 
“When am I not?” 
He glared playfully. “You’re rather chipper.” 
“I can’t help it.” She leaned over, kissing his cheek lightly. “You make me happy.” 
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eroticdelusions · 1 month
♡ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
WARNING! Most of the following contain SMUT and/or have a DARK theme.
➥ This masterlist contains all my works, I hope you enjoy!
Dark: ᵈ Angst: ᵃ Fluff: ᶠ Smut: ˢ
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Melissa Schemmenti
It's a craving not a crush ˢ
Summary: you caught melissa's interest ever since you started at abbott six months ago. but, you being you, you were blind to her attempts at flirting with you because you thought she was just being well, melissa. however, when ava suggested that you should all have a get together on the last Friday before Christmas, you noticed. and oh, how much you loved it.
In the staffroom ˢ
Summary: melissa get’s jealous that the new teacher at abbott is flirting with you. she makes sure that you know who you belong to.
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When we're alone ᶠ
Summary: you come home from work to find your girlfriend cooking for you and you can't help but cherish these moments.
Rachel Green
Mismatched shoes ˢ
Summary: rachel can't find an outfit to wear to a party tonight, leading her to become frustrated and anxious about her appearance. she rummages through her closet, trying on multiple options before finally settling on a simple black dress. however, none of her shoes match the dress, causing her to feel even more stressed. you find a way to calm her down, causing you both to not go to the party after all.
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Narcissa Malfoy
Please ˢ
Summary: you give narcissa exactly what she has been needing for years.
O children ᶠ
Summary: for the holidays, you are staying with the malfoys. because of the time you've spent together, you and narcissa have grown closer. narcissa is concerned about draco and the possibility that he will not return in time for christmas, so you try to cheer her up. 
Polly Gray
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Marilyn Thornhill
Secret gardens in my mind ᶠ
Summary: ...
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Lady Tremaine
Pink and blue masquerade ᶠ
Summary: you spot a particular redhead at the ball where you are supposed to find a suitor. however, that doesn't stop you. it will never stop you.
Carol Aird
Dearest ˢ
Summary: ...
Lou Miller
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zablife · 10 months
i love dark stuff so i know your plot will be right up my alley. i was thinking of a female yandere reader who’s in a relationship with thomas? something with that couple dynamic would be amazing 🩷🩷 thank you for letting me request
I Would Die For You
Tommy x yandere wife reader
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“There will be more after the job is done,” you promised, sliding a thick envelope across the table. Leaning back in the darkened booth to conceal yourself, you lit a cigarette and watched your companion closely. He hesitated, not over money, but loyalty. No one crossed the Shelbys and lived to tell the tale. However, something about the authority in your voice convinced him the protection you offered could be trusted.
The man looked over his shoulder before snatching the money up in his large hand. He placed it in his pocket in one swift movement as you arched an eyebrow in his direction.
“We’re in agreement then?” you asked impatiently.
“The Shelby's charity ball next week,” he grunted, repeating the information you’d provided earlier. 
“That’s right,” you smiled with satisfaction, pushing a celebratory glass of whisky into his hand. “I’ll ensure everyone is in place so you have a clear shot. You remember what to do with the gun?”
He nodded slowly before tossing back his drink. The burn of the alcohol barely took his mind off the thought of what might become of him if he failed. With slumped shoulders he pushed away from the table, lumbering toward the door of the pub.
You sat in silence, continuing to drink and ruminate over your detailed plan. Weeks of work organizing the catering and attending dress fittings had made you anxious for this important event, now only days away. It was all leading up to the moment of vengeance you'd dreamt of for years.
As the gong sounded for dinner, you struggled to control your thundering heartbeat. It thumped painfully against your corseted chest while you waited for Polly's face to appear amongst the wide smiles of the other guests. When she finally swept past in a confection of pink taffeta and ostrich feathers, you gave a slight nod of your head.
With the signal given, you gingerly stepped to Tommy’s side, stealing his attention with a witty joke that made his eyes crinkle with laughter.
Bright blue eyes dancing with merriment, he never saw who fired the shot that came deafening close. There was only a look of horror as chaos broke out. Guests scattered to the far corners of the ballroom leaving him alone to witness your body fall to the floor in the slow motion of a nightmare.
Crumbling to the floor with you, he held you close. Tommy struggled to regulate his breathing, unsure how he would live if you died. "Call a fucking ambulance!" Tommy yelled over his shoulder. “And find out who did this. No one leaves!” he instructed his men angrily.
"Tommy," you whimpered, slumping against him weakly. The pain in your shoulder was like a searing hot poker lodged inside your muscle. It was far greater than anything you'd anticipated, but you reminded yourself why you had to endure the pain. Appealing to your husband you mumbled, "Help me."
"I won't let anything happen to you," Tommy promised, rubbing a thumb over your cheek. He continued whispering words of comfort as he willed you to fight the darkness threatening to descend upon you. The world outside stood still as he doted on you, eyes locked on yours for any sign of change.
As John approached with a pale face and trembling hands, Tommy knew it was more than the sight of your blood that upset him. “We found the shooter,” John announced in a shaky voice.
“Well?” Tommy barked impatiently, eager to return his attention to you. 
“The coppers say it was Polly,” John muttered in disbelief.
Your gloved hand slid down Tommy’s forearm as he turned away from you, pale irises darkening with fire. His jaw clenched in rage before he spat, “Tell them to take her away."
“Wh-what are you talking about?” John stuttered as his voice raised into a shout.
“She tried to kill my wife!” Tommy bellowed in return. With that John backed away, afraid to challenge his older brother.
Tommy adjusted you in his lap as he listened to John's footsteps fading into the background. Placing a kiss to your temple he added, “I’m so sorry she tried to hurt you, my darling.”
You shook your head. “She was aiming for you when I …” you stopped short, falling back into his strong arm.
Tommy pressed a cool hand to your forehead to revive you as he finished your thought. “You saved my life,” he said in hushed awe. He smoothed your hair away from your face as he looked at you with complete adoration. “Is this what you've been trying to tell me about a traitor in the family? I should have known."
Tears began to well in your eyes with relief that everything was falling into place. As they slid down your cheeks, you proclaimed, “I would die for you.”
"I know," Tommy said, wiping them away with his fingertips. "You're the only person I can trust," he concluded. He pulled you impossibly closer and you pressed your face into his tuxedo jacket to hide your triumphant smile.
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You crash into me hard and soft 18+ MDI
Pippa Fitz Amobi x Fem reader
Summary: pip pulled you off, eyes dark as they scanned you. “ Behave yourself sweet girl" she chided, then quietly, "aren't you my good girl?" Then a calm saccharine voice that filled your head with cotton, you knew that voice. It was the same familiar cadence that would whisper into your ear in bed. The same voice that would often cause you to lose your mind. In the most wonderful ways. Good girls have patience, and I know your so good at having patience aren't you my love?" Pip began, her lips delving into that soft smirk that made your skin prinkle. You nodded, all lust filled eyes. Your heart racing itching to feel pip all around you. Consuming you. Leave you shaking and crying for more. She had done it before. And you wanted her to do it now. God did you want too. Pippa smiled at that, like her mind knew just what you wanted. ‘
Authors note: This is indeed some of the most smuttiest writing I have ever written and while I admit I am no expert on this matter, I don’t write it very often I had fun writing it. I especially enjoyed wirting a grumpy pip who can’t help but be jealous of Connor (undertones) 🤣 I don’t show it at the end but reader makes pip apologize to Connor for rushing out of the party. Again I am no expert on smut and do not claim to write it well. However I do hope you enjoy this piece! I had a bit of trouble writing pip but I can only get better with time. This is for all my lovely anons who asked for pip fic! 🫶🫶 for those of you who do not enjoy this type of work I have some more pip ideas for future ficts.
Warnings: Aged up Pippa Fitz Amobi, set up after AGAD. Protective pip if you squint, possessive pip, dark pip, curse words, swearing, fingering, cunnilingus, soft pippa fitz Amobi, Connor Reynolds’s being the gem he is and putting up with a grumpy pip. Calamity chaos. Reader being a lightweight. Dom pippa fitz Amobi.
Word count: LONG
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Pip could feel the way her nails burned under the wood from the way she was gripping the wood hard. Her fingers clenched enough that she thought her knuckles would lose circulation. Her jaw was tense, and blue-grey eyes zeroed in on you as you spoke with Connor from across the dance floor. The flashing lights of the calamity party making pip’s eyes itch.
Pippa’s distain for calamity parties had been apparent, even years before the Andie Bell case you knew you’d never see Pippa Fitz Amobi grace the halls of the random pupil’s house. Which was why now as you peered across the dance floor to where your girlfriend sat you couldn’t help but think it such an odd welcoming sight and apparently Connor thought it too.
You had gone to get some drinks with Connor, you had to practically command pip to sit down, even through her pleading eyes, even through her instructions on how to check for certain hidden items in your drinks. Connor had been the first to grab pip by the hands, his calming soft eyes sending waves of peace through Pip. She was often anxious these days, always on alert. Her nervous system jumping at even the most mundane things. Car alarms, ball point pens and rubbish bins clacking.
Pip had been your personal bodyguard the minute you had gotten out of the Car accompanied by Cara and Connor, your eyes wide upon seeing your girlfriend at the entrance of Edmund Pain’s house. “I figured if my girlfriend was going into the lion's den I might as well accompany you. You know, personal bodyguard and all” Pippa had joked, but you could see from her wild slightly glazed eyes that she hadn’t been sleeping. You had considered calling it an early night taking your girlfriend’s hand and walking back to yours. Considered a nice warm shower, Pippa holding you close under the warming sheen of the shower, the cool heat flowing over both of you. A nice calm night in. Comfy sheets and soft hands trailing down your back as Pip would hold you. You had been so close to changing your mind when Cara had taken your hand and dragged you inside, pip close at your heels.
“It seems you have a shadow” Connor had commented, handing you your drink, eyes peering at the girl who sat across from you. Eyes like a hawk, jaw clenched. You felt a smile fill your lips, the alcohol already filling your tongue, leaving a slightly bubbly feeling and burn on the tip of your lips. You were not going to lie, your girlfriend looked hot. With her blue steel eyes that were on yours, even far enough from the room. Studying you, eying your surroundings like the good dedicated girlfriend she was. It was a comforting feeling to know that no matter where you were, your girlfriend had your back. She always did, and was keen on keeping a close eye on you. You had half a mind to race over and drag her to the nearest bathroom. A flush rose across your cheeks as you imagined pulling a confused Pip into the wasted most likely minging bathroom. Could imagine pushing her against the door and kissing down her neck, feeling her pulse point behind her skin. Could imagine her heavy breathing, hands woven through your curls, pulling just enough to make you whimper against her skin.
“Hey y/n you alright? You look like a proper mess! Sure you don’t want to switch to water now? I know Pip won’t want you too wasted” Connor’s voice brought you out of your lust filled brain. Your eyes turned to him, Connor, and his now bleary face. You were conscious enough to know when to stop, and you knew after a full cup you would surely get a headache. You could just imagine Pip giving you her ‘I told you so’ signature concerned face. It was enough for your lips to move up.
Your movements were sluggish as you tried to speak, and it was only then that your fingers slipped from the brim of the cup and it went smashing over into Connor’s jumper. You gasped, holding a hand to your mouth and apologizing, moving to wipe the remains from the poor boys shirt. Your movements sluggish but your voice strong.
Connor only held up his hands, calm as always. “It’s alright y/n!” He comforted. But maybe it was because of your drunk state that made him laugh, you were cute when you were wasted. Like a little bunny almost, innocent and shy. He could see just why Pip was so protective over you because in a way he was too. You had been a great source of comfort to him during Jamie’s case. Had stood by his side, “a great big pillar of strength” Connor had quoted on the podcast, you had blushed and buried your cheeks into Pip’s neck as she held you. Connor had chuckled at the sight. The same Pip that had told him off multiple times for speaking or simply breathing during audio interviews had been laying loosely on the chair, mic in hand you draped over her lap, fingers playing with her pendant necklace as you had recorded an episode. It was almost uncanny. Connor would tease you relentlessly about it. So it was safe to say Connor and you were as thick as thieves. You trusted him immensely and in turn, he trusted you.
Connor moved to grab your sluggish hands, his fingers calmly wrapped around your wrist, his hands moving to catch your trembling legs. His arms wrapped around you protectively, “I think you’ve had quite enough for today why don’t we go grab a nice cup of water?” Connor spoke, his voice nervous. He had never seen you as drunk as you were.
Your head was spinning. And not in the pleasant way. Your limbs were tired, your throat dry and you could feel the alcohol pushing in your veins. You felt sick. Thought you were going to be sick all over the floor. It was an embarrassing thought and you cursed yourself for not taking the nice day in cuddled with your girlfriend. Instead you had been selfish, dragging her out to some godforsaken party that she wasn’t the faintest bit interested in. But Pip had showed up, even with all her emotional baggage of why she disliked calamity parties. She still had showed up. For you.
If your knees weren’t weak already you were sure they would be now.
“Connor I need to find Pip” you spoke, body still dizzy and lightheaded. Connor understood your words, slurry but cognitive. His arms were a thankful blessing as he held your already dead weight. Maybe it was the alcohol in your system but you spoke, making Connor freeze. “Have I ever told you how strong you are Con? I bet you could lift me up and throw me over your bed couldn’t you?” You giggled, your hazy mind picturing Connor throwing you. It was actually quite funny as Connor used to be a bag of bones. Cara would tease him endlessly in primary school for his weak girl arms.
But Connor had frozen, in fear because somehow during your little adventure, your girlfriend had managed to go unnoticed and had snuck up behind you two. Connor would feel her disapproving stare right behind him. Imaginary daggers being thrown at his head like a target he imagined. It was obvious she had heard what you said. Because her back had straightened. Her jaw clenched, her normally anxious eyes had become wide and Connor couldn’t lie terrified. Pip had become slightly terrifying after her brush with the cases. Let’s be honest at her brush with death and it certainly didn't help that you were draped all over him, giggling and far too close for comfort.
Connor gulped, turning to find Pippa eying him with analyzing eyes, almost as if she was trying to find something. Anything. “Thanks for helping my girlfriend Connor” she spoke, a saccharine smile etched onto her lips. But the smile was too fake to be real, too empty. And maybe the forceful way she had to spit out her girlfriend had been telling enough that she had heard. Also the emphasis on My before girlfriend. Almost like she was staking her claim. A protective stance in the way she eyed you.
At her voice you immediately caught your girlfriend’s eye, too drunk to notice the way her eyes were downcast, hurt by the comment you had made. But it was quickly mended by the sly smile that filled your features as you caught her eyes. “Hi” you spoke, cheeks a mess. Pippa couldn’t help but chuckle, finding you too cute. Hell you were adorable.
“Isn’t my girlfriend the most hottest girl ever?” You spoke sluggishly, “I like how she bends me over and fu-“ Connor cupped his hands over your mouth, ears red, face red, “right! I think you can take your girlfriend home now Pip” he chided practically throwing you to to your girlfriend's arms.
Pippa, with her cheeks red from the comment though somewhat prideful as she pulled you into her body, arms wrapping protectively around you. Your smile wide as Pip brushed her nose against yours. “Your wasted” Pip assessed, lips close enough for you to chase, close enough for you to taste. Your eyes were dark as they eyed Pip’s dark blues. You loved moments like these. Small moments where all you could focus on was Pippa. You were drunk at a Calamity party with neon lights and music so loud it burst your eardrum yet all you could hear, and see was your Pippa. And her soft fingers which now were feeling more comfortable than Connor’s. You felt warm, at home within her arms. secure.
“I just need some water.” You spoke, hiccuping.
Pippa’s eyes were soft as the pad of her fingers came up to caress your cheek, sending goosebumps through you. Her eyes so caring and soft. “Let’s get you home love” she cooed. Connor had thankfully volunteered to find some water. Pip had sat you down next to her, arms woven through yours but in your drunk haze state you had simply climbed on top of her and dug your nose into her neck, needing that sweet relief only Pip brought. Smelling her unique scent that often lulled you to sleep.
“You're a cuddly one today ” Pippa observed practically glowing as you sat on her lap, eyes ablaze with a playful glint. You giggled, moving to hesitantly brush your nose against Pip’s feeling the cool cold contact meet your skin. Pippa’s eyes fluttered as she leaned forward, her lips meeting yours in a soft single peck. But you weren’t in the mood for that, so you snaked your hand to cup the back of her neck, playing with some baby hairs, and pulled her lips back to you.
The rush of energy that flowed through you as you kissed pip was never dull, it was overpowering and seemed to pull you deeper down into the depths of its soul. Pippa was cautious even as you began taking control of the kiss, it was all you to be certain. Pip kissed back, at she was doing that right. But there was no fire in her kisses, you could tell she was busy looking around, assessing the strangers around them to truly lose herself in you. You could also feel how rigid her posture felt. You pulled away, eying Pip’s red lips which looked chapped in the neon light of the room.
You whined, your fingers clinging to Pippa’s red jumper, toying with the metal clasps. Pippa noticed your less than cheery attitude, how your lips were turned ownward like a toddler who didn’t get its promised toy after a shop to the market. It was cute, you were rather like a child when you were a drunk. Reverting back to your three year old self. Which was why pip had seemed to grow a rapid respect for your mother.
“What’s with that face now love? Your lips are far to pretty to be in a scowl” Pip spoke, fingers cupping your jaw softly. You leaned into the touch, your weight shifting as you leaned closer, pulling yourself up into pip’s lap “I need kisses” you uttered. “Kisses? I gave you plenty just now? Why don’t you drink some water and we can talk about kisses when we get home and your not giving anyone a free show?” Pippa spoke, laying a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Where is Connor with that water?” Pip muttered, craning her head round to look.
You saw the opportunity and launched. You were far too horny and aroused to care letting your heart make the choices rather than your mind. You launched your assault on her neck, lips dancing over her skin, your eyes closed as you felt her racing pulse beneath your lips. Your lips cautious, testing the waters. It was only when you began Rolling the skin beneath and soothing the ache with your tongue that you could hear Pip suck in a breathe, possibly from the rough way your teeth glided over her skin. Pippa didn’t at all seem surprised, but you could feel skin beneath your lips, could feel the warmth radiating from her. could see she was feeling the warmth just the same. Could see the way she fought to control her seemingly calm demeanor. Her eyes fluttered as she gave in to your assault, but it never lasted long as her hands skimmed to hold you by the waist.
They were strong and seemed to command you to stop, you whine pitifully as pip pulled you off, eyes dark as they scanned you. “Behave yourself sweet girl” she chided, then quietly, “aren’t you my good girl?”. Then a calm saccharine voice that filled your head with cotton, you knew that voice. It was the same familiar cadence that would whisper into your ear in bed. The same voice that would often cause you to lose your mind. In the most wonderful ways. “Good girls have patience, and I know your so good at having patience aren’t you my love?” Pip began, her lips delving into that soft smirk that made your skin prinkle. You nodded, all lust filled eyes. Your heart racing itching to feel pip all around you. Consuming you. Leave you shaking and crying for more. She had done it before. And you wanted her to do it now.
Pippa smiled at that like her mind knew just what you wanted. “I’ll take care of you pretty girl” she crooned, “don’t you worry”. But you did. Your senses were hyper-aware, aware of the girl's shape jaw line and deep blue eyes, aware of her hands at the base of your hips, strong and confident. Aware that if you just moved an inch you could feel the way Pip’s jeans would brush against you in just the right place.
You held back a whine, too far gone to care. Too consumed by the girl in front of you.
“Pip…please take me to the bathroom” you whined. Pulling at her jeans. At her jumper. Pippa only shook her head, “you deserve more than just a bathroom fuck my love. Now I promise the minute we get home and you are properly sober you’ll be begging me to stop having my way with you. Because I promise I won’t stop till you’ve cum so hard your legs will shake. better yet, how exactly do I make you feel? Do I send chills down your spine? Make you get butterflies in your stomach? Make your heart pound inside your chest? Do I make that pretty little spot between your legs drip with anticipation? Just enough to make a wet spot on those tight little leggings of yours?”
You gulped, becoming flustered at her words. Because every answer had been yes. And she knew that, hiding behind her soft words and all-knowing smile. her voice a hot whisper against your ear.
“So what's it gonna be, princess? I need an answer” pip speaks, her smile replaced by a scowl, like she’s waiting for your answer. You nod, vigorously, almost whining when her hot fingers come up to melt over the hot skin of your stomach, pip smiles, feeling your skin underneath her palms. Watching as your eyes close as she skims her finger down your stomach, reaching your pubic bone. You sigh, open your eyes to peer into hers. Your far gone, just managing to keep your breathing calm. Pip toys with you, dipping just low enough to tease the edge of your panties which have gone soaked. If you were sober enough to care you would have felt embarrassed you were sure, but not now. Not with Pip's gentle commanding eyes, not when they were eying you like you were the important girl in the room.
Your hips jump, and you only lean into Pip, digging yourself into her neck as you try to grind. But Pip pulls away, fingers gone and now are well on to pulling you up as she takes the water from the just-appearing Connor. Thanking him before pulling you into her, water in one hand as she guides you out of the party. A new purpose as she walks, you can tell from the way she opens your door and helps you in. Her hands are soft as they put the water in your hands, even teasing you with a small kiss when she buckles you.
“You drink all that. Every bit of it. I want you sober and well hydrated.” She pinches your cheeks, closing your door before sauntering in on the drivers seat. The drive home was quiet, Pip’s hand that wasn’t on the steering wheel was placed not so discreetly across your lap, and you laughed when pip eyed you with puppy dog eyes, “Not going to hold my hand are you? That’s quite alright, I’ll hold your hand plenty when I’m watching you squirm under me”.
The words caused blush to fill your cheeks, images of pip above you, hair a sweaty mess over her shoulders, eyes a sweet blue yet not sweet. Instinctively your hand collided with hers, palms meeting Palms, pip kept her eyes on the road, Little Kilton seeming quiet and still as she held your fingers in her own, her fingers caressing your skin, the indents of your lines on your palm. It enamored you how beautiful she looked.
Pip with her large jumper, crimson red being her favorite of late. Her shoulder length almost russet hair was wild in the wind. A pen lay lodged in her pocket, a bulge-like pen with teeth marks lying across the plastic edges. Pip’s analysis pen she kept everywhere like a professional investigative journalist. Ever since the Andie Bell case pip had made sure that pen was within her reach, she was always on the lookout for things. You didn’t know what exactly, a new case maybe. All you knew was it changed her. Made her hyper-aware, quick to move, and quick to be near you at all times. Like some sort of bodyguard. You couldn’t go on a walk alone, and you couldn’t walk to the market alone, not that you minded, because pip would hold your hand during the walk and talk about her new podcast episodes. Or Pip would carry your groceries to the boot, cheeks turning red when you would point out that she was just as tiny as you, well she had a few inches on you. Enough that you would have to angle your eyes just enough to eye those blue watercolored eyes.
“What’s on your mind?? You look like your undressing me with your eyes. You imagining me in my knickers are you?” Pippa playfully retorted.
You only leaned in a bit more, till your body was flush with the cold console separating you two. Pippa was all sly smiles and playful retorts. But she wouldn’t be. You needed this. Needed her like a breathe of fresh air after a midnight swim. You were sick of waiting, sick of acting like the sweet well tempered girl. You wanted to act reckless, to truly do something so out of character.
You settle for when you and Pip are safe within your own walls. You watch Pip as she makes a beeline for the cups pulling one and filling it before giving it you. Her fingers brushing past yours as she takes off your sweater. “I’ll put these away. Why don’t you get comfortable in your nighties and I’ll meet you in our room? Make sure to drink plenty of water. How is that head of yours? Giving you any trouble?”
You answered telling her your head was just fine now. The water had done its job and the cool car ride had been enough to have the dull feeling of alcohol leave your system. Although from the way you eyed Pip with dark hungry eyes she would have thought you were still pumped with the vile toxins.
You did as told. Getting ready for bed and meeting your girlfriend in your shared bedroom. Pip smiled at you, her eyes glinting as she watched you in the bed. Your hair falling softly above your shoulders, Comforter pulled up to your chin and eyes innocent. An act purely for her sake. You were anything but innocent. “You look so cute” she spoke crawling across the mattress and moving to press her forehead against yours, arms moving around you pulling you flush into her body, heat radiating from you both.
You snuggled close, causing pip to giggle when you nuzzled her nose with your own, being sly and leaning in for a kiss. Pip relented letting you have a few kisses, but it was the way you held her head, your fingers moving to cradle the underside of her neck that had pip smiling against your eager lips.
“Now what can my sweet girl want at this hour of the night?”
You sigh as pip’s clever lips make their way across your cheeks, pressing softly and delicately, her lips mapping across your skin to leave a few hot kisses on your jaw.
“I want you pip” you whine into her skin, you don't care how selfish or pathetic it sounds because it's true.
Pip smiles at that, her grin wide and her teeth glinting in the lamplight. She eyes you with soft eyes, yet you can see the way her chest rises as she takes you in, blue half-mooned eyes taking in the way your chest rises and falls in the oversized jumper you’ve worn.
Pippa gulps, her cheeks red and her hands tightening their hold on your hips. She’s thinking. Pondering what her next move should be. Analyzing like only Pip does. You catch her eyes as they drift down to your jumper again, recognition flashes in her eyes.
“Is that my jumper?” She manages to say, you follow the way her tongue flicks across her lips hungrily and you imagine that same soft delving tongue gliding across your neck and it takes all your might and strength to not drag her down.
You nod.
Pip always loved seeing you in her clothes. The way they smelled like your sweet soft scent after you had worn it, the almost territorial feeling of knowing you were hers. Pip didn't like being possessive, in fact, she often tried to curb that feeling. It had gotten stronger with the events of Jason Bell and the aftermath of what had happened. So she always tried to maintain a healthy relationship, letting you have freedom and making sure to not be overbearing. But now as you lay beneath her, eyes dark and open for her like a gift, Pippa Fitz Amobi can't wait to unwrap you.
Pippa leans down her head against your bare chest, ear to your heart. She closes her eyes and feels you against her skin. Feels your heart against your chest, feels the intake of breaths. It’s almost too serene. It’s something she’s taken to doing whenever the voices in her head are loud, and they were now. Begging Pip to have her way with you, imagining all the filthy ways she'd take you and the screams that would come out of your pretty lips. So rich, so sweet, and all for her. Pip heaved in a breath, feeling your fingers trail the ends of her hair, softly, waiting for her to make the next move. Trusting her.
“I want to eat you out. If you’ll let me” Pip breathes out, accent slightly muffled.
The words take you by surprise, but you don’t object. Your legs are trembling as you nod, pippa smiles and leans in to press a long kiss as a thank you. Your body has been on high alert since the party, and you know it won't take much to make you see stars.
Pip takes her time working you up, kisses you everywhere on your skin. Working her way down from your neck to the incline of your shoulders, down the slope of your neck. Relishes the taste of your colllarbone. Moans when she reaches your chest. Pip immediately slides the zipper down, mouth watering when she realizes you aren’t wearing anything underneath. It almost short circuits her brain, and you reach out to move a few strands from her face, "Whose shy now Amobi?" you tease.
Pip’s fingers slide over to tease the last bit of the jumper and the article goes cascading off your shoulder.
“Oh I could spend all day and night loving these gorgeous breasts. The way they perk up at my touch.”
You want to whine and beg for pip to do something. Anything to quell the burn in your stomach but you don’t have to because soon pip is leaning down and taking a nipple in her mouth. You immediately gasp, feeling your cheeks flush and your core ache as pip’s clever tongue traces your nipple, sucking cleverly and hard. It makes your stomach jolt and pleasure come in high doses.
Pip is attentive as her fingers come up to ghost your other breast, playful as she carefully flicks the pink flesh, watching as you whine under her fingers. After a few minutes of pip's teasing you begin to get restless. "Stop teasing pip, please....please".
You cant help but find the smug look on her face attractive, especially when her mouth is as clever as her mind is.
"You and your lack of patience, always have to get what you want don't you pretty girl? Well, not tonight. I want you to work for it. your a hard worker aren't your my love? Ill make it easy for you. You see, all i want you to do is beg. Simple. Think you can do that for me love?".
Pip's words make your pussy ache in the best way, your stomach jolting and your head nodding fast. You're so far gone you don't even feel the way Pip's fingers slide against your thighs, holding softly and sliding you closer to her, and you can only think how strong your girlfriends are.
your chest is heaving as Pip trails teasing kisses against your thighs, your skin flushing against her touch. It's almost too much when she ghosts over your panties, her lips teasing up into a smile, teasing in purpose, to get a rise out of you.
"Where do you want me pretty girl? hmm? just say it, I just want to hear you say it" Pip speaks, kissing your cheek one last time and eying you with her gray eyes.
It's at that moment that you realize your too far in her clutches. Maybe it's the fact that Pip's hands are rising up to interlock with your fingers, holding tightly. Maybe it's the fact that she looks so earnest, waiting, like a good girl. It almost makes you cum right on the spot, the pleading way she asks.
you give in, begging so much you hope your flatmates can't hear you through the paper walls of your neighboring flat. It would be embarrassing and an utter nightmare after after Cara walked in one night and refused to look into you or Pip's eyes for a solid week.
"Please please please please please-" you sound despeate and you don't get very far with your begging because Pip is sliding down your knickers with soft shaky hands and is immediately sliding her tongue down into your folds. She works expertly, just as Pip always has, shes known you for years, since primary school, and spent years analyzing what made you tick, and what your body responded to. She's an expert at getting you off.
You whine and lock your fingers in her hair, pulling softly, knowing how it drives Pip wild. Pip's tongue is wild and untamed as she sucks you, taking you in like sweets from a candy shop. "Good girl. good darling" Her voice is muffled, but it urges you on, getting any type of praise from her.
She removes her mouth to replace it with her fingers instead, easily pushing in two due to the sheer amount of wetness spilling out. Warm walls push down on her fingers, urging them to sink in further as a breathless moan sounds out from bellow her. Her fingers thrust in and out a few times before curling at just the right angle to brush against your G-spot. “Shit, please, more.”
“Anything you want y/n” Pippa whispers. she places a sweet kiss on your thigh before moving up to kiss the hood of your clit, your thighs squeezing her head harder in return. Pip lets the tip of her tongue dart out to lick under the hood, brushing against your quickly reddening clit. Her fingers continue their movements as she swirls her tongue around it, coaxing it out of its hood and leaving it at the mercy of her mouth. At first, her movements are slow and gentle, not wanting to overstimulate you before it’s time. But when you reach hand down to clutch at the hair on the back of her head and push her down forcefully, she knows there’s no need to wait; her tongue sets forth at a bruising pace. She circles around the swollen clit, and nudges it with the tip of her tongue before licking it harshly until it stands to attention. your hips jerk up in response, and so Pippa maneuvers her free arm around to splay her hand across your stomach, holding you still. Still, this does nothing to stop the pressure coming from the thighs around her head, and she can barely even hear what your is saying. “Finger me harder Pippa please don’t stop.” 
Pip has no choice-less to obey, and so she speeds up the movements of her fingers and presses more harshly against your g-spot, all the while licking at your clit with vigor. Her own clit throbs with need turned on from the musky taste on her tongue and the loud moans she’s pulling out from you. Even though her tongue is burning from the friction, her fingers are tiring from moving so quickly, and her head is under an almost painful amount of pressure, Pippa is in heaven. She’s the one who has you so breathless, so wantonly moaning and arching her back in response to every lick and thrust. It strokes the egoistic side of her to know that she turns you on so much that your fingernails scratch against Pippa’s scalp to push her closer; she knows you aren’t aware of this, lost as you are in your own pleasure. The only regret Pippa has in that moment is not being able to see the look of ecstasy on your face. The scrunching of your eyes, the way you bite your lip.
pippa can tell that you are close by the way your hips try to thrust upwards harder, barely being held back by Pippa's hand. The muscles of your thighs clench as your walls squeeze down on her fingers, a continuous flood of wetness pooling out of her and dripping down the base of Pippa's hand. There is nothing but the delicious taste coating Pip's tongue and the musky odor filling her senses; nothing but the broken screams of her name and the torturous pulling of hair from her scalp. It spurs her on as she abandons licking your clit for directly pulling the swollen red nub into her mouth instead, sucking on it softly and then more harshly when you let out a scream. “Don’t stop, oh bloody hell, don’t stop!”
She halts the movements of her fingers, sucks on your aching clit, and lightly grazes it with her teeth before she hears you scream her name, walls clamping down harshly on her fingers and hips thrusting erratically. As you fall apart in bliss, Pippa can't help but fall deeper in love with you, thinking back to that shy adolescent crush she had harbored for you in primary school. oh if younger Pip could see her now. She continues to lick gently as you cum, bringing you down from your high until the hand that was previously pulling her head closer begins to push her away instead. 
Your breathing is erratic but that doesn't stop pip from leaning down to eye you, her eyes taking in your soft smile. "You did so good for me sweetheart positively wonderful, do you feel alright? I wasn't too rough was I?" Pippa is saying and you giggle, pulling her to your chest. You love how soft and caring she is, how sweet she looks at you. you shake your head, "Pip stop overanalysing. I'm fine, positively wonderful, although I do want one thing" Your fingers dance along the blue-eyed girl's arms, stopping just above her t-shirt. “I want you to beg for me now. Can the infamous Pippa Fitz Amobi take what she dishes out?" Before Pip has a word in you are already on top of her, kissing her with eager lips and nearly ripping off her nighties. “You thought you teased me? Well love let’s see how long you can last” you chime into her ear, your lips ghosting her earlobes, "I'll be gentle".
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ornii · 10 months
Folie a Deux IV: Jealousy
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(I also Made an alternate Cover! Don’t know why)
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A college student finally finished their midterm exams and makes their way back to the dorm. First thing they do when they enter is check YouTube and spot the perfect video.
Jenna Ortega and (F/n) (L/n) answer the Webs most searched questions. It plays as the two sit casually together.
“Hello I’m Jenna Ortega.”
“And I’m (F/n) (L/n), and we’re here to Answer the Webs most searched questions about us.”
The video begins as the duo take a board and answer various internet searches. (Y/n) tears off one.
“Is (Y/n)… Blind.” He said, he turns to the camera, staring at it as people try not to laugh.
“…No.” He answers, “It was just a Character I was playing, I’m not actually blind, but what I will say is that acting blind is a lot harder than you think.” He explains, Jenna eyes him as he looks at her.
“Okay so let’s say we’re doing a scene, and I have to listen to you, I can’t look directly at you even though I obviously want to, I have to basically look in your general direction but not directly at you.” He said, she nodded, admitting that makes sense.
“He’s smarter than he looks she says jokingly, the interviewer continues as another question pops up.
“How did.. Jenna Ortega and (F/n) (L/n) meet.” She said, “it was… the Grammys?” She Said and (Y/n) nodded.
“Yeah it was the 2020? I remember they told I was gonna sit next to Orgeta so I thought, “oh it’s probably Brian Orgeta or something.” This was my first Awards show so I was obviously anxious and I had a few things in my brain to say to break the ice, well it didn’t end well. I look to my left and this, beautiful girl just sat down next to me and, you remember the old windows PC’s and that blue screen sound effect they make? That was my brain.” He explains without cracking a single smirk, Jenna pursed her lips, trying not to laugh, also because he said she was beautiful.
“But yeah, ever since that, and us getting casted in Wednesday we’ve been friends ever since.”
“Yeah, Friends.” She mutters.
With the last question, they both tear it off and say in unison. “Are Jenna Ortega and (F/n) (L/n).. dating.” They look to the camera to speak but the video, hilariously and abruptly ends.
“So they cut the video for dramatic effect?” (Y/n) Asks Miss Ortega as he sits at a marble table inside a beautiful kitchen, it was part of a beautiful villa in Tuscany Italy. He asks the girl walking out of the room putting on a pair of gorgeous golden earrings, her hair done so well, adorning a beautiful gold trimmed Princess Line dress. He saw her and much like before, his brain couldn’t fathom her beautiful, he simply stood up and walked to the window, looking out to see the gorgeous countryside and it’s beautiful hills, perfectly matched by the slowly setting sun.
“I really appreciate you coming with me.” He said, “I mean getting invited to some ball was pretty scary.” He explains, Jenna shook her head. “It’s funny to hear that, I’ve been doing this since I was a kid, it’s natural to me.” She explains, walking next to him she also looks out the window. Taking in the slowly setting sun over the beautiful Italian mountainside.
“I could look at this forever.” She said, reveling in the beauty of the moment. (Y/n) nods, his phone suddenly rings, checking it was his manager and he reluctantly answers.
“Hello? Oh, yeah I’m just waiting I— oh, she did?” He said, Jenna turns to him, her interest growing in his conversion.
“That’s, fine? Okay.” He hangs up, and turns to Jenna.
“Apparently Olivia’s going too, so that’s fun.” He said, Jenna was taken aback slightly. Not expecting someone else.
“It’ll be nice to see her at least, cmon we should get going.”
The two were escorted, mostly driven to there. (Y/n) was humming to “Good 4 U”. Jenna, having a taste for music picks up.
“You must really like that song.” She said and (Y/n) nods, “Love it. Actually, I guess the boys version I made was okay, but nothin compares to the original.”
“Boys?” She replied, and (Y/n) reluctantly shows a video, it was a small recap of it all. (Y/n) releasing a version that swaps the protagonists of the song. Not to diss Olivia but to show that breakups are nasty on both ends. Turns out, Olivia loved it, and obviously retweeted it.
“Breakups suck on both ends a lot of times, it’d be like if you and I stopped being friends, we’d both be hurt.” He explains, Jenna sees the look in his eyes, she always found he was always honest, even if it was painful and the look in his Eyes, he would be hurt if they stopped. Jenna reached out, her hand almost grabbing his, until the vehicle stopped, they halted and prepared to make center stage, as the door opened (Y/n) stepped out first, adjusting his suit he then turns to the door and reaches out for Jenna, she smiles, taking his hand and steps out. The duo make their presence known.
Cameras flash and (Y/n) was still a bit novice at this, Jenna took it for the moment to make her power move, her arm wrapped around his and he was surprised but didn’t make any attempt to stop her, the two walk in to the Ball, adores with tapestry and music, it felt like the 1900’s once more, a whimsical prince with a beautiful princess on his arm, this was a fantasy to many, but a dream come true for (Y/n).
It was mostly mingling and talking, the two keeping close to each other. While they weren’t locked arms they were still in yelling distance, mingling and enjoying the ambiance. Staying in the Limelight, but something caught (Y/n) in the corner of his eye, a girl with sleek black hair approaching, in a large silver Ball gown, it was Olivia. She smiled and approached, (Y/n) was caught off guard by another beautiful woman talking to him first!
“(Y/n)?” She asks. (Y/n)s pep picked up and he smiles.
“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you!” He offers a handshake and Olivia kindly shakes it. Yeah we’ve talked on the internet before but, it’s weird in person.
“You come here alone?” (Y/n) asks.
“Yeah, it was nice to not be on tour or stuck making music, good to get out, you?” She replies, (Y/n) looks over.
“No, Jenna’s with me.” He said, Olivia nods in jest, “A nice date night then huh?” She said.
“What? No it’s, she came as a friend, I’m not too good with people.” (Y/n) awkwardly admits. Olivia looks around for a moment, spotting Miss Ortega, who sees the two chatting and, isn’t in the most enjoyable mood. Olivia smiles.
“Hey, Mind if we talk in private? Something I want to run by you.” She asks, (Y/n) casually agrees and Jenna watches the two walk away to a more secluded part of the Ballroom. Her frown was very prominent, and she sulked after, slowly following them. They pass by a pillar To the outside and Jenna has lost their trail, listening to any talking she picks something up, she follows past a pillar and to smaller balcony, she was suddenly stopped as (Y/n) came around the corner. They almost bumped into each other.
“Oh! Sorry!” (Y/n) said, Jenna’s worry faded as she looks around.
“It’s fine, so, what were you up to?” She asked.
“Olivia.” He said at first, “she wants to collaborate on a song, first collab for me!” He said with a giddy smile. Jenna couldn’t help herself with a smile. (Y/n) walks out to the Balcony and Miss Ortega soon follows.
“So, music?” She asked, “Yeah, she’s working on something called.. “Vampire.” Can’t say much more.”
“You aren’t taking any more acting roles, are you?” She said, a hint of sadness on it.
“I don’t know… I’m not really fit for it. I mean I had my first kiss on a Netflix show, am I really made for this?” He says to her, Jenna shrugs off his fears.
“It’s a rough thing at first but… wait, First?” She asks, not fully catching that first part. (Y/n), lacking any awareness nods.
“Yeah, that scene we did after my character did that whole speech and Wednesday had that vision.” He explains, Jenna blinks a few times in disbelief.
“Was I..?” She asks, trailing on. (Y/n) awkwardly nods. “Yeah, you were my first Kiss. So, how did I do?” He admits, for the moment the roles were reversed, Jenna was the dumbfounded fool whose heart skipped a bit. Jenna’s face was perfectly lit by the moonlight which hid her growing blush, she turns to face the party, hiding her smile so much.
“You did… you did fine..” she said, and calmly but confidently walked back to the Ball.
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you should definitely rant to me about your iteration if you can.. I would absolutely love to learn abt it to possibly draw our iteration turts interacting.. /nf
TMNT: Found Family is a teetle iteration based off of my friends!! I only have the turtles drawn out (and April planned in my head) but!!! I do have some of the basics:
Donnie (He/Her): He's based off of Tomi!! She's 14, the youngest of the four bros. Typically quiet around people (unless she freaks the fuck out) but he yaps A LOT when she's either alone or with her siblings. A lot of people mistake him as a very meek and mild individual, but in reality he's a violent BEAST filled with rage. The #1 hater ever. But overall she's very silly and critter-like...
Leo (He/him): The second youngest, based off of me! I would've made myself Donnie but. Then I'd just be drawing my sona SO... yeah... I decided to go with Leo because the person I relate to the most (after MM Don, ofc) is Rise Leo. For. Various reasons. But yeah. He's a 16 year old shithead who looooves playing pranks and being a smartass. He's academically smart but SUPER dense (a lot of shit goes over his head..), but also somehow extremely cunning and witty. Despite being a ball of unhinged chaos, he still ends up caring for his siblings like a dad because he's also an Anxious Idiot. Oh also he has a severe case of RBF syndrome
Mikey (He/him): I based him off of Val, he's 17 years old and the second oldest. Gay as fuck, I haven't shown his design yet but he's. Literally a walking rainbow (and I mean LITERALLY... wait until you see his scale patterning). Like Leo, he's a little shithead who teams up with the blue boy to prank everyone within a five mile radius. He's also somehow even more insufferable than Leo. It's probably because he's gay (DON HOMOPHOBIC REAL!??11/??!?!??!? /j). Despite being a seemingly fiery ball of energy, he gets pretty quiet with strangers. Actually, ALL of them get quiet with strangers. Autism sibs unite or something idk
Raph (She/They): The oldest of them all, being 18 years old!! She's based off of my beloved nee-chan Phantom. The (appointed) leader of the group, she has a major case of the Eldest Daughter syndrome. She's a very caring figure of them all, but despite seeming mature and calm, she's just as chaotic as the rest of them. She won't hesitate to condone murder (for the right reasons, of course) and doesn't really reprimand any of her brothers for their shenanigans. If anything, she laughs and cheers them on. I mean, as long as no one's getting hurt, it's all good, right??
April (She/Her): April is also 14, standing next to Donnie age-wise. She's based off of Cin.. I haven't developed her as much since I don't have her design down yet, but as far as I've thought, she's a very mischievous creature.. think of Anya's smug little "heh" face. That's basically her entire personality /hj. Despite being a little bitch (/lhaff) she's very sweet and won't hesitate to comfort her friends and family. Best little sister ever <- not biased at all
As for the storyline.... uh... haha um I. Haven't really thought that far?? Ik for a fact Splinter (who I haven't developed in the slightest) finds all four of the turtles individually as time goes on, with Raph being the first, then Donnie, then Mikey, and then finally Leo. That's why my iteration is titled "found family", because they all literally found each other (unintentionally, but still).
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alavestineneas · 1 year
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pairing: Johanna Mason x fem!reader
summary: Maybe, just maybe, being alive has its perks.
warnings: mentions of ptsd, trauma, panic attacks
District 7 slowly was coming alive—people returned to their work, children started roaming the streets again, and even the forest gradually became green. It seemed like the only one to stay grieving was Johanna. She never thought she was going to get better; the wounds were deeply engraved in her mind. But time passed, and they turned into annoying scratches—almost healed but still bleeding.
She had a new house now—the one the government gave her. Its bricked walls weren't overly hospitable, but Johanna had seen far worse than that. The house wasn't big, but it was close to the market and, more importantly, the hospital, so Johanna was fine with it. Here, her cherished isolation was disrupted by only one human being.
Mac was the loudest child Johanna had ever met. The boy, who was not older than ten, lived two houses away. On a mostly calm street, he raised hell every day with his old red bike. Sure, the little devil helped the old Ms. Lane get the milk from the market or get the letter to the post office quickly, but something about his loud laughter in the evening annoyed Johanna to no end.
Not Y/N, though. Johanna wondered how such vastly different people could live under the same roof. Ms. Lane called her ''Lovely Y/N'' and Johanna had to agree with the old lady for once. Y/N worked as a nurse; Johanna often saw her in the white halls of the hospital. She was just what Johanna loved about her District the most: someone with a big heart and working hands.
This type of people sang old songs in pubs after a day in the sawmill or chatted with their neighbours over a cup of tea on Sunday afternoons. The people Johanna remembered from her childhood, the people her parents and brothers once were. Y/N was just the type—she smiled more often than she frowned and laughed more than she argued.
It seemed distant to Johanna, like a tune she'd heard before but couldn't recall the words of. She doesn't belong among those people anymore. Not after all she went through. And every time Y/N appeared on the porch of Johanna's house with a warm smile, Johanna was reminded of that.
"Good evening, Miss Mason."
Y/N stands in front of her once again. She came right after work, a worn bag over her shoulder, a deep blue coat a size larger, hurriedly buttoned up. The little devil is also here; now, the boy shyly hides behind the woman, hiding his gaze.
''My name is Johanna.'' she clears. Johanna hates that she can't hold a civil conversation for once; her words definitely didn't sound polite.
''Yes, sorry. Johanna, I am so sorry about your flowerpot. Mac?"
''I'm sorry, Miss Johanna. It won't happen again.'' the boy mumbles, his head bowed in deep shame.
Oh, yes. This dumbass broke a flowerpot with his annoying ball this afternoon. To be fair, Johanna couldn't care less about that thing; it was empty anyway. Besides, she had a stupid habit of breaking everything in her house when angry, so sooner or later, the flowerpot would meet its fate.
''Don't worry about it,'' she mumbles, almost embarrassed to see Y/N's warm smile appear on her tired face once again.
''I thought we should buy you a new one, but I didn't know which one to choose. How about we go to the market on Sunday together, and I'll buy the one you want?''
Johanna freezes. The idea of going to the market on Sunday terrifies her. Then, most of the District gathers there. But if she doesn't agree, Y/N will think she hates her. Johanna can't allow it—the nurse is the only thing close to a friend that she has. Mason can't help but think how damn stupid it is not to be able to buy herself a pot. So, the choice is obvious.
''Sounds good!'' Johanna squeezes out. Her voice is harsh, but Y/N still nods.
''Great! At the corner at ten then.''
Y/N is already there when Johanna comes, and Mason feels at ease, distracted from anxious thoughts by a pleasant conversation. That is until they enter the square. It is noisy and too fast for her to keep up, and Johanna almost thinks of running away, but Y/N places a hand on her back.
''First, let's look at Greg's. They changed the aisle; it is closer to vegetables now.''
Johanna might feel like throwing up, but she still got her stupid pot and made Y/N laugh a couple of times, so, in her book, it is a win. Y/N seems to think so too. She takes two pieces of candy out of the bag.
''Would you like some? I stole it from Mac.''
''Do I look like a kid to you?'' Johanna resents.
She still takes it, of course. It's chocolate, for God's sake.
It is Friday; Y/N's shift ends fifteen minutes after Johanna's appointment with the doctor, so they walk home together. Y/N says she doesn't like walking alone, and Johanna almost believes her; after each session with a doctor, Mason leaves the room with bloodshot eyes. Of course, Y/N notices them too.
Johanna waits for her near a small shop on the corner, as she usually does. What is unusual are a few wet patches on the pavement. Johanna feels her heart drop. Its racing beat rings loud in her ears. Suddenly, the air doesn't want to enter her lungs anymore; Johanna grasps it again and again, feeling her knees weaken. Water drops had already found her head and shoulders, each one burning her skin.
That's how she is going to die, she thinks. The water slowly covers small holes in the road; Johanna's hands begin to tremble, chills covering them. She already can't feel her legs. Water, then electricity. Snow fucking got her. She can't escape him.
A pair of colorful shoes blocks the view of the road. Then, concerned eyes appeared in front of Johanna's. It's Y/N, Mason thinks; her figure is a slight blur. She says something, but it is quite hard to understand—the water is pouring down her face.
Johanna shakes her head. "I don't," she stutters, "I can't."
She loses Y/N's face again but feels her presence near. The woman places something cold in Johanna's hands, her voice ringing loudly in Mason's head.
And she does. In and out, in and out, until her vision isn't so clouded anymore and she can finally feel her sore legs. The rain doesn't stop, but it doesn't hit her anymore. Y/N is sitting beside her, holding an umbrella.
''Can you walk?'' she asks, her hair and clothes soaked.
Johanna only nods, feeling the usual sleepiness returning.
''Let's get you out of here then.''
Johanna sits on the old chair in the smallest kitchen she has ever seen. They are at Y/N's house. She is in a horrendous dress that Y/N made her change into; she can't remember the last time she wore one.
The owner of the house, if you could call it that, was nowhere to be found. Y/N claimed to go searching for the blanket, but it was highly suspicious—the house was too small for anything to get lost. Johanna wonders if she is calling the doctors now, or hiding in the bathroom with a knife in her trembling hands—the thought brings a smile to her face.
Still, she is not alone in the room—a pair of curious eyes watch her very carefully.
''Are you going to hide there all day?" she asks, annoyed.
The little devil leaves his not-so-well-thought-out hiding spot with a loud sigh. ''Y/N told me to leave you alone,'' he reveals. ''But you are at my house, so...''
The boy looks very confident in himself. He grabs a pear from the nearest bowl and slides onto the chair next to her. ''Why are you here?''
Johanna eyes him up and down. ''Your mom dragged me here, and I didn't have the heart to argue with such a beauty'', she shrugs.
''Mum?'' he exclaims, making a disgusted face. ''Ew! Y/N is my sister, you moron!''
''MAC!'' Y/N roars, returning to the room with a spare blanket. ''What did I say just two minutes ago?''
The boy rolls his eyes. ''Don't bother the guest.''
''And?'' Y/N looks at him sternly.
"And don't you fucking swear." Mac grins, stealing one more pear from the bowl before dodging the rag thrown at him.
Johanna snorts. "A lovely kid you have here."
Y/N sighs. ''He's a pain in the ass sometimes. But I can't really blame him. ''
Mason watches the woman place a kettle on the stove. She changed her wet clothes, but her hair is still damp. Y/N looks relaxed like this, even with a near maniac in her kitchen.
''Why are you raising him?'' Johanna looks at her curiously.
''Well, my parents were executed for supporting the rebellion. So there was not much of a choice.''
''I'm sorry.'' Johanna frowns.
She never thought about how much the revolution affected the people around her. Sure, the District was burned and bombed, but how many people lost their families as Y/N did? Like she did years ago?
''I like to think they were happy to die fighting.'' Y/N watches the droplet of water hit the window. ''You can stay for the night. I am leaving early, but Mac will be home.''
Johanna wants to argue, but frankly, Y/N is right. She can't even bring herself to look at the rain, let alone set foot outside.
''Thank you.''
Y/N nods. She doesn't talk anymore, deep in her thoughts. Johanna wonders what she has also missed.
''I had brothers too, you know. Two. Snow killed them after I won.'' Johanna bites her cheek, feeling her eyes water.
She had never told anyone before. None of the survivors
know where her family is, except for the doctor, but it wasn't really her choice to tell him.
''I miss them.''
''I do too.'' Y/N's eyes mirror hers - something in them makes Johanna's heart squeeze. ''Sometimes I think it should've been me. Mac would've been much happier without a sister than without parents.''
''Don't say that.'' Johanna scowls. ''You help a lot of people.''
Y/N chuckles. ''I don't do much. I am not a doctor.''
It's not what she meant, Johanna thinks but keeps her mouth shut. What did she mean by that anyway?
Johanna cleans for the first time in forever. It's refreshing, although she will never admit it. The weather is pleasant enough to keep the windows open, and Johanna thinks the sky is finally starting to clear. That's when she hears loud bangs on the door. There is only one person who knocks this loudly.
''What do you want, Mac?'' she asks, opening the door only to find a boy completely out of breath.
''Miss Mason, Y/N wondered if you could help us chop the wood?''
Johanna frowns. ''Is this why you were running here?''
''Yes.'' the boy nods.
Something doesn't add up, but Johanna has absolutely no wish to dig deeper; it's easier to say when Mac doesn't have something going on.
''Well, let me grab my axe.''
Johanna doesn't understand why the little devil keeps rushing her. Their house seems fine, with no fire or explosion in sight. When they approach, however, Johanna hears a familiar voice speak louder than usual.
''Mister Pitforest, I'm afraid I can't. I am working at that hour.''
''Oh, Y/N. Are you going to deny me the pleasure of your company? You know, my darling, it gets lonely these days without someone by my side.''
''I am very sorry to hear that, but I have to put food on the table.''
''Sweetheart, you don't have to worry about that. I will take good care of you and your brother—that's what old friends are for, right? So, what do you say?''
Johanna watches Mac's hands turn into fists when the man touches Y/N's shoulder. He is at least twice her age, if not older, and she is clearly uneasy.
''I believe she said no.''
Y/N turns to her, surprised. Johanna knows she probably looks like a mad woman with an axe in her hand and Mac hiding behind her. The axe feels natural in her grip - she still remembers how to use it properly.
''Y/N, don't tell me you know '', he motions toward Johanna, "her.''
''I do. Is there a problem?'' Y/N's face is stone cold, and Johanna can't help but think it was much more intimidating than a weapon in her hands.
''A problem? Y/N, she is a child killer! What would your poor father say to that?''
''And what would my father say to his friend trying to sleep with his daughter?"
The man's face grows red. ''I was trying to help you, ungrateful bitch.''
''One more word,'' Johanna warns.
The man throws a glance at her axe before quickly getting into the car. He is rich, Johanna thinks—not a lot of people can afford cars here. She watches the auto disappear in the next turn before turning to Y/N.
''You should've told me he was bothering you sooner.''
''He was a family friend.'' She shrugs. ''And a dick, apparently.''
Johanna chuckles. ''So, where's the wood?''
Y/N looks at her, confused. ''In the forest, I assume?''
''Mac told me you need help cutting it.''
Y/N laughs. ''That little shit.''
Johanna can't help but notice how pretty she looks like that.
''You don't look bad yourself, with an axe and everything. It suits you.''
Mason feels her legs take a step closer to Y/N, their eyes meeting.
''Can I?'' she asks, but Y/N is quicker; she presses her lips to hers.
It's calm. For the first time in years, Johanna feels calm. They pull away after a few moments, Y/N's arms still intertwined with hers—the one without an axe, of course.
''I haven't been hugged in years,'' Johanna admits.
''Well, that should feel nice then.''
They stay like this, just holding each other - as much as Johanna doesn't want to admit it, it does feel nice.
''Are you finished eating each other's faces?'' Mac asks, his eyes purposefully shut.
Johanna feels Y/N giggle in her chest. ''Tell him he has five seconds to run as far as he can.''
She smiles too, watching the boy vanish into the house. Maybe, just maybe, being alive has its perks.
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unabashegirl · 2 years
Golden boy
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In honor of Argentina finally winning the World Cup and Messi finally fulfilling his dream, I decided to write this one shot. I really hope you enjoy it and if you are from Argentina then FELICITACIONES ENSERIO SE LO MERECEN!
Let me know if you want to make this a series with different scenarios and stuff.
Anything in blue is commentary!
“Are you sure you packed everything?” She asked, walking into the bedroom. He was standing by his suitcase preparing everything for his departure to Qatar. “See? This is what happens when you don’t let me help you”.
“You start doubting my packing abilities?” Y/N playfully slapped his chest and handed him a cup of tea that she had just prepared. “I think I got enough experience in this” His hand brushed past her small bump.
She was pregnant with their second child. Although the public had no idea about it. She had been hiding in their house ever since she found out. Just as a precaution. Y/N was incredibly grateful of all the fans and support, but they could get a little crazy, and her first priority was keeping their unborn child safe.
“Last time you felt to the Euro cup with only a pair of briefs. Of course, I do!” Harry laughed at his fiancé then drank the tea. “Are you excited?” He frowned, running his fingers through his long hair.
“M’nervous. Everyone talks so much shit, and it hasn’t even started” He had been blasted all over national news since the last tournament. He was brutally criticized by his ability to score in the national team. Harry contributed and had scored more goals than the majority of the team, yet it was never enough for the British sports press.
“Don’t pay attention. More than half of them have never even touched a ball” They were quick to point fingers, but none of them had played against the best football players of the world. Y/n helped him fold a few more t-shirts and socks that he had decided to take. “Look at everything you have achieved, darling. This trophy doesn’t define the class of player you are”.
“You don’t understand pup. I own this to my country. I would give up every other trophy just so I can win one world cup”. Harry had been growing anxious as the date of the inauguration approached. Y/N would wake up to pee in the middle of the night and notice he was missing. Only to find him downstairs watching the repetitions of other football matches.
“Alright” She exhaled, “We’ll come meet you at the quarterfinals” Y/N was traveling with the rest of the wags after the group stage. “Just know that whatever happens we love you, and we’ll support you no matter what”.
Harry wrapped his arms around her way waist and pressed her body against his.
“Wha’ I would do with yeh?” He pecked her lips and then her forehead.
“Leave to the other side of the world with only a pair of underwear?” Harry laughed and leaned down to kiss her, but before he could press his lips against hers, he heard a noise.
“There you are! Where were you?” Harry asked as he walked up to him. “I thought you weren’t going to say bye bye” He squat down and lifted him off the floor.
“He was at the park, right baby?” Nathaniel Styles was the spitting image of his father. He had his eyes and wild brown curls and according to his pediatrician he was going to be just as tall. Y/N had just carried him. It was as if Harry had a baby with himself.
“You are sweaty. You need to take a bath” Harry brushed back his messy curls and tried to take his shirt off noticing how flushed he was. His tiny arms hugged Harry, and he pressed his head against his father’s hard chest. “How about daddy gives you one whilst mommy makes dinner?”
“Perfect. Have fun!”
Next morning, Harry departed early in the morning. His family stood by the front door of their house and waved him goodbye.
The World Cup started later that week. Harry had Facetimed his little family the morning before the match.
“I knew you had forgotten something!” Y/N said as soon as he accepted the call.
“Sunscreen! Look how burned you are!” Y/N giggled at how sun kissed he was.
“I am fine! Qatar has just been rough. It’s too hot and training got the best of me” Thankfully the national team had arrived a few days earlier to adapt to the hot temperatures. “How is Nate and our baby?”
“Nate has been wanting to wear his daddy’s number every day. He is excited to see you play, and the baby is alright. We just miss you and wish the best”
“I love you”
“I love you more”
That evening, Y/N sat in the living room with Nate and Harry’s family. All of them extremely anxious and nervous for him but hopeful that they were going to win every match.
England vs Wales was the first match. Harry started on the bench, yet he seemed very relax and serine. The first forty-five minutes hadn’t ended when Harry was called into the field.
The game instantly changed. Harry helped opened up the field and was able to assist Rashford in their first goal in the second half of the match. Everyone jumped and cheered as Harry and his teammates celebrated. The second goal came along very quickly. Rashford had scored again.
At minute seventy-one, Harry received a perfectly good pass. He dashed through the field, dribbling past Gareth Bale and Wales’ defense. With the speed and momentum he had, he just slightly kicked the ball over the goalkeeper and scored. The stadium erupted in cheers.
Harry ran up to the camera and brew a kiss right at it knowing that his family was watching. After all they were his biggest fans.
Back in England, Y/N hugged with the entire family. She couldn’t believe his talent and his ability to make it seem so effortless. Shorty after the final whistle was blown and England had defeated Wales.
Y/N felt extremely proud of the team as she watched them clapping and hand shaking the other team.
This was the first of many. England advanced to the quarterfinals and Y/N was expected to fly to Qatar. Unfortunately, Nathaniel had caught the flu and the pediatrician advised her to not fly with him. So, they agreed on her flying for the semifinals and soon Y/N was on an airplane with Nate on their way to see his father in Qatar.
“You are here!” Katie Goodman smiled as she ran into Y/N in the lobby of the hotel. She was Harry Kane’s wife and a sort of mentor to the young wives of the national team. “Look at him! He is so big. You look so much like your dad!”
“He does! I wish he had a bit of me” Y/N pouted, bouncing him on her hip.
“Ms. Y/L/N?” the receptionist tried capturing her attention, “These are your room keys and credit card. I hope you enjoy your stay”.
“Thank you! Have a great day” She smiled and shoved the keys in her back pocket and her credit card into her purse. “Have you seen the boys already?”
“I did for breakfast. They are alright. Somewhat nervous but excited to play. Harry has been doing a phenomenal job hasn’t he?” Y/N smiled and nodded vigorously.
“He is” Y/N smiled proudly.
“Listen, we are all having dinner together like around six. Are you coming?”
“Of course. Let me just freshen up and put Nate down for a nap. I’ll meet you down there” Y/N was also in desperate need of a nap and a shower.
“Perfect” Katie smiled and went away.
Y/N went up to her room and did as she said. She took a shower after putting Nate down and got into bed too. Her feet were killing her and so was her back. Thankfully she had decided to wear a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers for every match. Obviously with Harry’s number at the back. Y/N made sure to send a text to Harry letting him know that they had arrived and were safe.
“Oh I missed you!” Harry blew on Nate’s chubby cheeks and hugged him close as possible. The family reunited for dinner time with the rest of the teammates and their respective families. “Wha' is mummy giving you that you look bigger since I last saw you?” He tickled his tummy making him squirm and giggle. “And you look beautiful” Harry shifted his attention towards his soon-to-be wife.
“I’ve missed you” Harry gripped her chin and pulled her into a sweet kiss. “I’ve missed all of you” He whispered in her ear and planted a kiss on the side of her neck.
“Stop it” She giggled and pushed him away. “You aren’t allowed to until you finish”.
“You are no fun” he pouted even though he knew that she was right. He wasn’t allowed to have sex which was the reason that their wives slept in different rooms for the rest of the match. “We could seek and have some fun”
“Fun got us pregnant last time” Harry smiled as he remembered that night of the Champions League. They had snuck into the locker rooms after the game and after lots of convincing they had sex.
After having a nice meal, they all retired to their respective bedrooms in preparations for the semifinals
The semi-finals were upon them. Harry had been benched for the first half. He didn’t mind it. He had been having some pain in his shin. Therefore, the coach wanting to preserve it had asked him to sit out.
It was 0-0 and people were getting desperate for a goal. Y/N watched from the box, she carried Nate as he soundlessly slept on her chest. He was definitely his son. Football matches were like a white noise machine for him. She was kinda disappointed that Harry wasn’t playing, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t paying attention.
After the first half and seeing the disappointing results. The coach decided to put Harry in. He needed someone to connect and assist the forwards. The match was going nowhere if he didn’t replace a player.
“Your boy is going in” Katie winked at Y/N, she already had a big smile on her face. She watched him stand on the sideline waiting for the referee to substitute. He pulled on his socks and stretched his ankles. Meanwhile, the coach was whispering to him exactly what he wanted to see.
England is having a first substitution. Harry Styles with number 9 is joining. Hopefully, he is what England needs to score. What do you think Jerry?
I think he is a very strong asset for the team. He reads well all the signals given my Kane and the rest of his teammates. He is also very observant and knows where to come in and create plays.
He is quite the player. He has scored or assisted on every single match. And there he goes, Jerry.
Maguire. Saka. Bellingham. Styles. Styles against two defenders. He kicks it with the left to Rashford. Rashford andddd it’s a corner kick!
We are finally getting some action here, John.
Kane kicks it. It bounces off. Styles gets it back and centers it. Rashford kicks it and GOAL FROM ENGLAND!
It’s coming home John!
It really is Jerry!
The game ends 2-0 with another goal but from Bellingham.
Kane ran up to Harry and hugged him tightly as cameras snapped pictures of them.
“Holy shit!” Harry exclaimed while Kane threw his arm over him and laughed.
“We did it!” Kane yelled as the fans went crazy over the pair.
“Styles!” A reporter from the FIFA called out to him for an interview. “What an amazing performance! Congratulations”
“Thank you” He smiled, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
“Breathtaking goal. How are you going to celebrate?”
“With my teammates and my family and preparing for the next match” Harry smiled, “My fiancé and my son arrived yesterday, so I want to spend some time with him”
“Thank you Styles”
“Thank you” he said and walked off the field. He was exhausted and desperately needed a long shower. “Hello?” he called out as he walked into the Y/N’s bedroom.
“Hi! Man of the Match” she winked, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Hi m’love” he was proud of himself. He finally felt like he was being able to show his talent. He felt like people were finally considering him as a decent football player. “Look at you so pretty in my shirt” Harry cocky winked. He hands untucked her shirt and slipped his hands over her skin.
“Harry” she warned, she could see his eyes burn with passion and his pupils dilated. “We can’t! I really want to but no”.
“No one is going to know m’love” he pushed her hair back, uncovering her neck, “don’t you think I deserve it?” he unbuttoned her jeans, his hands dipped into her pants and backside.
“What about Nate? He is sleeping in the other room” Her hands tangled with his hair as he assaulted her neck with kisses and bites.
“exactly he is sleeping” he guided her back towards the bed. “Just let me have a little taste” Harry gently laid her on the bed and finish taking off her pants. “Look at my pretty pup. You’ve been wearing these all day?” he pulled on a hot pink thong.
“Yes” she nodded, “for you”.
“Christ” Harry exhaled taking it off before burying his head between her legs.
“Whatever happens today. I’ll be forever proud of you” Harry was ready for the match and the team was about to leave for the stadium. They held each other’s hands and had their foreheads pressed against one another.
“I love you”
“You got this. This is just another game” She whispered and kissed him. Harry kissed Nate too before waving at them one last time and leaving.
The stadium was filled with players from both England and Spain. Y/N couldn’t believe the amount of people wearing her husband's jersey. She felt an immense pride to be his. She had been with him since the beginning. She had been with him through the injuries and the club loans and more.
“I am about to shit myself” said Katie as she sat beside Y/N.
“You and me both”
“I am happy we are here, but what if god forbids they lose? What will we do? How do we comfort them?”
“I have no idea. I told Harry to treat it as another common match” Katie nodded as she finished out snacks from her tote bag for her kids.
“What? What did I miss?” Asantewa Chitty asked, walking in with a drink.
“Nothing yet just that I am shitting myself” The three of them laughed and waiting until the players came out and the match began.
“Whatever happens today. I’ll be forever proud of you” Harry was ready for the match and the team was about to leave for the stadium. They held each other’s hands and had their foreheads pressed against one another.
“I love you”
“You got this. This is just another game” She whispered and kissed him. Harry kissed Nate too before waving at them one last time and leaving.
The stadium was filled with players from both England and Spain. Y/N couldn’t believe the amount of people wearing her husbands jersey. She felt an immense pride to be his. She had been with him since the beginning. She had been with him through the injuries and the club loans.
“I am about to shit myself” said Katie as she sat beside Y/N.
“You and me both”
“I am happy we are here, but what if god forbids they lose? What will we do? How do we confort?”
“I have no idea. I told Harry to treat it as another common match” Katie nodded as she finished out snacks from her tote bag for her kids.
“What? What did I miss?” Asantewa Chitty asked, walking in with a drink.
“Nothing yet just that I am shitting myself” The three of them laughed and waiting until the players came out and the match began.
We are here at the final match of the World Cup. England versus Spain! What are you hoping to see today, Jerry?
I hope to see a very united England. I wish to see Style's magic and ability to connect those passes to Kane and Rashford.
The chemistry between those three is really something. I wish to see it because if not then we are going to have a terrible game.
“Please let them win” Y/N whispered as the match started.
We are twenty minutes in and still no goals. Although England is playing a spectacular game.
Kane recuperates the ball. He is so quick. He passes it to Rashford. He is looking for an opportunity and some space, but Spain’s defense is way too tight. Styles is wide open. Rashford back to Kane. Kane changes sides of the field. Styles receives the pass and kicks it. GOAL! Once again, Kane with his magic.
I swear that this Styles kid is going to become the next best thing in the world of football.
I have no doubt. This performance today is indispensable
1-0 winning England! Let’s go boys. You can all do it.
At the end of the first half England was winning the match with two goals against Spain. That was until Morata scored the first goal in minute 85’ and then they scored a penalty shot.
Harry couldn’t believe how they had lost control of the match with only five minutes left. He sighted and ran his fingers through this hair.
Y/N could see that he was extremely stressed. She could also tell that he was exhausted and frustrated. It hurt her seeing him like that. She wished she could make turn back time to when they were winning.
90’ minute came around and there was a short break. They were going to play 30’ more minutes in 15’ minutes halves.
Harry drank some water and sat for a second as the coach lectured them. The tension that was building was too thick. The fans had stopped cheering as reality set in. Y/N’s words kept replaying in her mind. He had to think and treat it like another match. The pressure was too much.
10 minutes into the 15’ half Harry scored a beautiful goal. He had seen the opportunity and had taken a shot at it. Harry knelt on the floor and blew a kiss towards the box where Y/N and Nate sat.
“Dadda” Nate called out as they showed Harry on the big screens. Y/N wiped the tears with the back of her hand as she bounced him.
“That’s right m’love. That is daddy” And so the game ended.
England is the WORLD CHAMPION! You heard it right! The rookie Harry Styles has scored the winning goal! What a game! IT’S GOING HOME
Everyone piled on Harry as the stadium erupted with cheers. Harry quickly got back into his own feet and waved to Y/N to come down with Nathaniel. He wanted to enjoy the moment with them because everything he had done had been for them.
“Harry!” Y/N called out as she ran to him. He hugged her and got her off her feet, spinning her around. “Congratulations m’love” she covered her face with kisses. Harry's mother walked up to them, carrying Nate with teary eyes.
“Thank you darlin. All for you three” he kissed her and put her down.
“Congratulations honey” Anne hugged him tightly and handed him Nate. “What a game!”
“Thanks mum” he kissed her forehead then turned to his son.
“I’ve missed you. Are you ready to go home?” He kissed his cheeks and held his world. Proud of himself. Proud to be from England.
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bubblepopsims · 7 months
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previous- next Noah and Josiah spice
Script under the cut
[Josiah: “*groans* We need to get up..”] [Noah: “No. I am drawing the curtains. We only slept for 4 hours.. maybe. Who fucking meets at 9am?”] 2.0 [Josiah: “*chuckles* A very very anxious sister and bestfriend.”] [Noah: “Well.. *chuckles before sighing heavily* That’s cute and all.. but after our flight being delayed Mulitple times yesterday. Might I add.”] 2.1 [Noah: “I am allowed to be grumpy.”] [Josiah chuckles and crawls his way out of bed: “okay little grumpypants.”] [Noah: “Hey, where are you going?”] 2.3 [Josiah’s thoughts: “Oh look at him!] [Noah: “If it’s coffee, I want some.Please”] [Josiah’s thoughts: “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HE IS SO FUCKING CUTE!!! FUCK ME UP!”] [Josiah: “mhmm…”] 2.4 [Josiah: “You know what? It can wait.”] 2.5 [Noah: “*chuckles* oh yeah? Once again it seems like everything is going against me. First I had to get up early, and now I am being denied coffee.. how is this benefiting me exactly?”] 2.6 [Josiah: “I’m going to show you.”] 3 [Juju: “Why did you stop it?? We were getting to the good part!”] [Izzi: “Baby, by all means watch it in your free time.. But I cant see Josiah doing anything remotely filthy *laughs* fuck god. Him even just being sexy… No.”] 4 [Izzi: That fucker is truly a brother to me. I am all for him getting it on and being in love.. but I am okay..”] [Juju: “Well. I’m curious so ill be poking and you will probably too just because you cant help yourself from not knowing.”] [Izzi: “Fuck you*laughs* Valid. Alright we can watch it later.”] Ruby and Tobias portion [Juju: “I cant..”] [Izzi: “What?”] [Juju: “WHAT do you mean WHAT?? She is not real dude.. she is squatting…. What is that like..80 pound weights plus bar..i cant read what it says on the weight for shit..”] [Izzi: “To my surprise of not being surprised… the weights says 20…yeah 40 each, plus bar.. squatting atleast over 100 including the bread that baking.. Tobias calls it a bun. *Laughs*”] [Juju: “I want ti see tis woman in the ring… Fuck WHY couldn’t you guys just sucked it the fuck up nd TALKED sooner?!?!?!!?!?!? We could have seen her DESTROOOOYYYYY!”] [Izzi: “*Laughs* don’t worry. We will see her one day.”] 1 [Ruby: “You know I find you sexy when you are annoyed with me.. you always get this “I am debating on what I am going to do with you” look in your eyes..”] [Tobias: “I am very annoyed that this little thing that you are doing right now is Turning me on, making me forget that I am annoyed at the fact you are still working your body lie you are not fucking pregnant.”] 2 [Ruby: “Tobias, did you really think I was going to stop? The Doctor has yet to tell me to stop.. Soooo until that day comes, I the future fucking Mother of your dorky cute buns will be making sure that the buns are incubated in a unbreachable stronghold which is me.”] [Tobias: “Mmmm..Unbreachable? You sure about that? Mind if I take a chance at it?”] 3 [Juju: “*chuckles* Pervert. But if you must know.. Ruby totally blue balled him.”] [Izzi: “unapologetically at best.”]
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creative-heart · 4 months
"Love's Blossom"| Enzo Vogrincic
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Chapter 3: “Hope’s Flicker”
Lucia’s Notes: First off, I wanna say thank you for holding on and waiting for me, this whole moving thing has been way harder than I expected, and trying to balance work and this new life and city hasn’t been easy. But Alass! I have been able to get back into writing! 
CONTENT WARNINGS: This one has major warnings for miscarriages; fighting/arguing and general tension (I’m sorry but angst is what I do best LOL). Grief and mourning. I promise it will get better, probably next chapter!  Word Count: 2.7K
Song for this chapter: "I will carry you"- Selah
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As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, both Enzo and Y/N could feel the tension growing tougher and tougher between them. They were on the fifth cycle of trying to get pregnant and each month, the single blue line would dig a deeper well between them, the sex started to feel like a duty they had to fulfill, a routine, they were certainly not enjoying it anymore. When they looked at yet another negative test one afternoon and Y/N excited the bathroom without uttering a single word, it all started to go downhill. They were both anxious, irritated, and, overall sad that it had been almost six months since they had started trying to have a baby with no success. Y/N had even started wondering if maybe there was something wrong with her. 
Arguments over the smallest things were not strange now when they had never had a serious fight before in all their years together. One evening, as he had been trying to do all the same to try and get his girlfriend out more Enzo walked into their bedroom and smiled “Hey love, I was thinking maybe we could go to the movies and then for some dinner? the Thai restaurant you love has added some new dishes to their menu and I thought we could try them?” Y/N glared at him from her curled-up position in bed putting her phone down for just a second.
“it’s almost 9 pm Enzo, really you wanna go out now? you know I need to sleep well if we want to try and get any chances of having a baby, and Thai food? it’s spicy, same thing! are you really on board with this? or are you trying to sabotage it? Just let me know so I can stop fucking worrying about it!” The brunette snapped at the older guy who stood at the doorway looking at her blinking. “You truly have gone mad woman, I was just trying to get you out of that fucking bed and showered, you smell, you haven’t gotten up in three days and I’m fucking worried, but have it your way! I’m sleeping in the guest room tonight! I’m tired of being your damn punching ball! Do you think this doesn’t affect me? I want to have a baby just as much as you do, and it hurts me seeing you this sad, so if you wanna blame someone, blame God, the Universe, or whatever you want, but not me!” 
The raven-haired guy turned around and walked to the guest room taking a deep breath, he wondered if he had maybe taken it a bit too far, but the truth was he was tired of being at the receiving end of his girlfriend’s anger. As much as he could understand how she must be feeling and how draining this whole process had been for her, he knew he didn’t deserve this, he’d been as supportive as possible, and he had put his sadness to the side to hold her in her worst moments. Enzo was tired, if this didn’t work soon, he wouldn’t put it past them to either look at other options or end up separating.
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The days went by slowly, and Y/N looked at her calendar once more frowning before looking at her boyfriend, things hadn’t been the best since that argument, but they both tried putting on a brave face “I should have gotten my period a week ago…should I?” she bit her lip hard, the truth was she knew she should test, but she couldn’t take another negative. Enzo looked up from his book and looked at her “A week? I think it’s worth it, I’ll look at it for you if you want me to.” He kissed her head before getting up and offering her a hand. Y/N took a deep breath before taking his hand. Just that morning they had been talking about the possibility of visiting a fertility doctor, maybe there was something wrong with them and they needed some help to get pregnant.
The younger went by the steps mechanically, she had done this way too many times these past few months. After taking the test she put it back down on the bathroom sink counter and covered it up before walking out of the bathroom and looking at her boyfriend with pleading eyes. “I can’t look” He nodded and kissed her forehead long “I’ve got you baby” he whispered and walked into the room closing the door behind his back. He took a deep breath, it wasn’t like it was easy for him, but he would take all the pain in the world if it meant easing the weight off the love of his life’s shoulders at least a little bit. The Uruguayan stared at the test as it processed, he knew they took three minutes, but he’d go insane if he did anything else. He blinked repeatedly when he saw the result start to show on the little screen, was he hallucinating? maybe he was, but he saw the two lines clear as day. Enzo grabbed the test and swung the bathroom door open to find a crunched-down Y/N on the other end of the hallway chewing at her lips. She looked up when she heard the door and sighed seeing the tears in her boyfriend’s eyes and thinking that yet again it was negative and letting herself slide down the wall “Maybe we should just stop trying and go see an adoption agency or something” she mumbled.
Enzo smiled big at her “Oh, stop trying we will..but because I’m scared I’ll hurt my baby if I poke into you with my dick…it’s positive my love!” he chuckled letting the tears roam freely down his face, Y/N’s face shot up when she heard him saying those words. “You’re not joking, are you? please tell me it’s not another one of your jokes because I’ll kill you if it is” The girl took the hand being offered to her to get up from the floor and looked at the stick Enzo showed her, her breath catching in the back of her throat, eyes wide open with shock and surprise as she kept her eyes glued to the two blue lines on the screen “I’m pregnant” she whispered “this is actually happening”, her hands flying to her stomach instinctively as protection.
After the initial shock had worn off and they cuddled on the couch, Y/N laying in Enzo’s arms as his hands rubbed her lower tummy gently she whispered, “I don’t think I wanna tell anyone yet, I want to go see my doctor, make sure everything is okay and once we’re out of the first trimester, let people in on our little secret, I want this to be our moment”. Enzo hummed softly keeping his eyes closed as they were, the same smile he had when he found out still plastered on his face, “Alright my love, whatever makes you feel more secure and at ease, I’m here to support your every decision, you know that”.
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After what felt like an eternity, they were finally called in by the doctor. Y/N explained the whole situation when she found out, when her last period had been, and how the journey had been going the whole show. As her doctor nodded taking notes on her laptop Enzo sat beside the brunette his hand never leaving her knee as his leg bounced anxiously. “Okay, so by the dates you gave me, I’m assuming you might be around 6 weeks along, but I wanna get an ultrasound to be sure and to hear the baby’s heartbeat as well, make sure everything’s going as it should and give you both the first glance at your little pea because that’s around the size this little one will be right now”. She guided them both over to the stretcher and handed Y/N a gown as she turned the machine on “I’m going to go grab some more paper towels while you get changed into the robe okay?” she said exiting the room. Y/N nodded and when she was gone proceeded to take her clothes off from the waist down and put on the gown before laying down on the bed “Wait a second, why are you butt naked?” Enzo frowned confused, his brow deepening at his girlfriend’s laughter “from what I’ve read, baby is still too small to be seen with a normal outdoor ultrasound, so the doctor will have to use this little thing here and insert it in my lady bits to be able to get a look at our little one” she pointed to the internal prove. As she looked at the tan-skinned man’s face her laughter got louder seeing his horrified face.
Shortly after, the doctor returned and started the ultrasound checking everything was as it should. “Okay, images seem to confirm what I thought, you’re around six weeks along, embryo looks healthy, let’s try and hear the heartbeat okay?” she turned on the sound on the machine, and sure enough, a rapid thud came flowing out of the machine. Enzo, who hadn’t let go of Y/N’s hand for one second since the ultrasound started, kissed the back of her hand before quickly wiping his tears, that was his baby’s heartbeat, a real baby, half him, half the love of his life, he couldn’t be happier.  
As the days went by, Y/N was surely feeling the symptoms of this pregnancy, her boobs were killing her, she felt tired all the time, she was starving and nauseated all at the same time so everything she ate made her feel sick. Most of her days were spent laying on the couch watching TV or in bed curled with a good book. Enzo preferred it that way, not like he enjoyed seeing her feel bad, but her being lying down gave him a sense of peace about her and the baby being okay which he enjoyed.
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Things were going smoothly, even their relationship had gotten stronger, they were both ecstatic and over the moon about this little one on the way. They knew it was still early to consider being out of the blue, but they couldn’t help but start fantasizing about what the baby would look like, if they would have Enzo’s brown eyes, or Y/N’s hazel ones, who their features would take after, what the baby’s temper would be like. So when around Y/N’s eleventh week of gestation, Enzo had to get out of town for a week or so to do a photo shoot for a new movie he was going to start working on the brunette encouraged him to go, she was going to be just fine on her own.
One hot summer afternoon Y/N hurried through the aisles of the grocery store, her shopping list clutched tightly in her hand. The fluorescent lights buzzed overhead, casting a harsh glow on the rows of products. She had been feeling a bit off all day but chalked it up to the usual pregnancy symptoms. After all, at eleven weeks along, she was still adjusting to the constant waves of nausea and fatigue that had been bothering her for almost three months.
As she reached for a box of cereal, a sudden, sharp pain pierced her abdomen. She gasped, doubling over and clutching her stomach. The pain was intense, like a knife twisting deep inside her. She took a few shallow breaths, trying to steady herself. “Are you okay, ma’am?” A concerned voice broke through her haze of pain. A young store employee. who couldn’t be older than 19  stood nearby, his eyes wide with worry.Y/N nodded weakly, though she wasn’t sure she believed it herself. “Just a cramp, I think,” she managed to say, forcing a smile. But as she straightened up, she felt something wet and warm trickling down her leg. Her heart pounded in her chest as she glanced down, her breath catching in her throat at the sight of blood seeping down her sundress. Panic surged through her, and she grabbed the edge of the shelf to steady herself.
“I need to get to the hospital,” she said, her voice trembling. The employee’s face paled, and he quickly called for help. Within minutes, another employee arrived with a wheelchair and helped Y/N into it. They wheeled her to the front of the store, where an ambulance was already pulling up. The paramedics moved quickly, transferring her to a stretcher and into the back of the ambulance and all she could think of was needing Enzo by her side. Tears streamed down Y/N’s face as the sirens wailed, the pain in her abdomen growing worse with each passing second. The paramedics spoke in low, urgent tones, their faces grim. She clutched her belly, whispering prayers for her baby, fear gripping her heart.
At the ER, the chaos was immediate. Nurses and doctors swarmed around her, asking questions and starting IV lines. Y/N could barely focus on their words, her mind spinning with terror and grief she didn’t know when, but amid all that chaos, she could utter to the nurse beside her to call her emergency contact on her phone. They whisked her into an exam room, and a kind-faced doctor leaned over her, explaining that they needed to do an ultrasound. The room fell silent as the doctor moved the wand over her abdomen. Y/N stared at the monitor, her vision blurred by tears. She knew, even before the doctor spoke in the deepest pit of her heart, what the outcome would be. The absence of the tiny, flickering heartbeat on the screen confirmed her worst fear.
“I’m so sorry,” the doctor said softly, his eyes full of compassion. “You’re having a miscarriage.” The brunette wasn’t even sure she understood English when the doctor spoke, his words sounded foreign and distant.Y/N’s world shattered in that moment. The room seemed to close in around her, the sounds of the hospital fading to a distant hum. She felt a sob rise in her throat, and she let it out, a wail of pure anguish that echoed through the sterile room. The nurse beside her squeezed her hand, offering what little comfort she could.
Hours later, Y/N lay in a hospital bed, the pain in her body now dulled by medication but the ache in her heart raw and relentless. The room was quiet, save for the occasional beep of the monitor. She stared at the ceiling, feeling hollow and empty. The loss was overwhelming, a black hole of grief and pain. She had never imagined this could happen, had never prepared for this kind of heartbreak. The future she had envisioned for herself and her family had been ripped away in an instant. That’s when she felt the tight grip on her hand and the familiar warmth inside her when Enzo kissed her forehead long, he wasn’t even trying to hide his tears. As soon as he received that call from an unknown number hours earlier, he knew, he knew in his gut something was wrong with Y/N, and when he heard the nurse say in that grim tone the words girlfriend, hospital, baby, he knew, he couldn’t hear anything else he hopped on the first plane that would take him home and 5 hours earlier, he was next to the love of his life, she looked as if she wasn’t there, it was like he was holding a mannequin’s hand, but he was there and Enzo knew she could feel him beside her. “I’m sorry for leaving you, I should have never gone” he whispered closing his eyes, he felt so guilty about it, as if this somehow was his fault.
But even in the depths of his sorrow, a small, fragile part of him held onto hope. Enzo knew the road ahead would be long and difficult, especially for Y/N, but he was determined to make sure they would survive this, to find a way to heal. For now, though, he allowed themselves to grieve, to mourn the loss of the little life they had already loved so dearly.
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P.S: This got way darker and personal than I had anticipated, but I like the way it came out. I will try and get to writing the next one today as well, to make sure it gets on here ASAP because I don’t want to leave you all on a down note for too long! I promise the flood of fluff coming your way with this will make up for this darker tone. As usual, your likes, comments and reblogs are super nice and encouraging to receive, I will not ask for a certain amount, but I do really enjoy the interactions. If you wanna be part of the taglist, please just comment so down here and I'll make sure to add you to it. 😘😘😘
Taglist: @madame-fear @lastflowrr @koiibiito @luceracastro @candycanes19 @castawaycherry @deepinsideyourbeing @cyliarys-starlight @lxdyred @chiquititamia @expensivechimmy @nperoconelcositoarriba
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