#my angel flung out of space
falsenote · 2 years
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Christ Stopped at Eboli (1979)
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bringiton · 10 months
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🎄 25 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS → DAY FIFTEEN 🎄 CAROL (2015), dir. Todd Haynes "My angel. Flung out of space."
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cookybananas · 3 months
Do I Know You? Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker x Reader {Part. II}
author's note: here is part two aka the final chapter to my alternate universe/timeline!au fic. I wasn't expecting to release this chapter so late, but here it is!
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summary: Where Darth Vader is sent on a mission and finds himself traveling through another timeline and meets another version of you were you aren't dead. part I: Do I Know You? I
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Obi-Wan took his saber off his belt and held it firmly in his grasp now. "Let's try this one more time. You will leave at once and return to where you once came." Obi-Wan stated.
Vader's demeanor shifted. The dark side influencing him to become more angry by the moment. He grew impatient at this, other Obi-Wan, standing in his way between his wife once again. With a hiss of his helmet, Vader's helmet was back on his head again. His vision now giving him the advantage to see in the dark penthouse.
"You will not take her away from me, again." Darth Vader's mechanical voice boomed as he lit his red lightsaber. "You will surrender her over to me alas."
"Oh I don't think so." Obi-Wan lit up his blue lightsaber as he got into his fighting position.
I stirred around in my bed. Something felt off, I could feel it in my stomach. My eyes shot opened at the faint sound of what sounded like lightsaber clashing.
Artoo had awaken from his rest state and beeped quietly at me, telling me that there was something or someone was here.
I stuck my hand under my pillow to pull out my handy blaster. I haven't needed to use it yet, but it was a precaution in situations like this. I got out the bed and cracked the door open ajar.
"Someone's here Artoo." I whispered to him, to which he quietly beeped in response.
I opened the door wider, only to see Obi-Wan's blue lightsaber clashing with a red lightsaber.
"There is no need to resist me." A deep, mechanical voice spoke. "Search your feelings Obi-Wan, only then you will know that I was once your appreintience, Anakin Skywalker."
I raise up my blaster, trying to find the person Obi-Wan was fighting, but it didn't help that it was dark and I couldn't tell who was who and what I would be aiming at specifically.
After moments of locking on the person Obi-Wan was fighting, I took a shot at what looked like his torso. A booming mechanical cry was heard, but that wasn't enough to take him down. In fact, it made him angrier. He used the force and threw Obi-Wan across the room and into the wall.
"Don't move! I'll shoot you again." I spoke up, my breath shaking. My other hand searching to find the light switch on the wall next to me. I turned on the lights only to be met face to face with the tall masked figure that was couple of feet from me. I pointed the blaster at his head, my hands shaking.
His breathing was mechanical. He sounded like a droid, but seemed human at the same time.
"Angel..." The tall figure said. My eyes widen, my blood ran cold as I froze in place. A nickname I haven't been called over year, a name I haven't been called since...Since Anakin's death. I gripped my blaster tighter, only for him to use the force and pull it out of my grasp and fling it across the room. I looked over to where Obi-Wan was on the ground unconscious.
Artoo rolled into the living space with a scream, attacking Vader's leg, only for him to be forced kicked across the room by Vader. This gave you time to run over to your blaster where Vader had flung it, but you couldn't move. That bastard was holding you in place with the force.
"Do not be afraid. I will not harm you." Vader spoke up, pulling you closer to him with the force. You were trying to wiggle out of his grasp, but it was no use.
"You will not harm me? Then release me this instant!" You exclaimed, still wiggling around the air, as he pulled you closer to him. You felt your feet touch the ground as he released his grasp from you. You were now standing face to face with Vader. "What is it that you want from me?" You brush out your silk nightgown as he stared at you in awe. You were slowly becoming uncomfortable under his gaze, but you wouldn't let yourself fold.
"Hello? Did you not hear me?" You asked again as you crossed your arms, your patience growing thinner.
"Apologies...I just." Vader mustered out, unable to find the words.
"You just what?"
You couldn't tell, but Vader was panicking under his suit. He didn't think this through, or what he would say to you if he faced you. You were very much alive, at least since the last time he saw you. Your e/c gleamed under the living room lights. Your locks of h/c hair were longer now, cascading down to your hips. Your lips were plump and rosy, just taunting Vader to smash his lips against yours.
Without thinking, Vader's hands had found his way up helmet once again. Hoping that this time you would give him a chance, unlike Obi-Wan who was a bit apprehensive and combative toward him. You watched in bewilderment as the person who was after you revealed himself as a humanoid man? But your shock didn't end there. Your eyes scanned all over Vader's face, analyzing it. You didn't know what to expect what this man would look like, but you weren't expecting him to look like this.
Vader's eyes were no longer yellow, but were his original cerulean colored eyes. You took a step closer to him as you cupped his face, your eyes meeting his. You couldn't believe it, you didn't want to believe it. His eyes were just like Anakin's, if not the exact same. Though Vader was now hairless and heavily scarred, he still resembled Anakin. In fact, there were still remnants of Anakin within Vader that he believed he had rid of years ago.
"I-it can't be..." You whispered out. It had been over a year since Anakin's death. There have been many nights where you dreamed of the life that both you and Anakin could have had after the war. How you would have left your position as senator, Anakin leaving the Jedi, just so you both could have a family somewhere in the star system. But every morning as you woke, it was a constant reminder that it was only a dream, and that every waking hour you were awake, it was a nightmare for you.
"Angel.." Anakin said softly, cupping your cheek. Your eyes were glossy now, tears slowly forming in the corner of your eyes.
You had dreams and hopes, hopes that one day both you and Anakin would find each other again. You couldn't care if Anakin had been reincarnated into a Wookie or some hideous creature, but as long as there were remnants of Anakin, you would be happy and content. Perhaps it had been the lament you had over the loss of Anakin or the loneliness you've endured the past year, you did everything and anything in your power to be with him once again.
Now, here he was, standing in front of you. Though he didn't look like the same Anakin you once knew and loved, but you had gut feeling that he was like Anakin at least.
"Ani...Is it really you?" You were desperate, desperately hoping that this was the Maker giving you another chance to have your happy ending with Anakin.
Anakin nodded in response as you wiped away a tear that fell from his eyes. You let out a sob has you threw yourself into his strong arms, to which he engulfed your small frame. He held onto you tightly, afraid that you would slip away from him.
You pulled away from Anakin, your eyes meeting his once again. Smiling up at him, you stood on your tippy toes, inching closer to his face as you closed the gap between yourselves. Your lips were soft against Anakin's slightly chapped lips. The kiss soon turned passionate as Anakin's pressed you harder against him, his hands roaming up and down your body, desperate to touch every single inch of you.
You let out a small moan, however your passionate session came to an end when you heard someone clearing their throat. Both you and Anakin pulled away, turning your heads at Obi-Wan who shifted uncomfortably in his spot, clutching his elbow that had been injured.
"How long was I out for?" Obi-Wan spoke up, trying to shift the awkward mood between the three of you.
"A good 15 minutes I'd say?" You responded, your cheeks now tinted pink as you looked up at Anakin, before looking back at Obi-Wan.
"Well, I'm gonna go get some rest. If you need me, I will be in my chambers." With that, Obi-Wan swiftly made his way out of the living area and into his room. You couldn't help but giggle, as Anakin let out a chuckle. Obi-Wan definitely had been watching the both of you make out for a good minute or so before intervening.
Anakin let out a hiss, forgetting the fact that you had shot him earlier with your blaster. You looked at him with concern.
"Oh darling... Let's get you patched up." You tell Anakin, your hand gently brushing against the wound. To which Anakin sucked in a breath.
"Could you patch me up in your bedroom love?" Anakin spoke up. You rolled your eyes at his comment, before hooking your arm around his and leading him to your quarters.
thank you for reading!!! <3
tags: @mistress-amidala
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rhaenyra-the-gracious · 10 months
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My angel. Flung out of space.
CAROL (2015) Dir. Todd Haynes
↳ Rooney Mara as Therese Belivet & Cate Blanchett as Carol Aird
Happy, happy birthday, Nat @shinsabine!
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impale-me-radio-daddy · 4 months
The Lookalike (Part 8)
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☒ Summary: The first thing you remembered after your death was an argument. “No, this isn’t one of my fucking sluts.” The man behind you exhaled, frustrated. “This is a present for you. Something to help you work through your Alastor fixation.” You awaken in Hell as the near-spitting image of a certain infamous radio host. Unfortunately for you, you immediately fall into the clutches of his nemesis, then into the arms of the Radio Demon himself. 
☒ Warnings: hermaphrodite!reader, deer!reader, crying!reader, they/them pronouns used, Alastor X reader, explicit content, tentacle sex, bottom!Alastor, reference to drugs, reader is in Hell for a reason, canon typical scenarios.
☒ Series Links: Part I Part2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 6 BONUS SCENE Part 7 Part 9 Epilogue
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Ever since Niffty had mistaken an expensive cock ring for an insect and attempted to kill it, the duty of cleaning Angel Dust’s room had been solely yours. You traipsed down to his wing of the hotel, pushing the cleaning and laundry hamper in front of you, and after a cursory listen and knock on the door, you went in.
You’d worked a few different jobs in your mortal life, and more than a few of them had been janitorial. You knew the drill; stripping and changing out the bedding, emptying the bins and cleaning any surface that looked soiled. Angel’s pet pig Fat Nuggets followed you from point to point, and you stopped sporadically to bend down and scratch the critter behind the ears.
When Angel Dust returned, you were scrubbing the floor of the shower, thinking of a time you’d butchered a kill in a similar space; the tray not wide enough to properly lay out the body horizontally. People such as yourself were, out of necessity, not squeamish. It had been hard to get the blood out of the grouting, and whatever Angel had left in the shower was giving you similar grief.
“Hey, Stunt Double! Ya in there?” called Angel as he walked in, dumping his bag on the bed.
You backed out of the bathroom, cleaning tools still in hand, and smiled at him. “Hello, Angel.”
“So it is you cleaning this place.” Angel tilted his head as Fat Nuggets emerged from the bathroom behind you to greet him, and he picked up the pig in his arms. “I was wonderin’ who was puttin’ all my butt plugs in size order.”
“I could do them by color, if you prefer,” you offered, pulling another bottle of cleaning fluid from the trolley, and Angel laughed.
“Neah, size is fine.” He flopped back onto his bed, arms splayed. “Man, I am beat.”
“Should I come back later?” you asked, but Angel just shook his head.
“Just do what you gotta,” he said. “It’s what they pay ya for.”
You gave a noise of surprise. “You have money in Hell?”
Angel lifted his head. “You’ve been here how long and don’t know that?”
You shrugged, heading back into the bathroom with more bleach. “People usually just give me things.”
“What happens when no-one wants to give you what you want?”
You took a couple steps backward into Angel’s room again. “Give me your phone for half an hour.”
“What?” He narrowed his eyes. “Why?”
“Because,” you said, reaching into your pocket. “If you do, I’ll give you this baggie of mysterious white power I found in your room last week before Charlie searched it.” You dangled the drugs in front of Angel with a flourish. You had found them inside the cistern whilst fixing the toilet.
Angel leaned forwards, still squinting. “Those were my drugs.”
“They were,” you said, tilting your head. “And they could be again, for the low, low price of let me search the internet for half an hour.”
“Jeez, fine-” Angel dug in his corset for his phone and flung it at you. “There. Now, gimme.”
You caught the phone with a grin, tossing the drugs into Angel’s lap. “Pleasure doing business,” you said, taking a seat on the corner of Angel’s bed as you unlocked his phone. Alastor had specified you should work, but not how hard.
Angel looked between you, Fat Nuggets, and the drugs, quickly coming to the decision that you were the most interesting of the three. Pivoting with one leg, he rotated so that his head was level with your hip, and looked up at you. “Whatcha searchin’?”
“Overlords,” you said, and when Angel frowned, you added. “Alastor is sending me to some sort of get together and I don’t know what any of them look like.”
“Well, why didn’t ya say so?” Angel reached out to take his phone back, and you handed it over. “I have most of ‘em on sinstagram, ‘cept for Smiles of course. Here.”
You looked over Angel’s head as he swiped through a photo reel, mostly candid shots of the overlords at parties, pointing out both the overlords themselves and any major lackeys. It was information with much greater worth than a few grams of toilet cocaine, and Angel was more than happy to talk as you pressed him on details.
“There’s this rumor that Carmilla and Zestial are an item but I don’t buy it. Friends, sure, but old Zee’s a queen if I ever saw one, and Carmine’s not the type ta keep that kinda thing a secret.”
Angel scrolled to the next picture. “And of course I don’t need ta tell you about the television guy,” he said. “Hey, you want some of this coke?”
You laughed, a small shake of your head. “Thanks though. I’ve got everything I want now.”
“You’ve got everything you want?” Angel rolled over, his expression suddenly sultry as he propped his chin up on his hands. “You sure about that, Stunt Double?”
You nodded. “Oh, you wouldn’t believe.”
Angel deflated. “Smiles must be some lay, huh.”
You grinned. “I’m not answering that.”
In truth, that morning, Alastor had given you what you really wanted. A target.
The sinner that Alastor had named was one of the new overlords who had risen in the power vacuum following the previous extermination, having previously been a minor gang boss in Zeezi’s territory. He was a horse demon, and at least if Alastor was being truthful, guilty of just about every cruelty one could imagine. Including, Alastor had stressed with particular emphasis, disrespect.
His name was Kennedy, also known as the Smoker Demon, and aside from a few grainy sinstagram snaps Angel had shown you, you had little other information to go on. But when you took Alastor’s place at the next overlord’s meeting, you would see him with your own two eyes.
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Alastor had agreed that you should have a weapon to hand when you appeared in his place, and on the day of the overlord meeting he presented you with an elegant red-tipped black cane.
“It’s no microphone,” he said, a little cryptically- you had never seen him use a microphone save for the ancient one attached to the desk in his radio tower. “But I had it made with a little surprise inside.”
You twirled the cane, testing its balance in your hand, and pulling the handle you found it held a concealed blade.
A short blade; not a duelist’s sword but a knife, long enough to slit a throat or to puncture a heart through the ribcage. You beamed at Alastor, the excitement bubbling within you at the prospect of violence mirrored by your delight that he had anticipated your preferences so exactly.
“It’s perfect,” you told him, twirling it just to admire the balance again.
“Of course,” he demurred, the creases at the corners of his eyes telling you that he was soaking in your praise. “I can hardly expect you to perform with second rate equipment.”
He hovered about you like a mother hen as you put on his ragged tailcoat, brushing it flat across your shoulders with the palms of his hands, and tutting as he adjusted your bow tie. You half expected him to take out a pocket square and start cleaning your mouth as he fussed over you, adjusting a fold here, a button there. Finally, when you were attired to his liking, Alastor pushed his index fingers into the corners of your mouth and pulled up, not painfully, but enough to make you bare your teeth.
“You mustn’t forget your smile, now,” he said.
It wasn’t hard at all to grin at him, not with the euphoria that currently welled within you. It was a maniac’s grin you gave him, wide and wicked and infectious.
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Vox had been wrong about how much the other two Vees would object to his actions. Velvette had been legitimately furious that he had overstepped his usual bounds into social media campaigns, had called him a bloody idiotic twat, and had set the notifications from all of the accounts she usually managed to automatically forward to him. The pings were constant and it gave him a godawful headache. Valentino, by contrast, had broken the television set in their shared quarters, then stalked off to do drugs somewhere.
This was how Vox drew the shit lot of being the one of the three of them to attend the overlord’s meeting. His abilities allowed him to traverse the city quickly through the powerlines, but given the delicate political situation of any meeting of powerful individuals, such flashy displays were frowned upon. Anything that made people jumpy was frowned upon.
As such, Vox sat in the back of his limo as it drove to the meeting place, glaring at the traffic and wincing every time a notification from Velvette’s shit came in. Fuck his fucking life. Apart from, perhaps, the small portion where he got to watch Alastor fuck his doppelganger, that bit of his life could stay.
Would Alastor be at the meeting? Probably not, Vox decided. He hadn’t attended one since his altercation with Adam last extermination.
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There was a spring in your step as you walked the streets in your red finery, feeling the breeze in your hair, your cane tucked neatly under one arm. The winds of Hell carried with them the scents of polyurethane and sulfur, and every sinner you passed cowered from your gaze as you grinned. It was barely even an affectation, if you were being honest with yourself. You were loose on the streets with one weapon in your pocket and another under your arm, about to meet a man that you would hunt. Anyone would grin, given the circumstances.
The sensation of being watched prickled familiar on your neck, and you stopped, hand on the handle of your cane, ready to draw the hidden blade as you turned.
A demon taller than yourself stood before you, with black, chitinous skin and a large, plumed hat. “Alastor, hail and well met.”
“Zestial!” you said with a smile, immediately grateful for Angel Dust’s overlord rundown. “Good day to you too.”
He fell into step beside you, taller than you by some margin. You didn’t feel malice emanating from him, but that was hardly a guarantee of anything. Perhaps your instincts were off. But you were heading to the same locale, so giving him the slip was hardly an option. “How have you been?” you asked, keen to push the conversation in Zestial’s direction. Alastor hadn’t told you anything about his relationship with the overlord, so the less you said, the better.
“Alas, my troubles would seem to pale in comparison to thine,” said Zestial, and you cursed internally.
“My troubles?” You raised an eyebrow. “And what are my troubles?” You had a warm place to sleep and a boyfriend who hand-fed you breakfast- practically the high life.
“Rumor has it thou suffered a mortal wound,” said Zestial, his narrow eyes looking you up and down. “ And thy former protégé doth set his sights on the folly thou suffered for.”
It took you a second to realize he was talking about Vox and the hotel. The documentary crew and constant stream of influencers through the hotel was Vox’s doing. And the timing was too co-incidental for it to not be related to the hidden cameras in Alastor’s room. Alastor already suspected Lucifer as the culprit for that, though he had no proof save that Lucifer was one of the few people powerful enough to dare to fuck with him.
“My protégé,” you repeated, lending a little darkness to your tone. “Tell me, who in the hotel did he deal with?”
Zestial smiled, eerily. “That information hath value,” he said. “What dost thou propose in exchange?”
You paused to think, twirling your cane idly around your palm and wrist as the two of you walked. Offering future consideration was a shitty thing to do, doomed to piss off either Zestial or Alastor, depending on who got saddled with the debt. You could sell the overlord the information that you were a fake, assuming that he hadn’t already figured it out, but that would undermine your own usefulness as a double for Alastor. “It seems to me,” you said, a smile at Zestial. “That the window of usefulness of that information is rather short.”
“The identity of a traitor in thy camp-” said Zestial.
“Ah, but it is a rather small camp, is it not?” you asked, grateful for the time you’d spent giving museum tours with a transatlantic accent as you stuck as hard as you could to Alastor’s mannerisms rather than lapse into iambic pentameter. “Are you sure you’d rather keep hold of it in the hopes of a high price when I need only wait for the blasted picture box to gloat about their identity?”
Zestial hummed, but didn’t argue the point further.
“I’ll tell you what. How about an exchange in kind? I’ll tell you the recent gossip I know, and you can stop me if I tell you something you think meets your price.”
“An entertaining prospect,” said Zestial. “Pray continue.”
The conversation with Angel Dust was fresh in your mind, so you recounted what you judged to be of interest, skipping over both Rosie, who Alastor had indicated was his friend, and Vox, whose very mention made Alastor’s smile seem forced, as well as the figures closest to Zestial himself. You named the underbosses vying to work under Zeezi, talked about the sinner who had been stalking Valentino, along with a few other tidbits, and Zestial was a good audience, chuckling and curious in turn.
“Thou art an enigma as ever, Alastor,” he said, as you reached the venue for the meeting, and imposing red-brick building.
You grinned at him. “I suppose that means my little stories don’t pass muster?”
“Quite the contrary,” said Zestial, a slight inclination of his head. “I consider my price paid in full. The king of Hell himself paid a visit to overlord Vox in his domain.”
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Vox fought hard not to glitch when Alastor walked into the meeting room. The infuriating grin on his face, the buzz of an electric field around him, the cane twirling idly around his wrist, ears up and alert. He might not have noticed the differences if he hadn’t seen the two of you together barely a week before, if Alastor hadn’t caught him out by being disguised as you. The differences were subtle, but they were there, in the shape of your antlers and the markings on your ears.
No. Not Alastor. You. Fuck.
What were you doing here? This was a room full of overlords; people who would eat an innocent, sweet creature like you right up without a second thought. Had Alastor sent you there to taunt him? To see what he would do? The new overlord, Kennedy, had been talking shit about the Radio Demon for weeks. Vox hadn’t seen reason to worry about it before now, but the rest of the overlords were smart enough not to take a run at the Radio Demon, or anyone they believed to be the Radio Demon.
You met his eyes as you took your seat, a small smile on your lips, and Vox resolved that he would save you from this den of monsters. You were still the sweet little Bambi he had led tottering across his bedroom floor, before Alastor had stolen you. You were probably scared out of your tiny little mind, he reasoned, putting on a smiling face out of fear, or even compelled by the soul contract Alastor doubtless had over you. The small scrunch at your brow told him you were deep in thought, probably trying to think of a way out of your situation.
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You strolled to your chair at the overlord’s meeting, a friendly smile to the woman you recognized as Rosie as you pondered two things. First- had Zestial rumbled your disguise? If he had, he’d shown no sign of doing so, taking his own seat across the table from you without comment. Second- was it a terrible idea to blackmail the King of Hell? The few times you’d crossed paths he’d seemed to barely register you as a person, merely part of an amorphous blob labeled ‘staff’. It was entirely possible that he would obliterate you without a second thought. And, if you did blackmail him, what would you ask for?
“Hello, one and all!” you chirped as you swung into your chair. “Tales of my incapacitation are unfortunately exaggerated!”
“More’s the pity,” muttered Vox, and you raised your eyebrow at him. It was only a few days since he’d sat next to your bed and begged Alastor to let him jack himself off as Alastor fucked you. Surely his feelings hadn’t soured that much for lack of aftercare.
“I’m sorry,” you said, cocking an ear. “Could you speak up? Your audio dropped out a little there.”
Carmilla spread her arms as Vox opened his mouth to retort. “Since we’re all here,” she said, a scowl at both you and Vox. “We should begin.”
“Wait, you’re just gonna let that motherfucker waltz in here and take a seat at the table like nothing’s happened?”
You turned and looked curiously at the demon that Alastor had told you you could kill. The Smoker Demon was tall by sinner standards, but much like you he was dwarfed by the larger members of the overlord contingent. His face was long and equine, his teeth jagged like those of most sinners, and he wore his mane plastered to his head with gel, the humanoid portion of his body attired in business casual. He looked around, seeking agreement from the other overlords.
“What? Are you just gonna not talk about how all our problems right now are the Radio Demon’s fault? The war with Heaven? Anyone?”
War with Heaven? Well, that certainly hadn’t been on sinstagram. You scrunched your nose. “Was that on the agenda? I didn’t get the memo.”
“Fuck the agenda.” Kennedy stood, glowering, and you watched as his demonic form manifested. Smoke streamed from his nostrils, wrapping itself around his arms to become biceps, and a single serrated horn proceeded from his forehead. A fucking unicorn? You’d never seen anyone manifest in anger before, except in the sinstagram videos you’d watched whilst prisoner in Vox’s quarters. To your surprise you could feel it, a low thrum in your antlers, akin to the feeling of the hunt. But the hunt was already afoot.
“If you could save that activity for after the meeting?” you said, a grin and a tilt of your head as you stared Kennedy down. You could feel the pulse in your throat, the promise of violence in the air. You felt alive. “I certainly don’t want to watch that.”
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Vox watched you with increasing concern as Kennedy stepped onto the table. You didn’t know how much danger you were in, and no-one else around the table gave a fuck. They knew that one mid-tier bisexual unicorn was well within Alastor’s capabilities.
Vox watched as you rolled your eyes, turning to Carmilla with a lopsided smile, even as Kennedy loomed behind you, completely unconcerned. “The use of deadly force is still banned at these soirées, correct? Or did standards decline in my absence?”
Okay, you weren’t just unconcerned. You had a suicidal disregard for your own wellbeing. He had to do something, before Kennedy turned you into an Alastor-colored smear on the floor.
“Sit the fuck down, fuckface,” growled Vox, putting full threat behind it. That worked- Kennedy was too young to properly know the terror of the Radio Demon, but he knew Vox had a bigger dick than he did. Reluctantly he backed down.
“Unusually civic minded of you,” you said, in a perfect facsimile of Alastor’s voice, and Vox rolled his eyes internally. You’re welcome.
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You stared across the table at Vox on and off for the entirety of the overlord meeting.
He had cut your altercation with your quarry short. It had been a great opportunity to gauge Kennedy’s speed and strength, maybe set him entirely off-balance by getting him kicked out of the meeting, and Vox had ruined it. It made your fingernails itch, your smile almost painful to maintain. You breathed through your nose, calming yourself by settling your attention on Kennedy, who glowered balefully at you, a little smoke still rising from his nostrils. What had Alastor even done to him anyway? You’d have to ask once you got back to the hotel.
Vox lingered after the meeting. “Hey, uh, Alastor. A word?”
You inclined your head, remaining as the others filed out. You would rather have followed Kennedy, but part of you still felt bad for just chucking Vox out of your bedroom. What you weren’t prepared for was just how close Vox stood to you, his face close enough that you could feel the static from his screen.
“I can take you away from all of this, babydoll.” Vox’s voice was low, the sort of coaxing tone he’d used as he pushed your knees apart. Not the voice he’d use for the real Alastor.
You kept the smile that Alastor had asked you to wear regardless. “Is that a threat?”
“Fuck.” Vox pressed his knuckles to his forehead. “You can drop the act, alright. I know who you are.”
“Oh? And who is that?” You grinned, slow and toothy.
Vox was quiet. You’d never given Vox your name. You hadn’t even given Alastor your name, for all you’d spent each night trading inconsequential secrets with each other, your tongue in his mouth and his in yours.
“Well? Who am I?”
“That guy’s bad news, okay.” Vox changed the subject. “He’s dangerous. He could hurt you.”
Oh. Vox was still buying the ditz act from when he’d taken you in. The only thing he’d seen you do was fuck Alastor, so you supposed he couldn’t really be blamed for that, and that certainly explained the protectiveness, however inconvenient. You fluttered your eyelashes. “How dangerous, exactly?”
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It was hard to contain your excitement as you returned to the hotel, neatly sidestepping splashes from acid rain puddles. You had fooled a room full of overlords into thinking you were Alastor, except for Vox, and Vox had given you some downright detailed information on the overlord that you were going to hunt.
And you had traded up from Angel Dust’s toilet cistern cocaine to the identity of the person who had put spy cameras in your room.
When you entered the hotel you were so light on your feet that you were almost dancing, and you caught Alastor by the waist as you swept past, pulling him with you.
“It went well, I take it?” he said, falling deftly into step with you, taking you by the hand and by the shoulder.
You grinned wide, blood hot in your veins. “Zestial either rumbled me or you’re friends with him now,” you said, and Alastor laughed.
Your effervescence faded gradually, but your blood stayed hot, your excitement buzzing behind your teeth even into the night.
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You watched Alastor, primly attired in his pajamas in the bed next to you, as he opened his book to the page he had reached the previous night. This was the point in the evening where you would find a book of your own, or simply sit and think, but you were too restless for that now; your senses too keen and your body still thrumming with adrenaline. You reached out and put your hand on his stomach, fingers trailing over the thin fabric, feeling the warmth of his body through it.
Alastor gave a soft hum, and turned the page, though his eyes did flicker to you briefly, curious. You pressed your suit, pushing up the hem of his pajama shirt to expose a few inches of skin, and lowered your face to him, lips brushing the skin of his hip, his flank, and then up to his navel; all of the skin that you had bared.
You lifted your gaze as your lips found his bellybutton and found Alastor staring at you over the top of his book, his antlers perhaps an inch taller than they had been a moment before, and you felt his diaphragm shift as he breathed in.
“You’re certainly forward tonight,” said Alastor, a warm crackle to his voice. “Did you want something from me?”
You shook your head, playful. “Don’t put your book down on my account.”
The snort Alastor gave was so soft that you didn’t even hear it, simply felt it through your hand on his stomach. “I wasn’t planning on it, dear,” he said, lifting his book again with theatrical indifference. “This is a very interesting chapter.”
Sliding your hand down the strip of hair that extended below his navel and under the waistband of his pajama pants, you found he was already hard for you. Just feeling his cock hard in your hand sent a sympathetic surge to your own loins, and you squeezed his shaft in your hand as you eased his waistband down over it.
Alastor feigned insouciance, but you could see the color rising in his cheeks, and feel his growing hardness under your touch. There was a matching heat in your own cheeks too; up until now, Alastor had been the one to set the pace, centering your pleasure, but now you had him in your hands. It was a surrender of the thing he found most precious- control.
You pressed your face to his stomach and then his mons as you stroked his cock, burying your nose in the coarse hair there and breathing in. He smelled like Alastor; like musk and woodsmoke and formaldehyde, and you felt the shivering intake of breath that he gave as you pressed your cheek against the silky-soft skin of his shaft, kissing your way from the base of his cock to the tip. Alastor made a show of turning the page of his book, but when you lapped up the salty liquid beading at his tip with your tongue, he actually gasped, his free hand going to cover his mouth.
You looked at him, questioning, challenging, but Alastor used the few seconds reprieve to recover his composure.
True to form, Alastor did recover, his eyes losing a little of their glazed look. “I hope you plan to finish what you started,” he said, his gaze going back to his book. You waited for him to finish turning the page before you took the tip of his cock into your mouth, careful to curl your lips around the sharp edges of your teeth, and sucked as you pumped his shaft with your hand.
“Fuck,” whimpered Alastor, and the noise went direct to your core. His eyes were closed, his teeth digging into his smiling lip as you stroked the underside of his cock with your tongue, pressing the head of his cock first against the roof of your mouth, then against the back of your mouth as you took him further in, saliva dribbling from the imperfect seal of your lips all the while. “Love,” he whined, though you doubted it was a confession, more likely a reflexive cry, a sweet nothing in his throat.
Alastor put his book down, pages open on the bed, and reached for you. You took his hand, twining your claws with his as you moved your mouth over him, going from pressing the head of his cock to the roof of your mouth to as far back in your throat as you could get him, the deepest point leaving you with your nose pressed to hair wet with your saliva, and then back again. His reaction told you that you were doing well; the quickening of his breathing, the spasmodic jerks that his hips made when you took all of him in your mouth- not enough to make you choke but enough to make your eyes water- the way his fingers gripped yours, and best of all the noises he made. Each cry he made was sweet enough to be intoxicating; to make your cunt throb and your cock ache, and you were sure that if you had ever told him your name it would be on his lips right now, in between the profanities and the broken cajun french.
You crawled between his legs as he kicked his pants the rest of the way off, your free hand cradling his balls as you took him in your mouth again, and between ragged breaths he reached for your antlers, fingertips brushing the perfect, sensitive spots that only he knew, a single tentacle extending from his back and resting at the back of your knee. It was an offer of a good ending for the evening, one that would leave you fucked out and content, deeply asleep on top of him, and it was a lie to say that it wasn’t a tempting one.
But you had other plans; you were feeling bold tonight. Gently, you moved his hand from your antlers, lifting your mouth from his cock with a soft pop, and took a moment to appreciate him being a flushed, panting mess for you. You stroked the tentacle, taking it in your hand. “I want to deflower you,” you said, as evenly as you could manage. “Let me fuck you in the ass.”
Alastor paused, his eyes registering surprise but not disinterest, and you gave him a few seconds to think about it. “You are welcome to try,” he said, finally, and for anyone else you would have offered reassurance. That you wouldn’t hurt him, that he didn’t have to do it. But Alastor had already swallowed so much of his pride in acquiescing to your request that any offer of reprieve would just have him doubling down, so you simply took him at his word, reaching into the dresser for the lubricant. It was one of the preparations you had made for Vox’s visit, a tube from the supply usually kept in the cupboard under the hotel’s front desk, along with the toothpaste and other single-use toiletries.
“Must I do all the work?” Alastor asked, a little archness layered over the desire in his voice as you applied lube to his tentacle, your palm spreading it across the smooth black surface.
“I’m not enough of a sadist to open you with my fingers,” you replied, wiggling a sharp claw at him, and his face split in a silent laugh. His tentacle coiled over your lower back as you crouched between his legs again, twining round your forearm and leaving the first few inches in your hand. You could feel the tension in his body as you touched him again, tracing fingers over his hip as you licked his cock, slowly, from the base to the tip.
He was expecting it to hurt, you realized as you took his cock in your mouth again, feeling the tension in his stomach and in his thighs, held open for you. He was expecting it to hurt and he was letting you do it anyway. You breathed out through your nose as you sucked his cock, pushing the head up against your epiglottis with a tilt of your head, and felt for his entrance with the knuckle of your index finger, stroking the tight ring of muscle with a feather-light touch before guiding the tip of the tentacle to it and pushing it in, your hand around the tentacle controlling the depth. You kept the motion shallow and slow at first, letting the lube on the tentacle spread to his hole, your mouth on his cock slow and unhurried. His body lost a little of the tension as he realized that you weren’t about to bully your way in, and you used that slack to fuck his tentacle a little deeper into him, motion slow and measured to not damage him as he took the thicker section of the taper.
Alastor gave a debauched noise that went straight to the base of your cock, eyes fluttering closed, and you held him by the hip as you kept up the pressure, his tentacle squelching into him now through the generous amount of lube, your lips and tongue and throat up and down on his cock. You could probably slide yourself into him now, smooth and easy as anything, and the thought made you twitch, but you gave him the tentacle a little longer, enjoying the way his breathing hitched at the nadir of each stroke, the salty taste of him as his cock leaked precum.
When you lifted your lips from his cock, he was staring at you again, eyes blown and dark.
“I need your hips a little higher,” you said, reaching for one of the pillows, but Alastor rolled his eyes and extruded another tentacle from his back, curling it under him to raise him up. The view it gave you was pornographic; legs spread, cock hard and angry red at the tip, glistening with your spit, his own tentacle stretching out his hole, lubricant dribbling out around it.
You eased his tentacle out of him, the soft noises he made at the sensation making your whole form ache with desire. Freeing your own cock with a quick movement, you lined yourself up with him, letting the head of your cock kiss his entrance. The sensation made you shiver, the skin there hot and slick.
Alastor’s expression told you that taking him in this position rather than from behind had been the correct decision. His smile was still there, but his ears were flat against his skull, uncertainty in his eyes alongside desire. You paused, palms on his hips, thumbs on his waist.
You could feel your pulse beating in your throat and in your groin. You didn’t want to harm Alastor, didn’t want to upset him, not with him vulnerable beneath you like this. You cared about him. “We can stop if you want. Just say the word.”
Alastor gave a scoff deep in his throat and used the tentacle looped around your back to push you into him.
The feel of being inside him was enough to make you forget to breathe for a second; his intense warmth and tightness and slickness around your cock. You’d worked enough of his tentacle inside him that you’d slid in easily, and you found yourself falling forward a little as you bottomed out inside him, his cock pressing up against your stomach, a snail trail of wetness as his precum spread across your skin.
Alastor’s smile was indulgent as he watched you struggle for breath, and he raised his head to kiss your forehead. “Do I really feel that good?”
“So good,” you said, your voice low and frank and thick with static, and Alastor’s answer was a purr, a vacuum tube hum from the back of his throat.
“I feel the same, you know,” he said, attempting a conversational tone and failing, slipping into a tone lower in his register, cock twitching against your stomach. “Every time I’m inside you, all I can think about is spilling myself.”
That statement sent heat to your face, doing nothing to help you acclimatize to the exquisite feeling of him around you. You bit your lip as you willed yourself to stay hard for him, reminding yourself that if you came in him now he was unlikely to let you try again. And you couldn’t let that happen.
Fingers round his sharp hipbones, you rolled your hips, easing out of him before pushing yourself in to the hilt again. If he’d watched you indifferently it would have been easier to keep hold, but Alastor was already half-lost, thick distortion resounding in his throat and through the cavity of his thin chest. His hands were on your back, claws flexing, tearing fine parallel incisions in your skin, but somehow the pain only ripped a libidinous growl from your throat, serving as an accent to the pleasure you felt. Alastor’s heat was slick and searing and perfect around you, and you narrowed your focus to him, only him.
You watched his face- the subtle change in expression behind the smile that he doggedly held, the way his eyelids fluttered, the way his larynx bobbed when his breath caught. You listened to him- the way he moaned and cursed in turn as you rutted into him, and the ragged edge to his breath. You felt him- his hard cock pressed between the two of you, twitching every time you hit the correct angle with a downstroke, his claws in your back, and the exquisite constricting heat of his ass.
Alastor’s breath grew more ragged, his voice more distorted, and you grinned as you felt your victory draw near; Alastor filled and spent on your cock. Alastor gave a growl, a low thrum of power, and you were caught off-guard as a third tentacle from his back curved between your legs and slid frictionless into your soaking cunt. You had been ignoring the ache there, but now, with a tentacle squelching into you, it was painfully obvious how much you had needed to be filled.
With Alastor’s tentacle stretching you, its movement compelling your rhythm, your already tenuous grip on yourself slipped, the cusp of your orgasm threatening with every stroke. You were close, too close, but so was Alastor, and you fought to make him cum, angling your hips in the way that made him tremble even as he forced you to adhere to his beat, tentacle curling in you with mirrored cruelty.
You came together; both gasping, both twitching, Alastor into the palm of the hand that you shoved between you to catch his seed, and you inside him, hot and deep and quivering.
“Alastor,” you whimpered, your whole body seeming to twitch with your first aftershock.
“Darling,” breathed Alastor, with as much awe as you had ever heard in his voice. “Oh darling, don’t you move.”
Your stomach fluttered as you looked at him, and you realized, perhaps belatedly, that this was something like love. You licked his cum from the palm of your hand, then held yourself over him, careful not to put weight on his injury. The expression on his face was one of clear, perfect bliss, with you inside him and he inside you.
You could feel yourself softening inside him already, beginning to slip out of him, and he wrapped an arm round you, pulling you onto his chest, not seeming to care when you lay over his wound. The claw marks he’d made on your back stung with the pressure, but you found you didn’t care about that, either.
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buffysummers · 2 years
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My angel. Flung out of space. Carol (2015) dir. Todd Haynes
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shardofasoul · 2 months
[Book Excerpt|The Devastation of Baal]Dante's Vision of Sanguinius
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The Sanguinor had come to him at the end of his service.
‘You came,’ he said. His throat was dry, his lips numb. The beautiful voice that had inspired millions was a harsh whisper. ‘You came after all.’
The Sanguinor kept its silence, but stood back and flung an arm wide to indicate a greater presence behind it.
Dante’s breath caught in his chest. Once again, he saw the face of Sanguinius, but this was no metal representation. The face was of flesh, the wings that spread either side of his body were white feathers, not cold sculpture. His body was as real as his sorrow. He shone like a desert sun in the full glory of noon, a bringer of light dangerous in its incandescent power.
‘My son,’ Sanguinius said. ‘My greatest son.’
The primarch reached out to him. Dante was on his back, but at the same time it was as if he floated in an immense void, and Sanguinius hovered in front of him. And yet, when the primarch cried, his tears fell forward onto Dante’s face. All reality’s order was disturbed, but this felt like no dream or vision. When Sanguinius’ glowing fingers traced the line of Dante’s cheek, they were solid and warm, and they brought into him a sense of peace and holy joy.
'You have suffered greatly for mankind’s sake,’ said Sanguinius. His voice was beautiful. ‘You have won your rest a thousand times. Rarely has one man given so much, Luis of Baal Secundus. You have been a light in dark times. I would give you any reward. I would take you to my side. I would free you from strife. I would release you from pain.’
‘Yes!’ said Dante. ‘Please. I have served so long. Grant me the freedom of death.’
Sanguinius gave Dante a look of profound sorrow.
‘I cannot. I regret that I can do none of those things. I need you, Dante. Your suffering is not done.’ Sanguinius gripped Dante’s face in both hands. Strength flowed from the primarch, driving out death’s comfort and replacing it with pain. The scene rippled. He heard the shouts of Space Marines, felt the ghostly touch of living hands upon his armour. Sanguinius faded.
‘Please, no!’ Dante cried out. ‘My lord, I have done enough. Please! Let me rest!’
The light was dying; Sanguinius’ smile carried with it the sorrows of ten thousand years. Darkness was returning. The Great Angel disappeared into it, but his glorious voice lingered a moment.
‘I am sorry, my son, that you cannot rest. Not yet. Live, my son. Live.’
Dante returned to life screaming for the mercy of death.
Hands were all over Dante, holding him down. Sharp pains intruded via his neural shunts.
‘No, no, no! No more! Take me with you! I beg you!’ Dante shouted.
He lashed out with his fist. Metal hit metal.
‘Hold him! Hold him down! He is coming round!’
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perfectlysapphic · 10 days
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my angel. flung out of space.
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A/N ::: I want Draken to throw me around like I'm a fuckin' ragdoll, beat my ass like I came home late for dinner one too many times, and rail me like it's our last night on earth (but it won't be, obviously because no. I'm not ready for that.) Also, I never go on about stuff I write, but I am quite proud of this. I hope you guys like it! <3
C/W ::: Draken x F.reader, obviously language and overuse of italics (is that even a question with my stuff anymore?), jealousy, distrust, jaw grabbing, wrist grabbing, dragging by wrist, throwing onto bed, spanking, pussy juice and spit swallowing, oral M->F, slight possessiveness but it's for a good reason?, lmk if I missed anything. Thanks!
WC ::: 1,721
Taglist ::: @arlerts-angel @kazutora-kurokawa @viburnt @darkstarlight82
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You had the day from hell. When you walked in the door of your house, you immediately felt a little better. You could hear your boyfriend talking and laughing. Figuring that he was there with Mikey, Baji or another one of the guys. They'd help cheer you up, for sure.
"I'm h- ... h-hi, honey … I'm home. Who's this?" You asked Ken, trying to maintain a neutral face at the newcomer in your space.
"This is a friend from the bike shop. Shinichiro introduced us." Your face fell. "Hey, I'll catch up with you later, yeah? See you at the shop sometime this week. Thanks for hangin' out, though."
She pursed her lips and pointed at you, giving him the universal sign for 'I hope I didn't get you into any trouble.' Draken shook his head and walked her to the door. "Bye."
And then he turned to you.
"Hi. How was your day." He said, words void of emotion.
You tipped your weight to one hip and crossed your arms. "Great. My day was ... just ... fuckin' great. Thanks for asking. I'm gonna go lay down."
Draken started to follow you. "Great. I could use a nap, too. Let's go." He looked down at your hand pressed against his chest and raised his eyebrows at your blatant disregard at his trying to be with you right now.
"Nnno, alone."
"You really think I'm going to let you get away with this shit? You think I'm going to let you skulk away all pissy-like? C'mere. NOW." He used the tone. The voice that always made you listen. But today you just didn't have it in you to be compliant. "Hey, I'm fuckin' talkin' to you, princess. Get. Your. Ass. Over. Here. Now."
The sheer amount of defiance that coursed through your veins was no match for his absolute authority over you. So you turned on your heel and faced him, but you couldn't make eye contact.
"Good girl. So," he got close to your ear, nudging it with his nose, "you gonna tell me what this shit is all about? You gonna tell me what's bothering my pretty baby so much?" He brushed your hair from your shoulder and kissed your collarbone all the way up to your neck. "Because I don't think anything bad happened here. I was just sitting, talking to a friend, in our house. And you mean to tell me that you have a problem with that? Hm-mm. That's just not going to fly."
You kept your eyes trained on the floor. "Look at me." Draken said. "Fuckin' ... look at me." He pulled you close and grabbed you by the jaw, making you look at him. Your eyes on his. "There's my pretty baby girl. Ok, so what can we do about this seed of doubt that's growing inside that crazy little brain of yours?"
Against any and all control you had over your body, you could feel yourself heating up. The way he was handling this situation that you're blowing way out of proportion. The way he's handling you.
"Come with me. C'mon, let's go." Draken grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you into the bedroom. You stumbled behind him trying to make it harder for him to get you to follow, but he would always win the game of strength. He's easily twice as strong as you.
He flung you around and threw you down on the bed. "What's your problem? You think that I meet some new girl and I'm going to fuck 'er? You think that because I meet any ... other ... girl ... and that's it? I'm going to turn into some asshole that cheats on the girl he loves? Mm-mm. No. That's not acceptable to me. You should know better than that, princess. I can't believe that you're doubting me." Draken glowered down at you. "You're my girl. That's all there is to it. That being said, I am ALLOWED to talk to other girls. But that doesn't mean anything. That doesn't mean shit. YOU ... are mine. And right now, what's mine, is acting like a real fuckin' brat. And that means that I have to tame that shit out of you. Which is a little - just a little - disappointing. Because I thought I fucked all of that out of you over a year ago. But it just keeps croppin' up, doesn't it? Take your clothes off."
You looked up at him from where you were on the bed. "Wh-," you tried. But he wouldn't have any of it.
"Take ... your ... clothes ... off. Did I stutter? No, I don't think so. I need to fuck some sense into you, my jealous baby." A wicked smile crept across his face as he stood there and waited for you to do what he said.
You took your clothes off and as you stood there, feeling more naked in front of him than even the first time he saw you this way, you could feel yourself getting wet. Your cheeks were hot and your belly was now home to more than one butterfly.
"Ok, good, good." He sat down on the edge of the bed and stuck his hand out for you to come to him. "Lay down on my lap, ass up, princess. We're going to reestablish who each of us belongs to and hopefully, hopefully, you will know that your place is right fucking next to me. Always. Not behind me, beside me. Yeah? WITH ... ME. It would appear need to beat some of the brat out of you." He whispered against your shoulder, "Ok, bay ... bee?"
You whimpered against the bedspread as his hand came down on your ass, the sound of his hand slapping the fattest part of you resounding throughout the space. He smoothed his palm over the red mark that was slowly appearing against your skin. "How was that? You feeling any less bratty?"
Raising your head to answer him, he spanked you again. "Ooohhh, too slow, baby. And anyway, I already know the answer is 'no.' So we're no where near done here. Just so you're aware. Do you expect me to just stop talking to my friends? Well, let me clarify ... To other girls? Because that's just crazy.
And, by the way, I love you. I love you more than anything in this entire world. You are everything to me. And you're being a little bit of an asshole right now. I'm sorry if you feel insecure or whatever. But I'm not going to give in to your tantrum. Ok? Now lay back down. And let me get to work on you."
He rubbed his hand over your back and you could feel him readjust himself, and then the smack of his hand on your ass came again and again. He leaned forward and kissed the back of your neck, his hand trailing down your spine.
"I love you, princess. I love you ... so fucking much." His fingers dipped inside you and you gasped. "Look at you. You're so fuckin' wet. God, you're such a little slut. You're so wet for me, baby. Good girl. But why is it when I'm beating your ass, trying to teach you a lesson about why you shouldn't be a bad girl, you're suddenly a good girl? I don't know. Do you like this? Do you like when I'm so fuckin' rough with you that you don't know what to do? Hm? I know you like it. I can feel you dripping on my fucking fingers."
He pulled his fingers out and brought them to your mouth. "Suck my fingers, baby. Taste what jealousy tastes like, you little bitch. Yeah, my needy little bitch loves how jealousy tastes, don't you? Huh?"
You moaned against his fingers as he pressed them down against your tongue, your eyes rolling back in your head. "Fuck, you're such a good little slut. Look at you. Such a good girl ... but only when I'm disciplining you. Why is that, do you think? Do you think it's because you like getting spanked? You like being treated like a little baby? You like being my little baby? Yeah, you fuckin' sure do."
Draken pulled you up from the bed and sat you in his lap. He looked around your shoulder and assessed the damage he'd inflicted to your ass, letting out a low whistle. "So, so pretty for me." He smoothed his hands over your heated skin. "But maybe next time I'll make sure that it's a little less ... hm. What do you think, baby?" He asked you, yanking your hair to the side and biting your neck. "What do you think?"
You looked at him with big eyes, pleading with him for more, and he just chuckled. "No, I don't think so, princess. You need to remember who you belong to. And I think that's been established. And now it's time for me to make you cum ... or not. I don't know yet. We'll just have to see where the fuck takes us." He flipped you onto your back and buried his face between your legs, licking and sucking on your clit until you were moaning his name.
"Good girl. Good baby. You taste so good. I could eat you forever and ever and never get tired of it." He licked your slit and you felt yourself start to fall apart. "Whose girl are you, now? Whose good girl are you? Say it, say my fuckin' name, princess. Say it!"
You moaned out his name in the most slutty, absolutely fucked voice he had ever heard from you. He smiled into your cunt, though you'd never know that. He couldn't have you knowing that.
"Cum for me, baby. Cum for me! RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!! Show me how much you love me! Show me how much you know you belong to me!" He stuck his tongue inside your pussy and flicked it in and out and you couldn't hold on anymore. You came against his face, screaming his name as your body convulsed in pleasure.
He sat up, licking the mess you left away from his face and clenched his jaw, and he nodded as he patted your still twitching cunt.
"Such a good girl. My good girl. Open your mouth, brat. Stick your tongue out." He spit on your tongue and you swallowed it without even being told to. "MY. GOOD. GIRL. Don't you fuckin' forget it."
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If I'm There
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This is from a request sent to me by @lma1986
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Female Reader
TW: Death, Loss, Grief.  
Any and all feedback is appreciated!
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Y/N groaned upon entering the hotel room and flung her body onto the crisply made king sized bed. The pelican case she had been holding was discarded somewhere along her journey. Noah, her boyfriend of two years, simply smiled at her antics as he rolled their remaining bags into the entryway. 
Noah’s band, Bad Omens, had just wrapped up their latest North American tour with a four day run of shows across central and eastern Canada. Y/N was a member of the band’s visuals team and worked as the lighting and video technician alongside Matt at Front of House. Her and Noah met four years ago when she was running visuals for one of the bands supporting Bad Omens on tour. 
Noah, Matt, and Nicholas liked her work and decided to extend an offer to join their growing team prior to the next tour. After two years of working with Bad Omens and two years of tip-toeing around shared feelings, Noah finally asked her on a date and as they say, the rest is history. 
With this tour coming to a close, it meant that they had the next two weeks off to do whatever they wanted before the guys had to be back in Los Angeles to finish tracking the new album. Everyone was scheduled to fly back to their respective home states at various times throughout the next day. While all of the gear was to be freighted back to the LA to either be stored in the warehouse until the next tour or to be moved into the awaiting studio space for recording. 
“I am so ready to sleep in my own bed,” She exclaimed, voice slightly muffled by the pillows. “I think the mattresses in the bunks are getting worse with each tour.”
“Either that or we’re just finally starting to feel older.” he said, flopping down next to her, “I mean, we are almost thirty.” 
“Don’t remind me.” She groans.
Before she can raise the question of who gets first dibs at the shower, she is interrupted by the familiar sound of her sister’s ringtone chirping from the phone in the front pocket of her hoodie. 
“Yellow!” She tiredly exclaims, placing the phone on speaker. 
“Y/N” the serious tone of her sister's voice cuts through the speaker. 
She immediately sits up and looks over at Noah, now sporting a concerned look on his face that she was sure matched her own. 
Her sister rarely called her by her first name. Mainly using childhood nicknames. Never her given name. 
“What’s wrong?” Y/N questions. 
“Y/N…it's Olivia.” Her sister continued, voice shaky. “There’s been an accident.”
She went on to explain that Olivia, Y/N’s best friend since as long as she could remember, had been hit head on by a drunk driver on her way home from dinner with friends from work. She had been rushed to the local trauma center where the medical team had managed to stabilize her but they stated that the next 24 hours were going to be critical. 
Noah was immediately on the phone with Matt, who five minutes later knocked on their door ready to drive them to the airport. 
The small airport chapel was dark and empty. The smell of incense lingered in the air from a Mass held earlier in the day. Y/N sat quietly in the last pew staring up at the large crucifix hanging on the wall above the altar and tabernacle. 
Despite eventually developing a vehement disinterest in organized religion as an adult, Y/N had been raised in the Bible Belt of the deep south and had grown up in and out of church as a child and young adult. She had witnessed and experienced enough over the course of her life that made her unable to completely let go of the notion that there was a greater power at play somewhere in the universe. 
Her grandmother always expressed belief in the power of prayer and when her usual sage advice fell on the deaf ears of a stubborn teenager, she always told Y/N to ultimately pray about it. 
“Give it up to God,” she would say, “Put it in his hands.” 
There were no direct flights out of Toronto, which left them stuck at JFK in New York City for the next three hours due to a layover. Noah’s many years on the road made it possible for him to sleep pretty much anywhere despite his tall frame. But her anxiety prevented her from finding any respite of sleep on the uncomfortable metal chairs outside the gate. 
Which is why she now found herself sitting in the Our Lady of the Skies chapel talking to a wooden crucifix. 
“I don’t know how to talk to you or if you even are actually there and listening,” She states, eyes stinging from the tears that threatened to form, “But at this point I’m desperate.”
“If there is one person in this lifetime that deserves to live a long and fulfilling life it is her,” she continued, “she can be one of the most naive people I know, but she has only ever brought kindness and love into this world because of it.” 
“You’ve already taken so many from me…,” she pleads, unable to hold back the tears as a few escape and trail down her cheeks. “Please don’t take her too.” 
A moment later she felt the warmth of an arm wrap around her and turned to see Noah sit down next to her, their carry-ons bags sitting on the floor in the aisle next to the pew. 
She buried her face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, placed a tender kiss on her head and held her close as she finally let the tears pour out. 
Upon landing in South Carolina, Y/N's sister met them at baggage claim. She looked as tired and spread thin as Y/N did. She knew just how much Olivia meant to her little sister, and also considered her a good friend. But her bond of friendship was no wear near as unbreakable as the one that had been built between Olivia and Y/N over the years.
She wrapped Y/N up into a tight hug and let her know that Olivia had been rushed back into emergency surgery about an hour before they had landed. They had found internal bleeding that was previously missed due to the severity of the initial trauma sustained in the crash, causing her previously stable condition to quickly deteriorate. 
Upon arriving at Columbia Memorial Hospital, they quickly located Olivia’s parents in the waiting room outside the Intensive Care Unit. Olivia’s mother, Mary grabbed Y/N in a  bone crushing hug the second she saw her, thanking them for coming as quickly as they did. She followed the band and knew the journey they had made to be there. Before they could speak further, a man dressed in surgical scrubs emerged from the large bay door. She felt Noah take her hand and give it a squeeze.
Mary walked over to the doctor. He grabbed her hands and shook his head. Y/N couldn’t hear the words he spoke, but Mary’s reaction to them told her all she needed to know. 
Olivia was gone.
Y/N felt numb. She felt her emotions shut down. She wanted to cry, to scream, to fall to her knees but her body just remained frozen in place for what felt like an eternity. Noah’s hand never left hers and his grip never faltered.
They briefly expressed their condolences to Mary and other member’s of their family before leaving them space to grieve. There was no reason for them to stay at the hospital while Mary began the heartbreaking task of preparing for her only child’s funeral. 
The drive to her sister’s house was silent. She showed Y/N and Noah to the guest room and left them to unpack and prepare for bed. 
Y/N found little sleep that night. As sunlight began to stream in through the bedroom window, she turned to peer at the clock on the nightstand. 
It read 6:00am. She quietly rose so as not to disturb Noah’s sleeping form in the bed next to her. She quickly dressed, grabbed her sneakers, and headed out the front door. 
Y/N ran. 
She ran until her lungs felt like broken shards of glass. 
She ran until her legs felt like they were made of jello.
She ran until her feet were numb and weighed heavy like cinder blocks.
In school, she ran after her first heartbreak, she ran when her father died of cancer, she ran when her mother became absent in her own grief leaving her and her sister to fend for themselves, until she would eventually pass as well. 
She ran when all of life's problems seemed to pile up as high as the peaks of Mount Everest and bare down on her shoulders. 
When life didn’t make sense, Y/N ran. 
Olivia had always been the one to run with her. When her own body would grow tired she would remain on the bench at the trailhead of the old high school cross country course, making sure Y/N knew she wasn’t alone. 
But now Olivia was gone and the bench by the trailhead sat empty save for the water bottle Y/N had discarded at the start of her run. She tried to ignore the empty spot as she set out on her second loop. 
As she circled around again she spotted a second water bottle sitting next to hers on the bench. She felt the already growing agitation stir inside her further at the idea of having to interact with a stranger on the course. She prayed they would just run their route and leave her alone. 
Halfway through her third loop she heard the sound of another person coming up from behind her and expected them to call out what side they would be passing her and continue their run. 
Instead the person fell into stride next to her. She turned her head, ready to tell the stranger to politely fuck off, but stopped when she saw Noah running next to her.
He didn’t say anything, just kept running, never leaving her side as they continued to complete two more loops. He knew this was something she had to do, and despite his own fatigue, he wasn’t going to let her do it alone. 
Toward the end of her fifth loop, she felt her legs start to give way. Her toes snagged on a root sticking up in the middle of the path and she waited for her body to hit the dirt. She thought that maybe she would just lay there for a while and let the earth swallow her whole, but the impact never came. 
Instead she felt Noah wrap his arms around her. Pulling her firmly into his chest. The weight of everything she tried to hold inside started to fracture and crumble around her. The emotion she tried to run from rebounded back like a lightning bolt striking her directly in the heart. She thrashed against his hold and hit the bottom of her fists against his chest. 
She screamed out in rage as the hot tears streamed down her face. But despite her best attempts at getting him to let go, his hold remained firm. Noah was sure that his chest was red by the time she finally relaxed in his arms. He took the opportunity to kneel down and scooped the sobbing figure of the woman he loved into his arms. She didn’t have the energy to protest as he carefully carried her home. 
The funeral took place four days later. It was held at St. Joseph's Cathedral downtown where four generations of Olivia’s family had been baptized, confirmed, married, and eulogized. She could not deny that the Mass her family prepared had been beautiful despite Y/N not knowing much about the ways and traditions of the Catholic Church. 
After the service, Mary came up to the both of them and thanked them again for traveling back like they did and for staying for the service. 
“You were the closest thing Olivia had to a sister and even though it may not have seemed like it at times, you were and still are like my second child.” She stated. “Thank you for being her friend and being in our lives.” 
Tears once again formed in her eyes as Mary pulled her in for one of her soul squeezing motherly hugs that Y/N learned to cherish over the years. 
“I love you so much” she said, reaching up to grab either side of Y/N’s face, wiping away the tears with the pads of her thumbs. “And I am so proud of you.”
“I love you too.” Y/N replied, before hugging the woman once again. 
The next day they were scheduled to fly back to LA, but not before visiting Olivia’s grave. It was covered in layers of floral arrangements and marked by a temporary placard with ‘Olivia Renee Barber” and her dates of birth and death engraved on dark metal. 
Noah stayed back as Y/N paid her respects. He wished that he could take all of her grief and carry it on his own shoulders so she didn’t have to weather the burden. He knew from his own experiences that she had to go through this process at her own pace. Loss was not linear and there were no magical boxes to check as you grieve and heal.
There was one thing he knew for absolute certain. As long as he was around, she would never go through anything in this world alone. He’d be there to catch her when she’d fall and just as he knew she’d do the same for him in return.
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scottlava · 1 year
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“My angel. Flung out of space.”
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patpran · 1 year
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my angel, flung out of space
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flowerynameslover · 2 months
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“My angel. Flung out of space.”
Carol (2015)
Romance in Film Gif Meme: (6/10) Favorite Films
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
A Reverse Steve Rogers
Jack Thompson x Reader
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Masterlist - Taglist
Requested by @hawaiianpizzaenjoyer !! Thanks for the request, and for being so patient while I got it done! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Y/N, an Avenger, friend of Tony Stark, and the one who helped Steve Rogers adjust to the 21st century after he came out of the ice, gets flung back into the 1940s when something goes wrong on a training mission. She has no idea how long her stay in the 40s might be, but one way or another, it's going to be interesting.
Word Count: 4,684
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: This doesn't follow any of the season 2 timeline lol, just some vague stuff put together for the sake of this story.
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"We could always just find another ticket for her and make up a reason for her to be there on her own..."
"Yeah? Like what? At this event, anybody with the slightest hole in their story is gonna stick out like a sore thumb.”
I looked between Peggy Carter and Daniel Sousa as they talked, frantically trying to figure out what to do with me tonight. They were currently in the middle of breaking up a secret society in Los Angeles, and they had a mission disguised as a date tonight where they'd be infiltrating a fancy party being thrown by said society.
Unfortunately for them, I'd landed in their laps (pretty literally) this afternoon, and accidentally thrown a wrench into their whole operation.
One minute, I'd been doing a training mission with the Avengers. The next, I'd been falling on top of  a desk in the SSR in 1947. I still didn't know exactly what had thrown me back in time, but no matter what the cause, the fact didn't change that I was here, and would be for the foreseeable future.
I'd almost had a heart attack when I'd looked up to see THE Peggy Carter, founder of SHIELD and total badass, standing in front of me. I think I freaked her and Daniel out a little by fangirling the minute I got up off the floor, but a stranger landing in the middle of their super high-level organization probably would've landed me in the interrogation room anyway.
Thankfully, I knew Steve Rogers pretty well, and so did Peggy. I'd mentioned his name briefly when trying to explain how I knew who she was, but then I'd been able to use what I knew about Steve and the stories he'd shared with me to convince her I was telling the truth about time travel.
Since then, we'd done some brief introductions and I'd been let out of the interrogation room. I'd been given the bare minimum details of the mission to understand the conversation, and now I sat on the edge of a desk watching Daniel and Peggy talk as they tried to adjust their plans.
"Perhaps Mr. Jarvis would be available on short notice to take her as a date..." mused Peggy.
"Whoa, Jarvis? Oh my gosh, the real person Jarvis is alive and walking around right now. That makes sense," I said, mostly talking to myself.
"That still doesn't solve the problem of them not being on the guest list," continued Daniel, he and Peggy only briefly glancing my way at the outburst.
"Maybe Howard could help us secure another two."
"He already wore out his welcome with these guys to get you in there the first time."
"Did you just say Howard? As in Howard Stark?"
Peggy and Daniel groaned in unison.
"Don't tell me you're a big fan of him too?" groaned Daniel.
"His ego's already big enough as it is," Peggy agreed.
"No, it's not that, I- uh... nevermind." I pushed off the desk, waving off thoughts of Tony. I still wasn't clear on how this time travel stuff worked, and I didn't want to go telling people about Howard Stark's currently nonexistent son without more assurance it wouldn't have any crazy impact first. "Look, you guys clearly don't have space for me in this mission. The best path is a small team, specifically a couple, who can enjoy the night like a regular date while still gathering intel and handling the mission."
Peggy and Daniel shared a look, and I could see an entire conversation passing between them. I continued.
"I might not know much about the forties, but I'm still a capable adult. I'm an Av- I was on a team with Steve to take on missions around the world. I'll be fine handling myself for a bit while you guys take care of business."
"Are you sure?" asked Peggy with a frown.
"We don't want to completely abandon you. Disappearing from your own time and reappearing in another can't be easy," added Daniel.
I gave them a faint smile, momentarily overwhelmed with memories. I'd first met Steve when he'd shown up in the future and needed someone to help him adjust. I'd been a SHIELD agent at the time, responsible for liaising with Tony Stark, so they figured helping a living legend adjust would be nothing compared to that.
They'd been right, and we'd hit it off the bat. When Tony eventually formed the team, I'd been on the roster. And now, I was the one being faced with adjusting to another time.
"It's not easy," I said to Daniel, the smile still on my face. "But I also don't need babysitters when those babysitters have important, world-saving duties to attend to. I actually have a little bit of an advantage, going back in time. I took history classes and whatnot, so I at least have some idea of how this world works."
"Well, if you're sure-"
"Alright! Sousa, Marge, fear not! The cavalry is here."
I turned at the sound of a new voice, but not before I caught Peggy and Daniel rolling their eyes so far back into their heads I couldn't see the pupils. A tall, blond man in a suit was striding across the room towards us, and a second after I started sizing him up he noticed me and did the same.
"Who's this?" he asked, coming to a stop in front of us. Peggy and Daniel didn't answer right away, apparently working together to gather mental strength before entering the conversation with this guy. I just leaned back a bit against the desk and watched.
Peggy and Daniel took a second to make significant eye contact, then sighed as one. Daniel turned to Jack, and Peggy subtly shifted closer to me.
"She's somebody who does a job like ours, but from the future," said Daniel. Jack just stared at him for a minute, then looked to me, and then back at Daniel.
"Sousa, despite what you might think, I'm not stupid."
"Jack, I get that it's hard to believe, but if you actually listen for two seconds-"
Jack huffed and crossed his arms while Daniel kept talking. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Peggy leaning in towards me, and I blocked out the boys' argument as she whispered to me.
"Y/N, I have a favor to ask of you."
"Hit me," I whispered back. Peggy sighed.
"Jack has recently had a moral epiphany," she started. I took half a second to give her a curious glance, and she just rolled her eyes in response. "It's been mostly nice, both to have him on our side and to finally have him respecting me and Daniel and anyone that's not an older man already in power.
"That said, we don't have space for him on this mission. All he's going to do is be a nuisance, and he's far less likely to agree to being benched than you."
"And I take it you have a solution for this?"
"Yes. But it would require throwing you under the bus to keep him occupied tonight."
I paused for a second, giving Jack another good look. He and Sousa were still in the middle of a heated argument while Sousa tried to convince him I was actually a time traveler, and even though they both seemed exasperated, Jack also seemed to be enjoying the back and forth. A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth.
"Peggy Carter, it would be an absolute honor to assist you on a mission," I said, turning to her with a smile. "Even if it means spending the evening learning about the forties from a slightly questionable teacher."
"You're a lifesaver," she said, giving me a smile back. She pushed off the desk, moving towards Daniel and Jack to interrupt them but shooting me a wink first. "And don't worry, I'll give you an actual introduction to the decade after this mission is over."
I nodded, then Peggy got Jack and Daniel's attention to put their argument to rest and explain the situation. Jack raised an eyebrow when Peggy told him his job would be keeping me company, but she phrased it well enough that it didn't quite sound like babysitting for either of us. Finally, he agreed, and Peggy and Daniel headed out for their event, leaving me and Jack Thompson alone in the bullpen of the LA SSR.
He stood by the windows, staring out at the traffic below as I spun around in a swivel chair. I kept looking at him, but he didn't look over at me once, at least not that I could catch. Finally, after a few more rotations, I huffed a sigh and pushed myself up. I put my hands on my hips, but Jack still didn't look over.
"Alright, I'm bored out of my mind, which should not be a possibility less than three hours after I suddenly appeared in a different time period," I said. Jack finally looked over at me, raising an unimpressed eyebrow as he did. I continued. "You're supposed to be helping me adjust to this place, since I don't know how long I'm gonna be here. Believe it or not, it didn't take me that long to adjust to this office."
He sighed heavily, but stepped away from the window anyway, stopping a few feet in front of me with his arms across his chest. He stared at me for a few seconds without saying anything, and I just stared right back. I crossed my arms to mirror him and he snorted and rolled his eyes.
"You're really from the future?" he finally asked.
"Did the twenty minutes Peggy and Daniel spent convincing you not settle this matter?"
He grunted, then finally dropped his arms back to his sides.
"Fine. What do you want to do then?"
I grinned. "Any good places to grab a drink and a dance around here?”
"This is only my first week in LA, so if this place ends up being terrible, it's the city's fault and not mine," said Jack as we stepped out of the cab together. I'd taken a second to find a dress to steal from Peggy's emergency disguise stash at the SSR, since my 21st century mission clothes would probably cause a riot if I went out in them, and then Jack and I had jumped in a cab to a spot in town he'd heard about.
"Boooo," I teased as he paid the driver and we headed in together. "You can't consider the possibility of the night being a failure before it's even started! It's a jinx."
"A jinx?"
"Yeah, you know. Like bad luck."
"I know the definition of the word jinx," he scoffed. "I just think it's ridiculous you believe in them."
"Oh, yeah, of course. Actually, I didn't want to tell Peggy and Daniel this, but in the future we've discovered that a lot of things people dismissed as superstitions or bad luck are actually true. Like jinxes. Oh, and breaking a mirror? That actually will mess you up! We didn't realize it until science advanced a little further, I think in the seventies, but it's true."
Jack stared at me for a few seconds, and I stared back with a perfectly neutral expression on my face. Then, he broke into a grin and nudged me with his shoulder.
"You're messing with me."
"I definitely am."
He scoffed and shook his head, but the smile didn't drop off his face. He sighed dramatically, looking up at the club in front of us, then held out his arm for me to take.
"C'mon. You're the one who wanted to experience the time period."
I smiled up at him, then looped my arm through his. He pulled me a little closer, and I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't speed up a bit as we walked into the club together.
Immediately I got hit with the music I associated with the swinging jazz of the 1940s as we stepped into a world of men in suits and women in old-style dresses, all twirling across the dancefloor together.
"Whoa," I breathed. Suddenly, it started to sink in that I was actually in the 1940s, more than 80 years from everything and everyone I knew. A new surge of sympathy for Steve welled up in my chest.
"You alright?" asked Jack, nudging me a little as we stood in the doorway. I took a deep breath in and out, then slowly nodded. "Okay, good. Let's go get a drink.”
I huffed a laugh as he pulled me through the crowd and towards the bar. We managed to find two stools, and Jack pulled my seat out for me before I sat down. I couldn't help giving him a slightly bemused look, which he grunted about as he took the seat next to me.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing," I said, waving him off. "Just, you know... forties."
He turned to stare at me, his eyebrows knit together, but the bartender appeared before he could question what I was talking about.
"What can I get the two of you?" asked the bartender. Jack turned to me, letting me go first.
"I'll have an old fashioned, please."
Both he and Jack looked at me for a second, but I looked right back at both of them like they were crazy for questioning it (because they were). After a second, Jack shrugged and turned back to the bartender.
"I'll do the same."
The bartender nodded, then moved away to make the drinks. I turned and gave Jack a smile.
"Thanks for buying," I said. "I didn't have my wallet on me when I got sucked back in time, and even if I did, I don't think the bartender would be able to accept the kind of bills I carry. I'm not trying to get arrested for counterfeiting a few hours into being in the past."
Jack chuckled. "Sure thing. So, an old fashion, huh?"
"Yeah. It's Ton- uh, it's my friend's favorite drink. He got me drinking them, too."
"Hm. Future sounds like a wild place."
"Honestly, I'd say 1940 is a little wilder."
The bartender set down our drinks, and Jack put a few bills on the table. Then, once he was out of earshot again, I turned to Jack with a smile.
"Cheers," I said, raising my glass in toast. "To new experiences and getting to know each other and this weird ass trip back to the past."
Jack smiled, although I could tell he was fighting it, and clinked his glass with mine before we both took a sip.
"So, Jack Thompson... tell me about the forties."
Jack and I spent the next hour talking about everything from foods that hadn't been invented yet (ranch dressing!) to the weird, national popularity of baseball and how I couldn't wait to see people start getting the memo about the NBA. Some of it was informative, even helpful, but for the most part we just... talked. Laughed. Joked around and enjoyed each other's company like people who'd known each other much longer than a few hours.
For some reason, it just felt easy. Going into this, heading out with someone who was clearly a confident, if not arrogant, man from the 1940s, with Peggy's warnings on top of everything else? Well, let's just say I didn't have the highest of hopes. But by some miracle, whether it was our equally loud and teasing personalities or that fact that I proudly didn't know anything about baseball beyond the fact that games took way too long, rather than the ignorance or indifference he had been expecting... Jack Thompson and I got on like wildfire.
"I'm just saying, when you're watching a legend play, that's the only part of the game that matters!" Jack continued, defending his baseball stance. "And DiMaggio's a legend."
"Yeah, no shit," I scoffed, rolling my eyes to go with it. Jack snorted at my language, but I caught him grinning at me all the same as he took a sip from his drink. "But, unlike in other sports, your legend's only playing for like fifteen minutes out of every hour. Still boring!"
Jack opened his mouth, clearly ready with some other comeback that would do absolutely nothing to change my position, but before he could, the band started up with something I actually recognized.
"Oh my God!" I cried, setting down the now-empty glass that previously held my second old fashioned. "This song- we have to go dance!"
"You know this song?" asked Jack, only looking slightly bemused as he set down his glass and I dragged him towards the dance floor.
"Yeah. Steve plays it all. The damned. Time," I said, finally coming to a stop in the middle of the floor. I moved to drop Jack's hand now that I'd gotten him out here, but he just squeezed it tighter and pulled me closer. "It's one of the only songs from the forties he plays that I can actually stand."
Jack scoffed, wrapping an arm around my waist as we started twirling across the floor together. "You're actually friends with him? Sousa wasn't making that whole thing up?"
"What? No. Actually, I'm the one that helped him adjust to the future not long after he woke up in my time."
Jack nodded, looking thoughtful. "So that's why you recognized Carter? Sousa said you almost fainted from excitement when you first saw her."
"No. I mean, sort of, I guess. But I would've known her even without Steve. She's only the coolest, most badass woman and intelligence pioneer the world has ever known," I said. Jack snorted, and I scowled. "What? You disagree?"
He shrugged. "I mean, I'd probably argue there are some other intelligence pioneers that deserve mention. But... I guess no, I don't necessarily disagree. Just don't mention it to her, alright? I'll deny it, and I don't need her immortalization from a time traveler being thrown in my face every time I work a case with her for the rest of time."
I laughed, and Jack gave me a knowing smile before spinning me out and away from him. He twirled me across the floor before pulling me back to him quickly. We moved in perfect harmony, picking up our pace to match the band and putting the other couples to shame. We quickly got lost in our own little world, to the point that everyone and everything except the music disappeared. When Jack sped up, I sped up a little more, and we easily met each other's challenges, stupid smiles on our faces the whole time.
When a slower song started playing, Jack and I finally relaxed the pace, forgoing the elaborate dance moves to just sway in place and catch our breaths for a minute. I was still a little lost in our moment, enough so that I didn't notice someone else approaching us until he shoved himself part way between me and Jack.
"Hey doll. Mind if I cut in?" The guy leered over me, totally ignoring Jack as he reached for my hand without waiting for my answer. I scoffed, my tired-but-happy smile instantly turning into a scowl. Jack seemed equally frustrated and moved as if he was about to step in and do something about it, but I decided to just take care of it for the both of us.
"Actually, yeah, I do mind," I snapped, fixing the guy with an unimpressed look as I snatched my hand out of his reach. He seemed incredibly surprised by my response, but I plowed ahead anyway. "I'm dancing with someone already, and even if I weren't, I have no interest at all in dancing with you. So... scram. Or beat it. Or whatever people say now."
The man just stood there for a second, open-mouthed, blinking at me in stunned silence. Then, his expression shifted into a scowl and his face started to turn red.
"I- You- How dare you-!"
"Dude, get lost," I said, crossing my arms and staring him down as I talked over him. I glanced over his shoulder to Jack, who also looked shocked but in a pleasantly surprised way, and addressed him. "What's another good way to tell someone to go away?"
He shrugged, a delighted smile growing on his face. "Take a powder?"
"Really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Jack just nodded, so I looked back at the rude guy. "Alright, take a powder. Hit the bricks. Take a long walk off a short pier. Other creative ways to say leave. I want to dance to this lovely song with my dance partner here, who is not you, so... yeah. Take the blatant instructions."
The man whirled around to Jack, like he expected him to say or do something to reign me in. Jack just shrugged again.
"You heard the lady. I'm not gonna tell you anything she didn't already say."
The man scowled, whipping back to look at me again. I just met him with crossed arms and a look that told him I wouldn't be budging an inch. He spluttered a few more incoherent words in indignation, then stormed off the dance floor and out of sight. I sighed, then faced Jack again.
"How wildly out of place was that for the time period? Both him and me?" I asked. Jack grinned.
"Him? Not very. You? Insanely," he said, taking my hand again as we went back to gently swaying in place. He tugged me a little closer to his chest, and I smiled. "I gotta say though, I sure enjoyed watching it."
"Good. Because I don't actually care at all, and I had a lot of fun doing that."
Jack laughed, throwing his head back before fixing me with a brilliant smile. He twirled me out and away from him again, then pulled me right back into his chest. We swayed together, closer than we'd been all night, and to my surprise I started noticing more than a few butterflies squirming in my chest as I stared up at the SSR Chief. Hm, noted the more logical side of my brain as we moved across the crowded dance floor. Nice, my heart replied as Jack's strong hand laid firmly on my waist and my hand traveled to the collar of his shirt.
Jack and I spent the rest of the night at the club, enjoying the music, the dancing, and each other's company until the place turned on the lights and threw us out. A few times, other men came up to hit on me and "steal me away" from Jack. Each time, I dressed them down and sent them on their way, and each time Jack just grinned and watched me do it. I could still tell he was ready to jump in, that his instinct was to take care of it for me, but he seemed to enjoy watching the jerks splutter and babble in shock and surprise as much as I did.
Afterwards, when we wandered back out onto the LA street together, Jack insisted on escorting me back to Howard Stark's place, where I'd be staying with Peggy. It was going to be incredibly weird staying at Tony's dad's house, meeting him and the real-human Jarvis, but I could process that later. Right now, I wanted to focus on the amazing, less-weird parts of being in the 40s. Specifically Jack Thompson, who I'd just spent a wonderful night enjoying this new time period with.
Jack hailed us a cab, and I rested my head on his shoulder and watched the city go by as the taxi took us out of the city, to the massive Stark mansion. It was basically a 40s version of Tony's Malibu house, and a pang of sadness tightened in my chest when I realized I had no idea when–or if–I would see my friends again.
I took a deep breath and shook those thoughts out of my head as the car came to a stop. All of that was a problem for later, not now. Jack got out first, holding the door for me and offering a hand to help me out, which I took. Rather than dropping it once I stood, he wrapped it around his arm as he asked the cabbie to wait and escorted me towards the house. We stopped on the porch and turned to face each other, and I realized I actually really didn't want the night to end.
"Thanks for showing me around the forties," I said, giving Jack a small smile. "It was actually really fun."
"You don't have to sound so surprised," he griped, but a smile made its way onto his face all the same. "So... I don't know how long you're gonna be here, and obviously we've got a lot of other work to do with Carter and Sousa tomorrow, but... maybe I could take you out again sometime. There's still a lot of forties you haven't seen yet."
"I'd like that," I said, a warm feeling welling up in my chest. I hesitated a second as Jack and I stared at each other on the doorstep, then decided to say fuck it and keep doing what I'd been doing all night: following my impulses. "Quick question: in the forties, if I kiss you on the first date, is that going to scare you off or something?"
Jack grinned. "It might get a raised eyebrow from the cabbie, but I sure as shit won't be complaining."
With that, I grabbed Jack's lapels and tugged him towards me, leaning up just a bit and giving him a kiss. It was short, really just a quick peck since we'd just met, but fireworks exploded in my chest at the sensation anyway.
Jack's grin stayed in place as we pulled apart, and his hand lingered on my waist an extra second before dropping to his side. He took a step backwards, towards the waiting car, even as his eyes stayed on mine. I rested my hand on the doorknob, watching Jack and trying to stay in the moment even as he walked away.
"Welcome to the forties, sweetheart," he called as he made it down the porch steps and into the driveway. "I'll see you at work tomorrow."
I waved, a smile on my own face to match his. "Can't wait."
Jack gave a short wave and one last grin before getting into the cab. I watched as he drove away, a smile still on my own face even after I knew he couldn't see it. Finally, after the lights of the cab faded back into the LA night, I turned on my heel and walked into the house.
I'd been in the 40s for less than twelve hours, and I knew for a fact that I hadn't even scratched the tip of the iceberg on exploring the time period, or what frustrations being eighty years removed from everything I knew would bring. But, despite all that, I'd had a blast tonight, and tomorrow I'd get to start working with THE Peggy Carter. Whether I was only here for another few hours or it turned into months or longer, I couldn't help being excited at the idea of everything that was yet to come for me, not least of all my next date with Jack Thompson.
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jake-g-lockley · 2 years
hello, can you do prompt 2 with marc spector please? thanks 🤍
Touch of Love (Marc Spector x reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Want to be Tagged?
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Prompt: Head or shoulder massages
A/N: Thanks for the ask, nonnie! Ew, I'm so soft for Marc it's bad. Liddle bit of hurt + comfort &lt;3
Warnings: Marc is hurt :( 
Word count: 968 words
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You were shaken awake as your boyfriend slowly pulled your arms off from around his body. The bed dipped as he sat up and let out a loud sigh, followed by a sniff.
“Marc? What’s the problem?” you slowly drag as you pull yourself out of your sleepy state to feel for his hand that was planted on the bed.
“It’s nothing, angel, go back to sleep.” Marc’s voice seemed heavier than usual, almost thick with tears and that made you shoot up with panic, your hand scrambling to find the switch to the bedside lamp.
You flung yourself out of bed and walked around it, kneeling in front of Marc. It was then when you noticed that one of his hands was tightly clutching at his shoulder and his face was stained with tears. The crease between his eyebrows seemed deeper than usual, with the way his eyebrows were knitted together and his eyes screwed shut. 
“Oh baby, what’s the matter?” you say, gently rubbing at his thigh. 
“It hurts.” Marc whispered as tears escaped his tightly shut eyes. 
Your hands quickly come up to his face to wipe away his tears as your heart broke for him. Marc never usually expresses his pain to anyone and you were pretty sure it was absolutely excruciating if he admitted it to you so quickly. His body was shaking slightly and his hand kept trying to knead a spot on his shoulder. 
“Okay, sweetheart, I’m going to help you alright?” you rub his arm as your other hand comes down to the edge of his sweater.
He raised his arms up as you pulled and you noticed that his left arm was raised significantly less than his right one, so your hand shot out to hold his left wrist as you navigated the sweater slowly off his frame. Marc whimpered slightly as you slowly yanked the sweater off him and you soothed him with your words of encouragement and a few kisses to his forehead. 
You hurried to the medicine cabinet and pulled out a few extra strength painkillers along with some pain ointment. You stopped at the window to glare at the moon that graced the sky, blaming it for your lovely boyfriend’s ailment. Khonshu’s ceremonial armour healed Marc from flesh wounds and cuts, but it left a dull ache that manifested to muscle pain that Marc could not help but live with. It took a toll on his body and left him feeling fatigued. You rushed to Marc’s side again and handed him the tablets, helping him drink them down with a little bit of water.
“That's it, that's good. Alright, tell me where it hurts.” you say softly, crawling onto the bed and taking a seat behind him.
“Left shoulder,” he mumbled.
“And?” Sometimes you realised that Marc needed a little bit of a push and you were there to give him your all.
“I think a muscle in my neck pulled. My head is pounding too.” he whispered and you placed a soft kiss on his neck, causing him to shiver slightly. 
You squeezed a little bit of the ointment onto the space between Marc’s shoulder and neck, slowly rubbing it down with your finger tips, not applying much pressure. 
“Marc, this is going to hurt a little, just bear with me, it’ll get better, I promise.” Marc nodded at your soft words and you sat up slightly and got to work.
You bared down your weight on your palm as you pressed into Marc’s shoulder, making him groan loudly and claw at your fingers. You persisted, ignoring Marc’s pleas to stop as you kneaded the knotted muscle, testing its tension under your fingers. You continued to press as hard as your grip strength could go until Marc groans dissipated into soft sighs. You handled his neck a little more gently, careful not to press too hard at his spine, using two knuckles to slowly ease the pain away.
“Mmm, thank you baby, you’re too good to me.” Marc mumbled and you shushed him with another kiss to his skin. 
Marc was slowly turning into putty as his state of pain altered into something more relaxing. Your touch was like morphine and he was pretty sure that you had magic fingers that knew every nook and cranny that was damaged in his body. You were now pressing spots that he was too shy to admit was hurting and he sighed in relief as you smiled knowingly. 
You had pulled him into a different position and he was now lying on his front with his head buried in the pillows as you worked your way up and down the broad plain of his back. You could visibly see him relax into your soft rhythm and could tell that the pain medications were doing their jobs. 
When you were done, you sat beside him and turned him over so that his head was on your lap. Marc’s eyes were hazily staring up at you and you bent down to kiss his nose, causing them to flutter close as you giggled delightfully. You started to draw pressured circles on the side of his temple and a loud exhale escaped Marc and you knew you hit the right spot. You alternated softly pinching the bridge of his nose and massaging his temples for a bit before burying your hands in his curls and pressing at his scalp. 
You were so focused that you only snapped out of it when you heard a soft snore emitting from Marc. You smiled happily at how peaceful his face looked and bathed in the fact that you managed to get him to fall asleep comfortably. You placed a soft kiss onto his lips and played with his hair until you yourself lost consciousness.
Reblogs are appreciated~~~~~
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1920legends · 1 year
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My Angel flung out of space…
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