#my adventures with superman meta
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the-velvet-worm · 8 months ago
obsessed with the fact that lois's "bad" qualities are what saved clark
like one of her biggest insecurities is being perceived as stubborn and annoying, we've been there, done that, but because clark loves those things about her, and sees her as passionate and driven rather than stubborn and annoying, she was able to use that to her advantage to defy brainiac and get through to clark.
I just love that so much bc so rarely are female characters allowed to be flawed in the ways lois is. we've seen it since the first episode, and in many other iterations of the character. literally our first impressions of lois in this series were her tricking jimmy and clark into chasing the story she wanted to write, and stealing a key card from a prison warden to break into a locked door. she's insane, she will do anything to reach her goals, she'll jump off the roof of the daily planet to prove that clark is superman, and the thing is CLARK IS SO CRAZY ABOUT THAT. he's basically indestructible, insanely fast and strong, and YET she is the bravest person he knows and he ADMIRES that so much about her. superman is a hero but lois lane is SUPERMAN'S hero.
there's just something so wonderful about seeing two young, insecure people looking at each other and saying, "not only do I accept you the way you are, I LOVE everything about you, even the things you don't love about yourself. I love that you're different, I love that you don't follow rules, I love that you stand up for what's right, because that's what makes you who you are and I wouldn't want you do be any other way."
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starlight-bread-blog · 2 years ago
As someone who isn't all that familiar with Superman and had no opinion on him whatsoever, watching My Adventures With Superman was so interesting. Because, dear Superman fans, you were right. If this is Superman, damn. We stan.
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Something I really appreciate about My Adventures With Superman is that I think it’s the best approach I’ve seen in a recent adaptation regarding Clark’s nature as a journalist.
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Not only is the job afforded more plot utility in an adaptation where Clark doesn’t have all his powers cracked yet (so he can’t just hear/see everything to the point of literal omniscience), but it’s also a really smart choice to have reporting be something that Clark wants to do independent from any Superman-related stuff.
Clark never planned on becoming a superhero, but he did plan on being a reporter because journalism is a field that interests him. That immediately humanizes him and gives the viewer an emotional stake in the Daily Planet as a setting and aspect of Clark’s life that we should care about. It also immediately gives he and Lois as massive thing in common that their chemistry can then build out from naturally.
A lot of recent Superman adaptations seem to not know what to do with the Planet besides just having Clark BE there as a matter of obligation to source material, but this show has a clear, pointed purpose that lets it be the base for the whole series, and it’s a boon for Clark’s character across the board.
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artbyblastweave · 8 months ago
Was thinking recently that MAWS commits admirably to actually putting Lois and Jimmy on equal footing with the guy who has actual superpowers; they're equal participants in the adventures rather than supporting cast members who flit in and out depending on the episode, as they were in Superman: the Animated Series. The flip side of that dynamic is that this is a setting that doesn't really have superheroes besides Superman himself, even if it's poised to eventually, so there isn't really a concrete in-universe category of "superhero" for Lois and Jimmy to fall outside of- to an in-universe observer who has to account for all the variables, Lois and Jimmy would amount to basically the same type of thing as Clark. In the process of juicing up the supporting cast to the extent that they can keep pace with the hero as equal contributors, you sort of shed light on the fact that there's always been a pretty thin line and somewhat arbitrary line within the logic of these universes between "Badass normal who puts on a costume" and "badass unpowered cast member who doesn't adopt a explicit costumed identity." And that line dissolves faster than the wicked witch at a water park if a superhero starts taking characters in the latter category along on every single adventure.
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someoneoffthestreet · 9 months ago
if I may, about Lois Lane in MAWS:
the trouble with a fanbase that has faced extreme misogyny directed at a specific female character is that it becomes difficult to discuss that character's actual mistakes in any meaningful form. like I get it: it's frustrating when you love a character and there's this whole subset of fandom or internet at large just waiting to tear them apart for even breathing wrong, I really do get it! but what happens when this character, who has been wrongfully subjected to criticism before, actually messes up?
my feelings on where Clark and Lois are as a couple at the start of s2 is that effectively the honeymoon period of their relationship is over, and the hard work has to begin. Clark has been making (tentative) steps to make this happen, but Lois has been allowing the relationship to coast, trusting that everything between them is fine and will stay fine for the foreseeable future. she's been caught up in a lot of stuff: her new dream job, the prospect of moving out of Metropolis, the tricky situation with her dad. with all of this, it feels (at least at this point in time) that she's effectively started taking Clark and his presence in her life for granted. maybe she feels everything else in her life is too complicated and she doesn't want to complicate her romantic life further. maybe it hasn't even occurred to her that Clark currently needs more support than she is actually giving. hopefully future episodes will shed further light on that.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 6 months ago
This is a good Kara.
Like, I don't do long essays but I love how it starts by endearing her to the audience and mentioning a strict father.
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And then at the end where she goes off on Clark it's like "oh shit." And for a minute you're conflicted because "Wait, so was it an act?"
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Then she has that scene with the civilians, so you know it wasn't an act at the start, so this wasn't a ruse, so you're in a curious position where you still want to see her and Clark obviously, be okay.
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And you see the eyes dull after the "Will you comply?" line so that intrigues you. It intrigued me, at least.
I didn't go into this show blind, but watching it? I wish I did.
In summary: Get her away from Primus. Introduce her to Ma and Pa Kent.
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sir-phineas-lost · 9 months ago
This is a small complaint compared to some other things I have with MAwS, but I really don't like the fact that Kryptionians having powers is just the default for them and not the result of hyper-thriving in Earth-like environments. There is something about the fact that Clark gets his powers from the world that saved his life and the way he in turn chooses to use them for the world that I find very appealing about his character.
Combined with the change of making Krypton into a conquering empire and having that legacy be what Clark is introduced to it feels like they are turning Krypton into a copy of Viltrum. And that only worked as well as it did because it was already a deconstruction of Krypton by way of Vegeta.
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shoot-i-messed-up · 2 months ago
One of the hardest things about writing superlantern is figuring out what’s the deal with clois in this universe…they’re literally soulmates….why is clark with hal and not lois….
#ily clois <3#i’m writing this bc i’m considering giving lois mayson drake as her gf in this superlantern one shot i’m writing#as a throwaway line but still#bc like as much as I like superlantern I think I write them as one of those couples#who kinda just come out of left field. like both in-universe and meta speaking#like clois is Meant To Be ykwim.#romantic or platonic Lois is always going to be an extremely important person in Clark’s life. maybe The Most important person.#so in superlantern fics I always think abt her and her dating history with clark#and if they didn’t work out why? and if clark and hal work out why is their relationship different from clark and lois’v#oooh wait hold on I’m thinking#one of the main tensions in Clois relatiomship (at least in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman)#is that Clark is kinda flighty. it’s not his fault bc being Superman is a really time consuming job that he needs to be able to go whenever#but maybe in this universe Lois and Clark date but they realize that that issue is smth they cant get past#<- esp w Lois’ issues w her military dad putting work above her as a child#so like they can be best friends and they’re fucking great as best friends#but that can be my reason for why they both choose not to date#bc this clark doesn’t figure out how to have a more stable Superman-Clark balance and he thinks that lois deserves better#whereas with hal#hal is even MORE busy than clark always getting called off to space and shit#so i think they would both be extremely understanding whenever one of them#needs to leave#as for Lois/Mayson (do they have a ship name? this show is from the early 90s surely someone must’ve thought of one)#they’re character foils. need I say more.#ok but no fr like they’re character foils in the sense that they were written to be polar opposite love interests for Clark#Lois loves Superman and likes Clark#(in a super reductionist oversimplified manner of speaking)#(really Lois is infatuated with Superman and has a slowburn with Clark)#whereas Mayson is immediately taken with Clark but disapproves of Superman’s modus operandi#simu's two cents#lois & clark: the new adventures of superman
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kayrma · 2 years ago
ok on vicki vale: i don't think that her character was "assassinated" at all. remember – she's from gotham, and if this is superman year 1, it's roughly batman year 2 when he's still tackling mob crime BUT gotham is haunted and creepy and definitely wouldn't trust aliens or superpowers in any shape or form. so it checks out that ms. eic of the gotham gazette is anti-superman outside of being a ruthless reporter aiming for an angle that garners the most reactions
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dio-icarticaae · 10 months ago
MAWS S2E3 Thoughts!
So I pretty much spent the entire episode yelling about John Henry Irons appearing and getting a whole episode focused on his origins. Love that this is the first other superhero they're introducing, and he's absolutely coming back. If he doesn't I will start biting.
First off, poor Clark and Jimmy, having to live with General Lane at the moment. Of course he's a horrible roommate. Clark does look very cute though when looking through the window. Lois is definitely going to have to apologize for volunteering Clark and Jimmy for this. I'm curious as to when this conversation is going to take place.
Jimmy getting a taste of what being Perry while he and Clark and Lois were interns is hilarious.
Again I really love John Henry in this episode. The hero worship Clark has for him! His dedication to doing good! The hammer!! I do hope we get an armor redesign.
Also. Slight conspiracy theory here, but. They're setting up for some kind of Reign of the Supermen-esque event, right???? John Henry Irons. an astronaut named Hank - Hank Henshaw? Establishing and emphasizing Clark's version of TTK. The fact that Task Force X has some of Clark's blood. Krypton is established as being a military power - who's a better example of that in canon than the Eradicator? Kon-el has to make an appearance, right? Right?!? They're going to bring Superboy in, right?!?!
I can see that they're doing something here, and I'm excited to find out what!!
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bobauthorman · 2 years ago
With the new Superman cartoon My Adventures With Superman coming on, I thought we should talk about Superman’s origins. His original origins. As in, Golden Age of Comics Original origins.
In that original continuity, the Kents, bless their hearts, decided the best place a baby found in the wreckage of a crashed spaceship was the local orphanage asylum.
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Of course, in this undeveloped canon, Kyrptonian super-strength was the result of Krypton being a planet with higher gravity than Earth, which meant even a tiny baby was capable of tossing around furniture!
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Naturally, Ma and Pa, being the sweeties they are, return shortly later to take the little bundle of home. You can imagine how happy the head attendant was to let that happen!
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My point is, do you think, maybe, that orphanage ever made a connection between that powerful baby and the living legend Superman? That years, decades later, those who worked at that place saw the Big Blue Boy Scout and thought, “It’s him!”?
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starlight-bread-blog · 2 years ago
The scary part is that they do. I saw a tweet that blew up bashing Lois and someone in the replies brought it up. The op's defense was... "it was handled better there". It's an okay defense except it was handled perfectly? They show you her pov all throughout, explain her trauma, make Clark a little in the wrong too, make it in line with her established character traits, all in 4 episodes. I genuinely don't know what's not well handled here.
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I would like to thank the mass bullshit meltdown on Twitter over Lois Lane throwing herself off a roof top, I'd never get into the show without ya'll<3
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I love the way that Zero Day handles Clark’s super-hearing.
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In part one it feels like a burden, something that keeps Clark stressed and stretched too thin, but in part two it’s what gives him a window into how needed and appreciated his help is by those around him.
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It helps him see outside himself as his self-doubt threatens to overpower his heroic instinct, and it’s an indicator that Superman has a place in Metropolis; a calling that doesn’t ask him to “be normal” or hide a part of himself. Just like Parasite being surprisingly positioned as Clark’s thematic nemesis, the superhearing is quietly positioned by the show as his most important power.
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artbyblastweave · 8 months ago
I do think that Lex Luthor as depicted in My Adventures With Superman has more or less completely validated my longstanding take that the Jesse Eisenburg spin on Lex in Batman Vs Superman was at least gesturing at an interesting take on the character.
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someoneoffthestreet · 2 years ago
here's a theory that's been cooking in my brain:
I think Clark is right that he's been "weaponized" somehow, but is completely wrong about the reasons, and I think the show tells us this in the very first minutes of the show. there are loads of examples (other people even picked up on this weeks ago) but they're ultimately redundant for this post because it all comes back to Clark, the kite, and the car.
the show opens with Clark trying to get his kite from a tree. it sets us up for his powers to kick in while trying to jump up and grab it, but it's a fake out, with him jumping no higher than he did before. it's only when the distracted mother hits the pothole and Clark tries to save her from hitting another tree that his powers kick in: not for himself, but for the sake of someone else. this proves to be the case for nearly all of his other powers as well.
as of the end of season 1, we're still not sure about what happened with Krypton, down to if it actually blew up like it usually does or not. but there's strong evidence that it had something to do with Brainiac and (possibly) Zod. whatever happened, Krypton was beyond saving, so Jor-El and Lara sent Clark away to save his life. but I'm thinking that that's not all Jor-El did.
I'm thinking Jor-El knew, at least in some capacity, what the yellow sun would do to Clark, so he added some "safety features", so to speak. something that would prohibit Clark's powers from manifesting until they were absolutely needed, which would help keep Clark hidden for as long as possible, and hopefully prevent him from possibly abusing his abilities for himself. I think there were a lot of variables in Jor-El's planning and he obviously couldn't account for everything, but in a perfect timeline Clark could've interacted with and learned from the holo-Jor-el alongside manifesting his powers. a reactor pointed out that Jor-El seemed to learn English the more he interacted with Clark, but Clark was afraid of him and avoided him for most of his life, meaning the language barrier was never overcome. (so Jor-El was either exceedingly lucky that Clark was discovered by the Kents and raised by good people who instilled Clark with his values and morals, OR he even scouted them out and purposefully sent Clark to them- but that one feels like more of a stretch.)
all of this to say, I think Jor-El knew that there was a good chance Brainiac and "Zod" would survive the coming calamity, and that once they had recovered, the universe would need a protector. somebody strong enough to counter Kryptonian weaponry and soldiers. I think Clark is a weapon- but is less of a sword, and more of a shield.
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angstandhappiness · 9 months ago
anime twunk slade in my adventures with superman is so funny to me and I think people who definitely do not read or think about deathstroke getting mad at it made me like it more lmao cause it made me realize a very silly detail
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it’s a story about Clark starting out as Superman so everyone is younger than their comic counterparts. That means that this young, but still clearly Adult Man’s actual arch-nemesises are currently kindergarteners, still with their parents at the circus or a few years from turning green. Which. just very funny in general.
It also means, I realized, that he still has both eyes. This is Slade early in his mercenary career, seemingly post experimentation but pre eyeloss. Which is a very specific time period in his backstory that means he has a very funny trait for an edgy floppy-banged white-haired anime man:
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He is currently married but (not by his choice) absolutely not going to stay that way.
it turns out about to be divorced is literally the funniest possible characteristic for a shonen villain to Me. I literally can’t stop calling him pre-divorce era Slade.
Oooo he’s edgy he’s dangerous he’s about to get shot in the face by his (absolutely justified) wife.
This man has at least one possibly two very young sons at home. He’s currently fighting Superman to avoid parenting. He is not going to get visitation rights and he Will be dodging child support payments.
Will they change it and make his eye related to Superman for narrative reasons, not covering his family stuff? I hope not but possibly. Until that happens though Schrödinger’s pathetic loser here having two eyes means his wife divorcing him is literally always impending.
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