#my ATLA soulmate AU was my first outing writing something like this
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For Talk Shop Tuesday can I ask about your thoughts on soulmate aus since you mentioned having caveats on them in your tags?
Honestly my biggest criteria for soulmate AUs I'll read is "does it include platonic soulmates", because if two people can be fated as a couple, they should also be able to be fated as friends (especially with so many AUs framing soulmates as The Most Important Relationship...which also kinda turns me off, but less so if it's done with platonic soulmates, because I like the inversion of platonic love being put first for once).
But the criteria I find most important is the Good Place rule. That show basically revolutionized how I see soulmates with this quote: “If soulmates do exist, they’re not found. They’re made. People meet, they get a good feeling, and then they get to work building a relationship.” I've written two soulmate AUs (one for ATLA, which is a currently-graveyard concept that I might pick up again one day, and one for the Morgan AU), and in both, I try to emphasize the importance of choice and putting the work in: you have to choose to pursue a relationship with your soulmate(s), and you have to put in the work to build and maintain that relationship, just like with anything else. And really, nothing can dictate who your soulmate is except you - which is why in both my soulmate AUs, the appearance of the marks depends on the current feelings of the person, and if the feelings fade, then so does the mark. The mark, by the way, is just a physical representation of feelings, rather than an indicator of "be with this person for the best possible love"
A trope like this can and should involve choice. Being forced to be with someone for the rest of your life or else be doomed to subpar love is pretty depressing, so although I like soulmate AUs somewhat, I do feel like they're traditionally written to be much more restrictive than people might realize, which does them a disservice. There's some great potential in choosing to be someone's soulmate, and putting in the work to build that relationship not because of some mark on your wrist but because you truly love them and want to be with them (platonically, romantically, what have you). That is what a soulmate AU should be, as far as I'm concerned.
Of course, I still read traditional soulmate AUs from time to time, but...not very much. I much prefer soulmate AUs that are gen or that lean into this "found not made" idea. I highly recommend the Good Place for so many reasons, one of which is as a fantastic exploration of soulmates (in a slow-burn sort of way, though, so you gotta stick with it to see what I mean)
talk shop tuesday!
#talk shop tuesday#my ATLA soulmate AU was my first outing writing something like this#and i haven't touched it in a while#so some things might not quite align with this vision#but it mostly does#it has hierarchies of relationships with its soulmarks#but that's mostly to make a point about atla society not to genuinely rank relationships#(i didn't quite get to fully make that point lol bc it's not fully written)
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||The Thread of Fate|| Part Eleven
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure.
Previous Chapters - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten,
A/N: Omg I had such a HUGE influx of readers for this story, and I am grateful to each and every one of you for reading my story! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and all the others I will be writing in the future.
Working at the tea shop was Orora's first time at a job. She was just as green to it as Zuko was. However, she did not voice her disgust at the notion every few seconds. She was eager to learn, and ready to earn her living. As much as she appreciated the money Iroh had given her, she wanted to contribute to their financial situation as well.
The first day had been busy. There had been the different types of teas she had to learn to brew, other then the ones she already knew thanks to her Master. Then there were dishes to wash almost constantly. Not a lot of customers had come in that day, Pao having closed the shop early to allow his new employees to get to know their work place, so it hadn't been as tiring as she had thought it would be.
What Orora found she liked to do, was wash the dishes. She got to play with water and bubbles, and it helped calm her. Strange, she knew, but after so many days of being on the run, doing something as simple as washing dishes was oddly calming. Not to mention the job allowed her mind to roam and ponder over things she had not allowed herself to for quite some time now.
As she set aside one of the more expensive looking cups, the young waterbender sighed softly through her nose.
So far the truce she had offered Zuko seemed to be working. Though it had only been a few hours since it had been put into effect. And they'd only managed to snap at each other twice. True after the second time Iroh had seen the wisdom in separating them by giving them jobs to do at different ends of the shop. Zuko worked the front, taking orders and such, while Orora washed the dishes in the back.
Picking up a plate and dunking it in the soapy water, Orora continued to let her thoughts wander and ask the questions she wished she could say out loud.
Such as why were Zuko and Iroh fugitives of the Fire Nation? They were royalty, surely the Fire Lord would want his brother and son back. And did Zuko's sister truly want to kill her own Uncle? That thought sent a shiver down her spine. But what about their mother? Didn't she have a say in all of this? Was she treated just like Orora's mother was treated?
She had so many questions, and more, and all she wanted to do was march right up to Zuko and demand that he answer them.
But something held her back.
Maybe because she was a polite person who didn't go about poking her nose in other people's business.
Or perhaps, more likely, she had no desire to cause Zuko any pain by talking about his past. It was surely a sore subject, from the bits and pieces of information she had collected over the months. Besides, he already had his hands full trying to adjust to living in Ba Sing Se. Orora just wished he would figure himself out faster so she could ask all her questions.
Oh, she could ask Iroh if she wanted to, and her would probably answer, but for some insane reason, she wanted the answers to come from Zuko himself.
Spirit help her but she felt it was the right thing since it was his story.
Memories of every encounter she had ever had with the young prince rose unbidden, yet not unwelcome in her mind, as she started to play with the water not having any more dishes to wash.
It was strange, how someone she had not even known a few months ago was now at the very center of her life. He wasn't all that she thought about, really this was the first time she was allowing herself to think of him to such an extent. Usually she had other things to think about. Such as surviving, learning from her Master, perfecting her water bending techniques, inventing new ways to incorporate ice into her fighting, improving on her combat skills, restocking her medicinal herbs, making sure she didn't loose touch with her healing side, because as much as she liked to put her waterbending skills to use by fighting, she knew healing was a major part of who she was.
All those thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind, as she focused on a pair of golden eyes that seemed to watch her wherever she went, watching her every step. At first she had thought, it was perhaps because he didn't trust her. But slowly, that mistrust in his eyes had faded. Now, when she would catch him looking at her, he would look away.
Then again, who was she to complain. She looked at him and had been caught looking at him by him on multiple occasion.
Her fingers continued to twirl, her gaze listless as she created pretty patterns in the water.
She thought of the night when they had first met, officially at least. When he had tried to rob her. She could still recall every detail with a clarity that surprised even her.
She contemplated on their little sparring session and the conversation after it, how she had encouraged him to find something to live for, to fight for.
She recalled how shocked she had been when she realized his true identity. A prince. An honest to goodness prince. One who couldn't stand her, and who she couldn't stand either.
At least, she thought that was the case.
Her mind conjured the moment where she had first touched his scar. How vulnerable he had looked, and yet he had trusted her enough to not push her away. The way he had protected her when they were at the Oasis. The conversation they had shared while bathing. That one brought a fierce blush to her cheeks. And despite her best effort to move on to the next one, she found the blush only intensifying as she remembered the moment they had shared on the mountain.
Where they had acknowledged that they were soulmates. Where he had gripped her wrist, so desperately and yet so soft. Where she had wandered how his lips would feel against her own. And she was sure he had been thinking the same.
After all, hadn't he leaned forward slightly before the elements of nature had tread on their moment?
So lost in her thoughts, that she didn't even sense as someone else entered her work area and stood next to her. Watching her.
"Uncle says its time to go now."
The voice jolted her out of her thoughts, scaring her so much that she jumped where she stood. Her bending reacted out of instinct, mirroring her startled emotion as her hand shot a splash of water on the figure standing next to her.
"Spirits! You startled me!" She panted, resting a hand above her heart. Zuko glowered at her in return, water dripping from his hair and onto his shoulders. The girl winced, pursing her lips to hide a smile, though it still escaped. She couldn't help it, he just looked utterly ridiculous.
At his warning growl, she couldn't help but giggle. A strange sound since it hardly ever came from her. "Sorry, here." Quickly bending the water, she threw it back into the sink and gave him an apologetic smile. His glare did not let up.
"We're done here for the day. Lets go." He grumbled, before making for the door. She rolled her eyes. Clearly he wasn't too pleased with her little reaction. As he stomped off, she called after him, removing her apron as she went. "I said I was sorry!"
Their new home was a small apartment, just big enough for the three of them. As soon as they returned, Orora quickly settled in the middle of the room, wanting to get in an hour of meditation before bed. She crossed her legs, closed her eyes, folded her hands in her lap and evened out her breathing.
Which left Iroh to brew some more tea for them, and for Zuko to lay on the sofa, hands tucked behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling, his mind going over the day's event.
A job. For once in his life, he was actually working for a living. The notion had seemed strange at first, not to mention he had felt that it was beneath him, but what Orora had said was true. They did need jobs if they were to survive in this city.
Reluctantly, his gaze flickered to the water tribe girl as she sat meditating peacefully, oblivious to the effect she had had on him.
Him. Prince of the Fire Nation. Being effected by the words of a commoner.
Or rather, he was being effected by the words of a girl who was his soulmate.
Letting out a silent groan, his hand came up to press the back of his hand against his eyes, as if to physically stop him from staring too long at her. It was starting to get pathetic, just how much he would want her opinion on things.
He wouldn't go so far as to say he wanted her to approve of him, but it was pleasant to have someone else beside his Uncle give him a little wisdom. He spoke of life in riddles and words that were heavy with emotion.
She would give it straight to his face. No regard of his feelings, his stand on whatever topic it was. She would just come out and say it.
And he appreciated her for that.
True he never always liked what she said, but sometimes they were the exact words he needed to hear.
Like the talk they had had after their impromptu battle near that lake. He still hadn't found something to live for, or to fight for, but at least he knew that he was looking for something.
Not to mention the fact that he would be ever grateful to her for saving Uncle's life. He would never say it outright, but in that moment he had been so so scared and she had stepped up and healed Iroh. Even after getting to know who they were and the lies she had been led to believe for so long.
And how she had probably saved him that stormy night on the mountain. A moment of weakness on his part, letting his emotions get the best of him, but she'd been there. She'd been where he needed her to be, and had not held back when telling him off for being so reckless.
He had to stop his thoughts there, not wanting to dwell too much on what would've happened if that moment in the rain had gone on any longer.
And then there was the truce. To live together somewhat harmoniously.
Lifting his hand, he looked at her again, watching her face. She looked so calm in that moment, as opposed to the plethora of emotions that always played about her features. Zuko found he was beginning to think of it as a game. A game where he would try to guess what she would feel next, and whether it would effect him in some way.
So far, almost every emotion she felt was directed at him, and though he would never ever admit it out loud, he kind of liked having her attention be on him rather then anything else.
Huffing to himself, as if disgusted with his own thoughts, he rose to his feet, moving to the pantry to see what he could have for dinner.
"Orora, my dear." Glancing up from where she had been counting the money of the customer who had just paid, the young waterbender gave Iroh a nod. "Yes Master?"
"We seem to have run out of Jasmine. I have asked Pao and he says to take some money from the till and buy some Jasmine tea from the shop just down the street."
Taking the money, Orora quickly nodded, before rushing to the back of the shop where Zuko was on dish washing duty. Seeing her taking off her apron, he frowned. "Where're you going?"
Straightening her clothes, the girl replied. "Ran out of Jasmine, just going to buy some." She had barely made it to the door when Zuko called out. "Wait, I'm supposed to go with you when you go out into the city."
Orora glanced over her shoulder, rolling her eyes slightly. "Relax Your Highness. Its only a five minute walk, nothing is going to happen to me." She opened the door, moving to step outside, but then she paused.
"Although, it is sweet of you to worry about me." She glanced over at him, a smile on her lips as she caught sight of the obvious flush on his cheeks as he looked at anything but her. "I'll be back soon." She said as a way of promise, before she was out of the tea shop.
It was a five minute walk, and once the goods were secured, the girl began to make her way back to the shop, her heart still warm at the prospect of Zuko actually worrying about her.
Her happy thoughts, however, were interrupted rather rudely when a hard hand grabbed her shoulder, yanking her into a dark alley, covering her mouth with a rough hand.
The instant she felt the unfamiliar hands, she began to struggle and push with all her strength, trying to get away.
"Stop moving!" A voice hissed, a very familiar voice.
Her eyes focused in the dark, and she was able to make out the face of the boy they had met on the way to Ba Sing Se.
The Freedom Fighter, Jet.
Her pale blue eyes narrowed, and a look akin to a cold anger burned in the gaze she fixed him with. "Look I just want to talk, that's all." He said, still not letting up from where he had his hand on her mouth.
She continued to glare at him, even after he had removed his hand, though his other kept an almost painful grip on her wrist. "I'm trying to help you. You're a waterbender, there's no way you would be with those firebenders of your own free will, so they must be keeping you prisoner somehow."
He knows, a voice hissed in her mind, prompting her heart to beat faster in her chest, and an ugly feeling of fear to coil in her stomach. But she didn't let it show.
Instead, she remained the epitome of disgust and anger. "What in the world are you talking about?"
There seemed to be an almost manic look in his eyes, accompanied by impatience, as he dropped her hand, and grabbed her shoulders. "You don't have to lie for them. I'm trying to help you. I just need evidence and then we can end those two firebenders."
End?! Spirits! He wanted to kill Iroh and Zuko.
Shrugging out of his grasp, Orora stepped away, fingers pulling the cork of her water satchel in case she needed to defend herself. "You're out of your mind." She growled at him. Despite the terror she felt at hearing his statement, her instinct to protect her two companions was far potent, which was the reason she was even able to face the boy with murder in his eyes.
"Just admit the truth! They're firebenders! And they deserve to die." He was starting to get frustrated with her. "I don't care what you say, I will find some way to expose them, and when I do, I'll have the pleasure of executing them."
Hearing those words, hearing the tone in his voice, the sheer hatred and anger in his eyes. Something in her snapped.
With a fierce cry she threw her arm out, the movement elegant yet deadly, given that Jet found himself staring at the very sharp ends of multiple icicles that she pointed in his direction.
"This is your first and last warning." She hissed, her voice full of warning. "If you come near them, if you so much as harm a single hair on their head, I will personally see to it that you pay for it." She fixed him with a cold stare. "In blood."
So saying, she turned her back to him, leaving him trapped behind her icicles. They would melt soon enough, though the words Jet called after her as she walked away, echoed in her ears all the way back to the tea shop.
"You would threaten someone who's on your side. You're willing to protect the enemy?! You're a traitor to your own people. A disgrace! You're just like them! A killer!"
As soon as she reached the back door of the tea shop, Orora leaned up against the wooden door. Her heart was beating so fast, she was afraid it would somehow burst out of her chest. A stinging sensation behind her eyes told her she was close to tears. Lifting a trembling hand, she pressed it to face, willing herself to calm down.
She had to warn Zuko and Iroh, make sure they were on guard. She couldn't let anything happen to them. They were her friends. She cared about them. Both of them.
Somehow, she managed to calm herself down, slightly, and entered the shop. It had taken her a good fifteen minute to calm down. Grabbing her apron, she tied it behind her in a haphazard manner before rushing out to the front of the shop.
There was Iroh, pouring tea for a customer, with Zuko picking up cups left behind by a previous customer. She all but stumbled forward, catching Zuko's hand, prompting him to look at her, confused and slightly alarmed at her obvious panicked state.
"Orora? Wha-"
But she didn't let him finish. "He knows." She whispered, aware of the other customers around her. "Jet knows." The words were spoken so softly that no one else could ever hear them, and yet Zuko did. Loud and clear.
However, before either of them could talk further on what she had revealed, the door of the shop slammed open and Jet himself walked in. A strangled gasp left her lips, as she caught sight of that murderous look in his eyes once more.
"I'm tired of waiting!" He pointed an accusing finger at both Iroh and Zuko. "These two men are firebenders! And that girl is helping them. She's a traitor!"
Immediately, Zuko pushed Orora behind him, gripping one of her hands to make sure she stayed there. Uncle and nephew exchanged a look which seemed to mirror what the other was thinking.
Play dumb.
"I know they're firebenders, I saw the old man heating his tea!" Jet continued, advancing towards the trio with his hooked swords out of their sheaths. "He works in a tea shop." A nearby customer stated in a rather confused voice, but Jet wasn't having it. "He's a firebender! I'm telling you!"
The same customer stood. "Drop your swords, boy. Nice and easy." Jet ignored him, his gaze never leaving Zuko's as he began to advance towards him and Orora. "You'll have to defend yourself. Then everyone will know. Go ahead, show them what you can do." His gaze flickered to Orora who, previous fear forgotten to be replaced by a burning anger, glared back at him. "Or would you rather have your girlfriend get hurt defending you."
She felt his grip on her hand tighten to an almost painful level. "Zuko, no! He's goading you!" She whispered, even as the previous customer moved to step forward, ready to unsheathe his sword. Zuko simply glanced at her. Her heart dropped to her stomach. She knew exactly what he was about to do.
And sure enough he stepped forward and grabbed the swords the customer had been about to withdraw. "You want a show?" He growled. "I'll give you a show!'
He pulled a table in front of him with his foot and kicked it at Jet, who was quick to slice the table with his swords and jumped over it. As he landed, he swung both hook swords at the Fire Nation prince, who deflected the attack and jumped backward onto another table. Which was again sliced in half by Jet, with a mighty swing of one sword through the middle of the table.
Somehow Zuko managed to balance on one half of the table, on one foot! Jet was unrelenting as he continued his frenzied attack by cutting the legs off the table. Zuko was quick on his feet as he jumped up. As he landed, he swung both broadswords at Jet's feet, but he somersaulted away and landed in a crouching position before charging forward. Zuko swung both of his swords at Jet.
Both weapons clashed as both fighters tried to best the other, glaring at each other as they did.
Orora's scream cut through the air as she used her waterbending to push the two fighters apart. She moved to stand in front of Zuko, multiple ice knives nestled between her fingers as she stared down Jet. "We are not your enemies! Stop acting like a complete lunatic!" Zuko growled behind her. "Orora, stay out of this!" Jet's grip on his swords only tightened. "I will not listen to anyone who betrays their own people to help firebenders."
He took a running start, prompting Orora to drop in her stance to defend herself, however her plan of action went out the window when Zuko pushed her to the side. So forcefully that she fell to the ground with a loud thud.
Jet threw his leg out, catching Zuko in the chest and watching as he went flying through the air, smashing through the doors of the tea shop and out into the street. As the rest of the patrons rushed out to see what would happen next, Iroh quickly helped Orora to stand up.
"Are you alright my dear?" He asked, checking her over for injuries. She gave a quick nod, before stumbling to the door of the shop, Iroh following behind.
Outside the battle continued to rage between the two teenagers.
"Please, son, you're confused! You don't know what you're doing!" Even he was getting worried that Zuko would snap and use his firebending. Orora began to pray silently to the Moon Spirit, hoping her pleas would be heard and that Zuko wouldn't get hurt or reveal his true identity. The people would surely kill Zuko and Iroh, if they knew who they really were.
"Bet you wish he'd help you out with a little fire blast right now." As Jet swung at Zuko's feet, Zuko stabbed one of his broadswords through the hilt of his sword, pinning it to the ground. Jet looked annoyed at loosing his weapon, before focusing back on Zuko. "You're the one who needs help." Zuko responded. Leaving the sword embedded in the floor, they shifted to combating with a single sword each. Jet turned in a circle, trying to swipe at Zuko once again, but Zuko quickly advanced and swung his sword at Jet.
The Freedom Fighter quickly bent backward to avoid the blade, though it did manage to cut the straw sticking out of his mouth in half. Regaining his balance, Jet jumped backward onto the edge of a well. "You see that?!" He called out to the gathered crowd. "The Fire Nation is trying to silence me. It'll never happen." He attacked once more, hooking his sword to the top of the well and sending a flying kick towards Zuko.
Zuko growled as he dodged the kick and swung his sword at Jet once again. He moved to the side, and suddenly they were back-to-back, trying to land a hit, but neither could get past the other's defense.
Just then two newcomers entered the crowd. And from their uniforms, they looked to be of an official status. "Drop your weapons." One of them commanded. The two fighters stepped away and faced each other. Though Zuko lowered his sword, Jet pointed his weapon at Zuko, Iroh and Orora.
"Arrest them! They're firebenders!" Iroh stepped forward, throwing his arms out. "This poor boy is confused. We're just simple refugees." Pao, wanting to defend his employees joined in as he pointed to Jet. "This young man wrecked my tea shop, and assaulted my employees!" The customer from whom Zuko had borrowed the swords stepped forward. "It's true, sir. We saw the whole thing. This crazy kid attacked the finest tea maker in the city." Iroh blushed at the compliment. "Oh, ho, ho. That's very sweet."
Knowing it would be like adding wood to the fire, Orora stepped forward. "And he attacked me and threatened to hurt my Master and his nephew." She walked towards the two men, hand exposed to the wrist where he had grabbed her earlier. Sure enough the bruise from his grip was already beginning to change the color of her skin. The sight of it had Zuko nearly swinging his sword once again, but Iroh placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
It would seem the two had heard enough. As Jet continued his tirade of firebenders and Fire Nation, he was escorted to a cart where he was put in the metal cell and taken away.
Orora watched him go, unaware of the crowd as it dispersed around them.
"Orora?" At Iroh's voice, she turned around, still a little spooked with what had just happened. Or rather what could've happened. "Why don't you and Li go home. I'll help Pao clean up and meet you there."
As if she had no control over her actions, Orora took off her apron and handed it to Iroh, who gave her a sympathetic smile. "Do see that my nephew wasn't too hurt from the kick, my dear." The concern was evident in his gaze, as was the guilt in her own as she glanced at Zuko who was returning the sword to it's rightful owner.
Giving him a small nod, she waited for Zuko to walk past her, before following after him towards their shared home.
Tag List - @wavesofchaos @violet-potter @rennysketch @emma-andrea1 @lovesammikinzz @fuzzyfestcat @msrawog @notsaelty @lust-for-pan @aces-tattooartist
#prince zuko x oc#prince zuko x reader#zuko imagine#zuko x reader#prince zuko#zuko x y/n#zuko x oc#avatar the last airbender imagine#avatar the last airbender fanfiction#avatar: the last airbender#avatar the last airbender#avatar#the thread of fate
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hello, mx. atlas!! i hope you're having a good day/night :D i'd like to request 8 (mutual pining), 11 (domestic) & 12 (soulmate AU) for alastor if that's okay? i love and appreciate your writing/ideas so much btw, keep on doing what you do!
Prompts 8 11 and 12 with Alastor
I apologize if this is a little short, Anon! It's rather cold in my house currently. As well as this, my keyboard to my laptap is deciding to be rather... mean today. It keeps opening windows every now and then when I go to type, readjusting it seems to help (it's one of those bluetooth keyboard..) but boy.. is this an awkward typing angle!
Regardless, I hope you enjoy Anon! C:
I've actually written this before in a post! You can find it here!
He's rather neat when it comes to the house, everything is organized and he has a system of sorting everything out! He's great at keeping on top of the dishes, although he won't lie when he's asked if he uses his powers to help out with some of the more undesirable chores (he does!)
He's also, all things considered, a fairly good room mate! Once you get past some of his more sadistic tendencies and eating habits, he's polite and respectful of your space. You both cook dinner together at least once a week, alternating who picks the meal. There's bound to be some music playing during those nights to fill the quiet when there's a pause in your conversation.
Shared pain if your means of connecting with your soulmate in this AU. It's a rather unconventional one and it mostly leaves Alastor feeling a little sore thanks to your clumsiness.. oh he doesn't fully mean that..!
But imagine, you feel his pain when he's beat down by Adam in the finale. Usually these prompts tend to be fluffier, but imagine.. there's this sickening dread that hangs in you that there's something deeply wrong. You're body is aching, not from your own pain from the fight. No, this pain is new and sudden. Your relief is immeasurable when Alastor finally returns after the botched extermination.
#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin hotel x you#hazbin hotel imagine#hazbin x reader#hazbin x you#hazbin imagine#alastor x reader#alastor x reader headcanons#alastor x you#alastor imagine#radio demon x you#radio demon x reader
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Bleh. Pinned post time 💥
Hi! I'm Atlas and this is where I'm very neurotypical about DetCo :)
Here's a helpful guide to the things I will probably talk about the most:
☆ My favorite clown in the whole wide world (Akai Shuuichi/Okiya Subaru)
☆ The Akai siblings in general
☆ Movie 24 <- guy who is extremely neurotypical about this thing
☆ The "Shuuichi and Conan as absolutely unhinged unofficial father and son" agenda
☆ The "Shuuichi and Jodie as the best friends they deserved to be" agenda
☆ Whiskey Trio Era 💥💥💥
☆ Whiskey Trio (OT3 edition), Scotchrye, Akam
☆ my WIPs
More info & tags under the cut :)
Character tags!
☆ #! [character name] -> I can and will assign random posts to characters. This is how I keep track of them
☆ #subaruposting, #shuuichiposting -> I get gender envy sometimes okay. Leave me alone (explodes)
Miscellaneous tags!
☆ #yapping time -> welcome to Atlas Reading Too Much Into Irrelevant And/Or Largely Inconsequential Things (may or may not be backed by actual manga/anime screenshots) ^_^^
☆ #brainworms time -> writing tag!
☆ #my sandbox now -> general headcanons tag!
☆ #m24 my beloved -> I'm normal about this movie I promise
☆ #atlas.exe -> general yapping/memes/shitposts/you name it
☆ #detco rewatch, #detco reread -> what it says on the tin
☆ #detco text posts -> meme format specific tag (I like scrolling through these :3)
☆ #detco spoilers -> recent manga chapters tag!! Beware!!
List of WIP/AU tags!
☆ #genderfuckery AU: none of the Akai siblings are cis 💚 unfortunately for everyone they have to figure that out first. Specifics are as follows:
#genderfuckery: the slut shirt fic -> Akai Shuuichi
TBD -> Haneda Shuukichi
TBD -> Sera Masumi
☆ #almost people AU: general vaguely eldritch fuckery re: various characters. Specifics are as follows:
#almost people: soliloquist -> Akai Shuuichi
TBD -> Miyano Shiho
TBD -> Vermouth
TBD -> Edogawa Conan
#almost people: golden -> Hagiwara Chihaya
☆ #amnesiac akai AU: what it says on the tin 💚 things go wrong at Raiha Pass, and Shuuichi ends up actually scarred and amnesiac, disappearing from everyone's radar— including the good guys'. He's fine though, just living his best life out there. Camel suffers as a direct consequence of this. Also, Shuuichi and Subaru are separate people here, and this may or may not be a slight crossover with something else (purely for comedic potential). No real plot tbh, but I do find it funny to build upon it from time to time
☆ #Pokémon AU: also what it says on the tin 💚 originally started as me assigning teams to detco characters and immediately devolved into whiskey trio angst + general clownery. Mostly a silly little AU I occasionally write snippets for
Dynamic-specific tags!
☆ #unofficial father and son -> anything Shuuichi & Conan adjacent
☆ #the fucking akai family -> exactly what it says on the tin
☆ #we could have had it all -> Shuuichi & Jodie agenda save me
☆ #nagano gang -> exactly what it says on the tin
☆ #OTP: they keep me sane -> Yumi/Shuukichi tag
☆ #OTP: divorce of the century -> Rei/Shuuichi tag
☆ #OTP: they make me sick -> Scotch/Rye tag
☆ #OTP: literally married -> Hiro/Rei tag
☆ #OTP: insane soulmateism -> Heishin tag
‼️ Disclaimer: I use OTP very loosely here— more for tag format convenience than anything. Shipping is less important to me than you'd think.
💥 This post may be subject to future changes! 💥
#blog directory#Welcome to my clown abode have a nice stay (bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you bites
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Deciding to live write (react) (?) this as I'm reading this new chapter (two parts WOW, double the angst) (so part one out of two, hope that's cool). If something happens my therapist WILL be hearing about you.
The title already I'm sobbing /pos
It's very Jimmy to not like crying, I love to see it. I love when fanfic writers don't like him crying, ty.
Tango :( The RANCH, it was THEIRS, my HEART These Watchers ugghhHHHH Jimmy immediately defending Tango, please nothing else happen to them, PLEASE
Every time the watchers speak, my want to punch them grows The explanation paragraph, ugh something about it, how Jimmy doesn't immediately try to blame Tango, or just understands it well. Just bjhebwg
Bdubs being so worried for Tango, please, JUST LET THEM BE HAPPY
Watchers ugghhe
Okay, therapy time <3 (yes I did actually read this before my therapy appointment, this was /srs and not /j)
Therapy break over, BACK TO ANGST
Awww, Jimmy not believing Tango is evil. Love to see it.
Nvm not alright, Watchers need to Watch their mouths
"Pity is a suitor that won’t take a hint, no matter how many times Jimmy turns it away." Is SO good???? Excuse me??? Pity x Jimmy real ship of the htp au?? /j
Maybe I hate the watchers more than I hate Atlas, hm.
I like that they all still keep an air of lighthearted-ness about, even with Tango in such critical condition, they still are friends :)
Jimmy being okay with a scar to the face if it means Tango doesn't have to unnecessarily respawn :( /pos
This description of Tango has me thinking about that kinda old drawing that lunarcrown did of Tango back when he was chained up. Like, it's literally the first post that shows up when clicking on the chronological timeline, yeah that one, it reminds me of that one.
Still love Jimmy calling for SOS, like yes, smart move. I wish we could've seen what it was like for the other DL to see chat and immediately go "oh shit ???" and then see the SOS and go "OH SHIT ???"
I love Impulse <3
Ooooo, getting some more cases of this fantasy (racism? Bigotry? Bad stuff) worldbuilding
"I don’t believe that just being from there would automatically make someone evil." Nature vs nurture <3 Maybe all Bravo needed was two minutes with Impulse god DAMN
Sleepy time <3
Okay, don't like the Watchers, but the "Round two!" was funny, I'll give em that
"(You cannot sleep, there are monsters nearby.)" I- I- STOP I CAN'T LAUGH BUT OMFG
Rancher :((((((
Let me at these Watchers, LET ME AT EM
Ugh, disassociation. As someone who's dealt with this during panic attacks, it totally tracks and breaks my heart :(
No way Tango is tryna pull the "I'm fine" card rn, AFTER ALL THAT LMAO
Jimmy is very pretty TO ME
The collar dampening Tango's fire, metaphorically and literally, is just ugh. What's more is Jimmy likes Tango's fire, he likes the warmth Tango produces physically, and he likes the sparks of creativity and burning passion of Tango's metaphorically. And they took it away! Both ways to Sunday!!!
Na because crying on someone is such an intimate gesture. To let your heart pour out of you, no one does that to just anyone. What makes this even more important is how Jimmy cried on Tango's shoulder last chapter, and now Tango's crying on Jimmy's shoulder this chapter. They are each other's soulmate, they are their each other's ranchers. They are so important to one another and soo ughguew
Not gonna cuss this Watcher out, I'll let this sweet dreams comment slide for now.
Oooo, a peak into how they reacted to everyone joining. AND we get a look at Atlas' full username <3 Love it.
Wait Tyrannicide and Phantonym joined too?? Huh, thought as scientists they would've stayed behind. Cool to know!
I can see now why you needed all those usernames lol.
Hmmm, love Scar immediately jumping into action. Oop and ofc the two scientists head out first lmao
Actually really funny that ATLAS got the most kills from the Hels cast. Like, damn, pop off???? Man did more work than the ppl hired to actually do the dirty work lmao.
Wonder how difficult it was to keep up with all the names, who died then got back in, who killed who, etc.
Oop, Jimmy also noting Atlas is smarter than the average bear.
This whole paragraph talking about Bravo, yes Jimmy, drag that man. Loving how he immediately is like "dude is just like a hels player" and scoffing at the nerve of Bravo to claim to be his actual soulmate. Yes.
Head in hands, Watchers about to catch these hands.
Tango immediately wanting to get this all over with hurts. Damn, wonder if he just wants to get it over with cause he thinks they all want him gone.
"I mean, everyone knows I’m a vicious monster but I don’t have to look it, right?" UGH, Aqua you're lucky I already did my therapy time BEFORE this part, UGGGHHHHHH. I need to go back rq just to tell her this god DAMN
Welp, on to act two! Thank you so much for the wonderful reading material :)
TLDR: I hate the Watchers with a burning passion.
what’s this?? a DETAILED LIVE BLOG of my writing for ME to read??? don’t mind if i do…
ok first off, thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to write down ur thoughts and share them with me. it’s truly one of the greatest joys of being an author, and the closest i can get to experiencing my writing as if i wasn’t the one who wrote it. NOW let’s get into it…
the overarching watcher hate is so justified and hilarious, they really just exist to be the most obnoxious and toxic livestream chat ever. at least, the ones who hang around jimmy are LMAO
AHA i’m glad u liked the part abt jimmy not liking to cry, i’ve been told he’s got a bit of a prideful streak in other series that didn’t come thru as much in his double life run, so that was a little nod to it.
the ranch could not escape its destiny of being tragically burned down 🫡
(omg the therapy appointment interlude. i remember when i’ve had to pause while reading a fic to address real life business and now someone’s doing that for MY writing…. :��))) i hope the appt went well!)
this chapter was a lovely opportunity to really show jimmy stepping up for tango, with both verbal and physical reassurance. he may not know everything abt the hels situation but he knows he loves tango <3
AND YEAH YEAH THAT FIRST ART MEL DID. definitely throwing back to that w tango’s disassociated state and the collar. nice catch ;0
the chin-hand response was another throw back to old mel art, isn’t that fuuuun? ;000
ok the watchers do get their funny moments in here and there HAH
phantonym and tyrannicide did come along! they might be scientists, but they’re as nasty as any hels player (dr l8r_h8r did, in fact, stay home to monitor the portal. he’s kinda over the whole ‘violence’ nonsense.) tango actually targeted them first bc of their lab coats.

and YUP i got a lotta good username ideas from those suggestions. and it WAS very difficult to keep track of them all thru the chat backlog. i don’t know how long i spent going thru each player’s sequence of events, one by one, JUST to make sure i hadn’t forgotten to have someone die for the last time, or show up again without a new join message.
and unfortunately for jimmy he made the classic error of “typo in the group chat.” joel did what he had to 🫡 (buuuut once he saw how serious the situation was, he decided not to push it anymore)
atlas is a clever bastard and i love that yall love to hate him 🙏 he saw a virtual ocean of wolves storming down the hill and was like “ok clearly i’m not dealing with that, so let’s see where my efforts can be better spent.” the hired grunts don’t possess that kind of critical thought 🎻
i’m SO glad you enjoyed it!! thank you again for this lovely feedback <3
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2 and 23
2. Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
Theres a couple off the top of my head! I have an old ATLA soulmate AU called Moving Mountains that I’m super proud of because it was one of those fics that just poured out of me super fast as soon as I had the idea. Also a soulmate AU which I looooooved writing.
And then honestly my latest little Ruined By Love mattdrai series. It’s the first time that I’ve done the same story from different POVs and is probably the most porn I’ve written for a series (looool) but I’m like… really proud of it because that’s what usually gets me stuck/gives me writers block. I feel like I did a lot with those two fics that I haven’t done before so I’m super proud of them!
23. What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
I really, really want to do some sort of omegaverse McMattDrai fic. Like you know that one post that’s like “three person poly relationship made up of two people who are already dating trying to coax someone with horrific self worth issues into a loving relationship, stray cat style” and person 3 is like “wow I think I’m falling in love with them too bad they wanna kill me with hammers”?
Yeah. Imagine omega Matthew hooking up with already bonded/mated pair Leon and Connor (thinking Leon is an alpha, Connor is either also an omega or beta) while he’s in heat. They offer to help him out. Then kind of start hooking up regularly and Matthew’s like “they’re just getting something fun out of this, some extra spice in their relationship, I love them but I know it’s meaningless to them” meanwhile Leon and Connor are like “holy shit he’s the missing piece that we didn’t know we were missing” but obviously they’re all idiots who are terrible at communicating and think they’re all on the same page. Cue Matthew telling him that he’s going to Florida and they’re like “wait… you don’t want to be with us?” and he’s like “wait you don’t hate me?”
Yeah. Obviously more complicated/emotional than that and I really need to sit down and outline it. But you get the gist.
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Thank you for tagging me @celinou !!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I've got 12 on my AO3! 9 ATLA/TLOK fics, and 3 Wednesday fics.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
46,759 words in total! Most of it is one shots so that tracks tbh, though I'm actually pretty impressed with how much that actually is, especially cause it doesn't count how much I've written for WIPs.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1) Scrapped Scenes, a Wenclair fic, at 1,632 kudos (which is frankly insane, I hadn't realized it got that much)
#2) Crying Wolf, another Wenclair fic, at 759 kudos
#3) And Iphigenia Felt Rage, a Yuezula fic, at 225 kudos
#4) The Future Looks Brighter Together, a Sokkla fic, at 163 kudos
And at #5) Yours In Body And Soul, another Sokkla fic, at 154 kudos
I'm not surprised the two Wenclair fics are on top by such a wide margin, I wrote those when the show had only just come out so the fandom was at its peak. Very glad that many people liked what I wrote though! Since most of the other fandoms I've written for (on ao3 or here) are a lot less active, it was a new experience!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually do, but I do have to admit I've been struggling a bit with it recently 😅. I read them all, and I'm so grateful for them, but especially on fics that I had huge plans for still, and which are in no way close to progressing, I have this feeling like I should have a new chapter to offer when I do answer them. I'm blaming it on my social anxiety 😬
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh, that's a hard one cause I definitely tend to go in a more fluffy, feel-good direction. But I'd have to say it's Keep Your Fire On A Leash (Let The Ashes Bring You Peace). It's a June/Azula oneshot, mainly focused on Azula dealing with the pyromania she developed in captivity (as a need to reclaim complete control over at least this aspect of her life). She tries to manage it a little by working in pottery, where continuous, constant temperature control is crucial to porcelain quality, but it's not perfect. It's not angsty per-se, but it's definitely more ambiguously neutral.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oooh, I'd say it's a toss up between two of my fics:
The first is Not Alone, a TyZula band AU fic about Azula recovering from bottom surgery. I wrote it while I myself was still recovering from bottom surgery, and I wanted to explore a facet of trans characters journeys that isn't often discussed? It's a bit more niche, and I only recently made it open to anyone, not just ao3 users, so it's one of my less popular fics for sure, but it's very hopeful portrayal of a trans experience.
And the second is Yours In Body And Soul, a Sokkla soulmates AU, where soulmates bodyswap at night when either of them has had a bad day, in order to try to cheer them up. I got the idea from a korrasami fic called Paralyzed I read a while back, and changed the mechanics a little bit to make it work. It's definitely a more traditional happy ending, romantic getting together included (up to a point, they are still kids in the timeline so just an excited hug).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't! Sometimes people disagree on one interpretation of something, but never disrespectful or anything, so I'm pretty happy!
9. Do you write smut?
I've tried it before in private, got some good feedback. But no, never anything that I'd share.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
I'm not sure if ATLA/TLOK counts😂. I've had some ideas for crossovers though, and written a few draft snippets, I think it was a TLT/ATLA one, an ATLA/Shang-Chi, and a Naruto/ATLA one that I've actually posted a few snippets from on here if I remember correctly.
That last one was a Sakura reincarnated into Azula idea, to explore some interesting anti-imperialist ideals, because that's actually a blind spot Sakura has as well with Konoha. It's easy for her to fall into the same ideological fallacies as before, especially with the significantly lower usage of child soldiers in the Fire Nation making it seem like the epitome of peace and human rights to her. Like looking at the same problem in a different font, at a slightly different angle, it gives Sakura an opportunity for growth by maybe showing her some of the issues she had been ignoring or missing in Konoha, shaking some of her loyalty.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope, not as far as I'm aware!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also nope, theoretically I could translate it in Dutch, but I'm a lot better at expressing myself in English I think, and almost every Dutch person can read English (especially on ao3), so I don't think it would add much. Maybe one day though!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't, though it seems like it'd be very cool, I'd definitely be open to it!
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
God, don't make me choose 😭😭 I guess it's probably Chasefield? I'm such a sucker for those two it's unreal. Otherwise maybe Yuezula, Maizula or Sokkla? They each have such interesting possible dynamics, in such varying ways.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Again, that's a tough one cause I'm afraid I have a lot. I still have several half-written chapters of Getting Family Approval In Six Fool-Proof Steps (Cue The Fools, Sokka And Azula), as well as the start of a longer fic that continues on from And Iphigenia Felt Rage that I've fully outlined and would love to write someday but can't be sure I ever will. There's also Indelible Mark which I've been blocked on forever. As for WIPs that haven't even been partially published yet, I've got 11k for a Chasefield fic I've posted a scene or two for on here called Muse on My Mind, that I wish I could finish but I'm not confident I can manage any time soon. I've also got the start and the outline of a TLT griddlehark fic, where I'm absolutely in love with the premise and the twist I'm building it on, but which, again, I've not progressed much with in a good 6 months. There's a few others, but these are the ones I'd really like to finish at some point.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I love reading it, writing it I could do Dutch or Google translate a different language, but much preferably I'd be able to check it with someone who actually speaks the language for accuracy. Best to use some of the more advanced ao3 html uses to make a translation appear when you hover over it though, unless not understanding it is an important part of the reading experience, in which case people can look it up later if they want to.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My very first fic was actually a The 100 song fic based on an opera song, which is too embarrassing so I won't share where it is🤐 I was like 17 so it's too embarrassing.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Tbh, it's either Muse on My Mind (the chasefield fic I mentioned that isn't posted anywhere except for 1 or 2 scenes on Tumblr), which is super fun because it's playing with the perspective of a character that just straight up doesn't understand half the plot happening in the background that is hinted at for the reader who does know. Oblivious characters too caught up in their own shit to pay attention are so so so much fun to write, especially when you have fun with it, implying things but never outright confirming it!
Otherwise it's Haunted By Runaway Ghosts. That one is a Sokkla fic that explores their past through flashbacks while Zuko and Katara are both grappling with the discovery of their niece and nephew they had no idea existed (or could exist). Which, not to brag, but from a technical standpoint I really think that one is probably one of the most skilled fics I've written and published, and it was so much fun to write and puzzle it all together; the slow build up and explanations slowly coming together to form the bigger picture, the hidden ties between locations in the show and events in the story and how they fit into each other perfectly - genuinely a joy to write (and if people are interested in reading it please do, imo it's on par with And Iphigenia Felt Rage, if in a pretty different style, definitely something I'd love for more people to enjoy the way I did writing it).
Thanks again for tagging me @celinou, this was very fun to do! I see you've already tagged @sourrind, who I'd have tagged as well, so next I'll tag @dawnsiren @ly0nstea and @likeadragonfruit , and of course whoever else wants to do it!
#tag game#thank you so much for tagging me this was so much fun!#my writing#Zoey Wrestles With Words#also yes I did perhaps use this to plug my fics by linking them every time they're mentioned- shush I'm allowed
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current thoughts on nanowrimo while i only vaguely do work from home (<- dont tell my employers but i don't think i should have to work when i could be writing).
***i will not be using the website due to the pedophilia and lack of moderation issues. i don't want to involve myself in anything even remotely related to that. however imo the challenge of nanowrimo is bigger than the website, and so i'll still be attempting it.
current potential project ideas!
go back to the iwaoisuga atla au. i've got a lot of snippets but nothing substantial, so i would feel fine starting over and just working on that through the month. bonus is that i get to finish my rewatch.
do a prompt/request/event speedrun again. i have a lot of projects i committed to that i need to complete but haven't been looking at recently and i could just work on all those miscellaneous pieces. i actually have around 25 requests that've been waiting for attention so tbh writing a ~2k word one shot per day, give or take, could be great pacing for this challenge. unfortunately i'm probably incapable of keeping a oneshot to 2k. but this could also be an exercise in pacing myself. maybe.
write something original for the first time in so so so long. idk what it would be but i've been wanting to work on original writing again for a while now and this could be the opportunity.....i just don't have any plot ideas. which makes this idea hard. for obvious reasons.
re: original writing. i could do original short stories. this could be fun. it would involve coming up with a new idea roughly every day or every few days. which would be hard. but i've done it before and while i'm out of practice with original writing, surely i can do it again? idk it could be a fun exercise. i do love writing fucked up life altering short stories.
return to my roots and finish the poetry collection. i want to finally complete this. i've been chipping away at it for a while but i want to commit to it. but also i don't think i could get to 50k words with just poetry.....so maybe not this month. maybe save for april 2025 with a lower word count goal? idk. much to think abt with this one. or honestly maybe i can make it 50k. like if i try REALLY hard. very hard maybe on this one.
attempt the iwaoi soulmate + MCD au. i've been tossing this idea around for a while but it's looking like a huge undertaking so i haven't really worked on it. maybe this is my chance? but also it's probably the project idea i'm least passionate about so maybe not this one. i need to choose something i'm crazy abt lol.
finally finish the transforming of the skts mental illness study fic to original writing. this was a project i started AGES ago and then never completed. i actually just remembered it exists while scrolling through old drafts lol. it was a neat project to work on for a while but i got a little burnt out on it, which could bode badly for nanowrimo, which is such a passion-and-stamina-necessary challenge lol. but also maybe the commitment and accountability that's also so necessary for nano would inspire me? kind of a toss up.
thoughts on my november goals!
goal is 50k words in 30 days. go big or go home hit it till it breaks etc etc. i am going to work so fucking hard. i am pouring everything into this. i'm not manifesting, i'm DOING.
i'm 26,266 words away from 1mill words written for nanowrimo (all time, incl april/july camps). this could be such a fun milestone. i will get there. i WILL get there.
i'm also 54,800 words exactly away from 1mill published on ao3, which is also a super exciting milestone.....so maybe i do really want to just write a long ass fic for this.
i'm currently at 12 nanowrimo wins to 11 losses all time, and 6 wins to 5 losses in the november 50k challenge specifically. i am on cusp of something great.
i am also at a streak of 4 november wins in a row. i am DETERMINED to keep it up. like there are literally no consequences for not doing this. i know that. i promise i know that. but still. i am DETERMINED.
#nov nano 2024#welcoming thoughts and opinions on any of these.#oh man. it sure is the end of october. and i sure am starting to think too hard about this already.
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Things I've Been Reading
Some of these are newer, some are older and I just barely read them. This is not EVERYTHING I've been reading and liking, obviously, but just a quick share!
(Also, if you know these authors are on Tumblr, but they're not tagged, please let me know, or let them know or something, so I can be friends with them and tag them!) (RECS below cut)
Iron Dad: Coming Home by JAWorley:
This is one I didn't try a few times because I didn't think I was interested in Peter hanging out with Toomes. However, I'm so glad I finally tried it, because it was fantastic, and a really different take on the whole Homecoming era. Published:2023-01-02Completed:2023-02-26Words:114889
Shake My Hand (And I'll Forgive You): by Frogdottir: @frogdottirwrites
Post NWH, Peter has been doing work for the Bugle, trying to stay afloat, and suddenly discovers Tony is alive. However, it seems like even before everyone had forgotten him, everyone close to Tony had been aware of it except him. He is hurt and angry and freaks out just a little bit. Incomplete, but 13 chapters so far, and so good! Published:2022-12-20Updated:2023-03-03Words:40572
Atlas Held by Grumperella: @grumperella
After an explosion brings down a building on top of them, Peter is the only thing between Tony, Natasha and certain death. Trapped under rubble together, well... nothing builds bonds like shared trauma. This one was super angsty, but so, so, good! Published:2023-01-07Completed:2023-01-08Words:8401
Distracted By a Dime by happyaspie: @yes-i-am-happyaspie
This is an older story, but I just barely read it, and she's been adding to the series lately. :) Peter Parker thinks he has everything figured out. Where he can eat, sleep and make a little bit of money. What he needs to do in order to continue attending Midtown and being Spider-Man. The Stark-Rogers family throws a wrench in his plans.
Tis the Damn Season (for a Christmas Miracle) by peacockgirl
Yes, peacockgirl really did write an AU of her own story (Long Story Short (It Was a Bad Time) Or AIs Don't Forget,) which is one of my favorites, and it's amazing, too. Highly recommend! Morgan just wants her big brother to come home for Christmas. Tony just wants to figure out why being around his daughter is sending him into a tailspin. And Peter just wants to survive his first Christmas alone without freezing to death in a graveyard. Luckily Morgan Stark is very, very stubborn. And immune to Strange's spell. Published:2023-01-31Completed:2023-02-27Words:23468
Oxygen and Gravity by for_the_night: @imyoursavinggrace (also, btw, people who have different tumblr names and ao3 names make me think I'm going senile. I have the hardest time remembering who is who sometimes!😂 )
A really cool Irondad soulmates AU (Sentinels and Guides) that I just re-read and loved again. It's not complete, but close. n a world where Senintels and Guides are dying out, Guide Tony Stark was very happy just living life without the responsibility of some Sentinel, but when one touch awakens a soul bond with a scrawny vigilante from Queens, Tony’s life changes forever. Published:2021-11-15Updated:2022-06-24Words:28459
A Big Security Issue by FotiBrit: @fotibrit
Short, cute, and amazing! When Peter lost his Stark Industries Staff ID, Tony handed the kid his own. That was never an issue, until Peter had to check in at the front desk. Published:2023-02-01Words:1828
Make it a Good One! by zippe
This one was kind of a unique fix-it/time travel that I found looking through the @irondad-creator-awards categories, so here's another plug for those! Tony and his mess of a fairy god spider who can’t seem to keep himself moving correctly along the timeline. Published:2022-05-08Completed:2022-07-08Words:31435
Where the Love Is by SpaceCowboysFromMars: @spacecowboysfrommars
This one was super different and interesting, and I kinda wish it could have continued. I've never seen the movie, so it was a new story for me. The Way Way Back AU where Peter is reluctantly dragged by May and her new asshole boyfriend, Quentin, to spend the summer in Cape Cod. Summer gets a whole lot more interesting when Peter makes friends with the eccentric manager of Water Wizz, who seems to take a liking to Peter in all his teenage-awkwardness glory. Published:2023-01-12Words:12948
In a Different Light by kingdomfaraway: @asyouleft
An amazing short one! Peter is taken, and Tony finally uses the phone Steve sent him. He needs help, even if it means making night with his former friends and teammates.
And a bonus:
home (is where my heart found exactly where I'm supposed to be) by ironfidus @ironfidus
Another one I found looking through the Irondad Creator Awards categories. So, so sweet and hit all the irondad feels I wanted on that particular day! Six thousand miles away from the city that never sleeps, across continents and on the other side of the North Pacific Ocean, Tony relearns the meaning of home—as redefined in his eyes by a stubborn teenager with a penchant for recklessness.
#irondad fanfiction#irondad recs#fanfiction recommendations#irondad fanfiction recommendations#irondad and spiderson
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Good day. I just read watch the ripples change their size and wanted to know if there's a continuation to it? How do they talk about their bond? How/do they end up together? What happens next? I am so enamored by this idea of soulmates. So unique. And I love how you wrote it.
wait, hold on, here's the link for anyone who wants to read/refresh before dealing with my rambling: watch the ripples change their size
Then the rest under a cut b/c fic spoilers.
Okay so! There is not a continuation to it -- originally it was going to be the start of a much longer work, but tbh I am not so great at the long works and it felt 'complete enough' to be a stand alone for fictober. I don't have any intention of writing more in this verse at the moment, but lord knows I've been bit by inspiration at weirder times -- and I was thinking about doing another month of daily fics this month...(Can't be October tho because I'm traveling).
But that's not what you're asking about, so!
Wait, shit, okay first thank you so much for the ask! I really appreciate it and super appreciate the compliments. I love soulmate aus and I love coming up with weird ones and ATLA had just so many soulmate possibilities that I went a little nuts.
Now, to answer your actual questions: at first they don't -- as of the timeline of the fic they haven't actually spoken about it. They both know, and they both know the other knows -- but I think for each of them there's a small belief that maybe, maybe, maybe it's a different water/fire bender. (Neither of them actually thinks this, but they're both young and have doubts). So they don't actually talk about it, they just make sure the other one knows how to handle if someone tries to use the other's powers against them.
And then they go to face Azula, because that's still the path they're on. Only -- and gosh I have like three different ways the Azula fight could go and you know what, here are some options:
Azula sends lightning at Katara, but Zuko doesn't lunge between them -- and Katara redirects it at Azula with one hand and directs a shit ton of water with the other -- and Azula is still twitching from electric shock long enough to get her chained down.
Zuko recognizes that Azula is going to send lighting at Katara and blood bends her so she can't, and then they chain her down.
Azula sends lighting at Katara -- and it doesn't hurt her. Which shocks Azula long enough for Zuko to win the battle and get her chained down.
Some combination of those three options.
Anyways, they win without anyone needing a ton of healing (which kind of makes me sad tbh I love the sacrificial scar, but needs must), and then not thinking about it Zuko takes Katara's hand and they stand there victorious and it's a moment, okay. They have a moment.
They still haven't talked about it tho, because of course they haven't.
But then Aang comes back, and is all "we can be together!" and Katara is just like "oh but I have a soulmate? and it's not you? it's a firebender?" and that's the first time she's actually said it and, well, Aang loves her and wants her to be happy, and so the fact that she says that and then has a panic attack about the fact that she said it means he's more concerned with making sure she's okay then being hurt. And then they talk it out and he's just like "yeah of course it's Zuko" and she's all "it might be!" and he's just like 'bitch please' (except not really b/c it's Aang and that's definitely more Toph).
And then Katara is all 'doubt' and "well he's going to be the firelord so he can't marry me anyways" and that's just her insecurity talking, but Aang thinks maybe Zuko has said something -- so he rushes off to tell Zuko not to be an idiot and he has to accept his soulmate and he's telling Zuko this in front of a bunch of his new advisors who are all heart eyes and THE NEW FIRELORD HAS A SOULMATE THIS IS V. AUSPICIOUS YES THE BEST NEWS EXCELLENT AND SHE'S A BENDER PERFECT and the pr people and ambassadors are crying in gratitude b/c honestly this is like perfect press and is going to make stepping back their, oh you know, crazy conquesting thing a little more reasonable.
And so they get married without having actually talked about it, but it's fine b/c they actually do really like each other, and then they get to have a sups awkward talk that's all "check yes if you like me" and "if I said I liked you would you say you liked me I'm just kidding unless..." on their wedding night and it's v. sweet.
And once they really accept each other into their hearts they do get full access to each other's powers plus some, and holy shit are they stupid powerful.
The end.
Thanks for the ask!
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Info :)
Okay so I may or may not have entirely switched up how I want to set up my page bc I'm indecisive. YAY!!
About Me
What I will write
My Hero Academia - Mha Request Page
Attack on Titan - Aot Request Page
I know it is a (very) small list right now, but these are the only two I have really seen a lot of interaction on rn but I do have some other fandoms that I am in, but don't know how they will be recieved with my writing style. If you want one of these, don't be afraid to ask
Tokyo Revengers
Percy Jackson (Pjo + Hoo)
The 100 (Season 1+2)
Naruto (still in the process of watching)
High Rise Invasion (I haven't seen anything about this since like 2020, and I hadn't even watched the show yet)
Tokyo Ghoul (Seasons 1+2 bc after that I have no clue what is happening)
Magi Legends of Sinbad
I have also seen well received ones, but I'm not really done with them and/or I don't understand how to write the characters, so if you like my writing style and you want to see something in these works let me know!
Harry Potter
Plain ole' plot
Smau (so far I only have mha Twitter set up)
Soulmate AUs
potentially more
Soulmate AUs-
I am an absolute sucker for soulmate AUs and will defend them till my final breath. Here are my current catagories.
You have a mark where your soulmate first touched you (either a physical representation of how they touched you ie: they touch your shoulder with their hand, and you have a hand mark on your shoulder. Or, a symbol ie: they touch your shoulder with their hand, and you have a clover symbol on your shoulder)
The classic you can't see color until you lock eyes with your soulmate
You are missing a sense and only gain it once you and your soulmate kiss, meet, etc. ie: you can't taste, but you meet ___ and you gain the sense
The classic you have matching soulmate marks
You are able to feel the pain the other is feeling
Random marks appear where your soulmate is hurt
If you have anymore, please tell me so I can add it!!!
What I will not write-
As I said earlier, I am 15, so I will not be writing smut or anything suggestive. I am able to write flirty characters but nothing that would insinuate anything overly inappropriate.
I am an utter hater of neko characters, or dog, bunny, anything of the sort when it is just trying to be fantasized. In the MHA fandom I understand having an animal quirk, but if I write it, it will be entirely platonic
Pedophilia, Teacher x student, More than a year age gap if the characters are underage (15+16 okay! 15+17 not!)
If it icks out most of the fandom population, it will probably ick me out too
I do not write character x character bc I honestly forgot that people do
With all that Being said, Please go check out the Fandom Pages to put in a request!!!
#requests open#reqs open#send requests#send reqs#mha#mha fandom#bnha#bnha fandom#aot#aot fandom#snk#snk fandom#reader#oc#more
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Finally getting to this! Knew I would put it off xD Still sooner than some of the other unanswered games I have.
1) how many works do you have on ao3?
43 works! More than I expected to ever get to.
2) what's your total ao3 word count?
72,446. God damn xD
3) what are your top five fics by kudos?
The Things I Can and Can't Say - LawLu soulmate au Learning I'm Inn Love with You - 2 ch MarcoAce with one bed It's Me or the Pumpkin - Fem LawLu drabble Darling, Your Love's Like Witchcraft - MihoPero song fic I'm Over The Moon For You - MarcoAce based on art
4) what fandoms do you write for?
Mostly One Piece! I only have one not OP fic, and it's for My Hero Academia. I think about other fandoms, but I don't write for them. I'm not motivated to write most days, I choose other hobbies
5) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I don't unless there's a question that I think should be answered or I have some additional anecdote to add. I think I should more, build more community, though I definitely feel awkward about it.
6) what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Wish I Could Still See You - Post Marineford Marco feels, and even that ends vaguely hopeful. I have others with big sad feelings in the middle too, but they don't have the truth that is Marineford & the fall of the Whitebeards
7) what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them. I write for happy endings really. But I'm gonna say this one You’re My Perfect Match . It's MarcoAce birthday fic
8) do you get hate on fics?
No, I don't. I think one shot content is less seen to be attacked, idk
9) do you write smut?
I have! One published smut fic and I throw around some ideas with friends that never get finished or fleshed out. I worry about not getting things right and being flamed for it
10) do you write crossovers?
No, I haven't. No plans to either
11) have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? Wattpad is a crazy place though, so maybe someone stole one
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven't! I got one or two bot requests for it maybe, but its fine. One day maybe
13) have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not yet. A friend and I talked about it, but they switched fandoms and I ran out of energy for hobbies at the same time
14) what's your all time favorite ship?
MarcoAce. They are like the holders of my heart, its great. Since I mention them so much, I'll offer some others are All Might/Aizawa (MHA), Kakashi/Iruka (Naruto), and Zuko/Sokka (ATLA)
15) what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Two of them. One is a fic I started for an event that is about a lemonade stand and flirting and shit. It's cute, I've rewritten it at least two times though because I get so far and then can't seem to push past the invisible barrier. The other is a Halloween fic I started when doing the Year of the OTP event in 2023, so one fic about your OTP a month. My computer broke in August that year and after writing two fics on my phone, I was tired and didn't continue. I know a little for that fic was also that it was meant to be a Halloween one and I couldn't decide what costumes I wanted to write about.
16) what are your writing strengths?
I think I am good with dialogue and I can get a good voice/read on the character I want. There's times I know my word choice might be slightly off, but the lines work and they flow and feel very real. Also, I'm good at puns and jokes and wordplay. My first year of fics, I'm pretty sure I put at least one pun in each fic, and I know one was filled with Marco punning at Ace, and it makes me so happy! I just hope my joy translates in to the fics. Titles are also generally a joy for me. I love taking a handful of information from the fic and finding something thing to match it. My preference is puns and kitschy romance titles, both of which I enjoy.
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions, mostly on rooms. I know what my mind is kinda picturing, but I feel like I need to get better at actually showing it. And for me, sometimes its just that I wouldn't pay attention to the details, so why should the story. I already work on descriptions and adding floof to create good stories, because when I started I didn't want my stuff to be too flowery or long winded, so I held back more. Speed too! I like writing, but I am not motivated by it. It can take me 4 hours to write 500 words. I can type fast enough, but I can easily forget an idea mid-type or I get (allow myself to be) distracted by other things.
18) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think I've give people pet names in other languages, which I love from any author +, but never any long sentences. I definitely think it can work in fics, but sometimes it's more distracting than anything.
19) first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter technically, though those aren't on ao3 and never will be
20) favourite fic you've ever written?
Let's Take a Trip Down Memory Rain - MarcoAce I really love a lot of my fics, wrote them for myself truly, but this one is filled with love for me. I included detailed-ish descriptions of dancing in it, which is something I love to do and love to share with other people, and I gave Marco and Ace birds as pets
tagging @snailor-bee and whoever else wants to play <3
20 questions for writers
i wasn't tagged, but saw this going around and figured it's my turn to tag @sephirthoughts in a tag thing ehehehehehhehe
since i have two accounts i post on, i'll include them both because i love them both dearly. de_Winter is my one piece only account and BettyBoom is for all the other brief obsessions i have once in a while
1) how many works do you have on ao3?
atm i've got 94 visible (and 3 hidden) fics on de_Winter, and there are 21 visible (and 16 hidden) on BettyBoom
2) what's your total ao3 word count?
apparently ao3 stats show word count for all fics, including hidden ones so on de_Winter it's 680,986 and BettyBoom is at 231,559 (which tbf is pretty low considering how long i've been at this, but i guess that comes with regular removing of my fics and never writing anything but oneshots lmao)
3) what are your top five fics by kudos?
i have to admit i've never checked this and i'm surprised by the results on the OP account hahaha for de_Winter: 1. Home (Strawhats gen) 2. Catching feathers (MarAce) 3. Fire and flames (MarAce) 4. red velvet (MarAce) 5. Of ink and feathers (MarAce) for BettyBoom: 1. Bucky Barnes, PI (Stucky, MCU) 2. pocket full of sunshine (Buddie, 9-1-1) 3. over the edge (and into the unknown) (Buddie, 9-1-1) 4. Don't hold it against me (Stucky, MCU) 5. heaven won't wait (so we'll make our own) (Buddie, 9-1-1)
4) what fandoms do you write for?
primarily it's One Piece, but i do have some captain america, black sails, assassin's creed II, stranger things, overwatch and 9-1-1 wips rolling around the drive right now
5) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i absolutely reply to every comment! commenting is difficult for many readers especially when you're not used to it or you don't know the writer so i always want to thank everyone for the effort and make sure they know i appreciate that they took their time to comment even if it wasn't easy <3
6) what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
it's honestly a tie between the marineford aftermath fic and the death row fic, from the posted ones (the viking funeral might enter this statistic one day this year lmao)
7) what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably the rest of them, i generally gravitate towards happy endings even if my definition of happy (conflict is resolved, everyone is ok and well) doesn't often match the definition many others have for what counts as a happy ending (exclusively fluff)
8) do you get hate on fics?
i haven't gotten outright hate directly on the fics in years, but i do often get snarky remarks about some choices in characterization i've been making for years (which just confirms the choice to me)
9) do you write smut?
very much so, it's very fun and i'm good at it these days
10) do you write crossovers?
no, i'm not a fan
11) have you ever had a fic stolen?
yup, i think some might still be on wattpad that i haven't posted because the search is so shit, i couldn't find them. the person who let me know they came across them was on anon and never provided the links
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
yup, tho if it happened in recent years i don't know of it because no one asked for permission in a while
13) have you ever cowritten a fic before?
i have!! aerle and i had a little bb collab many years ago and it was incredible fun. other than that i also cowrote with turtlefriedrice also many years ago haha
14) what's your all time favorite ship?
it has to be MarcoAce cause i've been writing them for like 12 years and i always gravitate towards them even when i have periods of writing other ships
15) what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
it's honestly hard to say because i just write what i feel like writing at a given time, until i feel like it regardless if it's finished by the end of it or not, and i'll go back to something years later and finish it because i felt like it so with me there's really no saying. i want to finish all my wips, but there's usually no saying when the right time for it will be
16) what are your writing strengths?
all of it. i'm not saying that cause i think i'm perfect or the best, it's just that i am currently really comfortable with where my skill is and i love how far i've gotten with both my english and my writing skills in the years since i started so everything is a strength to me
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
i don't have any because i'm in my loving myself era, unless we count the adhd and difficulty motivating myself to write more often than not
18) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
so far i've never written full on dialogue in a different language, but i do often add words in other languages when needed because multilingual characters are hot
19) first fandom you wrote for?
one piece hahaha it was around May 2013, after i read what i could of zosan on ff.net after my first dip into fandom (yup i was in my early 20s when i first found out about fandoms) and i decided i should try writing. my first fic is no longer posted, but i will always love it dearly because from the very start i was looking at writing fics as a challenge so i wrote a 3 part/3 pov fic for zosan with a side of ace as an outside perspective and it turned out hilarious so i might just bring it back
20) favourite fic you've ever written?
i love almost all my works equally and my favorite changes with almost every fic i write, but my marace renaissance venice au that has been worked on since 2015 and has had 2 iterations so far has got to be special because you can tell it's based on something very dear to me (art history, but particularly renaissance art which is what my masters was focused on) and it reads like a love letter to art and everything i've learned about it through my life
also giving a tag to @wordsdrippinginink @lunarshores @itsthefandommash because they've committed tag crimes against me in the past
#tag game#thanks dee#this took an ungodly amount of time#distracted myself with being in a voicechat and causing chaos#angel writes
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||The Thread of Fate|| Part Four
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure. A little mention of blood and fighting.
Previous Chapters - Part One, Part Two, Part Three,
A/N: Meeting Iroh and Zuko properly, or should I say....Mushi and Li :3 So this chapter is all about setting the scene and such. I’ll be diving down deep into the hearts and minds of our two reluctant soulmates in the next chapter. Hope you enjoy this one!
I am now taking requests so go ahead and send me stuff. You can find my rules here. Please send me stuff to write!
The first thing she became aware of was that her head was hurting. Or at least it was throbbing a little. A low moan sounded from her lips, as she lifted a heavy hand to press against the tender spot. A slight wince of pain crinkled her forehead, before she felt a warm hand wrap around her wrist and tug it away from her injury.
“You should not touch your wound, my dear. It is still quite swollen.”
The voice caused her eyes to snap open and her entire body slipped into a state of fight or flight. Her hand moved to take out the dagger she always strapped at her side, where she felt nothing but the soft material of her clothes. Her legs kicked away the blanket that was covering her, and she quickly tried to move away from the speaker who was sat only a few inches away from her.
And she would’ve run off, if her head hadn’t spun, followed by a wave of nausea that had her seeing dark spots in her vision. She stumbled, causing the figure to reach out and grasp her arm to keep her from hurting herself further.
“Do not fear child. No harm shall come to you.”
Finally, the dark spots vanished, and Orora was able to gain back her vision. Her blue eyes blinked as she adjusted to the bright sunlight that poured in through the opening of a small cave. Her attention, however, was on the man in front of her.
He was old, almost as old as Master Pakku. And he still held her arm to keep her from running off. But his touch was gentle. Not at all like the way her father would grab her arm when she would try to storm off after yet another argument. The bearded old man gave a small nod and a kind smile, his eyes holding no malice or anger. And something within her seemed to calm down a little.
Her body loosened, but just enough. If he gave her a reason to cause any harm, she would bolt. Adjusting herself so she was sitting with her legs tucked underneath her, Orora raised a hand to her head as she groaned softly. “My head feels so heavy.” She muttered, prompting the man to nod. “Well you did happen to fall on a particularly nasty rock. Good thing there was no bleeding.” He reached beside him to pick up several leaves. “Here. These should help with the pain. I do not have the means to boil them in water but they should help with the pain. They are-”
“White Willow Leaves.” She finished, slowly reaching out to take a few from his hands. The old man gave a small smile of delight. “It seems you know your medicinal herbs. I took the liberty of washing them for you.” He added. Orora gave a small nod of thanks before tossing a few leaves in her mouth and chewing. Her face contorted to one of utter disgust as the bitter taste spread along her tongue. A water-skin came into her view and she grabbed it before greedily gulping down the contents.
Sighing once she was done, Orora turned her gaze towards the man and gave him a small nod. “Thank you, sir.” He waved away her gratitude with a smile. “My name is Mushi, my dear. No need for formalities. Might I ask you for yours?” Orora pursed her lips briefly before giving a small nod. “Orora.” He gave a small hum in response. “A beautiful name. I have never come across someone named as such, it must be quite rare.” She gave a small shrug, having never thought of that before. “I suppose.”
A small silence followed her words before the man, Mushi, spoke again. “It would seem, you had an unfortunate run-in with my nephew.”
Her entire body went rigid, the water-skin dropping from her hands and onto the dirt covered floor of the cave. Scenes from last night played within her mind.
The Spirit that had attacked her.
The tug on her finger.
Removing the frightful blue mask.
Seeing his face.
His scar.
His eyes.
Her soulmate.
“You have gone quite pale, Orora. Perhaps you should lie down once more.” He suggested but she shook her head frantically, ignoring the pain behind her head. “No! I-I have to l-leave.” In her hurry to stand, she very nearly stumbled on the blanket, which she realized was actually her cloak. Picking it up, she quickly threw it around her shoulders, before moving to pick up her pack.
Orora underestimated the level of injury she had sustained, and the sudden multiple movements caused her to stumble on her feet, her head swimming. She had barely taken a few steps, vision swimming when she suddenly collided with someone. Her hands flew out to steady herself on the person’s arms, the short strands of her hair falling into her eyes as she tried her best to get rid of that feeling in her stomach. Whoever held her upright didn’t pull away, instead they seemed to grip back, as if helping to steady herself.
“I see you’re finally awake.” The figure spoke. The voice was raspy and not at all like any she had heard before. The string on her finger had gone completely tight, but it didn’t hurt. Despite her initial decision to not look at him, she found herself straightening up so that she stood at his eye-level.
In the sunlight she could see more of his features. And though the scar was a big part of his face, she hardly registered it in favor of assessing his eyes like she had done last night. He seemed to be looking right back at her, so maybe he wasn’t completely disgusted by her appearance.
As if realizing what she was doing, Orora snatched her hands back from where they still rested on his forearms and gave his chest a swift punch. It wasn’t enough to hurt him badly, but since he hadn’t been expecting it, the sudden action had him stumbling back, slightly winded.
His features morphed into an ugly frown as he glared at her. “What was that for?!” Orora held her arms up, hands in fists as she glared back. “For what you did last night you Son of a Hog Monkey!” She was still a little unsteady, but her anger surpassed that feeling.
A loud boisterous laugh sounded from behind her, prompting the girl to glance back at Mushi who was having a good old belly laugh. “Oh dear, I have not heard that insult in quite a long while.” He chortled, wiping away a tear as he reached out to gently lay a hand on her shoulder. “No one will hurt you, Orora, you may calm down.” She opened her mouth, as if she were about to respond when he spoke.
Her head whipped in his direction as he stood there, a hand still on his chest where she had hit him. “Is that your name?” He asked, sounding a little strange. At least strange to her. She crossed her arms over her chest. “Yes. My name is Orora. Do you have a problem with that?” Why did the Spirits have to go and have her run into him like that?!
He shook his head. “Nothing.” So saying he walked past her and into the cave. “We need to leave Uncle. I saw a patrol of Fire Nation Soldiers not too far from here.” Orora frowned. “Why would you be running from the Fire Nation? Aren’t you firebenders?” She asked, leveling a glare at the other teenager. Mushi shook his head. “We may be firebenders, my dear, but we are enemies of the Fire Nation, and neither of us seek to cause anyone harm.” She turned to glare at his nephew who avoided her eye in favor of packing up.
Clearly Mushi didn’t know his nephew well.
“And you are still hurt. It would be best if you were to come with us.” He turned now, his tone severe as he regarded his nephew. “After all, it was involuntarily caused by Li here, for startling you.“ For his part, Li looked almost embarrassed at being called out like that.
If it had been up to her, Orora would’ve replied with a simple no and been off. But she suddenly caught sight of a little something Mushi held out to her. “This fell out of your bag while you were sleeping. It is a very pretty.” Her eyes widened as she glanced from the small tile to the old man holding it out for her. There was a knowing look in his wise eyes as he pressed the precious tile into her palm.
“Yes, I believe it would beneficial for us to travel together.” She agreed, her eyes now directed at the boy standing behind his Uncle. Seemingly ignoring the palpable tension simmering between the two teenagers, Mushi gave a nod of approval.
Orora learned very quickly that neither Li nor Mushi were built for foraging. She was no expert either, but she did manage to catch fish every time they were by a body of water. It helped that she used her water-bending skills to do so. Her ability to catch fish, perfectly matched up with Mushi’s ability to cook it to perfection. The first few times she had cooked, the meat had always been charred. And not in a nice manner. But Mushi seemed to be an expert, and she would happily eat with him.
Since the day she began to travel with the Uncle and Nephew, Orora began to find a friend and confidant in the old man. He was kind to her. Always ready with his gentle voice and his calming presence. The fact that he was aware of the importance of the White Lotus Tile, whatever it may be, eased her nerves around him. Master Pakku had advised her that those who knew of the White Lotus would help her, and she trusted the waterbending master.
Mushi had very briefly told her how they were from the Fire Nation Colonies, but were enemies for having caused trouble for the Fire Nation army. And that was that. He didn’t provide any more information, but kept the conversation targeted towards more neutral topics. He had asked her about her family as well, to which she had told the truth about the matter. She had kept it brief, but he had understood her need to not speak about it and had not asked her again.
And while a strange yet welcome sort of friendship began to form between her and Mushi, the situation between her and Li was an entirely different matter.
Since the first morning, neither of them had spoken to one another. One would think it would be difficult not to converse, given they were now traveling together, ate together and slept just a few feet away. But Orora kept her focus on traveling, getting something to eat, earning coin by healing wherever she could and taking care of the Ostrich-Horse she had taken a shine to. When Mushi had told her it didn’t have a name, she had taken to picking one instantly. Chairo (Kai-ro). The word meant brown, and admittedly was not the best name for a creature that was so obviously brown, yet she did not know what else to pick so she had stayed with that name.
Mushi was now more then aware of the tension that existed between the two of them, and though he tried his best to strike up a conversation that would include the two of them during the late evenings when they were resting for the day, nothing every came of it. Both of them were being ruled by a sense of stubbornness that was associated with teenagers, and neither would budge from their decision.
So the conversations would go as thus, either Mushi and Li would be speaking, or Orora and Mushi. And if the old man tried to include the other in the conversation he would receive and quick and short reply. And while Orora’s would be respectful, Li’s had a little bite to them.
A trait that had started to get on Orora’s nerves lately.
Since beginning their travels, the string between the both of them stayed visible. There was no tug. No pull. Just a constant reminder that they both existed in one another’s vicinity and yet chose to ignore it. It would seem they were both adamant about their decision of rejecting the other as their soulmate, yet neither of them came outright to say so. Given that they were not speaking to one another, it was not surprising that they hadn’t had a chance to do so yet.
One night, barely a week since she began traveling with her new companions, Orora was feeling rather restless under the gaze of the full moon, when she became aware of a figure slipping away from their makeshift camp. Mushi was still sound asleep, snoring away. Casting a look in his direction, Orora quickly slid to her feet. Wrapping her cloak tightly around herself, she slipped out of the camp and followed the figure into the night.
In the light of the moon, she was able to see that all too familiar mask that Li pulled out from inside his shirt. Frowning, the girl stepped a little closer to him. “Going off to rob more people I see.”
Zuko whirled around, his twin swords held up in defense. “Oh, its you.” He stated dropping from his stance in favor of readying himself for his latest string of robberies. A small part of Orora burned at being dismissed like that. She hated when men did that. As if her very presence did not warrant their attention.
“Does you Uncle know? What you do when you wear that mask?” She nodded towards the object. “He seems honorable enough to not go about stealing from people, I’m surprised you would stoop so low as to commit such crimes.” Zuko glared at her, and if looks could kill, she would’ve been underground by now. “I think its best that you keep your mouth shut and walk away.” He retorted, prompting Orora to cross her arms over her chest. “Then perhaps I should inform your Uncle exactly how I injured myself. I’ve heard enough to know you did not tell him the truth, that you were about to rob me.” She moved, as if to take a step back towards the camp. But she suddenly found herself with a sword pointed in her direction. The blade was long enough to just barely graze the front of her shirt, from where Zuko stood. And though a bubble of fear settled in the pit of her stomach, Orora kept her stance and glared right back at him.
“You have no right, and are certainly in no position to try and blackmail me.” The former prince of the Fire Nation informed her. Of course, she was not aware of his royal status. Zuko knew if she were, she would never have made such a threat against him. “Besides.” A smug grin pulled at his lips, one that had her purse her lips as she glowered at him. “You owe me.”
He had dropped the sword slightly, allowing it to suspend in mid-air between the two of them. A silent warning.
“I owe you?” She let out a sound of disbelief at which Zuko raised his chin and stared smugly at her. “I saved you at the North Pole.”
For the first time in a long while, she was forced to remember what had occurred that fateful night. “I didn’t ask you to save me.” She snapped back.
“So you would’ve preferred I let you die?” Zuko was eager to fight back.
“I had it handled.” Her pride would not allow her to admit that he was right.
“Not from where I stood.” That smug condescending smirk stayed in place.
“I didn’t ask you to save me.” She retorted.
“You didn’t leave me any choice.”
“You could’ve just left me there.”
“And let you die?”
She opened her mouth to reply, to throw something back in his face, but nothing came out. His smile of victory had her near seething as her hands curled in fists and she threw an arm out to punch him in the chest once more.
He was ready this time, and caught her wrist in a firm grip. They were standing only a few inches away from one another now. Though the expressions they wore were borderline murderous as they regarded one another.
“You stay quiet about where I am going, I shall consider it payment for saving your life.” Zuko regarded her with a look she could not place, though his response did prompt her to roll her eyes at him. “How noble of you to let me off that easily.” She ground out between clenched teeth.
Finally, he let go of her wrist, allowing her to pull back. She could still feel the ghost of his touch on her soft skin as he put the mask in place, hiding his face from view, before vanishing into the night.
Tag List: @wavesofchaos
#Zuko x OC#zuko x reader#zuko imagine#zuko x y/n#Avatar The Last Airbender#the thread of fate#atla imagine
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Anyway I’m reading through the Things ™ and wow
Can I request something? There’s an idea I’ve been pondering for a bit. You know already who I’ll ask for, I’m guessing.
What if the reader fell for Xiao in Genshin, in a state where they constantly daydream about him. Rather than working on scenarios and scenes, it happens in real time.
Meanwhile, in another universe, Xiao in a modern setting has fallen for a Genshin character- the reader. He daydreams about them in the same manner.
To the reader, their Xiao is a guardian yaksha, Golden adeptus, and doombane itself.
To Xiao, his (y/n) is something just as exalted. I tend to use a seelie, since they’re an immortal race of ancient and now weak gods.
What they both don’t know is that they’re actually meeting in those daydreams. It’s not just imagination and the longing for company, but an actual relationship with another person.
Bonus points if it’s some sort of soulmate au and they physically can’t find each other and eventually realize it.
I’ve never told anyone about this before, and I’m excited to see what you do with it! I might work with it one day, just not yet.
(Hoo boy, this will be tough, but I'm sure I can do it! Xiao might be a bit ooc as I'm getting his personality from wiki and fanon, as well as modern au [hopefully] gives him less trauma and a slightly different personality.)
(Also, I can't do sad endings. So a bit of deus ex OC at the 3rd part)
Your game
Your pov: the dream eater of your dreams
You are (y/n)(l/n), and you are in the saddest love story this side of the lake.
Ever since you saw him in that first quest you were in love!
You were just a teen though, so it wasn't real right? After all, your red string wasn't connected to the screen.
Well, your string isn't connected to anything...
Y-your just a late bloomer though right?
(Ten years later)
Your now in your twenties and you still love Xiao!
He permeates your thoughts like how lovers do, you feel an inexplicable hurt in your chest similar to what many describe feeling when they see their soulmate prior to their string appearing, not to mention whenever you aren't busy you feel like you're...slipping...in...in and...
It was happening again.
It was like a daydream but more...real.
Like a lucid dream.
You saw your string, just like so many other times, and you followed it.
You ran and ran, turquoise clouds parting and making paths for you to find him.
You ran and ran, glad that atleast in some way your delusions can give you some semblance of true love.
You saw the..wait..that's not the inn.
Well it is the inn, but more modern. And there was a school next to it, and a small village not far away.
Another of thing was that you were in some kind of yellow armor, it reminded you of those baby geovisnaps from genshin impact(that are absolutely BULL-)
You went into the elevator, which seemed more ancient than usual.
And when you reached the balcony, you saw him. But he was different.
Instead of the Yaksha you usually saw, you were greeted by an equally shocked man in a martial arts gi. But it was him.
But different.
You reached out, and he did the same.
And you touched
Xiao's pov: the midsummer knight of his dreams
(Clarifying: in this version Liyue is based on European mythology and aesthetic while Mondstadt is based on Chinese. So you are a fae hunting knight rather than a demon hunting yaksha)
Xiao had always been reserved, but what happened to him as a kid drew him further into his shell.
Abusive parents, accidentally giving his sister trauma induced amnesia, he felt the weight of his actions like atlas feels the world on his shoulders.
Luckily, two people took him and his sister QiQi in: QiQi's doctor Baizhu, and Xiao's therapist(and Baizhu's husband) Morax.
It was difficult to come out, even after Xiao stopped feeling so at fault. So he mostly stayed in his room and played video games.
That is until he met you.
Well met is the wrong word here.
He saw your character in his world's version of genshin impact: tribunal eruption
The way you used your weapon, the way your armor shined in the night as you rode to his wanderer. The smile you gave as he handed you (favourite food).
But most of all, the way you used fighting styles from so many martial arts and hand to hand combat techniques.
From irish kickboxing to karate, from assassination arts in ancient history of japan to systema.
It awoken two things in him: first was his want to learn martial arts and make his own.
The second was his love for you.
But don't worry, your physical attributes only drew him in. Your personality made him stay.
Years went on, he became a martial arts instructor for his own style, and moved into an apartment near a small village.
He started teaching at a school nearby, he even gets a discount on rent for giving free lessons to the owner's sons, Ivan and Viktor.
He's also convinced those two have a crush on him but it's pointless.
After all, he was a dream eater, a common group of people who have a strange ability to find their soulmate.
Specifically, the ability to have "lucid daydreams" where they meet their soulmate.
But he must be defective. After all his soulmate kept appearing as...well you. As a knight that would meet him on the balcony every night.
He assumed maybe it was your voice actor or designer, but neither of them have had the lucid daydreams.
He began thinking he'd never find his soulmate
Until one daydream...
He was on the balcony again, like a prince awaiting his knight to rescue him.
But it was different.
The apartment complex he lived in now looked much smaller, as did the tree it was built around, and the building looked far more ancient in design yet so much younger in age.
And the village and school nearby aren't there anymore.
Oddest change of all is that his gi he was wearing just a second ago is now similar to the outfit warn by the mondstadt demon slayer Corps
And when you arrived at the balcony, he noticed a red string, one that connected your heart to his. But you weren't wearing your armor, you were wearing casual, modern clothes.
He knew it was stupid, after all you can't touch your soulmate in the daydreams. But he felt compelled to....to reach out and..
You touched him.
nothing never comes between you, and nobody helps you get together
(3rd person pov)
He really did find it annoying, how often mortals would find themselves in the wrong dimension, especially when it's because the writer wants drama. And now he's written in to solve the problem.
Ah well, it's his job.
(2nd person pov)
You didn't know how to feel. You were touching Xiao...and you weren't waking up. Was this...real?
"You... you're real...different but....still the person I love...." Xiao seemed to be equally in a trance at the prospect
"yeah...so are you..."
The armor you wore melted away, and you cant see it but Xiao's fictional clothes melted from him as well. You were both equally real, in your own reality.
But you knew it couldn't last.
"When the daydream ends, I wont be able to see you anymore," Xiao said with a sea of tears in his eyes, "We've actually met now...and now...now the dreams will end."
You lean into him, "then let's make this dream the best one we've ever had."
Your about to kiss when-
"Terribly sorry about this!" A childlike voice called, "you know, interrupting your moment and all that. See for the sake of narrative, you both were put in separate universes. And it's my job to give you a happy ending."
When you both looked, you saw a child made of bone climbing into reality from some kind of hole.
"Now just wait a moment aaannnd-"
The turquoise clouds cleared, and the world rippled into a conjoined reality between genshin impact and tribunal eruption.
"Welcome to your dream world, enjoy eternal love!" The child said as he crawled back into the hole and it closed.
When he was gone, you both observed the world around you: a beautiful mix of aesthetics surrounded you, and both your armor and his adeptus clothing were on you both.
You gazed into eachother's eyes.
He placed one hand on your cheek while another held your hand, "I'm not good with speaking..speaking my emotions..but I....maybe my actions can do that for me..."
You felt your red string radiate with the warmth of love, likewise Xiao felt his daydreams dissipate like a haze leaving his mind.
You grab his hand and place your free hand on his cheek, mirroring his love, as you always have.
"Xiao...your very existence tells me all I need to hear.."
You both leaned in, and kissed.
Two lovers, in a dream made reality,
A paradise for all eternity.
I feel it kinda fell apart with the deus ex, but I think I scraped it back together in the end!
I hope it's good enough for what you envisioned buddy, I tried my best!
(Also I think you deserve something just as good as what happens to the reader insert in this fic, story)
(Tagging: @golden-wingseos (this is the writing blog for someone you told to tag you), and @storytravelled (just to keep the idea of tagging in mind))
#i will explain some choices in a reblog#genshin impact fanfiction#genshin#genshin impact#xiao#genshin xiao#xiao x reader
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ayato …
first impression! — not gonna lie i thought he was that one npc dude that lost his vision in the first ever inazuma trailer PLS BUT I REALLY DID NOT THINK HE WOULD EVER BE PLAYABLE
impression now! — DAYUMMMM okay ves look away but golly that man is sumn else FRRRR like okay commissioner instead of keeping my home how bout i come to YOURSSSSS YOU KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN
favorite moment! — well i mean we barely have any rn but if it counts i really like his burst THE WAY HE SLIGHTLY LOOKS UP AT THE END 🧘♀️🧘♀️🧘♀️
idea for a story! — literally just started this thomato draft like two hours ago about all the small things that thoma does that drive him insane and it eventually ends with them together 😋 BUT FOR THE COMMUNITY FOR US Y’ALL IM WRITING A SOULMATE AU (red string of fate) EVERYONE CLAP IT UP
unpopular opinion! — i think i prefer his hair like this. I MEAN WE WERE ROBBED OF THE LONG HAIR CONCEPT but his model is just so pretty like it’s literally gorgeous i can’t find it in my to have something wrong with it
favorite headcanon! — first one im stumped on like i genuinely DON’T REALLY HAVE ANY no scratch that i think it would be cool if his favorite type of boba tea was something really out of character… like fuckin strawberry milk tea and everyone’s like??? get a load of this guy drinkin strawberry tea 
xinyan …
impression now! — my gf like i am never letting her go she’s never leaving my team and once i get A SECOND BROKEN PINES ITS GON BE THE SAME ON MY MAIN YUP!!! XINYAN WORLD DOMINATION
favorite moment! — her lvl 90 voiceline ☹️☹️☹️ and when yun jin dragged her to see the fireworks during lantern rite she just looked so happy it made me all smiley <3
idea for a story! — yunyan coffee shop!au that’s kinda based on this demon slayer fic i read and it’s like xinyan goes to the same coffe place everyday and sits in the same booth and plays guitar and sings and yun jin ends up showing up every day too because she loves hearing xinyan sing and they both act like they don’t notice but they both definitely do I FUCKING LOVE COFFEE SHOP AUS
unpopular opinion! — she just deserves more recognition!!!
favorite relationship! — me and her always forever & yunyan my favorite music lesbians >:]
favorite headcanon! — she’s 5’10 since she’s canonically tall (THEY STUCK HER ON THE WRONG MODEL I SWEAR I WAS ROBBED), her favorite petname to use is my girl, and that yun jin has a pet frog that she tortures her with LOL
#i have been holding the rest of these hostage in my drafts i literally did answer them they’re just SITTING HERE#xinyan i am free this entire week please text me back#THE FROG THING IS SK FUNYNY I LOVE YUN JIN#atlas.moots#atlas.games
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2021 Year-End Fic Review
Taking advantage of @thinkingisadangerouspastime’s open tag! Thanks for giving me a reason to ramble, Amy 💞
Also, I’m only counting posted stories as complete! And I’m counting fics individually, since only my -Week series (2 out of 8) are technically complete.
How many stories did you complete?
This year, I completed 25! Most are oneshots, but two are multichap 🥰which is a first for me!
What is your total word count for the year?
144188 which is...wow 😂 that’s crazy!! And it’s all of my works except 11 (7 from 2020, 1 from 2019, 1 from 2016, and 1 posted in January of this year that I don’t count because it was written in 2019)
What fandoms did you write in this year?
Ooh well ATLA of course. Also Cobra Kai/Karate Kid, Ted Lasso, and the Flash! And I’m gonna try to sneak in something MCU-related in the last few days of the year (emphasis on TRY). There’s a Star Wars fic in the mix too!
Did you write more, less, or roughly about what you expected?
More, but honestly, that’s only because my fanfic impulse control is close to 0 😂
What’s your own favorite story of the year?
This one, because the CK time travel AU as a concept has grown and bloomed into something amazing 💞 it’s how I’m coping with whatever decisions they’ll make in S4
Though a close second is this Empath Daniel fic, because I’m really proud of the worldbuilding 🥰
I also love this Evil Zuko fic 😂 it’s so hard to rank my fics!
(The Bumizumi time travel AU will join my list of favorites soon! I just haven’t gotten to the really fun part yet)
What is your most underappreciated story of the year?
...okay I know I said I don’t count this fic...but screw it, I’m counting it. This Jyn & Leia fic was one I quite liked! It didn’t get the reception I was hoping for, which is a shame, because I definitely think there’s room for these two to be friends within the bounds of canon
Biggest fanfic-related disappointment of 2021?
Hmm...honestly not many? I mean, there’s this series (for Nina Shelley, my Ted Lasso OC) and also this one (for Morgan Wells, my Flash OC) but...not much has really happened in either series yet, so I’m not too surprised. It’s mostly just been set-up (or pay-off without build-up 😂)
Biggest fanfic-related surprise of 2021?
Honestly this Roykeeley & Jamiedani fic, which I actually posted yesterday for a Ted Lasso Secret Santa! It’s blown up more than I expected, and I’m so grateful for that 💞 it wasn’t my favorite fic, and I definitely felt a little imposter syndrome while writing it, but I’m glad people like it! Especially the recipient, which was definitely great to hear
This fic (exploring Barry’s grief in the wake of 3x1 aka Flashpoint) also surprised me–two authors in the fandom who I love dearly loved that fic, and were moved by it, which I’m glad to hear! I wasn’t sure if I was writing Barry and Harry (and grieving, generally) quite right, but I’m glad it worked
Something you’re looking forward to working on in 2022?
My OCs with series (Morgan and Nina) are gonna get their series fleshed out! Amelia, a new OC of mine for Marvel/MCU, is going to get her own series (again, 0 fic-related impulse control 😂)
Other than that...my CK and Bumizumi time travel AUs are steadily chugging along.
I’ve got a couple House of Anubis and Flash oneshots planned! One of the HOA ones is coming in early January (there’s a hard deadline for that one, which is why I can promise a posting date 😂)
Some more Spidey-related oneshots (NWH-related) are coming next year too! That movie really has me in a chokehold
Also...CK S4 fix-its are definitely coming, because I don’t trust this next season very much (some of the things I’m hearing make me nervous...like how they’re gonna treat Sam)
And I promise I’m getting back to that ATLA Soulmate AU at some point next year! Not sure when, but at some point. I’m proud of the worldbuilding for this series, and I wanna explore in the sandbox more! And if anyone wants to run with the worldbuilding, feel free (just make sure to gift it to me and give inspo credit, because I’d love to read it!)
Tagging: @seek--rest @robbykeeneslawyer @connorswhisk @blackaquokat @usaonetwothree @starstruckpurpledragon @squireofgeekdom and anyone else who wants to do it!
#avatar the last airbender#atla#the flash#ted lasso#cobra kai#the karate kid#marvel#mcu#star wars#ck time travel au#bumizumi time travel au#daniel larusso#evil zuko au#jyn erso#leia organa#jyn & leia#sam & tory & aisha#oc: nina shelley#oc: amelia parker#morgan wells au#barry allen#harry wells#roykeeley#jamiedani#jamie x dani#roy kent#keeley jones#jamie tartt#dani rojas
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