difeisheng · 8 months
I'm so curious do you have a playlist or just a general list of songs that make you think of fanghua/difang/feihua/liansanjiao? I see you post about individual songs a lot but as someone who vibes insanely with songs while relating them to characters I was wondering if you'd have a whole list (lots of live by the way!!! <3)
hi! ok, preface that it's currently not very organized bc i've just been absently adding songs, and i should really change the title given that it's a general mlc playlist and not just feihua, but i DO have a playlist! here you go:
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elliespectacular · 7 months
Do you still have that Jellicle name generator saved anywhere? Some friends and I used it for our OCs and it was an absolute blast!
The name I got was Callio the convivial cat, which is short for Calliope, who I played in Xanadu. She has a whole costume and everything now!
Even if you don't have it anymore, tysm for making it ;-;
Xanadu mention! Also I do still have it saved! This one is revised a little and I might make more changes later, but here it is in text form:
Jellicle Name Generator
This will give you a name that is relatively in-line with the naming conventions seen in Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot and later adapted into the musical Cats by Andrew Lloyd Webber - and unlike those shitty "last name and your birth month" name generators, this one won't doxx you in the process.
Before we begin, a bit of terminology we'll be using: - Portmanteau: Turning multiple words into one word linked by a sound or letter. Compelling Television = Compellevision. Punk Squid = Squnk - Smoosh: Combine words by simply removing the space and (optionally) changing the word positions. Country Jester = countryjester - Prefix: Goes before the name, like Mr. or Captain - Suffix: Goes after the name, like Jr. or The Great - Cat-like term: Something associated with cats. Meow, Whisker, Bell, Claw, Scratch, etc.
FIRST: Roll a D20 to determine your base name
An uncommon person’s first name
First syllable of a common last name + a unit of measurement. Portmanteau 'em.
Short, dangerous noun + a non-dangerous profession. Smoosh 'em.
Two Latin words. Portmanteau 'em.
A simple present-tense verb + sophisticated person's first name. Smoosh 'em.
Cat-like term + sophisticated person's first name. Smoosh 'em.
Combine two short nouns, then add "-er" "-ie" or "-est" to the end.
Think of an actor you like. Shorten their first name to its shortest nickname.
A medical term spelled incorrectly.
A food you liked as a kid + a pretentious word. Smoosh 'em.
A figure of legend/myth. Remove one syllable and any spaces.
An older person's first name that isn't common today.
Last name of a historical figure + a silly word. Portmanteau 'em.
A kids' name with 2 or more syllables + that name again without the first syllable + an onomatopoeia. Portmanteau 'em if you can.
A silly word + the first name of a former coworker. Portmanteau 'em.
A kind of public event + a cat-like term. Smoosh 'em.
Something from ancient history. Shorten what you came up with into a single word.
Something you do when you're nervous. Take that verb and add "-er" to the end to make it a noun.
Silly word + hostile-sounding verb. Portmanteau 'em.
Two silly words with 2+ syllables each. Smoosh 'em.
SECOND: Roll another D20 for flavor
Before you roll, consider how your name sounds without any additional flavor. If it's fine on its own, feel free to leave it as-is. Otherwise, roll on!
Suffix - An upsettingly average last name
Suffix - Think of a hobby. Your suffix is "The _____ Cat"
Prefix - A short adjective
Suffix - Think of an adjective. Your suffix is "The _____ Cat"
Prefix - Choose Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mx. or something similar
Suffix - Think of a color. Your suffix is "The _____ Cat"
Prefix - Any one-syllable word. Repeat the word a second time, adding or replacing the first consonant with that of your base name.
Suffix - Think of any non-proper noun. Your suffix is "The _____ Cat"
Suffix - it's the word Cat
Suffix - it's the word Kitty
Suffix - it's the word Kitten
Prefix - Choose "Sir" "Madam" "Captain" or something similar
Prefix - Choose "Lord" "Lady" "Noble" or something similar
Prefix - His/Her/Their Majesty (or any pronoun you prefer)
Prefix - His/Her/Their Grace (or any pronoun you prefer)
Prefix - Mc
Prefix - Van
Prefix - Von
Prefix - De
Suffix - Any cat-like term
And you're done!*
*This is as much a creative exercise as it is a "generator" so feel free to mess with the formula and/or let your result inspire something more original. Add multiple layers of flavor if you want. The rules are not rigid. I recommend generating a few names and picking your favorite!
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radiantcircle-if · 3 months
The Radiant Circle
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The Radiant Circle is a work-in-progress contemporary fantasy interactive novel with elemental magic, a heavy hand of romance, and a salt-sprinkle of mystery. The story is rated 18+ and may contain triggering content for some.
↪ introduction (updated 7/22/24) ⟢ demo (upcoming fall/winter)
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You were born without any magic into a long lineage of sorcerers who serve the Night Circle—a division of the Radiant Circle, the central governing body that maintains order among sorcerers. Even now when you live outside of the magical community, you’re still required to report to the local leadership about the magic you still don’t have.
Of course, only after having accepted a life without magic, you awaken a latent magical power too great to be yours. Myths speak of such a sorcerer, a Resonant Soul capable of mastering all four elements, reincarnated throughout history to bring balance to the magic community. So little is truly known, but that can’t be you.
But what if it is?
Thankfully, as an investigative journalist, what you do best is hunt for the truth. To unravel the secrets of your soul, you’re forced back into the world of sorcery to navigate ancient rivalries and contend with those who may fear your newfound power and seek to bury it for good. 
Because while most didn't believe the myths to be true, others have been preparing for your return. Most of all? You four souls bonded to yours for eternity.
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Play as the main character ⟢
Choose your name, appearance, gender, and sexuality.
Develop your personality as a harmonizer or disruptor—will you bring unity or will you bring destruction?
Gain mastery over elemental magic as the Resonant Soul—how much mastery in each element is up to you.
Travel the world while earning or losing influence through your decisions—will your reputation precede you or will you remain unknown?
Five romance options ⟢
Two pansexual men, one lesbian, and two gender-selectable romance options... and a hidden sixth romance option... with the potential for more to unlock later.
Four soulmates who will be revealed over the course of the story—your bonds, whether platonic or romantic, are yours to develop.
And if you don’t like romance, you can improve your friendships instead.
Or if you’re a misanthrope, deteriorate all your relationships to your liking.
Good endings? Check. Bad endings? Also check.
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You ✦ 26-year-old journalist from Seattle, USA (ℹ) Rejected by the magical community because your magic never awakened, you once sought to understand why before later turning to a career of journalism to attempt to uncover truths that don’t have to do with magic. Your dissertation was titled “Unveiling the Hidden: A Comparative Study of Secret Societies and Their Influence on Modern Media." After landing your dream job as an investigative journalist, you're returning home to Seattle for your assignment.
⟡ tropes include main character (surprise! you're the main character), insider/outsider, the most wanted (because you are a…), person of mass destruction, (possible) living legend, (possible) lust object, (seemingly) cosmic plaything…
Arseau Nassiet ⟡ High Justicar 31-year-old water sorcerer (he/him) from Seattle, USA (ℹ) A talented water sorcerer, your older brother Arseau is well loved within the Night Circle's upper echelons, but he'd never brag about it. He has been away from home for over a decade, raising ranks within the circle alongside his best friend. He coordinates his visit home with yours during the holidays so he can see his favorite younger sibling (never mind that he has only one sibling—you).
⟡ tropes include protective older brother, brainless beauty (yeah, he's a himbo), the caregiver/caretaker, the confidant (if you want), the informant, nice guy (someone has to keep the peace between the Pico brothers), the reliable one...
César Pico (RO) ⟡ Archumbricar 31-year-old earth sorcerer (he/him) from Tijuana, MX (ℹ) One of the highest ranking earth sorcerers in the world, César is seen as the unofficial heir of the current Night Luminary—and he takes the role seriously. As your brother's best friend, he has been a permanent fixture in your life as far as you remember—another persistent reminder of the magic that has remained inaccessible to you and the community that left you behind. He's at least an attractive reminder, even if it's unfortunate that his rare smirk proves that he knows it.
⟡ tropes include the hero, the cold & brooding heir, older brother's best friend/forbidden love, age gap, opposites attract, danger deadpan, glory hound, tall dark & handsome (obviously) ⟡ solo-route (with a possible rivalry with his brother), borderline enemies to lovers, (possible first love), forced proximity, maybe the slowest burn
Rafa Pico (RO) ⟡ High Justicar 27-year-old fire sorcerer (he/him) from Tijuana, MX (ℹ) The younger brother of César....and also his left hand man even though he doesn't take his position within the Night Circle very seriously. He doesn't take anything very seriously except his freedom. Especially his freedom to flirt his way into anyone's good graces.
⟡ tropes include the explorer, the charming playboy, childhood/long time friend, (his) unrequited crush (on you), the (horny) bard, speed demon, hell seeker, elegant classical musician... ⟡ solo-route (with a possible rivalry with his brother), friends to lovers but he never really saw you as a friend, forced proximity, slow burn
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Gazi Gharib (RO) ⟡ Photojournalist 28-year-old (she/her or he/him) from New York City, USA (ℹ) Your roommate and best friend ever since you moved to NYC, they're always ready to help you investigate something new and dangerous.
⟡ tropes include the innocent, the best friend, the encouraging charmer, the serial romeo, the casanova, agent mulder (the believer), empathetic communicator, spirited competitor, the klutz ⟡ solo-route or poly-route with Deniz, besties to lovers (and you can start at the lover bit if you'd like cause this one is a...), faaaaaast burn
Deniz Yılmaz (RO) ⟡ Private Investigator 26-year-old (he/him or she/her) from Istanbul, TR (ℹ) Your next-door-neighbor and childhood best friend. You haven't kept in close contact, but they're the first person you think of seeing when you visit home.
⟡ tropes include the jester, agent scully (the skeptic), street-smart investigator, hardboiled detective, erudite stoner, literal-minded/snark knight combo, childhood friends, loyal supporter, gadgeteer genius ⟡ solo-route or poly-route with Gazi, childhood friends (or was it more?) to lovers, (possible second chance romance...), somewhere between slow and fast burn
Dr. Noel Sung (RO) ⟡ Journalist 41-year-old (she/her) from London, UK (ℹ) Your graduate school mentor who you credit for preparing you to land a job at The New York Times as prestigious as it is. She's now your direct supervisor, and she has quite the assignment for you.
⟡ tropes include the magician, high-powered career woman, absent-minded professor(/former forbidden love?), age gap, charismatic intellectual, intuitive leader, pragmatic idealist, deadpan snarker, determinator, shrinking violet, (your possible unrequited crush on her goes here)… ⟡ solo-route, workplace romance (technically; she's your boss now), slow burn
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An ancient, hidden society of sorcerers ⟢
The Radiant Circle is the central governing body that maintains harmony and order among sorcerers, as well as keep their community secret. It was originally formed and led by the Resonant Soul (called the High Guardian—this is you) and the most powerful elemental sorcerers of the time (called the Founding Guardians—these are the four souls bonded to you) as an alliance of sorcerers from across the New Kingdom of Egypt.
After its formation, the magical community grew, and eventually, the Radiant Circle was divided into four smaller regional circles called the Ephemeral Circles: the Night Circle (you know the most about this one), the Dawn Circle, the Day Circle, and the Dusk Circle. These four circles, also called luminariates, are the main governing bodies of the current world of sorcery. Every known family of sorcerers lives under the eye of the Radiant Circle and one of the four Ephemeral Circles.
Only the Resonant Soul can be the High Guardian of the Radiant Circle. Only the four souls bonded with Resonant Soul can be the Founding Guardians. During periods where the Resonant Soul or the Guardians aren’t alive, these positions are left vacant and the Ephemeral Circles meet as the Radiant Council annually instead. Unfortunately, it's been so long since there has been a Resonant Soul that there aren't many people left who remember who sits at the top of the hierarchy.
You live as a Threshold—an uninitiated sorcerer, typically a child who can't use magic yet—within the luminariate called the Night Circle. You sit at the bottom of the hierarchy, but every other sorcerer you know? César is an Archumbricar, the right hand of the Night Luminary and leader of the Night Circle. Arseau and Rafa are César's High Justicars, his right and left hands. Your dads even play a role, advising the Luminary from their position in the Night Weave.
A single soul that can control all four elements, reincarnated once again—you ⟢
Before you became the Resonant Soul, you were a child born without magic to two prominent sorcerers sometime before recorded human history begins. Back then, it was common to put the child of every sorcerer through a resonance ritual, even children of sorcerers born without magic who always died in the process. But where there's a will, there's a way, and someone really wanted you to live and created circumstances that bound your souls together—one into endless reincarnation and the other into endless immortality.
You meet the four original Guardians over the course of hundreds of years. Your bonds are unique and have chained the fate of their souls with yours so that they are reincarnated in an endless cycle by your side. Even so, you've lived more lives without them than with them, lived more lives without magic than with it. Almost as if you're fighting a losing battle against knowing your true soul.
Only the Resonant Soul can resonate with all four types of elemental magic, but your magic remains locked away until you regain your memories (how're you supposed to regain memories you don't remember you need to regain? then again, how safe would it be to give you all that power and no recollection of all the mistakes you've made?). The Guardians are known for their extraordinary abilities in one element; their magic isn't sealed away, only their memories (which still isn't convenient—how are you supposed to know who they are if they don't know who they are?).
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⟢ retweets & asks are welcome! there is no better writing motivation ♡
〉 Sections: Profiles, Editorials, Articles, Ask Me, Answers, Quotes
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narcissistcookbook · 3 months
so. mx. narcissist cookbook. death zamboni was a beautiful grand slam of a ep. do you have any hypothetically updates on new music or if there’s a new album on the way and how far away it might be from us 👀
there is a new album on the way, called MYTH, it's a weird beast and won't have Death Zamboni on it but might have Something's Buried Under Gary, Indiana on it
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caw-oticdork · 1 year
Since my previous podcast recommendation list was pretty popular, I've decided to make another, with another bunch of excellent podcasts:
13 Minutes or Less - Short podcast with very short episodes, about a pizza chef who doesn't like dealing to people but has to do some deliveries due to short staffing. Very much not her thing, but she does her best. As it turns out, her clients are quite a bit stranger and spookier than expected...
Additional Postage Required - Sci-Fi adventure about a nonbinary courier who gains the ability (or curse...) to get visions about the contents, past, and sender of packages they touch. They get roped into a rebellion. There's hoverboard racing. It's awesome.
Among the Stars and Bones - A team of xenoarcheologists search a distant world for traces of a long-vanished aliens. It's been a while since I watched this one, so I don't remember it very well, but I know that I enjoyed it. Very good sci-fi horror.
Dark Ages - Fantasy workplace comedy about a supernatural museum. Quite a lot of fun.
Dragon Shanty - Fantasy story about two bards traveling the high seas. There's dragons aplenty. Very queer. Excellent songs.
Falling Forward - Hacker story loosely based on the myth of Icarus and the Labyrinth, about getting back at a terrible corporation. Kinda experimental, this one has the shortest episodes I've ever seen.
Hotel Daydream - Podcast about the goings-on at a supernatural hotel. Very inventive, with really interesting characters.
Jar of Rebuke - Mystery about a researcher at an ominous cryptozoological organization out in the rural US. He's got no memories of his past and keeps dying and coming back. A story about cryptids, identity, queerness, neurodivergence, and community.
Light Hearts - Slice of Life podcast about turning an old, haunted building into a cafe and queer community center. The ghosts lead to some very fun shenanigans.
Lost Terminal - Mentioned in the other list but not expanded on. This is a hopepunk story set on an Earth devestated by climate change. Told from the POV of an adorable AI who watches this Earth from a space station, observing how humanity re-builds itself and finds a brighter future.
Mayfair Watchers Society - You know Trevor Henderson? The guy who drew Sirenhead, Long Horse, and other such creepypasta creatures in his found footage style? Yeah, this is a horror anthology based on his works, directed by him. Set in the rural town of Mayfair, where strange creatures are a lot more common than elsewhere... Each episode has a slightly different framing device, with some being found footage audio, others meeting recordings, phone calls, etc.
Monstrous Agonies - An advice podcast for the british creature community. Many of the advice letters are sent in by listeners - there's two by myself, one from an ant that can hear and send radio and one from a fey who is looking for curse advice. Some letters are metaphors for queerness, clashing cultures, ableism, and minority communities, others just some urban fantasy fun. Has a little bit of plot, but most episodes have an anthology style. Fast approaching the finale!
Mx Bad Luck - Slice of Life about someone who is cursed with bad luck. Sometimes sad, sometimes funny. Can recommend.
Neighbourly - Neighbourly follows the residents of Little Street, house by house. What they do, how they interact with each other, and what skeletons are hiding in their closet. Starts out as a spooky urban fantasy thing that's almost an anthology, but weaves itself into quite a mysterious plot over time...
SINKHOLE - Short-form audio podcast presented as a collection of audio posts from a member of a community of data restoration hobbyists in a sometimes-unfamiliar future. Mystery about disability, internet communities, and how things change with time.
Second Star to the Left - Scout-explorer Gwen Hartley has five years to explore and prepare her planet for settlement. With no aid but her robots and the anxious voice of her long-distance scout-minder Bell Summers in her ear, she's hoping she's ready for anything.
Someone Dies In This Elevator - Anthology where every episode, someone dies in an elevator. You wouldn't believe how creative they get with that simple concept!
Tales from the Low City - By the maker of Mistholme Museum, this podcast explores the everyday lifes of the last people on an alien world, after the surface had become uninhabitable and everyone had fled down into the last city, the subterranean Low City. This one made me cry a lot!
Tartarus - In a secret facility deep beneath Antarctica, an anxious astrobiologist, a terse station manager, and an AI keep humanity safe from the monsters they imprison.
The Attic Monologues - Queer urban fantasy story about a university student who decides to record themself practicing monologues using a collection they found in their attic. Don't forget to listen to the post-credit scenes!
The Bridge - Surreal alternate universe horror story about the keepers of a bridge over the Atlantic. Gets pretty spooky.
The Green Horizon - Sci-Fi comedy about a na'er-do-well Irish space captain and his rag-tag crew traversing a war-torn galaxy in search of fame and fortune. Very fun podcast.
The Lavender Tavern - Anthology podcast with original gay fairytales. Most are quite memorable!
The Vesta Clinic - Sci-Fi story about a clinic that helps various interesting alien lifeforms with their medical issues. Excellent worldbuilding and characters!
Tides - The story of Dr. Winifred Eurus, a xenobiologist trapped on an unfamiliar planet with hostile tidal forces and a fascinating ecosystem. She must use her wits, sarcasm, and intellectual curiosity to survive long enough to be rescued. But there might be more to life on this planet than she expected...
Hope this list is as helpful as the last!
@boombox-fuckboy @marvelousmawn @sapphireclaw @ashes-in-a-jar @frogmomentsfrombeyondtime @time-is-restored @emmy-noethers-rings
You folk seemed the most interested in the other list, so I'm being bold and @ing you all.
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netherworldpost · 6 months
Dearest Mx. Atticus Q. Redghost,
I was looking through old photos for an in-joke I half remember and found this classic Evil Supply Co gem from back in my "I like it I save it" days (circa 2010s). Still applicable. Much love and congrats on the Everything, You're Doing Amazing Always.
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R. Fox
The Ghost Librarian
I remember drawing it.
I remember the late nights spent worrying and fussing. I remember designing it, packing it when it was ordered. "Why purple? Because I love it. Not black, no, something brighter, pink? no, pink for the highlights" to myself.
Early card. One of Evil Supply Co.'s earliest.
Thank you for this memory.
Thank you for being here.
Sometimes I think "it is incredible we are allowed to exist," and then I remember, paradoxically,
there are so minimal actual rules (mostly governing taxes -- what rules are left boil down to "ensure you have cash to keep going")
but there are, of course, rules: Gatekeepers, the complexity of tax codes, the raw fact that no matter how strong the protective shields technology provides, the raw operations of a small business is difficult.
I'm the magician
performing a magic trick
and the audience.
If you have a moment? a ramble
At once this is all carefully planned and orchestrated and budgeted with safeguards and controls when things go wrong, and a swamp of chaos and trial and error and testing and "oh wait OH WAIT ah ha? AH HA"
When I was... 6, 7, 8... somewhere around that age, very young, Not Having A Great Go At Things for Reasons, I was at a mall. No clue what why we were there, the family and I. It was two levels, upstairs, downstairs.
We were on the top level, at the head of the escalator, about to go down. I'm peering forward to see what comes next.
Thick as dreams (the image), thin as a shipping box (the cardboard standee, she was not there in person). Halloween store. It was late September, maybe early October.
Halloween pop-up store.
Costumes. Plastic smell. Cheesy decorations. Fake blood, rubber tombstones, pitchforks-red on black staffs that could be swapped out for any number of axes or other faux, practically harmless, weapons.
Everything cheap. Priced to go. Sale-price-upon-entry-to-inventory.
Celebrate the season.
However you saw it.
Started connecting the dots, Elvira. Vincent Price. Creature Feature movies on Saturday. Frankenstein's monster ordering Dunkin' Donuts via grumbling growl.
Scooby-Doo, of course, a thread in the background, looping it all together.
Become who you are, not what others force you to be. Don't know who you are? Let's find out, no worries at all.
I owe my life
hauntingly literally in a many ways
to such things.
Places. Shows. Movies, actors, cartoons, decorations, candies, celebrations, masks, books, it all. Legends, myths, vernacularization of Old Things into New Things.
Magic trick.
I am the magician, I am also the audience at the same time, performing on the greatest stage. I owe everything to the powers of orange and black and green and purple and white.
Haven't even gotten to the mail parts, laugh.
Long enough ramble. It's 5:22 AM.
Cheers and thank you for this space. From the depths of my heart.
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omgpurplefattie · 7 months
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Passing on the snacks Pinterest randomly gave me today.-
@momosandlemonsoda @busarewski @kingsandbastardz @lyselkatz @mx-myth @bbcphile
As for the Shui Long Yin picture: if I was secretly stalked by an assassin with such a handsome chin, I would notice him immediately and realise when I see him again in suspiciously different circumstances. Totally ruins his stealth stats.-
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ratethisalbum · 7 days
#148) The Mysterious Production of Eggs
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Andrew Bird
Suggested by: Anonymous
Bandcamp ~ Spotify ~ Youtube
(Remember to listen first, then rate!)
1 /=/ 2 Sovay 3 A Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left 4 Fake Palindromes 5 Measuring Cups 6 Banking on a Myth 7 Masterfade 8 Opposite Day 9 Skin Is, My 10 The Naming of Things 11 MX Missiles 12 /=/=/ 13 Tables and Chairs 14 The Happy Birthday Song
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thejournaluser · 12 days
hi hello welcome to the OC tropes list
as you can see, we have the:
Tired of everything Carries the whole lore on their back Mx. Must Find Out Lore Happy to be included Wants to burn the world Wants to heal the world Wants to conquer the world The comic relief Morally Grey sidekick Righteous but lazy Hardworking but aimless Aimless but lazy The tourist that joined the group because they got lost but we don't know how to get rid of them cuz we ended up taking him too far away from their destination whoops That one character who will always end up somewhere random Character who will rescue said person who end up in random places That one pet they found in the street Some random local myth Destined Chosen One who will die before the great battle lmao Some dude with a big ass sword Some dude with the smallest weapon (it can split the earth) The Laziest Magician
And yes, I will admit that some of my OCs have these tropes but yeah, have fun
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tiny-breadcrumbs · 6 months
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I got inspired and sketch something...
Let's poke @mx-myth and their AU here because I can't stop thinking about it... This one is for you!
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shark-myths · 2 months
mx myths how is 50s girl out boy au going :-) so excited to read !!!!!
the best question ever!
they are 💅🏾🫧🚬🎙️🪩 with a hefty side of green maraschino cherries and alarming casseroles.
about 2/3 finished, is my estimate! I hope to be sharing them soon! in the meantime I have been thoroughly distracted by:
1) ⚽️ AU (blame @nomaptomyowntreasure )
2) freaky friday bodyswap (blame the enthusiastic person who gave me the idea in the comments on my old, superhot mindlink fic)
3) getting a super old perennially finished fic no one ever asked for from the year of our lord twenty sixteen polished and ready to publish
much fic in the pipeline!!! you’ll be getting weekly updates from me soon 💜
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kingsandbastardz · 7 months
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So based on this extended brain fart - I find it vitally important for a post canon fdb to reach out, grab onto dfs, and just... not let go.
imo fdb will fulfill a need with dfs - where he will care for someone and protect them and help them continue living. But this time the recipient will be responsive, will not disappear on him and is in fact steadfast and immovable once he's decided on his path.
DFS on the other hand will actively refuse to see fdb as a shadow of llh. He only sees him as an individual they way he sees everyone in front of him. They are exactly who they are - they're not someone else. And the thing that he was intrigued by even early on - was the potential of fdb's strength. He discovers that what captures his attention is not just fdb's physical strength or martial power. It's his strength of will as well.
the two scenes I think of as quintessential difang:
from fdb's pov: the pear blossom orchard scene where the petals are flying around everywhere and the hair is flowing and everyone gifs it because the vibes in that shot are immaculate. Dfs is so pretty striking and fdb looks like he's having a total oh no he's hot moment.
from dfs' pov: In the zombie village, when he lashes out at fdb and his arm is caught. There's a moment of shock where he's looking at fdb's hand. Meanwhile fdb doesn't notice anything going on - just that he wanted to stop dfs' attack. The ease he handled that situation shocked a-fei and it was pretty obvious that the gears were turning in his brain. I wish that scene went on longer, because it was a momentary blip and i really wanted then to further explore it
For something not-difang. I am amused at the idea of fdb dragging a depressed dfs home and Madame He and her husband deciding that dfs is a hot young thing and they have that extra space in their bed. HOhohohhsdhfahsdf. And dfs bemusedly going along with it.
Ppl outside are scandalized and convinced he's deflowering the shaoye, but it's actually the shaoye's parents deflowering the great demon. Lmao.
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nutcasewithaknife · 6 months
Get to know me better tag game
Thanks for the tag @redemption-revenge, the Fu Rong to my Mo Fang, my companion in going insane about a God and his fancy chicken wife <333
Last song I listened to: Moonlight by Forestella. So me and @istgidek1234 have been very chaotically plotting and co-writing an ice skating AU for MLC, and thanks to the lyrics of this song, we've fixated on it as the score for one of Di Feisheng's programs. MLC and feihua nuts like us, go look at the lyrics and you'll understand why ;-;
Currently watching: The Legend of Shen Li - Thanks for putting this on my dash and compelling me to watch it, Fiachra. It's put me back in my c-drama groove after a While :D. The experience of watching and blogging as episodes drop one by one is so so fun. Absolutely thriving on it, and I hoping it keeps going this strong till the end!
23.5 Degrees - SILLY HIGHSCHOOL LESBIANS SAVE MEEEE!! It's silly and fun and touching. This too is still airing, one ep a week, and I yearn for more :')
Also just caught up to Dungeon Meshi!
Currently obsessed with: Shen Li and Xing Zhi, as individuals and together (special mention to the gay potential between Fu Rong and Mo Fang). Autism gang doing monster cuisine adventures with necromancy lesbians (Dungeon Meshi is good y'all). Figure skating; I'm hypnotised and falling down so many YouTube rabbit holes. Getting the colours just right for a liansanjiao piece im working on (inspired by @difeisheng 's post about them taking an afternoon nap <3). So on.
Tagging everyone and anyone who wants to share (especially if you've been lurking in my notes, know that you bring me so much joy ^^)! And also @mx-myth @istgidek1234 @ari3su @peacocksapphire @tejoxys @wuxia-vanlifer @jianghushenanigans @fangdoubing @dollopheadsandclotpoles @dogsandcatsandmiscellaneousstuff
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lanternagainstthedark · 9 months
Hyrulian PC Blogs
So things have been vanishing for our community of people. I wanted to create a list of HISTORICAL blogs, whom we have lost the knowledge of, blogs whose name has changed, and active/newer blogs.
As of January 9th, 2023, here are the LOST blogs,who we will remember forever. We miss you all!:
As of Januaru 9th, 2023, these are the changed blogs/ blogs I haven't seen actively posting about Hyrulian PC-WHICH IS FINE!
@confident-conch is now @roachratt-no active HPC posts.
@singasongoftime is now @witchliibra -I'm unsure about HPC/HPM, but I have seen LOZ posts!
@moonlitfox is now @heckin-vivi- unsure of HPC status
@bwitchys is now @croneboulder -still active in magic, not in HPC- I think.
As of January 9th, 2023 these are the blogs who haven't been active in 3+ years-from what I can tell
As of January 9th, 2023, these are the blogs I have seen posting or referencing Legend of Zelda/Hyrulian PC within 2 years:
@lostwoodstarryskies -AKA Me! Ask me about anything!
A good bet is to just scroll through some of the tags included below!
Also, feel free to join the Community of Hyrulean Faiths Discord server! We are a collective of people happy to support you in building your path! All are welcome as long as respect is given! See @knightofhylia-sageofthetriforce's blog to learn more!
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momosandlemonsoda · 7 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better:
Thanks for the tag, @bbcphile!
3 Ships You Like: Just three? My MLC loving heart says all flavors of liesanjiao, there’s my darling pingxiesang (and again, various splits of those three) and then, hmmm… Steve/Bucky, I guess.
First Ship Ever: Oh wow, I’m not even sure. First when I learned about fandom would probably be Buffy/Angel.
Last Song You Heard: Lose Yourself by Eminem
Favourite Childhood Book: Gosh, too many to count. The whole Anne of Green Gables series, especially Rilla of Ingleside comes to mind.
Currently Reading: Cartographers by Peng Shepherd, The Two Towers by JRR Tolkien, and The Water Outlaws by SL Huang
Currently watching: Kiseki Dear to Me with a group of fans, rewatch of Sha Hai with @uschickens, rewatch of Love Like the Galaxy, and rewatch of Mysterious Lotus Facebook
Currently consuming: nothing, waiting for rice to cook so we can have dinner
Currently craving: chocolate ice cream
No pressure tagging @busarewski @tiny-breadcrumbs @tinbramble @thesilversun @mx-myth @kingsandbastardz @wuxia-vanlifer if any of them want to play, or anyone else!
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sneasedtomeetyou · 1 year
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sneased to meet you!✩
Name’s Casimir, but everyone calls me Casi or Mx. Sneasedtomeetyou. My current work is focused on slowly reintroducing Hisuian Sneasels and Sneasler to their natural habitat through a variety of methods! There isn’t a true purpose to me blogging here but I’m happy to share facts about my work and the Pokémon I love so much. 
Originally from Sinnoh, went to school and started my career in Paldea. After over a decade I have recently moved to Unova for a new start! I study various myths, legends, and conspiracy theories in my free-time. Sometimes I collect replica Pokéballs. Not the best with technology admittedly.
I'm polyamorous and have several partners both queer platonic and romantic, including my husband! We've been married for 10 years! I talk about them and to them a lot.
Some of my Pokémon, in order of when I obtained them my team is:
Sneaks, Weavile, Male, Brave, Highly persistent
Basil, Meowscarada, Male, Calm, Is often lost in thought
Hotdog, Dachsbun, Female, Jolly, Loves to eat
Hemlock, Sneasler, Male, Hardy, Is somewhat stubborn
Bell, Shuppet, Female, Hasty, Somewhat of a clown
Indigo, Charmander, Male, Naughty, Likes to bite
Arlene, Meowth-Alolan, Female, Naughty, Mischievous
Blog Rules | Casi Art Credit | Team Art Credit
No pelipper mail/pelipper malice, musharna/darkrai mail(?), magic anons, eebydeeby blogs, crossover blogs, or crack rp without discussing it with me ooc first
Below the read more is some art of Casi's Pokemon, once the set is more complete these will be resized and moved to the full post above.
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