mwxwolfram-blog · 9 years
    [ ☆ ]—haejin wasn’t one for slipping and falling into grassy pits set-up as traps for the unknowing, but today was a particularly bad day. he was on a hunt with kwangjin (unwillingly–but the metalhead just followed him as if that was he was made to do; typical, really), and they were barely an hour away from the facility when he stepped unto a leafy patch and fell seven feet deep into the earth. thankfully, he landed upon a particularly grassy portion, and the only thing he would get from the incident was a few bruises on his behind. and maybe a wounded pride.
“aww, that’s cute.” he quipped, voice laced with his signature sarcasm, as his former cellmate jumped into the pit to check on him, his lack of eloquence surprisingly managing that adorable (read: unnecessary) reminder. “would wolfie miss me too much huh?” his pretty face radiated its usual offense as he spoke, before slowly standing up and dusting himself clean from the leaves that stuck to his clothes. “now get us out of here. i don’t really fancy being stuck in another small space with you.”
contrary to popular belief, kwangjin had a sense of humour. really, he did. it was just that not many people appreciated it. he jumped into the pit, his intention was to check his companion for injuries – haejin had been around for a while, after all, and kwangjin, for some bizarre reason, had chosen to feel the slightest bit protective around him. however, he ended up letting a short laugh devoid of emotion, unable to help himself from being amused. the faces that haejin made around him always made him wonder why people seemed to like him.
“not really,” he answered with a shrug, before reaching out and aiming for the back of the male’s clothes and bending his knees, then jumping high enough to get out of the pit. he didn’t wait for a proper landing before he dropped haejin, his own feet making a loud thump against relatively solid ground. “you have a funny face.”
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mwxpollux-blog · 9 years
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altered alliance
“There are three conditions to terrify someone: One, the monster can’t speak. Two, the monster has to be unidentifiable. Three, it’s meaningless if the monster can die.”
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mwxminhyuk · 9 years
“Just don’t die.”
Silent Hill 3 Memes.
Why would he die? He turns to Haejin, looking at himcuriously wondering why he had told him that. There’s not a reason for him todie and he isn’t going to. There weren’t any dangers that surround him (he’s forgotten again) and if there were,Haejin would protect him (like always).Explanations of the reasons to why they’re island have slipped from his mind.He’s already forgotten about the death that surrounds him daily. He’s allowedmore of his memories to leave him.  
Haejin is silly. Heisn’t going to die.
A bright smile breaks out and he holds his hand—pain, all he can feel is pain—in anattempt to comfort his friend. His smile remains despite the painful imagesflashing throughout his head. “Why would I die?” He asks, ruffling Haejin’shair. “You’re silly. It’s not that easyto kill me and there’s nothing that is.” Ignorance is bliss and he can onlygive him a naïve smile.
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mwxshinhoseok-blog · 9 years
“Are you sitll following me? Do I need to scream?”
Shit. Spotted.
He quickly stopped, hiding in between two buildings. The smell of week old abandoned trash hit his senses making him cringe and come over a little nauseous. He also quickly realised that he was at a dead end, a large wall, too big to scale was directly behind him. Perhaps he wasn’t cut out for this hunting and killing business after all.
He’d decided he’d stop playing the waiting game and to test himself to see if he could actually do it. To see if he could actually end another’s life. He’d noticed the rather unusually pretty boy walking alone and figured he might be easy pray, but nope, he knew he’d been following him and if that wasn’t enough he was about to make a scene about it to. But scream? Did guys… really scream for help?
“What am I doing?” He groaned. Why he ever thought he’d be cut out for such a game he had no idea. 
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mwxheron · 9 years
“I’m not a child, you know”
She pinched his cheeks then gave them a few soft pats. She didn’t have enough words to explain smoothly, but she tried to be concise. “Babies look cute for a reason. If they want milk or food, don’t they charm people to get it? You’re a pretty boy. You see something you like. You use your face to get it. This is your strength, right?”
She had eyes and a vision that wasn’t impaired so she knew what she was saying. Haejin had a face that would make any normal being second guess themselves. What made him dangerous was the fact that he carried himself as if he knew this and knew how to use it to his advantage already. “If so, what’s wrong with being a child?”
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