#mwahaha my phone now
lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 5 - Awful First Meeting
@wolfstarmicrofic May 5, word count 688
Sirius spied him from across the room. There were much more attractive people at the party but something about him caught his eye. He watched him for a while, scoping him out. The man wandered near the wall and Sirius made him move. 
He slid up to the tall man and braced his hands either side of him against the wall. 
“Hi there sexy, how’s it going?” This move had a 100% success rate for Sirius. Once, they got a look at his pretty face, and he turned on his charms. They were putty in his hands. This time, however, backfired spectacularly. 
The man tensed and then, with strength that surprised Sirius, shoved him away before shouting. 
“Fuck off!” Silencing the party as he stormed out of the room. A few of the party goers stared at him and snickered to each other, but most just went back to dancing. 
Regulus’s best friend, Barty, sidled up beside Sirius. 
“Yeah, that’s Remus. He doesn’t like it when people box him in, breathe his air or basically get in his space.” 
“No shit,” Sirius glowered at him. Barty didn’t even bat an eyelid. Instead, he ran a finger down Sirius’s arm and said, 
“But I’m all about being shoved up against walls.” He winked at Sirius as he rejoined the party, getting lost in the crowd. Sirius was mad, but he was not that mad. No way could he handle Barty’s craziness on top of his own. 
He ran out of the room, hoping to find Remus and apologise. 
“Hey!” He yelled down the street at the retreating figure. “Hey, wait up!” Remus didn’t slow down. Sirius was out of breath by the time he caught up with his long strides. “Hey. I’m. Sirius.” He gasped between breaths. “I. Just. Wanted. To. Apologise. For what. I did. Back there.” He pointed in the general direction of the party. 
“Don’t care.” Remus said coldly as he folded himself into an ancient Vauxhall Corsa and sped away. 
“Do you want his number?” Evan said, popping out of the bushes. Sirius jumped out of his boots. 
“What the fuck, Evan! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!” Sirius clutched his chest. Evan’s mouth spread into a toothy grin. 
“Nope, just trying to steal your boots!” He bent down and snatched them up as he ran back into the party. Sirius didn’t even bother chasing him down, he’d get them back eventually. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. His night was not going to plan. 
He was about to head back into the party and find out what Evan had planned for his poor boots when a car stopped beside him. 
“Were you just mugged?” Remus asked, after rolling the window down. Sirius barked out a laugh. 
“No, it was just Evan. I’ll get them back.” Sirius thought while he had Remus’s attention he’d push his luck. “So can I get your number then? I really would like to make up for that disastrous introduction in there.” He put on his best, 'I’m sorry, please love me' face, and Remus gave in. 
“Fine, give me your phone.” Sirius gleefully unlocked it and handed it over. Remus reached a hand out of his window and took it. 
“Gee,” He said, smiling wickedly. “It sure would be a shame if you were mugged twice tonight,” And he sped away, cackling. 
“OI!” Sirius yelled as he chased after the car in his socks. The car stopped halfway down the street and Sirius collapsed in the open window, reaching in to take his phone back. He couldn’t even get mad because the smile that greeted him made it all worth it. 
“Go get your shoes, and you can treat me to a McDonald's.” Sirius didn’t waste any time and rushed back into the party, tackled Evan to the ground, took back his boots, waved at his brother and almost dived head first into the little car. 
As Remus pulled away from the kerb, Sirius thought maybe his terrible night would turn around. That was until he found out how much Remus could eat.    
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sebuckyverse · 2 years
for a good time, call [4]
modern!rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader
series summary: Eddie Munson is a burnt out rockstar, touring the country. When he finds a phone number written on a bathroom wall, he strikes an unusual friendship with a coffee shop barista who has no idea who he is.
warnings: 18+ cussing, m!masturbation, dirty talk, flirting, self-doubt, misunderstandings, mutual pining, angst, strangers to friends to lovers word count: 5,2k
an: the penultimate chapter!! i'm sorry for... the ending mwahaha, i love pain y'all know that. anyway i hope you like it as always, pls let me know. don't forget to reblog babes! <3
chapter three ♫ masterlist ♫ askbox
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chapter four ♫♪♩·.¸¸
Eddie's in New York. He loves this city, the one that never sleeps. It's so different from Hawkins. New York is fast paced, bustling crowds full of people rushing to wherever they were going. Eddie feels like he blends in, no one pays attention to him because they don't have the time typically. The past two weeks have been quick, time is flying by with the end of the year in sight. Eddie's been busy too. Besides his usual routine of touring, he's been silently seeking new management. He's had a couple meetings with potential new managers, under the radar of course. They were both successful, he'd say. But there was one woman who he really liked. She was a bit older, in her 40s maybe, but she was smart, experienced and compassionate when Eddie talked about his professional struggles with his current team. She kind of reminded him of his mom, too...
The two shows they have in Madison Square Garden start tomorrow and to be honest, he feels bittersweet about it. This is literally his dream coming true, both shows have been nearly sold out too. While he's extremely grateful to be playing at one of the biggest stages, he feels guilt and shame, it's been gnawing his stomach the moment they arrived in the city last night. He didn't get much sleep over it, either, and he gave up trying when the sun first peeked out from the horizon.
It's only a little after 7am, when he takes a walk through the concrete jungle, walking past the Garden with the Empire State Building looming behind it. He's in comfortable clothes - light blue jeans, ripped at the left knee and right thigh, a simple grey hoodie pulled over his head, with his hair in a low bun underneath and his signature jean vest pulled on top, rocking a pair of white high top sneakers on his feet. And since it was early morning and he wasn't in work mode yet, he had his glasses on. Round shaped with thick, clear rims. From his left pocket, he pulls out his phone and finally dials the number he's been avoiding like the plague.
''Eddie? Is that you, son?'' Wayne's voice shoots out after a couple of rings.
''Yeah, it's me.'' Eddie sighs, thankful he was outside as he could already feel his chest tightening. ''Before you say anything, j-just let me explain, please.''
Wayne doesn't say anything and Eddie takes a deep breath before letting go, ''I've been stupid and selfish. I've let other people control me and my life for so long now, when I should've been the one in charge. I thought I knew what I was doing, but I trusted the wrong people. I pushed you away because you were the only sensible thing I had left and I didn't want you to see the loser I had become. Unbeknownst to them, someone has helped me see the things a bit more clearly. I'm still figuring some stuff out, but I just wanted you to know that I'm really fucking sorry and I miss you.''
He feels like a ton has been lifted off his shoulders. Eddie sniffs and clears his throat. It takes Wayne a minute to process, so he just keeps walking in silence.
''First of all, you're not stupid. You're young and making mistakes is part of growing up. Now I would have appreciated if you had figured things out sooner, but I'm glad you did. I didn't want to push too much, I knew you needed to fight your way out of this yourself. I've been keeping tabs on you, some kids showed me the way around a computer.'' Wayne chuckles and it makes Eddie huff along, too. ''I miss you too, son. You're the furthest thing from a failure, Ed, and I'm very proud of you. You're a brilliant young man, I need you to remember that.''
Eddie swallows thickly, fixing his glasses. ''You're the one I look up to, so whatever I may be - it all came from you.''
''Oh, I don't know about any of that,'' his uncle drawls, ''you were always independent, looked out for yourself. I was just there when you needed me.''
''I always need you. I'm in New York right now, we're playing the Garden... Like I always wanted,'' Eddie says, his voice getting quieter.
''What's the matter then? You don't sound too happy about it.''
''No, I am,'' Eddie defended, ''It's just weird without you here, I guess I always pictured it differently. I was thinking - maybe I could fly you out for a show?''
''I'd like that. Not tomorrow though, I'm working,'' Wayne replied and Eddie smiled to himself, blinking away the (happy) tears that threatened to fall.
''That's fine, the day after tomorrow then? It's two shows.''
''Sounds like a plan.''
''Shit, okay. Let me work out some details and I'll text you later?''
''That's fine, Ed. Listen, I'm thrilled that you called but duty calls. I have used up all of my smoke break minutes for today,'' Wayne joked.
''Yeah, okay.'' Eddie chuckled. ''I'll see you in two days, then.''
''Two days,'' his uncle confirmed.
They said their goodbyes and Eddie hung up, unable to process what just happened. He mentally kicked himself for not doing this sooner, he would have felt a lot better a long time ago. With a lot more prep in his step, Eddie googled the nearest coffee shop. He needed the caffeine for today and his stomach was grumbling, he left the hotel way before breakfast was served. After following the instructions his phone told him, he arrived in front of a corner shop with. He stood in front of it, hesitating. Is this were you worked at? What would he do if you did? He could already see a girl behind the counter - was that you? He had no idea what you looked like. Would he recognize you by just your voice? Only one way to find out.
He pulled the door open and stepped inside, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and warm bread hitting him in a wave.
''Good morning,'' the girl behind the counter cheered. She sounded similar, sure, but he couldn't tell 100%.
''Uh, hi.'' Eddie stepped closer to the counter, pretending to look around.
''What can I get- oh, it's you.'' the girl gasped and Eddie froze. ''You're Eddie, right?'' she whispered.
Oh shit, was this it? Was it you? He didn't feel like it was you. He had a special feeling whenever he talked to you, which you two had been doing almost every day now. He had started feeling shitty about not coming clean about who he was, you had opened up so much already, when he had only given you crumbs. You didn't seem to mind though, or if you did you didn't show it.
''Yeah..'' Eddie blinked, playing with his glasses, his hands shaking a little bit.
''Wow, you're really cool. I saw you and your band live a few weeks ago. You're great!'' she said coolly, a polite smile on her face.
Eddie smile back politely, hiding his disappointment. It wasn't you, obviously. He was stupid to think he'd find you at the very first coffee shop he set his foot in. ''Oh, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.''
''Yeah, I have to admit I wasn't a fan before, but my girlfriend dragged me along. Anyway, I actually really liked it, so...''
''Hey, that's cool. Anyway,'' he cleared his throat, ''you got any good coffee?''
''Oh, for sure. Here or to go? What kind of coffee would you like?''
Eddie gave his order and she typed away on her screen. Black coffee, medium size, two sugars, to go. His empty stomach also didn't go unnoticed. ''Got any pastry recommendations?''
''Sweet or savoury?'' the girl asked, sliding his cup towards him on the counter, topping it with a lid.
''I'm not sure. Sweet maybe?'' Eddie cocked his head, looking at the display of shiny golden bread in front of him.
''I'd recommend the chocolate croissant or the almond buttercream eclair. The croissant is our most popular one, but the eclair is my friends favorite.''
''I'll go with the eclair then,'' he decided, pulling out his wallet and digging for some cash.
The girl packed his pastry in a box and placed it on the counter next to his coffee. Eddie threw her a twenty, even though his bill was 11 dollars. ''Keep the change. You've been most helpful...''
''Robin,'' she finished.
''Robin, thank you. Hope to see you at another show!''
Eddie walked the long way back to the hotel, sipping his coffee and munching on his eclair. Both of which were incredible, by the way. He figured he'd go back if he had the time. When he got back to his room, he had finished the food and took the last sip of coffee, throwing it in the empty basket under the desk.
You were out of the city, in Brooklyn, near Brighton Beach where your parents lived. You had taken four days off work to come dog sit your parents dog while they went on a 3-night spa getaway. You were walking Dolly, your parents' 4 year old French bulldog, through the all familiar streets of where you grew up. There was a farmers' market in town, so you headed there, Dolly leading the way. You picked up vegetables for a soup you were making later, some herbs and a whole bag of kiwis.
Making your way back to your parents' house, your mind drifted to where it always was these days, Eddie. You'd been speaking for a while now, and there was an itch at the back of your mind. You were holding back the urge to google him. It was natural, you though, you could then easily put a face to the voice you had been speaking with. Any normal person would hop straight on the internet when they find out they're talking to a celebrity, right?
You didn't want to be that girl, but you did wonder what kind of relationship you had with him. It's been what, like a month, you went from complete strangers to friends, to him coaxing you to an orgasm over the phone, to... what? You couldn't call him just a friend anymore, it felt more than that. Friends don't have phone sex, either. You had feelings for him, romantic ones. They were simmering, like hot soup under a lid. You didn't want to bring it up first too, asking the age old question - what are we? That would scare him off for sure.
You got back to the house just before it started drizzling rain. You removed your coat, hat and gloves then cleaned Dolly up and let her roam the house. You grabbed your purchases and made your way to the kitchen, where your phone was charging on the island. You saw that you had a message from Robin, multiple messages actually. You grabbed the device and unlocked it, swiping through her messages.
11.52am - Robin ''OMG you have no idea who I met this morning!''
11.52am - Robin ''I would call you but we're so busy today, I'm literally peeing right now so I could text you.''
11.52am - Robin ''EDDIE MUNSON was here, I can't believe it. I texted Cherry too, she's been here since 8am. Said she's gonna be here all day in the off chance he comes back. She wants a pic.''
11.52am - Robin ''Anyway, he's from that band we saw about a month ago. Really sexy up close!!''
You blinked, staring at the screen. You were only focused on two words, a name really. Eddie Munson... From a band. A musician, then. Your heart thumped in your chest. Was it him? You didn't really believe in silly coincidences. Finally breaking, you quickly pulled up the search bar and googled the name. A ton of pictures, videos, news articles popped up. You only intended on looking at pictures, you didn't mean to look at the news articles. But once you started, you fell down the rabbit hole, unable to get out.
Corroded Coffin star Eddie Munson seen leaving restaurant with Victoria's Secret model.
'Eddie Munson snorted coke off my ass' ex-girlfriend Madeline claims!
Corroded Coffin frontman leaving band? Manager denies claim!
You read through multiple articles, all accompanied with pictures of him. A woman next to him in every photo, tall, skinny, perfect skin. You didn't concentrate too much on the women, otherwise you'd only hurt your own feelings. You looked at him, marveling at different angles taken of him on stage, his long wild hair flipping in the air.
''Oh shit,'' you gasped as you remembered a few weeks ago, when he first called you. You had walked by a poster of him without even knowing who it was. But looking at the pictures on your phone, you knew it was your Eddie. You felt it in your bones.
You went to Youtube and searched his name there too. You noticed a late night interview he had done, uploaded just last week. You clicked on it and watched the whole thing. You felt strange watching him like this. He wasn't just some faceless fantasy you had developed feelings for, he was real. He talked animatedly with the host, talking about their tour.
''Yeah, we're super excited. Very grateful to be playing Madison Square Garden next week, two shows. It's wild.''
Madison Square Garden? New York? Next week - this week, then? This was the first time you were hearing about any of this. It was already the middle of the week. You went to Instagram, searched up Corroded Coffins account (surprisingly, you didn't find Eddie's personal account) and clicked on it. There was a new picture uploaded, just an hour ago. Eddie was standing in front of the arena's entrance, his back facing the camera. And there he was, in your city, without telling you.
You took a deep breath. It's fine, it's only the afternoon. He's probably busy. You followed the account and looked through their stories. There was a reposted story of someone else's, it was a picture of a girl holding two tickets. What caught you off guard, however, was the caption of the photo.
''Thanks for the VIP tickets Eddie! Can't wait to see you tonight!!''
Then you noticed the girl's username and it seemed familiar. It clicked to you that it was the same Madeline you read about earlier, his ex then.
Your stomach dropped. He hasn't mentioned anything to you about being in New York, but invites his ex to go see him, probably backstage too. God knows if they were even broken up, you certainly wouldn't know. You felt betrayed, stupid for not being cautious enough. You believed every word he had said, never having a reason to doubt he might be lying about anything. Were you just some distraction for him? Was he just pulling you along because he was bored? Maybe this is why he was hesitant to reveal who he was, maybe he was scared you would find out who he was and catch on to him.
Just as you felt tears of frustration pool in your eyes, he texted you, almost like he could sense something was wrong.
13.01pm - Eddie ''Hey Kiwi girl, how are you? Miss you!''
Frustrated that he could still make your stomach turn upside down, you called Robin instead.
''Hey babe, called at just the right time, I just went on lunch. It's a madhouse today. Did you see what I texted you by the way?'' Robin rambled on the other side.
''Yeah.. I know him.''
''What? No, you don't. You don't listen to that kind of music.''
''Rob, I know him. He's the guy I've been texting,'' you admitted.
''What?!'' she shrieked. ''When? How?''
You sighed, dropping onto the living room couch, bringing your legs underneath you. ''I just found out myself. He told me his name was Eddie and that he was a musician but that's all I knew. I just put the pieces together when you texted.''
''That's insane!'' Robin replied, her words muffled as she was crunching on something. ''Are you going to meet him, then? Are they playing a show?''
''Yeah, tomorrow. He didn't even tell me he was coming, though...''
''Really? That's strange. I thought you said you liked him.''
''Yeah, I do! I don't think he feels the same,'' you swallowed the lump in your throat. ''I found out he sent his ex some tickets though.''
''No fucking way,'' your best friend noted.
''Maybe it's all just a misunderstanding,'' she offered tenderly.
''Pff, or maybe it was too good to be true. Maybe I was an idiot, like always.''
''Hey! You are not an idiot. If everything you said is true then he is a scumbag and I'm on your side, always. I can let Cherry know, too. She'll probably pepper spray him the next time she sees him.''
''I don't condone that, but thanks,'' you chuckled, picking at the woolly fabric of the armrest.
''What if you just asked him about it?''
''I don't know,'' you dragged out the words, letting Dolly hop on the couch and snuggle up to you. ''What makes you think he'd tell the truth?''
''Would he have a reason to lie?'' she asked.
''No? I'm not sure.''
''See - that's why you have to find out! You don't even know what's going on but you're already jumping to conclusions. That's not fair to him either.''
''Why do you always have to make so much sense?'' you sighed, feeling guilty that you had assumed things too quickly. Maybe she was right, Eddie had mentioned things being written about him in the tabloids. Most of the times, the media grasps onto any straw they can, whether it be true or false. You couldn't allow yourself to fall into that trap. ''So I just tell him I figured out who he is?''
''Might as well. How long can you guys keep this anonymity up, anyway.''
''That's true,'' you quipped, deep in thought. ''What did he order today, by the way?''
Eddie was nervous. He sent you that text five hours ago and you had yet to reply. You hadn't even opened it. It's unusual for you to not reply for this long, Eddie was starting to get worried. Had something happened to you? He's been trying to buy plane tickets for Wayne for about an hour now, without luck as he keeps getting distracted. He decided to take a break when he typed in his email address incorrectly, three times. He had a list of things he was supposed to get done today, but so far he had managed to do nothing. He needed to pick out an outfit for tomorrow's show, he had to ask someone to get him a new pair of contacts because he lost his, get tickets for Wayne obviously.
Just as he was about to send you another text, you called him. He picked up instantly.
''Y/N, hey. I was getting worried.''
''Sorry, I was... I was actually ignoring you.''
Confused, Eddie sat up straighter. ''Why? Did I do something wrong, did I say something to upset you?''
''No, it's actually what you didn't do,'' you sing-songed in response. ''Enjoy that eclair today, Eddie?''
Time stilled, the Earth ceased rotating, Eddie stopped breathing. ''H-how do you know about that?''
''My best friend Robin told me,'' you said matter-of-factly. Eddie almost dropped his phone. This wasn't happening. Robin? Rob!? He couldn't believe he didn't put two and two together this morning, even as it was staring at him right in the face. He was there, where you worked. He talked to your best friend. Eddie felt like he was in that movie The Lakehouse, where the two characters were at the same place, but at a different time.
''You didn't tell me you were playing at the Garden tomorrow,'' you teased him but he could also hear the note of sadness.
''I'm sorry,'' he blurted out, ''I meant to tell you, I swear! It's just... You're so good and I didn't think you would be interested in me, apart from this,'' he gestured to the phone as if somehow you could see it, but you still seemed to catch on.
''Oh, Eddie. That's not true. Look, I can't lie to you. I did google you after Robin called me and said that the famous Eddie Munson came by.''
Not gonna lie, his full name sounded heavenly coming from you. He was relieved, mostly, that now you knew everything. He didn't have to hold back anymore.
''And I saw some things, for sure. Did you really snort cocaine off of someone's ass?''
''Oh my fucking God,'' he groaned, rubbing his eyes tiredly. ''That is the worst rumor I've ever heard about myself. I definitely didn't, you can trust me on that.''
''Okay,'' you giggled and Eddie felt lighter already. ''But, um, would you like to meet, then? It's okay if you don't, there's-''
''Oh, okay, good,'' now you were the one who sounded nervous, breathing uneven into the microphone.
''Can you come to the show tomorrow? I'd see you right fucking now if I could, but today won't work out for me. I can put your name on a list, you just say it at the door and they'll let you in.''
''Yeah, I can do that.''
He smiled, biting his bottom lip. ''Can't wait, sweetheart.''
''If you think you're off the hook that easy, Eddie Munson, think again.''
Wiped that smile right off his face.
''What are you doing right now?'' you asked.
''Uh, nothing, just at my hotel room.''
''Good, can you lay down on the bed for me, pretty boy?''
Eddie followed your command and laid down, resting his head against the soft pillows, his legs splayed wide on the bed.
''Now I want you to take out your cock and stroke it 'til it's hard,'' you instructed, voice smooth as honey. ''I saw pictures of you, you're real pretty, Eds.''
Eddie whimpered at the compliment, his cheeks flushing. He switched his phone so he could push his sweatpants down, just enough so he could free his already half hard member. Spitting in his hand, he wrapped his fist around himself, pulling on it slowly, smearing his spit all over the head.
''Such a good boy, I can already hear it. Does that feel good?''
''Y-yeah,'' Eddie's hips bucked as he ran his fist up and down, gripping tightly at the base and then running back up again, brushing his thumb over the slit, pre-cum dripping.
''Keep going, tell me how good it feels.''
''So good,'' his chest heaving, bolts of pleasure shooting up his veins, he continued to pump himself. ''Wish it was your hand instead, o-or your mouth or pussy, fuck.''
''What about my ass, Eddie? Would you fuck my asshole too if I asked?''
''Tell me when you're close,'' you moaned out, just to stir him on.
''I'm about two seconds away from busting.''
''Stop!'' you barked.
''What? What happened?''
''Oh, you don't get to cum. Take that as your punishment,'' your evil laugh ranged through the phone.
''Fuck, you're mean,'' he groaned, fisting the sheets below him to stop himself from going back to his cock. ''I hope this isn't too forward, but I'm going to fuck the shit out of you tomorrow.''
The day is here, finally you would meet Eddie. This whole thing has been fast, you admit, it's only been a month or so. Somehow that didn't scare you, like you thought it might. You were buzzing with excitement, even a little nauseous. You were a little anxious as well, it always made your tummy sensitive, so you had a small breakfast that morning.
Robin had agreed to come watch Dolly while you were away, probably dragging Cherry along, too. The day seemed to drag on and on. Robin promised to be there an hour before you had to leave to hype you up - that's what she said.
You didn't sleep last night, thinking how tonight will go. You weren't so much nervous to meet him, you already know what he looks like, who he is. What tugged at the back of your mind was, what would he think of you. You didn't look anything like the girls he had been pictured with. You didn't think you were ugly either, you were just... you. Would you be enough?
When you decide it was time to get ready, you showered and shaved every inch of your body, Eddie's promise last night very fresh in your mind, still. Since you didn't expect to go to a rock concert tonight, your outfit would have to do with whatever you packed. You were torn between a skirt or pants. Figuring the atmosphere would most likely be.. heavy, you went with the safe option of your black jeans. You matched them with a graphic tee, paired with shiny black Dr. Martens boots. Make up simple, as again, you didn't prepare for this and didn't have time to make a stop at home - mascara, some powder, a nude gloss.
Robin knocked on the front door just as you were screwed the cap back on your lipgloss. You let her in, Cherry following behind just as you thought. ''You look bomb, but just so you know, I would much rather be at the show than babysit some smushed face baby seal.''
As if Cherry had blown a dog whistle, Dolly appeared from the living room and trotted right up to her. ''Oh, hiii.''
You rolled your eyes in amusement. ''Your girlfriend is weird.''
Robin pulled you into a hug. ''She's just upset she can't go to the show. But I told her we're helping with the love story of the century and she caved. Cherry loves love.''
''Don't be dramatic,'' you huffed.
You walked Robin through the basics about Donna, what and how much to feed her, when she wants to go outside. Cherry was meanwhile busy rubbing baby seal's belly.
You slipped on your jacket and said your goodbyes, Robin wishing you good luck and hopped in your car. The drive back only took about 20 minutes, but it was enough time to fill your body with nerves. It took a few minutes to find a parking space, but you were lucky as you found one pretty close to the building. People were already lined up, but it looked like the line was moving at a normal pace, the doors were already open. You followed in line with others, seeing the entrance up ahead, Corroded Coffin's name on the billboard above it in big bold letters. You got to the front considerably quickly, the security guard asking for your ticket.
''Um, I'm supposed to be on the list, I think.'' You told him your name and the guy scanned his tablet, then nodded and let you through after taking a quick glance at your crossbody purse.
The floor was open plan, seating only on the upper floors. You made your way somewhere to the left hand side, as the first floor was already full of people. It was a bit far, but you could still see the stage. The microphones were already lined up, drum set at the back of the stage. It was 5 minutes until the opening act, when you got a text.
21.55pm - Eddie ''Are you here?''
21.56pm - Y/N ''Yes.''
21.56pm - Eddie ''What are you wearing? ;)''
21.56pm - Y/N ''Idiot.''
After a couple minutes, the lights went out and the opening act took to the stage, to a lukewarm reception. The band was alright, you guessed, you had never heard of them obviously. You bobbed your head to some of the songs, even took a few pictures. The set went by quick and now you only had to wait 30 more minutes for the main act, to the one you were here for.
By the time it was time for the main event, more people had filled the arena and now you were pretty squished, girls and guys on every side of you. You squeezed past some people, looking for more room at the back. You found a big enough space and settled there. The lights went out again and this time, the crowd roared. Music started playing and the drummer came out first, followed by three other guys a minute later. There he was, in all of his glory, guitar strapped over his shoulder. He smirked at the crowd and hit the first note on his guitar, followed by the high pitch eruption of women in the audience.
The show started, and though this music was not your prefered genre, you were absolutely mesmerized. Eddie's stage presence was magnetic, he owned the the entire arena. All eyes were on him as he strummed different notes and flipped his hair around, screaming, singing and even moaning into the microphone. People yelled, jumped, pushed around. Not to mention the mosh pit in the middle of the floor.
As Eddie sang the songs, his eyes kept looking around. Was he looking for you? You wanted to scoot closer, but it was impossible. The crowd was wild even at the back, you couldn't even imagine what was happening at the barricade.
They played for more than an hour. As the show came to a close, you clapped and cheered just like everybody else. He was amazing, the band was amazing. They all bowed, the bassist threw his picks at the girls in front of him. Eddie thanked the audience, his voice tired and raspy and so sexy. ''Hey Kiwi girl, come find me.''
You blushed, though nobody knew he was talking about you. You waited a while, watching the crowd slowly pushing out, before you had any room to made to the front. You made it to the barricade and and called another security guard over.
''Hi, I think I'm supposed to go backstage.'' You told him your name and that you had an invite from Eddie himself. He took a sceptic look at you and spoke something into his walkie talkie before ushering you closer and helping you over the railing.
He asked you to follow him and lead the way from the stage through a door, into a long corridor. Your ears were ringing from the loud music and your heart was doing flips. ''It's the last door to the left.''
You thanked the guard and he left. You took a deep breath and walked to the door, raising your hand to know, but the door flew open before you had the chance.
''Oh, sorry. Are you looking for someone?'' a guy, who you recognized as the drummer, asked. His face was all sweaty and he was holding a towel in his hand. There was commotion coming from the room and you looked over his shoulder, your breath hitching as you saw Eddie sitting on a sofa.
But he wasn't alone, far from it. Sitting next to him was the same girl, Madeline, her arms on his shoulders. Kissing him.
tags: @hellfirewhore @ceriseheaven @feralgoblinbabe @ethereal27cereal @mystars123 @munsonsuccubus @alizztor @tlclick73 @nojamsonmytoast @b-irock @harringtonshairychest @hellkaisersangel @mcueveryday @other-world-s @santheweird @nightless @hiscrimsonangel @ali-r3n @latenighttalkingwithgrapejuice @tayhar811 @sarawithasword @eddiesluvt @maddieluvseddie @hellfires-harlot @dollalicia @donnavivienne @ashlynnkennedy @dumbblonde1630 @sanzu-holic @dontslayfay @eddieswife16 @bebe0701 @ganjababie @sidthedollface2 @brittanyyydamnit @lezzy-bennet @bibliophilewednesday @qcueef @rogers-sweatbands @christalcake @episcogoth @beep-beep-sherlock @milkymil-k
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xerith-42 · 6 months
wait so i love the idea of MCD laur being launched into MS season 3. Now i have questions.
Does he end up telling them about being a shadow knight? Or does that… reveal itself (rubbing my hands together menacingly). If so, how does that go down? What’s the reactions? The circumstances? mwahaha
Does he get to visit Cadenza? What’s that like? For that matter, are his dads alive in this universe? (AUGHEUGHEU) Does he ask Cad about them?
Oh now that's an idea...
He 100% would want to keep it on lock down. Even if these alternate versions of his friends are surprisingly chill about him being from another dimension, they even ask him questions about it, there's some stuff he refuses to tell them. Idk where he would start living, maybe with MyS Garrance who knows, but whoever first sees him without a shirt on would no doubt notice the amount of scars across his body. There's a difference between "I come from a dangerous world" and "I have scarring of multiple stab wounds and burn marks that would have easily killed someone."
If anyone tried to ask him about it he would just dodge the question, tell them that it's nothing, just wounds from a battle he's already won. I don't think his calling would fully be able to act up in this other dimension, but it would try to. He'd be hanging out with everyone, getting to know them, and then when he looks over at the now second alternate version of the woman he loves so much, it just happens. In an instant his hands become shaky, his eyes start to cloud over, and all his thoughts are filled with the urge to kill.
And let's remember, at the point he got yoinked out of his original timeline, Laurance has just barely if at all started to come to terms with his condition and what it does to him. He's still in denial about how bad it is because he doesn't want Aphmau to worry or Garroth to distrust him. He doesn't know or understand different symptoms because they just started, and now he's surrounded by people who don't even know what a Shadow Knight is.
I imagine the calling acting up would make Laurance run away, like physically run the fuck away from Lover's Lane with no way to track him because boy has inhuman speed and no phone. The thing that gets him to come back is when they find him hiding in the woods that line the city. And the person who finds him is this dimensions version of Cadenza. The one person who no matter what situation Laurance was in, is able to talk him down.
She's not the same as his sister. When he sees her he can see the difference in them. His sister is a little taller, carries herself differently, and is obviously dressed differently. But her voice sounds so similar, her laugh is the same, and the soft way she talks to a freaking out Laurance is enough to ground him to some sense of reality when he's spiraling. Cadenza was always able to talk Laurance down from a bad decision when they were kids, and now this alternate version of her is able to do the same.
MCD Laur and MyS Cadenza become absolute besties after this. Like forget his budding brotherly relationship with MyS Dante that reflects the same one they had in MCD, he's found someone he can consider family here. He never talks about what happened, just tells everyone it was some warrior instinct that went haywire. What do you mean his eyes sometimes change color when he looks at Aphmau for too long? You're making things up again Travis.
Fun little aside, Laur would 100% tell most of the cast about their counterparts, and Travis would be so upset to learn that he doesn't have one (as far as Laur knows).
And one day Laur goes to Cadenza's house so they can talk and she can figure out a way she can properly dress him. Everyone else lives alone or with another adult roommate, so he doesn't even think to ask about who she lives with. When he knocks on the door, there's nothing that can prepare him for who opens it.
It's Joh.
His dad. His real dad, or the closest thing he had to one. The man who first took him in, and the first person Laurance failed to protect.
Emotions take over logic and he just hugs this man. He doesn't know if Cadenza's informed him of the situation, he doesn't know if he's supposed to pretend to be the other Laurance, and he doesn't care. In a precious moment he's able to hug his father and maybe break down crying while he's hugging him who knows.
I do think Cadenza tried to explain to her dads that the man coming over is an alternate version of Laurance from another dimension. And while Hayden is a sci-fi nerd and can actually wrap his head around the concept, Joh was sort of nodding along for the conversation. He gets that this man looks and acts a lot like his son, but isn't his son. Yet this doppelganger hugs him the exact way his son did when he came home from college, with so much love that it crushes him.
And for Laurance, even if he knows this is no doubt an alternate version of his father, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because for just a sweet sweet moment he gets to hug his father and pretend like he didn't completely and utterly fail him. When this now very awkward hug breaks, Laurance has to come to terms with reality, see that this man is indeed different from the one he failed to protect.
But for just a minute... it felt like he was.
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Hope your moving is going swimmingly! I am also moving soon and already stressed l. Plus work so 😬. So my request is something soothing, where Magnus and Alec are just having a lovely time. Verse of your choice
i mean, it happened and it's now past the hardest part! tbh it was stressful and super hot — twas 115ish — but the worst part is now over! Nightshade and the Abyss love the new place and the Abyss is having fun trying to assert her authority over the house — she’s tiny, it’s not going as she planned. however she is about 1/10 of Nightshade’s weight and size and she spent the first night taunting him, teasing him and smacking him with sheathed paws every time he gave in to her meowing at him. 
she likes to wait until nightshade is sleeping and then she sneaks up on him and meows at him until he wakes up and then he goes to say hi, she smacks him and then runs so he’ll chase her so he can get in trouble and so she can smack him again. he’a still really young but he’s trying so hard to be friends with her and she’s older and has no interest in actually playing with a puppy — just bullying him. she’s the stereotype of a cat who goes ‘mwahaha’ while blaming the dog for things.
btw Nightshade’s reaction is legit to just upset zoomie or shake a toy at her and cry after she hits him.
they both got in trouble for those shenanigans btw (the running in the kitchen)
moving is incredibly taxing, mentally and physically so take care of yourself! be safe <3 remember that it’s okay and necessary to take breaks and hydrate lots! 
also just so it's known in general, things will be a bit odd even with the move finishing up because my laptop got damaged pretty badly during the move and we don't know if it's salvageable yet. so i'm using my phone and saeth's when they're not using it for writing themselves.
this is in the 'petals vs' and i hope you find it soothing because i did but if not, just let me know cause everyone finds different vibes comforting! good luck on your move! let me know how it goes? i hope it is as stress free as possible and nothing breaks!
<3 lumine
Magnus adds two streaks of purple to his hair and one of mauve before he holds up of a sprig of wisteria, making sure that the colors match. They do and it’s with pleasure that Magnus puts in two — magically crystallized and grown — dangling earrings created from the same flowers that Alexander is going to wear.
It’s a simple night out and Magnus is in the mood for the quiet intimacy of a long walk with his beloved. 
They don’t necessarily need to dress up for what will essentially be a trek through a hidden grove, but both of them like to indulge both each other and themselves. 
“Alexander—” Magnus calls as he finishes the last touches of his craft and when he turns, it’s to find his darling watching him with soft, adoring eyes. 
Magnus manages to last an entire half-a-second before he’s crossing the room and rubbing his palms down Alexander’s shoulders and then kissing his cheek. 
“You look better.” He finally lets himself say, drinking in the sight that is a well-rested, fully healed Alexander. A kiss is pressed to his jaw and then his mouth, lips lingering with a subtle intensity that lingers almost wistfully. 
“You too, you have enough energy for this trip, right?” He’s asked carefully and Magnus can’t help his smile.
Alexander isn’t being doubtful, he’s being earnestly sweet and Magnus lingers in the languid feeling of being cared for. The last three nights have been full of portals and magic and healing and — while Alexander hunted down the ingredients needed and sharing strength — it’s Magnus who has been expending all of his energy and energy to the very brink. 
Well, Magnus and half a dozen other warlocks but only he and Cat worked the three days continuously. 
They were the only ones who could.
“I’m fine sweetheart. All I needed was a night of rest and you, safe in my arms.”
“I still think you should have let me give you a massage last night.” Alexander murmurs with a pout and Magnus laughs, pressing his fingertips to Alexander’s mouth in a gentle kiss.
“It either would have turned into something neither of us had the energy for, or you would have fallen asleep half on top of me, darling.” Magnus can’t help how soft his tone goes, “we were both spent, Alexander. You’re the only reason Cat didn’t insist on coming home with me, normally she puts her foot down when we encounter a disease like this.” Magnus winks, “she doesn’t normally trust me not to try and immediately research how it happened. However she trusts that you’re a sufficient distraction.”
“Still—” is all Alexander says, a deep yearning in his voice, “you deserve to be taken care of. Especially with how much you take care of everyone else.”
“You’ll find I take plenty care of myself, especially when I’m given a good reason to.” Magnus gives a playful smirk because Alexander knows that he’s the reason Magnus is alluding to and his boy laughs, tender and sweet and Magnus aches with it.  
“Then I’ll need to find a way to stick around then, just to make sure.” 
Magnus’ breathe hitches with want, because they’ve slowly been talking about this and Magnus can’t deny Alexander’s sincerity anymore.  No one who goes to talk to the Council of Elders and some of the oldest members of the shadowworld — who requested and paid the costs of asking to feel some of the best and worst emotions associated with immortality — is insincere. 
Alexander means it.
His devotion is steadfast and his love unwavering, his trust all encompassing when it comes to Magnus and Magnus feels both ravenous and also hesitant. 
Yet how can he disrespect the adoration and devotion that he’s invoked by merely being himself, when Alexander is so guileless about it. When Alexander has made lists of places he wants to visit with Magnus, the greenhouses and gardens he wants to tend to himself when he’s retired, the fact that Alexander wants to retire.
That his beloved wants to leave the clave better than before, but leave it all the same. The day when he will step away from the burdens and responsibilities of his people and family and belong wholly to himself and to Magnus.
Alexander wants to learn and study and travel and love but he wants to only do it with Magnus and that is a treasure Magnus never realized he’d been taught could never be his. Yet to dismiss it would be to invalidate the love given him and well, Magnus would be both cruel and a fool to do that. 
And while sometimes in his long life, Magnus knows he’s been both — though rarely at the same time. It would take an act of befuddlement from his own father for Magnus to act foolishly or cruel with something so delicate concerning both Alexander’s and his own heart.
“I suppose we will.” Magnus murmurs and he summons the flower crown to his hands and gently places it on Alexander’s brow. He admires how the lavender and mauve petals look against Alexander’s features and then he blinks.
Wisteria means many things but the colors Alexander asked for, the type of flower that he normally lets Magnus pick… they mean things.
Devotion that can transcend even death. 
Longevity which implies immortality, though all things can die no matter how long they’ve lived.
“You’re a sly man when you want to be, Alexander.” Magnus murmurs, voice unrepentantly indulgent as Alexander smirks at him. There is a pleased turn to his lips and his eyes gleam with both relief and love and Magnus wants to disappear with him for at least a week.
There’s a cottage in the grove.
Nothing too elaborate but comfortable enough — Ragnor would never have helped maintain it otherwise — and it’s the perfect place for a simple weekend of intimacy. Magnus can teach Alexander to fish as he learned as a boy and he can watch Alexander with amusement when his darling shadowhunter shows off and shoots the fish with arrows and then dives for them. 
Apparently, it was quite a habit for Alexander to go to the ocean in the dead of night with his runes activated, unseen by mundanes as he practiced hunting by shooting fish and then diving for them. 
They can replant the small garden around the cottage and Magnus can teach and show Alexander some of the hybrids he and Cat and Ragnor have created and tended to over the centuries. 
“Sometimes, my love—” and Magnus pauses, adding another layer of protective magic to both Alexander and his crown, “I cannot understand how we came to be.”
Alexander understands him, if the sudden sheen to his eyes means anything.
They’ve both been horribly broken by life and shattered by people supposed to love them yet somehow,despite all the odds they found and have kept and fought for each other.
It’s a beautiful but daunting mystery and one Magnus never needs solved. 
After all, no matter how or why they met, it’s the two of them alone that have made this work.
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magneticallyyours · 1 month
Resident evil, hitman and overwatch are my three hyperfixations right now. That masterlist has me biting my nail and giggling at my phone screen oh my LORD.
Don’t mind me whilst I pull up a chair and eagerly await the Wesker content…
I love u anon your tastes are indeed goated as hell- Wesker content is coming soon, so don't you worry mwahaha
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morgannox · 5 months
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The Pumpkin Patch grows! Got my order from @vidramon today! Check out her stuff, my phone's camera can't do the holographic film justice. The little details and extra goodies with the package brought a huge smile to my face. The little Pumpkinmon scribble on the note made my day. Thank you V!! Now to figure out where to slap these, mwahaha
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Don't speak to me or my apprentice again
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gojo-mochi · 11 months
👻ima trick my boy geto here….. mwhahahah👹
Adding my boy in there cuz i can mwahaha 
You were sitting bored in your apartment all alone, Suguru ended up getting dragged from place to place by Gojo and the students. Leaving you all to your lonesome, you stare at your phone, having exhausted all social media apps and getting bored of looking at the same feed over and over again, when an idea pops into your head. While you do love that Suguru was a caring person and that he had his own life to live somethings, that doesn't mean you get lonely without him. 
And he hasn't even been texting you back that much! So you decided to pull a devious prank on him. Grabbing your laptop you look up voice clips of someone male, preferably deep and soothing. Googling some asmr videos you come across a channel with a voice that oddly sounds like Suguru but this voice was a bit more chilling, the lull and timber of his words sent a weird chill down your spine but he had some voice clips of what you were looking for, so you picked him anyway. 
“Kenjaku…huh.” You read the youtuber's name out loud as you prepare the prank, cutting his audio clips into what you needed and getting ready to ‘accidentally’ call up Suguru. You sat back on the couch with a giggle as you pressed on Suguru’s number on your phone, putting it on speaker and laying it on the table next to your laptop. Your leg bouncing up and down impatiently as you wait for Suguru to pick up. Ring….. Ring….. Click… “Hello?”
Your breath hitches in your throat upon hearing Suguru for the first time in a while, you almost faltered and replied back but held strong, your hand hovering over the play button on your laptop as you steady your breathing and began the show. “Darling? Are you there?” Suguru questioned lightly as you could hear him walk away from Gojo and some other people talking in the background. You faked a giggle, hearing Suguru get even more confused; “Oh, stop it. You’re such a bad boy.” Your voice titters out, hitting play on the audio clip as Kenjaku’s voice starts to flow out from the speakers.
“You’re a naughty girl, aren’t you. Hahah… Now, what am I going to do with you, hmm?” You had to stop yourself from shuddering, as you pretended to reply back to Kenjaku. “Are you gonna punish me, hmm~?” Suguru's voice rang out louder as he spoke this time; “Y/N? Who was that and what are you doing? Where are you?” You heard him say something to Gojo and the shuffling of feet quickly moving, a wide smile stretched on your face as you picked up the phone and giggled into it. “Hi baby~” You cooed, Suguru quickly responded; “Darling! What are you doing right now? I heard a voice, is there someone there with you?” His voice was on the edge of worry and angry in it, you felt your core heat up from his tone. 
“Haha! Pranked ya! It was just a video of some random guy I found online. No one’s here, baby. I just got really lonely and missed you.” Suguru let out a huge sigh at that; “Darling, just say so and don’t give me a heart attack next time. I’m coming home to you now, anyway.” You perk up at that; “Really?” Suguru cooed at your excitement, “I was out buying gifts for you, I planned on coming home to surprise you with it later.” He chuckled, as you made a questioning noise. 
“You wanna know what I got for you, hmm? It's something new we could use in the bedroom. Satoru showed me this store that just opened up and they had lots of items I wanted to try on you.” A different kind of shiver went down your spine this time, as you squeezed your thighs together, a wetness forming in your shorts. “O-oh, yeah?” Suguru hums back, “I think it works out, Cause you’re definitely getting punished tonight, by me.” 
‘Uh oh…I’m fucked.’ Both literally and figuratively. You let out a nervous laugh, “Honey, sweetie, sugarpie? You’re still mad at my prank, are you? I only did that because I was lonely and missed you, you know.” Suguru didn't say anything for a while, only the sound of his car unlocking was all you could hear for a while. “I know, dear. That’s why I’m coming home right now, to spend all night with you.” The revving of his engine matches the increasing pace of your heart. “And this spreader bar and rope will help me, I mean you, prepare for a long night of fun~” 
“Now, be a good girl and get on the bed and wait for me. If you try to run away or hide from me, I’ll increase the punishment~”
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up-in-space-reading · 2 months
Average Weekly Screentime - Chap 10: So Who Won?
pairing: Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago
word count: 3141
warnings/tags: college au, texting, drunk texting, text fic (mostly, there's prose a few chaps in), bets, bisexual!jake peralta, jake peralta has adhd, parties, drinking and alcohol, sexual references, implied sexual content (nothing explicit, just suggested its going to happen/has happened), friends to lovers, swearing, mentions of cannibalism, lighthearted threats of violence (typical rosa stuff yk), fluff
read on ao3
Average Weekly Screentime masterlist
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Story Summary: texting fic college AU with the squad! It's the beginning of the school year and while everyone else thinks it'll be the same as the previous year, Gina has a feeling things are going to be different and wagers a bet with Rosa and Charles. Told through all the various group chats everyone is in.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: The last chapter to this monster of a fic! Hope you enjoy <3
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Jimmy Jabbers
[09:24am, Friday]
Four Eyes: Jake has once again fallen asleep in class Four Eyes: Bets anyone?
RoRo: he’s gonna wake up in 12 minutes
Mr Grapes: 10 minutes
Queen G: 20 minutes
Four Eyes: Will keep you updated
[09:36am, Friday]
Four Eyes: Rosa I don’t know how you do it
RoRo: idk RoRo: you guys just gotta get good i guess
Queen G: this sucks
Dance Squad
[11:36am, Friday]
G-Hive: rosa ur bet date was two days ago G-Hive: i just remembered
Scary: gina you just might win this
G-Hive: omg omg this is so exciting
Charlese: Remember when you tried to get them together on new years?
G-Hive: i had a momentary lapse of judgement G-Hive: BUT now im back in betting mode G-Hive: need to keep them apart for another few weeks
Scary: that’s meddling once again
Charlese: Technically Rosa has some buffer time before her bet is completely void
Scary: neck and neck gina Scary: watch your back
G-Hive: anyone else getting super scary vibes rn???
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[10:05am, Saturday]
Ferris: good morning beautiful
Cameron: Good morning!
Ferris: whats the plan for today??
Cameron: I actually have to do some work, you’ve been distracting me the last few days
Ferris: sorry i cant help that i wanna spend time with my giirllfrieennddd
Cameron: I wasn’t complaining at all Cameron: I’m just warning that if you come over I will be doing work
Ferris: im literally on my way
Unnamed Chat
[10:45am, Saturday]
Jake: hey ter!
Terry: Hey Jake, how’s it going?
Jake: absolutely wonderful amazing excellent
Terry: Haha let me guess – things went well with Amy
Jake: ur the first person im telling bc u helped me so much omg im so excited
Terry: Well congrats to both of you Terry: I hear Taylor has a lot of love songs
Jake: im never living it down Jake: and IM TOO HAPPY TO CARE
Terry: Hahaha
Jimmy Jabbers
[02:04pm, Saturday]
Four Eyes: do u think that guys named cal their name is short for calendar
Pineapples: yes ames i think thats true
Queen G: how do i tell amy u have her phone
Pineapples: she is aware Pineapples: but i dont think she realised what i was gonna do with it mwahaha
RoRo: you should probably give it back
Four Eyes: He has returned it now Four Eyes: He’s cowering in the corner because he knows I’m going to take his
Pineapples: someone help me
Mr Grapes: Just go fetal position Jake, that’s what I do
Pineapples: Too late
Queen G: RIP soldier
RoRo: i think it’ll be funny if amy killed him
Dance Squad
[02:10pm, Saturday]
G-Hive: so that was weird right??
Scary: super weird
Charlese: Definitely weird
G-Hive: okay cool
Jimmy Jabbers
[04:28pm, Saturday]
Mr Grapes: Anyone wanna do dinner tonight?
RoRo: can’t, busy
Mr Grapes: What are you up to?
RoRo: wouldn’t you like to know, soup boy
Queen G: fine ill do dinner
[04:53pm, Saturday]
Mr Grapes: @Four Eyes @Pineapples are either of you interested in getting dinner? Mr Grapes: Haven’t heard from you yet
Pineapples: sorry charles, im busy
Four Eyes: I’ve already got plans, sorry
Mr Grapes: That’s alright!
Dance Squad
[04:57pm, Saturday]
Charlese: That’s weird right?
G-Hive: definitely
Scary: you two have fun
G-Hive: @Charlese ill meet u at sals in 30?
Charlese: Yep!
“We have got to find a new dinner spot” Amy whispers to Jake across the table who’s giggling.
“Aw but I like Sal’s” He whispers back, their chins nearly touching the table as they duck from view.
“Probably on us that we assumed Gina and Charles wouldn’t come here” Jake continued with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Yeah, that’s definitely on us. What do we do?” Amy asked anxiously.
“What do you mean?”
“They’re here, we’re here, they don’t know about us. What do we do?”
“Sneak out the side door and pretend we were never here?” Jake suggested with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
“Sure, let’s do it” Amy agreed, a small smile returning to her face.
The two of them got up quickly, Jake grabbing Amy’s hand and dragging her out of the diner quickly behind him. She had her bag slung over her shoulder and was carrying her scarf, not having had a moment to put it on yet.
Once they were out the door and walking down the street the two of them laughed as Amy finally wrapped her scarf around her neck. Jake took Amy’s arm and linked it with his, holding her close as they walked down the snow lined streets.
“We’ve gotta find somewhere else to get dinner now” Jake brought up after they’d been walking for a few minutes with no real destination in mind.
“How would you feel about pizza?” Amy asked with a smile, knowing exactly how Jake would feel about pizza.
“Dumb question Ames, I know just the place”
He redirected them, crossing the street and turning a corner while Amy simply followed his lead. Once there they ordered and got their pizza, they laughed about their escape from Sal’s again and Jake filled Amy in on the ongoing Sasha drama after she overheard Gina mention it.
They finished their pizza and hung around in the shop for a little while longer, ignoring their phones and everything outside the door. As far as Jake was concerned, right now the world existed in the pizza shop, sitting across the table from him.
It was only when the owner of the shop politely told them he was going to be closing soon did they leave – leaving behind a nice tip for having stayed so long – walking arm in arm slowly back towards campus under the light of the street lamps. Amy could tell Jake was trying to delay saying goodbye to her, and if Amy was honest with herself she didn’t want to say goodbye either.
They stopped at the usual split in their path, this section of the sidewalk held so many memories and emotions that Amy couldn’t believe it had all happened in less than a year. The two of them hugged for probably too long, they were clingy for a few day-old relationship but Amy never wanted it to stop.
“Come back to my dorm with me?” Jake asked her quietly, breath brushing against Amy’s ear in a way that made her skin tingle, “If you want” he added, giving her an out.
“I want to”
It was an easy decision, and one she didn’t regret at all.
[10:28am, Sunday]
G: messaging to check on u bc i havent heard from u in nearly 24 hours
Jacob: im fine g
G: alright G: how r u feeling?
Jacob: great!
G: cool
Dance Squad
[10:32am, Sunday]
G-Hive: something happened
Scary: context?
G-Hive: somethings happened with jake
Charlese: Proof?
G-Hive: 1 image attachment G-Hive: says hes great before noon on a sunday G-Hive: i think tf not
Scary: weak
Charlese: Yeah it’s not a super strong argument
G-Hive: ugh honestly you two
Charlese: I’m starting to give up on them honestly Charlese: If it hasn’t happened by now it won’t ever happen
G-Hive: r u serious charles!!! G-Hive: ur not serious
Charlese: Okay I’m not 100% giving up
Scary: i have
Charlese: What??
Scary: my betting day has passed and i either get it exact or i lose Scary: i’m not winning on a technicality
G-Hive: what about the prize money???
Scary: we just don’t pay out?
Charlese: Damn, this is a sad way to end it
G-Hive: HEY! my bet is still ongoing
Scary: you’re seriously gonna hold out hope??
G-Hive: unlike SOME people i dont back down from a bet
Scary: ugh fine i’m still in
G-Hive: YES
Charlese: Okay I’m still in!! you just caught me in a moment of weakness
G-Hive: lovely lovely G-Hive: time to go get proof
[10:51am, Sunday]
G: where r u???
Jacob: my dorm why???
G: i feel like ur lying
Jacob: im not lying gina Jacob: why would i lie about that
G: idk but ill find out
Jacob: u do that
G: ill ask amy where u r
Jacob: amy will just tell u to ask me
G: we will see
Girls Girls Girls
[10:55am, Sunday]
Gina: @Amy do u know where jake is??
Amy: I don’t know, probably in his dorm? Amy: He’s probably still sleeping
Gina: hmm okay
[10:57am, Sunday]
G: i still dont believe you
Jacob: 1 image attachment Jacob: what about now??
G: u couldve taken that pic anytime
Jacob: i just took it now
G: ugh fine
Girls Girls Girls
[11:03am, Sunday]
Gina: @Amy can u send me a pic of the cover of that book u recommended the other day
Amy: You have never asked for a book recommendation and I don’t believe you that you’re starting now
Gina: u and jake talking about me???
Amy: WHY would Jake and I be talking about you??
Gina: u tell me????
Amy: You are in a mood this morning
Rosa: tell me about it
Jimmy Jabbers
[11:07am, Sunday]
Queen G: i have had ENOUGH Queen G: @Four Eyes @Pineapples explain urselves
Four Eyes: What do I have to explain???
Pineapples: i am also confused as to what i need to explain
Queen G: one or both of u are lying to me Queen G: dodging questions and such
Four Eyes: Good god you need to go outside or something
Queen G: i will NOT be made out to be crazy
Pineapples: then stop acting like it girl
Queen G: where r u both right NOW???
Pineapples: in my dorm Pineapples: in bed if u want specifics
Four Eyes: I’m in my dorm, at my desk to be specific
Queen G: take a pic of ur desk rn
Four Eyes: I’m not entertaining this
Queen G: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH Queen G: im gonna figure it out
RoRo: maybe let it go gina
Mr Grapes: Gotta agree with Rosa
Queen G: ugh fine
Dance Squad
[02:35pm, Monday]
G-Hive: im following jake and amy this afternoon G-Hive: who wants to join
Charlese: I’ve got nothing better to do
Scary: this is the last time i’ll entertain you
G-Hive: it wont even be long G-Hive: ill be able to tell if theyre together or not immediately G-Hive: meet me in the courtyard
Charlese: On my way!
Scary: coming
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[02:48pm, Monday]
Ferris: heads up rosa gina and charles are following me to the library Ferris: theyre doing a bad job
Cameron: Hahaha okay
Ferris: should we have some fun with them?
Cameron: We absolutely should
Jake made his way to the library happily, lighter than air and excited to see Amy again. When he walked into the library she hadn’t noticed him yet but as soon as Jake saw her he couldn’t stop the smile spreading from ear to ear.
Amy finally noticed him as he approached the table, a matching smile gracing her face, and it took everything in Jake to hold back kissing her as soon as he was sat down next to her. They kept their conversation casual and work focused, it felt like before they were together when the two of them were dancing around whatever was happening between them.
After some subtle searching of the library by taking looks around at random intervals he was able to spot Gina, Rosa, and Charles at a table nearby. They were pretending to be engrossed in one book between the three of them and doing a bad job, Rosa was clearly uninterested but there anyway.
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[03:21pm, Monday]
Ferris: three musketeers sitting at a table near the computers Ferris: doing a terrible job at hiding
Cameron: I’m not even surprised Cameron: What did Gina expect to discover?
Ferris: probs us together
Cameron: Nosiest friends ever
Ferris: haha tell me about it
“This is boring, they’re clearly not together” Rosa was annoyed.
“But what if they are and they’re just playing it down?” Gina argued back.
“If they were together we’d know by now” Charles now joined in.
“God this is ridiculous” Gina threw her arms up in frustration, “I just need them to kiss or something”
“Go ask them” Rosa suggested slightly sarcastically.
Gina fixed Rosa with a look that made Charles want to shrink in on himself, feeling grateful he hadn’t crossed either of them.
“We could just wait for them to tell us?” He suggested in hopes of stopping Gina and Rosa’s staring match.
“Fine” Gina agreed begrudgingly.
Gina was the one to get up first, followed by Rosa and then once they started walking away Charles quickly followed, not wanting to be left behind.
Jake saw movement out of the corner of his eye, catching his attention he looked up to see Rosa, Gina and Charles all making a hasty exit from the library and he smiled knowing he and Amy had been able to bore them into leaving.
Once their friends had left the library he leaned over and gave Amy a quick peck on the cheek, startling her out of her concentration where she looked at Jake with surprised.
“What abo-“ She began before Jake cut her off.
“They just left”
Amy let out a laugh before placing a hand on the side of Jake’s face, he leaned into it with a content sigh. Jake then reached up to lightly grab Amy’s wrist, keeping her hand in place as he twisted his head to plant another kiss on her palm.
“You can’t distract me like that” Amy said quietly, trying to be teasing but sounding more breathless.
“Sorry” Jake had apologized but didn’t sound one bit sorry, returning to his work with a satisfied smirk.
Jimmy Jabbers
[06:25pm, Wednesday]
Queen G: sasha is having a party on sat so im absolutely going Queen G: anyone else in??
Mr Grapes: Oh definitely! Mr Grapes: Do you know if she invited Sam or Matt?
Queen G: she invited both of them and its most of the reason i wanna go
Mr Grapes: It’s self sabotage at this point
RoRo: ill go if it means watching sashas life implode lol
Pineapples: ill be there
Four Eyes: Yeah I’ll go too
Queen G: im so proud of all of u Queen G: so like are you guys team sam, team matt, or team sasha
Charles: I’m team Anne! She’s been messed around
Queen G: so true charles
It was the first time they’d hung out as a whole group since Jake and Amy had gotten together and hiding their relationship was more difficult than Jake had anticipated. He wanted to hold her hand in the back of the uber and put his arm around her shoulders as they walked into the party but couldn’t do any of it.
That was until they split up after playing some small drinking games together, Jake immediately asked Amy if she wanted to dance and she couldn’t have said yes quick enough. He assumed his friends were off finding the drama, Gina and Rosa probably on the hunt for people to flirt with while Charles waited for Genevieve to arrive soon.
Once he and Amy had reached the dance floor her pulled her close, bodies pressed up against one another – he wasn’t wasting a single moment keeping her at a distance. They danced together in the way Jake wished they could’ve on New Years, and it was the most fun he’d had at a party in a while.
So much fun that he leaned down to kiss Amy hard, brain slightly foggy after the alcohol they’d had so far, but pleased when Amy leaned into it. The kiss became intense as they abandoned any illusion that they were dancing.
Finally Jake pulled away with heavy breaths, leaning down to whisper into Amy’s ear.
She nodded furiously and followed closely behind when Jake grabbed her hand and dragged her away from the dance floor.
Queen Gina Linetti @g-hive01
i love being right #calledit #sashasparty
[11:08pm, Saturday]
Jimmy Jabbers
[10:47am, Sunday]
Queen G: i think its time we talk about the elephant in the room
Pineapples: what?
Queen G: this has gone on long enough
RoRo: gina what are you doing
Mr Grapes: Don’t do something you’ll regret
Queen G: i have no regrets in life Queen G: including this Queen G: @Four Eyes @Pineapples you two like each other and you need to work it out before I start prematurely aging
RoRo: gina!!
Mr Grapes: We agreed we weren’t gonna meddle and this is beyond that!
Queen G: deafening silence from the culprits themselves
Pineapples: way to make things awkward g…
Four Eyes: Wait, you guys ‘agreed to not meddle’? What does that mean?
Queen G: dw about that Queen G: do u have anything to say for urselves??
Pineapples: gina what did u see???
Queen G: u know exactly what i saw at exactly 11 last night
Four Eyes: Shit
Pineapples: my b ames
Four Eyes: Takes two
Pineapples: if its any comfort gina that bathroom wasnt as romantic as u would imagine
Queen G: i didnt think it would be
Four Eyes: Aw don’t say that babe, I thought it was perfectly respectable
Pineapples: dont lie to me
Four Eyes: Sorry haha
Mr Grapes: Wait wait wait wait Mr Grapes: You just called him babe
Four Eyes: Oops
Pineapples: gina caught us so theres no point keeping secret
Four Eyes: Yes Jake and I are together
Mr Grapes: Greatest day of my life not joking
RoRo: good for u
Queen G: u guys will NEVER make me seem crazy ever again so help me god Queen G: i was fucking RIGHT
RoRo: for reasons you don’t need to know RoRo: when did this start?
Pineapples: last wednesday Pineapples: why?
RoRo: i’m $100 richer
Mr Grapes: Damn
Queen G: ah shit…
Four Eyes: Can’t believe you guys bet on us!
Pineapples: i can
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:40am, Sunday]
Ferris changed Cameron’s nickname to Ames Ferris changed their name to Dread Pirate Jake Dread Pirate Jake changed the group chat name to As You Wish
Ames: Aw I’ll miss the Ferris Bueller theme
Dread Pirate Jake: that was for when we were friends Dread Pirate Jake: needed to change now that youre my giirrllfriend
Ames: Haha fair enough Ames: Meet outside to go get lunch together?
Dread Pirate Jake: as u wish my lady <3
Dance Squad
[11:40am, Sunday]
Scary: I’ll take my $100 in cash
Charlese: I don’t even care about losing money I’m so happy for them
G-Hive: you will never make a fool out of me again
Scary: sure sure Scary: now pay up
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Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: Oh my god, I can't believe its all done and over.
This is the longest piece of writing I've done so far, what started out as a silly little text fic idea that I wanted to do just to 'not waste a concept' turned into something that I've loved writing and am beyond proud of. I'm sorry there was a bit of a wait between chapters in the middle there but I hope the speedy release of the ending made up for it! Thank you so so much to everyone who commented and left kudos, you guys kept me motivated and excited to write this fic. Shout out to my friends both irl and online (none of whom will see this lol), you guys consistently provide me wonderful content to use in my writing lol (for this chapter it was: "wouldn't you like to know, soup boy")
Thanks again for reading my lil fanfic, I hope you enjoyed it <3
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rickybowensfever · 3 days
borrowed hoodie - sicktember 2024
Hello! I was struck with a sinus infection last week. I get chronic sinus infections and oh my god they are the WORST.
Anyway, I got some inspo last night to write this for the "Borrowed Hoodie" prompt for Sicktember 2024! I'm not going to have too many Sicktember fics left bc I got sick :( but I'm hoping to spark some dopamine and get at least another out for you.
I have been thinking about Susannah's role when her boys get sick and since she has cancer, obviously they'd want her far away from any illnesses. But this is fiction so let's just pretend that she can't get sick from them bc she's a Mom and her immune system isn't as bad as I make Conrad's mwahaha lol I always put Laurel in these situations bc she's more nurturing and has a stronger bond w/ Conrad. But, I'd like to add Beck in and show off her maternal side.
This fic is inspired/set after the episode "Summer Heat" and I took out some scenes that happen in that episode.
LMK what you think & happy reading!
Sicktember 2024 Prompts @sicktember
8. Borrowed Hoodie  
4. Flushed Cheeks
AO3 Link
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Belly woke up wearing Conrad’s hoodie and she was on cloud nine. 
She smiled wide, showing all of her pearly whites. Lying in her warm bed, she hugged herself, sniffing the hoodie that smelled of him; salty and sweet like the ocean. She didn’t want the moment to last, but she had to head over to the country club for dance rehearsal for the Ball. 
Last night was The Fourth of July. At the end of the night, she shared a special moment with Conrad as they both watched the fireworks shooting in the night sky over the ocean. It was breezy which made her jump in place as a chill came over her. Conrad stood by her wearing a zip-up hoodie and when he heard her yelp, he didn’t hesitate to offer her his hoodie. He took it off revealing his gray t-shirt. Belly’s stomach fluttered with butterflies as he placed the jacket over her, holding it out for her to put her arms into the sleeves. She couldn’t stop smiling, her teeth began to hurt. 
Belly turned over and grabbed her phone, unlocking it and composing a text to Conrad. 
Good morning :) 
She smiled a big, toothy grin. Nothing could bring her euphoric mood down. 
After showering and changing into a dress, she headed over to the club. Of course, she wasn’t leaving the house without the hoodie. The light blue zip-up hoodie with white strings was now her security blanket. She left it unzipped as it was baggy on her, making her hands disappear and coming down to her thighs. 
Belly walked into the hall where all of the debutante girls mingled waiting for rehearsal to start. Nicole grabbed Belly as soon as she saw her, then looked her up and down. “Is that Conrad’s hoodie?” Nicole asked, furrowing her brows in suspicion. 
Belly’s stomach dropped. She was so giddy this morning and her head was in the clouds that she didn’t even think about seeing Nicole. Belly paused, fumbling a response, “Oh my God! Yesterday was so wild, I must’ve taken his by mistake. I didn’t even notice!” her stomach turned with anxiety, she nervously laughed, lying through her teeth. She shrugged her shoulders and took the hoodie off, placing it down off to the side on a couch by the wall.  
After rehearsal, Belly ran over to her car with the hoodie lying over her arm. She threw it in the backseat and got into the driver’s seat. She pulled out her phone to view her new messages, hoping to have one from Conrad. Her notification bar didn’t reveal any new messages, only a few notifications from her Instagram followers and of friends going live. Her stomach sank as she re-read her last message to Conrad with the “Delivered” text underneath. She rolled her eyes and turned on the car, hitting play on the radio to shuffle a song on her Spotify playlist. She pulled out of the parking lot and drove home, hoping Conrad would be there. 
When she got home, the house was quiet. Susannah walked in from the front of the house and greeted her, “Good morning, my love” she said, smiling wide. 
Belly returned the smile. “Morning! Hey, Susannah? Have you seen Conrad?” she asked, anxiety fluttered in her stomach as she awaited the answer. 
Susannah frowned and her shoulders slumped. “He’s in bed with a nasty headache. Let him sleep” she explained. “I’m painting some portraits if you’d like to join me” the blonde haired woman said with a smirk, glancing toward the back door. 
Belly fake smiled at her. At least she knew Conrad wasn’t ignoring her, but she was hoping to spend the day with him. Belly gripped the hoodie in her hands and declined, “I’m okay” she replied laughing. 
Suddenly, Jeremiah came in from the back door in his usual chipper mood holding a beach towel over his arm and a backpack on his back. “Hey Bells! I’m going to the beach, want to join?” he asked. 
Belly immediately nodded her head, not even thinking twice about it. “Yes! Let me go get changed” she said assessing her outfit that was not suitable for the beach. 
Belly walked through the hallway toward her room but stopped once she got to Conrad’s door. One side of her conscience was telling her to open the door and tend to him but the other had Susannah’s voice playing in her head. Let him sleep. Belly hesitated, assessing her options, hoping for a sign that never came. 
The hall was quiet. She groaned and marched toward her room. 
Conrad woke up that morning with a splitting headache and the chills. No matter how much alcohol they had the day before, he knew this was not a hangover. He groaned, pulling his arm out from under the warm covers and placed his palm on his forehead. His hands were cold, preventing him from getting an accurate read on if he was running a fever or not. 
He pulled the covers out from under him and looked around the room for his zip-up hoodie. He scanned the room twice, and realized it wasn’t on the chair where he usually put it. He sighed, waiting a couple of seconds, pulling his aching body off of the bed and walked out of the room. 
Conrad entered the kitchen in search of some Advil and water. Susannah sat at the dining table typing on her phone, but stopped when she heard footsteps. 
She immediately frowned when she saw her oldest son’s pale complexion and rosy cheeks. “Aw, honey. You don’t look too good” she said, placing her phone on the table and getting up. 
Conrad put his hand out to stop her, creating distance between them. “I’m fineee” he croaked, opening the cabinet and grabbing a bottle of Advil which he unscrewed and poured out two tablets on the counter. 
“It’s just a bad headache, really” he said, composing himself not to worry her, taking a glass of water, chasing it with the medicine. 
“Mom, I’m fine. It’s really just a headache” he yawned, “I’m going to sleep it off” he shrugged, putting the medicine back in the cabinet and shutting it. 
Susannah sighed, knowing from his rosy cheeks that he wasn’t telling the truth. “Alright, if you say so. I’ll be just by the pool, if you need anything” she replied, giving him a thin-lipped smile before he disappeared up to his room. 
Luckily thanks to modern medicine, he was able to get some sleep. But when he woke hours later to the sun shining in through his blinds, Conrad felt 10x worse and the chills from earlier re-emerged for an encore. It was absolutely unbearable. His body was heavy and achy but fortunately, his headache was gone. 
After lying in bed awake for what felt like twenty minutes, Conrad mustered up the energy to get out of bed, knowing he needed to take more pain relievers. One thing about Connie is he hated feeling like a burden, so of course he always downplayed his symptoms when he was sick. Therefore, walking back into the kitchen, he silently hoped the coast would be clear. 
But his wishes were crushed when he and Susannah walked in at the same time. “Any better?” she said, her voice in a high pitch. 
“A little” Conrad muttered, going back to the cabinet where they last ran into each other. 
“Honey, why don’t you lie on the couch and I’ll take care of you?” she suggested, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. 
Conrad nodded, declining her request. “I’m okay, really,” he answered in a low voice. He really didn’t need anyone to fuss over him. Let alone, he’d feel guilty if he got his mother sick. 
Susannah crossed her arms, putting her foot down. “Con. You’re shivering, I really don’t mind” she said, noticing her son shivering in place, goosebumps forming on his arms. 
Conrad silently walked over to the couch in defeat. His brain was foggy and with his lack of energy, he was simply too tired to keep protesting. Susannah smiled, glad that he wouldn’t fight her on this anymore. 
Conrad curled up with a blanket on the couch and closed his heavy eyes. Suddenly, he was being woken by a gentle nudge. He opened his glassy blue eyes to see his frail mother sitting by the edge of the couch with a forehead thermometer in her hand. She gently leaned over to feel his forehead, despite feeling the heat radiating off of him from where she sat.
Susannah frowned at her son as she felt his boiling hot forehead, “Oof, you’re burning up, babe” she looked down, turning on the thermometer. She placed the thermometer up to his forehead and waited momentarily for it to beep. 
Susannah’s eyebrows raised and her eyes grew big as she read the alarming temperature. “101.4” she recited, in a broken voice, “I don’t know how you got this sick” she declared, slowly getting up from the couch. 
Conrad batted his eyelashes. He didn’t even realize he was that sick. He truly had himself convinced that he did just have a headache and mild symptoms that would soon disappear, not persist. 
As the chills continued, Conrad felt himself striving to get warm. He pulled the light blanket to the side and got up, walking toward a basket where they stored their blankets. 
Susannah immediately nipped that in the bud. “What’re you doing, honey?” she asked, making him freeze in place. 
He turned toward her and replied, “Getting a blanket” he answered slowly. 
“I’ll get that and I found your hoodie in Belly’s room when I was dropping off her laundry” she said looking over at the piles of laundry on the dining room table that she was folding before he came down, the hoodie lying next to them. 
Conrad nodded and slowly walked back to the couch. Susannah put down her supplies; a wet rag, a glass of water, and a dose of pain reliever. She walked over to the basket and grabbed a light blanket. When she closed the wicker basket, she placed the blanket on the arm of the couch. Then, walked to the dining room to grab his zip-up hoodie. 
When she got back to the couch, she handed over the hoodie. Conrad sat up and she helped him get each arm through. He zipped it up and lay his head back on the pillow, pulling the blankets up toward his chin. 
Susannah frowned at him, turning toward the coffee table and grabbed the medicine. Conrad sighed when he realized he had to sit up again. He complied and took the medicine with the glass of water, then lay his head on the pillow again.
He closed his heavy, tired eyes as he simply felt the fatigue settling in. The cold rag hit his steaming hot forehead and he sighed in relief. 
“Get some rest” Susannah whispered, patting the mountain of blankets. Those were the last words he heard before drifting off to sleep. 
When Belly returned from the beach, she was in better spirits. Thanks to Jere, he always knew how to cheer her up. It was like he could sense her sorrow even if she put on a brave face and a fake smile. 
The two walked into the house laughing but were soon reprimanded for their volume. “Ssh!” Susannah held up her index finger to her closed lips, looking at the two teens with wide eyes. “Connie’s sleeping on the couch. He’s not feeling too hot” she whispered. 
Jeremiah put his hands up in defeat. “Sorry” the two whispered. 
When Belly got back to her room to shower from the beach, her heart stopped. She could’ve swore she left the hoodie on her unmade bed. But now her bed was made and there was a pile of clean clothes folded on top of her comforter. She frantically scanned the room looking for the hoodie. She looked under the bed, under the comforter, and in her closet but it was nowhere to be found. 
“Hmpf!” she expressed in frustration, whoever came into her room while she was out must’ve taken the hoodie. She left her beach towel and belongings on the floor of her bedroom and stormed down the stairs to find the hoodie. 
When she got to the border of the living room and the kitchen, she froze. Out the window, Susannah was lounging by the pool reading a book. Besides Conrad sleeping on the couch, the coast was clear.  She walked closer to the couch, slowly trying to be as quiet as she could be so as not to wake him. Her heart melted as she saw him; snoring softly, his cheeks flushed with a light pink tint. Then, her eyes lit up as she saw the light blue and white string of the hoodie peeking out under the blankets. 
She smiled, her lips turned up in a crescent moon, glad to know the hoodie was back with its rightful owner, even if it did sting a little to know her time with it was up.
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zapsoda · 3 months
1, 6, 11, and 18 for prsk asks :3
1. YOUU mwahahahaa. i saaw you posting screenshots forever ago and i thought what the fuck is len doing in a mobile game
6. maybe stella but i also like jackpot sad girl a lot
11. tbh i think by now most of the songs i would want are already in there? i think novacaine by creep-p would be tiiight though. or more kikuo mwahaha
18. i lost my first account cause my phone got stolen so i cant screenshot or anything but it was an mmj miku card iirc ^_^
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 24 - Modern AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 23, word count 937
Sirius gripped his coffee as though it were a lifeline. It was the biggest, strongest coffee he could find, watered down with copious amounts of milk. He took little sips as he logged into his computer at work, brought up his list of tasks for the day and slowly began muddling his way through. 
He’d gone out last night with James, against his better judgement, not that it took much persuasion on James’s part. All he had to do was bat his hazels at him, and Sirius was putty in his hands. 
He’d been having a great time, downing drinks, shaking his arse to the vintage jukebox and then woken up in some fit lad’s bed, hence the massive coffee and the mind-numbing hangover. He’d crept quietly out of the little flat and stumbled his way down the harsh concrete steps that smelled like weed, piss and, for some bizarre reason, hairspray. Sirius had rushed home, hopped in the shower, changed his clothes and hurried to the coffee shop on the corner. He couldn’t even remember the man’s name. He put it out of his mind, reasoning that he’d never see him again anyway. 
It took an age for the little digital clock on his computer screen to blink to 12:00 and signal lunchtime. 
Feeling the need for greasy food, he went to pull out his mobile to order a McDonald’s when he realised he didn’t have it. He checked all his pockets and his bag. It wasn’t there. The panic had just set in that it had been stolen at the bar last night when his computer alerted him to a new email on his personal account. 
‘Hi, erm, I guess Sirius. Sorry, I didn’t get your name last night 😬.
So anyway, I have your phone. You must have left it here when you snuck out this morning. (You are not sneaky, by the way! Like an elephant in size nines!) But yeah, anytime you want to come by and get it is fine. I’ll be in all day. Crap, I hope you get this email, or I’ve just got myself a new phone. It’s actually a big upgrade to mine. On second thoughts, it’s mine now, mwahaha 😈!
Remus Lupin.’
Sirius stared at the words for a few minutes, taking them in, before picking up the work phone from his desk and phoning himself. 
“Hello?” A voice on the other end answered. “Hi, I’m not Sirius. He left his phone at mine last night.”
“Hi, Remus. It’s me. Sirius.” He added in case he hadn’t realised.
Well, I guessed when you used my name. I highly doubt anyone in your phone book knows who I am. Especially ginger toss pot number 1. There’s more than one ginger toss pot?” Remus snickered. 
“Wait, how do you know that, and how did you get my email address? Have you hacked into my phone?!” He felt outraged. How had he even gotten in, though? It was password-protected.
“Sirius, 6969 is not a strong password. Plus, I could see where you’d jabbed at the screen to unlock it. You really need to clean your phone.” Remus went on. 
“Yeah, I’ll get right on that.” He paused for a second, trying to rein in the snarkiness. “I don’t finish work until 5. Is it alright to come over after that?”
“Sure,” Remus answered. “I’ll be in.” 
“Great, thanks.” Sirius forced a smile on his face so Remus could hear his sincerity.
“Who’s Specky Dick Nuts?  Because they’ve been blowing up your phone all morning before I woke up and found it. They seem to have stopped now, though.”
“Oh, that’s my best mate James. Oh shit, if he’s gone quiet, he’s probably tracking my phone. Er, be prepared. He probably thinks I need rescuing.” There was a loud thudding on the other end of the line. 
“Er, I think your friend might be here,” Remus whispered into the phone. 
“Put me on speaker so I can talk to him.” He heard the faint click as he was put on speaker and the sound of Remus unlocking the four locks on his door. 
“Hi, you must be James,” Remus said. 
“Where is he?!” James’s voice was stern and full of concern. 
“James, mate. I’m fine. I’m at work. I just forgot to pick up my phone this morning. This is Remus, by the way. He kindly let me know he had it.” He prayed that was enough to call off the Potter inquisition. 
“Oh, cool. Hi, Remus.” 
“Hi, James.” 
“Sorry, I thought you were some lunatic. And you were keeping him prisoner.” 
“Oh, don’t worry. Happens all the time.” The phone line was filled with laughter, and Sirius had to hold his receiver away from his head.
“Hey, James, can you take my phone, seeing as you’re there?”
“Sure thing.”
“Thanks, Remus.” He managed to say before James hung him up. He felt oddly dejected for some reason but brushed it off. 
When he came back from lunch, he found a new email, this time from Remus’s actual address.     
‘Can I take you out on a date?’ 
It said. Sirius felt a surge of joy and so replied.  
‘What do you have in mind?’
‘Dinner? Movie? Massive shagathon?’ 
Sirius choked on his own spit at Remus’s reply. He coughed as he typed back.  
‘Jesus, Remus. Are you always so forward?’
‘What can I say? You made an impression 😉.’
‘Yeah, go on then.’
And that was how Sirius found himself for the second morning in a row in Remus Lupin’s bed. But this time, he didn’t sneak out.
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seffien · 1 year
(finally getting off my ass and writing this out)
Mwahaha fool. Ask the devil and they shall answer. (So it doesn't look like I'm just torturing your oc's without YOUR permission)
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Here is how The Suffering plays out.
I've gone back and reread some lore and came up with a few things. First, what has Miko's(8) greatest fear been?
A: Being a soldier. Or rather, becoming like those she grew up around. A hate filled octarian trained to be let loose on the enemy.
So she leaves Alterna. A bag on her back with the few remaining possessions she has, her phone, and the charger. All she has to do is check Squitter™️ to find Veronika(n3), and wow. What a nice friend group she has. (The promo kids)
She had friends once. She only got Squitter because Masu(4) egged her and Jun(3) to keep in touch while they were away in Splatsville. She scrolls their dead accounts. The most recent photo is Koko riding her squee-g.
She trembles, then remembers. "She's safe." Jun had left her with Callie before...
She gags. She has to push forward. They'll be avenged soon enough. She starts by friending the two crazy ones. They seem to have some sort of beef with Veronika, but regardless. She's found a route in.
Annie loves her. Finally, the anti-ronnie squad is 3 strong!
But Tako is IMMEDIATELY put off. She knows crazy, sees it in her bestie, but the look in Miko's eyes isn't that. It's calculated. Analytical. She wants something from them.
After maybe their 3rd hangout Tako finally confronts her after Annie leaves. "You don't just hate her, you loathe her."
They bicker back and forth in an alley until Tako finally sees it. The ragged clothes, her bag hidden behind a dumpster, The dead look in Miko's eyes as she tries to keep it together. 'She's psychotic'.
Tako threatens to out her intentions, tries to run out the alley, but Miko acts instinctually. The sickening crack of the charger piercing Tako's helmet shakes her, as she watches the girl fall limp to the floor.
Her medical training kicks in. Checks vitals, assesses the wound. She knows it's fatal before she even touches the body.
She sits there for hours clutching herself. Rocking back and forth trying to close reopened trauma, all while whispering "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." to the body in front of her.
She knows she can't be caught. Not yet. Successfully shoving her emotions in a bag, she gazes down at Tako's body and picks up their phone, and what appears to be apartment keys. 1 down, 7 to go. She's smart, she'll figure something out.
Days later, the garbage truck finds Tako's slowly dissolving body in the dumpster. By then, few remain.
The news of a deliberate murder is shocking. Deep cut, unaware of what happened, go back to Alterna. The graves. The demolished equipment. Slowly, Marie & Craigs cover up slowly unravels.
Marina calls Callie, for once she answers. Miko blocked both her and Pearl's number, and they don't know what's happening. Guilt-ridden and desperate to spill everything, she confesses about Masu's death.
Both Deep cut and Off the Hook converge on the Squid Sisters.
Hiro doesn't know why his friends are being targeted, but he's scared. He made his way to Ronnie's apartment because now she wasn't responding. He knocks on her door, but after no response he breaches his way in.
Horrified and on the verge of taking her own life sits Veronika on her bed. Tears streak her face, her heroshot tightly gripped in hand. Hiro desperately tries to comfort her, but can't make sense of what she's rambling about.
Her fault? She deserves this?
Concerned, he offers her to stay over at his place. "You don't deserve to be alone right now." As he helps her pack to leave, she screams. He swiftly turns around.
Standing and glaring them down through the broken doorway is Miko. "I found you."
ANYWAYS tune in next time where I try to write a happier prompt~ :DDDD
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lungsandlips · 6 months
Oh, internet is fixed. Modem was 100% the problem.
Now I can randomly shut off people's devices from my phone. Mwahaha.
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
“yoongi has like 50 pairs” i almost jumped through the phone
BABY YOU DID AMAAAAAZING like fr, the tension at the beginning was saur good and yoongi was a little more sly than usual and i’m not complaining. i rlly felt for my babe (reader) she was rlly going through it but it all worked out for her this time and i couldn’t be happier. ALSO not jimin and tae hearing them two go at it lord she’s in for it
much love -🧍🏽‍♀️
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LMAOOO the damn line about the shoes🤣 ooh why are we so messy right now💀
Yoongi was more slick here, huh? Definitely more devilish but I am not complaining mwahaha. And reader really was going through it. Like I totally get those times where I’m just not thinking straight and it doesn’t make sense but I can’t snap out of it for awhile.. So yeah. It all worked out but that feeling really sucks😭
VMIN💀💀💀 oh my god… never gonna live that down lmfao
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prinxejeanne · 2 years
[[Antisepticeye drabble, Antisepticeye x Writer!Reader (this is directed at @sardonic-the-writer because we're mutuals now >:] but y'all feel free to read this as well- mwahaha). This takes place on a night the reader stays up too late, writing a story.]]
[[Warnings: mention of a scar on Anti's neck (the wound is now healed, so it's just a big 'ole scar), flirting because I like writing flirty characters >:), some sleepy cuddling, and possible typos because I'm writing this on my phone skddgjmd]]
You were sitting on the couch in your living room, the only light coming from the laptop that you had set on your lap as you continued to write the next chapter of your story.
It had been hours, and you were exhausted, but you were determined to get this chapter done and over with before you went to bed. Still, you couldn't help but start to nod off as you paused to reread over the sentence you've just finished typing.
"Darlin', you awake?"
You were unceremoniously awakened by the sound of a distorted Irish accent, and you looked up to see Anti standing behind your laptop. How long had you been asleep?
"Now I am... I'll be up in a minute," you muttered, rubbing your eyes and moving to start typing again before Anti snatched the laptop away and closed it.
"No, you're gettin' to sleep and finishing your damn story in the morning," he retorted, gently holding out his hand to help you stand up.
You sighed, too sleepy to argue, and you held onto his hand as he helped you up. When he didn't immediately pull his hand away as he led you away from the couch, you smiled softly.
Anti wasn't the most affectionate person- you knew this and you'd grown comfortable with that fact, so the feeling of his surprisingly warm hand squeezing yours was enough to make you melt.
"Woah, taking me to the bedroom already? You should at least buy me dinner or something first, jeez," you teased, causing the demon's face to flush.
"Oh, shut it. Did you wanna be cuddled or not?" he muttered, although he couldn't hide the sheepish smile on his face as you chuckled at him.
As you approached your bed, Anti practically dive-bombed onto the comfortable sheets and wrapped an arm around you when you laid down next to him.
"Anti," you murmured, snuggling into his chest and gently tracing over the scar on his neck with your index finger. "Why are you even in the bed with me? You don't even sleep."
An uncharacteristically soft expression overtook his face as he gently began brushing through your hair with his fingertips. "Well... I figured I could lay here with ya, y'know?" he replied quietly. "Just until ya fall asleep."
When you raised your head slightly to look him in the eyes, Anti cleared his throat. "That, and, uh... Now I can brag about sleeping with my little devil," he added hastily, obviously just trying to sound tough for you. "Just not in the way people would think, eh?"
You roll your eyes and he chuckles, before you lay your head on his chest again and breathe in his cologne... he smelled like a mixture of cedar and spices, something that made you relax further as you closed your eyes.
"You're an asshole, Anti," you muttered, your voice recognizably affectionate as he kissed the top of your head. "But you're cute, too. That's a dangerous combination, sugar."
"I guess I'll just have to stop being the cutest person you know," he teased.
You chuckle and wrap an arm over the top of his torso. "Impossible..."
You drifted off to sleep like this, an arm draped over Anti's torso and the normally violent demon holding onto you as gently as he possibly could.
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sillysnack · 3 years
when he sees me
/ (romantic)
pairing: carlos madrigal / reader
prns used: they/them (told in 2nd person)
word count: 3384
request by an anon! hope u and anyone else reading enjoys < 3
part 1 of ldr w/ carlos lmao | masterlist
— — — — —
notes + the request: modern au ! ye HAHASHHA tl;dr the request is carlos ghosts the reader for quite some time but the reader doesn’t know why and carlos cant rlly talk to you so 🤷‍♀️ 
content warning for cursing
tagging @kissingharu nagpa-tag siya eh tnx sa su4t (su-four-t > support)
— — — — —
You don’t know what happened. A week ago, you two were perfectly fine! Carlos would message you a few minutes after he woke up, as usual; you two would fall asleep on call together, you’d talk to each other's families as if you all lived in one big house; typical stuff you two would do as a couple. For some reason though, Carlos hasn’t replied to you in a week; no updates or anything, not even on his other accounts.
Did Carlos ghost you? Surely, he wouldn’t, right? But why weren’t the two of you talking? He makes sure to send you messages if anything comes up, he always does. It’s okay if he sometimes forgets to update, though. Maybe this week’s just one of those times. Maybe he’s perfectly fine, but just doesn’t want to talk to you!
“Hang on, that’s literally what ghosting is.” You look at your phone. You’ve probably sent him more than a dozen text messages just within the day, but you get no response.
carlos, mi vida?
i hope i’m not being too clingy but i miss you. i hope ur doing well :)
i think i might come and visit you, if thats okay? i mean, we do trust each other long enough to give our addresses
plus we deliver shit to each other almost every day LMAO
we *do* talk a lot about meeting up soon… r u okay with that soon being today?
taking that as a ‘yes’ btw! going to ask my parents if theyre ok with me going to your house
amor, i hope you’re safe. i love u <3 see u later
Lord knows you’ve sent too many messages to Carlos. Hell, you sent him around eight messages just that morning.
8:22 AM
gm carlos! hope you slept well 💟
youre probably still sleeping, in which case, sleep well! dont forget your meals & to take care of yourself
i love you!
9:34 AM
HI CARLOSSS just finished eating breakfast!
(You sent a photo.)
have you eaten breakfast alr ?? u better 😒
I FEEL SO CLINGY FUCK SORRYYy i just💔💔 i miss youu 🥀🖤☠
jk lol We r literally in a relationship. pro is youre in love and its really fucking adorable, cons are youre in love with ME (manmade curse)
You scroll through your messages last night. God, to say that you like Carlos was an understatement; you were absolutely smitten for a guy you met online. But hey, as long as you're happy!
im going to sleep alreadyyy ! ik its like 2am so you better be asleep rn 😒 although i wouldnt be surprised if you arent. take care of yourself though, amor </3
okay i think its safe to assume to you’re asleep rn
anyways, goodnight carlos! hope i could call you again,,.. i love uu
a little selfie before i sleep so you dream of me <3 (i WILL hunt you mwahaha)
(You sent a photo.)
alright love ya!
What the hell was I thinking? You shut your eyes, maybe the clingy-sounding messages I sent will go away. Obviously, they did not.
I wonder what he’s doing right now. Maybe Carlos is grounded, or something. Wouldn’t be surprised. Love him to death but God would be laughing if I said he wasn’t a menace.
— — —
“I dropped my phone once, so what? Now I don’t get to talk to the light of my life?” Camilo frowns. “See, it’s stuff like that that makes me want to punch you in the face. Don’t forget you lost a bet! A true man keeps his word.” Carlos rolls his eyes.
“Camilo, don’t say things like that! Say it like this,” Mirabel turns to her cousin with a gentle smile, “I am happy for you and your relationship, but you’ve become a bit more unbearable to be around.”
Carlos sticks his tongue out. “You say that like I don’t know that already? Not my fault you two aren’t in relationships that are as great as mine– let alone the fact you two don’t have a partner at all.” Mirabel and Camilo glare at Carlos.
Dolores approaches the trio. “Keep your phones away from Carlos. If he does, he’ll get another day of not talking to his amor.” She laughs as she pulls out Carlos’s phone. One notification after another. “This is payback, for all the times you’ve made fun of us.”
Isabela nods. Carlos furrows his eyebrows. She wasn’t here a minute ago? “For all the times you’ve yelled out ‘¡Señorita, mi prima piensa que es bonita!’ (Miss, my cousin thinks you’re pretty!) to a pretty woman in public while I’m around.” She crushes a flower that Carlos didn’t even notice she was holding.
“I was right, though. You– almost 100% of the time– do think the person is pretty.” Isabela narrows her eyes at Carlos. “I could’ve told them myself, thank you very much.” Carlos just smiles. “I was doing you a favor, you’re very much welcome. I’m going to go get myself a glass of water now.”
Carlos stands up and turns to Dolores, “Can you at least just let me read some of their messages?” Dolores shakes her head. “Why would you just read their messages and not reply to them? That’s just hurtful.” Carlos shrugs, his sister has a point.
Bzzt. A new notification. Carlos tries to snatch his phone from Dolores, but fails as she passes it to Isabela; then to Mirabel, Camilo, Antonio, Luisa, then back to Dolores. “What did I ever do to you guys?”
Apparently it was a lot, considering they were all in Carlos’s room for more than 30 minutes.
— — —
“Ma, you know Carlos, right?” Your mama nods. “Of course! Your boyfriend! He’s very sweet, how is he?” You smile for a second. My boyfriend. “Ma! He isn’t my boyfriend yet, we’re making it official once we meet up in person. But Carlos has been… inactive. But I’m planning to visit him soon. You know how I’ve always talked about meeting Carlos in person? And how I’ve been a great child to you all and therefore feel like I should have a reward of some sorts?”
Your mama looks at you playfully, “Are you trying to ask me if you can visit Carlos in his house? Do you even know where he lives?” You nod and proudly say, “If he knows where I live, I should know where he lives too.”
“I don’t know what to say to that… but… I’ll accompany you on your way to your boyfriend’s house? When are you going to go?” You shrug. “Maybe today, mama. I’ll ask him first.”
CARLOS MADRIGAL the love of my life my other half my little scrumbo my soon-to-be boyfriend my– [train passes by] HELLO
immediately* lmao
uhhhhh we talked abt meeting up A LOT and tbh i dont know when and where that wld be but AAHHhh i think. i think today is that day. ?????!@?#? at your house ???  if thats okay ?? !
“So? Did he say yes?” You shake your head. “He hasn’t seen the message, mama. I’ll let you know if he replies!”
— — —
“Carlos, hijo,” Félix knocks on the door to Carlos and Camilo’s shared room, “Are you busy? I wanted to talk to you about something.” Carlos answers him, “Nope, papa. Come in! Camilo’s out making cup noodles.”
Félix approaches his son. “You talk as if your mellizo is making the same gourmet meals your tia Julieta makes.” The two laugh. “Si, si. My bad! Por cierto (by the way), what did you want to talk about?”
“Ah, I just wanted to ask how things are going with your partner. Y/N, right?” Carlos looks away from his dad. “Great! Haven’t talked to them in a week, though. I lost some bet to mis primas y hermanas.”
Félix takes a deep breath. “Carlos, I say this with love, but why would you let that happen?” Carlos just smiles. “I don’t know..? I kind of forgot why I had a bet with them in the first place.” He gets a light smack on the back of his head.
“¡Lo siento, papá! Originally, the bet was that I don't talk to Y/N for a day but if they catch me texting them with someone else’s phone– say, Camilo’s– I wouldn't talk to them for another day.” Félix laughs at his son. “You let yourself get caught? Hijo, I can’t back you up.”
Carlos just shrugs. “Can’t argue with that.”
Félix softens his voice, so Carlos could be the only one to hear him. “I can, however, help you talk to your amor– in person.” Carlos replies to his father in an equally hushed voice, “Papa, why are you whispering? Also, tell me more.” Félix just shrugs. “I’ll just drive you to their house, surprise them! Your first of many grand romantic gestures in the relationship.”
Carlos grins. “I like that! I’ll get dressed.”
“Be ready in 20 minutes. I’ll talk to your mami.”
Camilo enters and watches as their father walks out of the room with a smile on his face, he turns to Carlos. “What did you two talk about? Why are you going through your closet?”
Carlos scowls at Camilo. “I live here? Also, we just talked about eating out. Father-son bonding.”
“Without me? I doubt that.” Camilo places his cup noodles on a nearby table. Carlos replies, “Well, you’re eating right now.” Camilo shrugs. “I could eat it on the way. Come on, I’ll get ready too.”
“I’m meeting Y/N today.”
“Holy shit. You’re kidding?” Carlos stares at his brother. “Why would I lie?” Camilo grins and walks out of the room, running back to get his food. “Cool. Cool. ¡Felicidades!” He slowly walks out of the room.
“CARLOS MADRIGAL, NO LONGER BITCHLESS! LET’S GO! Hola, abuela y tia…” Carlos breaks out into laughter before picking an outfit to wear. He changes his clothes before looking for his primas and hermana. Can’t go to my soon-to-be-partner’s home without my phone.
“Dolores. Tienes mi teléfono, ¿verdad? (You have my phone, right?)” Dolores nods at Carlos. “Why are you dressed all fancy?” Carlos looks at his outfit, just a maroon T-shirt tucked into black pants. “I’m not? Wait, I guess this is better than my usual outfits–”
“There is nothing different with this outfit.” Mirabel interrupts.
“–Cállate (Shut up.) Papa’s taking me to meet up with Y/N.” Luisa visibly chokes on her drink for a split second. “Is that why Camilo yelled something about you not being ‘bitchless’ anymore?”
Carlos sighs. “Yeah. Where is he, though?” His cousins and sister shrug. “‘Kay.” Félix walks toward them with a smile on his face, he makes eye contact with Carlos and puts his thumbs up.
“Ah, papá está aquí (papa’s here.) Hasta luego, losers.” Mirabel rolls her eyes. “Hope it goes terribly. Tell Y/N I said hello, though!” Carlos flips off Mirabel, quickly putting his middle finger down so he doesn’t get scolded by any of the adults in their home.
“Can I have my phone now?” Dolores whispers to her cousins while Carlos just stands there.
“Carlos! ¡Darse prisa! (Hurry up!)” Carlos yells out to his father, “¡Sí papá! Solo espera un minuto.” (Yes, papa! Just wait one minute.) He approaches them. “Where’s my phone?”
“With Camilo…” Carlos groans. “Okay, gracias.”
— — —
Carlos held his phone tightly on the way to your house. What if you gave him the wrong address? Or you and your family had moved homes but he didn’t know since you two haven’t talked in a week?
Holy shit. You two haven’t talked in a week– did you break up with him? Without even being in a relationship? Could that happen? It probably could. So many things could have possibly gone wrong before Carlos even met you in person. Is this why people don’t like online relationships?
“...Carlos! We’re almost there. Have you texted them yet?” Carlos shakes his head. Apparently in the week that his phone was being passed around his cousins and siblings, it was only charged on the first two days.
— — —
You purse your lips together. You felt like prettying yourself up today. Lord knows why– you don’t– but he does! You look at yourself in the mirror, you look good.
Although this gut feeling that you have to prepare for something won’t go away, so you put together an outfit that you’re pretty sure can be worn inside and outside your house.
“Looking good!” You take out your phone and hope for any new notifications, specifically from one particular Madrigal.
“None.” You sigh. He didn’t even acknowledge any of your messages for the past few days. Maybe it was the end?
heyyy carlos
probably not a good start to that lol
uhm. is this ur way of saying you dont like me anymore ? hshdjhs i’d be sad if you dont like me anymore obviously but i’d understand. people change ! but u could have just told me straight to the point yk????? didnt have to go ghost me like that lmao
god. tbh i’d be an annoying ex so maybe reconsider breaking up with me? jk
why cant i unsend messages here fuck!!
okay i’ll actually stop spamming you this time 💔 watch me not reply for a week too. PAYBACK!
me sending this as if i wouldnt reply to your messages in a heartbeat. dumb bitch behavior!
You look at the mirror as if you were in a reality show, and some other person with you did some dumb shit– except you’re the person who did the dumb thing. “I could go for some (favorite beverage) right now. Huh, maybe that’s why I wanted to dress up today.”
“¡Oye, Y/N, hay alguien en la puerta! ¿Puedes conseguirlo? (Hey, Y/N, someone's at the door! Can you get it?)” You answer your dad, “Si, papa! Tell them to wait just a minute!” You grab your wallet and phones, checking it once again for a reply from Carlos.
from: camilo madrigal
“Huh?” You make small steps out of your room, eyes glued to your phone.
(c) dont know why mirabel had to use my phone. CHECK GC RNN
(c) omgg wonder who it is (knows who it is)
WELL I DONT..?????
just got deja vu 🤗😒
oh hey. BYE opening the door RNN
(c) hehhehe
You roll your eyes as you turn off your phone. What’s got Camilo so excited about? His brother ghosting you? Fun! You open the door, just to get whatever situation that was about to unfold over with.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing got you prepared for who was at the other side of the door.
“Am I dreaming? You don’t talk to me for a week and suddenly you’re at the door of my own home. What the hell? Are you kidding me?”
You didn’t know what to feel; you two have been talking about meeting each other for months and now it’s… real. He’s in front of you.
You finally meet the guy you’ve been talking to for months in person, and you just stand there like a statue.
“Hola… bad time?”
You shake your head. “Absolutely not! Uhm, I was just heading out to buy a drink.”
Ask him why he hasn’t been replying to any of your messages.
“Come in!” You make way for Carlos, who awkwardly walks in. “Pa, Carlos is here.” Your father rolls his eyes. “Not again! I told you, I won’t be weird around your boyfrie– ay, he’s actually here.”
Carlos smiles at your dad. “Hola, senor.”
The silence is dreadful.
— — —
“I’m glad your papa allowed us to go out.” You shrug as you take a sip of your drink. “Pretty cool, right? Anyways, I have a question! Nothing too serious, although it kind of is…”
You take a deep breath. Here goes nothing.
“Why didn’t you respond to me? For, like, a week? Is everything okay at home?” Carlos cuts you off, laughing, before you spiral any further. “Yeah, everything’s okay. Just lost a bet to my cousins and siblings.”
A bet?! Why am I surprised? He’s always got bad luck when betting with his family.
“Not another bet… what were you all doing?”
Carlos chuckles. “This is a long story, do you want me to summarize it?” You shrug. “Surprise me.”
So that’s what Carlos did. Apparently the Madrigals betted on who could last a day without stealing any of each other’s stuff– the grandkid that’s caught by an adult loses– “It’s a silly thing, I know.”
Carlos got caught stealing one of Camilo’s clothes by his Tia Julieta. Why was he stealing them?
“I was going to make it look like he was sneaking in the kitchen that night, lo cual no es del todo falso (which isn't entirely untrue).”
You start laughing. “Every time you tell me a story about your family, they get wilder and wilder yet they’re all true? Are you sure you’re not lying to me?”
Carlos shakes his head. “No! Sorry if the way I say stuff feels like a lie. But it’s true, I lost a bet and they were all, like, ‘don’t talk to Y/N for a day. If any of us catches you with someone’s phone, another day gets added.’ Apparently there was a limit to that.
“I’m sorry I didn’t reply to any of your messages, I really am.”
You smile at him. “Can’t stay mad at you.” Carlos types something on his phone and you hear a buzz coming from yours.
Carlos replied to your photo: wow you are absolutely stunning
(carlos) icb ur real. insane how god lets angels walk among us
(carlos) i love u
You abruptly close your phone and turn away from Carlos. “I love you too.”
Carlos smiles. “You said the L-word.”
“I know.”
You and Carlos are quiet for a while. It isn’t awkward, it isn’t unbearable. It was cute. Like in coming-of-age movies where the main character and their love interest go on a date as a couple for the first time.
“Do you remember when I asked you to be my partner for the first time?” You nod, “I said I’d give you an answer when we met up in person.” Carlos nods. “Do you have an answer already?”
You nod. “Ah, considering the past week, it’s quite difficult to answer you– who am I kidding? Of course I’ll be your partner!” Carlos lets out a sigh he didn’t even know he was holding. “Thank God! I was worried you’d say no; which is totally okay, it’s your choice! I’d make a good boyfriend, though. Mirabel and I made a powerpoint.”
You raise your eyebrows. “I know you’re my boyfriend already but I need to see that.” Carlos checks his phone. “I think I have the file here, I’m not sure.”
You pull your phone out and open your previous conversation with Camilo. “Right, your brother was asking me if I saw you already and if I did, asked for selfies.”
Carlos reads the conversation. “Okay, we’re definitely taking photos. Don’t send any of them to Cami, though.” You wink at him. “No promises!”
— — —
Carlos looks at his phone. A new message from Camilo.
(c) just saw your photos on y/n’s posts 🤗 u look like shit 🤗 tell y/n i said hi though and congrats to you two stay strong or whatever
go to hell
(c) okayyy love youuu have fun beating the bitchless allegations xoxo
you are literally the only one to call me bitchless
(c) to your FACE
closing the phone rn GOODBYE.
(c) :)
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