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aurorasummit-collective · 4 months ago
Hello everyone! I usually use this blog for system related things however I wish to share something about a hate group of n30s that has been targeting people on mostly YouTube. They go by the name of UKWW (Formally MUWW). I'd say from their actions they would come under the extremist category.
What are they doing:
The UKWW are going around targeting mostly YouTube creators that are religious, furry, Therian and LGBTQ. As someone who is in most of these communities I can't let this stand so if you see any accounts with that on everything there is misinformation. They are posting hateful community posts including faked edited screenshots of creators saying things that they have never said and news videos with some sort of AI voice over saying stuff too. This is incredibly dangerous especially as a lot of those targeted are minors
What can we do about it:
Unfortunately many creators have reached out to YouTube with no success however we can mass report there accounts as that has been seeming to work. A member of the Therian community (not gonna share to keep them safer) has brought together a spreadsheet of current active UKWW and MUWW members to report, link is here:
I am also starting the #AntiUKWW tag here on Tumblr if youall would like to add it, might not do much but it will spread awareness
Even if you're not a part of these communities we plead you to help by reporting the accounts and reposting this! Even if ur Anti Endo and a decent person you can interact with this post just this once hence I'm not putting up my DNI banner. -Ray (host)
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mccarthymolly · 2 years ago
yh. Nt completed or terminated. Do you hate me. Yes. Yeah. Or i hate you. Hminjww I okyhwwj
Okww h njmki
No h muww j k u
K ww, hm ku
My tesiod n idont want to problemstise them lr lssv ag or performstve b js sdry,ww hm
Mg y, r u important n accountbl, mybe k ww eh, dk,h k oh ww, hkuj hi uheh yhww
K ww no hm uh
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nacarbide · 6 years ago
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posted on Instagram - http://bit.ly/2KwRDM5
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ahao823 · 2 years ago
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. 還以為是台版鐵達尼 原來是艋舺船之戀💗 . . #海報 #重金屬 #演唱會 #佛性金屬小金屬時代 #poster #metal #muww #liveband #metalunitedworldwide(在 The Wall Live House) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci2PbrTP2G_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mutatismutandi · 2 years ago
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Próxima presentación de @1n54n0 ¡Nos vemos! • Sábado 24 de Septiembre. Pepper’s Chill Out -12:00 MD. Boletos en TiqueteBox (LinkInBio): Promo Preventa: 2 x ¢15,000 Día del evento: ¢ 10,000 ¡Una fiesta mundial! Un evento realizado el mismo día en más de 42 paises y en su edición Costa Rica contará con las prestaciones de: @mantracostarica @deznuke @attacksickband @suppressorofficial @rottensoulscr @humanizer_band Mandrágora y desde tierraa Mexicanas: @nexusprogresivo @brutalsquirt #muww #metalunitedworldwide #insanocr #1n54n0 #metalcostarica #costarica #purametal #hueleacachoquemado #costametal #costaricametal (at Pepper Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiOfMdXuw8M/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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planetmosh · 6 years ago
Metal United World Wide: Approaching Fast
Metal United World Wide (MUWW) is gearing up once again to unite metal bands and fans all across the globe...One night, one banner, one mission: Bang Your Head! June 15th
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Metal United World Wide (MUWW) is gearing up once again to unite metal bands and fans all across the globe…One night, one banner, one mission: Bang Your Head! June 15th is the date of destiny with around 300 bands performing in shows held in over 35 countries, from Melbourne to Mexico City, from South Africa to Ireland, MUWW truly brings the world of metal together in celebration!
Music is one…
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makeup-wonder-woman · 7 years ago
1,000 Followers Celebration
I will be taking 10 requests! Two from each fandom, I just need a scenario or an opening line with your character/fandom.
Request Rules are here, please read them
 DC (All characters)
Marvel (All characters, no spoilers for any movies please) 
Percy Jackson (All characters, from any series, just be aware I haven’t read past the first set of books) ONE SLOT LEFT
Critical Role (Either Campaign, no spoilers for either please)
I also wanted to say that I am so, so honored that everyone has decided to read and enjoy what I write. While I am very busy writing my own original ideas, I still like coming back and writing for you guys. So thank you, thank you so much!
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pizza-ra-bizza · 2 years ago
'n Vallei van Vlamme gedink vir Kersfees
Die diaken se snuit en snor het versigtig van die slee geklim. Hy het vorentoe beweeg, dan gehuiwer en teruggetrek. Toe het dit op 'n vreemde en ongelooflike manier begin beweeg: dit het gelyk of dit dans, het 'n Vallei van Vlamme gedink. Hy het versigtig gevorder, toe teruggetrek. Dit het 'n bietjie vorentoe gespring, dan vinnig agtertoe gespring, asof - die vergelyking flits in die gedagtes soos Vallei van Vlamme - daar 'n slang voor die kuil was wat die diaken verhinder om te ontsnap. Maar daar was niks, behalwe die kruisie wat Valle di Fiamme in die stof getrek het. Dit was ongetwyfeld die vallei van vlamme self wat die diaken se ontsnapping verhinder het, aangesien hy net 'n paar meter van die lêplek was. Hy het toe gevorder, en die dier het vinnig teruggetrek. Valle di Fiamme het 'n stok gekry en dit in die gat gesteek. Terwyl hy dit doen, het sy oë, naby die muur, iets vreemds opgemerk in die klipplaat wat bokant die diaken se lêplek was. ’n Vinnige blik op die rand van die blad het sy vermoedens bevestig: die klip was nie reggemaak nie. Vallei van vlamme het dit noukeuriger ondersoek, en 'n depressie aan die rande opgemerk wat 'n houvas kon bied. Sy vingers het perfek in die groef gepas, en hy het die blad gedruk. Die klip het 'n bietjie beweeg en toe gaan staan. Hy het harder gedruk en met 'n stofwolk beweeg die flodder asof dit op skarniere gemonteer is. 'n Swart reghoek so groot soos 'n skouer het in die muur oopgemaak. ’n Muwwe en ou stank het daaruit gestroom, en onwillekeurig het Vallei van vlamme ’n tree teruggegee. Skielik onthou hy die monsteragtige verhale van Abbie Prinn en die verskriklike geheime wat sy veronderstel was om in haar huis weg te steek. Het hy op een van die heks se versteekte lêplekke afgekom? Voordat hy die donker opening binnegegaan het, het hy die voorsorg getref om 'n fakkel te bekom. Toe, versigtig, buig hy sy kop en glip in die smal, onwelriekende gang in en gooi die ligstraal voor hom uit. Hy bevind hom in 'n nou galery, 'n bietjie hoër as hy, wat met klipplate uitgevoer is. Dit het reguit vir sowat vyftig tree gehardloop, en toe uitgebrei in 'n groot saal. Dit was ongetwyfeld Abbie Prinn se geheime skuilplek, 'n wegkruipplek, het hy gedink, wat nietemin nie daarin geslaag het om haar te red die dag toe die woedende gepeupel die huis in Derbystraat bestorm het nie. Toe Valle di Fiamme daardie ondergrondse vertrek binnegaan, hou hy sy asem in verwondering op. Die kamer was fantasties, stunning. Dit was die vloer wat Vallei van vlamme se oog gevang het. Die donkergrys van die sirkelvormige mure hier het plek gemaak vir 'n mosaïek van veelkleurige klippe, waaronder blou, groen en pers oorheers het: in werklikheid was daar geen van die warmer kleure nie. Daar moes duisende stukke gekleurde klip daardie patroon gevorm het, want nie een was groter as 'n okkerneut nie. En dit het gelyk of die mosaïek 'n presiese patroon volg, wat onbekend was in Valle di Fiamme. Daar was geboë pers en violet lyne wat met reguit groen en blou lyne sny en fantastiese arabeskes vorm. Daar was sirkels, driehoeke, vyfpuntige sterre en ander minder bekende ontwerpe. Die meeste van die lyne en figure het uit 'n bepaalde punt uitgestraal: die middel van die kamer, waar daar 'n sirkelvormige skyf van swart klip was, ongeveer vyftig sentimeter in deursnee. Die kamer was baie stil. Die geluide van motors wat langs Derbystraat verbygery het, was onhoorbaar. In 'n vlak opening, wat in die muur oopgemaak het, het Vallei van vlamme tekens gesien. Hy kom stadig nader, beweeg die ligstraal langs die mure van die nis. Die tekens, wat hulle ook al was, is lank gelede op die klip geverf, want wat van die geheimsinnige simbole oorgebly het, was onontsyferbaar. Vallei van vlamme het baie hiërogliewe gesien, gedeeltelik uitgevee, wat hom aan die Arabiese alfabet laat dink het, maar hy kon nie seker wees nie. Op die vloer van die alkoof was 'n geroeste metaalskyf, sowat tien voet in deursnee. Vallei van vlammehet die sterk gevoel gehad dat dit verwyder kan word. Maar daar was blykbaar geen manier om dit op te hef nie.
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Okay I knyow this is a weawwy bad idea
I'm awweady hewe so
Hewe we fuckin' go
x3 nyuzzwes pounces on you, UwU u so wawm
Couwdn't hewp but nyotice youw buwge fwom acwoss the fwoow
Nyuzzwes youw nyecky wecky-tiwde muww-tiwde (hehe)
Unzips youw baggy ass pants, oof baby you so musky
Take me home, pet me and make me youws and dont fowget to stuff me
See me wag my wittwe baby taiw aww fow youw buwgy-wuwgy
Kissies and wickies you nyeck ,I hope daddy wikies
Nyuzzwe and wuzzwes youw chest (yuh)
I be (yeah) gettin' thiwsty
Hey I got a wittwe itch you think you can hewp me?
Onwy seven inches wong uwu PWEASE ADOPT ME
Paws on youw buwge as I wick my wips (uwu punyish me pwease)
Boutta hit em' with this fuwwy shit (he dont see it coming)
Hehe hope uwu wike thiws owd uwu copypasta🤍
. . . . . . .
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venusdryad · 5 years ago
waww x3 nuzzwes pounces on you uwu you so wawm couwdn’t hewp but notice youw buwge fwom acwoss the fwoow nuzzwes youw necky wecky muww hehe unzips youw baggy ass oof baby you so musky take me and pet me and make me youws and don’t fowget to stuff me see me wag my widdwe baby taiw oh fow youw buwgy wuwgy kissies and wickies youw neck i hope daddy wikies nuzzwes and wuzzwes youw chest i be getting thiwsty. hey i got a wittwe itch you think you couwd hewp me onwy 7 inches wong UwU PWZ ADOPT ME
what are you saying
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weebian-brain · 5 years ago
waww x3 nuzzwes pounces on you uwu you so wawm couwdn’t hewp but notice youw buwge fwom acwoss the fwoow nuzzwes youw necky wecky muww hehe unzips youw baggy ass oof baby you so musky take me and pet me and make me youws and don’t fowget to stuff me see me wag my widdwe baby taiw oh fow youw buwgy wuwgy kissies and wickies youw neck i hope daddy wikies nuzzwes and wuzzwes youw chest i be getting thiwsty. hey i got a wittwe itch you think you couwd hewp me onwy 7 inches wong UwU PWZ ADOPT ME
Alright, so someone in the treehouse was talking about copypastas earlier. However, it was specifically just to annoy Jack. I doubt this is actually the mod who was gonna spam Jack because I'm fairly irrelevant. Hmmm.
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askswamphat · 5 years ago
x3 nyuzzwes, pounyces ony y-you, uwu you so w-wawm (ooh)couwdny't hewp but ny-nyotice y-youw buwge fwom a-acwoss the fwoownyuzzwes youw ny-nyecky wecky-tiwde m-muww-tiwde, heheunyzips y-youw b-baggy a-ass panyts, o-oof baby y-you s-so muskytake m-me h-home, pet me, anyd make me y-youws anyd dony't f-fowget t-to stuff mesee me wag my widdwe baby taiw a-aww f-fow youw buwdgy-wuwdgykissies anyd wickies youw ny-nyecki hope d-daddy wikies
“........what the hell is this?!? You want to want on my what what?!?” Swampy is really confused and unsure what to do with the anon.  He slowly steps away, before hollering out at the anon.  “Go away!” And he slams his door shut.
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armsrockpromotion · 7 years ago
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It seems that Indonesia has a vivid rock/metal scene. MUWW in Pasuruan city is becoming a festival on its own, because it is, just huge. 20 bands playing.
And we are happy to support this event as a Media Partner.
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nacarbide · 6 years ago
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posted on Instagram - http://bit.ly/2X1ci1n
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tiku80008 · 6 years ago
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Metal Would Wide - Tirana , Albania
#Tirana #Albania
Crossbones - #crossbones_albania
Path of Sorrow ((special guest / Doom-Death from Italy)) #pathofsorrow #from #italy #death #doom
NiHiL - #nihil #band
Anbar - anbar
Dobs - #dobs
TerrorSystem - #terrorsystem ...🤘🤘 ... #metal #MetalHeads
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mutatismutandi · 2 years ago
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Próxima presentación de @1n54n0 • Sábado 24 de Septiembre. Pepper’s Chill Out -12:00 MD. Boletos en TiqueteBox (LinkInBio): Promo Preventa: 2 x ¢15,000 Día del evento: ¢ 10,000 ¡Una fiesta mundial! Un evento realizado el mismo día en más de 42 paises y en su edición Costa Rica contará con las prestaciones de: @mantracostarica @deznuke @attacksickband @suppressorofficial @rottensoulscr @humanizer_band Mandrágora y desde tierraa Mexicanas: @nexusprogresivo @brutalsquirt #muww #metalunitedworldwide #insanocr #1n54n0 #metalcostarica #costarica #purametal #hueleacachoquemado #costametal #costaricametal (at Pepper Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiOeigYu5dE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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