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gswain · 1 year ago
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Willows & water
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strangeispowerful · 28 days ago
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inikoberry · 2 months ago
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I dont have any art at the moment so you will get this stupid ass image
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ukfrislandembassy · 10 months ago
Ok like nobody seems to have noticed but Juliette Blevins has recently put out a case that Great Andamanese might actually have been Austroasiatic all along (to complement Jarawan possibly being an Austronesian relative). There's some stuff that's certainly suggestive, but it'll be a bit more work needed before I'm ready to accept these 32 proposed correspondences as anything more than chance, particularly after the Indo-Vasconic debacle. Still, below the cut I'm going to try and give this a fair review.
All of this is from 'Linguistic clues to Andamanese pre-history: Understanding the North-South divide', in The Language of Hunter Gatherers, edited by Tom Güldemann, Patrick McConvell and Richard Rhodes and published in 2020 (a free version of the chapter can be found on Google Scholar).
Looking through the data, it actually seems relatively rigorous as a set of comparisons; she's done a shallow reconstruction of a Proto-Great-Andamanese from wordlists (seemingly a relatively trivial exercise, though with caveats noted below) and is seemingly comparing these to reconstructions from the Mon-Khmer comparative dictionary.
Many of the correspondences are basically identical between the two reconstructions with at most minimal semantic differences, e.g. (in the order PGA~PAA respectively) *buə 'clay' ~ *buəh 'ash, powdery dust'; *muən 'pus, dirt' ~ *muən 'pimple'; *cuər 'current, flow' ~ *cuər 'flow, pour'; *cuəp 'fasten, adjoin' ~ *bcuup/bcuəp 'adjoin, adhere'. However, I wonder if the Proto-GA reconstructions here have been massaged a bit to fit the Austroasiatic correspondence more closely; in Aka-Kede for example, each of these words shows a different vowel; pua, mine, cor(ie), cup. It's not fatal by any means (in fact if the correspondences could be shown to be more complex than simple identity that would actually help the argument), but definitely annoying.
There's a couple of PGA items which are presented as having a straightforward sound correpondence in PAA where the semantics is close but doesn't quite match, but also alongside a semantic match that differs slightly in sound, e.g. by a slightly different initial consonant, e.g. *raic 'bale out' ~ *raac 'sprinkle' /*saac 'bale out'; *pila 'tusk, tooth' ~ *plaaʔ 'blade'/*mlaʔ 'tusk, ivory'; *luk 'channel' ~ *ru(u)ŋ 'channel'/*lu(u)k 'have a hole'. I think there's possibly a plausible development here, with perhaps one form taking on the other's semantics because of taboo, or maybe due to an actual semantic shift (she notes that the Andamanese use boar tusks as scrapers, which could explain a 'blade'~'tusk' correspondence in itself).
There's an item which seems dubious on the PAA side, e.g. she proposes a correspondence *wət ~ *wət for 'bat, flying fox' but I can't find a *wət reconstructed anywhere in the MKCD with that meaning, not even in Bahnaric where she claims it comes from (there is a *wət reconstructed but with a meaning 'turn, bend'). Meanwhile, *kut 'fishing net' ~ *kuut 'tie, knot' seems wrong at first, as search for *kuut by itself only brings up a reconstruction *kuut 'scrape, scratch', however there is also a reconstruction *[c]kuut which does mean 'tie, knot'.
There's an interesting set of correspondences where PGA has a final schwa that's absent from the proposed PAA cognates, e.g. *lakə 'digging stick' ~ *lak 'hoe (v.)'; *ɲipə 'sandfly' ~ *jɔɔp 'horsefly'; *loŋə 'neck' ~ *tlu(u)ŋ 'throat'.
More generally, a substantial proportion of the proposed correspondences are nouns in Great Andamanese but verbs/adjective (stative verbs) in Austroasiatic, some of which are above, but also including e.g. *cuiɲ 'odour' ~ *ɟhuuɲ/ɟʔuuɲ 'smell, sniff'; *raic 'juice' ~ *raac 'sprinkle' (a separate correspondence to 'bale out' above); *mulə 'egg' ~ *muul 'round'; *ciəp 'belt, band' ~ *cuup/cuəp/ciəp 'wear, put on'. This also doesn't seem too much of an issue, given the general word-class flexibility in that part of the world, though there don't seem to be any correspondences going the other way, which could perhaps be a sign of loaning/relexification instead.
I mentioned that a lot of these seem to be exact matches, but of course what you really want to indicate relatedness are non-indentical but regular correspondences, and here is where I can see the issues probably starting to really arise. We've already noted some of the vowel issues, but we also have some messiness with some of the consonants, though at the very least the POA matches pretty much every time (including reasonable caveats like sibilants patterning with palatals and the like). However, that still leaves us with some messes.
The liquids and coronals especially are misaligned a fair bit in ways which could do with more correspondences to flesh out. Here's a list of the correspondences found in initial position in the examples given.
*l ~ *l: *lat ~ *[c]laat 'fear', *lakə 'digging stick' ~ *lak 'hoe'
*l ~ *r: *lap ~ *rap 'count' (*luk 'channel' ~ *ru(u)ŋ 'have a hole'/*lu(u)k 'channel' could be in either of these)
*r ~ *r: *raic 'juice' ~ *raac 'sprinkle'
*r ~ *ɗ: *rok ~ *ɗuk 'canoe'
*t ~ *ɗ: *tapə 'blind' ~ [ɟ]ɗaap 'pass hand along'
*t ~ *t: *ar-təm ~ *triəm 'old' (suggested that metathesis occurred, though to me there probably would need to be some reanalysis as well to make this work)
I invite any of my mutuals more experienced with the comparative method to have a look for yourselves and see what you make of the proposal as it currently stands. It would certainly be an interesting development if more actual correspondences could be set up, though I do have to wonder if more work would also be needed on Austroasiatic to double-check these reconstructions as well.
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moonstar-mush · 5 months ago
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My Exalted campaign players are dealing with many opposing characters and factions in their latest story arc. They are all of course nefarious women of varying duplicity, because this is my game and I can do what I want:
Cynis Myrto: A wizard rival who the party thought died a few arcs back. She’s got better somehow! And has turned a new leaf and busses tables at a bar now.
Sesshi Broken-Hand & the Rodimus League: A group of exigent bounty hunters with divine prosthetics, they’re snooping around in the party’s business to fulfill their bounty contracts.
Blood-Dimmed Deep & the Luthan Remnants: Beastfolk soldiers from the sunken city of Luthe, they’re searching for the heir to the throne of their departed king, the mighty Leviathan.
Lintha Muul Morrissey & Her Crew: A pirate captain from an infamous crime family of demon mutant fishmen. Her crew and the party have met in the past, and she’s very interested in their potential usefulness for her “surgical experiments”.
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bedrockfactory · 5 months ago
What happened to the Muul's, planet? :o
The star their planet was orbiting went supernova and they had to evacuate but only a few of them survived
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jisreal64 · 6 months ago
You know, considering how well my first SFL post did, I decided to make another one in the form of me ranking every SFL ship (both in-universe and crossover), keep in mind that this is all just my opinion and you can feel free to politely disagree with me if you so wish:
S tier: Starling (Darling x Stardust), Darn’eta (Darling x Ln’eta), Destir (Darling x Estir), Rhokstar (Rhok’zan x Stardust), Starbuck (Stardust x Buck), Ln’thulhu (Ln’eta x Cthulhu), Love in Yellow (Estir x Hastur), Cestir (Estir x Cthulhu), King in Pink (Ln’eta x Hastur), Nyan Nyar (Nyan Nyan x Nyarlathotep), Nanni Dust (Stardust x Nanni), Star Kidd (Stardust x Kidd), Muudust (Stardust x Muu), Muuling (Darling x Muu), Lonely Warrior (Billie x Kidd), Gamer Girl (Ln’eta x SCP-2662), Taffy King (Estir x Mr. Hister/SCP-5853-A-5), Ciphstir (Estir x Bill Cipher), Evil Egyptians (Nyan Nyan x Bill Cipher), Coon and Girlfriend (Ln’eta x Eric Cartman), Auntie D (Nyan Nyan x Lady Dimitrescu), Eldritch Crossing (Nyan Nyan x Ankha), and Nyankiplier (Nyan Nyan x Markiplier).
A tier: Star Warrior (Stardust x Billie), Polywood (Stardust x Rhok’zan x Buck), Catdog (Darling x Nyan Nyan), Goat Book (Rhok’zan x Muu), Nyanmuu (Nyan Nyan x Muu) Ln’etaplier (Ln’eta x Markiplier), and Poly Goats (Stardust x Buck x Nanni).
B tier: Mestir (Estir x Markiplier), Banni (Nanni x Buck), Buckidd (Kidd x Buck), and Sln’eta (Stardust x Ln’eta)
C tier: Blondies (Nanni x Kidd), Darzan (Darling x Rhok’zan), Flower Warrior (Nanni x Billie), Muun’eta (Ln’eta x Muu), Ln’eta x any of the DDLC girls, Estir x any of the DDLC girls, Gifstir (Estir x GIF.any from Gravity Falls), Nyan GIF (Nyan Nyan x GIF.any from Gravity Falls), anyone x Azathoth, and Scoutcraft (Scout from TF2 x HP Lovecraft)
D tier: Rhokiplier (Rhok’zan x Markiplier), Sestir (Stardust x Estir), Shub’zan (Rhok’zan x Shub-Niggurath), Markling (Darling x Markiplier), poly enemies (Nanni x Billie x Kidd) Markdust (Stardust x Markiplier) New Goat (Rhok’zan x The New Kid from South Park), anyone x the Helltaker from Helltaker, and any other ship I didn’t mention
F tier: incestuous ships, anyone else x HP Lovecraft, anyone x HP Lovecraft’s cat (if you know, you know), Goat Brutality (Rhok’zan x the South Park police force (again, if you know, you know)), and anyone x Worcestershire Sauce
But those are all of the SFL ships ranked in my own opinion, feel free to comment and let me know how you would rank these ships and if you agree with any of my rankings ( I would especially appreciate it if @akabaka-dev were to leave me their thoughts). But with all of that out of the way, have a great day! :D
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lieutenant-amuel · 2 years ago
2, 4, 17
I suppose you’re asking it for the writer ask game, so I’ll pretend I’m right.
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
Both? I mean, I have a vague idea for many chapters ahead and it gets more developed as I write.
For example, I knew since the beginning that Gabe would go to Tepet Muul in the fifteenth chapter of WBTL, but the scene where he finds the orb of questions was added only in the last stages of writing when I already started translating it. If I didn’t start writing this chapter, I probably wouldn't come up with this idea.
Another example is the latest chapter. Valerio and Matías were supposed to talk about Emilio at home, but instead Valerio invited Matías to the equestrian show which was one of the main storylines of that chapter. Again, if I didn’t start writing, there would be no equestrian show.
And if I remember I've written something else besides WBTL, I took the same approach for my Gabe and Francisco fic. Its entire structure (including Francisco taking care of the bushes, Gabe and Higgins having a fencing battle, and Gabe and Francisco's conversation) was planned ahead, but the core part of the fic aka the rose symbolism was added only during the writing process. I had no idea how I would make Francisco convince Gabe to teach Elena.
I cannot write with an absolutely empty head. But if I have a vague idea of one scene I want to include in the fic/next chapter, even if it’s extremely primitive, there’s a high chance of me developing it into entire concept.
I don’t write with a detailed plan yet my head is not totally empty either, so something in between, I suppose.
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
In my head? I rarely get inspired by any specific pieces of media because I’m simply not familiar with many and I prefer not to take inspiration from my own life experience, although the more I write, the more I notice I actually do it a lot, even if it’s rather subconscious.
I often get ideas out of thin air and cannot explain where they come from, even if they make a lot of sense and help me to fix many plot holes.
Some of those ideas are scout Gabe, Valerio and Emilio’s friendship, Emilio’s characterization in general, the hideout storyline which is basically the main one of the entire fic, and some others I cannot share now, since they contain major spoilers. When I get those ideas, I always think about them deeper and try to explain to myself why they make sense. This is just how my brain works, I suppose.
Anyway, if we’re being less vague, when it comes to Gabe, most of my ideas for him are inspired by canon. I analyze him a lot and have many, many headcanons for him, so it’s quite simple to write and develop his arc.
Sometimes I also find inspiration after rewatching EoA. Sometimes after chatting with my friends and reading reviews from the readers. My main writing project is a multi-chaptered fic, so I often get inspired by my own writing and develop more minor ideas I already have into something bigger. I never seek for inspiration, it just falls on me.
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
I… wait. I admit I used to be a more flexible writer who could write with no inspiration at all (not always, though). I would often force myself to write because I wanted to write but couldn’t. But it’s gotten quite difficult for me to do it in the past year. I suppose this is because of my life that’s gotten extremely busy in general and a lack of enthusiasm from the readers that wasn’t that noticeable to me until I got severely tired.
As I said, I rarely get inspired by the books, movies, TV shows, and so on, so it doesn’t really help me to fight my writer’s block or whatever I can call it. I just wait for the right moment when I feel like writing. I’m not prone to procrastination and if I want to do something, I (almost) always do it right away. When I get this urge for writing, I’ll write over five thousand words in one day and I’m not even joking.
Thank you for the ask!
Writer Ask Game in case anyone else is interested.
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jeintalu · 13 days ago
Venemaa rahutingimuste positiivne külg
Kogu aeg tehakse propagandat, et Venemaa poolt esitatud rahutingimused rikuvad Ukraina territoriaalset terviklikkust.
Seejuures sellest, kui palju inimesi sõjas hukkub, ei taheta rääkida.
Samuti tehakse propagandat, et Venemaa ei ole oma esialgsetest plaanidest taganenud ja peab tegema kompromisse, et rahuleping sündida saaks.
Ilmselt on sellises sõjapropagandas tahtlikult jäetud märkimata Venemaa poolt tehtud mõningad järeleandmised:
Venemaa ei paista enam nõudvat Venemaa osadeks kuulutatud Ukraina oblastite kogu territooriumi loovutamist Venemaale. See järeldub Venemaa formuleeringust, et tuleb lähtuda territoriaalsest reaalsusest lahinguväljal.
Selle järeldusena ei nõua Venemaa endale näiteks Zapporižje suurlinna.
Venemaa nõuab, et Ukraina jääks (Putini käsitluses - saaks) iseseisvaks riigiks talle jäetud territooriumil. Venemaa tingimuseks on aga, et Ukraina peab olema neutraalne, blokiväline riik, mille armee on piiratud.
Täpsustuseks: viimane punkt ülal oli Venemaa ametlikes plaanides algusest peale.
Kõige kahtlasem on ja oli algusest peale Venemaa eesmärk, et Ukraina tuleb "denatsifitseerida". Denatsifitseerimise mõiste pole piisavalt täpselt määratletud.
Kui Venemaa seda "denatsifitseerimist" väga tõsiselt võtab, siis paraku pole tal võimalik seda teostada muul moel kui ainult okupeerides suurema osa Ukraina territooriumist.
See läheb aga vastuollu Venemaa pikaajalise deklaratsiooniga, et Ukraina okupeerimine pole eesmärk.
Küsimus on selles, kas okupeerimine on mõne teise eesmärgi saavutamiseks hädatarvilik vahend.
Ilmselt on rahuleping võimalik vaid juhul, kui Venemaa denatsifitseerimise eesmärgist loobub või võtab seda üsna formaalselt.
Igatahes ei vasta tõele näiteks Kaja Kallase väide, et Venemaa pole oma esialgsetest eesmärkidest sammugi taganenud ja ei tee ühtegi kompromissi.
"Reaalsused lahinguväljal" (realities on the ground) tähendab mitte ainult seda, kuhu Vene väed on välja jõudnud, vaid ka seda, kuhu nad veel tunginud ei ole.
Viimaste uudiste põhjal on Venemaa kategooriliselt Ukraina NATO-sse astumise vastu. Samuti ei nõustuks Venemaa sellega, kui Ukrainasse paigutataks mõnede NATO riikide sõdureid rahuvalvajate koosseisus.
Positiivne uudis on aga see, et endiselt pole Venemaal midagi selle vastu, kui Ukraina võetakse Euroopa Liitu.
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eyewearcatherine · 5 months ago
⛩️🌿Mida teha, kui päikeseprillid läätsed maha kukuvad? Kuidas igapäevaselt prille puhastada ja hooldada?
4. Millisele muule hooldusele tuleks päikeseprillide puhul tähelepanu pöörata?
Kui päikeseprillid on kulutatud, võite kriimustused õrnalt pühkida vesimatt lapiga või abrasiivse lapiga ning seejärel kanda hambapasta hõõrutud alale ja pühkida seda aeglaselt seemisnahast tükiga. Tugevus on keskmine kuni raske, kuni see on läbipaistev.
Kui päikeseprillidel on väikesed jäljed, võite kriimustuse katmiseks kasutada alkoholi kastetud vatitampooni, et pühkida neid õrnalt kriimustuse suunas.
Päikeseprillid aitavad meil vastu seista UV-kiirgusele, eriti sõidu ajal, ja võivad vältida pimestavat hulkuvat valgust, mis võib panna teid teed selgelt nägema, ja kaitsta teie silmi. Päikeseprillid on meelitanud enamikku mehi ja naisi oma moe, ilu ja praktilisusega ning muutunud paljude inimeste jaoks kohustuslikuks esemeks. Seetõttu tuletatakse enamikule kasutajatele meelde, et olge päikeseprillide puhastamisel eriti ettevaatlik, vältige läätsede kriimustamist ja hoidke neid peegli küljega ülespoole.👇👇
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ayurvedasifa · 7 months ago
Edi ke dard ka ayurvedic ilaj
edii kaa dard ek aam biimaarii hai jo kisii ke jiivan kii guṇavattaa ko kaaphii had tak prabhaavit kar sakatii hai. ayurveda men, svaasthy owr tandurustii ke lie ek samagr dṛshṭikoṇ, edii ke dard ko kam karne ke lie vibhinn upchar or abhyas ki sifarish ki jaati hai.
edi ke dard ka ayurvedic ilaj yah vyapak gaaiḍ ayurvedic upchar, jivanshaili men badlaav our nivarak upaayon ki khoj karta hai jo edii ke dard ko prabhaavii ḍhang se prabandhit karane owr khatm karane men aapakii madad kar sakate hain.
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edii ke dard ko samajhna
edii ka dard aksar atyadhik upayog, choṭ yaa plaanṭar phaiskiiṭis, echliis ṭenḍonaaiṭis yaa barsaaiṭis jaisii sthitiyon se utpann hotaa hai.
edii ke dard kaa aayurvedik upachaar aayurved, chikitsaa kii ek praachiin praṇaalii, sharir kii uurjaa (dosha) ko santulit karane owr samagr svaasthy ko badhaavaa dene par dhyan kendrit karane wale upachaaron kii ek shrnkhala pradaan karatii hai.
edi ke dard ka ayurvedic ilaj dard ke muul kaaraṇon ko sambodhit karake, ayurvedic upchar lambe samay tak rahat pradaan kar sakte hain.
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Herbal upchar
adarak owr haldii
adarak owr haldii donon men shaktishaali suujan-rodhii guṇ hote hain. chaay men yaa sapliimenṭ ke ruup men in jadoo-buuṭiyon ka sevan suujan owr dard ko kam karne men madad kar sakta hai. edi ke dard ka ayurvedic upchar isake atirikt, haldii owr paanii kaa pesṭ siidhe edii par lagane se sthaniya raahat mil sakti hai.
ashwagandha, ek shaktishaali eḍaapṭojen hai, jo tanaav or suujan ko kam karne men madad karataa hai. ashvagandhaa kii khuraak lene se shariir kii dard ko ṭhiik karane par prabhaavii ḍhang se prabandhit karane kii kshamataa badh sakatii hai.
guggul ek rail hai jo apane sajan-rochii our analgesik guṇon ke lie jaana jaana hai. aayurvedik chikitsak aksar edii ke dard sahit vibhinn maskuloskeleṭal sthitiyon ke ilaaj ke lie guggul ki khurak kii salaah dete hain.
pair bhigona
epsam saalṭ yaa harbal kaadhe ke saath garm pani men apne pairon ko bhigonaa edii ke dard se kaaphii raahat pradaan kar sakataa hai. Edi ke dard ka ayurvedic ilaj yah abhyaas maansapeshiyon ko aaram dene, suujan ko kam karane owr pairon ke samagr svaasthy ko badhaavaa dene men madad karataa hai.
Visit for more - https://sifaayurveda.com/blog/ayurvedic-treatment-for-heel-pain-in-hindi/
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taimemaailm · 9 months ago
Daalia (Dahlia)
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Saksa keeles Dahlie või Georgine, inglise keeles dahlia.
Mitmeaastaliste õistaimede perekond korvõieliste sugukonnas, mis on osa astrilaadsete seltsis. Mõned taimed on rohttaimed, mõned puistuvate varretega.
Pärinevad Kesk-Ameerikast ja Kolumbiast. Teda on kasutatud nii sealses rahvusmeditsiinis kui ka Euroopas. Ka tehti tema vartest veepiipe ja tema bataadilaadseid mugulaid kasutatakse söögiainena. Röstitud mugulatest saab kohvimaitselise maitseaine.
Kasvavad 30 cm-3 m, hiid-daalia (Dahlia imperialis) lausa 10 m kõrguseks.
Perekond on väga mitmesugune paljude erinevate õievormi- ja värvidega, aga neid ühendab üksikute õisikute kasvamine peenikate, pikkade ja enamasti paljade varrede peal, mis seisavad üksi või gruppides. Kuju meenutab põõsaid.
Õisikud ise koosnevad kroonlehtedest, mis on asetatud ringis umber õiekorvi, kattes üksteist või mitte. Mõned taimed moodustavad ka vesiroosilaadse õisiku, või pallimoodi õisiku. Kroonlehed, õhukesed ja laiad nagu paljudel teistel korvõielistel või kitsad, pikad ja volditud, võivad olla ka muul moel mitmetes ringides ümber õie asetatud olla. On mõistlik kasutada vajadusel vaatata daaliamäärajast järgi.
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wikiuntamed · 1 year ago
Top 5 @Wikipedia pages from yesterday: Friday, 1st March 2024
Welcome, добре дошли (dobre doshli), vítejte, أهلا بك (ahlan bika) 🤗 What were the top pages visited on @Wikipedia (1st March 2024) 🏆🌟🔥?
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1️⃣: George Galloway "George Galloway (born 16 August 1954) is a British politician, broadcaster, and writer who has served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Rochdale since the 2024 by-election. He has been the leader of the Workers Party of Britain since he founded it in 2019. Between 1987 and 2010, and between 2012 and..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 2.0? by David Hunt from Warwickshire, UK
2️⃣: Dune: Part Two "Dune: Part Two is a 2024 American epic science fiction film directed and co-produced by Denis Villeneuve, who co-wrote the screenplay with Jon Spaihts. The sequel to Dune (2021), it is the second of a two-part adaptation of the 1965 novel Dune by Frank Herbert. It follows Paul Atreides as he unites..."
3️⃣: Dune (2021 film) "Dune (titled onscreen as Dune: Part One) is a 2021 American epic science fiction film directed and co-produced by Denis Villeneuve, who co-wrote the screenplay with Jon Spaihts and Eric Roth. It is the first of a two-part adaptation of the 1965 novel of the same name by Frank Herbert. Set in the..."
4️⃣: Shōgun (2024 TV series) "Shōgun is an American historical drama limited series created by Rachel Kondo and Justin Marks. It is based on the 1975 novel of the same name by James Clavell, which was previously adapted into a 1980 limited series. The series premiered with its first two episodes on February 27, 2024, on Hulu and..."
5️⃣: Brian Mulroney "Martin Brian Mulroney ( muul-ROO-nee; March 20, 1939 – February 29, 2024) was a Canadian lawyer, businessman, and politician who served as the 18th prime minister of Canada from 1984 to 1993. Born in the eastern Quebec city of Baie-Comeau, Mulroney studied political science and law. He then moved..."
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Image by A1C LYNCH
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moonstar-mush · 2 years ago
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For the nautical-themed Exalted campaign I’m running, I’ve been introducing plenty of new characters now that they’ve traveled to the island of Brightwork.
Señora Relámpago del Catatumbo (she/her): A Storm Mother with a big ego and a flair for the dramatic. She’s taken the island of Brightwork hostage bc she didn’t like the opera they put on about her. Now the party is tasked with making a better production unless they want a hurricane to wipe out the city!
Tyto and Selika (he/him & she/her respectively): Prominent figures in Brightwork from a long line of royal armorers. Also the parents of one of the party members, and they aren’t too pleased with their daughters return to home when she should’ve been out making a name for herself in the Realm.
Lintha Muul Morrissey (she/her): Pirate captain from the demon-blooded Lintha family, she’s helping Catatumbo by keeping the islanders from fleeing. Kind of a freak with a hobby for taxidermy and surgically enhancing herself with demon-parasites.
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chaospoesiex · 2 years ago
Vo Rot in Tod in nur 0.25 sekunde,
Drücke mini zigi us, überbrücke mini wunde
Schmerz isch immerna da, nimm en neui i de Mund, ja
Ketterauche jede Tag für paar etlichi stunde
Kippe im Muul, bin im nikotin versunke,
Flash mi nochli meh nach mine schlafrunde
Chribble ide Arme, dasi merke dasi da bi
Merke dasi da bi dasi merk dasi haram bin
Und wieder vo rot in tod in 0.25 sekunde,
Drücke mini Zigi us, überbrücke mini Wunde,
Lueg die Äsche ah und merke alles wo ich zähl sind Stunde,
Mache immer sGliche doch wett eigentlich erkunde.
Hänge i dem Tüfelskreis mit Päckli ide Täsche,
Selbst ide Höll produziert niemert soviel Äsche
Doch die Äsche isch durchwäsche mit dem Liechtli vode Gluet,
Und gsehne ich es Liecht im dunkle gahts mir wieder guet.
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newestmusic · 2 years ago
Madis Muul – Home
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