imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Unburdened: Part 10
The thick corded logs that had been stacked and held together by bindings and sealant had stood out against the dense forest behind the back half of the wrap-around porch, and the soft sandy beach and clear water that lapped at the edge.
There was a sitting area outside of the cabin’s main door, set in perfect sight of the beach and the water’s edge with a circular bistro table set between two Adirondack chairs draped with blankets and two cream-coloured pillows. In addition to the bistro set and chairs, the had been an outdoor patio heater that stood a safe distance from the walls of the cabin.
There was a sign above the door of the cabin that was greeting you and Bucky before you had walked inside, the black cursive set against white stained wood was typical and ordinary yet it seemed to pull the whole aesthetic of the exterior of the cabin together.
It was an added detail that made this whole place feel homey and comforting as if this was welcoming you with every detail into a haven that transcended any anxieties you may have had.
“Welcome home,” Bucky had stepped inside before you, the muscles in his broad and strong back flexing momentarily as if he was gauging any potential threats or risks, “for a week anyway.”
“This is perfect.” You followed behind him, signing against his shoulders so he could feel your message, and had only let your hands fall when you had to stabilize yourself to kick off your shoes.
As you had set them to the side and took a look at the cabin from the front door, you were pleasantly surprised at the comfortable space that had been carried well from the front to the back. To the left of you was a mudroom that was only visible from the glass set into the wooden door that had given you a look at the hooks made for coats, and the metal rack set on a tray to catch water or mud.
To your right had been another sitting area to the right of a stone encased fireplace, the two armchairs were made of inky black leather and had paired patterned blankets, that were also a match for the blankets on the porch. There was a single stand between the armchairs that had two coasters sitting on the finished top, and on the coasters sat two long-stemmed wine glasses.
Directly across from the fireplace was a sectional that was made of the same dark leather the armchairs were made of, and in front of the sectional was an oak coffee table with wooden legs that were carved to look like heads of animals that continued from the top of the legs to the feet.
Sitting on the surface of the coffee table was a tray divided into three sections, and in each section was a single item, with the middle being a remote for the television. The other two sections had been empty, but you imagined they could be used to hold drinks if wanted.
“This is nice,” your fingers moved with your message as you studied the surroundings and the breathtaking homeyness of the cabin, “I love it.”
“Are you hungry?” Bucky had called from behind you, stealing your attention from the living room of the cabin. “I can make you something to eat.”
As you had turned on your heel to look at him, you had gotten a good chance to study the kitchen he was standing in and the details that had matched the aesthetic of the cabin. Where Bucky was standing, you could surmise that the stove was behind him, likely natural gas powering the stove, and the fridge was off to the left.
The stainless steel appliances run throughout the kitchen with even the smaller appliances matching. There was a breakfast bar built into the island, a set of four barstools tucked under the edge. A bowl of fruit had been sitting in the middle of the island, directly below the simple yet dainty chandelier lights that had hung over the kitchen.
“I’m going to look around.” You signed while already shuffling out of the kitchen, headed toward the stairs that would take you up to the top level of the cabin.
“There are two bedrooms down here and two up top,” Bucky had called after you, stalling you before you could take the second step, “you can have whatever bedroom you want, doll. I’m going to make something for you to eat.”
You had looked back at Bucky, swept your eyes over him as he stood with his back at the stove, his hands pressed against his hips. He had appeared to be a little off, perhaps a little uncomfortable in the space though no worse for the ear.
His eyes were still as bright as ever, though there were some bags under his eyes that had been a testament to the sleepless nights he was still afflicted by. His hair was growing longer since his last cut and you could see a curl to his hair that was reminiscent of his hair in the ‘40s.
The longer you looked at him the easier you could make out the slight grey to his scruff that was a sign of him aging naturally without the aid of cryogenic freezing. He was beautiful; he always was beautiful.
You pressed your fingers against your bottom lip and extended your hand in a physical sign of thanks, then you turned and continued up the stairs to the second level of the cabin.
Once you had taken off the last step and had come to the top level, you had rest your hands against the railing and swept your eyes around the immediate area, looking and analyzing the small hallway that had extended from the staircase to the left and the right, leading to the two bedrooms, one of which was the master.
You first walked to the left, your feet dragging aimlessly as you shuffled down the hall. You had stopped by the first door and peeked inside the room to see a bathroom with a shower/bathtub combination with sleek brass fixtures that were made to appear vintage.
The shower/tub was against the far wall with a small window that allowed natural light to come into the bathroom, and a basic toilet and standing sink nearby. The bathroom was light in colour, grey or maybe an off blue, and was decorated only in pictures taken from around the cabin.
You had left the bathroom when there wasn’t much else to see and continued down the hall to the bedroom at the end. As you grabbed the handle and started to turn, you hesitated and listened to the sound of Bucky rummaging in the kitchen and the clanging of a metal pan or pot on the stove.
He was nervous, maybe even more so than you first thought, and his scent was reflective of that. It was still as comforting as ever, with the notes of nature and his vibranium arm combining to create a density that was addictive and equally comforting.
His scent was pure alpha, without the toxic aggressiveness that others seemed to radiate.
Bucky made you feel safe, he made you feel wanted and protected.
“It’ll be done in fifteen minutes!” He called up to you, still rummaging around the kitchen, the smell of cooking spices and vegetables was stirring the hunger that you had largely ignored.
Fifteen minutes would have given you enough time to explore both rooms, and you had made haste with opening the door to the first bedroom, slipping inside.
Like the rest of the cabin, the floors were made of hardwood that complimented the colours of the wooden walls and had been illuminated by a large window to give natural sunlight. There were blinds tied to the side, dark blue and thick white stitching along the hems.
The room was decorated simply, with a sleigh bed that was made with a patterned blanket that stretched from one end to the next and hung over the edge. Two fluffed pillows had rested against the mattress with only a peek at the duvet below the comforter. There was a wardrobe to the right of the bed, and a closet to the left, both of which had doors opened to show their lack of contents.
There was minimal artwork in the bedroom, only some of which had captured the ethereal beauty of the surrounding views and others that had been a look at NYC a few hours away.
With one bedroom down and another to go, you had left the bedroom you were in after closing the door softly behind you. You’d made your way across the hall to the other bedroom and had first taken note of the fireplace that was a sister to the one downstairs. The stone encasing the fireplace had almost mirrored the one downstairs entirely, with only a few differences in the colours of stone chosen.
Unlike the bedroom you were just in, this bedroom was much larger than the other with both an ensuite and a walk-in closet that was waiting to be used. The colours were largely the same and had been as inviting as the rest of the house, with the exception of there also being a private patio that you could out onto.
The bed was a four-poster made of deep, rich wood that stood out against the light-coloured walls, and unlike the previous bed had seemed to be a king or California king.
The supports of the bed were thick and heavy, with fine detailing carved into the posts that had continued the imagery of wildlife that had been started downstairs on the coffee table. The images were detailed enough to nearly jump out at you with surrealism.
As you approached the bed and rest your hand upon the bedding, the comforter was patterned in green, red, brown and white stripes that had been broken by the image of black bears spread systematically against the brown stripes, and elk against the green. The comforter was soft to the touch and the bed looked inviting and cozy, the kind of place and materials that made you want to nest in the depths.
From where you were standing, you could see the ensuite with the same aged and vintage style fixtures attached to the deep soaker tub and the double vanity sinks. There was stylized minimalism that had been spread throughout the bathroom and the bedroom, relying more on the surrounding nature to wow you than the designs implemented in the cabin.
“Y/N,” Bucky had called from the middle of the stairs, his voice and scent carried toward you, “come eat, omega. It’s done.”
You removed your hand from the bed and returned it to your side, taking a moment to appreciate the beauty around you before you slowly turned and left the room to join Bucky.
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Soft hues of red, and orange and flecks of pink run across the sky like a wide banner that touched the lake’s surface and illuminated the clear water. The sound of some nature bedding down for the night had been matched with creatures that were becoming awake to spend the night in the cover of darkness.
It was the clutch of sleep for some and the openness of night for others that had aided the idea and feeling of peace in the late hour.
It had stretched to you and Bucky as well, the two of you settling into the cabin and basking in the glow of the sun as it set and cast its beautiful spread of colour against the skyline. It was peaceful and quiet, the moment that the two of you had taken to the front porch after unpacking and getting to know the surroundings that would be yours for the next week.
You’d spent the hours since you’d arrived, eating, unpacking and exploring the surrounding area before you’d both returned and ate again. After dinner, Bucky asked what you wanted to do offering suggestions like playing a board game or watching television.
All you could think of wanting to do was sit outside and enjoy the setting sun. All you had wanted to occupy your time with was the setting sun and the Adirondack chairs on the porch, the soft blankets that were provided and a cup of tea.
“It’s beautiful out there.” Your sign language was slow and languid, no rush necessary.
“It’s quiet,” Bucky replied as he sat next to you, some tension still lingering in his shoulders and chest, his eyes almost hazy in thought, “I’ve been here before.”
“Have you?” You questioned with the subtle movements of your fingers as you silently asked. “When?”
“In a dream,” he was quiet, speaking in a husky whisper, “one of the best dreams I’ve ever had.”
“You deserve good dreams, Bucky. You deserve so much in this world.” You turned your head and looked at him, your eyes sweeping over his face while he studied the edge of the water, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth.
“Do I?” It was as if he was asking himself as if he was doubting his worth. “Do I deserve the world?”
“Yes.” You reached over toward him, mouthing your answer and using one hand to communicate. “You do.”
“And if I don’t want the world?” He finally looked at you, finally settled his warm gaze upon your face in a manner of appreciation that should have been placated onto a piece of artwork. “What if my world is…someone…”
“I know what’s going to happen here,” you had silently sighed, the back of your head resting against the right side of your chair, “I know I’m going to leave here a different omega.”
“We don’t have to do this.” Bucky had resigned himself to self-doubt, misconstruing your words. “Y/N, sweetheart…your heat is going to set off my rut and I don’t think I have the ability to stop myself.”
“I don’t want you to stop yourself. I don’t want you to hold back, I knew what would happen if we came here together. I knew that we would end up mating, but I also know that there’s no one else in the world I would rather be with.” You had turned to face him, your fingers moving at a pace that was set by your brain as your mutism had required you to speak with your hands.
“You want to be my omega?” Bucky had still doubted himself, it was there in his mind just as boldly as it was there on the tip of his tongue. “You want to be my mate?”
“I want to be your everything.” You reiterated your feelings, your wants and desires. “You are a good man; a good alpha. You’re my hero Bucky and I don’t mean that lightly.”
“I’m adopted,” you relayed your message as you faced him, your mouth moving in time with your fingers as you communicated with ASL, “not many parents want a broken omega. Not many parents are willing to adopt an omega who’s damaged, who can’t speak and can only make small sounds.”
“You’re not broken, you’re perfect-“
“The Barton’s adopted me, their first choice was an omega who couldn’t speak and who very likely would never speak. They gave me a family, a brother who I adore and love endlessly. They gave me a chance to thrive and become an omega who’s worth something.” You spoke of your family with only the highest regards, knowing that they had saved you when your biological parents didn’t want you nor had any others.
“You are my hero, Bucky. You will always be my hero.” You leaned over to Bucky and pressed your hands against his chest, palms flush with his body. “I will always want you, I will always need you.”
“You want to be my mate?” Bucky asked, airily. “You want me to be your alpha?”
“Yes.” You signed with assuredness. “You are the only one I want. When we leave here, I hope I have the honour of bearing your mark.”
Bucky grasped your hand and turned it over before he lift your palm to his lips and kissed your flesh softly. He had let his lips linger before he touched the inside of your wrist with his nose, breathing you in and scenting you all the same.
An answer came softly and tenderly, spoken against your flesh. “I’ll be a good alpha for you, I promise.”
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Permanent Tags List: @jennmurawski13-writes @beardburnsupersoldiers @daydreaminginthechaos @rebekahdawkins @supraveng @bookfrog242 @old-enough-to-know-better73 @valsworldofcreativity @rainbowkisses31 @loveitorleaveit20 @alexakeyloveloki @socalgem1124 @mogaruke @dreamlessinparis @frisky975 @dispatchvampire @hereforbuckyandsteve @jesgisborne @fairybnha3 @hallecarey1 @tang082646 @mrslokibarnesrogers @deputy-videogamer @posionivy0061 @loving-life-my-way @kaylamcd2000 @mercyy98 @undecidedsworld @rootcrop @whatinthestyles @slutforsteve @cornmousequeen @rededfoxy @yagurl-snow @glimmering-darling-dolly @patzammit @buckymydarlingangel @missusbarnes-rogers @andy-is-gay @nervousfandom @rileyloves5 @emi11ie @carelessreadersstuff @readingandwritingandreading @cynic-spirit @inkedaztec @gh0stgurl @mansaaay @cats-and-sheep @pono-pura-vida @seitmai @teambarnes72
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I have a Wild West AU.
For all of Star Wars.
It started with a piano version of Cantina Band. It sounds like something you'd hear in a saloon.
That branches out into this.
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Han Solo, a smuggler who's infamous for being uncatchable. His partner is a mountain man who's known by the name "Chewbacca".
And this.
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Din Djarin, known to most as "Mando", is a lone Mandalorian bounty hunter. Not much is known about the secretive tribe that calls themselves Mandalorians, and most never remove their bandana.
Finally, I drew some members of the Batch. And their horses.
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Omega is just a kid, but for some reason the new tycoon is obsessed with capturing her. Bounty hunters are on the lookout. She's brave though, and fights extremely well -for a woman.
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"Crosshair" never gives out his real name, and he's always tried to hide his past as a freedom fighter. This cold, snarky, bounty hunter does have a soft side, though he doesn't show it often.
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Thunder belongs to a freedom fighter that goes by "Hunter". He's a rather mischievous horse, and will often try and steal snacks.
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Mercury was named after her coat, by small-town librarian "Tech". She's patient and is good with children.
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Dynamite loves her owner, a ex-miner who calls himself "Wrecker", and she's incredibly tolerant of loud noises and doesn't spook easily.
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Blitz is fast and dangerous, just like his owner Crosshair. He isn't scared by much and will often swat people with his tail.
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Rattlesnake belongs to a former soldier who goes by "Echo". This horse is incredibly grumpy and doesn't tolerate much.
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Desert Rose originally belonged to Echo, but got stolen by Omega and eventually became her horse. She's quiet and calm, and absolutely loves attention.
This is all the art I have so far, hope you like it!
Horse ref base by WHIT3FANG on DeviantArt
Font is Saddlebag from DaFont.com
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the-genius-az · 25 days
Azula with a disability!
Sorry, I just realized I put "Muda Azula", it's Mute Azula.
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lilacjunimo · 2 months
it’s worth it all this time
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foxwolf24 · 6 months
Please Help! Lost Fanfic...
Hello Everyone! Please Help! I am looking for a fic that was one of my two "emotional comfort" stories. I am trying to remember the fic's name or the author, but it has escaped me. Does someone have a link/saved copy/the author's name so that I can reach out and ask them about it?
Any help would be so very much appreciated! This is truly my last resort and my only hope...
Thank You!
General Summary:
Mando is given an "untouched omega" as a bounty reward and accepts her so that he can get her to an alpha of her own. Omegas in this story were mute until a bond bite released their vocal cords so they could finally speak. Throughout the story, Mando and the omega fall in love and eventually, Mando gives her a bite to release her vocal cords so that she can finally speak and say his name.
Here are all the details that I can remember:
Mandalorian Fic (ABO) Omega OFC/Reader Mando is NOT an Alpha (just a normal human/beta?) "Untouched Omega" was given to Mando as a bounty reward Omega's mute until given a bond bite to the throat Uses hand signs to communicate Guards all over her body to seal in her scent. Over time, Mando starts selling the guards off the omega Mando's whole journey is to sell/give the omega to an actual alpha They start to feel things toward each other but Mando is dead set on giving the omega to an alpha so that she can have a bond. Mando brings Omega to an alpha's place but is told that the alpha wouldn't mate her because she already had a "mate" in Mando. Mando gets the picture and takes the omega back to the ship so he can finally bond with her even though he is not an alpha. The fic ends with Mando biting the omega and being worried it didn't work, but then the last line is the omega saying Mando's name?
At this point, I've tried all that I can to find this fic on my own and have even reached out to users on Reddit, but I've had no luck so far. If this doesn't work, I'll have to resign myself to never reading these comfort stories again, but I really hope that somebody out there has it saved or knows of it so that I can read it again...
Thank you so much for reading my post!
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ourladyofomega · 1 year
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ask-e123-omega · 1 year
it's Father's birthday today.. as I oversaw the cooking bots make a cake, I couldn't help but think on you, all of his brilliant creations.. and one, violent little failure.. what a shame..
-your dear little brother, Metal Sonic
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frosthexe · 2 years
No Words - Ltleflrt - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]
On the run from his very powerful family, Castiel does his best to get lost. Because if he doesn't know where he is, his brothers won't be able to find him very easily either. He ends up in Silverton, a small mountain town nestled deep within the Rocky Mountains where he meets Dean Winchester, a very beautiful and very grumpy omega.
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Unburdened: Part 11
A/N: slight smut in the second half
Soft textured blankets lined the bed, purposefully draped across the mattress to create a dense layer of cushion and warmth. The chosen blankets had been enhanced with soft and light grazing of essential oils and scents that would help ease the formative symptoms of a powerful heat cycle that would set in likely in the early hours of the morning.
Bucky was almost certain to a fault that by the time you woke up, you would be in the beginning thicket of the cycle that would bring both of you together as mates.
He was almost certain, and in his certainty, had come a compulsion to make and create a safe place for you and himself to be together. He intended to create it as a surprise, he had wanted to make you a nest as a sign of good faith that he could be the kind of alpha you needed and deserved. He desired to do everything he could to provide for you as a good alpha should.
He had done what he could, used what materials had been here and what he had brought with him to create this nest. He used your favourite blanket on the base, the first layer of comfort for you to indulge yourself with before he added the next layers. Bucky had found softer pillows in the storage room of the small basement, and after dusting them off and cleaning them, he replaced the firmer ones. He had draped soft and airy cotton sheets above the bed to create the feeling of a cove that you could have crawled into, almost like it was a den. With the roof structured and the walls crafted with the same kind of sheets he had used for the roof, Bucky had found and strung warm fairy lights above the bed to illuminate the cove in a delicate glow.
When he was done, when he finally perfected the nest he had made for you, he departed the bedroom to find you. You had made your desire to go outside and explore the immediate surroundings known, and Bucky had only allowed you to leave when you promised headily that you would stay close and not be long. It was just enough time for Bucky to create the nest and prepare it for you.
“Y/N,” he called your name after stepping outside and taking the few steps down the porch to the front of the cabin, “are you around?”
He heard movement from the right of the cabin, and he could detect the surging growth of your scent as you drew closer. He knew you were approaching your heat, he knew his suspicion and approximation of when it would arrive was right. You would be in the throes of your heat by tomorrow morning, and the start of the cycle would bring you and Bucky together as a mated pair.
“I’m here.” You stepped through the tree line, your fingers moving close to your chest in reply to his question.
Upon seeing you Bucky had physically relaxed and let out the breath he was holding in, the tension in his shoulders relaxing. He had let out a breath of air in a huff watching you carefully as you made your way toward him before you had stopped a foot away. You were facing him head-on, your hands covered in soft gloves and an oversized toque on your head to stave off the chill this morning that had settled over the area.
You had stolen his jacket from the hook just inside the door, wrapping yourself in the thick flannel and fleece that had brought you comfort in more ways than just warmth. You had been scenting his jacket as if it was himself, Bucky could detect the mix of yours and his as it clung to the patterned fabric. His scent was surrounding you. It was clinging to your flesh and it was woven into your hair that was freely hanging down, even beneath the toque. Bucky had found himself incredibly pleased by the idea of his scent coating and covering you like a blanket, draped and integrated into your clothes and hair. It was innate, the way his entire body seemed to preen at the idea of you being his so wholly and completely.
It was instinctual to be pleased by you and his scent becoming one kind of life force. It was instinctual and so was the soft purr that had been building in his chest and throat, the sound simultaneously soft and powerful.
The sound of his purr had caught you off guard. It had made you falter, rendering you unable to do much of anything but blink and breathe as you tried to process what had just happened. He could see you, he could see the wheels in your head turning as you rendered and registered the sound that left his lips, and only after a moment had you been pulled from the daze you were in.
“You purred.” You signed to Bucky, a wide and breathtaking grin forming on your face. “You purred! That’s amazing!”
You had bound toward him, closing what little distance there was, and snaked your arms around his shoulders. You hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek with an excitement that was as addictive as it was influential. Your happiness for Bucky and his soft purring had heightened his happiness for you in a cycle that seemed to repeat itself.
You were happy that he was happy, and it was the most powerful jolt to his entire being as an alpha. That marker of your happiness due to his happiness was incredibly telling about the two of you as a whole.
“You’re cold.” He muttered into your ear, slipping his arms around your waist to steady you and give you a boost of body heat. “You should come inside.”
“My heart,” you pulled back to be able to sign your reply to him, “is coming quick. I get colder-“
“-Before you get hotter.” Bucky had continued for you, stating what he had known to be a fact. “We should go in.”
“It’s beautiful.” Your fingers grazed his chest, continuing your sign language as you described the area around you. “Everything here is so…peaceful.”
“It’s relaxing.” Bucky cupped your cheek, slowly brushing his thumb back and forth against your chilled cheeks. “Are you hungry? You should eat, you need to stock up on your energy.”
“I am a little.” You mouthed and signed simultaneously, working in tangency to communicate. “And in desperate need of hot chocolate. Want some?”
“You should let me make it for you.” Bucky dropped his hand to the small of your back, astutely directing you back toward the cabin’s entrance.
He held the door open for you, letting you pass and then locking the door behind you both. He subtly studied you while you took your boots off and set them aside, and then removed Bucky’s flannel jacket. You hung it on the hook with nimble fingers, and then you looked back at him with a smile on your face.
“Hot chocolate,” Bucky’s lips twitched and were quickly pulled into a half-smile, “with little marshmallows?”
“And cinnamon.” You squeaked after signing, one of the few sounds you could make that Bucky had interpreted as the closest thing to a chirp.
“Wanna help?” he motioned you toward the kitchen with the tilt of his head, letting you pass again.
You had moved past him with such fluidity, such natural ease in the space, it made Bucky think of the dream he had of you and your future. The kind of domestic bliss he never thought he could have had, and here was the beginning of it. It was laid out before him, the foundations of the endearing life he wanted.
Bucky felt it as if it was the beginning of the winding tale, he felt as though he was standing above the written pages of a book studying and searching the pages of his own story.
You were here, and this place would be your future home.
You were with Bucky, and he would be the best damn alpha he could be for you.
Bucky knew he would be a good alpha, he knew he would be a good father and a good mate. He had felt it deep within himself, the promise and the internal vow he made to be everything you needed.
He owed it to himself, and he owed it to you.
“I love it here.” Your fingers moved seamlessly, conveying your message to Bucky while you were busying yourself with steaming milk.
“It’s quiet, it’s perfect.” Bucky stood close to you, watching you with nothing less than pure devotion.
In the coming hours, you would be affected by the thick and potent force of your heat, and your heat would set off his rut.
In the few hours that would come and go between now and the start of your heat, you and Bucky would spend the night talking. You would conform to one another and relax, preparing for the upcoming storm.
Moments had passed, minutes turned to hours and the sun had already begun to set.
After hot chocolate and food, Bucky and you had returned to the living room where you settled yourselves upon the couch.
The rest of the late afternoon and evening was spent in constant contact. You had shifted your position a few times from where you first started when you were sitting next to Bucky before you had settled yourself in his lap and rested your head against his shoulder.
You would ultimately end up draped across the couch with your head resting on his lap, sighing airily when he stroked your hair and purred softly.
“Bucky,” you tapped your fingers against his thigh, your yawns becoming far more frequent, “can we go to bed?”
“Yes, baby,” Bucky muttered softly, his voice bringing you comfort and security. “I made you a nest.”
“You made me a nest?” You sat up and questioned him, your fingers fluttering as you signed your message to him.
“I hope you like it.” He had remained nervous, running his fingers through his hair. “I tried-“
You had bound like a deer from the couch, unexpectedly running up the stairs with a vigour that had surprised him. Bucky himself had been languidly rising to his feet to follow after you, listening to the soft little sounds that you could make, the squeaks that had presented themselves as chirps.
When he had come upon you in the bedroom, Bucky had stood back in order to observe you at the moment that had transcended itself. He didn’t quite find himself as elated with the nest as he had hoped when he first started making it, however, now that he had seen you in the room it had all changed.
Bucky was quick to learn from your scent and the soft squeaks that rolled from your tongue that you hadn’t just appreciated the nest, but you loved it. He could feel your emotional shifts, he could recognize the spike in your scent that was an indication of how pleased you were about it all. There was no doubt that Bucky had done good, that he had made something you appreciated.
“Thank you, Bucky.” You had turned toward him giving him a physical confirmation of your appreciation for what he had done, for taking the initiative and creating something you had fond comfort in.
“Is it good?” Bucky had spoken and signed simultaneously, knowing that his voice as your future alpha was as comforting as it was invigorating.
“It’s perfect.” You had slowly stepped toward him, your fingers fluttering as you formed your message and communicated silently. “You are a good man.”
When you had stepped toward him you rest your hand upon his chest, your palm flush against him to feel his heartbeat against you. Your eyes met his, the freeing exchange of desire, deeply rooted care reflecting back and forth between you two was just another reiteration that you two were good together.
You two were made for each other.
“Come with me.” You moved your lips to the silent words, mouthing your message while signing. “Come sit with me.”
You grabbed his vibranium hand to lead him to the nest he created. You had led him to the bed to push him to the mattress while you had stood before him. He couldn’t have looked away even if he was taking his last breath, he would have had to look at you.
“You are a good alpha,” your message was delivered with your fingers moving delicately close to his chest, “you are everything I’ve ever needed.”
You stepped between his legs, your hands meeting his shoulders before you raised your right hand and stroked his hair at the nape of his neck. Bucky had leaned forward and rested his head against you, inhaling and exhaling slowly to fill his lungs with every note of your scent. He had filled himself with you as you stroked his hair, gently scraping your nails against his scalp in slow circles.
“I promise,” Bucky turned his head to place a slew of soft kisses against your stomach and all that he could reach without moving, “I am going to keep you safe. I’m going to take care of you how you need. I’m going to be a good alpha, I’m going to give us the life we both deserve.”
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Bucky had woken before you did to the feel of heat radiating through his plain cotton shirt and the dampness of the top blanket that was quickly becoming a vessel for the first symptoms of your heat. He didn’t dare wake you up before he rolled over and checked the time and pulled himself from bed to get you water.
He had moved as quietly as possible, taking one slow step at a time until he had gotten to the lower level of the cabin. As he touched the bottom, he cast a look over his shoulder waiting to hear any sign of you waking up. With reassurance that you were still sleeping, Bucky had shuffled to the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab a few of the still-sealed bottles of water, tucking them under his arm. When he had closed the fridge again and turned back to face the staircase, he had heard the sound of you waking up to be hit with your heat. The sound of rustling and the creak of the floor as you got off the bed had been what spurred Bucky to head back.
He had taken the steps two at a time until he had come to the landing, and then he had stopped. He could catch the twisted spikes of your heat and the sudden shift from light and airy to intoxicating and mouth-watering. It was your heat and the change it had on your scent that had afflicted Bucky with the powerful punch of his cycle. It had landed straight in his gut, the jab of an omega in heat that he had recognized as his.
His hindbrain, and likely yours as well, were driving you to not just be together but to give in to the other completely.
Bucky’s long strides took him straight into the bedroom where he had seen the discarded blankets and had been hit with the powerful jolt of your heat. It had slammed into him with the force of a brick wall, the contrasting shift was impossible to ignore and Bucky had no sooner thrown the bottles of water to the bed when you had stumbled out of the bathroom.
“Please…” you mouthed the words, hands tugging on one of his shirts you had borrowed. “Bucky. Hurts.”
“I’m here.” He stepped toward you, meeting you halfway and catching you when you stumbled into his arms. “Let’s get you to bed and then I’ll help you.”
He led you back to the mattress and laid you down, his hands running up and down your waist and hips feeling you quake beneath his touch. His fingertips, both flesh and metal, had dipped and curled against your flesh to bring you temporary relief, even though you would be needing more soon.
“Bucky please…” you pleaded again, barely getting the message across due to your shaking fingers. “Please-!”
Bucky had cooed softly, getting on the bed before you with one leg on either side of yours. He had hovered above you, studying you as you clenched your jaw with need and desire, your body flooded with all-powerful heat. Bucky had reached out toward you, resting one hand against your barely clothed left breast while the other hand grabbed and twisted the material of his shirt that you had borrowed.
“I’m going to take care of you.” He promised you, tugging the shirt up your belly to the bottom of your breasts. “I’m going to make you feel good.”
He had dropped his head and placed soft open-mouthed kisses on your flesh, trailing his lips and sequential heat from his flesh lower to your hips and pelvis. His actions were soft, they were rooted with desire and gentility as he tasted your skin and the reactive scent that lingered. There was no rush for him, no need to dive in immediately, not when he wanted to make this experience pleasant for you.
He could feel the draw of your heat on his own body, kickstarting the primordial and preternatural shift from an alpha who was watching his omega settle into her heat, to an alpha who was directly thrown into a rut because of his omegas heat.
And still, despite the rut that was going to start taking control of him, Bucky was not going to rush this moment for you.
“Tongue,” your hand resting against his head, one-handedly communicating with him, “I need to feel your tongue.”
“I know it hurts, I know what you need.” He muttered against the inside of your thighs, using his tongue to help clean and taste the slick that had been pouring from your puffy pussy lips. It was as if he was tasting honey pure and unfiltered upon his tongue, the way that your slick juices that were steadily being produced as a drive to make him sink into your cunt was unhindered.
“Bucky!” You tapped his head, signing his name with one hand as desperation had become you. “Please!”
He ran his hands up and around your thighs before cupping the back of your legs to pull you closer to himself. He had brushed his lips against the inside of your thighs, occasionally nipping at your flesh while his fingers dusted over your puffy pussy lips. He felt you squirming, he felt your desire and although he couldn’t hear the sound of your pleasure, he knew you had felt it. He had felt every surge and pulse between you two, every emotion meeting the other until it was a delirious mess that hovered like fog.
“I need to be sure, it’s not too late to change your mind,” Bucky questioned you again, he wanted the confirmation that would bring him a reiterated assurance that you wanted him as your mate.
“Yes,” you nodded your head, your sign language a stark reminder that you wanted him as much as he had wanted you, “I want this and is want you.”
“I’ll be everything you need,” Bucky mumbled against your thighs, creating and verbalizing a vow before he had even attempted to put his lips on your dripping pussy. “I’ll give you everything you want. I’ll be good for you.”
You brushed your hand down his hair, stealing his attention from his task. You locked eyes with him and smiled through the haze, casting him an irrevocable look of pure unadulterated affection and desire It was your promise in a way. It was your curated vow that you too, old care for Bucky as he had cared for you.
“I love you.” He mumbled against the inside of your thigh, unafraid to let the words fall from his tongue. “I love you, Y/N.”
It was the pivotal moment the two of you had been expecting, when Bucky’s tongue had met your soaked flesh and your hand gripped his hair.
It was what both of you wanted; what you’d both needed.
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winterarmyy · 1 year
And You're Mine
How grumpy chubby alpha!bucky finally found his omega
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Summary: In which Bucky, the big, scary, 'undesired alpha' was tricked into a blind date where he met his precious little omega.
Note: Read the prequel here 《 Must Be Fate 》
Words: 4.7k++
Pairing: chubby alpha!bucky x omega!female!reader
Warnings: implied 18+ content, implied smut, a/b/o dynamics, self-deprication, body shaming, tiny bit of angst, fluffiness, bucky has a size kink (if you squint), horny-ass bucky has lots of dirty thoughts, vivian being a digusting bitch, protective y/n, even more protective bucky and overall wholesome.
P/S: Ahhhhhhhhh!!! My first omega-verse fic; i have no clue what I'm doing. This is mostly self-indulgent but if you come across this and somehow interested to read it then I hope you enjoy!
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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"Are you fucking with me right now?" Bucky momentarily shuts his eyes, slightly titled his chin upwards, as if that'll help the boiling blood within his nerves to cool down.
Steve had expected that his best friend would be a little bit annoyed with his decision to trick him into agreeing to this suprise date but he didn't expect him to get this pissed, "Come on now, Buck. I promise you're gonna love this one."
"You said the same shit everytime!" Bucky almost roared in the middle of the crowded carnival, but he held back with a muted growl.
Ever since he lost his left arm on a rescue mission during his time in the Special Forces Unit, the society had deemed him to be "lesser than" despite the alpha title he was born into.
You would've thought that serving your country for about 6 years of your early 20's would be enough of a reason to make up for the so called "lacking", but no.
Apparently, his heroic contributions, his Sargent rank, and his literal blood, sweat and tears meant nothing when he returned home as an amputee.
Even if he came back with the medal of honor, pinned on the fabric of his uniform, right on his prideful chest; they didn't care. A defected alpha is as good as dead, especially in this modern, competitive society where its a lot more difficult to find a mate.
At first Bucky was optimistic, he didn't let them get to him.
He believed that his mate is out there somewhere, waiting for him, as he is for her.
After Stark Technologies offered him to join their research for under the Prosthetics and Orthotics Division, Bucky was lucky to fully revived his left arm in a form a vibranium prosthetic.
Even then, as time passed, the venomous whispers eventually managed to seep through; like any other poison, it is lethal to his mind.
And Bucky stopped trying to be an alpha. His pride was maimed and he let himself wallow in self hatred; letting his insecurity consume him. Eventually quite literally ate his pain away.
They said that he was rubbing salt to his own wound as now he was not just an amputated alpha, he is also a fat one at that.
With his alpha reputation being at its worst, his chances of finding a mate also went down hill.
"This one's gonna be different. Trust me." Steve claimed.
Bucky doesn't know why Steve seemed really convinced. But he wasn't having any of that, he rolled his eyes into a glare, "And how's that?"
Steve's blue eyes sparked as optimism lit on his face, "Well, first of all, she's one of Peggy's closest friends and.."
"Oh great, now you involve your omega into this." Bucky let out an unfiltered scoff before sarcastically exclaimed, "Just fantastic."
Steve growled at the mention of his mate, "Watch it, Bucky." He warned.
Bucky's drilling glare remained the same as Steve's alpha challenged his.
It's not that Bucky is against the idea of Peggy or any other omega helping him in any way. But, Steve had been annoyingly persistent with these set ups and he was sick of it. Perhaps he was a bit petty bringing Peggy into the conversation but he really was just tired of this.
Steve's scowl gradually soften before he continued his reasons, "...And, your date is actually the one requesting for a set up with you."
And that definitely caught Bucky's attention. Steve could see it, especially when Bucky's ears perked up a little and his ever-lasting frown loosen at the tiniest amount.
Steve smirked triumphantly, "Specifically you."
For moment, there was a hesitation on Bucky's side; and there were only the chaotic atmosphere around them. From the screaming of the riders on the roller coater to the giggles of children at the nearby courasell.
Steve really thought he managed to lure Bucky but he was caught by surprise when Bucky replied, "You'd think I'd fall for that crappy excuse of a lie? No. I'm leaving." Bucky turned on his heels.
"I'm not lying." Steve stopped him as he held on his arm, "Hey, you're gonna break her heart."
"Break her heart? How about mine? Just how many more heart breaks do I have to endure? How much more disappointment do I have to go through?"
Bucky gathered his palms into fists as he recalled all the mean, insulting words his past lovers had thrown at him and all those time he wasted on waiting for his dates to show up.
Just before Bucky planning to lash out, a voice interupted his thoughts "Hey, sorry for being late." Peggy came just in time.
Though it was just her; no sign of his so called date around.
An unexpected sting spreads within Bucky's chest. Of course she would stood him up too. Why was he surprised?
Steve pulled his omega into a tight hug, "Hey, baby. Where's y/n?" He asked.
"She's went to the bathroom." Peggy replied before taking a peep towards Bucky, "She got really nervous when she saw you. She might take some time to calm down. She thought its better if you know." Peggy explained.
On one side, Bucky can feel that sliver of hope creeping in. He look down to where he was supposed to see his feet, but unable to see them as now they're blocked by the round of his soft tummy. That's when the dark thoughts clouded his mind.
Was she just feeling nervous or was she regretting her decision?
After a short back and forth explanation, Peggy swept Steve away and had left Bucky on his own. She claimed that the line to the haunted house will double if they wait any longer. But, Bucky knew that they just wanted to leave him and his date alone.
Like every other date before, Bucky was emotions was all over the place; nervous, scared, intrigued, excited but what's different tonight was he also felt angry and annoyed. Which was not a good thing to feel on a date.
So he went to a Whac-A-Mole machine near the spot where he was supposed to wait for his date. He had to hit something. He just had to. He need to let his anger out one way or another.
His gloved hand gripped tightly on the wooden handle as he waited for the next round. Smack after smack, next was harsher than before, he did felt better. But even if the fire was out, the ashes were still burning.
As he was fixated on whacking the shit out of the moles, a particular scent invaded his nostrils. A sweet-smelling scent; something between a mix of cotton candy and butterscotch-caramel nuances.
It should be normal to smell this at a place such as a carnival; but the food stalls were all the way on the other end of the venue and this scent was too strong, too potent, to be that far away from him.
Bucky just had to stop as he relished the pleasant smell; it was truly a sweet and warm gourmand scent that ushered him in and out between nostalgic memories and pure raging lust.
That was when he heard a voice coming from his back, "You must've been really bored waiting that you started without me." She sounded amused when she let out a quiet laugh.
Even before Bucky had the chance to turn around he knew he was fucked; she just had to have the most captivating scent he had ever smell, and the most beautiful-sounded laughter he had ever heard.
What a foul torment to do to an alpha.
When Bucky turned around, he would've missed her if he wasn't paying enough attention on the lower area of his view.
And there she stood, in all her glory of ethereal beauty; small and sweet-looking in an off-shoulder sundress that does nothing but tempt Bucky to leave his mark all over her exposed skin. A simple necklace adorned with a gleaming stone that shines much like her eyes. A shy smile that may have just triggered some dark thoughts in Bucky's mind on corrupting the poor little thing.
"James, right? I'm y/n." she introduced herself but when Bucky's gaze fell on her rosy lips, all he could think was how bad he wanted to bite and suck on them just see if it'll get redder than they already were.
He was too focused entertaining on his inner beast's thoughts that he just stood there in silence, frowning intensely at the sweet little omega in front of him.
Y/N took his unresponsiveness as a sign of anger, so quickly apologised for her tardiness, "Sorry for making you wait so long. When we..i mean I. When I saw you, the nerves started kicking in." At least she tried to, despite stuttering in the between her words.
Fuck, she's such a pretty doll but above all, Bucky just wanted to protect her from the world, provide for her with anything she deserves, treat her like an absolute queen, worship every inch of her being like his own personal goddess and jesus fuck these urges came in stronger than he ever experienced.
With the lights coming from behind, Bucky's face was in the shadows and Y/N misterinterpret his spell-bound, diluted eyes to something else.
Y/N's brows creased in hesitation as she wonders if Bucky was still mad, "Uhh... oh shit" then her eyes widen in a false realization, "Is the something on my face?" She frantically searched for her phone in her bag.
And fuck does that big doe eyes of hers just casually seduce Bucky to think of how she would look when she's taking his cock in her mouth. She'd be so fucking pretty.
She knew she should've used her phone's camera to re-apply her lipstick instead of the cracked mirror at the carnival's bathroom, "The mirror here is f--"
Yes, Bucky would want to breed her so good that she would always be full with his pups.
She's undeniably... "Perfect." Bucky finally spoke after what seemingly feels like forever.
His voice was laced with a hint of territorial grunt that Y/N was not able to catch what he said, "Hmm?" She titled her head to the side, eyes pleading for him to repeat.
It took Bucky all of his mental strength to hold back his alpha urges when he repeats, "You're perfect, doll. Just absolutely perfect." A cheshire smile decorated his handsome face.
Did he meant to say she look perfect? Well, yes but no. He clearly meant she was perfect, her whole being. But Y/N took it as the prior, "Thank you." She smiled sweetly as her cheeks warmed.
Bucky definitely noticed the slight indent of her left dimple. And he wondered how would it felt against his fingers. "Adorable." He thought as his smile grew wider.
Y/N had been waiting for this moment, to finally had a chance to have this man even for a day, especially considering she had the biggest crush on this stranger that helped her a year ago.
One time she might just had met her potential mate was that one time she had to be dosed with shit tons of scent blockers. And that might just be reason why Bucky may not remember her but that's fine. She had one more chance with him tonight.
After that encounter, his scent, his voice, his presence lingered in her mind longer than she anticipated. At least until the moment Peggy showed a photo her alpha that had Bucky in it.
She grew hopeful and had been pestering her to set up somehow set up date with him.
When the time finally comes, she couldn't help but to fell into panic, "Did I introduce myself? I'm y/n" she completely forgot that she already did that.
Bucky let out the most adorable laugh before he reminded her, "You very well did, sugar." His hand move so naturally to tuck the strand of her hair behind her ear as she fell into utter embrassement.
"I'm Bucky." He finally introduced himself.
"Bucky?" Y/N outwardly questioned. She thought his name was James, as Peggy said it was.
He hummed softly as he nodded, "The name's James Bucky Barnes." He explained. "Just call me Bucky, yeah sugar?" He duck his head to peek on her redden face, "...cause I can't guarantee my behaviour around you if you keep calling me James." He quirked his eyebrow as his teasing grin spreads.
Oh, he was definitely and unashamedly insinuated something quite unholy there.
Bucky straighten on his back as he offered his arms, "Shall we, then? I would love to know more about you, sweet 'mega."
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No matter how infatuated Bucky was with this lovely little omega clinging to his arm; a part of him was also on a defensive mode.
His insecurities gets the best of him when he believe that all of this was just an act, a cruel prank that fate has set up for him or maybe he was just having a ridiculous dream, knowing how pitiful his reality was.
Despite his gentle smile and longing gaze that's lingering on Y/N who was having the best time of her life as her bright eyes sparked at the vibrant and colorful firework show, deep down, he couldn't help to think that sooner or later, all of this will end like it always does.
Another heart break he needed to endure.
But, she was truly an angel. She was everything he could ever hoped for, everything that he could ever long for.
He can't belive that she would spend even a second of her time with a defected, fat, angry looking alpha such as himself.
Maybe this won't be just another heart break.
Maybe this would be the cause for him to actually break beyond repairable.
And she would be the catalyst.
"Thank you for today, Bucky. I truly enjoy my time with you." She confessed with a sincere appreciation and admiration towards him. She shyly broke their eye contact as her finger fiddled with soft fur of the teddy bear that Bucky won for her.
It reminds her of him so much that she insisted that he need to win it for her.
So he did.
His alpha couldn't help to puff with pride. "Omega's happy because of us." But his lips remain shut with a loving smile curved on it.
The dimple on her cheek appeared again and this time he didn't stop his hand from reaching out. Though they were gloved, he still let himself feeling the pleasure of grazing his fingers along her cheek, through her dimple and stopped underneath her chin.
Bucky pulled her closer as he dipped down to her level. Warmth sparked in Y/N's chest, as if the fireworks show magically transferred within her instead, "Buck--"
"Bucky?" A women's voice interupted their moment. "Bucky is that you?" She called again and her familiarity had caught both Y/N and Bucky's attention.
"Oh my god! It is you!" her ecstatic tone might have fool Y/N for a second there.
Maybe she's a close friend of Bucky, but when she saw the colors from his face drained quite drastically, she might need to hold on to that thought.
"Vivian." Bucky's tone changed into something Y/N couldn't put her finger on. Sorrow? Anger? Regret? She wasn't sure but it was not a positive response.
The claimed omega sauntered closer and peered towards Y/N with a glint of judgment in her eyes, "And I see you managed to trick another one, huh?"
That triggered a scarring spot within Bucky.
He could still remember the way she accused him of luring and tricking omega to be with him. Apparently, she couldn't stand being him during intimate time especially during his ruts.
And one particular moment when his rut was at its peak and she couldn't stop herself to turn into an unforgiving monster.
"I can't believe I fell for your charms. Then now I need to deal with this." Vivian looked away, unable to look at her boyfriend, hot and bothered, bare and in pain.
Bucky pants and groan as Vivian continued to insult him from the corner of him room, "Look at you, Bucky! You look fucking pathetic!" She yelled as she angrily pointed her hands towards him.
He turn to his side facing her, and curled his body to manage the raging pain of wanting to stick his cock into something. Vivian was to busy ranting that she couldn't see the fire in Bucky's grilling frown.
"You can't expect me to touch you now especially with your big fucking belly spilling out like that. God, you're sweating like damn dog and you fucking reek!" Her eyes narrowed and her nose wrinkled in disgust before she continued, "And don't get me started with that wretched arm of yours."
That's it. Bucky was not having any of it anymore. He was seconds away from slamming Vivian's face to the wall as his primal alpha needs to aggress were also heighten in his rut.
"Then, get the fuck out of my house, you useless annoying bitch." Bucky growled through his pain.
Vivian was not able to catch a breath as her mouth hang open in shock. Bucky never been that harsh with her but honestly it was about time he did.
"Don't even think of coming back." He warned as she closed the doors behind her.
Unknowingly leaving Bucky's heart bruised and battered.
That was almost a year ago. Bucky gave her the benefit of a doubt as he thought maybe she would change once she find her the love life but apparently she is as vicious as ever.
The tall blonde continue to linger as she asked, "Did you know? About that arm of his?"
Y/N didn't know what she was talking about but she didn't want to entertain this woman, especially when Bucky was clearly uncomfortable with her presence.
Though her silence only lead Vivian to speculate, "Aww, you poor thing, you don't know, do you?" Her mockery was getting worst, "It's fake, honey. He lost his arm many years ago." She flicked Bucky's left arm with long bird-like nails; or claws, that seemed more accurate.
Bucky caught the way Y/N's eyes briefly glanced at his covered arms then his gloved hand. What was she thinking then? Does she think that he was defected? That he is a damaged goods?
He couldn't help to let his mind wonder to the worst case scenarios and to make the unpleasant situation even worse Vivian slightly tugged Bucky's jacket to the side.
Revealing his round and plushy belly, "And fuck did you get bigger?" She sneered as the ruthless insult continue to spill.
"Shut up." Y/N's broken silence caught them off guard.
Vivian scoffed, "What?"
Y/N piercing gaze landed on Vivian's hand still tugging Bucky's jacket. She harshly grabbed her on the wrist, didn't care whether if her nails would dug into the woman's skin.
"I said..." The air felt heavier, only for Y/N to shove more force to it when her voice dropped a few octaves down, "Shut the fuck up before I tear your throat apart."
How dare she insult her alpha, especially when Y/N was right there with him.
"Are sure you want to do that?" Vivian's alpha suddenly stepped in. Even though he clearly was not interested in the matter a few seconds ago.
Y/N took a step forward, "Try me." She dared him.
"I might as well fuck your balls up while I'm at that, huh? Maybe you'll learn a thing or two about subduing your insolent omega."
Oh, she meant what she said; its especially clear when the growling started to peak a presence through her voice.
The taller was bright red, with embrassment and anger, "You're talking to an alpha. Know your place 'mega!" He forced his alpha command on her.
She fought back as much as she could but of course she was forced to submit. When the alpha tried to reach for her, that's when Bucky blocked his way.
Bucky's demeanour completely changed into something different. His meek presence vanished and now turned into a pure and primal rage. Good thing was he contained it quite well so he won't cause a scene but his gaze degrades the one before him.
Though the alpha was slightly taller but Bucky was certainly bigger and being a veteran, of course he'd be stronger. One wrong move, he might get a chance to meet the grim reaper sooner than he'd expect.
It felt as if Bucky was towering over the alpha, as he challenged him to come a step further, "Touch her and you're dead." Bucky let out a deep, murderous growl as he threatened.
The alpha was about to protest but was forced into a frozen state as he look into Bucky's sapphire eyes; there was something ominous about it, something dark and dangerous.
Being overwhelmed by Bucky's strong scent of rage, Vivian quickly pulled her alpha away, "Let's just go... They're not worth it." She coaxed, and the alpha agreed.
Before they leave, she managed to slip a last comment, as she wishes luck to Bucky, "Goodluck keeping this one." She thought she was being sleek when she whispered so quietly but Y/N heard that just fine.
When Y/N snapped out of the alpha command, she grunted, "I'm gonna kill her." What a menancing look in those coffee-stained eyes of hers.
Bucky only softened to her threatening aggressions, "No, you're not " he rubbed his hand to the sides of her arms, trying to calm her down.
Which failed miserably when she replied, "Watch me." She spun around, eyes searching in the crowd, trying to spot a glimpse of the rude couple.
"Hey hey, omega." Bucky quickly catch her before she could walk further, pulling her back to his chest, both of his arms securing her waist, "Calm down. Shhh shhh." Bucky let out a calming rumble from within his chest, coaxing her softly,  "Killing is not necessary, sugar."
Despite her tensed body were starting to relax, her mind certainly wasn't, "And why the hell not?" Her small hands gripped onto the fabric of Bucky's jacket on his arms.
"No one deserved to be treated like that." She whispered softly as Bucky continued to kiss the top of her head, mumbling quiet 'I know, doll. I know' 
"You don't deserve to be treated like that, Bucky." Her voice shivered despite her efforts to conceal them.
Bucky loosen his grip and turned her to face him. His loving gaze took in every single one of Y/N's sweet features; from her teary eyes to her redden nose and pouty lips.
He wanted to kiss each of them, in hopes of making her feel better. But he doesn't want to take any chances as he had already made a bold move to hug her from behind and kiss her head prior.
Bucky looked down at his dark midnight glove, and Y/N took his lead. Before she could say anything, Bucky started pulling each one off. Revealing his calloused right hand and a shiny black and gold prosthetic on the other.
He can't see her reaction to his vibranium arm, but he imagined the worst. He took in a shaky breath before he spoke, "Alpha is supposed to be perfect. They supposed to be capable. So that they can provide and protect their omega."
He paused as Y/N wrapped took both of his hand in hers but then continued regardless, "And I am far from being perfect or ideal. I lost a limb and gained pounds in return. I can't hide that fact."
"But I swear to god y/n, I never intent on tricking you or using you, in any way." In the end, Vivian's gaslighting effect of Bucky was still stronger as ever.
Why couldn't he see that there was nothing less about him.
"It's pretty." Y/N titled his left hand back and forth, watching the glow on the gold lines reflect the lights of the carnival; each move create random sparkling dots on its smooth surface, it looks like stars.
Bucky didn't understand at first until she looked up at him, with eyes gleaming with mixture of intrigued and infatuation, "It's so pretty, and Bucky..." She reached her hand to his face, gently rubbing her thumb on his stubble jaw, "You're beautiful. All of you." She confessed.
She carefully pulled her hand away from his cheek, and grabbed his left hand with both of hers, allowing it draw near to her lips before she placed a loving kiss on it, "This arm," Then her hands caressed the softness of his tummy, "this body," before they stopped at his chest where his beating heart resides, "this heart. Every single part of you is beyond beauty itself."
Bucky frowned as he find it hard to believe and Y/N knew that, "I mean it, Bucky."
A short chuckle left her lips as a thought run through her mind, "God, you'd be running scared, if you know half of the things I would love to do to you."
Bucky bit back a smile as he let his teeth sink into his bottom lip.
Y/N continued as she held onto his hands, "But, above all Bucky, you are the sweetest man I've met." There was nothing more sincere than her words, "Yeah I know we just met and what not, but if I can see that just in one night, imagine if I get to know more of you tomorrow or the next day and next week?"
Her grip on him grew stronger as she reminded him, "Don't let an impudent omega or anyone even, convice you otherwise."
"Because Bucky, you are as lovable as a person can be." She placed his palm on either side of her cheeks, purring as the sensation on skin felt so right, "And I am absolutely honoured and proud to be standing here with an alpha like you." She smiled like she was the happiest omega on earth.
And Bucky could not control the overwhelming joy within his thundering chest as it bursts with endless fluttering butterflies. He had never felt such comfort, such reassurance in his life, especially after returning home from the army.
Flickers igniting as he leaned in closer and closer until their lips touched, tentively for the first time. The smell of her cotton candy and caramel, so sweet and so soft, it was almost dizzying, but he was more than thrilled to let it consume him. 
Y/N briefly parted her lips to let him in and leaned into the kiss, wanting more of the delicious sensation of his lips, his tongue on hers. Bucky wanted nothing more than devour her, memorizing of every single moan that fell into his mouth.
It felt so right; it was exactly was his soul had been yearning for and more.
Breaking the kiss was the reminder to both of them they need air to breath, and Bucky rested his forehead on hers as he took in everything that just happened.
While Y/N found herself completely drunk to the feeling of love within her body and soul, she whispered dearly as she scatters most tender kisses all over Bucky's face, "You're so pretty. So perfect. So... mine."
And that caught Bucky in another spiral of confusion; she could see it in face especially with his sapphire eyes being as wide as they were.
She giggled amusingly before she proposed, "Will you be mine, James Bucky Barnes?"
God, he was supposed to be the alpha here. But what can he say, his omega is quite a special one.
He breathed a relief sigh, "Yes." Leaned in for a quick taste of her lips before asking his a question of his own, "And you're mine?"
Her nose crunched as she booped its tip on his, "Always." She replied. Bucky could feel her smile against his lips and so does she.
Unbeknownst to the happy couple, a few feet away from them was Peggy who was busy clicking her camera away, trying to get the best shot she could out of the couple while Steve was trying hard to hold back his proud sniffles as he stood guard near his omega.
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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A/N: Sooooooo what you think? Feel free to give feedback I love reading your thoughts!
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shotmrmiller · 5 months
(🍳) not the same anon as the alpha anon but my god 😩🫶🏻 bless you anon for that i love abo dynamics so much
Could you imagine if ghost finds omega reader just doing their own thing, minding their own business and when he approaches them it turns into a lot of shouting and crying and the reader begging for him to leave them alone 😭 bystanders be getting them dramas for free
Soap tells him that you frequent this one book shop a lot.
He should've known. You always talked his ear off about the stories you were reading at the time.
Ghost sees you in an aisle, head tucked in a book like always, when your nose twitches, he hears you sniff once, and instantly whip your head to face him.
The panic in your eyes has him promptly commanding Soap to guard the exit— you aren't slipping through his fingers again.
He's looking at you as the scent of your salty tears stings his nose, but everything else is muted. Your lack of scent sets his teeth on edge because it's not natural. Not right.
Ghost doesn't care about your personal space, doesn't care that you're crying and trying to futilely push him away. He's not going anywhere, not without you.
And when you voice your distress with loud, shaky whimpers, it attracts others. Other alphas, coming to the supposed rescue of a weak, unmated omega.
He notices them, and tells Soap to keep you behind him at all times, away from danger. Ghost then rolls his shoulders, tilts his neck side to side, and growls, "Come on, then. I've been itchin' for a brawl."
You almost fall into your subspace with all the pheromones in the air but Soap's hands grab your face, forcing your eyes on his— a limpid bright blue, outlined by dark, long lashes.
"Tha's it, bonnie. Keep looking at me, aye? It'll be over soon."
And it was. Ghost carries you in his arms, legs dangling over his thick forearm, and walks out of the bookstore.
Instead of going around the bodies he's left on the ground, he walks over them instead— heavy boot stepping onto the sternums of the defeated.
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house-of-daena · 9 months
[CONTENTS: nsfw, robotic anatomy, f/cking robots but with no penetration, just messing with his circuits, wires, screws, whatever (im not a mechanic, idk half i said here), sub dottore segment (omega), gn.mechanic.reader (co-created the segments)]
゚+*:ꔫ:*﹤"sit still, omega." you warn him, a serious lilt in your voice as you move your hands carefully into his open chest cavity, wires, and bits of his intricate parts all laid onto the metal surface of the table he was currently sitting on. "you wouldn't want me to mess up, right?"
and although your delicate hands, now covered in black soot that will be difficult to clean off, a smile adorned your lips, eyes bright and full of mischief. "this is the 3rd time you've visited my office, you know?"
omega merely scoffed, turning his face away from your teasing gaze. his cheeks, despite it being a cool surface composed of metal, were dusted with muted shades of reds and pinks, that spread down to his neck, and to his shoulders. it contradicted his dismissive attitude, and he cursed at the useless feature implemented in his system.
"awww, flustered now, are we?" you cooed, lips brushing against the edge of the panel that's usually covered by his mask. your hot breath fanned against his skin, and though he was a machine, he shivered at the feeling, biting his bottom lip as you pressed a kiss onto his star-shaped sensors. you chuckled when it glowed a brilliant red, his pale skin, now flushed, as he grits his teeth in anticipation. "you're so adorable, omega, so hot and bothered just with some words."
you hear a faint 'click' inside his titanium rib cage, where his core and other frail components lie. curiously, you pull back to see what activated in his system, only to break into a big, shit-eating grin to see his automatic internal cooling system begin to gleam blue. "oh my, don't go all shy on me! not after coming in here inside my workshop~"
"j-just get it done," omega finally finds it in himself to speak, his voice breaking easily as his trembling hands grip your shoulders, holding himself back on wrapping his legs around your waist. "i have important matters to attend to, and prime won't be happy if i report late— a-aAHN!"
he was cut off by his own moan, writhing and panting at the feeling of your hands rubbing and fondling his metallic spine, aiming for the sensitive spots of his system, thumbing between the joints of his fragile parts. omega couldn't help but arch his back and whimper your name out loud when you've begun tugging on his complicated wiring. you relished at how his bottom lip shook, his body instinctively mimicking organic reactions when it comes to pleasure, his shoulders rose and fell as he pants at each tantalizing touch.
you shook your head as you clicked your tongue, plunging your arms deeper into his chest, making him gasp and choke on a moan, fingers brushing against his convoluted circuits. "this doesn't usually happen, you know?" humming, you began to unscrew a bolt to access an even more complex section of his body, though you did it agonizingly slow, making sure omega could feel each twist and turn of your tool. "unless someone else messed with your circuits… but that's impossible. each segment has a different screw, nut, and bolt, all custom-made and unique, courtesy to me, so that only prime and i could have access to your very fragile and very complicated machinery."
before omega could even make an excuse, trying to save himself from this utter embarrassment, he throws his head back and almost falls off the table as his body is suddenly electrified with intense shocks of pleasure, his system overwhelmed as he felt sparks coursing through his wirings. drool seeped at the corner of his lips, he keens when your hands didn't relent on reattaching wires back to their proper place, and tweaking the numerous gears inside of him.
he couldn't stop shaking, hands pawing at your shoulders as he tries to keep still, lest he wants you to fuck up his system even more… although the thought made his fans whir faster, to have your hands touch every single intricate piece of his metallic body, your hands warm to the touch and expertly assaulting his every weak spot he had. he was at the verge of an overload, senses making him lightheaded.
"this is a very calculated error, so much so that only a person or a machine with high intelligence can pull it off, rather than it being due to the humid air of sumeru." omega lets out a cry when you tightened a screw, making him curl his toes and fall back onto the table, back so beautifully arched against the metal surface and rattling his mechanical parts. "you know very well that i built you more resilient than that, darling~"
omega swallowed down his moans, trying to catch his breath as he glares unto your eyes, a weak scowl on his trembling lips. "p-perhaps the mechanic lacks the utter skill to—h-hahnn! t...to even complete proper maintenance o-of their own creation... f-fuck!" he argues in between his whorish moans, cursing and stumbling over his words, "l-leading to this 'calculated error', as you've said..." you knew if he had eyes, he'd shed tears.
you laughed at his poor attempt of an excuse, especially when he's been letting out perfect mimicry of hiccups and sobs, pretty sensors flashing red, fingers digging rather painfully against your biceps as his joints creaked. "oh darling, you and the other segments are all the same," you tease, leaning towards him and pressed kisses on his neck, all the way up to his jawline, paying attention to how his body reacted to everything you do to him. "knocking on my office door, saying that they're having calibration errors, or they need an early tune-up, begging me to fix them."
omega felt like he was perpetually on edge, the pure ecstasy driving his system into a frenzy, his body struggling to cool down his processor. he couldn't even cum if he wanted to; you didn't build him like that. it was maddening—each caress made him mewl how a slut would, each tug of his wiring made him quiver weakly beneath you, the desire to be absolutely ravished by you growing stronger at each passing second.
"are you all so jealous that i can fuck your very own creator so good that he's crying my name all night long, but can't do the same to you?" you purr into his ear, and he bucks his hips upwards, taut against yours as he whines in desperation, "so you'd mess up your insides so i can fix them? hoping for me to touch you in ways only i know that will make you feel good?"
and he nods, tongue lolling out between his lips, looking absolutely wrecked. again, you laughed mockingly at his pitiful display. you kiss him all over his face, and he cries, begging you to be gentle with his insides, that he can't take anymore. he's so sensitive that he could feel it through his mechanical bones, the electric currents flowing through his body giving you small shocks whenever you touch him, and his system making loud beeping sounds, indicating that he was overloading.
but you found it too amusing, for what was supposed to be an unfeeling robot, melting into putty in your hands as you stroke, palm, pull, knead his pieces to the point he's seeing stars. "if only i had known you segments were all pathetic whores for me, then we should've gone for a more organic approach..."
"although," your hands paused, and omega took big gulps of air, his back somehow began to ache for how long he's had it arched in burning bliss, his sensors focused on you, body twitching. "i could stimulate a feature that could mimic a human orgasm..." omega visibly lights up, gripping onto the sleeves of your shirt as raspy pleads slip from his lips, but you shush him, smiling sickeningly sweet for reassurance. and yet, omega could feel regret creeping up his circuits in the dark and wicked intent behind your eyes.
"alright... it will take a few hours," your hands began to move again, and omega screamed, voice caught in his throat as you pressed a button that made him extra sensitive to stimulation, head clanging against the metal table. he could feel his inside buzz with delight, every single command prime had given him was left forgotten, and he could only think about your hands, tinkering away on his engine.
"try to keep your system stable until i finish, okay~?"
a/n - haiiii @brenbosan this is for u... i've had this thought for a while, saw ur post and my brain just. buzzed,, this was so fun to write hehe,, okay i will answer u guys asks now 🥹🥹
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posthumanwanderings · 2 years
[ Ian Pooley - My Anthem (Halcyon Highways 9) ]
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ourladyofomega · 1 year
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levi-venn · 4 months
When CT-9904, the clone that would one day become "Crosshair", was first pulled from his birthing tank, he did not cry.  
This was by design.
Engineered to become a “stealth soldier”, 04's vocal cords were shaped so that he could not raise his voice above a frustrated rasp. It was often muted by his incubator.
CT-9902, who would one day adopt the moniker "Tech", was also silent, but this was always a cause for concern. When 02 was quiet, he was most likely attempting his next escape. He had kicked the latch off his first incubator. He had poked the hinges off his second. By the third, Nala Se had nowhere to put the baby escape artist.
Putting 02 in 04's incubator was supposed to be a temporary solution.
A week later, when the new, reinforced incubator arrived, she picked up 02, and found his hand locked with 04's with an iron grip. 
CT-9902 cried. 
CT-9904 hissed.
And so, the ever patient Nala Se left 02 where he was there.  There were no more escape attempts after that.
One day, CT-9902 began to cry.
Nala Se was in the middle of calming 03 who was trying to wreck the changing table with tiny, but mighty fists.
"Omega, see to 02, please, he needs to be changed."
Omega slid off her stool and without looking up from her datapad she said. "It's 04 who needs changing."
"How do you know?" Nala Se asked.
"02 cries louder when 04 needs help."
- Excerpt from Cross and Crow (Read series on AO3)
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drarryspecificrecs · 25 days
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2024.05 ~ Top 10 longest fics posted on AO3
1. Extraordinary Labor by Miershooptier [E, 259k]
►Set long after the Battle of Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy is abruptly and unwillingly called home after spending the last twenty years living and studying abroad. It seems that there are things at Malfoy Manor which need to be put to rest, and the Ministry of Magic has determined that as the sole remaining Malfoy by blood, Draco is the only one who can do it. But curse breaking is not Draco’s area of expertise, and so the Ministry has found someone willing to help.
2. Saviour by @whumpitlikeyoumeanit [E, 204k]  *typo
►Several years post-War, Draco is found wandering, incoherent, and ill, in the aftermath of an extended bout of the Imperius curse. Harry Potter brings him into his home to protect him while the rest of the world thinks he's dead.
3. A Dark and Savage Magic by @tessacrowley [E, 124k]
►They say that the earliest spells were cast without wands, that they were bargains made with the earth. They say that the magic was theoretically limitless, equal only to the price the caster was willing to pay, strong enough to move mountains and reshape the sky. They say that omegas were pioneers of that magic, its scholars and its stewards. But that was many thousands of years ago. Ages have come and gone since the last of the druids drew breath. Their knowledge, and their power, has slipped from history to legend, from legend to myth. Omegas are now an underclass, and druids a relic of an idealized but unattainable past. Draco Malfoy, an omega himself, has a natural skill in the old magic that will do him no favors.
4. The Rehabilitation of Draco Malfoy by sayschu [E, 119k]
►Harry Potter spent the first year post-war being the hero everyone needed. Draco Malfoy was abandoned in Azkaban, where a plot to punish Death Eaters has left him more vulnerable than ever. Now they're both returning to Hogwarts, and while Harry aches for a connection, Malfoy can't bear to be touched.
5. Mute series by Wendy_Noire [T, 106k, 2 works]
►While the wizarding world were led to believe that Harry Potter was treated like a prince, the reality was much worse. It was a shock for Draco to realise the other 11 year old in Madame Malkins' wasn't simply uninterested in him, but couldn't speak. He was even more shocked to discover that this child was none other than Harry Potter, someone he had been expecting to be as cocky as Snape had told him James was, not this small, shy, mute boy. From that moment on, Draco swore to himself that he would protect the smaller of the two, even if his parents disagreed with his decision.
6. Follies of an Ornamental Hermit by @mallstars --- ART by @itsphantasmagoria​ [E, 103k]
►Potter still wasn't looking at him. Instead he faced the windows, watching the snow and the sunless sea. Behind the welcome desk, standing tall amidst the wisdom and glistening magic, Draco controlled the spheres of restless light and the flustered books, all with gentle flicks of a wand that had once served Potter without a beat of hesitation. If Potter were to look, Draco would be ready. He had a right to be here. The library was his, if only after hours.
7. Harry & The Slytherin Six by @youhavemyswordandmybow [M, 100k]
►Three things happened after the war. Hermione lost her memory. Ron didn’t handle it well, started to wear lots of black, work-out relentlessly, fix up Sirius’s motorbike and sleep around. And Harry let homeless, ex-con Slytherins move in with him until their homes and Gringotts accounts were released. Because, he's a f--ing idiot. Oh, and Andromeda made him take parental classes - in order for him to have Teddy overnight.
8. Protego Obscurial by @sightedkarma [E, 90k]
►As the Founder of Protego Maxima, the top-rated Mixed Magical Security Firm in England, Harry is a busy man. He has a policy that states he no longer takes on clients personally, as he, Ron and Hermione continue to grow the business. So when Pansy Parkinson appears in his office requesting he takes on a special case, one would think he would reject her. You would be right, if that special case didn't include a huge donation to his charity and the opportunity to work with his favorite band. But when he finds out just how familiar the men behind those masks are and how personal this case will be, he may wish he had stuck to policy.
9. An Exercise In Forgiveness by @pepperpaperpopper​ [M, 74k]
►Seven apologies in seven years. A down and out Draco is on a quest to become a better man while trying to find his moral compass. Meanwhile, Harry struggles with regret and resentment and is unable to leave the war behind. Can they find grace and forgiveness? [...]
10. The Future Is Guaranteed by iima_k [T, 40k]
►Over two years ago, Harry and Draco made big life changes: Harry moved away and Draco ended his marriage. Now pessimistic about life, a chance meeting has them learning about love, purpose, and family. For once, they begin to honestly question, what is it that they want?
※ Word count: 1k ~ 10k
※ Word count: 10k ~ 40k
all roads lead to you by newshapes8 [M, 14k]
At least I'm trying. by carelesspeaches [E, 17k]
An Eight-Headed Snake by Otherain [T, 30k]
Goodbye Pond by @handledwithgloves [G, 18k]
How do you spell ‘love’? You don’t spell it…you feel it. by skotini [T, 20k]
How to live with Malfoy by ProseMary [T, 16k]
Mordax Afectium by maxallover [M, 14k]
The Risk of Falling by @siobhanhazel [T, 19k]
Tastes Like Commitment by Reloumi [E, 21k]
that's the beauty of a secret (you know you're supposed to keep it) by @autisticnightfury [E, 39k]
The Third Son series by Runner3434 [E, 31k, 3 works]
Walked In and Dream Came Trued It for Ya by CheatsatUNO [G, 12k]
Ongoing Fest/Exchange
※ Fics would be listed elsewhere.
HD Mpreg 2024 | @harrydracompreg
Lights Camera Drarry 2024 | @lcdrarry
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