#must have nft tools
retrocanvas · 2 years
66 Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Trading Tools You Need
When it comes to #tradingNFTs, there are a few #tools that are essential for any trader. #NonFungibleToken trading tools can help you track your investments, keep track of #markettrends, and more.
When it comes to trading NFTs, there are a few tools that are essential for any trader. Non-Fungible Token trading tools can help you track your investments, keep track of market trends, and more. Market Aggregator / Sweeper / Secondary Marketplaces Blockchain marketplaces are perfect for trading Digital assets and NFTs, as they offer secure and transparent platforms for buying and selling…
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intelisync · 2 months
2024 Startup Toolkit: Key Web3 Marketing Tools
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Are you ready to revolutionize your marketing strategy? Discover the power of Web3 tools and take your business to the next level.
In 2024, Web3 marketing tools are set to redefine how businesses approach marketing. Unlike traditional Web2 marketing, which relies on centralized platforms, Web3 marketing utilizes decentralized technologies that prioritize transparency, user control, and direct engagement.
This new approach allows startups and small businesses to connect with their audiences in more meaningful and secure ways. Platforms like Mastodon and Brave Browser are at the forefront of this shift, offering decentralized social media experiences and prioritizing user privacy.
Tools like Dune Analytics provide real-time insights into blockchain data, enabling marketers to make data-driven decisions and optimize their campaigns. Steemit and Galxe offer unique ways to reward user engagement and content creation, fostering vibrant communities around brands.
The innovative use of NFTs, demonstrated by a fashion company's success on Rarible, shows how Web3 tools can create exclusive and engaging marketing experiences that drive brand loyalty and redefine audience interaction.
Partnering with Intelisync can help businesses navigate the complexities of Web3 marketing.
By integrating these top six Web3 tools into your strategy, Intelisync ensures your business stays competitive and achieves remarkable brand recognition and sales growth. Transform your marketing efforts with Intelisync’s expertise in Web3 technologies. Contact us today to start your Web3 marketing journey and achieve Learn more...
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dokidokitsuna · 7 months
...I just remembered I wanted to make my own statement on the AI thing. ^^;
So you've probably heard, but in case you haven't: Tumblr just sold out everyone's data to the AI trash compactors, they probably did it long before they gave us the option to opt out, and even if you do opt out they're probably still taking and using your work anyway (telling people to opt out instead of actually asking for their permission is already scummy business practice, but when it comes to AI it's functionally meaningless. :/ It's always "well, we're telling them not to use these people's data and we're hoping they'll be nice and go along with it" with no regulations or consequences if they decide to just steal everything indiscriminately...)
Despite that, I am not leaving Tumblr anytime soon. I'm looking into other sites*, but at this moment in time, I have nowhere else to go. ^^; Besides, I still like it here. When I left DeviantArt I was already getting sick of the place, having my art stolen regularly by "fans" and paradoxically getting less and less interest in my work over time. By the time the devs turned the website into eye-blinding slop with Eclipse, I was more than ready to move on.
But I still enjoy using Tumblr. I like writing long text posts that no one would bother to read anywhere else, I like answering asks, and I like the unique sense of humor and style among the users here. ^^ It would take a lot to force me out.
Also, I can take a little solace in the fact that AI-bros do not value "low-quality" art like mine. ^^; If messy cel-shaded sketches with visible pixels ever become popular, then I'll worry, but for now I think it's highly unlikely that anyone will want to wholesale regurgitate my art. If anything, I think prioritizing it in their datasets would only make them worse...and on that note, if you do have "high quality" detailed/painterly/semi-realistic art that would be targeted, I'd recommend 'poisoning' it with Nightshade/Glaze. Although I heard a rumor a while back that AI is "building immunity" to Nightshade and already learning to work around it, but I'm really hoping that was just a wishful lie from the trash compactors themselves. I haven't heard it repeated since then, so I think it's still worth a shot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So anyway, like the post I reblogged said, I think the best thing we can do now is to make it clear that WE DON'T WANT AI ART. We don't care how easy it'll be to instantly generate thousands of hours of mindless 'content' to look at; we don't want it. Since regulation is lagging so far behind (wanna know why Disney's copyright hounds didn't shut this down on sight? Most likely, they're hoping to profit from it down the line) the only way to fight this right now is with individual litigation and consumer demand.
Don't support projects made with AI**; don't hate-watch them or spotlight them. Focus your energy on the millions of human artists who are still here, and need your support now more than ever.
*I've heard people mention moving to Twitter and/or Artstation: fam, you're jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. ^^;;; IIRC, Arstation was one of the FIRST art sites to start flirting with AI, and Twitter has been selling off its users' data for several months already. Go there if you must, but don't go under the impression that it's "safer".
**Please keep a cool head when discussing AI art, and keep in mind that it used to mean something other than "mass theft". Artists have and still do create AI tools that are built on limited data sets with permission/compensation, that are used to aid them in their work and encourage human artistry (Vocaloids and DAW's, for instance) rather than stamp it out. Until a specific word evolves into popular use for exploitative AI, we're kinda stuck with this confusion, so remember to get the facts before you speak out.
P.S. Praying every night that this is a dumb fad that will soon die and go to the same hell as NFTs. >_< Praying every morning that the influx of AI art into its own datasets will eventually corrupt itself and make it useless. >_< >_< Praying every afternoon for both at once! >_< >_< >_< Like to charge, reblog to cast, all that
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airishie234 · 2 years
Web 3.0 - The newest version of the Internet
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Whether you’re a tech geek or someone with no background in the technology world, the chances are high that in recent times you must have encountered the terms such as blockchain, cryptocurrency, and NFTs. All of these ‘’Buzzwords'’ are related to what we call the newest version of the internet: Web 3.0
People from all over the world have a varied take on this new technology, some believe that it is the future while others feel it’s just a fad.
If you’re a millennial, you probably remember the first version of the internet: Web 1.0. It was just a ‘read-only web’ as quoted by English computer scientist Tim Berner-Lee.
Later on, from the early 2000s till the present, people are using the Web 2.0 version of the internet, which has ‘read-write’ capabilities. The content became user responsive where users could contribute content and interact with other users. It was Web 2.0 which gave a massive rise to social media and content creation.
Now, as many people believe, comes Web 3.0: The newest version of the internet.
What is Web 3.0?
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In reference to the previous context, Web 3.0 is the version of the internet that doesn’t only interact with users' data and information, it also allows users to own a portion of the internet. It is the ‘read-write-own’ version. Ownership is orchestrated and regulated by tokens and cryptocurrencies.
Web 3.0 is designed in a decentralized manner which makes it highly secure in terms of data privacy. It is backed by a blockchain security system that keeps user information secure.
Advantages of Web 3.0 over 2.0
Web 2.0 indeed changed the lives of mankind forever. People had such a powerful tool, which was never even imaginable in the past. It gave users the power to interact with anyone sitting in a completely different part of the world. However, it does have some shortcomings and drawbacks.
Let’s take a look at how Web 3.0 solves the shortcomings of Web 2.0!Web 2.0Web 3.0‘Read-Write’ version of the internet - Information is taken away from the user.‘Read-Write-Own’ version of the internet - Allows users to own a part of the internet in the form of tokens and cryptocurrencies. Organization Focused - In this version, personal information and data of the user are stored in databases of big organizations to fuel their business. Individual-focused - Users get ownership of their data. Focuses on the trust of the users. Example: You are the owner of the content you publish on Web 3.0. Your content is your digital asset, and you must secure it. Centralized - Control is with an individual authority. They have complete access to user data. Decentralized - Web 3.0 is blockchain-backed which makes it decentralized. No single entity can have control over it, and all the intermediaries are eliminated. Very limited use of Artificial intelligence. Significantly powered by artificial intelligence for faster and more accurate results. Doesn’t offer much visually engaging experience (VR/AR) to the users. Developments in the metaverse, 3D-NFTs will fade away the boundaries between physical and virtual worlds. Users can have a more engaging web experience. Multiple profiles are needed for different platforms as it is centralized by different entities. Users only need to create one profile, which can be used for different platforms. We are in a world where users appreciate the privacy and security of their information. It is evident that Web 2.0 has certain flaws and drawbacks, which have been resolved by the new internet - Web 3.0.
Web 3.0 will revolutionize the internet experience by improving privacy and security with a more enhanced visually engaging web experience. It allows the users to have complete ownership of their data, which is possible because of blockchain technology.
We, at Seaflux, are Blockchain enthusiasts who are helping enterprises worldwide. Have a query or want to discuss Blockchain projects? Schedule a meeting with us here, we'll be happy to talk to you!
For more details visit our blog - https://www.seaflux.tech/blogs/get-to-know-about-web3.0
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drzootsuit · 2 years
Hi, I saw ur comment on the AI post while combing thru the notes. I’ve been seeing a lot of gorgeous architectural images come up in my feed and I’m discovering a lot of it is done with AI. I remain on the fence abt whether it’s cool or not, or whether to use it, bc im uneducated on what the ramifications could be. Do u think if we didn’t live in a capitalistic shitworld where artists didn’t have sell their creativity and their labor to live, that AI would still hinder or push out human creative expression? Is it’s shittiness inherent or is it just bad under these circumstances?
This is actually a really good question, and a very worthwhile chain of thought. While I endeavor to be thoughtful it's all too easy for my frothy-self to descend to loom smashing, so this is an angle worth considering. My opinion on things is heavily colored by my upbringing. It may sound pretentious, but for various reasons, I consider 'artist' as one of my cultural designations. For those who have taken sociology 101, I consider it one of my inherent status' rather than an ascribed status. Call it what you want, but for me, it's in my bones.
My problems with AI artwork are slightly hysterical at points as a result, but let's start with the most sensible note that you bring forth; the fact that we are within the system we are.
Our current form of capitalism is based around an eternal cancerous expansion of profit, and if one follows certain industries, (in my case, the games industry) one can easily see the problems with always trying to grow bigger in a finite world. Companies firing whole development teams right before shipping so that they don't have to pay them for actually completing the project, and other such acts of corporate autocannibalism are the signs of an animal that is nearing the cliff edge and begun choosing which of its own internal organs it can claw out in order to make itself lighter.
Art has always been at war with money. Making art requires money, but the people that control money tend not to understand art. This is obviously a gross tribalistic simplification, but the point is that the two need each other, can achieve great things in concert... and absolutely hate each other.
In a perfect money world, art and artists would be eliminated entirely. I speak with proof behind this: look at the NFT bubble from earlier this year. This was an attempt to boil artwork down to a stock price. Numbers to be traded and nothing more. The art attached to NFT's was crude, designed as such to carry the message of "the artwork doesn't matter. Only the money that makes it up."
So. When we look at AI, it becomes clear: a machine that can spit out art perfectly to order with no involvement from those annoying artists who demand respect, freedom, and worst of all, pay? This is a wet dream for the money. Under the current system of corporate function, AI art is one of the single most dangerous tools yet created. It stands against artwork, it stands against labor and negotiation in all forms, and it stands against the idea that art is worth anything more than cash.
But that wasn't your question. Do I, personally, consider AI art valuable if viewed without the context of the war of art vs money?
Me personally? No. This is where I will appeal to emotion so hard it will make anyone versed in debate weep enough to fill an overly-salty swimming pool.
In my view of things, Art is the result of every stimulus we recieve. Everything. Every single thing any of our senses receives goes into a huge bubbling rendering vat, and then we use that bubbling material to sculpt new works to portray our experiences and view of the world.
As such, I don't think it's worth using AI art as a jumping off point. Yes, it can provide some gummy material that can kickstart creative impulses, but to anyone that strapped for ideas, I would beg that they instead experience more things.
Hideo Kojima has spoken about his philosophy that an artist must always be adding new things to their rendering vat of experience, and I agree with him. no matter who you are, you haven't seen everything. Even within the purviews you obsess over. I love video games dearly, and even I have not played every single one. There will always be something new within the things you love, wether those things are sci-fi novels or urban architecture or tax filing systems. There is always something new to learn and see, and the pursuit of knowledge, of fresh experiences, of new people and new conversations about new topics, will, if you are an artist, spark something within you. And I think that shows what I think is another danger that AI art poses to artists: complacency.
Life begins at the end of our comfort zone. Artists must by nature be curious about the world and her people if they are to dream up stories within and without her boundaries. If an artist is able to punch in familiar keywords and receive a computer-made blob of associated goo made from stolen, unaccredited, scraped work, that artist has robbed themselves of the chance to examine themselves and the world around them.
Also, that's really the big issue. This shit comes from somewhere. The AI needs to be fed existing images in order to know what an image looks like, and there is no possible way for that to be done in a way that does not denigrate the work or the artists who make it. Even if that work is a cell-phone photo of a stack of pancakes, it is wrong for the machine to silently harvest it, and due to the other issues, I struggle to find any arrangement I am happy with even with consent and transparency.
So overall, while I think the technology is very impressive, and I can't blame people for getting excited about it, within my worldview, I am forced to be a curmudgeon. My view of art, the world, and humanity requires that I thank the programmers for their work, shake their hands on their success, marvel at the power of the technology, and then push the server cabinet off the edge of the building. It is a danger to human identity and the development of such.
Loom-smashers ahoy.
Thank you for your question! I absolutely love writing essays about things I'm impassioned about, and this was a blast.
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vorphyxredtech · 2 years
Augmented Reality (AR) NFTs
Augmented Reality (AR) NFTs are becoming increasingly popular with brands due to their ability to help increase revenue. The NFT turnover in the first six months of 2021 was more than $2.4 billion. The NFT market has grown by 10 times in the last two years. The story of NFT development is only just beginning. 
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This article will help you understand the growing trend of Augmented Reality (AR) NFTs and suggest ways your brand can get involved. You will learn about AR NFT, the different types of AR projects, their key benefits, how Vorphy AR cards can be used to power these projects, and more.
Understanding NFT and how it works
NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. Non-fungible items are unique and cannot be copied or replaced. When you create an NFT, you are creating a piece of code that is stored on the blockchain and attached to an asset. It is not the asset itself that is important, but the potential return on it. When you purchase an NFT item, you are paying for the right to own a digital asset. A unique identifier makes it easy to verify the authenticity and makes it impossible to falsify. You invest in the design and aesthetics of your products.
If you create and sell an NFT, the copyright still belongs to you. You have associated your name or brand with an NFT. How you back the value of security is important. What types of objects can be turned into NFTs? There are no limits to what you can imagine. Photos, images, music, paintings, videos, digital content, and augmented reality content all qualify as NFTs.The last space is the most lucrative for brands and we're interested in it. What makes AR NFTs unique is that they can be used for a variety of purposes, beyond just being stored on a blockchain. What exactly are Augmented Reality NFTs? Augmented reality NFTs are digital objects that are uploaded to the NFT marketplace. They receive unique identifiers that make them easily identifiable. This way, you can create and control almost any type of augmented reality content. AR NFTs can be either simple 3D objects or more complex AR experiences with sound and dynamic visual effects.
NFT and Augmented Reality: A marketplace
Brands are starting to see augmented reality as an effective way to market their products because it can provide a more immersive experience for their customers. Consumers are starting to get more comfortable with AR technology, and are using it more thoughtfully because of its existence. In this state, the AR NFT market is very lucrative to join. Brands must constantly follow the latest trends in order to gain attention. Stronger reactions are better, right? There are other types of campaigns too. They will help you increase brand awareness and attract followers through new PR channels. Lil Miquela raised over $82,000 through the use of NFTs to support the Black Girls Code project. NFTs drive attention and attention motivates action. AR technology is developed and has been found to be economically viable. This makes it a good investment for businesses. AR marketing campaigns are very effective at attracting customers, while virtual try-on and Web AR tools can help increase sales.
People's social status is based on their civic position, attitude to the problems, and their stickiness to a brand. All you need to do to get people's attention with your AR-powered image is to create something visually striking. AR connects the digital and real worlds, making it easy to interact with both. If your brand is represented online, it's natural to use NFTs. NFTs work well in conjunction with augmented reality, which opens up new markets, revenue streams, and audiences to engage with. Cryptocurrency, video games, and digital self-expression are all great ways to add value to AR NFTs. This can be done through face filters, virtual clothes, accessories, or anything else. Augmented Reality (AR) is more than just hype. It has the potential to change the way we shop and create online.
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gidest68 · 4 days
Bitcoin recovery software
Bitcoin recovery software is a must-have tool for individuals who have lost access to their cryptocurrency wallets. If you have lost your private key or forgotten your recovery phrase, having the right software can help you recover your valuable assets. We recommend using Bitsonic Crypto Recovery Software (https://digitalevault.com/product/bitsonic-crypto-recovery-software/) for all your bitcoin recovery needs.
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or make enquiries through
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Digitalva0lt
One of the key features of Bitsonic Crypto Recovery Software is the private key finder. This tool allows users to search for their lost private keys using advanced algorithms and encryption techniques. With the private key finder, you can quickly and easily locate your lost private keys and regain access to your bitcoin wallets.
In addition to the private key finder, Bitsonic Crypto Recovery Software also includes an eth private key finder. This tool is specifically designed to help users recover their Ethereum private keys, which are used to access and manage their ether holdings. By using the eth private key finder, you can quickly and easily locate your lost private keys and regain access to your Ethereum wallets.
Another important feature of Bitsonic Crypto Recovery Software is the private key generator. This tool allows users to create new private keys for their wallets, providing them with a secure and reliable way to access and manage their cryptocurrency holdings. By generating a new private key, you can effectively regain control over your funds and protect your assets from potential security threats.
Furthermore, Bitsonic Crypto Recovery Software may also include a seed phrase generator or recovery phrase generator. These tools allow users to create new seed phrases or recovery phrases for their wallets, providing them with an additional layer of security and protection. By generating a new seed phrase or recovery phrase, you can ensure that your funds are safe and secure, even in the event of a lost or compromised wallet.
In conclusion, Bitsonic Crypto Recovery Software is an essential tool for individuals who have lost access to their cryptocurrency wallets. With features such as the private key finder, eth private key finder, private key generator, seed phrase generator, and recovery phrase generator, users can effectively recover their lost assets and regain control over their funds. By utilizing these tools, you can ensure the security and protection of your valuable cryptocurrency holdings. We highly recommend using Bitsonic Crypto Recovery Software
(https://digitalevault.com/product/bitsonic-crypto-recovery-software/) for all your bitcoin recovery needs.
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rakkooiii · 6 days
*Last updated 9/18/2024* (added everything)
By purchasing any art or edits from me, you are stating that you have read and agree to the following conditions. I will always work under the assumption that you have read my T.O.S. I obtain the right to cancel a commission and not refund any payment made in the event of a violation to my terms of service.
My artwork and commissions, under any circumstances, ARE NEVER TO BE USED AS NFTs, and NEVER TO BE USED COMMERCIALLY by the commissioner.
You may use your commissioned artwork/edits for personal use, but never commercial use (marketing, logos, selling, etc.). You cannot claim that you were the one who made it. Any usage of my artwork that crops out the watermark MUST have credits somewhere accessible. If you post the commission anywhere, you MUST credit me. My artwork and commissions, under any circumstances, ARE NEVER TO BE USED AS NFTs.
I will do my best to communicate the pricing and details within the transaction of my commissions. I will need your email to use payment platforms. 
I will NEVER use your information or name beyond the transactions between us, and I will never mention it to you or anyone without your express permission. paying
Full payments are required before I begin the commission.
If installments are needed, that will be a separate conversation.
Payments are only accepted through invoicing.
Payment should only be in USD. Please convert before sending!
Tips are not necessary, but they are very much appreciated!
refunds may be given if:
I am unable to complete your commission for any given reason
I have not begun your commissions and 2+ months have passed since you have fully paid for your commission, unless we have discussed prior to payment that there would be a wait.
If a commissioner requests a refund, the following policy applies: they will receive 100% of their payment if no work has been started, 60% if the lineart has not yet begun, and 20% if the lineart is complete. Once the artwork is colored, no refunds will be issued.
By paying the invoice you receive, you agree that you are purchasing a digital product or service, and no physical item will be provided. You confirm that you have access to the payment account associated with the email provided, and you are either the account owner or have permission to use it.
Any attempts to charge back the payment will be viewed as bad faith and will result in the automatic loss of rights to the character, artwork, or edit created. If you use the digital product after requesting a refund, you understand that legal action may be taken.
In the event of a chargeback, the seller reserves the right to resell the character design or recycle the artwork/edit created.
I will do my best to get commissions done in between 3 weeks to 2 months. This is subject to change based on life and the complexity of commissions. I am a student in college, and this may complicate my schedule.
Deadlines are acceptable if I am warned beforehand. A minimum of 10 days from the time of ordering is required. Will add to the price to skip ahead in the line.
GENTLE reminders every now and again are accepted.
I will update you and my slot page with any delays.
will draw
tools, armor, and weapons
most body types
anthro, humanoid, feral, or “chibi” animal.
dark scenes
cute stuff
dnd characters
ask about other topics and I will answer!
won’t draw WHATSOEVER
NSFW at all
ANY KIND of hate art
underage characters wearing NSFW things
questionable content
extreme fetishes (inquire if unsure)
characters without owner permission
real people without consent
will edit
hot/thirst edits (spicy)
cute edits
silly edits
cursed edits
you and your friends having fun!
ask about other topics and I will answer!
won’t edit
Explicit themes (shown genetalia, explicit moaning, etc.)
hot/thirst edits of someone UNDER 18
Hate art/ songs with hateful connotation
scary edits? (inquire about this)
extreme fetishes
real people without consent
characters without owner permission
I do NOT accept the commissions of mature (spicy) edits for underage persons. I reserve the right to refuse these commissions if I know that the customer is under 18. Purchasing any mature (spicy) edits from me confirms that you are at least 18, and if you agree to this– and it is untrue at any point, it is not my responsibility. (ART) IN REGARDS TO REFERENCES
If you are providing me with a reference sheet that is anything other than a digital, fullbody reference sheet, be aware that I am not responsible for any mistakes made. I will do my best to draw the character faithfully.
Excess edits made beyond what is presented to me at the time of commission can add a charge, and I will let you know beforehand.
With this known, please provide all necessary reference materials for your piece. Both visual and written references work. However, if the written reference is too complex or not specific enough for me to work with, I reserve the right to add a charge, and I will let you know beforehand.
Please be as specific as possible when ordering. I’m ok with the allowance of artistic freedom, but if you are wanting something specific, I will need the precise info about how to make it. 
I reserve my right to refuse to emulate other artists’ styles. I will draw with my own style. While asking if I can make something more realistic/simplified is okay, asking if I can draw like [artist] is definitely not. REVISIONS/TWEAKS
You will receive a sketch where you will be able to provide the feedback of what you want fixed, changed, removed, or added. You will also be able to determine if I am allowed to continue with the commission.
There will only be 1 free pass for sketches in which you can fix, so be sure to add the details that you need!
Anything I missed from this given information or reference on the order form will be changed for free at any point of the commission.
I am not responsible for flaws resulted by information you do not provide to me.
Using my artwork commercially
Taking credit for my artwork
Removing/purposefully cropping out my watermarks/signature without proper compensation in credit
Editing/altering the artwork itself without my permission
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blockchainx · 10 days
The Future of ERC-20 Tokens in Blockchain Technology and Beyond
ERC-20 tokens are the foundation of Ethereum blockchain having led to various digital assets that can easily be traded, copied or worked into dApps. However as the blockchain ecosystem progresses and transforms so shall its ERC-20 tokens. The article aims at looking into what lies ahead for these ERCs including how they would define the future of technological enhancements based on blockchains among others.
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A Brief Overview of ERC-20 Tokens
A better comprehension of the concept of what ERC-20 tokens entail is paramount before delving into their future. Tokens are created on the Ethereum blockchain using a technical standard called ERC-20. All Ethereum based tokens must comply with the regulations stated in this standard which allows for their mutual interactive use as well as compatibility with decentralized applications (dApps), wallets and exchanges..
The advent of initial coin offerings (ICOs), decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), was largely due to the flexibility and widespread adoption of ERC-20 tokens.
The Role of ERC-20 Tokens in Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
The ERC-20 standard is characterized by an important change observed in decentralized finance. These platforms make use of ERC-20 tokens to give loans, borrow, trade and provide other financial services without mediators. Therefore, it is expected that the relevance of ERC-20 tokens will continue to be significant even as DeFi advances.
Ethereum is getting better at managing more data in a safe way by allowing the creation of new versions like Ethereum 2.0 and Layer 2 solutions which will also help ERC-20 tokens to be used more easily in decentralized finance (DeFi). This will further lead to diverse advancements and commodity creation through the increased emergence of ERC20 Token Development Companies hence contributing to more smooth and available DeFi systems.
The Interoperability of ERC-20 Tokens
Another thrilling trend we see is that ERC-20 tokens will now be interoperable on different blockchains. Wrapped Tokens and Cross-Chain Bridges are enabling the use of these tokens outside of the Ethereum Ecosystem. This movement towards this kind of interconnectedness among blockchains makes it possible for items to traverse from one platform to another as they wish.
Advancements in Token Standards: Beyond ERC-20
Even though ERC-20 changed the game, it is not the only token standard in existence. The Ethereum community keeps on coming up with fresh standards that provide new functionalities or enhancements to existing ones out of ERC-20. For instance, ERC-721 and ERC-1155 were tailored to work with Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) which resulted in more complicated and distinct digital possessions.
ERC-20 is still very relevant among these new standards. For a multitude of blockchain projects, its simplicity, security and universal acceptance make it the most preferred option. However with the advent of new standards it will be interesting to see how the Guide to ERC20 Token Development adopts and incorporates other features in order to remain competitive.
Regulatory Compliance and Security
The demand for ERC-20 tokens is on the rise and with this comes a need for more regulations and security. Regulatory bodies from different nations have now started coming up with laws relating to blockchain assets which includes the ERC-20 tokens.
Regulations are likely to become more stringent in future thereby making it necessary for firms that have developed ERC-20 tokens to comply with Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policies. In addition, smart contract audits and security mechanisms will be vital tools against hacks and exploitation, two important issues in the world of blockchain.
The Future of ERC-20 Token Use Cases
ERC-20 tokens have been recently utilized for several diverse purposes such as fundraising efforts, governing decision-making processes and even rewards systems. Future scenarios for ERC-20 tokens are predicted to offer more diversified use cases. Here are some examples:
Supply Chain Management: The application of ERC-20 tokens to transparently authenticate and track goods’ movement within a supply chain without any fears about tampering.
Real Estate: The creation of fractional ownership through ERC-20 tokenization of real estate assets which would ease trading.
Gaming: Expanded utilization of ERC-20 tokens in blockchain-based games as in-game assets, currencies and prizes.
The future of ERC-20 tokens will mirror that of blockchain technology as it advances. The implications on the ecosystem include innovations, enhanced speed and larger regulatory attention making sure ERC20 tokens have a secured place in the cryptocurrency domain. Their growth path however will most probably involve converging with other token classes and modifications to flexibly respond to market dynamics. Every investor, developer or business person must understand the ERC20 Token Standard Guide so as to follow closely how blockchain technology keeps changing.
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poojanegi99945 · 11 days
The Benefits of Developing Play-to-Earn Games on Solana for Future-Proof Success
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The gaming industry is undergoing a massive transformation with the rise of blockchain technology, especially in play-to-earn (P2E) games. Players no longer just engage with a game for entertainment—they now earn real-world rewards, often in the form of cryptocurrency or digital assets. As the demand for these P2E games skyrockets, developers increasingly turn to Solana, a blockchain platform offering several key advantages. 
In this blog, we’ll dive into why developing play-to-earn games on Solana offers long-term benefits and how a play-to-earn game development company can leverage these benefits for success.
Why Solana is Ideal for Play-to-Earn Game Development
Solana has quickly emerged as one of the leading blockchain platforms, particularly for gaming and decentralized applications (dApps). Here's why it is becoming the preferred choice for crypto play-to-earn game development companies:
1. Fast Transactions and Scalability
One of Solana’s standout features is its incredible speed. With its unique Proof of History (PoH) mechanism combined with Proof of Stake (PoS), Solana is capable of processing up to 65,000 transactions per second (TPS). This high transaction speed ensures that in-game transactions, such as buying, selling, or trading NFTs, are seamless and almost instant. For play-to-earn games, where user experience is everything, Solana’s fast transaction times create a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience that retains players.
2. Low Transaction Fees
One major challenge for many blockchain platforms is the high transaction costs. Ethereum, for instance, is well-known for its gas fees, which can become extremely expensive, particularly during periods of high network activity. Solana solves this problem by providing ultra-low transaction fees—typically under $0.01 per transaction. This cost-effectiveness allows both developers and players to engage in frequent transactions without the burden of high fees. This is crucial for the in-game economies of play-to-earn games, where numerous microtransactions occur.
3. Security and Decentralization
As blockchain-based games involve real-world value through tokens, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs, security is a paramount concern. Solana offers a highly secure and decentralized network, ensuring that player data, assets, and transactions remain safe from hacks or manipulation. For a play-to-earn game development company, building on Solana means greater peace of mind for both the developers and the players, knowing that the game operates on a secure and reliable blockchain.
4. Interoperability with NFTs
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) play a significant role in most play-to-earn games, allowing players to own and trade unique in-game assets like characters, skins, weapons, or virtual land. Solana’s robust NFT infrastructure allows easy integration with these assets, making it an ideal platform for P2E games that heavily rely on NFTs. By choosing Solana, a crypto play-to-earn game development company can ensure that players have the freedom to trade and use their NFTs both within the game and across other decentralized marketplaces.
5. Developer-Friendly Ecosystem
Solana offers extensive developer tools, SDKs, and frameworks that simplify the process of building and launching decentralized applications, including P2E games. The blockchain also has a growing and supportive developer community, providing a wealth of resources and collaboration opportunities for new projects. For play-to-earn game development companies, this means quicker development cycles and access to cutting-edge technology that can enhance the game’s overall quality.
Long-Term Success through Play-to-Earn Games on Solana
To ensure the long-term success of a P2E game, developers must focus on sustainability, user engagement, and a healthy in-game economy. Here’s how Solana supports these key aspects:
1. Sustainable In-Game Economies
For any play-to-earn game to succeed, it needs a well-balanced in-game economy where tokens hold real value. Solana’s low fees and high speed make it easier to create complex economies that encourage user participation. Developers can design tokenomics models where players earn rewards for various in-game activities, trade NFTs, or stake their tokens for additional benefits. A play-to-earn game development company can leverage Solana’s infrastructure to create a thriving economy that attracts and retains players.
2. User Adoption and Growth
Solana’s popularity among crypto enthusiasts is growing at an impressive rate. By developing on this platform, P2E game developers can tap into Solana’s existing user base, which consists of gamers, traders, and NFT collectors. This helps to jumpstart a game’s player community and encourages organic growth. Additionally, Solana’s speed and low fees make it more accessible for players who may have been discouraged by the high costs of other blockchain platforms. For a crypto play-to-earn game development company, this means a lower barrier to entry and a larger potential audience.
3. Cross-Platform Asset Use
One of Solana’s major strengths is its interoperability, allowing users to move digital assets like NFTs or tokens across different platforms. In the P2E gaming world, this opens up exciting possibilities for players to use their in-game assets across multiple games or applications. For example, an NFT character earned in one Solana-based game could be used in another, increasing the value and utility of that asset. This versatility not only attracts more players but also keeps them engaged over the long term.
4. Future-Proof Blockchain
Solana’s consistent innovation, scalability, and focus on long-term development make it a future-proof platform. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, Solana is well-positioned to handle the growing demands of the gaming industry. For a play-to-earn game development company, choosing Solana ensures that their game will continue to run efficiently and adapt to future technological advancements.
Partnering with a Play-to-Earn Game Development Company
Developing a successful play-to-earn game on Solana requires expertise not only in game design but also in blockchain technology, smart contract development, and tokenomics. Partnering with an experienced play-to-earn game development company ensures that these complex components are seamlessly integrated into the game.
A professional crypto play-to-earn game development company can help:
- Build a fully functional, blockchain-powered P2E platform.
- Design and implement in-game economies with tokens and NFTs.
- Ensure scalability, security, and long-term performance on Solana.
- Create engaging, rewarding gameplay that attracts and retains users.
Solana offers a powerful and future-proof platform for developing play-to-earn games, thanks to its speed, low transaction costs, strong security, and developer-friendly tools. For developers looking to create sustainable, long-term gaming ecosystems, Solana is the perfect choice. By partnering with a skilled play-to-earn game development company, developers can unlock the full potential of Solana and build successful games that will thrive for years to come.
Whether you’re a developer or an investor in the world of blockchain gaming, Solana’s unmatched performance and scalability make it the best option for your next P2E project.
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zarazyana · 29 days
How Can You Effectively Market a Crypto Project in 2024?
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The rapid evolution of the cryptocurrency landscape has introduced both new opportunities and challenges for crypto marketers. As the industry matures, marketing strategies must also adapt to the changing environment. With the surge in competition and increased regulatory scrutiny, effectively Crypto Marketing a crypto project in 2024 requires a comprehensive approach that combines traditional marketing techniques with innovative, crypto-specific tactics.
1. Understanding the Crypto Market in 2024
Before diving into marketing strategies, it’s crucial to understand the current state of the crypto market. In 2024, the market is more saturated than ever, with thousands of projects vying for attention. The rise of decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and blockchain-based applications has created a crowded space, making it challenging for new projects to stand out.
However, this saturation also indicates a growing interest in the industry, with more investors and users looking to participate in crypto. To effectively market your crypto project, you must first understand your target audience, their pain points, and what sets your project apart from the competition.
2. Building a Strong Brand Identity
A strong brand identity is the foundation of any successful marketing campaign. In the crypto space, where trust and credibility are paramount, a well-defined brand can make or break your project.
Define Your Mission and Vision: Clearly articulate what your project aims to achieve and how it intends to solve a specific problem in the crypto space. Your mission and vision should resonate with your target audience and reflect your project's core values.
Create a Memorable Logo and Visual Identity: Your logo and visual elements should be distinctive and instantly recognizable. Consistency in design across all platforms will reinforce your brand's identity.
Develop a Compelling Narrative: Storytelling is a powerful tool in marketing. Craft a narrative that explains your project’s journey, its purpose, and the impact it aims to have on the industry. This narrative should be authentic and relatable, helping to build an emotional connection with your audience.
3. Leveraging Social Media and Community Engagement
Social media remains one of the most effective channels for crypto marketing. Platforms like Twitter, Telegram, Discord, and Reddit are particularly popular in the crypto community. Engaging with these platforms allows you to reach a large audience and foster a strong community around your project.
Regular Updates and Content Sharing: Keep your audience informed with regular updates about your project’s progress, upcoming milestones, and any important announcements. Sharing educational content about your project and the broader crypto industry can also position you as a thought leader in the space.
Engage with Your Community: Building a loyal community is crucial in the crypto world. Actively engage with your followers, respond to their questions, and participate in discussions. Hosting AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions, webinars, and live streams can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.
Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with influencers who have a strong following in the crypto community can significantly boost your project’s visibility. Ensure that the influencers you choose align with your brand values and have a genuine interest in your project.
4. Content Marketing and SEO Optimization
Content marketing is essential for establishing your project’s authority and driving organic traffic to your website. In 2024, content marketing goes beyond just blogging—it includes videos, podcasts, infographics, and more.
High-Quality Blog Posts: Regularly publishing well-researched blog posts on your website can help you rank higher on search engines and provide valuable information to your audience. Topics can range from technical explanations of your project to broader discussions about trends in the crypto industry.
SEO Optimization: To ensure your content reaches the right audience, it’s important to optimize it for search engines. Use relevant keywords, optimize meta tags, and ensure your website is mobile-friendly. In the crypto space, where competition is fierce, SEO can give you a crucial edge.
Video Content: Video content is becoming increasingly popular, especially on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. Creating explainer videos, tutorials, and interviews with industry experts can help you reach a wider audience and provide a more engaging way to showcase your project.
5. Paid Advertising and PPC Campaigns
While organic reach is important, paid advertising can accelerate your project’s growth by targeting specific audiences. Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns on platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, and Twitter can drive targeted traffic to your website.
Targeted Campaigns: Use audience segmentation to target your ads based on demographics, interests, and behavior. This ensures that your ads are shown to users who are most likely to be interested in your project.
Retargeting: Retargeting campaigns can help you reach users who have previously interacted with your project but haven’t yet taken the desired action. By reminding them of your project, you can increase the chances of conversion.
Compliance and Transparency: In the crypto space, advertising regulations are becoming stricter. Ensure that your ads comply with platform policies and are transparent about what your project offers. Misleading or exaggerated claims can damage your reputation and lead to penalties.
6. Partnerships and Collaborations
Forming strategic partnerships with other projects, platforms, or influencers can help you expand your reach and gain credibility in the crypto space.
Industry Partnerships: Collaborate with other projects or companies that complement your offerings. For example, if your project is focused on DeFi, partnering with a popular wallet provider or exchange can give you access to a larger audience.
Cross-Promotions: Cross-promotions with other projects can be mutually beneficial. For instance, you can co-host events, webinars, or giveaways, allowing both projects to tap into each other’s audiences.
Integration with Existing Platforms: Integrating your project with popular platforms or protocols can enhance its utility and make it more appealing to users. For example, integrating with a widely used blockchain can provide added security and interoperability.
7. Building Trust Through Transparency and Security
In the crypto world, trust is everything. With numerous scams and fraudulent projects, users are understandably cautious. Building trust through transparency and robust security measures is essential for the success of your project.
Transparent Communication: Be open and honest with your community about your project’s progress, challenges, and any changes in direction. Regularly update your community on the status of your project, and don’t shy away from discussing setbacks or delays.
Audit and Security Measures: Ensure that your project undergoes regular security audits by reputable firms. Publish the results of these audits to demonstrate your commitment to security. Additionally, implement strong security measures, such as multi-signature wallets and secure coding practices, to protect user funds and data.
Regulatory Compliance: Staying compliant with regulations in the jurisdictions where you operate is crucial. As regulations evolve, ensure that your project adheres to the latest legal requirements. This not only protects your project but also builds trust with your users and investors.
8. Utilizing Blockchain and DeFi Marketing Techniques
Given that your project is within the crypto space, leveraging blockchain and decentralized finance (DeFi) marketing techniques can be highly effective.
Token Airdrops: Airdrops involve distributing free tokens to users, often in exchange for completing specific tasks like following your social media accounts or joining your Telegram group. Airdrops can generate buzz and increase user engagement.
Yield Farming and Staking: If your project involves a DeFi component, offering yield farming or staking opportunities can attract users. These incentives encourage users to lock their tokens in your platform, which can increase liquidity and drive long-term engagement.
Decentralized Governance: Implementing decentralized governance allows users to participate in decision-making processes related to your project. This can foster a sense of ownership and community involvement, leading to higher user retention.
9. Engaging in Community-Based Events and Networking
Participating in and hosting community-based events, both online and offline, can help you connect with potential users, investors, and partners.
Crypto Conferences and Meetups: Attending or sponsoring crypto conferences, meetups, and hackathons can give your project visibility among industry professionals and enthusiasts. Networking at these events can lead to valuable partnerships and collaborations.
Online Webinars and Panels: Hosting or participating in online webinars and panels allows you to share your expertise and discuss your project with a broader audience. These events can also serve as a platform for launching new features or products.
Community Challenges and Contests: Engaging your community through challenges, contests, or bounties can generate excitement and encourage user participation. For example, you could host a meme contest or a coding challenge related to your project.
10. Tracking and Analyzing Performance
To ensure that your marketing efforts are effective, it’s important to track and analyze the performance of your campaigns. Use analytics tools to monitor key metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and social media engagement.
A/B Testing: Experiment with different marketing strategies and messages to see what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing allows you to compare the performance of two versions of a campaign to determine which one is more effective.
Adjusting Strategies Based on Data: Regularly review your analytics and make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing efforts. If a particular strategy isn’t delivering the desired results, be willing to pivot and try something new.
Reporting and Transparency: Share your progress with your community through regular reports. Transparency in your marketing efforts can build trust and demonstrate that you are committed to your project’s success.
Marketing a crypto project in 2024 requires a multifaceted approach that combines traditional marketing techniques with innovative, crypto-specific strategies. By understanding the current market, building a strong brand, engaging with your community, and leveraging the unique aspects of blockchain technology, you can effectively promote your project and stand out in the competitive crypto landscape.
As the industry continues to evolve, staying agile and adapting to new trends will be key to maintaining your project's visibility and success.
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finjuriscounsel · 1 month
Crypto Consulting Services: Managing the Complexities of Digital Assets
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In the fast-changing environment of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, there is an increased demand for specialist knowledge and strategic counsel. Crypto consulting services have arisen as critical tools for people, corporations, and institutions trying to understand the complexity of digital assets. This article delves into the role of cryptocurrency consulting businesses, the services they provide, the obstacles they face, and the changing environment of this dynamic sector. Introduction to Crypto Consulting Crypto consulting organizations offer personalized knowledge and strategic assistance to customers interested in cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and decentralized finance. These organizations employ individuals with extensive expertise in blockchain technology, digital assets, regulatory frameworks, and market trends. Their clientele includes individual investors, startups, companies, financial institutions, and governmental agencies.
Services Provided by Crypto Consulting Companies 1. Investment Advisory: One of the key crypto consulting services provided to businesses is financial guidance. They offer strategic advice on portfolio management, investment diversification, and risk assessment in the cryptocurrency market. Services include: Portfolio analysis involves evaluating current portfolios and advising changes based on market trends, risk tolerance, and investment objectives. Due Diligence: Conduct extensive study and analysis on possible investment possibilities, such as ICOs, and STOs, and developing blockchain initiatives. Risk Management: Creating ways to reduce the risks associated with market volatility, legislative changes, and technology advancements.
2. Blockchain and Technology Advisory: Crypto consulting organizations specialize in blockchain technology and its applications across a wide range of sectors. Services in this field include:
Blockchain Integration: Advising organizations on how to use blockchain technology to improve efficiency, transparency, and security in operations.
Smart Contract Development: Assisting with the design, auditing, and implementation of smart contracts based on unique business requirements.
Technology Due Diligence: Technology due diligence entails evaluating blockchain protocols, platforms, and technologies to ensure that they are in line with the demands and objectives of the customer.
3. Regulatory and Compliance Guidelines Navigating regulatory frameworks is critical for players in the cryptocurrency business. Crypto consulting businesses offer:
Regulatory Compliance: Assisting customers in understanding and complying with worldwide regulatory frameworks, such as AML/KYC requirements, securities laws, and tax ramifications.
Policy Advocacy: Working with regulators and officials to create clear and supportive regulatory regimes that encourage innovation and safeguard consumers.
Legal Advisory: Provides legal experience in formulating regulatory filings, interpreting licensing requirements, and dealing with legal issues relating to digital assets.
4. Market Research and Analysis: Crypto consulting businesses undertake extensive market research and analysis to give actionable insights and strategic advice. Services include:
Market Intelligence: It involves tracking market trends, investor sentiment, and competitive landscapes to discover potential possibilities and threats.
Tokenomics Analysis: It involves evaluating the economic models, tokenomics, and usefulness of digital assets to determine their long-term viability and development potential.
Sector-Certain Studies: Create research studies and industry analyses for certain sectors of the crypto ecosystem, such as DeFi, NFTs, and decentralized exchanges (DEXs).
5. Security and Risk Management. Crypto investors and companies must prioritize digital asset security and cyber risk mitigation. Crypto consulting companies offer:
Cybersecurity Audits: Cybersecurity audits involve evaluating the security standards and vulnerabilities of blockchain platforms, wallets, and exchanges.
Incident Reaction: Creating reaction strategies and practices for cybersecurity incidents like as data breaches and ransomware attacks.
Insurance and Custody Solutions: Providing guidance on insurance coverage alternatives and secure custody solutions for digital assets to protect against theft and loss.
Challenges Faced by Crypto Consulting Firms
1. Regulatory Uncertainty: The regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies is continually changing and differs greatly between nations. Crypto consulting services assist customers with regulatory difficulties by offering current compliance counsel and lobbying initiatives. 2. Market Volatility and Risk Management: The cryptocurrency market is very volatile, with digital asset prices fluctuating rapidly. Consulting businesses help customers manage investment risks by using diversification methods, hedging tactics, and risk assessment frameworks.
3. Technological Complexity: Blockchain technology is sophisticated, necessitating specialist expertise in cryptography, consensus procedures, and decentralized applications (dApps). Crypto consulting firms provide technical skills to assist clients in comprehending and efficiently using blockchain technology. 4. Security and Custody: Securing digital assets and safeguarding against cybersecurity risks are top priorities in the cryptocurrency sector. Consulting organizations provide advice on best practices for safeguarding wallets, exchanges, and digital identities, as well as secure custody and insurance coverage. 5. Market Intelligence and Due Diligence: Identifying legitimate investment options and doing comprehensive due diligence are critical to success in the cryptocurrency industry. Crypto consulting services include market research, due diligence, and sector-specific analysis to help clients make educated decisions.
The Evolving Landscape of Crypto Consulting The need for crypto consulting services is projected to rise as blockchain technology disrupts existing sectors and gains widespread acceptance. Key themes influencing the future of cryptocurrency consultancy include: Institutional Adoption: Growing interest and investment from institutional investors necessitates specialist advisory services to handle regulatory and operational complexities. Integration of DeFi: The growth of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and apps has increased demand for consultancy knowledge in smart contracts, liquidity protocols, and yield farming tactics. Emerging Technologies: Blockchain technology continues to evolve, with scaling solutions, interoperability standards, and breakthroughs in tokenization and digital asset management.
Crypto consulting businesses are leading the way in assisting the adoption and integration of blockchain technology and digital assets across several industries. As trusted advisers, these companies play an important role in helping customers through the complexity of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, providing specialized knowledge in investment strategies, regulatory compliance, technology implementation, and risk management. The fast growth of blockchain technology, along with a changing regulatory framework, emphasizes the value of crypto consulting services. These organizations not only assist customers in navigating regulatory difficulties and mitigating risks, but also enable them to capitalize on growing possibilities in decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and tokenized assets.
Looking ahead, the future of cryptocurrency consultancy seems good. As institutional interest in digital assets expands, there will be a greater demand for sophisticated advisory services tailored to the specific requirements of institutional investors and organizations. Furthermore, developments in blockchain technology, such as scalability solutions and interoperability protocols, will spur additional innovation and expansion of consulting services. Crypto consultancy businesses are also expected to play an important role in lobbying for regulatory clarity and promoting responsible growth in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. By collaborating with politicians and regulators, these companies help to create supportive regulatory frameworks that foster innovation while protecting investors and market integrity.
Finally, crypto consulting businesses are more than just consultants; they are also enablers of revolution in finance, technology, and other areas. They help shape the future of decentralized ecosystems by helping customers to fully utilize blockchain technology and navigating the complexity of the digital asset environment with confidence and foresight. As the crypto business evolves, crypto consulting companies will remain critical partners in advancing growth and innovation in the global economy.
2. Blockchain and Technology Advisory: Crypto consulting organizations specialize in blockchain technology and its applications across a wide range of sectors. Services in this field include:
Blockchain Integration: Advising organizations on how to use blockchain technology to improve efficiency, transparency, and security in operations.
Smart Contract Development: Assisting with the design, auditing, and implementation of smart contracts based on unique business requirements.
Technology Due Diligence: Technology due diligence entails evaluating blockchain protocols, platforms, and technologies to ensure that they are in line with the demands and objectives of the customer.
3. Regulatory and Compliance Guidelines Navigating regulatory frameworks is critical for players in the cryptocurrency business. Crypto consulting businesses offer:
Regulatory Compliance: Assisting customers in understanding and complying with worldwide regulatory frameworks, such as AML/KYC requirements, securities laws, and tax ramifications.
Policy Advocacy: Working with regulators and officials to create clear and supportive regulatory regimes that encourage innovation and safeguard consumers.
Legal Advisory: Provides legal experience in formulating regulatory filings, interpreting licensing requirements, and dealing with legal issues relating to digital assets.
4. Market Research and Analysis: Crypto consulting businesses undertake extensive market research and analysis to give actionable insights and strategic advice. Services include:
Market Intelligence: It involves tracking market trends, investor sentiment, and competitive landscapes to discover potential possibilities and threats.
Tokenomics Analysis: It involves evaluating the economic models, tokenomics, and usefulness of digital assets to determine their long-term viability and development potential.
Sector-Certain Studies: Create research studies and industry analyses for certain sectors of the crypto ecosystem, such as DeFi, NFTs, and decentralized exchanges (DEXs).
5. Security and Risk Management. Crypto investors and companies must prioritize digital asset security and cyber risk mitigation. Crypto consulting companies offer:
Cybersecurity Audits: Cybersecurity audits involve evaluating the security standards and vulnerabilities of blockchain platforms, wallets, and exchanges.
Incident Reaction: Creating reaction strategies and practices for cybersecurity incidents like as data breaches and ransomware attacks.
Insurance and Custody Solutions: Providing guidance on insurance coverage alternatives and secure custody solutions for digital assets to protect against theft and loss.
Challenges Faced by Crypto Consulting Firms
1. Regulatory Uncertainty: The regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies is continually changing and differs greatly between nations. Crypto consulting services assist customers with regulatory difficulties by offering current compliance counsel and lobbying initiatives. 2. Market Volatility and Risk Management: The cryptocurrency market is very volatile, with digital asset prices fluctuating rapidly. Consulting businesses help customers manage investment risks by using diversification methods, hedging tactics, and risk assessment frameworks.
3. Technological Complexity: Blockchain technology is sophisticated, necessitating specialist expertise in cryptography, consensus procedures, and decentralized applications (dApps). Crypto consulting firms provide technical skills to assist clients in comprehending and efficiently using blockchain technology. 4. Security and Custody: Securing digital assets and safeguarding against cybersecurity risks are top priorities in the cryptocurrency sector. Consulting organizations provide advice on best practices for safeguarding wallets, exchanges, and digital identities, as well as secure custody and insurance coverage. 5. Market Intelligence and Due Diligence: Identifying legitimate investment options and doing comprehensive due diligence are critical to success in the cryptocurrency industry. Crypto consulting services include market research, due diligence, and sector-specific analysis to help clients make educated decisions.
The Evolving Landscape of Crypto Consulting The need for crypto consulting services is projected to rise as blockchain technology disrupts existing sectors and gains widespread acceptance. Key themes influencing the future of cryptocurrency consultancy include: Institutional Adoption: Growing interest and investment from institutional investors necessitates specialist advisory services to handle regulatory and operational complexities. Integration of DeFi: The growth of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and apps has increased demand for consultancy knowledge in smart contracts, liquidity protocols, and yield farming tactics. Emerging Technologies: Blockchain technology continues to evolve, with scaling solutions, interoperability standards, and breakthroughs in tokenization and digital asset management.
Crypto consulting businesses are leading the way in assisting the adoption and integration of blockchain technology and digital assets across several industries. As trusted advisers, these companies play an important role in helping customers through the complexity of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, providing specialized knowledge in investment strategies, regulatory compliance, technology implementation, and risk management. The fast growth of blockchain technology, along with a changing regulatory framework, emphasizes the value of crypto consulting services. These organizations not only assist customers in navigating regulatory difficulties and mitigating risks, but also enable them to capitalize on growing possibilities in decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and tokenized assets.
Looking ahead, the future of cryptocurrency consultancy seems good. As institutional interest in digital assets expands, there will be a greater demand for sophisticated advisory services tailored to the specific requirements of institutional investors and organizations. Furthermore, developments in blockchain technology, such as scalability solutions and interoperability protocols, will spur additional innovation and expansion of consulting services. Crypto consultancy businesses are also expected to play an important role in lobbying for regulatory clarity and promoting responsible growth in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. By collaborating with politicians and regulators, these companies help to create supportive regulatory frameworks that foster innovation while protecting investors and market integrity.
Finally, crypto consulting businesses are more than just consultants; they are also enablers of revolution in finance, technology, and other areas. They help shape the future of decentralized ecosystems by helping customers to fully utilize blockchain technology and navigating the complexity of the digital asset environment with confidence and foresight. As the crypto business evolves, crypto consulting companies will remain critical partners in advancing growth and innovation in the global economy.
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trendingbulb · 1 month
The Future of Digital Marketing: Key Trends to Watch in 2024
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✨ The digital world never stops evolving, and 2024 is bringing some serious game-changers! From AI-powered magic to sustainability-focused strategies, brands are stepping up to meet new challenges and opportunities. Here’s what you need to know to stay ahead of the curve. 💻📱🌐
AI is Taking Over (in a Good Way) 🤖
Artificial intelligence is no longer just a buzzword—it’s transforming how we market. AI is now the backbone of smarter customer segmentation, content personalization, and predictive analytics. With AI, you can deliver spot-on campaigns and create more seamless user experiences.
✨ Pro Tip: Start incorporating AI tools to personalize content and boost your marketing game. Automation is your new best friend!
Short-Form Video Reigns Supreme 🎬
Think TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts—short-form video content is still ruling the social media scene. In 2024, it’s all about creating snappy, engaging videos that connect quickly. People love bite-sized content they can consume on the fly.
✨ Pro Tip: Dive into short-form video content to keep your brand fresh and relatable.
Voice Search & Conversational AI 🌟🎙️
Voice assistants like Alexa and Siri are here to stay, and voice search is only growing. Plus, conversational AI is leveling up how brands talk to their customers through chatbots and messaging apps. Quick, personal, and on-point responses? Yes, please!
✨ Pro Tip: Optimize your content for voice search and embrace conversational AI to elevate customer interaction.
Welcome to Web3 🚀
Blockchain, NFTs, and decentralized platforms are shaking things up in the digital marketing world. Web3 technology is all about giving users more control while opening new creative avenues for brands. Whether it’s NFT loyalty programs or virtual events in the metaverse, the future is decentralized.
✨ Pro Tip: Explore Web3 marketing and discover how you can create more transparent, unique campaigns.
Sustainability & Social Responsibility 🌱
In 2024, it’s not just about what you sell—it’s about what you stand for. Consumers are prioritizing sustainability, diversity, and ethical practices more than ever. Brands that focus on being socially responsible and environmentally conscious are winning hearts (and wallets).
✨ Pro Tip: Make sure your marketing reflects your brand’s commitment to sustainability and social causes.
Hyper-Personalization is a Must 🎯
Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all. Consumers now expect brands to tailor their experiences specifically to them, from product recommendations to personalized offers. Data-driven insights and AI are making this possible at scale in 2024.
✨ Pro Tip: Dive into hyper-personalization by leveraging data to craft unique customer experiences.
Privacy & Data Security Matter More Than Ever 🔒
Data privacy isn’t just a trend—it’s the new standard. With regulations like GDPR and CCPA, brands need to take data security seriously. Consumers want to know that their personal information is safe and used ethically.
✨ Pro Tip: Stay compliant with data privacy laws and be transparent about how you collect and use customer data.
Interactive Content is Taking Off 🎮🎨
Polls, quizzes, AR/VR experiences, and shoppable videos are bringing content to life in 2024. Interactive and immersive content creates deeper engagement and sticks with audiences long after the scroll.
✨ Pro Tip: Get creative with interactive content to boost engagement and make lasting impressions.
Influencer Marketing is Getting Real 💬
Micro and nano influencers are the new stars of influencer marketing. In 2024, brands are leaning into partnerships with influencers who have smaller but highly engaged audiences. Authenticity is key, and these influencers bring just that.
✨ Pro Tip: Collaborate with micro-influencers to tap into authentic, loyal communities.
Omnichannel is the Only Way 🛒
Consumers interact with brands on multiple platforms, from social media to physical stores. The goal in 2024? Creating a consistent, cohesive experience across all channels. Whether online or offline, the customer journey should feel seamless.
✨ Pro Tip: Build an omnichannel strategy that delivers a unified brand experience no matter where your customers find you.
Conclusion: Ready to Thrive in 2024?
Digital marketing in 2024 is all about adaptability and innovation. From AI to sustainability, the trends are clear: brands that embrace change and connect authentically will come out on top. So, let’s gear up for a year of innovation and growth! 🌟
#digitalmarketing2024 #AIinMarketing #ShortFormVideo #Web3 #Sustainability #OmnichannelMarketing #InfluencerMarketing #PrivacyMatters
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kickstartvtr · 2 months
The Future of Investing: Trends to Watch in 2024
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In the ever evolving global financial industry of today, new technologies and market dynamics are constantly changing the tools and methods of investing. There will be several big changes in the investment landscape between now and 2024, which provide both opportunities and challenges.
1. Uses of  (AI) Artificial Intelligence 
AI and machine literacy ways are decreasingly being used to probe data analysis and investment prospects. AI- powered robotic counsels are getting decreasingly popular because they give personalised fiscal advice and portfolio operation at a cheaper cost than traditional counsellors. Sentiment analysis and predictive analytics not only improve decision-making processes, but also provide investors with insights into market patterns and dangers.
2. Growth of Sustainable and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Investing
ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) are becoming more integral to investment strategies, influencing decisions across asset classes as investors place greater emphasis on sustainability and corporate responsibility. Investors seeking to align their portfolios with ethical and environmental values are decreasingly turning to green bonds, renewable energy finances, and socially responsible investments( SRI). Sustainability investing is taking further translucency and responsibility through nonsupervisory fabrics and reporting norms.
3 . Expansion of Cryptocurrencies and Digital Assets
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, as well as blockchain- grounded apps, are constantly being created indeed though they're among the most well- known. The rise ofnon-fungible commemoratives( NFTs), decentralized finance platforms, and stablecoins has caused a shift in the fiscal requests by offering investors new avenues for growth and diversification. Laws that alter investor confidence and market stability will have a significant impact on the future of digital assets.
4. Transformation of Real Estate and Infrastructure Investing
As technologies advance and demographics change, real estate and infrastructure investing continue to innovate. Proptech solutions like digital property marketplaces and blockchain-based property registries enhance real estate markets by streamlining transactions and increasing liquidity. When it comes to renewable energy and smart cities, an increasing number of governments and private-sector companies are putting sustainability and digital transformation first.
5. Development of Retail and Institutional Investment Platforms
Investing will grow easier for average people as further platforms and fiscal products come available. Innovative fintech results similar as fractional investing, digital wealth operation, and peer- to- peer lending help guests reach their fiscal objects by diversifying their portfolios. also, institutional investors are using digital tools to manage portfolios, assay trouble, and cover compliance, hence perfecting functional effectiveness and decision- timber.
6. Integrating Stoked Reality( AR) and Virtual Reality( VR) into Investment Research
Virtual and stoked reality technology have converted investment discussion and decision- timber. Using AR and VR technologies, investors may analyze data analytics, simulate implicit investments, and take virtual tours of buildings or real estate systems. These immersive exploits facilitate educated investment decision-making and improve due diligence procedures, particularly for complex and valuable transactions.
As we look to the future of investing in 2024 and beyond, these themes underscore the need of seriousness, innovation, and wise capital management. Investors that want to fund emerging prospects and manage altering demand dynamics must embrace technological innovations, adopt sustainable practices, and follow current non-supervisory developments.
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apoteker23 · 3 months
GPT360 token, users gain the power to upgrade, level up, or repair their NFTs, ensuring optimal performance
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GPT360 is designed to serve as a superApp, offering an extensive suite of tools and features that cater to the diverse needs of Web3 project owners and enthusiasts alike. Our mission is to facilitate mass adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies by providing innovative solutions for marketing, community engagement, and networking. By combining the power of AI with blockchain technology, GPT360 unlocks new opportunities for growth, engagement, and incentivized participation.
NFT Upgrading, Leveling, and Repairing
At the heart of the Chaterium ecosystem lies its vibrant NFT community. With the GPT360 token, users gain the power to upgrade, level up, or repair their NFTs, ensuring optimal performance and functionality within decentralized communities. This functionality not only enhances the user experience but also adds intrinsic value to the NFT ecosystem, fostering a culture of creativity and innovation.
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Subscription for Chat Moderation AI Bot
Efficient community management is essential for the success of any decentralized platform. With GPT360 tokens, users can subscribe to the chat moderation AI bot, streamlining the moderation process and maintaining a healthy environment for interaction. Whether it's Discord, Telegram, or other messaging platforms, the AI bot powered by GPT360 ensures automated and effective moderation, empowering community owners to focus on fostering engagement and growth.
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Battle Pass Access and Utilization
For avid gamers and community enthusiasts, the Battle Pass feature on Chaterium is a gateway to thrilling challenges and exciting rewards. Accessing and utilizing the Battle Pass requires GPT360 tokens, offering users a gamified experience while incentivizing engagement within the ecosystem. Community owners play a pivotal role by creating tasks and contributing to the prize pool, driving participation and camaraderie among members.
Creating Sprint Events
Sprint events inject a dose of adrenaline into the Chaterium community, fostering friendly competition and camaraderie. To ensure the quality of these events and cover platform costs, community owners must pay the creation fee in GPT360 tokens. This not only maintains the integrity of the Sprint events but also underscores the importance of token utility within the ecosystem.
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User Subscriptions for Chat&Earn Feature
Inclusivity is key to the success of any decentralized platform. With the Chat&Earn feature, users can subscribe using GPT360 tokens, unlocking opportunities to earn rewards within decentralized communities, even without owning an NFT. While NFT holders enjoy certain exclusive benefits, the Chat&Earn feature ensures that all users have a chance to contribute and be rewarded for their participation.
Staking for Passive Income
Investors looking to capitalize on the potential of GPT360 tokens can stake their holdings to earn passive income. Staking not only supports the network's security and stability but also rewards token holders based on the amount staked, offering a lucrative avenue for long-term investment.
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DAO Voting
Decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) governance is the cornerstone of community-driven platforms like Chaterium. With GPT360 tokens, token holders can actively participate in voting on important decisions, ranging from platform upgrades to community initiatives. This democratic approach ensures that the voice of the community is heard and respected, driving collective growth and innovation.
Affiliate Hub Opportunities
In the bustling landscape of affiliate marketing, GPT360 tokens offer a dynamic opportunity for project owners to enhance visibility and attract new partners. By leveraging GPT360 tokens, project owners can increase their chances of securing partnerships and standing out in the competitive affiliate landscape, further expanding the reach and impact of the Chaterium ecosystem.
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The GPT360 token serves as the lifeblood of the Chaterium ecosystem, fueling innovation, fostering community engagement, and driving sustainable growth. Whether it's upgrading NFTs, participating in thrilling Battle Pass challenges, or contributing to DAO governance, GPT360 tokens empower users and investors alike to shape the future of decentralized communities. As the Chaterium ecosystem continues to evolve, the versatility and utility of GPT360 tokens will remain at the forefront of its success story.
Team & Advisors
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Token info
Ticker: G360
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: BEP-20
Token price in USD: 1 G360 = 0.008 USD
Token distribution
Seed Round: 6.00%
Private Round: 4.50%
KOLs: 2.67%
Team: 10.00%
Development: 9.00%
Advisors: 4.00%
Marketing: 10.00%
Airdrop: 0.50%
Rewards: 12.00%
Ecosystem Activities: 20.00%
Liquidity : 10.00%
Public Sale: 11.33%
Token Use cases
The GPT360 token offers a range of valuable use cases for both users and investors within the ecosystem:
NFT Upgrading, Leveling, and Repairing: Users can utilize the GPT360 token to upgrade, level up, or repair their NFTs. This functionality is crucial for the Chaterium feature, ensuring the optimal performance and functionality of NFTs within decentralized communities.
Subscription for Chat Moderation AI Bot: Users can subscribe to the chat moderation AI bot using GPT360 tokens. This feature enhances the community management aspect of Chaterium by providing automated and efficient moderation services within messaging platforms like Discord and Telegram.
Battle Pass users and community owners will require GPT360 tokens to access and utilize the Battle Pass features. Community owners must also utilize GPT360 tokens to create tasks within the Battle Pass and contribute to the prize pool for these tasks' rewards. Users are required to make a one-time payment in GPT360 tokens to gain access to the season's Battle Pass.
Creating a Sprint event within the community will necessitate community owners to pay the creation fee in GPT360 tokens. This fee ensures the quality of Sprint events and helps cover platform costs
User Subscriptions for Chaterium Chat&Earn Feature: Users can subscribe to the Chaterium Chat&Earn feature using GPT360 tokens. This subscription provides an opportunity for users to earn rewards within decentralized communities even without owning an NFT. However, the gain rates may be lower compared to NFT holders, and certain specific features unlocked by NFT ownership may not be accessible.
Staking: Investors can stake their GPT360 tokens to earn passive income. Staking provides a mechanism for token holders to support the network's security and stability while earning rewards based on the amount of tokens staked.
DAO Voting: Token holders have the opportunity to participate in decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) governance by using their GPT360 tokens for voting on important decisions, such as platform upgrades, feature enhancements, and community initiatives.
In Affiliate Hub, the use of GPT360 tokens presents a dynamic opportunity for project owners to enhance their visibility and attract new partners. By leveraging GPT360 tokens, project owners can increase their chances of securing partnerships and stand out in the competitive affiliate landscape.
GPT360 Roadmap
Q3 2022
Development of Discord integration starts.
Q4 2022
Completion of Discord integration.
Overall ecosystem improvements.
Q1 2023
Launching Testnet for Chaterium feature.
Increasing awareness and introducing the leaderboard.
Q2 2023
Onboarding online communities.
Establishing media partnerships.
More than 1000 participants on the testnet.
Forming strategic partnerships.
Q3 2023
Development of a new roadmap.
GPT360 branding initiatives.
Forming strategic partnerships.
Leaderboard release
Q4 2023
Blog Release
Project/community owner Admin panel release
Ambassador program initiation
Custom Events product release
Protocol integrations and promotion sales launch
Q1 2024
Launching GPT360 bot public Ads
In-bot advertisements and statistics
Launching GPT360 on-site banner promotions
Establishing Revenue Streams
Q2 2024
Extended Community Dashboard Analytics
Custom Events upgrade to multi-chain
Q3 2024
Affiliate Networking Hub BETA Release
Battlepass Release
Q4 2024
Implementation of DAO governance
X Raids feature release
Q1 2025
-Custom Sprints Feature release
Deployment of the AI Moderation Chatbot
Q2 2025:
Affiliate Networking Hub Full Version Update
User Subscriptions functionality
Launch of the AI Crypto News feature
Q3 2025
Development of a new roadmap to outline future milestones and goals
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GPT360 is an AI-powered platform that redefines marketing and community engagement in the digital age. With its comprehensive set of features, including the AI Marketing Plan Builder, AI Token Trend Indicator, AI Project Analytics, AI Moderation Chatbot, and the Chaterium Network, GPT360 empowers users to optimize their marketing strategies, make informed investment decisions, and create thriving online communities.
GPT360 Social media link:
Website: https://gpt360.io/
Whitepaper: https://docs.gpt360.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GPT360_Official
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087901384890
Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/company/gpt360
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Dz9bdQ95p5
Telegram Community: https://t.me/GPT360_Official
Forum Username: Apoteker
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3424461
Telegram Username: @Apoteker23
BSC Wallet Address : 0x5Bad65b608A3aebeED8310E37D1463824186cd59
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girlswhohavetotakeit · 3 months
Commissions Open
First of all, sincerely, thank you for reading this. This post contains all the info you need regarding the piece of art you will be getting by commissioning me. If you have questions, please DM me.
Welcome to my commission sheet.
You will find art examples for each category in this blog and @girls-who-cannot-take-it-anymore
Second of all, it's important for potential commissioners to know beforehand what my art does not entail. The reasons for such are not to be discussed; it's just what I as your hired artist am not comfortable with, or capable of, working on.
I will not draw: in a specifically "anime" style; NSFW of any kind; jewelry.
Thank you for your understanding.
For digital pieces, I use Easy Paint Tool SAI, Krita, MSPaint, LibreSprite, or Blender. You may suggest one of those, or leave it to my choice. (I will choose logically.)
For traditional pieces, I use POSCA markers and Ohuhu alcohol-based markers on white thick (120g/m² or 180g/m², at your choice) paper.
A FEW DIRECTIVES (Rules that apply)
All pieces will contain a non-obvious, simple watermark. Please, do not remove it.
Do not sell the art you got from me. Commercial use must be discussed beforehand.
Do not publish your commission as your own; this means I'd very much appreciate it if you credited me upon using it.
With OCs, please make sure you have the intellectual property of that design/character; I can't draw something you're not allowed to use.
Please do not attempt to negotiate on prices. I have given them considerable thought and you are free to look for cheaper art elsewhere.
Do not use my work in anything NFT or AI related.
I work with full upfront payment.
After your commission is done, I cannot refund you. Please refrain from late stage cancellations of the commission, as this seriously hurts my time, resources and efforts.
You will have access to early stages of the commission (watermarked) and you have the right to tell me if anything needs to be changed.
If you do still need a refund for a reason that is not the art or the process of making the art itself, please do reach out to me.
I will accept payment in US dollars, or Brazilian real (R$). Am willing to work with dA points as well.
The exact price of your art can only be determined after I am aware of all the details, and will be chosen at my discretion. You are free to disagree and not buy. Below are upper and lower bounds for prices.
PRICES (payment with Paypal)
I will be using the following conversion: 1 US dollar ($) = 5,5 Brazilian reais (R$). The minimum for anything shall be $15.
How to estimate commission price: number of characters, level of background detail, pose complexity, style (cartoony, semirealism?)
3D digital art (per character):
SCULPT ONLY - Fullbodies start at 30 dollars/165 reais, upper bound by 50 dollars/275 reais; Busts are 20 dollars/110 reais; Headshots are 15 dollars/82,5 reais.
FULLY RIGGED (for animation) adds another 30 dollars/165 reais to the final price.
2D digital art:
Fullbodies start at 15 dollars/82,5 reais, upper bound by 40 dollars/220 reais.
Busts start at 15 dollars/82,5 reais, upper bound by 30 dollars/165 reais.
Traditional art in general:
Starts at 15 dollars/82,5 reais, upper bound by 40 dollars/220 reais.
Thank you very much.
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