#musical everything was so scattered i never had time to do hw and i had to skip classes to meet w ppl for group projects bc the only time
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#personal#the engineering chronicles#on the one hand how the mighty have fallen etc but on the other. thank FUCK this semester is over#it wasn’t even that bad objectively like if i hadn’t had the musical im pretty sure this semester would have been a breeze. but w the#musical everything was so scattered i never had time to do hw and i had to skip classes to meet w ppl for group projects bc the only time#any of us were available was in the mornings except then the meetings would go later than planned and i wouldn’t be able to make it to#my morning class and. etc. rehearsals till 10 like 5 times a week just did not work on in this regard. BUT WE DID IT <3 scraped a b- out of#physics w my highest test score in that class and will likely end probability w a b#<- he put in my final exam grade (88 🥳) but there are still three labs that need to be graded so technically my grade could fall to a b- or#c+ but neither is likely#still mad abt that 60 i got on the last exam bc if i had done as well on that exam as i did every other exam for this class i could have#ended w a b+ or a- but. whatever i’m just relieved this courseload is over with. even if i will be thrown right back into everything in a#week at least there is this week for me to relax and not feel awful for failing even more classes this year lmao
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Very long (though positive) thoughts on ShBs so far [that nobody asked for or wanted but here it is]
Below the cut are 5.0 and 5.01 spoilers! Enter at your own risk! Very, very long. There’s so much I’ve wanted to talk about that I haven’t been able to.
So let me just start out with how much I absolutely fucking *love* this expac. I cannot stop talking about it, or trying to get my friends into XIV just to play it so I can scream about it.
Everything about it is just so fucking wonderful. The character development, the music, the art, the story! I was absolutely floored!
And because of that, I have fallen down into Emet-Selch hell - his character was just so well played, so wonderfully developed. Every moment that I thought I hated him, they came back and hit me so hard in the feels that I want to double over and cry just thinking about it - they made me absolutely love him, sympathize with him.
You get to see all of your comrades grow as people - Thancred dealing with his regrets with Minfilia, putting aside his feelings and his past to help Ryne grow. Urianger shows so much more emotion (that’s not to say he wasn’t emotional before, they just never touched much on it - nor did the hood or goggle do any good in determining his emotions [likely on purpose]), but you can now see on his face the pain of lying to his friends that he promised never to do again. Y’shtola, whom has always been a character I loved, gave me conflicted feelings. She distanced herself from those she knew, and with the WoL/D’s coming, has to force herself to open up again - growing an attachment to those around her in Slitherbough. You can tell just how much she doesn’t want to leave them, but knows she has to. That sassy attitude only got sassier in this expac. And don’t get me started on my children. Alphinaud has grown so much since we’ve first started our adventure with him; he’s become self-aware, he strives to make the same different the WoL/D made on The Source in Kholusia; he makes mistakes and admits to them - he’s also grown more fucking savage with his wit.(See: “What you need is a mirror, not a painting.” Quote made towards Vauthry.) And Alisaie, gods, Alisaie’s EN voice actor gave me chills. Every heartbreaking moment, you could hear it. I shred tears just from her tone of voice alone in some scenes. She’s just as fiery, times ten - acting before thinking as always. Her stand against Emet-Selch was both expected and unexpected. She grew attached to the land and its peoples - possibly offering even more emotion for it than anyone else. She’s just so full of emotion at all times, you can see it building up throughout the story - just welling up and bursting when she knows that her dear friend is about to turn into the things she’s sought to kill. After what she witnessed with Tesleen and everything that the Inn stands for, the thought of someone even closer to her feeling the pain of turning into a monster just absolutely breaks her.
And let’s not forget the “new” characters we learn about. The Exarch - we all knew who he was, but the lengths he had gone through, just to see to the WoL/D’s safety is so heartwarming. And the care he has for the people in the Crystarium. I was absolutely sobbing after the Innocence fight, what with the emotional music and his words (until Emet ruined it with a fuckin gun, like come on man, tryin’ to have a touching moment here). Ryne is the Minfilia we always wanted. Don’t get me wrong - I understand the roles Minfilia played before, but her story was so... underwhelming. She had a lot of potential to be a stunning character, to be the ally that we grew to trust and love. But SE didn’t give us any room to do so before she died. Ryne, however, is such a sweet child (my newest daughter, if anyone hurts her I will fucking murder everyone). She suffers through depression, anxiety, feelings of the inadequacy of walking in the Oracle’s shadow - she’s never had a life with choices, and Thancred’s attitude while traveling with her only serves to fuel the doubt more. Until she travels with you more, and she knows what she has to do. She becomes so focused, so fully intent with drive and passion to save what’s left of her home. You see the drive they had meant to give Minfilia in ARR, the personality she was supposed to have; and it gives you a deeper feeling for not only what Minfilia had gone through - but both Ryne and Thancred as well; especially in the Eden storyline, when she does her all to give back to the land. Hhhhhh and not to mention Lyna, my god. I was afraid she was just going to be a character that makes you want for more but they never give it to you. I was afraid they wouldn’t build her character, then just kill her off. But I was so wrong, happily so! She got the character building she needed - the pain in her voice when she talks about her lost comrades, when she’s injured to hells and back and still crawls to see to all of their needs. Her history with the Exarch, how she met him and how he practically adopted her. And still alive! I want to see more of her in the future, and learn more about her drive and passion.
And last but not least, the development of the WoL/D themselves. Learning of their shattered lives scattered across worlds; finally showing that sense of weakness as they carry a burden no one else can. They show fear when they talk to Ardbert, “What if I do become the monster”, “what happens then”, “I’m a danger to everyone”. (On top of being even snarkier and more tired of people’s shit than before). They grow so much as a character, even if you already have their character planned out! To give our characters so much emotion and doubt and anger, to let them rest, to let them cry, to let the pray and hope and wish for change. I just can’t get over it.
The music has been... so, so good to me. I am absolutely living for it. I want a CD out *now*. I’ve been planning the same songs on repeat, because I can’t get them out of my head. Full Fathom Five, the city of Amaurot’s theme, and Mortal Instants - I cannot live without these songs and I do not know how I had before. Tomorrow and Tomorrow is so emotional and powerful. Shadowbringers and Hades’s second theme, hhhhhhhh and The Twinning’s theme, A Long Fall! I just. orz. I can’t explain just how much I love these songs.
The dungeons and story gave me so much lore that I’ve always needed, particularly around Emet-Selch, the Ascians, and Amaurot. These themes are actually what prompted me to write shit and I barely write at all. I can’t get over all of it - and god, if only I could go through the entire story again for the first time.
In summary: As I started Shadowbringers, the expansion was about on par with Heavensward for me (do not get me started on all the themes and tropes that made HW my favorite)... until Mt. Gulg and the Innocence fight. After that, the story hit so hard, it ended up easily surpassing Heavensward and is not my current favorite expansion so far.
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Bʀᴇᴀᴋ Mʏ Hᴇᴀʀᴛ 🌙 preview pt 25

~тaeнyυng х reader
~ pt 25/??
~ birthday preview
~ prev || next
posts everyday at 9pm est
requests are open!

You giggle looking down at your phone seeing all your friends being a little dumb. Your birthday had finally arrived, usually you weren’t one for birthdays because they were just another regular day. At least that’s what they ended up feeling like since you had either school or work that took up most of your time.
Tae really put his all in celebrating your birthday this year. Buying gifts left and right; anything he thought that you’d enjoy he got. So far thing between the two of you really had gone well; it seemed things were getting somewhat serious. You spent almost every single day together, finding any free time to see each other and have little dates. Every time he was near your heart overflowed with love, you were falling in deep. It seemed, at least to you, his eyes were brighter, his smile sweeter, his touch a little warmer, and his heart a little softer.
With everyday that passed your feelings got stronger, and you were almost 100% sure you had fallen deeply, madly in love with Kim Taehyung, your best friend. It was different now though; before you tried your best to ignore what you felt because he’d never feel the same but that has changed. Now you knew his flirting and clinginess wasn’t all in your head, it was real. Jungkook, being his roommate, was constantly teasing you about stealing his boyfriend and hogging him night and day. There were times when he’d complain even when he wasn’t with you but you assumed it was him just messing with you. The others were very supportive about everything and very invested in the relationship.
For tonight though, you guys weren’t really bothering with thinking about the budding relationship. It was time to enjoy the party and get drunk out of your minds. All the boys had agreed on things to help you get prepare and were going to be at your place an hour early. They said you were going to need some help protecting your place for the destruction that was to come. Already you could see the mess that would be waiting for you tomorrow morning. Beer cans and bottles scattered everywhere. red solo cups covering every single flat surface, strange puddles of liquids on your wooden floor. Maybe you shouldn’t be celebrating your birthday with a hundred drunk college students… oh well.
The night before Taehyung had come over to give you his final present and stay the night with you. It was huge teddy bear and a bunch of balloons with a bouquet of roses. In that moment you had no idea how to react so you jumped on his and wrapped your legs around his waist. He got caught off guard so you both fell to the couch behind him and you both laugh. You felt your smile grow just thinking back on that memory and you looked up to your ceiling. After doing what you need you had come to lay down on your bed but you couldn’t calm your mind from constantly thinking of Tae. He was in your guest room changing into his outfit, he had brought two full bags of clothes to make sure he was prepared for any outfit color you chose. It was these small things he did that always made your heart swoon and jump out of your chest. They gave you hope, hope that everything would be alright if the two of you made the decision to stay together.
Some could call you ignorant for trusting a fuckboy, even if he’s your best friend. That made it worst thought because you had seen all the moves he makes to get girls or to break hearts, you knew his little games. There were girls in your classes that “warned” you about him, they said when they hooked up he was quick to leave and ignore their entire existence. They said he may be a little nicer because you were friends but at the end of the day he was Taehyung. Not going to lie this ran through your head a lot, you always wondered if he was playing games but you gave him the benefit of the doubt. He would never you thought, he cares way too much about you not just romantically but as a friend. Was he really the type to not give a fuck and hurt his own best friend knowing she’s head over heels for him?
You don’t know though, and that in itself drove you crazy. He had so much power in his hands, it was all in his next move to see what came out of everything.
You eyelids slowly began to close trying to keep away the negative thoughts that had already starting coming through. Tonight is for having fun, enjoying your birthday, celebrating you. Suddenly the empty side of you bed sunk down and a body laid next to yours. He slowly turned and wrapped his arm around your waist resting his on your chest.
“Princess, are you taking a nap before your ruin your liver tonight?” he whispered not wanting to wake you up in case you were really asleep.
“Mhm. Oppa really has good ideas about charging up before a party,” you giggle.
He chuckles at your comment and somehow cuddles closer onto you; you bring your free arms and wrap them around him pulling him even closer. You both had always had cuddling sessions and slept in the same bed together but it’s been completely different nowadays. They felt, weird, a good weird. The type of cuddles that made you want to giggle and blush and just be there forever if it was possible. As soon as you both started to get into your nap a loud bang can from the front door being swung open. Six voices filled the empty rooms at your place, their feet shuffling around trying to find where the star of the night was. Once they reached your room they saw the two of you laying holding each other and began their teasing. Jimin and Jungkook hyped it up the most jumping on the bed and falling on top of the both of you claiming they wanted cuddles too. Jin and Namjoon were hand in hand laughing from the door. Surprisingly Hobi and Yoongi were also hand in hand but their expressions were unreadable. Almost as if something was bothering them but as their eyes met yours their smiles appeared.
“Hell yeah!” Jungkook jumped off the bed and made his way down with the rest of the guys.
Taehyung and you took a bit longer trying to unwrap yourselves and fix up the messiness that was created by the cuddles. As you made your way down, his hand found yours and intertwined your fingers. He loved being touchy, he lived for holding hands, hugging, and any type of affection. Time passed as you guys pregamed in the middle of kitchen. Each one of you complained about all the assignments that were being given in almost every major. Most of you being art majors, you enjoyed and hated big projects because you had creative control but the deadlines really killed.
Slowly more college students began arriving and started drinking. In the beginning most of them tried their best to greet you but as the night went on they completely forgot why they came in the first place. The music was blasting and shaking all the beautiful paintings and pictures on your wall but you didn’t mind. it felt good to let loose and celebrate you. The guys had stuck by your side most of the night wanting to drink as much as possible with you.
“No Jungkook stop you can’t say those things to a girl!!!” Jin scolded the youngest.
“Jin hyung. I only wanted to know if she keeps money in her bra like y/n!”
“You can’t ask so freely unless you know her!” he shook his head, “She’s going to think your a creep.”
“That’s okay,” Jungkook shrugged and his bunny teeth came out as his lips spread into a big smile.
You didn’t know how many shots you had taken but it was… a lot. Plus the guys were refilling your red solo cup right after you finished, it felt like you were floating at this point. Taehyung had drank just as much as you taking every shot you took filling his cup just as much as yours got filled. He was gone. You were a bit surprise to find out he was even more touchy as a drunk. He turned to face you and brought you into a hug, his arms wrapped around your waist and his head rested on your shoulder. You were leaning against a wall in your house as the rest of the group circled around you. His soft lips began to peck your shoulder sweetly, he moved up a bit and started kissing your jaw. Your knees felt weak as he got closer to your ear.
His raspy voice whispered, “You’re so beautiful y/n.”
“Thank you,” you spoke back softly not really knowing what to do.
His lips continued to leave trails of kisses along your neck and shoulders until he finally reached your lips. He only gave you a small peck and let go of you.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you all day long but I haven’t had the balls to,” he chuckles as he bends down speaking into your ear, “I almost forgot to tell you. I have one last present to give you. But it’s for when were both alone.”
You’re eyebrows knitted together and your head tilted to the side, “Birthday sex?” you asked teasing him jokingly.
“I mean if you’re down…” you playfully smack his arm, “No baby, its something more special. I can give you birthday sex after that if were sober enough,” he winked.
You both laughed at each other and he pulled you into his arms. This time he was leaning against the wall and your back was pressed to his chest. His head rested on the top of your head and his arms were on your shoulders. You held his hand, and watched your friends get wasted and start talking complete nonsense. Feeling in the mood to move around and take out all the energy the alcohol had given you, you drag Tae out to dance with you. Your dancing wasn’t much of anything, a couple of the guys gave you thumbs up or would make kissing faces at you. You were too out of it to feel Tae’s phone vibrate in his pocket but he noticed.
He pulled his phone out and looked down at who had texted him. He felt his body cringe just looking at the name written on the screen while he was having a moment with you. The text read, “Where are you?”, there were 3 dots indicating she was typing. He didn’t want to but he couldn’t help it. He excused himself and went into the bathroom to text back the girl who had just texted him.

#bts#bts texts#bts social media au#kim taehyung#taehyung x reader#min yoongi#yoongi x reader#bts suga#jung hoseok#hoseok x reader#kim namjoon#namjoon x reader#bts rm#kim seokjin#seokjin x reader#bts jin#jeon jungkook#jungkook x reader#park jimin#jimin x reader#bts jimin#bts jungkook#bts imagines#bts reactions#bts requests#bts one shots#bts series#bts v
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Start of the new series! EXO soulmate and powers au. Their powers are their soulmate mark kinda thing if ya get me
lmao @ the title
i hope you enjoy!!
2k words unedited
junmyeon had been able to control water since he was born
when he cried as a child there would be a storm in his crib
called gifted by his parents
but a freak by any other name would be just as sinful
not once had he met anyone else ‘gifted’ like him
not until he was 14
he had just had his lunch poured all over him by the ‘populars’
so he was in the yard, sitting with the storm raging above him, cleaning him but not getting him wet
he’d learned that trick after the first time that happened
while hw was sitting under his tree, the new boy approached him
the same age as junmyeon, he was already 5′7″ and showed no signs of stopping soon
he walked over, and stepped under the rain shower
junmyeon was expecting him to get soaked but was surprised when steam rose off him instead
chanyeol sat next to him and waited for the shower to pass
once it was a light drizzle the steam stopped and chanyeol allowed himself to get wet
“If you want to talk about what happened, I’m right here”
suho almost broke down again right there, it was the first time someone had said that to him
and so they became the mighty two
fire and water was a very good mix for once
junmyeon finally found his use
because as nice as chanyeol was, he was hot headed as hell sometimes
so he needed a good dip of cold water every now and then
the same happened reversed when junmyeon was to emotional in any way, he needed to dry off or he would have caused a monsoon
junmyeon and yeol talked a lot about their soul mates and whether they would have the same powers or they would be different
then throughout high school, they found more friends with powers as their marks
soon there was 9 with a range of powers
the ones that got on the best was suho and minseok who had ice
they were the hyungs of the group and they were the ones that made sure everything was in line
they made sure that everyone was studying and getting good grades
there were three more but they had to move school unfortunately
and so the gang was staying a 9
they decided they would all try and go to the same ‘gifted’ college
the only real requirement was to prove your gifts somehow, you could come up with how
so they all decided to use each other
set up in two groups of three, one group of two and one singular using his powers after everyone else
junmyeon would be up against yeol and sehun
kyungsoo would be up against jongin and minseok
jongdae and baek would go 1v1
and lay would heal any injuries occurred
this would be a free for all match, no holds barred, any injuries allowed
the judges of the match were thoroughly stunned and amazed
they were all accepted obvs
junmyeon decided to major in acting because he’d always had an interest in it
he learned how to control his powers even more than he already did and how to branch it out to its limits
there were a few other water marked kids in the college but none of them were his soulmate
so he started his course and kept working on his powers
now onto you
you loved your powers
you loved to grow flowers by manipulating the water
however others did not like it
namely your parents
you were shunned and kicked out at the young age of 15
so you walked the streets for a few years
you learned the other side of your powers during that time
once when a man attacked you, you managed to draw water from the air and flowers and plants around you to use against him
one night, you also managed to draw water from a would be attacker themselves
you felt disgusted with yourself for a while after before realising it was the only way
so when you heard about a gifted school in seoul
you knew you had a chance
you walked in, and immediately felt out of place
snotty families all around
a few clusters of average looking people thankfully
there was one boy walking around asking people that had just been in if they needed healed
you said your name and power to the receptionist and she gave you a number and said to take a seat
you watched as everyone else went ahead of you and came out looking battered but triumphant
then it was your turn
you walked in and there was a lineup of solider looking guys behind the judges
“Water type yes?”
you quickly said yes and one of the boys walked forward
he was tall as hell and had silvery grey hair, didn’t have too much muscle but had something
from the glint in his eyes you thought he would be a fire power probably
a bell went off and suddenly he was advancing
you grasped out for any water you could find in the room and pulled it in front of you
he changed his direction and suddenly fire was coming out of his feet and he was going above you
you ran and sprinted to the nearest plant in the room, drawing every last drop from it
you spun round and round, sending the water coiling around him
he was trapped, and you summoned more water from the air around him to form gloves this some katara shit right here
you hands fit into the gloves perfectly and you moved the water so he was kneeling in front of you
steam was rising off of him, the closer you got, the more steam
your hands crept closer to his face while he tried to break free
one hand managed to break free and grabbed your wrist, burning it
you ripped your hand from his grasp and moved the water back to pin him down
your hand finally touched his face and you managed to manipulate the water around his body until he was unable to move
you dropped everything, making a puddle form around him
then someone else attacked from behind
arms were wrapped around you and they were pulling you back
you grabbed their bare arm and drew water from them until they dropped you
you turned around and quickly returned the borrowed water, not wanting to cause any more harm
the judges conferred before agreeing to give you a place
you thanked and bowed as much as you could before apologising to the fire guy you’d fought
he was being seen to by the healer fortunately
you sat back outside and realised that you had steam burns on your neck from the fire guy as well as the palms of your hand were burnt
the healer came out and saw to you making small chat
you found out his name was Lay and he was a year above you
he was majoring in music mainly but also languages as a side
he was from china but moved to seoul because of the school
then he started asking about your life
you trusted the healer so you were honest with him
he didn’t miss a beat though, and was fully accepting
after he healed you he had to get back to work
and so you were left to try and navigate the school
finally got moved into a dorm
started a course in horticulture
and all was going well
you spoke to Lay many times after that but never really hung out much
until one day he asked if you wanted to go to coffee with him and a few of his friends
you’d heard about the legendary friends so you agreed
they were all in different courses and scattered around campus but when lay called them all, they all agreed
and so you and lay were on your way to the coffee shop
one of his friends, minseok, already worked there so you got a partial discount for friends and family
hell yeah
when you and lay arrived, minseok had already gotten a large ass table ready and had your orders ready to bring over
at first it was just the three of you until they all started to filter in
all seemed to be going well
everyone seemed to be really kind and welcoming
you were learning everyones names and nicknames
only 5 had nicknames for some reason but they all suited them
so far there were only two left to arrive
kyungsoo and junmyeon
or D.O. and Suho as you learned
they were both doing acting and were in the same course
and so you were waiting for them but also having a blast with the rest of the group
when it started to feel like water was running down your back and up your front
the guys started to notice a little cloud above your head and asked if you wanted to stand outside for a minute to try and calm down
you agreed even though you didn’t know why this was happening
you stood outside in the empty street and felt the water worsen
you had no clue why
until you saw him
suho had been feeling odd since he left the class but didnt know why
until he got to one street away from the coffee shop
him and DO were almost at the coffee shop when his blood started feeling like it was being manipulated all over his body
he wasn’t in control when he looked over
looked over at you in specific
the cloud above your head expanded to the sky
your eyes met and it was suddenly pouring
your first few steps together and the rain was falling harder with every footstep
you were toe to toe and the rain was going up, down, left and right
your first touch and lighting struck next to you
you lingered and the wind started
you stared into each others eyes, linked by more than just skin and the water was flooding everything in an 8 foot circle
everything was geld in by an invisible wall
you leaned in to each other, your lips touched and the rain stilled mid air
everything stilled but the flood water, which rose and split into two separate streams
the kiss deepened and the water pulsed and swirled in time with your heartbeats
everyone inside was slightly stunned by the revelation
kyungsoo was standing just outside the water circle
until you two pulled away and the control over the water faded
as did the wall surrounding you, and the water slightly spilled all over kyungsoo
you two didn’t notice
you were busy staring at each other because holy mother above he was attractive
he was thinking the same about you
chanyeol and sehun came out to see you two
sehun went off to dry kyungsoo
chanyeol managed to get you two inside to talk
minseok got you two a soulmate special they decided to make a drink after soul mates met there for the first time
it was a free special lmao
you sat speechless for a while
until you go “Well that was refreshing”
he burst out laughing
this was off to an amazing start
you two sat making terrible jokes and talking about your lives with a cup of coffee between you
then it was late and they were closing the shop
the rest of the group had stayed to talk and see how you two were and decided they would finally tell you that you needed to head back
so you two walked back to student accommodation and talked the whole way
you two met up every day
learned how to fight together and work with each other
you learned how to work with his style of water work and he learned to work with yours
perfect team right here guys
then, a few months after the first meeting, he took you for a date
it wasn’t unusual for him to do this, he loved treating you
but when he stood and grabbed your face
and leaned in and was a perfect gentleman
you knew that fate was right when it put you two together
because theres nobody you would rather be with than him
#exo#we are one exo#exo scenarios#exo soulmate au#exo powers au#kpop#exo suho#suho#kim junmyeon#soulmate au#suho soulmate#exo bulletpoint
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