#music shuffle ask game
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entamewitchlulu · 3 months ago
ah thanks also for indulging my little shitpost haha
here's a random song from my collection
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killerandhealerqueen · 2 years ago
Hii ✨ hope you're having a lovely day 😊 here are my questions:
🤡 - describe the song in the worst way possible
⭐️ - what are two songs you like that are similar to this one?
💋 - i shuffled my library here’s a song for you bestie <3
😎 - A song you have always wanted to include in your stories or write a story from?
Hello lovely! Thank you for asking!
🤡 - describe the song in the worst way possible
Five asian boys and one white boy sing about how they don't need a girl's love
⭐️ - what are two songs you like that are similar to this one?
Okay, two songs that are similar to this song...since this song is very...dramatic, I think two songs that are similar in dramatics/emotions would be
💋 - i shuffled my library here’s a song for you bestie <3
😎 - A song you have always wanted to include in your stories or write a story from?
I always get high school vibes from this song and I had an idea for an story that basically was this song but in story form but I would have to write about friends to lovers and one-sided crushes and shit and I'm like...that's a little too fucking close to home, we ain't doing that nope. Would it make a bomb ass story? Oh yeah, I know it would. But the emotions I'd have to put into storyboarding/outlining this fic would...just bring up too many uncomfortable memories of high school that I would rather fucking leave in the past
music shuffle ask game | send me asks
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tavina-writes · 2 years ago
🎧 For the music shuffle ask game!
Did I Ever Love You by Leonard Cohen
Hmmm I'd say my favorite lines from this one are:
Was I ever someone Who could love you forever
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pixiedurango · 16 days ago
(DAtV)-Music Shuffle Game
YAY, I got tagged by @ab121500 to do the music shuffle game. THE RULES: You gotta shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist on Spotify then post the first 10 songs. Since I don't use spotify, but indeed have EXTENSIVE playlists on my phone, I just did it with the one I'm currently having on repeat like 24/7 - It's (the playlist that is) called "The Lighthouse", so you guys know what you are in for. I tag: @midnightwind, @cryinthevortex, @sternentreue, @druckkugelschreiber, @uchidachi, @ezriell, @brennacedria, @himluv, @ofcrowsanddragons, @rook-de-rivas, @rookanisstuff, @paladingineer, @badwolf626, @cherrypikkins, @frotees-corner, @say-lene, @hyperions-light, @thedissonantverses and everyone who wants to play. No pressure of course, only if you want and of course no need to go as hard as I did with links and lyrics and stuff Here we go:
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Judas - Fozzy One of my Illario theme songs
What have I become? Now that I've betrayed Everyone I've ever loved, I pushed them all away And I have been a slave to the Judas in my mind Is there something left of me to save In the wreckage of my life? Dying for your love - Jack Savoretti Rookanis Feels Galore
You asked me what I'm made of I'm made to feel your love You're all I ever think of I'm dying for your love Keeping me alive (acoustic) - Jonathan Roy Lucanis Caterina Dynamic You try to hold me down so I became a soldier Built up all theses walls and now I'm climbing over I see fire - Feuerschwanz (Ed Sheeran Metal Cover) Lets go and kick Elghar`nan's ass!!!!!
And if we should die tonight Then we should all die together Raise a glass of wine for the last time Private Parts - Halestorm feat. James Michael Rook when they get a bit frustrated over Lucanis'
Every time I try to get a little closer You shut down and the conversation's over I'm right here, but you leave me in the dark Show me your private parts Give it up baby, what are you afraid of? Love sucks when you don't know what it's made of Best Bad Friend - Michael Patrick Kelly & Rae Garvey Lucanis and Illario to the T
No, I can't sugarcoat this, you are totally hopeless No good for nothin', you know (You know) You're so wild and reckless, gonna get us arrested Oh, you're a lovable rogue You're late and you're lazy, chronically maybe But not when it comes to what counts When I'm runnin' for cover, you're there like a brother (Yeah) And I love her - Passenger Lucanis about Rook She's cunning as a fox Clever as a crow Solid as a rock She is stubborn as a stone She's a hard-headed woman And the best one that I know And I love her You haven't seen me angry yet - Beth Crowley Rook and Solas
So don't come crying to me When nothing's how you Thought it'd be You made this bed Forced me to lie in it But you haven't seen me angry yet You're gonna see me angry Birds of a Feather - Lilith Max some weird Rookario vibes going on here
The alleyways are your playground And money is your god Can count on my fingers All the churches you've robbed
I won't resist the temptation I'd bloody my hands for you And if I stay long enough You might bloody yours too
Sanctuary - Welshly Arms The Veilguard family hymn We share this hurt, we share the pain All of our dirt is washed in the rain We've walked that road, we've felt that shame
Mmh but times, they are changin' (Our sanctuary) Oh, oh (Hold on to me) (Our sanctuary) You are, you are You are safe with me
This is our sanctuary We can find shelter and peace This is our sanctuary You are, you are safe with me
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blossoms-phan · 1 month ago
Francesca - Hozier
Only ones who know - Arctic Monkeys
Selfless - The Strokes
The louvre - Lorde
I like it when you love me - Oh Wonder
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many-gay-magpies · 8 months ago
put 5 songs you listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (BACK AT YOU AGAIN SHOW ME MORE SONGS 😘)
EHEHEHE who am i to refuse....... the call of MUSIC?? (no one else is getting sent this tho i did that already)
a hole in the earth by daughter (its playing rn and its just very melancholically lovely)
L/R by nilüfer yanya (another one by her cuz she is amazing)
la fine by måneskin
when we're high by LP
tenenbaum by the paper kites (specifically the mahogany sessions version if u want an absolutely heavenly listening experience, but any version of the song is excellent)
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z-haven · 3 months ago
18! 🎶
BTS - Your Eyes Tell
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hollowfairybabybat · 27 days ago
sexual asks r fun but i think i should get more asks about my hyperfocus things
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starscelly · 1 month ago
🎵 (s’il vous plaît)
hacker - death grips
beauty queen - lash
working for the knife - mitski
surrender - cheap trick
seven headed whore - iced earth
man . alright. sure
5 song playlist game!
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spiderziege · 10 months ago
🎼 Your favourite music to draw to right now?
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well uh. my last listened to stuff on spotify is just 00s german pop-rock mostly which i think is predictable. and the occasional odd one out. and then my current youtube mix idk whats going on there. im not sure why youtube started recommending this polish band Maanam to me but i like it so im not complaining. and the zombie song is also there
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pencilofawesomeness · 11 months ago
🤍 Shuffle Playlist Game! 🤍
Rules: you can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put a playlist on shuffle, list the first 10 songs and then tag people to keep it going!
Aight I'll bite; I do love my music
For starters all of my playlists of Themed(tm), mostly on stories/fanfics or fandoms, so it's not all of my music in a jumble but rather what I custom pick for the vibes of the story and the section thereof. For this I'll use one of my larger FT/HTRYDS playlists since I think it's my largest at 134 songs. (I have too many playlists but also not enough. send help)
For funsies I'll add which character section each is in lol
When the Darkness Comes by Static-P [Jellal]
Heavy by Linkin Park, feat. Kiiara [Lisanna]
Blue Lips by Regina Spektor [Loke]
Kaikai Kitan performed by Amalee [Jellal]
Sunshine with Shields by Kevin Penkin [Lisanna, header piece]
Dirty Souls by Five Knives [Bickslow]
Mirajane by Yasuharu Takanashi [Mirajane, header piece]
World's Smallest Violin by AJR [Cana]
Effort by James Spaite [Mavis]
6 AM by We are the Guests [Levy]
Tagging @lilyntlrs @thehylianidiot @ljf613 @cobrakiin @kiliinstinct @genavere @creaticare @phoenix-before-the-flame @forwantofacalling @breezy-cheezy and uhhhhhh whoever else wants to do (as I forget all of my music loving friends' urls lmao whoops) (or ignore this, yall know how tag games be)
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tavina-writes · 2 years ago
Colors by Halsey
Have to say for this one the line I love most is:
You were a vision in the morning When the light came through
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unsettlingcreature · 2 months ago
i think the funniest thing an ex-friend has ever done was change the login for one of the two laptops she gave me so it just reads "fuck you" as if she wasn't the one who gradually cut off contact with me. leah, if you're out there... what the fuck lmao
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mmikmmik · 4 months ago
Hmmmm, it appears that when I ripped Pearl Jam's Ten from my CD, Release and Master/Slave (the hidden track) got combined into one track.
This is an incredibly stupid answer but. I don't really like the lyrics of either of these much but I really like how Eddie Vedder sings this part. My honest answer for this track/these tracks is:
Release me Release me Release me Release me
...Let me do another one.
High and Dry, by Radiohead
You'd kill yourself for recognition Kill yourself to never, ever stop You broke another mirror You're turning into something you are not
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zinziinziiin · 4 months ago
Trick or treat! 🦇
bat!! nice! you get BUTCHER VANITY by FLAVOR FOLEY feat. yi xi!
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andithiel · 1 year ago
on repeat, on shuffle
Thanks for tagging me @nv-md and @uncannycerulean! I was a bit confused about the rules but I went with what felt made most sense and just shuffled my on repeat playlist.
Runaway (U & I) by Galantis
Sweetness Alive by Goldroom and Say Lou Lou
Watermelon Sugar by Harry Styles
Never Let Me Down Again by Depeche Mode
Live Forever by Oasis
Of the Night by Bastille
Boys by Charlie XCX (where I got my blog title from!)
Careless Whisper by Taken by Trees
True Disaster by Tove Lo
Slow by Kylie Minogue
Tagging (if you want!): @julcheninred @crazybutgood @dragonbornphoenix @mystickitten42 @wo2ash @roseharpermaxwell @kk1smet and if you see this and want to do this, you're tagged as well!
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