#music review blog
fortune-fatale · 1 year
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hi i’m Rilo or Fortune :]
this is my music-related blog! i like lots of different artists and types of music in general. i’ll probably be doing album reviews/general musical rambling on here. i have entirely no musical education so anything i say is entirely opinion-based.
i use any pronouns and am not comfortable giving my age but i am a minor. 18+ blogs dni as well as the other basic ones ( terfs, racists, homophobes, antisemites, islamophobes, get railed by a chainsaw fuck you)
i’ll be trying to keep a coherent tag system for this blog but don’t hold me to it
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thelailasblog · 2 months
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coldcrowmusic · 2 months
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Stevie Nicks is definitely one of the most beautiful and stylish women in music
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askmovieslate · 3 months
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Do you remember "Hello Dolly!"? Has anyone seen the movie "Lincoln" starring Daniel-Day Lewis?
Now take those movies and mash them together, and what you get is an absolute mess. It's like taking a toast with jam on it, but then adding a slice of Camembert cheese on top of it. Sure you can still try to eat it, but the range of flavors goes from challenging to impossible, and then you'll probably end up with an upset stomach.
That's this movie. An absolute mess. The songs are bad, the lyrics are really stupid, and the melodies aren't memorable. Which is a shame, because the political arguments are actually very good, very interesting, and enjoyable to watch.
They should've been two separate movies.
Ah well. Happy Fourth of July to my American followers. You guys are great, and you deserve a better musical movie about your nation's Declaration of Independence.
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annmroz · 4 months
when she said a superhero would come to help🤣
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iwanttostudysomething · 5 months
◇ 48'nd Day of Productivity ◇
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To Do List:-
□ Write Notes for Psychology.
□ Watch some videos for Physics.
□ Try to read some portions in Chemistry.
Guess who was napping all day? 🥲
Movie of the Day:-
Watched 'Magnolia' yesterday. Truly experimental. I don't think it is for everyone but I loved it!
Song of the Day:-
Definitely included with songs which are too dangerous to drive listening to.
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potentially-a-poser · 7 months
I want to write a dystopian fiction book that’s just what’s going on in the world rn but with slightly better fashion and the main character actually saves the day instead of just fucking dying like every person who try’s to make a change irl
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ask-notes-galore · 6 months
Lore Reviews: Bit of a Monster by Vylet Pony
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I've been debating with myself for days about how exactly to describe "Bit of a Monster" by Vylet Pony. The sound seems so obviously familiar to me, like I should be able to tell the exact genre on the spot, but I have struggled a surprising bit to do so. I've concluded that this feeling is very fittingly descriptive of the song.
"Bit of a Monster" excellently blends multiple typically synth-heavy genres, along with some clear inspiration from other genres. If I were forced to give it a proper description, horn to my neck, I would describe it as a punk-inspired type of disco/dance/synthpop with elements of hoofgaze sprinkled in. It opens with a real tone-setter of an intro; dark - yet funky - guitar and bass, immediately followed by classic disco/dance synths, initially reminding me of the 2022 album "Vices" by Neighland. Similar to the instrumentation, Vylet's vocals follows the same tone, dark yet funky, until the chorus a minute or so in, when the guitar and percussions take over and unleashes in a climax of the punkier tones of the single, supported by rather than led by the synth.
I am not the only pony with thoughts on this single, of course. I therefore chose to seek out somepony to chime in, and who better than the pony who has listened to this song the most in all of Equestria? The interview went… Uhm… I'm gonna say it went... okay.
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Uhm... Yeah! A huge thanks to Jules for letting me do this interview! Anyways... Vylet never disappoints. Sea's biggest strength is sea's versatility, and this single is just yet another proof of this. It is far from the first time Vylet has dabbled in punkier tones, the 2023 album "Carousel (An Examination of the Shadow, Creekflow, and its Life as an Afterthought)" - say that title three times fast - features several that fit the bill, and even includes tracks comparable to alt-metal! Although we may know Vylet Pony primarily for synthpop and EDM/brostep, we know what sea is capable of. Sea makes sure to remind us of this again and again. Is this single ringing in a new era for Vylet? I don't believe so. I believe it is simply a continuation of the work we know and love Vylet for, with surprises around every corner, and a firm refusal to stay put with one single genre or sound. Either way, I personally am very excited to hear what comes next! I'll see you around! Editors note: Jules currently has 1801 plays on Bit of a Monster at the time of posting.
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crystalstunes · 3 months
crystal's tunes #2: WORRY. by Jeff Rosenstock (2016)
i was going to wait a while before talking about this album, but i mean come on, it's literally got a track called June 21st. if i was gonna do it any day it'd be today.
WORRY. is an album that's very special to me. i originally discovered it via James Acaster's book Perfect Sound Whatever (named after the closing track of the album), and in the years since it's become one of my most listened to albums of all time. i'm not going to link any specific songs here, because i feel like the album is meant to be listened to in its entirety.
this was the second studio album Jeff released after the end of his previous project, ska-punk collective Bomb the Music Industry!, which in itself was born out of the end of his previous-previous project The Arrogant Sons of Bitches. this album really feels like a culmination of all of his work leading up to this, refined to a T and bursting with energy.
"We're not stupid people but this financial oppression has got everyone believing all that we can do is nothing/'Cause we organise through avenues they lace with advertisements so the ones we rage against are still lining their pockets" - Festival Song (Track 3)
thematically, the album discusses a variety of issues with modern-day America, such as landlords/gentrification, the coroprate sponsors of festivals and culture, social media mining your data, police brutality, and how the world just keeps getting worse due to capitalism in general. this is especially evident on tracks such as Festival Song, Staring Out The Window at Your Old Apartment, Blast Damage Days, HELLLLHOOOOLE, and The Fuzz, but is present throughout the album. he also touches on some more personal issues, such as alcoholism and the struggles of being a DIY musician.
the production here is absolutely top-notch, every single element is balanced perfectly, guitars are clear and crushing when they need to be, drums are punchy, vocals cut through well and instruments such as saxophones, glockenspiels and synths are used in certain songs to offer various different sonic textures. its not just the instruments that are varied here though, he also travels across a number of styles such as his classic ska-punk on the 91 second track Rainbow, to more hardcore punk on 30 second track Planet Luxury.
the A-side of this album is fantastic, with tracks like We Begged 2 Explode, Pash Rash and Festival Song becoming fan favourites and staples of his live sets, but i think this album really comes into its own during it's B-side. every track from Blast Damage Days through to the final track Perfect Sound Whatever perfectly transition into each other, creating a medley of different punk subgenres that is absolutely incredible. it's cathartic and danceable all in one, and its one of my favourite things he's done on an album.
"Whenever we feel ashamed, being alive and awake in such an era of hate and military police/These are the mass murder days, we are the blast damage age, where we can't love anything, because they keep us afraid/Oh, I will be there, kicking, fighting, beating, screaming 'There's no fucking way I'm ever letting go of you!'" - Blast Damage Days (Track 9)
the album builds up in energy until its final anthemic, gang vocal repetitions of "Perfect always takes so long, because it don't exist/It doesn't exist!", which is one of Jeff's main mission statements creatively. the first Bomb the Music Industry! album Album Minus Band has anti-piracy hiss throughout from various plugins he used the demo versions of instead of buying, and a track that's project files corrupted so he couldnt mix it properly, but all of that just adds to the artistry of it all. nothing can ever truly be perfect, so just be honest and authentic and do what you want, because in both art and people, our imperfections are what make us whole. i'm not a perfect person, and that's alright. i may have my own anti-piracy demo plugin hiss in my brain, but that's just part of what makes me myself - i wouldn't truly be me without it, and that's beautiful.
i think this album is truly great because despite the overwhelmingly negative topics being discussed, in the end its hopeful, even if the world or your life seem like theyre fucked, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. the penultimate track ...While You're Alive, ends with the verse "And it's not like the love that they show us on TV/It's a home that can burn, it's a limb to freeze/It's worry/Love is worry". this can just be taken at face value as the fact that when you love someone you worry about them, but i interpret it a different way, especially with the context of the rest of the album.
when the government and systems are against you, you're fighting your own brain, and you're overwhelmed with worry, that worry is coming from a place of love, because you wouldnt worry about something you dont care about. you love yourself, you love the world, and in a way, your anxieties are really just a form of expressing your care and love even if it feels like fear, and anger, and sadness. and, for me at least, that's one of the most reassuring messages i've ever been given from an album. thanks, jeff.
"Because it's June 21st, and this winter was the worst we've ever seen, but we made it through the freeze/And now it's June 21st, and this winter was the worst we've ever seen, now it's 84 degrees forever." - June 21st (Track 14)
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idlejet · 16 days
gracias FreimTV!!
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allmusicmondays · 6 months
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In the appropriately named ‘#turndaworldup’ emerging New York artist Uuelz continues to cross pollinate genres, blend worlds and convey complex ideas with simplicity, style and substance. Uuelz takes Jerk and R&B to new heights - Uuelz posits the question “can we get much higher?” and #turndaworldup delivers a satisfying answer.
Read: allmusicmondays.com/reviews/uuelz-…
Written By: @K0nbin1
All Audio Platforms: anchor.fm/allmusicmondays
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thelailasblog · 1 month
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coldcrowmusic · 14 days
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I hate, I absolutely hate the amount of negativity that Emily is receiving right now.
It is so brave and inspiring for the band Linkin Park to continue making music despite their grief. They made a great decision to connect with female vocalist and to start an absolutely new chapter together.
The real fans, people who respect the band, would they give unnecessary and unkind comments instead of support after looking in Mike’s happy eyes? Truly disgusting.
The question is never about replacing Chester, it is about people who are alive and breath through music. Now they used the material already familiar to the public. It is a pretty controversial move, to be frank.
I get it, it might be quite unusual to hear different voice in favorite songs. Yet, please, let’s show some respect to people who wrote the music we love so much that we want it to stay untouchable.
Personally, I like Emily. I think that in the new album we will see the real new chapter of Linkin Park. We wouldn’t want to say something we will regret later, something that is against love to this music and these people.
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askmovieslate · 1 year
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Don't get me wrong, the movie's really great, and it's a pretty serious subject matter treated rather seriously.
But why is the music so intense and so loud all the time? I felt like I was having a panic attack the entire movie, and by the end I was so drained and exhausted I couldn't even think.
...hey I think I just got it, never mind, this movie's perfect.
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guitar-ijiri-house · 11 months
[Review] What Does the Seymour Duncan Cory Wong Clean Machine Bridge Stack Sound Like? _ ギターいじリストのおうち guitar-ijiri.com
Seymour Duncan analyzes and reviews the sound quality of the Cory Wong signature Cory Wong Clean Machine!This time, we are looking at the stacked type for the bridge!The bridge version is a stacked type using an overwound coil and Alnico 5!Analyzed overtones, clean frequency response, and overdrive frequency response!
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decibeldissect · 4 months
Eminem's Houdini
Eminem's newest track Houdini, the first from his new and highly speculated LAST album "The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce)" has made waves in both the rap scene and his personal career. The song has landed iTunes No. 1 in over 17 countries, debuted at #3 on Global Spotify Charts with 7.85 M streams and at #4 on US Charts with over 2.97 M streams. This is Eminem's biggest success in one-day streams and certaintly left listeners anxious for the album in its entirety set to release this summer.
However, as with most Eminem songs since his return from hiatus in 2009, there is of course a deeper meaning. Music videos are often overlooked in the days of streaming services both by listeners and artists themselves - but the Houdini music video currently sitting at 22 million views is vital to understanding the real message.
Of course, it's no secret that the Eminem we know of today has had several transformations over the past 30 years with some even identifying these changes as his "eras". Still, whether you think of him as Slim Shady, Eminem, or simply Marshall Mathers, you know that he has always taken his music game to the next level - and Houdini is certainly NOT an outlier.
The music video opens with Eminem in a very Batman-esque bedroom receiving a video call from none other than Dr. Dre himself (dressed as a rather convincing Professor X) while a sample of Without Me plays in the background. A portal from 2002 has been opened and Slim Shady, blond buzzcut intact, has stepped into the ultra-modern - and hypersensitive - world of 2024. Eminem (operating as the superhero Rap Boy) immediately springs into action. The video then cuts to the rapid-fire spread of the news, comic book-style text bubbles appearing over faces both unrecognizable and VERY familiar with Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent, and even the Pope all asking the very same question. "Guess who's back?"
We then see both Eminem and Slim Shady next to each other and while it's nice to see that Eminem has aged well (seriously the blond buzzcut is all he needed. Who is his plastic surgeon??) it's very clear this is not a welcome reunion. This video has it all - the sampling of many nostalgic songs of his own and of course Steve Miller Band's Abracadabra, Dre and Eminem cruising in a yellow Lambo (still donning their superhero garb), and 2002 Eminem wreaking havoc in 2024 in an attempt to cancel the modern Eminem. It's well known that Eminem, both past and present, takes delight in a little shock factor and has always thought that society was too sensitive. However, throughout both battles (one in the superhero universe on a city rooftop and one taking place in a liminal space) one thing is very clear - Eminem has changed.
The video climaxes when Eminem (2024) and Slim Shady (2002) both land a punch and seemingly fuse and create a new monster. Eminem returns to the Lambo with his facial hair well intact and a new blond cut as well. We see a cameo from Pete Davidson when the merged Eminems get too out of hand for Dre to handle and even from his very own kids. While this video holds the level of cinematography required to make a splash in 2024 and the Eminem brand humor we've grown to love, it also contemplates a deeper question - How do you deal with problematic behaviors from your past? There's a lot to be said for the behavior of Marshall Mathers throughout his career and I truly think the media has done its due diligence. Still, this video makes it clear you can't outrun your past. There will always be someone (or in Eminem's case, thousands) waiting in the wings to bring it back to light. In an age where no one is safe from their past actions, no matter how much time has passed, there is no escaping - there is only reconciliation. At the end of the video, we see the visualization of what every person who has a toxic past has to go through to heal. You can't destroy who you used to be. You have to learn acceptance and build upon your past. Eminem is no stranger to this, having recently celebrated 16 years of sobriety, and he's certainly no stranger to having his past thrown in his face. He does what he's always done - says "Fuck you" to anyone and anything who stands in his way. At the end of the day, Eminem's existence is still widely controversial but trust me when I say that whether this is his last album or not he has already broken his own records and will continue to do so because of his faith in himself and what he's built. There's nothing harder than letting go of the past (except for maybe watching 2024 Eminem try to keep up with 2002 Slim Shady's moves - turns out not even Eminem is excluded from aging knees).
Love him or hate him, Eminem has proven that he's not playing games. His use of modern technology mixed with his never-ending lyrical genius will leave a significant portion of the world begging for more every time. All I can hope for is a farewell tour when it finally does come to a halt.
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