#muse. : phoebe halliwell.
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sunnieart7 · 7 months ago
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Charmed Tarot Cards
Suits of Cups - pt.4
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lingeringscars · 2 months ago
Phoebe believing that she has elevated to dinner dates over lunch because they've already kissed and have been flirting
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ac1numa · 1 year ago
@divcrse, peyton halliwell required a starter from phoebe halliwell.
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ph. " it’s not your fault that i ruin everything. "
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ac1nums-moved · 1 year ago
@hollowtissue, claire dredge sent to phoebe halliwell: cold, sender places their jacket over receiver's shoulders.
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as phoebe walked through the chilly night, she couldn't help but feel the bite of the cold wind against her skin. it was a cold night. she knew that she couldn't handle this type of weather. she was so used to the sun when she was back home in san fransisco that she didn't bring anything warm when she came here. though, she has put on a small cardigan, she couldn't help but pull it tighter around herself, trying to shield her body from the icy air. despite her efforts, the cold still managed to seep through, sending shivers down her spine. just then, claire, her ever-attentive friend, with a gentle gesture, reached out and placed her own jacket over phoebe's shoulders. the warmth of claire's jacket enveloped phoebe like a comforting embrace, instantly easing the chill that had settled into her bones. phoebe turned to look at claire, touched by her friend's thoughtfulness. " thank you, claire, " she said, eyes on her friends, who doesn't wear anything other than a sweatshirt. " aren't you going to be cold though? i don't want you to freeze to death because of me. "
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kissofthemuses · 2 years ago
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❛ you look sick to your stomach. ❜ For Parker from Leo? @ikeptlosingyou
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Parker let out a little groan and slumped into the couch, closing her eyes. She'd hoped she could just not be noticed. But, there was literally a better chance of pigs flying in this family than that.
She popped an eye open to look at Leo. ❝Mmmn, I'm ok. Just a killer migraine.❞ Though, the source of said migraine was up for debate.
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foreternitysblog · 1 year ago
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Phoebe Halliwell is the youngest of the Halliwell sisters and usually considered to be the weakest charmed one. Her powers range from premonitions, levitation, and typical spell casting and witch abilities. More information about Phoebe can be found here: https://the-power-of-four.fandom.com/wiki/Phoebe_Halliwell#
Wiccan- when the sisters are reunited in their gram’s house they start to realize they have magical powers they didn’t know about before. Phoebe is naturally accepting of this but her sisters not so much.
Past Phoebe- Going back in time the charmed ones realize that Phoebe, in a past life, was dark and had fire powers to boot.
Power of Four- AU where Prue does not die and Phoebe was able to warn Prue and Piper before Shax attacked saving both sisters.
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sapphiredhearts-a · 2 years ago
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charmed tags
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sophsun1 · 5 months ago
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ALYSSA MILANO as Phoebe Halliwell
Charmed – 4.09: Muse to My Ears
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witchhalliwell · 2 months ago
If we could have gotten one Christmas episode of Charmed...
I had written out a whole explanation for this poll and the different options and then lost all the changes I made...
Basically each of these episodes aired in November/December before the break, so I figured these would've/could've been the season's Christmas episode. If so, I included which characters could be in these episodes based on the episode itself as well as main/recurring/guest stars of the season.
Obviously the plots for these episodes would be different if they'd been a Christmas episode, so it's more about choosing which season/episode you'd have enjoyed as a Christmas episode based on the vibes of each season and the characters that might have been in them that I listed below the cut.
*There was also a planned Christmas episode for season 4 ("Home for the Halliwells") that was supposed to happen which you can read about here and here.
1x09 - The Witch is Back
Prue, Piper, Phoebe.
Andy, Melinda Warren, Leo, Victor?
2x08 - P3H2O
Prue, Piper, Phoebe.
Leo, Darryl, Dan, Jenny, Jack, Sam?
3x08 - Sleuthing with the Enemy
Prue, Piper, Phoebe.
Leo, Darryl, Cole, Victor?
4x09 - Muse to My Ears
Piper, Phoebe, Paige.
Leo, Cole, Darryl, Victor, Glen?
4x10/11 - Home for the Halliwells*
Piper, Phoebe, Paige.
Leo, Cole, Darryl, Victor, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews?
5x09 - Sam, I Am
Piper, Phoebe, Paige.
Leo, Darryl, Sheila, Sam, Grams, Glen?
6x10 - Chris-Crossed
Piper, Phoebe, Paige.
Leo, young Wyatt, adult Chris, Darryl, Sheila
Richard, Jason, Elise, Grams, Victor?
7x10 - Witchness Protection
Piper, Phoebe, Paige.
Leo, young Wyatt, adult Wyatt, young Chris, Darryl, Sheila
Patty, Grams, Victor, Kyle, Elise?
8x10 - Vaya Con Leos
Piper, Phoebe, Paige.
Leo, young Wyatt, young Chris, Billie
Henry, Victor, Grams, Patty?
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lavendaers · 8 months ago
alright, officially time for a brand new mass starter call for all my muses. feel free to request as many as you want, i'll also be posting a randomized starter call so i can do some randomized pairings as well.
alison dilaurentis    \    (0/3)
anakin solo    \    (0/3)
blitzo    \    (0/3)
carlos reyes    \    (0/3)
chloe charming    \    (0/3)
elide lochan    \    (0/3)
francesca bridgerton    \    (0/3)
gu mang    \    (0/3)
hayley marshall    \    (0/3)
hua xiangyi    \    (0/3)
jackie taylor    \    (0/3)
jing qi/jing beiyuan    \    (0/3)
jurian    \    (0/3)
kai azer    \    (0/3)
kate bishop    \    (0/3)
liam mairi    \    (0/3)
louis de pointe du lac    \    (0/3)
lydia martin    \    (0/3)
maik wen    \    (0/3)
margaery tyrell    \    (0/3)
nesta archeron    \    (0/3)
noa olivar    \    (0/3)
phoebe halliwell    \    (0/3)
poppy balfour    \    (0/3)
quan yizhen    \    (0/3)
rowan whitethorn    \    (0/3)
ruhn danaan    \    (0/3)
ryu sunjae    \    (0/3)
sarah cameron    \    (0/3)
sathia flynn    \    (0/3)
sophie beckett    \    (0/3)
tairn    \    (0/3)
vex'ahlia de rolo    \    (0/3)
willow rosenberg    \    (0/3)
xue yang    \    (0/3)
yan wushi    \    (0/3)
yushi huang    \    (0/3)
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paigemathews · 8 months ago
For the February ficlets:
patty and paige
Pairing: Patty Halliwell & Paige Matthews
It was only Sam's arm around her, and her fear for her other daughters, that kept Patty on her feet. Exhausted and heartbroken, she cradled her baby in her arms as he orbed them to the church.
She vaguely registered the nun's shock and that Sam was saying something, but all Patty could do was watch her little girl. Patty was a Warren witch, with all that entailed. She's fought demons since she was a teenager, faced monsters that would send any other person running with nothing but her own grit and determination. She'd had innocents, friends, die in her arms as she was moments too late from saving an innocent. She'd seen more gruesome scenes than even the most hardened detective.
But nothing had come closest to shattering her than this. When she first fell pregnant, felt the little life flicker in her womb, she knew the risks that it came attached with. Many witches did not live long lives, and their craft posed an undeniable risk. But this was not a risk that she'd ever considered.
Her daughter wouldn't grow up the youngest of four. Her daughter wouldn't grow up with her mother's potions and cookies. Her daughter wouldn't grow up with her spells and lullabies. Her daughter wouldn't know that magic was real, that muses inspired and leprechauns granted luck and cupids helped you find love. Her daughter wouldn't know the power that she possessed, the was rooted in her blood for centuries. Her daughter wouldn't know that she was a Warren, and Patty's heart ached.
"Patty," Sam gently brought her back into the present, and she swallowed hard.
The nun's eyes were awed and bright, and Patty couldn't bear to meet them. Looking down at her little girl, she found her voice enough to request, "Make sure that her name starts with a P."
She couldn't grant her daughter her power or her ancestors or her magic, but maybe one day, her baby could find her way back to them. Maybe one day, she'd be able to see her again. Maybe one day, she'd be able to hold her again.
Patty didn't expect the summoning until she was standing in the mortal plane again. It had been... a rough few days, to say the least. Prue alternated between quiet despair about her life being cut short and angry desperation to return to her sisters, and while Patty resonated with her daughter's feelings, she'd had more than twenty years to come to terms with the impossibility of it. Combined with Prue suddenly finding out that Penny and Patty had hidden that they had a younger sister, her daughter couldn't seem to decide if she was no longer speaking to them or shouting at them. The only person able to calm her temper since her death was Andy, who Patty had been dismayed to see arrive so soon a few years earlier.
"There was someone here we thought you should meet."
She wasn't sure if Phoebe was talking to her or the woman standing in front of her. She was beautiful: dark hair and dark eyes with an expression that Patty had seen before. Time and death couldn't hide her identity from Patty.
Looking stunned, Paige - her daughter, her baby girl - asked, "Mom?"
Patty couldn't have stopped herself if she'd tried as she stepped out of the summoning circle. Wrapping her homes around her daughter, she barely contained the tears of joy. For the first time in a lifetime, her daughter was in her arms again.
"Welcome home."
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lingeringscars · 2 months ago
Phoebe's favorites:
Movie: kill it before it dies
Artwork: birth of Venus
Book: sense and sensibility
Song: bittersweet symphony
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ac1numa · 1 year ago
@blccdharmonyx, larkin rozsa required a starter from phoebe halliwell.
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ph. " the real horror of my life is not that i’ve killed some terrible people. the real horror is that the people i’ve loved did not love me back. "
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ac1nums-moved · 1 year ago
@salvatoraes, stefan salvatore sent to phoebe halliwell: how do you stay so positive all the time?
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" well, stefan, i guess it's just in my nature. life's too short to dwell on the negatives, you know? plus, i've got some pretty powerful coping mechanisms – like a great support system, a healthy dose of sarcasm, and a love for kicking evil's butt. i mean, even witches need their moments to grumble and groan. trust me, it's not all sunshine and potions. " she's not always positive. it's only a facade she allows people to sees. there are moment in her life when she is negative though. example, when stefan's brother was around. he didn't had a good aura and it actually play tricks on her mood. there is also her, not showing traits of her personality. why should she lay all of her secrets out in the open when others looks at her with wary eyes? " it's easer to attract people as well. would you rather hang with a girl or a boy who is always pouting and who groans for nothing or with a girl or a boy who know how to have fun? "
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dreammakcr · 10 months ago
OPEN TO ║ all! crossovers and OC welcome. MUSE ║ phoebe halliwell FANDOM ║ charmed SPECIES ║ witch
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"Okay, please don't get mad but...I think I might have done something I shouldn't have."
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schwarzerengelslust · 23 days ago
plot: Damon, along with other incubus-like Darklighters, has been summoned against his will in order to be auctioned off to the highest bidder wanted opposite: m/f/nb; can be a witch, warlock, or mortal/human with knowledge of the Underworld connection: your muse is the one buying him for whatever purpose they desire
Damon had seen a lot, done a lot in his nearly two centuries as a Darklighter. He, along with the rest of the Underworld, had been through the crowning of Belthazor as the Source and the Charmed One Phoebe Halliwell as his Queen; the countless attacks on the Twice-Blessed Child; even that ridiculous demonic reality show Witch Wars. Not to mention the return and fall of the Triad and the Ultimate Power. He’d heard of Faustian demons who traded in souls, known for a while about the existence of a black market for trading in magical beings and items.
But an auction for his incubus-like breed of Darklighter where they were sold off to the highest bidder for their new master’s personal pleasures?
This was new.
He’d been summoned against his will, stripped of the majority of his clothing, and bound with chains alongside his fellow Darklighters being auctioned off for sale, along with a collar that inhibited their powers.
Now, on the platform, Damon flicked his gaze out over the assembled crowd, the auctioneer’s voice a meaningless jumble of words, and idly wondered who would end up being his new master. He just hoped it wasn’t a demon. A warlock, a witch, or a mortal with knowledge about the magical world he could deal with. A demon? Nope.
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