#muse; teddy
radarsteddybear · 2 months
One thing about Hogan's Heroes is that I feel like we don't get to see all the different facets of Hogan's leadership, which like...yeah, it makes sense, given the premise of the show, but I really wish we had gotten to see more.
Usually, it's just Hogan telling four men what to do. Those four men are well-trained and get along with one another very well. Sure, he's technically the POW in charge of the rest of the POWs, too, and most of them (at least those in Barracks 2) seem to know what's up and are more than willing to do their part to play along (with very few exceptions). But that's so different from leading men into battle or working with the crew of a bomber plane or even commanding a whole base, all of which I think Hogan would be spectacular at. We never really get to see him ordering a large number of men around to get things done, just those four (plus maybe one or two one-off characters). It's like a microcosm of a more typical command.
We do get to see some more of his leadership skills in play in "One in Every Crowd" when they've got the loose cannon that is Williams throwing a big giant monkey wrench into everything. I would have liked to see more of that sort of thing, more of Hogan having to command through his own temper and other strong emotions (which we do see some of in this episode, but it's fairly rare that Hogan truly gets angry).
Anyway, it would have been fun to see him after the war, in a reunion movie or something, in command of a base of his own. Because Colonel Hogan would have commanded an entire base just as well as he operated in Stalag 13, and it would have been fun to see.
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aparticularbandit · 15 hours
Also absolutely loving the fact that Hulkling's first appearance in the MCU is as his picture on Billy's phone and the title BOYF.
Like thank you, you are not shying away from our boys, you make that ABUNDANTLY clear, and he hasn't even shown up directly yet. Not even gonna pretend they're just friends, nope, they're dating, Billy comes intact WITH BOYF, so.
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 2 months
Teddie frowns. "Friendship's not a free pass to treat someone however you want."
I love writing this boy's dialogue.
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killedbythegroove · 4 months
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me too thewolstenbeast7965
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plposting · 1 year
After Azran Legacy Descole was left with a lot of clothes, personal items, and various souvenir trinkets left behind by the other former passengers of the Bostonious none of which was ever properly retrieved due to the groups sudden parting.
Rather than throwing it all out Descole has been trying to covertly return all items back to their original owners and because it’s Descole he’s probably returning the objects and whatnot in the most complicated way possible over a period of time.
Auroras stuff in particular remains safely stored in a box on the Bostonious.
#professor Layton#jean descole#desmond sycamore#gens musings#wowie headcanons :)#azran legacy#i was thinking about how everyone in the bostonious crew was suckered into buying one of those popono souvenirs#and how Des was ultimately left with a hoard of them because there's no way that anyone got to properly collect their stuff#before having to rush off to the Azran sanctuary#thoroughly amused by the thought of Des trying to offload some of this stuff for way longer than needbe bc hes trying to be sneaky about it#like maybe he could just throw it away but absolutely has this lingering sense of guilt especially with more of the personal items#that would've belonged to the various members that he would now have context for#like idk Des is just standing over the trash with like a teddy bear that Luke owns n he cant bring himself to properly toss it#and raymonds like why dont we just mail them back#n des is like “akshdkajshdkjahsdkhasdk its stupud little beady little eyes have won this encounter- u win this time sir cuddles-”#“had i not known the context of your origins you would have been in a landfill by now”#wonder if emmy wouldve gotten any photos developed on their trip bc oooh the evil thought of des having to review them b4 sending them back#I think there was no attempt to toss auroras stuff at any point i think the guilt would actually kill him#most of her stuff would just comprised of souvenirs gained over the trip#HELP HELP HELP I ELABORATED TOO MUCH IN THE TAGS SORRY
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citizenerased77 · 4 months
i saw this base and immediately knew what had to be done
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tom is taking the photo obviously. he’s wearing a chicken suit. he just wants you all to know that none of this was scripted
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littlewinnow · 8 months
Wallace & gromit:the wererabbit but drarry
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gluttonemporium · 3 months
Has Teddie ever been caught wearing Chie's old short shorts? The ones that he can fit into anyways or weren't ripped in twain by cheeks that could block a flood.
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The wide-bottomed bear has his own supply of fitting shorts, thankfully. He does work at Junes, you know?
Still, he has been tempted to try on some of Chie's snug pairs - surely they can't be that close in size? Only to be proven wrong everytime...
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brutalmasks · 6 months
psst... bunny mask may be viewed as slightly annoying whenever she gets attached to people, because she likes following them around / ' coincidentally ' popping up in places that they're in at the same exact time as them, but i don't think that she means to be at all. she may just be a littleee clingy, but whenever she does do thing's like this, it's not to be creepy but to demonstrate her love for her friends / found family / whoever the person may be to her. which i think is very funky fresh of her. bunny mask may just needs to learn that having boundaries in relationships is a good thing and that some people really need their personal space.
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inkdrawndreamer · 10 months
A lot of OCD rep in media sucks, but Teddy from Bob's Burgers is the best I've seen so far. The hoarding, the constant worry about misunderstanding directions, the need to fix everything before getting rid of it. That Thanksgiving episode hits hard. The guy is so frazzled even before the family goes messing with his stuff.
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radarsteddybear · 16 days
Anybody else ever think about how Frank Burns is "Frank," and Benjamin Franklin Pierce could also be "Frank," and Father Francis Mulcahy could also be "Frank"—
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thetreedragon · 6 months
Teddy calls Jared ugly and gets acidification
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alchemistdetective · 6 months
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It's late at night and everyone's asleep.
Meanwhile, she's going to be in shock tommorow :D
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seriously-mike · 7 months
The Return of A Teddybear of Unusual Size
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Some seven months ago, someone in a local "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" group on Facebook reported that someone dumped a teddy bear on the roof of her car. Today, someone posted a photo of another teddy bear left on the plastics bin on the same block. And this one seemed less beat-up than the previous one, so I decided to go there and grab it.
Because hey, it's free real estate teddy bear!
The first thing I noticed was that the head was intact, as opposed to the previous one. But the zipper on the back has been secured with a zip-tie, the tail's barely holding on, someone ripped a new asshole or two and you can see that the leg is coming apart as well. Oh well, it seems we have another surgery patient, but since I'm on a week-long medical leave since yesterday and got nothing else to do, I might get around to fixing this one faster than in three months it took me last time.
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brknghrts · 8 months
new muses added to the roster
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introducing joshua rosza
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introducing jacob tulle-salvatore
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introducing sam winchester
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introducing kol mikaelson
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introducing elijah mikaelson
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introducing simon spier
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introducing teddy montgomery
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hecticlife · 6 months
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Leon Amos performing on La Fiesta de Vendimia 2024. 6 pm.
(purple asterisks are songs from Artists From Teddy)
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