#muse: rynn
mudskip-muses · 1 year
@elfblcd cont. from (X)
Even their deer friend felt she needed to calm herself, it giving a displeased snort before turning its attention back to Rynn. Deflating, but only just a little, Ginger put her hands over her mouth as if that would help stop the flow of words. "Oh! Yes, sorry, its just I used to see so many of your kind! They were always so friendly. Sometimes they would even give me gifts after I helped them find the plants they needed or helped them out of the forest!" Hooves giving a happy clip clop in the dirt, she brought her hands to a clasp politely in front of her, all her excitement now contained in her tapping feet.
"Oh! I know!" Giving a pause as she sifted through her thoughts, her hooves gave a few more happy taps before she spoke again in a language long since forgotten with time. <<Hello, I wish to be friends. My name is Ginger, what's yours?>>
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minutiaewriter · 2 years
Heads Up, Seven Up
I was tagged by the lovely @toribookworm22 for this game! Thank you for including me <3
Here are my seven lines (technically there are ten but the scene/paragraph isn’t complete without those extra three so bear with me) from my fantasy/slightly sci-fi novel Hera: To Catch a Star if you’d like to give them a read. I chose a paragraph that wouldn’t contain any spoilers, and one where I describe the sky because as a story with a lot of space travel and planet-hopping I like to think the sky is pretty important in Hera. 
Hera: To Catch a Star releases in early 2023 
Make sure to like/reblog and stay tuned for updates on my novel!
My seven people tagged are:  @bmaye15 , @lillis-writes , @mylifeinslowmotion , @writing-and-trying , @harinawa , @elijahrichardwrites , and @elizaellwrites (I know you’ve already been tagged, but the more people who want to read some lines from your WIP the better)
Happy reading/writing!
~ Min
Here are the lines from the Hera trilogy’s debut novel:
“Buckle your seatbelt,” the man ordered. 
Rynn complied.
The ship thudded again and then lifted gently into the air, whereupon the young man pointed its nose skyward and and steadily pushed a lever, which accelerated the ship.
Unknowingly, Rynn gripped the arms of his chair as the trees became minuscule dots and the clouds and rising suns seemed a thousand times nearer than they ever had in his lifetime. 
The sky was breathtaking, a panorama of blushing clouds and fading stars surrounding a fulvous bloom induced by the pale, young morning suns. The sunrise further illuminated the cockpit and cast an idyllic light upon the young stranger’s hair and pitch black garb, and Rynn looked down at his own hands to see he, too, was infected with the same glow. 
They left the sunrise behind far too quickly, joining the gradually dimming stars that still bobbed in the gloomy gray-blue ocean of last night’s tragedy. It, too, was stunning—albeit in a melancholy, musing, almost mournful way. It reminded Rynn very well that he was about to leave all he knew behind and break through the atmosphere into the vast expanse of nothing that lie beyond it. He looked over at the man, his pale blue eyes reflecting the light of the few stars that fought their daily demise.
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elfblcd · 10 months
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"Are you aware of your magic's ability to be...felt, for lack of a better term? Each time you cast, it's as if a wave passes over me, which I can only assume is what gives you the ability to 'see' me at it's contact. It is neither bane nor boon, I simply find it fascinating, that even after all the years I have spent upon this plane of reality, I'm able to discover new feats this form can achieve. I wonder...is it the nature of your magic, or your own inhuman ancestry that resonates through me in such a way..." //reminder that gundham is a huge fucking Nerd no matter how hard he tries to be a Scary Demon lol
i wonder what magic feels like ・゚✫ @mudskip-muses
'I can't answer that question for you.' That really was a bit of a speech, wasn't it? And even if the magic was painful, it wasn't something Rynn was about to cease, just as Gundham surely would not walk around with his eyes closed even if his gaze turned others to stone. So it was a relief to hear that wasn't an argument he was going to need to have. 'I could only answer with another question.' A beat. 'Do you feel magic cast by humans?' Did humans even partake in magical rituals anymore? He hoped not.
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the-ultimate-muses · 10 months
🔮 only if it's different to the thoughts ask, otherwise feel free to divert this to one of my other cuties like dalva or rynn <3
hmmm send me a 🔮 if you want halfblood gundham to tell your muse what he "sees" in their soul (X)
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"It...holds comparison to a vast field of lavender; though yours is lighter in its color. It always feels as if a breeze is rustling at the flowers, active, brimming with energy, but...it never seeming to carry anything beyond a lovely scent as it drifts away through the winds..."
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ichiigotsukii · 1 year
Send 🔥 for Muse A to attempt roasting Muse B (Viper & Rynn)
"A roast?" Viper's sharp eyes turn confused. "Like over a spit? With salt and herbs and potatos?"
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"I am hungry....but Rynn is the cook. And that sounds less fun that sparring. Though I guess that would also be....what's the word...hmm, cannibalistic? Too much of a hassle."
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Ghosts // Rynn x Willow
Eyes had been focused intently on the cypher before her when she’d heard the knock at her door. With a sigh, Rynn turned, calling out to let the visitor know that they were welcome. As the heavy wooden door creaked open, she quickly hid the cypher beneath a large pile of papers. Best to keep that to herself for now. After all, she didn’t want questions as to why she was intercepting Lord Randersvayne’s ravens. 
She’d been largely forgotten by most people, a strange sad tale on the tapestry of Valker’s history, the Lost Princess who disappeared without a trace. But Randersvayne - he hadn’t given up, and why should he? He was endearing himself to the public more and more as the years passed. She needed to know that he wasn’t anywhere close to picking up on her scent. So far, so good. 
The redhead pushed herself up from her desk before turning to address the person that at entered. They were apologetic, but they seemed to be in somewhat of a rush. 
“It’s quite alright Eirnan, just let me know what’s happening so I can help.” Rynn said with a smile - she might have been known as a fierce assassin and bounty hunter, but she was still perfectly kind to her people. 
“Well, uh, one of the more recent recruits - he seems to be having trouble taking orders. Normally we’d simply kick someone of his rank out, but he’s a powerful warrior. We don’t want to lose him. We figured talking to you might help sort him out?”
“Ah, okay. That’s fine, I needed a break anyways.” Rynn nodded, offering him a smile. “Send him in, but leave us be. I’m more than capable of talking to a man one on one.” It was all the permission Eirnan needed - he ducked out of there and called out to someone just beyond the door, telling them to bring him in. 
And so Rynn waited - it wasn’t often she was asked to deal with disputes like this, but she didn’t mind all that much. Being close to her people and involved in their lives helped make them loyal to her - and this was no exception.
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yukitscne · 6 years
@femlette (hoa) || starter call!
     ‘I don’t think we hold the same views on humanity.’ But it wasn’t particularly difficult to disagree with him. While he had seen the better side in some people, the elf was particularly biased and refused to believe that even the best people didn’t have an evil side waiting to be unleashed.      ‘Surely you know of how cruel they can be.’
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eldstunga · 2 years
IDK what muses are gifting you with these character designs but my fucking god. My FUCKING god. All your character designs short circuit my brain. I mean your art is also awesome But Rynn, Sarissa, Hel live in my head rent free
Oh gosh, I really don't think I deserve such praise but it still brings me immense joy to hear it, thank you! I'm so flattered, and happy you like my girls <3 <3
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pikapeppa · 3 years
Fenris/f!Hawke: Imagine
In which Fenris and Rynne Hawke laze around naked in bed on a rainy day because I LOVE THEM. It’s been almost a year since I wrote them and they deserve no less. 😭❤❤ Dedicated to @varric-tethras-editor, who sent me the perfect song rec and thus made this oneshot possible. ILU BABE. ❤❤❤
~5300 words. NSFW. Read here on AO3 instead.
Fenris sighed and gazed languidly at the velvet canopy overhead. He was lying naked in Hawke’s bed, his body half-covered with her rumpled blankets and half-covered by a sleeping and equally naked Hawke, and he was incredibly content.
Hawke shifted slightly in her sleep, sliding her thigh over his to sandwich his leg between her own, and he smiled to himself as he trailed his fingers over her shoulder. Her room was quiet but for the drumming of rain against the window, and aside from the thin sliver of hazy rain-dimmed light peeking through the curtains, the room’s only source of light was the oil lamp on her bedside table. As Fenris enjoyed the sound of the rain and the cozy glow of Hawke’s bedroom and the heat of her bare skin, he mused idly about the fact that this bed was the finest place in all of Thedas, and perhaps he and Hawke should seriously consider never leaving this bed again.
“Fenris?” she said.
He hadn’t realized she was awake. “Hm?” he murmured.
“Did you imagine that this would happen?” she asked.
He smirked. “When you began removing your clothes in the kitchen, I had a pretty good notion that we would end up here.”
She lifted her head from his chest and gave him a lascivious grin. “Ooh, that’s a saucy response. Trying to seduce me again, are you?”
Her pixie-short hair was a charmingly tufty mess, and Fenris smiled fondly at her as he replied. “I get the impression I wouldn’t have to try very hard if I was.”
She laughed. “Excuse you! Are you calling me easy?”
“Would you really rather play hard to get?” he drawled.
She broke into laughter, then rolled on top of him. “Look at you, being such a smooth talker,” she teased. “You’re in quite the mood tonight.”
“Look outside, Hawke,” he said dryly. “It’s not nearly evening yet.”
“I don’t want to look outside,” she said. “I’m busy looking at something far nicer.”
She was looking at him, of course. He gave her a chiding smile. “You flatter me.”
“Every chance I get,” she purred.
He chuckled, and her smile widened. “What, no clever response? Does this mean I won?”
“I wasn’t aware that this was a competition,” he said.
She tutted. “Of course it’s a competition! It’s a battle of wits.”
He lifted an eyebrow. “It is not.”
“It absolutely is!” she said. “And you started it with your whole, ‘when you began removing your clothes in the kitchen…’” She dropped her voice to an exaggeratedly low and growly tone of voice, and Fenris smirked at the terrible imitation.
“That wasn’t a witty remark,” he said. “It was the truth.”
She scoffed. “Please. You said it as though I’ve never taken my clothes off in the kitchen before.”
“That is my point,” he said. “Every time you take your clothes off in the kitchen, your meaning is pretty clear.”
“That’s not true!” she protested. “Sometimes I take off my clothes in the kitchen if it’s hot. Or if… um…”
He raised one eyebrow expectantly, and she waved him off. “Anyway, that’s hardly relevant. What’s relevant is that this is a battle of wits, and I won.”
“It is not,” he replied. “And you did not.”
She pointed at him. “Ah-ha! Which is it, then? Is it not a battle of wits, or is it a battle of wits and I didn’t win?”
He blinked at her, then frowned. “It’s… you’re being difficult on purpose.”
She let out a husky little laugh. “Trying to avoid the question, are you? Nice try, serrah. I think you just don’t like losing.”
“Have you not witnessed me playing wicked grace with Varric?” he said flatly. “I’m no stranger to losing.”
“Which is why you don’t want to lose now,” she replied. She playfully poked his abs. “Come on, Fenris, keep trading insults with me.”
He grabbed her poking finger and gave her a chiding look. “We weren’t trading insults. We were trading witticisms.”
“So you admit that it was a battle of wits!” she crowed.
He gave her an exasperated look, then abruptly rolled her onto her back and settled between her legs, and she broke into laughter. 
He smiled at her, helpless in the face of her brilliant mirth, and when she settled, he brushed his knuckles over her cheek. “Don’t vilify me by suggesting I would trade insults with you,” he said quietly. “You’ll hear no insults from me.”
“I won’t?” she said, still smiling her signature cheeky smile. “What will I hear instead?”
He huffed. She was utterly irrepressible, even when she was trapped beneath him. He skimmed his lips over her cheek, then placed a small kiss at the delicate spot where her jawline met her smooth neck.
Her back arched slightly, and Fenris smiled to himself before brushing his lips over her ear. “The only words you’ll be hearing tonight are words of praise,” he murmured.
A soft sigh left her lips — a sigh so soft that he felt it against his cheek more than he heard it. When she spoke, it was in a husky tone that seemed to pulse between his legs. 
“Look outside, Fenris,” she breathed. “It’s not nearly evening yet.”
He scoffed. Even now, when the heat and lust between them was swelling like the rising of the tide, she was taunting him. 
“Shut up, Hawke,” he whispered, and he kissed her.
His kiss was firm, his lips sealing over hers and coaxing them apart so his tongue could stroke the heated length of hers. He kissed her carefully and thoroughly, savouring the softness of her lips contrasted with the firm stroke of her tongue tangling with his. 
Hawke made a soft little noise, a contented little whimpery-sigh, and Fenris revelled in the sound and the feeling of her feet sliding over his calves. He lifted his chest slightly to twine his fingers with hers, then pressed her hands firmly into the mattress and pressed himself into the cradle of her hips. His cock wasn’t at full mast quite yet — no great surprise, considering that this was their third bout of the day. But still, despite his semi-hard state, she broke the kiss with a breathy little gasp when his cock nestled against her feminine folds — ah, her slick folds, still slippery from their earlier tryst…  
He exhaled against her cheek, then kissed her more firmly than before. She was so soft and plush against his hardness, so slick and warm and perfect, and… damn it, he wasn’t ready yet. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t still enjoy her, and in a way that he knew without a doubt that she would enjoy as well. 
He released her wrists and sat back on his heels, shoving the sheets and blankets aside as he did, and Rynne sat up on her elbows. “What — where are you going?”
“Nowhere,” he said. “I’m not such a fool as to leave you here like this. Lie back.” He shifted down on the bed, then pushed her thighs apart. 
She gasped and twisted her hips, lifting them from the bed, and Fenris gazed hungrily at her sex. She was slick and swollen, her folds flushed a mouth-watering rosy red and her clit a delicate little bud that was just begging to be touched, and Fenris swallowed hard before pressing his lips to the inner margin of her thigh.
Venhedis, she smelled heavenly. He inhaled slowly and kissed her thigh again, a small open-mouthed kiss to taste the slippery nectar on her skin, and she reached down and gently pulled his hair. “Fenris, wait,” she whimpered. “Wait, wait…”
He looked up in surprise. It wasn’t like her to stop him when he was about to go down on her. “Is something the matter?” he asked.
“No no, nothing’s wrong, nothing at all,” she panted. “I just — are you sure you want to do that?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” he asked in bemusement.
“Because you already…” She winced slightly. “I mean, you already left your joy juice down below.”
He stared at her for a second, then wrinkled his nose in distaste. “Joy juice?”
A grin broke across her lust-flushed face. “Not a fan of that term?”
“Absolutely not,” he said flatly. “Are you trying to put me off?”
She barked out a laugh. “No, no! I just— I mean, you already came inside me earlier. Are you sure you want to go down when you’re just going to taste your own, you know, stuff?”
“‘Stuff?’” he said in disbelief. 
She laughed again, more heartily than before. “Stop making fun of me!”
“Then stop being ridiculous,” he replied.
“That’s not possible, I’m afraid,” she said loftily. “Ridiculous is my middle name. Rynne ‘Ridiculous’ Hawke, that’s what they—”
He dipped his head down and licked her, and she gasped and bucked her hips. “Fuck!”
She was right; he could taste the slightly-bitter flavour of his own semen from earlier that afternoon. But underneath his own taste was hers, the sweet and salty musk of her, of Hawke, the exquisite flavour of her pleasure and her desire, and Fenris wasn’t bothered by his own taste when Hawke’s private flavour was so enticing. 
He licked her again, a slow and careful caress of his tongue that ended with a gentle teasing flick of her clit, and she fisted her hands in the sheets. “Fenris…”
He grumbled softly in response as he licked her again, and she moaned and lifted her hips toward his mouth. He happily met her body’s wordless request, smoothing two fingers lovingly over her folds before placing another wet-opened mouthed kiss between her legs, and she burst out another musical moan.
“Mm,” she whimpered. “Mm, please…” She was rolling her hips, one hand fisted in the sheets as her other hand rested on his hair, and as he smoothed his tongue between her lower lips and kissed her clit, he marvelled at the fact that she wanted him this much. He’d done this once today already and fucked her twice, and still she was this eager for him? It was… truly, it was flattering — flattering and comforting. To be so desired by Hawke, to be so reassured that his desire for her was wholeheartedly returned: it was still something of a novelty, even with two months’ worth of togetherness between them, and he could feel a pleasant sort of ache swelling in his chest as he tasted her sex.
He lapped tenderly at her pussy, then kissed her tender clit before circling his tongue around the tiny bud in a way that he knew she especially liked. She mewled loudly and bucked her hips, and Fenris felt a warm sort of pride at knowing her well enough that he knew how to make her react in such an enthusiastic way.
“Yes,” she gasped, and her fingertips pressed into his scalp. “Fenris, please, please...”
He grumbled his assent, stroking her inner thighs and tracing her clit with his tongue, and she whimpered more loudly and flexed her hips. “Maker’s balls, ah, Fenris—”
He brushed his lower lip over her clit, and she shuddered and gasped. “Yes! Yes, fuck, I—”
“I know,” he said softly. “I know what you want, Hawke. Just relax.”
She burst out a breathy laugh and stroked his hair. “You’re licking me like this, and you want me to relax? How am I—”
He slid one finger inside of her and curled his finger, and she arched her spine and cried out. “Fuck yes!” 
He pulled his finger free, then began kissing and caressing her clit with his lower lip in a slightly faster rhythm. Hawke mewled and gripped the sheets and tugged his hair, making her rising pleasure known with her voice and her body and her slickness that was painting his chin and the bed beneath her bottom, and Fenris felt his pulse thrumming and rising in time with the rising of her pleasure: her pleasure, the pleasure that was heralded by her taste on his tongue and her beautiful whimpery cries and the tense yet graceful grinding of her hips as she met his lips and tongue…
She dragged in a gasp, then scraped her nails over her chest and released a strained cry of rapture. Fenris reached up and grabbed her hand to stop her from marring her golden skin with her nails, all without slowing the careful rhythm of his mouth moving between her legs, and he didn’t stop until Hawke’s hips settled back onto the bed. 
She released a long and breathy moan and ran her fingers through his hair, and he wiped his mouth on her inner thigh before lifting his head to look at her. 
Her eyes were closed and her lips slightly parted. Her expression was a perfect picture of pleasure and languid lust, and Fenris admired her as he spoke. “It sounds like you enjoyed that.”
She opened her eyes, then propped herself on one elbow and give him a sly smile. “Are you preening, Fenris?”
“I don’t preen,” he said with dignity, but she was right; he was preening. Could he really be blamed for preening, though, when his humble tongue and lips had drawn such a symphony of  pleasured sounds from Hawke’s throat?
She laughed, then shifted onto her knees and crooked her finger at him. “Come here, handsome. Give me a kiss.”
He smirked and shifted onto his knees so he was facing her, then placed his hands on her hips and leaned in for a kiss. But before he could meet her raspberry-red lips, she wrapped her fingers around his cock.
A rush of surprise and pleasure pulsed between his legs. He gasped, and Hawke kissed his parted lips, slanting her mouth over his and probing her slick tongue into his mouth as she stroked his steel-hard cock, and he gripped her hips and mindlessly fell into her kiss as her silk-soft palm stoked the simmer of want in his abdomen into a full-blown fiery lust. 
He groaned into her mouth and pulled her closer, gripping her ass to try and lift her onto his lap, but she suddenly released him and pushed at his chest. “Lie back,” she said huskily. “I want to suck your cock.”
Her blunt words were like fuel for his lust, sending a pulse of eager heat through his limbs, and he obediently shifted onto his back as Hawke settled herself on her knees beside him. Before he was even fully settled, she stroking his cock and his thigh and leaning over him and tracing his length with her tongue and oh, oh yes, his — she — venhedis please, the hot slickness of her mouth… 
He fell back on the pillows and lifted his hips toward her mouth, enjoying the pressure and pull of her lips and mouth as they moved smoothly up and down his shaft. For a long, mindless, perfect moment, he just savoured the feeling of her mouth between his legs, but when she lifted her mouth to stroke his cock with her hand instead, he dimly realized why she might feel that she had to use her hand instead of her mouth. 
He breathed slowly to gather the wits to speak. “Hawke,” he groaned. “I’m… sorry, it may… it may take some time.”
“Some—? Oh, because you already came twice today?” she said. 
He huffed a breathless laugh. “Are you preening?”
“Me?” she said innocently. “I never preen. Not even when I make you come so hard that you start cursing in Tevene.”
He scoffed at the reminder of this morning’s tryst, then jerked his hips and moaned when she circled her palm over the sensitive head of his cock. “F-fasta vass...”
“Ooh, was that more Tevene cursing I heard?” she said.
He tried to laugh, but it came out as another moan. “Quit preening,” he complained breathlessly, and he lifted his hips.
She grinned slowly at him and resumed her stroking his cock. “I like when you use that bossy tone. Don’t worry, take your time to finish. I’m a patient woman.”
“You are not,” he groaned. “You’re notorious for your lack of patience.”
“Oh, Fenris,” she purred. “When it comes to having this gorgeous cock of yours in my mouth, I’ve got all sorts of patience.” She dipped her head down and took his cock into her mouth once more.
Fenris gasped and bucked his hips instinctively, driving his cock further into her throat, but his bucking didn’t seem to bother Hawke; she angled her head and continued to suckle him thoroughly and deeply, moving her lips up and down his shaft and taking him so deep into her throat that he could feel her throat as an embrace from the root of his cock to the tip, and Fenris stared adoringly at her as she sucked him. Her commitment to her task was obvious, like she was trying to put every diligent scrap of attention into bringing him to his slow but inevitable climax, and he eventually curled his arm behind his head so as to watch her more comfortably as she sucked his cock.
Then she turned her head slightly and met his eye.
He stopped breathing. Her eyes, her honey-golden eyes, the way they were lit by the oil lamps and by the inner fire of her own passionate soul: her eyes were knowing and sly and tender all at once, and Fenris stared breathlessly at her, snared by the lust and love in her face as she continued to suckle his cock. He was snared by the way she was looking at him, the way she was suckling him and the way she was making his breath come in harsh gasping grunts—
She suddenly released his cock and sat back on her heels, and he burst out a moan at the sudden abandonment. “Hawke,” he begged. 
“Sorry,” she blurted. “I’m sorry, I just — I can’t—”
“Don’t — i-it’s all right,” he panted, even though his cock was throbbing relentlessly for release. He squeezed her thigh with a trembling hand. “Is your jaw hurting?”
“No,” she said. “No, it’s not —  I just…” She broke off and straddled his hips, then rubbed herself against the length of his cock. 
He burst out a guttural groan and grabbed her hips. “Hawke, please…”
She planted her palms on his pecs and rubbed her slick hot cleft along his length again. “I’m sorry,” she panted. “I m-meant to finish you in my mouth but I — fuck, Fenris, just look at you.” She smoothed her palms over his chest. 
“I’d rather look at you,” he said breathlessly. “You — Hawke, you’re — ah...” He broke off with a moan as she stroked his cock with her pussy, then placed one hand over hers and gripped it.
Her gaze rose from his chest to his face, and he squeezed her hand again. “The sight of you surpasses my wildest imaginings,” he told her seriously. “Seeing you here, feeling you like this: no amount of fantasies could compare with this reality. The reality of you.”
Her heated expression softened and curled into a smile — a smile that was distinctly tender with affection. “You’re such a smooth talker,” she said, and she lifted her hips and traced her fingers over his cock.
He inhaled shakily, and Hawke bent forward and kissed him. A second later, he was inside of her. 
He moaned in bliss, and Hawke captured the sound with his tongue. Her hands were cradling his neck, her hips rolling against his in a smooth rhythm that felt like he was feeling every slick inch of her intimate heat, and he drew his fingertips from her shoulder blades down along her back before settling his palms firmly on her buttocks. 
He gently squeezed her bottom, then pulled her more firmly onto his cock, and she broke the kiss with a gasp. “Mm,” she whimpered. “Oh Maker…”
Goaded by her pleasure, he pulled her against his hips again and pumped himself more firmly into her, and she released his neck to plant one hand on the bed beside his head. “Fuck,” she moaned. “Fuck, Fenris, that’s…”
“Is it good?” he panted.
“Yes,” she cried. “Yes, you’re so — so fucking deep, ah!” She cried out again and clenched both fists in the the sheets, and Fenris thrust into her more firmly. 
She let out a mewling cry and squeezed her eyes shut, her beautiful face twisting with a combination of pleasure and need, and Fenris admired her as he gripped her ass and thrust into her. When a broken little sob burst from her throat, he lifted one hand and squeezed her arm. “Hawke,” he gritted out.
“Mhm?” she moaned.
“Take what you need from me,” Fenris gasped. “Fuck me as you need to. I am yours.”
Her eyes opened, and the scorching need in her face stalled his breath for a moment. Then she planted her palms on his pecs once more and began fucking him hard.
He gasped, then groaned, then stop paying attention entirely to his own breath, too preoccupied by her heat and her tightness and how incredible she felt as she rocked against him in a furious rhythm of need. Her fingers were digging into his chest and he could feel sweat collecting at the meeting point of their thighs, but he didn’t care, he didn’t care — he couldn’t care, not when Hawke felt so good, fucking him hard and fast and making him feel like he was striking the deepest part of her. Her face was contorted with pleasure and an exquisite sort of longing that he felt deep inside his chest, like a fist of longing and love wrapping around his heart, and it was like his entire body was filling up, swelling with Hawke’s love and her need and the pleasure he took from her as she fucked him swiftly, so swiftly: fasta vass, the swiftness, the rush, the rise of it, the rising of her, please, Hawke please, please...
She sobbed again and shuddered, and Fenris moaned helplessly as the pressure and heat of her became almost overwhelmingly good. “Rynne,” he begged. “P-please…”
She stroked his cheek. “Anything,” she whimpered. “Anything you want, Fenris, it’s yours,  anything—”
“More,” he groaned. “More of this, more…”
She lifted herself and came down hard on his cock, and a sharp cry burst from his throat. “More!”
She began fucking him hard again, hard swift thrusts as she rose and fell on his supine body, and he stared at her as she rode him wantonly, barely breathing, heart pounding in his ears and throat. Heat was rising in his cheeks and swelling in his chest, ratcheting higher and closer in the depths of his abdomen and between his legs — heat, pleasure, ecstasy, Hawke... 
His orgasm struck in a stunning rush, pleasure bursting through his abdomen and his limbs and forcing his spine into an arch as he groaned and shuddered and mindlessly gripped her thighs. When Hawke cupped his face and kissed him, he gave himself over to her completely, parting his lips and welcoming her hot ferocious tongue and her fierce but gentle teeth as she nipped his lower lip. 
She gently sucked his lower lip, and he moaned and shuddered before wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace. He held her close as the ripples of pleasure spanned his limbs, savouring the sticky heat of her skin and the slick heat of her tongue stroking his, and only when his climax had completely ebbed away did he loosen his embrace. 
Hawke gentled the kiss equally slowly, lapping lightly at his lips instead of delving deep with her tongue, and by the time she lifted her lips from his, he was languorous with bliss. 
He smiled faintly without opening his eyes, and she chuckled and gently pinched his chin. “Look at this smug little smile,” she teased, and she lifted herself off of his cock with a groan.
He opened his eyes. “Are you all right?”
“Yes,” she said, but she was grimacing as she settled herself beside him in bed. 
Concerned, he rolled toward her and cradled her neck in his palm. “Hawke, if you’re hurt—”
“I’m not hurt,” she assured him. “I just — it’s my thighs. I fucked you too hard.”
He burst out a little laugh. “Excuse me?”
She grinned and settled on her side facing him. “I fucked you too hard. My thighs are going to be in a whole world of pain tomorrow.”
“Ah. I understand,” he said, and he smoothed his palm over her hip. “That’s a decent cause for pain. I retract my pity.”
She laughed and poked his chest. “Well, that’s rude. See if I ever fuck you that hard again.”
He gave her a knowing look, and she laughed again. “I know, I know. I’m full of shit. Actually, one could argue that if I fuck you hard like that every day, it’ll be excellent exercise for my thighs!”
“Excellent reasoning indeed,” he drawled. “And I suppose I’m just a prop for this exercise of yours?”
She grinned and propped her cheek on her fist. “You can try and resist me, if you like.”
He eyed her in amusement. Her expression was somehow both innocent and cheeky at once. “I can try?” he said dryly.
“Yes, you can try,” she said cheerfully. “But you won’t succeed. I’m irresistible, in case you didn’t notice.”
He scoffed and pinched her waist. She squeaked and flinched, and Fenris pinched her again, then began tickling her mercilessly.
She burst into laughter, then rolled onto her back and pulled her knees up to her chest to guard herself. “Stop, stop!” she gasped. “I give in! I’m done teasing you, I promise!”
“Good,” he growled. “Now I can get some rest.” He rolled onto his back, then drew her close until she was curled up against his chest.
She sighed happily and settled her ear on his chest, and he smiled and closed his eyes. Then he remembered the conversation that had precipitated all of this — the conversation that they hadn’t finished. 
“Hawke, what did you mean before?” he asked.
“When?” she mumbled.
“Before, when you asked if I could imagine something.”
She lifted her head. “Oh yes! When you began teasing me, you mean?”
He smiled faintly, but didn’t rise to her playful bait this time. “Yes, that. I wasn’t sure what you meant.”
Her cheeky smile softened, and she propped her cheek on her fist once more. “I was just wondering if… you know, if…” She shrugged and dropped his gaze, and he eyed her curiously. It was unlike her to be this hesitant.
“What is it?” he said gently. 
She glanced at him again, and her expression was endearingly coy. “Did you ever really think we’d be… you know, like this?” she asked. 
“Like this in what way?” Fenris asked.
“This comfortable so quickly,” she said. She trailed her fingers along his naked chest. “It just feels easy being together. Like we’re on the same page. It’s very cozy.” She lifted her eyes from his chest to his face, and his heart squeezed at the candid affection in her eyes. “Did you ever think it would be this easy to be together after how long it took us to get our shit together?”
He sobered a little bit at this. “You don’t need to take any responsibility for the time we wasted being apart. That was my doing.”
She tsked. “Oh come on, you handsome fool, it wasn’t your fault. It’s just the way it needed to be. And besides, we’re here now!” She sighed happily and traced her fingers over his bare skin. “Here we are, and everything’s great. We’re all naked in my bed and covered in your joy juice—”
He grunted in disgust and pinched her bum, and she giggled and tapped his chest. “I mean it, Fenris. Did you ever imagine it would be this easy?”
He exhaled slowly. “I don’t know,” he said honestly. “I… when I imagined this — imagined us together, that is, I… the things I imagined were…” He frowned as he tried to formulate his thoughts. “I didn’t really think about how it would be,” he finally said. “I just wanted it. I wanted you. For years, it has felt like I was running toward you —  running toward the idea of you, of… of us being together.”
To his surprise, her smile faded a bit, leaving a look of vulnerability on her face. “And now that we’re together, do you…” She dropped his gaze again. “Does it feel like something’s over now that you caught me?”
“No,” he said firmly. “Not at all. It is the opposite of that.” He rose onto his elbows to look her straight in the eye. “Things are possible now that I could never have imagined without you. My imaginings were nothing compared to this, and now I cannot imagine a life without you by my side.”
Her face lit up in a smile — a brilliant, joyful smile that made his heart feel like it was filling with hot water. She gently pinched his chin. “Good,” she said softly. “I feel the same way.”
I know, he thought tenderly. He didn’t need Hawke to tell him that she felt the same way, because he had known it for years. She had shown him her feelings for years, supporting him and cheering him up and waiting for him while he sorted through the emotional quagmire of his past. She had shown him countless times how she felt about him, and he didn’t need her to tell him for him to know it was true. 
He slid his palm around the nape of her neck and drew her in for a kiss. She was smiling even as she kissed him, and he couldn’t help but smile as well.
When Hawke started to laugh against his lips, however, Fenris was forced to pull away. “What is it?” he said in exasperation. “Why are you laughing now?”
“No reason,” she said. She arranged her face into a feeble veneer of innocence. “I was just thinking we could get a bath.”
“A bath? Now?” he said in surprise. She usually enjoyed lingering in bed with him for as long as possible. 
She nodded. “I thought maybe you’d want to wash off some of your joy juice.”
He twisted his lips in distaste, and she laughed and patted his cheek. “I love your face when you squinch it up like this,” she giggled.
He scoffed and pulled her hand away. “I’m only making this face because you keep saying that… vile-sounding phrase.”
“What phrase? Joy juice?” she said. Her lips were curling in a shit-eating grin, and Fenris gazed at her with a mixture of exasperation and amusement. 
“Stop saying that,” he said sternly.
“Joy juice,” Hawke said promptly. “Joy juice, joy juice, joy—”
Fenris pounced on her and pinned her to the bed, and she burst into laughter. Her barking laughter was loud and uninhibited and joyful, a ring of mirth more clear and crystalline than a Chantry bell, and he felt like her mirth was echoing in his chest and resonating in time with the beat of his heart.
He grinned at her, then lowered himself over her and kissed her again. She was warm and pliant and fragrant with sandalwood and sex, and as Fenris sank into the loving embrace of her open arms, he savoured just how wonderful she was, and how real.
Hawke was better than his fondest fantasies, because she was real. She was real, with her stupid jokes and her bravado-masked melancholy and her gentle mage’s hands. Her lips were real, her legs around his waist and her hands on his neck and her fingers in his hair, and he didn’t need fondly detailed imaginings when his reality was so incredibly dear.
With Hawke in his arms and his heart, Fenris didn’t need any sort of imaginings at all.
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mudskip-muses · 1 year
@elfblcd cont. from (X)
Gundham had fully expected the refusal, but it didn’t make it any less disheartening to hear. Still, he was stubborn, and so was Sonia, if he failed in this mission, he was sure she would succeed in his place. Perhaps it would have been better to send the princess in the first place...
The again, how was he to make up for his last blunder of a gift, if not to give this one himself?
“I...expected as much. It is a monumental responsibility. However...” A pause as he stepped forward, the dog growing more excited in his arms as their new friend got closer. “She...we would like for you to give this a try, at the very least. If not for the both of us, than simply for the Dark Queen.” They would both be upset if this didn’t work, the two believing so heavily in the companionship of animals, but Sonia would no doubt show it just a bit more...
“Will you...hold them, at the very least? They are very excited to meet you...”
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rynne311 · 5 years
Okay to Not Be Okay
For @avengerdragoness
Jules, I am so sorry for your loss.  I know this fic can’t fix everything for you, but if for just a moment it helps, that’s all I can hope for.  Take all of the time you need, and remember that grieving and coping is going to happen on your own timetable, no one else’s.  You may feel lost, but you’ve got friends here happy to guide and support you through everything. Much love and all my condolences, Rynne 
Word Count: 545
You were numb.  You wished you could be angry or heartbroken or just about anything.  Anything would be better than being frozen in this moment for an eternity.  It was as though you were stuck in this singular moment that decided to drag on forever.
“Just give me two more minutes and I’ll be ready to head ou-” Jason called out as he rounded out the hallway on his way to bring his coffee mug back to the kitchen.  When he saw the slack look on your face, he knew it wasn’t good.
You couldn’t move.  You couldn’t even acknowledge he was in the room with you.  You didn’t need to; Jason could always read you and he could tell you just received the worst news of your life.  Jason had his arms around you in an instant, reminding your brain to feel.  The numbness was gone, but overwhelming sadness took its place.
“I….I thought I had more time,” you stammered as the tears began to fall.
“We always do, especially with our parents,” Jason whispered as he began to rub circles on your back, “but fate is fickle like that.”
Jason guided you down to the couch, never letting you out of his embrace.  The rain had just begun to fall outside, and he mused how even the weather was here to commiserate with you.
“But we were going to go see him,” you sobbed.
“I know.”
“I should have gone to the hospital yesterday.”
“Don’t do this to yourself,” Jason chided.  He held you out to look you square in the face. “You can’t let this be a ‘should’ve, could’ve, would’ve’ situation for you.  Nothing you could have done yesterday would change the hurt you’re feeling right now.”
You crumbled into his chest.  He was right, but knowing that wasn’t going to make you feel any better.  The next wave of sobs came full force and you could feel Jason kiss the top of your head before resting his cheek on your head.
Jason let you cry into him until your body couldn’t cry anymore.  You were already beyond exhausted and you hadn’t made it out of the apartment yet.  You went through the motions of finishing getting yourself ready and out the door even if you didn’t know what to do with yourself now.  You looked lost as you walked over to the entryway of the apartment when Jason came to your rescue once again.
“C’mon, let’s stay here and regroup today,” Jason offered.  “I know you’re not okay, and it’s okay to not be okay.  I’m going to be right here with you and taking care of you until you are, just like you always are for me.”
Jason almost thought he saw a shadow of a smile come back to your face as you came and collapsed against him on the couch.  You could feel the warmth of his love and support guiding you through the sadness, and the relief washed over you that you weren’t numb anymore.
“I love you,” you sighed as you succumbed to the exhaustion.
“I love you too and I’m going to be right here always,” Jason assured you, making sure that was the last thing you heard as you began to doze off.
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temperedbydarkness · 5 years
Ship bias?
Send ‘Ship Bias’ and I will share up to 5 Ships I have a bias for for my muse!
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Alright the previous one I did characters who were in the series. - Lets do some other ones shall we? 
1. Riku/Zexion: This one was off the wall, rather interesting, and full of utter nerd. I’m still fond of it even though it’s not currently being written. (Zexion was written by @torewindtime ) 
2. Riku/Rynn: There was no way this wasn’t going to make it onto the list somewhere. Rynn is feisty and headstrong, and right up his red-head weakness. She’s stubborn enough to handle Riku at his worst and is the kind hand to help him at his best. (Rynn is written by @favoritefadedfantasies ) 
3. Riku/Arias: I’m specifying this one by Sora’s last name because generally I’m really not a fan of Sora/Riku. This one has been long in development though and is just amazing. The two of them sass and tease each other so much and yet will do anything for each other. There’s so much genuine care between them it comes out every time we have a thread. Just… Yes! (Sora written by @aspiringparasyte ) 
4. Riku/Lighting: I can’t even tell you why this one tickles my fancy. Any time I put Riku into the same space as a Lightning, her brash nature and straightforward ways impress him and makes him develop a crush. I’d kill for a Light who was willing to see what happens. (Helps that Light is another red-head)
5. …………Honest, I ship chemistry. If you’re curious I’d be happy to feel the waters. 
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ichiigotsukii · 3 years
👍 // ( rynn about abyss. )
Send 👍 for something Muse A likes about Muse B
"Abyss is..." Rynn struggles. Words of this nature do not come easily to him after so long of not having this sort of...bond. Not that he had no bonds. His 'brothers' of the guard. His prince. All important, loyal bonds. But Abyss is....
"Something I like about Abyss is so hard because how can I narrow down everything into one coherent thought easily expressed by language? Kind, giving, a heart so open to all I see them interact with that their own well being is seemingly always second. It makes me desire to put them first if they will not do it themselves. Like the moon to tide they pull me along and I...haven't felt so free."
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"I like tea together, I like conversation, their love of animals and all nature, how all life from a dragon like myself to a small flower receive the same care. I like...having a place I can go and I always feel received warmly. Should I lose such a place, the warmth of them...their home, I feel I would truly be lost. Saying I like the entirety of them sounds almost...fake, but I truly mean it wholeheartedly."
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The Phoenix // Rynn x Link
   @moon--wake continued from here 
Crisp snow crunched beneath worn boots as rigid, numbing fingers lifted to tug the feathered hem of his jacket up about his neck. The tips of his pointed ears were dyed an apple red, and the tip of his nose was rosy from the bitter wind that smacked against his frigid features as he continued up the steep mountain trail. He had never disliked the cold; a part of him had found a certain familiarity in its harsh embrace, but it became apparent that even with his thick clothes that he wasn’t made for ventures this deep into the snowy mountains of Hyrule. Even so, it wasn’t completely unbearable so he continued his trek forward, carefully treading about high drifts and the increasing number of monsters that were beginning to rear their ugly heads. He’d prefer not to waste weapons and arrows on them, choosing, instead, to try to avoid them but it proved difficult when even the rocks began to spring to life at even the slightest of movement.
       Adjusting the weight of his bow, shield, and sword that he carried about his back, he chanced a glance upwards - trying to scan the skies about the mountain, but it did him little good when most of his view was blocked by the veil of snow currently pouring down around him. Rubbing his chilled eyelids with the backs of his gloved hands, he took a moment to tug at his jacket and hat, making sure they were secure. This hadn’t been one of his better ideas, but at the very least he could look forward to relaxing beside a fire at the nearest stable when he completed his mission here. But that was looking too far into the future for his liking, so he continued on the icy path, eyes scanning the odd ruin or so that lingered nearby the further he got.  
      There would be no turning back soon, he noted internally as he scanned the writings engraved into a nearby rock, but he hadn’t intended on giving up in the first place. His hefty pack full of everything he could possibly need and then some. And, sure enough, another step brings with it the quaking of the entire mountain as a roar ripples through the sky somewhere distant and far above his head - he’s almost there. Tugging on the straps of his pack, he makes his way through the hoards of monsters and slippery slope rather smoothly (against all odds, but he can’t complain).
        Well, that is until he hears the chomp of snow behind him, and he stiffens - it’s not weighty enough to belong to any of the monsters he’s passed, and, as a result, he doesn’t draw his blade. Instead, he carefully turns towards the source of the noise, and it quickly met by the sharp edge of a sword pointed in his direction. Cobalt irises scan the figure for a moment - a stranger; he can’t imagine why someone would venture this far, but he dismisses the thought. She hadn’t killed him when he had his back turned, as a result, he assumes she would prefer to avoid a fight, as would he.
       Raising his hands up with his palms facing her to show he means her no harm, he tilts his head to the side and offers her a sheepish smile. Though he could try to move out of the blade’s path, he remains rooted in place, his expression friendly and open despite the weapon’s proximity to him. Hopefully it will be enough to convince her he had no intention of fighting with her if she didn’t pursue violence.  
The isolation was the first thing she noticed out here, after the obvious cold of course. The adventurer hadn’t seen another living thing in quite some time. Rynn had known that when she’d set out, but the thought of being alone for days on end and the reality of it were two very different things. She’d spent many hours in her own thoughts, examining every decision that had led her to this point. 
Life had never been easy in Hyrule, at least not in Rynn’s 25-or-so years. She’d always lived in a world plagued by monsters and Calamity Ganon. Rynn had not known a time without stray Guardians prowling about and moblins waiting to raid a village; for this reason she’d made sure she was skilled enough to survive in the world she occupied. Originally from Hateno, Rynn had never been content to follow the lifestyle that most chose. She didn’t want to live confined to the cities and towns - she wanted the ability to travel the world and explore the places few dared to tread.
She’d grown up hearing tells of Princess Zelda’s bravery, and of her Champion’s sacrifice. They awed her and driven her to become stronger, and lit a spark in her - a spark that grew into embers and into flame, creating the capable adventurer she’d now become. Though Rynn knew there was nothing she could do about Calamity Ganon herself, she could at least do her part to learn what had happened and to try and protect others from the horrors that lurked in this beautiful world. 
Normally one to take various hunting jobs for villages and towns, she’d chosen this pilgrimage for herself. After taking a mission near Mt. Lanayru, she’d heard rumor of a spring at the summit. Rynn knew that the princess and her champions had traveled here once before, and she was curious to see the place for herself. Granted, curiosity didn’t keep one warm while they were hiking through calf-deep snow. Still, it seemed a worthwhile use of her time.
Rynn was bundled up tightly, furs and leathers wrapped around her core. She wore a thick fur scarf wrapped around her face and an animal hide hood covered her crimson hair. A few locks managed to wriggle free, the only hint of color visible aside from her emerald eyes. And she trekked on, arms wrapped around her and eyes darting about, looking for any sign of threat. 
It was with some surprise then, the Rynn saw the figure of a man come into view before her. Though she doubted he was incredibly dangerous, he was carrying a larger menagerie of weapons than she was, and one couldn’t be too careful these days. He began to turn, and instinct told her to draw her blade. Rynn was quick, leveling it towards him as she met his crystal blue eyes. Her own searched, looking for any indication that he may be of danger to her. 
Her fears were quickly assuaged when he raised his arms in something similar to a surrender. Immediately she lowered her weapon, letting it rest at her side a moment before sheathing it entirely. He had a kind face, and seemed quite disinterested in fighting her. That was a relief - to be quite honest she was thankful to see someone out here at all. 
“I’m sorry, force of habit - I wasn’t expecting to run into anyone all the way out here. But I have to say it was a welcome surprise. Are you searching for the ‘rumored’ spring as I am?” Rynn asked, making it clear that she was absolutely certain the spring was more than a rumor at this point. 
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yukitscne · 6 years
@nvalcntine || continued from (x)
     Hesitance.      ‘I might’ve seen him.’      Ironic words, coming from somebody who lacked the sense of sight. All the times he’d said that, there must have been somebody that thought he was a liar one way or another; either he was faking his ailment, truly being among the sighted the whole time, or he was having a joke at the expense of any fool who believed he may be able to see.      His ability to echo-locate had never been one he thought about too much, an innate ability that he certainly took for granted.      ‘He could’ve gone that way.’ Rynn pointed in the direction that he’d last seen a figure - any figure that resembled a person, really.      He didn’t like to rely on his ability; in familiar areas he would use it sparingly, relying on his memory and hearing to get him by instead. It had only been a second of seeing somebody, looking like they may be in the act of running.      And then, he smirked.      ‘But it could’ve been anybody. It might not have been your suspect.’
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rorynne · 5 years
ONE / name: Rory
TWO / birthday: 11/27/1994
THREE / zodiac sign: Sagittarius
FOUR / height: 5′5.5″
FIVE / hobbies: Writing, obsessing over fictional characters.
SIX / favourite colour: Blue
SEVEN / favourite book: uhhh uhhhh uhhhhhhh The vampire Lestat by Anne Rice
EIGHT / last song I listened to: Miss Murder by AFI
NINE / last film I watched: uhhh uhhh uhhhhh I cant remember
TEN / inspiration for muse: I dont really have a muse. I just force myself to write until I want to die and then post it.
ELEVEN / dream job: Crime Scene investigator.
TWELVE / meaning behind your URL: Okay so I used to play World of Warcraft, with my mom. And when i was like 11 my mom had a naming convention that was like things ending in -rynne. So! I was making a character with her and i wanted our names to match so she was like “its a druid, so rorynne sounds like “roarin” And people will end up calling you rory so it would be like having a real name” then, when i was like 20-21 I realized i was trans, changed my name to Rory, and just started using Rorynne for everytihng username based.
THIRTEEN / top 3 ships: Winterhawk, Pepperony, Steggy Rocky(rory+bucky)
FOURTEEN / lipstick or lip balm: balm my lips are always chapped
FIFTEEN / currently reading: numerous fan fictions.
SIXTEEN / work: School bus attendant.
SEVENTEEN / fiction? : yes
EIGHTEEN / fanfiction? : I write fanfiction, so i hope so.
Tagged like 2-3 days ago by @mycroftlovescake oops.
I tag @part-time-prefect @wintershawks @kingroux @aload @wearethherdrapes And anyone else who wants to. Im really bad at tagging people.
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