#muse: misato
justsescape · 5 months
[Since I'm sick, how about a throwback drabble?]
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“Oh, so that’s what you like, anon?“
Your soul sunk through the floor; it’s too bad your body couldn’t follow suit. There was no getting around it. Your hand was trembling far too much to click away from the breast expansion sequence on your computer screen. “Wouldn’t her back break with giant jugs like those?” Misato leaned over your shoulder. You couldn’t bear to face her, but you heard the cheshire cat grin in her voice nonetheless. “Honestly, you are so weird, nonnie...”
You thought you felt her hand on your shoulder – like that of a teacher comforting you over a failed test. But what slipped into your peripheral vision removed all doubt of what she was doing. There it was, an erect nipple tenting against her black shirt with every intention of piercing the threads. One of her heaving tits was draping itself over your shoulder like a sash. “Though you know, anon,” she continued, leaning even further forward, “I suppose it is normal to like huuuuge boobs...” Her voice trailed off, but her rack certainly didn’t. More and more of her breast was creeping down your collarbone and toward your ribcage. But it wasn’t just gradually descending; her flesh was also bulging against your neck like a pillow you might wear on an airplane. If you were sweating before, you were drenched now.
“Oh, whoops! Sorry about that,” Misato feigned, groping at the underside of her overgrown boob and hoisting it up. You felt her supple skin rub against your neck and chin. “I’m still getting used to… all this~”
The captain’s heels tapped on the floor as she took to a stand, and your gaze was reeled in behind her like a fish hooked on bait. Just a moment ago, you couldn’t bear to look her in the eye… and nothing had changed now. Why look her in the face? A bust as big as hers demanded your attention, and Misato was cupping them in her hands like she was volunteering them for show-and-tell. She was far, far bigger than ever before. Bowling balls would surely be envious of their size and their weight alike, but the way they plunged in her shirt was almost more breathtaking than if they were simply round – though, they were getting close to that shape as the captain presented them like she was lifting watermelons.
“Soooo yeah, I may have snooped on your PC,” Misato giggled. She let one of her breasts fall (and jiggle) against her torso to reach into her jacket pocket. After a bit of rustling, she produced an empty vial. “And I have privileged access at work, so... you know the rest! It’s not the most powerful dose so it’s very gradual, but I’ll be growing and growing for hours~”
Misato released her other boob from her grasp and then plunked the container into her cleavage. “Won’t need this anymore,” she teased – and with two fingers, she pressed the vial down until it nearly disappeared. Fortunately, her cleavage eagerly did the rest; that dark, deep line lengthened and swallowed it up like it had fallen into quicksand. “Ooh, they’re hungry~!” Misato’s boisterous laugh only served to make her colossal boobs sway to and fro. “Hope you enjoyed that little display, ano-... whoa, what? Something’s... there’s something else in there?” Misato dove wrist-deep between her breasts, sifted around for a moment, and then... she slowly fished a bra strap out. The cups following behind it were impressive in their own right, but they had been practically maimed. Perhaps this is what her shirt would look like once her nipples reached their goal.
"Oh, I almost forgot that I was wearing this before I started blimping up," she mused, letting it dangle from her hand like a recently caught trout. "I must have had it since college, and now it's all broken and worthless... guess I'll need to get resized and refitted..."
You couldn’t ignore her eyes anymore. They looked at you in the same way a supervillain looks at a hero imprisoned in their lair. “And I know just the person who can help me with that~...” A broken bra in one hand, and an unspooling measuring tape in the other; Misato sauntered toward you, her unsupported rack swaying back and forth like the swings on a swing set. Forget bowling balls; they were rivaling beach balls now, and her shirt was paying the ultimate price. Holes peppered the fabric and revealed bulging, creamy skin underneath. Her midriff would have also clearly been visible if not for her gigantic bust obscuring it. It wouldn’t be much longer until you wouldn’t even be able to see her thighs.
"If you promise me that I'm the only big boobed woman you'll chase, maybe I'll have a little fun and give the breast expansion formula to all the girls at work too!” The measuring tape dragged across the ground behind her. Every passing moment rendered it more and more ill equipped for the task. All you could hear was her voice – and your heartbeat pounding in your ears. She stopped in front of your chair, her head now fully hidden behind the expanse of her underboob. If you rose your head only a few more inches, her tits could envelop you completely. “Just promise me that you won't try any funny business with them, ‘kay? Now get to work, anon! These honkers won’t measure themselves~!”
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caramialunaestelle · 3 months
@s1lver-bullet Sent:
While Jowi is meeting with the other pilots, Niko approaches Misato, holding out his hand, “Hello Colonel. Congratulations on the promotion. And thank you again for helping me and my son a place to stay.”
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Misato was rather surprised to see the American pilot's father approach. But as a representative of NERV she needed to be as professional and polite as possible when speaking with guests. She offered him a pleasant smile, straightening her posture as she shook his hand.
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"Thank you very much, Mr. Tycho. And it's no problem. NERV takes care of their pilots very well. Is the apartment we provided for you and the pilots sufficient? If there is anything you need we'd be happy to accommodate."
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gainprincess · 29 days
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"R-Reeeiii!!!~ Rei!~ Get Mommy another beer, okaaayyyy?~"
Tossing an empty can at the chubby blue-haired girl.
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She just wants her burgers, this is beyond her paygrade...
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lovelornings · 2 months
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"Misato-senpai, what was the lesson supposed to be the lesson behind Metamorphis ? I'm not really sure I understood what it's trying to tell me."'
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"Well, what was your first thought? Surely you must have some opinion on it. Whatever comes to mind: there is no wrong answer."
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"...that if your life is a burden on others, you should let yourself die? Because everyone will be happier when you're gone?"
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"Exactly! Which is why you should never take the word of every author - or every person for that matter- when it comes to what you should and shouldn't do. Tis but a look into the mind of broken man beyond all reasoning. Do not ask me why it's tale is set in such high regard... "Now, who told you to read that thing? I have harsh words for them...."
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nobuverse · 11 months
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Preview on the new OC that will be dropping in the muse page soon!
Everyone, meet Misato !!
( And Thank you very much to @impytricky-freelancing for the commission! )
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Hi! Nice to see you return to Asushin!!
Will this ask blog be exclusive for the mermaid au or will other aus eventually come down the road?
I wanna start by asking you to elaborate how’s the dynamics of Shinji and Asuka living together if she’s always bound in a wheelchair
// Hey thank you for welcoming me back to the fandom. For the moment this blog will be for reviving the mermaid AU, but I'm certainly open to other AUs done the road.
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"The Wheelchair is a pain! As a mermaid I'm a truly amazing swimmer but being stuck in this thing while on land is annoying. It's big, bulky and I'm stuck relying on Baka Shinji to get me into train cars." Asuka complains. She honestly preferred to be in water, but living in Tokyo 3 she had to make do with it. Still it was a pain.
"But it's not like I'm helpless! I can get in and out of it easily enough." She adds as if to correct the impression that she was helpless.
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"I mean Misato's place is pretty cramped anyway but I can't imagine it's that much different from having a human roommate. Actually it's more that when we're not at home or school or at Gehirn, Asuka has me push her everywhere... I don't really mind but..." Shinji replies thinking about it. Besides Asuka really is only in the wheelchair at school or when they're hanging out together or traveling somewhere she spends a lot of time in the giant bathtub she uses for a bed.
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sorrowmarked · 2 years
valentine's day starter for @burdenedreverance
"They're store bought," she said, holding the wrapped box of chocolates up. Shinji had gotten some this morning. Hyuga and Aoba the technicians she saw every day. But the best chocolate she'd bought this year, the fancy, just a little too expensive stuff? That she had bought for Hayden. Since she couldn't hand make it like some shoujo heroine, this was the next best thing. Spending money she probably shouldn't, on nicer chocolates, for a guy who well ... was worth it.
Even if she strongly suspected he'd be out the door the second he really got to know her, once he saw how weak and desperate and ugly she was underneath the surface. But for now, he was there, standing beside her, helping her keep her fragile self pieced together. So he got the fancy, department store chocolate, that came with the fancy department store wrapping.
"So at least you know it's edible, right?" she said, holding it out towards him.
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mooshroomgirlfriend · 2 years
how did i miss the entire tumblr woman poll
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karizard-ao3 · 6 months
My reactions to Evangelion, episode 16: Splitting of the Breast
Shinji is the real Angel on this show.
Is this the Longinus Sphere? Lol
Asuka! Petty!
Oh, Shinji. My baby. He is so cute and precious and sweet and I love to see him smile.
Plugs all around the city.
Shinji! No! He's never going to be brave and confident again after this.
Will he have to defeat it from the inside?
Will he learn terrible things?
Rei is worried about him and Unit 1
Rei does not like Asuka talking shit about her little Shinji. I think this is just Asuka's way of trying to hide that she is scared and possibly feels responsible for goading him into taking point.
There's my son.
It possibly connects to another universe. Huh.
Wow, Ritsuko.
You and me both, Misato. I also want to know all that stuff.
Shinji can't swim
There's rumors Gendo killed his wife.
I wonder if they keep the Evas battery powered so they can control them better
Okay, so Evas are copies of Angels, but not exact replicas.
"If Rei or Shinji ever found out the secret of the Evas, they would probably never forgive us". So before I was saying maybe the Evas have personalities implanted or whatever. Is it from their moms who were sisters or something?
In Conclusion
I'm still trying to fully wrap my head around what Shinji experienced inside the orb, but the talk about there being multiple versions of oneself feels very significant. I liked the part about Shinji being afraid of the version of himself that lives in others. I'm trying to piece together the ghost of his mom coming for him but I'm really thinking at this point that she is indeed the personality inside the Eva. I mean, look how easily they sync, how quickly it acted to protect him in the first episode even though it shouldn't have been able to, and the way it tore out of that sphere in time for Shinji to survive. Perhaps inside that Eva is his mother who loves him. Would she have had to die in order to transfer her personality over? Or is she being kept in stasis somewhere, since there's no body? Was her body infused with Angel DNA and formed into an Eva?
No time for a bunch of musing! My kid will be home in about 45 minutes. I have to get watching the next episode.
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rpking99 · 20 days
Muse Suggestion:
Not a V-Tuber, but I ask anyway
Misato Katsuragi
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I need to watch Evangelion, lol
She's a Maybe
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savior-of-humanity · 2 months
(I'm curious to hear about your TTRPG characters 👀)
I'm gonna be putting this under a read-more because this might get long (and there's also pictures) but anyways!! (also pinging @hymns-across-the-stars and @cursedfortune since they also expressed interest for me yapping about my emotional punching bags)
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I've been fucking DYING to play an Adeptus Evangelion campaign ever since I found out it existed, and I'm still really happy that I found a game at all because the subreddit for AdEVA is dead (though you can find a link to an active-ish AdEVA discord server in there if you dig deep enough). ANYWAYS!!!
Silas isn't really a sopping wet poor little meow meow like some of my other muses (i.e Shinji) but he is definitely just as fucked up. Basic TL;DR of his backstory is that he lived w/ his extended family in Brazil as a baby, with his older brother Cailean largely being the one to raise him, while his parents were off doing shit related to the Katsuragi Expedition that would eventually lead to Second Impact. Given that Second Impact is a global apocalypse, obviously his country gets fucked over and a lot of his immediate family either dies or gets lost among the chaos of that and the immediately ensuing Impact Wars.
Fast forward about a decade, and his older brother goes off to work for NERV after managing to get some good higher education. All's well since Cailean's largely giving what he makes back to his family to help support them, until he suddenly and unexpectedly dies in some kind of accident. The reality is that Cailean actually signed up for a Contact Experiment w/ an EVA in exchange for a large bump in pay, which resulted in his soul becoming assimilated into the EVA. Silas, obviously, doesn't know this, and is incredibly distraught as he and Cailean had a very close sibling relationship.
Eventually Silas gets approached by NERV with the offer to become an EVA Pilot in exchange for training, housing, and payment - and seeing how lucrative the money is, Silas accepts.
For the actual campaign in particular, the basic plot premise is pretty simple; What if Shinji never got in the EVA when Zeruel attacked the Geofront?
A simple question like this, apparently, has some pretty significant answers. To put it simply; with no Unit-01 to stop it, Zeruel managed to reach Terminal Dogma, (presumably) fuse with Lilith, and basically become a god-like being through which it would initiate Third Impact. I'm not sure what the full effects of Third Impact upon the world are yet, but I'm assuming it resulted in a lot of global damage, on top of Zeruel now starting to spawn its own Angels (Zerulim) to target and destroy humanity.
A bunch of canon characters are dead as well; Asuka is presumed KIA (there's some stuff in the plot that implies she could be alive but We Don't Know Yet™), Rei II is dead (though another (adult) clone of her now acts as the Commander of what remains of NERV, now known as WILLE), as well as Mari, Toji, and a lot of other characters such as Gendo and Misato. Shinji's fate is unknown but he was offered as a playable character so I'm guessing he's alive, just not (currently) relevant to the plot.
Anyways. Silas.
He has some pretty complicated feelings about his fellow pilots, because he's personally watched two of them die in incredibly horrific and traumatizing ways. He's afraid of forming friendships and similar meaningful relationships with other people, because he's afraid of going through that feeling of loss; something that's heavily impacted him ever since Cailean "died". And yet paradoxically he won't hesitate to put himself in harm's way so that they don't have to suffer as much. I'm really hoping to flesh him out as a character as the campaign progresses since I've been thinking of implementing him and Cailean/his EVA as muses (though there's like. only one other person I know of on Tumblr that actually has Evangelion muses he could interact with 😭)
KHARIAS (also cw for mentions of child death)
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So, Kharias is basically just my fursona that I adapted for a homebrew Lancer campaign hosted by a friend of mine. I don't remember the full details of the story because it's been a while since the campaign's on a hiatus atm but basically, she's a Wildkin (furry race) who had a very rough childhood.
She was raised by her father Perristona, who I believe was a former general of the Wildkin army. Perristona is Not A Good Person. Like. Not even in the emotionally complicated way that makes you even sorta sympathetic but in the way that makes you go "what the fuck, is this guy insane?" And for good reason!!
Because when Kharias and her brother were about 6 years old, he made them fight each other to the death. With axes. It was as horrific, violent, and traumatizing as you can imagine.
And then years later he made a clone army of her dead brother for the sake of basically helping some very misguided people cause a global apocalypse that may or may not involve firing the in-universe equivalent of a Halo ring.
Fun stuff! Basically she's a big shark lady who kicks ass and pilots a fucking badass magical mech. I might bring her around again for another campaign my friend is planning on doing, though I have some other more appealing character ideas since, to be honest, a lot of her backstory in the Lancer campaign was actually cooked up by the GM, so I'm not really sure how to apply her without just going through the same backstory stuff.
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caramialunaestelle · 2 months
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Don't worry Misato! The poros are just taking the mech out for a drive. Somehow. It's unlikely they know what they're doing. But it seems okay! Probably! I mean, what's the worst that could happen when a bunch of sheep puffs take a giant expensive mecha out for a drive, when they don't know what driving is?
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It just won't work little fluffballs. You have to be able to synchronize with the EVA Unit. As well as have a human soul.
"How about you hang out with Pen-Pen for a little while? I'm sure he'd get a kick outta you."
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gainprincess · 29 days
m-miss.. m-missato...
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She says hi.
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lovelornings · 2 years
Relationship with Fire / Plans for the End
Heavy Content Warning for Suicidal Ideation and Torture
Yumi has a bad habit of listening to those tapes her mother left behind. It’s not something done out of curiosity or pleasure. It’s a misplaced sense of guilt for what was done to them, and the self-inflicted punishment of bearing witness to the suffering they went through. 
So many sounds are left to the terrifying realms of her imagination, when she can only distinguish a telltale few from the others. The crackle of electricity, a blunt object striking, the cracking of bone. It’s hard to make out any details when desperate shrieks for mercy and broken sobbing seem to drown everything else out. 
Despite this, Yumi knows how it is that Ai choses to end things. When the girls lose their voices, their will to respond to anything done to them - her mother  leaves the ultimate terror for the killing blow. She can always hear the distinct sound of something being poured out of a container, the strike of a match, and then those terrible, gargling screams of someone already half dead. Like a dying animal or a wailing monster. 
  Yumi feels that ending her life in this way - through the process of self immolation - is the most appropriate end to her own life. Not just her own life, but to bring down the entire house with her as well- erasing all evidence of the hellish prison with her. On the night of her 18th birthday, she plans to lead a trail of gasoline across the first and second  floors of her house, and down into the basement.
She believes she owes the victims something - that maybe their spirits can gain some peace and satisfaction out of watching her endure just a fraction of the pain they had to go through. 
For now, Misato is the biggest hinderance to this plan - the only element that makes her consider executing it in four year’s time. That necklace of the poison bottle around her always reminds Yumi of the threat the other girl made to her:
“You want to protect me? Live. I’ll only give up if you do.” 
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chmerical · 2 months
mobile muse list.
MINAKO AINO: sailor moon.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available. ENVY ADAMS: scott pilgrim.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available. LYLA: atsv.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available. MAMIMI SAMEJIMA: FLCL.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available. MEI CHANG: fma: brotherhood.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available. PRINCESS ZELDA: botw/totk.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available. ELLIE WILLIAMS: tlou/tlou 2.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available. NEJIRE HADO / NEJIRE-CHAN: bnha.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available.
JOLYNE CUJOH: jjba: stone ocean.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available. YU TAKEYAMA / MT. LADY: bnha.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available. KAITLYN KA: the quarry.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available. RAMONA FLOWERS: scott pilgrim.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available. KIM PINE: scott pilgrim.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available. SOPHIE HATTER: howls moving castle.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available.. MAMI TOMOE: puella magi madoka magica.  she/her.  post canon, manga based, canon verses available.
KATE SCHMIDT: fs: 1994.  she/her.  for friends, iykyk. ZIGGY BERMAN: fs: 1978.  she/her.  for friends, iykyk. KAT STRATFORD: 10 things i hate about you.  she/her.  for friends, iykyk. GIGI MCGOWAN: booksmart.  she/her.  for friends, iykyk. EMMA PERKINS: hatchetfield series.  she/her.  for friends, iykyk. GRACE CHASITY: hatchetfield series.  she/her.  for friends, iykyk. EMI FUKUKADO / MS. JOKE: bnha.  she/her.  canon compliant MOMO YAOYOROZU: bnha.  she/her.  canon compliant EMILY DAVIS: until dawn.  she/her.  canon compliant SANGO: inuyasha.  she/her.  canon compliant REI HINO: sailor moon.  she/her.  post canon, post canon, manga based, canon verses available HARUKO HARUHARA: FLCL.  she/her.  post canon, canon verses available INO YAMANAKA: naruto/boruto.  she/her.  canon compliant MISATO KATSURAGI: nge.  she/her.  canon compliant
RODY SOUL:  bnha. he/him. canon compliant. KAINA TSUTSUMI / LADY NAGANT:  bnha. she/her. canon compliant. MEI HATSUME:  bnha. she/her. canon compliant. MELISSA SHIELD:  bnha. she/her. canon compliant. YUJI ITADORI: jujutsu kaisen. he/him. canon compliant KIRARA HOSHI: jujutsu kaisen. they/them. canon compliant YUKI TSUKOMO: jujutsu kaisen. she/her. canon compliant NOBARA KUGISAKI: jujutsu kaisen. she/her. canon compliant SHOKO IERI: jujutsu kaisen. she/her. canon compliant MITSUMI IWAKURA: skip & loafer. she/her. au based, canon verse available
* my ocs are available for friends. just too lazy to list them out but iykyk :3
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Something funny is happening in the Katsuragi household. It’s the third night in a row that Shinji cooks a traditional German dish for dinner. And not only that, there’s always a different German traditional dessert each night too. Misato is not complaining, the food is delicious and Asuka is very happy, but Misato wonders if Shinji’s intentions are purely friendly…
Shinji once again had a german cookbook open this time to a recipe for a kind of white sausage and was reading it rather intensely when his guardian spoke up from behind him.
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"I know Asuka feels very much at home with you cooking delicacies from her homeland every day but is this perhaps practice for something Shin-chan?" She asks with a small teasing smirk.
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"I mean of course it's practice... I don't want Asuka to get homesick so I thought I'd try and bring Germany here, but I know the dinners the past couple nights aren't nearly as good as the real thing, which is why I want to keep practicing." Shinji replies completely misses the implication of what Misato had said.
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"So you don't want Asuka wanting to return home and leave us then Shin-chan heh I wonder why. Well the food's been great so if you wanna keep buying German groceries go right ahead." Misato replies with a laugh and leaves Shinji to his cooking.
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"I uh guess since Asuka isn't that great at cooking herself I might be trying my hand at some of these dishes for years to come..." Shinji adds to PenPen as he starts looking for a desert to go with the white sausage.
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