#muse: haseo
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sentient-rift · 1 year ago
Multiverse War Part 9
(Contined from here on @fallen-symphony.)
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"So... In your dimension, you were a creation of my grandfather's.... And you were the reason I became more like him. I admit, I wasn't as close to Maria, but I knew she had a kind heart. I believe that heart of hers was an unconscious inspiration of the heart I placed in Belle and Terios... And I can clearly see you share that kind heart, Rodea."
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"Thank you, Fa... I mean Mr. Tinker."
Mr. Tinker placed a hand on the robot boy's shoulder.
"I met a Belle from a different dimension who I still consider my daughter. If the Mr. Tinker of your dimension is a father to you, I... Wouldn't mind if you called me 'father.'"
Rodea smiled at Mr. Tinker's words and nodded. Soon enough, however, a dimensional rift opened, and it wasn't created by RiFT.
"Oh... That must be her," Rodea said as he noticed the rift.
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"Is this the one you spoke of earlier? The one who has been putting a team together as well? You said her name was 'ARiA?'"
Before anyone could answer, someone stepped out of the portal. Similar to RiFT, she had the qualities of both an agel and a warrior.
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"...Greetings, my friends."
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"Hey... Aren't you Subaru, a player from the earlier build of the World?"
"I understand why you would think so, Haseo. I am using her character model, after all. But no. I am not Subaru. I'm not even a human player. My name is ARiA, and much like how RiFT is using the body of Copy X, I am using this body so I can interact with my friends."
"Does that make you... A dimensional variant of me?" RiFT asked.
"Yes... And no," ARiA answered, "My origin is... A bit of a strange case. I was the first to be created, much like Symphony, the one who now calls herself 'Slur'. However, the creators went with the idea of a sentient dimensional rift first, which is what I really am. So in a sense, I am a dimensional variant of both RiFT and Symphony."
"I see..." RiFT said, "And are you from a Parodox Dimension like Rodea is?"
"Yes," ARiA answered, "In my case, it's a combination of Haseo's dimension and the Analogman's dimension. The game is known as 'The Digital World," rather than just 'The World.' Players team up with Digimon in the game to protect the Digital World from the Dark Masters."
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"This is all interesting and all... But if you don't mind me asking... How are Paradox Dimensions possible? I get that there are branching paths that create a different version of a dimension, but two completely different dimensions merging into one? How do you explain that?"
ARiA lowered her head before she answered.
"I guess you can say... The existence of dimensional travel is the reason Parodox Dimensions exist..."
"So, the theories were true, then?" said RiFT, "If someone from a different dimension visits another, a Parodox Dimension of those two world may form?"
ARiA nodded.
"Well..." RiFT said, "It can't be helped. Dimensional travel has existed before we were even created. All we can do is protect the Multiverse. Old and new."
"Indeed," said ARiA, "Which is why I wish to help you. If we combined our teams, we can stand a better chance against Slur's forces. There are others from different Parodox Dimensions that will join us soon. And I plan to find more. I hope you will except my help..."
"Of course," RiFT answered, as he reached ut a hand to ARiA, "We're glad to have you, ARiA and Rodea."
ARiA smiled and took RiFT's hand, shaking it.
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"Thank you for having us, RiFT. Let's protect the Multiverse together!"
(ARiA and Parodox Rodea have joined the party!)
To be continued...
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aparticularbandit · 13 days ago
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braveryhearted · 9 months ago
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Well, she wasn't breaking down in anger or crying like Atoli would. Probably all the training she did being an idol. "Besides, why are you looking for attention? Not like it's any of my business". Way to go to ignoring her reply Haseo but his question was more important to him at the moment.
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Wait, was he calling her annoying? There was a nervous laugh as she stumbled slightly to gather the words she wanted to say. "That's okay. I know the idol persona isn't for everyone." Even she grew tired of it.
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braveryhearted · 24 days ago
My white haired male muses.
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Gintoki Sakata <3
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Satoru Gojo :3
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Astarion <3
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Alphen <3
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Zen <3
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Niles :3
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Dante <3
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Vergil <3
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Haseo <3
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And Sylus
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emerald-might · 8 months ago
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a charecter I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
Past: Haseo from dot Hack//G.U
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This was a character that is ANCIENT. I think during my early teenage years. Unfortunately there isn't a RP community of this series. Even though it is leagues better than SAO, fight me.
Present: Chai from Hi-Fi Rush
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Currently over at @defectedrockstar
Doesn't get much attention unfortunately despite how much I love this game and writing Chai as a character.
No future plans for muses at the moment.
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terror0fdeath · 5 years ago
Ryou, sitting on the steps of his apartment building, realized betrayal (no matter how minor) still really hurt him. He stared at his feet, his lower lip quivering as he remembered what had happened that day.
Someone he had thought was a friend had shown their true colors, that they only found him useful to get out of work... He sighed, trying to hold back tears. This was the worst...
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radiantxdragonxfang · 7 years ago
@wysiwyg-muses (continued from here)
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Haseo smirked a little, excitement showing in his own way. “No one’s able to find it, huh? Challenge accepted,” he said. Glancing at his map, he made note of the locations to acquire symbol fragments. “Ok, so we just need to retrieve the symbol fragments, so that probably means our mystery cave is a beast temple. What do you think?” he asked, looking over to his party member.
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chronosbled · 3 years ago
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{ I used to be really into the .//hack fandom when I was a bit younger, but for some reason I ended up forgetting about the series? I don’t really know why, I just kinda did. It’s likely that I ended up hyperfixating on something else. I’ve recently been talking to mama (my friend Paloma) about stuff recently and I just got the desire to start musing in .//hack again, thus... I’m working on Haseo. }
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persona-persona · 5 years ago
playersoftheworld replied to your post “Takashi holds up a picture of a bunch of middle aged men. “I collect...”
*hands him ovan* heres a new addition
Takashi fistbumps. “Hell yeah, new dad.”
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scytheofredemption · 5 years ago
if you could have anyone you know from The World come to Isola, who would it be? (multiple characters listed is fine, ooc or ic answer is fine )
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“Why would I want anyone to be stuck in this hellhole? They’re much safer back home and not stuck here forced to switch between their PCs and original bodies. They’ve already dealt with the loss of their Avatars, to bring that back after they finally adjusted would be cruel.”
But a small part of him…did feel lonely without his friends despite his earlier words.
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“I guess if I had no choice to choose someone, it would be Ovan. He probably figure out a way to hack into those bastard’s computers and find a way back home.” 
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see-jess-write · 6 years ago
Was this okay for her to say? It was just talking and it wasn't as if she was bringing up satanic rituals or anything close to that. Not that she was into that sort of thing? Why did her mind go there? Anya chewed her inner cheek and went back to focusing on Rus. She held the leash loose in her hand but went ahead and tightened it, just to give herself something to do. 
"How long have you been in Toronto?" She went ahead and asked, to fill the quiet that felt as if it lasted too long when it could have been only for a few seconds in real time.
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terror0fdeath · 6 years ago
Haseo looked away quickly when the spotlight was suddenly on him. “You’re blockin the entrances to the Guilds, is all...” Shino had called them there and he very much would like to not be the last one to make it.
...Especially on the off chance Ovan was around.
Goro was playing The World again... much like any other day with how often his father had tests being run as he played.
In fact it was less a game and more a job at this point.... even now as he gave a dashing smile to the crowds of players and did a fancy manuver with his sword.
Everyone seemed to adore him as the PKK of ‘justice’. Everyone... except a player further back that seemed to be groaning.
Goro narrowed his eyes at the player and moved in closer to him. “Do you have a problem?” He asked, tone pleasant despite his inner annoyance.
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indigolovesong · 3 years ago
sorry sorry, the past week was birthday stuff but i'll focus on writing this week!
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please like for a starter call (specify muse!) or if you want me to drop a meme or ask!
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braveryhearted · 2 months ago
@pomniegranate ;; “ ... I don’t belong to anyone.” / Whoever you have the most muse for, I can work with most things ❤️💙
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The way the other player answered her question made it seemed like the girl that looked like a shadow warlock was a noobie by the way she responded. Smiling as to try to smooth the conversation back to a peaceful one, the harvest cleric assured the other.
"No, what guild you belong to? Every here in the WORLD belongs to one. I mean, you can go by yourself but with monsters and player killers around no matter where you go, being part of a guild and party is much more safer. You can sign up for Moon Tree. It's the guild I belong to and we help protect those that just want to enjoy the WORLD. It truly is a wonderful place, honest".
Maybe Atoli shot herself in the foot from mentioning the monsters and player killers but the latter was starting to go down thanks to administration and Haseo, if that was a consolation. Still, she offered a hand to help the other girl, since Atoli still had a feeling they were a new player.
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sentient-rift · 4 years ago
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"Let me guess; The dimensional rift is reacting."
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"Yes! But this time..."
Before Nana could finish, maniacal laughter could be heard from the rift.
"Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Fools! For ten thousand years, I've been sealed... And now I'm finally free!! Now you will all meet your dooms!!!"
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"Everyone, prepare yourselves!"
Soon, the Net began to shake. High amount of energy started emanating from the rift, and the mysterious being finally revealed themselves.
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"Boo! Did I scare ya?!"
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"You're Welch Vineyard! From Star Ocean: The Last Hope!"
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"At you're service! I noticed a distortion in the system, so I thought I'd check it out. And what do ya know, a whole new world!"
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"You gave us quite a scare! We thought you might have been an enemy!"
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"Can't ya take a joke, buddy? I thought it'd be boring if I just jumped out and said 'Hey! Nice ta meet cha!' Had to add a little spice to it, ya know!"
Welch then pulled out a ton of supplies and such from the rift and brought it to this dimension in a cartoonish fashion.
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"And thanks to this discovery of a new world, I don't have to go out of business! I can create useful items for ya, and even help you analyze this here rift! Come to Welch's Item Creation any time!"
(Welch Vineyard has joined the party!)
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terror0fdeath · 5 years ago
Ryou had been trying to hunt down the player known as Kite, and he had been so sure he found him, but... Everything he knew pointed him to think he was a cat of some sort. Small, not dangerous on the outside, but...
But here he was, staring at what seemed to be a wolf. Living where the player behind Kite was supposed to be. Shit... Should he still...
“A-are you the player they call Kite?!” Well, why not...
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