#muse and mun are feeling pretty similar tonight
emptypassicn-moved · 9 months
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@nebula-drcams        sent ;;
        “   comes in here and is a menace in ur askbox by throwing my url at you ”
From ;; Send me your URL and I’ll tell you // Accepting Only Tonight
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My Opinion on; Star (@/nebula-drcams)
Character in general: Star writes many canon characters but I will choose a few to comment on.
In canon I never cared much for Damien. The fact he's a little gremlin was amusing, sure, but he was never exactly all that interesting to me. I didn't get the fixation on him outside of just "Oh, other people ship him with Pip and that's why he's popular". Mole, on the other hand, I enjoy greatly. Obviously with how he's one of my two top primary muses. He barely existed for most of the movie but he certainly memorable to me for many reasons. He's also a favorite for many reasons.
Then, of course, Star has her OCs. Most notably, Nimue. While I can't really comment on my "opinions on the character in general" as if she was a canon character I can comment on my typical feelings towards OCs. I'm not usually the type to take to OCs. I never liked writng my own OCs, despite having them slowly being added to my blog now, and also never liked writing with other people's OCs. Far too many bad experiences.
How they play them: To put it simply, Star writes both canons and her own OC well.
I disliked most Damiens I've written with for various reasons. I'm always initially hesitant to write with them due to those reasons but Star's has been the exception. Her Damien is great, I like how he's written, even if he's honestly pretty opposite to how I write my own (SP) Damien. I don't really gush about my muse relations openly but I enjoy how my Mole and her Damien are friends. Her Damien is, quite literally, my Mole's closest and most trusted friend even if they are menaces to one another. I also like how she's written Damien when it comes to interacting with my Pip who, notably, does not like Damien very much usually. Her Damien was the only one I've ever written with so far that acknowledged he fucked up, he hurt Pip, and was willing to just avoid Pip to avoid him being uncomfortable. I can't really openly state certain things I've discussed with her about Damien and my own muses but some stuff we've talked about with them is great to me and he is the only Damien I "GRIPS (affectionate)".
I also tend to dislike most Moles I've written with. They're too soft or too much of an asshole, they can't comprehend a decent in between. Also, Mole is just a muse I squint more frequently at due to his status as one of my top two primary muses. But her Mole has been pretty good. I have had some minor squints at the portrayal but those weren't necessarily her fault. I also do adore the verse I have specific to my Gregory for her Mole too. It's a stupid trope more than likely, so that's how you know it was my suggestion, but I do enjoy it.
Nimue I do enjoy immensely as a character, I do enjoy hearing about her from Star and reading posts about her when they come onto my dash. She gets both the prize of the first OC I'd agreed to write against, outside of a public chat rp setting, in years and the first OC for me to willingly ship with in years. She's a well thought out OC with effort put into her even if her basic backstory / background can be a bit cliche or squinty. But, even with that, Star works that specific trope in OCs well. She doesn't make Nimue pull any "woe is me" shit over her struggles in life which many OCs with similar sounding backstories have. Nimue is special sort of OC in my opinion, to say the least.
The Mun: Star is neat.
She's quite nice, to be honest. She's also basically the reason I remained on Tumblr after initially feeling terrible about some shit on one of my "old" blogs I'd say. She's also basically been the one to help me in comprehending certain things about Tumblr based roleplay since previously I solely roleplayed in places that functioned completely differently. She's very understanding about the fact that I'm an awfully slow writer at times, communicates with me, and in general puts up with me. Hell, she's even let me force into watching various things about my interests. From GHS to various versions of GE to different versions of Les Mis to DT17 + DWD and also other shit. The only real "issues" I can ever recall having with Star are through a poor statement on my part and me occasionally not really "getting" certain things when we talk. Also her sending me that fucking dancing toothless gif-- /j
Do I:
RP with them: Yes.
Want to RP with them: Of course.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Very cool. Very epic.
Shout out to the poly. /j
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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hvlloweens-a · 3 years
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                             * 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡, 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬.
within the social hierarchy of malibu’s elite , they’re not quite at the top but they’re very well acquainted with a life of luxury . they’re no stranger to attending award shows or casually name-dropping to get a last-minute dinner reservation booked .  some are able to fly under the radar with minimal fallout while others are desperate to climb the social ladder — no matter what it takes . wherever they’re currently ranked , the group was brought together by their similar social circles and the amount of zeroes in their bank account . will their hedonistic tendencies be their downfall or will they eventually be able to rub elbows with a-listers ? 
this is a semi - plotless d*scrd verse about a group of young adults ( aged 21 - 26 ) located in malibu , california . the group consists of “ rich kids ” who aren’t a-listers . . . think nepotism babies , former child stars , c-listers , small social media influencers , actors who can only snag minor roles , musicians that can’t quite get their footing with a label , etc . this isn’t a secrets rp but mock tabloids will be made periodically and events/plot drops will help the group from growing stagnant . < 3 
standard rules apply . we’re adults  !
( 1 ) no ooc drama . i am here for you if something is wrong but please be mature about your complaints and concerns . be able to distinguish between ic and ooc drama ! if you cause ooc drama , you’ll be removed from the group with no warning .
( 2 ) no godmodding or bubble roleplaying . try to keep complaining/negativity in the ooc chat relatively minimal and no cliquey vibes . with these , you’ll get one warning before you’re removed .
( 3 ) mature themes are likely going to be present in this verse so be mindful before applying . please censor possible triggering content and mark channels as nsfw if necessary . you must be 20+ to join and muses are expected to be 21+ . you can follow a +4/-4 rule when age bending !
( 4 ) tentatively , the mun cap is ten and you’re allowed to apply with 2 muses . please be diverse in your choices — if you apply with two muses, one must be a poc , body diverse or gender diverse .
( 5 ) there is no formal activity limit but weekly interest checks will be posted . although there is no activity limit and real life always comes first , i hope everyone can do a little something nearly every day . . . even if it’s posting a couple of musings or hanging out in the ooc gc for a bit ! text interactions will be allowed but engaging in para interactions is highly encouraged , as well .
𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. - please send your app through my submit !
( fc , gender, pronouns ) i’m pretty sure i overheard FIRST LAST making reservations for nobu tonight. according to their social media , they’re a AGE IN LETTERS year old ZODIAC that can be described as POSITIVE and NEGATIVE . NICKNAME is currently a/n OCCUPATION which explains how they can afford to live in malibu . . . i’d describe them as 3-5 AESTHETICS . written by alias, pronouns, age, url, tmz.
please include a little something extra for me to get a feeling for your muse . . . it could be a playlist, a pinterest board, a handful of hcs, edits/graphics — whatever you’d like to include !
taken :
madelyn cline 
app count :
x14 ( _delizzle , hugh laughton scott ,  annxhy , isabella jones, aminé , rudy pankow , nicholas skidmore , romanneinc, ocean lewis , sophie turner , evan mock , sohni ahmed , emilio sakraya, madison bailey )
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umbralich · 5 years
Never ending survey
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RULES: Repost, do not reblog. Tag 10 blogs!
Tagged by: @lareine-kira and @paleshadeofrose
Tagging: @hangedemperor , @istolin , @maximiloix , @trahja-tia , @eorzeasfrozenknight , @charm-in-spades , @thorcatte , @haila-wetyios , @a-sharlayan-abroad
FULL NAME: Varg Blacksoul, formerly Timur Oronir NICKNAME: Varg-Varg (given by Lareine), Stiffy and Grumpy (given by Silke) AGE:  54 BIRTHDAY:  9th sun of the 1st astral moon ETHNIC GROUP: Xaela Au Ra NATIONALITY: Othard, Ishgard LANGUAGE/S: Common, xaelic, ishgardian SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Demisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single and not looking for company. HOME TOWN / AREA:  Dawn Throne, Azim Steppe CURRENT HOME:  Pillars, Ishgard PROFESSION: Paladin, medic/healer at Ishgard’s service.
HAIR: Long and silvery grey. EYES: Black with white limbal rings, small irises. FACE: Angular features, long nose, high cheekbones. LIPS: Narrow, often cracked, slightly darker than his usual skin color. COMPLEXION: Grayish purple BLEMISHES: Dark circles SCARS: Lots of scars which he keeps hidden at all times. Two thick, long ones are visible and almost go across his right eye. TATTOOS: No tattoos. HEIGHT:  210cm WEIGHT: Slightly underweight BUILD: Slender but masculine, somewhat toned. FEATURES: Black markings around eyes, and naturally thick, black claws. ALLERGIES: None USUAL HAIR STYLE: At work or formal meetings it’s combed back either completely or with some locks on his temples left loose. In more casual situations he mostly just lets it be. USUAL FACE LOOK: Calm, focused, narrowed eyes. USUAL CLOTHING:  Full, dignified heavy armor or parts of it combined with a long coat, formal robes, jodhpurs, vests, blouses and high-heeled boots.
FEAR/S: Imprisonment, being held or tied down, physical pain, betrayal. ASPIRATION/S: To be successful, self-sufficient and powerful until the end, to bring as many as possible wrongdoers to justice, to find an heir, and catch people still on the loose who managed to escape his revenge long ago.
POSITIVE TRAITS: He keeps his word, doesn’t leave things unfinished, is a good motivator for slackers, aims for high-quality results in everything, is reasonable and logical.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Insensible towards most of people, logic always comes before his own or other people’s feelings, very straightforward, capable of cruelty if necessary.
VICE HABIT/S: Smoking. He hates it, but it’s the least harmful thing that calms his nerves down, and he’s addicted. He tries to limit it though, and use it only in worst occasions, since he doesn’t want the side effects affecting his health or work. If things get especially grim, he also has full stashes of potent liquor and intravenous sedatives.
FAITH: Science usually comes first, but he’s also spiritual in some way. It’s one of those topics he doesn’t discuss with anyone. Some of his duties include working as a cleric, so it may have something to do with Halone. Or then it doesn’t, and it’s just another job.
GHOSTS?: Has seen them with his own eyes so can’t deny their existence. AFTERLIFE?: He hopes it exists, for reasons. REINCARNATION?: It’s a possibility.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Generally neutral, but on demand would choose the side of underdogs: ignoble, the poor and the sick, minors etc. Wouldn’t show his alignment publicly if it was a threat to himself. Would also pretend to be supporting the oppressor, only trying to sabotage their work at every opportunity. Even I’m not sure would he actually die for anyone else or some common cause. He has fled once to save his own hide and he could do it again. Knows main points of what’s going on and where around the world for the sake of common knowledge, but is only interested in topics that concern himself. Has been a target for racists since arriving to Ishgard as a teenager, so he despises them from the bottom of his heart.
FATHER : Not relevant MOTHER :  Not relevant SIBLINGS : None that he knows of EXTENDED FAMILY: Iris Ymir (patient and protege) and Arsene Dreadeois (butler)
Timur is a Turkic and Mongolic name which literally means iron. In Indonesian, timur translates to east and symbolizes hope by the rising sun.
All members of the Oronir tribe believe themselves to be direct descendants of Azim, the tribe's god of the sun.
Varg is wolf in swedish. Varg was also originally a nickname given by his friends at the Steppe. It was the only thing he kept after starting his new life in Ishgard and severing his ties with his homeland.
Blacksoul was given by his comrades in the army for being so ruthless towards enemies - both the ones on the battlefield and the ones captured.
BOOK:  Science, mythology, swordplay, alchemy, etc. Everything that has something to do with his work or hobbies. DEITY: Halone seems to share most of his values. HOLIDAY: Doesn’t celebrate any. MONTH: September and October. There isn’t many little things in life he gets pleasure from, but fall colors is one of them. SEASON: Fall and winter. PLACE: His estate, cathedrals, libraries and forges. WEATHER: Thick fog, rain and sunshine at the same time. SOUND/S: Fire, rain and musical instruments when someone who actually knows what they’re doing plays them. SCENT/S: Herbs, iron, parchment. TASTE/S:  Whisky, tea, whatever Arsene makes. FEEL/S:  Clean clothes, heat radiating from a fireplace. ANIMAL/S:  Doesn’t like animals except for his chocobo, Mori. NUMBER: Doesn’t care about numbers. COLORS: White, black, blood red, gold, silver.
TALENTS: Accuracy of a chirurgeon, skillful with swords, managing to define a goal fast in any kind of surprising situation and being very patient and stubborn at achieving it.  BAD AT: Admitting he has weaknesses, comforting people, having fun, small talk, relaxing. HOBBIES: Reading, studying, weapon maintenance, alchemy. TROPES: Antihero, tragic hero and mad scientist. Definitely could also be a villain. Depends on whom you ask.
“Since you seem to be so worried of my… customers, perhaps I should take you along the next time I interrogate them. You would see with your own eyes what kind of delicate, exquisite and misunderstood individuals they are, when they spit on you, mock their victims and brag about the amount of people they have raped or murdered.”
“Today it happens. Make sure she is out of here before I return tonight. I am no longer even sure which one of them is the worse one.”
“It was a mere procedure. If procedures were considered intimate, I would be close friends with half of Ishgard by now.”
“Do tell me... If you work as much as you claim, how come you are always broke when we meet?”
“Very well. Play something for me. Let us see are you a man of your word.”
Q1 :  If you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  He’s been busy sticking his spoon into so many soups during his life that you could probably make a trilogy of his fooleries feats. The first part would tell about his early life in Azim Steppe and how he was forced to leave from there, the second part about how he found his soulmate and adapted to his new life in Ishgard, and how it all eventually ended up into a shitstorm, and the third one would be the current storyline. No clue about the name, though. The Soulforge would be perfect but too bad it’s taken.
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 : Bloodborne, Dark Souls and Amnesia the Dark Descent OSTs are absolutely the closest ones you could get to Varg. Orchestral, choir, bowed string instruments, both epic and monstrous. Even if there were more peaceful pieces here and there, while listening to them you’d still have that same feeling of dread you used to have while playing the original Resident Evil and Silent Hill games and finding a safe room: you just barely escaped death but can’t stay in the safe haven forever.
Q3 : Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 : He’s quite different compared to my Forsaken shadow priestess in WoW, whom I used to RP for... two or three years? Long story short: I wanted something else for a change. I also used to have an old Forsaken death knight, who was a lot more similar to Varg, but he was more evil. He existed pretty much only for occasions when someone needed a true villain for some plot. He was funny however and I always thought it was a pity I didn’t get chances to RP him more often.
Q4 : What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 : He’s a mixture of four different OCs of mine, with a bit of his original spice ofc. One of them came into being in, uh, somewhat obscure conditions. Kept seeing him in my dreams when I was a kid, and he became one of my imaginary friends I used to have back then. And not just one of the many, but the closest one. Also generally in entertainment I couldn’t care less about Lukes and Frodos. Villains, tragic heroes and the like are my thing. They’re usually the most multilayered and interesting characters.
Q5 : Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 : Perfectionism. I’m similar and it sometimes drives me nuts to watch him neglecting himself while trying to achieve perfection. If I could physically talk to him I would go and slap him and be like “EAT. SLEEP. YES THE THING IS GOOD ENOUGH ALREADY. LEAVE IT.”
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :  Well, already kind of answered this one, but wait, there’s more: insomnia, nightmares, PTSD, misanthropy and cynicism come to mind first. And booze. How could I almost forget booze? I believe I know what misery is so I’m good at RPing miserable characters and make them look as authentic as possible. *lols like Alcyone from Magic Knight Rayearth* We both also have a strong sense of justice and nonexistent sympathy for those who use others as stepping stones. Aye I know, sounds a lot like a self-insert character, but it’s not like that. It’s more like... before meeting him/the OCs he’s based on, I used to be quite a scentless and tasteless kid. Similarities and peer support attract. And I’ve also learned from him.
It’s also a lot like me and Lareine. We became friends because we had 95% of the same interests and problems but perhaps that’s why we get along so well and understand each other.
Q7 :  How does  your muse feel about  you?          
A7 :  He would probably hate and like me at the same time. Or couldn’t decide. We both like peace and quiet, doing our job well is fundamental and our basic values are pretty much the same. We would get along well if we worked in the same place. However, unlike him, I have some horrid procrastination seasons, crippling self-esteem issues, tend to put other people’s needs and opinions above my own and keep stressing about things for 7 billion souls instead of just myself. I’m suspicious of pretty much everything else except Lareine and our plushie crow Agatha, except that Agatha creeps me out sometimes as well when she takes out a knife and sits next to my bed at night, staring at me, can’t watch Hachiko without bawling my eyes out during the entire movie, love puppies and kittens and danger noodles and I’m addicted to video games. Very likely he’d kick me out as well.
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?        
A8 : Varg would never admit it to himself, but I think he gets best along with people who are a bit silly in some way, and who get on his nerves by being too carefree and doing stupid things. Lareine and Iris, when they’re behaving. Arsene, who’s kind at everyone. Currently Shaura is my favorite. Varg himself is so uptight people like them help breaking his gray routines. Also a bonus: he doesn’t see them as a threat, so that’s probably the closest he’s able to get to relaxing among other people.
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse?        
A9 : I’m a fan of my own characters. It doesn’t feel like I would’ve created them. I saw them with my third eye or something and I’ve just written for others to read what I’ve seen. I don’t plan RPs beforehand. I just let the hound loose and let him do whatever he wants. So far I haven’t got tired of my characters’ antics and could just write more. The only obstacles are limited hours per day, necessary evils like eating and sleeping, procrastination, trying to sort out my life, and the damn FFXIV. SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE IT OUT OF MY HANDS.
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?          
A10 : Ehh, maybe 4-5 hours.
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can be used for RP  &&  non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen
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1. FIRST NAME  : cline 
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF  : i can’t drink tea. it’s not that i dislike it, there’s some tea flavors that are really good! but tea...drinking it, being around it for too long (as in i can’t go into a fucking teavanna for v long)...it makes my head fuzzy and i start feeling dizzy so i have to sit down. it seems apple cider has a similar effect, but it’s worse when it’s hot. and it’s definitely not the caffeine bc i subsist on caffeine. but like i don’t know if “fresh air” helps bc my best friend dragged me to teavanna at a mall and even when i left the store and sat down on a bench it took me a WHILE to even begin feeling better. don’t know what it is! 
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON  : i...hm. i don’t really know what i find attractive in real people? because it’s pretty all over the place. fictional characters is like... glasses, long hair, and women who can kill me
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF  : i am a highly picky eater so i don’t know i actually have smth that fits this, but probably potatoes...and i have an issue where my body doesn’t like eating things after having them for a while so!! 
5. A FOOD YOU HATE  : cabbage. mushrooms. bacon. tomatoes. don’t like most steaks, either. 
6. GUILTY PLEASURE  :  i feel guilty for every pleasurable thing i do so joke’s on you but i sure love collecting pins and my father gives me shit for it!!!
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN  :  ask my partner and they will tell you--i hate shirts. so honestly? my underwear LMAO. otherwise comfy shirts and softe pants. 
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS  : ooc--serious relationships. ic--depends on the muse. date here is “what he thinks are flings but turn into serious relationships” honestly. 
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE  ,  WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE  : hahahaha boi this is a question you should Never ask me. if it was something that i could Change No Matter What? then that’d be my mom dying. if it’s smth that’s dependent upon my own power then i would’ve just...idk. ig talked to her abt some stuff that i need answers to and also say goodbye properly. 
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON  :  very!!! esp when i’ve had alcohol then i tell my friends how much i love them repeatedly 
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN  :  barbie princess and the pauper barbie princess and the pauper barbie princess and the pau
12. FAVORITE BOOK  :  oh damn. i haven’t like, actually read a book in so long. i would probably say....dealing with dragons tho, the first book in the enchanted forest chronicles. 
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE  : i just want a cat. and a dog. i want a POM. i know this is supposed to probs be like for exotic pets but even in a world where i can acquire one--not happening. 
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS   (  IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG  ,  YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL  )  : okay umm...hm. top ships rn on date are just date/yomiel, date/kite, date/anna--they’re ALL GOOD. but ough otherwise? sunshine cupcake, fluri, wrightworth, science richass, and juleezen the moon is beautiful tonight. what are half of those ships you ask? it is a mystery ;)
15. PIE OR CAKE  : hmm...i think i like more cakes than i like pies ngl
16. FAVORITE SCENT  :  pink. just. just pink. i went to bath and body works and bought p much every pink soap i could find. 
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH  :  lynda carter probably 
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO  : hmm...i would like to go to japan. but only if my partner is with me. 
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT  :  introverted as HELL. i go thru long periods of no human interaction and i build up my energy and then expend it all at once and then i have to go home and die. 
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY  : nnnnot really when it comes to horror. but irl? i hear a strange noise late at night or if i’m alone? a man raises his voice? i’m in fuckin fight or flight mode baybee
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID  : android bc it’s. the only type of phone i’ve had gksehgh
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES  : yea. like so many. (gestures @ aitsf??) i like visual novels, jrpgs, and calm shit like animal crossing & story of seasons. literally like. all my current muses (and strongest in reserve muses) are from viddy games. also if i don’t answer ur messages assume i’m either playing pocket camp or sleeping. 
23. DREAM JOB  : 50s housewife. which...is very similar to what sanchan mun said HM. i would love to be an author deadass. and childhood me yells “ballerina” in my ear. but i haven’t done ballet since preschool rip...
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS  :  i would...buy myself and my partner a cute lil house. and some pets. and save for our singular child. and also pay for our wedding. and donate to all my friends who need it...
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE  : matoba seiji? it’s on fucking sight. 
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER  : on god? i feel like quite a few. but there’s one in particular that’s a very cursed...VERY CURSED series and i don’t want to admit to it. 
TAGGED BY  :  sandalphon! 
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idchaekyung-blog · 6 years
              hello, idolize ! after inspiration slapped me in the face late last night, and after writing my baby’s bio in only a few hours, i can happily say that i’m overjoyed to be accepted into this beautiful group with my one and only: song chaekyung, or bella. she’s a twenty-seven year vocal prodigy who’s sitting pretty as the main vocalist ( and lousiest dancer ) in 99′s heaven. she’s had a long career, and hopes to make it even longer by eventually going solo, but that all will come in time. for now, though, i’ve left some tl;dr information below the read-more, and if any of you lovelies would be interested in plotting with us, please feel free to like this post ! i’ll be making my way through welcome messages tonight / tomorrow, so i can’t wait to talk to all of you and get to know you better. let’s all have a good time, yeah? xx.
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basics !
> chaekyung trained under 99 entertainment from ‘09 to ‘10, and was quick to début. > honestly, she thought it’d be a piece of cake in training, but surprise !!!! it wasn’t, lol > she has a strong opera background, so she had to unlearn some classical technique in order to better fit the mold that 99 was trying to shape for heaven. it was frustrating, and really, she probably contemplated quitting more than a few times, but she needed to prove to herself that she was good enough at her craft, and to show her mother that she could be successful, so she stayed the course, and now... well, let’s just say that she’s so, so, sooo glad that she did. > tw: parental abuse. speaking of her mother, she was abused by her for many, many years, and it stemmed from a very complicated background. see, chaekyung’s mom was also an opera singer / musical theatre actress, but it didn’t come as naturally to her as it did to her daughter. that being said, she turned resentful, jealous, and bitter. she’s still recovering from all of the slurs, and the negative comments, and the mental abuse, but with age, she’s gotten better about coping with all of that leftover baggage. she writes a lot of songs about it tbh. > truth be told, she’s one of the best singers in the industry, but she can’t have it all, of course. her pipes are pristine, but girl can’t dance... like, at all. she tries, and it’s sweet, but she seldom gets the desired effect. it’s what lands her in hot water the most, and has throughout her whole career, and it wasn’t until recently when she decided to swallow her pride and try to improve. > she’s kinda addicted to work, but has lots of fun little hobbies she loves to do, too. for ex, she loves to cook, and is damn good at it, too. it’s something that more-or-less came natural to her. additionally, she’s taken up writing poems and lyrics, and hopes to include most of what she’s penned in her solo efforts in the future. it’s become an all-out passion for her, tbh. > interested in learning more? feel free to read her profile or bio, or shoot me a message !
desired plots !
> first and foremost, i would love for her to have an absolute ride-or-die best friend around, preferably one that’s around her same age, ‘89 to ‘94 liner, or in her same group, that she truly relies on for everything. she would reciprocate, of course, but being that she’s kind of going through a lot at the moment, she would seriously need a shoulder to lean on every once in awhile. tw: death / cancer. she’s recently learned that her mom only has few months to live before succumbing to her ovarian cancer, so she really needs to vent things out and open up. > additionally, i’d love a good ol’ fashion rivalry plot-line, particularly one that explores your muse as a fantastic dancer, and mine as an amazing singer. mine has what yours doesn’t, and vice versa, and instead of teaming up to help each other out, they just live in bitterness and sit in it... refusing to swallow their prides to compliment each other, much less even talk, hah. for this, i think it’d make most sense if your muse were a female-identified person, but i’m open ! > while she’s a bit addicted to working, there are times, especially in heaven’s off-seasons, where she yearns for romance and sex, so i’d love for her to have a man that she can go to for either option, really. it can be a simple fwb situation, or something deeper, but i’d love for her to get a little possessive over someone, even if the feelings aren’t reciprocated. fun fact: she’s into younger men, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that she only hooks up with / dates them in an exclusive fashion. if you’re handsome, and treat her well, she’s definitely interested, hah. for this, i’m going to require that the mun / muse are both 18 or older internationally. thanks ! > in a similar motion, she’s always been a little curious about the same-sex, so if any girl out there is interested in showing her the ropes with no-strings-attached, hit her up lol. like the plot above, i’m gonna require that the mun, and muse, are both over 18 internationally. thanks ! > really, i’d love any and all plots, and i’ll be adding a deeper plot page soon, but these are a few that i can think of right now, so if any of these intrigue you, please let me know !
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itashiro-hitsuchiha · 7 years
Random Post from Mun-Current RP wishlist
This is mainly just a random post of me listing out some of my most recent interests when it comes to my RP threads. It also double counts as a minor apology for my lack of replies all around. My mind hasn’t been in the right place for replies lately. Even for threads I was excited about to respond to. But yeah. I’ll get to replies later tonight but I figure i’d put this up in case anyone finds any of these ideas interesting and wants to try them out. I’ll put them under a read more just to save on dash space.
Alright well here we go. just a small list of thread Ideas I have some are simple but others would require a lot of set up and plotting. there aren’t that many right now but if any of them interest you feel free to message me about it and we can get it started.
1. New OC Intro- My number one thread idea I want to try out is introducing a new Naruto OC of mine. Preferably with another Naruto muse blog. OC or canon is fine. Leaf village setting is also preferred. Crossovers could also work as well. This would mainly be a meet and greet thread as a means of helping me flesh out this character more. The Character’s name is Shira Yuki (not related to my other OC named Shira. to avoid confusion you can call her Yuki for short or just use her full name.) She is an Ice-style user who belongs to the same clan as Haku did, but she hasn’t personally met him and isn’t directly related to him. But she has a similar appearance to him. She has green eyes to separate herself from Haku and as also has an interest in the medical field but is very talented at using her Ice-Style. More information about her can be given upon request but that should be sufficient for now. Her age can differ depending on what point in time the thread will take place.
2. Reini and Lucy- another idea I’ve been wanting to try out is a Fairy Tail thread with my OC Reini (who is a celestial spirit wizard) and a Lucy blog. I figure it would be interesting for a Lucy to meet another celestial spirit wizard with an interesting array of custom spirits I’ve made as well. Nothing much more to explain with this one.
3. Kagehana exploration- While I technically have a thread like this one already in play with @celestial-signs-and-stars (really good Lucy blog. Highly recommend following). I am always in search of others who are interested in this Naruto OC whom I’m constantly trying to cement certain aspects of her character as well as trying to explore her more and discover new sides of her.
That’s pretty much all I have at the moment. Just some things I’ve been really wanting to do lately but it is challenging finding people who are interested. But I always stay positive. Although it is most likely due to my inability to actually communicate with people about it (mun is actually a shy potato). But this could help me push forward and actually try to contact people I think would be interested. For now this will suffice. And if you have any of your own ideas or threads you’ve been wanting to try out feel free to contact me about it. I’m open to pretty much anything. I just have to actually get on and reply more often than I have been these past couple weeks.
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southparkgodfather · 7 years
back at it again
1) Mun information: Name/Nickname: Shan Preferred pronouns: She/her Age: 15 Timezone: UTC
2) Muse information: Name: Wendy Testaburger Mob Alias: Black Widow Age: 19 Birthday: December 18th Height: 5'6 Mafia: La Cosa Nostra Appearance: Wendy usually wears her casual ‘Flapper’ attire - consisting of a dress that ends mid-thigh. From it, hangs many different and individual strings, all of which move in the same direction she walks. The garment is a dark purple in colour, the strings being black. It ends around her chest area, only the spaghetti-string straps keeping it so far up. Around the collar is a golden plate, all sorts of pearls and diamonds embedding into it. A pair of long, black silk gloves are worn, usually ending just above her elbow, a bracelet is worn over one on either arm. A feather boa of the same colour hangs loosely from her arms, acting as something similar to a shawl. A pair of long diamond earrings barely brush against her shoulders, matching her accompanying jewellery. Those familiar ebony locks are styled back into either a side-bun, or alternatively left to cascade effortlessly down the curve of her back. Atop them, a headband lays, a singular feather sticking out from the top. Her legs are left bare, only being covered by the single black garter that barely pokes out from underneath her dress, attached to it being a small holster - fit for any small weapon. Usually wears a pair of snazzy high heels, something dark in colour.
Occupation: Bait Girl (?)/Mercenary - Flappers are known for their disregard for social norms and usual gender roles by wearing excessive makeup, drinking, smoking, driving automobiles, and otherwise flouting social and sexual norms. Wendy, having no respect for the strict rules society had set up for her and her fellow women to live by, chose to join the movement that would shock the surrounding area. People are usually captivated by her uncaring nature, it entrancing them to no end. Taking this on board, Wendy uses their fascination against them by using her abilities to manipulate others into doing whatever it is needed by La Cosa Nostra, whether that be roping them into drug trades, alcohol bootlegging rings, or merely assassinating someone who proved to be a potential threat to her family.
Backstory: From a young age, Wendy never usually agreed with the fact that there was a thick border between the roles of a man in society, and that of a woman. She never really understood it. Having being raised in a strict mafia-riddled household, she was always brought up to be feminine and polite - the simple characteristics of the perfect female. This aggravated her. She could do anything a guy could do. Hell, she could lead her own mob! As times passed by, she was slowly introduced to the world of women who felt the same discrimination she did. This movement had its origins in the liberal period of the Roaring Twenties the social, political turbulence and increased transatlantic cultural exchange that followed the end of World War I. People had a similar mindset to her own, and slowly, the young girl adapted the Flapper lifestyle into her own, except less of the sexuality issues for her own personal preferences. At first, her father was furious. But, after some consultations with his fellow Mafia members, Wendy was deemed useful. She was strong, independent and still had that prominent femininity within her personality. It was a perfect balance between the two. And thus, Wendy “The Black Widow” Testaburger was born.
3) At least 5 headcanons about your muse:
- Carries around a thin pipe for decoration, would never truly smoke from it unless it was deemed necessary or she was overcome with stress. - The apple of her father’s eye. She usually reports back to him with either cash or reports on what she had achieved in her last mission. He rewards her with her own cut of the profit. - Usually carries around a tiny pistol within the holster around her thigh, sometimes a knife on more private occasions with a victim. - Her life has revolved around murder and crime, so she never really got to live a normal childhood. Despite this, she still carries an advanced intelligence and still makes time to focus on her studies when she isn’t on duty. - Very opinionated. Isn’t scared of the other Mafia members, and /will/ tell you if you’re being stupid without shame. - A perfectionist. Don’t expect Wendy to do a half-assed job. She will plan a perfect murder. - Destined to take over her father’s title one day, so she is set on proving herself capable.
4) Sample Paragraph, give at least 1-2 paragraphs that showcase your roleplaying, the only limit is your creativity:
The bar was clearing out now, drunks stumbling around aimlessly while yelling an array of nonsense. That, combined with the blaring jazz music that resonated throughout the joint, proved to be terribly loud. But, it was Friday night. An excuse to have fun, right? Not for Wendy. Her work never had a set schedule, she only had to act when she was called upon. Not like it bothered her, though. It wast hard, especially her current mission. Murders were usually simple, they never involved the extra work of having to manipulate /and/ trick someone into doing your dirty work. Plus, I mean, who wants to spend all night chasing after some lousy bum? She had her own life, too.
Standing in the corner of the bar, those icily coloured orbs scanned over the remaining crowd. She blinked, narrowing her eyes as she searched for her next victim. He was to be here tonight, surely. The reports given to her said so, and they had yet to let her down.
There he was, sitting over the bar with a woman on either arm. The raven scoffed, honestly disgusted at how someone could belittle themselves, especially that of a decent looking female. The man was prestigious, a well-known name throughout the community. He had it all, money, women, looks, cars, you name it. And he proved to be a serious threat to La Cosa Nostra.
Clearing her throat, Wendy took a seat on the opposing stool beside him, staring ahead at the drinks stocked behind the bar. Her hand rose to her lips, placing the pipe between it. She inhaled before retracting it, the smoke still in her mouth. “What’s a pretty lady like you doin’ all here alone, huh?” The man turned to her with a grin, gaze trailing up and down her figure hungrily. It was almost impossible to hold back the gag. What a sleaze bag. The two other women proved to be drunk off their asses, so they didn’t really give a shit that their beloved was talking to some other girl. But, unlike them, Wendy had class.
Turning, the young Testaburger looks at him, one leg crossing over the other. Her head falls, resting on the hand that had propped itself up against the wood. She exhaled, blowing a cloud of smoke into the man’s face. “I can come here and not have to leave on your arm.” Play it casual. Be yourself. That’s what gets them going the most. And so, she continued, shooting witty comments and intelligent replies in his direction. By the end of the night, he looked at her in awe.
The bar was empty now, only a few workers and stray drinkers left lingering around. Wendy and this male still sat at the top though, both laughing and cracking jokes as if they had known eachother a lifetime. She had to make them feel comfortable, thinking that she is far from a threat. Her hand is grabbed, and she is gently pulled from her seat. Her future victim clings onto her clothed digits loosely, quietly guiding her to the bathrooms. Of course, what else could someone like him want other than sex?
Wendy reached down, pulling up her skirt so that her holster was easily accessible. Grabbing the handle, she whips out a small dagger, flipping it open. The door closes behind the two as they’re squeezed into a tight bathroom stall, the light chatter and music was drowned out by the groans of pain emitting from the man, him clutching at his abdomen. His white suit soon turned a dark crimson as blood soaked into it. Wendy twists the knife that was inserted before pulling it up to his chest, slicing the skin deeply. He gasps, falling back against the wall for leverage. He slides down it, blood being smeared down the tiles as he falls into a sitting position on the toilet. The girl tears out her knife and shakes the remaining fluids from it. We couldn’t have it rust now, could we?
Those bright eyes stared down at the lifeless body in boredom. “Heh, wise guy.” This wasn’t anything new, just another death to add to the never ending list. If her calculations were correct, there should be a car outside waiting for her, judging by the time, anyways. It would take both her and the corpse to a disclosed location where she could fully rid of its remains.
Who knows what the newspaper headlines would say tomorrow? They’ll never know when The Black Widow may strike.
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renaite · 9 years
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     “I am so goddamn tired of just being pushed around!”
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