#muse — drew mcintyre
legacyfiless · 1 month
cont from here . @bestinthewrld
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every single passing day felt like it was going slower with the more time that was spent spiralling about someone that didn’t even matter to him last year. whenever this started — drew didn’t expect the total gut wrenching, life controlling, week ruining emotions to come along with it. he knew for certain that he didn’t like the man. but that was too simple, far too simple. hate was something that everybody felt towards someone around here, it’s a given in every chance to a pretty gold championship, it’s fuel given to do better and push yourself to the extremes. thing is? drew is too far gone. its reached a breaking point where its beyond just a sense of hatred. he wishes the worst with every minute that passes and watches punk’s every move whenever he’s around. head on a swivel. after the constant attacks he’s got a lingering anxiety, one that he’d never admit out loud to feeling, no, no, drew is far too afraid of showing vulnerability now. especially when it could so easily be used against him. there was no mercy here. any remorse slipped out the window months ago.
and now here they were again. toe to toe, inches between them with the consistent urge not to lunge forward and crack him in the face like he deserved. punks words were like venom to drew’s face, scoffing as the other man spoke. he knew how pathetic he was acting right now, laughing or rolling his eyes at everything that had to be said, but drew didn’t have a respectful bone left in his body for punk and he was pretty certain that it would never come back.
“ what do i want from you? ” his tone already raised in volume, a switch turning on, already angry at the utter stupidity he thought he was listening to right now. “ why is it always me? you can never be the bad guy can you, punk? weeks. i spent weeks growing eyes on the back of my head just waiting for you to come sneaking out of the shadows, ready to attack. you’re pathetic. i was trying to do my own thing and you interrupted it. you did this and now you’re the victim? ”
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admittedly drew did turn things up a notch out of pure spite, but he couldn’t just let punk walk all over him. not after that cash in cost. though for once it felt nice to hear a word from punks mouth, claiming that he did indeed prove himself to be the better man. it was all a silver lining, just a small piece of something nice in a pile of hatred that was close to boiling back over again “ there you go, you’ve nailed it, finally ” it’s like punk took the words right of his mouth. drew wanted him dead, it was a loop of these feelings getting worse and worse, gyrating on every day that he lived that turned out to be filled with misery. the only thing that could fix it would be for his presence to disappear from drew’s life.
“ i’ll never be happy until you’re gone, permanently. y’know sometimes i get seth— he hates you just as much as i do and wants you gone. well i get it now. but i want you more than gone, i don’t want to ever lay my eyes on you ever again. i don’t want to hear your name or your voice, i don’t want to see your pictures online. i need you out of my life permanently ”
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mondaysaglitch · 6 months
i am eating well 2nite
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thlayli-ra · 28 days
Punkintyre; a twisted love story
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As anyone who follows my blog knows, I like posting my headcanons and LOVE posting about Punkintyre, and yet the two have never met... until now! This will be very long and probably split into different parts as I have a lot to say about them. So sit, back, relax and enjoy.
***Please note; this is all my own personal headcanons just for a bit of fun***
Punkintyre, at its core, is a story of obsession, possession and hate. Fiercely passionate hate. The kind of hate that consumes the soul entirely, and once it has destroyed the vessel, it goes on to destroy everything else around it.
But above all, to me, the essence of Punkintyre is that it's a story of unrequited love.
To understand this better, let's look at the players in this ship;
Drew McIntyre - 'You complete me!'
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By the close of 2023, Drew was already a good girl gone bad. Having been a popular babyface for years, his attitude had noticeably changed after a series of disappointing losses, becoming more aggressive, ruthless and caring only about himself. The crowd didn't like this new direction and were rapidly turning on him.
Then hell froze over! CM Punk made his glorious return.
And Drew had an epiphany! Here was a true villain, a man currently looming beneath a large, dark cloud. A cancer. A disease, threatening to infect the WWE with his sickness. At the Royal Rumble, he targeted Punk and injured him, putting him out on the shelf for months. Drew basked in his triumph, calling himself the Saviour of Wrestlemania and waited with anticipation for his flowers. Because, if there was one thing that was guaranteed, it was that everybody hated Punk far more than they hated Drew.
Except... they didn't! The mindless drones had already been swayed by the lies of the wolf in sheep's clothing, had already fallen for Punk and his cult of personality. Drew made it his mission to wake them up; to rip that smiling mask off of Punk's face and expose the putrid flesh beneath, show them all the monster that Punk truly was.
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To do this, he used the same weapon that caused Punk's downfall in AEW; social media. He constantly mocked and prodded at Punk, hoping to elicit a reaction from the notoriously thin-skinned veteran. He got plenty; but only from the fans. Not from the one he craved! So he pushed harder. Vandalised his signature ringer tee, used Punk's own move set, his entrance, visited his favourite bakery in his beloved hometown and bought him muffins.
Soon, he found himself flying high. His popularity had taken a massive up-swing, tongues were wagging, people were sitting up and listening, waiting on tender hooks for his next move. So he fed them, more and more. Taking pot shots at Punk every opportunity he could on every platform at his disposal.
Until Punk had become something else. Something more. Sitting cross-legged on the announce desk opposite the man who had made that particular taunt famous, Drew called him 'my muse', telling Punk that 'you complete me'. And it wasn't a word of a lie. He now needed Punk, needed him like a crutch to lean on. Needed to feed that hate.
Somewhere along the line, Drew's mission had become an obsession. Not for his goal of exposing the man, but for the man himself!
He didn't want to love Punk...
..he needed to!
CM Punk - 'I love you because you love me!'
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Punk, meanwhile, is the not-so-innocent innocent in all of this. Punk never wanted all this attention from Drew, calling him 'an ex-girlfriend that I can't get rid of' yet he's the one who's responsible for making Drew's unhealthy infatuation even worse.
Drew accused Punk of being a 'succubus', a sex demon that seduces men and sucks the em... 'life', shall we say, out of them. The metaphor fits well. Punk has a way of seducing those around him, both in the crowd and in the back, sometimes even to the point of insanity (a certain Maxwell Jacob Friedman immediately comes to mind!). Punk fans affectionally refer to it as Punk Derangement Syndrome.
Punk once told a crowd 'I love you because you love me'. He lives for the adoration! He feeds off of the spotlight and the attention it affords him, soaking up any and all reactions from the crowd. Cheer him, boo him, love him, hate him; so long as it's loud, he'll take it. Unlike Cody who struggled with the hate at AEW, Punk faced against the waves and waves of boos battering him from all sides with a shit-eating grin on his face, doing his worst to up the noise even more.
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And this is precisely why he just can't drop this petty tit-for-tat with Drew. The man's obsession with him is feeding Punk, and while his attention is a nuisance at best - and dangerous at worst - it's just not in Punk's nature to be the bigger man and let it die. He has to keep poking the bear even if it might tear his face off (which, it eventually does, but we'll get to that Smackdown later).
And so the players are locked into battle. Neither of them willing participants but their respective obsessions have honed in on one another, fingers on the trigger and aching to fire, neither taking heed of who they hurt along the way.
To be continued...
Part 2
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fantasticalleigh · 17 days
putting my thoughts down from tags i added to the last post here bc i need them to have their own space but--
i wondered why drew looked so damn tortured on RAW when he beat punk and destroyed the bracelet and after seeing that photo of Drew in near tears the over analyzing really kicked off
so drew Claymore'd Punk off the commentator's table and knelt on the ground after but instead of looking smug or laughing he just looked. idk. broken. and then when he's picking Punk up and they're in the ring and he's stalking around Claymoring him again and again there's that one moment where Drew turns his head away and scrunches up his face like he's in pain.
Why is he reacting like that to his own actions? Normally whenever Drew beats Punk he's a gloating, sadistic, grade-A asshole but on Monday he did look heartbroken. Punk was celebrating being finished with Drew Mcintyre after Bash in Berlin, practically having a party in the ring that he's now able to set his sights on a new opponent and Drew just can't bear that so he came out and did what he did.
Yeah, it's about pride. It's about payback. It's about respect. But (I think) Drew really expects Punk to match the intensity of his obsession with this feud. Every week he's out there demanding Punk's undivided attention:
-luring him out of the ring to chase him around the stadium when Punk is too focused on Seth
-learning his opening routine/mannerisms to the letter to mock him. using all of Punk's history against him like a weapon/insult to provoke an emotional reaction.
-taking his bracelet and kissing it to taunt him every chance he gets
-"look me in the eye when you speak to me" "you complete me/you're my muse/this is divine intervention" "it will never be over" etc. etc. etc.
-risking being fired and even arrested by crashing out on live tv multiple times demanding that Punk come see him/fight him
And Punk responds. He followed Drew to Glasgow just to fuck him out of a win in his own home country (no i will not rephrase that thank you very much). He waited underneath the ring to leap out on an unsuspecting Drew during his segment to whip him with a strap. He ruined Drew's MITB cash-in and beat him with a chair and then the title belt. He falls to Drew's bait again and again but recovers quickly. To Punk it's just another Monday with his unhinged, annoying coworker who he's got another match with. Even if it's a personal rivalry Punk refuses to see it in the same light as Drew does.
TBH I get real Batman & The Joker vibes from them both where Drew (the Joker) wants more and more out of Punk (Batman), and Punk just won't give it. And that breaks Drew's heart because, well, he's a great big dummy deep in love/denial and doesn't realize it yet. Despite his hatred of Punk, Drew feels/senses this is a great /special rivalry and doesn't want to let go.
Deep down he's gotta be thinking of Punk as a worthy adversary even if he'd have to be forced to admit it out loud and through bloodied teeth. Why else keep the feud alive at this point? At the beginning he tried to establish himself as the IT guy. "I'm your leader now, kid." So if he was THAT guy, couldn't he have walked away at any point? Drew could have been the one to drop Punk and focus his sights anywhere else. But now we know he just can't let go of things. He's still fixated on 2020. He's still fixated on his history with Punk. He gave Punk that power (unwillingly) to ruin him, it's his own fault but he's powerless to stop it at this point.
So when Punk's out there talking about setting his sights on someone new, Drew can't bear it, and that pushes him to destroy the bracelet. If I can't have it, you can't either. There's a real poetry in Drew forcing Punk to swallow those beads (and totally not a sexual connotation behind it, no way ;) ;;;;) ). The bracelet was a really interesting motif in the feud, and I loved its symbolism, but I'm glad it's gone. I keep seeing people comment on social media about the feud being stale by now (I disagree) and the expectation is that it will end at Bad Blood in a Hell in a Cell match. I'm sadly leaning this way too, but now that Drew destroyed the bracelet the feud can have a fresh breath of air and go down a new line if they write it right. Selfishly, I don't want it to end any time soon. It's my favorite story line right now in the WWE.
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comediakaidanovsky · 6 months
also sorry but like the "mjf is possessing drew mcintyre" theory gets all the more sad with drew's "you complete me, you're my muse" because like, imagine mjf waiting until he's wearing someone else's face to say it. maybe now, when he's wearing a bigger body as armor and is wearing another man's face, maybe then it's not as scary to say it out loud
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84reedsy · 4 months
Is their anyone you want to write smut for but haven't had a chance yet from any era?
I've intended to, but ya'll this Curt muse has me in a full fucking Nelson. And then my go-to is usually always Scott.
But I'm dying to branch out! Just need the right McIntyre Muse 😈
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unpunishble · 6 months
down bad & nasty —— #unpunishble,
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independent & highly selective multimuse roleplay blog. wrestling based but, crossovers welcomed. light plotting, chemistry driven. discord by request. established march '24, by teddy (she/they, 25.)
basic roleplay etiquette. be an adult, don’t be weird. unless otherwise stated, all my muses are multiship / verse. be kind. ✌️ muse list under the cut.
i love: @unapxlogeticme, @biiigtime / @chvmpisms, @mamisms, @blbcabelts, @toinfinityx.
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rhea ripley.
selective: ( ask, i'll probably say yes. )
dominik mysterio.
finn balor.
liv morgan.
randy orton.
iyo sky.
jackson grey. ( joseph quinn oc, sibling to @unapxlogeticme's grey's. / no romance plots. )
cm punk.
drew mcintyre.
kairi sane.
dakota kai.
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wrestlekingdomhq · 8 months
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WrestleKingdom HQ is a Discord based, BEHIND THE SCENES roleplay server. This is what happens in the lives of our favorite wrestlers as they navigate the ups and downs of working in this crazy business
-Group oriented roleplaying -Friendly and knowledgeable staff -OC friendly -Lots of muses available
This is NOT an E-Fed. We will NOT be doing any kind of in-ring action, this is purely behind the scenes!
Most wanted below the cut!
Gunther, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, Rey Mysterio, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Ilja Dragnov, Tony D'Angelo, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, Noam Dar, Chad Gable, Drew McIntyre, Dexter Lumis, Johnny Gargano, Ludwig Kaiser, Shinsuke Nakamura, Austin Theory, Cameron Grimes, Dragon Lee, Santos Escobar, Baron Corbin, Tyler Bate, Butch, Orange Cassidy, The Acclaimed, Christian Cage, Adam Copeland, Adam Page, Austin Gunn, The Young Bucks, Brody King, The BCC.
Roxanne Perez, Candice Lerae, Indi Hartwell, Raquel Rodriguez, Samantha Irvin, Sonya Deville, Tegan Nox, Trish Stratus, Xia Li, Alba Fyre, Charlotte Flair, Kayla Braxton, Michin, Ava, Blair Davenport, Jakara Jackson, Lash Legend, Kelani Jordan, Lyra Valkyria, Athena, Lelia Grey, Penelope Ford, Jade Cargil, Ruby Soho, The Bunny, Willow Nightingale.
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driiipgodmoving · 1 year
Would anyone write with a Drew McIntyre muse? 👀
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Currently looking for fun and active members to add to our non kayfabe server on discord. This group is all inclusive. One person per faceclaim. 6 muses per person. We have weekly tasks and monthly events. There’s plenty of opportunities for connections to be made.
here’s some of our most wanted faces:
Toni Storm, Indi Hartwell, Colten Gunn, Charlotte Flair, Eddie Kingston, Natalya, Emma, Karrion Kross, Saraya, Drew McIntyre, Riho, Vipress, Nathan Frazier, Tiffany Stratton, Roxanne Perez, Duke Hudson, Grayson Waller, Corey Graves, Jay White, Jungle Boy, Logan Paul, Kari Sane, Solo Sikoa and many more!
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legacyfiless · 2 months
[ needs ] sender asks receiver what they need + drew & chelsea. based after mitb @chvmpisms
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drew has always been particularly big on acting like he’s always doing alright and refusing help whenever he needs it deep down. tonight feels like one of those times, he’d just lost yet another huge opportunity in his life to hold that title again and it all came crashing down on him whenever he was truly at his breaking point. he already completely snapped at pearce and the rest of the officials, had totally stormed out of the building until chelsea was the only one to actually stop and ask what was going on. that was the difference. she asked. everyone else just yelled at him or gave him a weird judgmental look as if he was insane for getting angry at punk. “ i don’t know ” the words are gruff. followed by a heavy sigh as he stands there like a huge burden is on his shoulders “ i– ” what he wanted to say or ask wasn’t coming out no matter how hard drew tried. it all just felt so stupid for a man like him “ i think i just need to go. ”
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dynamitehq · 1 year
mw wwe muses?
drew mcintyre, randy orton, sheamus, the miz, dolph ziggler, john cena, karrion kross, bron breakker, the oc, tegan nox, bianca belair, candice lerae, iyo sky, emma, cathy kelley !!
does anyone have any they'd like to add?
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thlayli-ra · 11 days
Stray (epilogue)
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Characters - CM Punk, Drew McIntyre, Samoa Joe
Pairing - CM Punk/Drew McIntyre, CM Punk/Samoa Joe (past)
AU - Stray AU
Rating - Mature
Warnings - None
Words - ~2,500 words
Summary - New beginnings
Punk stared up at the blue sky above as another plane took off, the roar of its engine booming against his ears. His heart thrummed as noisily in his chest and he began to gnaw on his bottom lip.
Damn, he didn't expect the nerves to start this early.
'Is this it?' Punk was startled from his musings by Joe's voice behind him. His ex was pulling a small suitcase out of his trunk.
'That's it,' he replied, taking the suitcase from Joe when he noticed the reproachful look in his ex's eye. 'I travel light.'
'That's not 'light',' Joe corrected, 'that's practically empty'.
'I'm not going into the middle of the jungle,' Punk said with a shrug. 'I can buy whatever I need when I get there.'
'True,' Joe admitted then put on his old, familiar 'Mom' tone. 'Did you pack warm clothes?'
'Yes,' Punk said with a fond roll of his eyes.
'Plenty of socks?'
'Don't wear any.' He tried to keep his poker face but Joe's brow deepened and he couldn't hold it. 'Yes.'
'They actually use pounds over there,' Punk relished in the chance to correct his ex's world knowledge for once with a smug grin. 'And yes. But I've got credit cards too.'
'What about-'
'Joe,' he put his hand on the larger man's shoulder and looked him in the eye, 'I'm telling you. I'm good.'
'Ok, ok,' Joe shut the trunk and the pair of them began to walk towards the airport. 'Still can't believe you're fucking doing this.'
'Neither can I.' Punk looked up as another airplane took off and dragged in a stuttering breath. He changed the subject quickly. 'So how's your packing going?'
'Last of it will be shipped off on Friday,' he replied.
'That was fast,' Punk noted.
'Yeah, well, most of it was boxed already,' Joe rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. 'And with you leaving town, I didn't see any reason to stick around.'
'Guess not,' Punk's shoulders slumped. 'I'm... gonna miss you.'
'Hey, I'll only be in SoCal,' Joe said. 'You know you can visit any time. Larry too!' Punk stiffened, biting down on his bottom lip. 'You wish he was coming with you today, don't you?'
'So bad,' Punk admitted.
'It'll only be for a week or two. Once you're settled in Anyway, I'm sure he'll be having a great time getting spoiled rotten by his Aunty AJ.'
'He's gonna be three times the size the way she keeps feeding him,' Punk groaned, finding it harder to keep on his straight face. By now, they'd arrived at the airport doors and he stopped in his tracks amongst the hustle and bustle of travellers rushing in and out of the sliding portal into the cavernous building beyond. 'What time is it?'
'2.16,' Joe replied.
'Shit, we're early! My flight's not for hours!'
'I'm the one who drove you here,' Joe scoffed. 'Of course you're early.'
The doors opened wide before him. Punk caught a glimpse of flashing boards and desks and queues and baggage racks and felt a fresh wave of panic!
'You wanna... go grab a coffee?' he asked Joe, suddenly.
The larger man mulled it over. But only for a second or two. 'Sure, I'd like that.'
Punk was staring out the coffee shop window, chewing on his thumbnail when Joe came back from the counter with their order; two large cups of coffee and a piece of pie. 'This to share?' Punk's eyes lit up at the sweet treat.
'Course not,' Joe shook his head wryly. 'It's all yours. A little 'farewell treat' from me.'
'Oh, well, thank you,' Punk replied and plunged his fork straight in.
'How's the hand doing?' Joe said, observing it cautiously, like it might burst into flames any second.
'Good.' Punk wiggled his fingers. Two of them moved more sluggishly than the others. 'Lost some of the range of movement in them but it shouldn't affect things too much.'
'Hmm,' Joe knew what that meant. 'Still eyeing up that one final run, huh?'
The fork stopped in mid-air. The larger man found Punk with his bottom lip pouting and his brows furrowed, contemplating. 'Don't know. Haven't really thought about it.'
Joe's brows rocketed up to the sky. 'Huh. Well how about that.'
Punk didn't even realise the significance of his words to his ex as he took another greedy bite of his pie. 'Did I tell you about the sentencing?'
Joe stiffened, the grip on his cup grew tighter. 'Twenty years each. A fucking joke.'
'Least they're locked up,' Punk noted with a sharpness in his tone. 'Least it's all over now and we can put it behind us.'
'Least now I don't have to stick around for the courts anymore,' Punk went on. 'I can finally leave and go be with Drew. This long-distance shit sucks!'
'I know it's been hard for you both,' Joe admitted. 'I'm glad you're finally gonna see him again. In person this time, not just on a screen.'
'Urgh, it was painful. Especially with Drew's crappy Wi-Fi!' Joe gave a small huff of laughter while Punk chewed thoughtfully on some pastry. 'And hey, at least you don't have to worry about me now.'
Joe lowered his cup and fixed his eyes on him. 'Phil, I'll always worry about you.' A warm glow pulsed in Punk's rib cage. 'If anything, I'll worry even more, I mean, you're gonna be in an entirely different country in an entirely different continent.'
'It'll only be for a year or two. Until Drew gets his visa sorted.' Punk heard Joe taking in a deep breath and knew something was up. 'What?' he eyed him suspiciously.
'It's just... the longest I've ever seen you leave Chicago was like a month and a half. And you got so homesick that we had to watch Ferris Bueller every night for a week.' Punk let out a loud laugh at the memory. 'And we were only in fucking Miami! This is... Scotland, we're talking about.'
'I'll miss Chicago,' Punk admitted, scraping some creamy frosting onto his fork, 'but I'll be fine. I'll be with Drew, and... I know it sounds cheesy as hell but when I'm with him, I feel... it feels like home.'
Joe absorbed Punk's words. His lips slowly wobbled into a content smile and he nodded his head.
'You know something,' Punk picked up the conversation again. 'I like this.'
'What, the pie? Yeah I thought it would be right up your-'
'No' Punk shook his head. 'I mean this.' He motioned with his finger between the pair of them. 'You and me. Going out for coffee. Talking. Like friends.'
'Phil, we're not friends.'
Punk's head shot up with a heartbroken squeak but Joe only grinned softly back at him.
'You were right when you said we could never be just friends. We've been through so much together, we mean too much to each other. We're something else.'
'Then what? What are we?'
Joe took a long, slow slurp of his coffee, eyes squinted in thought. 'We're... BFFs.'
Punk snorted a laugh then held up his cup. 'I'll drink to that. To BFFs.'
Joe clinked his own cup against his. 'To BFF's.'
The connecting flight from O'Hare to JFK was easy enough but the long haul over the Atlantic was gruelling. Punk tried to distract his over-active mind by watching the in-flight movie or reading but as the little plane icon edged further along the red dotted line on his screen, the butterflies in his belly manifested into a herd of flapping turkeys and he could only bring himself to stare out the window at the clouds and blue sea below and try to keep calm.
He'd never been bothered by a descent before but when the 'safety buckle' light pinged on and the turbulence kicked in, he began to sweat. Halfway through the landing, the old lady sitting next to him placed her hand over his.
'It's alright, dear,' she cooed, wrapping her warm, gnarled fingers around his. 'My husband was a nervous flyer too. We'll be safely on the ground very soon.' He wondered for a moment how she knew then noticed his fingernails were digging into the fabric of his armrests, his knuckles white.
'Thank you, m'am,' he murmured back.
'Are you coming over for a holiday?' the lady asked. She was British but he couldn't place where from exactly.
'No, m'am, I'm...' he could see fields of green coming into view out the window beneath them. Followed rapidly by grey square of houses, a city, tiny at first getting bigger and bigger. 'I'm... gonna be living here. For a while. With my boyfriend.' It felt strange saying it out loud. Like an out-of-body experience.
'Oh, how lovely,' the woman smiled sweetly. 'Will he be there to meet you at the gate?'
The turkeys in his stomach began pecking at his lining. 'Yeah. Should be.'
'If you ask me, that's the most wonderful thing about flying,' she squeezed his hand again and wrinkled the bridge of her button nose at him. 'Families and loved ones coming together again after being apart.'
Her words were like a salve, soothing some of the chaos inside. 'Y-yeah, guess you're right.'
'I'm sure your boyfriend will be over the moon to see you again.'
'Thank you, m'am.'
She held his hand the whole way down until they landed with a bump on the runway. Punk helped her take her suitcases off the conveyor belt at the baggage claim. 'You're so kind, dear,' she said, then beckoned him down to her height so she could kiss his cheek. 'Now you make sure and tell your boyfriend how lucky he is having such a gentleman as you.'
Punk huffed a laugh at that and waved as the old lady disappeared through the gate. Then he turned back to the conveyor, his eyes finding his own bag circling round and round and round. His hands remained in his pockets, standing, waiting until one-by-one the conveyor emptied out and he was the last one standing.
He tried to breathe, the way Joe had taught him but every drag stuttered and choked him. 'Come on, this is stupid,' he scolded himself under his breath. 'You've walked out in front of thousands, millions even. You can't get stage fright now!'
He lifted his case and trundled up to the gates, passed through security and border control and finally he started that long walk into the hub of the airport itself. Stepping through the open doors he glanced around timidly, scanning each face in the crowd.
Then let out an audible gasp.
Drew was right there! Leaning against a column with his arms crossed over his chest. His dark hair was tied back and he was wearing jeans with a blue sports top under his leather jacket. As soon as he spied Punk, he straightened up, his dimples popping into his cheeks with a smile and his dazzling blue eyes shimmering like the morning sun on the ripples of a mountain pool.
And in that single instant, all the nerves melted away. Punk wondered what the hell he'd been so nervous about. The hard part was over - this next step was easy.
The two lovers bashfully walked towards one another, their cheeks reddening. Punk let go of his case, left it standing alone as he lifted both hands in front of him.
A wave.
A thumbs-up.
First two fingers touching the side of his eye then swiping towards Drew.
Straight left index finger touching the curve made by his right thumb and forefinger.
Right index finger curled on his left palm.
Right index finger touching his left index finger.
All fingers interlocked, palms facing.
Punk finished and looked up expectantly at Drew who's stunning sapphires had grown twice their size. Then they softened. His lips parted.
'It's good to see you too, Punk.'
If Drew had been stunned at Punk's little surprise, the tattooed man almost fainted with shock at his! 'You... you can...'
The Scot gave a hearty laugh at the slack-jawed expression on his boyfriend's face. 'Aye,' he said, scratching his fingers through his beard, 'I've been seeing a speech therapist for a few months now. Sorry I didn't tell you before - I wanted to surprise ye.'
Punk just gaped back.
'But you did the same!' Drew pointed out. 'How long have you been learning BSL?' Nothing in reply. 'Punk?' He waved his large hand in front of his boyfriend's face. 'Anyone home?'
A soft smile wobbled onto Punk's lips. 'You do have the accent.'
Drew dipped his head, the bridge of his nose turning a deep shade of pink. 'Aye well. It's not as broad as it once was, but it's still there, at least. Here, I'll help you with your bags.' Drew grabbed hold of the small suitcase's handle then looked around, confused. 'Is this it?'
'Urgh, you sound just like my ex!'
Drew chuckled. 'How is Joe?' he asked while they made their way out of the airport. His free hand dropped to his side and found Punk's. The tattooed man beamed, enjoying the feeling of physical connection with Drew after being apart from him for almost a year and a half.
They chatted comfortably as Drew drove them out of the airport parking lot and onto the motorway. Punk was completely enchanted by the sound of Drew's voice, even if it felt so strange and almost unnatural falling from the Scot's lips. He closed his eyes to listen deeper to it; the rich bass, the rugged accent, the lilting intonation when he was telling a joke. The words themselves passed him by but the sound alone was such an opulent feast that he felt full to the brim.
Outside, the landscape skimmed past, changing from the tall city blocks to pretty flat fields, wooden fence posts, the odd weathered stone building. 'So, this is Scotland, huh?'
'This? Fuck no!' Drew scoffed. 'This is England. You'll know when we reach Scotland.'
'How will I know when-?'
'Trust me,' Drew arched a cheeky brow at his boyfriend, 'you'll know.'
Punk shrugged off the cryptic statement and they continued to chat, about Larry, about AJ, about all the pitfalls in visa bureaucracy when all of a sudden, Punk sat upright and pressed his face to the window.
'Holy shiiiii...'
It had happened so suddenly, like they had travelled through some magic veil into a whole new world. All around them, towering green hills loomed high like mighty sentinels, crowds of them holding the narrow road in their giant hands. Punk felt so small all of a sudden, gaping up at the majestic peaks, dotted all around with fluffy freckles of grazing sheep. Off to his right, a gap opened up between two of the giants, revealing an awe-inspiring waterfall rushing down the entire height of the jagged cliff, its clear waters sparkling with a million stars of sunlight.
'Told you, you would know,' Drew piped up, smugly. 'Pretty, huh?'
Punk tore his gaze away from the flawless masterpiece outside his window and found something even more dazzling, more breath-taking, sitting right there in the car next to him. He thought back to that fateful night in the storm, remembering the filthy, bedraggled, pitiful creature in a muzzle that he had scooped onto his back and taken home.
That creature had transformed into an angel. Celestial, unearthly.
His grin hiked up his cheek making his crow's feet crinkle fondly.
'Beautiful,' he said, breathlessly.
The End
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worldscollidehqrpg · 5 months
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WORLDSCOLLIDEHQ : A Non Kayfabe Semi AU Wrestling Based Discord Server. We do NOT write out any matches as we are NOT an efed. We are all inclusive and exclusive. Only 1 face claim of each muse. We do offer TUPPER and have been on Discord for over a year! DM today about joining OR we are also on DISBOARD!! Jump into the lobby and drop and APP we will get you in ASAP! Heres some of our most wanted roles:
Eddie Kingston, Candice Le Rae, Indi Hartwell, Roman Reigns, Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, Maxxine Dupri, Ivy Nile, Cody Rhodes, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, Hook, Solo Sikoa, Kris Statlander, Jade Cargill, Bianca Belair, Lola Vice, Elektra Lopez, Trick Williams, Carmelo Hayes, Luca Crusifino, Malakai Black, Zelina Vega, Drew Mcintyre, Baron Corbin, Isla Dawn, Kiana James, Chad Gable, Jackie Redmond, Renee Paquette, Kelly Kincaid, Toni Storm, Dominik Mysterio, Damian Priest, Gulia, Kelani Jordan, Fallon Henley, Jay White, Naomi, Lexis King, Orange Cassidy, Sol Ruca, Swerve Strickland, Kairi Sane, Shotzi, Harley Cameron, Karrion Kross, Nathan Frazer, Penelope Ford, Santos, Angel Garza, Claudio Castagnoli, Bryan Danielson, Kyle Fletcher, Wendy Choo, Iyo Sky, Shayna Baszler, The Miz, Maryse, Jamie Hayter and plenty more.
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84reedsy · 6 months
Who all do you write for? And do all of your fic go onto AO3?
I try to put everything I post on tumblr on Ao3 as well, but tumblr tends to bury ao3 links sometimes, so I don't always link to them (but i still should)
I tend to write mostly for later year wcw, attitude era wwf
Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Curt Hennig are the current top 3 muses, but I could (and have) written a LOT of those guys (Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Kane, Stone Cold, Xpac, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, Shane McMahon, Al Snow, Bret Hart, Buff Bagwell, Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero Jr. Etc)
Building up a stable of more current ones lately: Cody Rhodes, Jey Uso, Drew McIntyre, Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley, maybe Jake Something - but still working on really getting to know their charcters atm.
I'm always open to considering others, though I have some nogo's, too. Generally problematic guys for the most part.
Thanks for the ask!!!
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full-gearhq · 6 months
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Full Gear HQ is a ***NEW*** Discord based, BEHIND THE SCENES roleplay server. Focusing on the behind the scenes action that happens behind the closed doors of all your favorite global companies.
* Group oriented roleplay
* Friendly and knowledgeable staff as well as writers always looking to discuss wrestling and plot
* most muses available
This is NOT an E-Fed. We will NOT be doing any kind of in-ring action, this is purely behind the scenes!
Most Wanted Down Below:
Adam Cole, Andrade, Austin Gunn, Buddy Matthews, Carmelo Hayes, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, Damien Priest, Daniel Garcia, Darby Allin, Dominik Mysterio, Drew McIntyre, Finn Balor, HOOK, Jay White, John Cena, Kenny Omega, Luca Crusifino, LA Knight, Malakai Black, Okada, Ricky Starks, Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Seth Rollins, Tony D’Angelo, Wardlow, Wes Lee, Wheeler Yuta
Adrianna Rizzo, Alexa Bliss, Aj Lee, Arianna Grace, Asuka, Bayley, Becky Lynch, Bianca Belair, Blair Davenport, Brinley Reece, Britt Baker, Carmella, Cathy Kelley, Charlotte Flair, Dakota Kai, Fallon Henley, Harley Cameron, Isla Dawn, Iyo Sky, Jacy Jayne, Jade Cargill, Jaida Parker, Jakara Jackson, Kairi Sane, Kelani Jordan, Kris Statlander, Lola Vice, Lyra Valkyria, Maxxine Dupri, Mercedes Mone, Naomi, Roxanne Perez, Scarlett Bordeaux, Thea Hail, Zelina Vega
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