#muse :: samus
xmrnothingx · 3 months
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Samus Aran from Metroid
Samus Aran, but I have mashed together several instances of inspiration from seeing other art into a drawing that doesn't really have a single theme going on but I have finished nonetheless. Basically: silky and long ponytail + sleeveless turtleneck + muscles + hair ribbon
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cynthiaandsamus · 1 year
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"On tonight's show I have Space Bounty Hunter Samus Aran, can I call you Sam?"
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'So Sam, how was your trip to the Ghost Zone? Do you have enough oxygen in there?"
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"Not really, I mean I have my suit hooked up so I can breathe but it's really kind of crappy."
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"Did you know Zorak hates you? Do you know why that is?"
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"I arrested him five times."
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"She arrested me five times!"
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"You stole my look!"
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"Look that was settled in court, you don't have copyright on orange suits with face masks."
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"Well that's all the time we have, never come back, see you later Sam."
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readyplayerziggy · 8 days
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Will break your bed if they have sex with you.
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Will break you if they have sex with you.
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Open Visiting Starter (Female or Futa only)
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"Ehe... see it still fits... ready to take on my next mission..."
Samus did her best to keep herself sucked in as her zero suit wrapped around her. It had been at least seven or so years since she was told of a mission she needed to prepare for. At first, she was riled up and ready to get back in the game. Unfortunately that enthusiasm only lasted about a year or so. She started getting lazier, relaxing a bit more telling herself that the mission probably wasn't that important if they hadn't sent her out already. She had even heard the commanding officers who were in charge of it change hands a few times. So she ended up going back to her more relaxed life. That was until she got a surprise visit from one of the heads of the mission. She was shaking a bit as the suit squeezed her all around her more mature and softer body. Her face turning a bit flushed.
"So... what is this mission exactly... I wasn't... really told anything about it during my... preparations..."
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master-of-47-dudes · 2 years
Alright having completed my replay of Metroid Prime 2, I'll talk about Dark Samus now.
Dark Samus is interesting, having come on the heels of SA-X and in an era where the "Dark Protagonist" thing was sort of being overdone and thus was kinda mocked. At least, as far as I remember, anyway.
But at the same time, Dark Samus is a very different thematic beast than the SA-X was, ESPECIALLY in the context of the Light/Dark themes of Echoes. Because, ultimately, Dark Samus subverts its/her expected role of being an echo of Samus.
Dark Samus is Metroid Prime after it ripped the Phazon Suit off of Samus's armor and stuffed itself inside of it in order to survive the catastrophic damage that Samus dealt to it on Tallon IV. It has adapted to the shape and function of the suit in the process, and learned to use phazon to create hyper-charged facsimiles of Samus's abilities... to a limited degree.
It doesn't fight like Samus. It doesn't act like Samus. It isn't a copy of Samus like the SA-X was. It just LOOKS like a dark clone of Samus, but that's where the similarities end.
Even the mechanics of the game highlight the fact that the Dark moniker is misleading; Dark Samus takes more damage from the Dark Beam and less from the Light Beam, being a Light World creature in spite of the name.
Anyway, I think Dark Samus's role in Metroid Prime 2 is honestly pretty funny. It doesn't really have anything to do with the main plot at all, and if anything, is the primary antagonist to the Space Pirates while Samus is doing her thing against the Ing. It's just there because there's phazon, and then Samus shows up for unrelated reasons and they cross paths.
And then Dark Samus decides to fuck with Samus out of spite.
Like, that's basically the only reason Dark Samus shows up anywhere you happen to be! It was looking for Phazon and found you, so it might as well try to ruin your day. Or just laugh at you.
It's hard to say your final confrontation in the game with Dark Samus is anything more than this, either. Does Dark Samus know Dark Aether is collapsing? Does it even know if it can survive if it stalls Samus long enough for the dimension to collapse on them both? Or was it just eating itself silly at Aether's phazon motherlode, saw Samus, and decided "fuck this one bitch in particular"?
I personally think that's exactly what happened. It kind of fits with Dark Samus showing up several times and doing nothing more than fucking with you instead of fighting, tbh.
Anyway, yeah. Dark Samus explicitly subverts the "Dark echo" trope that the game themes itself around and NAMES itself for by being an unkillable eldritch abomination stuffed in a Samus shaped shell. And just about all of its actions in Echoes? Fueled by greedy hunger for phazon after its humiliating defeat or spite at Samus for invading its home, wrecking up the place, and kicking its ass.
I still don't know why it shows up only to laugh at you and leave without doing anything in Torvus Bog, though. That was just weird.
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virtuousfuta · 2 months
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"Is that a bulge I see?" Compac said, eyeing Samus. As she looked, her bouncy breasts gave an ample sway as she turned to gaze at the bounty hunter's crotch.
Samus smirked at Compac as she noticed the other eyeing her. That and took note of how the other's breasts bounced and swayed when she turned to gaze at her crotch. "Yes, you'd be correct. It is a bulge."
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analogbreakdown · 7 months
Terraform: My trans lesbean Metroid fanfic
Hi all!
Back in December, I decided to start work on a Metroid fanfic, which I've been kind of working on and thinking about a lot since. The entire reason I started writing it is rather silly so I won't go into too much detail, but my initial concept has skyrocketed into something greater, which I'm grateful for. I'll talk about some details below!
At the moment, I call my fanfic Terraform, which (right now) is meant to represent the two protagonists working to transform themselves together.
Ana Lovelace is the primary protagonist of the story. She is a semi-professional photographer who visits different planets to take photos and scan interesting things. While she has a passion for this, she is often paid to do it as well, either by commission or for some Federation program that rewards such things. She is a transfemme lesbian cyborg dealing with survivor's guilt over an incident that occurred a few years ago. She is intended to show off the life of an "average" inhabitant of the galaxy; what it's like living in this universe.
Samus Aran is the secondary protagonist of the story. The titular bounty hunter rescues Ana after she crashed her ship during one of her photo runs. There are rarely survivors of ship crashes, so she did not expect to find anyone alive. She offers to bring Ana home, which inadvertently introduces Ana to ADAM.
ADAM is one of many supporting characters in the story. While Samus makes a stop at the BCA before they complete their journey home, Ana and ADAM converse for a bit, learning more about each other. ADAM is naturally cautious, but opens up after determining she is no threat. In their conversation, the AI reveals concerns regarding Samus' personal life and well being, or lack thereof.
With the story, I'm trying to explore a few things:
Survivor's guilt
Unhealthy habits from resulting trauma and how their effects are lasting
Exploring the life and lives of inhabitants in the galaxy
Character dive into Samus Aran, exploring how her missions have left her with lasting trauma and how it affects her
How different people with different kinds of trauma can bond and heal together
I did mention trans lesbean, didn't I? I would be fooling myself if I didn't mention there is trans lesbean romance in the story.
There is definitely quite a bit more I'd like to share about what I'm writing, but I don't want to reveal too much. It's been a lot of fun coming up with a lot of this stuff, and I can't wait to share more in the future. Maybe I'll post snippets from my drafts out of context! Who knows!
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darksidefuta · 1 month
“Defeated and Fucked” Pyra to Samus
Another victory for the blonde, tall bounty hunter, as her opponent laid down defeated on the ground. Though Samus was feeling pretty lustful, and decided that she wasn't quite finished with Pyra. So before the other had time to recover and leave the match as the loser. Samus slipped out of her zero suit, and took a seat on the fiery Aegis girl's chest to press her stiff member against the other's face.
"I'm not quite done with having my fun with you. How about you be a good girl and service my cock as well?"
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dcviated · 3 months
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misc symbol headcanons :: open
send symbols for headcanons about the muses
@sentofight really assaulted me here: 💤 (wylan) 🍡 (mizuki) 👻 (guna) 🎶 (samus) 🤸‍♀️ (eira) ⛄️ (dogi) 🎤 (tharja) 🍺 (armstrong)
💤 - How does your muse sleep? Are they a light sleeper, or are they out the moment their head hits the pillow? Do they nap? Do they struggle to sleep due to things like insomnia, or nightmares?
Wylan is definitely a light sleeper! Just one step further and he'd be the 'sleep with one eye open' kind of character. He'll feign sleep a lot too, so 9 times out of 10 when you're thinking you're getting the drop on him... he's just letting you. You should expect this kind of manipulation from him, really. Connects with his willing subject mentality. Wylan wants people to mess with him. He wants to be teased and hit with markers or someone to curl up with him (don't we all).
It's possible to tucker him out, sure! He tuckers himself out! But even then he's not hard to wake. Dreams are rarely pleasant and he does front a lot of his energy after particularly bad nights. Ironically he does fall asleep quickly, which may be a reason why he's prone to staying out late because he knows he's going to be subjecting himself quickly to bullshit when he hits the pillow.
🍡 - Can your muse cook? Can they bake? How well can they do either? Do they have any kitchen disaster stories?
Yes, Mizuki ended up learning to cook for herself due to absent parents growing up. Not the best, but enough to keep herself fed when need be. Microwave queen. Stovetop princess...? Passable skills, and she learns decently quick. But that's where we'll leave her current skillset (as of post-timeskip).
Cooking isn't something that really interests her after all. Baking? Not attempted, and probably wouldn't go great...? Though if you think about it working together with Aiba would probably give her a leg up on the challenges thanks to AI shenanigans. Also a handy reminder for timers she may have forgot she set.
Which she has.
Haven't we all had the blackened oven disaster...? Dealing with the smoke was awful. At least her parents never found out. Date doesn't know it happened either. And even if it did, she has more dirt on him to counter with.
👻 - How does your muse handle feeling scared? Do they enjoy horror? Do they believe in the paranormal? What calms your muse down? Do they have any scary stories?
No no not particularly. Raguna isn't terrible with horror but he has a strong preference against it when he can help it. Will it stink up a group event where people want to visit a house or other attraction? No. Will he like it? Not a ton... scary movies are included here. The preference there has long been for adventure and uplifting stuff. Horror's not going that direction. For an optimist like himself with certain idealistic mentalities horror can feel like a spit in the face.
Fortunately, it's not hard for him to be calmed down. :') Even outside his home verse he's used to various degrees of pressures and stresses. Some time to separate himself, take a long drink and decompress will lead to a calmed down Guna in little to no time! ALL THIS SAID: Yes, he believes in the paranormal. He's capable of certain strange feats himself, it'd be hard to deny the existence.
And for the rest I'll put them under a cut-
🎶 - What kind of music does your muse listen to? Do they have a favorite genre? Do you think the aux cord would be taken away from them?
Samus primarily enjoys atmospheric and orchestral music. Any kind of track that can evoke imagery of landscapes and grand sceneries. In places of safety, like on her ship, she can even fall asleep to it and will happily do so. Stressful missions require moments of winding down (it's the trauma) and she'll sit overlooking a vista with orchestra playing out an audio story in her head. She's got a powerful imagination. And music both helps to relax it and exercise it in ways that are.... healthier... than the levels of violence she is capable of.
I think she'd find a way to 'enjoy' just about anything though. Samus is a worldly sort of woman, and when prompted to sample will gladly do so. Her reaction will be honest, mind you, and vulgar material (very heavy metal or crass lyrics to anything) will push her to ... semi-politely decline sampling further.
You can give her the aux cord! Just don't expect anything particularly profound or amazing. :')
🤸‍♀️ - How active is your muse? Do they exercise regularly? Do they do things like yoga? What else do they do to keep fit and active? Are they flexible? Can they do parkour?
Yes! Eira is mindful of her figure regardless of verse. She's not in peak/perfect shape but she is the sort of woman that will fret if she feels an extra contour to her middle. Diet and discipline helps the most in that regard, but she's not skimping on keeping active either. Some verses she's much more active than others, to no surprise.
Particularly combat focused- like FE and Arknights. Eira will be working out and going through training to go beyond just the 'self defense' she sorta utilizes (to a degree) in her modern verses. Safe to say the baseline is she's working out enough that she doesn't struggle opening (most) jars.
Yoga. Cardio. Some minor weights.
...I don't see her doing parkour in any verse, however. She leans the 'battlemage' class type with some dabbling in barbarian, not bouncing rogue. :'D
⛄️ - What would be your muse's ideal weather conditions? Do they prefer being hot or cold? What's their favorite season?
From the highest cold peaks to the tropical depths of a forest. Dogi will go just about anywhere and Handle It. His preference is on the warmer side! Tropic/warm areas tend to have more hot spots of travel after all. But he'll survive. Favorite season is gonna be... Summer/Fall!
🎤 - Can your muse sing well? Do they sing often? If they were to stand up in front of a crowd, would they be able to sing in front of all of those people?
Are you asking this question to be funny?! Or are you trying to be mean... suffice to say it's not something to prompt Tharja herself with. She's shirking social situations as a standard, and singing is something done for others. I think she's of course capable of it. Her voice is pleasant enough when it's not mumbling curses or making those eerie laughs.
But I don't think she'd be able to sing in front of anyone without it being some kind of trap (DO NOT DO THIS).
🍺 - How does your muse feel about the consumption of alcohol? Do they drink? Are they a heavy drinker, or are they on the lighter side? What's your muse's favorite alcoholic drink?
All good things in moderation. Except for exercise and the improvement of one's body. That can go off the charts. Clearly. Armstrong won't involve himself especially with the culture of drinking which is to say he won't be throwing back countless drinks for the fun of it to act goofy. But he will drink.
He will act silly(er). And he will have a good time. I picture him especially having a few at celebrations like a wedding or for the birth of a child. Merry man has a merry little drink. Not that he needs his social abilities lubricated. I see him being discouraged after a few drinks have been had.
Casually, the most I see Armstrong involving is certain tastings. He's FRENCH. You know he's drinking wine.
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aparticularbandit · 9 months
Viv mains Samus in Smash Bros. and you cannot tell me any different.
America sometimes grumbles and tells her to pick a different character.
Viv picks Dark Samus.
"That's the same thing!" "No, it is not. Dark Samus is a separate character I can choose. She is not only a skin of--" "UGH."
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omnipointmuses · 1 year
Tikal is very smart when it comes to ancient echidna lore, the chaos and master emeralds, and chaos itself
but dumb about everything else especially when it comes to social situations
why else would she chug down any cute guy or gal that approached the master emerald
surely they meant to offer themselves up to the gem's spirit right? >w>
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cynthiaandsamus · 11 months
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"When I was little I would look up at the stars with wonder. My father would try to explain the constellations and planets to me and I'd half-listen, too young to really understand most of it but excited by how much was out there and how beautiful it was. I was too young to go out in a spaceship myself but my parents told me when I was older I could explore the stars as much as I wanted."
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"Then when the Space Pirates came and killed my parents and everyone I'd ever known, the Chozo found me and I was finally taken away into space, I finally got to see the stars up close and wanted no part of it, I wanted back what had been next to me all the time while I was looking up."
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"From then on when I looked up at the stars all I could see is the place my enemies had come from. The place where their ships emerged from a black void and destroyed my home, those stars weren't full of wonder, they were full of death."
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"After I was trained by the Chozo and Federation I was able to freely roam the galaxy as I had once dreamed but it was all in search of making a living and fulfilling my sense of vengeance against the ones who had attacked us, but even then when I saw the stars up close I didn't even see the seething hatred I'd expected from the place where my enemies came from. When I got into space, I spent most of my time drifting from place to place, hoping something would fill the void inside me and the one I was looking out into, but space isn't wonder or death, space is just silence... and loneliness."
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"What do you see now...?"
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"Now I can look up at the stars again and I don't see the naive wonder I held as a child, nor the cynical hatred of my teenage years, or the crushing loneliness of my adulthood. I see each star for what it is, a place so far from here, so far from where I now call home, some are bad, some are good. And now, most of all I recognize..."
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"That right here is a star to someone else far away."
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readyplayerziggy · 3 days
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Suit hot to the touch from her body warming it during the later stages of digestion, increasing fat deposits making normally flexible armor plating creak, rivers of sweats shorting out integral circuitry, her visor fogged and cracked from the constant, booming belches hotboxing her helm and making her undersuit feel like more of a sauna than it already was.
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jonathanbrostar · 2 years
The one conservative talking point I’ll concede is when they say that boys who play as girls in video games turn out to be trans, you’re right my guy can’t even argue against that one lmfao for my entire life if a game lets me play as a girl I do so 95% of the time
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foreseeobstacles · 1 year
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does my 3DS emulator have something to say
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virtuousfuta · 1 year
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"Don't you ever have those nights where you want a cute, sexy girl to get on their knees and happily let you fuck their face?"
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