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danika-alice · 7 years ago
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HAPPY GALENTINES. To all the women here, I hope you have a fabulous day! I’m in agony today, my body hates me. Every day is a battle, to get up, to get moving and to keep going. Some days I just can’t, and y’know what, that’s okay it’s okay if we have a rest day because it’s good to let our bodies rest and recover. Growing up I noticed everyone seemed to be in this race of “Ive done this much” and “Resting is for losers” etc I’m calling bullshit, because without proper rest, recovery and sleep our bodies don’t function how they should. So if you’re having a tough day and need to take a break, call it a day or just have self care day that’s perfectly fine! I’ve spend today doing art therapy, doing stretches to try and help my pain and soon I am going to the water park with my ladies and I cannot wait to sit in the outdoor pool because it’s heated and I couldn’t think of anything better right now. I can’t wait for the warm water to soothe my aches and pains! Some days we gotta show up for ourselves and say “you know what, what I need is different than what others need and that’s okay” It’s okay if someone else you know who has chronic pain is more active than yourself, it doesn’t make you any less valid or worthy. Everyone experiences things differently The same illness looks and feels different on others and that’s okay, we will always experience things differently to others. What we have to do is concentrate on our well being and work on what helps ourselves! So if you are feeling defeated, just know that there is no comparison. You do you, always! #chronicfatigue #chronicbackpain #cheonicpain #musclepain #bonepain #constantpain #irritablebowelsyndrome #endo #endometriosis #abdominalpain #jointpain #exhaustion #fatigue #wellbeing #lookafteryou #youmatter #youareimportant #whatsgoodforsomeonemaynotbegoodforyou #individual #lightstretching #musclearmouring #meditation #deepbreathingtechniques #grounding #keepgoing
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danika-alice · 7 years ago
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Pain pain go away, don’t come back another day. So as most of you are aware I’m currently backwards and forwards at the doctors at the moment with constant pain and fatigue, it’s something I’ve kind of just pushed through to the best of my ability for a long time, mostly because I didn’t feel like I was worthy of going to the doctors about it, I thought I was over reacting. I’ve been talking to my therapist about my pain for a while now and she thinks it’s highly likely related to my complex ptsd, a lot of people with ptsd experience muscle armouring. It means my body is constantly braced for something, I constantly have my armour on. My muscles are constantly tensed, I don’t know how to relax any part of myself because subconsciously my body does this and uses it as a defence mechanism in order to be ready for trauma at any point, wether there is any threat of a traumatic situation happening or not. My body is trying to protect me, unfortunately over time this subconscious defence mechanism has caused me to be in horrific amounts of pain. A lot of people don’t realise that living with mental illness is more than just the emotional symptoms, there will always be physical symptoms along side it. Our bodies do their best to provide security and protection in response to stress and panic signals and this will cause physical symptoms most of the time. It has taken me hours to write this post because I’m experiencing weakness in my arms as well as shooting pains and I’m just so exhausted with medical professionals not hearing me. I’m currently using a heat pad @serenityinbloom sent me because my shoulders are in agony, I can’t thank her enough for sending me this! The pain is so real tonight, I can feel it in ever part of my being and I want to scream, I’m struggling but I’m here. I will do my best to keep persisting, pushing and fighting for answers at the doctors because I know now I am worthy of help and I do not deserve to be in this much pain. #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #musclearmor #musclearmouring #ptsd #complexptsd #bodyweakness #bodypain #exhaustion #physicalandmentalhealth #mentalhealth #defencemechanism #musclememory #bpd #depression
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