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chawawanya · 1 year ago
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another idv character batch !! I'm halfway through..kinda
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ronironiica · 3 months ago
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I want a whole Cabaret AU, but then it will just be within the club? Because if you make a full-fledged AU, then Margo should still be Sally
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2002kiashitbox · 1 year ago
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Friends of Folly: PROLOGUE
A Morton centered comic about how they met.
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scoobydoobyally · 9 months ago
New IDV Ivory Tower update looks good!!
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mikkythehamster · 2 years ago
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Some ivory towers <3 I wanted to do my take on them based on the uniform rules i've been trying to decipher ahaha. Part 2 Ivory tower fanmade guide ★ Tik tok ★ Instagram ★ Store ★ Twitter ★
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kekeiraa · 11 months ago
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🎉HAPPY BIRTHDAY MURRO!!! my heart will always have a soft spot for my beloved fictional grandpa<3
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sirenjose · 1 year ago
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Kurt's Diary - Thoughts and Theories
(Including crack theory Naib didn't kill Murro)
1) Emily's (first aid kit?)
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2) Wu Chang's umbrella is still here, and NE is making sure we know this. That means either Jose did leave but didn't bring the umbrella with him, or he didn't leave
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If he did win, was he put into another game like Emma and Murro (Emma's letter did mention her being with others her 2nd time around)?
Orpheus did say he "treasured" the opportunity to include Jose in his experiments, which could mean he'd want to use him as long as he could?
* Michiko's mask is still here too.
3) The "guy" Murro would rather "freeze to death" than encounter can't be the Hullabaloo group (Murro the only survivor). Likely Naib, who's chasing Murro based on Naib's 1st letter (only other possible option is the manor owner)
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4) HA! I WAS RIGHT! THERE WAS SOMETHING SECRET ABOUT THE FROG AND ITS GOLD BALL! (I'm sorry, I've been focused on that stupid thing since I first joined IDV and saw the diaries.) Question now is what it does... (secret exit?)
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We know the gold ball was in Murro's room based on William's diary before he returned it to the statue. Maybe Murro knew its secret. But for what purpose? Did Murro hide something there, like how he used apple juice to write secret pages in his diary? Or something else?
5) Pretty sure the "explorer" isn't literally Kurt here. The one who "refused to trust his allies" and was "brutally slain by a wild beast" should be Murro, based on Murro's diary page Kurt finds, and Kurt may assume Bane killed Murro for now and thus Bane is the "beast"
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Though considering the other letters, Naib is another option, but Kurt should have no reason to know that (if Naib did indeed kill Murro), so at least in this context Kurt says "wild best" to refer to Bane.
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I've always had 2nd thoughts/doubts about the idea Naib wants to kill Murro. We know Naib works for Arthur Russel, who we know is a detective. Arthur is currently the one investigating both the Hullabaloo tragedy and Lakeside Village.
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We know Arthur cares about his investigators as he pulls them out of the investigation when he believes a "crime syndicate" is involved with Lakeside. We haven't seen anything yet that implies Arthur also has his men do assassinations though...
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Not saying that can't be the truth but I want more info before jumping to any conclusions, despite whatever the manor owner says, especially as we know even the manor owner isn't all-knowing (like with the people who only leave puddles behind, or Naib managing to disappear).
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It's hard for me to say, but it is possible there were multiple sets of footprints belonging to more than 1 person, aka maybe Naib's was 1 of them (if not Bane's, if Bane only stays in his cabin in the forest).
Seem to be maybe 4 sets of footprints
1 set
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2nd set
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3rd set
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4th set
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But if Naib can disappear from the manor owner's sight, maybe he can also help other people to disappear too? If Arthur wanted to find the culprit of the Hullabaloo deaths and they discovered someone else from the circus had survived, they may have wanted to find him to help solve the mystery of the circus murders, which could be why Naib went after Murro as we saw in his 1st letter.
As an investigator, a new witness could be the key to solving the whole mystery (maybe that's just me as someone who reads/watches/plays too much detective stuff)
Naib obviously knows how to be stealthy/sneaky considering he has to do the same for himself to hide from the authorities, since Naib is a deserter, and desertion is a serious offense.
Murro's smart too considering the sort of invisible ink he uses.
So I think it's possible...
Maybe a good question to ask is “Why”? Why would Naib want to kill Murro? Mike is friendly with Murro, who Mike helped fake his death for, so he’s not the reason. And Naib isn’t just a brainless killer, since he deserted after refusing to kill his comrades, so he’d need a reason.
I guess you could say he might if he was paid to do so, but who’d ask to kill Murro? I doubt there are too many people that know too much about him enough to either hate him or have a reason to kill the person Bernard labeled as a “wild child” for his circus.
Different note, but the hole is gone in Servais' diary, but the boars are now in that same area that 1 set of footprints led to. It's also where Naib leaves the dead boar, which has a section of it torn open.
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Still no idea what might've been inside.
Too many questions...
6) Info about Kurt's 2nd letter
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"tree cave" = Murro's room
William and Kurt were awake in the evening due to the "awful weather". Nothing about sounds of "wild beasts"
Kurt thought they should do more than sit in their rooms, which is why he had Will help gather Naib and Murro. This was when Kurt went to look for Murro, found Murro not in his room + door locked, then went outside, where he saw footsteps, a (freshly dug?) hole, and Bane. He didn't see a "corpse", any heads being "bit off", or it being dragged off
Last thing Kurt says is to ask Naib to look at his new "work" based on his "experiences". This may be, at least in part, related to the work "Kurt Frank's Travels" from Kurt's 4th letter that he writes to Blackett Publications to get published. But nothing, at least from this yet, about telling Naib about seeing "a wild beast dragging his corpse into the shrubs. It bit off his head". Doesn't mean he didn't tell Naib this, but based on how much of the previous stuff was true, it's at least doubtful this is the full truth
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clarissecagliostro · 7 months ago
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Murro time
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theperplexednavigator · 2 years ago
Murro could use more love.
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(Drawn while getting my foot iced at the doctor's. He's a lovely person to keep me company.)
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enderhood · 9 months ago
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Identity V Miiverse Yeah! Button (Beard group edition)
I have decided to join the bandwagon and create these, free for personal use (credit appreciated)
Just want to add my own headcanons of the Beard men expressing their approval in their own way, hope you guys enjoy them!
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stachebracket · 2 years ago
Spin-Off 'Stache-Off!!
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theme: IDV (also follower suggestion)
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mix-de-sentimentos · 1 year ago
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t0bey · 4 months ago
curtain call
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nightwonder7 · 1 month ago
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Workplace harassment
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kekeiraa · 2 years ago
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artblock kinda kicking my ass rn so this is pretty low effort BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST GRANDPA EVER!!
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sirenjose · 1 year ago
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Thoughts on Season 30 Essence 3
The Prologue begins by saying to the audience “Once upon a time … Where did this happen? Outside, or within?” and later on “Where is the stage: outside or within?”. Sangria’s description “The distorted opening hints at the truth—Is this a magnificent stage or an icy cage?” In the original opera, the setting was essentially within Bluebeard’s soul, or “within”. Here, Sangria is implying that “cage” is the correct answer, as we see from the state of the previous leading actresses Judith finds. Sangria’s role seems to represent the original opera’s prologue, as well as the darkness at the start and end of the opera, especially as she is the one we see at the end of the trailer closing the door Bluebeard is in after the actresses escape.
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Judith’s description includes “A heroic musketeer was never needed in her script”. This is a reference to the original Bluebeard fairy tale.
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In the original, Bluebeard’s newest wife originally repelled by his beard but decides to marry due to his wealth) curiosity leads her to opening the 1 door she was told not to, where she finds the dead bodies of Bluebeard’s previous wives. She’s unable to hide this fact as the key she used was now stained with blood she was unable to clean off, and when Bluebeard finds out, he promises to kill her, but she manages to delay it temporarily. She uses this time to tell her sister (the main character was the younger of the 2) and ask her to look out for their brothers and signal them for help. Before the girl can be killed, her brothers, described as “musketeers” in some versions, arrive and kill Bluebeard, saving her.
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Unlike in the original tale, in canon, Perfumer aka Chloe killed her sister, and so she wouldn’t have anyone to come to her aid. More ironic is how her sister, the real Vera, actually had been trying to help Chloe, but Chloe thought she was being betrayed. Chloe pretends to be “Vera” from then on, but later does realize her tragic error, though it’s too late by then. Her life is much better than it was before, and despite her guilt, she is also unwilling to give up being “Vera”. Vera wants to escape her guilt (rather than atone) by making herself forget. As we see in her 1st letter, she is trying to prove that she can be fine on her own, similar to how Judith in this essence states she has no need for anyone to rescue her.
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With Duke Bluebeard, it mentions building “thicker walls”. In the opera, Judith is essentially the one breaking down his walls, as the story does take place “within” his soul.
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(Murro even mentions only having 1 toy and walls in his 1st deduction.)
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Up until at least door 5, Bluebeard is actually encouraging Judith to open the doors. And up until door 5, more and more light enters the castle, as the initial reason Judith says she wants to open the doors is because the castle is dark and she wants to let in some light. Upon opening door 5, that is when the most light appears, with it being almost blinding in intensity. But for door 6 and door 7, Bluebeard tells her not to open it, and when opening door 6, only darkness pours out, though door 7 isn’t as dark, as “pale moonlight” streams out. The contents of doors 1-5 are covered in blood, while the 6th contains a lake of tears and 7 contains Bluebeard’s previous wives.
Bluebeard in the original story killed his previous wives, and in the opera they were a memory/mental image he kept of them, like a trophy, as they still left an influence on him and thus a mark was left in his mind.
This seems to be an accurate interpretation considering in the Season 30 Essence 3 trailer, Bluebeard tells Judith to “become an eternal treasure of mine”.
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Speaking of the trailer, this essence seems to be a combination of both the original Bluebeard story and the opera. At the start Bluebeard seems to be about to leave Judith and he tells her specifically not to open the 7th door, which lines up with the original Bluebeard story, as does all the riches and wealth she finds behind doors 1-6 with what we see Judith finding in the trailer. The introduction for the play given by Sangria, as well as the Murro ending in alone in the darkness, the use of the name “Judith”, and in a way the fact she finds the previous leading actresses “alive” lines up with the opera’s story.
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 Unlike Bluebeard, Murro has done nothing similarly evil, so it is more likely the memories behind each door and the mental image of the previous wives are more of the pain in his past as well as the loss of everyone after the tragedy and after game 8.
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At door 5, Bluebeard proudly presents his country, though Judith notices blood colored clouds passing over it. Considering Murro’s backstory, this may parallel Hullabaloo circus itself before the tragedy, with doors 1-4 (which contained a torture chamber, armory, treasury, and a garden) potentially relating to the pain Murro suffered under Bernard.
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Hullabaloo on the outside seemed like a great place, just like Bluebeard’s lands, but also just like the blood red clouds Judith sees, Hullabaloo held a darkness not everyone noticed until too late. Even Mike in his 4th letter states “It took that incident to make me realize that this so-called family of ours is no better than a stinking sewer. Only after tearing apart the veil on it was I able to realize that it was infested with mediocrity, jealousy, and blood”.
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That could also be a good connection to the “lake of tears” behind door 6.
Finally with door 7, this could in part tie into Murro’s “loneliness”, which he references in his 4th letter: “Everyone is gone. If I too die here, please bury me with my friends. At least I won't be too lonely then”. Even with how he refers to the 2 previous actresses as “treasures” could reference how even Murro still somewhat cared for his memories with Mike and Joker, as he says in his 4th letter (after game 8 has finished): “Yes, if only it was a nightmare. I would rather be jolted awake by Bernard's whistle while he gazes at me with a boar on a leash, and Mike is busy bickering with Joker while practicing juggling”. But just like Bluebeard being left alone in the darkness when everyone escapes, Murro is left all alone, after both the tragedy and especially after game 8 when everyone dies, to the point Murro begs for death because “everyone is gone”. He just asks that he be “[buried] with my friends”.
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I also find it ironic that Murro is the 1 trapped at Hullabaloo by Bernard and the 1 who wanted to escape from the circus and suffered under Bernard yet he is playing the role of Bluebeard, while Perfumer aka Chloe who killed her own sister aka Vera after she suspects Vera betrayed her is playing Judith (similar to Bluebeard in the original story killing the wives when he learns of their essential “betrayal” when they open the door he tells them not to).
Regarding Demi and Fiona as the previous actresses paralleling Bluebeard's previous wives, their descriptions mentioning being in this land "forever" relates to how in the opera Bluebeard says that dawn, night, etc.. are their's forever (he found 1 at daybreak, 1 at noon, 1 at evening, and Judith at night, and each essentially represents those, though in the essence there's only 2 rather than 3 previous women).
Forever is a reference to them being mere memories, as no one can actually live forever, which is another reference to the opera taking place "within" aka the soul, though in the essence they "slumber" eternally.
And just like the descriptions, in the opera Bluebeard describes his previous wives as overwhelmingly beautiful, which again goes back to the idea that he's kept an ideal mental image of each of them at their peak.
As for the others, Servais is a detective brought here by a "ticket" holding "clues", a ticket that likely came from Bonbon considering its description mentions sometimes "secrets slip out". Servais seeking the "truth" reminds me of Judith in the original opera opening all the doors due to her curiosity and the same desire to "inch closer to the truth". Of course, Servais here parallels how he came to the manor after Murro's disappearance, as him being tasked to find Murro is just like his role as detective, except in this essence he is likely here due to the disappearances of the previous actresses (compared to him arriving due to Murro’s disappearance).
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Philip as a "Harsh Critic" implies unlike others he is less enthused about the play. His opinion about "beauty" is likely a reference to his belief in physiognomy (he may see them captured women, with how they're described as that beautiful, as being innocent like his sister?)
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