#murder drones Lee v
hugsandchaos · 9 months
Okay these two are just suggestions, but could we get a sequel to that Uzi, V, and J tickle fight? Like the three wreck the goofball, but the tables turn on them due to his strength?
And can we get a sequel to the tickle vines fic w/ Uzi and Doll? (We already have the prequel thanks to ✨moi✨, this could turn into a trilogy! >:D)
Again, just suggestions, you don’t have to do them :)
Of course! I’m finally done with the first one, and I’m so sorry it took me this long! I hope you still like it!
N glided around a building and gave his wings another flap to push himself higher and faster through the air. He scanned the mapped out buildings from higher and searched ahead for the long abandoned and wrecked hotel that indicated that he was near the park. Once he found it, he’d fly past it and turn slightly to the right, then continue looking for his old pod. As he continued his easy, smooth glide, N couldn’t help but mentally scold himself for his own thought process earlier before he took off. The first thought he had when he woke up a few minutes after sunset was basically him being happy that he had gotten some uninterrupted sleep for the first time in a while.
He felt a little guilty after realizing that the reason he had gotten that sleep was because he had set up a “playtime session”, as some call it, between his best friend and his friends-slash-coworkers in hopes of them getting along and left them at his old pod. N scolded himself in his mind, telling himself that he should have never thought of the fact that his friends weren’t there as a good thing. Especially when something could’ve gone wrong while he was sleeping and they might’ve actually fought the whole time. As he weaved through the city, he soon spotted the old hotel through the other tall buildings, which had a couple floors crumbled and walls slanted against the other, threatening at any minute to break and topple over. N gave his wings another flap and propelled himself over the wreckage of the building, then tucked his wings in ever so slightly to dip down towards the planet.
N gained speed quickly, but not as quickly as he would if he folded his wings in completely. He continued his descent for a few seconds before stretching them out again and flapping to transition from a head-first fall to a fast glide. He tilted his body to lean a little to the right and briefly pulled the outer edge of his right wing in to position himself to face the far right corner of the park, where his old pod had crashed. Freshly fallen snow from earlier was knocked off of long dead trees and signs as N flew over them. Given his speed, it didn’t take long to cross over the park and find his old pod. When he decided he was close enough, he turned his body to put his legs under him and tucked his wings into their hatches. N allowed gravity to do its job and landed on his feet with no problem. The impact hardly fazed him, it just let him know he had landed correctly. Looking up at the old pod that he landed in, he immediately noticed that something was off.
His friends had the light on when he brought them there and then left. Looking at the windows, he could see pretty clearly that they were off. N glanced down at the entrance a few meters away from him. There were footprints running around the pod, but they easily circled back inside, as if they had run around it for some reason. Did something bad happen? N opened his mouth, letting that creepy smile take hold of his face, and inhaled. He couldn’t smell any oil coming from inside, so that meant no injuries or anything. Nothing seemed to actually be wrong, but why were the lights off? He closed his mouth and decided to head inside to investigate, moving slowly and quietly just incase.
N moved across the snow silently. No crunch of ice or snow under his feet were heard, thanks to his training making silent movement almost a habit of his. He slowly climbed the slanted platform up to the entrance and grabbed onto the cold door handle. The ice that had formed from the lack of warm contact was already beginning to melt against his hand, but he didn’t care about his hand getting a little wet. He waited a few more seconds, listening for anything coming from inside, but he couldn’t hear much aside from the heaters obviously working. N quickly swung the door open and stepped inside. He couldn’t see V, J, or Uzi, which added to his growing fear that they had been attacked by something. Or rather, someone. His eyes scanned over the room in front of him again as he stepped further inside. Once N passed through the door completely, it suddenly slammed shut behind him. He swiftly turned around and was about to change his hands to claws, expecting the worst, but someone he didn’t notice before tackled him from behind and pinned him down before he could fully turn around. The lights were turned on as he fell down.
“I got him!” V said triumphantly. N looked up to see Uzi standing by the light switch and grinning. It was that grin she had whenever she was about to do something she probably shouldn’t, something mischievous, and it was aimed at him. N pulled his arms in front of him and was about to get up and question what was happening, but Uzi quickly knelt down and grabbed both his arms. The pressure and grip she had on his wrists were no doubt pointing to the increasing chance that something was about to happen.”I got his arms!” Uzi declared. He noticed J behind and above Uzi, using her arms and legs to keep herself suspended above the door. She let go and landed with a light thud.”Good. He’s pretty strong, so be careful while you keep him down.” She instructed as she walked past them. N wasn’t as anxious anymore, but he was definitely still a little nervous and confused. V was still on his back, probably to try to weigh him down, and her arms were stuck underneath him since Uzi kept his arm outstretched and was trying to prevent him from getting up. The burning question was finally answered when he felt V’s fingers scrunch up against his sides.
N’s eyes widened and he instinctively bit his lip from the inside to keep himself from making a sound and also focused on not letting his tail wag. V relaxed and scrunched up her fingers again and N couldn’t help but smile as she slowly continued. He lightly tugged on his arms, but Uzi kept him there and refused to let go. He lowered his head and began snickering as the tickling continued.”Aw, you’re not going to laugh?” V asked, faking disappointment. N shook his head and kept trying to keep his mouth shut, lightly kicking his legs. He heard J from behind him, back where his legs were.”I’ll help.” She said. N quickly tried to pull his legs closer to himself so she hopefully couldn’t grab them, but he already felt her tail wrap around his legs and hold them together. She began scratching underneath his knees, which combined with his other friend already going at his sides, finally got him to start laughing.”Pfft- hehehehehe... hahahahahahaha!”
“Now we’re getting somewhere!” Uzi said. N didn’t really put up much of a fight, half because he was worried about accidentally hitting them if he yanked out of their grip, and half because he was enjoying himself a little. He probably wouldn’t admit it out loud, though, since he was a little embarrassed about it. V began to work one of her hands towards his belly, but couldn’t reach it.”Can we roll him over? I can’t reach his belly.” V asked. Almost in unison, they moved. Uzi moved to the left of N while keeping her grip on his arms, adjusting her hands to keep it. V got off his back and knelt next to him. She placed her hands against his left side and began to gently push him. J followed their lead and kept her tail wrapped around his legs, loosening her grip until he was pushed onto his back and then tightening her grip back to before. This time, she forced his legs closer to himself so he’d have to move his legs to an upside down V position.”Wahahait, I don’t know what’s going on, but— Wahahahahait!!” N fell back into laughter when V and J both continued tickle him. V was now using one hand to scribble over his belly and the other to lightly squeeze and poke at one of his sides.”Hahahahahaha!! Hahahahahahahahaha!! Whahahat’s gohoing ohohohon?! Hahahaha!!” N asked through his laughter.
J continued scratching under his knees, which made him lightly tug on his legs out of reflex. J’s tail kept him in place. Uzi moved a little closer and hooked one of her arms so she could hold both of his arms with one of her own. She then used her free hand to reach down and lightly scratch at one of his underarms. N’s laughter grew louder, and if they asked, he’d probably deny his tail beginning to wag.”We had a little “fight” while you were gone and decided we’d wreck you when you get back.” Uzi explained with a mischievous grin.
Only a short while later, the three of them seemed to be getting a little bored while N cackled and laughed on the floor.“You know, I’m getting a little hungry. I want some ribs” V said. N wanted to whisper “oh no” hearing that. She’s done this before and he knew what was coming. V changed her hands to claws and began to gently pressed them against his ribcage, making his laughter grow a bit in volume.”Wahahait, not thehehehehe clahahahaws! Hehehey! IhIhI’m nohot food!” N cackled. He couldn’t help but try again to lightly tug at his arms and legs, but Uzi and J still kept him in place.”No talking, I’m trying to enjoy my meal.” V said. N shook his head at her response, still denying him being a meal.”Hahahahahaha!! Hahahahahahahaha!! Hahahaha!! Thihihis isn’t fahahahair!! IhIt’s three ahagainst one!! Hahahahaha!!” He said. J turned to him and V.
“Hey, should we let Uzi have a turn?” She asked. Uzi perked up a bit and her smile grew instantly.”Yes!” She agreed quickly. She was pretty eager to have a turn. V soon nodded in agreement.”Sure, but we should probably be quick to switch.” She said. Even though it wasn’t directed at her, J stopped scratching under N’s knees and tightened her grip just a little bit more with both of her arms. As fast as they could, V and Uzi switched places and V grabbed onto his arms. Uzi was a bit slower to get to her spot and lifted her hands and wiggled her fingers. N smiled from nervousness and anticipation as she moved closer. V and J both silently approved of her approach and waited. N let out a small laugh purely out of anticipation and his tail flicked.”Why are you laughing? I haven’t even touched you yet.” Uzi teased. N didn’t give her much of a reaction. Uzi moved ever so slowly closer, then suddenly began digging into his underarms. N burst out laughing again and his tail began wagging again.”Ahahahahahaha!! Hahahahahahaha!! Hahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha!!” N tugged on his arms out of reflex, but V kept his arms up and prevented him from protecting himself. The fact that he couldn’t always made it tickle a bit more. He tried leaning to one side, but Uzi focused on that side of him and he leaned the opposite way to move away.
As he cackled and occasionally tried to roll away, but kept failing, Uzi realized that they were missing something. Something from earlier. Slowly, she stopped tickling his underarms, but her grin didn’t fade. That made N nervous again.“I know what we need.” Uzi said. Before anyone asked, she lowered herself to place her face very close to his belly. J and V immediately grinned and N’s nervous smile grew wider as he realized what she was going to do. He tried to pull on his legs and arms and move away, but his friends managed to keep him from doing that.“Wait, wait, wait, wait, waAAAAAIIIIEEEHEHEHEHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! UHUHUHUZIHIHIHI, WAHAHAIT!!!” N pulled and tugged on his limbs out of reflex, yanking his friends a bit and resulting in their grip becoming looser. His tail hitting the floor lightly as it wagged. Uzi took in another breath and blew again.
This time, J and V lost their grip on him as he trashed around. He stomped and kicked his legs against the floor and he pulled his arms down to lightly push Uzi off of him. Those quick few seconds of freedom was all he needed to scramble onto his hands and feet and leap over Uzi as J and V tried and failed to grab him again. His tail wrapped around Uzi and lifted her as he rushed outside. J and V chased after him, but they were a little too slow, and he managed to run outside and use his wings to get himself off the ground.”Alright, it’s my turn now!” N said. He was safe in the air as they couldn’t fly, and now that he had one of them, his revenge could begin. Uzi’s eyes widened and she began to wiggle around to try to escape his grip, but he moved his tail to hold her in front of him and reached out to start tickling her belly. Almost immediately, she burst out into laughter and tried to push his hands off.”Hehehehey!! Knohohohohohock ihihit ohohohohoff!! Hahahahahahahaha!! Hahahahaha!!” She said.
“Hmm.... Nope! This is more fun.” N said. He continued to tickle her while his tail kept a good enough grip not to drop her, but not tight enough to make her uncomfortable. Uzi continued laughing while N switched between spidering his fingers and lightly squeezing her to make her squeak. She blushed a little from embarrassment and used one hand to try to hide the small purple blush lines while using the other to push his hands away. It didn’t work and N continued the playful assault. He glanced down below and saw that J and V were gone, but as his scanners zoomed in, their footprints revealed where they went. A mischievous grin made its way onto N’s face as an idea entered his mind. This was going to be fun.
N kept his gaze on the footprints on the ground up ahead as he glided over them. The constant howling winds made it easier for him to move silently through the air, and he was grateful for that. It just made this game of hide and seek all the more fun. As he came up to an old lamppost, he reached out for it and grabbed on. N pulled himself up with ease and was about to leap off of it to continue, but then he noticed something in the tracks that continued ahead. The ones he had been following were empty, but the ones up ahead had pieces of broken metal or were made by well-aimed snowballs. One of them had tried to throw him off.
Glancing down at the ones immediately below, he noticed a disturbance in the snow near the frozen car wreck. One that was caused by kicking. N moved slowly and used his tail to wrap around the lamppost, ready to tighten his grip and catch himself as he crawled towards the pole and began climbing down headfirst. He stopped midway down and loosened his grip on the pole while bending his legs even more like a spring. Then, he released his grip completely and leapt off the side of the pole, landing on one of the cars with enough force for some of the ice to crack. There was a quiet gasp from inside. Just as N had hoped. He jumped down and reached in the door, just barely grabbing V’s legs. He managed to grab one, and then the other when she tried to kick free from him. He hooked both of them under one of his arms as V began to panic. He turned his back to the door, preventing her from seeing when he’d start, and leaned against the car.”No, no, no! Let gohohohoho!! Nohohohohohot thehe feheheet, pleheheahase!! Hahahahaha!! Hahahahahahaha!! Hahahahahahahahaha!!” She tried to pull herself away by grabbing onto the opposite door, but N kept her in place. He lightly scratched at the bottom of her legs, which weren’t exactly the same as worker drones’, but still fairly sensitive.
He continued to tickle that spot for a good few minutes until she said something through her laughter.”Hahahaha!! Hahahahahahaha!! Hahahahahahaha!! Hahahahaha!! IhIhIhIhI’ll tehehell you whehehere J ihihihis!!” V said. N paused, but still kept her legs in his grip. He turned his head around and gave V an expectant look. Once she caught her breath enough, she pointed outside.”She went into that building.” She said. N turned to look at the building on the other side of the road. It was an old school, which meant not too many places to hide and a lot of open space. He thought about it for a few seconds, then smiled and lightly stroked one of V’s feet, making her giggle a bit.”Thank you, but I’m not done with you just yet.” He said. Without anymore hesitation, he continued tickling her.”Hahahahaha!! Wahahahahait!! Nohohohot fahahahair!! Hahahahahahahaha!! Hahahahahahahahaha!!”
J looked out into the nearly vacant, frozen gym room from under the bleachers and waited patiently for N to show up at any time. She had crawled under there because there was a vent right beside her that she could escape into if he came too close to her hiding spot. So far, for the last hour and a half, he hasn’t shown up. She wanted to go outside and search the school, see if it was finally safe to go back, but she knew better. N wouldn’t give up so easily. When it came to getting a task done, time was only relevant if there was a deadline in his eyes. In a game like this, he’d only give up if he had to, and the sun had only gone down so most three hours ago. He had another eleven to find her before sunrise. J had a few blankets she snatched from one of the many emergency supplies cabinets throughout the store, so she’d just have to stay hidden until then.
As she continued to scan left and right from her corner, she suddenly heard something that made her engines stop. A vent closing. J swiftly turned around and saw N standing there. He smiled and waisted no more time grabbing her and lifting her a few inches off the ground in what would be a rare, but normal hug if he wasn’t tickling her at the same time.”Hahahahaha! Puhuhuhuhut mehehehe dohown! Stohohohohop tihicklihihihing mehehehehe!” She said. N just smiled innocently. J tried to pry his arms off and use her legs to push against him, but he didn’t let go and kept up the assault.”Hahahahahahaha! Yohohohouhuhu’re in sohohoho muhuch trohohohouhuhuble!” She threatened. Usually, N would take it seriously, probably a little too seriously, and let go. When she first said that, he didn’t come near her for the rest of the night, but now he didn’t. He was going to get his revenge on her, and he knew that she wasn’t actually going to hurt him, so he continued as if she hadn’t said anything. Plus, none of what she said sounded like their safe word.”N! Hahahahahahahaha! Hahahahaha! Hahahahahaha!”
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valentine-letter · 1 year
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just playing ... but i wonder if they noticed her ?
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radiant-fanon-maker · 3 months
Fan art for my friends top tier fic [Spoilers for it]
You did amazing @leefl00f all my platonic love is for you and the work you did :333
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md-tickle-stuff · 1 year
Worker drone N, V, J hcs?
Omfg yes!! >:D
Worker N:
Worst spots are his hips, stomach, and neck
Sweet boi with a cute ass laugh
Constantly gets teased and tickled by other maids/butlers (not that he really minds)
Squirmy mf
Has tickle fights with V from time to time
Worker V:
Worst spots are her feet, sides, and armpits
Very high and squeaky giggles
Also gets teased a lot, mostly by J
Has tickle fights with N, and mostly loses
Gets flustered when teased
Worker J:
Worst spots are her neck and back
Squeaky and adorable giggles
Squeals a lot when she laughs
LOVES to tease N and V, as well as other maids/butlers in the manor
Mostly gets tickled by the higher ups/residents of the manor
Says she hates being tickled when really she doesn't mind
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iburntgewater · 5 months
Tickle hcs for MD
As a Lee: Not afraid to ask for tickles but it depends on the person
usually starts tickle fights just to lose (lol)
Wouldn’t ask J to save his life cuz well I think you know
but he still gets tickled from J sometimes
in Lee moods he likes to lay next to others so he doesn’t have to ask
but V is the only one who knows what it means
worst spot: belly sides and neck
as a ler:
he doesnt get a ler mood too much but when he does
he will chase you around saying he’s the tickle drone
teases the victim a lot
will find your most ticklish spot
as a Lee: very embarrassed about being mostly a lee like N
she also likes getting tickled
hides the fact when she’s in a Lee mood
definitely a blushy one
as accidentally Hurt N with her claws when he tickles her
worst spot: sides end of peg legs? and belly
as a ler: she’s not really a ler
as a Lee: says she hates being tickled but doesn’t mind it
she doesn’t enjoy it just she doesn’t mind it
like V she always hides her Lee moods but doesn’t a bad job
When being tickled she hides her face cuz embarrassment
worst spot: end of peg legs armpits and behind knee caps (does she have any?)
as a ler: RUTHLESS LER
mostly goes for N cuz he’s a easy target
such a teaser when it comes to tickling
finds the most ticklish spot immediately so her attack does “extra damage” as she says
balance of gentle and rough tickles
well that’s all folks
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Starring Viktoria Lee as 'Serial Designation V'.
#Viktoria Lee
The Irish actress took the crew by storm, her energy simply intoxicating as she auditioned for multiple characters, she almost was cast as 'Lizzy' before she was ultimately given the role of V.
Personality wise Viktoria is pretty outgoing and funny, a hundred percent extroverted she's the one you'll see organizing all the girl's nights and parties, she had a hard time playing V because she's used to playing characters that are closer to her real self, nonetheless she says she's having a blast as V and is glad she got her instead of Lizzy. Viktoria didn't know any of the other actors before but quickly became best friends with Doll's actress.
[Send asks to unlock more information!]
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Note: I know not all the creators of these couples are great. I don't have to support them to enjoy the characters. Also please don't come at me about toxicity or whatever. I couldn't care less. They are cute in my Lil Adhd brain and imma try to keep it that way.
Will Solace x Nico di Angelo [Solangelo] (Rick Riordan)
Blitzø Buckzo x Stolas Ars Goetia [Stolitz] (Helluva Boss)
Angel Dust x Husker [Huskerdust] (Hazbin Hotel)
Azriphail (can't spell sorry) x Crowley (Good Omens)
Deadpool x Wolverine [Poolverine] (Marvel)
Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy [Drarry] (Harry Potter)
Jason Grace x Leo Valdez (HoO)
Alastor x Lucifer [Radioapple] (Hazbin Hotel)
Sirius Black x Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
Sokka x Zuko (ATLA)
N x Uzi Doorman [Nuzi] (Murder Drones)
Cherri Bomb x Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel)
Moxxie Knolastname x Millie Knolastname [M&M] (Helluva Boss)
Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase [Percabeth] (Rick Riordan)
Frank Zhang x Hazel Levesque [Frazel] (HoO)
Lute x Adam (Hazbin Hotel)
Luna Lovegood x Neville Longbottom [Nuna] (Harry Potter)
Nori Doorman x Khan Doorman (Murder Drones)
Charlie Morningstar x Vaggie (Chaggie) [Hazbin Hotel]
V x Lizzy [Vizzy] (Murder Drones)
Luna Lovegood x Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter)
Celine x Sloane (The Naturals)
Ty Lee x Azula (ATLA)
Korra x Asami (LoK)
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little-pup-pip · 2 months
i remember u posting a thing where it shows all the requests you haven't done yet. I just want to see as I requested something long ago in 2023. I'm not trying to seem pushy, I'm just curious!
(this was rhe person that requested a bugbo thing)
Here you go!! This is very long, so I put the list under the cut!
These are the requests sent after I stopped accepting them that I didn't delete for various reasons. If you sent in a request after I closed them on March 14th and don't see it here, you'll need to send a new one (please don't take it personally if I deleted it)!!
Black + squirrel
Asra (the arcana)
Shurara (keroro gunsou)
Ring tailed lemur
Buzz light-year
Yellow raccoon petre
Lionel Messi
Sonic the hedgehog
Light pink and blue bunnies
Middle school gym class
Jenny wakeman (my life as a teenage robot)
Chris Kratt (wild Kratts)
Yuri (doki doki literature club)
Cole (Lego Ninjago)
Crowley (good omens)
Prince + bunnies
CG vil (twisted wonderland)
Alt + Wolf-dog
Golden retriever
Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes)
Kipo (kipo and the age of wonderbeasts, I think)
Leif (my inner demons)
Little big planet 3
Clouds + pastel blue
Outdoorsy + animals
Sun and stars + bunnies
Chase (paw patrol, I actually have two of these waiting)
Eastern red bat
Octopus regression
Tiger CG
Aquarium trip
Pastel coloring + kitties
lavender/grey bunnies
Pastel dolls
Jumping spiders/Leopard geckos
Dr. animo (ben 10)
Shuichi saihara
Black Shiba inu
This is everything left from before I closed my requests!
Osamu dazai (bsd)
The dazzlings (equestria girls)
Vampire with Halloween themes
Guardians of ga'hoole
Gromsko (MW2/3)
V (murder drones)
Cg SD-N (murder drones)
Cassidy (overwatch) and cowboys
TMNT Leonardo
Pastel kitty
Epithet erased
Another OC named cerys
Slay the princess
Someone's pictures (Idk what to call this one just know that I'm going to do it)
The Magnus protocol
Bive (regretavator)
Donnie darko
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn nine nine)
Allister (pokemon)
Umi (idk from where I'll figure it out eventually)
Rottweiler puppy and the creek
Monster tom (eddsworld)
Gnarpy (regretavator)
Xianzhao loufu (hsr)
Cg jing yuan (hsr)
Cupcake and dino
Kitty petre pomni (tadc)
Shiromo (pui pui molcar)
Jack harkness (doctor who)
Cg basil hallward (the picture of Dorian gray)
Spiderman (again! lol)
Mei (Lego monkie kid)
Cats + cakes
Houndoom (pokemon)
Wolfwalkers from cartoon saloon
Lucifer (hazbin hotel)
Critterspace (drafts)
Minecraft lush caves (drafts)
Ibara saegusa
Llewellyn Watts (Murdoch Mysteries)
Jake (trailer park warlock, drafts)
Cult of the lamb (pet dreaming themed)
Cassie (fnaf: ruin)
Black kitten + space
Grey draik (neopets)
Pumpkin head (still needs more research)
Someone's OC Avery & siblings
Maki harukawa
Brown, lime green and forest green puppy
Dylan (the magic roundabout)
Vincent (dead plate)
Osamu dazai (bungo stray dogs, drafts)
Vision CG (marvel, drafts)
Light blue
Bearded vulture
Mind (Chonny Jash/CCCC)
Seam CG (deltarune)
John Constantine (Justice League Dark)
Keralis (Hermitcraft, maybe)
Tula tones (novi stars, drafts)
Eevee + dragons (or witchy themes which I may do instead)
Kitten + stars (I think, the request actually says stairs though and it's been confusing me)
Grey + Ross federman youtooz (drafts)
Boyfriend.xml (Friday night funkin')
Puppet (fnaf)
Genshin impact (drafts)
Karako Pierot (hiveswap)
Border Collie
Mortal Kombat
Puppy + SpongeBob (drafts)
Baby vulture (drafts)
Rain world/slugcat (drafts)
Border Collie
Modded smash hit rooms
Crying child (fnaf)
Agent Smith CG (the matrix)
Rolfe DeWolfe CG (Rockafire Explosion)
Slime rancher
Puppet (fnaf)
Parado (Kamen Rider)
Tally hall
Rockabilly (probably)
Felix Lee
Charles Xavier CG (X-Men)
Naoto Shirogane (persona 4, drafts)
17th century dutch (drafts)
Sees behind trees (drafts)
Allay (Minecraft, I think. Drafts)
Tasmanian devil (drafts, can't figure out if they want the cartoon or animal)
Spamton CG (deltarune, drafts)
Grunge + lop eared bunnies (drafts)
Yume-Nikki (drafts)
Daxter (jak and daxter, drafts)
Madness combat for puppies (drafts)
James Sunderland (silent Hill, drafts)
Shirokuma (Danganronpa, drafts)
Leo (IDW comic, drafts)
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purplepanda123 · 8 months
Hello all my friend :D
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This is my oc!
Name: zert
My Moon: Jose
Age: 14
Live in: i move back to Malaysia🇲🇾!
Country: im half uk 🇬🇧 and half Malaysian 🇲🇾
Religion: Muslim☪️ (i respect all religion)
Birthday: 10th june
Friend: yes. I have many of them
Idol: @dokidobe @ticklessolarballs @netuniark
Reason they become my idol: I LOVE THEIR ART SOOOO MUCH :D!!
Favorite fandom: equestria girl, mlp,solarballs
Will i accept you if you want to be my friend: OFC!! I like having New friend
i will sometime didn't post because have some school work to do :( but i will check dokidobe, epichoccymilk and anniek tumblr account everyday because i want to see their New post :D
Also for mlp or equestria girl tickle fic you guys can request background character too! Example: ler Lyra lee vinyl.... And also.... Please don't request lee! Rainbow dash, lee! pinkie,lee! Applejack, lee!/ler! Chs/canterlot high school sci-twi.... It make Me feel So uncomfortable....and please.... Only request the fandom im in...
Fandom im in:
Equestria girl
Dasi gantung
The amazing digital circus
Fundamental paper education
Murder Drones (lee! Uzi fic only since N the one who always get tickle)
Lackadaisy (lee! Ivy only!!)
Indigo park
Hetalia (Any of the ASEAN only!)
And for fic im doing all the fandom im in.... (I cant draw human or ponies)
And for art i only do solarballs, appballs and countryball (i will make oc too!)
For equestria girl, mlp,fundamental paper education,the amazing digital circus,Murder drones and dasi gantung i cant do your oc because it was weird
For fundamental paper education i don't accept lee! Any of the teacher or lee! Oliver, Edward, robby and kevin
For indigo Park i don't Accept lee! Lyold
i'm a multishipper!
For my fic i accept any ship expect for proshipper
My beloved favorite character:
Solarballs: callisto, titania and dione
Appballs: X/twitter
Fpe: Lizzy, Claire and Alice
Mlp: Twilight, trixie and Sunburst
Equestria girls: Crystal prep sci-twi, sunny flare, lemon Zest and Timber
Dasi gantung: vany and ratara
Countryball: no favorite! I love many country
Workerboi: Disney and netflix
The amazing digital Circus: pomni, zooble and gummigoo
Spaceball: Sun and Pluto
Murder Drones: uzi and v
Lackadaisy: ivy! (SHE'S SO CUTE SJDBDIK)
Indigo Park: mollie
Hetalia: Malaysia and singapore
Warning: please call me zert because the only people that can call me zim is someone who is close to me like alther, aktani,doki, annie, Justin and much more people who is my friend/buddy because im very UNCOMFORTABLE TO GET CALL ZIM BY SOME PEOPLE
Somethings... Something not right...... What is it?..... I don't know either.....
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hugsandchaos · 11 months
Can we get a fic where Uzi, V and J somehow get into a tickle fight?
This could be a way for them to bond along with the hangout session that N set up for the three (N forced them to) :]
Of course, I don’t mind! Sorry about the wait! I think I did pretty well with this one, so I hope you like it!
J sat next to Uzi and waited for her next words as she rummaged through the insides of the landing pod N was sent down in. For whatever reason, Uzi decided to check it out while they were supposed to be “hanging out”, but she was apparently finding some weird stuff. J didn’t know how exactly it happened, but she was apparently helping her. She had given Uzi the screwdriver that fell out of her toolbox when she accidentally knocked it over while half her body was cramped inside and Uzi started requesting other tools from her or for her to hold something for a couple seconds.
V was sitting on an old cargo chest and occasionally blowing bubbles while watching them. The only real sound was Uzi working, V’s bubbles popping, and the muffled wind outside.”...I’m bored.” V piped up. J glanced at her and waved her over. While V was slightly disappointed that it was all J could think of, she wasn’t going to pass up a chance to cuddle with her girlfriend. Never. She stood up and hopped off the cargo chest, changed her bubble wand back to a normal hand, and plopped down next to J. She leaned against her and grabbed her closest arm to put it around herself. A small yellow blush appeared on both of their screens.”Now give me affection.” V demanded.
J smiled a bit and lightly pushed V’s head to rest on her shoulder before putting her hand back down to lightly rub V’s arm. V smiled and her tail thumped ever so lightly against the metal floor.”Hey, you said that all the pods are supposed to have a sort of program that makes it return to its original location, right?” Uzi chimed in. J glanced over at her, surprised by her question. Had she actually gotten into the systems from down there?”Yes. Why do you ask?” J asked. Before Uzi could reply, J burst into giggles.”Pfft- hehehey! V! What ahahare you dohoing?” She asked, trying to stop herself from laughing as V scribbled her fingers on her side. She gave J a smug look and reached her other hand around to tickle her other side as well.”I said I wanted affection, but you stopped.” She teased. J covered her mouth with one of her hands to try to hide her growing laughter.”Ihit was fohor twohoho seheheheconds.” She said. She tried using her free hand to push V’s away, but it didn’t work since every time she managed, V would just dive back in.”That’s two seconds too many.” V said.
“Cohohome ohohohon! Pftt- hahahahahaha! Hahahaha!” J was thrown into a fit of giggles by V’s continuous assault on her both of her sides. She soon removed her hand from her mouth and instead tried to hide her face. Being ticklish was a bit of an embarrassment for her, and Uzi now knowing that the bossy murder drone is ticklish probably made it worse for her. Right now, though, she’d have to focus on getting V off of her. Without being rude or anything. In fact, she was going to give V what she wanted.”Yohohou wahahahant atehehention, huh? Hahaha! I’ll gihive yohou attehention!” J said. She shot both arms out and picked V up. She pulled her onto her lap and immediately began tickling her back, using one arm to hold her and the other to tickle her beneath her arms. V was caught off guard by this and immediately burst into giggles.”Wahahait, whahat? J! Hahahaha! Hahahahahaha! IhIhIhI’m suhupposed to behehe tihihickling yohohou!” V said. J could tell that she didn’t hate it, though. One, her tail was still wagging. Two, she wasn’t doing much to fight back or escape. J smiled. She always thought V’s laughter was one of the cutest and most beautiful things she’s ever heard, even though she had more than one laugh, if that makes sense.
“Yeah, well, you’re adorable when you laugh like this. Don’t blame me, it’s really your fault for being cute.” J said with a shrug. V blushed from the compliments. “Ihihis thihis a chahahallenge?” V asked. Before J could reply, V began to tickle her beneath the arms, which was a pretty bad spot.”Wahahahait!!” J cackled, squeezing both arms to her side, but all it did was trap V’s hands there.”Nohohoho!! Hahaha!! Stohohohohop!! Hahahahaha!!” J squirmed around and tried to get up without hurting V or anything, but it was a bit difficult. Especially with part of her mind occupied on the tickling. V’s tail continued wagging and she stuck her tongue out in a smug manner, like a silent “I win”.
Oh, V was going down.
J pushed herself forward so she could get on top of V and began tickling her back, her own tail wagging as well.”Tahahake thihihis!! Hahahahaha!!” J said through her laughter. V started laughing again when J tickled her sides, but she still tried to reach up and tickle J back. She’d have to buckle down and fall on top of her at some point, then she could find a way to win the newly established T fight.”IhIhIhIhI’m nohohot gohohoing to loose! Hahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! Hahahahaha!” V declared.
While those two were tickling each other, though, Uzi managed to drip out from underneath the desk. She had to move very slowly in order to avoid herself from being noticed. A small part of her was pretty curious to see who would win, but a bigger part was telling her to escape before it was too late. So, despite her mischievous side being happy she found a way to potentially come out on top if she ever got into a play fight with them and wanting to learn all their weak points, Uzi began putting her tools back into her bag so she could sneak out.
As soon as she managed to zip her backpack up without making much sound, Uzi heard a very light thud and turned to see that J had fallen on top of V. J wasn’t going to give up, though. She looked at V and smirked.”Yohou shouldn’t hahahave done that.” She said. She moved down a little so her head was above V’s belly. The horrified realization was clear as day on V’s face as she tried to prop herself up with her hands.”Wait!!! Wait a minute, don’t!!” V pleaded. When she managed to push herself up to get away, J took advantage of it and wrapped her arms around V’s waist. She took in a deep breath, pressed her face against V’s belly, and blew.
V threw her head back and her arms gave out.”AIIIIEHEHEHEHEHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! NOHOHOHOHO!!!” V laughed loudly and squirmed around uncontrollably. Unfortunately for her, J wasn’t going to get off, stop, or let go until she won.”HAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAhahaha!! Uhuhuzi, heAHAHAHAHAHAHALP!!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!” V pleaded.
When she calmed down enough from the second raspberry, she looked over to where Uzi should be, but was surprised to see that she was gone.”Uzi?! Whehehehere’d yohou goHOHOHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! J!! STOHOHOHOHOP!!!” V said. J, who was previously focused on torturing her girlfriend’s belly, heard the seriousness V managed to push into her tone and stopped. She looked up and immediately found Uzi standing at the door, trying to walk silently even though she was wearing boots.”Where are you going?” J asked.
Uzi tensed up a bit and turned around, looking a little nervous for a second before she changed her expression to the best fake seriousness she could muster.”Just going outside. I want to see if I can get a look at the systems from the outside.” She said. A small digital bead of sweat appeared and disappeared from her screen in only a few seconds. Both murder drones glanced at each other, then got up and began creeping towards her. Uzi’s eyes widened a bit and she took another step towards the door, this time not really caring about how much noise she made.“I don’t think you’re telling us the truth.” J said. Uzi took another step back, now halfway outside the entryway.
“I am, though. Some of those systems are pretty far in the back, so...” Another bead of sweat appeared when she realized how close J and V were getting. They were grinning maliciously and V was stifling a mischievous giggle.”Anyways, have fun with your lovey-dovey stuff!” Uzi said before turning heel and sprinting outside. J and V immediately took off after her.“Oh no, you don’t!” V yelled. Both of them chased her around the pod, and both of them were gaining on her quickly. J was the one to catch her by wrapping her arms underneath Uzi’s arms and lifting her up off the ground, then wrapped her tail around her ankles so she’s have a harder time getting away. V slid across some nearby ice to jump and stop right in front of them. Uzi immediately began trying to use her arms to push herself out of J’s grip and began struggling to move her legs, even when she tried pulling them up and slip free.”Hey, let go!” She said. She felt her backpack being removed from her back.
“Why? N wanted us to bond a little, so we’re playing a game together.” V said. She immediately reached for her sides and began squeezing them repeatedly, and Uzi immediately shut her mouth to try to prevent herself from laughing. She shook a little with muffled laughter and squirmed around to escape, but to no avail.”Oh, a challenge? I enjoy a challenge!” V said teasingly. She began spidering her fingers to see if that’d work, and it helped a little. Uzi shook her head and bit her lip to prevent herself from laughing. She tried pushing V’s hands away, but let out a small “Oh no” when V managed to grab both of her hands with her tail and lift them up.”Hey, not fahahahair!” Uzi said. She wasn’t able to stop the giggles that had slipped through.”Hey, don’t blame us for your apparent inexperience in this situation.” J said. V raised both her hands up as if trying to intimidate Uzi with the gesture.”I think I’ll try right here.” She said, going for Uzi’s belly. Uzi burst out into laughter and tugged hard on her arms and legs.”Hehehehey!! Wahahahahait!! Whahahat dihihid I dohoho?! Hahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha!!” She asked through her laughter.
“You didn’t do anything, you just need to participate since you were in the room when it began. And like I said, N wants us to bond, and I’m having fun. What about you, J?” V asked. J hummed thoughtfully and waited a few seconds before nodding.”Sure, this will do nicely.” She said.“Nohohohohohoho!! Hahahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha!! Nohohot my behehelly, plehehease!!” Uzi said. V out a simple “Nah” and continued tickling her.”Hahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha!!” While Uzi was struggling to get free and mentally cursing herself for having weaker metal than the average worker drone, V glanced at J with a pretty casual expression.”You know, I’d test her feet to see how bad they are, but it’s kind of cold out here and the heater inside N’s old pod is broken. Maybe when we get back to our pod?” She suggested. Uzi shook her head at the thought, this was embarrassing enough for her.”Nohoho!!” She cackled. It seemed her answer went unheard, though.”Not a bad plan.” J said, agreeing with her idea.
“Yehehehehes ihit ihihihis!” Uzi argued. V and J both turned their attention to her and V gave her belly a light squeeze, which made her squeak and laugh.”Hush, the adults are talking.” J said. V nearly laughed at her statement and continued tickling Uzi.“Plehehehease stohohohop!! Hahahahahaha!! IhIhIhI wohohon’t mahake fuhuhuhun of yohour lovey-dohovey stuff anyhymohohore!! Hahahahaha!!” Uzi pleaded. J raised an eyebrow.
“What did I just say?” She asked.”Besides, you’re not exactly in the position to make bargains. It’s up to us wether or not we stop.” She said. V hummed.”Well, she is at a bit of an unfair disadvantage, especially if this is supposed to be a tickle fight. Even though I’m having fun, maybe we should stop... in about five minutes or so.” She said.
“Nohohoho, wahahahait!!”
Luckily, they stopped after only two minutes and let her go after that. Uzi ran a good few meters away from them once she had gotten free and glared at them both.”I hate you both.” She said. V laughed at her.”We’ll let you have a fair fight next time.” J said with a roll of her eyes.
“Why not now?” V suggested. Uzi took another step back.”Because I have a better idea!” She said quickly, not wanting to be part of another tickle fight (yet). V put a finger up on her chin briefly, then smiled. Clearly, she was still wanting to keep the tickle fight going, but she seemed open to other ideas.”Alright, I’m listening.” She said. Uzi nearly sighed in relief hearing that. Maybe she could get out of this.“What if when N gets back, we ambush him?” She suggested.
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valentine-letter · 1 year
ler!V headcanon I just came up with: she uses those big claws she has to tickle the daylights out of N and Uzi~
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You're right !! As long as she presses gently ! ^-^
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radiant-fanon-maker · 7 months
Can't help but ask for another request of Lee Cyn. Lets switch it up though! Maybe instead of N, it can be Ler V? You can make it however you'd like! 0 pressure, take as much time as you need! <33
Finally i get something done
Sorry I did take so long though, I just have been like.. distracted?
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md-tickle-stuff · 1 year
Thought I'd share this with you.
Artist is @ absolute_drone on Twitter
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raw-lesbian-energy · 1 year
If you haven't already do you have any Seraph and V tickle headcanons? If you're okay with it of course
Ooh, it's been a while since I've done some tickle headcanons. Alright, let's see what I got for ya :3
Murder Drones: V and Seraph Tickle Headcanons
(Headcanons under the cut)
Lee-leaning switch
Though mostly lee lmao
Due to having a glitch that causes her nerve receptors to be more sensitive, this girl is basically a walking tickle spot lmao
Worst spots include her ribs, hips, underarms, knees, and feet
Her wings are sensitive too, but specifically on the arm joint (the feathers don't have many nerve receptors in them)
She's only really comfortable being tickled by people she knows well enough
So this being N, V, or Uzi
It's mostly V who gets her tho lol
Has a very maniacal-sounding cackle laugh
She's insecure about it so if her ler compliments her laugh she will die-
Verbal teasing is also highly effective
Tenses up if she even hears the word 'tickle' and canNOT say it herself
She will take the fact she likes being tickled to the grave
Squirmy, will usually need to be held down
On the rare occasion that she is a ler, she's crafty with her methods
She'll pick up on which kind of tickling affects her lee the most (soft spidering, squeezes, harder scribbling, things like that)
She's usually pretty nice about it, will keep the teasing light and friendly
Ensures that her lee is comfy and lets up as soon as they've had enough
Very much a ler
Since she is no longer allowed to commit (as much) murder, she has taken to tickling as a new outlet
Seraph describes it as "murder without actual murder"
V adopted that phrase
She is a relentless ler and will often tickle until her target is at their limit and begging for mercy
But she's not immediately aggressive- she picks up on which methods work best and utilize them to get the best results
Her usual targets are N and Seraph
N because he won't fight back and Seraph because she likes hearing her laugh she's an easy target
Despite being a ler, however, V does have her own tickle spots
Her worst spot is her back, specifically the hatches where her wings unfurl and retract
V puts out a maniacal laugh, but her real laugh is a lot different
Her real laugh is actually very sweet and bubbly
Seraph almost dies every time she hears it bc she thinks it's just so cute
V absolutely hates her actual laugh and will kill anyone (except Seraph) who compliments it
Tbh tho Seraph is the only one who's actually heard it so no one has died lol
She'll also find any reason to tickle someone
Seraph's working too much? Wrecked
N forgot something? Wrecked
Either of them are breathing in her general direction when she's slightly annoyed? Absolutely decimated
I got a bit carried away but I hope you enjoy, anon!
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creativewhizkid · 2 months
twisty's kin list:
✭ sketchbook (don't hug me i'm scared)
✭ uzi doorman (murder drones)
✭ gangle (the amazing digital circus)
✭ applejack (my little pony: friendship is magic)
✭ peridot (steven universe)
✭ octavia (helluva boss)
✭ clementine (telltale's the walking dead)
✭ kate the chaser (slender: the arrival)
✭ gwen stacy / spider-gwen / ghost-spider (marvel comics/spider-verse films)
✭ heather mcnamara (heathers: the musical)
✭ charlotte (charlie) emily/the puppet/lefty (fnaf games and books)
✭ cinderpelt (warrior cats)
✭ sans (underswap)
✭ the riverperson (undertale)
✭ a bunch of my oc's
comfort characters:
✭ twilight sparkle (my little pony: friendship is magic)
✭ lamp (don't hug me i'm scared)
✭ duck guy (don't hug me i'm scared)
✭ serial designation N (murder drones)
✭ serial designation V (murder drones)
✭ pomni (the amazing digital circus)
✭ freckle (lackadaisy)
✭ lee everett (telltale's the walking dead)
✭ louis (telltale's the walking dead)
✭ luke (telltale's the walking dead)
✭ alvin junior/aj (telltale's the walking dead)
✭ hiccup haddock (how to train your dragon films)
✭ miles morales (spider-verse films)
✭ ash ketchum (pokémon)
✭ clemont (pokémon xy anime)
✭ serena (pokémon xy anime)
✭ goomy, sliggoo, goodra (pokémon)
✭ mudkip, marshtomp, swampert (pokémon)
✭ typhlosion (pokémon)
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dreamystimboards · 8 months
“Fighting evil by moonlight..”
Hiya! I’m Moony. I decided to start a stimboard blog!
I will mainly do stimboards, but I can also do moodboards.
Though my account is based around moons and dreams, you don’t have to request only based on that! I allow any themes. :)
I am a minor, please keep that in mind, so I may be busy with stuff.
I’ll try to check my asks often! I will also add inbox updates here.
Posts will be tagged with #mydreamystims
Rules / DNI for this blog!
No nsfw asks, that’s just weird.
No realistic gore
DNI terfs / homophobes / etc.
DNI p3d0s. Immediate block.
Include character source, theme, colors, and stim types! (Please do this. Do not also use sounds to describe what stim types you want.. It’s very confusing and overwhelming for me. /gen)
Fandoms I AM familiar with:
My Singing Monsters
Rhythm Heaven
Be More Chill
Kaiju Paradise
Animal Crossing
Monster High
Ace Attorney
Hazbin Hotel
Marble Hornets
Helluva Boss
Murder Drones
Amazing Digital Circus
The Mandela Catalogue
Vocaloid / Utau / Synth V / etc.
Dead Plate
Cold Front
Cookie Run
Mortal Kombat
Detroit Become Human
Good Omens
Sailor Moon
ItemLabel stuff (NOT a fandom, I think, but. They are so stupid /pos)
Fandoms I will NOT do.
Killing Stalking
South Park
.. so far that’s it.
(Requests go over Self-Indulgent Stimboards!)
Cat Machine Stimboard
Bright Colors Stimboard
Sandygast Stimboard
Pearl + Grian Moodboard
Vincent Lee Stimboard
Heat Man Stimboard
Angelica Stimboard
Nutcracker (Lethal Company) Stimboard
Pompompurin Stimboard
SpongeBob Stimboard
Hoola Stimboard (Self Indulgent)
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