#muns render
hunter-den-mother · 2 months
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Eris sits down on the ledge near the young wolf,
Understanding the hunters hidden wounds.. She takes a deep breath before speaking. "only time will heal these wounds… but I fear staying here will only cause the pain to remain…" "…seek out Caydes staches on Nessus and I will send you his journals….. take time away from this place, young one.. return when you think it right.."
Mist shuttered looking down, she was exhausted… but listening to Eris.. she gave a small nod to her in understanding going back to her usual quiet facade..
Eris nodded, knowing that Mist needed time alone. She stood up slowly, offering her hand to help the younger woman up as well. "When you are ready… I will be here, the impolite company is stationed in the hanger.. the tracking been disabled for a the time being. Leave… return and I will be here with you need me…"
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of-golden-guns · 2 months
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"Hearts? Well hearts were for this girl I knew."
"What was her name?"
"Uh- don't you have a stealth drive to find?"
Image discription: Cayde looking at a playing card after a hard day with his ghost Sundance comforting him.
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theycallmekaibara · 18 days
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The first two completed pieces of my ych comms 🥰 which are still open btw 🫣
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petals-and-ink · 7 months
Oh Vanilla Orchid, your eyes betray your very smile
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What are you if not a serene being?
Are you truthly who you appear to be?
Or are you just a being sinking into it's own regret and shame, unknowingly dooming itself to a constant pain lurking just around the corner?
Do I you shield my your soul away, wishing for it all to leave my your mind someday?
Or is it a self inflicted punishment against what I you abandoned?
Is this truthly how I you wish to live?
Should I you speak up and tell the truth I you claim to be oh so important?
How could I risk loosing and hurting the ones I care for the most again?
After my failure, what would it do? How would it even turn out?
I can't live another tragedy, I can't fail everyone all over again, what would the two even feel if they were here?
Gods, they would be so devastated..
I must keep this to myself, it would be only fair wouldn't it? No one will get hurt if I keep quiet for now, after all.
I'm guilty of not reaching them in time, and this is my price to pay.
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happy sunday i present to thee jy in a turtleneck bc yes
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prtector · 6 months
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it's   been   some   time   !   so   hello   !!   i   come   with   art   to   share   ,   as   apologies   for   my   inactivity   &   overall   my   busy   self   for   the   last   several   days   !
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ars-daemonum · 3 months
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Alya 🌱 I love Hen's designs, I had so much fun drawing this gal!
🖌️ for KaitoFalonX
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casanovasadmiral · 2 months
Do I post this thing with full rendering or just give up and post it half assed lmao
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hcppyhotel · 7 months
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what if you drew ur character with him huh what then
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shiroi---kumo · 6 months
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🎶🧡I used to hear a simple song That was until you came along You took my broken melody And now I hear a symphony🎻🧡🎶
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"Hello there, individual of the lawbot department, how are you doing this evening?" -Overseer
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"...Yeah, no. Don't talk to me. Don't think I haven't heard what you called Cathal. I don't associate with people who talk to their co-workers that way."
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of-golden-guns · 1 month
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"He shot me. With my own gun! And he's STILL. HERE."
"Crow is not Uldren."
"Just like I'm not Cayde."
“I see you still have Ace.” A voice coos, floating to the left of the guardian,
The guardian haulted at the familiar voice, a shadow that claimed their friends voice to turn them into twisted malice to torment.
The guardian took a deep breath trying to steady themselves. Continuing on through the depths of the Leviathan. To hunt down and put an end to the floating faces.
The nightmare of Cayde 6 hovered beside the Guardian, watching them move through the Leviathan. It made a point to make as much noise as possible, so that it could get under the guardians skin.
It watched them silently before speaking. “So you’re not going to address me at all?” it asked, its voice tinged with a hint of annoyance.
The guardian kept walking. Trying to push through the shadows taunts. "It's not Cayde-" They mutter softly. Mostly to remind themselves,
It chuckled at the Guardian's muttering. "And how do you know that?" The shadow asked, floating right in front of the guardian cutting them off.
It leaned in close to the Guardian's face. "What makes you so sure that I'm not him?" It asks with a familiar smirk,
The guardian glanced up meeting its red optics. "Caydes dead." Moving passed the nightmare uneasily. Just trying to focus on the task at hand, praying the shadow would go away.
The nightmare chuckled at the Guardians attempt to ignore him, moving back behind them, continuing to taunt.
"Such conviction. So sure of yourself that you know the truth." It mused. "But is it really the truth?" It said, suddenly appearing in front of them again, stopping them from moving.
It leaned in close enough, almost enough to touch. "Or is it a lie to ease your conscience..." It whispered softly. "Because there's one problem you failed to address.."
The guardian looks up silently. Their fists clenching and unclenching uneasily. Remaining silently for a few moments too long. They turn their head away trying to remain composed despite their heart beating loud enough in their ears.
The nightmare could see the anxiety that was beginning to build on the Guardians face. It knew it was getting to them, which was exactly what it intended.
It chuckled darkly at their silence, “Can’t bring yourself to speak, can you?” It said, moving closer. “Come now, you used to be so talkative.” The shadow muttered sarcastically, "Here I'll give you a hint....his first name is Uldren and his last name is Sov." the shadows voice bleeds with anger.
"Crow is not Uldren." The guardian mutters quietly. Their composure failing as they hesitantly step back,
The nightmare laughs at their words, "Oh, so you do speak." The shadow says in a condescending tone.
It steps closer, its body practically touching the Guardian's now. "You really think that by giving him a new name changes who he is?" It sneers, "he's still the same person that killed me, that took my life!" It says, itss voice becoming more sinister. It shifted away before turning back,
"That's what you tell yourself isn't it?" The nightmare replied, following them. "You say he's not Uldren anymore, that he's a different person. But the question is, do you really believe that?" The shadow questioned, towering over the guardian menacingly.
The guardian stumbled backwards staring up at the nightmare their eyes widened. "Hes-"
The shadow was quick, and grabbed the Guardian by the collar of their armor and yanked them closer. It gripped their armor with a tight grasp and held them up in front of its face, "He's what?" The nightmare said, its eyes flashed red. “Finish the sentence."
The guardian stiffened at The Shadows hold. "Hes not Uldren- he-" They stammered out.
The Guardians answer caused the nightmare to grip tighter on their collar, "He’s not Uldren you say? Then who is he?” The shadow demanded in harsh tone. It leaned in closer to the Guardians face. “Answer me! He used my own gun to kill me and he's STILL. HERE." It seethed angrily.
The shadow threw the guardian down and scoffed. Vanishing into the darkness leaving them to stew in their thoughts.
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pitgritted · 8 months
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remember   the   whole   portrait   sketches   i   promised   to   draw   for   like   3   people   -   well   ,   this   one   is   for   @futureforged   .   obv   jayce   is   like   -   mostly   the   main   one   rendered   here   in   terms   of   painting   .   this   WAS   LITERALLY   SUPPOSED   TO   BE   JUST   A   SKETCH   AND   NOT   A   FULL   ON   THING   ???   it   kinda   is   ,   but   i   originally   had   no   intent   of   rendering   ...   it's   unfinished   ,   but   i   hope   you   like   -
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[[ uh oh! bad decision, anon! ]]
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stcries · 19 days
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I’ve been experimenting with rendering styles for months on and off now. it’s something that’s really taken my art to the next level.
but tell me why something in my brain just seemed to click, and I’ve landed upon this style??? I’M ACTUALLY IN LOVE WITH IT?
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hunter-den-mother · 2 months
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"Your light might not burn as bright. But you are still a guardian. You will see this through to the end."
Image discription : a guardian in the shadow of their former self after loss.
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