#munchhausen by proxy
kharmii · 4 months
x. com /EndWokeness/status/1795583411127734285
The leftists aren’t even hiding it anymore. This is disturbing as hell. I’m not even straight and can see how vile this is.
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Sounds like they are catching up to the United States where we let them do the most depraved things in public. The dog mask people creep me out the worst, especially since someone told me they'll actually piss their pants in front of people. A lot of other gay people supposedly hate them, like, "Heyy...I just want to be gay! I don't want to be effing stupid about it!"
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I'm always like 'live and let live' in your own bedroom. That goes against the trope about Republicans, like, "They want to legislate what you do in your own bedroom!!1!"
No, they don't. They just want you to keep it there and keep it away from the childrens. Why is it that if a creepo jacks off in his own vehicle parked on the street, he gets arrested for public indecency, but a creepo at a Pride Parade in the United States can stand on a float stroking his boner in a public place without being arrested? Why are people at Pride Parades somehow above the law?
-And shame on the mothers too. Women are the worst. Sure, a guy is going to show it where he can, but it's the women who are bringing their kids. It's mostly women (with Munchhausen by Proxy) who are getting weird about transitioning their kids when they are around toddler age. You see a lot of fights in the United States where a couple will get divorced, and then the wife will transition their child against their ex-husband's will. It's almost like she wants to get back at him in the worst way, like, "I hate you so much, I'm going to eff up our kid for life! Take that!"
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gayyvamp · 9 months
I've got a cold which is a bummer... but now I have a opportunity to put onions in my socks overnight which I wanted to do so that's a win
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semiotextiana · 13 days
Inside Out 3 cast
Autism: Alex Consani
ADHD: Alex Consani
Bipolar Disorder: Lena Dunham
PTSD: Charlotte Gainsbourg
BPD: Isabelle Huppert
Depression: Kirsten Dunst
Schizophrenia: Hari Nef
Psychosis: Col the Doll
Histrionics: Jennifer Lopez
Munchhausen: Eartheater
Munchhausen by proxy: Taylor Swift
Arfid: Taylor Swift
Social anxiety: Chris and the Queens
Alzheimers: Marina and the Diamonds
Transsexualism: Nicole Kidman
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aniseandspearmint · 2 months
Thought about a SVSSS AU.
Everyone seems to have settled into very similar backgrounds for SY, right? He's a rich young shut in, with a family that consists of unknown parents, and an older brother or two (often mirrors of SJ and YQY), and a little sister.
And he's got SOME kind or chronic or ultimately terminal illness.
But what if it was more COMPLICATED than that?
What if all of SY health problems were caused by Fictitious Disorder by proxy? Also called Munchhausen by proxy.
This is when a carer, usually a parent, deliberately causes an injury or illness in their child (or partner, but in this case, CHILD) in order to reap the attention that caring for such an ill child gets them.
I'm not sure how this would be discovered and addressed in china, but given Rich People TM, being pretty similar everywhere, i can see the whole thing being discovered and the rest of the family maybe quietly sweeping SY and the scandal under the rug?
Like, hmmm, okay, say it was SY's mother doing this for attention. She developed the disorder as a form of pathological attention seeking after the birth of her third son, who maybe did have something minor wrong at first. Maybe he was born a bit prematurely, and needed extra support for a while, and that got her a lot of sympathy and care from others.
So she convinces herself that oh, it's not really HURTING him if she slips a little something in his formula that makes him a bit sick. Then in his food as he gets older.
And SY, well he's a smart kid. He maybe figures it out. When his little sister is born and gets sick too, despite being full term and otherwise healthy at first. Maybe he sees his mother slipping something in her food. And he didn't know what to do when it was HIM really, but that's his baby sister.
Or, maybe SY isn't involved in the discovery at all, maybe a maid or a nanny, or one of his brothers, sees something that prompts them to look deeper at the situation.
However it happens, it happens, and his mother vanishes into a family home up in the mountains, or near the coast, and his sister gets better. But him? his mother had been poisoning him for his entire life. He's a bit better now, that he's not ACTIVELY being poisoned, but there's not a fix for him.
He moves out to a fully paid apartment as soon as he's old enough. Maybe even a little sooner, really. His father won't look at him. And his brothers fuss but will hardly look him in the eye either. His little sister, doesn't really know, at first, but then maybe she feels guilty, that it took her getting sick for anyone to realize something was wrong.
He'll NEVER be better, and its all over their faces when he sees them.
Cue shut in behavior, cue obsessing over silly stories, cue transmigration.
I wonder what little differences a SY with that kind of medical trauma and abuse would cause?
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
Anne de Bourgh is probably just sick
It really bothers me when people speculate that Anne isn’t really sick or that she is a victim of Munchhausen's by proxy because it makes Lady Catherine a monster instead of a uppity busy-body. There is nothing in the text to indicate that Anne is even unhappy at home or feels stifled by her mother! She is presented as ill.
First of all, it was very common back then for people to be sickly. No modern medicine meant vaccine preventable diseases were running rampant many of which can cause lifelong complications (except smallpox, that vaccine was rolling out) and if you had something like a heart condition, no medication or surgery. There are many "sickly" people in history who are suspected of all sorts of conditions. Anne could suffer from something as simple as chronic anemia or from a congenital heart condition or many other things. Diagnosis lagged behind cures in many cases, for example, Type 1 Diabetes has been correctly diagnosed for hundreds of years but it was just a death sentence until they learned how to manufacture insulin.
Second, Anne is physically different from her family and shockingly so. Maria cries out in surprise, “Only look at her. She is quite a little creature. Who would have thought she could be so thin and small!” Elizabeth later describes her thusly, “Miss de Bourgh was pale and sickly: her features, though not plain, were insignificant”. Given that almost every other member of the Fitzwilliam family (Darcy, Georgiana, and Lady Catherine) are described as tall and “formidable”, this indicates a long-standing illness.
Third, there is no evidence that Lady Catherine is in any way cruel or abusive towards her daughter. Anne has her little phaeton to ride around on, Lady Catherine brings people to play pianoforte and cards for her daughter's amusement, and she has a round the clock health attendant, Mrs. Jenkinson. She seems excessively concerned about Anne's health, which wouldn't help to fake keep her sick, "except when Mrs. Jenkinson expressed her fears of Miss de Bourgh’s being too hot or too cold, or having too much or too little light" and "Mrs. Jenkinson was chiefly employed in watching how little Miss de Bourgh ate, pressing her to try some other dish, and fearing she was indisposed,"
Fouth, Anne if anything, seems like a Lady Catherine mini-me than a poor stifled child. She makes Charlotte stand outside to talk to her, which Elizabeth calls rude. She also is a tyrant over her guests:
Miss De Bourgh chose to play at cassino, the two girls had the honour of assisting Mrs. Jenkinson to make up her party.... When Lady Catherine and her daughter had played as long as they chose
In Mansfield Park, Mrs. Grant makes a big pretense of wanting to play whist for her husband’s sake but making it seem like the guests’ choice. Both Anne and Lady Catherine choose without reference to their guests and they play for as long as they want.
But mostly, why in the world would Lady Catherine make her daughter sick if her life goal is to have Darcy marry Anne? Who is going to marry someone who looks like they will die in a stiff wind? Lady Catherine's probably relying on family duty because she knows her daughter is basically unmarriageable. She's frail! She can't even play piano much less run Pemberley, and Lady Catherine is aware of that which is why her only chance is hinting at her nephew and yelling at women he dares to propose to!
Now is it possible that Lady Catherine is treating Anne with something that makes her more ill? Certainly. But that would be an honest mistake and not malicious. Also, we see in Sense & Sensibility that the doctor tries a new remedy when the last fails, so I think it is more probable that Lady Catherine would have gone though many treatments and many doctors, all of whom have failed or maybe resulted in very small improvements.
Anne de Bourgh being an only child and a sickly one is Lady Catherine’s only sympathetic feature. It seems more likely to me that the reason Lady Catherine tries to control and advise others is because the only thing she can’t change is Anne. If Lady Catherine is inflicting this illness on Anne she just becomes an irrational monster. It’s far more likely that Lady Catherine is deeply disappointed that she can’t present Anne at court and parade her around.
People with MbyP usually want to be praised for taking care of their child. Not so with Lady Catherine. The compliments Lady Catherine appreciates are Mr. Collins saying it’s sad Anne can’t be out. She assures people that if Anne was well she would have been awesome. This points more to disappointed hopes than wanting to be seen as a supermom.
MbyP is also super rare. It's far more likely that Anne is just sick or is a result of too many cousins marrying cousins, or is a contrast to healthy, vibrant Elizabeth. Jane Austen also LOVES writing hypochondriacs and when she does, it is always very clear but Anne de Bourgh is presented as just sickly.
Additional Note: The JAFF trope where Elizabeth, uneducated girl that she is, knows what is wrong with Anne/knows the treatment is hurting her is just kind of laughable. If anything she would say something like, “You shouldn’t bleed her, mercury is the way to go.”  Also Lady Catherine would probably laugh in her face and ask her for some credentials.
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normalbrothers · 2 months
that being said i think there needs more munchhausen by proxy between brothers
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curiousacademic · 1 year
Things to learn more of! <3
•Morse code (the app I use is called morsemania, it helps a lot I think)
•the trail of tears (this is never taught in history classes, although it should be)
• WASP (women air force service pilots) during the second world war, very interesting
•herbology/ how to use plants as medicine. Some of these wonderful plants may be growing in your yard!
•the history of an instrument, especially if you play one
•the history of medicine/why we do what we do in certain medical situations
• famous quotes/quotes in general
•How foods are made (bread, candy, chips,) or just things in general
•decrypting and encrypting text
•the life of your favorite author(s)/poet(s)
•the history of photography/pictures
•idioms we use and why
•munchhausen syndrome/ munchhausen syndrome by proxy (wendigoon made an amazing video on this)
•the history of ASL! Or really, your local sign language. It's really cool. Or just the history of a language in general
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badshipshitblog · 9 months
strilondecest fic reclist :p
expressions of trust by cmdonovann (dirkdave, t, 4k) essential to my dirk characterization tbh. classic earth c roommates fic
stasis state by caeslin (dirkdave, t, 3k) postcanon dirk & dave stewing. great atmosphere
lockdown by strititty (dirkdave, m, 6k [wip]) post-pesterquest hangouts. very cute teen dirk & i love how depressed dave is lol. actually got me to watch dirk's PQ route!
handpuppets by 2x2verse (brodave, e, 2k) fisting. "handpuppets." need i say more?
constructive possession by propaganda (brodave, e, 10k) humanstuck au w insanely good ambiance & bro pov. bro & dave are haunted by grief for their third brother
spend half your life just covering up by hapaxlegomena (brodave, e, 10k) postgame, bro apologizes. really gets at how an abusive guardian will shape your whole concept of love/sex
find me at sea (and tell me why you never loved me) by blackestofmarkets (dirkdave, m, 23k) postcanon, dave finds dirk in europe. rlly good at evoking mood
hey dave do you ever think about laying my neck down in one of those deli counter meat slicers and going to town on it like a salami by problemsloth (dirkdave, e, 7k) i love corpsefucking. i also love banter
a slow boiling pot by ghostlyanarchist (alphacest, e, 5k) dave keeps passing out in dirk's bed. i love a pathetic alpha dave <3
temptations by forkidcest (alphacest, e, 6k) a demon possesses dave & lets on how he feels about his little bro
phase change by timeaxis (dirkdave, m, 15k) of the post-epilogues dave & rose upending narrative control genre
everything in its right place by laurasauras (dirkrosemary, e, 11k) rose & kanaya keep ult dirk in line. i am salivating
it could happen to you by innsmouth (roseroxy, m, 3k) family is a monster in the woods. great roxy pov
never good by 2x2verse (roseroxy, e, 7k) munchhausen by proxy recovery sex. makes me insane
everything you need by bumbly (dersepile, t, 20k) postcanon, rose building her polycule
a red space after victory by psythe (daverose, 6k) post-hs2, dave & rose talk it out. gah
sun doesn't rise in space by m0sc4 (daverosekan, t, 9k) stranded in a spaceship with corpses & an alien
didn't even close our eyes by signalbeam (daveroseroxy, e, 3k) roxy's dreamself appears on the meteor. great rose pov
it led us here by laurasauras (alpha daverose, e, 18k) hot old parents daverose!! very adorable strider family!! smart house hal!!!
light you up light you down by lionpyh (alpha daverose, g, 5k) the definitive alpha daverose fic. my fave of all time
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alexanderwales · 2 months
One of the first long things I wrote and put online was Shadows of the Limelight, a fantasy novel set in a 17th century world where being famous gives you domain-based superpowers. It's okay. It's got a 3.8 on Goodreads, which is below par (I consider par to be 4 stars) and I think is roughly accurate. You can read it for free, if you want to kill an afternoon.
I've had a planning document for a sequel series sitting on my hard drive pretty much since finishing the first book, which was almost a decade ago. If it's a story where fame gives people powers, then the story is necessarily about fame, and I think in the modern day, there's a lot to be said about that. Doing it through the lens of a fantasy 18th century would present some difficulties, but I think there are ways of handling that, if I don't just move the timeline forward to the early 20th century.
Anyway, here's my list, which I add to from time to time:
parasocial relationships
fake fans
"fake" fans
the stress of "content creation" and an always-on persona
manufactured authenticity
getting in over your head when you hit it big
expanding into arenas (mediums/messages) you're not suited for
unwanted sequels/reboots/rehashes
riding the lightning of a hit
collectors and obsessives
punching up vs. punching down
commodification of the personal
munchhausen and munchhausen by proxy
repetition and the comfort people find in it
one hit wonders
the failed follow-up
dance monkey dance
leechers and moochers
public apologies
cutting ties with people because of social pressure
fear of missing out
buying your way into fame
public friendships/relationships/breakups
idol system
toxic communities
backseating fans
nepo babies
assassination attempts and leeching fame
I would put it at a 20% chance that Shadows 2 or something like it ever gets made, especially because the first is not beloved, but I do like having a document that I can slap thoughts into from time to time.
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sleepingintheflowers · 9 months
Thinking about Mac attempting to Munchhausen by proxy Dennis into respecting him.
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I was 11 years old and i didn't think i'd ever survive to age 18. I was in autistic burnout and severely depressed. I was actively suicidal and spent years on psychiatric wards and such. I survived. I have c-ptsd from it all but i survived.
I had survived and was finally allowed to live at home again and i was doing good. I was starting to heal, even. But i became chronically ill. And everything is the same. And i don't know how to do it all over.
When i was 11 years old, i couldn't trust my mind because of depression and suicidal thoughts. Now i'm 17 and can't trust my mind because i experience paranoia and hallucinations. I used to spend hours screaming because i was in such pain. Now i dissociate and if i'm lucky i pass out. I used to say that there was something wrong with me, used to beg for help and beg for someone, anyone, to make it stop. My mom tried. But noone would listen to us. They'd say my Mom was overreacting and call her hysterical when she'd cry because she spent the last night talking her kid away from comitting suicide, for the third time that week. I know there's something wrong with me, but i don't beg anymore. I just laugh. My mom tries. And she helps the best she can, does everything she can think of and we try to get doctors to listen. And they say she's overreacting and ask if she's heard of munchhausen by proxy and say we just want to collect diagnoses. And when she cries because she sspent hours awake the last night, moving her kid because they were unable to move by themself, experiencing non-epileptic sizures and hallucinations, being in and out of consciousness, they call her hysterical. They used to say "that's normal for girls your age" when i told them i had the urge to selfharm. Now doctors say "that's normal for girls your age" when i say eating is painful and makes me nauseous.
I was 11 and didn't think i'd ever reach the age of 18. It's six more months and i'll be 18. But i don't know if i'll make it.
History really does repeat itself.
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i'm watchin the gypsy rose blanchard doc on hbo max (refuse to call it just max, i do NOT know her) and like idk why i was under the impression that dee dee blanchard just became a monster with Munchhausen by proxy after Gypsy was born cause her family was like 'yeah she always was a fucking menace' and 'when she died and was cremated we were like flush her ashes down the fucking toilet'
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semiotextiana · 6 months
taylor swift fans
- people with munchhausen
- mothers with munchhausen by proxy
- daughters of mothers with munchhausen by proxy
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heartstringsduet · 1 year
I'm this close to learning how to make GIFs just so I can gif that one fucking scene from the mediocre "Yes Man" where Zoey Deschanel's character performs with a band with only 5 people in the audience. And she gets on stage and points at each of them and says: "Hello, Jake, Penelope, Rodrigo, Phillip, Zachery; We are Munchhausen by Proxy." And that in a nutshell what getting likes on your own posts is like on Tumblr.
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beck-a-leck · 2 years
Tagged by @mauvecardigans
Post your WIP file names (no matter how nondescript or off the wall), let people ask about them, and reply with a snippet or description or other related blabbering!
Oh man guys, my WIPs tend to have the most boring names, particularly for my multi-chaps, it's just Chapter#
So I tried to pick some slightly more informative WIPs. Including one or two that might just be an idea and has no words written down, but I'm counting them! Others are going to be Extremely Obvious which fandom they're for lmao
Family Visit
Spiritual Intervention
A Masquerade
Consort AU
Clone Encounter
If She Left
B&O Sibling Shenanigans
Galaxy's Best Dad
Munchhausen By Proxy
Six Merry Murderesses
Tags! @durotoswrites, @lookforanewangle, @thychesters, and I know there are so many others, but I am running out of brain cells quickly tonight, so I'm sorry for forgetting y'all 😭
If you want to play, you are welcome to say I tagged you.
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normalbrothers · 14 hours
at this special point in my life where i wish someone would munchhausen by proxy me
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