#mun answers!
bad-sanses-smp · 2 months
Dust looks!! So pretty!! But kinda sad, too :(
You alright my guy???
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poohsources · 2 years
🐝  *  ―  𝑪𝑶𝑳𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑭𝑼𝑳 𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑾. ( send one or more of these to get to know the person behind the blog a little better. )
[ cherry ]  what is one thing you love about yourself? [ crimson ]  what is one thing you wish you could change about yourself? [ scarlet ]  what is one thing you wish you could do? [ ruby ]  give one random fun fact about yourself. [ tangerine ]  do you speak other languages? if yes, which? [ amber ]  which is your favorite season? why? [ bronze ]  if you were stranded on a deserted island, which three things would you want to have with you? [ apricot ]  what do you think your life will be like in ten years? [ canary ]  do you have pets? if yes, how many and what? [ lemon ]  do you believe in ghosts? how about aliens? [ bumblebee ]  where have you always wanted to travel to? [ blonde ]  what is your favorite type of music? favorite artist? favorite song? [ lime ]  describe yourself as a character / mix of characters you've always related to the most. [ emerald ]  bonus round: coffee or tea? morning or night? extroverted or introverted? hot or cold? fruits or vegetables? sweet or salty?
[ mint ]  when did you start your blog? what made you start it? [ olive ]  what gives you the most inspiration for your muse(s)? [ cerulean ]  what is your favorite ( type of ) character to write? [ teal ]  which fandom has been your favorite to be a part of? which has been the least favorite? [ azure ]  is there a specific character or type of character you want to write but never have? why? [ navy ]  what do your muse(s) mean to you? [ indigo ]  when did you first start writing / roleplaying? [ denim ]  have you ever roleplayed on any other site(s) besides tumblr? [ mauve ]  give one random headcanon about your muse / one of your muses. [ lavender ]  if you could change one thing about the rpc as a whole, what would it be? [ plum ]  are you more of a dialogue or a description writer? [ mulberry ]  what tips would you give someone with writer's block? [ coral ]  give a shoutout to one of your favorite blogs. [ fuchsia ]  bonus round: angst or fluff? one-liners or paras? plotting or winging it? memes or starter calls? single muse or multimuse?
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lieutkenny · 6 months
I headcanon Sweden at 218cm (7.152231 feet according to Google). I wonder how Canada and America would feel about meeting someone who is actually a great deal taller than them. Especially since you hc Norway as shorter than Canada. x'D
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casanovasadmiral · 2 months
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extremely based opinion
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pumpkinpuffgirls · 9 days
Your Bliss and Bunny designs are so cute, you did them justice for sure. 🥺
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Thank you anon! I love them to pieces too!
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iwozlegit · 2 years
|| 🍍• I’m probably not the first to say it, but imma gonna say it anyway…
…we were robbed with the Orion Pax arc in Transformers: Prime.
The fact that the 3 episodes supposedly spanned over a time period of months, is crazy.
Did Megatron make a conscious effort to actually “catch-up” with Orion when he said there’d be “plenty of time” for it?
If they did, what did they talk about? Was it awkward and short? Was it lighthearted and whimsical? Did it bizarrely feel as though the war had never been? Did Megatron lose himself in the illusion of a former friend?
If they didn’t, did Orion attempt to pursue a catch-up with the former gladiator, himself?
Did Orion forget to call Megatron his name, instead uttering Megatronus? How did the tyrant react to this? Was he insulted? Did he not mind in the privacy of their off-shifts?
What had been Orion’s final memory?
Did Orion ever inquire about Alpha Trion?
What did Orion get up to on his off-shift hours aboard the warship?
Did he have his rations in the company of others, or did Orion eat alone? Did he eat with Megatron?
Did Orion ever ask to venture to the Earth’s surface to see its beauty up close? Did Megatron go with him if permitted and show him?
Did Orion, inquisitive as ever, inquire why everyone looked so different - why Soundwave appeared so thin, why he, himself, felt so heavy, why Megatron seemed so distant and cold and angry?
What were his other interactions with Knock Out like, if there were any? Did he and Breakdown steer clear of him like the others? Or did Breakdown’s un-Decepticon and odd consideration for others spread and extend itself to the timid clerk with ease? Would Knock Out follow suit given his coy interest in the mech Orion became, or because of his partner’s kinder spark? Did Knock Out ever offer Orion a cool new paint touch-up?
What had Megatron worried Starscream would do or say to Orion when the warlord said “he did not…do or say anything troubling to you?” …despite the obvious, obviously. Why was Megatron so determined to live a lie?
Did Soundwave privately raise his concerns of allowing the amnesiac Prime so close to Megatron again, to the Decepticon leader himself? How would Megatron have reacted to it?
Did any of the rest of the crew hint at their concerns of having an amnesiac Prime aboard?
What unfolded after Orion slipped away?
What were Megatron’s real intentions of having Orion on board if Soundwave was capable enough to do the same thing?
Did Megatron think Orion, if provided another chance, would still want to be beside him after everything he’d done? Is that why the mistruths he told were so elaborate that he ended up getting caught in them and when Orion stirred to see their error, Megatron resorted to violence knowing that he could not save his fantasy???
…you know…just a few thoughts really :)
Ideas/headcanons ®️of @legitconcrusher
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nebulousmedic · 5 months
ignore that that was my grandma
I do! I don't go in there often, but if you do see one of these ponies it's definitely me, feel free to add me!
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Typically I use the EB Medic skin or the Scout ones :>
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theycallmekaibara · 2 years
Bestie you draw Elliott hotter than I could dream of drawing him omg😭💖 I’m weakkk
(From elliotts-pocket-crab)
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@elliotts-pocket-crab Through thirst and desperation, all things are possible, Bestie 🥰🥰 I’m glad Elliott’s Very Own Pocket Crab approves 😌💝
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Why did you just call Jason a slur?
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misteria247 · 2 years
Leo literally heard Splinter's saying of:
"The first rule of being a ninja is 'Do not harm.' Unless you mean to do harm, then do lots of harm."
At least once, and he's been living by this saying ever since.
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z-v06instance · 1 month
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" NO ONE HOME, BUT THE VOID IS LOUD " a z-v06 (pressure, roblox) ask blog
you've been in blacksite long enough to confidently say you know how this place works. you learn more and more with every painful retry of the same mission: gather the crystal. so, yes, you can confidently say you understand this place, that you know how each of the creatures that lurk the halls of blacksite function. or so you think, for in front of you sits an open locker. you've seen these lockers, infested and plagued by that sickly darkness that you can feel the gaze of lingering on you. it preys upon the ones who are more idiotic than others; the ones who see its eyes and still run to it for safety. you've seen this before - you've seen all of this before. you've looked the void in the eyes, and it has felt like death. yet here you are, looking the open locker in the eyes, waiting for the suction cups of those octopus-like tentacles to latch onto you and pull you in. yet it does not try to grab you. it does not try to harm you. it simply watches you. for the first time you call out to the void. the void answers back.
for your first visit to this blog, it is recommended that you look under the cut. please note: currently this blog is on an indefinite hiatus. i apologise.
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" THE VOID BREAKS US, THEN RESHAPES US. " the following sections are ooc ;; dividers by @/saradika
📼 ⎯ hey hey heyy welcome to my lil rp askblog :3 this is like. my first askblog in 5-6 years im rusty as fuck n barely remember shit. 🎬 ⎯ im the mun, itris, but haley works too! after seeing all the pressure askblogs pop up i decided to be a so called "free thinker" and make one myself. 📼 ⎯ how old am i? what's my main? what are my pronouns? what are you, a cop? i'm not tellin' you that! (all jokes aside, i only feel comfortable answerin one of these: just use it/its or ey/em!) 🎬 ⎯ considering there's like jack shit regarding the lore of the void-mass puddles (afaik), a lot of this blog will be headcanon heavy! (..mun is also neurodivergant and that may slip through so mun is sorry if it does. muse is not intended to be neurodivergant) 📼 ⎯ english is not my first language and i have dislexia so. im so sorry if shit i say doesn't make sense or my spelling is wackers 🙏 i also make up words sometimes without realising it. i am so sorry 🎬 ⎯ i dont usually use tonetags, so ask me if you need me to clarify my tone! 📼 ⎯ aaalright i think this is enough rambling. ya think it's time for us to hop onto the actual muse info?
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" PLEASE, PULL ME FROM THE VOID. " this section is about the askblog. it includes muse info, rules, and anything i think is neceserry.
* buckle in, this section may be long. as if this entire thing wasnt already longer than i intended...
🌌 ⎯ this blog will contain profanity and mentions of canon typical death/violence. other possibly triggering topics may come up along the way, so please, view this blog with caution. feel free to ask me to tag things. 🔮 ⎯ please, and i mean PLEASE, no sexual stuff (i know why some of you people like tentacles). mun isnt interested in rp-ing that. the only exception are sexual jokes as long as they don't go too far. threaten to fuck the void's mom if you want! (i am not going to question how you'd be able to do that) 🌌 ⎯ ANY interaction is fine by me! feel free to interact as any muse, whether that be an oc, another pressure character, or someone from a whole other fandom! 🔮 ⎯ feel free to claim any anons and ill make a special tag for you (if you aren't on anon ill give you one too)! i may forget to tag some posts tho so if i ever do just. lemme know LMFAO 😭 🌌 ⎯ if im uncomfortable with an ask, ill delete it. but honestly there's not really much that im against. 'nd also lemme know if i ever do somethin that makes ya uncomfortable too!! 🔮 ⎯ unless stated otherwise, anyone who sends an ask will be treated as an expendable ! :3 actually on the topic of asks pls make it clear if ur ask is towards me and not the z-v06 instance otherwise ill answer ic 😭 🌌 ⎯ im alright w/ m!a's i fucking LOVE m!a's 👍 🔮 ⎯ if i randomly stop posting one day assume the void got me.
MUSE INFO [written ic, but not as the z-v06 instance]
🔮 ⎯ this instance of z-v06 answers to anything you use to refer to it. it has no sense of identity, therefore does not have a name or pronouns. it is up to you to call it whatever you'd like. though, i'm not sure if it has the ability to care. ...note to self, see if the verbal z-v06 instance is capable of emotions and feelings. 🌌 ⎯ fascinating.. the instance you've stumbled upon appears to be showing no signs of hostility. though, i'm sure that, just like the rest of the monsters that roam blacksite, if you provoke it, it may become more violent. 🔮 ⎯ it seems to be capable of remembering things you tell it. perhaps it can remember faces too.. 🌌 ⎯ not much else can be said. i suppose you'll have to interact with it in order to find out more about it.
( OOC )⠀ ⠀||⠀ MUN HALEY ( ANON )⠀ ⠀||⠀ UNNAMED (^ the "unnamed" will be replaced by the anon name if there is one provided) ( BLOG )⠀ ⠀||⠀ [INSERT WHATEVER BLOG NAME HERE] ( IC )⠀ ⠀||⠀ WITHIN THE VOID WE ARE UNDONE ( ASK ANSWERED )⠀ ⠀||⠀ THE VOID ANSWERS BACK
tws will be tagged as 'tw [triggering thing]'
i prolly forgot some tag ideas or whatever the word is tbh so expect this to be edited 👍
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bad-sanses-smp · 6 days
Killer, you're in a place called The End. It's filled with creatures called Endermen that can teleport and do a crap ton of damage with one hit. Usually there would also be a dragon, but seeing as it hasn't attacked you yet, I'm assuming it's either already dead, or asleep somehow.
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doctorcranes-ask · 21 days
Would you say your a alpha, beta, Omega, sigma, or a secret 5th option?
I'm actually the secret 5th option
which is drunk. drinking. whatever.
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lieutkenny · 6 months
who is your shortest character? if youre up for it i really wanna see them next to that skyscraper sweden you draw. XD
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I'd ask you to name my kitties but my autism means I did it first haha. these are raccoonfang (raccoon, she bites) and crowcall (Misha, she screams)
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CUTIESSSS!!!! If I had cats I’d totally be giving them wc names so that’s so real. THANK YOU FOR SHOWING ME YOUR KITTIES THEY’RE PRECIOUS!!!! Such fierce Warriors…
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pumpkinpuffgirls · 1 month
Dude that sucks, people can suck so much, a slim version of Bunny? They say like heavy set people can't be pretty, how gross of them, you just keep doing what you're doing.
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Nobody deserves to be called "not normal" because of their body type.
It sets a dangerous precedent, people should be able to be happy with who they are and be WHO THEY WANT TO BE.
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