#mummy’s boy haha get it
nyahkmenrah · 4 months
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Sobs bc the cheek touch is a love language in this family.
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sysig · 1 year
! Can I also have Ishida and Mitsuru in halloween costumes? Party or some such?
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Day 15 - You know, just to sure 💕
#My art#Requestober#Yanderapy#Thank you for requesting my boys again I feel rather spoiled hehe ♥#It's funny I actually saw this one come in just before I took a nap and I was like ''Oh I /immediately/ have a mental image for that'' lol#And this was it! This was the mental image! I done did it I got it in one! :D#Even with a nap in the way it was just too strong of an image to leave my head like that haha ♪#They are insatiably flirty with each other lol their roommates are probably so tired of them haha#''You saw each other like three hours ago can you please chill'' ''But look how cute he looks!''#''I didn't see him Specifically like this I have to say Something'' lol#Mitsu is obviously flustered seeing him looking so handsome but make no mistake - Ishi is flirting hard 'cause he's just as smitten lol#Mitsu showing off his curves like that (lol)#It's not actually a skin-tight outfit - he's got like a t-shirt and either shorts or light pants on underneath#But he did get help actually wrapping bandages around him so it is a bit on the form-fitting side haha#Ishida's was to try and play into the attractive vampire trope 'cause he figured Mitsuru would like it and he was right lol#Can't keep their eyes (or eye in Mitsu's case) off each other despite going out!#Mummies don't have blood but hmmm have you Really checked like Actually Really (lol)#It was fun to give them a go in greyscale as well :D It feels funny since I hadn't so far!#But I do a bunch of other things in greyscale so why not them ♪ It feels like a new medium in a way even tho it's still digital haha
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brailsthesmolgurl · 6 months
My first part has received an amazing amount of response, hence I decided that I would come out with a part two, and who knows? Maybe this could be another mini series for the boys? :)))) Regardless, enjoy the read!
Warnings: Comfort and Fluff, Slight Angst for some parts. Mentions of smexy times for one, suggestive for another. ANONS ARE POOPY SOMETIMES BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN I WILL STOP WRITING SUGGESTIVE HAHA :(
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"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" Mariela's voice could be heard from the other room at the end of the hallway as she called out to her father. Rafayel, who was busy working on one of his art pieces, dashed towards her room at full speed, panicking at how she was calling out to him. He slammed the door open, claymore ready to be withdrawn only to find his daughter on the floor, with paint all over her face and the canvas that he had provided to her.
One may ask why did Rafayel left his daughter all alone in her room while he was working on his art piece. Rafayel, being a good father, had coaxed his daughter for 30 minutes, with candies and also anything she could possibly want, only to be rejected by her. Her adamant 'NO's made Rafayel confused as to why she would want to paint alone in her room. 'I can do this myself daddy' was the last sentence she told him before she closed the door. And he wondered where she got the attitude from, and he had a good guess probably inherited from her independent mother.
So Rafayel sat at the living room, in his usual thinking corner, painting his artwork, but also carefully listening to anything that might go on in the room. He did tried and checked up on her a couple of minutes ago, knocking on her door and asking if she would like any biscuits with milk but the young child only replied 'NO' as if that is the only word she knew for the morning.
"I thought something happened to you, my little fishie." Rafayel sighed in relief, walking over to her to look at what she had drawn. He took a seat next to her and looked at her face. "How did you managed to get paint on both the canvas and your face?" He pulled the little girl into his lap and he chuckled, using his thumb to try and rub the paint off of her face and luckily it came off pretty easily. He silently thanked your effort in purchasing non-toxic paints for Mariela.
"I wanted to do it like how daddy do it." Her smile was angelic, one of Rafayel's trademark. She reenacted how she did it, by drawing air circles on her palm and on her face. "I drew here, and here and..." She flattened her palms and plopped her face onto the surface of her palms. Rafayel was in shock at her creativity.
"So you used your hands and your face as tools to draw?" He tilted his head and when the toddler nodded giddily, Rafayel pinched her cherubic cheeks. "You are an artist just like me. No wonder you're my daughter." He kissed her cheeks and carried her up in his arms. "Now, let's get you washed up and then we will show this piece to mummy when she is back from work okay?"
"OKAY!" She cheered, both arms flying up into the air and Rafayel laughed, bringing her into the bathroom to wash her off from the mess she had brought upon herself.
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The roars of your motorbike could be heard and that led Mariela to jump off of the couch, with Rafayel catching up behind her quickly. "Mummy's home!" Mariela was elated, trying to turn the door knob the best she could but with her size and strength, she is not able to. Rafayel came to the rescue on time and he opened the door, smiling when he spotted you getting off of your motorbike and unclasping the buckle of your helmet, swiftly removing the headgear and placing it on your motorbike's seat. "Mummy!"
"Hey there sweetie!" You called out and shuffled over, arms wide opened and your daughter embraced you within your arms. "How was your day today hmm?"
The latter question of yours was directed towards your husband, who was standing against the door frame, arms crossed in front of his torso while watching both of his favourite women walking towards him. "It was good because there is a surprise." He winked at you and you both shared a peck, before heading in. "Mariela, do you want to show mummy what you drawn today?"
"Yeah! Yeah!" The little girl wriggled out of your arms smoothly and she waddled off to her room. You took a seat on the marble floor and awaited for your daughter's return. Rafayel taking a seat right next to you and he encircled his arms around your waist, giving your side a soft knead. The soft sound of thuds closing in when your daughter came out from her room, with something behind her back. "Mummy close your eyes."
Your husband then got behind you and he used his palms to cover your eyes, nodding towards your daughter to proceed further. Mariela pulled the canvas out from behind her and she placed it in your lap, before taking your hand cautiously and put it on her canvas. Rafayel released his hold on your face and you looked down, gasping in surprise at what your daughter had managed to colour on her canvas. But, you can't make out any shapes or sizes, other than two hand prints of hers and what seems to be an imprint of your daughter's face.
"This is so nice of you sweetie." You pulled her in for a hug and kissed her head. "Did you do this with your hands and face?" You asked just to be sure and her reaction made you stared at Rafayel. The actual artist staring back at you, shrugging his shoulders and muttering something along the lines of 'she did not want me to see what she was doing, so I left her to her own creativity'.
"Abstract art is great!" Rafayel smiled, ruffling his daughter's brunette curls which had grown a bit longer. "Daddy can put this in the next exhibition and you can go with me to see it." Rafayel looked at his daughter and she cheered, hugging you tightly and you beckoned your husband in for a hug as well.
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On the day of the exhibition, Rafayel was busy attending to the guests, completing his interviews and taking pictures with his fans. You are spending time with Mariela, hand holding hers as the both of you walked through the exhibition halls. Pink and blue and purple, all colours within the same spectrum covered the walls in forms of splatters, lace ribbons were tapered to the ceilings, to add on a touch of elegance. No doubt your husband has 'extravagance' as his middle name.
Almost every corner is littered with his artworks, ranging from abstract to rough sketches, to impressionism paintings to sculptures. Rafayel is a master to all types of artworks, which gained him the fame and respect he has gotten till now. The wooden flooring resonated the sound of your footsteps, heels clacked against it in sync. You looked down at your daughter to notice the little girl has her mouth agaped, staring at all of her father's artworks in awe. Same, Mariela, same.
"Is that the daughter he had mentioned about?" A distant voice could be heard echoing from the end of the hallway and you turned around, seeing a woman clad in a formal outfit, hair neatly tied back and a microphone in her hand. A camera man right behind of her with one of his huge video cameras situated on his shoulder. "Hi, can we do an interview?"
Out of politeness, you agreed, smiling and nodding your head and the reporter crew started to approach you and your daughter. You lowered yourself down to carry Mariela up into your arms so that she could be within the shot as well, assuming the reporter would like a word or two with the renowned artist's daughter.
"How would you describe living with Rafayel, a famous artist?" The reporter held out the mic to you, awaiting for your response.
"Uhm...living with Rafayel has always been a pleasant one, as he does take care of me and my daughter's needs." You replied, a smile coming forth. "He is a good husband and a good father."
"That is good to note. Rafayel sure do cares about you guys a lot. But, would you care to say that you fell in love with him because he is rich and famous?" The daring assumption made by the reporter made you scowled in 4k on the Linkon's National Television Network.
Your eyebrows are now knitted together, your facade of being nice slowly fading behind your rising annoyance. "No. I certainly do not and will never love him just because of his wealth and fame. I love him for the way he is."
"Fans had also mentioned that you do not seem to be a good example of a mother given you are a deepspace hunter yourself. Moreover, given the recent decrease in recruits, you had to take up double shifts to cover for the incident. What do you have to say regarding this?" The woman smirked, knowing she had struck a nerve in you. Her tone coated in layers of disdain and you can see it right through. This is a personal attack towards you and your family.
Before you could retort the question, you felt a hand on the small on your back and you turned around, your husband standing upright beside you. A look you knew all too well shown on his face. "Get out of my exhibition." The crew feigned innocence, looking at one another to mentally convince themselves that they had done nothing wrong other than doing their jobs. "Nobody disrespects my wife and my family like that. Be it fans or reporters or anyone else. SO you can kindly see yourself out before I call on my security guards." The edge of his lips curled into a cunning smirk. "Which I think might not look good on your company's reputation if they were to escort you guys out."
The bunch of strangers started dispersing out of the family's sight and you looked at Rafayel, who is quick to take Mariela off of your arms and into his. "Are you okay?" He ran the back of his hand across your cheek. "I am sorry, I should have been by your side the whole time." He apologised, putting the blame onto himself but you held his hand in yours, thumb rubbing comforting circles.
"Don't say that Rafayel. You were just doing what Thomas has asked of you. I can fend for myself if those remarks were thrown to me." You gave him a peck on your cheek. "Even if the day you end up being homeless and broke, I will still love you." You looked over to your daughter, who had cosied up to her father's neck, fast asleep.
"The same thing applies from me to you too, cutie." The use of the old nickname rolling off of the tip of his tongue made you bit your lip and you could not help but to smile, looking down at your heels. His finger lifted your chin up, and he pressed a kiss onto your lips lovingly in the middle of the exhibition hallway, ensuring that reporters who may be passing by would be able to catch a glimpse of his actual exhibition of love.
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"Good morning." You could make out Zayne's husky voice and his weight was pressed up slightly against your back, a kiss then planted on your cheek. "Today is Lumi and Iver's presentation day. The one where they have to bring a parent along and to introduce them."
"Oh it's today?" You asked, yawning and stirring yourself to wake. You turned over to face your husband and you opened one eye. "I totally forgotten about it." Zayne smiled, pressing a kiss to your lips this time. You felt particularly tired because today is one of those rare off days you could get whenever Wanderer sightings are not reported as often, and perhaps, with the amount of lovemaking you had gone through with Zayne last night, it was a little hard for you to just jump out of bed and get ready for now.
"I can go on behalf on us as I do not need to be in the hospital today." He smoothed his hand over your hair, staring at you lovingly with those alluring hazel-green eyes of his. "So, take your time to rest, my love. You deserve it." Another kiss is pressed to your lips for a few seconds and he got out of bed, walking over to you to pull his side of blanket over your half naked body. "I don't want you to get a cold, so you may take my side of the blanket too."
You smiled warmly at him in return and managed to catch a glimpse of his toned physique when he walked towards the bathroom to wash himself up. Once he was done, he went over to the kids' room to wake them up. "Lumi, Iver. It's time to wake up." He said gently, pushing the curtains open to draw in the sunlight. The twins slowly stirred awake and they both sat up in their beds, in a half awake state.
"Morning daddy." Lumi spoke, with Iver saying the same exact greeting a few seconds behind. As if by routine, they both extended their arms out and Zayne picked both of them up in one-go, bringing them to the bathroom so they could get washed up and get dressed for school.
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Pulling up at the twin's kindergarten, Zayne parked at the allocated parking lots for the parents and he got out of the car, immediately getting stares and comments from the bystanders in hushed whispers. Not only does he own a fancy car that most parents could not afford, but he is also extremely good looking. He popped the backseat's door open and escorted both of his kids into the kindergarten's premises.
Zayne sat on the floor, just like the other parents but it felt a little out of place for him as he was the only father who attended this event. The usual stigma regarding kids shall always be tied to a mother's responsibility but Zayne has never believed in that. He strongly believes that childrens are a result of both sides of parents, hence they should be a shared responsibility for both parents.
Lumi and Iver sat in front of their father, and they noticed the way their classmates were looking over to them. "Is that your daddy?" One of the classmates asked Lumi, the toddler about her size, with big brown eyes and short brown bob. Lumi nodded in return. "My mummy say he looks very nice." The comment made Zayne looked over at the parent who is in charge of the talking child and the mother looked away in embarassment.
As usual, Zayne is used to this kind of scenarios, even in hospitals he would always be stared at by patients, some even going as far as to state that they are cured because of how handsome he is. Zayne however, never bought into any of those bullshit. It is not because he is egoistic, but he does not want to be downplayed because of his looks. The saying goes, if you are handsome, you get a certain privilege amongst the normies. Zayne wanted to prove that idea to be a total scam as looks does not necessarily equate to one's actual capabilities in getting things done. Zayne being a prime example.
The homeroom teacher came in after the bell had finished ringing and she welcomed all of the parents' attendance. Goes on about the agenda for the day and that this event is held to encourage stronger bonds between parents and children and amongst their peers as well. "Lumi and Iver's father, would you like to be the first one to start?" She asked Zayne, palms out and pointed towards him.
"Sure." The man replied, clearing his throat and standing up, his towering height a stark difference from his children. He walked to the front of the classroom. Kids of their age would have thought of him being the giant in the beanstalk fairytale if only he had green skin and a big nose. Zayne pushed the glasses up the bridge of his nose and greeted everyone. "Good morning everybody, my name is Zayne and I am the father to Lumi and Iver." He sent a smile towards his kids. "I am the chief surgeon and leading cardiologist for Akso Hospital."
Zayne talked about his job, keeping it brief and non-technical as he does not want to bore anyone within the room and he does not find the need to reveal too much of his personal information. Now comes the questioning phase, in which the parents would ask questions towards the speaker to get to know them better. "Dr. Zayne, since you are a doctor, would your work take up a lot of time?" One of the ladies asked, readjusting her position on the mat.
"Yes it does." Simple and clear-cut.
"Then do you have a wife to take care of the kids for you?" Her question turned into a flirtatious attempt and a couple of other mums started to tune in, some biting their lip and some fixing their hair. Does not take one to know what was already running through their minds.
Zayne sighed, feeling indifferent to her question. He purposely held his left hand in front of his chest and he twisted the wedding band that is evident on his ring finger, the diamond cut on the simple band refracting the sunlight almost immediately. The lady who asked her question seemingly tried to choke back on her own words, face darkening to a shade akin to a tomato. "Of course I do. A doctor would not be in his or her right mind to have kids and to work full time when our job requires us to be on call for 24/7."
He continued. "My wife is a full time deepspace hunter and we are both equally as involved in our children's lives, just on intervals for the weekdays, but on weekends, we take more time to nurture them." The way he phrased his answer made the whole room went silent, the only sound present being the chirps of the birds coming from outside of the window.
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"We are home mummy!" Both of the twins shouted together, placing their shoes onto the shoe rack and dashing into the house to look for their mother. Zayne followed in suit, keeping an eye on them two so they do not end up falling.
"Hey there my babies!" You called out from your bedroom, already dressed up and wide awake. Lumi and Iver both in their tiny white uniforms with stripes of blue, the uniform colour of the kindergarten they both attended. Lumi's dark hair was tied into a neat braid, an effort from Zayne's Youtube history having a streak watch for braid tutorials. Iver's hair however is soft and fluffy, the same as his father’s and it sat on top of his head like a cloud.
"How was the parent meeting?" You asked them two, and they both enveloped you into a big hug, each on one side. Both of your kids looked very happy so you assumed that it went well.
"All of our friends brought mummies." Iver stated. "Nobody bring their daddies to school today." Lumi nudged Iver and whispered something into his ear in her low voice and the boy reiterated what her sister said. "Oh and Cathy's mummy said daddy looks very good."
"She said he is handsome." Lumi corrected Iver and they both turned in sync to watch your reaction. What could you possibly say? Your husband is good looking, it is a bound-to-happen situation but you somehow wished you were the one that attended the event instead. A small slither of jealousy bubbled in your stomach. Just a tiny one.
You were wondering if Zayne took the lady's compliment until you saw your husband walking into the room, with a stoic look. He has always been stoic, yes, but this time, something is different about this look of his. His white formal collared shirt hugged his muscled figure well, his simple black tie hanging loosely below the third button, extending one's sight on his wide sets of shoulders and his v-line figure. His sleeves were folded to his forearm, veins lining against the exposed part of his arms. He placed the car keys and his glasses onto the makeup table and sent you a short look, the side of his lips pulled up into a greeting and loving smile. "Good morning, y/n."
"Good morning, my love." You wanted to believe that Zayne did not entertain the lady's compliment, but you just wanted to hear him say it. So, y/n decided to go with an indirect approach. "Kids, can you wait for mummy outside? Daddy and mummy have to talk a little." Once both of the kids had left, you turned to your 'sulking' husband who was busy changing into a more comfortable outfit. "Come on, what happened?"
"Apparently, I was the only male figure there." He spoke informatively. "And particularly, I do not find it likeable when the other parents think that I am a single parent." His sentence got you figuring when did he ever cared about what people think about him? Has the cold Dr. Zayne finally loosened up? "I find it disrespectful towards you despite them meeting me for the first time." He sounds offended and yet providing the benefit of the doubt to the other parents.
You stared at him, perplexed at the situation. "So, conclusively, you do not enjoy going to the parent's meeting?" You crossed your arms in front of your torso. "Because you do not like the way I got low-key disrespected by the other mums?" A part of you is tasting victory at the tip of your tongue for how protective he is, another part of you---, okay there's no other part. It is the least Zayne could do to show you and the others that he is in a happy marriage and you are fully content with the way he had handled it.
There is not a need to address your concerns of the woman calling him handsome anymore because you know well enough if Zayne had wanted to cheat on you, he could have done it many times given his popularity amongst the opposite sex. But he stayed loyal through thick and thin and had never made you doubt his loyalty and love to you, this being one of his prime examples of being a fine husband.
Zayne chuckled under his breath and came closer to you, both of his hands held your arms and he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead. "Low-key is too minimal of a word to describe their assumptions. It is disrespectful for them to assume I am a single parent, when I have a model wife right here with me." He ran his hands repeatedly up and down your arms to comfort you.
"Furthermore, I do enjoy going to Lumi and Iver's events at the kindergarten but perhaps next time, I would much prefer it if you went with me." He pulled you into his arms and you surrendered within his hug. "So that we can spend time with the kids and I get to indirectly dismiss any ladies who may be interested in taking your place." Your laugh further made him look forward to the upcoming event for his kids' kindergarten.
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"Daddy, what are you doing?" Lucian appeared from behind his bedroom door, one eye opened while the other half-lidded. Xavier took a peek at the clock hung on the wall. 10.30am. Lucian, however, is looking at the desk filled with all sorts of sewing needles and a bunch of fabric lapped over one another. "Are you making something daddy?" His eyebrows hinged upwards and he tried to get onto his tip toes to see what was placed on the table. Seeing his son struggling, he carried the little boy up into his arms and placed him on his lap. "I am trying to sew mum a toy, you know, like the ones that you can get from the souvenir shops and all?" Lucian looked between his father and the mess on the table, figuring out how does one make a bunch of cloths into a toy. The limitation of imagination a normal happening for a toddler his age. "What should we make for mummy?"
"A big teddy bear!" The son exclaimed, arms wide and laughing happily. Xavier chuckled along, his son not lacking any bit of his wife's enthusiasm. "Rabbit? Mummy likes rabbits." The son pressed his small index finger to his own lips, thinking to himself. The suggestion of his made Xavier's cheeks flushed red, remembering that one time when you brought him to an event and made him dressed up as a rabbit themed butler, and that is how he met Lucian's mum. Ironic, I know.
"Yeah, I guess a rabbit would do." A sigh escaped his lips when he noticed none of the cloths on the table are white. Unless his wife would be able to appreciate a multi-coloured rabbit toy, he did not want to risk it. "We need to go shopping for some stuffs. Can you go and change your clothes Lucian?" Xavier instructed and the little boy headed off to his bedroom as he was previously trained. As much as independence goes, you and Xavier had decided that some good habits have to be instilled from young. Dressing himself up being one of the disciplines you guys had agreed on.
Xavier got himself changed into a simple white t-shirt and a pair of wide jeans. Surprisingly and yet not surprisingly, Lucian came out of his room, holding a same blue jeans in his hand. "Daddy, can you help me? It is hard to pull it up-up." He pouted, handing Xavier the jeans. Steadying himself, Xavier pulled the jeans up his legs and helped him to button it. "Thank you daddy." The son grinned from ear to ear and held onto Xavier's hand, going over to put on his shoes.
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Initially, they were going to ride the motorbike to get to where they are headed, but given the sun is high up the skies today, it calls for a chance for the both of them to enjoy a walk under the clear and warm weather. Xavier did brought along an umbrella as well, in case Lucian gets a little hot. Just because he enjoys the sun, he does not immediately assume his son would enjoy it as much. A lesson he had learned from his wife when you got a fever after walking with him under the sun despite you not being able to stand the heat.
The streets today are not as busy as the normal weekends, with minimal traffic and pedestrians. "Are you tired already?" Xavier observed his son, his footsteps slowing down and slightly wonky. Lucian looked up at his towering father and shake his head, hand coming up to rub his eyes and he yawned. Tears lined his eyes and Xavier bent down to carry his son up into his arms. "It's okay, you can take a nap in my arms, kiddo."
He walked down the street, passing by a coffee shop that looked newly opened. As he was looking through the menu that was on a stand outside, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Fishing it out of his pocket, he noticed that his wife is contacting him. "Hello? Baby?" He immediately pressed the phone to his ear. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, everything's fine. I woke up to an empty house. Where are you and Lucian?" You asked and he gulped, luckily he had kept the threads and sewing kits and fabrics or else the surprise factor would be ruined.
"Lucian told me that he wanted to have a walk at the park. Since you are still sound asleep, I decided to bring him out for a small walk." Xavier explained, head tilting slightly to look at his son. Still sound asleep within his arms. "We will be back around 15 minutes. Is there anything you would like me to get for you?"
"Some coffee would be great, Xavier." You smiled on the other side of the line, same as him. "Be safe when you are at the park with Lucian alright? I will just rest a bit more at home." You informed him and the call ended with 'Bye' and 'I love you'.
Arriving at a craft store, he lightly woke his son up by kissing his cheek. "We are here Lucian, would you like to accompany me to decide on what colour to get for mummy?" Lucian blinked open his eyes, those light blue irises of his slowly darkened to make up for the lack of lighting within the store. The trinkets neatly placed in various baskets and boxes amazed the child, there are so many things he would like to get his hands on.
"Hi there, how may I help you?" A senior appeared from behind the counter. A lovely lady with a hunched figure, her own kitting works worn on her. Xavier leaned closer to the counter, noticing the vast amount of fabrics, of all sizes and textures mapped out behind the counter. There are also several pictures, in monogramic style, featuring the old lady in her younger days and what seems to be her children, standing side by side, smiling with her. Her light brown eyes lit up when she caught sight of Xavier and Lucian. "Oh, what a precious child."
"Thank you." Xavier thanked her. The old lady laid her knitting items down onto the table she had beside her and she reached her wrinkly hand up to wave it in front of Lucian. The young kid was quick to react, using his tiny hand to wrap around the lady's index finger and Xavier swear he could have seen the old woman regained her youth at that moment. Perhaps reminiscing about the times when she had her kids alongside her. "I am here to get some fabric so I can make a stuffed toy for my wife."
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Now it is Xavier's time to have a hunched back. He never thought the process of sewing a stuffed toy would be so complicated. Can't blame him, given his royalty background in Philos and him being an esteemed deepspace hunter in this dimension, why would he even go near anything related to sewing and knitting? It is however, a part-time hobby of yours, as you mentioned that you find it to be peaceful and helps you to focus better. It is also a good past time on the days when you are not busy out on the field.
"Daddy, daddy look at that!" Lucian called out and his head turned towards the direction his son pointed at. Claw Machine Store. Why has he never thought of just taking things the easy route? Because he did not want to. Catching a stuffed toy from a claw machine will always surpass the level of easiness as compared to making a stuffed toy from scratch. Furthermore, the thought of you finding out he actually put in the effort to make the stuffed toy for you would leave your heart melting. He wanted that from you, or more like he just wants you to be happy.
Across the street stood the claw machine store, with stuffed toys filled to the brim for each of the machines, begging to be caught. Your son's eyes are fully attached to the store now, already making mental marks on which toys he would want in his room. Your husband lack that enthusiasm, staring down at the huge bag of craft items he had just purchased from the store. He is debating against himself. Whether to catch a toy or to make one. Either one could predict for different endings, but he knows that you would be happy for both endings. Perhaps he was slightly irritated for the measuring of the level for your happiness.
"Let's go Lucian." He grabbed his son and heaved him upwards, holding the child in his arms like how one carries a log and he crossed the empty street. His feet light and quick in his steps, a habit obtained from his long-time combat instincts. The borders of the tar road ended when he stepped onto the padded pavement, putting his son down and watched as the kid hopped into the store. Xavier was quick on his tail, worried that something might happen to his son.
Luckily, the little boy with the light hair is easy to spot amongst the assemblage of neon lights and bright colours emitting from the machines. Lucian stood in front of a machine, hands pressed against the glass panel, hair stained pink from the light strobe of the machine. "Can we get this one for mummy?" His grin was angelic, but Xavier stood there, slightly stunned. Did his son perhaps doubted his sewing abilities as well like how he doubted his cooking abilities? Well, there is a possibility.
"But I bought these already kiddo. I thought we were going to make a toy for mummy." Xavier tried to test the waters and his son only responded with gestures, tine finger tapped at the glass panel again, pointing directly at the bunny plushie. "Lucian..." Xavier tried to coax him again.
Lucian then faced his father, lips pursed together. "The granny told me that you might get hurt from sewweng." The last word that has not been registered in his vocabulary. "I don't want daddy to get hurt. I don't think mummy will be happy too." For a 3-year old, his sensibility is admirable. His son's words changed his mind, and he gave the little boy a card, the one where he usually reloads a bit too much tokens in it for any sorts of arcades. "Let's get one for mummy together okay?"
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"You," You closed the bedroom door behind you, a pastel pink stuffed rabbit in your grasp. Lucian had already being put to sleep shortly after his dinner because the poor boy was dozing off on the dining table. Today could have been a long day for your son. You watched your husband shifted his gaze from the mukbang show on the television to you. "Are a bad liar."
"What do you mean?" His voice feigning innocence when he sat up in a better posture, leaning against the bedframe now. "What have I done this time?"
"Lucian told me that you stitched this yourself." Your teasing smile is apparent to him now, you wiggling the bunny in your hands to show him the evident of his works.
"Do you not believe me?" Xavier's eyes widened, here comes the puppy look. He got out of the bed and slowly approached you. His aura taking a turn from being accused to being the accuser. "Or, do you not want to believe that I stitched it?"
You took a step back, your lower back pressed against the makeup table and he caged you, arms extended on both sides of your figure and he leaned in, smirking and chuckling lowly under his breath. "I...I...didn't know you could stitch toys." Your breath hitched in your throat as you could feel his warm breath fanned across your cheeks.
"I feel a little bit upset now." He expressed, pressing a soft and longing kiss onto your cheek and you jolted in shock. "Your son and I had tried to get a toy for you at the arcade today but we kind of finished the credits because the machine was problematic." You would safely put a finger on the fact that he is just bad at claw machine games as per usual. "So, Lucian and I decided to go back to the store where we bought the craft products from and got the old lady behind the counter to give us a crafting lesson. Then this bunny is the outcome of the lesson."
You can feel your heart bloomed at his explanation. You felt bad for doubting his skills, and you even thought that the bad stitching of the toy is a trend nowadays hence you assume your poor husband went off fishing at the claw machine arcades. You should not have doubted his determination. "I'm sorry Xavier, I didn't mean to. I just never thought you would go so out of your way to make me a stuffed bunny. I just---" His index finger slid past your bottom lip at a painfully slow pace.
"Sometimes, you can choose other methods to let me know that you're sorry." He whispered quietly and leaned down to kiss you, the doll you were holding taken out of your hands and tossed behind him, landing on the floor with a thud and your vision blended out into both of your igniting passion.
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Here you go lovelies, this is part two for the LNDS boys with their kids and you <3
Leave me your thoughts and love <3 Have a nice day to all me lovelies!!!!
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aithusarosekiller · 4 days
Regulus slowly grew to hate Sirius' joking remarks
It started when he was 10, on the night of the 31st of August, when they were having a sleepover in Sirius' room and talking about school the next day
Sirius, joking: when you come up to Scotland next year, you better stay away from my friends, I don't need you tarnishing my name haha
Regulus: good luck when you have to share the Slytherin common room with me then
Sirius: unless I get into gryffindor out of spite, wouldn't that be funny?
Regulus: don't be ridiculous
Naturally, the next day, that is precisely what happens. Of course it wasn't truly out of spite but that doesn't mean a bitter 10 year old won't take it that way.
A few months later at Christmas he harmlessly jokes about how he's going to make sure he's at the top in the subjects Regulus is excited for in order to set him some competition and guess where his top grades are that year? Given they both studied the same things growing up, they have a few talents in the same place, but it doesn't look that way to Regulus. He's a kid, he doesn't know it's all coincidence, he doesn't know that Sirius isn't choosing to be mean and just wants to joke around with him.
From there on out, he learns to associate Sirius' jokes with a big scheme to humiliate him despite that never being the plan. He thinks it's jealousy. Sirius thinks he's a stupid fool but can't put his finger on why his mood switched; besides him clearly just being a crazy mummy's boy who's too late to help now obviously.
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0oolookitsme · 7 months
Double Date Day
The smut that I've left you guys hanging for in this fic, is coming sooner than you think it is! So, don't be too sad haha! Best believe, it is coming right after the next fic! Also, I like started writing this concept probably last year, if not the one before that; and I just COULDN'T write it! But finally, I've re-written it for the millionth time and while I'm not very happy with the way it has turned out, I still hope you like it!
Verse - Singer!Harry x Ceo!Y/n
Word Count - 3k
Warnings - None! A scene alludes to smut, but it doesn't happen!
It is Valentine's Day, also known as the Double Date Day in the Styles' house. And being one of the highly anticipated days for the family, a lot of preparation and antics take place throughout the day!
Please rb to share! | Masterlist
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It was showing to be a clear morning; and, as Harry laid in bed with his eyes cracked open seconds prior, he imagined the clouds softly moving along with the brisk wind, and the sun peeking in between, as if playing peek-a-boo with the world. He knew it to be a deceiving setting though, because no matter how bright the sun was shining after days of disappearance, the weather was still chilly and would bite at his skin were he to go out.
Turning to his side he met with Y/n’s crouched back as she slept, curled into herself. He couldn’t hear anything from her but the slow rise and fall of her figure indicated that she was still fast asleep.
His lips curled into a crooked smile as he formed a cocoon around her, covering her back with his chest, slipping his hand around her waist and tucking away his chin into the back of her neck – her hair that seemed to be had slipped out of the braid she’d made last night, fell on his face and Harry gladly breathed in the comforting scent of her shampoo. 
His eyes fell close, as if almost compelled to go back to sleep in her warmth. And, he had just begun to drift away when he felt the bed dip behind him. This was nothing new, still Harry opened his eyes cautiously and shifted his gaze to the scene going on behind him.
One of the twins was standing up on wobbly legs, bending down to, according to Harry at least, help another one up. And he’s only proven correct once Amore is standing tall again, and Andre seems to be holding onto her arm for his dear life while he tried to balance himself on the mattress. They shared a look at for a little, as if revising the same plan that they follow through on every fourteenth of the February, since they’ve turned three, and passed each other a grin with a thumbs up, like signing off a pact.
He silently grinned and before he could begin pretending to be asleep, his eyes fell on Y/n’s bare chest that was seconds away from revealing her breasts. Looking at the kids, he slid her flimsy shirt down her torso and, once done, unintentionally swung his legs up her calf like he always does, instead of being sneaky and stilled, hearing Amore squeak – “Daddy’s Awake!” followed by Andre’s giggling. 
Tilting on his back, a throaty laugh escaped his mouth because of getting caught and also at the sight of Andre’s blonde curls sticking out in all directions. “Good morning, my monkeys,” he sang funnily, wrapping his arms around their little bodies as they snuggled up on his right side with their never-ending giggles.   
“Morning daddy,” the two wished him back in hushed voices, as if Y/n wasn’t already awake by the sound of their sweet-sweet laughter.
Harry hummed for a little, before beginning – “It’s the double date day today, isn’t it?” He asked and felt them nodding on his shoulder. Looking down at Amore and laughing when she poked at his double-chin, he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“You know what to do, my love.” He began and turned to look at Andre, asking him if he were ready to take on the day. On receiving a cheery reply, he took the blanket off of him and got out with Andre clung to his chest, putting the boy back down once he was on the floor. 
“Enjoy you time with mummy,” he chirped at Amore and kissed both her and Y/n’s cheeks quickly before pretending to run off with his other little one cackling and running behind him.
On the very first Valentine’s Day that Harry and Y/n had celebrated as parents, they had come up with an idea to turn it into a double date day. For what reason, they aren’t sure – it just seemed cool to do, and now the family awaited this day every year with great excitement. 
The first time, Y/n had gone on a date with Andre and Harry had gone with Amore. It was nothing but another domestic little excuse to spend some more quality time with their kids. The second year around, Y/n and Amore went on one, while the boys went with each other and, for the third year, the kids had gone over to Anne’s, so Harry and Y/n had gone on a date. 
This year, they were following the suite of the February fourteenth on which Y/n was pregnant, and ready to pop any minute, sat in the bed with breakfast served to her by her lovely husband, who hadn’t even managed to get dressed because he had missed his alarm, surprisingly enough. Which meant, they were starting anew this year, and the whole family was going to be sat on one table and just chit chat like they do all the time and discuss Harry and Y/n’s first meeting for the thousandth time. 
Right now, Y/n very sneakily wrapped her arm around Amore’s frame and dragged her towards herself. She laughed lightly when she realized that she’d scared the girl as her eyes remained widened for a second too long. “Good morning, mi amore,” she chuckled, kissing the top of her nose and sighed when she snuggled closer to her. 
With her face tucked away in Y/n’s chest, Amore shyly greeted her back, “morning, mummy.” Her voice was muffled, and Y/n knew she wasn’t too far from slipping back to dreamland.
“Did you get anything?” Y/n asked, pressing another kiss to the girl’s hairline. 
The girl hummed and Y/n wondered how Harry hadn’t noticed such similarities between him and Amore. “There was a box beside my pillow, but I haven’t opened it yet,” she answered, and pressed a return kiss on her mummy’s chest through the ridiculous gaps between the shirt’s buttons, her body shaking with laughter when Y/n giggled.
“What about Andre? Did he get his gift?”
“Yeah! He opened his first thing in the morning!” Amore laughed. “He was very happy to see all that paint and the brushes,” she said, taking a deep breath right after. 
“When do you plan on opening yours, munchkin?”
“After the breakfast,” the girl mumbled and Y/n coddled her body closer to her, sensing that she was dozing off in her warmth. 
Amore began snoring and Y/n also gave in to sleep slowly and slowly, all while hearing the muffled but loud chatter going on downstairs. 
Harry simply couldn’t stop questioning Andre, who was sitting on the kitchen island – “You are always helping out your mum, why aren’t ya helping me?” He asked with a pout on his lips and a dramatic frown between his brows, all while opening the drawer for a fork.
On receiving no answer, he looked up to see Andre struggling to get back on the Island with a glass lunch packed with Strawberries. “What are you doing?” he questioned again, watching as he began putting some into the empty bowl Harry had brought out to stir some batter in. 
“Just a snack for the two of us,” he whispered with a finger on his lips. When asked to spill some details by Harry, he elaborated – “Amore told me she and mummy had some last night when you and I had gone to sleep,” with an angry and pouty look on his face.
Harry laughed loudly at that, realizing that Amore had tried to make a fool out of his son, and how she had succeeded. On seeing the little one grumbling and getting off the island, he tried to cover up quickly as he rushed to his side to face him.
“I’m sorry darling, but I think she might’ve been fubbing,” he said with an apologetic look, but chose his words wisely. “Don’t you remember you two had slept off on the couch and how me and mummy had tucked you in the bed?” He continued and chuckled when realization dawned on Andre’s face. 
“Well, cheer up and help your daddy now,” Harry grinned, patting the boy’s head and moving to take out another bowl. 
They spent the rest of the time in the kitchen just that way – Harry constantly spilling jokes and pulling on Andre’s leg, who just sat and brought him things with a pout on his mouth because of the teasing.
Every time, Andre would find a new spot to put flour on Harry's face and get a whiney ‘heyy!’ in return from his helpless dad whose hands remained busy the whole time. 
The boy was feeling done with Harry, wanting to be by his mother’s side now that he’d had his daily dose of dad jokes ingested in his system. Every once in a while, he’d dip his finger in the cookie-dough that Harry had left out to make biscuits later when the two girls were to join them in the kitchen. 
The one moment he finally felt at peace was when Harry asked him to decorate the pancakes with some maple syrup and passed him the bowl of strawberries he'd taken out earlier. And, as he got right to work, forgetting to breathe and blink as he put his all in putting everything in the right place on the plates, he didn't quite realize how long he'd been at it.
The wind outside was flowing in with free reign through the open kitchen windows, helping Harry in staying cool. A blow whiffed both of the Styles’ curls with a great force, causing a chuckle to escape Harry’s mouth.
“Andre? Are you done yet?” Harry asked from somewhere in the Kitchen, his hands on his hips as he looked at his child with tired eyes, but a lopsided grin on his face. He wouldn't want to disturb the boy’s work, but it had been ten minutes of him saying “just one more second" and Harry was growing antsy, trying to busy himself with making some fresh orange juice – but even that was done now, and he couldn't help himself any longer. 
“Why don't you go and wake up your sissy and mummy?” He exclaimed, knowing that Andre would not miss a chance to finally stick himself to his mummy after a long morning of having his dad annoy him. 
That pulled Andre right out of his zone, and he quickly rushed to get off the stool he'd been standing on the top of. “Yes, daddy!” He squeaked, a grin on his face that Harry caught sight of right before his gaze landed on the mess atop the kitchen island. 
A deep sigh left his mouth, and he rubbed his forehead a couple times before getting back to work, cleaning everything up as quickly he could. And also, to lick some of the maple syrup by his fingers off the breakfast because Andre had poured about half of the little bottle on the pancakes and situated the berries on the very edges of each plate. 
And, while at that, Harry quickly checked off the ‘maybe he'll become a chef’ off of his mental checklist about Andre’s career choices that he'd noticed so far – and laughed a little to himself, finally putting the glasses of the juice beside the plates.
And when he heard the kids running down the stairs, he immediately yelled out a 'Slow down, there!' while closing off the running tap. Quickly, he dried off the last two dishes and turned, frowning when he couldn't find sight of his wife.
"Where's mummy, love?" Harry asked any one of the kids, looking at them gush over the 'yummy' breakfast while drying off his hands on his pants, the kitchen towel hanging not far from him.
"Oh daddy, mummy said she would only come down if you'd ask her to," Amore quickly answered, like she'd forgotten to inform Harry that and went right back to smelling the juice. 
He stood there dumbfounded for a little, and then a giddy smile pulled up on his soft lips, quickly turning into a wide grin. He shook his head as he began climbing up the stairs hurriedly, brushing his hair out of his face with a jerk of his head.
"Now, what is this behaviour, darling?" Harry asked without having yet caught a sight of her, opening the door to their bedroom.
When he saw that she wasn’t lying in bed, the confusion caused his eyebrows to frown, until he heard the running water, and a look of realization dawned over his facial features -- causing him to turn towards the bathroom, to which the door was left slightly open ajar.
He could hear her humming a Fleetwood Mac song, potentially Landslide, with each step he took, and when he knocked on the door, all of the noises stopped at once -- the running water in the bath, her humming voice or the candle's crackling, all of it. A smirk tugged at one of his mouth's corners, and he called for her once again before asking, "Did you like your gift?" with a change in the tone of his voice.
As Harry’s mind drew an imagery of her wearing the lingerie he had got her as one of the gifts and had kept in the bathroom, he felt himself thickening in his pants. It was a colour close to Magenta, and Harry knew her body well enough to know how well it was going to suit her skin.
The thought of her chest freckles that lied rather at her cleavage peeking through was driving him insane and he was only growing more and more impatient with each passing second, his foot beginning to tap on the floor beneath. He knocked again, and Y/n swung open the door at that very second, like she'd just been reaching for the doorknob.
"Hi! Sorry, the hot water was feeling way too good this morning," she looked at him with a grin so wide that Harry was sure she had it on her face just to mock him.
She was dressed in her own clothes from head to toe but his cardigan was draped over her shoulders and Harry wasn't sure if she was doing all of this intentionally. Maybe somewhere, by the mischievous glint in her eyes, he knew -- maybe.
He jerked when she grabbed a hold of his face in the cold palms of her hands and calmed down when she pressed a chaste kiss on his mouth. "What are you thinking?" She whispered, her front teeth peeking out of her slightly open mouth, perfect contrast against her skin, as she stood so close to him that he could smell the scent of the creams she must've put on her face earlier.
His voice came out in nothing but a cracked whisper when he mumbled, "nothing."
He knew that this moment wasn't yet over as he followed behind her out of their bedroom and down the stairs. Feeling like a lost puppy suddenly, he almost only had eyes for her. That was until they reached the dining table, and he was reminded again of their kids, who must be ready for food by now.
"Mummy! What did you get?" Amore asked the moment she saw her mum, running away from Andre who seemed to be in the middle of showing her another one of his drawings.
Harry swallowed his laughter at the sight of his offended son and walked over to carry Andre over. "Mum's looking pretty, isn't she?" Harry whispered to him and grinned when the little one agreed loudly, causing Y/n to look over with a blush covering the highs of her cheeks.
"I'm not sure yet, I'll open mine after breakfast as well," Y/n shrugged as she sat on the chair Harry had pulled behind for her. Because she had panicked, she said she wasn't yet aware when in fact, she knew exactly what she'd been gifted – it was clinging to her body beneath the cozy clothing she’d gone for. So, now as she sat and brushed the girl's bangs out of her face, she wondered what white lie she would have to tell later.
Turning to face Harry, Amore asked him the same question. "What did you get, daddy?"
"Ah, it's this cute little dainty necklace! I absolutely am in love with it," Harry confessed, quickly passing Y/n a look of gratitude and adoration. "I'll show you once we finish eating, yeah?" He continued before Amore could force him to walk up the flight of stairs again.
"I know Andre loved his gift, he wouldn't stop going on and on about it when we were cooking," Harry spoke, making everyone at the table laugh. "Did you like yours, hm?" He asked his daughter.
Amore told him about how she would open hers along with her mum, and when Y/n was done putting pancakes in everyone's plates, the kids dug right into it, causing both her and Harry to warn the kids to slow down.
Shouts of praises and 'yum's were shouted at Harry, making him grin endlessly out of shyness. It was when he couldn't shrink his smile that Y/n announced him the new chef alongside Andre, making him turn to face her with pure horror coating his features.
Don't get him wrong, he absolutely loved cooking, and his son. But to cook with Andre in the same vicinity in the morning was something Harry was sure he couldn't do every single day.
The table roared with laughter and cackled all over again as Harry said that and they all continued with their breakfast with continuous chats, except for that one time that Harry choked on a berry’s crumb, causing Y/n to strictly announce that no one was going to talk with food in their mouth.
But then, Amore masterfully stole a sip of Andre's orange juice, making everyone lose it once again.
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yuwuta · 5 months
hi. sharing some late night thoughts. vampirehunter!yuuta and blood-drunk-on-yuuta's-blood!reader. lover boy who falls in love and is so infatuated with reader that he let's them feed until they get more than satisfied. sick love yuuta who is happy to be able to provide for his lil creature of the night. bloody kisses and hungry touches. room for confusing morals and angst too haha. for the plot.
you’ve awoken something in me bc i once had this draft (for somebody else rip) about a vampire hunter who falls in love with vampire reader, and… ok well context and background idk if anybody remembers that plot line on wizards of waverly place when justin became a monster hunter, but then fell in love with juliet and had to lie to the monster hunter society program thing basically because he was breaking the rules and whatever… that is how i imagine this situation would, but it’s yuuta, so obviously… much worse 😇 
yuuta became a vampire hunter not because of any traumatic experience with vampires or deep-rooted hatred for them, but solely because he had a sister to provide for and the job paid well, and the monsters in yuuta’s mind and nightmares as a kid were infinitely scarier than any vampire he’s come across. he’s slain a couple before, even gotten rid of a few other monsters for a pretty penny, but when yuuta steps into your territory, it’s the first time he feels like he’s the one being hunted, and the worst part is, the sort of liked feeling like prey.
the first time, he wasn’t actually looking for you. there were reports of disturbances, and naturally, he was hired to rid the area of potential threats. nobody could pinpoint that there was a vampire in the area, but yuuta could feel it, could feel you. he could tell you were different, you had some kind of control over him despite the fact that he’s couldn’t see or hear you, and yet he was drawn to you. in the three weeks of searching the dense area, yuutas seen two werewolves, a mummy, three goblins, and even a snake hybrid, but never you. he felt like you were toying with him, like he was the rabbit hopping fruitlessly to reach a carrot you dangled in front of him, but he liked the ache in his legs, the desperation to be face to face with you turned into an insatiable drive and shameful need to continue to be the object of your focus. he’s shown up to town with enough monsters slain in tow that the people who hired him feel safe, blissfully unaware that you’re lurking nearby. yuuta’s job is finished, and yet, he find himself back on that mountain, searching for you—looking, yearning, because hunting is the wrong word. humans only hunt what they are afraid of, and yuuta does not fear you; he is the one hoping to be found. 
when he finally does get to see you, he’s bloody and beaten and half-dead from an encounter with a particularly pesky zombie and you’re the one that saves him. he feels oddly cozy in your overwhelming presence, and he’s disappointed when you let him go—why don’t you kill him? or tortue him? or keep him? doesn’t he owe you his life, aren’t you allowed to take whatever you see fit as payback? he meets you a few more times before you finally take him up on his offer, and yuuta is far too eager to offer his neck to you, and then embarrassed when you bite at his wrist instead—and yet, he’s still aroused; by the feeling of your teeth in his flesh, by being under your command, by being used for your satiation. you become drunk on yuuta’s blood, but he’s been infatuated with you from the start, desperate to be needed and willing to please. 
the first time you bite his neck instead of his arm or wrist, he begs with wet eyes to be the only human you feed from, and is far too happy to be kept as yours when you promise him that exclusivity. he likes that you toy with him, that he’s the hunter but you’re not afraid of him; you tell him to keep working as hunter, and he doesn’t understand why, but then you sink your teeth in his flesh while he’s on the phone with supervisors, lying about the presence of a vampire in the area while that same creature is sat in his lap, feeding off of his blood. he promises them to get the job done, vows to follow their word, only to come back to you and that’s when yuuta truly feels the thrill of the hunt—and the longer you know yuuta, the more you take from him, the more he gives, the more he deceives his fellow humans and his begs to be yours, you begin to wonder which of you is more of the monster in this equation.
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kittysarchive · 6 months
Hey there! I am the same anon who made the sub! Bad boy! Txt request. I absolutely loved the fic you wrote there haha 😆. If its okay, can you make the same for taehyun as well? I loved your content ❤️ Thanks a lot for uploading.
I'm glad you liked it :), I hope this meets your expectations!
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"S-stop" Taehyun gasped as you gripped his cock hard. Panting as his back lay against the bed frame.
"Why? You want this....your already leaking" Your thumb grazed over his sensitive slit, causing him to hiss. He didn't like the situation you put him in.
"Stop teasing me..." Taehyun cried out. Your hand's never did more than stroke his hard member. He wanted more.
"But why? You want me to stop when your so needy for me?" You teased, giving his member a hard squeeze. Oh how you loved playing with him.
Taehyun was in no position to argue with you. Having had a title of the bad boy....yet here he was hands tied behind his back, begging you to use him.
"Just fuck me already" Taehyun cried out, lifting his hips, to show his desperation. Seeing how defenceless you made him, you decide it was time to please him.
Trying soothing new, you helped Taehyun lie down on his back. Instead on inserting yourself onto him, you continued to hover over him, until your pussy lay above his mouth.
"You want to be fucked? You better prep me baby" You lower yourself onto his mouth, instantly jolting at how his tongue moved. Deprived of air, Taehyun quickly slurped you up, licking your folds, teeth grazing over, his tongue slipping into your pussy.
His lewd slurping filled the room, trying to get more your rolled your hips, allowing Taehyun more room to tase.
"Not such a bad boy are you now?" You tease, seeing how Taehyun was so obsessed with your pussy, not worrying about his persona. Continuing to roll your hips, you soon Un straddled his mouth allowing air back into him. Taehyun lay gasping below you.
"So sweet" He whined, your juices covering his chin. Your eyes narrowed down as you spotted his red, leaky tipped cock. You had deprived it of any attention.
"Do you want mummy to fuck you" Your hands caressed his chest which was heaving for air.
"Y-yes please" Taehyun gasped, watching you straddle over his cock.
"Please..." He repeated throwing his head back as he felt you slam down on him. The air was once again pulled out of him as you shoed now mercy bouncing on his cock. Red, hard and needy, he was sensitive to your warmness, wetness and wet sounds your pussy made.
"Make those pretty sounds for me" Taehyun didn't supress his moans any more. breathy ad high pitched, he couldn't control his own voice.
"Ahh....." He whined out. His moans grew softer as his eyebrows furrowed. He was close. But you wouldn't let him just yet.
"I'm....I'm going to...." Taehyun cried out, his unstable wave of pleasure rode him.
"Don't you dare" You warned him. Taehyun cried once more, he couldn't hold it for much longer. Slamming down your hips faster, Taehyun struggled to keep up.
"I can't..." Taehyun whispered, to out of breath to declare his weakness. You were squeezing him so hard, he couldn't hold out any longer. Without your permission, he spurted out his cum. You felt his cum seethe into you, but you weren't done. You started to bounce harder and faster, you were close.
"Mommy!" Taehyun gasped, he hadn't expected you to keep going. Ignoring him you began to roll your hips for his sore, sensitive dick. Hands tracing his biceps, you came over his soft cock.
"Don't cum without permission" You warned once more, sliding off him. Taehyun hissed as the cold air hit his sore cock.
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Here’s a bit with grace + Bambi as parents sorry if it’s rushed I wanted you to see it before midnight!
“Look who I found hidden behind the sofa!” grace giggles as she walks into the kitchen. Tickling her son’s belly gently she turns her head to face the young boy “you can’t play hide and seek by yourself!” Bambi turns around from where she’s standing observing the garden swing grace had set up earlier in the day for the new addition to have her own swing.
“Mama stop please” the toddler James bellows in laughter as his mum tickles his stomach. “Didn’t mean to hide thought you was busy with Livy.” Graces hand momentarily stops and her eyes drift to Bambi who in her own arms hold the new addition. Olivia Clinton was born on a random Friday in January her pregnancy easier than her one with James where she suffered a small stint of postpartum depression. Things though had seemed easier with Olivia.
Bambi pauses momentarily taking a moment to think about what to say to the toddler. “Oh honey I’m never to busy for you never remember your my star boy .” She takes a step forward passes James a few left over cheerios from his packed lunch earlier, “you’re the most important boy in my life” Bambi whispers as if it’s a secret. Graces face drops at this “what about me!” The Brit exclaims stamping her foot and slightly jumping the toddler in the air.
“Silly mummy you’re not a boy!” James giggles as his hands fly over his mouth to try hide the streams of giggles falling from his mouth. Grace smiles and turns fast making the boys giggles grow even louder. “Stop mummy I’m going to be sick!” The boy shouts and grace slowly stops and puts him down.
“Last one’s on the swings is a rotten banana!” Grace calls bolting it out the door James not on her heels but slowing down to let James win.
“haha mamas the rotten banana!” James screams as he climbs his new swing set “ay dios mío” Bambi mumbles walking out after the pair
“Pass her here and go play with James” grace calls now sat on a swing. “You sure? I can sit with her if you want” Bambi offers knowing in there general parenting rolls grace tends to do the outdoorsy activities.
“Moments last a life time my love.”
Genius again!
Bambi definitely carried and then the PPD to parallel Alexia's?? Truly a genius!
Bambi definitely makes sure that all her kids get so much love both individually and together. Her kids definitely grow up bilingual and speak better Spanish than Grace, who is always just so stumped when Bambi starts talking quick.
Grace tries really hard though, both for Bambi and their kids
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raffe156 · 2 years
I love all your stuff!! Especially the Ghost x Tank x Price stuff hear me out…can they be just one big happy family? A poly relationship if you will? They all live in Prices country house Tank has the Twins first (Prices) then a year or two later she has Ghost’s baby! An they all live happily ever after 😘
Honestly I love the idea an can’t help but imagine the utter chaos that bath times would be or just trying to get them all in bed- they all share a room 🥰an love the idea of Ghost treating the Price twins as his an price the same with baby Riley the kids wouldn’t know any different they have two dads an one mum ❤️
Ahhhhhh this…this is getting a quickie!!
I love the idea thank you!
So Price is “Daddy” and Simon is “Dad” to the twins.
JJ is John Jnr and Jude because I love the name haha
I loved this 💖💰💀
“Come on bath time!” Simon shouted from the bathroom causing the two little heads that were currently crowding you to whip round, this was the 3rd time he had called them but they were too interested in the newest little member of the family, you still hadn’t decided on a name for him so for now he was simply ‘baby Riley’.
The twins were very curious about him, Jude the oldest by 5 minutes stroked his head.
“He has no hair?”
“He’s only a baby, you two didn’t have any when you were born” you ran you hand over his head of brown curls. Though they both looked like John they had your eyes. JJ the quieter of the two rested his head on your shoulder, he was very much a mummy’s boy an hadn’t quite adjusted to sharing you with the new baby he hadn’t need to with Jude as he was John and Simons little shadow, so JJ got you all to himself most days, but now with the new baby taking up nearly all of your time he was as clingy as ever.
“You better go get in the bath for dad or your Daddy won’t be able to read you a story for bed when he gets home” you kissed JJ on the head.
Just as Jude began to protest Simon appeared at the foot of the bed a towel over each shoulder.
“Right…bath now!” His pretend angry voice out in full force making the boys squeal he gripped Jude by the ankle dragging him down the bed. JJ pushed himself behind your pillows. With Jude secured under his arm like a little barrel giggling Simon made his way over to JJ who only tried to bury himself further into the pillows.
“JJ watch your mum and the baby!” John called from the door.
“Daddy!!” Jude waved at his dad from under Simon’s arm.
“Come on JJ, the quicker you get in the bath the longer the bed time story” John made his way over to you ruffling Jude’s hair as he passed. He kissed the top of the baby’s head then yours. JJ pouted at the lack of attention from his dad.
“If you go get in the bath now, I’ll come tuck you in before daddy reads to you how about that?” You tickled his side making him giggle but he still seemed reluctant to leave your side. John raised his eyebrow at his son, He nodded raising his arms for Simon to pick him up.
“Good lad” Simon held his arm out for JJ to use to climb up him.
You smiled at JJ an he returned it. Good he was back on side. Simon pretended to drop them both as he left the room causing a loud squeal to erupt from them both.
You turned your attention to John who was now crouched at the side of the bed his hand stroking the babies back. His eyes not tired but soft he looked content.
“Do you think he’ll have hair like the lads?Wonder if he’ll be a little blondie like Si?” John laughed looking up at you.
“Maybe, he does look fairer than the boys did at this age” you tilted your head to look. He was perfect either way, a then as if he had read your mind he opened his little eyes as he did a yawn and a big stretch his little fingers and toes all spread out.
“That’s it son! Big stretch! He’s definitely going to be tall haha” John placed his finger in the babies tiny hand.
“He’s got a good grip on him, that’s a good sign” John smiled.
You could hear screaming and giggling coming from the bathroom and a lot of splashing water…
“That’ll do!” Simons fake angry voice again, John looked up at you.
“Go and help him…” you smiled
“They get that giddiness from you…” He cocked his eyebrow he was right, but he got up anyway kissing you and the baby again before he left to face what ever monsoon the twins had created.
“Right pack it in…why’s the entire floor wet, Si you take JJ I’ll take Jude”
You watched from the door as John sat on the floor next to JJ’s bed reading jack and the bean stork doing all the voices, Simon sat the same next to Jude listening just as intently as the boys with Baby Riley swaddled tightly in one arm and Jude snuggled up under the other.
Fatherhood suited them and it had changed them both for the better.
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disneyprincemuke · 8 months
more wee thoughts on dad logan
- logan taking baby girl to ballet or afterschool sport lessons on his offdays
- logan letting baby girl “do his makeup” (he looks a bit like a circus clown at the end of it)
- (angsty lol) logan not knowing what to do when baby girl just wants mummy but she’s on a night out or smn so he’s near tears trying to figure out what to do for his baby
- jv.f1 buying baby girl one of those kiddie f1 cars and at races which are close to mum and baby’s home, u r very likely to see baby being pushed by one mechanic or another in her wee race car
- (have we just decided logan’s a girl dad cause low-key i can also see him being a really good boy dad)
- logan getting really protective over his baby if she was being bullied at school, like literally STORMING into the principals office absolutely FUMINGGG
- logan, jv.f1, oscar, liam, alex, dalton, and mum all cheering for baby girl when she enters her first go kart race
- even if she doesn’t get on the podium, they have their own celebration at home, complete w rose water champagne bottle popping and one of logan’s old f3 or f2 trophies (they duct tape over his first name and write hers) (do the trophy recipients get their names engraved?)
- logan taking her tiny hand in his to get a handprint for his helmet, she doesn’t like it cause now her hand is all inky and log has to rush after pressing her hand on the blank paper to wash it off before she cries
ok i think that’s enough for now
i <3 dad!logan
omg i love that? logan is definiTELY going to be baby's biggest fan too like he'd be the oNE SCREAMING for his kid LMFAO
logan takes many pictures after his baby girl does his makeup tho and brags about it!
yo what is ur problem with this angsty hc i thought we were hehe and hahaing fun times why are you making me cry
OMG BABy girl getting pushed around by williams staff and having her own custom uniform because she insisted that she wants to be just like daddy
logan is definitely just dad coded, ain't matter what gender that baby is, best believe he's going to deliver
logan would flip that school over and he'd definitely try and intimidate that kid into apologising to his kid too trust me he told me himself
kart race with a helmet that logan had custom made just for her because she's a little germephone about using things that don't exactly belong to her (gets it from mum)
baby girl sargeant swatting logan on the face on accident tho hehe
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lordsothofsithicus · 3 months
Touch of Death Review
Hey all, I found a review I wrote of the 2nd edition Ravenloft adventure, Touch of Death. Warning, it's pretty long
First, the cover.  A Boris Karloff-looking mummy looms in front of a backdrop of cracked and aged hieroglyphics, superimposed in front is a swooning woman scantily-clad in a style evocative of the Rom, except she’s blond and blue-eyed.
This cover grabs the eye, but is really old-fashioned.  It also doesn’t really evoke the plot.  Not that I think that’s necessary.  A cover-artist’s job is to get your attention.  In this case, I think it succeeded… but also that this cover has really gone out of style.  Still, it’s a reminder that the story is the story, but it’s the cover that puts the butts in the proverbial seats.
The story begins with your PCs helping a group of Vistani (Rom-analogues, who have recently returned to D&D with much revision because the old depictions of them were spectacularly racist) whose wagon threw a wheel.  The group’s young matriarch, a Vistani girl named Dulcimae, asks the players for their help.  This is unusual for the older Ravenloft stuff in that the Vistani, while suspicious of the party, aren’t malevolent or sinister - they just need help sorting out their wagon.  The opening of the adventure is contingent on the PCs helping the Vistani and doesn’t offer alternative paths, but then again D&D isn’t the game of not helping people who are in a tight spot.  In exchange for the players’ help, Dulcimae offers to lead them out of the Domains of Dread.
Needless to say this adventure isn’t about leaving the Domains of Dread with a group of Vistani after you help them fix their wagon.  Though I think that there’d be a sort of poetry to that especially if players had been there for awhile.  There’d probably be some indignant sputtering.  Someone would say “That’s it?  That’s all we had to do?” 
After that your friends wouldn’t talk to you anymore, but you’d have won a moral victory.
The Mists of Ravenloft have other plans, and they divert your fly Vistani ride into the sandy hellhole of Har’Akir.  No, really, 2nd Edition Har’Akir sucked.  You’d be happier in one of the domains full of vampires.  You pass into Har’Akir bounded on one side by a sheer cliff with a searing wall of heat to your back and a crappy little mud-brick village up ahead.  The description of Har’Akir given by the module reads:  “The domain is a very simple place. There are two roads, a village with a spring, a canyon ridden cliff, and a lot of sun and sand.”
It specifically says that if you yell at Dulcimae about this, she’ll cry.
It goes on to describe how miserable life in Har’Akir is, and how there’s almost no food to be had and that the people of Mudar don’t die because the waters of the oasis sustain them.  Life must be awful if you have Water Plus and everything still sucks.  Presumably if they try to dig an irrigation ditch and grow a garden the Darklord loses his cookies and smashes it.
Also is the name of the village Mudar or Muhar?  Even the adventure can’t keep track - in the text it’s Mudar, on the map it’s Muhar.  
There’s more here, mostly to drive home the point of how hard-up the people of Mudar/Muhar are and how at the mercy they are of… well, everything.  The desert, monsters, you name it.  They even provide you with an NPC, an orphan boy named Abu who’s so desperate to leave the desert hellhole that he attaches himself to the party as a hireling… are they still a hireling if you don’t need to pay for them?  They also provide another hireling, one capable of reading the Akirran hieroglyphics, but honestly his prices are pretty ridiculous.  5 GP a day and a 100 GP rider to enter the final dungeon.  If your PCs are a bunch of min-maxing fools then they best pay up because the Wizard never bothered to pick up Comprehend Languages and Har’Akirrans use a Hieroglyphic alphabet.  “You can’t use that in a fight!  It’s stupid!”  Haha, guess you’re paying 5 gold a day so you’re not stuck in Hell’s Sandbox forever, shoulda thought of that, Fireballs McLightningbolt!  Better not let this guy die!
Actually, progressing through Touch of Death doesn’t require you to bring either hireling along.  The most they do is translate flavor text for the party.  Which is another thing wrong with this module.
After this misery breakdown, the module introduces the plot, which starts with people going missing from Mudar/Muhar every few nights, with the villagers occasionally finding a withered corpse.  It talks about the domain’s darklord and how the people view him (...not well, considering their circumstances).  The only light in this forsaken place is Muhar/Mudar’s temple and its benevolent high priestess.
A slight digression here, the plot of Touch of Death kicks off with an introduction that in part says “This module is partially event driven which means that certain events take place regardless of where the PCs are or what they are doing.”  This is a big red flag, because it means that the plot of the adventure is on rails, and isn’t reactive to what the player characters are doing.  This means that they’re not integrated into the arc of the story, which can lead to disenfranchisement if the DM doesn’t fix it.  A DM should have to make adjustments, but they shouldn’t have to fix anything in an adventure to make it work.
These fixed plot points occur night-by-night.  Each one is assumed to happen as written, and isn’t reactive to the actions of the players in any meaningful way.  As indicated, their presence isn’t even required for half of them.  Great.
After this, there are spoilers.  I’ve tried to keep them to a minimum, but you’ve been warned.
Day/Night 1:  The cool part of Night 1 is the introduction of the Desert Zombie, a Fast Zombie variant on the ol’ shambler with the ability to erupt out of the sand and ambush the unwary.  They also have the ability to rapidly burrow through sand as if swimming, but that’s stupid when they can just lie in wait.  It’s not like they have anywhere else to be.
On the first night, the party is supposed to get their first look at the Big Bad and fight a pitched battle with a small horde of Desert Zombies, who kill and drag off as many of the Vistani as they can catch (but explicitly not Dulcimae, who hides).  
Day/Night 2: This starts off with Dulcimae doing a Tarokka (that’s a fictional Tarot analogue used by the Vistani) reading for the party.  It’s kind of cool that this is meant to be interactive, though the adventure is written as if you’ll just use a deck of Bicycle cards instead of the deck that came with the Red Box… yes, I remember.  The downside of this is that there’s almost no flexibility to the reading, you just keep pulling cards until the ones indicated come up, all others are “false readings.”
Honestly you’re better off just narrating the fortune-telling, in my opinion.
The next night, the Big Bad comes back with more zombies, including any of the Vistani they managed to drag off on night one.  This is once again a fight on rails, since no matter what the PCs do the zombies drag off Dulcimae and kill the rest of the Vistani.
This is by far the most frustrating part of this adventure, and also the part where it most shows its age.  But I’ll elaborate on that in a little bit.
Day/Night Three: On day three, the Big Bad frames the PCs as being involved in the murders… even though they started before the party got to Mudar/Muhar and… this is just super frustrating.  What is the point of Day Three?  The party gets shut out by the village, which is annoying but to… what effect?  There’s nothing they need there, Mudar/Muhar is a toilet that doesn’t even have a place to resupply.  If you need water you have a whole oasis you can draw it from while glaring daggers at the Mudar/Muharites.  If the PCs weren’t present for what happened to the Vistani on Night 2 they don’t get framed, they don’t get shut out by the villagers… and this has absolutely no bearing on the rest of the plot.
On night three, a Force Ghost of Dulcimae shows up, frantically pointing the PCs at the temple.  Instead of slowly dropping hints to the party that all is not as it seems, sinister revelations and creeping fear, the party gets a ghost, frantically waving and pointing.  K.
Inside, the benevolent high priestess is caught red-handed.  Literally red-handed, since she just finished making a human sacrifice out of Dulcimae.  There’s a fight (naturally) which can end a couple of different ways (and the way the priestess tries to outfox the PCs is actually quite clever and very Egyptian), but however it ends Day/Night 4 is pretty well fixed.
Day/Night Four: The villagers are angry that the PCs killed the Benevolent Priestess (even if they didn’t pull it off) and try to lynch the party.  The text says they won’t disperse until the PCs kill at least three of them, and that the lynch mob will come after the party every day until the adventure concludes.  This is incredibly frustrating, as it leaves no room for player cleverness or persuasiveness, and is basically just railroading the players into a Dark Powers Check because they did Something Bad.  Bad PCs, bad!  Don’t *bap* kill *bap* peasants! *bap*  Even if the adventure makes you!  *bap*
On Night Four, the Big Bad decides the PCs have to go, and sends Mummy Dulcimae after them at the head of a troop of Teriyaki-flavored Desert Zombies.  Once again, the outcome of this encounter is largely on rails.  There are some minor variables but the overall outcome is fixed.
Day/Night Five: There isn’t even an entry for Day Five, so just assume the PCs have to beat down the angry mob I guess.
On Night Five, the Big Bad comes to mess with the PCs himself, along with Mumcimae and every other NPC that got Railroaded to death in the course of the adventure.  There isn’t really a point to this, and the encounter basically stipulates that the Big Bad beats the crap out of the party (knowing his 2E stats, it’s highly likely at the suggested PC level) until another NPC who has no further bearing on the adventure shows up, and the Big Bad runs off rather than confront them.  PCs aren’t given the slightest clue who this NPC is or why the antagonist would retreat rather than fight them.
Day/Night Six: The PCs murder a horde of 30-40 Mudar/Muharites during their daily confrontation with the angry mob.  Like you do.  Everyone remembers that fun D&D battle they had with a horde of 40 angry level 0 townsfolk.  So fun, right?  ...Right?
On Night Six, it’s assumed that the players head out to the module-concluding dungeon, ifi they haven’t already.  Despite the previous encounters offering no clue that the PCs should go there outside of the card reading.
So overall my review of these encounters is… not good.  If you run these as written without disguising that they’re on rails really well I could easily see players getting frustrated and losing their investment in the adventure.  Instead of slowly reeling them in with clues that all is not well in the land of Sand and Misery and Zombie Jerky, the adventure just drops a ‘GO HERE’ on the party… but there’s no payoff, because they can’t save the NPC in whom they’re presumably emotionally invested (even though all Dulcimae does in the adventure is cry if people are mean to her, give a card reading, hide, swoon, and faint).  
What happens to Dulcimae is a legitimately bad example of Fridging, and if you want to run Touch of Death I’d strongly advise you to fix it - you should probably dramatically change the way she behaves, and give your players an opportunity to rescue her if they can figure out where she’s been taken in time.
There are other examples of fridging in this adventure, since other NPCs the party is supposed to get attached to like Abu the Orphan Boy are also supposed to be killed and thrown back at the PCs as monsters.  I understand that character death generates horror for the PCs and your players, but I posit that there are better ways to do it than the options Touch of Death lays out for you.
If you don’t know what Fridging is (you probably do but I try not to assume), it’s when a character, almost always a woman (but I also extend it to children and animals. I do believe it’s possible to Fridge a male character, it’s just done to women in fiction much more often), exists as a character only to die horribly so that their death can give pathos and drama to someone else’s story.
After Six Days and Nights in sunny Har’Akir, the module goes into the layout of the dungeons the PCs will visit during the module, the Temple of Mudar/Muhar and Pharoah’s Rest.  A lot of the things contained in these dungeons are interesting and add weight and mystery to the adventure, but the encounters as given don’t sync up with them as well as they should.  The PCs are pointed toward the Temple by a proverbial blinking sign and toward Pharoah’s Rest by dint of having no place else to go.
The way the adventure ultimately resolves… to be frank, the module doesn’t do a good job of playing up the drama of it, but it’s the best part of the adventure IF you pad it out and dress it up right.  If you played the old SSI computer game The Stone Prophet, they used a version of Touch of Death’s ending to wrap up the game, but made you sweat for it.
Final Review: Touch of Death is one of the adventures that’s part of Hyskosa’s Hexad, AKA the Grand Conjunction adventure series, which is one of D&D’s classic adventure lines… except Touch of Death is quite frankly not very good.  If there’s one thing that’s absolutely true about running an RPG, it’s that you keep the sitting around waiting for something to happen to a minimum and even if you have a path the story should broadly follow, you create options for variability of outcome or unorthodox solutions to encounters.
Those don’t exist in this adventure.  There’s no dawning dread and very little mystery.  The villains’ motivations aren’t well-defined even in the narrative (they have a plan, but the method for achieving their goal is… highly dubious) and the Darklord of Har’Akir, the looming presence of whom should overshadow the whole adventure even for the villains, building up to when the PCs finally meet them… is barely touched on.  Even an important point of order between the two principal villains is there in their DM-facing write ups but isn’t made relevant in the adventure itself.  PCs aren’t given a way to find out about it, let alone capitalize on it.
If I had to summarize this adventure in one word, that word would be frustrating.  This is a frustrating adventure module not because it’s difficult, but because it’s completely on rails and the scenery facing the players isn’t even that compelling.  There’s a story here though - and that story is The Stone Prophet, which is built out from this adventure and is canonically a sequel to it.  It assumes that the adventurers from Touch of Death lose.
1995’s The Stone Prophet computer game took the basic premise of Touch of Death, expanded it out and built it into a real campaign, one with vibrant NPCs (by early-mid 90s D&D computer game standards), a fun plot, a lot of mystery and satisfying resolutions.  And with no fridging in it.
Edit to add: While it’s not explicitly detailed in Stone Prophet’s story, if you play or read this adventure and then play that game, the circumstances of some of the characters allude to it being set after Touch of Death.  But that doesn’t change the fact that the computer game realized the potential of the best things about this adventure better than Touch of Death itself did.
If you’ve read the new description of Har’Akir in Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, they spruced this domain up a lot.  They made Mudar/Muhar (now officially called Muhar) ten times larger (it literally went from a sun-baked collection of hovels clinging to the edge of an oasis to a city of 3,000 on the edge of a lake) and just by filling out the map of the domain created a bunch of story seeds and adventuring hooks where before there were… not a lot.
But having said that, Touch of Death is not a good candidate to be reclaimed as an adventure for 5E, above and beyond compensating for the 5E rewrites to the Har’Akir domain.
I keep comparing Touch of Death to The Stone Prophet for a reason, and that reason is that Stone Prophet is the adventure Touch of Death should have been.  If you’re interested in Har’Akir for your 5E adventures and want to explore an older version of the setting for ideas, you’re better off reading a plot synopsis of Stone Prophet or just getting your retro on and playing it, you can buy it as part of a bundle with Strahd’s Possession at gog.com for ten bucks.  See what D&D computer games were like during the pre-Baldur’s Gate forgotten age!
The guy who wrote this adventure, Bruce Nesmith, wrote a lot of other stuff for TSR when he was their Creative Director, and a lot of his work is better than Touch of Death in concept and execution, though there are some common flaws in execution throughout his adventures that are really at their worst in this module.  An adventure I’ll be reviewing soon, The Created, is arguably Nesmith at both his best and his worst at the exact same time.  
Nesmith later moved on to work for Bethesda and was the lead designer for Skyrim, and honestly adventures like Touch of Death aren’t all that different from grubbing around for shit somebody dropped in the back of a cave full of monsters.  Why’d they drop it there?  Does my going after it have any effect on the outcome of events?  Shrug. Final Thought:
I decided not to do star ratings or thumbs-up/thumbs-down because I don’t usually find those ratings helpful, unless a Mark Millar or Zack Snyder joint pops up on Netflix and then you better believe I’m hammering that thumbs-down as hard as I can.  In this case, my final thought is that when this adventure was published in 1991 it cost $6.95.  That’d be $13.99 in 2021 dollars (when I wrote this review), rounding up to the nearest common US price point.  I don’t think this is a fourteen-dollar adventure.
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things my best friend has said as marauders quotes
Sirius at James and Lily: don't breed. breed is bad.
Sirius: he (remus) would be a good stripper I think
James to Sirius: you're a hoe. but a lovely hoe
Barty: listen. I've cut open humans before and they have big breathing sacks-
Sirius about Regulus: he's a middle aged child
James explaining Sirius and Remus's relationship: they're besties...with benefits 😏
Peter: is there an ankle kink?
Regulus: because ALL ghosts just HAVE to be white don't they?
Evan, mispronouncing androgynous: yeah I feel a bit an-dro-gy-noose today
James: [sirius], please stop assaulting my pen
Evan: I'm a little German boy, I'm gonna get your toes with my little German boy fingers
Barty: give me the dead fetus, I have plans
Peter to Remus: do you have... a knee kink?
Marlene: I think the eggs for breakfast caused my period actually
Marlene: monkeys are the ancestors of cats
Barty, to Regulus: are you a keyboard? cos I'll play you like one
Sirius: I swear to [Merlin] I will sniff your arse
Sirius to Remus: can I unwrap you like a Christmas present?
Marlene: step-mummy please😩
Remus: no one likes a dog that vibrates [padfoot]
Mary: if a bee hit it from the back would it die before it could orgasm?
Peter: I think I could top a spoon
James to Lily: im not wearing anything under this mirror👀
Barty about Regulus: evil dick, giant brain
Sirius: haha [marlene] ate dick
Lily, after a marauders prank: I could write a sixteen page essay on how much I wish I were a lesbian
Sirius when Remus walks in: hello sexy male
Sirius: a secret, third thing, my deep ass cheeks
Remus: Lma-no.
Remus: stop saying thick-arse rim!
Marlene, drunk: horse shoes don't go on horse cock, that's why they're horse shoes not horse condoms
Barty, about Regulus: I'd let him punch me for free, but you got PAID?
Sirius: [Regulus!] you devious little dog!
James: I can confirm, [Marlene] and my mum did not have sex to make me
Sirius: someone cummed in a glue bottle, that's why it's so hard
James, panicking to Pomfrey: MY JUGULAR IS JIGGLUNG
Remus: mate stop fingering the biscuit
James: I don't want your drug pens!
James at Marlene: stop underlining your nipple
Sirius: haha there's a man on your tit
James: my mum is not a man! nor a football!
Sirius: [Dumbledore] is a BOTTOM everyone
Barty: I'd be the one DOING the fucking, not getting fucked
Regulus: can I refer to you as a travelling circus?
Barty, in response to ^: well I am a walking joke
Sirius: if you're homophobic you get sent to bitch jail
James: I'm just too quirky for my own good
Sirius: does that mean pussy is dogwater
Sirius when Remus gets rid of his trousers: how much are you selling your arse fabric for?
Remus: I dare you to drink the bananas cum
Lily: I don't want to hold hands with Jesus, put him back on his cross
Sirius, after losing his virginity: I started celebrating because I got to touch arse
Remus: christ no I don't want to touch God's nuts
James when Remus gives him anything: thanks. it doesn't have weed on it, right?
Sirius: I'm like a bird hi-YAH oh shit I pulled a muscle
Remus: the wake up woman touched my penis
James: please stop serenading my father
Marlene: whore core?? I think you mean me when women
Sirius and Regulus about slow walkers: you know what career they can pursue? ROADBLOCKS
James: be careful. I'll beat you up with my Calvin Klein man muscles
James: im clutching my house keys
Effie, about Sirius: I saw him and I knew immediately I should put him in my child jar
Sirius after drinking water: im gonna break records with how much I piss today
Evan, seeing Sirius from afar: is that Jesus christ? why is he so white? absolutely translucent
Barty, holding Regulus's diary: I think this may be a gay sex book
baby James: what do you do? I'm a snot picker
Sirius: thaddeus with the phatteus
Sirius about Regulus: stop babygirl-ifying him! he is not babygirl material! I am :(
Barty: he was a man. probably a white one, there was a lot of audacity
Sirius: that is two cheeks too many mate
Sirius: give me the fathers I need to collect them
Remus: stop squeezing my fucking flange
Regulus: calm your foot before I eat it
Marlene: it dried my nose. it was so dry. drier than a straight man's wife, I'll tell you that
James: oh, you did competitive ballet when you were young? my parents loved me so I can't relate
James, trying to help Remus and Sirius get together: do you like balls bursting in your mouth?
Barty: stop playing with balls in your mouth
James, watching Regulus, Evan and Barty walk into the toilets: three men just walked into the loo, they might kiss~
Remus, trying to find a body wash: does this smell like weiner or hydrangea
Sirius when McGonagall: turn your bagpipes off for [Merlin's] sake
Evan: thumb me bitch
Sirius to Marlene: you already knew you liked women! you were in her boohs!
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missy-0-piink · 2 years
Here’s a fun concept: Mykola with a mummy kink. He seems like the kind of person to go along with it just to humour you before realising that he actually really likes it ftyfytftfty
Oh my, yes 🤩
Also quick question, is it weird that I prefer the spelling “mommy” for this kink even though im Australian, idk I just think about those petulant children that pronounce it like “mummay, mummay! Buy me that toy now!” 💀
He’d totally laugh in your face when you bring it up, but he still does it for shits and giggles and thinks nothing will come of it
Boy is he wrong
When you kiss him and caress his body in foreplay, he jokingly moans out exaggerated “mommy”s, like, really fucking over the top
It’s annoying, but you expected this, and you know he’ll eventually realise he does like it
When you start prepping him for your strap, you start throwing in praises like “you’re mommy’s good boy, aren’t you?” And, “oh my sweet baby boy, you look so beautiful like this”
(Btw can you tell I have a kink for giving praise 💀)
That’s when mykola has an existential crisis because oh shit that’s hot
That’s when you get the first genuine whimper of mommy
It’s so quiet and hushed, but yet so desperate, and it sends an ache to your core
You, of course, praise him so good for saying that that it makes him moan out that word even more
This is when mykola realised that he’s in too deep now
When you finally start thrusting into him? God, he so subby, which is a hard state to get him in and it’s a surprise to you because it usually takes a lot longer
“Aww, does my baby like calling me mommy?” You coo into his ear, and he responds with a desperate, “ye- ah!-Yes, mommy!”, cutting himself off with his own moans
The soft praises that you give him make him feel so loved and cared for, tears involuntarily start streaming down his face, a result of a mixture of physical and emotional feelings
After sex, mykola cuddles into you, laying his head on your chest
“Wow. I cant believe I like calling you that!” He laughs, “what next, I suck milk outta your titties-“
“Haha! What, it’s funny!”
Sorry if it’s bad it’s 2:00 am and I’m dead tired 😭
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Heard that boy talking shit, I'ma murk his ass (Fuck 'em)
Said he got guns, I don't believe his ass (Fucker)
Pew-pew-pew-pew-pew, I ain't talkin' ass (Shh)
Said he gon' kill who? Ha, I need a laugh (Haha)
Ayy, big dog $lick $loth, northside killer
Heartbreak kid, young wet Ben Stiller
How the fuck you chart on Billboard but I'm still fuckin' richer
I went platinum with no billboard, no video, no pictures
Don't give a fuck 'bout these plaques or these critiques and bitches
I'm just grindin' for my fam, get my girl what she wishes (Ayy)
Y'all fuck boys just buyin' toys, I'll pass my litmus
I done went broke, made it back tenfold, ask God, that's my witness (Ayy)
Cutthroat, let 'em know, still a savage motherfucker
Solja raggin’ at rose lookin' like juvy in that hoe
Number one stunner, I almost sent it off with Ruby
Went to Carrollton with my shirt up screamin' out bitch, "Who gon' shoot me?"
I grab the Uzi, I hit the huey
Eatin' a ten piece in a Benz, just another fuckin' Tuesday
Bitch, I'm too great
I mean too grey
Fucking the game with no foreplay
P.D. say they fuckin' with me, reminded them what a hoe would say (Uh-Uh)
Still fuck them hoes
Still coming down off them drugs from three years ago (Sheesh)
Still hoardin' most of my money, catch a feeling, bro (Damn)
Who the fuck you know with a ‘mil up they nose
Yeah, they heard, I found God like I still gon' shoot
Yeah, this motherfuckin' crackers, ain't no dispute
Fuck this whole industry, even the no names too (Fuck 'em)
Let me just tell you that I hate you, there's no need to assume (Grey, grey)
Feel like year 2000 and I'm Aaron Brooks
Take that fent, that brown, and show you how to cook
He brought the whole gang down and I ain't even shook (Pussy)
And I'ma stop right now 'cause I don't need a hook
I'm a 5'9 soldier, New Orleans stunner
Dodgin' NOPD they always out and about in the summer
I don't fuck with no New Orleans hoes, but I did when I was younger
Now I'm flyin' em in from out of state pick 'em up in the camo hummer
Still off that St. Bernard exit down by the lake
Still pullin’ up at Russell’s just to hand out free eighth’s
Still grippin’ a big body and slam the brakes 'cause I'm lit
Still courtside at the Pelican’s game but they won't say my name
Blanco Leopardo, I’m the 7th ward lord
The chopper never jams, but I still use it as a sword
Sneakin' in the cemeteries like I pre-order death
I fucked my ex on a grave, a hand popped out, grabbed her neck
Yeah, my pimping done started a fuckin' zombie outbreak (Yeah)
Told the devil not to wait up because I'ma be out late
Watch out for the sniper shootin' cars when you're drivin' through the East
Ballys on my feet, down here you either swim or you sink
East Bank born and raised but I’ve been all over (East Bank)
Catch me uptown at the fly, I don't think I ever been there sober
Catch me downtown on the stoop, I'm usually there in October
'Cross the town in the Cullinan, I know it look like a Rover (Uh)
Who that? Who that? I ride around with no tint
Get the gat, get the gat, under the seat is a MAC-10
I hear pop pop pop, and I wake up sweatin' bullets
So I moved down da bayou where it ain't so fucking humid
Yeah, I'm going through it
All these motherfuckers want something from me
These bitches see I got money, that's why they gon' try and fuck me (Haha, bitch)
They want a kid in they tummy but I wrap it up like a mummy
These fucking greasy ass hoes, I keep it clean bitch don’t touch me (Ew)
So many blood suckers out here, slay 'em all like I'm Buffy
What you want from me baby? Why you bein' so fussy?
Why don't you go down to Harrah's and see if you get lucky
If you see my granny, ask about me, she'll say she love me
I hope I die with my people, make sure my family ain’t broke
I put on for my city, I'm 504 'til I croak
I wanna die in New Orleans, yeah, this shit ain't a joke (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)
Just cremate my body and then lace the blunt before you smoke
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is0gild · 7 months
I got tagged by @superfan44 to do his 100 Favorite Movies Challenge. Rules are simple: create a list of 100 of your personal favorite movies in alphabetical order and share it, then tag others to do the challenge.
I thought coming up with 100 movies would be hard, but once I got started they just kept coming and I actually had to remove some from the list when I was done to stay under 100 haha! List under the cut :)
10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
358/2 Days The Movie (2013) *
Adventures in Babysitting (1987)
Army of Darkness (1992)
Back to the Future (1985)
Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Back to the Future Part III (1990)
Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)
Beetlejuice (1988)
Being John Malkovich (1999)
Big Hero 6 (2014)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)
BlacKkKlansman (2018)
Chicago (2002)
Chronicle (2012)
Coming to America (1988)
Deadpool (2016)
District 9 (2009)
Earth Girls Are Easy (1988)
Edward Scissorhands (1990)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
Evil Dead II (1987)
FernGully: The Last Rainforest (1992)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Frozen II (2019) **
Get Out (2017)
Ghostbusters (1984)
Ghostbusters (2016)
Groundhog Day (1993)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Hancock (2008)
Hocus Pocus (1993)
Hook (1991)
How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
Howl's Moving Castle (2004)
Independence Day (1996)
Interview With A Vampire (1994)
John Q (2002)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) ***
Labyrinth (1986)
Lilo & Stitch (2002)
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Megamind (2010)
Memento (2000)
Men in Black (1997)
Moana (2016)
Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005)
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Pride and Prejudice (2005)
Princess Mononoke (1997)
School of Rock (2003)
Scott Pilgrim vs the World (2010)
Serenity (2005)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
Space Jam (1996)
Spaceballs (1987)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spirited Away (2001)
Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Stranger Than Fiction (2006)
Tangled (2010)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023)
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)
Tetris (2023)
Thank You for Smoking (2005)
The Avengers (2012)
The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
The Iron Giant (1999)
The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
The Mummy (1999)
The NeverEnding Story (1984)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
The Princess Bride (1987)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
The Secret of NIMH (1982)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Titan AE (2000)
Treasure Planet (2002)
V for Vendetta (2005)
WALL-E (2008)
Warm Bodies (2013)
Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (2022)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
Zombieland (2009)
* Does this one actually count as a movie? Feel like it's a bit of a stretch, but it does say "The Movie" right there in the title xD And it's ME, I feel like my list would be incomplete if I didn't include something starring my fave fire boi lol! ** What?! Frozen II on the list, but not the original Frozen?! That's right, it IS possible for one of a person's utmost fave characters of all time to be in a movie they thought was only okay xD Don't get me wrong, I do like Frozen, it just didn't make the cut for this list! Frozen II on the other hand came out in theaters at a time when I only had to pay $15/mo for unlimited movie tickets and I loved it so much, I was seeing it 2 or 3 times a week x'D *** I know rules didn't say to point this out, but I feel like I had to do it anyway: Utmost. Fave. Movie. Of. All. Time. RDJ and Val Kilmer in a comedic whodunit? Movie gold! Watch it. It's good!
Okay, now to tag people! Remember this is just for fun, absolutely no pressure to actually do this, only if you want to! Tagging: @basiliskonline @daughterofkyne @astranovus64 and to anyone else reading this who thinks creating a list of your fave movies sounds fun, I tag you as well! :D
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thestylesfamilysblog · 6 months
“I think when he was 5 he looked at me no went “mummy I know the bunny isn’t real” turns out he’d heard Eli say it but he wasn’t sad about it or anything 😂 - Ro”
Haha oh Sage. What a mature little boy! Milo is a little con artist about it. The twins told us he knows he doesn’t exist because he saw his dad placing the eggs one morning but doesn’t tell us because he gets more chocolate with the egg hunt than the baskets I make for the kids. It’s my fault for giving in to the scam 😂
Yeah that sounds like the twins 🤣 - Harry
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