spencersarc · 3 years
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I was chatting about this little area in my stories earlier this week. How this is probably the most used area of our home. It’s hardly without grains of coffee, tea spills and clutter. But when I take the time to tidy and clean it up it fills me with so much satisfaction. It spurs me to tidy more and more because I know how much joy with not much effort this little area gives. It a bit like a cleanup snowball. You clean, tidy, declutter little bits at a time and before you know it you are done. When there is so much chaos, so much to do, so many jobs, so much overwhelm it can be hard to get started. But pick a small corner, a drawer, a surface at a time and see how big your snowball gets. So today I’m feeling grateful for this little area to remind me you don’t have to do it all at once! #mugaddict #kitchencorners #mykitchen #mumskitchen #mummyblogger #mummentor #overwhelmedmum #mumlife #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodthroughinstagram #housework #tidyup #hyggehome #cleaningsnowball https://www.instagram.com/p/Cal-udnMa6r/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spencersarc · 3 years
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I brought this book down from my room this morning to put in my gym bag to read after my swim. Mels, my big girl twin read the cover and said yup you need to read that. I was taken aback by her comment. Do I really need guidance from a book to raise my parent game? Does that mean I’m doing a shit job? Instead of asking her why? Or what she meant by her comment i simple said flippantly, I know that’s why I’m reading it. But actually that is why I bought it. That is why I’ll read it, take notes from it and act on the things I find. That’s why we read developmental books like this, that’s why we take courses, do workshops and masterminds to up level where we are at. In the past few years I’ve read countless books, taken lots of courses, and tried out programs to level up where I was. I’ve now got a wealth of knowledge behind me. Not just from the past few years but from the life I’ve lived, the jobs I’ve done, the hardships I’ve encountered. I take all this knowledge now to help you. Because when you are stuck in the mud, no clarity, not knowing which knot to unpick first reading a book (for me it was anyway) is the last thing on your mind. So yes. M. I do need to read it. I need to read it to up level where I am. If that means I can better my skills as a parent then that’s amazing. But what would fill me with more joy is if I could then pass that on to others too. #motherhoodrocks #mumlife #mumoftwinstwice #mumoftwins #mummentor #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodunfiltered #motherhoodthroughinstagram #motherhoodsimplified #thewabisabiwayoflife https://www.instagram.com/p/CbP0CYjMTom/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spencersarc · 3 years
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Yesterday I shared who I am, If you missed it go and check it out! Today I want to tell you about The wabi-Sabi way of life. When I came through a life threatening pregnancy complication with my second set of twins, I knew I needed to live life instead of just letting it happen! I took up pottery as something just for me to do. all my pots were all a little bit of a wonk My tutor - @joygibbsprice would say to me dont worry about the wonk Embrace Wabi -Sabi! Wabi - Sabi ,is a Japanese concept Although it has no literal translation its thought to mean Embracing the imperfect moments, appreciating them as beautiful, and going with the flow of life. Not only did it help me build resilience, in my pottery but in life and motherhood too. Now Wabi-Sabi is at the heart of my every day. Now I'm a huge advocate of embracing a Wabi-Sabi way of life especially in motherhood. Going with the flow of motherhood life is such a simple concept, yet it gives back so much power. If you dont know where to start Id love to have a chat. I would love to jump on a chaos confab call. If you want to know more DM me "Wabi-Sabi." I'd love to chat! Nina x #wabisabiwayoflife #mumoftwinstwice #mumlife #motherhood #mummentor #motherhoodunplugged #mumsofinstagram #twinmum #mumsdayoff #wabisabiwayoflife https://www.instagram.com/p/CbMhK4usEo3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spencersarc · 3 years
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When life feels overwhelming, when the chaos gets out of control, you feel stuck, you spend time and money just to feel like you’ve had a break but nothing really works. This was me a few days before Christmas 2014. Mum to twins age 4 just! I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and I didn’t really know it. You see I wasn’t even living in the moment enough to realise what was happening. I just let life happen to me, I let myself get drowned by the washing pile, stressed by meal times, tidying, clutter, tantrums, shopping lists, Christmas and the list went on. But I didn’t know how to get out I didn’t know what to do to start. All that time I lost and I didn’t even know it. This is why I get so bloody passionate about helping you get out of the overwhelm. Because it can so quickly turn into so much more and you won’t even know it’s happening. If you want to someone to listen, if you want to be truly heard if you want to find out more about my programs, strategies, head in the profile there you will find my links. We can book in for a micro chaos call. See where you are at, see how I can give you a quick fix. #twinstwice #motherhood #mumlufe #mumoverwhelm #mumoftwinstwice #breakdown #motherhoodbreakdown #mummentor #motherhoodunplugged #mentalhealth https://www.instagram.com/p/CbHfT18M8FQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spencersarc · 3 years
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Today I’m going back to my roots. I don’t mean like way back when I mean where this whole idea of becoming a mentor started. It started with @sally_oddy she believed in a fire inside me I didn’t even know I had. She led me to building that fire that is now where the heart of my business stems. She gave me the courage to reach out and trust others to help me grow. So today at 12.30. I’m off to the soulprenuer HIVE mind group over on the facey to give my signature talk Embracing Imperfection. I’d love you to come along. Head over to sallys profile for clickable links to the group. There has already been some incredible speakers. And more to come for her “Mindset March” summit. What more it’s all free! So if you are in business or thinking about it head over and have a look. #mumsinbusiness #motherhoodimperfectly #businessmums #mummentor #soulpreneur https://www.instagram.com/p/CbE5Hp4sDGK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spencersarc · 3 years
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Waking up feeling refreshed after blurting out lots of ideas to my fairy godmother aka @creativsas And what a better place to create and strategise than here. In the countryside. The middle of nowhere. No one shouting me every millisecond. No breakfasts to make, no school run to do. Sometimes you need a time and a place and some space to work on your business. To work on what fires your soul. The fact I get to do this work with my fairy godmother is just the crown on the top of the cake. Watch out world. There is something big coming. #mumssupportingmums #mumlife #mumsinbusiness #fairygodmother #twinstwice #lifewithtwinstwice #twinstwicechaos #timetocreate #mummentor https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca6dbens-i6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spencersarc · 3 years
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We had such a fab weekend. We actually went out adventuring. The past few months, actually let’s be real. The past year we’ve had weekend adventures put on hold as we are doing up our barn and helping friends build their office too. I say we. What I mean Is my husband. I just supply coffee & sausage rolls now and again. While keeping the kids in check. But last week I had a mindset shift. Actually It was a shift backwards. Let me explain……… I spent years stuck waiting for life. Waiting for the perfect moment. Waiting for adventures to happen. Waiting to live a lanzarote lifestyle. Well this past week has made me remember that mindset shift I made a few of years ago. Instead of waiting around for life to happen I had to go out and make it happen. Live a lanzarote lifestyle right here! Stop waiting for the perfect time. If I’ve learnt anything over the past few years it’s that you never really know what’s around the corner. So kids clubs & craft, swimming, a walk around the marina, ice creams, snacks & play parks & hot tubs. Are you waiting for the perfect time to live life? #lanzarotelifestyleintheuk #lanzarotelifestyle #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #mummentor #motherhood #mumlife #mummyblogger #mumoftwinstwice #twinstwice #twinmum #twinlife #mumofboys #mumofgirls #mumsofinstagram #stopwaitingaroundforthingstohappen #weekendvibes #weekend https://www.instagram.com/p/CazhuetMe1V/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spencersarc · 3 years
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I really wasn’t feeling like having to “perform” for a photo shoot. When I had these taken last week. But I went anyway Imperfectly me. Because well it was half term and I thought it was a good excuse to leave the kids with their dad for the day. Ya know and it was for work! I love these images so much. Out of all of the monthly shoots I think I love these the most! I think the fact I showed up imperfectly me and trusted my photographer shows what can come from embracing imperfection. I’ve never liked having my photos took. So this is huge for me. Thank you so much @visibilityschooluk @brandingphotographeruk Good things come from imperfection. Never forget it. #monthlyphotoshoot #thisisme #brandphotography #motherhoodmentor #entrepreneur #businessowner #mummentor #embracingimperfection https://www.instagram.com/p/CaXanC2lFZt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spencersarc · 3 years
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Hands up who wants a life hack to fix where you are right now? One trick that’s going to get rid of the laundry mountain. A click if the fingers and your house is no longer a clutter put but a Hygge space where you and your family can make memories. Yeh? You in? Truth is nothing is a quick fix. Yes there are little hacks to steer you the right way, to give you a boost. But nothing quick will last long term. For that you need to put in the work, you need to be ready to deal with the chaos. Not so easy? That’s why I’m here. That’s why I’d love you to join the chaotic motherhood community. Come on in have a brew and let me guide you to that life you truly want. Even if you don’t know what that is yet! Search chaotic Motherhood Tribe on Facey or head to my profile to grab the link. I’ve put the kettle on and there is a comfy chair with your name on. #motherhoodcommunity #mumlife #mummentor #motherhood #simplemotherhood #mumsofinstagram #mummy #mumoftwins #twinmum #mumofmultiples #mumofgirls #mumofboys #mumof4 #mummyblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/CaWeu_HMmIy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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