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vegehana-food · 2 years ago
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✿ ムルキーヤ | Mulukhiyah ・ムルキーヤとは、エジプトが原産国の野菜「モロヘイヤ」を用いて作られているスープ料理です。中東ではムルキーヤと呼ばれることが一般的ですが、日本ではモロヘイヤという名称が一般的であるため、あまりムルキーヤとして知られていることはないか���しれません。 ・このスープ料理は非常に栄養価が高いことで知られていて、モロヘイヤに含まれるビタミン、ミネラル、植物繊維、植物性タンパク質などをバランスよく摂取できるため、現地では健康的な食事として人気があります。 ・ムルキーヤという名前はアラビア語で「王様の野菜」を意味し、これはかつて内臓機能の不調に悩むエジプト王が、ムルキーヤを飲んでことによって治ったことからそう名付けられたとされています。 ・この料理はモロヘイヤスープに更に「クズバラ」すなわちコリアンダー(パクチー)の葉が入り、にんにくの風味や旨味も加わったものです。エジプトではこのスープをごはんにかけて食べます。
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smarmychristopagan · 2 years ago
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Mulukhiyah a stew fit for royals
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longreads · 4 months ago
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The Kitchen with Two Doors
Kristina Kasparian celebrates a beloved childhood comfort food and considers the meaning of home and family in her new essay, “The Kitchen with Two Doors.” This is one to savor! 
Dishes of the diaspora are strange in how they take on an identity of their own. In the school yard, I learned from my peers that their mothers and grandmothers made mulukhiyah differently than we did just a few neighborhoods away, using beef stock or rabbit stock instead of chicken, and adding tomato to the palette to interrupt the green. These variations on truth made me feel even more anchored to my family, though shaky about the veracity of our culture. Were we the ones doing it wrong? It hadn’t yet occurred to me at that age that the pride I felt for my family’s customs could be muddied by the shame of being inauthentic.
The same disquietude stirred in my chest when my sister once pointed out that we eat Egyptian mulukhiyah far more often than any traditional Armenian foods. Our family traditions had become impregnated with where we had been, not where we were from. Home is not homeland.
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roselyn-writing · 3 months ago
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Name: Arnunludo ‘Arnold’ Lopez.
Age: 1200. (In Earth) 500 (In Virginia).
Date of birth: 10 December 609 (In Virginian time & year)
Current location: New York.
Favourite colours: Gray, Green, Black, Blue and Red.
Favourite food: fries and burgers, Pasta, Mulukhiyah soup, fortune cookies.
Likes to: To feed and care for animals, to help people, to talk to people (include giving advice), to meet new people and so on, to sing. He has a green electric guitar named ‘spike’ 💚🧡🎸
Body-shape: semi-muscular.
Height: 6’5 (196cm).
Hair colour / type: smooth / soft short Peach-Blonde hair.
Eyes: Gray almond-shaped eyes.
Notable features: handsome face, a mole under his right lower lip.
Aura colour: Gold, so is his magic’s colour.
Inspired by: Arnold Jackson from Totally Spies (Name only) and unnamed background character, also a blonde handsome model with tanned skin, from totally spices, John Constantine from DC.
Pets: Doesn’t have one.
Virginian magic. (Includes telekinesis, fire blasts, energy blasts, forcefield generation and high intuition, etc)
Superhuman stamina.
Superhuman strength.
Great strategist.
Great healing powers.
Ownership of enchanted weapons.
Can understand animals but he doesn’t talk to them.
“Be the reason there is goodness left in this world” __Arnold Lopez.
The lore
Coming from the prestigious family ‘Al-Khaghdasaryan’ famous for their curse breaking and cleansing from demonic possession — and also, for purifying haunted places and banishing evil spirits.
Arnold knew little of his Virginian heritage, Let alone his prestigious family; since his aunt: Lydia Fallon, had taken care of him since he was a little boy, no older than 10.
The year was 1731 on Earth; when he was brought by his aunt and they lived peacefully in New York.
The city was quiet at this time; with a few people walking then and there, enjoying the clean air and the beautiful, bright sun. The sky, is a perfect shade of pale blue littered with a few thick white clouds, as if they are white cotton candy on a blue plate.
Arnold walked through the door, weary and starving after a long day of school in the quiet city of New York. The mere scent of cooked food filled his nostrils, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace towards the kitchen. He cordially greeted his aunt, who was already dishing out the meal onto plates.
His aunt looked up, a warm smile on her face as she noticed his hungry expression. "Hungry, are you, my boy?" she affectionately asked, her eyes sparkling with affection.
Arnold smiled and nodded, his stomach rumbling in response to the delicious aroma wafting through the air. He took a seat at the table and breathed in deeply, savouring the smell of the freshly cooked meal. "Absolutely starving," he replied, feeling his mouth water at the sight of the food. "It smells amazing," His aunt chuckled, her expression warm and affectionate as she served up the plates.
Arnold's aunt beamed at his compliment, her eyes filled with pride as she watched him take a bite of the food she had prepared. The meal was a sumptuous feast, with succulent meat and fresh vegetables beautifully arranged on the plates. As Arnold ate, his aunt, Lydia had struck up a conversation with him, engaging in lighthearted banter and chatter.
His aunt swallowed a spoonful of the mouth-watering meal, her voice firm. "Eat, and get dressed."
Arnold looked up from his plate, eyes meeting hers. "Are we going to cleanse another troubled house?" he muttered, his tone tinged with a mixture of resignation and curiosity.
She nodded. "Aye," she replied, a hint of determination in her eyes. "That's what we'll be doing."
Arnold nodded wordlessly, returning to his plate and taking another spoonful of the delicious food his aunt had prepared.
Arnold continued to eat, his thoughts revolving around the upcoming task of purifying another haunted house. His aunt broke the silence, her voice matter-of-fact.
"We'll need to do some preparation before we head out," she informed him. "Grab your gear and make sure it's all in order."
Arnold nodded once more, he’d prepared his gear and other equipment after he’d finished his plate.
A while later, Arnold is getting ready. His hands methodically gather his belongings – his protective talismans, various tools, and other necessities. He felt a twinge of anxiety, the thought of facing another haunting was always a bit unnerving.
As soon as he readied himself, His aunt entered the room. She was dressed in a brown 1700s fashion style top, with long sleeves and ruffled around the hem, a long black and blue skirt with buttons and ruffles too — lastly, brown flats and a sunhat with white feathers and armed with enchanted daggers.
His aunt; is a beautiful Virginian tall woman with smooth olive-tone skin, almond-shaped large green eyes as if they were glowing emeralds, and wavy yet thick ebony hair that hung past her backside in soft curls. Lastly, a mole on her upper; giving her the iconic seductress air. She looks beautiful and mesmerising in her regal Virginian beauty. It always puzzled Arnold why his aunt was still single and unmarried while being this beautiful, he pondered that she’d face catcalls, and men flirting with her on a daily basis.
As Arnold finished gathering his supplies, his aunt stood up, a resolute look in her eyes. "It's time to go," she said, her voice firm but gentle.
With a deep breath, Arnold followed her out the door, their journey to the haunted house beginning in earnest. The air was thick with anticipation and a hint of trepidation as they made their way to their destination, the knowledge that they were about to confront yet another malevolent spirit weighing heavily on both of them.
Arnold and his aunt strolled to the garage. After his aunt took the carriage out of the garage, they didn’t need horses because she’d use her Virginian magic to move it. Arnold pondered how his aunt managed to convince the locals they were blessed with ‘the help of angels’ she’d say. To him, It is just a straight-up lie to cover their usage of magic, and it worked.
Arnold and Lydia are now in the carriage, She used her magic to move it around the quiet streets of New York. Some people were flabbergasted that she could move it without horses, but hey! She is an exorcist. A good follow of Jesus.
Arnold let out a weary sigh, crossing his arms to try to disguise his discomfort at the attention they were receiving. He tried to brush it off but it was extremely difficult for him not to be unbothered by it. The people were eyeing them as if they were aliens or highly intellectual beings.
Ever the cautious man, Arnold sighed again. Stealing a glance at his aunt as she expertly drove the black large carriage. “Couldn’t we at least have a horse?” He asked, his tone is tinged with slight annoyance.
She heartily chuckled at that. “Why need a horse when we have magic,” she quipped, Her lovely voice thick with an Irish accent.
He shrugged, his expression somewhat irritated and annoyed. “We should try to blend in, and right now, you aren’t doing a great job.” He grumbled, his gaze fixated on her for a moment before shifting toward the passing streets and signs.
The carriage continued to move through the streets, the people watching them with a mixture of curiosity and awe. Arnold continued to feel uncomfortable under their staring eyes, his arms still crossed defensively.
He turned his attention back to his aunt, who maintained her calm demeanour despite the stares. "How much longer until we get there?" he asked, his voice slightly frustrated.
She glanced at him, a reassuring smile playing on her lips. "Not long now," she reassured him. "We're almost there."
The Peach-Blonde-haired man shifted in his seat, his annoyance growing. "These people are staring at us like we're some kind of spectacle," he muttered, his voice dripping with irritation.
The Virginian-Irish emerald-eyed woman's smile widened at his comment, her eyes flashing with amusement. His aunt grinned before she teased him. "What, never had people admire you before, lad?" she teased her tone light and teasing.
Arnold rolled his eyes, trying to downplay his discomfort. "Yeah, yeah, very funny," he dryly retorted.
She suppressed a chuckle; enjoying his grumpy attitude. "Lighten up, Arnold," she wholeheartedly stated, her voice still dripping with amusement. "You’re acting as if it’s the first time someone looks at you."
Arnold breathed deeply although his irritation was still evident. "Well, it’s not exactly comfortable, you know," he grumbled, his arms still crossing stubbornly.
They finally stopped at some deserted field area, there was a lonely house and a farm on the hill, and to his luck; it just had begun raining on them. A sense of unease settled in Arnold’s heart as he took in the desolate landscape before him. The empty, haunting field seemed to exude a vicious, malevolent aura, its emptiness chilling to the very core. His intuition screamed at him, a primal instinct telling him to grab the steering wheel and flee, but his commitment to the task at hand kept him rooted in his seat.
His aunt had taken the equipment they needed from the carriage, and then they both exited it. They couldn’t wait for a soul to guide them to which place they were looking for. Arnold begrudgingly followed his aunt as she tucked a protection talisman on her neck like some jewellery.
The silence that enveloped the area was deafening, the absence of any sound adding to the eeriness of the place. The only sound that could be heard was the wind softly whispering, its low murmur echoing the desolation of the surroundings. Arnold glanced around, the eerie silence of the field making the fine hairs on his arms and the back of his neck stand on end.
Arnold reluctantly followed his aunt’s lead as they ventured deeper into the ominous, cursed field. The silence was deafening, the absence of any noise only serving to increase his sense of dread. He couldn’t shake the feeling of impending doom that gnawed at his gut, a feeling that only seemed to grow stronger with each step they took, and the heavy rain did nothing to ease his concern.
His eyes darted around, trying to find any source of comfort or reassurance, but all he could see was the endless stretch of emptiness — a soundless hallowed abyss that only seemed to grow and stretch at every step they took.
The air was thick with an ominous presence as if the very land itself was holding its breath in anticipation. Arnold's eyes darted around the deserted landscape, his senses on high alert.
"This place feels off," he muttered, his voice low and wary. He turned to his aunt, his expression wary. "Are you sure we're in the right place?"
Her expression remained steady, her eyes fixed on the field before them. "Yes, this is the place," she replied, her tone calm and confident. "I've done some scouting; the malevolent spirit is somewhere around here."
Arnold’s unease only increased at her words. "Somewhere around here," he echoed, his voice laced with scepticism. "That really narrows it down, doesn’t it?"
She shot him a stern look. "Trust me, I know what I’m doing," she assured him, her tone firm. "I wouldn’t have brought us here if I wasn’t sure."
Arnold grumbled under his breath, his discomfort still present. "Yeah, well, forgive me for not feeling reassured," he muttered, his voice tinged with frustration
To their utter surprise, a woman approached them; she looked in her prime, probably in her 20s or maybe 30s. She is fair-skinned, has gorgeous hazelnut orbs, and has a long black curtain of smooth hair.
Arnold immediately studied the woman; as the perceptive and observant man he is; he was quite taken back — not by her beauty. But this woman seemed off. First of all: she didn’t look drenched in the heavy rain, and secondly she wore a different clothing than their era, probably from an older era than theirs.
The young exorcist had two explanations for this: either she was too poor and couldn’t afford new clothes or she was their target, an evil, malicious spirit who was trying to lure them to their doom. Arnold needed to alert his aunt without the woman noticing them, so he did the known sign by them, he tapped his two forefingers together as they made contact with each other, and they let out a similar sound to a ‘finger snap’.
Arnold's thoughts raced as he discreetly signalled to his aunt, his fingertips clicking together in a subtle warning. His eyes flicked towards the woman, the possible danger making him concerned.
His aunt caught his message in an instant, her keen intuition picking up on the silent warning, However. She schooled her expression into a cold, unreadable mask. Thankfully, the woman was blissfully unaware of their knowledge.
Her calm exterior belied the seriousness of the situation, the realization of impending danger evident in the way her eyes darkened. They were in the presence of peril, and their every move would need to be deliberate and vigilant.
The woman, seemingly oblivious to their silent communication, continued talking as if everything was normal. Arnold and his aunt maintained their composure, their expressions never wavering. The only indication of their inner tension was the slight tensing of their muscles and the heightened awareness in their eyes.
Their thoughts raced, contemplating their next move and the danger that lurked nearby. They continued to engage in polite conversation, all the while being keenly alert to every sound and movement around them.
Then, In a flash; the unthinkable happened. The beautiful woman’s expression turned into an ugly, hallowed ghoulish visage. She tried to strangle Lydia but thankfully, Arnold was quick to act. He twirled his high-silvermere knife and he plunged it deep into the ghost’s neck, she cried as she let out an otherworldly guttural scream that echoed through the field, Then. Just as suddenly as it had appeared, the spirit turned and fled, its slender figure darting away with unnatural speed, moving on all fours like a creature straight from a horror movie. The field was eerily silent once again, the only sounds being their heavy breathing and the rustle of the wind through the desolate grass.
Lydia stood there, her breathing ragged from the sudden attack. Arnold was at her side, the knife still in hand. They were both shaken by what had just happened, the adrenaline slowly subsiding as they took in their surroundings.
His aunt broke the silence after a moment, her voice steady but the hint of fear still present. “Well, that was unexpected.”
Arnold nodded silently. The adrenaline was still coursing through his veins, his heart thumping loudly in his chest. "Yeah, you could say that again," he muttered, trying to regain his composure.
His aunt's eyes scanned the area, her eyes alert for any signs of the wicked spirit returning. "We need to be more careful now,” she murmured, her voice edged with caution. "It's not just harmless spirits we're dealing with here."
Arnold and his aunt; each have their backs. And his aunt was right, The wicked spirit did return to finish them again. This time, she looks more grotesque and ugly, as if her skin had been fried by the burning sun of the Sahara Desert. She lets out a sepulchral scream that resonates through the place like some hellish screams from the underworld, and she is here for blood.
Arnold, as if guided by an unseen hand, quickly and cautiously extended his hand toward the wicked spirit’s heart — unexpectedly, his hand glowed with a golden, pure holy light – as if it the holy light descended from heaven itself. And as he did, He unleashed powerful blasts of light that drove the wicked spirit away.
His aunt, her mouth was agape; extremely surprised at Arnold’s magic — she knew he had it in him but she thought his magic was doormat because he didn’t learn his Virginian heritage enough to conjure such power and pure magic.
Yet, She’d never seen him wield such magic so forcefully, so potentially. He’d always kept his abilities secret to ‘blend in’ as he’d always say.
But now, in this very moment, He had summoned a powerful that left her speechless.
His aunt regarded him with a mixture of awe and pride, her eyes narrowing in contemplative thought. She'd always known he had the innate talent, the lineage steeped in Virginian magic coursing through his veins, yet he'd never fully tapped into its potential. It was as if he'd been holding back his true power, content to keep a low profile of himself instead of embracing the magic that was his heritage.
This, however, was a game-changer. This unbridled display of the light magic was like nothing she'd ever witnessed before.
The evil spirit witnessed Arnold’s powers, yet she was too stubborn to admit defeat or even scurry away. Somehow, she managed to multiply herself; definitely using her ghoulish powers to do that.
Somehow, in this very moment; something deep inside Arnold clicked. He heard a lot of voices inside his mind, telling him to ‘believe’ because he refused to use his Virginian magic. He wanted to blend in with Earthlings.
Believe… Arnold...
Believe! Son of Virginia!
Believe thyself!
The Peach-Blond haired man closed his eyes; as if he was quickly contemplating. He had only a few moments to act before the wicked spirit attack.
“I believe!” Arnold declared.
As soon as he said those words, a blinding ray of light came and materialised into golden chains; effortlessly encircling the wicked spirit’s wrists and ankles, she let out a howl of pain at the burning of those divine chains; thrashing and flailing as she tried to break herself free but to no avail.
Meanwhile, Lydia was completely dumbfounded by the scene, Somehow, Arnold awakened his potential as an exorcist.
Then, Arnold’s grey orbs shone with a blinding golden hue. As he chanted the sacred exorcist incantations:
‘Fade and decay.
End this fate.
Shatter these earthly bounds.
let the soul be free.
Heal what had been harmed.
Cleansed what had been stained.
And let the spirit soar free.’
The air cracked with intensity the echoing murmur of ancient, sacred words, and Arnold’s new found holy powers; The unholy presence writhed and flailed even more, its guttural cries intensifying as the divine incantation began to take effect. Within mere moments, the evil spirit was consumed, her form dissolving into nothingness as the purifying glow enveloped her.
Silence descended upon the field once more, the only sound that of their panting breaths and the faint rustling of the wind through the grass.
As the echoes of the chant faded away, a sense of stillness settled over the area. There was no trace of the evil spirit, and the once menacing field seemed oddly tranquil now.
Lydia stood there, her eyes still wide with disbelief, her heart still pounding in her chest. She tried to find words but none came. She shifted her gaze toward Arnold, who now stood there, the once-fiery golden hue in his eyes now fading back to their natural grey shade.
She finally found herself as she glanced at him; her expression warm and grateful. Her voice was slightly shaky. "That was… incredible," she breathed, her voice still hoarse from shock.
Arnold turned to look at her, a hint of surprise in his eyes as if he was surprised himself by what he had done. This time, He grinned at her not downplaying the sheer awe-inspiring nature of his actions. "Just part of the job," he said, his voice still slightly gruff.
Lydia's expression softened, her gaze moving over him, still trying to wrap her mind around the events that had just unfolded. His nonchalant attitude only added to her amazement, the way he had just casually unleashed such extraordinary magic as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
"Just part of the job," she repeated, her tone tinged with disbelief. "Is that all you have to say?"
Arnold felt his stomach growling, he was starving. “Let’s go, I’m going to make pasta.”
Lydia gave him an ornery smirk. “Ah, Me too, Let’s go champ.”
With that, Together they climbed into the darkened carriage, the heavy doors closing quietly behind them. His aunt's magic stirred, and the vehicle lurched into motion, guided by an invisible force. His aunt used her magic to move the carriage and steer the wheel away from the place.
Arnold looked at the place for one last time, and he saw it it different than when they arrived this time. It is peaceful, filled with tranquillity as if it had been purified from the wicked spirit — actually, It is purified from the wicked spirit.
Then wordlessly, they departed from the place; not looking behind.
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sumiiikitty · 6 months ago
I’m a huge Vivi fan so I will not shut up about this.
“Arabasta was based of India and Egypt” <- this right here is the main reason for why people are okay with the casting.
So let me tell you this;
1. People only got that info off the data books which aren’t even verified with Oda, or at least there’s differing accounts on it. Some editors say he doesn’t look them over while others say in info has to go through him, so how do we know which one it is for this particular data book?
2. In the manga, (aka absolute canon) the only food mentioned associated with Arabasta was Konafa which is obviously meant to be Knafeh which originated in…Egypt. Vivi’s favorite foods also include pudding, curry (you could argue India for this, but every culture essentially has its own version of curry, how can you tell if this is specifically Indian curry she likes?), and Mulukhiyah and it originated in…ancient Egypt and mainly still eaten in Egypt today.
3. The Nefertari name comes from Queen Nefertari who ruled with her husband in…ancient Egypt. Oda himself said the he found the name in a book on Egypt but didn’t know what it meant. The name Vivi has no connection with either India or Egypt and comes from Latin. Now you could argue “Cobra’s are in India!!” But guess what, Egypt has its own variety of cobras as well! It’s known as the “Egyptian Cobra” and was used in ancient Egypt as the symbol of sovereignty (very fitting for Cobra, the last king of Arabasta).
4. “It’s not ARABasta it’s ALABasta from the word alabaster” I got news for you buddy!! Alabaster was either made with gypsum or calcite. Gypsum was used in medieval Europe while calcite was used in.. ancient Egypt because it was also known as Egyptian Alabaster. Furthermore, in Japan, the L and the R are interchangeable. Oda could very well be making a play on words, ARABasta because it’s based on an Arab country and ALABasta for the type of stone that originated from there. ‼️ Notice: Absolutely nothing to do with India.
TLDR: OPLA could have absolutely modeled Arabasta with buildings and other structures to resemble both India and Egypt, but my gripe was casting Cobra and Vivi as Indians. Everything points that they should have been cast as Arab, either Egyptian or someone from MENA because that’s where he specifically took inspiration from. Everything else (like the data book) came afterwards. Arabs already get little to no positive representation, and this could have changed that!!
(I am confident that Netflix and even Oda chose Charithra because she’s a huge name compared to other Arab actresses)
Will I still watch? Yes, because I love Vivi. Will I stop complaining then about the casting? No, because they absolutely should have been Arab and I’ll let the whole world know that. (Also because some idiot really said casting an Arab would be stealing Indian rep…like wtf??)
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shoku-and-awe · 1 year ago
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I am *not* a fan of nameko mushrooms. There are a lot of difficult, acquired-taste, fermented or smelly or slimy or otherwise challenging Japanese foods that I'm good with, but these, I've never come around on. I don't like the smell (fruity, kinda rotten), I don't like the liquid they're packed in, I don't like the slime (it lingers on other foods and coats the roof of your mouth), I don't like the way they roll arond and squish and slide when you bite down. I simply am not a fan.
However! I am even more not a fan of wasting food. And I happen to be a recent recipient of a pack of nameko. So let's go! Let's make them palatable!
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Step 1: My colander is my best friend. I rinse the nameko several times, under different temperatures of water, trying to see if I can get the slime off and turn them into normal mushrooms.
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This is about as good as it gets. It's progress—they're no longer coated in the fucking ooze!—but we're still well far away from normal mushrooms.
(The gossipy mama at the 7-11 will later tell me that slimy food is what I need to heal my back injury. Okay! So maybe this failure is a good thing? I don't know if the slime actually helps, but I understand that it's considered to have an anti-aging effect, skincarewise, so I can see why it might help with old-person-related injuries, and anyway, I'm really enjoying okra in my shrimp and mulukhiyah leaves in my miso soup recently and that's certainly not hurting anyone! I'm still years away from being a nameko fan, though. [OR AM I?])
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I chop and sauté a quarter onion, half a leek, and a couple cloves of garlic. When they're smelling good, I throw the nameko in too.
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I make a batter with flour, water, salt, and a drizzle of sesame oil. If I'm doing it right, I think, I would mix the nameko straight into the batter, but for some reason, I don't. I pour it on top of them in the pan and immediately begin worrying that I've fucked up. I tear up a piece of my husband's sad-person reduced-cholesterol plastic cheese and throw it on top for insurance. Can't go wrong with cheese.
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It might be starting to come together! The key is to start out low and slow so the pancake/pajeon/pizza has time to solidify and cook through. Once it's solid enough to flip unassisted, you can turn the heat up and get it crisping real nice.
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I do the awesome flipping maneuver: cover the pan with a plate, then flip the whole deal over so the wet side of the pancake falls onto the plate, then sliiiiide the wet side back, facedown, into the pan to finish cooking. It's really coming together!
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Would you look at that! It looks like real food!
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I cut it with food scissors and find a dipping sauce. Most people would prepare some kinda soy sauce mixture, but idk; I just use chinkiang vinegar, one of the best things in the world. Which it turns out goes great with cheese!
And it's tasty! It really is. Some of the fruity, fermenty nameko flavor is still there, but between the doughy/crispy pancake, the cheese, and all the allium goodness, it's a very mild, soy saucey flavor! It's not unlike a very, very Japanese white pizza. If you'd told me a few hours ago that nameko could be this good, I wouldn't've believed you! Honestly, I still might not! Good for me.
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jihadmilk · 7 months ago
it's funny when israelis insist arab food is israeli food when they only eat the things that appeal and are known to/by white people- I have never seen them eat mulukhiyah
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big-als-talk-time · 9 months ago
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Bread is the intended eating utensil for these dishes. I had them with garci, my favorite sparkling water brand.
The green dish is mulukhiyah done in the Tunisian style. It is made from jute. The taste can be divisive but i enjoy it.
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qlsvn · 3 months ago
FULL STOP GUYS. i just saw someone reference mulukhiyah in a FANFIC. (this is /pos)
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juveriente · 6 months ago
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mbunap · 7 months ago
<<new blog!! currently under construction>>
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Yobuka Iki's Event maybe in september?
nothing especially noteworthy, not very ftp friendly except for Panini who is... weird. He's a magic soul but acts like a healer, might be useful for hard levels/catacombs that ban healers. best to wait for October for stuff really worth the resources
Fitir's Event is coming sometime in October
now this is an event.... I have them listed in order by personal priority
Mulukhiyah // Molokia (UR) - meta DPS, insane single target damage + splash + chance at immunity. invest invest invest Fitir (UR) - an evil support food soul; OP healblocks + buffs up his team mates, good if you want people to hate you in PVP Milk (SP) - hella good speed & skill booster, heals are ofc decent, artifacts? as elegant as her. but she's an SP so also very expensive Kusari & Knafeh (both SRs) - very accessible souls! single target dmg + stun + shield, but not OP, not recommended for late game players
Goat Tripe's Event (november?)
ewwww whaley souls... I guess a couple of souls are worth mentioning but I wanna personally save up for Tokaji
Luzhu Huoshao (SR) - ftp can 3* him, but even with just skills he's great for catacombs Yuan Yang Chicken (UR) - may require real money, but apparently he's part of the meta? he's running alongside jijunmei and if you were here for the summer's encore party you prob have his skin discount coupon so....
Tokaji's Event (dec?)
Tokaji (UR) - the best DPS in the game... but paywalled at 3 stars :( maybe in the future he's in pools so i'll still get him but :/ Finnish Blueberry Pie (SR) - nice utility soul, immunity + healing + good utility since you can build her artifact with stun/shield/etc. I think she's meta alongside Chicken Lotus? don't know
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rosiewitchescottage · 1 year ago
Civilians suffering in war.
It's not a new thing. But it never stops being horrifying.
Yes. I can be dumb struck by Hamas' brutality on Oct 7th, by their unwillingness to help both the Palestinian People and The Israeli People by releasing the hostages that they took.
And at the same time I can have deep compassion for the Palestinian People.
I have no doubt that Israel had a perfect right to defend herself against what Hamas has shown itself wanting to do to them.
And I'm sure that they are doing their best to keep civilian casualties down.
But that's one of the terrible things about war, civilians do get killed, injured and they lose homes and community buildings.
I want Israel to be able to exist without being threatened by Hamas. But I equally want peace, security and safety for the people of Palestine as well.
Like any war. It's a filthy old mess.
Is it really necessary to lie about a moment like this?
Here are people, in the midst of the horrors of armed conflict. But they're clinging to the comfort of their religious observances and the sharing of traditional meals.
God/Allah Bless Them.
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theonlinecook · 3 years ago
How To Cook Ewedu Soup With Ewedu Powder
How To Cook Ewedu Soup With Ewedu Powder
Ewedu soup is a staple soup of the Yoruba people of Western Nigeria. It is cooked with ewedu leaves which is the main ingredient, hence the name Ewedu soup. Making ewedu powder is an age-long practice of the Yoruba people. The aim of this is so as to be able to store ewedu when it is surplus in preparation for when it is scarce and expensive. This is necessary because organic farming is mostly…
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savourous · 4 years ago
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"We are all different, which is great because we are all unique. Without diversity, life would be very boring.~ Catherine Pulsifer" 🍀My seafood Jutes leaves soup. A quick and easy way to enjoy your greens. I added a little palm oil at the request of my guests. 🍀The recipe is on Savourous YouTube channel and on the blog🍀Link is in my profile or at smart.bio/savourous. Realfood loaded with nutrients. #africanfoods #africanfood #nigerianfood #ewedu #mulukhiyah #molokhia #togolesefoods #blackfoodblogger #ademedessi #togolesefood #sauceademe #ademe #crabe #poissonfume #piment #saucecrincrin #cuisinetogolaise #miabécuisine #africandishes #togolese_food #naijafoodie #juteleaves #ademe #benin #lométogo #ghanianfood #gh_foods #afrocuisine #cuisinerapide #uummyfood https://www.instagram.com/p/CRz13gIqsH_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vtheclown · 1 month ago
"Thank you, love"
*Nikolai handed him a knife, cutting board, and an assortment of veggies*
The list of veggies: onion, cardamom pods, Mulukhiyah leaves, garlic cloves, cilantro, bay leaves, frozen okra, tomatoes, parsley, dry fava beans, green onions
“Why hello there!!!”
- @matthew-chase-magician
"Hm? Oh hello! Who are you?"
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seedkeeping · 8 years ago
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Me for scale. It's hard to take a selfie seriously. These Molokhia plants are probably at least thirteen feet tall. They love the hoop house and the drip irrigation. It is also called Egyptian Spinach, Jute, Jew’s Mallow, West African Sorrel, and Bush Okra. It is used to make rope, and it's leaves are eaten like spinach - though it is more mucilaginous as it is a mallow. I'm experimenting with hoop house growing to see if I can get mature seeds in our climate. #molokhia #mulukhiyah #jute #egyptianspinach #corchorusolitorius #seedkeeping (at Delaware County, Pennsylvania)
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