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halebaccari · 5 years ago
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Was March an absolute hellscape for you, too? Did you completely forget about (or never know about) a month to celebrate all of our favorite polyamorous ships in fandom? No worries! We’ve still got May.
What is Multiamory May?
31 days of celebrating all your OT3+ ships! Fic, fanmixes, art, rec lists, moodboards, gifsets, headcanons, you name it. 
What fandom is this for?
I’m posting this from the Teen Wolf fandom, but this month is for everyone. If you feel inspired for any of your fandoms or even your own original characters, please share your work! The point of this event is to encourage polyamory in fandom and we could always use a little more.
What ships count?
Are there at least three characters? You’re good to go! Feel free to play with the type and setup of relationships; it’s alright if some of the characters in the ship aren’t involved with each other or have a different type of relationship than the others. 
How do I participate?
Post your content here on Tumblr with the tag #multimay20. You can also show your support by reblogging; you will find reblogs of all Teen Wolf content here! 
Huge thank you to @nighttimemachinery for the banner!
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mercheswan · 5 years ago
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Lydia thought that Stiles and her should spice up their relationship a little bit more. Maybe adding a new member.
Stiles was more than intrigued when she suggested Parrish. Stiles always thought that the deputy was burning hot.
Jordan was surprised when the couple made the proposition, but he couldn’t deny that he was attracted to them both.
And they were good together. The three of them. Jordan is not going anywhere. Where two fit, three can fit as well.
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drusllla · 5 years ago
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allison is lost. lydia and jackson hear her calling.
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queerebrum · 5 years ago
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minimalist poly aesthetic, allison x scott x lydia
every king needs a queen, scott is just lucky enough to have two. lydia keeps their lives on track, allison keeps them safe, and scott does everything he can to keep them happy. 
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petershorcrux · 5 years ago
summary: Stiles and Theo still don't like each other. Scott thinks the last remaining way to get them to like each other is for all three of them to have a threesome.
rating: explicit
ships: scott mccall/theo raeken/stiles stilinski, scott mccall/theo raeken (established)
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theweepingmonk · 5 years ago
Ship: Scott/Kira/Isaac
Summary: Scott's favorite customer comes in eighteen minutes later than normal and nothing is ever the same again.
words | 1,9K, | Rating G
Read it on ao3 | Toss A Coin To Your Writer | Send Me More Prompts For This Pairing
7:40 AM
Scott drums his fingers impatiently as he waits for his favorite customer to make an appearance. Every day for over four months, at exactly seven thirty in the morning, a tall, gorgeous man stops in before work to flirt, buy a muffin, and a vanilla latte.
It was currently seven forty.
"Maybe he's sick?" Suggests Kira as she comes up front to restock the donut holes.
"Maybe." Scott agrees with a sigh.
"Scott!" Stiles shouts from the back. "We got a customer asking about a last minute wedding cake!"
Scott frowns, and Kira kisses his cheek. "I'll take over the register, and stall if he comes."
Scott gives her a proper kiss. "Have I told you lately how much I love you?"
Kira chuckles and shoos him away to the kitchen where Stiles hands him the phone and mouths, "Bridezilla."
Scott takes a deep breath, then gets to work on getting the details he needs to take the order.
7:48 AM.
Isaac grabs onto the wall that rests just before the bakery's large glass window, forcing himself to catch his breath. He'd slept through four alarms, and when he'd finally woken up half an hour later than normal, he'd scrambled to shower and get ready without letting himself look as unhinged as he felt.
He was supposed to be at work in twelve minutes, but he just couldn't resist stopping by Howling Hotcakes to see the sweet baker who always asked him about himself as if he really cared.
Isaac straightens himself up, taking one last calming breath before he makes his way into the bakery, the chime of a bell sounding behind him as walks towards the counter. Disappointment hits him like a brick when he sees the girl who usually makes his coffee at the register.
He commits to getting his usual order anyway, figuring if he was going to be late, he might as well get part of what he came for.
"What can I get you today?" The Cashier - Kira, he thinks - asks, even as she starts ringing up his usual order.
"A banana nut muffin, a vanilla latte, and..." He looks at the display case, deciding to change things up so he didn't seem so predictable, "A chocolate peanut butter cupcake."
Kira gives him a little amused smile, as if she knew exactly why he threw that last item in there. "Four eighty three."
Isaac cocks his brow as he pulls out his wallet. "Isn't that a little low?"
"Not for our most handsome customer," She says flirtatiously.
Isaac blinks at her in surprise, a smile slowly spreading across his face. He hands her a ten dollar bill, and slips the change into the tip drawer when she goes to the display case.
"Cute and generous," She comments and, okay, maybe he had come to flirt with Scott, but his bisexual ass wasn't going to complain at being hit on by a hot girl instead.
"Cute? I thought I was handsome?" He questions playfully.
She shrugs. "You're both. Cute like a puppy, but handsome like a gentleman."
Isaac chuckles. "I don't think I've ever heard someone describe me that way."
"What about gorgeous? Cos that's how Scott describes you."
Isaac perks up at that. "He thinks I'm gorgeous?"
Kira smiles knowingly. "Extremely."
Isaac huffs in disbelief, planting his hands on the counter and leaning over it slightly. "Well, why hasn't he asked me out already?"
Kira sets his muffin and cupcake on the counter, reaching under it to grab a box. "Because of me."
Isaac furrows his brow. "Because of you?"
"I'm Scott's girlfriend."
Isaac’s heart sinks. "Oh."
"Please don't make that face, it's not what you think," Kira tells him quickly. "You see, Scott and I are poly, and we've been trying to find a third partner for over a year now. But it hasn't exactly been easy to date, a lot of people are turned off by it, and so the reason he hasn't asked you out is because he doesn't want to scare you away."
Isaac stares at her, his brain doing its best to process the information while Kira goes to start on his latte.
"He really likes you," she adds after about thirty seconds of shocked silence. "And I know we haven't really talked much, but anyone who can make him smile like that is all right in my book."
It was really weird to hear that his crush's girlfriend approved of him.
"Why are you telling me all of this?" He questions once his brain finally starts to work again.
"Because I love him, and I want him to have everything he wants," Kira answers. "And I know that he likes you way too much to risk losing you by saying all of this himself."
"But he barely knows me," Isaac points out because he doesn't know what else to say.
"He knows you moved here six months ago after your father passed away. He knows you wanted to adopt a dog, but found a stray kitten and kept her instead. He knows you named her Iris because that was your mother's favorite flower and also because it's the name of the Flash's wife. He knows you hate caramel, cherries, and dark chocolate, and that you love vanilla lattes, muffins, and your best friends, Erica and Boyd. He knows you work as a vet tech, and that you love your job." Kira says. "You're not as much as a stranger to him as you might think."
Isaac blinks at her. "He remembers all of that?" He questions in awe.
Kira smiles. "He's good at that you know. Remembering the little details. At actually listening to you."
Isaac hums, a small smile on his lips. The truth was, he knew quite a bit about Scott too - that he had a dog named Theo, that he started Howling Hotcakes with his best friend Stiles right after High School, and a bunch of other little details he's let slip over the past few months - and it felt nice to have someone care to know him too.
Kira doubles down on making his latte, allowing him a moment to process.
Scott was nice, good-looking, and made his insides twist in the most pleasant ways, bute he was already taken. In most scenarios, Isaac would mourn that fact, but in this one...well he kind of dug the idea of still getting to have him anyway without the depravity of cheating.
Isaac clears his throat to get Kira's attention. "Hypothetically, if I did ask him out, how would that work? I mean, with you?"
Kira sets his latte down on the counter next to the baby blue box containing his treats. "Well, I'm not asking you to date me too if that's not what you want, but if you ask Scott out, you should know that we're a package deal either way."
Isaac nods slowly. He has so many questions, but his phone buzzes and when he checks he sees it's a call from his boss. He grabs his stuff. "I have to go."
Kira nods, and says, brightly, "Have a nice day!"
Isaac's lips twitch with a smile that quicky falls when he answers his phone.
8:03 PM
Kira massages Scott's shoulders, knowing they were aching from making a wedding cake last minute. "You should've called Liam or Alec in to help you today."
"Liam had lacrosse practice and Alec isn't great at detail work." Scott groans as she digs into his shoulder blades with her thumbs. "Please keep doing that."
Kira chuckles and plants a soft kiss on the top of his head. He leans farther over the counter, exhausted. "Why don't we close early tonight so we can go home and I can massage your back?"
He turns his head slightly. "Just my back?" He questions flirtatiously.
She smiles. "Unless you can think of somewhere better to use my hands?"
He opens his mouth, but the chiming of a bell signals a customer and he closes it again.
She's pleasantly surprised to see Isaac when she looks up, and by the way Scott jolts up, so is he.
"Hey," Isaac greets, both of his hands finding their way into his jeans pocket.
"Hey," Scott greets with more energy than he has. "I was told you tried a chocolate peanut butter cupcake this morning."
"I did. It was like heaven in my mouth." Isaac says. "It made me wonder else I've been missing out on."
"Well, we've been told our chocolate fudge brownies are the best in town, but since you like vanilla I'd suggest our bubbly champagne cupcakes," Scott says.
Isaac glances at Kira, then back to Scott. "I'll take both, but, uh, I didn't really come here for the sweets."
Kira smiles, and pats Scott's shoulder before she goes to the display case to get his order. It seems her little nudge this morning had done the trick.
"Then what did you come here for?" Scott questions, sounding hopeful even to Kira's ears.
"I came to ask you out," Isaac says.
Scott's eyes widen, and shift to Kira who just flashes a smile to let him know she approves before setting Isaac's cupcake in a to-go box.
"I came to ask both of you out, actually." Isaac continues, bouncing on his feet nervously.
Kira looks at him in surprise, finding his shy grin in her direction downright adorable.
"Wait, you know about us?" Scott questions, and Kira hurries to stuff Isaac's brownies into a small to-go box.
Isaac nods. "Yeah, uh, Kira explained it to me and I was little unsure how to feel at first, but...well I'm Bi, and I don't know if I'm poly too, but I'm willing to give it - give us a chance if you two are."
Scott looks to Kira with those soft brown eyes lit with hope and a silent question, and she nods because she'd give Scott the world if she could, just as he would her. Besides, Isaac was hot, and sweet, and he was already a fixture in their lives.
"We'd love to go out with you," Scott answers with the same charming smile he gave Kira when she'd said yes to their first date.
Isaac smiles, shoulders slumping in relief.
Kira grabs a sharpie from under the counter, and starts writing on the bigger to-go box. "Text us later and we'll sort out the details then." she says as she slides his order over.
"I will. Definitely." Isaac says. He starts to pull out his wallet, but Scott stops him.
"It's on the house."
"Are you sure? Cos I don't mind paying."
"I'm sure," Scott tells him, with a small smile.
"But you still have to pay for whatever you get tomorrow," Kira adds. "You might be our most handsome customer, but you still have to pay something or it's not really a discount."
Isaac chuckles. "Fair enough."
"Seven thirty?" Scott questions.
"I'll be here," Isaac promises, grabbing the boxes. He looks between them as he adds, "I look forward to seeing you both."
They both smile at him, and he graces them with a charming grin as he walks backwards.
Isaac leaves, and Scott pulls Kira to him, resting his forehead against her chest, arms wrapping loosely around her waist. "Thank you."
Kira gently strokes his hair. "You don't have to thank me. I'm just glad it worked out this way."
"Even if it hadn't gone well, I appreciate you doing what I couldn't." Scott tells her earnestly.
"Well, you can show me your appreciation by closing early so we can go home, relax and wait for Isaac to text us."
Scott tilts his head back to look up at her. "Sounds good to me."
Kira kisses him, then they start their normal routine of closing down the bakery for the evening, an air of excitement and anticipation settling in and making the mundane tasks much more bearable.
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sunel0 · 5 years ago
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Derek, Stiles and Theo being overly dramatic happy boyfriends this May
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clotpolesonly · 5 years ago
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for Scott, there’s nothing better than realizing that his boyfriend and his best friend are falling for each other, long before they realize it for themselves. the way Derek stares at Stiles�� lips while holding Scott’s hand. how Stiles stammers and denies it when Scott asks him if he thinks Derek’s hot. the look on Stiles’ face when he sees Scott and Derek kiss, like he’s not sure which of them he’d rather take the place of, and Derek’s blush hot against Scott’s cheek when he notices Stiles watching.
it’s slow and awkward and unbearably cute. but, as much as Scott enjoys watching them dance around each other, he might have to give them a nudge or two.
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halebaccari · 5 years ago
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Multiamory May 7/? -> Boyd/Cora/Erica
Boyd, Cora, and Erica all survive the vault long enough to fall in love and get the hell out of Beacon Hills together. Have fun, kids!
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halebaccari · 5 years ago
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Multiamory May 9/? -> Allison/Derek/Stiles
Stiles falls asleep in his boyfriend’s bed like he has, at this point, maybe a hundred times before. Tucked safely in the middle, his spot, with Allison curled into him and the smell of her freshly washed hair lulling him into a vanilla haze. Derek will have to be up early in the morning, but if he’s lucky, he’ll sleep through it.
Stiles wakes up naked in the woods. Allison smells of gunpowder and blood. The black wolf snarling at the edge of the woods, gore in its teeth, is Derek, somehow. He’s running through a world where everything is all wrong, including this body with hands that shake and don’t always obey his thoughts. There’s someone else in here.
See, a nogitsune feed off chaos, strife, and pain.
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halebaccari · 5 years ago
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multiamory may 25/? --> allison/jackson/lydia
Allison thought the biggest challenge at her new school - boarding, this time, to finally be rid of all the constant moving around - would be making friends and keeping up with the competitive atmosphere. Instead, she meets Jackson and Lydia on her very first day and falls almost immediately into attempting to balance their always passionate, sometimes contentious relationship. At least they’ve found one contest neither of them will ever win - Allison loves them both and won’t let herself play favorites.
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halebaccari · 5 years ago
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multiamory may 30/? --> allison/cora/lydia
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halebaccari · 5 years ago
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multiamory may 28/? --> kira/scott/stiles
“No one says viral anymore,” Stiles complains. The headline of the article he’s been pulling faces at over breakfast says otherwise. Someone’s made a half dozen gifs of their favorite moments in Kira’s nearly fifteen minutes long highlight reel of night vision embarrassing moments, peppering the page with Stiles’s too-wide mouth and stumbling feet. “All these new subscribers are tainted! Every one of them.”
“Might get some decent tips out of them,” Scott tries, playing diplomat as he often is. Kira and Stiles got along like a house on fire from day one, but two chaotic partners under one roof has been trying at times. “Last time we got arrested and Isaac shared it around Facebook, we found two new locations close enough to drive to. Close enough to break down on the way to, at least.” He only grins when Stiles flaps a hand at him, rattling the spoon still resting in his cereal bowl.
Probably they’ll lose most of the twenty thousand followers they’ve picked up since someone started sending around the gag reel. “World’s Wimpiest Ghost Hunter” may be funny the first few times, but anyone who navigates around the rest of the channel is going to quickly realize that Stiles is more often talking shit to locals and cops than he is screaming and running. Sure, he’s jumpy, but the fact that none of them has ever ended up with more than a small fine or community service for all the shit they get into is a testament to his general badass status. Or maybe that most of their crimes were committed before they ever moved away to college, when Stiles was still wheedling his father into not punishing them too harshly.
Scott’s pretty sure Kira isn’t going to come shuffling into the kitchen until at least the afternoon, considering the night she had handling all of their social media. Scott’s “Leave Bigfoot Alone” blog header, long ago edited from ‘Britney’ to ‘Bigfoot’, has been shopped again to defend their boyfriend. Overnight, they somehow have an Instagram presence. The only thing she hadn’t been able to get at was Stiles’s Twitter, after he shoved his phone under his stomach and crashed face down in bed with the promise of flailing limbs for anyone who tried to reach in and grab for it. Instead, she’d linked to footage of him repeatedly from the other accounts, including a few more flattering videos of him excitedly explaining phenomenon they’d be looking for....before arriving at the supposedly haunted sites.
“Look,” he tries again, turning the laptop around to show Stiles all of Kira’s mentions. “It’s not like they’re only making fun of you. They put her head on the ‘aliens!’ guy.”
“Kira is the aliens guy!”
Well. Stiles has him there. He’s pretty sure Kira’s spiel about extraterrestrials had gone over about as well and as plausibly with his mom as anything Giorgio has ever said on television, at least the first time. Even switching tacks to near-death experiences hadn’t saved that first dinner with the parent, but it still had nothing on the second, more awkward evening once they had to add the sheriff to the invite list. It wasn’t like they could’ve anticipated Kira and Stiles enthusiastically making out on what was supposed to be a serious camping trip to investigate claims about a local cryptid. Any hope that a cute girlfriend with respectable academic parents would settle their boys down had gone out the window when Kira’s face lit up over the topic of death and destruction, pigtails whipping against her shoulders as she turned to each side of the table.
There’s not going to be any cheering Stiles up this morning, it seems. Scott sighs and pulls up their YouTube, grabbing the link to Stiles rambling about force ghosts and the influence of Star Wars on his childhood interest in the paranormal. Maybe he can bait a cast member into retweeting and make it clear that this attention is a good thing, after all. 
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halebaccari · 5 years ago
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multiamory may 27/? --> scott/stiles/theo
skate or die, dude
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halebaccari · 5 years ago
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multiamory may 21/? --> kira/lydia/scott
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halebaccari · 5 years ago
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multiamory may 14/? --> braeden/derek/jordan
one cop, one ‘criminal’, and one mercenary who can pull off either.
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