#multicultural toys
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diversityintoys · 6 months ago
Can You Use Sensory Toys As An Adult?
Sensory toys are usually considered toys for children, especially those with autism or ADHD. But grown-ups can use them too! These sensory toys for adultsmake for a very effective way to manage sensory input, which can help you feel calm and keep your attention on what you are doing.
What is sensory overload?
Sensory overload happens when our brains get confused by too much information from our senses, like sounds, sights, or touches. Sensory overload can make people feel overwhelmed, anxious, or even irritated by everyday stimuli.
For many adults, sensory toys like sensory fidget toys, balls, squishies, and tactile plates are an easy way to feel better during these situations. These toys are not only fun to play with, but they also help regulate the body's response to sensory input, making it easier to feel calm and collected.
Why are sensory toys good for adults?
Everyone processes sensory input differently. In other words, everyone "senses" the world around them in their own way, and sometimes all of that processing can feel too much and lead to stress and anxiety. When we feel this way, our brain's natural response is to stress a fight or flight response, and sensory toys can be really helpful here. These toys are designed to calm people's minds by refocusing attention and giving a safe outlet for nervous energy.
Using sensory toys can help adults in different ways — improved concentration, reduced anxiety, and even improved motor skills. Sensory toys are usually easy to carry, not too expensive, and can be used anywhere, making them a very easy addition to our everyday lives. 
Buy sensory toys for adults from a trusted seller!
If you are looking for fun sensory toys for adults, check out Diversity in Toys. They offer a wide range of sensory toys designed to cater to all ages and backgrounds. You can visit their website at www.diversityintoys.com to see all the sensory toys they have!
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dandyads · 17 days ago
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Bell Manufacturing, 1924
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memoriallibrarytmc · 1 year ago
What's Here Wednesday: Beyond Books: Multicultural Food Set
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This multicultural set features a fantastic feast of food! Intended for ages 18 months and above, it's a great mix of cuisines from around the world. There are 15 popular foods in total, such as a "samosa, edamame, and more!" Classic favorites such as a slice of pizza and a taco are also there, of course. Add a little fun flavor to playtime in your early childhood classrooms! This set is simmering on the Nonfiction+ shelves in the TMC. 🍲🍤🍚
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rustingcat · 1 year ago
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Lena sighed, picking up the toy train from the floor. She must've told them to pick it a hundred times already, not that she was deluding herself that any of them would listen to her today, no, they were far too excited to be doing that. She shook her head and cleared the rest of the scattered toys on the floor, and reached her work table. She had a last minute file she had to send before she could be free for the day.
"Muuuuuuum!" The shout from the hall got closer by the second. "Mum look!"
Lena turned her head to see her six years old son wearing an elaborate pirate costume, holding their new puppy up in the air.
"Mum, look at Krypto!" He said, biting his lip in excitement, practically vibrating from joy.
The dog had colourful cloth wings tied around his neck and a little hoodie with a beak and painted eyes.
"He's a parrot?" She tried.
Connor nodded enthusiastically. "Jeju dressed him!"
"Very cute. Then you were free to clean up the toys I told you to collect?" She raised an accusing eyebrow.
"Uhhh…" He started, but was cut off by his sister who quickly appeared on his left.
"Mum, you're not ready!" Lori pointed at her mother with her little hand. She was dressed in a pirate costume as well. It was their family costume after all.
Lena smiled. She knew full well her daughter tried to distract her in order to help her twin, but it was a rather exciting day so she could let them go this once. "I'll be ready in a moment, there's still some time. Go help your Jeju with setting everything for our guests. They should be here soon."
"Okay!" They shouted in unison and disappeared from her view before she could say anything else.
Lena let out a small chuckle and finished her work. She turned to leave the room when she noticed the crooked picture on the wall and stopped to fix it. It was a picture from their wedding day both smiling as they stood under the chuppah dressed in white Kryptonian dresses, Lena's dress had a small handkerchief tied to hers with a small embroidered shamrock. An Irish tradition she thought was beautiful. They decided to make a multicultural wedding, they exchanged Kryptonian wedding bracelets they specially made themselves, along with rings. J'onn, who acted as the pastor, married them, and they both broke the glass together. The kids were there as well, laughing and dancing with joy and delight.
Lena smiled at the memory, and continued to their bedroom. The costume wasn't too complicated to put on, an important aspect she insisted on after the year they all dressed up as astronauts. Getting in and out of that costume was a nightmare, not to mention the kids were three at the time. Lena put on her captain hat and went to join her family in the living room.
"How Rrrr you my beautiful wife?" Kara asked her in a very exaggerated pirate accent. The twins giggled at the attempt.
"I'm fine, darling," she said with a smile as she walked closer to her. "How Rrrr you?" Lena smirked, side-eying the kids who started laughing at her poor pirate accent. She tried to keep a passive expression, that was made harder with their children's laughter and her wife's growing smile. Lena went to kiss her on the cheek when her captain's hat bumped into Kara's. After a long family discussion that involved more arguments than necessary, it was decided that both Lena and Kara would be the captains of the ship, and as captains it was very important that they wear the hats.
Read the rest of the chapter on AO3
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walks-the-ages · 4 months ago
"*scoffs* "There's no propoganda in Transformers One, what are you talking about? It's not that deep! Megatron is totally a villain; he's not justified in any way for killing Sentinel, and it fact it's bad that he killed him. TFOne has no propoganda in it at all except as toy advertisement!"
The "unjustified villain" in question, in one of his evilest moments after he's gone "fully evil" according to this "propoganda-free movie" :
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[ID: A screenshot from Transformers One, showing Megatron standing on an arch over a cheering crowd of hundreds of bots, both of his arms raised in the air as the people gleefully cheer him on, shouting "Rise up!" to the crowd of formely-enslaved workers. End ID]
If you think a movie that is literally doing textbook propaganda "can't possibly have propaganda in it because its for kids" ..... idk what to tell you except that's not how that works, and is, in fact, how propaganda itself works.
If you can acknowledge the deep-seated problem with Marvel movies and shows having their villain be "People who want to make the world a better place and do so with Clear Leftist Politics like Inclusivity, Diversity, and Mutual Aid like Arthur Harrow in Moon Knight with his Walkable Neighborhood, Safe Space and Vegan-Friendly Multicultural food nights.... and he also Wants To Kill Babies and Little Old Ladies",
but you refuse to see this level of propaganda when its staring you in the face and shouting in your face what the message is??
Like, why are you even trying to argue with anyone if you can see the message in the movie but still deny and complain that people are going to be on Megatron's side because Orion is trying to maintain the status quo and that the movie is upholding the divine right of kings? When that's literally what it's doing?
Like, it's perfectly fine for Orion and Bumblebee to go around violently slaughtering guards, because just like in Marvel, the little guys don't matter, you can throw those grunts out of five story buildings or slam them through concrete walls all you want, or chop them in half and stab them through the head with a knife-hand on screen as long as you're framed as being either cool or silly and excitable while doing it:
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no one will bat an eye and will in fact find you slicing someone in half vertically amusing and light hearted!
but if someone wants to kill the Big Bad Himself?
The literal Baby-Maimer In Chief ?
Oh, no, suddenly, you can't do that!
That's what villains do! Only evil, corrupt, power-hungry people go after the literal fascist dictator who's kept everyone as slaves for their entire lives! /sarcasm
Megatron is one of the only characters in this film voiced by a Black person. He is an enslaved worker finding out the truth and leading a rebellion against a fascist dictator, and when he successfully kills that dictator (despite the best efforts of his so-called friends), and when he wants to tear down the monuments to this Fascist Dictator Baby Maimer in Chief, he's described as "wanting to kill everyone".
Like. Okay. So Bumblebee can go around deliberately terrorizing people and destroying important infrastructure for funsies because he's on a power trip from killing half a dozen guards,
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but the second Megatron, who has just killed the Slaver Baby Maimer In Chief wants to destroy the monuments to that fascist?
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Oh, suddenly, this is horrifying and destorying the city and 'going to kill everyone!'
As though this is not a clear and direct parallel to monuments to racist, slave-owning "war heroes" in the south being torn down by activists, and the framing of such action as being terror attacks and "wanting to destory the city and their heritage" ?
Yeah, Megatron shooting the monument to a fascist dictator causes stuff to fall and make random bystanders flee in terror...... because it has to, because that is part of the propaganda that tearing down monuments to fascists makes you just as bad or worse than the fascists.
Optimus even flat out says the above in the movie:
We were given the power to change our world, and you chose to destroy it. Just like Sentinel
Optimus literally, flat out, explicitly says that Megatron is just as bad as Sentinel Prime, because Megatron
killed the fascist slaver dictator in question in one-on-one combat no less, just minutes after Sentinel got done branding him like a slave
wants to tear down the monuments to said dictator.
Yeah, sure, Megatron shot Optimus........only because Optimus literally jumped in front of the bullet meant for the Literal Fascist Dictator.
If Orion hadn't of done that, and simply let Megatron kill the Literal Fascist Dictator like Orion and Bumblebee were going around killing guards left right and center, they would never have split factions, or caused a ~civil war~ or had The Divine Right Of Kings choose a new Godly Appointed Dictator of the Entire Planet.
They would have simply started a rebellion and succeeded, and could have rebuilt Cybertron together, for all.
Instead, Optimus decided to jump in front of a bullet to save a Fascist.
And we're supposed to see this action as heroic and for the Greater Good, because while it's apparently perfectly fine to go around killing lowly nobodies (nameless guards), it's the Ultimate Evil to kill Fascist Dictators. 🤦
Oh, and for anyone who missed it, everyone was cheering on Megatron for killing Sentinel Prime.
Everyone except for the three protagonists.
The entire enslaved-miner, noble, and working classes of Cybertron was united in their hatred and loathing of Sentinel Prime and were united in their newfound freedom from a fascist dictator...
... except the heroes of the story, who are terrified and dismayed to see their fellow workers cheering
"Rise Up! Rise Up! Rise Up!"
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And, of course, our heroes are rewarded for their Hard Work of Stopping A New Evil Dictator by.......
becoming the new Godly Appointed Rulers of the entire planet with no one else having any say whatsoever in this decision:
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The people of Cybertron chose Megatron as their leader, for leading them to freedom and killing the man who kept them enslaved and mutilated them before they were even alive.
The Divine Right of Kings said "no", and instead forced them by Divine Will to have a new leader who thinks that, actually, killing fascists is bad when other people do it, and only they themselves are allowed to go around indescriminately slaughtering people they view as dangerous.
Hey. Do you see any real-world parallels in the messaging and all here?
Does "The people choose one thing and a system designed to take choice away from the people takes that choice away from the people" ring any bells?
Does "It's okay for US to go around killing Nameless Evil People Who Are Evil but if you try to go after A Literal Fascist Dictator, you're actually the real terrorist and you're secretly a dictator here" ring any bells??
anyways as a parting shot I'll just leave you this.
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Meanwhile, 5 minutes earlier...
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*Brutally eviscerates a bunch of guards, laughs about it while joking about brutally killing some more guards, then abandons D-16 to fight Sentinel Prime on his own without a thought*
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seratoninlackingangel · 1 year ago
This is about my life with ADHD and being a teacher, it maybe boring but I'm very happy!
So, all my life I have struggled with socialising because of my ADHD, and also, I'm not very physical hyperactive, but mentally I always playing around with scenarios, stories, and my imagination as a whole. As a kid sometimes I would just set my toys in place, close my eyes and imagine them playing around like a movie. Anyway, this year i became a teacher and one of my classes is in Multiculturalism, and I had an idea:
I got 2 little toys and divided my classroom in 2 teams, each one got one toy and one civilization to manage. They gave names, ways of life, feeding habits, habitats, morals, technologies and if they want to evolve something they just need to show me a little research about it. In this way they are learning about cultures and how they form, vary, evolve and all of that. So, this strange way of playing that always made me the strange kid on recess is now a way to teach and my kids love it, they are always asking for technologies, for ways they can improve, for some spare time to plan and all.
And i... I feel like im healing my inner child by this kids (that actually are all 16 to 18yo)
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lacefieldpoems · 1 year ago
Christmas Consumerism
Sparkling holiday lights shine in the eyes of communal shoppers, looking for the perfect gift this multicultural season of materialistic love languages.
Each dollar pocketed by mega corporations is spit back into the right-wing agenda to annihilate the misunderstood and divergents of mainstream tradition.
Apologies and bribes wrapped under  the Yule tree, decorated with tinsel and maxed out credit cards to fund the habit of purchasing love. 
Plague and sickness trample the shoppers to the economic death of the American Dollar. Surplus amounts to the theft of wages and cutting corners in the business pipeline.
Debt-riddled to provide glory and gift as the three wise men gave to the newborn baby of Bethlehem, penniless and born in what is now a site of genocide. 
Cold and shivering, there are children without a thread on their back,  living in modern mangers – asking for food instead of favored toys they desire. 
On the opposite side of the financial spectrum there are palaces and mansions of the slave-trading and war-profiteering billionaires ruining the Earth in which lies the eleventh hour of humanity.
by Jaime Lacefield
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months ago
Holidays 6.9
Accession Day (Jordan)
Ananda Mahidol Day (Thailand)
Bill and Ted Day
Birsa Munda Shahidi Diwas (Madhya Pradesh; India)
Clothing Poverty Awareness Day (UK)
Community Day (La Rioja, Murcia; Spain)
Coral Triangle Day
Cornflower Day (French Republic)
Denture Day
Donald Duck Day
Feast of the Birth of the White-Breasted Giantess
Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day
Global Maintenance Day
Home Sweet Home Day
International Archives Day
International Batten Disease Awareness Day
International Day of Celtic Art
International Dough Disco Day
La Rioja Day (Spain)
Light Industry Workers’ Day (Former USSR Nations)
Meezer’s Colors Day
Monkey Spank Day
Murcia Day (Spain)
National Cancer Thriver Day
National Earl Day
National Earl Baltes Day
National Helen Day
National Heroes’ Day (Uganda)
National Krewe of Tucks Day
National Long COVID Awareness Day (Canada)
National Meal Prep Day
National Mitchell Day
National Sex Day
National Sex Educator Appreciation Day
National Stripper Appreciation Day
No Apologies Period Day
Profess Your Love Day
Purple People Eater Day
Rockman Day
609 Day
South American Football Day
Toy Industry Day
Traverse Myelitis Awareness Day (UK)
World Accreditation Day
World APS Day (a.k.a. World Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome Day)
Writers’ Rights Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Dark ’n Stormy Day
Kraft Cheese Day
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day
Independence & Related Days
Flevelt (a.k.a. the Confederation of Flevelt; Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Självstyrelsedagen (Åland Self-Governing Day; Åland)
2nd Sunday in June
Abused Women and Children’s Awareness Day [2nd Sunday]
Bunker Hill Day observed (Massachusetts) [Sunday before 17th]
Canadian Rivers Day (Canada) [2nd Sunday]
Father’s Day (Austria, Belgium) [2nd Sunday]
International Drink Chenin Blanc Days, Day 3 [2nd Sunday]
International Shiatsu Day [2nd Sunday]
LEAF Open Farm Sunday (UK) [2nd Sunday]
Mother’s Day (Luxembourg) [2nd Sunday]
Multicultural American Child Day [2nd Sunday]
National Career Nursing Assistants’ Day [2nd Sunday]
National Children's Day [2nd Sunday]
National Garden Day (Germany) [2nd Sunday]
National Puerto Rican Day [2nd Sunday]
Race Unity Day (a.k.a. Race Amity Day; Baha’i) [2nd Sunday]
Ride the Wind Day [2nd Sunday]
World Pet Memorial Day [2nd Sunday; also 2nd Tuesday]
World Swallowtail Day [2nd Sunday]
Write To Your Father Day [2nd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 9 (2nd Full Week)
National Automobile Service Professionals Week (thru 6.15) [Week with 6.12]
National Clay Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
National Email Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
National Flag Week (thru 6.15) [Week with 6.14]
National Little League Week [2nd Week]
National Pet Wedding Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
National Right of Way Professionals Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
Festivals Beginning June 9, 2024
Annecy International Animated Film Festival (Annecy, France) [thru 6.15]
Beacon Sloop Club Strawberry Festival (Beacon, New York)
Community-Wide FELStival (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
International Dairy-Deli-Bake Seminar & Expo (Houston, Texas) [thru 6.11]
Jewish Cultural Festival (Dayton, Ohio)
New England VegFest (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Peabody Awards (Los Angeles, California)
Savor Idaho (Boise, Idaho)
Feast Days
Aidan of Lindisfarne (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
Architects of the Middles Ages (Positivist; Saints)
Bathe in Marinara Day (Pastafarian)
Bede (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
Cloverfield Dairy Cow (Muppetism)
Columba of Iona (a.k.a. Columbia or Columkille; Celtic Christian) [Poets]
Edmund (Christian; Saint)
Ephrem the Syrian (Roman Catholic Church and Church of England)
George Pérez (Artology)
James Collinson (Artology)
Jim Jones Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Joe Haldeman (Writerism)
José de Anchieta (Christian; Saint)
Jotunheim Day (Pagan)
Liborius (Christian; Saint)
Lord Buddha's Parinirvana (Bhutan)
Michael Ancher (Artology)
Paul Beatty (Writerism)
Pelagia of Antioch (Christian; Virgin and Martyr)
Pieter Jansz. Saenredam (Artology)
Primus and Felician (Christian; Martyrs)
Ralph Goings (Artology)
Remembrance for Sigurd the Dragonslayer (a.k.a. Siegfried; Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Richard, Bishop of Andria (Christian; Saint)
Robert Indermaur (Artology)
Vesalia (Feast of Vesta; Roman Goddess of the Hearth)
Vincent of Aden (Christian; Martyr)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [33 of 57]
Bill of Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1962)
Cars (Animated Pixar Film; 2006)
The Coo Coo Bird (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1947)
The Crying of Lot 49, by Thomas Pynchon (Novella; 1966)
Dire Straits, by Dire Straits (Album; 1978)
The Empty Chair, by Jeffrey Deaver (Novel; 2000)
Gone in 60 Seconds (Film; 2000)
How Do I Know It’s Sunday (WB MM Cartoon; 1934)
Invisible Touch, by Genesis (Album; 1986)
Jelly-Roll Blues, recorded by Jelly Roll Morton (Song; 1924)
Kids Say th Darnedest Things!, by Art Linkletter (Humor Book; 1958)
Labour of Lust, by Nick Lowe (Album; 1979)
Loki (TV Series; 2021)
Mr. Tambourine Man, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1964)
The Name of the Rose, by Umberto Eco (Novel; US Translation 1983)
The Nine Billion Names of God, by Arthur C. Clarke (Short Stories; 1967)
Ode to Discord: A Chimerical Combination in Four Bursts, by Charles Villiers Stanford (Song; 1909)
A Pirate Looks at Fifty, by Jimmy Buffett (Memoir; 1998)
Party Girl (Film; 1995)
Secret, Profane & Sugarcane, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2009)
Some Girls, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1978)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (Film; 1989)
Stroke It Rich (Radio Game Show; 1947)
Super 8 (Film; 2011)
Tangled (Phantasies Cartoon; 1944)
3, by Honeyhoney (Album; 2015)
Tumble Weed Greed (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1969)
Ups an’ Downs Derby (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1950)
The Wise Little Hen (Disney Cartoon; 1934) [1st Donald Duck]
The Year of the Mouse (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1965)
Today’s Name Days
Annamaria, Ephraim, Grazia (Austria)
Diomed, Efrem, Kolumban, Ranko (Croatia)
Stanislava (Czech Republic)
Primus (Denmark)
Elar, Haljand, Hallar, Helar, Helari, Hellar (Estonia)
Ensio (Finland)
Diane (France)
Annamaria, Diana, Ephram, Grazia (Germany)
Rodanthi (Greece)
Félix (Hungary)
Efrem, Primo (Italy)
Gita, Liega, Ligita, Naula, Valeska (Latvia)
Felicijus, Gintas, Gintė (Lithuania)
Kolbein, Kolbjørn (Norway)
Felicjan, Pelagia, Pelagiusz (Poland)
Chiril (România)
Stanislava (Slovakia)
Efrén, Feliciano, Julián (Spain)
Birger, Börje (Sweden)
Cole, Coleman, Colman, Dean, Deana, Deanna, Dee, Dena, Diana, Diane, Dianna, Dianne, Dyane, Prima, Primavera (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 161 of 2024; 205 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 23 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 4 (Jia-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 3 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 2 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 11 Blue; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 27 May 2024
Moon: 12%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 20 St. Paul (6th Month) [Architects of the Middles Ages]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 83 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 20 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Dag (Day) [Half-Month 12 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 6.26)
Duir (Oak) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 6 of 13]
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lizardsexposed · 1 year ago
My friend who is currently in Palestine, is a Palestinian man who works tirelessly and thanklessly for Palestinian emancipation, through diplomatic ways. He has, with his government travelled to many countries to engage in talks for a better life for Palestinians. His banner on Facebook is ‘peace, multiculturalism and understanding’. I know him because I shared an office with him while he was conducting his PhD on Palestine. Everyone forgot it was my birthday and he brought me a soft toy duck and some chocolates. The last message he sent me was ‘all hell has broken loose and I am terrified’.
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diversityintoys · 6 months ago
Why Fidget Spinners Are Perfect For Active Kids
Over the past few years, sensory toys have gained much popularity, especially among kids. While all sensory toys have seen remarkable growth in the market, the fidget spinner is one of the most highly used sensory toys.
While these toys also come under sensory toys for adults, fidget spinners can be a lifesaver if you have an incredibly active child. Fidgeting can sometimes be a default behavior that's best dealt with focused redirection. Let's check out a few ways these toys can benefit your child.
Boost Concentration And Focus.
Studies show that when children can control or redirect their movements, significantly when anxious or stressed, they can improve their focus and concentration. Sensory input and movement are critical for carrying out tasks and learning new skills. The tactile engagement you get by using a sensory fidget toy can offer a calming effect that helps your child concentrate more effectively.
Sensory Stimulation
To spin a fidget spinner, you must use precise hand movements. Practicing these movements regularly can help your child develop and refine their fine motor skills. Activities like twisting, spinning, or squeezing fidget toys can help strengthen your child's hand muscles and enhance hand-to-eye coordination. This can positively impact your child's everyday activities, including drawing, writing, and self-care activities.
Reduce Anxiety And Stress.
While anxiety and stress generally affect our entire body, they most notably affect our fingers and hands. Heightened anxiety amongst kids can result in shaking, restlessness, and cramping around the hands and finger muscles. While fidget toys don't eliminate these issues, they can help your child calm down. Fidget spinners give you a way to keep your hands busy and your mind distracted.
If you want to learn more about fidget spinners in general or want to find out how they could help you or your child, we suggest you immediately speak with a professional.
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tumblydovereviews · 2 years ago
The Puzzle Place Review
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After the killing of Rodney King, a Black man who was a victim of police brutality, in 1991, racial tensions in the United States, especially in L.A., grew. Two years later, in 1993, the move to reunite unity in the States, Rebuild L.A., announced that they would be funding a new PBS preschool show meant to encourage multiculturalism and acceptance for young kids. This series would go on to become The Puzzle Place, officially premiering in September 1994 locally and January of the following year nationally.
The Puzzle Place follows the adventures of 6 (occasionally 7) young kids approximately 8 years old. They include:
Julie, a Chinese-American, stylish and loves to sing (a bit of a snob)
Leon, an African-American, who can be impulsive
Jody, who is Jewish, enthusiastic but gullible
Ben, Norwegian-American, who is easygoing but keeps his grudges
Kiki, Mexican-American, who has a short temper
and Skye, from the Western Apache, who is curious and thoughtful
Kyle, Irish-American, is Ben's friend who is a wheelchair user. He will occasionally appear in some episodes of the show.
In every episode, at least one of the kids would have some sort of problem, whether it be struggling with embarrassment after crying in front of friends, dealing with a fear of thunder, or accidentally breaking a friend's toy. The kids would deal with their problems using live-action segments featuring real kids, songs, and comedic sketches featuring Nuzzle the dog and Sizzle the cat, the resident pets of the Puzzle Place.
By far the best part of the series is the charm the actors bring into their roles. Each of them perfectly captures the personality and charm of the characters that they play. There were moments in the series that genuinely made me laugh, like the episode "Dressing Up is Hard to Do", where nobody takes mercy on Julie and roast her dress (although, she kind of deserved it for harassing Jody over her outfit choice). At the same time, it wasn't afraid to tackle serious topics like manliness, colorism, ableism, and non-traditional families.
The puppetry in this series is basic, but skilled. The expressive eyelids add emotion to the characters, and the puppets are designed great.
If I had to give any negatives to the show, while the voices are great, they sound a bit jarring and old for the characters, especially in Ben and Leon's cases. Also, the segments can drag on for quite a bit at times. Luckily, the in-between segments add a much-needed break to the story. (We can only take so much of Julie being- well, Julie- for so long!)
However, overall, The Puzzle Place is a great show. It was ahead of its time in almost every aspect, from its diversity to its puppetry and its themes of acceptance and appreciation. I'd highly recommend this show, especially to fans of the Muppets since many puppeteers from the franchise are actors in here.
Unfortunately, about half of the episodes are lost media and probably won't be found anytime soon, as PBS has lost the rights to the show and nobody had bothered to acquire it. But the episodes that have been found (at least partially) are available to find on YouTube.
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abovebeyondbundy · 11 days ago
Childcare in 2050: Imagining the Future of Early Childhood Services
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The year 2050 may seem distant, but the rapid pace of technological, social, and environmental change is already shaping the future of childcare. As we look ahead, early childhood services are poised to undergo transformative shifts, driven by advancements in technology, evolving family structures, and a deeper understanding of child development. This article explores what childcare might look like in 2050, offering a glimpse into a future that is both innovative and inclusive.
1. AI and Personalized Learning
By 2050, artificial intelligence (AI) will play a central role in childcare services. AI-powered systems will analyze each child’s learning style, interests, and developmental milestones to create personalized educational plans. Imagine smart toys and virtual assistants that adapt in real-time to a child’s needs, offering tailored activities that promote cognitive, emotional, and social growth. These tools will not replace human caregivers but will enhance their ability to provide individualized attention in group settings.
2. Virtual and Augmented Reality Classrooms
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will revolutionize early education. Children in 2050 might attend "virtual classrooms" where they can explore ancient civilizations, dive into the ocean, or even travel to space—all from the safety of their childcare center. These immersive experiences will make learning more engaging and interactive, fostering curiosity and creativity from a young age.
3. Robotic Caregivers and Assistants
Robotics will also play a significant role in childcare. While human caregivers will remain essential, robots could assist with routine tasks like feeding, diaper changes, or monitoring children’s health. These robotic assistants will be equipped with sensors to detect emotional cues, ensuring they respond appropriately to a child’s needs. However, ethical considerations will be paramount to ensure robots complement, rather than replace, human connection.
4. Eco-Friendly Childcare Centers
Sustainability will be a cornerstone of childcare in 2050. Eco-friendly centers powered by renewable energy, with green roofs, indoor gardens, and zero-waste policies, will become the norm. Children will grow up learning about environmental stewardship through hands-on activities like composting, gardening, and recycling, instilling a sense of responsibility for the planet from an early age.
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5. Global and Multicultural Learning
As the world becomes more interconnected, childcare services will emphasize global awareness and cultural competence. Children will engage in virtual exchanges with peers from different countries, learning new languages and traditions through collaborative projects. This global perspective will prepare them to thrive in a diverse and interconnected world.
6. Flexible and Remote Childcare Options
The rise of remote work and flexible schedules will lead to new childcare models. In 2050, parents may have access to hybrid childcare services that combine in-person care with virtual support. For example, a parent working from home could use an app to connect their child with a remote caregiver for interactive storytelling or skill-building activities, offering flexibility without compromising quality.
7. Focus on Mental Health and Emotional Well-being
By 2050, childcare services will place a stronger emphasis on mental health and emotional well-being. Early childhood educators will be trained to recognize and address signs of anxiety, stress, or developmental challenges. Mindfulness practices, emotional intelligence training, and play therapy will be integrated into daily routines, helping children build resilience and self-awareness.
8. Universal Access and Affordability
One of the most significant changes by 2050 will be the push for universal access to high-quality childcare. Governments and private sectors will collaborate to make childcare affordable and accessible for all families, regardless of income or location. Subsidies, sliding-scale fees, and community-based programs will ensure that every child has the opportunity to benefit from early education.
9. Parent-Caregiver Partnerships
In 2050, childcare will be a collaborative effort between parents and caregivers. Advanced communication platforms will allow parents to stay informed about their child’s progress in real-time, from daily updates to developmental milestones. Caregivers will also offer resources and workshops to help parents support their child’s learning at home, creating a seamless partnership that prioritizes the child’s growth.
The future of childcare in 2050 is one of innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability. By embracing technology, fostering global awareness, and prioritizing emotional well-being, early childhood services will not only prepare children for the challenges of tomorrow but also create a foundation for a more equitable and compassionate society. As we look ahead, the key will be balancing technological advancements with the irreplaceable value of human connection, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to thrive.
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brookston · 1 month ago
Events 1.25
Big Rock Day
Biologist’s Day (Mexico)
Burns Night (a.k.a. Robert Burns Day; Scotland)
Criminon Day (Scientology)
Dinner Party Day
Dydd Santes Dwynwen (Welsh Valentine's Day)
Festival of Constructive Energy
Fluoride Day
Food and Nutrition Day (Indonesia)
G.F. Betico Croes Day (Aruba)
International Day of Action on Yemen
International Day of Women in Multilateralism
IV Nurse Day (a.k.a. Intravenous Nurse Day)
January Revolution and National Police Day (Egypt)
KStews Day
Laurustinus Day (French Republic)
Long Distance Day
Luanda City Day (Angola)
Macintosh Computer Day (a.k.a. Mac Day)
Multicultural Children’s Book Day
National Florida Day
National Heroes’ Day (Cayman Islands)
National Moose Day
National Nutrition Day (Indonesia)
National Opposite Day
National Police Day (Egypt)
National Tourism Day (India)
National Videography Day
National Voters’ Day (India)
Observe the Weather Day
Official Crayon Day
Public Holiday (Saint Vincent and Grenadines)
A Room of One's Own Day
Social Workers’ Day (Talikstan)
Soda Fountain Day
St. Dwynwen’s Day (Welsh Valentine’s Day; Wales)
Tatiana Day (a.k.a. Students Day; Russia, Ukraine)
Thank Your Mentor Day
Virginia Woolf Day
Wedding March Day
Winter-een-mas begins [thru 31st]
Winter Olympics Day
Women’s Health Research Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Food and Nutrition Day (Indonesia)
National Fish Taco Day
National Irish Coffee Day
Schnitzelbank Bratwurst Day (Jasper, Indiana)
Nature Celebrations
Cerastium Day (Genuine; Korean Birth Flowers)
Independence, Flag & Related Days
Federated States of Antarctica (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Foundation Day (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Himachal Pradesh Statehood Day (India)
Islamic Emirate of Acre (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Revolution Day 2011 (Egypt)
São Paulo Foundation Day (Brazil; 1554)
Ukraine (Independence Declaration Day, from Bolshevik Russia; 1918)
New Year’s Days
Chinese New Year Holiday, Day 1 (Taiwan)
Mahāyāna New Year (Mahāyāna Buddhism)
Tet Holiday (Vietnam)
4th & Last Saturday in January
Great Fruitcake Toss (Manitou Springs, Colorado) [Last Saturday]
KidFilm Festival begins [Last Saturday]
National Seed Swap Day [Last Saturday]
Salacious Saturday [4th Saturday of Each Month]
Sandwich Saturday [Every Saturday]
Sausage Saturday [4th Saturday of Each Month]
Side Hustle Saturday (UK) [Last Saturday]
Six For Saturday [Every Saturday]
Spaghetti Saturday [Every Saturday]
Splurge Saturday [Last Saturday of Each Month]
Stir-Fry Saturday [Last Saturday of Each Month]
Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day [4th Saturday]
Winter Brew Fest (Denver, Colorado) [Last Saturday]
Yay Day (Sam & Cat TV Show) [Last Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning January 25 (3rd Full Week of January)
Carnival of Limoux (Limoux, France) [thru 4.6]
Cordova Iceworm Days (Cordova, Alaska) [thru 2.1]
National Storytelling Week [thru 2.1]
Festivals Beginning January 25, 2025
Brunswick Rockin' Stewbilee (Brunswick, Georgia)
The Chocolate Expo (Wilmington, Massachusetts) [thru 1.26]
FFA Farm Toy Show (Saline, Michigan)
Food & Agriculture Winter Conference (Asbury Park, New Jersey)
Hoggetowne Medieval Faire (Gainesville, Florida) [thru 1.26]
Indian River Marine Flea Market and Seafood Festival (Vero Beach, Florida) [thru 1.26]
International Hot Air Balloon Festival of Château-d’Oex (Château-d’Oex, Switzerland) [thru 2.2]
Midwest AG Expo (Gordyville, Illinois) [thru 1.26]
New York Craft Brewers Festival (Albany, New York)
New York Travel & Adventure Show (New York, New York) [thru 1.26]
One Love Festival (Tauranga, New Zealand) [thru 1.26]
Playtime (Paris, France) [thru 1.27]
Port St. Lucie Seafood Festival (Port St. Lucie, Florida) [thru 1.26]
Saint Simons Land Trust Oyster Roast (St. Simons Island, Georgia)
SAVOR Food & Wine Festival (Tucson, Arizona)
Social in the City (London, United Kingdom) [thru 1.26]
Winterfest (Amana Colonies, Iowa)
WWA Convention (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Feast Days
Ananias of Damascus (Christian; Saint)
Apollo (Christian; Saint)
Artemas (Christian; Martyr)
Burns Night (Pastafarian)
Cere’s Day (Pagan)
Conversion of Saint Paul (Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican and Lutheran churches, which concludes the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity)
Dwynwen (Celtic; Saint) [Welsh Valentine’s Day]
Dydd Santes Dwynwen (Wales)
Feriae Sementivae (Ancient Roman Feast to Spring)
Gather Bathou San (Assam, India)
Great Uncle Fishknife (Muppetism)
Gregory the Theologian (Eastern or Byzantine Catholic Church)
Imoinu Irapta (Manipur, India)
Isaiah (Positivist; Saint)
Juventinus and Maximinus, Martyrs of Antioch (Christian; Martyrs)
Keith Moon Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Nut’s Day (Ancient Egypt)
Old Disting (Norse)
Poppo of Stavello (Christian; Saint)
Praejectus (a.k.a. Prix; Christian; Saint)
Publius (Christian; Saint)
Sementivae Feria: Seed Blessing (Pagan)
The last day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Christian ecumenism)
Lunar Calendar Holidays
Chinese: Month 12 (Ding-Chou), Day 26 (Jia-Wu)
Day Pillar: Wood Horse
12-Day Officers/12 Gods: Initiate Day (执 Zhi) [Auspicious]
Holidays: None Today
Secular Saints Days
Pompeo Batoni (Art)
Robert Burns (Literature)
Stephen Chbosky (Literature)
Eusebio (Sports)
Govert Flinck (Art)
Shotaro Ishinomori (Art)
Etta James (Music)
Antonio Carlos Jobim (Music)
Leiji Matsumoto (Art)
W. Somerset Maugham (Literature)
Morgan Russell (Art)
Georgy Shishkin (Art)
Hendrick van Avercamp (Art)
Virginia Woolf (Literature)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 2 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [2 of 24]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Adventure (Atari 2600 Video Game; 1980)
After Many a Summer Dies the Swan, by Aldous Huxley (Novel; 1939)
The Augsburg Confession (Lutheran Religious Book; 1530)
Beware of Barnacle Bill (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1935)
Birds of Prey (Film; 2020)
Black Sails (TV Series; 2014)
Blame!, by Tsutomu Nihei (Manga; 1997)
Bughouse, recorded by Red Norvo (Song; 1935)
Cat’s Meow (MGM Cartoon; 1957)
Circus Time (Toby the Pup Cartoon; 1931)
Club Sandwich, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
The Count of Monte Cristo (Film; 2002)
Elektra, by Richard Strauss (Opera; 1909)
Enough Rope, by Dorothy Parker (Poetry; 1926)
The Family Circus (Jolly Frolics UPA Cartoon; 1951)
Flat Foot Fledgling (Dinky Duck Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Flim Flam Fountain (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1971)
Gerald McBoing Boing (Jolly Frolics UPA Cartoon; 1951)
The Goofy Gophers (LT WB Cartoon; 1947)
The Great Carrot Train Robbery (WB MM Cartoon; 1969)
The Grifters (Film; 1991)
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (Film; 2013)
Hear My Prayer, by Felix Mendelssohn (Choral Work; 1844)
The House Without a Key, by Earl Derr Biggers (Novel; 1925) [Charlie Chan #1]
Hymn for the Weekend, by Coldplay (Song; 2016)
La Cenerentola (a.k.a. Cinderella), by Gioachino Riossini (Opera; 1817)
Legends of the Superheroes: Part 2 (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Movie; 1979)
Lucifer (TV Series; 2016)
M*A*S*H (Film; 1970)
Metamorphosen, by Richard Strauss (Small Ensemble Piece; 1945)
Napoleon, by Emil Ludwig (Biography; 1906)
New York and It’s People (Bertlevyettes Cartoon; 1915)
Noise Annoys Ko-Ko (Fleischer Inkwell Imps Cartoon; 1929)
101 Dalmatians (Animated Disney Film; 1961)
Parrotville Old Folks (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1935)
The Perils of Gwendolyn in the Land of the Yik Yak (Film; 1985)
Pest Pupil (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1957)
Polar (Film; 2019)
Popeye’s Pappy (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1952)
Proud Mary, by Creedence Clearwater Revival (Song; 1969)
The Rolling Stone or Look Maw, No Moss (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 340; 1965)
Sassy Cats (Scrappy Cartoon; 1933)
She Loves You, by The Beatles (Song; 1964)
Skins (UK TV Series; 2007)
The Thin Man Goes Home (Film; 1945)
Tito and the Birds (Animated Film; 2019)
Tom and Jerry: Cowboy Up! (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Unplugged, recorded by Paul McCartney (Live TV Concert; 1991)
A Walk to Remember (Film; 2002)
Weather Lady, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 339; 1965)
What a Night, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Wool: The Stranded, by Hugh Howey (Novel; 2012)
Today’s Name Days
Paulus, Wolfram (Austria)
Grigor (Bulgaria)
Ananija, Pavao, Projekto (Croatia)
Miloš (Czech Republic)
Paap, Paavel, Paavo, Paul (Estonia)
Paavali, Paavo, Paul, Pauli, Paulus (Finland)
Pauli Bekehrung, Wolfram (Germany)
Gregorios, Gregoris, Gregory, Grigorios, Grigoris, Margaret, Margarita (Greece)
Pál (Hungary)
Paolo, Sabino, Savino (Italy)
Sigurds, Zigurds, Zigvalda, Zigvalds (Latvia)
Jaunutis, Jomantas, Povilas, Viltenis, Žiedė (Lithuania)
Pål, Paul (Norway)
Miłosz, Miłowan, Miłowit, Paweł, Tacjanna, Tatiana (Poland)
Bretanion, Grigorie (Romania)
Tatyana (Russia)
Gejza (Slovakia)
Elvira, Pablo (Spain)
Pål, Paul, Paulus (Sweden)
Amari, Amir, Amira, Amarion, Gwayne, Hakon, Hawk, Jamari, Prince, Princess (USA)
Today’s National Name Days
National Gregory Day
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 25 of 2025; 340 days remaining in the year
ISO Week: Day 6 of Week 4 of 2025
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Ding-Chou), Day 26 (Gui-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Jia-Wu]
Coptic: 17 Tubah 1741
Druid Tree Calendar: Cypress (Jan 25-Feb 3) [Day 1 of 15]
Hebrew: 25 Teveth 5785
Islamic: 25 Rajab 1446
J Cal: 25 White; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 12 January 2025
Moon: 16%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 25 Moses (1st Month) [Isiah]
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 36 of 90)
Week: 3rd Full Week of January
Tropical (Typical) Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 6 of 30)
Sidereal Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 11 of 29)
Schmidt Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 25 of 25)
IAU Boundaries (Current) Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 6 of 28)
IAU Boundaries (1977) Zodiac: Capricornus (Day 7 of 28)
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mycreatorwolf · 2 months ago
Office Christmas Decorating Ideas to Spread Holiday Cheer
The holiday season is a magical time, and what better way to celebrate than by transforming your office into a festive wonderland? Whether you want to create a cozy, cheerful atmosphere or a sleek, professional holiday look, decorating your office for Christmas can boost morale, foster team spirit, and welcome clients with a sense of joy.
Here are some creative office Christmas decorating ideas to inspire your seasonal makeover:
1. Set the Tone with a Festive Entrance to Welcome Everyone
The entrance to your office is the first thing employees and visitors see, so make it count! Add a welcoming wreath to the door, string some fairy lights around the frame, or roll out a holiday-themed doormat. For a more dramatic effect, create an archway with balloons in red, green, and gold or faux pine garlands.
2. Deck the Desks to Bring Cheer to Every Workstation
Personalized desk decorations can make each employee feel part of the festivities. Provide mini Christmas trees, tinsel, or small ornaments for team members to decorate their workstations. You can even organize a desk-decorating contest to spark creativity and fun.
3. Adorn the Office Christmas Tree with Style and Joy
No holiday setup is complete without a Christmas tree. Opt for a traditional green tree or go modern with a white or metallic one. Use ornaments that align with your office’s theme or branding colors. For a personal touch, encourage employees to bring ornaments from home to add to the tree.
4. Bring the Ceiling to Life with Creative Hanging Decor
Hanging decorations can add a whimsical touch to your office. Suspend paper snowflakes, stars, or baubles from the ceiling. Use lightweight materials and adhere them securely to avoid any mishaps.
5. Transform the Break Room into a Holiday-Themed Retreat
Transform the break room into a cozy retreat with a Christmas theme. Add a hot cocoa or coffee station, complete with holiday mugs and candy canes. Use red-and-green tablecloths, holiday centerpieces, and string lights to enhance the vibe.
6. Light It Up to Create a Warm and Inviting Ambience
Lighting plays a crucial role in creating a festive atmosphere. Use LED string lights to outline windows, cubicles, or common areas. Battery-operated candles can also add a warm, inviting glow.
7. Designate Winter Wonderland Corners for Seasonal Magic
Designate a corner of the office as a winter wonderland. Use faux snow, silver decorations, and icicle lights to create a magical space. This can also double as a great spot for holiday photos or Zoom backgrounds.
8. Infuse the Space with Seasonal Scents for a Holistic Experience
Engage the senses by incorporating holiday scents into the office. Use candles, diffusers, or sprays with fragrances like pine, cinnamon, or vanilla. Ensure they’re subtle to avoid overwhelming anyone with sensitivities.
9. Create Interactive Decorations to Boost Team Engagement
Create interactive elements like a holiday card wall where employees can exchange greetings, or set up a DIY ornament station. These activities encourage participation and foster camaraderie.
10. Set Up a Charity and Giving Corner to Spread Goodwill
Emphasize the spirit of giving by setting up a donation station for toys, clothes, or food. Decorate the area with stockings or gift boxes to keep it in line with the holiday theme.
11. Make Meeting Rooms Festive and Functional for the Holidays
Decorate meeting rooms with subtle yet festive touches. Add holiday-themed table runners, seasonal flowers like poinsettias, or festive centerpieces. For virtual meetings, set up a Christmas backdrop.
12. Incorporate Cultural Diversity into Your Holiday Decorations
If your office is multicultural, consider incorporating elements from different traditions to make everyone feel included. Hanukkah menorahs, Kwanzaa decorations, or other festive symbols can enrich your office décor.
13. Add Outdoor Decorations to Extend the Festive Spirit Beyond the Office
If your office has an outdoor space, decorate it with string lights, inflatable decorations, or light-up reindeer. This not only spreads holiday cheer to employees but also catches the eye of passersby.
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faizalkhan1393 · 2 months ago
The Magic of Learning at an Elementary School
Learning is an exciting adventure. For kids who are just starting school, it can be a little bit scary, but it’s also full of fun and discovery. Every day at school is a chance to learn something new. Imagine waking up in the morning, ready to explore new ideas and meet new friends. That’s what school is all about! Let’s dive into why school is such a magical place where kids grow, learn, and play.
The World of Books
One of the best parts about school is the chance to read books. At school, kids can find all sorts of books: funny ones, exciting ones, or even books that tell amazing stories about faraway lands. Books are like windows into new worlds, and when you open them, you never know what you might find. Reading helps kids improve their imagination, vocabulary, and understanding of the world. In the classroom, there are books for everyone, whether you love dinosaurs, space, or fairy tales. The more you read, the more you learn!
An elementary school in Dubai offers a unique and vibrant learning experience for young students. The city’s schools are known for their diverse and multicultural environment, with children from all around the world coming together to learn. At an elementary school in Dubai, students have access to modern facilities, innovative teaching methods, and a curriculum that prepares them for the future. The schools offer a blend of academic rigor and extracurricular activities, ensuring that children develop both academically and socially.
Learning from Teachers
Teachers are like guides on a great adventure. They are there to help you understand things that might seem hard at first, but with their help, everything starts to make sense. Teachers explain things in ways that are easy to understand and make learning fun. Whether it’s math, science, or history, teachers always find new ways to make every lesson interesting. They use pictures, songs, games, and even videos to bring lessons to life. If a student doesn’t understand something, teachers are always ready to help them until they get it. Teachers also encourage students to ask questions. Asking questions is important because it shows curiosity and helps us learn even more.
Math: The Secret Language of Numbers
Math might seem tricky sometimes, but it’s also like solving fun puzzles. Numbers and shapes are everywhere around us. When you learn math, you are learning how to understand the world of numbers. Math helps us with everything from counting to telling time to figuring out how much money we need to buy a toy! In school, kids start with simple addition and subtraction, then move on to bigger challenges like multiplication and division. With each lesson, math becomes more fun and easier to understand. Plus, math teaches you how to think logically and solve problems in creative ways.
Science: Exploring the Wonders of the World
Science is another exciting part of learning at school. Science helps us understand how the world works. From learning about plants and animals to exploring space, science opens up a whole new world of questions and answers. Kids can experiment with different materials, watch how things change, and even create their own experiments. In science class, you might learn how rainbows form, why the sky is blue, or how plants grow. Science sparks curiosity and helps kids think like little scientists. It teaches us to ask “Why?” and “How?” about everything around us.
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History: Discovering the Past
History teaches kids about the past—about people, places, and events that shaped the world. Learning about history is like opening a time machine that takes you to different periods of time. Kids can learn about ancient civilizations, famous leaders, and even how their own country was founded. History is full of fascinating stories that show how people worked together to make the world a better place. Whether it’s the history of your own family or the history of a faraway country, history helps you understand where we came from and why the world is the way it is today.
Art and Creativity
At school, creativity is just as important as reading, math, or science. Art allows kids to express themselves in ways words can’t. Kids can draw, paint, or even make sculptures out of clay. Art helps kids develop their imagination and explore their feelings. Whether it’s making a card for a friend, drawing a picture of a pet, or creating a scene from a favorite story, art is a fun way to share what’s in your heart and mind. Art also helps kids develop fine motor skills as they learn to use brushes, pencils, and scissors. It’s also an excellent way to relax and let your creativity flow.
Physical Education: Staying Active and Healthy
In addition to classroom learning, it’s important to stay healthy and active. Physical education (PE) is the time when kids play sports, run, jump, and stretch. PE is fun because it gives kids a chance to move around and use their bodies in different ways. Playing games like soccer, basketball, or tag helps kids build strength, coordination, and teamwork. Staying active also keeps kids healthy and energized, so they can focus better in class. PE teaches important lessons about how to work with others, follow rules, and stay healthy, which are all essential for growing up strong and happy.
Social Studies: Learning About the World
Social studies is another part of the school experience that helps kids understand how people live together in different parts of the world. It includes topics like geography, government, and the different cultures of people around the world. Kids learn about countries, cities, and the landmarks that make each place unique. Social studies also teaches kids about fairness, respect, and how rules and laws help people get along. Learning about other people’s traditions, foods, and celebrations helps kids understand the world’s diversity and how we can all live together peacefully.
Making Friends and Working Together
School is not just about learning new facts—it’s also about making friends. Every day, kids have the chance to meet new people and learn how to work together. Whether it’s sharing supplies, helping each other with homework, or playing games at recess, kids at school learn how to cooperate and be kind. Friendships help make school even more fun. Having friends to talk to, laugh with, and help each other makes school feel like a safe and exciting place to be.
In conclusion, an elementary school plays a crucial role in shaping a child’s future by providing a strong academic foundation and fostering important life skills. It is not just a place for learning facts, but also for developing curiosity, creativity, and social skills. The experiences children have in elementary school help them build confidence, make lifelong friendships, and prepare them for the challenges of the future. As students progress through elementary school, they begin to develop a love for learning that will serve them throughout their lives. With the support of dedicated teachers and a nurturing environment, elementary school is where children learn to explore, question, and grow. By focusing on both education and personal development, an elementary school ensures that students are well-equipped to succeed in their future academic journeys and in life beyond the classroom. The skills and values learned in elementary school are essential stepping stones for every child's growth.
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hussanisoyat · 3 months ago
The Early Years of Learning: Building a Strong Foundation for the Future
The early years of a child's life are crucial for laying the groundwork for future success. These formative years are filled with rapid cognitive, emotional, and physical development, making them the ideal time to introduce foundational learning experiences. During this period, young children begin to develop essential skills that will serve them throughout their academic journey and beyond. Through play, exploration, and interaction, they learn important concepts such as language, problem-solving, and social skills. This early education helps set the tone for their lifelong learning and emotional well-being. This article explores the importance of early education, its role in a child’s development, and how it prepares them for success in later years.
The Role of Early Education in Cognitive Development
Children are born with an incredible capacity for learning, and the first few years are critical for brain development. During these early stages, children’s brains form millions of new neural connections every second. The experiences they have, particularly in their early education environment, shape the way their brains develop, influencing everything from language acquisition to problem-solving abilities.
Nursery school in Dubai offers a vibrant and nurturing environment for young children, laying the foundation for their lifelong learning journey. These early educational institutions cater to children typically aged between 2 and 5 years, providing a safe and supportive space for them to explore and develop essential skills. Nursery school in Dubai integrates play-based learning with structured activities, helping children build cognitive, social, and emotional abilities. With access to modern facilities, diverse curricula, and experienced educators, children are encouraged to express their creativity, develop language skills, and engage in collaborative play. The multicultural environment of Dubai enriches the experience, allowing children from various backgrounds to learn and interact with peers from around the world. Nursery schools in Dubai focus on preparing children for future academic challenges while nurturing their confidence and curiosity, ensuring they are ready for the next stage in their educational journey.
Social and Emotional Development
The early years are also a time for children to develop social and emotional skills that will impact their relationships for the rest of their lives. In a group setting, children interact with others and learn valuable lessons about cooperation, empathy, and conflict resolution. They begin to understand concepts such as sharing, taking turns, and expressing their feelings in appropriate ways.
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Socializing with peers and adults also helps children build confidence. For example, when children share toys or work together on projects, they practice problem-solving skills and learn how to express their needs and feelings. These social interactions are essential for building emotional intelligence, which in turn supports strong communication and relationship-building skills as they grow.
Additionally, learning environments that encourage emotional well-being help children develop resilience. When children are encouraged to express their feelings, ask questions, and explore their world without fear of judgment, they build a strong sense of self-worth and emotional stability. These early experiences are vital for their social and emotional development, preparing them to interact positively with others in both school and beyond.
Language Development and Communication Skills
One of the most significant milestones in a child's early education is language development. From the moment they are born, children are absorbing language around them. In the early years, children go from babbling to forming words and, eventually, complete sentences. During this period, children develop the ability to express themselves verbally, which is essential for communication, problem-solving, and academic success.
In an early learning environment, children are exposed to new vocabulary, stories, songs, and conversations that help to enhance their language skills. Reading aloud to children, engaging in discussions, and encouraging them to share their thoughts and ideas can have a profound impact on their language abilities. These activities help them understand the structure and rhythm of language, preparing them for the more complex communication skills they will need later in life.
Moreover, strong language skills are linked to academic achievement. Children who develop their language abilities early on are better prepared to tackle reading and writing tasks as they progress in their education. Encouraging language development at an early age is one of the most important factors for long-term academic success.
Building Fine and Gross Motor Skills
In addition to cognitive and social skills, early education also plays an important role in the development of fine and gross motor skills. Fine motor skills involve smaller movements, such as grasping objects, drawing, or using utensils, while gross motor skills involve larger movements, such as walking, running, and jumping.
Children who engage in physical play, such as running, climbing, or playing with building blocks, develop their motor coordination. Activities like drawing, using scissors, or manipulating small objects also help strengthen their hand-eye coordination and dexterity. These skills are not only important for physical development but also for other academic tasks like writing and drawing.
Early learning environments that encourage both physical activity and fine motor exercises help children gain control over their bodies and improve their physical confidence. These activities also support cognitive development, as the coordination between mind and body improves through regular practice.
Preparing for Future Academic Success
The early years of education provide a strong foundation for future academic success. By engaging children in learning activities that focus on language, math, science, and social studies in a fun and interactive way, early education sparks their natural curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. These early educational experiences help children develop the necessary skills to tackle more complex subjects later on.
In addition, the habits and routines formed during these years—such as the ability to follow instructions, listen to teachers, and participate in structured activities—are crucial for success in later schooling. Children who are introduced to a structured environment during their early years tend to adapt more easily to formal education in elementary school and beyond.
The Importance of Play-Based Learning
One of the most important aspects of early education is the focus on play-based learning. Play is not just a fun activity; it is a vital component of a child’s development. Through play, children learn to think creatively, solve problems, and engage with others socially. Whether it’s building towers with blocks, engaging in pretend play, or participating in group games, play helps children develop a range of skills in a natural and enjoyable way.
Research shows that play-based learning enhances cognitive abilities, promotes social interaction, and helps children develop self-regulation skills. It encourages children to explore their interests and learn in a relaxed, stress-free environment. Play-based learning fosters curiosity and creativity, allowing children to engage with the world around them in meaningful ways.
In conclusion, nursery education plays a pivotal role in shaping a child’s early development and preparing them for future academic success. Through play-based learning, social interaction, and exploration, young children develop essential cognitive, emotional, and social skills that set the foundation for lifelong learning. Nursery schools provide a safe and nurturing environment where children are encouraged to explore their interests, express their creativity, and build positive relationships with peers and teachers. The experiences and skills gained during this critical stage of education contribute significantly to a child's overall growth. As a result, parents and educators must recognize the importance of quality nursery education in fostering a well-rounded and confident individual. By investing in a nurturing and stimulating nursery school environment, we ensure that children are equipped with the necessary tools to navigate the challenges of the future and succeed in their academic and personal lives.
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