#multichaps…. depends
lovelylogans · 3 months
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fireylesbianhell · 2 years
This World Won't Ever Forget Us
Javid Bonnie & Clyde Au? tumblr made me do it. woo!
Based on the fic "Bite The Bullet" by and Orphan Account and a post made by @/spacestamps!
For Jack Kelly, it simply started as a way out.
He didn’t mean for anything more significant; he figured all he had to do was get a job or two done and hightail it way out west; away from ugly old Oklahoma to somewhere, oh good god, somewhere better than here.
He had his eyes set on a little place called Santa Fe. Seemed endearing, and god knows New Mexico was far enough away from here.
Jack Kelly wasn’t a wise man - hell, he was a little orphaned 21-year-old with no money, barely a plan, the clothes on his back, and a hijacked car.
Ah, speaking of that hijacked car, the sirens behind him got more worrying as they got louder.
Revving slightly and pushing the pedal almost as far as he could go, breaking several traffic laws without even trying he blasted off down the dusty old roads, tattered shirt rippling in the pushing force of wind trying to slow him down. He saw a parting in the roads and smiled traffic coming up, and the good thing about the car manufacturers out here today was almost all these damn cars looked about the same.
He turned into the trafficked area and did his best to blend as he weaved through the exits and cut off a few now very angry civilians. He found a tail in a near-identical car that suddenly left him and the police were none the wiser as they sped off when he slowed;
Time to figure out where the fuck he was.
Jack cruised a bit, the adrenaline not gone but not as rampant as before. He passed apartments, bars, dusty old hair salons, and-
A quaint-looking diner called ‘The World’, with a bright peeling paint emphasizing the dreadful rundown look of the place.
He pulled in with a casual tumble, grabbing his ragged worn-out trench coat from behind him, and a simple little newsboy cap he found pawned from manhattan. Something about history or whatever, he turned out pretty quickly when he heard the cheap ass price.
Strolling in, the first thing that caught his eye- or, well, his ear first, then his eye- was the berating of some poor waitstaff.
“David! Getcha’ sorry ass over here!” sneered some sorry ugly-faced man in an even uglier bowler hat and- No, jack was sure he wasn’t seeing doubles- the wonder twins of ugly old' lane were harassing’ some unfortunate soul named ‘David’
Speak of the devil, some poor guy about his age skimped out with a poor look on his face, about the likes of a kicked kitten trudged his way out, a similar looking cap and a neat little blue shirt and vest combo- he wasn’t poor, by the looks of it, and held a clean air to him.
Jack found himself a seat, trying to law low of course in case Lucy Law strolled their way in after snuffing the dead end, but keeping a keen eye upon the waitstaff, who looked about in for a hard time with the look the disgustin’ doubles were sharin between themselves.
“Hey David, didn't we tell ya to keep these counters clean?” the one on the left scowled
“Yes, Morris.”
“And,” butted in the other one with a snarl, “What do we have here?”
Morris and wonder twin two pointed to a small splotch of a coffee stain, which looked pretty fresh. David sighed, grabbing a rag nearby and starting to soak it before-
“Hey! We’s ain't finished, kid.” Butted in Morris again. Smiling a sinister smile, he nabbed the rag from David’s grasp as the other twin corned him from the back.
David, God bless his soul, looked like he was trying to decide whether to soak the two in and out, or take a nap on the floor for a good century. His remarkably blue eyes looked dampened, and his hands were fidgeting and fleeting with emotions trying to grasp for control in the shit of a situation he was in.
Jack decided to choose a new spot at the bar, taking a seat two empty from a properly dazed lookin old fellow who was drooling into his eggs and potatoes.
“Excuse me, fellas-” he cut in as the twins were about to go on a spiel. The two looked at him with disgust while David looked with the relief of a man who just found a spring in the desert.
That paused him, letting out a fumbled smile before continuing
“I, ahem, just would like a coffee please.” nothing he intended on paying, mind you. He needed his money to go elsewhere, then a flirtin’ with the poor, pretty boy also stuck planted into Oklahoma to get away dime free wouldn't hurt nothing.
The other twin - Oscar, he gathered from the peachy little pin fallin' off his apron - sneered again, looking sad he didn't get to berate his poor employee anymore
‘Yeah, whateva. David! Get on it, and I better see that man served, this counter cleaned and this floor spotless when I get back or Snyder’s gonna be getting a really bad report.” he called behind him and trailed off after his brother.
Sighing once more, David looked up and met Jack’s eyes. he gave a pitiful smile to jack. 
“Thank you, sir. Now what would you like?” he said formally, that twinge of tired defiance laced his voice as it turned into an artificial customer-service mode. 
“No problem, at all. Were the wonder twins givin ya problems?” he leaned over the counter slightly. Hints of genuine concern laced Jack’s voice, which not only surprised David but himself as well. He was a romantic, yeah, but he never thought he was This bad.
The waiter paused, a bit taken aback before sighing yet again- he was on a roll now, - and letting down his coffee pitcher slightly. Grabbing a cup and pouring out the coffee he continued,
“Yeah, it’s my first day on the job here. And Oscar and Morris are…very strict. I’m already miserable but, money’s money, at least I get to see more than two places in this dead state. It’s up to three now.” he joked dryly, meeting Jack’s eyes as he placed the coffee down in his hands. 
He grabbed a towel, turning but keeping a side towards jack as he started to clean. Jack took a slow draw of a slip. Wow, what a guy. Surprisingly similar too. He placed the cup down, giving a chuckle and flashing his winning smile out to him. 
“Yeah, well, I feel ya. I’m gettin’ outta this hellhole though, mark my words.” 
David smiled back shyly, turning more. “Oh, I will. Say, I’ve never seen you round here much. New in town?” 
Jack chuckled again, “no, oh do I wish. But I got a car and a plan, how hard can it be?” 
David’s head slowly turned up, like gears were calculating in his head. His mouth set to open like he was about to say something before- 
“Dave! What did I say bout’ these counters!” Morris snarled out, stomping over to the two. He gave jack a downright nasty look before David grumbled and suddenly cut through the noise of the twins speaking over eachother 
“I’m taking a smoke break. When I get back in I’ll do it.” David said with a surprising edge of sass in his voice, despite how ready he seemed to pass out. 
He tossed the towel over his shoulder and grabbed a small pack of cigars from his pocket, leaving through the front of the diner, and back out toward the opposite parking lot. 
Jack fumbled, seeing Morris steam in his spot until he shot a look at his brother. Oscar nodded and followed him out. 
That can’t be good. 
Jack waited for a moment, hearing the yelling rise. Yeah, definetly can't be good-
He shot from his seat toward the exit as the old man beside him seemed to wake up a bit, (the bastard was even eyeing his coffee up)
he sharply turned the corner and what jack Jack found was a bloody-nosed David with a look in his eyes that could have knocked Jack out.
It was so cooly fierce, determined but not in a stupid way. This kid may not have the brawns but, those eyes were dangerous, and Jack loved it. 
But when David spotted Jack, he looks fleeted away for one of relief, followed by fear as he ducked away from another fly-by of Oscar’s fist. 
Jack ran up and clocked the guy behind the neck, gettin' him real good before flying in front of Dave and landing a kick in Oscar’s left thigh again. 
He reeled back and swing wildly, catching Jack’s cheekbone and giving it a bruiser. Jack cried out a yell and turned to see Dave on the other side that Oscar wasn’t looking from and got him in his bottom back, completely knocking the wind out of the guy from his side, probably achin his ribs for good measure too.
Oscar doubled over in a wheeze and Jack took this as an opportunity to grab Dave’s hand and bolt away. 
They got a good way to Jack’s car before he paused and said 
“Wait, wait- where are we going?!” he blurted, looking David in his furiously blue eyes. 
“Don’t know, don’t care, get me out of here. Far out of here. I don't care, you have your car and your plan- well I want in on that too. Please.” he grabbed and pulled forward both of Jack’s hands, eyes pleading yet forceful. 
“Wh-woah there, hold on- I can't just let ya- do you- how- don’t you have a home? A family?” he blurted again, quickly as he heard more yells from inside the diner, likely the boys of satan troubling up again. 
“I…they won’t care, it’ll be easier on them with one less person to care for. They don’t need my money if they don’t need to spend it on me.” he reasoned. his conflict was evident yet his drive to get the hell out of dodge was clearly winning out. 
Jack paused again- he felt for him, he really did, and good god did he want to run away with this boy. But, he had to be reasonable. he wasn’t exactly just planning on taking a drive mind you.
Dave must've seen this look before cautiously saying “if it makes you feel better, ill leave some money and a note saying Im safe’n all.”
Jack nodded before slowly starting “I don’t exactly have a very safe plan, though-“
Hearing a door open and a subsequent yell, Jack was cut off and panicked. David took this to jump in the car and shove jack in beside him. he got the memo pretty quick and backed out if there like a madman on wheels.
Hightaling it once more, this time he just happened to have a cute boy in his car. 
that had no idea he was a criminal.
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rowanisawriter · 2 years
💌 or really just any fic ideas you have percolating! i'd love to hear
Thanks for the ask! Percolating is the right word for what my current wip is doing in my brain lol.
I’ve been on a Cullen/Mage Inquisitor kick and I usually write with a different Inquisitor each time, changing her to fit the need of the story. This is how I play DAI too tbh, I don’t really have a canon Inquisitor, just whatever decisions I feel like taking at the time. (I realize how unhinged this is) BUT I started writing this really aggressive anti-Templar, reluctant Inquisitor and loved how fun it was. So I made her in game and now Petra Trevelyan is my newest OC and I love her 😍
Here’s a quick excerpt from firsts, set during their first meeting the night before the Conclave:
“Are you late for something?” she asks, tilting her head to one side as she analyzes him. Analysis is the only word for it, for staring at every shadow and wrinkle on his face, her own face perfectly neutral, as if she’s trying to memorize every detail for later. He feels like he’s under a magnifying glass, suddenly aware of his every flaw, the gray hairs that have popped up behind his ears, the heavy circles under his eyes, all laid bare before her. He suppresses the urge to shiver, a strange reaction. He’s used to mages scrutinizing him before, but not like this. There’s something bold in how she’s looking at him. It makes him uncomfortable.
“As I said, I am in charge of security for all the attendees of this event. Standing in a tavern explaining myself to a pair of mages isn’t part of my duties.”
“Surely, you understand my concern with having what appears to be a leader within the Templar Order in charge of the Conclave’s security.”
“Actually, I don’t,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest, the metal of his arm guards clinking against his chest plate, mirroring her own stance. “Why don’t you explain it to me?”
Her eyebrows twitch, as if she was going to move them but thought better of it. A small line forms between her eyes. Changes in her expressions are small but noticeable. She’s not as schooled as she thought, and for some reason the realization brings half a smile to Cullen’s face.
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smallsies · 2 years
working on apocalypse fic today w a bit of free time, and just realizing how far beyond the little 2k word count of the original it's come??? crazy
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ineedhjalp · 13 days
I’m INeedHjalp, but you can call me Adele or Hjalp.
I’m a 22 year old currently finishing up my Master’s in Elizabethan literature. I graduated from Middlebury College in Vermont on a partial scholarship and am working through a TON of student debt. I’m from Colorado, in El Paso County. I’m trying to become a screen actor but right now I’m working at a local ice cream place.
My favorite things are Shakespeare (particularly M*cbeth), Hozier, Columbo, and my current hyperfixation, Dead Boy Detectives. (FUCK YOU NETFLIX!!!!!!)
Depending on when it crosses my dash, I also reboot stuff from NBC Hannibal, Good Omens, Doctor Who, or some of my old fandoms like Magnus Chase or Night At the Museum.
I’m queer! I’m some flavor of bisexual and biromantic, but I’m also on the aroace spectrum. (I might be demi, I think?) I’m also on the nonbinary spectrum (I’m a guy. But I’m also a girl. It’s complicated).
My preferred pronouns are she/her, though I’m fine with anything, really.
Some of my LOVELY mutuals are @flowers-of-anise, @a-chaotic-business, @gayoticbeing, @homoquartz, @judeisunsure, @ineffablefood, @understand-some-thing-some-time, @that-one-greml1n, @lunarsolar1, and, of course, @andiv3r. (I’m forgetting SO MANY PEOPLE. If you are a moot and see this post and you aren’t included, PLEASE reach out. I’m quite forgetful.
I have undiagnosed ADHD. I would go to the doctor, but Money.
My tags:
#ineedhjalp — my tag for posts I make myself.
#hjalp lives — personal posts
#hjalp writes — my fics (check out my new dbda multichap!
#hjalp draws — nothing on here yet!!!!! I do do art though.
#hjalp answers — my asks! PLEASE ask me things!!
I do a LOT or reblogging. A LOT. You have been warned. It’s 99% reblogs on this blog, folks.
As of this moment, I have 2,823 Dead Boy Detectives photos saved to my camera roll.
I support queer people and their rights. I support intersex people and their rights. I support disabled & chronically ill people and their rights. I support women’s rights.
I DO NOT condone Neil Gaiman’s disgusting behavior. He’s dead to me.
I do not condone racism or sexism of any kind.
I don’t get the hate towards furries and therians. While I’m not one myself, bullying is never ok and people should just live their lives.
Trans women are women and trans men are men. Fuck the TERFs!
I will be voting for Kamala Harris in November. KEEP TRUMP AND THE CONSERVATIVES OUT OF OFFICE!!!!!!
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overdressedcarp · 2 months
Me, posting the first few chapters of a multichap fic: yeah, the story is pre-relationship; the vibes are queer but it can be interpreted as romantic or platonic depending on preference
Me, completely overhauling my outline for one of the upcoming chapters and realizing just how gay it is now: ...ah
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sun-undone · 4 days
satosugu bitches i need your help
i’ve been desperately looking for a multichap fic about the boys pre-hidden inventory: meeting for the first time, slowly warming up to each other, and eventually catching feelings and having tension but not really doing much about it besides being super close and dependent besties
i KNOW it has to exist i just cannot fucking find one i like that ticks all my boxes SO pls recommend some if you know of any that are even close to this!!!
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romione-trope-fest · 6 months
When You Wish Upon a Star
Title: When You Wish Upon A Star
Author: adenei
Trope: Soulmates
Three years after graduating, Hermione finds herself at the annual Hogwarts Alumni Quidditch Tournament, still single, living alone with Crookshanks, and no closer to finding love than when she was a student here. But sitting there on the sidelines, she can’t help wishing for something more, and finds herself weighing her options as the party rages on, mourning the lost chances of ever being anything more than Ron’s best friend.
She doesn’t have to wallow for very long though, because as fate would have it, her prospects for love suddenly take a turn…but is it for the better?
WC: 2360 (Multichap) 
Rating: M
TW: none
Music blares at an overwhelming decibel level, but the crowd of people somehow manage to shout and cheer above it. There’s a strong smell of Firewhiskey in the air, and if the colors red and gold could throw up everywhere, it’d still be tamer than the sight in front of her. This isn’t Hermione’s scene at all, yet here she stands in the stuffy common room, packed to the brim with more people than it should probably be allowed to hold. 
It’s crazier than any victory party Hermione’s ever attended, and for once she’s more than happy to not have any Prefect or Head Girl duties falling on her shoulders. If things get out of hand, that’s on Minerva. She’s the one who let them all in for the celebration, knowing full well what would probably happen. 
After all, how else would you expect a large group of former students to act whilst reliving their glory days? It doesn’t even matter that the Annual Hogwarts Alumni Quidditch Tournament was specifically designed to be an inter-house event, or that participants were required to write their names down to be magically sorted into teams. Gryffindor is always over-represented, which meant there’d be major celebrations regardless of which team won.
Still, Hermione appreciates the camaraderie it builds. There have been many efforts to rebuild the magical world following Voldemort’s defeat, and the recently instituted alumni event is one of those things that people have looked forward to over the last few summers.
This year, though, proves to be a little more chaotic. Not that Hermione would actually know. It’s her first time attending one of these things—if only as a spectator. But based on the stories she’s heard about the past couple years, she has a hard time believing it’s ever gotten this out of hand.
But maybe that’s because of the way the teams shook out—notably with Harry and Ron being chosen for the same team. They’d also somehow managed to get Ginny, George, and Demelza. Hermione couldn’t help but laugh when she’d found out. Regardless of her limited Quidditch knowledge, even she knew they were an unstoppable group, and there was no hope for her to skip sitting in the stands this year. Especially not when Ron had flooed straight to Hermione’s flat when lists were delivered, begging her to come and watch. Of course she’d said yes. 
She’s glad she came though. It’s been nice to see everyone, and things were made a little sweeter when Ron and Harry won the Alumni Cup. After all, there’d been moments—both during the feast and the current after-party—where Hermione almost felt as though she were a student again. Almost. 
But she’s not. Three years have passed since she graduated, and while nothing about Hogwarts has changed since the last time she roamed its ancient halls, everything about her has. Or maybe it hasn’t, depending on the way she looks at it. 
Is she currently pursuing her dream of working up the ranks at the Ministry within the Magical Law Department? Yes. She’s the lead junior lawyer within the division of Being Rights. 
Has she also enrolled at King’s College to study Muggle Law in an attempt to equate Being Rights to the Human Rights movement? Also true. 
And to top it all off, she’s a fully-fledged adult, living her life with all the accompanying responsibilities it brings with it, which may just be her greatest accomplishment of all. 
But then again, she’s still single, living alone with Crookshanks, and no closer to finding love than when she was a student here. So perhaps that’s the reason she’s found every excuse to not come back. Because it’s all a woeful reminder of how stagnant her life is. Not to mention how unpromising her love life is and probably always will be.
And this party is doing nothing to make her feel better about any of that either. If anything, she’s filled with resentment as she watches Ron being hoisted in the air like some kind of hero, amplified only by the way a bottle of Firewhiskey is shoved in his hand. He takes it as if he hasn’t got a care in the world, and another pang of loneliness reverberates from her chest. 
How is it that she’s still watching from the sidelines? Why must her heart tug mournfully in her chest when she should be celebrating and reuniting with her former classmates?
Oh, that’s right. Because this is all a sad reminder of how she never stood a chance to be anything more than Ron’s best friend.
Hermione half-expects someone to jump his bones—much in the same way Lavender did during their sixth year—whisking him into a relationship that pushes him further away from her. Further away from the friendship she cherishes more than anything in the world. Because it’s the most she’ll ever have with him. 
You think you’d be okay with it after nearly eight years of harboring feelings for him.
Yeah, well, she’s not. Not even close. Maybe she should have taken the job offer to work in France when she had the chance. The one her mother still finds every excuse to mention because she couldn’t believe Hermione had passed it up. 
Hermione had used her uni classes as the primary excuse for staying in London, but that was because she didn’t want to admit the truth. That when she’d told Ron over dinner one evening, he’d looked at her with that infuriatingly disapproving gaze—the same one he’d given her when she went with Viktor to the Yule Ball. And when he thought she was taking too many classes or stayed up too late to revise. She could go on and on, but the point was clear. He didn’t want her to take it. 
The look wasn’t what made her stay, though. She would have overlooked that because she’d seen it so many times before. But then he’d gone so far as to say ‘don’t go.’
She thought—just for a moment—that maybe his request would be followed by her deepest desire. That maybe he’d kiss her and profess he’s been in love with her all this time and that’s the real reason he wanted her to stay.
But no, he’d made some quip about portkeys being expensive, and what would he do without their weekly dinners or his lunch partner when there were no cases and he was stuck at his desk? All her hopes had been squashed. Her dreams were crushed. Yet she still turned down the position—because she could never quite say no to him. 
Maybe it’d be easier if some other guy seemed remotely interested in her. Sure, she’d been on her fair share of dates. She really has tried to move on. It’s not her fault it’s all to no avail. Eventually, they all do something that makes her compare them to Ron, and once that happens, all hope is lost. They never stack up. 
If she was smart, she’d play the field right now, see what options are available and just go for it. With nothing better to do, she figures why not? There’s nothing wrong with women playing the field, is there? Maybe taking control of her love life is exactly what she needs to turn her luck around. And what better place to do so than right here, in a room full of people she already knows?
Um, you’re hearing your thought process, right?
She shakes her inner consciousness away and attempts to see if there’s anyone here she never considered simply because she was blinded by the best friend who never wanted anything more. It doesn’t take long for her eyes to spot Neville halfway across the room. He’s single, right? Ugh, she should really know this, considering how he’s always had a soft spot for her. Is she that shitty of a friend to anyone other than Ron or Harry?
No, stop thinking about Ron. This is the whole reason you're scouting dating opportunities, isn’t it?
Right, yes, keep looking. Oh, there’s Seamus—not that she imagines him being anything more than a fling. Three years later and he still isn’t the serious type. Would she really want to go there? Especially considering she’s the one who ruined his conquest to sleep with every Gryffindor in their year—granted, she never should have overheard that conversation to begin with, but it wasn’t her fault she’d gone up to the boys dormitory looking for Ron.
That didn’t take long.
Ignoring the voice in her head, Hermione shudders and tries not to think about that grotesque fact. At the time, she never thought she’d be the sole reason for the holdout. Because Lavender was into him and Parvati would never compete with her best friend for a man…or pursue him after. But apparently Lav and Parvati got drunk enough to opt for a threesome at some point during seventh year…Hermione never asked for any more details when she found out after the war, but good for them, she supposes?
Maybe we’ll save Seamus for an absolute last choice—’desperate times, desperate measures’ thing.
Hermione continues scanning the room and notices Colin Creevey standing on a table. There’s an old tie wrapped around his head and he’s moving wildly to whatever song is playing. Briefly, she remembers how narrowly he escaped death—the killing curse missing him by mere centimeters during the final battle. It’s nice to see him living life to the fullest. 
He’d always been so nice in school, if a little too eager to please people sometimes. Of course, it isn’t necessarily a bad quality. Maybe he could be a viable option, and she wonders briefly what he’s doing with his life now—when he’s not drunkenly dancing on tables, that is. 
And then, of course, Hermione sees the obvious—and probably best—option: Viktor Krum. Viktor, who hadn’t even gone to Hogwarts, but stepped in this weekend after finding out the teams were short a seeker. How convenient that he’d been in town the week before playing the Harpies. Apparently, Ginny had casually mentioned the tournament to him, so he’d written to Minerva and offered to fill the spot for the lacking team. 
She’d learned all this at dinner earlier when they sat together and caught up. She wouldn’t say he seemed interested, but he was definitely excited to see her, leaving her wondering if perhaps she’d shut him down too soon back in fourth year. All in the hopes that her best friend might one day notice her.
Ha, that joke’s on you. And you’re thinking about Ron again.
She averts her gaze from the Bulgarian Seeker, inwardly chastising herself as she searches for Ron amongst the sea of people. If she’s going to keep thinking about him, she might as well use the opportunity to sneak a few glances in. It’s all a good plan until she finds the red-headed apple of her eye chatting up some girl she doesn’t even recognize. 
Her meal from the Hogwarts feast churns in her stomach and now she’s sure she’s scowling. She hates how the jealousy still consumes her, but doesn’t know how to keep it at bay. 
“Begs me to come then chats up other girls all night,” she mumbles to herself, so quiet that no one could possibly overhear amongst the cacophony.
Why wouldn’t he, though?
Her inner thoughts torment her with a valid counter-argument, and she hates every second of it. He’s perfectly capable of talking to whoever he wants—male or female, it doesn’t matter. She has no claim on him. He’s not hers. He can talk to whoever he bloody well wants to. 
And you can leave. 
Yes! That’s right. She can. And that’s exactly what she’ll do. She doesn’t owe it to anyone to stay. Least of all him.
Impulsively, she grabs a half empty bottle of Firewhiskey on a nearby table, takes a swig, then heads for the portrait hole. While she intends to put the bottle back, the compulsion to nick it wins, and Hermione finds herself wandering the corridors with it after she slips out of the common room unnoticed. 
But where exactly is she headed? Truthfully, she hasn’t thought far enough ahead to consider that. The only Floo that’s open is in the opposite direction and to double back would mean she’d have to pass by the entrance to Gryffindor Tower again—something she doesn’t want to do. She supposes she could Apparate. But…wait. It’s ironic that her resentment towards her best friend makes her forget the one rule she’s chided on forever. 
You can’t Apparate in or out of Hogwarts. 
So much for thinking a quick, quiet escape was achievable. She stops walking and leans against one of the bare stone walls, welcoming the cool, rough texture against her back as she takes another swig from the bottle. If she wasn’t so mentally fried and overstimulated from the rager, she’d probably be more concerned about who else put their mouth on it. But that’s a problem for Future Hermione. Right now, Present Hermione just wants to wallow in self pity and heartache.
Too bad fate has other plans for her.
“Hermione!” an all-too-familiar voice calls. 
Well, that was short-lived.
She doesn’t respond but also doesn’t make an effort to move either. “Fuck, where’d she go?” she hears Ron say to himself. “Couldn’t have gone far, ri—there you are!”
Lolling her head to one side, she rolls her eyes. In the driest tone she can muster, she mutters, “You caught me.”
“Why’d you leave?”
Because I didn’t want to watch you take another girl upstairs to fuck.
“Too loud.”
He frowns. “Are you going home then?”
Hermione eyes him again. Why does he seem so upset about it? It’s not like he was even giving her any attention back there.
“Haven’t decided. Just needed some air.”
He watches her for a moment, then his face splits into a smile, like he’s got an idea. He reaches forward, stripping the bottle of Firewhiskey from her hand and replaces it with his own. A warm sensation shoots up her arm at the contact and she hates how much she loves it.
“What are you—” she asks when he pulls her along the corridor.
“You said you needed air, right?”
“Um, yes.” 
But it was an excuse. I wasn’t actually serious.
“Great, then come with me.”
Every fiber of her being screams that this is probably going to be a bad idea, but the fact that he’s here with her and offering more one-on-one time is hardly something she’s going to pass up. So, she lets him whisk her away, silently choosing to reap the consequences in the morning.
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jilychallenge · 11 months
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Hi everyone,
As we are nearing the last month of the year we would like to inform you about the December Jilychallenge.
We loved seeing all your Jily messages, art, moodboards and holiday inspired fics, as well as the heartwarming full tree at the end of the month!!
We are excited to do something like last year again and we hope you are as well. (for a little taste and to see the tree fill up, check the tag #djac 2022) Our starting date this year depends on how many of you will want to participate, we plan to finish on the 31st!
Instructions :
To sign up, please fill out this google form before the first of December. In the form you'll find the deadlines for your works to be finished. We'll be in touch as soon through here or Discord, never hesitate to let us know if you need more time or if there's a special date you'd like your work to be released on. Everyone can pick from the prompt list, you can have as many as you like, combine them, ignore them, follow them to the letter. We welcome any festive jily fics so if you've got a holiday end of year tale you want to tell, don't hesitate if your exact idea has no prompt to fit it ;-)
This is not about rules but about having fun!
That being said if you’re writing a fic, the minimum words must be 100, and should only be a one shot. (or finished multi-chapter (for multichaps please contact us so we can figure out the best way to post them!)
If it’s an artwork/playlist/moodboard then… anything goes!
Week 1 (due before the 25th of November) Week 2 (due before the 3rd of December) Week 3 (due before the 10th of December) Week 4 (due before the 17th of December)
You can submit your work earlier, but since it will take us a bit of time to organise the calendar we ask you try not to submit later, don't hesitate to contact us should you need more time or if you think you want to do more than one creation in a certain week.
Please note that the sign up weeks could be very different from when your fic or artwork will be revealed.
The fics can be posted to the December Jily Calendar 2023 collection on AO3. For any help with posting don't hesitate to contact us. Once you've posted to the collection it might take a little while for your work to be accepted (we don't live on AO3... 😘 you can always let us know you posted. NB we can't reveal a draft, so please be sure your work is posted before the date of reveal) If you don't have an ao3 account please tell us so we can post your work as a part of the Calendar here on Tumblr. (send us a DM or ask) .
This got long... DLDR come join the fun in December!!
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quillsandblades · 23 days
Ohh GREAT. I hope that a ton of questions aren't much of a bother but I must know
🤡 (But I'm changing it up a bit) How many wips do you have? Abandoned or not
⚠️ Which wip are you most likely to post/update next? (Ours doesn't count, it's me asking, don't cheat)
🖍️ Sentence please!!
♻️ A scrapped idea for your current wip??
🤔 A story you'd love to write but haven't started yet?
🍄 Describe your wip like this ___+___=___ ("Hange + Levi = OTP" accepted as answer 😂😂)
(🖍️ Another sentence please?)
Thank you!!
Lastly: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for asking Sunny 🥰🥰 I had SO MUCH fun with this!!
The Wip ask game
🤡 Eleven wips in all, out of which three are abandoned.
The ones I'm actively working on include Lucky, Deal with the Devil (but it's getting a bit hard to write), Levi's Adventures in Wonderland, a special fic that I'm working on and really wanna post soon, a fic where levihan are kids and it's kinda based on my personal experience lol, a multichap fic I started long ago and intend to continue once some of the wips are posted, a prompt that i received and it'll be a little levihan one shot or drabble, and a fic where one of Hange's experiments go wrong in the most hilarious way
The ones I've (probably) abandoned are,
Restless Spirits - I'm out of willpower to write this even though i had the whole plotline written out and it was kinda good. But i can't continue it for some time at least.
Then an unnamed fic that's from a different fandom than snk. I wanna write this, i just can't get around to doing it. It'll be a long time before i do manage to finish it so it might as well be dead.
And then there was a little idea i had of a fic where Levi and Hange make each other tea under different circumstances that I later gave up on
⚠️ Can't say, depends on my mood, inspiration and stuff to write on. But if I do it would be either Lucky, or Deal with the Devil, or Levi's Adventures in Wonderland or that special fic I'm writing
🖍️ It's from one of the four mentioned above, you'll have to guess 🙃
'Then we rebel against it,' Hange went on. 'And that's how we do it. Death can fuck off, you and I stick together. Promise?'
♻️ Not a scrapped idea for a wip at the moment, but there was a whole idea of a fic that I scrapped recently where the vets and the 104th go to explore a haunted carnival for fun and it turns out to be actually haunted. They all die gruesomely. Idk what got into me but not writing this one lol
🤔 There's an eremika fic idea sitting in my head for a long time now. It's nothing special but I'd love to write on it when i get some time!
🍄 Hange + Levi = OTP is a must lol, that's the standard. But other than this, here's one:
Hange's experiments + Levi = Chaos and Erwin's inner satisfaction
🖍️ Not from the experiment fic, but you can probably guess what it is:
'Your cheeseburgers, Your Majesty,' the weasel wrung his hands, wiping his dripping brow with a handkerchief. 'They're gone! Stolen!'
And lastly thanks for all the kudos 😁 I had a great time answering this one!
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altocat · 1 month
what does your writing process look like? like when you have plans for a one-shot how different are they from a multichap? are you more of a just sit and bang it out when you have the time and/or the inspiration more stream of consciousness or do you work up an outline that you pretty much always stick to?
My mind is typically very active at night. That's usually when I get my writing done--no distractions, be it work, family stuff, etc. It's a lot more manageable that way.
As for the process itself, it really varies on how focused I am. I typically do a LOT of brainstorming before I commit to something. But I've noticed that if I'm writing something multichap, I can have a general idea on the chapter length, but it usually takes a lot more than what I have initially planned. Shelter was originally going to be SEVEN chapters if you can believe it. Same for Sinners. It...didn't pan out that way lolol I just had too much to say.
Normally, I get a drink and a snack and then commit the next two hours to banging out at LEAST 800-1000 words. If I can remain consistent, chapters are usually fully complete over the span of 2-5 days if I take my time. Sometimes 1-3 days if my focus is razor-sharp. It varies depending on my mood. Music helps a LOT for inspiration. As for Oneshots, those usually come together a lot quicker, but only when I'm very motivated. I've completed Oneshots within the span of hours from time to time. Other times I just nip at it a little at a time. Like I said, it varies.
Hope this helps!
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raayllum · 1 month
Hi! I noticed that most of the Sorpeli content by you and @jelzorz tend to be more from Opeli's perspective than Soren's. I was just curious if you'd say there's some reason for that or if it's just how it happened?
I have a few drabbles (confessions ch1, saint of lost children) and Jelly has a few oneshots from Soren's POV ("the snake" which is multi-pov, "the seed" which is entirely soren's) and I have a multichap I'm working on where it goes back and forth between their POV pretty evenly.
That said: I think you're right that we ultimately do lean more on Opeli's POV, and I think that's for a few reasons. The first is that as High Cleric (depending on headcanons) she has more room to grow/change in falling in love with Soren. It means re-evaluating how he's changed through the years (and sometimes herself) and also her vows and possible crises of faith / politics. She's also the older one and more likely to be in denial about things, whereas Soren tends to be more emotionally aware, less traditional, and would have less barriers around the concept of pursing someone or needing to be 'careful/cautious' in doing so. She's having more of the "newer" experiences than he is with romance/love/feelings, so she gets the focus.
Opeli has more turmoil with it usually, so we lean on her POV, I think. That doesn't mean Soren can't catch up though, I plan on putting him through the wringer too in "Virtues and Vices". some POV from their early early days (aka like 6ish months post-S3 where they're just starting to become friends):
It takes time, but eventually he has a poem he’s decently proud of—it’s pretty, it rhymes, and it took him the better part of two weeks to perfect—and no one to show it to. So he goes to Ezran. “Your Majesty,” he greets when he takes Corvus’ place on morning crownguard shift. Ezran smiles and rolls his eyes from the throne. “Yes, Soren?” “I thought I might ask you a favour.” All his bravado falters, just a bit, even as Ezran perks up more excitedly. “After today’s council meeting, I sort of wrote a poem, and—” “We’d love to hear it!” Soren slowly smiles. “Alright then!” He puffs out his chest, warm confidence spreading through his veins. He can do this. “I’ll perform my poetic debut later today, then.”  He does so with a flourishing bravado and a pleased grin. Ezran claps; Corvus smiles and gives an awkward thumbs up, which is just his way. Callum busies himself with sketching until he can school his expression into something supportive, maybe, but Soren didn’t expect to get much out of him.  (No one really does, these days. Not since Rayla left.) Opeli smiles, hand half hiding the curve of it, but there’s a glimmer of amusement in her eyes he’s never seen before. It distracts him; Opeli is stern and serious, and she smiles when she’s happy, sure (which is already kind of rare) but he’s never even seen her laugh. What about his performance could possibly be amusing? Some spinach from his salad at lunch still stuck in his teeth? She slips out into the hall and he’s so busy talking to Corvus and Ezran he almost doesn’t notice, and then his feet carry him forward before she turns the corner. “Opeli, wait!” She does so, standing with an arched brow and that persisted, bemused little glimmer as he jogs to catch up. 
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johaerys-writes · 2 months
Hello! I'm loving your Patrochilles Omegaverse AU(Fates!) sooooo much, thank you thank you thank you!! 🥰🥰🥰 Now I have a question if you don't mind me asking. If you'd like to come up with an Omegaverse AU but in a modern timeline, do you think their relationship dynamics could be different? And if you do, how? Have a wonderful weekend🥰🥰
Thank you, I'm so glad you're enjoying my fic!!! 🥰 that's really lovely to hear 💕
I feel like there are infinite ways their relationship dynamic could change depending on the AU and the situation. A few years ago for instance I started a modern omegaverse AU where Achilles was a much more abrasive and aggressive omega than he is in Fates, and Patroclus much mellower, and that was really fun to play around with because there was also a nice serving of angst and jealousy (and Achilles meltdowns lmao) thrown into the mix which I think are perfect for omegaverse. I never ended up posting it but I might revisit it eventually!
I also think it would be really fun to have them in a sort of situationship, helping each other when they're in a rut or heat, and denying that they have feelings until one of them explodes lol -- which isn't very far from Fates but again, depending on the AU there are many angles you could play with, and the interactions/outcomes would be different. Like this time it could be Pat who goes into a rut first and Achilles offers to help, and things sort of spiral from there. (I love me some feral and territorial Patroclus too much, ngl 🥵🥵)
Another thing I love about omegaverse is how horny and toxic it can be LMAO like these two are unhinged about each other on the best of days, hormones and biology are just there to exacerbate the issue 🤣🤣 So I'm obsessed with the idea of them being down extremely for each other and making it everyone's problem, getting into fights etc. There's so much drama and silliness potential and it's just so good haha. I definitely have more ideas for omegaverse AUs, I'm looking forward to getting to them once I finish any of my current multichaps!
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the-one-who-lambs · 2 years
About me!!
I'm Hannah (she/they). This is my Cult of the Lamb side blog; my main is @onethirdofimpossible and I also go by that username on AO3. I'm in my mid twenties and I'm from the US. If you're here, it's probably because you've read my fics, but I've written many fanfics for Cult of the Lamb. My works are typically focused on narilamb or the Bishop family, but I go all over the place: whether you like to read multichaps or oneshots, rated G or E, shippy or not, angst or fluff... there's probably something I've written that you'll enjoy! I'm best known as the author of The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God (the old version that I wrote back in 2022, and the new-and-improved "director's cut" version that is my current wip!) and The Care and Keeping of Baby Eldritch Gods.
A few other hobbies I have besides writing are cooking/baking, making plushies, digital art, and playing flute!
Despite being able to write pretty consistently, I'm a Ph.D. student in environmental science. If I haven't posted a fic update in a while, I'm probably preparing for a conference or getting into a fistfight with hydrostatic equilibrium or something.
All my written works on AO3
Twitch, a recent endeavor of mine where I stream games and occasional art/writing!!
Fic playlist for The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God, with all songs in chronological order of what they refer to in the fic c:
I have a ko-fi but paypal is giving me shit so if you REALLY wanna b nice I have a Throne. I don't expect anything ever but if u get me something I'd die for you. and write more stuff while happier.
FAQ below the cut!
How long have you been writing?
I've been writing fanfiction since I was in sixth grade! I wrote what was basically a self-insert pokemon soulsilver fanfic, entirely by hand. It took up four full composition notebooks and then some. However, I've only been posting my writing publicly since 2016. Even after that, I had a nasty habit of making a sideblog for any fandoms I got really into, then deleting my blog and sometimes orphaning my works when I lost interest. I've since learned my lesson, though!
How long have you been drawing?
Ha, uh. I got a digital drawing tablet in May 2023, and started really drawing as a hobby for about... three months, and then the school year started again. Between then and June 2024 I drew like one or two things. So I've actually been practicing for only a few months. Constructive criticism on my art is welcome, especially as I learn!
May I send a fic/art request?
If my bio says they're open, you may, I think they're really fun! Depending on what does or doesn't inspire me, I won't take every single request, but I love requests because they give me excuses to try new things.
Do you write smut?
I've written a couple E-rated fics! My alternate pseud for fics of that caliber is remainderofreality. I don't write it very often, though.
What made you decide to start writing? What makes you decide to keep writing?
1. I had a creative bug I couldn't not itch. 2. Having creative hobbies and sticking to them has dramatically improved my life. I'm happier, I have so many friends it's connected me with, I get to see other people be inspired by things I make (?!), it keeps my mind active and playful, etc etc.
Do you have any suggestions for people looking to start writing?
Before you start worrying about the quality of your writing, the most important advice I can give you is to keep writing and have fun with it. Don't be afraid of being "cringe" or not getting the engagement numbers you're hoping for (in fact, it's better to not have any expectations about that at all!). Not everything you write is going to cater to everyone, and that's okay! But writing (especially fanfiction) is first and foremost for fun and even though it's difficult and you will struggle, it should be rewarding and fun. I've answered a few asks about writing advice and I can't find them all but here are the ones I can: 1 2 3 4
When do you expect to update your fic next?
Lmao god if I know but I'm working on my wips nearly every single day so I promise I haven't forgotten it. I'm a busy person! I'm a PhD student, teaching assistant, research assistant, and executive dysfunction haver.
Do you take commissions?
I don't, and I have no plans to as of now. I'm actually personally against writing fanfic for pay (copyright and ethical reasons), but for art I'm simply not experienced enough yet to be comfortable with that. However, I have TONS of friends who do take commissions so if you're looking for someone I can give you recs
May I draw fanart for you based on your fics?
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME I EXPLODE WITH JOY if you do please share it with me please please please. I will also likely ask for your permission to print it out and frame it (not a hyperbole, btw).
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ljubitelj-sonca · 2 months
How about H, O, S, and T?
Hello! Thanks so much for the ask! <3
H: How would you describe your style?
Christ, no clue. That really depends on the fic and imo it really is a spectrum sometimes. My favourite style to write is probably the more artistic one, that's very metaphoric and with touches of synesthesia (haven't used it that much for JO fics so far. Yet). But one thing that counts for all "styles" is probably that they're all realistic (in how the people act) and true to character (or at least my interpreations of them for rpf). I always love trying new things while writing tho!
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
That also depends, but usually it starts with a snippet of an interaction that sparks in my mind, like a piece of dialogue or a meeting or a moment. Then, if it's not already connected to certain people, I think of who it could be, then what would happen for the situation to end up there or how it would continue, and then I build the plot around that. (My multichap was inspired by two lines of dialogue that popped into my brain on a bus ride and have absolutely nothing to do with the main plot)
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
I have two. One is Jan and Kris's friendship, though idk if you could call that a trope. But they are childhood/teen friends. They will never not be childhood/teen friends to me, it just doesn't work.
The other is the blurry lines between the guys' friendships, how they're so close they basically sit in each others' mouths. Like they're all a little bit in love with each other. I love to include this where I can <3
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Also not sure if that's a trope, but I don't like it when Kris is a mean bitch and nothing else, I miss his sillies 😔✊
Send me fanfic questions!
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bigalockwood · 6 months
Hey Lia 💜,
I was wondering about 8, 9, 14, 24, 31, 33 and 38 for the fanfic asks.
Please feel free to just pick the ones you want to answer :)
Sophia!! Thanks for all the asks! I love getting as many, don't apologize (I included nr. 19 as well). Ily <3333
8) How slow is a slow burn?
Hm, I'd say it depends on the characters and the situation they're in. A slowburn can be a multichap where they don't get together until the last chapter. It can be them pining for each other for three chapters before they're all in. I think it's all about the longing and yearning the reader feels while reading it.
9) Thoughts on cliffhangers.
Love them if I write them. Love them if someone else writes them- excpet if there's no update for months. That being said I do also think there's a right and a wrong time for them. If every chapter ends on a real, proper cliffhanger I personally find it to get tedious at times.
14) Write and share the first sentence of a new fic. Just that.
The sun was warm on Simon's skin, the waves of the sea a distant lullaby, the gull's cries piercingly loud and the line in front of the ice cream shop stretching out far beyond where he could see, when he looked up into the smiling face of a stranger he'd likely never forget.
(didn't plan on starting this story yet but... here we are I guess)
19) Share a snippet from a wip without giving any context for it.
“I hope you choke on his dick. Asshole.”
24) Thoughts on flashbacks/flashforwards.
Personally never use them because I find that they can quickly disrupt the flow of a story. But if they're well done I don't mind them. Personally I'd just rather tell whatever happened retrospecively from the characters POV.
31) What was the most difficult fic for you to write (but in the end you made it)?
A one shot that's waiting to be published. It replay a lot of canon events and since I'm terrible at remembering details, I had to rewatch scenes a lot, which I'm not made for with impatient I get.
33) Give your writing a compliment.
(this probably shouldn't be as hard as I thought it was)
I can make people feel seen and understood (or at least I hope so).
38) "This never happened" fix-it fics or "this happened but" fix-it fics?
I've loved versions of both, but I think I might have a preference for "this happened but" because they deal with the full fall-out and its consequences rather than erasing them.
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