#mukuro 001
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mythicalminded · 1 year ago
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"How strange. You make death look so beautiful."
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a-wonderful-danganronpa · 6 months ago
in A WONDERFUL DANGANRONPA, you may find Rabbits' Eyes, which contain valuable information about the past. interviews, diary entries, recorded conversations, blueprints, photographs: give a gem-like Eye to Usami and she'll play its information for you on the wall.
here's one such projection.
[0:44 - 1:45]
NAEGI: It just doesn't seem like you. SODA: Well, I mean, she started talking big...about Hajime. D'you remember Hajime? Hinata? From the Reserve Course? NAEGI: [sighing] I do. SODA: When something like that happens, you'd do anything, y'know? Like, anything for a soul bro. NAEGI: You looked the other way... SODA: You get it, right? NAEGI: She promised you an impossible answer. SODA: You get it, man. [Pause.] NAEGI: Yeah. Because it's the Otonashis. SODA: I just wanted to know where Hajime went. And if that meant—I mean, she said it was for research. Mukuro said it was for research only. She gets Ryoko, I get my best buddy... [Pause.] SODA: Maybe I had an inkling, but...does that make me a bad guy? NAEGI: No. I don't think anyone is. SODA: Heh, look at me, still thinkin' about Hajime. But the cops were no help, and cold cases don't really interest anyone except podcasters and stuff. NAEGI: There's a miscommunication here, maybe. I'll speak to Mukuro. SODA: My pops would beat me if he heard me talkin' about another guy like this... [Pause.] SODA: Hey, there wasn't any info on Hajime when you took over, was there? In the headmaster's files or...?
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mysteriousdoll · 1 year ago
FF - Project: Revival - File: B
Inside this document, Future Foundation employees will find basic documentation regarding each subject from Future Foundation's revival project in regards to the 'killing game' hosted by Junko Enoshima and Chihiro Fujisaki containing their class. (Hopes Peak Academy's Class 78).
Please refer to File C to update and record all tests. Only document test results in File B if they result in severe changes or information we may need to know of generally.
Subject 001 - Sayaka Maizono
Subject 001 has shown good progress as she recovers. Appears slightly disoriented and refuses to go places alone. Subject 001 does not appear to hold a grudge against Subject 003, but does appear to show apprehension towards communicating with him.
Notably, Subject 001 proceeds to drool blood when distressed, the blood worsening the more she is distressed. She did not initially appear harmed when this occurred, but testing showed this was a farce, as she grew very lightheaded when more blood was lost.
We have noticed Subject 001 has done best in social tests, as, even when covering her face and told to  keep a low profile, she has shown to hold conversations and put those she speaks to at ease. This may be helped by Subject 001 being one of three who shows little obvious signs of scarring, her only scars being on her abdomen, and persistent drool on her chin. (Wiping at this drool does not get rid of it, it appears to be a stain. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 001 has been seen trying to communicate with Subject 006, and continues to try to do so despite their failure to respond to her.
Subject 001 has not had to be punished with the electro-shock band often.
Subject 002 - Mukuro Ikusaba
Subject 002 is very closed off, but has recovered physically. She remains closest to Subject 000, but during visitation has been drawn to Makoto Naegi. Subject 002 is very resilient during testing, but appears more vigilant than what her old peers claimed.
Subject 002 does not appear to hold a bond closer to any other subject, but has been seen staring at Subject 006. Subject 000 has been recorded stating that Subject 002 is ‘drooling’ staring at Subject 006… we have not seen this occur, though. Subject 002 is docile with FF members, and does not attempt to aggravate others like her sister. She’s shown to have an interest in the common room’s exercise equipment, she seems to most enjoy the jumping rope.
Subject 002 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to her helping of Subject 000’s desire to cause trouble for other subjects.
Subject 003 - Leon Kuwata
Subject 003 has been less than progressive with his recovery. We suspect this is due to his scarring, as it was much more significant than most. He has stitch-like patterns emblazoned onto his body from his ‘execution’, and we had to perform a rhinoplasty to restore his nose, as it was completely shattered, giving us little to work with. 
Subject 003 has shown to hold a positive relationship with Subject 005, but holds no (apparent) connection to Subject 006, despite being around them when with Subject 005. Subject 003 has also been noted to stare at Subject 001, although there does not appear to be any malice in this habit. We plan to initiate an interaction between them to study it.
Subject 003 is aggressive when testing is prompted, but has yet to be so aggressive he needs to be sedated.
Subject 003 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band often due to his abrasive behavior.
Subject 004 - Chihiro Fujisaki
Subject 004 was a Mastermind. Because of this, she is heavily monitored. However, unlike Subject 000 (whom Subject 004 is in a romantic relationship with), she does appear to have remorse for her actions. This has only been noted in conversations she’s held with Subject 000, which have been recorded and transcribed. Subject 004 has made several comments in regards to the ‘looks’ she gets from the other subjects. Despite this, she does not seem to hold any desire to stray away from Subject 000, and in fact shows heavy disdain at the idea of ending their relationship.
Subject 004 has a large scar from where she was struck, but often covers it with her hair. Unlike Subject 006, she does not appear to have any other facial scarring. (Subject 004 has shown severe anger towards Byakuya Togami. I advise any researchers not to allow her to speak to him and vice versa. - Rs. Dolo.)
Subject 004 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band a few times, this is mostly due to her attempting to perform acts of kindness before we deem it proper. She is not yet ready for redemption, it will only ruin the experiment.
Subject 005 - Mondo Oowada
Subject 005 has done well in his recovery, however we have noted he refuses to leave Subject 006’s side. He speaks with Subject 006 more than anyone, and has expressed immense remorse for Subject 006’s death being ‘his fault’. It is rare the two do not have some form of physical contact
Subject 005 has scarring all over his body, albeit it is not in any notable consistency. These scars take the form of fencing, a diamond-like pattern seen throughout them. He also has a large x-shaped scar on his face, something he appears to be discouraged by.
Subject 005 is extremely aggressive to testing, he MUST be sedated. (DO NOT TRY TO SEPARATE SUBJECT 005 FROM SUBJECT 006 WITHOUT SEDATING SUBJECT 005. HE WILL ATTACK ANY FF MEMBERS. - Rs. Dolo) Due to his temper, he is easily set off. While Subject 006 usually can get Subject 005 to settle, enough prodding will lead to extremely violent behavior.
Subject 005 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to his violent outbursts. We have noted he requires a higher wattage.
Subject 006 - Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Subject 006 is the most compliant out of all subjects. This would be great if not for his refusal to speak to most people. He only speaks with Subject 005, Subject 008, and Yasuhiro Hagakure.  (Hagakure has noted that Subject 006 often asks about his father. Due to the non disclosure clause, little updates have been given. Hagakure has asked that we allow subjects to see their families soon. He may have a point. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 006 has been found suffering multiple migraines in short periods. We initially suspected this to only be due to their OSDD, but conversations recorded with Subject 008 suggest otherwise. We are unsure if his ‘blacked-out’ eye causes him pain, but we have noticed it bleeds when he cries. We are also unsure if he is blind in this eye, or if his vision is limited. (Recent tests have proven that Subject 006 can see in the dark. A recorded conversation with Subject 005 confirmed his sight is in fact extremely clear in the dark, and his ‘blacked-out’ eye ‘glows in the dark’. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 006, while never hostile himself, holds a member within their system (referred to only as Akira by Subject 009 and Subject 006) who is VERY hostile during tests. They have had to be sedated twice. (THEY BITE!!! HARD! Will draw blood. I suggest having Subject 009 coax them into allowing tests to be run. - Rs. Dolo)
Subject 006 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times. This is due to his failure to eat on time, hydrate, and due to attempted self harm.
Subject 007 - Hifumi Yamada
Subject 007 has coped the most well out of every subject. It appears he uses his art to cope with his recovery. Subject 007 has suffered migraines, although his scarring does not seem as severe as that of others. Strangely, Subject 007 holds no malice towards Subject 008. We are unsure why this is. Evidence from the game (see: File A) suggests Subject 008 lied to Subject 007 and killed him, something he was aware of in death.
Subject 007 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band a few times due to breaking curfews. However, when we administered a game system in the common room, this issue reduced in occurrence.
Subject 008 - Celestia Ludenberg
Subject 008 shows indifference when approached about her recovery. She stays close to Subject 006, this is likely due to their blood relation and their deal in the game (see: File A), and we have noted she has been trustworthy in preventing Subject 006’s failure to eat.
Subject 008 has several burns on her arms, and has made comments about wishing to cover them with long gloves. She also has a large scar on her torso. Subject 008 has requested several pain relieving creams for her burns, but we have opted to only adhere to these requests when convenient. (Avoid giving her these during physical tests, only for psychological tests so she is not distracted. - Rs. Dolo)
She continues to complain about the quality of her bedding. We do not plan to upgrade it.
Subject 008 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to her refusal to comply with wardrobe requirements. We suspect this will change when she is sent home and is able to dress as she pleases.
Subject 009 - Sakura Ogami
Subject 009’s recovery has gone well, but similar to Subjects 006 and 007, she suffers headaches, and was required to be given liver and kidney transplants due to the organs being inefficient when the revival process was complete. This has led to Subject 009 having to take several medications every morning. Do not allow a day to go by without these being taken, lest the experiment be ruined. 
Subject 009 appears to get along most well with Aoi Asahina, as well as Akira (see: Subject 006). Despite Hagakure’s fears, she has made it known she holds no ill will towards him. Due to the nature of Subject 009’s death, she has minor scarring from the glass she was struck with before it, as well as altered hair that is now black and white. (It’s like Frankenstein’s bride or something. Subject 006 has a similar white streak throughout their hair. - Rs. Dolo) Dyeing the hair does not hold for long, regardless of how strong of a dye is used. She appears indifferent to this.
Similar to Subject 001, Subject 009 has been found trying her best to help other subjects cope. We’ve noted she’s the most mature out of the group, and although she may not perform as well as Subject 001 in social situations, she performs quite well regardless.
Subject 009 has not had to be punished with the electro-shock band very often.
Subject 000 - Junko Enoshima
Subject 000 was the mastermind of the game, working with Subject 004, with minor help from Subject 002. She has several scars, but does not appear to care about the changes to her appearance. Rather, Subject 000 seems more focused on watching the other subjects. She most often speaks with Subject 004 and Subject 002, the others she tries to speak to refuse to respond to her. Unlike Subject 004, Subject 000 has shown zero remorse for her past actions, instead appearing to take great pleasure in the evident coldness shown from her peers. 
We warn researchers to not allow Subject 000 to see any files, regardless of how often she may ask. 
Subject 000 has had to be punished with the electro-shock band several times due to her desire to cause trouble for her peers, researchers, and incessant talking during testing.
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despair-core-blog · 6 years ago
@peekabloody​ ♡’d fr a starter!
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       Eyes  narrowed,  Ikusaba  could  sense  a  glare  in  her  direction  from  across  the  school’s  hallway.  Perhaps  not  with  devious  intention,  but  unwanted  attention  could  ruin  everything.  She  sighed,  letting  her  frustration  melt  away. 
       She  turned�� towards  the  source  of  the  sensation,  finding  a  small  girl.  Despite  the  work  she  had  done  for  her  sister,  she  didn’t  recognize  who  she  was.  She  didn’t  really  want  to  get  involved  with  more  than  she  had  to,  but  this  could  be  a  dangerous  encounter  and  should  be  handled  of  before  it  turned  into  a  problem  for  Enoshima.  Unlike  her  sister,  she couldn’t  always  predict  outcomes  as  easily,  at least  out  of  battle.
       ❛ Was  there  something  you  needed  from  me? ❞
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kemikorosu-archive · 3 years ago
@kufufyus       —     tsuna&mukuro
“Why meeeeeee ~” Tsuna complained out, head hanging forward as he dragged his feet along. In his hands were several stacks of boxed lunches, wrapped neatly in a cloth, and Reborn sitting on his shoulder. Kokuyo Land .... A once precious memory, now turned into the base of a certain Mist user.
Entering the main building, Tsuna found himself wishing he could be a turtle and pull his head into a shell. “M—Mukuro-san ...! I—I have something ... For you and the o—others!” He called out through the heavy, worn down doors, swallowing thickly. 
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pechebeche · 3 years ago
001 danganronpa! My knowledge still only consists of what you told me, but I like the pigtail girl she reminds me of Callisto
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alright team. time for my Brand TM
Least Favorite character: korekiyo....is..............................boring
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 1. toko/komaru 2. makoto/kyoko 3. fuyuhiko/peko 4. fuyuhiko/hajime 5. taka/mondo
Character I find most attractive: i mean theyre all shitty teens and i love them that way but in character design terms, i just love toko/jack's hair in udg so much
Character I would marry: again, shitty teens, but adult hina? can GET it
Character I would be best friends with: sakura!! i would LOVE to learn martial arts from her
a random thought: i honestly just think v3 has the worst chars of all three games the backstories are so ridiculous i KNOW thats part of the point but i much prefer the games w characters who act like actual teens
An unpopular opinion: udg is the best and also worst game in the series, fight me
My Canon OTP: naegiri!!! they r bi 4 bi rights
Most Badass Character: the ultimate imposter fucking ruled and i'll stand by him for life
Most Epic Villain: IZURU KAMAKURA.
Pairing I am not a fan of: I DONT UNDERSTAND MIU/KAEDE.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Favourite Friendship: i just love the idea of all the thh kids' friendships before the game in general. the idea of these kids slowly revealing their insecurities and growing as people only to have it ripped away from them
Character I most identify with: mahiru is just so normal and struggles with being a ~prodigy~ in a way i found really relatable especially compared to everyone around her and i frankly love that for her
Character I wish I could be: i mean none of them. they live in hell. however, akane
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all-about-khr · 4 years ago
○ HEADCANON ↪ VONGOLA ↳ Gokudera Hayato [ 001 | a storm’s family ] ↳ Hibari Kyouya [ 002 | a skylark’s family ] ↳ Rokudo Mukuro [ 003 | wholesome mukuro ]
↪ VARIA ↳ Fran [ 004 | fran’s family ] ↳ Belphegor & Rasiel [ 005 | the twins ]
○ INCORRECT QUOTES [ Unsupervised brats ] [ Of Herbivores and Slippers ] [ Best Years ] [ Stabby Stab Stab ] [ Genuinely Bye ] [ Christmas with Vongola ] [ Don’t let your kids get surprised adopted ] [ Nami-chuu is the best ] [ Vroom Vroom ]
○ MOODBOARD / ICONS / GIF / WALLPAPERS ↪ BUNKOBON [ 01 / 03 ] [ 02 / 03 ] [ 03 / 03 ]
↪ ARCOBALENO [ Arcobaleno Icons ]
○ AU [ 001 | college students arcobaleno in a cursed house together ] [ Of pictures and lifetimes ] [ A Heart That Beats For You ]
○ OTHER ANIME ↪ MAIRIMASHITA IRUMA-KUN [ Gokudera Hayato & Asmodeus Alice ]
○ MISCELLANEOUS [ Tsuna’s woah ] [ Hibari’s VA ]
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jcmorrigan · 4 years ago
001 - Danganronpa
Favorite character: KAZUICHI SODA IS MY BABY BRO!!! Look, I know he's problematic but he's also a kind soul, a wayward outcast, a heartbroken man, anxiety incarnate, and just a very relatable everyman lens through which to view DR or any fanwork you put him in. He has far too much energy and I'm here for it. After him, JUNKO ENOSHIMA. She's glam, she's spontaneous, she's sadistic, she's just here to fuck up some shit, she'll keep rotating personalities and accents for as long as it takes to keep it fresh in her own mind while everyone's just like "What the hell, lady?" She broke the planet and I'm glad. Just an engaging villain. After that, my love goes out to Shuichi Saihara, Kaito Momota, and Tsumugi Shirogane.
Least Favorite character: TERUTERU HANAMURA. So you show me how he can't respect women (or hot men) for two hours, then try to claim that he loves his mom? Did his poor sick mom approve of him womanizing (and man-izing)? No wonder Kazuichi picked up some horrible habits hanging around this fuckwit. Also shout-out to all five of the Warriors of Hope for having bomb designs and then failing to impress me across the board.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Kazuichi Soda x Weiss Schnee (RWBY), Junko Enoshima x Jerome Valeska (Gotham), Tsumugi Shirogane x Mr. Sparkles (Big Hero 6: The Series), Shuichi Saihara x Naminé (Kingdom Hearts), aaaaand Sondam
Character I find most attractive: Kaito Momota
Character I would marry: Ehhhhhh I'm not sure. I'd like my husband material to be a bit older than all of them.
Character I would be best friends with: See, while logically I know that a RL Kazuichi would be too much to handle, I still really want to be his pal. (H...hey...Junko and Tsumugi? Can I hang? Can we invite Mukuro?)
a random thought: You know that whole revelation in SDR2 that the Remnants of Despair replaced their body parts with Junko's salvaged from her corpse? In a world where DR3 is nonexistent, do you ever wonder what the ones who weren't Nagito, Mikan, or Fuyuhiko had? (I do like the idea of Fuyuhiko losing his eye in Neo World because it was gone IRL and replaced with Junko's. Junko WOULD be that cheeky to arrange such a thing.) I personally like to think Kazuichi had one of Junko's legs. Walked with a limp for a loooooong time.
An unpopular opinion: I actually like Korekiyo Shinguji. I like fucked-up villains, and it's not like they ever endorsed what he did as a good thing. I think you were supposed to feel disgust upon him disclosing his true nature, because Shuichi sure was disgusted and worked hard to bring him down for it. I don't really feel "betrayed" by the writing either because the whole series, as the mystery genre, revolves around there being horrible twists to uncover at every turn, and the previous two games also had characters they let you get attached to only to reveal a darker side later (Celeste stands out big-time). Also, it just strikes me as frickin funny that his whole motivation was incest and the others cringed, and then Tsumugi's love hotel scene has her revealing she has a stepbrother kink, and Tsumugi is the one who created Kiyo as an entity, so basically she was like "FINALLY I GET TO FANSERVICE MYSELF WITH MY KINK"
my canon OTP: I don't even know how you'd consider a DR couple "canon" because I feel like a lot of the subtext gets far but it's never explicitly said. I'm gonna take the Word of God statement to say Ishimondo is in fact canon, and I love it. The chill delinquent tol loves his high-strung smol.
Non-canon OTP: Kazuichi/Weiss is becoming more of a joy the longer I have it
most badass character: Going by what we hear in her case file, Mukuro Ikusaba. Oh, man, what I would give to see gameverse Mukuro kicking some ass. I mean the "IF" short story did give us the text version of that mental image, which I appreciate a lot.
pairing I am not a fan of: Kazuichi/Sonia; he needs to learn to let her go and be better to the next girl. SaiOuma, Kiibouma, and Oumota all feel like they require Kokichi to be too nice and vanilla and functional in the relationship, and Oumeno is that but also straight which Kokichi is not. Nagito/Mikan; he gay and she into a completely different type of villain.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): They never let Taka grow out of his grief before he simply died. Hiro was just a joke and the longer he went on, the more of a jerkass he became. Kaito is a WONDERFUL character but I don't like that there's a random bit of homophobia hidden in an optional scene in the English translation (if this is gonna be a flaw of his, at least have it out in the open), and even less the transphobia in the Japanese translation. Angie was just one long racist joke, Nagito's motivation was really roundabout to explain, and then...DR3. Just DR3. Junko Enoshima converted her Remnants through hard work and persuasion, not a magic hypnotism video!
favourite friendship: Shuichi, Kaito, and Maki. Otherwise known as "the positivity beam and his two anxious misfits."
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: KAZUICHI IS BABY BRO
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violexides · 4 years ago
I am once again strolling into your ask box to ask about mukuro ikusaba for 001
my favorite wlw/femslash ships of hers
love some kirigiri x ikusaba. ikuzono is also Really Good, and i can get behind some ludenberg x ikusaba as well. brain just conjured up the image of ikusaba x sonia and i am not at all complaining with that development. 
my femslash otp of hers
well, ikusaba x sonia is tempting now that i have thought of it, but i think ikusaba x kirigiri is most likely my favorite. i have to love two stoic-appearing girls with a sense of humor and a lot of intellect. they share enough street smarts and book smarts but have light lack in wisdom and i think it is interesting
my femslash notp of hers
junko x ikusaba, definitely.
aside from that, fujisaki x ikusaba. i generally dislike fujisaki though and i’m not very discreet about that, admittedly, so. yep yep
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multifacetecl-archive · 4 years ago
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001. akira x beidou : modern verse , beidou is head of a local yakuza group with a fearsome reputation . however , she is also reasonable and is great for resources . maybe akira comes to her from time to time for information , and in exchange , he shares stories of his time in the metaverse ? its hard to determine if beidou believes him or if she thinks that theyre just well spun tales , but she does enjoy a good story . beidou isn’t as bad as people think she would be , she just isnt afraid to resort to force or violence to ensure positive results . she’d be considered to be . . . chaotically good , i suppose ?
002 . akira x mukuro : there’s another unknown figure being seen throughout the metaverse , a male with two coloured eyes who’s purpose and intentions are unknown . its a game of cat and mouse . sometimes he helps the phantom thieves out , sometimes he just sits back and watches . he’s still learning this world and this new power he’s discovered . he isnt sure what he wants to do with this knowledge , but he surely has the potential . maybe when joker is isolated from the others , mukuro makes his first move ?
003 . akira x kotone : i think we already established something loose between them , partners in crime fighting in the metaverse together and the like keke
004. akira x kenkone : kenkone is the odd figure akira often sees throughout the city and town , always doing odd jobs and the like . maybe they’ve exchanged words from time to time ? an acquaintance relationship of sorts . until akira learns he’s a street rat or smth ?
005. akira x akise : i wouldnt doubt that akise would be invested in the phantom thieves and maybe is also one of the aspiring detectives that is getting closer to the truth ?  
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werewolf-cuddles · 5 years ago
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: That’s a tough one because it changes all the time. Lately it’s Tenko Chabashira.
Least Favorite character: Kokichi Oma. I cannot stand the little shit.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Chihiro X Makoto, Kaede X Miu, Hajime X Chiaki, Makoto X Kyoko, Makoto X Mukuro
Character I find most attractive: Ibuki Mioda
Character I would marry: Chiaki Nanami
Character I would be best friends with: also Chiaki Nanami
a random thought: What would happen if everybody just let the time limit run out in Chapter 1 of V3? Surely they wouldn’t actually kill everyone and end the season prematurely
An unpopular opinion: Danganronpa 3′s pacing is fine. Y’all are just watching it in the wrong order.
My Canon OTP: Makoto X Kyoko
My Non-canon OTP: Shuichi X Kaede X Tenko
Most Badass Character: Mukuro Ikusaba. Especially in Danganronpa IF.
Most Epic Villain: Junko Enoshima. No other DR villain competes.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Shuichi X Kokichi
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Tenko Chabashira. Her reason for disliking men came off as rather stupid, and there was no satisfying resolution to it.
Favourite Friendship: Asahina and Sakura. (They’re not a couple, Sakura had a boyfriend)
Character I most identify with: That’s a tough one.
Character I wish I could be: Why would I wish to be any Danganronpa character? The majority of them fuckin’ die
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phrogfone · 6 years ago
for the fandom ask thing: dangan ronpa 👌
Woah... I’m actually getting asks... thank you softseaside ;_;
note: I am an obvious SDR2 stan
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
Least Favorite character:
yeah I can’t actually think of anyone? I hate Junko Enoshima for making everyone suffer but I still love her a lot for the same reasons, so!
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
I don’t know where most of these even came from but it makes me happy to imagine them together so thats that!
(runner up is Komaru/Toko... I have never even met Komaru but the thought of them being together makes me uwu! girlfriends)
Character I find most attractive:
ok. weird answers but... it’s tied between Hajime Hinata and Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Character I would marry:
Hajime Hinata :’)
Character I would be best friends with:
Hajime again
A random thought:
that ProZD skit that makes fun of Hinata having to select random letters that float around and explode to form the word “KNIFE”? yeah. mental skateboarding time YO
An unpopular opinion:
DR3 Mirai-hen was good. NDRV3 is unnecessary
My canon OTP:
haha... canon couples in danganronpa? those are real? I guess if we’re allowed one-sided ships, I’d go with Juzo/Munasaka or Mukuro/Naegi ;_; 
Non-canon OTP:
it seems random, but I believe the two would complement each other very well. I read smile for a smile forever ago but I still stan
Most badass character:
Peko Pekoyama because she has a fucking sword!!!
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
I haven’t even played NDRV3 but based on the discrepancies between my original expectations and complaints I hear from spoilers? Iruma Miu, Angie, Kaede...
Favourite friendship:
ok so TL;DR I went off the rails of canon at some point in the fandom but I love my faves very much and that fun island nobody-has-to-kill-each-other mode makes me wish the SDR2 gang were friends ;_;
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 years ago
"Headcanon Prompts B" with Twenty Years Later! Lambo please? I couldn't choose which I liked, hope that's ok! ♥
That’s completely okay! Those are all great questions anyway and I had fun writing them! Twenty Years Later! Lambo was awesome and it was fun to write for him! I hope you’ll enjoy!
001. Sights. 
What is their hair style usually like?
Lambo's hair is super shaggy and just generally kind of messy. He complains a lot about it getting too long or about split ends and mentions getting it cut but he never actually follows through. Making a hair appointment is usually just too much hassle for him and he’d rather spend that time doing anything else. Besides, he does enjoy having it long enough to braid it - he’s had a lot of practice with braids, doing I-Pin’s hair now and then since they were younger and he finds making braids relaxing. There’s so many in his hair since he definitely uses it as a stress-relief tactic and the poor boy has a lot to be stressed about.
Do they change it often? 
Not really. As mentioned, Lambo lacks both the motivation to make a hair appointment and the absolute surety that he wants to change his hair.
What about clothes? 
I feel like Lambo’s style, twenty years later, is a mixture of his personal taste and the things he admires about all the other Guardian’s fashions. Each member of his family has kind of rubbed off on him in some way in regards to how he talks or acts, so I can definitely see it rubbing off on his style as well. While he does like casual clothes, like Yamamoto and Ryohei, since they’re comfortable, he likes to have an edge to his clothes, like Mukuro or Gokudera do. He tends to wear quite a few accessories, like Gokudera does, though they’re more to Lambo’s own personal tastes. His favourite jacket though, the one with the fur hood, was a gift from Tsuna on his twentieth birthday. He treats that coat carefully and it’s one of his most worn items.
Do they accessorize?
Yes, heavily. A lot of his accessories are cow-related, but not all of them. He likes a lot of belts, always wears at least one ring, and doesn’t mind jewelry, though he prefers simple necklaces rather than anything gaudy and large.
002. Taste. 
Do they wear flavoured lip balm? 
He definitely picks his lip balm based on how it smells. If it smells good, he figures it’ll taste good (even after it’s been proven false) and he’ll probably have a really girly lip balm he hides in his pocket, probably something from eos, though the flavour is always changing.
Anything they eat that leaves an aftertaste?
Lambo loves to drink milk but it does tend to leave an aftertaste, something he covers by chewing gum or popping a mint shortly after drinking it. He also loves caramelized onions, aftertaste be damned...honestly, he doesn’t even mind the aftertaste.
003. Sound. 
What is their voice like? Loud, quiet? Soft or brash? Any accents?
Lambo’s voice is quite deep and very audible. It’s not that he’s loud - rather the opposite in fact, since he’ll next to never yell once he’s an adult - but simply that, because of the pitch and rthym of his voice, people tend to hear him properly most times. He’s slower in talking, just lazily making his way through conversations. Even his tone is mellow most times, though that can change quickly, since his emotions are always most evident through his voice. Even though he’ll have lived in Italy for the first couple years of his life, he’ll have lived most of his life in Japan and will have a faint Japanese accent, even when speaking other languages.
004. Smell. 
Do they wear perfume or body spray? Any natural scents? Do they smell like the environment they are in?
Lambo just naturally smells kind of musky and earthy. He tends to favour those smells, along with citrusy ones, when it comes to what he wears. He’ll choose his shampoo, deodorant, and soap all based on how they smell (grapefruit for his shampoo, vanilla and shea butter for his soap, and a citrus-herbal musk deodorant from Baxter of California). He does like cologne and, more importantly, knows how to wear it properly (people should only be able to smell you when they’re close to you). He’s been wearing Neroli 36 since stealing a bottle of it from Ryohei’s dresser top when he was in his teens.
005. Touch.
 Do they take good care of their skin? 
He likes to try to. He really does. But trying isn’t always doing and it will honestly depend on if he’s thinking about it and what his mood is. If he’s feeling lazy or if it slips his mind, he’ll forget about washing his face or using acne medication, forget about moisturizing, forget about anything to do with skincare. When he’s thinking of it though, he does do all those things and has a couple tried and true product he keeps in his bathroom at all times.
Do they moisturize? 
When he thinks about it, yes, but only his body and feet. He stopped using moisturizer on his face quickly because it clogs his pores and he gets pimples easily.
Are their hands rough from labour or soft and gentle? 
Lambo’s hands are tough and callused but not through work so much as through twenty years of being a lightning conductor, really. He’s got thick skin but even so, fighting, especially with a lightning flame, does lead to a few calluses and tough spots on your hands. He doesn’t mind though - his large hands may be rough in texture but they can be extremely gentle when they need to be.
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magioftheseas · 7 years ago
kirizono for 001 ^^
when I started shipping it if I did:
I think when I wrote it for that one shsl rare pairs week, I was hooked ever since.
my thoughts:
It’s really good?!?!! The two of them have really significant similarities and likely understand one another surprisingly well! I feel like Sayaka would be taken in by how composed and cool Kirigiri always is and Kirigiri would be taken in by how open and cheerful Sayaka can be. I think that they’d trust one another quite a bit.
What makes me happy about them:
They can bond over so much!!! They can be each other’s confidant!
What makes me sad about them:
Canon fucking sleeps on them.
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
??? Bad character writing??? I don’t know. It’s a rare ship.
things I look for in fanfic:
That it exists.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Honestly if Sayaka can have other girlfriends, I’d be cool with that. Kirumi, Mukuro… Ooh, Sakura, how could I forget Sakura… Naegi/Maizono is…still cute to me, guys, sorry. :’D
But for Kirigiri, I favor Aoi and Yui. Maybe. Mostly Aoi.
My happily ever after for them:
Cozily living together. “Unmarried”.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
Kirigiri is usually big but sometimes she wakes up little.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Snuggling. Though they do like doing puzzles together.
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varialeaderxanxus · 7 years ago
Yo! for the ask thing. 001 | the KHR fandom! if you still want to do it :D
Sure anytime xD001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: Khr version Favorite character: Xanxus Least Favorite character: tsuna 5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Xanxus x squalo - Hibari x loneliness - i pin x lambo - Chrome x Mukuro - Xanxus x food Character I find most attractive: Xanxus Character I would marry: Xanxus Character I would be best friends with: haru and Bianchi a random thought: my dream was Varia with more screen time An unpopular opinion: I can't stand Tsuna's voiceMy Canon OTP: Xanxus x food xDMy Non-canon OTP: XANXUS X tsunaMost Badass Character: X. A.N.X.U.SMost Epic Villain: VARIA Pairing I am not a fan of: tsuna x Kyoko Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): byakuran Favourite Friendship: Yamamoto and Gokudera Character I most identify with: HaruCharacter I wish I could be: none.
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carnelianwings · 7 years ago
001: Yu Yu Hakusho
(For this ask meme!  Already answered: 001: Vesperia, 002: Kurama/Hiei/Kurama, 003: Heero)
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: In case it wasn’t obvious with my love for foxes and my pen name, Kurama.
Least Favorite character: Toguro Ani/Older Toguro, Karasu.  The former for just being an Asshole That Won’t Die, and the latter for being a creepy stalker with a crush.  Did I cheer for Kurama when he takes them both down?  Oh hell yes.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Kurama/Hiei/Kurama, Yuusuke/Keiko, Kuwabara/Yukina, Kurama/Yuusuke/Kurama . . . and that’s about it
Character I find most attractive: Kurama.  Both forms, hands down.  That voice, that hair, that Totally Extra Hair Flip Sleight of Hand to pull out a rose.
Character I would marry:  Considering Kurama and Hiei need to marry each other, like, a decade ago, and both Yuusuke and Kuwabara are Not My Type, nobody, lol.
Character I would be best friends with: I wish I could be best friends with Kurama? But then that’s probably my inner fangirl talking.  On the other hand, Botan seems like a fun person to be around.
a random thought: I really like Ogata Megumi’s voice?  I still can’t believe Kurama was her debut role.
An unpopular opinion: Kuwabara may be an oaf and not the brightest bulb of the bunch by far, but he’s earnest, and he’s the only one on the team because he wants to be there.  Yuusuke’s there because he owes Koenma for bringing him back to life, Kurama and Hiei are there because they were basically sentenced to community service after stealing from the Spirit Realm vault.  Kuwabara, though, jumped at the call and the opportunity, and while he’s easily the least powerful of them all, he’s the one who’s there for all the right reasons.
My Canon OTP: Kurama/Hiei/Kurama  Fight me they’re canon.
My Non-canon OTP: Honestly, I don’t have any others I really go for.
Most Badass Character: Oooh, this is a tough one.  In my opinion at least, amongst the protagonists, Yuusuke, Kurama, and Hiei could all qualify for this one way or another.  Personal favorites screams Kurama just for the sheer breadth and variety in terms of plants he uses and basically having a counter to a shit ton of enemy strategies within his arsenal, but then there’s also Hiei for sheer speed and “I will wreck you” with the Kokuryuuha, and Yuusuke will blast you straight into the Spirit Realm and beyond.  It’s really hard for me to pick one, but no one else kicks ass as prettily as Kurama (until the fight gets bloody, anyway), so I’ll choose Kurama.  XD  In terms of raw power, I’m sure Yomi and Mukuro are definitely beyond the group, but those two got so little screen time it’s hard to say.
Most Epic Villain: While Yomi and Mukuro are more powerful, Sensui.  Him and his crew honestly takes more out of Team Urameshi, and pushes them all further to the edge than any of the other villains presented, while still being able to take on Youko Kurama, Kokuryuuha-empowered Hiei, and Kuwabara as a 3v1 without batting much of an eyelash.  Plus he’s the one who created a plan that forced Kurama’s hand, made Koenma use what would have been his trump card, and honestly, he had a really well thought out plan and could have succeeded if Yuusuke’s dormant youkai genes didn’t activate.
Pairing I am not a fan of:  Kurama or Hiei with any of the girls.  They have so much chemistry with each other I just have a really hard time seeing them with anyone else.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Well, I will admit I would have thought Kurama would have been a little bit faster on the uptake in that match against Gama, but that’s just me.
Favourite Friendship: All of Team Urameshi.  I just love their team dynamic as a whole and how well they all work together and have faith in each other . . . even when it’s Kuwabara that’s up there representing and fighting for them.
Character I most identify with:  Don’t really have anyone I identify with after all this time.
Character I wish I could be: Hmmmm, I don’t really want to be any of them to be honest.  XD  Contrary to what my various videos and such would suggest, I’m not actually one for confrontation and violence.  XD
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