you can now search by certain characters in the tags (like #awd📖 for the protagonist!)
you can also search a few new organizational tags, too:
#awdcharacter: everything about any specific character.
#awdsetting: anything about the setting.
#awdprojections: bits of lore, or Rabbits' Eyes, to be found around the game.
want to ensure people can find the posts they need for whatever reason. have fun (i guess)!
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🏹 ABOUT: the Hunting Wonder
i've told you a little about our 📖 Protagonist, the 🧚 Undertaking Wonder, the 🍯 Groundskeeper, and our 🕰️ Clockmaking Wonder...
next up, a somewhat familiar face...the Hunting Wonder! she is...
...the game’s Togami, literally. energetic and murderous—towards the mutant fauna of the world, that is. somewhat empty-headed, loud, and brash, but genuinely brave....and with none of her illustrious lineage's leadership qualities. (she certainly tries.) carries around all-but-useless wads of cash in her pants at all times, as well as a crossbow she shoots off for emphasis, generally into Usami’s head.
no name yet, because i'm not certain what direction i want to take with it.
i desired, nay, CRAVED a Togami in this game early on: she's one of my "firstborns" (one of the first characters i conceptualized for the project)
...but i also desired, nay, CRAVED a Girl Togami. and so.
in the end, she'll probably be one of the easier characters to solidify re: design, as i (tentatively) imagine her not far off from Byakuya, or Twogami, for that matter. just with, perhaps, a redneck vibe
her splash image would be the same as Byakuya and Twogami's, except she's stepped thru and made a hole in the seat of the royal chair they use, which is itself decrepit and dusty
her blood type is B!
she was born on August 14th, making her a Leo!
obviously, her favored Saint is old great great great [...] great great great [etc] great great great [you fall asleep] grandpa Byakuya Togami.
likes: old superhero comics
dislikes: being doubted
Huntergirl Togami is from a shinetown, where there are banks and cash and a money flow that mostly resembles today's economy. she is not prepared to exist at a monastery with kids who don't even understand the concept of a dollar and certainly aren't sure what to do with whole stacks (?) except perhaps to use them as Kindling
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as you can imagine, this girl's favorite Saint is Sonia Nevermind.
🧚 ABOUT: the Undertaking Wonder
as design work continues behind the scenes (slowed a little by commission jobs, other projects etcetera), i'll keep providing some character overviews and Kickass Facts to Wet Your Whistle in the meantime. they're all fleshed out at this point...they just need designs and finalized names on my end. so: i have no problem providing you all with the Low-down on our wonderful students.
anyway, today: our Undertaking Wonder! she is...
...a morbid but nonetheless unnervingly optimistic girl with a fixation on stories, especially the fairy tales her mother used to tell her as they were on the run.
on the design front:
she remains as-of-yet nameless, but i'm leaning heavily towards, at the very least, "Izumo" for the personal name. it's tentative, of course, but we'll see. she'd be named for one of the oldest Shinto shrines in Japan.
we do not have an Athlete Girl in the fangan, but we do have a Fighter Girl, and the Undertaker is she. sort-of.
she is also, in a way, the fangan "chuuni" (think Celestia, Gundham, etc)
here in the Character Design Cave it's been a wonderful (ha ha) challenge determining her aesthetic without tossing her too close to existing characters. can't wait for you to see her
her birthday is January 2nd, making her a Capricorn.
her blood type is A.
in my design document, her keywords are listed as IDEALISTIC, PEPPY, and ETHEREAL. (each character has 3.)
likes: big cakes.
dislikes: negativity.
she is the sort of babe who will tell you her Life Story right off the bat, such as: she claims to have been a kidnapping victim "like Rapunzel" held in a "tower of bone"...
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most characters have a favored Saint. the Protagonist has none, as she's been living around their creepy-ass statues her whole life, and she can't help but feel they're all staring at her a̸l̸w̵a̶y̷s̷ ̵j̶u̶d̸g̵i̵n̵g̷ ̵a̸l̸w̶a̸y̶s̸ ̶k̵n̷o̸w̵i̶n̴g̶ ̶a̸l̵w̶a̴y̶s̵ ̴s̵i̶n̷g̷i̸n̴g̵?̸
📖 ABOUT: our protagonist, the Hope's Peak Monastery librarian
i haven't finalized her name yet. it may not be finalized until after her design is more-or-less locked in, since i'm trying not to solidify names until i know what These Kiddos look like (with a few exceptions: Six is demanding her name remain "Six Shinoda")
she will likely be the second student whose beta designs i show you all, after Six! originally i was going to save her for dead last, but i've generally figured out her overall aesthetic and want to show her off to you all
and in-universe:
in my design document, her keywords are listed as BEDRAGGLED, UNAPPROACHABLE, and "DARK ACADEMIA." (each character has 3.)
she is not a Wonder (Ultimate/SHSL) but rather an employee of the Monastery (the librarian)
she's not a part of the Monastery's order of monks either, though Usami would certainly like her to be
her birthday is October 25th, making her a Scorpio.
however, she is an orphan that the True Eternal Headmaster found, so the above date might be incorrect.
likes: neon lights.
dislikes: sweets.
the Speed Wonder is her very best friend, but it seems they had a falling out right before the story begins...
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Hi, hope you’re doing well :3c
out of curiosity, what is you opinion on suggestions? Within reason of course, this isn’t like, a youtube film review or anything. I just have a name squirreled away that could potentially work for your grounds keeper.
yes! i would be happy to take name suggestions! this goes for anyone out there, too.
while i'm not locking any name in completely until designs are finished (even the ones that will probably stick, like Six's) i'm happy to add it to the list of potentials to look at when designwork starts to wrap up
thank you!
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🍯 ABOUT: the Hope's Peak groundskeeper
i've introduced you all a bit to 🕰️ Six Shinoda, our Clockmaking Wonder, as well as 📖 our protagonist and 🧚 the Undertaking Wonder.
that's a lotta girls. so today, let's talk about a lad: 🍯 the Hope's Peak groundskeeper! he is..
...the Monastery’s grounds- and beekeeper, a lover of tradition and scholar of “the Shining Era.” comes from a long line of groundskeepers, all of whom have tended the Monastery since it was the Academy. (he’s, therefore, annoyingly helpful.) the sort of guy who would have a Greek statue Twitter icon: he believes everything was better backinzeday, and almost everything out of his mouth is a quote from one of the Saints. the past to him was more real and happier. (I guess he’s right, technically.)
on a design level:
he's as-of-yet nameless, but i've been mostly looking at names that include the kanji "蜂" ("bee") or hachi, because i'm silly like that.
not yet drawn, but i intend for him to have a kind face you just want to immediately trust. you trust him, right? y̸o̸u̴ ̵t̷r̶u̷s̶t̷ ̵h̴i̴m̸ ̶w̴i̷t̵h̷ ̴y̴o̷u̶r̵ ̴l̷i̸f̵e̷?̷
the Groundskeeper is one of the first roles i conceptualized but one of the last characters i figured out. by this, i mean i knew i wanted a dude like him in the story, but i wasn't sure of the details until the very end of base character creation.
i wanted him to feel familiar but not too close to other existing characters both in AWD and in the Danganronpa universe in general. when you meet him, you'll have to let me know if i succeeded! i sure hope i did!
and some in-universe info:
his birthday is August 24th, making him a Virgo.
his blood type is AB.
his favored Saint? well, all of them, of course.
likes: cleanliness
dislikes: rude children
he's actually illiterate, but has an impossibly strong memory and hardcore Ibuki-level listening skills. he's learned everything he knows standing outside Monastery windows during lectures
though he's been at the Monastery for as long as the protagonist remembers, she doesn't know him well, mostly because he doesn't stop infodumping about the history of the statues at the Monastery, which creeps her out. she's gone out of her way to avoid him for 18 years, which is kind of incredible considering that she's never left the fucking place
especially right before the narrative begins, it seems from the protagonist's POV that he's gotten close to the Speed Wonder, her ex-best-friend. (perhaps romantically?) protagonist isn't jealous at all, no siree bob
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What are the major themes of A Wonderful Danganronpa?
at its core: the value of a Human Life. i mean, all of Danganronpa is about that, but we're going hard on it.
think the Kirumi and Ryoma case from V3 writ large. are some lives worth more than others? what is the hierarchy of human lives, if any?
what is a heavily disabled person to a king? a friendless, talentless hermit to a CEO? a rich criminal to a poor mother to a beloved priest? a newborn baby to the president?
would you sacrifice living beings to bring back someone who was only a Net Positive to society in a far-reaching, overwhelming way? how many people would you sacrifice? and what kind of people? can someone be only a Net Positive? on the flip side, can someone's contributions to society only Detract from everyone's peace and well-being?
if Humans each have a sliding scale of Worth, what is the list of traits that provide value? or remove it? are some people better off dead? should some people just be "put down"? who gets to decide that?
is it possible to have "no reason to live"? if someone truly has nothing to live for and no desire to live, does that make their murder, suicide, or early death "acceptable"?
this is a game made by an adult for adults, so i don't believe in giving you Answers to Regurgitate. rather, i want you all to come to your own conclusions after finishing the game. but, as a disabled person of "little societal value" myself, i do want you to think about it.
and thank you for the question! i appreciate wanting to know In-depth Narrative Stuff too.
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another one for today:
The "Shining Era": ~400 years before the narrative. The time of Makoto Naegi et al.
☝️ A Brief AWD Vocabulary Primer
(since i'll be using some of these terms in upcoming features...)
Shinetown: A term for settled and more-or-less “civilized” cities that still exist. Think New Vegas.
Wonders: The modern word for “Ultimates.” Since the student characters are all legal adults as we’d see them, they are not super high school level anything. The Monastery is more like a university.
Divine device: An artificial cybernetic implant, sometimes known as sacred regalia. The appearance of these can range across many aesthetics, from sleek and sexy to cyberpunk dystopian to retrofuturistic Fallout-esque configurations, depending on how much you paid to get it, and to whom. Lost body parts are common in the world of AWD, but divine devices less so. The protagonist has a divine device, as well as the Poet Wonder, the Speed Wonder, and the Gossip Wonder.
Saint(s): The deceased characters from DR1, 2, V3, now lionized over time. There are statues to almost all your faves at the Monastery...except for a few.
since i'm feeling nice, have, too, a few bits of vocab with definitions yet-to-be-revealed:
Blood complex
Otonashi factor
the "Graduation Song"
the Hephaestus Child
Sun Phase (and Moon Phase)
the Tragedy (!)
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☝️ A Brief AWD Vocabulary Primer
(since i'll be using some of these terms in upcoming features...)
Shinetown: A term for settled and more-or-less “civilized” cities that still exist. Think New Vegas.
Wonders: The modern word for “Ultimates.” Since the student characters are all legal adults as we’d see them, they are not super high school level anything. The Monastery is more like a university.
Divine device: An artificial cybernetic implant, sometimes known as sacred regalia. The appearance of these can range across many aesthetics, from sleek and sexy to cyberpunk dystopian to retrofuturistic Fallout-esque configurations, depending on how much you paid to get it, and to whom. Lost body parts are common in the world of AWD, but divine devices less so. The protagonist has a divine device, as well as the Poet Wonder, the Speed Wonder, and the Gossip Wonder.
Saint(s): The deceased characters from DR1, 2, V3, now lionized over time. There are statues to almost all your faves at the Monastery...except for a few.
since i'm feeling nice, have, too, a few bits of vocab with definitions yet-to-be-revealed:
Blood complex
Otonashi factor
the "Graduation Song"
the Hephaestus Child
Sun Phase (and Moon Phase)
the Tragedy (!)
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(i really am so honored that people are already very interested in this project. it will keep me going through the Hard Development Days!)
kind of a random question, I guess, but your work on AWD got me thinking: did you ever interact with any other fangans? y'know, the another games, eden's garden, despair time, stuff like that. Just asking out of curiosity.
no worries! the answer: i haven't! but i've heard many are very good and i'm excited to play them eventually.
and the reason i haven't played them yet: because i don't want to accidentally lift any ideas from them!
and the reason for that:
i don't want the scope of AWD to bloat. i'm extremely, extremely prone to trying to add More And More Features to any project i do, and i'd hate to be like, "oh, XYZ had this feature, maybe i can find time to..." no no no no no. no. kuma kibosh. i have an internal list of features and post-game "DLC" i'll be adding and that is it.
i'd hate to fuel "who had this idea first/better" discourse. that is to say i'd hate to have a similar character or situation to XYZ fangan and have it turn into a whole...thing. i can't stop this phenomenon entirely, but i can negate much of it by simply not interacting much with other fangans until AWD development is mostly done.
thanks for the question/curiosity! i'm always happy to answer such things.
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i'll be updating the tags within the next few days with more Categories and Classification of posts, as well as setting up all the character tags. i want people to be able to navigate the blog easily and find what they're looking for.
look forward to that!
🐝 note!
you can now search the tags by in-character answers to asks (#awdincharacter). tags for specific characters coming soon.
this is probably a Good Time to say that, of course, you can always send asks for a certain character, too. (here's a list of the new characters.) while i don't expect a ton of asks right off the bat before i've even revealed their names, backgrounds, and designs, the option is always there if you're curious about your Brand New Blorbo.
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also, while i have you here, i've been waking up sticky every morning and not in the way that's Fun For You And Me. there's like, yellow gunk coming down from the ceiling? maybe we have wasps...? do wasps make honey? do they have nests?
oh, the Groundskeeper is on it? right on. can he do something about the smell, too?
👀 ABOUT: The most recent class at Hope's Peak Monastery
you might have noticed in our list of Dramatis Personae that there's 14 students and 2 staffers, rather than the traditional 16 students.
but there's always 16 students per class at Hope's Peak Monastery.
what happened to the other 2 students...?
not to put a damper on the evening, but does anyone know?
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👀 ABOUT: The most recent class at Hope's Peak Monastery
you might have noticed in our list of Dramatis Personae that there's 14 students and 2 staffers, rather than the traditional 16 students.
but there's always 16 students per class at Hope's Peak Monastery.
what happened to the other 2 students...?
not to put a damper on the evening, but does anyone know?
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the protagonist's "official" blurb in my personal project bible:
...cynical, impatient, sarcastic, and generally unfun. Bullied often, perhaps owing to her childhood amongst books and her insomniac nature, which has led to a pale, eye-bagged complexion. Nonetheless, eerily intelligent—she could learn anything if you gave her enough time. Bored and desperate to see the world outside the Monastery, but has never been allowed to leave. Each time she’s tried, she’s been plagued with terrible memory loss and unnerving visions, resulting in her quick return...
a Kaede she is not. challenging to write, but rewarding. despite her deep-rooted cuntiness, i do believe you all will enjoy her.
📖 ABOUT: our protagonist, the Hope's Peak Monastery librarian
i haven't finalized her name yet. it may not be finalized until after her design is more-or-less locked in, since i'm trying not to solidify names until i know what These Kiddos look like (with a few exceptions: Six is demanding her name remain "Six Shinoda")
she will likely be the second student whose beta designs i show you all, after Six! originally i was going to save her for dead last, but i've generally figured out her overall aesthetic and want to show her off to you all
and in-universe:
in my design document, her keywords are listed as BEDRAGGLED, UNAPPROACHABLE, and "DARK ACADEMIA." (each character has 3.)
she is not a Wonder (Ultimate/SHSL) but rather an employee of the Monastery (the librarian)
she's not a part of the Monastery's order of monks either, though Usami would certainly like her to be
her birthday is October 25th, making her a Scorpio.
however, she is an orphan that the True Eternal Headmaster found, so the above date might be incorrect.
likes: neon lights.
dislikes: sweets.
the Speed Wonder is her very best friend, but it seems they had a falling out right before the story begins...
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🧚 ABOUT: the Undertaking Wonder
as design work continues behind the scenes (slowed a little by commission jobs, other projects etcetera), i'll keep providing some character overviews and Kickass Facts to Wet Your Whistle in the meantime. they're all fleshed out at this point...they just need designs and finalized names on my end. so: i have no problem providing you all with the Low-down on our wonderful students.
anyway, today: our Undertaking Wonder! she is...
...a morbid but nonetheless unnervingly optimistic girl with a fixation on stories, especially the fairy tales her mother used to tell her as they were on the run.
on the design front:
she remains as-of-yet nameless, but i'm leaning heavily towards, at the very least, "Izumo" for the personal name. it's tentative, of course, but we'll see. she'd be named for one of the oldest Shinto shrines in Japan.
we do not have an Athlete Girl in the fangan, but we do have a Fighter Girl, and the Undertaker is she. sort-of.
she is also, in a way, the fangan "chuuni" (think Celestia, Gundham, etc)
here in the Character Design Cave it's been a wonderful (ha ha) challenge determining her aesthetic without tossing her too close to existing characters. can't wait for you to see her
her birthday is January 2nd, making her a Capricorn.
her blood type is A.
in my design document, her keywords are listed as IDEALISTIC, PEPPY, and ETHEREAL. (each character has 3.)
likes: big cakes.
dislikes: negativity.
she is the sort of babe who will tell you her Life Story right off the bat, such as: she claims to have been a kidnapping victim "like Rapunzel" held in a "tower of bone"...
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Tumblr media
In a post-apocalyptic future, one young librarian accidentally begins a killing game when she awakens a robotic bear god...
This is the official development journal of the fangame "A Wonderful Danganronpa." All material herein is tentative and subject to change.
Currently, the main and only dev is @funishment-time, aka @iris-polaris. There is no estimated release date, as they are a cripple, and cripples work as they please.
#awdupdate: all updates fall under this tag.
#awdasks: any Q&As fall here. Send as many as you'd like!
#awdincharacter: Q&As answered by the characters themselves.
#awddesign: characters, backgrounds, aesthetic, etc.
#awdbackend: misc organizational thoughts, setting facts, dev timelines, etc.
#awdnospoilers: what you'd see in normal game promotional materials (e.g. the premise and basic plot points).
#awdsomespoilers: this tag comprises minor plot beats, character backgrounds that don't fall under #awdallspoilers, and small easter eggs.
#awdallspoilers: huge plot twists, executions, deaths, and the ending(s).
➡️ Coming soon: further character tags and more.
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✨ABOUT: AWD's Design Philosophy
i saw a post earlier that i guess i forgot to like/queue onto my other blogs, but its message came down to this:
"if your goal with a project is to make 'X but better,' you've already lost."
and, without turning this into a whole-ass Off Topic Essay, i agree.
i love Danganronpa and i love the works of ol' Kaz Kodaka. unironically. without shame. i acknowledge DR's flaws and i still adore the franchise. i have studied it thoroughly and continue to do so. if you're here from my fandom blog, you probably know this.
therefore, my design philosophy with A WONDERFUL DANGANRONPA is not something so outrageous as "i can make Danganronpa but better because it'll be less problematic this time" or whatever the discourse of the day happens to be. on the contrary: i want this to feel like a true blue Danganronpa game as much as possible. (albeit a very weird one, made by a team of...one, so far.)
certainly there will be issues with the final product. certainly A WONDERFUL DANGANRONPA will fail at some things. perhaps even excruciatingly so.
but with any SHSL Luck, the love of the original will shine through. love makes a great experience. even Kodaka himself said so, many years back, talking about Sayaka Maizono. it's all about love.
with that baseline, anything is possible.
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